A (a). The first letter of the Ha- waiian alphabet. A (a), adj. Fiery; burning: he lua a, a fiery pit. A (a), adv. When; then; there; until. With verbs in a narrative tense, it signifies when, and when, etc.: as, a hiki mai ia, when he arrived. . With nei it signifies a designation of place: as, mai a nei aku, from here (this place) on- ward. Until: as, noho oia malaila a make; he lived there until he died. (A nei is often written as one word, and then it signifies here, or the present place.) A when pronounced with a pro- tracted sound, signifies a pro- tracted period of time, or dis- tance, or a long continued action: as, holo ae la ia a =E2=80=94 a hiki i ka aina kahiki; he sailed a long time, or a long distance, until he reached a foreign country. A (a), conj. And; then; and when. When it connects verbs, it usually stands by itself; as, holo ka waa, a komo iho, the canoe sailed and sank. When it connects nouns, it is usually joined with me; as, haawi mai oia i ka ai a me ke kapa, he furnished food and cloth- ing. A with me signifies and, and also, besides, together with, etc. When emphatic, it is merely a dis- junctive. In narration, it frequent- ly stands at the beginning of sen- tences or paragraphs, and merely refers to what has been said, with- out any very close connection with it. In many cases it is apparently euphonic or seems to answer no purpose, except as a preparatory sound to something that may fol- low; as, akahi no oukou a hele i keia ala, before you have passed this road. A (a), interj. Lo; behold. An ex- pression of surprise, disappoint- ment, astonishment or admiration. It is similar in meaning to aia hoi, eia hoi, aia ka. A (a), n. 1. The jawbone; the cheek bone: a luna, upper jaw; a lalo, lower jaw, 2. An instrument made of smooth bone formerly used for abortion. It was called the a oo, the piercing a; also koholua. 3. An instrument used for bleed- ing. 4. White spots that appear in poi when it is pounded. 5. A large sea bird often caught by natives; also called aaianuheakane (feathers white). Worshiped as an aumakua or guardian. 6. A small fish that bites at a hook; called also aakimakau. 7. The Ha- waiian alphabet; also the first sheet on which it was printed. 8. Broken lava (probably so called from being burnt. See A, v.): Ke a o Kaniku a me Napuuapele. A (a), prep. Of; to; in connection with motion, e hoi oe a ka hale, return to the house, (hiki i is understood). =E2=80=94 Laieik. p. 12. Unto; at; belonging. It designates the properties of relation, possession and place; and is often synony- mous with o, but generally dis- tinct, giving another shade of meaning and implying a closer connection. A (a), V, 1. To burn, as a fire: ua a mai ke ahi, the fire burns; ua a mai ke ahi ma ka waha; the fire burned in their mouths. 2. To burn, as a lamp; to blaze, as a flame. 3. Fig. To burn, as with jealousy or anger. Aa (a-a'),adj. 1. Burning; raging, as a fire; he ahi aa loa; also used figuratively. Aa (a-a'), adj. Stony; abounding with lava; ground rough with broken lava. See a, broken lava. Aa (a'-a'),adj. 1. Silent; still; lonely, as a house uninhabited: he aa ko AA 22 AAH ka hale, the people of the house are silent. 2. Spiteful; hot-tem- pered. Aa (a-a'), n. A lighted fire, a con- flagration, (Laieik. p. 78.) Aa (a'-a'), n. 1. Dumbness; inabil- ity to speak intelligibly. 2. A dumb person. I loheia e na aa lololohe; i mau aa lolo kuli. 3. A dwarf; a small person: Kanaka poupou aa; ua ike au i kahi keiki i komoiii, aa no hoi ke kino. Aa (a'a), n. 1. A dare; a tempting. 2. A belt; a girdle. 3. The small roots of trees or plants. Also called weli. 4. The veins or art- eries, so called from their re- semblance to the fine roots of trees: aole lakou i ike ke koko maloko o na aa. 5. Offspring. 6. A tendon; a muscle. 7. A pocket; a bag: Aa moni, a purse; a scrip; a bag to carry provisions for a journey; aole kanaka aa ole, no man without his scrip; a bag for weights (of money). The name of the envelope for a foetus (Laieik. p. 190). Kuu kaikaina i ka aa ho- okahi. Syn.: Eke and kieke. 8. A covering for the eyes. 9. The caul of animals: aa maluna o ke ake, the caul above the liver; the midriff. 10. A sea breeze at La- haina and some other places in Hawaii, for example, at Kona on the island of Hawaii, and Wai- mea, Kauai. 11. The cloth-like covering near the- base of a coco- nut leaf, aa niu. 12. The name of a coarse kind of cloth, he aa haole. 13. Chaff; hulls; the outside of seeds or fruit. Aa (a-a'), n. [See A.] Broken lava; that is, sand, earth, stones and melted lava, cooled and broken up. Aa (a-a), n. 1. A large sea bird. Same as A. 2. Same as aaki- makau. Aa (a'-a'), v. See A, verb. 1. To burn fiercely or furiously, as a fire; to burn constantly. 2. Fig. To kindle; to rage; to be angry. 3. To make a noise, as a dumb person trying to speak. 4. To be dumb, ua aa ka leo. Aa (a'a), v. 1. To brave; to dare. 2. To tempt; to challenge; to defy. 3. To venture; ua aa anei oe e hele i ke kaua? Ua aa anei oe e hele i ke alii? 4. To accept a challenge; to act presump- tuously: he aa ka manao; he wiwo ole. 5. To gird; to tie around, as a loose garment. Same as kaei. Aa (a'-a), v. To send greetings or love: as, e aa mai ana o mea ma ia oe. The reply would be: Ano ai wale laua, or welina wale laua, or aloha wale laua. Aaa (a'-a-a'), adj. 1. Hospitable; friendly; kind to strangers: he makamaka aloha. Syn: Haaa and heahea. 2. Uninhabited, as a house or village; lonely. Aaa (a-a'a), n. A temporary abode, as a hut, cave, shelter of a rock, etc. Aaaki (a'-a-a'-ki), v. To bite often. (Frequentative of aki.) Aae (a-a'e), n. The young shoots remaining in the ground after the old taro is pulled. Syn: Oha; as, pau ke kalo i ka hukiia, o ka oha wale no koe, oia ka aae. Aae (a-a'e), n. The practice or action of a priest, as a last re- sort, in the treatment of a sick person. Aae, e kaulei, e lelei, e ku i kiona la oe e Kahamuili. Aaea (a'-a'e-a), n. The sound that babies make in calling for their parents. Aaha (a-a'-ha), n. Name of an out- side covering for a dish: He ipu i hanaia i ka aaha a paa, the cup was tightly held with the aaha. Syn : koko. Aahi (a-a'-hi), n. 1. A bag in which fire and fire materials were car- ried; he kieke aahi. 2. Sucker or shoot from a sandalwood tree. Aahi (a-a'-hi), v. To burn, as with lust. Aaho (a-a'-ho), n. The small sticks to which thatching is tied. Aahoa (a'a-ho'-a), n. A food con- tainer or wrapper. Aahu (a-a'-hu), n. 1. An outside garment; a cloak; a garment thrown loosely over the shoulders. Aahukaua, armor. 2. A covering for ornament; aahu kapa maikai, the dress of a dandy; that is, dandyism. (The aahu was formerly some kind of tapa; mamua, aahu kapa, mahope aahu lole. 3. The bark of the wauke (Broussonetia papyrifera) when taken off the tree. Aahu (a-a'-hu), v. 1. To put on or wear clothes; to put on one's gar- AAH 23 AAH ment. 2. Used figuratively: Aahu iho au 1 ka pono: I have clothed myself with righteousness. Aahua (a-a-hu'-a), v. To speak re- proachfully; to use words of strong contempt; to deride. Aahualii (a'-a-hu'-a-li'i), adj. [Aa, dwarf, and hualll, diminutive.] Small; low in stature; defective in bodily structure. Aahualii (a-a'-hu-a-li'i), n. [Aahu, a robe, and alii, royalty.] 1. Regal attire; a royal robe; a colored cape worn by people of rank; colored tapa. 2, Name of a deity said to be the creator of all dwarfs. Aahualii (a'a-hu'-a-li'i), n. A fabu- lous being supposed to have come up from the center of the earth and to possess extraordinary strength! Aahuapoo (a-a'-hu-a-po'o), n. [Aahu, covering, and poo, head.] A cover- ing for the head; a defense in time of peril; a shield in war; a buckler; a garment connected with the mahiole [helmet] and palekaua [shield]. Aahui (a'a-hu'i), n. [Aa, vein and hui, pain, ache.] 1. An aching vein. 2. A desire for pleasure, at- tended with some sense of pain: Pau ke aahui, ke aakoni oloko, the painful desire within has ceased. Aahuia (a-a'-hft-I'a), v, (passive of aahu). To be clothed; covered as with a garment; arrayed; adorned. Aahukapu (a-a'-hii-ka'-pu), n. [Aahu, garment, and kapu, forbidden.] 1. A consecrated or holy garment. 2. A priest's robe. Aaianuheaakane (a'-a'i-a-nti-he'-a-a' [Aahu, garment, makaloa, a spe- cies of soft rush from which va- rious domestic coverings were made.] A lengthwise garment; a long ornamented band wound around the loins; a varicolored or specific style or pattern of malo worn only by persons of rank. Aahumakaloa (a-a'-hu-ma'-ka-lo'-a), v. To don or put on the long malo; hence, he aahumakaloa. Aahumaloloa (a-a'-hu-ma'-lo-lo'a), n. The long malo. Aahumaloloa (a-a'-hu-mS.-lo-15'-a), v. [Aahu, garment, malo and lea. long malo.] To clothe oneself, or put on the long malo; ua aahuia ka maloloa. Aahu ma mo (a-a'-hii-ma'-mo), n. [Aahu and mamo, a yellow bird.] A yellow robe worn by the king or high chief: no ka hanohano nui o ka aahumamo. Aahupawehe (a-a'-hii-pa-we'-he), n. [Aahu, garment, and pawehe.] 1. A garment made of a kind of mat called pawehe; nolaila i oleloiai i aahupawehe hiwa na ka ma- kani. 2. Mat made from extra soft material. Aahuula (a-a'-hu-u'-la), n. [Aahu, cloak, and ula, red.] A cloak or royal dress adorned with red feathers, considered very valu- able; o ka aahuula, he waiwai ma- kamae nui ia. Aai (a'-ai), adj. Eating; spreading; increasing; continuing, as a sore: he mai aai, a spreading sore, he lepera aai ia. Aai (a-a'i), n. 1. The progress or continuance of a sore. 2. Erosion. 3. The action of the surf at high tide, when dashing to shore and then receding, thus wearing away the gravel. Aai (a'-ai), v. 1. To eat away; to corrode. 2. To increase or grow, as an ulcer. Aaianuheaakane (a'-a'i-S,-nu-he'-a-a'- ka'-ne), n. A large sea bird. Syn: A. Aaina (a'-a-i-na), adv. Loudly; strongly, as a sound: kani aaina; also continually. Aaina (a'-a-i'-na), v. To be brittle or friable. Aaiole (a-ai-5-le), adj. 1. Falling before maturity, as fruit that falls before it is ripe. 2. Dying before maturity, applied to men who die before their time. Aaiole (a-a'i-6Me), n. The bread- fruit or any fruit which ripens and falls of itself. Aaka (a-a'-ka), adj. 1. Coarse; il- liberal; fault-finding; hard; se- vere. 2. Dry, as the coral of the reef at low tide; parched; wrink- led from heat. Aaka (a-S,'-ka), n. A column of lapilli, accompanied by hot vapor and smoke, such as jet up from a volcanic crater or fissure. Aaka (a-a'-ka), n. 1. Timber of the naio or bastard sandalwood; dry AAK 24 AAL naio. 2. Harsh speaking against ' another; grumbling; fault-finding. Aaka (a-a'-ka), v. 1, To complain, as a person of a perverse or sour temper; to grumble, chide, find fault; to strive: I ole makou e aaka a koea iho, that we may not find fault and refuse. 2. To be very dry ; to be exceedingly thirsty. 3. To burst or crack open, as a ripe melon or banana. 4. To be hard, severe, as labor or toil: aole i aakaia ka hana a na haku: the work for the lords was not hard. Aaka (a-a'-ka), v. To deride; to ridicule; to laugh at in contempt. Aakaka (a'-a-ka'-ka), n. [A, to burn or shine and akaka, clearly.] The clear burning or splendor of the heavenly bodies on a clear night. Aaki (a-il'-ki), adj. Thick; obscure, as darkness. Aaki (a-a'-ki), n. A bite; a seizing with the teeth: ka naho manini nui, ke aaki nei i ka limu. Aaki (a-a'-ki), v. 1. To bite fre- quently; to bite in two; to bite, as the bark from a stick, or the rind from sugar-cane. (See aki, to bite.) 2. To gnash the teeth; ua aaki ke kui. 3. To feel the severe pangs of child-birth. 4. To sur- round or come upon one, as dark- ness: ua pouli loa, ke aaki mai nei ka poeleele. 5. To experience palpable darkness. 6. To catch onto or hold by a thing: ua holo ia kanaka i ka moana, ua aaki i ke koa a paa, that man sailed out | upon the ocean, he is caught in the coral, and is fast. 7. To come j upon, as a fit of love: ua aaki j paa ia ke aloha wela iluna ona. ; =E2=80=94 Laieik. p. 197. Aakimakau (a-a'-ki-ma-kau), n. A hook-biting fish; the name of a small fish noted for its readiness to bite at a hook. See A. Aako (a-a'-ko), n. 1. Insatiable lust, | applied to females. 2. The itch: he | maneo ; he lalawe. This last form i of the word expresses the name ; of the last stage of the disease, ; followed by death. A primary ; stage is expressed by ako, to itch, j Aako (a-a'-ko), n. Wind that meets the surf which strikes a rocky headland and scatters the spray. Makani wehe ehu kai, wind that loosens the sea-spray. Aako (a-a'-ko), v. 1. To cut or clip off, as the spray of the sea when the surf strikes against a bluff of perpendicular rocks and is met by a wind from the land, and cuts or clips off the spray. 2. To stir to action; to drive. Used in the imperative, be quick; go to work. Aakoko (a'a-ko'-ko), n. [Aa, vein, and koko, blood.] A vein; a blood vessel. Aakolo (a'a-ko-lo), adj. Creeping, running and branching. Applies to the roots of plants. Aakoni (a'a-k6-ni), n. [Aa, vein, and koni, to throb.] A throbbing vein or artery: pau ke aahui, ke aahui, ke aakoni oloko. Aala (a-a'-la), adj. Odoriferous: aa I a ka hala, sweet the hala; aala ka rose, sweet the rose; o na kaiku- wahine aala o Aiwohikupua. =E2=80=94 La- ieik. p. 62. "Aala ka ihona ka uka o Kawela." Aala (a-a'-la), n. 1. A pleasant odor. 2. Fig.: He aala no o Kaahumanu, a sweet perfume is Kaahumanu. Aala (a-a'-la), v. To be fragrant. Aalaihi (a-a'-la-i'-hi), n. A beautiful fish (Thalassoma duperrey) of the reefs and warm currents. Aalaioa (a'-a'-la'i-o'-a), n. 1. Wild, uncivilized person who lives in the forest. 2. Wildness; a startled or wild appearance; kuku ka aala- ioa. Aalakai (a'-a-la-kai), adj. Unsavory; not tasty. Syn: Mananalo. Aalele (a'a-le'-le), n. [Aa, vein, and lele, to jump.] An artery. Aali (a-a'-li), n. A small or low place between two larger ones; a groove; the slight depression under the gill of a fish; the wattle of a fowl. Aalii (a'a-li'i), n. A hard timber tree (Dodonaea viscosa) generally alii and its wood. Aalinanui (a'a-l!'-na-nu-i), adj. Large, fat, and weak, as a fat man. Aalo (a-a'-lo), v. To dodge often; to dodge, as one does a stone. Aalole (a'a-lo'-le), n. Cloth of coco- nut leaves. The name first given to cloth by the people of Kauai. Aalolo (a'a-16'-lo), n. [Aa and lolo, the brain.] A nerve; aalolo hoao. Aalolo lohe, the auditory nerve. AAL 25 AAU Aalu (a-a'-lu), n. [Dim. of alu.] A ravine; a small brook, valley or ravine; a slight depression. Aama (a-a'-ma), n. 1, Involuntary motion of the hands when a per- son tries to seize hold of some- thing as it rolls down a precipice. 2. The act of stealing or pilfering. 3. An edible black crab with a highly decorative shell. Said to have been a special or sacred food for certain priests. 4. A talker; one who talks for the pur- pose of gaining information not otherwise obtainable. 5. A person who speaks rapidly, concealing from one and communicating to another. Aama (a-a'-ma), v. 1. To stretch out the hands for the purpose of catch- ing something. 2. To steal small articles; to pilfer. Aamakumimi (a-a'-ma-ku-mi'-mi), n. A poisonous Crustacean said to have been a sacred food eaten with impunity by certain priests. Syn: Kumimi. Aamo (a-a'-mo), adj. Insatiable in lust; never satisfied =E2=80=94 applied to females: he wahine aamo, ana ole. Aamoo (a'a-mo'o), adj. Light; thin, as the texture of muslin: o ka inoa o ka lole lahilahi loa. Aamoo (a'a-mo'o), n. 1. The cloth- like substance around coconut leaves. 2. Thin white cloth. 3. Whatever is light and thin, as thin cloth. 4. A veil. 5. External cov- ering or skin of a reptile: o ka mea keokeo e lalahi ana i ka moo, he mea lahilahi a puaweawe. Aana (a'-a-na'), v. 1. To use abusive language; to revile; to malign; to speak back. 2. To speak angrily; to fret; olelo aana mai oia. Aanapuu (a'-a-na-pu'u), v. To be out of shape; to be crooked in differ- ent directions; to be small and large, that is, to be uneven in size, as a rope. Aanei (a'-a-ne'i), adv. An adverb re- ferring to place or time; here; at this point. Syn.: Maanei. Aanema (a'-a-ne'-ma), v. To be jeal- ous of a man's friend, or to dis- cover jealousy. Syn: Lili. Aaniu (a'a-ni'-u), n. [Aa, cloth-like covering near the base of a coconut leaf, and niu, coconut.] The cover- ing like a coarse cloth around the stem end of coconut leaves: a hoo- kahekahe ma ka aaniu. Aano (a-a'-no), v. To be self-confi- dent; to boast of; to brag of. See hoaano for the transitive form. Aao (a'-a'o), adj. Gre-edy; glutton- ous; veracious. Aao (a-a'o), n. A species of tall, wild banana: he maia aao. Aaokooko (a-a'-6-ko-o'-k6), adj. Red hot, applied to substances such as fire, iron, stone, etc. Aaokooko (a-a'-6-k6-6'-k6), v. To burn fiercely. Aapa (a-a'-pa), adj. Same as apa. Aapi (a-a'-pi), v. To be warped; curved. Aapo (a-a'-po), adj. Ready, quick to receive knowledge; quick to appre- hend: he aapo ka naau o na ka- malii. Aapo (a-a'-po), n. 1. One who snatches. 2. One who learns quick- ly; a ready scholar. Aapo (a-a'-po), v. 1. To catch at, as several hands at the same thing. 2. To receive readily in the mind; to grasp mentally: ke aapo nei makou a malama. Aapoo (a'a-po'o), n. The skin, flesh and sinews on the back of the neck: he aapoo ka mea ma ka ai, he aapoo bipi. Aapu (a-a'-pu), n. 1. A cup. 2. A concave vessel. 3. A valve of a vein. 4. An improvised cup. See apu. Aapu (a-a'-pu), v. 1. To warp or bend, as a board in the sun. Syn.: aapi. 2. To wrinkle or ruffle, as cloth. Syn: Mimino. Aapua (a'apu'-a), n. [Aa, bag and pua, an arrow.] An arrow case; a quiver. Aapuupuu (a'a-pu'u-pu'u), n. A cap- sular ligament. Aapuupuu (a-a'-pu'u-pu'u), n. 1. Sharp or water-worn gravel. 2. The knots in a fish net. Aau (a-a'u), n. 1. An agitated flock, as of birds when frightened; a school of fish as they suddenly separate when frightened. 2. A slight ripple on the surface of calm water caused by a light breeze. Aau (a-a'u), v. 1. To ripple mildly, as a calm sea; ruffled by a slight wind. 2. To separate, as a flock of AAU AEI birds when frightened, or a school of fish: Ka lele aau o ka manu o Kiwaa, The frightened flight of the birds of Kiwaa. Ka aau mai Kukona ke koae. The flock from Kukona, the koae, Ke koae nui hulu meamea, The great feathered koae. Aaua (a'-a'-u'-a), adj. 1. Strong scen- ted, as in dressing the skin of a hog. 2. Unsavory, tasteless, in- sipid. Aaua (a'-a'-Q'-a), n. Aged one, ap- plied to a person who begins to ad- vance in age, has wrinkles about the eyes, etc. Aawa (a-a'-wa), n. 1. The young of the ea, a fish somewhat similar to the hilu and the poou. 2. An insect that destroys vegetation: ua make ka mala uala i ka hoopulu, i ke pal, i ka peelua a me ka aawa. Aawe (a-a'-we), v. Incorrect form of awe or lawe. Aba (a'-ba), n. [Heb. Abba.] Father: an invocation to God, expressing filial affection. (Mark 14:36.) Abiba (a-bi'-ba), n. The ancient He- brew name of the first month of the Jewish year (later Nisan), cor- responding to March or April. Aclda (a-ci'-da), n. [Eng.] Any sour substance; acid. Adama (a-da'-ma), n. A very hard mineral or metal, real or imagi- nary; adamant. Adobie (a-do-bi'-e), n. A sun-dried brick of earth mixed with straw as binder; adobe. Ae (a'-e), adv. Yes; the expression of affirmation, approbation or con- sent; opposed to aole, or aohe. With paha, as ae paha, a polite way of assenting when full belief is withheld: ae ka paha, even so, be it so. Ae (a'e), adv. Separately; apart from; immediately succe-eding. It implies an oblique motion, either up, down or sideways. It often fol- lows nouns and adjectives; as: aohe kanaka e ae, there is no other man. OfteTi its use is only euphonic. Ae (a'e), n. A tree about 80 feet high (Sapindus saponaria). Also called manele. Ae (a'-e), n. 1. Assent expressed by one person to the thought or opin- ion of another; approval of the con- duct or opinion of another; con- sent; agreement; acquiescence. 2. Name of an east wind; trade- winds. Also called kaomi. 3. A spe- cies of sea moss. 4. The coming in of the sea upon the shore; the flux of the tide. 5. The water or liquid wrung from the leaves of vegetables, as taro, etc.: he ae ka- lo, he ae wauki, he ohi. 6. Saliva or its flow; nausea, sediment. Ae (a'e), v. 1. Specifically, to break a tabu: ua ae lakou iluna o kahi laa, to violate a law or agreement; to break a covenant. 2. To go on- to. Ae (a'-e), v. To consent; to yield; to agree with. Aea (a-e'a), adj. Wandering; un- stable; shifting: he one aea ke one o Hoohila; unsettled, as: kanaka aea, a vagabond; wandering about. Aea (a-e'a), adv. Irregularly, in a loose unstable manner; aimlessly. Aea (a-e'a), n. A vagabond; an out- cast: he poe aea, fugitives. Aea (a'-e-a), n. The cord used in uniting two or more nets for the purpose of creating a single large seine. Aea (a'-e'a), v. 1. To wander away from a place: mai kou alo aku, aole oe e aea, from my presence do not wander away; to wander from place to place. 2. To live unstead- ily, as: i kona wa i ona ai, nui kona aea ana, in his seasons of drunken- ness, he lived principally here and there. Aea (a-e-a), v. To rise; to appear in sight from beneath. 2. To raise the head slowly when in a recumbent position; to throw back the head in a haughty manner. Aeae (a'e-a'e), adj. Comminuted; small or fine, as dust; fine, as poi , well pounded: he poi aeae, he uouo, he wall. Aeae (a'e-a'e), v. 1. To transgress often: he aeae oe maluna o kahi kapu. 2. To step over a thing often. Aeaekai (a'e-a'e-ka'i), n. 1. The rise of the tide. 2. The froth that fol- lows the breaking of the surf. Aei (a-e'i), n. 1. The net used in catching the opelu and the mao- mao; any small meshed net. 2, The time when the kuku, or stretching poles, are prepared for the aei nets. Aeiole (ae'-i-o'-le), n. Same as aaiole. AEK 27 AHA Aekai (a'e-kai), n. The place where the sea meets the land; the shore line. Ado (a'e-lo), adj. 1. Rotten; applied to eggs. 2. Fig.: Ua like makou me na hua aelo. Aeioa (a'e-lo'-a), n. The northeast trade wind on the ocean. Same as moae. AencI (a'e-ne'i), adv. 1. Now, about this time, just now, within a short time past or future. 2. Here; here- abouts; near by; not far off; ua holo aenei, he has lately spoken; ua make aenei no ke alii, the king died a short time ago; ua hele aenei no kahi i noho ai, he has gone a little way to his place of residence. Aenei (a'e-nei), v. To be here; to be present; to be in existence. [This word seems to be compounded of ae, expressive of a passing or trans- fer, and nei, which refers to pres- ent time or present place; some- thing not fixed or exactly defined, but near by, either in time or place. Aeokahaloa (ae-o-ka'-ha-15'-a), n. A kind of tapa made of wauke (paper mulberry), and colored a blue-gray with charcoal, kuina aeokahaloa. Aeselona (a'e-se-16'-na), n. [Heb.] Name of an unclean bird, so trans- lated in the Bible. Falcon. Aeto (a'-e-to), n. [Gr.] An eagle. Agata (a-ga'-ta), n. [Eng. agate.] A variegated waxy quartz, in which the colors are in bands, in clouds, or in distinct groupings; also, a precious stone made from this min- eral; agate. Agati (a-ga'-ti), n. Same as agata. Agoza (a-g6'-za), n. [Heb.] A nut. Aha (aha'), adj. The numeral four. Same as eha. Aha (a'-ha'), interj. An exclamation of surprise or wonder: ua heluhelu lakou, aha; ua loaa lakou e moe ana, aha? Aha (a'-ha), interrog. adv. Why; for what cause, purpose, or reason: E aha ana oia? What is he doing? Aha (a'-ha), interrog. pron. What? Declinable with the definite article, indeclinable with the indefinite: heaha, what? often united with thei article: for what reason? No ke aha? i keaha? Aha (a'-ha), n. 1. A small piece of wood, around which was wound a piece of tapa, held in the hand of the priest while offering sacrifices. 2. A kind of tapa made on Molokai. 3. A cord braided from the husk of the coconut. 4. A cord braided from human hair. 5. Strings made from the intestines of animals: ka naau i mea aha moa, the intestines used for strings to tie fowls with; he aha pulu niu; he aha waa a me ka aha hoa waa, a cord for tying and strengthening a canoe in a storm; he aha palaoa, he lauoho i hili uilo ia. 6. A company or as- sembly of people. (Often com- pounded with some qualifying word: as, ahaaina, ahaolelo, aha- kanaka, ahahookolokolo, ahamoko- moko, etc. See these compounds, which are sometimes written in one word, and sometimes divided.) 7. An assemblage of priests met for the purpose of offering prayer and sacrifice to ward off evil. (The kahuna nui or high priest was the head of such an assembly and holds in his hand a piece of mamane or kauwila wood wrapped in dark tapa (aeokahaloa) a symbol of author- ity.) 8. Name of a certain prayer used in the aha kapu: ina walaau ke kanaka i ka aha, make no ia, if a man should make a noise during the prayer, he would die; that is, he would be guilty of an offense for which he would forfeit his life. (The name originated in the fact that coconut fiber is very strong when braided into strings; so this prayer, with its rigid tabus, was supposed to be very efficacious in holding the kingdom together in times of danger.) 9. The success or answer of a prayer, or such a proper performance of prayer as to insure success; loaa ka kakou aha, we have received our prayer, that is, the answer; ua lilo ka aha, alalia, e pule hou, the prayer is lost (of no avail) ; then pray again. 10. The earwig. 11. A spe- cies of long fish swimming near the surface of the water. 12. Edge or border of a surface; measure in a single line. Used in the expres- sions: ua like na aha, the sides are equal; aha like, side measurements. 13. A design supposed to resemble AHA 28 AHA the track of a duck. Syn: Aha- ana and kapuai koloa, duck foot- print. Aha (a'-ha), v. To stretch the cord by which the first posts of a house were put down or set straight: ,e kii i ke kaula e aha ai, fetch the rope to make straight with. Ahaaha (a'-ha-a'-ha), adv. Sitting squarely; uprightly. Ahaaha (a'-ha-a'-ha), v. To pant; to breathe hard on account of heat, as a hog or a dog: ua ahaha ka ilio i ka wela, a i ka maloeloe i ka loa; the dog pante*d hard from heat and from long weariness. Ahaaina (a'-ha-a'i-na), n. [Aha, a company, and aina, eating.] 1. A company for eating. 2. A feast for pleasure or enjoyment: ahaaina olioli, a joyful feast. 3. A feast as a celebration of a past evemt. Ahaaina is often qualified by the following word: as, ahaaina hebe- doma, a feast of weeks; ahaaina kauhale lewa, feast of tabernacle's; ahaaina laa, a solemn feast; and ahaaina moliaola, feast of the pass- over. 4. The food for the company in such cases. Ahaaina awakea, a dinner; ahaaina ahiahi, a supper. Ahaaina (a-ha-a'i-na), v. [Aha, com- pany, and aina, to eat.] To eat to- gether; to feast; to partake of a banquet; to hold a feast. Ahaana (a-ha-a'-na), n. A design sup- posed to resemble the track of a duck. It is carved on ie kuku, tapa beaters. Syn: Aha and kapuai ko- loa, footprint of a duck. Ahai (a-ha'i), adj. Breaking off and carrying away: ka manu ahai kanu awa e, the bird clipping the twig of a tree and planting it elsewhere. Ahai (a-ha'i), n. The name of a pil- lar, wood or stone, which a chief sets up in memory of some great exploit: Alalia, kau ka ahai ma- lua iho o na pao, Therefore the pillar is erected on the arch, or prop. Ahai (a-ha'i), v. 1. To take away; to carry off; to bear away. (Laieik. p. 18.) Hence, 2. To flee; to be routed, as men in battle. Ahaihai (a-ha'i-ha'i), adj. See ahai. Ahaiki (a'-ha-i'-ki), n. [Aha. assembly, and iki, small.] A small party for private conversation; a small coun- cil or gathering of people; a secret council called together to discuss war or an emergency. Ahailono (a-ha'i-lo'-n5), n. The per- son who alone survives or escapes after a battle, or a canoe out of a fleet, all others being taken or lost: pepehiia a pau, aohe ahailono. (Laieik. pp. 104 and 105.) See ahai, v. Ahainu (a-ha-i'-nu), adj. Relating to banqueting or to a drinking feast; wine-drinking: Hale ahainu. Ahainu (a-ha-i'-nu), n. An assembly for reveiery; a company brought together for the purpose of drink- ing. Ahainu (a-ha-i'-nu), v. [Aha, a com- pany, and inu, to drink.] To par- take at a drinking feast. Ahainuawa (a'-ha-i'-nu-a'-wa),n. [Aha, and inu, to drink, and awa.] An as- sembly for drinking awa: he aha- i'nuawa no na kanaka kahu akua hoomanamana ia Nahienaena, an assembly for drinking awa by the protectors of the god worshiped by Nahienaena. Ahainurama (a-ha'-I-nii-ra'-ma), n. An assembly for drinking alcoholic drinks. Ahainuwaina (a-ha'-i-nfl-war-na), n. A wine feast; a feast for drinking wine. Ahakanaka (a'-ha-ka'-na-ka), n. [Aha, assembly, and kanaka, men.] A great company; a multitude; an assembly. Ahakea (a-ha-ke'a), n. A tree of the genus, Bobea. The wood, which is of a yellowish color, is used for rims of canoes, poi boards, and canoe paddles. Ahalike (a'-ha-li'-ke), adj. [Aha, four, and like, alike.] Four sides alike or equal; quadrangular; aoao aha- like. Like na aoao, like ka loa me ka laula, four square. Ahalike (a'-ha-ll'-ke), n. Name of the square bone in the wrist joint: he iwi ahalike maloko o ka pulima. Ahalualike (a'-ha-lil-a-ll'-ke), adj. Four-sided, with two sides parallel. Ahalualike (a'-ha-lii-a-ll'-ke), n. A rectangular figure whose opposite sides are parallel. Ahalunakanawai (a'-ha-lu'-na-ka'-na- wai), n. An assembly for trans- acting judicial business; judge or judges sitting for the hearing of cases; a judiciary session. AHA 29 AHE Ahamaha (a'-ha-ma'-ha), n. 1. A place or an assembly for the practice of athletic games. 2. A sham fight. Ahamaka (a'-ha-ma'-ka), n. 1. A swinging bed fastened to the ma- nuea (center support) of a house. Hammock, a tapa fastened at each end between two posts and swing- ing between: na kapa e kau ana ma ka manuea mai hope a mua, he moe lewa. 2. The act of killing by the lua [by breaking the bones]. 3. A special secret assemblage of priests for prayer. The object of such aha or assembly for prayer was to invoke the gods in behalf of the alii, king, or chief, without knowledge of the aialo [those about the king or chie-f]. Ahamoa (a'-ha-mo'-a), n. 1. An aha or cord made from the entrails of an enemy conquered and killed in fighting by the lua (method of kill- ing by breaking the bones). This form of fighting was called "haka- ka-a-amoa." hence the word aha- moa. 2. A number of persons as- sembled to watch the lua contest. Ahamokomoko (a'-ha-mo'-ko-mo'-ko) , n. Assemblage of people congre- gated to watch athletic games, or to take part themselves in the games; a boxing match. (Laieik, p. 21.) Ahaolelo (a'-ha-6-le'-lo). n. [Aha, a company, and olelo, to speak.] 1. A council; a body of chiefs as- sembled to regulate public affairs. 2. In modern times, a legislature; a body to consult and enact laws for the public good. Ahaolelo (a'-ha-o-le'-lo), v. [Aha, as- sembly, and olelo, to speak.] To take council; to consult together to get the united wisdom of all present: ahaolelo iho la na 'lii: the chiefs held a consultation. (In modern times, to meet and consult, as the legislative bodies of sen- ators and representatives, to make and adopt laws for the nation.) Ahawa (a-ha'-wa), n. A water head. Ahawa (a-ha'-wa), v. To collect to- gether as water, to overflow a low place: ua ahua, ua ahawa. Ahe (a-he), adj. Breezy. Ahe (a-he'), adv. and interj. Indeed; Oh, that's so; really: ahe, kuhi au ua hala lakou, aole ka! ahe, pela kou manao ea? Ahe (a'-he), n. 1. A slight breath- ing. 2. A hacking cough; he ehe- ehe, he maikunu. Same as eheehe. 3. Anything light, gentle or soft, as a light breeze, ke ahe makani pu'u- lena. (Laieik. p. 34.) Ahe koo- lauwahine, he makani aheahe ka makani. 3. A wind; a slight breeze. He aheahe makani. Same as ahe- ahe (1). Ahea (a'-he'-a), adv. (Used only with the future.) When? At what time? Ahea ka ina o ke keiki e ku imua? Hea ka inoa o ke alii? Ahea no la nalo ka moe? Ke aahi la i ka pili o ka houpo. Ahea (a-he'-a), n. A common plant I that was cooked and eaten like I luau, taro tops. (It was used as a ! poultice after being heated.) Syn: j Aheahea. I Aheahe (a'-he-a'-he), adj. Light, gen- I tie, soft. (Applied to wind.) : Aheahe (a'-he-a'-he), n. 1. A light, I gentle breeze. See ahe (3). 2. A i faint diminishing sound: he kamu- I mu o ke aheahe malie, a sound of I a whisper. Aheahe ka makani ma 1 Pu; aheahe mai ke kaiaulu o Wai- anae. 3. A cough; a hacking cough: I ka manawa eheehe kau mai la ka eheehe make maluna o ; Kahalaia laua o Humehume; In the ! time of coughing, a deadly cough i seized upon Kahalaia and Hume- ! hume. See eheehe. Aheahe (a'-he-a'-he), v. To be hungry: he pololi; aheahe kahi opu i ka ' pololi. i Aheahea (a'-he-a-he'-a), n. 1. A com- mon plant that was cooked and i eaten like luau (taro tops). It was i used as a poultice after being heat- ed. Syn.: Ahea. j Aheaka (a'-he-a'-ka), n. A shade; I shadow. See aka. Ahekolo (a'-he-ko'-Io), n. [Ahe, a breeze, and kolo, to creep.] A slight breeze; ahekolo ka makani, aheahe malie, a creeping, gentle wind. See Kolonahe. Ahekolo (a'-he-ko'-lo), v. To creep; to crawl along; ke i ae la e ahe- kolo kana hele, he says he walks creeping along. Ahele (a-he'-le), n. A snare, same as pahele. but more used. Ahelela (a-he'-le-i'a), v. To be taken or caught in a trap. Found only in the passive. AHE 30 AHO Ahewa (a-he'-wa), adv. Crosswise, as maka ahewa, cross-eyed. Ahewa (a'-he'-wa), n. 1. A tree class- ed among the sensitive plants; a variety of the mimosa. 2. Punish- ment, condemnation. Syn: Ahe- waia. Ahewa (a-he'-wa), v. [A, to, and he- wa, wrong, sin.] 1. To turn the eyes, as done by a cross-eyed per- son. 2. To view askance. 3. To condemn for a crime or fault; to blame; to censure, etc. 4. To be inconsistent, as in contradicting one's self. Ahewaia (a-he'-wa-i'a), n. Punish- ment; condemnation. Ahewaia (a-he'-wa-i'a), v. To be con- demned. Ahi (a'-hl), n . 1. Fire: he ahi e a ana, a burning fire. 2. The albi- core. A fish of the mackerel fam- ily (Germo germo). It reaches a large size. Color, dark above with steel-blue reflections; silvery be- low, Ahia (a-hi'a), adj. Obscure, faded dim. Syn: Ahiaahia. Ahia (a'-hi'-a), interrog. adj. How many? Ahia ka nui o ka waiwai? How many articles of property? See ehia. (There is a nice distinc- tion in the use of ahia and ehia, difficult to understand; in many cases they are synonymous.) Ahiah'l (a-hia'-hi), n. A false report concerning one; a defamation; a slander. Ahiahi (a'-hi-a'-hi), n. The later part of the day: ua aui ai ka la, the afternoon; towards night; ua na- poo ka la, evening. (When it is dark, it is po.) Ahiahi (a'-hi-a'-hi), v. To be or be- come evening: a ahiahi iho la, hoi mai ia; when it was evening he returned. Ahiahi (a'-hi'-a-hi), v. To defame; to bring into disrepute. Ahiahia (a-hi'-a-hi'-a), adj. Obscure; faded; dim, as colors in tapa or calico: kohu maikai ole; as cloth having lost color; ahiahia ke koko, the blood is colorless; applied to the uncolored parts of dyed cloth or tapa; he ahiahia ka palapala, the writing is dim, not plain; ula- ula ahiahia, faded red =E2=80=94 that is, pur- ple. Ahiaihonua (a-hi'-ai-ho-nu'-a), adj. Earth-consuming, as a volcano; constantly burning; unquenchable. Ahiaihonua (a'-hi-ai-ho-nu'-a), n. [Ahi, fire, ai, to eat, and honua, earth.] A volcano; earth-eater or consumer. Ahihi (a-hi'-hi), n. A vine. Ahihi (a-hi-hi), v. Same as ahiahi. Ahikoli (a'-hi-ko'-li), v. To cut off even or trim the top of a kalikukui or kukui torch. (A kalikukui con- sists of a single long string of shelled kukui nuts, used as a lamp or torch. A number of these long strings wound up together is called an ihoiho or aulama. A single short string is called koikukui.) Ah'iku (a-hi-ku), n. 1. Consisting of one more than six; the cardinal number sevem. 2. Seventh. Ahina (a-hi'-na), adj. Gray, as the head of an old man: he poo ahina. Applied to a dry tree: he laau ahina. Syn: Hina and poohina. Ahina (a-hi'-na), n. A gray color. Ahinahina (a-hi'-na-hi'-na), adj. Very light blue gray; slate color. Ahinahina (a-hi'-na-hi'-na), n. The silvers word (Argyroxiphium sand- wicense). A shrub growing on Mauna Kea, Mauna Loa and Hale- akala, at elevations of 7,000 to 12,- 000 feet. Ahiu (a-hi'-Ci), adj. Wild; untamed, as a horse: he aa; aole laka mai. See hihiu. Ahiu (a-hi'-u), n. 1. Name of a wild- cat. 2. Wind common around the mountains of Kahana on Oahu. I aloha ae au I ka Ahiu o Kahana, Ka wllina iho i ka lau o ke koa. =E2=80=94 Ua, an old mele. Ahiwa (a-hi'-wa), adj. Darkish; of somber or dusky tint. Aho (a'-h6), n. (Used with the arti- cle, ka.) 1. The small sticks used in thatching. 2. A line; a cord, as a fish line; ke aho lawaia; a kite string; ke kakaiapola a me ke aho; alalia, hoolele aku i ka lewa, a paa aku ma ke aho; (prepare) the kite tail and the string, then send off the kite into the air, but hold fast by the string. 3. The natural breathing of a person; the breath; hence, 4. Patience; i nui ke aho, let the breath be long, that is, be patient. 5. Resolution; also kind- ness. AHO 31 AHU Aho (a'-hd), v. 1. To have breath, hence to be patient. 2. (Impersonal, always used with the prefix e.) It is easier; it is better; it is less severe: e aho nau e kokua mai ia makou. it is better for you to help us. (It implies a comparison.) E aho nae ko lakou hope i ko kakou; their end, however, will be more toler- able than ours; it is better that; it had been better if, etc. It is bet- ter, preferable; e aho iki no ke hoi kakou; it will be a little better for us to return; e aho no ka hele ma- muli o ka noho ana me ka pilikia; it is better to go than to stay in perplexity. Ahoalole (a'-h6-a'i-6-le), n. A thatch- ing stick too short for use. Ahole (a-h6'-le), n. A fish resem- bling the white perch or sea bass. Color, bright silvery, bluish on back. Common in streams and in brackish water. Aholehole (a-h6'-le-h6'-le), n. See ahole. Aholoa (a'-ho-lo'-a), adj. [Aho, pa- tient, and loa, long.] Patient; long suffering. See ahonui. Aholoa (a'-ho-lo'-a), n. [Aho, a cord, and loa, long.] 1. A long string for fishing or sounding in deep water: he aholoa loa i ka mio; he aholoa i ka luu ilalo o ka- moana. 2. The power to hold one's breath a noteworthy time. Applied to deep sea divers. Ahona (a-ho'-na), adv. Equivalent to the words, it were better. Ahona a kui maoli aku kela, lele liilii. (Laieik. p. 42.) Same as eaho. I ahona makou i ka ikeia e ka uka, we were fortunate to be seen by those on shore (an expression of shipwrecked persons). A com- plete phrase in which i ahona is used implies in general a receiving of some unexpected good. Ahonuj (a-h6-nu'-i), adj. Patient; en- during; long suffering. Ahonui (a-h6-nu'-i), n. [Aho, patient, and nui, much.] Forbearance; long suffering; patience. Ahonui (a-h6-nu'i), v. [Aho, patient, and nui, much.] To be patient, gentle, kind. See aholoa. Ahu (a'-hii), adj. Storing; collect- ing: hale ahu, a storehouse, Ahu (a'-hu), n. 1. A place for storing things. 2. A heap of stones as a way mark or memorial. 3. A soft, fine mat often used as covering for the body. The ahu was used to protect the canoes at sea in rough weather: O ka uhi ana 1 ka ahu, ea, oia ka mea e pale aku i kekahi ale; the spreading over a mat =E2=80=94 that is what will keep off some of the waves; ahuao, ahu mo- koloa. Ahu (a'-hu), v. To be brought togeth- er; to be thrown into a heap; to be piled up indiscriminately. Ahua (a-hu'-a), n. 1. Any place ele- vated in the manner of a high path. 2. A bank in the sea; a bank form- ed by the sand at a mouth of a river; hence, 3. A ford; a place for passing a stream or river. 4. A hillock: He puu; he kiekie ma ke- kahi aoao. Ahua or Ahuia (a-hii'-ia), v. To be raised up on a platform: ua ahua, ua ahawa. Ahuahu (a'-htl-a'-hii), adj. 1. Angry; fretful; unwilling. When one re- ceives orders to work, and from fatigue or indolence he is unwilling, he is then ahuahu. 2. Healthy; vigorous; strong. Ahuahu (a'-hii-a'-hu), adv. Fretfully; excitedly. Ahuahu (a'-hii-a'-hii), n. Health, vigor, force in animal or vegetable life. Ahuahu (a'-hu-a'-hu), v. 1. To be sul- len; unwilling to do a thing order- ed. 2. To be turbulent; to act un- der great excitement. Ahualala (a'-hii-a-la'-la), v. To lie broken in pieces; to consist of heaps of pieces or parts. Ahuao (a'-hu-a'o), n. [Ahu, a mat and ao, the young leaves of the lauhala tree.] A mat made of the young leaves of the lauhala. Ahuawa (a-hQ-a'-wa), n. 1. A strong rush (Cyperus laevigatus) of which cords are made; the leaves are made into hats. (The fiber of the plant is used to strain potable awa.) 2. The name of the cord itself; mai hoka au i ke ahuawa. Also known as ehuawa. Ahue (a-hu'-e), v. To make of two thicknesses by folding in the mid- dle. To double up; to turn up, as a piece of tapa or paper. Ahuhinalo (a'-hu-hi'-na-lo), n. A gar- ment made of hala flowers; fabric AHU 32 AHU of marvellous flexibility and fine- ness, which, in olden times, was woven from the dried flowers of the hala tree. Ahui (a-hu'-i), n. A number of things on one stem; a bunch or cluster of fruit, as bananas, grapes, or hala. Ahu'ili (a-hu-i'-li), v. 1. To be re- quited according to one's misdeeds; to be repaid in a retributive sense. To be thwarted; to be frustrated; to be baffled in attempts to do harm: E ahuili auanei ka poe hoo- ko i ka eha; those who attempt to do harm will be frustrated. Ahuiwaina (a'-hu-i'-wai-na), n. [Ahui, a cluster, and waina, grapes.] A bunch or cluster of grapes. Ahuku (a-hu'-ku), n. Name applies! by the priests of Umi to the gifts presented to Hakau, Umi's elder brother. (These gifts consisted of stones of all shapes and sizes, from the pebble to the rock requir- ing the strength of two men to carry; so generously were the gifts brought to Hakau that he was at last covered with them and dis- appeared from sight.) Ahuku (a-hu'-ku), v. To cover with stones; to stone. Ahulau (a-hu-lau'), adj. Epidemic; pestilential: mai ahulau, a pesti- lence. Ahulau (a-hu-lau') n. A pestilence; a sickness like a pestilence; any contagious epidemic disease that is virulent and devastating. (This most destructive malady raged while Kamehameha I was living far the first time on the island of Oahu; Kamehameha himself was attacked but recovered. Thousands were swept off by it at that time =E2=80=94 probably in 1804.) Ahulau (a-hu-lau'), v. To be ill with a contagious disease; to die with it: ua ahulau ae la na kanaka i ka make. Ahullu (a-hu-li'u), adj. Overheated, as stones in the oven; heated to whiteness: ahuliu ka imu, the oven is exceedingly hot. Ahulu (a-hu'-lu), adj. 1. Overdone, as food baked too much ; cooked hard. 2. Spoiled by age, as eggs, or med- icines. 3. Defiled with dirt; de- fective: ua ahulu ke kai, that is,! dirty or green, not blue and clear. { Ahulu (a-hu'-lu), v. To be overdone, as food cooked too much: ua ahulu loa ka umu ai, ua ulaula ka ai, to be too hot. Ahuluhulu (a-hu'-lu-hu'-lu), n. 1. Ha- waiian adze; a tool used by canoe makers (koi ahuluhulu); a jack- plane. 2. A fish, the same as the kumu. Ahumoena (a'-hu-mo'-e-na), n. A fine mat of small figures of different colors. (Laieik, p. 112.) Ahunalii (a-hQ'-na-li'i), n. A colored tapa: he mamaki ahunalii, he ma- maki i hooluuia, a colored mamaki tapa. Ahunalii (a-hu'-na-li'i), n. The issue of a union of which one party is a high chief and the other a common person. Such off-spring is also called waiki and kukaepopolo. See Kulua. Ahunalii (a-hu'-na-li'i), n. A tapa of intermixed colors. Ahupawehe (a-hu'-pa-we'-he), n. [Ahu, a fine mat and pawehe, a three-cor- nered figure used in decorating.] A kind of striped mat made on Niihau: he ahupawehe no Niihau. Ahupuaa (a'-hu-pu-a'a), n. [Ahu, col- lection, and puaa, hog.] 1. One of the smaller divisions of a kalana or district, made up of sev- eral ili, small districts, and under the care of a head man; a hog was the tax of that district to the king: He Wailuku, he ili he moo; Wai- luku is an ahupuaa; the lands in Wailuku, ili and moo, a division of land next below ili. 2, The ahu or altar upon which the tax levied on the ahupuaa was laid; also used as a landmark; called on the island of Oahu Kaananiau. Ahuua (a'-hu-u'-a), n. A raincoat, made of the young leaves of the lauhala, or of the grass called ma- kaloa. It was a small mat about four by six feet, and so flexible that it could be rolled up like any ordinary garment. Ahuua (a'-hu-u'-a), v. To cover with the ahuua (cloak, raincoat). Ahuula (a'-hu-u'-la), n. [Ahu, a gar- ment, and ula, red.] A red-feather- ed cloak; a cloak made of the feathers of the oo and the red feathers of the iiwi, worn by kings and high chiefs; a gorge-ous dress. (Laieik, p. 112.) (The feathers are AHU 33 AIA woven into olona nets of the finest mesh called upena-puni and upena nukunuku-aula.) Ahuwaiwai (a'-hu-wai'-wai), adj. [Ahu, collection, and waiwai, property of a treasury.] Belonging to a place for storing property. Hale ahuwai- wai, a store-house. Ahuwale (iV-hu-wa'-le), v. To be ex- posed; to be in plain sight, as a hill, or a house on a hill. Ai (a'i), adj. Consuming; destroy- ing (spoken of fire). Ai (ai), adv. A shortened form of aia, there; ai iloko o ka hale, there in the house. Ai (a'i), n. A suffix, used only with verbs for the purpose of euphony. Ai (a'-i'), n. The neck: he ai ko ke kanaka =E2=80=94 oia kahi e hui ai ke poo me ke kino, man has a neck =E2=80=94 it is that which unites the head with the body. Ai (a'i), n. Food; vegetable food, as distinguished from ia, meat. Ai oo, ripe food; ai maloo, dried food; ai maka, green food, vegetables. (Ai, food, is representative of property generally.) Ai (a'i), n. Coition. Ai (a'i), V. 1. To eat; to consume food, as persons or animals. 2. To devour, as animals. 3. To destroy, consume, as fire. 4. To consume; spoken of the sword. 5. To eat, consume, as a sore; aole ai ka mai, the disease has made no advance. 6. To taste, eat, enjoy the benefits of, have the profits of, as land; e ai i ka aina. Ai (ai), V. To have sexual inter- course. Aia (ai-a'), adj. Ungodly; irrelig- ious. Aia (a-i'-a), adv. 1. There, referring to place: aia malaila ka hana ana, there the work is being done. 2. Then, referring to time, =E2=80=94 generally in connection with some other event. Aia (a'-i-a), interj. Exclamation ex- pressive of admiration or surprise, of triumph or contempt: Aia hoi, behold! or see there; aia ka, there now! Aia la, there you have it! An expression of triumph with con- tempt. Aia (ai-a'), n. 1. An unprincipled or ungodly person. Hal. 14:1. 2. The practice of ungodliness itself; he hoomaloka; he hoole akua. Aia (a'-i'a), n. A disease of the eye in which the vision becomes im- paired. Aia (ai-a'), v. 1. To be or show one- self contrary to the gods. 2. To disregard the will of the gods; to be ungodly in practice or character. Aiahua (ai-a-hu'-a), adj. 1. Irre- ligious; unmindful of the tabu; na- ni ke kanaka aiahua. See Aiahulu. 2. Unfair; two-faced. Aiahua (ai-a-hu'-a), n. 1. A term ap- plied to those who disregard the tabu while others observe it. Whe-n the tabu is generally disregarded it is called ainoa. 2. A hypocrite; an irreligious person. Aiahua (ai-a-hu'-a), v. 1. To break secretly the tabus of the gods, but to observe them openly; to act hypocritically. 2. To conspire se- cretly against another. 3. To de- fraud the landlord by withholding the tax and using it oneself. 4. To pray to death. Similar to anaana. Aiahulu (ai-a-hu'-lu), adv. Without exception. Aiahulu (ai-a-hu'-lti), n. Food baked a long time in the oven until it is soft. Aiahulu (ai-a-hu'-lu), v. 1. To pray to death; to procure the death of an- other by sorcery. 2. To poison. Aiahupuaa (ai-a'-hu-pu-a'a), adj. [Ai, food, and ahupuaa, a division of land.] Enjoying the food or bene- fits of an ahupuaa: he alii aiahu- puaa, enjoying the privileges or benefits of an overseer of land. =E2=80=94 Laieik, p. 34. Aiahupuaa (ai-a'-hfl-pu-a'a), n. The food or enjoyment of an ahupuaa. I Aiahupuaa (ai-a'-hu-pu-a'a), v. To ! care for and enjoy the income of i an ahupuaa, a division of land. i Aiai (a'i-a'i), adj. Bright, as moon- light; fair; white; clear: He ma- lamalama aiai, pure, as gold. Aiai (a'i-a'i), adv. Clearly; in a bril- liant manner. Aiai (ai-ai), n. A dependent; one who lives on the resources of an- other: He aiai makou a Moi, we ! are Moi's dependents. I Aiai (a'i-a'i), n. Brightness; clear- ness: ua like ke keokeo me ka aiai. I Aiai (a'i-a'i), v. To be white; to be I bright, clear, brilliant, shining, etc. AIA 34 AIH Aiaiakuula (a'i-a'i-a-ku'-j'-la), n. A god, the son of Hinahele (his moth er) and Kuula (his father). He was a god of fishermen: he akua lawaia Aiaina (a'i-a'i-na), v. [Ai, to eat, and aina, land.] To enjoy, to possess land; to own land: aole ia i aiaina, he did not possess land. Aialaala (a'i-a'-la-a'-la), n. Scrofula. Aialala (a'i-aMa-la'), n. A tuber pro- duced away from a plant's mound. Aialii (a'i-a-li'i), v. [AI, to enjoy the benefits of, and aiii, chief.] To en- joy the ease, honor and dignity of a chief; to act the chief. See hoo- lanilani. Aialo (a'i-a'-lo), n. [AI, to eat, and alo, in front. To eat before.] 1. The people about the chief; his atten- dants, as distinguished from the poe makaainana; kanaka aialo no ke alii. 2. A prince or princess; those about a king: Pau loa na makaainana a me na aialo i ka pii iuka, all the common people and those about the chief we-nt up the mountain. 3. A hanger-on who lives lazily with a chief and eats his food. Aiana (a'i-a'-na), n. [Mod. Eng. The Hawaiian pronunciation of iron.] A flat iron. (For the metal, see hao.) Aiana (a'i-a'-na), v. [Modern.] To iron; to make smooth with an iron. Aiau (a'i-a'u), n. A person who prac- tices witchcraft. Aiau (a'i-a'u), v. 1. To pray to death or poison, as was formerly prac- ticed. 2. To show covetousness, as: ua aiau aku i ka hai, he coveted what was another's; to search out with the eyes: "Maka aiau i ko hai wahi a anunu iho la." 3. To become weary and discouraged by long-continued labor. Aie (a'i-e'), adj. Indebted; under ob- ligation to render some equivalent for something received. Aie (a'i-e'), adv. Again: e haawi aie, to give to be paid again. Aie (a'i-e'), n. 1. Indebtedness; the state of being in debt: he poe aie kakou, we are debtors. 2. A debt; that which is due for any cause: e lawe aie, to go in debt for a thing. E haawi ale, to give (lend) on usury. Aie (a'i-e'), v, [Ai, to eat, and e, be- forehand, that is, to eat or enjoy a thing before it is paid for. From the custom of paying for work be- fore it was done.] 1. To owe; to be indebted: aole oia (o Kameha- meha) i ale, he (Kamehameha) never went into debt. 2. To enjoy something yet to be paid for: e lawe e i ka waiwai a mahope hoo- kaa. Aiea (a'i-e'-a), n. Fatigue; weariness. Syn: Aieana. Aiea (ai-e'a), n. 1. Species of hard- wood tree found on Lanai and other islands. It is used for finishing off canoes. 2. A place in the district of Ewa on the island of Oahu, Ha- waii. Aieana (a'i-e-a'-na), adj. Travel- weary, as one who walks wearily up and down precipices: he hele aike- na, he maloeloe. Aieana (a'i-e-a'-na), n. Fatigue; weariness. Aihaha (a'i-ha'-ha'), n. The leafstalks of the taro plant that are used as food; especially, the young leaves of the taro, which were common articles of food among the poorer classes. He aihaha ka na luahine. Aihalale (a'i-ha'-la-le'), v. [Ai, to eat, and halale, a sup.] 1. To take into the mouth with the lips, as liquid or semi-liquid food; to sup. 2. To live lazily at another's expense; to be attached to a place or person without being engaged or employ- ed; to be parasitic. Aihamu (ai'-ha'-mii), n. 1. The food left after a meal; a morsel; a crumb. 2. Matter scraped off, as from the stones of an imu (under- ground oven); leavings or savings; scrapings. Aihamu (a'i-ha'-mii) , v. 1. To eat the fragments or crumbs, as of food. 2. To destroy wantonly; to waste: Ua alhamuia ka mala uala. 3. To cause to be destroyed or killed; to ruin: Ua alhamuia ke keiki e ke kahuna anaana. Aihea (ai-he'a), adv. 1. At what place; where. 2. To what place; whither. 3. Near what place; whereabouts. Alhuawaa (a-i'-hii-a-wa'a), adj. 1. Wandering; roaming or roving; vagabondish. 2. Floating or car- ried along by a current; drifting. Alhuawaa (a-i'-hii-a-wa'a), n. One who wanders from place to place with- out fixed habitation or visible AIH 35 AIH means of support, and usually a worthless fellow; a tramp, a vaga- bond. Aihuawaa (a-i'-hu-a-wa'a), v. 1. To wander about in an idle manner; to play the vagabond. 2. To float or be carrted along by a current ; to drift. Aihue (ai-hu'e), adj. Addicted to the practice of theft; given to stealing; thievish. Aihue (ai-hu'e), n. One who steals furtively or without violence, as distinguished from a robber; in law, one who commits larceny; a petty thief, a purloiner; a filcher; a pilferer. Aihue (ai-hu'e), V. [Ai, food, and hue, to steal.] To steal food. Applied also to any furtive, covert, or sur- reptitious taking of anything, whether material or immaterial, hence: 1. To take away, especially from another's direct possession, without right, authority, or permis- sion, and usually in a secret man- ner for one's own use, advantage, or gratification; to steal. 2. To commit larceny; to thieve or steal. Aihuea (ai-hu-e'a), v. A corruption of aihueia, the past participle of ai- hue. Aihueia (ai-hu'e-i'a), v. Stolen, pil- fered. Waiwai aihueia; stolen goods; in law. goods taken feloni- ously. Aihueia (ai-hu'e-i'a), v. Stolen, pil- fered, the past participle of aihue. Aihuehia (ai-hu'e-hi'a), v. A corrup- tion of aihueia, with the expletive "h." Aihuelia (ai-hu'e-li'a), v. A corrup- tion of aihueia, with the expletive "1." Aiililoko (a'i'-i-ll-lo'-ko), v. [A I, to en- joy, ili, the skin, surface (of land), loko, that which is contained in something else.] 1. To have or possess a division of land less than an ahupuaa. 2. To have the use of sea fisheries or fish ponds sub- ject to the hakuaina or owner. Aikahaula (ai-ka'-ha-u-la), n. A las- civious dream. Syn: Moekahaula. Aikane (a'i-ka'-ne), n. 1. A sodomite. (Obsolete.) 2. An intimate and trustworthy companion; a friend. Aikane (ai-ka'-ne), v. 1. To commit sodomy. (Obsolete.) 2. To exer- cise a kindly feeling or good will toward another; to act the part of a friend; to become a friend. Aikapa (ai-ka'-pa), n. 1. One who en- joys the profits of a small piece of land with the owner of same. 2. A person who shares with another in the affection of one of the opposite sex. 3. One who pays only a part of his debt. Syn: Ailihi. Aikapa (ai-ka'-pa), v. 1. To care for a small division of land and share the income from it with the owner. 2. To share with another in the af- fection and favor of one of the op- posite sex. 3. To pay only a part of a debt and withhold the re- mainder. Aikapu (ai-ka'-pu), n. The observance of the rules of the kapu (tabu). Aikapu (ai-ka'-pa), v. [Ai, to eat, and kapu, forbidden.] 1. To eat ac- cording to the restrictions of the kapu (tabu). 2. To observe the rules or ceremonies of the kapu: opposed to ainoa, Aikena (ai-ke'-na), v. 1. To be so fatigued and discouraged as to give up one's work. 2. To grow fatigued or tired; to become weary. 3. To weary with physical or mental ex- ertion; to exhaust by continued strain, application, or trouble; to tire out; to fatigue. Aikepa (ai-ke'-pa), adj. 1. Cut or i torn off slantly or obliquely, as ! with the teeth or an edged instru- ment. 2. Fitted by rabbeting; rab- beted. Aikepa (ai-ke'-pa), v. 1. To seize with the teeth so as to tear off with a slight turn of the head; to bite off slantly. 2. To cut or sever off ob- liquely, as with an edged instru- I ment. 3. To cut a rectangular groove or rabbet in; to rabbet. Aikepakepa (ai-ke'-pa-ke'-pa), v. 1. To make the jaws come suddenly together in an effort to bite; to snap. 2. To speak rapidly and ex- citedly; to talk so fast that one's words appear to- overlap. 3. To tattle; to talk idly. Aiki (a-i'-ki), v. 1. To begin to ap- pear bright or luminous; to reflect or receive a faint light; to light up dimly. 2. To look slyly or in- spectingly; to look furtively, as from a place of concealment; to peek; to peep. AIK 36 AIL Aikoia (ai-ko'-la), interj. An excla- mation expressing triumph, joy, en- couragement, or applause mingled with contempt; also, one expres- sive of derision, scorn, contempt, mockery, etc. Ua eo ia lakou, aiko- ia! They won, hurrah! Ua hopuia ka aihue, aikoia! The thief is caught, it serves him right! Aikoia (ai-ko'-la), n. A feeling en- tertained toward some one or some- thing regarded as so inferior as to be unworthy of attention; also, the manifestation by word or action of such a feeling, contempt springing from pride or a sense of superior- ity; disdain; derision, scorn. Aikoia (ai-ko'-la), v. 1. To hold in or treat with scorn or extreme con- tempt; to deride; to spurn; to de- spise; to scorn. 2. To treat one according to his deserts; to serve one right: generally referring to some kind of retaliation or punish- ment. Syn: Akola. Aiku (a'-i'-ku'), n. 1. The band of a garment which passes around the neck; a collar. 2. A spasmodic af- fection of the muscles of the neck which draws the head toward the affected side; a torticollis; a wry- neck; a stiff neck. Aiku (Tii-ku'), v, 1. To eat in a man- ner not conformable to the usual or ordinary practice, habit, custom, or rule; to take food that is set apart as temporarily or perma- nently sacred or forbidden to use. 2. To act contrary to custom, pre- scribed rule, or established pre- cedent; to overlook, disregard, or take no notice of a tabu. Aikukuku (a'i-ku-ku'-ku), n. A con- tagious disease of the skin attend- ed with intense itching and forma- tion of watery pustules caused by the burrowing of the itch-mite; the scabies; the itch. Aikukuku (a'i-ku-ku'-ku), v. To feel a peculiar irritation or titillation of the skin which inclines one to scratch it; to be affected with the itch or the scabies; to itch. Aikupuu (a'i-ku-pu'u), n. 1. Food eat- en without ceremony or previous preparation. 2. Dry food, as baked taro or other vegetables. Aikupuu (a'i-ku-pu'u), v. Totakefood in the hand just as it comes from the oven or imu and eat it without ceremony, Aila (a'i-la), n. 1. A neutral liquid that is insoluble in water; oil. 2. Lard; fat; grease. 3. A fatty preparation with a butter-like con- sistency with which some medical substance has been incorporated; an ointment. 4. The Palma-Christi; the castor-oil plant (Ricinus com- munis). See koli, kaapeha. Alia (a'i-la), V. 1. To smear, rub, soak, or treat with oil; to oil. 2. To ap- ply oil; to lubricate; hence, figura- tively, to render smooth and pleas- ing. Ailaaila (ai-lai'-la), adv. 1. In or at that place; there. 2. To that place; in that quarter or direction; thither. Ailalo (ai-la'-16), adv. Down there, at, or in that place; down below: op- posed to ailuna (up; upward). Ailea (ai'-le'a), v. To copulate with pleasure. Ailepe (a'-i'-le'-pe), adj. 1. Furnished or adorned with a ruffle or ruff; ruffled; ruffed. 2. Puckered; wrin- kled; crumpled; rucked. Ailepe (a'-i'-le'-pe), v. 1. To make in- to a ruffle or ruff; to draw into folds, gathers, or puckers; to fur- nish with ruffles; to ruffle. 2. To form into irregular wrinkles, folds, or ridges; to crumple; to wrinkle; to ruck. 3. To erect in a ruff or ruffle, as a bird its feathers; to swell or stand out like a ruff; to ruff. Ailepo (ai-le'-po), n. 1. A dimmed or dirty appearance on a surface, as of water; also, muddy or turbid water caused by disturbing the sedi- ment: usually an indication of the presence of fish. 2. A shoal; a school of fish. 3. A cloud of dust; also, dust whirled about by an eddy of wind; dust-whirl. Aili (a-I'-li), v. 1. To struggle for breath; to breathe convulsively; to gasp. 2. To draw short, labored breaths; to palpitate; to pant. 3. To give a sharp, sudden pull, twitch, or start to; to jerk. Ailia (a-i-li'a), v. A contraction of ai- liia, the past participle of aili. Ailihi (ai-li'-hi), n. Same as aikapa. Allihl (ai-li'-hi), v. Same as aikapa. Ailii (ai-li'i), v. To enjoy the dignity of a chie-f ; to be noble. AIL 37 AIN Ailolo (ai-16'-16). adj. 1. Expert by practice; skilled by use or habit; experienced. 2. Having or demand- ing skill; proficient; perfected. 3. Appointed by fate; destined; doom- ed; fated: ka puaa ailolo; the fated pig. Ailolo (ai-lo'-16), interj. An excla- mation expressing derision, scorn, contempt, mockery, etc. Ah! aha! it serves one right! He keiki hoo- lohe ole i lele i ka pali a make, ailolo! A disobedient child leaped the precipice and was killed =E2=80=94 it serves him right! Ailolo (ai-16'-16), n. 1. A religious ceremony observed upon the ad- mission of one to a profession or calling, as a priesthood, at which a hog is offered in sacrifice and a part of it eaten. 2. One who is ad- mitted to a profession or calling; a professional man. 3. The admis- sion of one to a rank or degree at the end of a course of study; the completion of a course, Ailolo (ai-lo'-16), v. 1. To allow to pursue a profession or calling; to admit to practice, especially in sor- cery, soldiery, wrestling, etc. 2. To receive a rank or degree at the end of a course of study; to finish or complete a course. 3. To try by examination and comparison; to put to the proof; to test: Ua ailolo i ka puaa hiwa. Ailuna (ai-lu'-na), adv. Up; up above; upward. Almahaha (ai'-ma-ha-ha'), n. Food made from a certain species of taro that becomes hard and friable after it is baked and readily mixes into a soft and tough paste or poi before it is thoroughly crushed or pound- ed, thereby producing a mixture} full of lumps and unfit for use; ai thick and lumpy paste made from] friable taro; lumpy poi. I Aimalu (ai'-ma-lu'), v. 1. To eat se- cretly; to take food without thej knowledge of others. 2. To trans- gress or break a law secretly. 3. To eat with one contrary to the tabu. Aimoku (ai-mo'-ku), adj. 1. Exercis- ing or possessing supreme jurisdic- tion or power, as over a district, or island; controlling; ruling. Na 'Hi aimoku; the (governors) rul- ing chiefs. 2. Highest in rank or authority; head; chief. Aimoku (ai-mo'-ku), n. 1. One who has dominion or authority over a district or island; a ruler; a chief; a governor. 2. The office, author- ity, or term of office of a chief, ruler, or governor; chief ship; ruler- ship; governorship. 3. A conqueror. AIna (ai'-na), adj. 1. Eating; dining: papa aina, dining table. 2. Rejec- ed as unfit for or of no use; thrown away; refuse: Ke ko aina, the refuse cane. Aina (a'-i-na), n. 1. A series of short, sharp sounds in rapid succession; a crepitating or crackling sound; a crackling. 2. An explosive sound; a sudden loud noise; a report. 3. The act of snapping, or a sharp quick sound produced by it; a snap. 4. A loud, prolonged, sonorous sound or succession of sounds; a peal. Aina (ai'-na), n. 1. The exposed sur- face of the earth as opposed to the oceans and seas; land. 2. A coun- try or district, large or small; a pasture; a farm; a field. 3. Land surrounded by water; an island. 4. A continent or mainland, as dis- tinguished from an island. Aina (ai'-na), n. 1. The portion or quantity of food taken to satisfy the appetite; the substance of a re- past; a meal. 2. That which is thrown away during or after eat- ing; the refuse or discarded portion of a meal. 3. Anything refused or discarded as worthless; refuse; rubbish; trash: aina ko, cane trash. Aina (ai-na'), n. Soreness; ache; pain that comes from over exercise. Aina (aina'), v. To be sore; to ache; to suffer pain. Aina (ai'-nS,), v. [A contraction of alia ana, the present participle, passive form, of the verb ai.] Be- ing eaten, consumed, or devoured; being destroyed or ruined: Aina o Hawaii e ka pele; Hawaii is be- ing destroyed by the volcano. Aina (ai'-na), v. 1. To make ready for eating. 2. To furnish food. Ainahooiiina (ai'-na-ho'o-i-li'-na), n. 1. That which is or is to be inherited, especially land; inherited property or estate. 2. An estate that des- cends to the heir of the last holder, and falls to him by operation of AIN 38 AIP law; an inheritance. Properly written as two separate words; as, aina hooilina. Ainakea (ai'-na-ke'-a), n. 1. The dry and white refuse of sugar cane after the juice has been expressed; cane trash; bagasse. 2. The sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum), especially the white species. Aina-kupono (ai-na kti'-po-no), n. [Aina, land, and kupono, upright- ness.] Land free from all rent and taxes. Ainaole (ai-na-o'-le), v. 1. To eat without noise, usually in secret; to take food secretly and silently. 2. To conceal one's crime so com- pletely as to leave no vestige, mark, or trace; to cover up. Ainea (ai-ne'-a), v. To exhaust by continued strain, application, or trouble; to weary with continuous physical or mental exertion; to tire out. Ainemanema (ai'-ne'-ma-ne'-ma), v. 1. To find fault with or object to cap- tiously; to pick flaws or raise frivolous objections; to cavil. 2. To caluminate; to defame; to slan- der; to vilify. Ainoa (ai-nS'-a), n. One who eats freely or without restrictions; first applied to the early converts who ate together, regardless of sex, at tho time of the abolition of idolatry. Ainoa (ai-no'-a), n. The taking of food in an unrestricted manner, es- i pecially since the abolition of idol- 1 atry; free eating. Al'noa (ai-no'-a), v. 1. To partake of food that is free from restrictions, as during the intermission or ces- sation of a tabu; to consume or eat with certain immunities. 2. To take food in an unrestricted man- ner; to eat freely. Aio (ai-6'), inter j. An exclamation in- tended to attract attention, or t=C2=AE encourage in a concerted effort to lift or draw some heavy burden, as a canoe. Heigh! heigho! heigh-ho! Aioeoe (a'-i'-o'e-o'e), n. [Al, neck, and oeoe, slim.] 1. A slim or slen- der neck. 2. One who or that which has a slender neck; a slim-neck; first used as a distinctive appella- tion for the missionaries' wives on account of the fashion of their bon- nets, which gave them the appear- ance of having slim necks. Ua ka- pa aku na kanaka i na wahine a na misionari he aioeoe. Aiohaha (ai'-o'-ha'-ha'), n. [Ai, food, and ohaha, thrifty.] Food, such as taro, potatoes, or vegetables, that is full-sized and perfect; thrifty foodplants. (Properly written as two separate words; as, ai ohaha). Aiohalau (ai'-o'-ha-lau'), n. [Ai, food, oha, the suckers or sprouts of the taro, and lau, leaves.] The leaves of the taro sprouts, or the matured leaves of the taro itself, that are used as food; especially, food for domestic animals; feed. Aiokaokai (ai'-o'-ka-o-kai'), n. New fresh, sweet food, like poi newlv pounded: he ai hou, he ai manalo. Such food is also called pololei. Aioolea (a'-i'-o'o-le'a), n. 1. A stiff neck. 2. Perverseness; disobedi- ence. Aipa (ai'-pa), n. Mod. An ancient Jewish dry measure of the same volume as a bath; an ephah. See epa. Aipaa (ai-pa'a'), n. 1. Food made of taro that is crushed or pounded in- to a hard mass or pulp, usually pre- pared and preserved in bundles covered with ti leaves; hard food. 2. Poi prepared without water or mixed with very little water so as not to lose its consistency; hard poi. Aipalae (a i'-pa-la'e), n. 1. The scrof- ula; king's evil (once supposed to be curable by a monarch's touch). 2. A scrofulous neck. Aipau (ai-pa'u), v. To eat all of a thing. Aipoaia (ai'-po-a'-lS), n. The act of gulping, or something gulped down; a swallow; a gulp. Aipoaia (ai'-po-a'-la), v. 1. To swal- low eagerly and in large drafts; to gulp. 2. To become suffocated, partly or completely; to choke. Aipoola (ai'-po'o-la), adj. Pertaining to or designed for commemoration; commemorative. Aipoola (ai'-po'o-la'), n. 1. A feast to commemorate the completion of some extra hard work. 2. The cele- bration of some particular achieve- ment. Aipuhiu (ai'-pu-hi'u), n. The taking of food in an unrestricted manner; free eating. AIP 39 AKA Aipuhlu (ai'-pu-hi'u), v. (Obsolete.) To take food without restriction; to eat freely. See ainoa. Aipuka (ai-pu'-ka), n. Same as ipu- ka, an entrance, etc. Aipuni (ai-pu'-ni), v. 1. To environ; to encompass; to encircle. 2. To go or walk around; to make a cir- cuit about; to circumambulate. Aipuu (a'-i'-pu'u), n. 1. A lumped, calloused, or swollen neck. 2. Aj morbid enlargement or swelling of j the neck or shoulder, usually | caused by carrying heavy burdens I thereon with the auamo (carrying! pole). 3. One who has a lumped,' calloused, or swollen neck; a cal-j lous-necked person. | Aipuupuu (a'-i'-pu'u-pu'u), adj. Hav-| ing the functions or qualities of a i steward; hence, provident; stew-j ardlike. I Aipuupuu (a'-i'-pu'u-pu'u), n. 1. An of- ficer in charge of the domestic af- 1 fairs of a royal household, and | especially of the table; a steward.! 2. A man servant who has charge ; of the dining-room, wine, plate, etc.,! usually the head servant in a royal | household; formerly, an officer! who had charge of a royal wine- cellar; a butler. ! Aipuupuu (a'-i'-pu'u-pu'u), v. 1. To I perform duties of personal service! or attendance; to serve or wait on. i 2. To have charge of the domestic! affairs of a royal household, and especially of the table; to act as steward. Aiuhauha (a'-i'-u'-ha-u'-ha), n. [Ai, j neck, and uhauha, rigid or stiff.] A wryneck; a torticollis; a stiff-neck. Aiuhauha (ai-u'-ha-u'-ha), n. One who eats wastefully or with foolish lavishness; a wasteful or riotous eater. Aiwa (5,-r-wa), adj. Consisting of one more than eight or of thrice three; nine: a cardinal numeral. See eiwa. Aiwaiu (ai'-wa!-u'), adj. 1. Character- istic of an infant or of extreme youth; infant; infantile. 2. Un- weaned; suckling. Aiwaiu (ai'-wai-u'), n. 1. A child dur- ing the first or earliest stage of life; a babe; an infant. 2. An un- weaned mammal; a suckling. Aiwaiwa (a-i'-wa-i'-wa), adj. Persis- tent of purpose; persevering. Aiwaiwa (a-i'-wa-i'-wa), n. In a good sense: 1. Possession of eminently or unusually good qualities; a good characteristic; excellence; supe- riority. 2. A skilled or practised person; an expert; a proficient. =E2=80=94 In a bad sense: 3. A bad name or character; loss of reputation; dis- repute; also, the state of being too publicly or unfavorably known; no- toriety. 4. One who is unfavorably known to the public; a person of notoriety or ill repute, 5. A myth- ical or fabulous animal; specifi- cally, a fabled dog: A ike aku la ia Kalahumoku i ke aiwaiwa o Ta- hiti. Aiwaiwa (a-i'-wa-i'-wa), v. To persist in any purpose or enterprise; to continue striving in spite of dis- couragements; to persevere. Aiwaiwa (a-i'-wa'-i'-wa), v. In a good sense: 1. To be superior to; to surpass others; to excel. In a bad sense: 2. To fall into disrepute; to have a bad name or character; to become dishonorable or dis- graceful; to be unfavorably known to the public; to become notorious. Aka (a'-ka). A particle set before verbs to express carefulness, reg- ularity of proceeding: aka hele, go carefully; aka holo, sail or run slowly; aka hana, work carefully; aka noho, sit quietly. Aka (aka'), conj. But; if not; on the other hand. (The word is generally used to express strong opposition.) Aka (a'-ka), n. 1. The shadow of a person; the figure or outline of a thing; a similitude or likeness. Nah. 12:8. (The shade of a tree or house is malu.) 2. Fig.: a shadow; frailty; impotence. 3. The break- ing of moonlight; the faint light which precedes the rising of the moon. Aka (a'-ka), v. To light up, as the moon before rising: Ua aka ka ma- hina kokoke puka, ua aka mai la. How is the moon? It is near rising, it lights up. Aka (a'-ka), v. To laugh; to deride: 1 kou noonoo ana i keia kumu ma- nao, ua aka iki mai no ka pono. In thinking of this composition, I smiled at its corretitness. (The form, akaaka, is more generally used.) AKA 40 AKA Akaa (a-ka*a'), adj. Anything broken up; not cohering: He akaa wale, he pipili ole. Akaa (a'-ka'a), v, 1. To break open, as a seal. 2. To tear or take up, as a mat. Akaaka (a'-ka-a'-ka), n. Laughter; exhilaration of spirits. Akaaka (a'-ka-a'-ka), v. 1. To laugh; to laugh at. 2. To ridicule; to show derision through laughter. [See aka, to laugh.] Akaakaa (a-ka'a-ka*a), adj. 1. Poor; lean; reduced in flesh. 2. Tired out; fatigued; exhausted. Akaakaa (a-ka'a'-ka'a'), n. The falling off of the scarf-skin after a course of drinking awa. Ua mahuna i ka awa, Ua akaakaa ka ili, He piiahilohilo ke kua i ka lepo, Ua akaakaa. Akaakaa (a'-ka'a-ka'a), v. 1. To fall off, as the old thatching of a house. 2. To break up, as the roof or sides of a house: Ua akaakaa ia e ka mea kolohe; it was pulled off by some mischievous one. 3. To strip or tear off the skin of an animal, bark of a tree*, etc. See akaa, to break up. Akaakai (a'-ka'a-kai), n. 1. A plant (Scirpus lacustris) common in standing water. Bulrushes out of which mats and bags are made. 2. The common onion. (Onions have taken the same name from the similarity of the tops.) Akaha (a-ka'-ka), n. Same as ekaha. Akahai (a'-ka-hai'), adj. Modest; gentle; not proud; unassuming. Akahai (a-ka-ha'i), n. Meekness; modesty; gentleness: Poe akahai, the meek. Akahai (a'-ka-ha'i), v. To be tender of heart; to be meek. Akahele (a-ka-he'-le), v. [Aka, care- fully, and hele, to go.] 1. To go slowly or moderately in doing a thing; to go carefully; the opposite of hikiwawe: E hikiwawe mai i ka lohe, e akahele hoi i ka olelo; be quick to hear but slow to speak. 2. Used also imperatively; beware; be cautious: E akahele ka pepehi mai o oukou i ke akua, beware of your striking the god; e akahele ka huhu, mai hikiwawe, be slow to anger, not quick. Akahenehene (a-ka-he'-ne-he'-ne), v. [Aka, to laugh, and henehene, to ridicule.] To laugh to scorn; to laugh in derision or mockery. Akahi (a-ka'-hi), adv. Once; just now; expressive of greatness or superiority. Emphatically: Akahi no au i lohe i ka hekili, once have I heard it thunder =E2=80=94 that is, thunder loudly: Akahi no au i ike i ka ino, once have I witnessed a storm =E2=80=94 that is, never one so great before. Akahi (a-ka'-hi), n. The numeral one; the number one. Akahiakahi (a-ka'-hi-a-ka'-hi), n. A novice; a beginner: Aole ka mea akahiakahi e holo i ka ino o make auanei i ka moana a pae kupapau aku i Lanai; let not the inexperi- enced sail out in a storm lest he die in the ocean and his dead body float ashore on Lanai. Akaiki (a'-ka-i'-ki), n. A rejoicing in consequence of hope; desire in pro- portion to the prospect of receiving a thing. Akaiki (a'-ka-i'-ki), v. [Aka, to laugh, and iki a little.] 1. To be pleased; to smile; to be gratified on receiv- ing a favor: Akaiki lakou me ka olioli no ka loaa o ko lakou wai- wai, they smiled with pleasure on obtaining their property. 2. To laugh in one's sleeve; to laugh secretly: Na hoa nohoi i kani ai ka akaiki i ua wahi la; the companions also chuckled at us at that place. Akaka (a-ka'-ka), adj. 1. Luminous; transparent; clear as water. 2. Shining; bright, as the moon. 3. Certain; distinct; plain: He akaka, kokoe like me ke aniani kona aka- ka ana, clear, almost like glass. Akaka (a-ka'-ka), adv. Plainly, clear- ly: Akaka loa, very plainly; very clearly. Akaka (a-ka'-ka), n. A rent; a par- tial separation of parts; a chink. The word is not often used. See nakaka and owa. Akaka (a-ka'-ka), v. 1. To be plain; to be clear, as a thought or the ex- pression of an idea; to be distinct, intelligible, as language. 2. To be clear, transparent, as glass. Akakalani (a-ka'-ka-la'-ni), n. A great, inexplicable, light that fills the heavens ; remarkable atmospheric phenamena, perhaps the after-glow. Poetical for akalani. Akakani (a'-ka-ka'-ni), n. A small bird with bright red feathers found AKA 41 AKE in the forests. (Himatione san- guinea.) Same as apapani. Akake (a-ka-ke'), adj. Spry; light, as one walking or running; unburden- ed: He akake no oe, you are spry, quick at walking. Akakiwi (a-ka-ki'-wi), v. To strike with a sidelong stroke; to strike obliquely as in swinging a weapon. Akakuu (a'-ka-ku'u), adj. In a lower degree; more quiet. Akakuu (a-ka-ku'u'), n. A falling into a state of quiet; abatement of wind or rain; subsidence. Akakuu (a'-ka-ku'u), v. To be lessen ed, diminished, mitigated; to let up. Akakuu (a-ka-ku'u), v. 1. To cease; to abate; to grow calm, as wind, rain, surf, anger: Ua akakuu mai ka makani, the wind has abated; ua akakuu mai ka ua; akakuu mai ka ino o ke kaikoo; to be gentle; quiet. 2. To be settled; calmed; quieted; appeased in mind; ua aka- kuu mai ka huhu o ke alii i na ka- naka, the anger of the chief towards the people is appeased: ua akakuu mai ke alii, aole ino ramahou; the mind of the chief is settled, he will drink no more rum. Akala (a-ka'-la), n. 1. A species of raspberry (Rubus macraei). Grows at elevations of 4,000 to 6,000 feet. Fruit often attains diameter of two inches, is of a deep red color, very juicy and although slightly bitter, quite agreeable to the taste. 2. Pink tapa dyed to represent the akala. 3. A dye made from the juice of the akala. 4. A pink color. Akalani (a-ka-la'-ni), n. Same as aka- kalani. Akalau (a'-ka-lau'), n. See kinoaka- lau and Wailua. A ghost that ap- pears to some people, but not to others. Akalel (a-ka-lei'), n. A string of vari- egated glass beads worn around the neck. Akamai (a-ka-mai'), adj. Wise; skill- ful; ingenious; expert; sagacious; learned: Akamai me ka naau. Akamai (a-ka-mai'), n. Wisdom; skill; inge-nuity Akamai (a-ka-mai'), v. To be wise: j Makemake au e akamai oukou a pau, I wish that you may all be- come wise; to be skillful; to make wise; to make skillful. Mostly used in the causative. Akaolelo (a'-ka-o-le'-lo), v, [Aka, carefully, and olelo, to speak.] To speak cautiously; to speak -delib- erately, advisedly; to be moderate in the use of language. Same mean- ing as the phrase, e akahele kao- lelo. Akaoo (a-ka-o'o), adj. Applied to a .person who is close, hard or stingy; miserly. Akau (a-kau'), adj. The right; on the right: lima akua, the right hand; ma ka aoao akau, on the right side. (In geography, the per- son is supposed to stand with his face to the west; hence the right hand is towards the north, and his left to the south: Aoao akau, north side; aoao hema, south side; welau akau, north pole, etc.) Akau (akau'), n. North; one of the four cardinal points of the com- pass. Ake (a'-ke), n. 1. The liver. Syn: Akepaa. 2. Ake is a general name for several internal organs, quali- fied by different terms: Akeloa, the spleen; akemama, the lungs. Ake (a'-ke), v. To desire; to wish for a thing: ake nui no lakou e haule ka ua, they greatly desire that rain should fall; to pant after: ake nui kahi poe i ka waiwai, certain peo- ple greatly desire property; to wish to do a thing: ake no na kamalii e paani: to be willing; ake no na ka- naka i ka hewa. Ake (a-ke'), v. To find fault with; to tell lies about one. Akea (a-ke'-a), adj. Broad; spacious; open; not crowded; public; ua kaa- wale ka hale, ua akea oloko. Akea (a-ke'-a), adv. Openly; pub- licly: ua hana akea ia; it was done publicly. Akea (a-ke'-a), n. A broad open space; a place not concealed. Akea (a-ke'-a), v. To be broad; to be vast; to be remote; to be extended in breadth. Akeakamai (a'-ke-a'-ka-mai), n. [Ake, desire, and akamai, skill.] A lover of wisdom; a philosopher. Akeake (a'-ke-a'-ke), adj. [Freq. of ake, to desire.] Quick; ready; es- pecially to do a kindness. Syn: Makemake. AKE 42 AKI Akeake. n. A corrupt form of akeke. a bird of the plover class. Akeakea (a-ke'-a-ke'-a), adj. Faded; not tinted with original color. Akeakea (a-ke'-a-ke'-a), n. Dark gray tapa. Akeakea (a'-ke'a-ke'a), v. To block a passage; to hinder from passing; to obstruct. Akeakea (a-ke'-a-ke'-a), v. To fade; to become faded or gray. Akeke (a-ke'-ke), n. A small floating marine animal. Akeke (a-ke'-ke), n. A bird, a species of turnstone (Arenaria interpres). Also called akekeke. See keke. Akekee (a-ke'-ke'e), n. A little brown bird, resembling the wren, found on the mountain of Waialeale on Kauai; it was formerly worshiped by the natives as the god of the mountain. See akeke. Akekeke (a-ke'-ke'-ke), n. A bird, a species of turnstone, also called akeke and ukeke. Akelekele (a-ke'-le-ke'-le), n. A nar- row escape. Akeloa (a-ke-loa'), n. [Ake, liver and loa, long.] The spleen. Also call- ed akeniau. Akemakani (a'-ke-ma-ka'-ni), n. The lungs; organs of respiration in an air-breathing animal. Syn: Ake- mama. Akemama (a-ke-ma'-ma'), n. [Ake, one of the internal vital organs, and mama, not heavy.] 1. The lungs. 2. The organs of respira- tion. Also called akemakani and akepahoola. Akena (a-ke'-na), adv. Boastfully; vaingloriously. Akena (a-ke'-na), n. Empty boasting; adulation; the expression of a feel- ing of superiority; undue admira- tion. Akena (a-ke'-na), v. To boast; to talk about one's self or one's affairs in a pretentious way; to brag. Akenakena (a-ke'-na-ke'-na). Inten- sive form of akena. Akeniau (a'-ke-ni'-au), n. The spleen. Same as akeloa. Akepa (a-ke'-pa), adj. Quick; nimble; energetic. Akepa (a-ke'-pa), n. 1. A bird (Hi- matione sanguinea). Also known as akakani. 2. A sprightly, active person. Akepaa (a'-ke-pa'a), n. The liver. See ake. Akepahoola (a'-ke-pa'-ho'o-la'), n. The lungs. Syn: Akemama. Akepakepa. Incorrect form for kepa- kepa, to dance or chant. Akerida (a'-ke-ri'-da), n. A species of grasshopper. See uhini. Akeukeu (a-ke'u-ke'u), adj. Active; ready; not slow; willing. Aki (a'-ki), adj. Backbiting; revil- ing. Aki (a'-ki), n. A high place or sta- tion: Noho o Lahainaluna i ke aki, Lahainaluna sits on the heights. Aki (a-kl'), n. The knot that fastens the separate plaits or braids of hair in one lock; the plait itself after it is knotted: He lauoho aki loloa mahope; ke aki lauoho pupuni wai- wai. Aki (a'-ki), n. 1. The stools on which canoes are placed when standing on shore. 2. A pillow. 3. Pain in the head; the headache. 4. Slan- der; a false report maliciously ut- tered. Aki (a-ki), v. 1. To cut with the teeth; to bite; to wound or cut in two with the teeth. 2. To back- bite; to speak reproachfully of one absent; to taunt. 3. To spread false reports: Aki wahahee, e ake e he- wa ka mea hewa ole; to slander. (This verb has various forms. See aaki, aaaki, akiaki.) 4. To seize with the teeth and tear off, as in peeling sugar cane or husking the coconut. 5. To begin to heal or scar over, as a wound. Akia (a-ki'-a), n. A small shnib (Wikstromoeia foetida) two to twelve feet high. Contains an acrid narcotic principle which is used for narcotizing fish. The root and bark of the plant furnished the famous poison cup called apukoheoheo with which Kamanawa poisoned his wife. Akiahala (a-ki'-a-ha'-la), n. A small tree (Broussaisia arguta) that grows along the streams. It is also known as puahanui and as ka- nawau. Akiaki (n'-ki-a'-ki), adj. Mangy. Akiaki (a'-ki-a'-ki), n. 1. The scab or itch in cattle, dogs, etc.; the mange. 2. A backbiter; a reviler; a slanderer. AKI 43 AKO Akiaki (a'-ki-a'-ki), n. A species of tough seaweed that adheres to the rocks. It is eaten for food. Akiaki (a'-ki-a'-ki), v. See aki. 1. To bite repeatedly. 2. To take away secretly little by little. 3. To nil^ble, as a fish at a hook. Akialoa (a-ki'-a-16'-a), n. A small yel- low bird (Hemignathus obscurus). Akihipolena (a-ki'-hi-po-le'-na), u. A small bird with red feathers (He- terorhynchus wilsoni). Resembles the akialoa; also known as akiapoo- laau. Akihoolana (a'-ki-ho'o-la'-na), n. [Aki, stools for canoes, and hoolana, to float.] A dry dock: Ka hana ana i ka akihoolana i ke awa o Honolulu, building a dry dock in the harbor of Honolulu. Akiikii (a-ki'i'-ki*i'), n. The broad fish net used to catch the uhu, and described as "upena pakiikii." See pakiikii. This mode of fishing was called "kaka uhu." Akiki (a-ki'-ki). n. See ukiki. Akilolo (a'-ki'-16'-16), n. A species of small fish of brilliant color and pro- longed snout (Gomphosus varius). The akilolo was used by the old kahunas, or priests, in training their young candidates for the priesthood, the fish being used in some way to determine whether the candidate was a proper person for the office. Akilou (a'-ki-16'u), n. [Aki, to bite, and lou, a hook.] A hook biter, that is, a thief. (Thieves formerly supplied themselves with hooked rods to assist in obtaining articles of property; hence akilou, to apply the hook, was to steal.) Akilou (a'-kM6'u), v. To catch with a hook; to steal by the use of a hook. Akiohala (a'-ki-6-ha'-la), n. An erect sparingly branching under-shrub (Hibiscus youngianus) found in marshes and abandoned taro patches. Akiu (a-ki'-u), n. A form of prayer used by Kukaaieulu, Kamalalawa- lu's kahuna: Akele akiu, kelekele akiu, kau aku akiu iluna o ke kau. He lua wai ia na Kane. Akiukiu (a-ki'-ii-ki'-u), adj. 1. Search- 1 able; searching; probling. 2. Search- ' ing; penetrating: A me ka makani I akiukiu kipe pua hala o Puakei; ] the searching wind pelting the hala blossoms of Puakei. Akiukiu (a-ki'-ii-ki'-u), v. To spy; to lie in wait. See hoomakakiu, which is the general use. Ako (a'-ko), n. 1. The art of thatch- ing: Ua pau ka hale i ka akoia; mea ako hale, a house thatcher. 2. An infectious venereal disease. In women it is called ako; in men, waiki. Ako (a'-k6), V. 1. To cut, as with scissors; to cut, clip off; to crop off. 2. To pluck, as flowers or fruit; to shear, as sheep; to cut off, as hair: Ua akoia ka lauoho; ua akoia i ka hulu o ka hipa; ua akoia ka lau o ka nalu e ka ma- kani. 3. To thatch; lo cover a house with thatch: Ua akoia ka hale. Akoa (a-ko'-a), n. 1. A small tree resembling the koa tree found on Mauna Kea and in the Kona hills on Hawaii. 2. Tapa of a snuff color, so named from the dye made of the akoa tree: He kapa i ku- kuia ma ka akoa; he paupau akoa. 3. Snuff-colored dye made from the akoa. 4. The bark of the koa tree. Akoako (a'-ko-a'-ko), n. 1. Harlotry. 2. An irritation in the throat which causes a hacking cough. The cough also is called akoako. 3 Lip move- ment with no utterance of sound as though talking to oneself. 4. The crest of a wave just before it breaks into surf; the summit of a swell of the sea. Akoako ka ale Kuku ka lili o ka nalu. Akoako (a'-k6-a'-k6), v. 1. To move, as the lips in speaking to oneself. 2. To itch in the throat before coughing. 3. To swell; to grow larger; to rise into waves. Akoakoa (a-k6'-a-k6'-a), adj. Assem- bled; collected. Akoakoa (a-k6 '-a-ko'-a), adv. Collec- tively; in heaps: E waiho akoakoa, to lay down in heaps. Akoakoa (a-ko'a-ko'a), n. 1. The horned coral. 2. Coral generally. Akoakoa (a-ko'-a-ko'-a), v. To as- semble, as people for business. Akohekohe (a-k6'-he-k6'-he), n. Avery small native bird, formerly very common at Halemano and at Niu, Oahu. The species appears to be extinct. AKO 44 AKU Akoiakahale (a-ko-i'a-ka-ha'-le), n. A symbol made by elevating the hands and bringing the fingers to- gether in the form of an inverted V to represent the frame work of a temple when emergency made im possible the erection of a heiau. Akola (a-ko'-la), interj. An exclama tion of triumph or of contempt. Akola (a-ko'-la), n. An expression of contempt. Akola (a-ko'-la), v. To rejoice ovbt the ills or misfortunes of another Syn: Hoaikola. Akole (a-k6'-le),adj. Indigent; needy; destitute of property. Akole (a-ko'-le), v. To be poor as a result of extravagance. Akolea (a'-ko-le'-a), n. A species of fern (Phegopteris hillebrandi). Akolo (a-ko'-lo), adj. Creeping; a word descriptive of the first propul- sory attempts of children. Akolo (a-ko'-lo), n. A creeping pos- ture; an attempt to creep. Akolo (a-k6'-16), v. [A for aa, and kolo, to run.] To run into small roots, as potatoes, and bear no fruit: Ua akolo ka uwala. Akoloa (a'-k6-16'-a), n. See akolea, the usual form. Akolu (a-k6'-lu), adj. Three; the number three. Also written ekolu. Aku (a-ku'), adj. Clear; unclouded; spoken of the risen moon: He aku ka mahina, the moon is clear. (Obsolete.) Aku (a'-ku), n. A species of ocean bonito or tunny (Gymnosarda pela- mis), having a bluish back, silvery belly, with four brownish stripes on each side of the belly. The fish is abundant about Hawaii in sum- mer. In ancient tradition the aku and the opelu accompanied Pili on his voyage to Hawaii. Aku helped paddle (haluku) the canoe, and opelu calmed the winds when too strong. See Opelu. Aku (a-ku'), v. Follow, expressive of command. A sign word, as it were. The person accosted with aku was supposed to turn and follow the speaker without que-stion. (Obso- lete.) Aku (a'-kii). A verbal directive. In Hawaiian, the motion or action of verbs is supposed to be towards one (mai), or from one (aku), or upwards (ae), or downwards (iho). or sideways, which is also (ae). Aku is generally connected with verbs, but sometimes with nouns and adverbs. It implies motion or tendency from one, onward, etc.; as, e hele aku, to go off, go from one; the opposite of e hele mai, to come towards one. In narrative tenses the verbal directives are generally followed by the syllable la: as, hele aku la oia, he went off; noho iho la ia, he sat down, or he dwelt. Akua (a-ku'-a), n. 1. Formerly, among Hawaiians, the name of any super- natural being, the object of fear or worship; a god. The term, on the visit of foreigners, was applied to artificial objects, the nature or properties of which Hawaiians did not understand, as the movement of a watch, a compass, the striking of a clock, etc. 2. At present, the word Akua is used for the true God, the Deity, the object of love and obediemce as well as fear. 3. The name of the night when the moon was perfectly full: A akaka loa o ia poepoe ana o Akua ia po. It 'would seem that the ancient idea of an Akua embraced something in- comprehensible, powerful, and yet complete, full orbed. The names of the four principal gods of the Ha- waiians were Ku, Lono, Kane and Kanaloa. Akuaaumakua ( a-kti'-a-a'u-ma-kii'-a ) , n. [Akua, god. au, time, and ma- kua, parent.] The ancestors of those who died long ago, and who have become gods; the spirits of former heroes. Akuahaiamio (a-kii'-a-ha'i-a-mi'-6), n. [Akua, god, hai, to speak, and amio, to be silent.] A god speaking softly. Akuahanai (a-ku'-a-ha-na'i), n. [Akua, god, and hanal, to feed.] 1. The god that fed poison to people; the god of poison. 2. Hence, poison itself. Akuahoounauna (a-kii'-a-ho'o-u'-na-u'- na), n. [Akua, god, and hoouna, to send.] A class of gods who were sent on errands like Mercury of the Greeks. The names of some of them were Keawenuikauohilo, Ka- po, Kapua, Kamakukou. There were many others. Akuakii (a-ku'-a-ki'i'), n. (Mod.) [Akua, god, and kii, an image.] 1 AKU 45 AKU The god represented by an image. 2. Hence an idol. Akuaku (a-ku'-a-ku'), adj. 1. Oscilla- tory; swaying; with a swaying mo- tion, descriptive of a canoe's move- ment in a rough sea; not steady: Hele akuaku ma ke ala; holo aku- aku ka moku. 2. Involving haste; i moving in a hurry; rash. Akuaku (a-ku'-a-ku'), adv. Hastily; done in a hurry; therefore, badly done: He akuaku Iho kou, you were in a great hurry; he akuaku kana hana, his work is badly done. Akuaku (a-ku'-a-ku'), n. A species of lobelia (Cyanea tritomantha), the leaves of which are said to be cooked and eaten as a vegetable. Also known as aku. Akuaku (a-ku'-a-ku'), v. To go up and down, as the movement on a rough sea. Akuaku ka ihu o ka waa I na ale o ke Kaumuku. The prow of the canoe rises and falls Over the waves of the Kaumuku. Akualapu (a-kii'-a-la'-pii), n. [Akua, god, and lapu, a ghost.] A ghost; a specter; an apparition; an evil spirit. (According to the old peo- ple, the poe akualapu were the spirits of deceased persons seen in the night about burial grounds and other places.) Akualeheama (a-ku'-a-le-he-a'-ma), n. Same as Akualeheoi. Akualeheoi (a-ku'-a-le-he-o'i), n. Akua, a deity, lehe for lehelehe, lips, and oi, sharp, the sharp-lipped deity.] Name given to Pele be- cause she devoured everything in her way. Syn: Akualeheama. Akualele (a-ku'-a-le'-le), n. [Akua, god, and lele, to fly.] A meteor; an ignis fatuus. (When the Ha- waiians were first shown the pic- ture of an angel, they at once call- ed it an akualele, a flying god.) Akuanoho (a-ku'-a-n6'-h6), n. A class of gods supposed to be the spirits of men deceased. They were sup- posed to dwell with, or be over men as guardians. The akuanoho be- longs to the same class of gods as the akuaulu; but the akuanoho ministers only to those of opposite j sex who have lived together, while the akuaulu waits only on single persons. Akuaulu (a-kti'-a-tL'-ia), n. [Akua, god, and uiu, to inspire.] The god who inspires one to speak; the god of inspiration. Akue (a-ku'e), n. The manner of walking due to pedal malforma- tion; said of anyone who suffers from deformed feet. Akuhe (a-ku'-he), n. A species of the fish called oopu, which is found in fresh water streams near their con- flux with the sea. It has a very dark, almost black skin, hence the word is applied to persons of un- usually dark color as a term of derision. This fish is also known as okuhekuhe, or as akupa on Kauai. See kukuhe. Akuhe (a-ku'-he), v. To be black, blue or dark colored. See kukuhe. Akuikui (a-ku'i-ku'i), n. 1. A fish net. 2. The name of the stick used to drive fish into the akuikui. 3. A manner of fishing with a net and stick on the edges of coral reefs, the stick being used to hammer the coral in order to drive the fish into the net. It is also called pa- kuikui, and lawaia kuilaau or olaau. Akuikui (a-ku'i-ku*i, v. To strike ofteTi, as with a stick in order to drive fish into a net . See kui, to strike. Akukapihe (a-kii'-ka-pi'-he),n. Apurge made from the bark of the shrub called koko and the sap of the green kukui nut. Kukapihe is the word in general use. Akuku (a-ku'-ku'), n. The standing up of water when wind and current are opposite: Me he akuku nalu la i poi iloko o ka malama o Kau- lua. Akule (a-ku'-le), n. 1. A specie's of big-eyed scad (Trachurops crume- nophthalma), having a bluish sil- very color above, paler below, un- der parts white. The young akule is called halalu. 2. An aged per- son; an old man or woman. See elemakule, an old man. Akull (a-kii'-li), n. A water hole in the forest where leaves and forest rubbish have accumulated. Akulikuli (a-k\i'-li-kii'-li), n. See pa- papa. Akulu (a-ktl'-lii), n. See akuhe. Akumu (a-ku'-mu), adj. Broken up; stumpy; blunt; broken or cut off till very short: applied to anything cut or broken off piece by piece, as a pencil in sharpening. ALA 46 ALA Ala (a-la'), adj. Round or oval, as a smooth stone or bullet; hence, heavy: Kaumaha, e like me ka ala o kahawai; heavy, as a smooth stone in a watercourse. See ala, a round, smooth stone. 2. Fair-eyed, but blind: Ala ka maka, e like me | ko ka elemakule, dim-sighted, as an old person. 3. Stone-blind: used invariably with the word maka; as maka ala. Ala (a'-la), adj. Spicy; perfumed; aromatic. Ala (a'-la), n. A path; way; road; often alanui, great road. It is used in some places as synonymous with kuamoo. He kahi e hele ai; kuu aku ana keia i ke ala; po oloko i ke ala. Ala (a-la'), n. 1. A round, smooth stone; a pebble, such as has been worn by the water: He pohaku maloko o ka muliwai; ala o ka maa, a sling stone. 2. A variety of kalo or taro re-sembling a kai, very glutinous and tasty and much liked as a food. Ala (a'-la), v. 1. To wake from sleep; to watch, that is, to keep from sleep. 2. To rise up, as from a sleeping posture: E hikilele oia ma ka hiamoe ana; ala kue, to rise up against one. 3. To rise up, as a new generation of people; to come forward. Ala (a'-la), v. To anoint with per- fumed oil; to rub with perfume. Alaa (a-la'a'), n. 1. Name of a tall tree (Sideroxylon sandwicense). Also called aulu and kaulu. 2. A wooden oo, an implement made of hardwood which was used to break up ground. Alaa (a-la'a), v. 1. To turn up; to turn over. 2. To work with the oo in cultivating or digging off green- sward. Alaala (a'-la-a'-la), adj. Scrofulous. Alaala (a'-la-a'-la), n. 1. A soft sub- stance in the squid used for bait in fishing: He alaala hee. 2. The spawn of the squid. 3. Scrofula; a scrofulous sore; an ulcer, partic- ularly on the neck. Alaalae (a-la'-a-la'e), adj. 1. Luke- warm. 2. Insufficiently cooked: Na alaalae ka ai; the food is not thoroughly cooked. Alaalahee (a'-la-a'-la-he'e), n. The spawn or black substance found in the squid: He alaalahee me kahi kukui inamona, the spawn of the squid with kukui nuts as a relish. Syn: Alaala. Alaalai (a-la'-a-la'i), n. 1. A mysteri- ous bird, said to be of the gallinu- line family (Gallinula galeata sand- vicensis), whose cry during its flight, usually by night, is looked upon as a bad omen, often a sign of impending danger or death. Also known as alae ula. 2. Large hills or mounds for planting, in taro patches where the water and mud are deep. Alaalai (a-la'-a-la'i), n. Argillaceous earth, clay. Alaalapuloa (a'-la-a'-la-pu-loa'), n. 1. A species of squid called puloa. See puloa. Alaalapuloa (a'-la-a'-la-pu-16'a), n. A shrub. See uhaloa. Alaalawa (a'-la-a-la'-w^), v. (The com- pound, frequentative, poetical form of alawa. To look frequently one way and the other, as in fear of being seen: Alaalawa ka maka o ka aihue, alaalawa na maka me he pueo la; the eyes of the thief look this way and that, they look here and there like an owl. Alaalawa! nui (a'-la-a'-la-wa'-i-nii'i), n. A large genus of plants known as Peperomia of the order Piperaceae. It is found in stony places and is used as medicine. A gray dye is also extracted from it. 2. Dyestuff made from the bark of the kukui, akoko. the nena, or the alaalawai- nui. Alaamaomao ( a-la'a- ma'o-ma'o), n. [A, of. and laamaomao.] Of or concerning Laamaomao. See Laa- maomao. Alaapapa (a-la'a'-pa'-pa), n. One of the ancient hula dances where the dancer makes grotesque and sug- gestive motions, often accompanied by wild extravaganza: He hula alaapapa. Alaapapa (a'-la'a-pa'-pa), v. To dis- close in public what one has said of another's character; to publish in full the acts of others. Alabata (a-la-ba'-ta), adj. [Gr.] Made of alabaster; alabaster: He ipu ala- bata; an alabaster box. Alabata (a-la-ba'-ta), n. An ointment- vase made of alabaster-stone; an alabastrum. ALA 47 ALA Alabatero (a-la-ba-te'-ro), n. and adj. Same as alabata. Alae (a-la'e), n. The mud or water- hen (Gallinula sandvicensis) : Oia ka mea (o Mauiakalani) nana i imi i ke ahi, a loaa i ka alae, he it was (Mauiakalani) who, being in search of fire, found the alae; alae, he moa eleele loa, a very black fowl. The alae was formerly worshiped as a god, especially the alae keokeo (white mud-hen). Also known as alae ula. Alaea (a-la-ea'), adj. Relative to the ceremony of the hiuwai; relating to the practice of the priest offer- ing the yearly sacrifice. Hele mai ke kahuna alaea me ke kanaka, na- na e lawe ka ipu alaea. Alaea (a'-la-ea'), adj. Red; red, re- sembling flesh, as the fibrous tis- sues seen in large fish: Huki koke ka ia alaea a me na io a pau. Alaea (a'-la-e'a), n. 1. The fore part of the thigh. 2. A long, narrow muscle of the thigh; the sartorius muscle. Alaea (a'-la-ea'), n. 1. A red or brown clay used to color the water in the religious ceremony known as hiu- wai. 2. Re-d dirt; a kind of Span- ish brown coloring matter dug from the earth. 3. Any red coloring matter; a dye for tapa; red ochre, 4. A group of kindred individuals. 5. A family, tribe or clan. 6. The descendants of servants: The de- scendants of Keopuolani are the alaea of Nahienaena. (Obsolete.) Alahaka (a'-la-ha'-ka), n. [Ala, a path, and haka, open.] 1. A ladder. 2. A rough road, with many ravines or chasms. Alahaki (a-la-ha'-ki), n. A mountain ladder or series of steps cut into a cliff. Alahee (a'-la-ho'e), n. 1. A shrub or small tree; also known as walahee (Plectronia odorata). 2. A tree with very hard wood from which instruments were made to till the soil: O na oo mahiai i ka wa ka- hiko, o ka ulei a o ka alahee; the diggers for farming in ancient times were made of ulei and ala- hee. Alahii (a-ia-hi'i), n. The hem or fin- ished border of a mat. Alahonua (a'-la-hd-nu'a), n. 1. A light breeze in Hilo. 2. A waking before the usual time of rising. Alahoua'na (a'-la-h6u'-a'-na), n. [Ala, to rise, hou, again, and the parti- cipial termination ana.] A rising again; a rising from the dead; a resurrection. Alahula (a'-la-ha'-la), n. 1. A thor- oughfare; a path or place much frequented: Ua maa i ka ikeia, ua hele pinepine ia. 2. A road made on a hill or precipice on which a stranger cannot go, only traveled by residents. 3. A place where it is necessary to swim past a cliff that intercepts the passage along the beach, as at Klelu on Hawaii. Alahula (a'-la-hii'-la), v. 1. To remove the tabu, as on certain premises or roads. 2. To visit or repair too often; to frequent: Alahula Puu- loa, he alahele no Kaahupahau. 3. To make a road through one's house or farm by constantly pass-, ing through it: Ua lilo i alanui hele mau ia wahi. Alai (a-la'i), n. An obstruction; a hindrance, Alai (a-lai'), v. 1. To obstruct; to hinder one in any way: Ua alai ia e ka hilahila a hiki ole ke pane aku, he or she was hindered by shame and could not answer. 2. To block up a door or passage by sitting down in it. 3. To form a circle round one for his defense in danger. 4. To defend; to oppose one. 5. To be so thronged as not to see out: Ua alai ia, ua paapu loa, aole ike aku kahi mea; he was thronged thickly, he could not see out. (The double form, alalai, is more gener- ally used.) Alaia (a-lai'-a), n. A small, thin surf- board. Alaihl (a-la-I'-hi), n. 1. Faded colors. 2. The uncolored portions of dyed tapa. Alaihl (a-la-i'-hi), n. 1. A genus (Ho- locentrus) of fish of bright red color, belly more or less silvery, with longitudinal stripes. 2. Name of a red cloth. Alaikl (a-la-i'-ki), n. The act of ap- propriating another's property by force, practised by chiefs in their travels. Alalia (a-la'i-la), adv. Refers both t=C2=A9 time and place: there, when place ALA 48 ALA is referred to; then, when refer- ence is made to time. Like many other adverbs, it is used with the simple prepositions. Alakai (a'-la-ka'i), adj. Large; pot- bellied; plump. See uulukai. Alakai (a-la-ka'i), n. [Ala, road, and kai, to lead.] A leader; conductor; guide; precedence. Alakai (a-la-ka'i), n. [Ala, path, and kai, the sea.] A path where one must swim around a projecting cliff or bluff: He alakai ke alanui hulaana o na pali. Alakai (a-la-ka'i), v. To guide with the hand; to show the way; to have charge of. Alakaimauna (a-la-ka'i-ma'u-na), n. [Alakai, guide, and mau'na, moun- tain.] 1. A guide on the moun- tains and inland; a pilot. 2. A mountaineer. Alako (a-la-ko'), V. [Ala, path, and ko, to drag along.] 1. To drag along the ground. 2. To lead, as a crim- inal: Syn: Alakai: E kauo, e huki. 3 To draw or influence one. Alala (a-ia-la'), n. Name of the Ha- waiian crow; the raven (Corvus tropicus) of Hawaii: so named from its cry, resembling that of a child. Alala (a-la-la'), n. The cry of young animals; a crying; weeping; a bleating of flocks; the squealing of hogs. Alala (a-la'-la), n. The tuber of a po- tato vine which is found outside of the hill, or at the end of a root. Alala (a-la-la'), v. To bleat; to cry, as the young of animals. Alala i (a'-la-la'i), v. [Ala, road, and lai (for alai), to obstruct.] 1. To hinder one from doing a thing. 2. To obstruct one's road. 3. To be in the way of another: Ua alalai mai oia i ko'u hele ana; he hin- dered me in my passage; he kea- kea. Alalala (a'-la-la'-la), v. To dry or wither green leaves over a fire. Alalauwa (a'-la-lau'-wa), n. The young of a spe-cies of redfish (Priacanthus alalaua), the adult being known as aweoweo. It is claimed that the appearance of this fish in large schools in Honolulu harbor often portended a calamity to some mem- ber of the royal family. Also known as alalaua. Alalehe (a'-la-le'-he), adj. Sickly; weak; fretful, as a child from hun- ger: He ukuhi ohemo na keiki, omino, alalehe, ka alalehe, ka uwe wale. Alalo (a-la'-16), n. [A, jaw, and lalo, under.] The lower jaw of men and animals; the lower mandible of a bird. Alaloa (a'-la-15'a), n. [Ala, path, and loa, long.] 1. A highway; a path. 2. A way open to the public; a main road. Syn: Alanui. Alamaaweiki (a'-la-ma-a'-we-i'-ki), n. [Ala, path, maawe, any small mark or footprint, and iki, little.] A small, narrow, indistinct path. It is applied to the departure of the soul when one dies; he is said to have gone along the alamaaweiki, that is, the untrodden path; he ala- ololi. Alamakahinu (a-la'-ma-ka-hi'-nu), n. The round, smooth rolling stones or pebbles found in the sea. Alamea (a-la-me'a), n. A hard vol- canic stone, out of which stone axes were made. Alamea (a-la-me'a), v. To be fully ripe or on the point of decay. . Alamole (a-la'-m6'-le), n. Stone used in beating taro for poi. Alamuku (a-la-mu'-ku), n. 1. An im- perfect rainbow. 2. A road incom- plete as to its end; a short road. Alana (a-la'-na), adj. [A, and lana, to float.] Light; not heavy; easily floating on the water: He hooko- mo ole, not sinking. Syn: Lana. Alana (a-la'-na), n. 1. A present made by a chief to a priest to pro- cure his prayers. 2. A present made to a god : He makana e haawi aku ai i ke akua. 3. An oblation or free will offering for any pur- pose. 4. A sacrifice: Alana hoano, a holy oblation. He alana ka mea e haawiia aku ai e kalaia mai ai ka hala o ka mea lawehala. 5. A fee prepaid to a physician to attend a sick person. Alana (a-la'-na), n. [Alala, to cry, and ana, sorrow or complaint.] 1. A crying; the voice of suffering or of complaint: Ke oho alana ma- kuakahi; the voice of complaint from an only parent. 2. A call for help from one in distress. ALA 49 ALA Alana (a-la'-na), v. To give or bring a present as an offering; to offer a Alanaaloha (a-ia'-na-a-16'-ha). n. [Al- ana, offering, and aloha, love.] A peace offering; an offering for making peace with another to pro- cure one's favor: He alana e aloha mai o hai ia ia. Alanakunl (a-la'-na-kii'-ni). n. [Alana, offering, and kuni, to burn.] An offering to procure the death of a sorcerer; a burnt offering. E make ai ka mea nana i anaana. This of- fering was usually accompanied by certain of the victim's belongings (maunu) as a means of securing his death. Alanamolia (a-ia'-na-m6-li'-a), n. An offering made to the gods through a priest to procure a blessing or a curse: He alana e molia i kipi aina, to curse the rebels; ke alana e molia i ka mamala ku i ka pa; he alana e molia i ka olulo pae i kapa. Alaneo (a-la-ne'o), adj. 1. Clear; se- rene; unclouded, as the atmos- phere on the mountains: Alaneo ka uka, aole ao; clear was the up- land, no clouds. 2. Free from im- pediment or obstruction. Alaneo (a-lS,-ne'o), n, 1. The name of a disease in which the patient is swollen greatly in every part ex- cept the face: He olelo a na ka- huna lapaau, ina olelo aku i ka mai, pela he alaneo kou mai, o ke ano o ia olelo, he mai kanaka ole, aole lehulehu o kanaka nana e kii i ka laau. 2, Name of a class of twelve male gods described as "pa- pa akua pae mahu." 3. Name of an ahuula (feather cloak) made of one kind of feathers only. 4. Clear- ness; calmness; stillness. Alan! (a-la'-ni), n. 1. Name given to the genus of trees and shrubs call- ed Pelea of the family Rutaceae. 2. Name of a timber tree used in fit- ting up canoes. 3. The name of a mountain on Lanai. 4. [Eng.] Orange, the fruit of Citrus auran- tium. 5, The orange tree. 3. Name of a breeze on Lanai, from the name of the mountain. He alani ko Liloa Kapa ala o na kaha. 7. Seamoss of the species of limu. It is bitter, and very similar to the lipoa. Alania (a-la-ni'a), adj. Having an even surface; not rough; evenly spread; gently flowing. See kala- nia. Alaniho (a-ia-ni'-h6), n. [Ala, path, and niho, tooth.] The long strips of tattooing made on the skin by means of a shark's tooth. Alanui (a-la-nii'i), n. [Ala, path, and nui, large.] A highway; a road; a frequented path. (Kuamoo is ihe archaic form.) See alaloa. Alao (a-ia-o'), n. 1, A second-class heiau; a special heiau or temple, which differs from others in that it has no lele or altar for sacrifice. 2. The taking of whole raw fish into the mouth in eating: Ka alao mai no i na wahi oopu. a me na wahi opae. Alaololi (a'-la-6-'6-li'), n. [Ala, path, and ololi, narrow.] A narrow path; a lane. Alaoma (a-ia-6'-ma), v. To seize food abruptly with the mouth; to swal- low greedily, as a fish the bait: Alaoma ka waha o ka oopu a me ke aholehole i ke koe, the mouths of the oopu and the aholehole greed- ily swallow the worm; alaume mo- moni. Syn: Alaume. Alaou (a-ia-ou'), n. Same as alao. Alapa (a-la'-pa), adj. Ugly; poor; thin in flesh; lean; feeble; not good; shabby. Alapahi (a-la-pa'-hi), adj. Slanderous; defamatory: olelo alapahi, a slan- derous or false report. Alapahi (a-la-pa'-hi), n. Slander; de- traction; falsehood; a lie; false speaking: He alapahi moe ipo ka nana. Alapahi (a-ia-pa'-hi), v. 1. To spread false reports; to slander. 2. To deceive; to lead astray. See epa. Alapakui (a'-la-pa-ku'i), adj. Strong scented; exceedingly fragrant. Alapapiimooku (a-la'-pa-pi'i-mo'o-ku'), n. A low character; a notorious rascal; a mean beggar. Alapii (a-la-pi'i'), n. [Ala, path, and pii, to ascend.] A ladder; stairs; an ascent: He alahaka, he alaulii; he alapii pali ino o Wahinekapu. Alapuka (a'-la-pii'-ka), adj. 1. Hav- ing scrofulous sores on the neck, limbs, etc. 2. Affected with the dry-rot, as the taro: He kalo ala- puka. ALA 50 ALA Alapuka (a'-la-pii'-ka), n. A con- temptuous word applied to those having offensive sores. Alau (a-la'u), n. Place where a cur- rent of wind disunites and divides into separate parts, as on the coast of Hana, Maui. Alau (a-la-u'), v. Incorrect form for Olou. Alaua (a-la-ii'a), v. To look upon one- self with admiration: E alaua ana ia ia iho me ka manao ua nani oia. Alauka (a-la-u'-ka), adj. Vile; bad; worthless; slovenly; negligent. See pupuka. Alauka (a-l=C2=A7,-ii'-ka), n. Badness; worthlessness; vileness; the off- scouring or dregs of society: He hana inoino pupuka alauka. Alaula (a-la-u'-la), n. [Ala, road, and ula, red.] 1. A streak of light, such as is seen after the setting and before the rising sun. 2. The first dawn of the morning; the early dawn or first gle-am of morn- ing light. Alaula (a'-la-ii'-la), n. 1. A kind of dark, branchy seaweed. 2. Red dust in a road; the red dust of a pali [hill or precipice]; red dust gen- erally. Alaume (a-la-G'-me), v. See alaoma. Alauwahio (a-ia'u-wa-hi'o), n. A small yellow bird (Oreomyza montana) resembling the canary. Also known as alauhiio. See lauwi. Alawa (a-la'-wa), n. A turning of the eyes to look behind. He alawa na maka i hope e ike i ka poe e hele mai ana. Alawa (a-la'-wa), v. 1. To look on one side, then on the other, as one* who is afraid of being seen: E hoi oukou me ko oukou maka alawa ole io a io. 2. To look up. 3. To lift up the eyes in pride. 4. To lift up the eyes to see a thing; to take a survey. 5. To turn the eyes in an oblique direction. 6. To turn one's head to look about. Ale (a'-le), n. 1. A wave; a billcw put in motion by the wind; a wave of the sea: Aloia mai ai na ale ino o Lae Hao, having escaped the raging billows of Cape Horn. 2. The crest of a wave: Holo pipi ka ale o ka moana. 3. Water put in motion: Ka ale wai hau a ke 'kua, water of snow of the god. It was supposed that the gods mad=C2=A9 the snow. 4. The act of swallowing; a swallow. Ale (a'-le), v. To swallow. Same as moni. 2. To engulf; to absorb; to draw into. Ale (a-le), v. 1. To come up, as tears into the eyes. See haloi. 2. To stir up, as water. Syn: Aleale. Alea (a-le'a), adj. Having a pleasant voice for singing; agreeable, as the voice. See lea, the term in com- mon use. Aleale (a'-le-a'-le), n. A moving, swelling, stirring, as the waves of the sea. Aleale (a'-le-a'-le), v. To make into waves; to stir up, as water; to trouble; to toss about, as restless waters: Aleale ka wai, ua piha a aleale ke kaekae. Alealea (a-le'a-le'a), n. A sharp, white, small shell fish found near the shore: He pupu alealea. Aleguma (a'-le-gii'-ma), n. Same as alekuma. Alehe (a-le'-he), n. A snare; a noose. Syn: Ahele or pahele. Alekuma (a'-le-kii'-ma), n. [Heb.] Name of a timber tree; name of a tree, supposed to be the sandal- wood, found in Arabia and used for the making of harps, etc.; the al- gum-tree; also, by transposition, the almug-tree. Alelanl (ii-le-la'-ni), n. A patch of blue sky between masses of clouds. Alele (a-le'-le), n. One who bears a message; a messenger. See elele. Alele (a'le'-le), n. 1. An ambassador. 2. A delegate. Alele (a-le'-le), v. 1. To go or act as a messenger. 2. To go or act as a spy. Alelo (a-le'-16), n. 1. The tongue of man or animals. 2. The meat of a species of sea-egg, or sea urchin, called wana: He ono ke alelo wa- na, he kuhinia, he okulikuli; the meat of the wana is tasty, it is rich, it is sweet. Alemanaka (a'-le-ma-na'-ka), n.[Eng.] An almanac. The first Hawaiian almanac was published in 1835. Alemone (a-le-mo'-ne), adj. Almond- like. Alemone (a-le-mo'-ne), n. 1. The al- mond-tree. 2. The fruit of the al- mond. Alemuga (a'-le-mu'-ga), n. Same as alekuma. ALE 51 ALI Alemuka (a'-le-mu'-ka), n. Same as alekuma. Aleo (a-le'o). adj. Like a tower in height; lofty; towering: Na pali aleo, the towering cliffs. Aleo (a-le-'o), n. A place from which one looks out; any high fixture protecting against injury; a v/atch tower. Alepa (a-le'-pa). n. [Gr. Alpha.] Name, of the first letter of the Greek alphabet; hence, the first. Aleula (a-le-u'-la), n. An incandescent cloud of steam and smoke, such as accompanies a volcanic eruption. Aleuleu (a-le'u-le'u), adj. Old; worn; worn out. Aleuleu (a-le'u-le'u), n. 1. Old tapa or mats; also applied to all kinds of bad tapa. 2. A worn-out gar- ment. Alewalewa (a-le'-wa-le'-wa), adj. Buoyant; floating; passing: He ao alewalewa. Alewalewa (a-le'-wa-le'-wa), n. A cloud or smoke floating in the at- mosphere: Hookaa ka punohu ka alewalewa. Ali (a'-li), n. 1. A scar on the face. 2. A mark in the skin as the result of a wound or ulcer; a cicatrix. 3. A mark left by something that has passed; an impression of a foot; a footprint. Ali (a'-ll), V. To be* marked in the skin; to be marked with scars. Alia (a-li'a), adv. At some time in the future; after a time; before long; by and by. Alia (a-li-a'), n. Name of two kauwila or mamani sticks carried by two priests before the god of the year. Alia (a-li'a), n. A large flat surface white with salt; salt bed: He alia hoohaahaa paakai; loi ale no i ke alia okolo. Alia (a-li'a), v. 1. To wait; to stop one when doing a thing; to re- strain. 2. Used imperatively; stop; wait. Also applied to a person in the way; take care; stand aside. Allan (a'-li-a'-li), adj. Having the color of snow; white: He wai ali- ali, he keokeo, he huali. Aliali (a'-li-a'-li), n. The state of be- ing white; whiteness: Ke aliali o ka hau; the whiteness of the snow. Aliali (a'-li-a'-li), v. To be marked with scars: Ua aliali. Alialia (a-li'a-li'a), n. 1. A bed where salt is dried. He alialia paakai; he alialia manu; na alialia o na wai puna huihui. 2. Ground which is smooth, dry and barren, as that wnich is baked in the sun, or im- pregnated with salt. Syn: Alia. Aliane (a-li-a-ne), v. Used impera- tively: let it be seen; let it appear; reveal or show it to me. See oiana. Alihi (a-li'-hi), adj. Tending to mis- lead or deceive. Alihi (a-li'-hi), adv. Unwillingly: used in games of chance where one who is cheated feels compelled to pay back in like manner. Alihi (a-li'-hi), n. 1. Skill in the use of deceptive language; the practice of deceit. 2. The guide lines of a fish-net to which the floats and sinkers are fastened: O ke kaula ma ka pikoni. 3. The upper part of a net which holds a calabash and is united into a single cord or strap. 4. The horizon on the sea: Ma ka alihi moana, e pili aku ana i kumu lani; at the edge of the ocean, where the ocean and sky meet. Alihi (a-li'-hi), v. To cheat in a game of cards; to trick in any form of gambling. Alihikaua (a-li'-hi-kti'u-a), n. [Alihi, leader, and kaua, war.] A general; a commander; one who directs in battle. Alihilani (a-li'-hi-la'-ni), n. The hori- zon. Alihilele (a-li'-hi-le'-le), n. A drag- net; the net for taking the mullet (anae). Alii (a-li'i), adj. Pertaining to the crown; royal; kingly; noble. Alii (a-li'i), n. 1. A tree (Dodonaea viscosa), commonly known as aalii. Its dark, hard and durable timber was formerly used for posts of houses, etc. 2. A chief; one who rules or has authority over other men; a king, qualified by various epithets: (a) Ke alii moi, the su- preme executive; (b) Ke alii aimo- ku, the chief over a division, that is, the governor under the alii moi; (c) Ke alii koa, the chief over sol- diers, that is, the general or leader of an army; (d) Ke alii okana, the chief over a district; also known as alii ai ahupuaa. ALI 52 ALO Alii (a-li'i), v. To act the chief; to be chief or principal; to rule over men; to govern. Alilkoa (a-li'i-kd'a), n. One who holds an office in a body of men armed for war; an alii or chief of soldiers. Aliipapa (a-li'i-pa'-pa), n. A child whose mother was a chief and the father not. See kukaepopolo. Alhwaiiine (a-li'i-wa-hi'-ne), n. [Alii, chief, and wahine, woman.] A queen Alikalika (a-li'-ka-li'-ka), adj. 1. Clam- my; sticky; tough, as taro baked; tenacious, as mud. 2. Not liberal; stingy. Alikealike (a-li'-ke-a-li'-ke), adj. Hav- ing a general likeness; precisely alike. Alikealike (a-li'-ke-a-li'-ke), adv. In the same manner or degree; in common. Alikealike (a-li'-ke-a-li'-ke), n. 1. One- half; an equal division of a thing. 2. Similitude; resemblance. See like. Alikillki (a-li'-ki-li'-ki), v. To tie up tightly; to tie on tightly. Syn: Likiliki. Alima (a-li'-ma), adj. Five; the num- ber five. See elima. Alima (a-li'-ma), adv. Being one of five equal parts; fifth. Alima (a-li'-ma), n. See aulima. Alina (a-li'-na), adj. Low; degraded. Alina (a-li'-na), n. 1. A low servant; a slave. 2. A scar; a blemish. Alina (a-li'-na), v. 1. To lose stand- ing by associating with those of lower rank, as by marrying one of low birth. 2. To be scarred; to have spots or blemishes on the per- son. Allnalina (a-li'-na-li'-na), n. 1. A shell- fish of the sea; the young or small of the oplhi. 2. A species of the mussel. Aliuliu (a-li'u-li'u), adv. Incorrect form for liuliu. Alo (a'-16), n. 1. The front; the face, that is the surface seen. Antonym: kua, the rear or back. 2. The pres- ence of; the state of being present, as Eia oe i ke alo o ka aha; Here you are in the presence of the as- sembly. Alo (a'-16), V. To elude* or dodge; to evade. Aloaalo (a'-16-a'-16), adj. Full of small compact masses; lumpy. Aloalo (a'-16-a'-16), v. [Freq. of alo, to dodge.] 1. To dodge rapidly or continuously, 2. To look about slyly with a quick cast of the eyes, as if in fear, or about to do mis- chief: Aloalo na maka o ka aihue. Aloe (a-16'e), n. [Eng.] The aloes; any plant of the genus aloe Aloha (a-lo'-ha), adj. Worthy of love; lovable; loving: Reiki aloha, loving child. Aloha (a-lo'-ha,), n. 1. A word giving an expression of kind feelings. 2. Love; affection; gratitude; kind- ness. 3. Pity; compassion; grief. 4. The modern, common salutation at meeting or parting. Aloha (a-lo'-ha), v. 1. To address with an expression of kind wishes; to welcome. 2. To salute at meet- ing or parting. 3. To show mercy; to pity; to sympathize with. Alohaia (a-lo'-ha-i'a), n. The gerund of the verb aloha, passive form. 1. Being loved. 2. Good will; favor: Loaa ia ia ke alohaia mai; he ob- tained favor. Aloha'rno (a-lo'-ha-i'-n6), interj, [Alo- ha, love, and ino, great.] An in- tensive, expressing great love, pity, or compassion for a person in a suffering condition. Alohaloha (a-ie)'-ha-16'-ha), v. To love much. Alohl (a-16'-hi), n. 1. A shining; glit- ter. 2. Brilliancy; brightness; splendor. Alohl (a-16'-hi), v. To shine; to be- come shining or bright; to reflect brightness: Alohi e like me ka la i ke awakea. Alohikea (a-16'-hi-ke'-a), n, A soft white light. Alohilani (a-lo'-hi-la'-ni), n. [Alohi, brightness, and lani, heaven.] The brightness of heaven. A term ap- plied to the residences or heavenly courts of the goddesses, Uli and Kapo. Alohilohi (a-16'-hi-16'-hi), adj. Shin- ing; glittering; clear; sparkling. Alohilohi (a-16'-hi-16'-hi), n. 1. Luster; sparkle. 2. Splendor; brightness. 3. Light; sparkling, as the eye: Kai no a he akua i ke alohilohi o na maka; I thought they were gods by the brightness of their eyes. Alohilohi (a-16'-hi-16'-hi), v. To sparkle or shine; to glitter. ALO 53 AMA Aloiloi (a-lo'i-lo'i), n. A species of small fish. Alolo (a-16'-16), interj. An exclama- tion of derision over a mishap, ill luck, or misfortune. Same as ako- la. See lolo, which is the better form. Alolua (a-16-lu'a), adj. Two-sided; double-faced: applied to men and things: Moena alolua, a double- faced mat. Nanl Walplo Alolua na pall. Alolua (a-lo-lu'-a), n. 1. Tapa printed or painted on both sides. 2. Mats plaited on both sides. Alopeka (a-16-pe'-ka), n. [Gr.] A fox. Alu (a'-ltl). adj. Combined; acting together: He mau ilio alu i ka ha- kaka. Alu (a'-lii), n. 1. A letting down; a depression. 2. The lines of the hand. 3. A road descending a hill; a ravine; a gutter. 4. The muscles of the eye. Alu (a'-lu), V. 1. To relax; to hang down. 2. To bend the knees; to courtesy. 3. To stoop down, as in entering a low door; to stoop down, as in hiding behind a low object: Alu ae la maua e pee ana. 4. To be ruffle-d; to ruff up, as a mat: Ua alu na moena i ka nakuia. 5. To unite forces for physical action; to combine for the purpose of aid- ing or overcoming: E alu ka pule la Hakalau; unite in prayers to Hakalau. Alua (a-lu'-a), adj. Two; the number two. See elua. Alua (a-lti'a), adv. Two times; twice. See palua. Alualu (a'-lu-a'-lu), adj. 1. Loose; flabby; shapeless; premature, as an untimely birth; slack, as a rope or string. 2. Uneven; rough; full of lines; wrinkled. 3. Gentle or pleasant. (Another form of the word oluolu.) Alualu (a'-lu-a'-m), n. 1. The flex- ible skin or hide of an animal: he alualu pipi. 2. The soft parts of flesh when the bones are taken out =E2=80=94 flabby, loose, or wrinkled. 3. The fetus of animals or men: Kanuia ka alualu i ka lepo; the fetus was buried in the ground. 4. The skins or rinds of fruits after the sub- stance is taken out: Ua aiia na ipu, a o ka alualu wale no koe. Alualu (a'-lu-a'-m), v. To follow; to pursue; to overpower. Alualua (a-lu'a-lii'a), adj. Not even; not smooth; rough. Alualua (a-lu'a-lu'a), n. 1. A rough road, full of ravines and difficult passes: He alualua inoino ke ala- nui e hele ai i Kahakuloa. 2. The name given to the multiplication table: Ma ke alualua ko lakou ao ana i ka helu; through the multi- plication table they learn arith- metic. Aluhee (a-lu-he'e), adj. Loose, as a bundle not well bound; hanging flabbily. Aluka (a-lii'-ka), n. 1. The heaping up indiscriminately of anything. 2. A crowd; a number of persons or things assembled without order. Aluka (a-lu'-ka), v. To mix confused- ly; to mix so as not to distinguish; to throw in a heap; to pile. Aluli (a-lu'-li), V. To turn the head on one side: He aluli ke poo, he kekee. Alulu (a-lu'-lu), adj. Quick; hasty: He hele hopuhopu alulu. Alulu (a-lu'-lu), adv. Quickly; hast- ily: Holo hopuhopu alulu makou. Aluna (a-lu'-na), n. [A, the jaw, and luna, upper.] 1. The upper part of the mouth, as of a person, animal, or bird; the roof of the mouth. 2. The upper jaw. Alunu (a-lii'-nii), adj. 1. Covetous; greedy of gain; avaricious. 2. Characterized by extortion or graft; extortionate; oppressive: Waiwai alunu, property obtained by graft. Alunu (a-lu'-nu), n. 1. Oppression; usury. 2. Extortion; covetous- ness; graft. 3. An extortioner; a grafter. Alunu (a-lu'-nu), V. 1. To be covetous; to be avaricious. 2. To defraud; to be overbearing in a bargain. 3. to be unduly desirous of possessing property. Alunuwale (a-lu'-nii-wa'-le), n. A strong desire to take what is an- I other's; taking away by violence, j oppression, or extortion; robbery. Ama (a'-ma), adj. Talkative; tat- tling; prating. Ama (a'-ma), n. The longitudinal stick of the outrigger of a canoe. Ama (a'-ma), v. To offer the first of the fruitage. See hoama, haama (2) AMA 54 AMI Amaama (a'-ma-a'-ma), adj. Same as ama. Amaama (a'-ma-a'-ma), n. The mullet (Mugil cephalus) the most abun- dant and important food-fish of Ha- waii. The fry or the very young of this species is known as pua amaama; the next in size, from one to six inches, is called kahaha; from six to twelve inches, ama- ama; over twelve inches, anae. Amaama (a'-ma-a'-ma), v. See waha- ama. Amaamau (a-ma'-a-mau), v. 1. To act hastily; to repeat rapidly. 2. To eat quickly or fast, as one who is hungry and has a keen appetite. Amakamika (a-ma'-ka-mi'-ka), v. 1. To desire food, as when the mouth waters for it. 2. To have a desire for that which cannot be obtained. Amika is an obsolete form. Amakihi (a'-ma-ki'-hi), n. In Hawaii any drepanidine bird of the genus Chlorodrepanis or Himatione, espe- cially Chlorodrepanis virens. Its yellow plumage was used in mak- ing featheT cloaks, helmets, etc. Amakika (a'-ma-ki'-ka), n. See ama- kihi. Amama (a-ma'-ma), inter j. So be it; let it be so; amen: used more for- mally at the close of a prayer: Amama, ua noa; so be it, it is free (from the tabu). Amama (a-ma'-ma), n. A word used frequently at the end of a prayer in connection with the word noa, free, as in the expression: amama ua noa. The evident meaning is, it, the tabu, is lifted, is free. It is conjectured that the word amama is derived from or related to the word, mama, light, in the sense of levitation. Amama (a-ma'-ma), n. The offering of a sacrifice: amama ana i ke ka- naka i ke akua. Amama (a-ma'-ma), v. 1. To give over to the gods in sacrifice; to offer prayer or sacrifice. 2. To of- fer sacrifice as an act of worship: Ua amama aku o Umi i ke kino o Hakau imua o Kaili kona akua; Umi offered the body of Hakau in sacrifice before Kaili his god. Amana (a-ma'-na), adj. Crossing; put together in the form of a cross : Na laau amana i kauiai o Kuhama. Amana (a-ma'-na), n. 1. A transverse line on an upright; two lines cross- ing each other at oblique angles. 2. The branches of a tree in the form of the letter "Y." 3. The gal- lows. Amana (a-ma'-na), v. To give au- thority to. See hoomana. Amara (a-ma'-ra), n. [Eng.] 1. Arm- orer; one who makes or repairs arms or armor. 2. A blacksmith. (The first ships that visited the islands were ships of war or of dis- covery, and thedr blacksmiths were called armorers, hence the word.) Amau (a-ma'u), n. A species of fern. Same as amaumau. Amau (a-ma'u), v. See hamau. Amaui (a'-ma-ui'), n. A Hawaiian thrush (Phaeornis obscura). Syn: Omao. Amaumau (a-ma'u-ma'u), adj. Abound- ing in or resembling ferns; of or belonging to ferns; ferny: na akua amaumau, the ferny gods. Amaumau (a'-ma'u-ma'u), n. 1. A fern (Sadleria cyatheoides) used as sizing or as a reddish dye. 2. A covering made of amau fronds. 3. A god that inhabits a certain species of ferns, the amaumau be- ing the preferred species; a fern- god. Applied especially to the god Kupulupulu. Amene (a-me'-ne), interj. [Heb.J Amen; so be it; let it be so. Amene (a-me'-ne), n. [Heb.] 1. A name applied to Jesus Christ as a true and faithful Savior. 2. A con- cluding act or word; termination. Ametusete (a-me'-tu-se'-te), n, [Gr.J An amethyst; a variety of quartz having purple color, much used as a precious stone. Ami (a'-mi), n. 1. A hinge; a butt. 2. A place of union of two bones or separate parts of the skeleton; a joint. 3. A small worm which doubles up in crawling: He ami, he peelua kuapuu. 4. A swinging, pendulous motion. Ami (a-mi), n. A vigorous action of the body, often employed by hula dancers. Its chief feature is a ro- tation of the pelvis in circles or ellipses. Ami (a'-mi), v. To turn, as upon hinges ; to move back and forward ; to make any motion back and forth, as a gate; to move up and down. Amiami (a'-mi-a'-mi), adj. Elastic; pendulous; springy. AMI 55 AMU Amiami (a'-mi-a'-roi), v. See ami. Amihonua (a-mi-h6-nu'-a), n. An ex- aggeration of the ami, a movement of the body in the hula dance. Syn: Amikuupau. Amika (a-mi'-ka), n. A desire or relish for food or drink. (Obsolete.) Amika (a-mi'-ka), v. To desire food or drink. (Obsolete.) Amikamika (a-mi'-ka-mi'-ka), n. 1. That which remains of anything; a remainder, as of food or drink. 2. A morsel of food, or food in gen- eral; a bite. 3. A pleasing taste; relish. Amikamika (a-mi'-ka-mi'-ka), v. To eat or drink without having enough to satisfy the desire for more; to have not enough food or drink: Aole i onoono iho kahi puu i ka mea ai, aole i amikamika iho. Ami- ka is the obsolete form. Amikuupau (a-mi-ku'u-pau), n. An exaggeration of the ami, a move- ment of the body in the hula dance. Syn: Amihonua. Amio (a-mi'-o), n. 1. That which en- ters silently, as death. 2. A gentle moving to and fro. 3. A place in a stream or sea where the current moves swiftly, but silently. 4. A current of air. Amio (a-mi'-o), v. 1. To walk or move quietly and slyly, so as not to be heard; to move silently this way and that: Maanei no i amio iho nei a nalowale; he came here si- lently just now and is gone. 2. To flare, as the blaze of a lamp in the wind: He amio ka makani, e pio auanei. 3. To disappear; to cease to exist. Amipuka (a'-mi-pu'-ka), n. The hinge of a door. Amo (Ti'-mo), n. 1. A burden carried on the shoulders. 2. An athletic exercise exhibiting muscular strength in lifting. 3. A momen- tary drawing of the eyelids near together; a wink. 4. A sparkle or glimmer; a twinkle. 5. A momen- tary contraction of the anal mus- cles; hence, 4. The anus; also, the vagina. Amo (a'-m6), v. 1. To bear or carry a burden on the shoulder; to bear a weight; to carry. 2. To carry re- sponsibility, to be burdened with care. 3. To wink, as the eye. 4. To twinkle, as a star: Ke amo mai la ka hoku. Syn: Imo, amoamo. Amoa (a-m6'a), v. A contraction of amoia, the passive form of the verb amo. Amoamo (a'-m6-a'-m6), n. 1. A wink- ing; a wink. 2. A twinkling; a flash; a twinkle. Amoamo (a'-m6-a'-m6), v. 1. To be high; to be raised up, as a high precipice. 2. To rise high, as the crest of a wave: Amoamo iluna ka lau o ka nalu. Amoamo (a'-m5-a'-m6), v. 1. To wink, as the eye. 2. To twinkle, as a star. Syn: Amo. Amoe (a-m6'e), n. A contraction of aumoe. See aumoe. Amohulu (a'-mo-hu'-lu), n. [Amo, the vagina, and hulu, hairy.] 1. The vagina. 2. The rectum; the anus. E papani ka amohulu o ia nei. Amomo (a-m6'-m6), n. [Lat.] The amomum; a genus of aromatic herbs of the ginger family. Amoomoo (a-mo'o-mo'o), n, 1. Small tapa or mat used as a model or sample. 2. The young oio fish (Al- bula vulpe:^). See oio. Amopuu (a'-m6-pu'u), adj. Lean; thin in flesh. (Slang). Syn: Olala. Amu (a-mii'), adj. 1. Shearing; shav- ing: He pahi amu, a razor or shav- ing knife. 2. Trimmed; cut: he lauoho amu; trimmed hair. Amu (a'-mu), v. 1. To trim; to shear or shave, as the hair: Ua koli- koliia no amu. 2. To curse, to blas- pheme. See amuamu, the form in common use. Amuamu (a'-mu-a'-mu), n. 1. A curs- ing; a reviling; a reproaching: Ke amuamu ana i ke alii me ka hoohi- ki ino; the cursing of the king with profanity. 2. A reviling of sacred things; evil or profane speaking of God; blasphemy. Amuamu (a'-mu-a'-mu), v. 1. To use profane language; to curse; to re- vile. 2. To speak evil of God; to blaspheme: Amuamu i ke Akua. See kuamuamu. Amuemue (a-mu'e-mu'e), v. To suffer from a sensation of coldness pene- trating, benumbing, or depressing; to feel chilly. Amuku (a-mu'-kQ), V. See apahu. Amumu (a-mii'-mu'), adj. Dull; not sharp; blunt. Syn: Kumumu. AMU 56 ANA Amumu (a-mu'-mu'), n. The state or quality of being dull; bluntness; dullness, as a tool. See kumumu. Amupu (a'-mii-pu'), adj. A corrup- tion of amopuu. Ana (a'-na), adj. Satisfied; grati- fied; contented. Ana (a'-na), particle. A word used as a participle modifying the action of verbs, as: hele, go; hele ana, go- ing; holo, run; holo ana, running. Ana (a'-na), n. 1. A measure, as for cloth; a measure of any kind. 2. A model or pattern. 3. The opeTa- tion of determining the extent or area; a survey. 4. A den formed by rocks; a cave. 5. The special organ of the* voice; the larynx. 6. A kind of light, white stone found in the sea; a volcanic scoria or lava, spongy or cellular; a pumice stone much used as a remedy for the disease known as ea (aphthae). Used also as a polishing material. 7. Grief; sadness; sorrow; trouble from the conduct of others. 8. A mixed feeling of weariness, anger and love. 9. Fatigue from hard la- bor or toil. Ana (a'-na), pron. The possessive case of the personal pronoun, third person, singular. 1, Of him; of her; of it: Ka pahi ana; the knife of him (his knife). 2. His; hera; its. When used independently it takes the form kana: as, keia buke kana; this book is hers. Ana (a'-na), v. 1. To take the dimen- sions of; to compare with a fixed standard; to measure: Ana au i kou pono a me kou hewa; I meas- ure your good and your evil. 2. To determine accurately the bounda- ries, extent, or area of; to survey: E a'na i ka aina; survey the land. 3. To be grieved; to be troubled; to be sick at heart; to be disgusted. 4. To be satisfied in appetite or de- sire; to have enough; to be con- tent; to be satiated. Anaaina (a'-na-ai'-na), n. 1. Land surveying. Syn: Ana, anahonua. Anaaina (a'-na-ai'-na), v. [Ana, to measure, and aina, land.] To sur- vey or measure land. Anaana (a'-na-a'-na), adj. Shaped like a small ball; ball-shaped and hard: He anaana ka lepo o ke kao; the dung of the goat is ball- shaped and hard. Anaana (a'-na-a-na'), adj. 1. Practis- ing or consulting divination; divin- ing: Kahuna anaana, a diviner. 2. Tending to cast a death spell: Pule anaana. Anaana (a'-na-a-na'), n. 1. A prayer used to procure the death or curse upon one. 2. Witchcraft; divina- tion; sorcery. 3. A sorcerer. Anaana (a'-na-a'-na), v. To shiver, as one shakes from cold; to trem- ble, as from fright. Anaana (a'-na-a-na'), v. 1, To prac- tise divination or sorcery upon: E anaana ana ia kakou; they were practising sorcery upon us. 2. To cast a death spell upon; to pray the gods to visit calamity or death upon. Anaanai (a'-na-a-na'i), adj. Angry; passionate; irritated; enraged. Anaanai (a'-na-a-na'i), v. 1. [A repe- tition of anai.] Same as anai. 2. To grind or gnash the teeth as with anger. 3. To provoke anger by teasing. Anaanapu (a'-na-a-na'-pu), v. 1. To undulate, as the air under a hot sun. 2. To send forth light; to flash, as lightning: Anaanapu ka uila; the lightning flashes. Anaanapuu (a'-na-a'-na-pu'u), adj. 1. Bent; crooked; out of a straight line: he kaula anaanapuu. 2. Not uniform; uneven. See aanapuu, anapuu. Anaanea (a'-na-a-ne'-a), adj. Idiotic; foolish; mentally weak, as one un- der the spell of witchcraft. Anae (a-na'e), n. The full-sized ama- ama. See amaama. Anae (a-na-e'), v. See hoanae, Anaha (a-na'-ha), n. The reflection or glancing of light; the flashing of light. (Obsolete). See anapa. Anahanaha (a-na'-ha-na'-ha), n. Re- peated reflection or gleaming of light. (Obsolete). See anapa. Anahanapa (a-na'-ha-na'-pa), n. See anahanaha. Anahonua (a'-na-ho-nu'a), n. 1. Land measuring; surveying. 2. A text- book that treats of space and its relations; geometry. Anahonua (a'-na-h6-nu'a), v. [Aria, to measure, and honua, earth.] To measure the surface of the earth; hence, to survey land. Syn: ana- aina. ANA 57 ANA Anahua (a'-na-hii'a), adj. Deformed; out of shape; disfigured. Anahua (a'-na-hu'a), n. 1. Deformity; irregularity, or unsightliness of feature; disfigurement. 2. The god of husbandmen. He was the second son of Luahoomoe, a noted blind kahuna or priest of Hawaii. Anahulu (a'-na-hu'-lu), adj. Occurring, coming, or issued every ten-day period: He moku anahulu; a ten- day boat. Anahulu (a'-na-hii'-lu), adv. After the interval of ten days; once in ten days: Ku anahulu ka moku; the boat arrives once in ten days. Anahulu (a'-na-hu'-lu), n. A period of ten days; ten days: Ekolu ana- hulu; three ten-day periods (thirty days). Anai (a-na'i), v. To rub. Anai (a-na'i), v. 1. To grind;* to scour; to brush down. 2. To polish; to smooth: E kalai a maikai, e anai a pakika. 3. To blot out; to lay waste; to cut off; to destroy. 4. To nullify one's character or pre- tensions. Anaina (a-na'i-na), n. An assembly of | persons for a common purpose, as for religious worship ; a congrega- ; tion; an orderly assembly of hear- j ers, 1 Anaina (a-na'i-na), v. To assemble, as around a person or place; to meet; to congregate. Anainai (a-na'i-na'i), v. To rub often j or continuously; to polish. See anai. Anainakanaka (a-na'i-na-ka-na'-ka), n. A congregation of people; an as sembly of men. j Anaka (a-nA,'-ka), n. [Heb.] A variety' of the polecat; a ferret. Anakima (a'-na-ki'-ma), n. [Heb.] A race of giants in Palestine; the Anaks, Anakim, or Anakims. Anakoi (a'-na-ko'i), n. An inflamma- tory swelling of a lymph-gland, due^ to infection; a tumor of the in- i guinal glands, produced by ve- 1 nereal virus; a bubo. Syn: Awaia- hiki. ! AnaMo (a'-na-li'o), n. 1. The distance! in space of a heavenly body ap- \ pearing at or near the horizon. 2. . Great distance; remoteness. ! I Analipo (a'-na-li'-p6), n. A point in I space so far distant as to appear { to be beyond the stars; a place out of sight, or beyond the horizon. Anamiu (a'-na-mi'u), n. The root of the potato which joins the tuber to the main root: Ua hahai lakou i ka anamiu o ka uala; they broke the root of the potato. Anana (a-na'-na), n. 1. The length of the arms extended, including the body, measured to the tips of the longest fingers: a common but in- definite measure formerly used. 2. A measure of length equivalent to six feet; originally, the space to which a man may extend his arms; a fathom. Anana (a-na'-na), v. To enumerate by fathoms. Ananalo (a'-na-na'-lo), n. A variety of the hinalea or coral fish, called aho mananalo, Ananio (a'-na-ni'o), n. See anamiu. Ananu (a-na-nu'), n. A species of turnip; any one of various other plants in some way related to or resembling the common turnip: formerly used for food in time of famine. See laulele. Anapa (a-na'-pa), n. 1. A glistening brightness, as of reflected light; a shine; a luster; a sheen. 2. A sudden bright light; a gleam; a flash. 3. A sparkle; a glitter. Anapa (a-nS-'-pa), v. To gleam; to shine, as by reflected light. 2. To cause to appear suddenly or bril- liantly; to flash. 3. To shine with a rapid succession of gleams; to sparkle with light; to glitter. Anapanapa (a-na'-pa-na'-pa), n. 1. A species of red algae with gelati- nous branching fronds =E2=80=94 the Gelid- ium. Same as ekahakaha. 2. A species of soap-tree (Colubrina asiatica) the Hawaiian soapbark- tree, whose alkaline inner bark is used for soap: also known as ku- kiiku (Tahitian tutu). Anapanapa (a-na'-pa-na'-pa), n. Same as anapa. Anapanapa (a-nS'-pa-na'-pa), v. See anapa. Anapaona (a'-na,-p=C2=A7,'o-na), n. An in- strument for weighing; a pair of scales; a balance. Anapau (a'-na-pau), n. 1. The act of leaping or frisking; a prancing movement; a caper; a frolic; a dance. 2. A frolicker; a dancer. ANA 58 ANE Anapau (a'-na-pau), v. To dance; to frisk; to caper; to frolic. Anapu (a-na'-pu), n. See anapa. Anapu (a-na'-pu), v. See anapa. Anapunapu (a-na'-pu-na'-pii), n. See anapa. Anapunapu (a-na'-pu-na'-pii), v. See anapa. Anapuni (a'-na-pu'-ni), n. 1. The boundary line of a circle; circum- ference. 2. The bounding line of any plane figure; external boun- dary; perimeter. Anapuini (a'-na-pu'-ni), v. [Ana, to measure, and pun'i, around.] To bound the exterior of; to encircle; to environ; to encompass. Anapuu (a-na-pu'u), adj. Not straight; curved; bent; crooked. Anapuu (a-na-pu'u), n. 1. A curve or bend; something regarded as bent or crooked; a crook. 2. The curved or bent part of a thing. Anapuu (a-na-pu'u), v. To bend; to curve; to grow crooked; to be out of shape; to crook. Anatomia (a-na'-to-mi'a), n. 1. The science which treats of the struc- ture of organisms, especially that of the human body; also, a treatise on the subject; anatomy. 2. The art or practice of dissection. Anau (a-na'u), v. To move with measured steps; to amble rapidly; to rack; to pace. Anawaena (a'-na-wa'e-na), n. [Ana, measure, and waena, middle.] A line passing through the center of a circle, and terminated at the cir- cumference; diameter. Anawaenaloa (a'-na-wa'e-na-ld'a), n. [Anawaena, and loa, long.] The transverse diameter of an ellipse. Anawaenapoko (a'-na-wa'e-na-p6'-k6), n. [Anawaena, and poko, short.] The conjugate diameter of an el- lipse. Ane (a'-ne), adj. Eaten or bored through by moths; moth-eaten; hence, not heavy; light. Ane (a'-ne), adv. 1. With difficulty; barely; scarcely; not quite; hard- ly: Ane haalele ole ia ia; it hardly leaves him. 2. Within a little; al- most; nearly. Ane (a'-ne), n. 1. An insect of the mite order that eats wood. 2. The wood dust produced by this in- sect. 3. A skin disease manifest- ing itself usually in circular patches; the ringworm. Ane (a'-ne), v. To gnaw or penetrate; to eat, as a borer. Anea (a-ne'a), adj. Insipid; taste- less; unsavory. Anea (a-ne'a), n. 1. A disease of timber caused by the attacks of various fungi; the dry-rot. 2. A disease of potato-tubers attributed to fungi. 3. Inward or hidden cor- ruption, as of character or morals. 4. The apparent vibration of the air caused by the heat of the sun. Anea (a-ne'a), v. [Contraction of ane- ia. the passive form of ane.] 1. To be bored by insects; to be moth- eaten. 2. To be light, as moth- eaten wood. 3. To become worn out or worthless. Aneane (a'-ne-a'-ne), adj. 1. Faint; feeble; low; weak: he leo aneane; a faint voice. 2. Uttered at the time of dying; efading; closing; ex- piring. Aneane (a'-ne-a'-ne), adv. 1. Scarcely; hardly; not quite. 2. Nearly; al- most. See ane. Aneane (a'-ne-a'-ne), n. Lack of food; emptiness. Aneane (a'-ne-a'-ne), v. 1. To be ex- hausted, as with hunger; to be pinched or nipped by hunger; to be hunger-bitten. 2. To blow gently, as a light breeze. Anee (a-ne'e), adj. 1. Moving by jerks or under freque-nt interrup- tions; hitchy. 2. Moving about from place to place soliciting alms; go- ing about begging: He kanaka anee; a man going about begging (a beggar). Anee (a-ne'e), n. One who asks alms; especially, one who makes his liv- ing by going about from house to house begging; a beggar. Ane=C2=AB (a-ne'e'), v. 1. To move by jerks; to hobble; to hitch. 2. To ask alms especially, to make a practice of going about from house to house asking alms; to beg. Aneenee (a'-ne'e-ne'e), n. A small mat which is carried about from place to place and used to sit upon. Anehe (a-ne'-he), v. To be ready; to be on the alert; to be on the point of; to be about: Anehe aku la ia e kui; he was about to strike. ANE 59 ANI Anehenehe (a-ne'-he-ne'-he), n. Vio- lence; outrage; disorder; distur- bance, Anehenehe (a-ne'-he-ne'-he), v. [Freq: anehe.] To be prepared; to be ready; to be on the lookout. Aneho (a-ne'-ho), n. Any transgres- sion of law; any wrong or fault; an offense. Anei (a-ne'i), adv. 1. In or at this place; here: Mai anei aku; from here. 2. To this place; hither. Ua hele mai anei; he came hither. Anei (a-ne'i), adv. [Contraction of aenei.] 1. At or during the pres- ent time or period; just now: often applied to past action in vivid nar- ration. Ua ua anei? Has it rained just now? 2. At once; instantly; forthwith; immediately; now: E hele anei au? Shall I go now? The adverb anei is used interrogatively, but sometimes merely as an ex- pletive: e hele anei au ano? Shall I go now? See aenei. Anei (a-ne'i), v. 1. To return, as sound, especially when prolonged and in considerable volume; to re- verberate. 2. To cause to ring or sound loudly; to roll the sound of, as distant thunder; to peal. Syn: Nei. Anela (a-ne'-la), n. [Eng.] A messen- ger from heaven; an angel. Ancne (a-ne'-ne), n. Contraction of aneenee. Anetelopa (a'-ne-te-16'-pa), n. [Eng.] An antelope. Anetelope (a'-ne-te-15'-pe), n. [Eng. J Same as anetelopa. Aneto (a-ne'-to), n [Eng.] A small plant of the parsley family (Pim- pinella anisum) ; the anise. Anewa (a-ne'-wa), adj. Indulging in ease; lazy; slothful; listless. Anewa (a-ne'-wa), v. 'To be inactive; to be slothful; to be lazy. Anewa newa (a-ne'-wa-ne'-wa), v. 1. To move unsteadily to one side and the other in standing or walk- ing, as one intoxicated; to reel; to stagger. See kunewanewa. 2. To begin to give way; to hesitate; to doubt; to waver. Ani (a'-ni), adj. Drawing; dragging, as a net for fish: He upena ani, a dragging net (draw-net). Ani (a'-ni), v. 1. To pass over a sur- face, as the hand over a table. 2. To draw a net over the surface of the water. 3. To beckon one with the hand; to make signs secretly to one. 4. To blow softly, as a gentle breeze: Ke ani nei ka makani; the wind blows softly. Ania (a-ni'a), adj. 1. Smooth and even. 2. Burnt superficially; parch- ed; singed; scorched. Ania (a-ni'a), v. To be hard and smooth on the surface. 2. To burn superficially without consuming; to singe; to scorch. Aniani (a'-ni-a'-ni), adj. 1. Agree- able; cool; refreshing. 2. Soft; gentle. 3. Gently blowing; zephyr- like. Aniani (a'-ni-a'-ni), adv. Softly; gent- ly; quietly: Olu mai la ka hoi kahi makani e ko aniani mai nei; cool- ing is the breeze that gently blows. Aniani (a'-ni-a'-ni), n. 1. A glass; a mirror; a looking-glass: He aniani nana helehelena, he kilo kekahi inoa. Also known as kilo. 2. A gentle breeze; a zephyr. Aniani (a'-ni-a'-ni), v. To cool; to re- fresh one heated; to blow gently, as a wind: Aniani mai la ka ma- kani. Aniania (a-ni'a-ni'a), adj. 1. Smooth and even, as the surface of a planed board; smooth, as the sea in a calm. 2. Gently flowing; not ruf- fled; not obstructed. 3. Scorched; parched; singed; burnt superficial- ly. Syn: Ania. Ani ha (a-ni'-ha), v. 1. To be pro- voked at the mischief of one; to be angry at a person on account of ly- ing and deception. 2. To be hard- ened in crime; to be capable of committing any offense. 3. To act or do to excess. Anihaniha (a-ni'-ha-ni'-ha), adj. Ex- cessive; extreme; overmuch; un- due. Anihaniha (a-ni'-ha-ni'-ha), adv. Ap- proaching closely to a state, con- dition, or the like, but not quite reaching it; very nearly; approxi- mately; almost: Anihaniha makou e pae, a loaa ka makani. Anihinihl (a-ni'-hi-ni'-hi), adv. See anihaniha Anihinihl (a-ni'-hi-ni'-hi), n. The small tubers of the taro plant (Co- locasia antiquorum) that are at- tached to the rootstock. See oni- nihi. ANI 60 ANU Anini (a-ni'-ni), adj. Dwarfish; very small; inferior; stunted. Ano (a-no'), adv. At the present I time; at once; instantly; now. i Ano (a'-no), n. Fear of impending | danger; awe; dread: Ua kau mail ke ano iau la; fear fell upon me.: Ano (a'-no), n. 1. Likeness; resem- ' blance; image of a thing. 2. The meaning of a word or phrase. 3. The moral quality of an action, as good or evil, or the moral state of the heart. 4. The character of a person, as to his life and manners. 5. The explanation of a thing ob- , scure. Ano (a'-no), v. 1. To be frightened; to be stricken with sudden fear; to be overcome with awe: Ano wale; mai la no au. 2. To be silent; to be solitary, as a deserted village. Ano (a'-n6), v. To take a definite shape ; to have a form or appear- ance, j Anoa (a-n6'a), adv. (Obsolete.) Same j as ano. i Anoai (a'-n6-a'i), adv. It may be; pos- 1 sibly; perchance; peradventure; perhaps. Anoai (a'-n6-a'i), n. A form of salu- tation. Same as aloha. Anoano (a'-n6-a'-n6). adj. Solitary; still; retired; weird, Aohe lua o ka noho ana i ua kula anoano ka- naka ole nei. Anoano (a'-n6-a'-n6), n. 1. A solemn stillness. 2. A lonely place; a sacred, hallowed place. Anoano (a'-n6-a'-n6), n. 1. Seeds; the seeds of fruit, as apple. 2. Se- men. 3. Progeny; offspring. Anoe (a-n6-e'), v. To be unlike in any respect; to be of a different state, condition, or the like; to be dissimilar. Anoho (a-n6'-h6), n. An ancient ta- bu enforced when a chief was about to go into or come out of his bath. It was an offense punishable by death to stand or remain standing as a chief entered into or emerged from his bath. Anoi (a-no'i), n. A vehement desire; a longing; a craving: Ka anoi e loaa. Anoi (a-no'i), v. To de-sire very strongly; to covet . Anoiani (a'-n6-la'-ni), adj. [Ano, char- acter, and lani, heaven.] Of heaven- ly character; good; noble; pure; celestial: he kino anoiani, a ce- lestial body. Anonanona (a-no'-na-no'-na), n. 1. The ant. Syn: Nonanona. 2. The name of a periodical formerly printed in Hawaii, also called no- nanona. Anoni (a-no'-ni), n. Tapa made by beating in bits of different colored tapa. Anoni (a-no'-ni), v. 1. To mix to- gether, as several ingredients of food. 2. To interweave; to inter- twine; to interlace, as the threads or filaments of a woven fabric. 3. To render impure or incorrect by changes or errors; to debase the quality of; to corrupt. 4. To weigh in the mind; to mediate or reflect upon; to ponder. 5. To be agitated with anxiety; to be troubled in mind. 6. To hesitate to accept as true or certain; to doubt. Anon'inoni (a-n6'-ni-n6'-ni), adj. Un- certain; doubtful. He ola anoni- noni, an uncertain life. Anoninoni (a-n6'-ni-n6'-ni), v. To be undecided; to waver in opinion; to doubt. See anoni. Anononi (a'-n6-n6'-ni), v. To doubt; to hesitate; to be in suspense; to falter. See anoni. Anu (a'-nQ), adj. Lacking heat or warmth; of low temperature; cold; frigid: Ka poai anu, the frigid zone. Anu (a'-nu), n. The absence of heat or warmth; chilliness; cold: Ua make au i ke atiu; I am dead with the cold. Anu (a'-nu), v. To be cold; to feel cold: Ua anu au i kahi kapa ole; 1 am cold without clothes. Anua (a-nu'a), n. A heap, as of mats piled one upon another; a mass of anything thrown together in one place; a pile. Anuanu (a'-nii-a'-nii), adj. See anu. Anuanu (a'-nu-a'-nu), n. See anu. Anuenue (a-nti'e-nu'e), n. An arch of light exhibiting the spectrum colors in their order; the rainbow. Anuhe (a-nu'-he), n. A worm that feeds chiefly on leaves and vege- tables; the larva of insects; the caterpillar. See enuhe, peeiua, po- ko. Anuhenuhe (a-nu'-he-nu'-he), adj. 1. Not completely cooked; not cooked sufficiently to lose its redness and ANU 61 AOA juices; underdone; rare. 2. Of poor quality; rank; bad; stale: Ai anuhenuhe; stale food. 3. Con- tracted into ridges and furrows; puckered; wrinkled: Anuhenuhe ka ili i ke anu ; the skin is wrinkled with cold. Anuhenuhe (a-nu'-he-nG'-he), n. 1. The' state or quality of being rare or underdone; rareness: Ka anu- henuhe o ka pipi; the rareness of beef. 2. The quality or state of be- ing stale; staleness; rankness. 8. A wrinkle or group of wrinkles; a pucker, as of the skin from cold. 4. a species of fish (Kyphosus fus- cus). It is more generally known as nenue or manaloa. Anulu (a-nu'-lii), v. Incorrect form of alunu. Anunenune (a-nu'-ne-nu'-no), v. See anoninoni. Anunu (a-nu'-nu), adj. See alunu. Anunu (a-nu'-nu), n. A corruption of alunu. Anuu (a-nu'u), n. 1. A frame struc- ture in a sacred enclosure, about 24 feet high and 18 feet square, en- closed with white oloa tapa tied to its small rafters (aho). 2. A high structure in a heiau (temple) ad- joining the right side of the pae- humu (enclosure of images). 3. (Obsolete.) A ship: a term former- ly applied to a seagoing vessel: No ka naaupo ua kapaia aku e makou ka moku he anuu. 4. A jog in a wall. 5. Stairs or steps for as- cending a height: Anuu wili, wind- ing stairs. 6. A ledge of rocks. 7. Jogs or steps in ascending a steep place. 8. A tone in music; the in- terval of a major second. 9. A violent straining of the ligaments of a joint; a sprain, 10. A misstep or stumble occasioned by losing the balance or striking the foot against an object; a false or wrong step, actual or figurative; a slip; an error. Anuu (a-nu'u). v. 1. To sprain, as the ligaments of a joint: Hina au a anuu kuu kua; I fell and sprained my back. 2, To make a false step; to trip; to stumble; to mis- step. Anuuhapa (a-nu'u-ha'-pa), n. [Anuu, a tone, and hapa, half.] An inter val in music approximately equal to half a major tone on the scale; a semi-tone; a half-tone. Anuunuu (a-nu'u-nu'u), adj. 1. Hav- ing steps like stairs; provided or made with steps: He alanui a'nuu- nuu; a road made with steps. 2. Having a wave-motion; wavy; vi- brating; undulating: He leo anuu- nuu, a vibrating tone. Anuunuu (ilnu'u-nu'u), n. 1. Stairs; steps for ascending or descending. 2. A plaid, a garment. 3. In music, a vibrato, a tremolo. Anuunuu (a-nu'u-nu'u), v. 1. To strike; to beat; to pound. 2. To give a wavy motion to; to cause to vibrate; to undulate. Ao (ao), adj. Informed; instructed; enlightened. Ao (a-o), n. 1. Food, such as taro or potatoes, that is baked and dried: often preserved for use in time of scarcity or famine. 2. Pilotbread; ship-biscuit; hardtack. 3. A col- lection of watery particles floating in the air; a cloud. The Hawaiian astrologers classified the clouds ac- cording to their natural or phe- nomenal appearances as portraying omens of good fortune and pros- perity or of misfortune and disaster. 4. The light of day; daylight. 5. The time of sunlight between two nights; daytime; day. 6. The earth; the world. 7. A new shoot or bud on a plant; also, a protuberance containing an axis with its appen- dages in an early or undeveloped state; a bud. A kupu, a lau, a loa, a ao, a muo, a liko. Ao (a'o), n. The bird (Himatione sanguinea). See akakane, and apane, Ao (ao), v. 1. To grow light or bright; to be or become light or day. 2. To begin to grow light in the morning; to break, as the day; to dawn. 3. To come into action or a realization of the truth, as after a state of indifference or the like; to become alert; to wake. 4. To take notice of; to regard with attention; to mind; to heed. 5. To develop shoots from buds or seeids; to germinate; to sprout. 6 To become overcast as with clouds; to cloud. Aoa (a'5-a), adj. 1. Wailing; howl- ing. 2. V^ocif erous ; clamorous. 3. AOA 62 AOL Expressing sorrow; mournful; la- mentable. Aoa (a-o'-a), n. A species of terres- trial pulmonata, a small variegated land-snail found mostly on the leaves of the* akolea fern and other forest undergrowths. Aoa (a-6'a), n. 1. A small evergreen tree (Santalum freycinetianum) ; a sandalwood tree. 2. The fragrant wood of the genus Santalum; san- dalwood. Also known as iliahi. Aoa (a'o-a), n. 1. The cry of a wolf or of a dog in distress; a howl. 2. The act of lamenting or bewailing; a sorrowful or wailing cry; lamen- tation; bewailment. Aoa (a'o-a), v. 1. To cry like a dog or a wolf; to howl. 2. To give a hollow cry of distress or grief; to wail. 3. To grieve; to mourn; to lament. Aoakua (a'5-a-kii'a), n. 1. A lonely place, generally barren and se- cluded; an unfrequented region supposed to be the haunt of the spirits. 2. A desolate place; an uninhabited or haunted locality; a desert. See waoakua. Aoao (a'6-a'o), n. 1. Any one of the bounding lines of a surface; side; boundary. 2. A way, habit, or man- ner peculiar to one's life; a mode of living; a course of life. Aoao (a'o-a'o), n. A plan laid for the accomplishment of some unworthy object; a conspracy; a plot. Aoao a'o-a'o), v. 1. To perform re-- peatedly; to accustom; to practise. 2. To impart knowledge; to in- struct; to teach. 3. To lay plans for the accomplishment of some un- worthy object; to conspire; to plot. Aoaoa (ao-a'o-a), n. [Mod.] An imi- tative word meaning a dog. Aoaoa (a-o'a-o'a), n. A sea breeze that blows gently toward land, especially over Honolulu. Aoaonui (a'o-a'o-nu'i), n. 1. A spe- cies of fish (Abudefduf sordidus). Called also kupipi and oonui, Aoaowela (a'o-a'o-we'-la), n. Same as awela. AoaWihiwihiula (ao-a'-wi-hi-wi-hi-u-la), n. A cumulus cloud having a pink- ish or ruddy tint. Aoe (a-o'e), adv. No; not; not at all; by no means. Syn: Aole, aohe. Aoe (a-6'e), v. To make a succes- sion of quick, gentle sounds, such as are caused by friction; to rustle; to ripple. See oe, owe. Aohe (a-o'-he), adv. No; not; not at all; by no means. Syn: Aoe, aole. Aohehoi (a-o'-he-ho'i), adv. Not so. Aoheio (a-6'-he-i*o), adv. 1. Certain- ly not; really not; not so. Interro- gatively, it is sometimes used to denote a possibility. 2. Is it like- ly? Is it possible? Aoheiohoi (a-o'-he-i*o-ho*i), adv. Cer- tainly not so; really not so. Aohele (a'o-he'-le), v. 1. To teach as one travels; to instruct as one goes from place to place; to preach while traveling. 2. To proclaim; to declare; to publish, as a law. Aoheokanamai (a-o'-he-6-ka'-na-ma'i) , adv. 1. Beyond the range of vision; to an extent or degree beyond the actual or conceivable. 2. Exceed- ing in quality or quantity beyond conception; surpassingly. Aohoku (a'o-ho-ku'), n. 1. Astron- omy. 2. Instruction in the science of astronomy. 3. An astronomer. Aohoku (a'o-ho-ku'), v. To teach about stars; to instruct in the science of astronomy. Aolkl (ao-I'-ki), n. Small clouds bank- ed along the horizon. Syn: Kiike- aoiki. Aoka (a-o'-ka), v. To be chewed or masticated into fine particles; to be crushed or ground to powder. Aokaaoka (a'-o'-ka-a-o'-ka), n. 1. A minute part, piece, or portion of matter; a particle. 2, Crumbs; fragment; morsel. 3. Lees; dregs. Aokaaoka (a'-o'-ka-a-o'-ka), v. Same as aoka. Aokahaea (a'o-ka'-ha-e'a), n. A vari- gated cloud, usually a sign of storm and supposed to be the foreshadow of some dis-^ster; a raincloud. Aokaoka (a-o'-ka-o'-ka), v. See aoka. Aoku (ao-ku'), n. A cloud which quickly condenses, as it rises, and forms into rain; a cloud foreshad owing a short or light shower usually accompanied with sunshine Aole (a-6'-le), adv. Same as aohe Not. Aoleeole (a-o'-le-e-o'-le), adv. [Lit It cannot be not.] 1. It cannot but be. 2. It cannot be otherwise without a doubt. Aolehoina (a-o'-le-ho-i'-na), n. A part ing wish, salute, or compliment AOL 63 APA implying uncertainty of return; a good-by; an adieu. Aoleiohoi (a-o'-le-i'o-ho'i), adv. See aohelohci. Aolepaha (a-6'-le-pa'-ha), adv. 1. Per- haps not; possibly not. 2. It may not be; likely not. Aoloa (a'o-lo'a), n. 1. A high cloud, as distinguished from aopoko or low cloud. 2. One who holds a high post; a distinguished person. 3. Stratus clouds, such as are seen along the horizon. Aomilo (a'-o-mi-16), v. To cause abor- tion by the use of the a. See omilo. Aone (a-6'-ne), adj. Having the char- acter of dirt mixed with sand; cov- ered with sand; sandy. Aone (a-o'-ne), n. 1. Fine rock ma- terial mixed with decaye-d vege- table or animal matter; loose soil. 2. Loose earth, whether mixed with sand or not; fine dirt, re- sembling the grains of sand. Aono (a-o'-n6), adj. Consisting of one more than five; twice three; six: a cardinal numeral. Syn: Eono. Aonoka (a-6'-n6-ka'). adv. Not very lately; very long ago; very long since; not just now. Aonuihoolakolako (a'o-nu'i-ho'o-la'-k6- la'-k6), n. 1. A cloud presenting the appearance of irregularly rounded white heaps or masses; a cumulus. 2. A cloud appearing at night in masses of white pillars, which was regarded by the tillers of the soil as an augury of pros- perity. Aoo (a-o'o), adj. Having attained full development of one's powers and character; highly developed; matured Aoo (a-6'-6'), n. A sharp instrument made of smooth polished bone, used in bleeding or in procuring abor- tion, and in the treatment of cer- tain diseases of the blood. See* ko- holua. Aoonohi (a'6-o-no'-hi), n. A cloud which appears to refract the rays of light and to predict the approach of a storm; a raincloud. Aoopua (a'o-6-pu'a), n. Any sharp- pointed or arrow-shaped cloud. Aopoko (a'o-po'-k6), n. 1. A low cloud. 2. One who occupies a low station in life; a person of little distinction or low character. Aouli (a'6-u'-li), n. 1. The firma- ment; the sky. 2. The blue vault or arch of heaven that appears to bend over the earth. Apa (a'-pa), adj. 1. Meddling; offi- cious; mischievous, as a child. 2. Careless ;_ awkward; blundering. 3. Slow; tardy. Syn: Aapa. Apa (a-pa'), n. A roll; a bundle; a ream, as of paper; a bolt, as of cloth. Apaa (a-pa'a), n. 1. A strong steady tradewind. 2. Name of a region or section of land on the side of the mountain below the mau or waok^- naka. See mau and waokanaka. Apaapa (a'-pa-a'-pa), adj. 1. Unset- tled; unstable; irresolute. 2. Un- truthful; deceitful; false; tricky: he kanaka apaapa; a deceitful per- son. 3. Carele-ss; awkward; blun- dering. 4. Slow; tardy. Apaapa (a'-pa-a'-pa), n. 1. Guile; de- ceit; evil, in any sense. 2. That which is untrue or false, as opposed to stability and truth: haalele i ka oiaio no ka apaapa; forsook the truth for that which is false. 3. One who freque-ntly changes posi- tion or situation through caprice; a capricious person. Apaapa (a'-pa-a'-pa), v. To be evilly disposed; to be' treacherous; to be mischievous; to deceive. Apaapaa (a-pa'a-pa'a), adj. Firm; hard; compact; solid, as a well- built road: he alanui apaapaa. Apaapaa (a-pa'a-pa'a), n. 1. A strong wind that blows at times off the northern coast of Kohala. See apaa. 2. A variety of lobster; a marine crustacean. Apaapa'ni (a-pa'a-pa'-ni), n. A speech in opposition; a quick reply, as in a verbal controversy. Apaapani (a-pa'a-pa'-ni), v. 1. To en- gage in a verbal controversy over; to oppose or overwhelm with words; to reply quickly, as in a wordy combat. 2. To be so over- come with words as to cause one to forget the subject of dispute. Apahu (a-pa'-hii),adj. Brought prom- inently to notice, as by some dis- tinguishing mark; marked: Nani na kanaka apahu. Apahu (a-pa-hu'), n. 1. The sudden bursting forth of a sound. 2. A sudden explosion; a detonation. APA 64 API Apahu (a-pa'-hu), n. 1. A piece, as of wood, cut off or in two. 2, A clean cut made at right angles with the plane of the object that is cut off. 3. A species of fish (Ranzania makua. Also known as makua. Apahu (a-pa'-hii), v. 1. To cut up; to cut off square, as a piece of tim- ber. 2. To cut in pieces; to cut in two; to chop off. 3. To fill to dis- tention by crowding food into one's mouth; to cram; to pack full; to stuff. Apai (a-pa'i), n. A round bag-shaped net of very fine mesh, usually made of the ieie (Preycinetia arnotti) fibre, which is used for catching the opae (shrimp) and oopu (Ele- otris sandwicensis). Apakau (a'-pa-ka'u), v. 1. To seize upon; to lay hold of; to hold on to. 2. To disturb; to disarrange; to displace. 3. To act without judg- ment; to be improvident. Apali (a-pa'-li), v. To be bold or im- pertinent in the presence of a su- perior or a stranger. (Obsolete.) Apalipall (a-pa'-li-pa'-li'), v. 1. To hurry; to make haste; to hasten: E apalipali i kou mau kapuai. hasten your footsteps. 2. To be bold or impertinent in the presence of a superior or a stranger. See apali. 3. To be superior or dis- tinguished; to surpass others; to excel, properly in something good or praiseworthy: Apalipali o Maui, o Maui no ka oi. A pan a (a-pa'-na), n. 1. A fragment; a patch; a portion; a piece; a slice: Apana uuku, little piece. 2. A di- vision of country; a district. Apana o Ewa; district of Ewa. 3. The part of a circle bounded by two radii and the arc subtended by them ; a sector. Apanapoai (a-pa'-na-p6-a'i), n. [Apa- na, a sector, and poal, to surround.] The part of a circle included with- in a chord and its arc; a segment. Apane (a-pa'-ne), adj. Reddened, as by a sudden suffusion of blood; flushed; blushing. Apane (a-pa'-ne), n. 1. A drepani- dine bird (Himatione sanguinea), much valuexi for its red feathers. Same as apapani. 2. A species of the ohia or lehua (Metrosideros polymorpha), having red blossoms: also known as ohia apane, ohia le- hua, or lehua puakea. Apani (a-pa'-ni), v. To go from house to house tattling and doing noth- ing; to go about idly. He mea hele kauhale e apani ana ia hale aku ia hale aku. Apanipani (a-pa'-ni-pa'-ni), v. To go about without aim or purpose. See apani. Apapa (a-pa'-pa), n. 1. A strong wind that blows at times off the northern coast of Kohala. See apaapaa. 2. A shallow place in the sea, usually a coral bed where fish abound. See hapapa. Apapa (a-pa'-pa), v. See apaapa. Apapalani (a'-pa-pa-la'-ni), n. The heavens and its spiritual powers. Apapane (a'-pa-pa'-ne), n. A drepa- nidine bird (Himatione sanguinea). See apane. Apapanuu (a-pa-pa-nu*u), n. The un- derworld and its spiritual powers. Ape (a'-pe), n. A species of plant (Alocasia macrorrhiza), formerly used as food in times of scarcity: also known as apii. Apeape (a'-pe-a'-pe), adj. Like a spring; elastic; flexible; limber. Apeape (a'-pe-a'-pe), n. A variety of the ape (Gunnera petaloidea), hav- ing very large leaves and growing at high elevations. Also known as ape lau nui. Apeapea (a-pe'a-pe*a), n. See opea- pea. Apeepee (a-pe'e-pe'e), n. A species of the Hawaiian algae (Laurencia pin- natifida) commonly known as li- peepee. Aperila (a-pe-ri'-la). n. [Eng.] April; th=C2=AB fourth month in the English calendar year . Apeu (a-pe'u), n. A mat of very poor grade, quality, or texture. Apeupeu (a-pe'u-pe'u), adj. 1. Having no proper texture, as a mat. 2. Lacking in good qualities, or the qualities that render a thing valu- able, or sufficient for its purpose; bad; poor. Api (a'-pi), n. 1. The gills of a fish. Syn: Mahamaha. 2. The fins of a fish, which serve to propel, balance, or steer it in water. 3. A palpita- tion; a throb; a beat. 4. A round bag-shaped net of very fine mesh. Syn: Apai. 5. A species of flat fish API 65 APO (Platophrys pantherinus) =E2=80=94 Also known as pakii. Api (a'-pi), V. To strike at, with or as with a flap; to flap. 2, To trem- ble; to shake; to quiver. 3. To palpitate; to throb; to beat, as the pulse. 4. See opi. Apiapi (a'-pi-a'-pi), n. The breathing of the air dissolved in water, as a fish does. Apli (a-pi'i), n. 1. A variety of taro (Colocasia antiquorum) which re- sembles the lauloa. 2. A species of plant (Alocasia macrorrhiza. Same as ape or apeape. Apiipii (a-pi'i-pi'i), adj. Having curls; wavy; crimpy; crinkly; curly: lauoho apiipii, curly hair. Apiipii (a'-pi'i-pi'i), n. Same as apli. Apikapika (a-pi'-ka-pi'-ka), adj. Char- acterized by or marked with spots; spotted. See opikopiko. Apiki (a-pi'-ki), adj. 1. Addicted to roguish tricks; roguish; mischie- vous. 2. Skilful in deceiving others; artful; cunning; crafty. 3. Aiming or tending to deceive; false; tricky; deceitful. Apiki (a-pi'-ki), n. 1. A thoroughly dishonest and unprincipled person; a trickster; a scoundrel; a rogue. 2. An idle, sturdy beggar; a roving vagabond ; a vagrant of either sex. 3. Sleight; cunning; craft. Apiki (a-pi'-ki), n. A shrub of the genus Sida, having yellow flowers. Same as ilima. Apiki (a-pi'-ki), v. 1. To be unfair; to be unscrupulous. 2. To amuse one's self at the expense of an- other; to be roguish; to act mis- chievously. 3. To beg; to live at the expense of others. Aplklpiki (a-pi'-ki-pi'-ki), n. 1. The state of being agitated, physically or mentally; disturbance; agita- tion. 2. A fold or doubling; a folding; a plait or pleat. AplkipikI (a-pi'-ki-pi'-ki), n. Varie- gated or spotted tapa. Apikipiki (a-pi'-ki-pi'-ki), v. 1. To fold up; to lay in plaits; to lay or bend over upon itself. 2. To spread out one upon another for the pur- pose of folding, as tapa; to fold in strips; to double in narrow folds; to plait or pleat. 3. To be trou- bled; to be agitated. See opiopi. Apipi (a-pi'-pi), adj. 1. United; brought or joined together. 2. Having two of a sort together; composed of two; coupled; dou- ble; he waa apipi, a double ca- noe. Apo (a-p6'), n. A variety of sweet potato. Apo (a'-p6), n. 1. The act of catch- ing; grasping, or seizing; a catch. 2. The hand fully extended as though about to span or encircle some- thing; a span. 3. A clasping in the arms ; an embrace. 4. The act of re- ceiving, admitting, or welcoming others. 5. Acceptance; admission; reception. 6. The art or process of taking into the mind; mental ac- ceptance. 7. A hoop; a band: Apo hao, iron hoop. 8. The parenthe- sis. 9. An ornamental ring, band, or chain encircling the wrist or arm; a bracelet. 10. A ring or hook passed through the lobe of the ear; earring. 11. A circle. 12. A strap or band for the waist; a girdle; a belt. 13. The union of the malar or cheek bone with the temporal bone. Apo (a'-p6), V. 1. To receive and hold; to grasp and retain; to catch. 2. To span or reach around; to encircle in measurement with the extended hand; to put one's arm around. 3. To admit to one's presence or company; to welcome; to greet. 4. To accept, receive, or take; to adopt; to embrace. 5. To perceive mentally; to comprehend; to understand. Apoapo (a'-p6-a'-p6), n. 1. The act of catching; the act of grasping or seizing; a catch. 2. A sudden or violent attack; a fit or spell; a seizure. 3. The state of being agitated, physically or mentally; disturbance; agitation. 4. A rapid throbbing or fluttering movement of the heart; a palpitation. 5. A bunch, as of taro; a hill, as of po- tatoes: he apoapo, he apuepue. Apoapo (a'-p6-a'-p6), v. 1. To draw the earth about or over (plants) in mounds; to surround with earth; to hill: E apoapo i ka uala; hill the potatoes. See puepue. 2. To catch at frequently; to snatch or scramble for. 3. To come upon or affect suddenly; to begin suddenly and powerfully to act upon; to seize, as fear: Apoapo ka naau 1 ka makau. 4. To be agitated; to APO 66 APU be troubled: Apoapo ka oili. 5. To palpitate; to throb; to beat: Apoapo a lelele ka oili. Apogula (a'-p6-gu'-la), n. [Apo, ring, and gula, gold.] 1. A gold finger- ring. 2. A gold bracelet. 3. A gold earring. Apohao (a'-p6-ha'o), n, [Apo, hoop, and hao, iron.] 1. An iron hoop or band. See apo. 2. Formerly a name of the king's guard. Apokau (a'-p6-ka'u), v. See apakau. Apoke (a-po'-ke), n. A short piece cut or broken off. Apoke (a-p6'-ke), v. [A, and poke, short.] To cut up into short pieces. Apolima (a'-p6-li'-ma), n. [Apo, ring, and lima, hand.] 1. An ornamental band, ring, or chain encircling the wrist or arm; a bracelet, a finger- ring. 2. A signet. Apono (a-p6'-n6), v. 1. to regard as worthy of acceptance, commenda- tion, or favorable attention; to treat, receive, or present with fa- vor; to approve. 2. To give sanc- tion to, as by official act; to rati- fy; to confirm. 3. To show to be just; to prove to be proper, right, or lawful; to justify. 4. To give assent to; to agree; to accept. Aponoia (a'-p6-n6-i'a), adj. 1. Ap- proved; ratified; confirmed; justi- fied. 2. Accepted; agreed; adopt- ed. Apoo (a-po'o), n. 1. One who gads continually or habitually; a gad- der; a gadabout. 2. That which shelters from injury or annoyance. Apoo (a-po*o), V. 1. To go from house to house, doing no work; to go about idly for diversion or idle curiosity: to gad. 2. To hide; to be under cover; to seek shelter, as from rain: Ua apoo hele i kauhale i ka ua. Apoopoo (a-po'o-po'o), n. 1. A deep cavity; a hollow. 2, The sole; the hollow part of a horse's hoof. Apopepeiao (a'-p6-pe-pe'i-ao), n. [Apo, a ring, and pepeiao, ear.] A ring for the ear; an earring. Apopo (a'-p6-p6), adv. On the day after today; on the next following day; on the morrow; tomorrow: Hele kakou apopo; we go tomor- row. Apopo (a'-p6-p6). n. [A, until, po, to vanish, and po, night.] Lit. Until night vanishea, hence: 'the next day afted the present one; the next succeeding day; the morrow; tomorrow. Apu (a'-pu), n. 1. A small drinking- vessel, usually made of coconut shell; a cup. He apu ka iwi o ka niu. 2. Any hollow vessel of what- ever shape, size, or material, used for serving food at meals; a cup or bowl; a dish. 3. The contents of a cup. 4. Figuratively, any un- usual affliction or pleasure; lot. 5. The act or process of devouring. 6. Destructive action, especially operating with violence; ruin; desolation; ravage: ke apu a ka niuhi. the ravages of the- man-eater (shark). 7. A file; a rasp. See apuapu. Apu (a'-pii), V. To eat up greedily or ravenously; to devour. 2. To destroy wantonly; to make away with violently or recklessly; to waste. 3. To lay waste by devour- ing or some other destructive meth- od; to ravage: Apu ka niuhi i ka moana; the man-eater (shark) ravages the ocean. Apua (a-pu'a), n. 1. A bag-shaped net of very fine mesh; usually made of the poniu fibre, which is used for catching the opae (shrimp) and opu (Eleotris sandwicensis). See apai. 2. One who disobeys or dis- regards the orders of his chief. Apua (a-pu'a), v. To be disloyal; to disregard or disobey, as the orders of a chief. Apuapaleleo (a-pu'a-pa'-le-le'o), n. One who disobeys the commands of a chief or priest. Same as apua (2). Apuapaleleo (a-pii'a-pS,'-le-le'o), v. [Apua, to disobey, pale, to reject, and leo, voice.] To disobey or dis- regard, as the orders of a chief. Same as apua. Apuapu (a'-pii-a'-pu), n. A file; a rasp. Apuapu (a'-pu-a'-pii). v. To cut or smooth with a file; to reduce or sharpen with a file; to file. Apuauhuhu (a'-pu-au'-hu'-hu), n. [Apu, cup, auhuhu, the fish-poison plant (Tephrosia piscatoria).] A cup for containing the auhuhu; hence, a cup of poison. Apuawa (a'-pii-a'-wa), n. [Apu, cup, and awa, a plant (Piper methysti- APU 67 AU cum) of the pepper family.] A cup containing beverage prepared from this plant; a cup of awa, Apuepue (a-pu'e-pu'e), adv. With dif- ficulty; barely; not quite; scarcely. Apuepue (a-pu'e-pii'e), n. 1. Any contest for advantage or superior- ity; rivalry; strife. 2. The state or quality of being difficult; the condition of a work or task as greatly beset with obstacles, hin- drances, or perplexities; difficulty: He hana me ka apuepue, a work of difficulty. Apuepue (a-pu'e-pu'e), v. 1. To force; to solicit one of the other sex. See pue, 2. To strive; to contend; to struggle: Apuepue na kanaka i ka ai i ka manawa wi. Apuka (a-pu'-ka), n. 1. The practices of a swindler; defrauding; swind- ling. 2. A fraudulent schemer; a cheat; a defrauder; a swindler. 3. One who comits forgery; a forger, 4. The act of falsely mak- ing or materially altering, with in- tent to defraud, any writing which, if genuine, might be of legal effi- cacy or the foundation of a legal liability; forgery. Apuka (a-pii'-ka), v. To deprive of something dishonestly; to cheat; to defraud. 2. To cheat and de- fraud grossly or with deliberate artifice; to swindle. 3. In law, to make a false and fraudulent imi- tation of something which, if gen- uine, would import legal efficacy; to forge. Apukoheoheo (a'-pu-ko-he'o-he'o), n. [Apu, cup, and koheoheo, deadly.] A cup containing a mixture of sev- eral 'poisonous ingredients, princi- pally auhuhu (Tephrosia pisca- toria) and awa (Piper methysti- cum): a cup of poison prepared for the purpose of suicide or for the execution of criminals: Eia ka apu- koheoheo, he wahi mea ola ia. Apulu (a-pu'-lu), adj. 1. Used, as a garment; hence much used and showing the results of wear; worn. 2. Used until without value for its purpose; worn-out: applied to in- animate objects. O ua moku apu- lu, luhi i ke pahonohono. Apulu (a-pu'-lu), n. That which is worn or used and shows the re- sults of wear; anything worn out by continual use or attrition; hence, ruins; relics; remains. Apulu (a-pii'-lu), V. To be impaired by continual use or attrition; to be worn out: Ua apulu ka moena. the mat is worn out. Apuni (a-pu'-ni), n. 1. An angry or noisy dispute or quarrel; an alter- cation; a wrangle. 2. A day fur- nishing an unfavorable omen, as to one's enemies; an inauspicious or ill-omened day: E hee ai kou hoa palo ia oe, no ka mea o apuni keia la, he la hee. Apuni (a-pu'-ni), v. To dispute angri- ly or noisily; to quarrel noisily and contentiously; to brawl; to altercate; to wrangle. Apuupuu (a-pu'u-pu'u), adj. 1. Having the surface broken abruptly; rug- ged; uneven; rough: He alanui apuupuu; a rough road. 2. Full of hills or hillocks; hillocked or hil- locky; hilly: He aina apuupuu; a hilly region. Apuupuu (a-pu'u-pu'u), n. 1. A small hill or mound; a hillock; hence, any rough or uneven surface. 2. Ruggedness; unevenness; rough- ness. Apuwai (a'-pQ-wa'i), n. [Apu, cup, and wai, water.] 1. A variety of the taro (Colocasia antiquorum) whose cup-shaped leaves collect water. 2. A cup of liquid food, or medi- cine. Aredea (a-re-de'a), n. The heron. Areza (a-re'-za), n. A large tree of the pine family; the cedar or fir. Asario (a-sa-ri'-o), n. A farthing. Au (au'), n. 1. A continuous move- ment in the same direction in the midst of the ocean; a tide; a cur- rent. 2. A circular motion, such as caused by an eddy in a river or ocean, or produced by a circular movement of the arm. 3. The fibrous arrangement of the parti- cles in wood or other vegetable sub- stance, determining its hardness, smoothness, etc.; a grain. 4. A series, succession, or train of thought or opinion. Au (aiS), n. 1. A period or space of time. 2. A definite portion of dura- tion, whether past, present, or fu- ture, considered as that in which something may happen; a duration of time, more or less definitely designated by the reign or the AU 68 AUA lifetime of a king: I ke au o Kala- niopuu, in the time (reign or life- time) of Kalaniopuu. Au (a'u), n. 1. A species of fish (Xiphias gladius) having the bones of the upper jaw consolidated to form an elongated sword-like process; a sword-fish. 2. A vol- canic lava, spongy or cellular from bubbles of steam or gas which it contained during liquidity, used as a polishing-material; a pumice stone. Its poroaity renders it so exceedingly light that when dry it floats readily on the surface of water, sinking only when thor- oughly saturated. Owing to this property it is found very widely diffused over the ocean bed and is obtained in regions of active volcanoes, such as the Hawaiian islands, the Lipari Islands, etc. Au (au), n. 1. The part of an object intended to be grasped with he hand in lifting or using it; a helve; a handle. 2. The staff or shaft of a weapon. 3. A viscid, bitter fluid secreted by the liver; gall; bile. 4. A term applied to a tract of land inshore, suitable for cultivation, as distinguishe-d from kaha, a narrow strip bordering on the seacoast, usually barren and not adapted to food production. A place; a region; a district; a country. It is seldom used as a separate word, but gener- ally as a prefix to some other quali- fying or limiting word: he auakua, a place of gods. Au (au), pron. I, the nominative case singular of the personal pro- noun of the first person; the pro- noun by which the speaker or writer designates himself. When preceded by the emphatic o, as o au, it takes the form wau for the sake of euphony. A'u (written and pronounced a'u). pron. One of the forms of the possessive case singular of the per- sonal pronoun of the first person: my; of or by me. Au (au), pron. One of the forms of the possessive case singular of the personal pronoun of the second per- son: you or yours; of or by you. Au (aii'), V. 1. To move through wa- ter by natural means of propulsion; to swim. 2. To float on the sur- face of water. 3. To accelerate the movement or action of; to ex- pedite; to hurry. 4. To appear to go round and round; to seem to reel. 5. To have a craving wish, appetite, or desire; to yearn; to long for. 6. To ponder; to medi- tate; to reflect. 7. To be com- pletely occupied; to be fully en- grossed. Aua (au'-a), adj. Close; stingy; pe- nurious. Aua (a-u'a), n. 1. A species of milk- fish (Chanos chanos). Also called awa, awa-awa, awa kalamoku, and awa kalamoho. 2. The note of the bird alala (Corvus tropicus). Aua (a-u'-a), n. Stinginess; close- ness; penuriousness. Aua (a-u-'a), v. To dislike to part with; to be close or stingy; to with- hold or keep back; to retain. Auae (au-a'e), adj. Skilled in the use of the bodily or mental powers; ready or skillful in emergencies; adroit; dexterous; expert; clever. Auae (au-a'e), n. 1. Laziness; in- dolence; indifference or indisposi- tion to work. 2. One who spends time idly. Auae (au-a'e), n. The central and anterior part of the lower jaw be- low the mouth; the chin. Syn: Auwae. Auae (au-a'e), v. To be lazy; to be indolent; to be indifferent or indis- posed to work; to spend time idly, Auaepuu (a'li-a'e-pu'u), v. To be lazy; to be indolent; to be indifferent or indisposed to work. Syn: Auae. Auakua (a'u-a-kii'a), n. 1. A lonely place, generally barren and seclud- ed; an unfrequented region sup- posed to be the haunt of the spirits, etc. 2. A desolate place; an unin- habited or haunted locality; a desert. Aualii (a'u-a-li'i), n. A tabu sacred to Kamalalawalu (often called Ka- ma for brevity), who was an an- cient chief of Maui. It was called kapu akua (god's kapu), and its violation involved the death penal- ty: O ka noekolo aualii kapu o Kama. Aualo (au-a'-16), n. A shed adjoining the front or veranda of a house; an outhouse, generally used for storing canoes and other property. Auamo (au-a'-mo), n. 1. A stick or pole use-d in carrying burdens AUA 69 AUH across the shoulders. 2. A yoke; a palanquin. Called also aumaka and mamaka. 3. A burden; a ser- vice: He mama kau auamo, my burden is light. Auamo (au-a'-m6), v. To carry, as a burden, on the shoulders or back by means of a stick; to convey on a pole across the shoulders. Auamoe (a'u-a-m5'e), v. To carry an extra heavy burden causing one to bend under its weight; to bear a very heavy load as to cause a sprain or bruise of the shoulder or neck. Auana (au-a'-na), adj. Scattering, wandering, dispersed. Auana (au-a'-na), v. See auwana. Auanei (a'u-a-ne'i), adv. 1. Soon; by and by; hereafter. E ua auanei, ke opiopi mai nei ke ao. 2. Now; at the present time. E aloha auanei, fare thee well at present. Auau (a'u-a'u), adj. Bathing; wash- ing: He wahi auau, a bathing place. Auau (a'u-a'u), n. 1. The small stick that is thatched to the rafters, to which the roof-covering is secured in the process of building a heiau or temple. 2. The act of bathing or the state of being bathed. 3. A bath; a wash; an immersion: Ua hele i ka auau, he has gone for a bath. Auau (a'u-a'u), n. A species, of fish (Tylosurus giganteus) with long, powerful toothed jaws, the lower one being a trifle longer than the upper; a belonoid fish; a garfish or guardfish. Also known as aha- aha. Auau (a'u-a'u), n. 1. A spear made from the stalk of the loulu palm (Pritchardia arecina), and mount- ed with shark's teeth on its pointed end. 2. A snare; a trap; a device for catching and killing birds. He auau, he pahele e make ai ka ma- nu; a trap, a device for killing birds. See pahele. Auau (a'u-a'u), v. 1. To bathe; to immerse or wash in water. 2. To wet; to lave or suffuse. Aleale ka waimaka, auau i ka lihilihi. Auau (au-a'u), v. To accelerate the movement or action of; to expe- dite; to hasten; to hurry. Auaunei (a'u-a'u-ne'i), adv. See au anei. Auaupapaohe (a'u-a'u-pa'-pa-o'-he), n. A variety of fish of the auau spe- cies. See auau, aupapaohe. Auauwaha (a'u-a'u-wa'-ha), n. A long narrow excavation in the ground; a trench. Auauwaha (3,'u-S.'u-wa'-ha), v. To dig a trench in; to cut into trenches; to trench. Auawlli (a'-u-a-wi'-li), n. [Au, tide, and awili, to turn.] A returning tide, he nalu mauka aku (an in- ward current). Aue (au-e'), interj. See auwe. Aue (au-e'). v. See auwe. Auha (a'u-ha'), n. An outhouse, gen- erally used for storing canoes; a temporary shelter; a shed. See auolo. Auha! (a'u-ha'i), v. See uhai. Auhaka (a'u-ha'-ka), adj. Spindle- legged; having long slender legs. Auhaka (a'u-ha'-ka), n . 1. A term applied to a man with long slender legs; a spindle-legs; a spindle- shanks. 2. Any animal with long slender legs. Auhau (a'u-ha'u), n. 1. A handle made from the wood of the hau tree. 2. A spear of hau wood; especial- ly, a stick of dry young hau wood, shaped like a spear, which was used in the ancient pastime known as oahi (fiery dart). 3. The femur and the humerus bones of the hu- man skeleton. Auhau (a'u-h=C2=A7,-u), n. 1. A tax; a levy; an assessment. 2. A tribute paid by the people for the benefit of the chiefs. Auhau (a'u-ha-u), v. 1. To tax; to levy; to assess. 2. To exact; to compel the payment of. Auhauhul (a'u-ha'u-hu'i), n. A part of the religious ceremony (hui being the other part) in the prac- tice of sorcery (hoopiopio). Syn: Uhauhui. Auhaumaule (a'u-h5,'u-m=C2=A7,-u'-le), n. A misplaced or concealed noa stone in the game of puhenehene; a missing noa stone: Ina auhauma- ule ka pa, ua hunaia malalo o ka weuweu. Auhaupuka (a'u-ha'u-pu'-ka), n. 1. A beggar; one who asks alms or solicits favors. 2. Beggary; the state or habit of begging. Auhaupuka (a'u-ha'u-pu'-ka), v. To beg from door to door; to solicit for charity; to ask alms. AUH 70 AUK Auhea (au-he'a), adv. 1. Where; at or in what place, relation, or situa- tion. 2. Near what place; about where; whereabouts. Auhee (au-he'e), v. 1. To run away from danger; to seek safety in flight; to flee. 2. To cease to be visible; to vanish; to disappear. 3. To be routed or put to flight; to be scattered; to be dispersed. 4. To go along; to get away; to free oneself. 5. To refrain or ab- stain from; to forbear: E auhee i ka ino, to refrain from evil. 6. To be destitute; to be poor; to be friendless. 7. To be bereaved; to be deprived of all comforts. 8. To make desolate, Auhele (au-he'-le), v. 1. To go, pass, or move through water without any definite course; to swim about without any definite point in view. 2. To sail about without any fixed driection. Auhola (au-h6'-la), n. A species of shrub or plant (Tephrosia pisca- toria), often called hola for brevity. See auhuhu. Auhola (au-ho'-la), v. 1. To catch fish by means of poisonous doses prepared from the bark of the auho- la; to fish with the auhola; hence, 2. To make stupid; to stupefy. Auhonua (a'u-h6-nu'a), n. 1. A con- siderable period marked off by some important event or special characteristics, as the creation of the earth, or the life period of some eminent person; an age; an era or epoch: I ke auhonua o na Kaisara ua hiki aku i ka nuu ka mana o Roma, in the age of the Caesars the power of Rome had reache*d its culminating point. 2. The starting point in space, time, action, or being; commencement; origin; beginning. I ke auhonua hanau o Papa i keia mau moku, in the beginning Papa gave birth to these islands. See kinohi. Auhuhu (au-hu'-hu), n. A plant (Tephrosia piscatoria) containing narcotic properties, used by natives for stupefying fish. Also called auhola. Auhuiaana (a'u-hu'-la-a'-na), n. 1. The act of swimming or passing through the fairway around a promontory; a swim through the waterway around the projection of a high cape. 2. The proper course through a channel, especially around a promontory; the fairway around the projection of a high cape; a water-way; a water-route. Auhuli (au-hu'-li), v. 1. To turn back, or upside down; to cause to rev'jrt, move in an opposite man- ner, or invert; to reverse. 2. To break or turn up the soil for plant- ing to till. 3. To overturn; to overthrow. Auhulihia (a'u-hu'-li-hi'a), v. The verbal noun or gerund of auhuli, a turning; an inverting; a revers- ing; an overturning. Auhulihia (a'u-hu'-li-hl'a), v. [The past participle of auhuli, with the expletive hia.] Turned back; re- versed ; overturned. Auhulu (au-hu'-lu), v. 1. To sort out feathers into grades, kinds, or sizes; to assort. 2. To put in a grade, class, or rank with those of like quality and apart from others; to classify. Aul (a'ii-T), n. 1. A wave; a billow; a roller. 2. A case in grammar. Aul (a'u-i), V. 1. To bend down; to decline. 2. To deviate or turn from a giv=E2=82=ACm position or direction; to slope; to incline. 3. To become gradually impaired; to draw to an end; to decay: Ua aul ka mana, power has decayed. 4. To inflect or give in order the various case- forms of a noun, a pronoun, or ad- jective. 5. To pass by; to termi- nate; to elapse. 6. To swell; to rise; to roll up. 7. To roll or rock from side to side; to rise and fall alternately at the bow and stern; to pitch. Auwi is a corrupt form of this verb. Auiale (a'ii-i-a'-le), n. 1. A great wave of the sea; a swell; a billow. 2. One of a series of long, swelling waves; a roller. Auiaui (a'u-i-a'u-i), v. To swell; to rise; to roll up=E2=80=9E as a high sea. See aui. Auina (au-i'-na), n. The act or state of bending, sloping, or moving downward; descent; slope; decli- nation. Auka (au-ka'), adj. Weary; tired. Auka (a-u'-ka), adv. 1. Up to the shore or land; to or as far as the shore or land. 2. Up to the in- terior of land; as far as inland. AUK 71 AUL 3. Up to or toward the mountain; to or as far as the mountain. 4. TEng. out.] A word used only in gambling. When one wins he says "Auka!" Auka (au-ka'), n. 1. Exhaustion of strength caused by physical toil; fatigue; weariness. 2. A piece of wood, metal, or other solid ma- terial, usually long in proportion to its width and thickness, and fre- quently forming a barrier or ob- struction, as to a passageway; a bar. 3. The narrow ridge or strip between the flutes of a column; a facet; a fillet. 4. A capstan bar; a flat iron strip fastening a hatch. 5. A barrier closing a road- way or entrance, especially the en- trance to a town or city, anciently intended as a protection against be*- siegers. Auka (au-ka'), v. To be wearied; to become fatigued or worn out. Aukahi (au-ka'-hi), adj. 1. Having a surface without projections or irregularities readily perceptible ; not rough; even; smooth. 2. Free from anything defective, faulty, or unsightly; clear. 3. Having noth- ing disagreeable in speech; smooth and pleasant in manner; suave. Aukaka (au-ka'-ka), n. 1. A definite locality or spot far out at sea, usually a coral bed with overlapping ledges where fishes abound. 2. A fishing-ground in deep sea. Aukaku (a'u-ka-ku'), n. A fish, va- riety of the au (Xiphias gladius). See kaku, kupala. Aukanaka (a'u-ka-na'-ka), n. 1. An area of country inhabited by a group of people; a thickly popu- lated locality. 2. A regular or set- tled place of living; ones dwelling place; a settlement. 3. A cluster of houses in the country; a little village; a hamlet. Aukela (au-ke'-la). v. To swim ahead of others; to surpass others in a swimming contest. Auki (au-kl'), n. The stem or trunk of the ti plant. Auki (a-u-ki'), n. A species of fish (Hyporhamphus pacificus), having the lower jaw prolonged into a slender beak, related to the mee- mee or iheihe; the half beak. Aukol (a'u-ko'i), n. See auwakoi. Auku (au-kii'), n. 1. The heron. See aukuu. 2. A shallow stream. 3, A path or road leading uphill. Auku (au-ku'), v. 1. To swim or sail uprightly, as a vessel rising and pitching in a heavy sea. 2. To turn up the nose, as an expression of pride, anger, or contempt. 3. To climb. Aukuku (a'u-kii-ku'), n. 1. The agita- tion of the waves in a stream; restless waters rising and leaping in endless rebound. 2. A swelling up of the watec of the sea; the rise and rapid flow of water in a river: Moana ke kai kele a ka aukuku ke kae i ka hohonu. Aukuu (au-ku'u), n. 1. A fish-hook with a long, slender shaft, resem- bling the neck of the aukuu. 2. The action of a person vomiting. 3. A species of bird. The heron (Ardea sacra). ^re he aukuu la ke kau i ke ahua, As a heron that sits upon a bank, Alaalawa na maka me he pueo la. Its eyes looking about like an owl. Aula (a-u'-la), adj. Stunted, as. vege- tation; barren, as ground: he pa- lakai, he aula, he ponalo. 2. Some- what red; l^rownish; unfruitful; withered. Aulama (a'u-la'-ma), v. 1. To illumi- nate with a torch. 2. To give or cause light around: He kolikukui i aulamaia. See lama. Aulau (a'u-lau), n. 1. The process of gathering leaves along the shore to wrap fish in. The leaves com- monly used for wrapping were those of the pohuehue, manewane- wa, lauao and ti leaves, when available. 2. A bundle of laui or pohuehue leaves bound together, used in taking fish. See Laulau. Aulele (a'u-le'-le), v. To frighten a flock of birds into flight. Aulepe (a'u-le'-pe), n. Name of a long, slender fish, known also as iheihe and auki. A species of au. See iheihe. Aulli (a'u-li'i), adj. Neat; nice; ex- cellent. Aulilkolomanu (au-li'I-ko'-lo-ma'-nu), n. 1. A beautiful, well-formed per- son. 2. Any article beautifully made. 3. An expression of com- mendation or praise, connected with boasting or pride of one's cir- cumstances or privileges, as being skilful, expert or reflecting. AUL 72 AUO Aulike (a'u-ir-ke), adj. Even and smooth from end to end, as a piece of timber: he laau aulike, a straight, smooth piece of timber. Aulike (au'-li'-ke), v. [Au, to swim, and like, alike.] To swim evenly; to swim abreast, as two or more persons. Aullma (a'u-li'-ma), n. [Au, a handle, and lima, the hand.] The name of the stick held in the hand when rubbing to produce fire. (The name of the stick rubbed is aunaki. The action of rubbing is hia.) Auma (a'u-ma), n. [A contracted form of paiauma.] Mental distress; sorrow; grief, expressed audibly or otherwise. See paiauma. Aumalewa (au-mai-e'-wa), n. A mode of fishing in which many persons are employed. Aumaka (a'u-ma'-ka), n, [Au, a handle, and maka, burden-bearer.] A pole to carry baggage on; also called mamaka and auamo. Aumakua (a'u-ma' ku'-a), adj. Able, that may be trusted as a child trusts to a parent; ua ola ke akua aumakua. Kukuluia ka hale no ko Kamehameha mau iwi, i mea e hoolilo ai iaia i akua aumakua, a house was built for Kamehameha's bones that he might become a re^ liable god. Aumakua (au'-ma'-ku'-a), n. A trust- worthy person. A person who pro- vided for a chief or for chief's. A trusty, steadfast servant; one who is not easily persuaded to leave his place. Aumakua (a'u-ma'-ku'-a), n. A class of ancient gods who were con- sidered able and trustworthy: na aumakua i ka po, na aumakua i ke ao, gods of the day; o kiha i ka po, o Liloa i ka po, o Umi i ka po, o Mea ike ao. Aumeume (a-u'-me-u'-me), n. Effort; exertion of strength, physical or mental; a contention; acting with opposition and force: he huki aku, huki mai, a puepue, there was pull- ing this way and that with force; he ola nae, he ola aumeume, there was life, however, but life with con- tention. Aumeume (a-u'-me-u'-me), v. [A and ume, to pull, draw out.] To con- tend, to strive for a thing, in order to obtain it from another; to pull from one to another: aumeume na kanaka i ka ia, the people con- tended for the fish; aumeume na kanaka i ka lole, the people con- tended for the cloth. Aumiha (a'u-ml'-ha), n. Evil influ- ence supposed to attend the graves of the dead. Aumiha (a'u-mi'-ha), v. To float off in the air, as miasma; contagion; to float away. Aumihi (a'u-mi'-hi), v. [Au, to reflect and mihi, to repent.] To grieve; to be sorry; to regret. Same as mihi. Aumiki (a'u-mi'-ki), n. [Au, gall and miki, to act quickly.] A water especially prepared to counteract the unpleasant results of drinking awa [a drink made from the awa root]. It consists of the best spring water mixed with the juice of the noni fruit and is set aside in a clean calabash ready for use when the awa is taken. Aumoana (a'u-mo-a'-na), n. [Au, to swim and moana, ocean.] 1, A sailor; one who spends most of the time on the ocean. 2. A class of laws enacted by Kaahumanu. 3. The nautilus. Aumoe (a'u-mo'e), n. [Au, time, and moe, to sleep.] The time when the world is asleep; night. Specific- ally, midnight. Aumu (a'-u'-mu), adj. The stones of an oven or oven stones; pohaku aumu. Aumu (a'-u'-mu), n. Stones used for a native oven or imu. Aumu (a-u'-mu), v. To bake; to cook by baking or burying under ground. See Kahumu. Auna (a'u-na), n. A great number of persons or things. Nohea la kela auna kamalii? Where does this crowd of children come from? Aunaki (a'u-na'-ki), n. The name of the stick rubbed upon in obtaining fire by friction. See aulima. Aunel (a'u-nei'), adv. Incorrect form of auanei. Auolo (au-o'-16), adj. Pertaining to a temporary building or shed; tem- porarily sheltered or covered: he ahaaina auolo; a temporarily shel- tered feast; hence applied to the annual festival of the Jews known as the feast of tabernacles, com- memorating their dwelling in tem- AUO 73 AUW porary shelters or tents in the wilderness. Auolo (au-o'-16), n. 1. An outhouse, generally used for sheltering ca- noes. 2. A temporary house; a tabernacle. Aupapa (a'u-pa'-pa), adj. Deprived of; destitute. Applied figurative- ly, it describes one who, capsized with his canoe, loses everything but the board that he swims with: Aole he wahi hunahuna i koe, There is not a fragment that re- mains. Aupapa (=C2=A7.'u-pa'-pa), adv. In a com- plete manner; fully; entirely: He ohiha aupapa maoli no ka Kaaia- hua, Kaaiahua stripped ("it" under- stood) completely. That is to say, Kaaiahua took everything. Aupapaohe (a'u-pa-pa-6'-he), n. A species of the fish, au. Marked with dark stripes; it runs with the opelu-papaohe. See auau. Aupula (a'u-pu'-la), n. A mode of fishing when the pula stick or pu- lale is used to drive or entice the fish into a net. AupunI (a'u-pu'-ni), adj. Relating to the kingdom or government: he hana aupuni, government work. He mau lio aupuni, horses, the property of the Government. Aupuni (a'u-pu'-ni), n. [Au, a place 'and puni, around.] 1. A region of country governed by a chief or king. (Originally the word did not imply a large country, as there were formerly several aupuni on one island.) At present, the word is used to signify: 2. The govern- ment. Aupuni (a'u-pu'-ni), v. 1. To exist or be known as a kingdom: ua au- puni keia pae aina, these islands are at peace. 2. To become a kingdom or republic. Auwa (au-wa'), v. [Au, a period of time and wa, to think or reflect.] The word is evidently a corruption of aua, to withhold; to retain. Auwaa (a'u-wa'a), n. [Au, a number, and waa, a canoe.] A cluster or fleet of canoes: o ka nui o ka auwaa, ua pau i ka lukuia, the greater part of the fleet of ca- noes was destroyed. Any number of canoes in company: e hooma- kaukau i ko lakou auwaa iho, to get ready their own canoes. Auwaalaki (a'u-wa'a-la-ki'), n. The little ships which children make of cane leaves; auwaalaki hooholo- holo. See auwaalauki. Auwaalalua (a'u-wa-ala-lu'a), n. The Portuguese man-of-war (Physalia utriculua), a free swimming sea animal related to the jelly-fish. Also known as pololia. Auwaalauki (a'u-wa'a-lau-ki'), n. [Au- waa, fleet of canoes, and lauki, leaves of the ti plant.] A fleet of toy canoes made from the leaves of the ki or ti plant. Auwae (a'u-wa'e), n. The chin; auwae kahi malalo o ka waha, the chin is below the mouth. Auwaealna (S,'u-wa'e-a'i-na), n. A present of a hog or fruits of the land to the landlord (hakuaina). (When land was transferred to a new owner and he reinstated the people upon it, they usually brought him presents of hogs, food, tapa, fish, nets, etc.) Auwaealna (a'u-wa'e-a'i-na), v. To ramble; to roam over a region for the purpose of inspection or for pleasure: He holoholo auwaealna. Auwaepuu (a'u-wa'e-pu'u), n. Indo- lence; idleness; indifference. Auwaha (^'u-wa'-ha), n. [Au, furrow, and waha, mouth.] An opening of the ground, as a furrow; plowed ground; a ditch; a channel; a place dug like a pit: He lua loihi i eli ia a puni ke kihapai, a long pit dug around the garden. Auwaha (a'u-wa'-ha), v. To furrow; to make a groove in wood;- to cut forked, like the foot of a rafter on a Hawaiian house. Auwai (a'u-wa'i), n. [ A u, furrow, and wal, water.] A brook; a small water course. The outlet of a pool. The general name for streams used in artificial irrigation. Auwalhiki (a'u-wai-hi'-ki), n. A swell- ing in the groin or in the armpit. A running disease in the groin caused by impure habits: he wai ma ke kumu uha, he aukoi, he auwai, he auwakoi, a swelling in the groin and under the arms. Syn: Auwakai, ewai awaiahiki and hahai. Auwakoi (a'u-wa'-ko'i), n. He au- waiahiki; a swelling in the groin; a bubo. Syn: Auwaiahiki. Auwana (a'u-wa'-na) or au ana, v. (In this, as in many other cases. AUW 74 AWA the w is merely an expletive, as the words may be written in either way and the pronunciation contin- ue the same.) 1. To wander; to go from place to place. 2. To scatter; disperse, as an army. 3. To go astray morally; to deviate from the path of rectitude. Auwe (au-we'), or aue, interj. 1, An exclamation of wonder, of surprise, of fear, of pity or affection, as oh! woe! alas! Auwe kakou, alas for us! Auwe ka lehulehu o ka poe i poho, alas for the multitude of those who were lost! 2. Also an expression of execration or cursing, Auwe (au-we'), n. 1. The cry of per- sons lamenting for the sick or dying; lamentation for any great loss or calamity. 2. A proclaming of evil against some one; a curs- ing. Auwe (a'u-we), v. 1. To express an emotion, as of love, grief, disap- pointment. 2. To mourn for one beloved. 3. To cry for help; to cry in great distress. 4. To groan; to sigh; to groan inwardly. Syn: Aue. Auwi (au'-wi), v. Incorrect form of aui. Auwina (a'u-wl-na), n. A slope, etc. See auina. Auwiniwini (au-wl'-ni-wl'-ni), n. [Au, handle and winlwini, pointed.] 1. A term of raillery or reproach, used betwe-en persons of the op- posite sex. 2. The sharp end of the potato leaf: He auwiniwini ke au o ka uala luea i ka ua. Auwolo (a'u-wo-lo), n. Incorrect form of auolo. Awa (a'-wa). n. 1. A port or haven for ships; a landing place; a har- bor. 2. An entrance, as between two coral reefs, for canoes and other light craft. 3. Condensed vapor suspended in the atmosphere at or near the earth's surface; fog ; mist. Awa (a'-wa), n. A species of milk- fish (Chanos chanos) highly es- teemed as a food-fish. Also called aua, awa-awa and awa kalamoho. Awa (a'-wa), n. 1. A shrub (Piper methysticum) of the pepper family. 2. A non-alcoholic and unfermented beverage of great social and cere- monial value prepared by chewing the awa root, mixing the comminu- ted particles with water, and straining the infusion when of the proper strength. Taken in modera- tion it acts as a stimulant and tonic but when drunk to excess produces drowsy intoxication and loss of control of the leg muscles. 3. The quality or state of being bitter; acridity; bitterness. Awa (a-wa'), v. To deliberate; to advise; to counsel. (Obsolete.) Awaa (a-wa'a), n. A long narrow ex- cavation in the ground; a trench; a ditch. Awaa (a-wa'a), v. To cut furrows or ditches in; to dig. Awaawa (a'-wa-a'-wa), adj. 1. Sour; bitter; sharp; pungent. 2. Un- pleasant to the taste; salty; brack- ish. 3. Hard to deal with; harsh in manner; severe. Awaawa (a'-wa-a'-wa), n. 1. Bitter- ness; sourness; sharpness or pun- gency, as in taste. 2. Unpleasant- ness; harshness, as in manner. 3. A mist. S&e awa. Awaawa (a'-wa-a'-wa), v. 1. To be sour; to be bitter. 2. To be harsh or severe in language; to have a sour or bitter disposition. Awaawaa (a-wa'a-wa'a), adj. Uneven; undulating; hilly. Awaawaa (a-wa'a-wa'a), v. See awaa. Awahewa (a'-wa-he'-wa), n. An eV- ror or mistake in conversation; a great mistake or blunder in speech. Awahewa (a'-wa-he'-wa), v. To make a mistake, especially in conversa- tion. Awahia (a-wa-hi'a), adj. 1. Sour; bitter; pungent. He awahia, he mulemule. 2. Harsh; severe. Awahia (a-wa-hi'a), n. A mist. See awa. Awahia (a-wa-hi'a), n. 1. Sourness; bitterness. 2. Harshness; severity. Awahia (a-wa-hi'a), v. [The passive form (h inserted) of the verb awa.] 1. To be sour or bitter, as to the taste. 2. To be harsh or severe, as in word or deed. Awahua (a-wa-hii'a), adj. 1. Charac- terized by rudeness or gruff ness; crabbed; cross; surly. 2. Un- yielding to re-ason and resolutely bent on having one's own way, with little or no regard for the wishes or views of others; obsti- nate. AWA 75 AWE Awai (a-wa'i), n. An inflammatory swelling of a lymph-gland, due to infection; a tumor of the inguinal glands, produced by venereal virus; a bubo. Syn: Awaiahiki, hahai. 2. A platform from which an oration may be delivered; a rostrum. 3. A raised platform ; a scaffold ; a pulpit. 4. A number of things or a quantity of anything bound to- gether; a bundle; a bunch or cluster: Lewa ka awai o ka paipu a Lonomuku. Awai (a-wa'i), v. To bind or fasten together; to tie up. Awaiahiki (a-wa'i-a-hi'-ki), n. A bubo. See awai. Awaiku (a-wa-i-ku'), n. The rite ob- served in the handling of awa for purposes of worship, or as an offer- ing to the gods. (This began with the digging of the awa root. He who did this had first to purify himself by a bath in the ocean, followed by an ablution in fresh water. The purification was com- pleted by a priest sprinkling the suppliant with water containing olena or turmeric. Then having arrayed himself in a clean malo, he knelt with both knees upon the ground and tore the root from its bed. Rising to his feet, he lifted the awa root to heaven. Awailani (a-w^-i-la'-ni), n. 1. Conse- crated awa. See awaiku. 2. The firmament; the sky; the heavens beyond the region of clouds. Awakea (a-wa-ke'a), n. [Wakea, the god who opened the gate of the sun.] The time of day when the sun is in the meridian; the middle of the day; midday; noon. Awakeau (a'-wa-ke-a'u), n. A form of greeting used by those who live a great distance apart and who meet once more after many years of separation. (Obsolete.) Awala (a-wa'-t^). v. To work gradu- ally and with energy; to pull steadily and carefully, as a fisher- man on his line. Awale (a-wa'-le), adj. Susceptible of combustion; combustible. Awale (a-wa'-le), n. The oxidation of a substance with such rapidity as to engender heat sufficient to ig- nite it; spontaneous combustion. Awalau(a-wa-la'u), n. [Literally, many channels.] 1. A channel or harbor with many inlets. 2. Hawaiian name for Pearl Harbor. Awalau (ji'-wa-lau'), n. A potion made from the root, stem and leaf of the awa plant. Awalii (a-wa-li*i), n. A hard stone from which adzes were formerly made. Awaloa (a'-wa-16'a), n. A place where the bones of chiefs were hid; the framework or platform on which the bones of chiefs were laid when secreted in a cave or pit (luahuna). Awalu (a-wa'-lG), adj. Consisting of one more than seven; twice four; eight: a cardinal numeral. Awapuhi (a-wa-pii'-hi), n. 1. A spe- cies of plant (Zingiber zerumbet) of the ginger family; the ginger. 2. The pungent rootstock of the gin- ger; formerly used to scent tapa. . 3. The bastard ginger. 4. Perfume made from the ginger plant. Awawa (a-wa'-wa), n. A depression of the earth's surface; level or low land between hills or mountains; a valley. Awe (a'-we)^ n. 1. That which is car- ried on the back of a man or beast ; a pack; a burden. See haawa. 2 The arms or tentacles of a squid. Awe (a'-we), y. 1. To bear or cause to be borne, as from one place, or to another; to bear away; to con- vey; to carry: usually followed by aku: E awe aku; carry away. 2. To convey, carry or conduct to or toward the speaker; to bring: gen erally followed by mai. E awe mai i ka pahi, bring (to) me the knife. See lawe, the form more commonly used. Aweawe (a'-we-a'-we), adj. 1. Having great cohesivenesS of particles; tough; tenacious. Poi aweawe; tenacious poi. 2. Adhesive; vis- cous; sticky. 3. Having the par- ticles diffused; not dense, as rain- drops falling slowly; thin or light. Ua aweawe, light rain. 4. Hand- some; beautiful: applied to men and women. Aweawe (a'-we-a'-we), adj. Covered with slime; slimy. See walewale. Aweawe (a'-we-a'-we), n. 1. The track.as foam, etc., left by a vessel passing through the water; wake. 2. The forming of a trail or path in the wake of a moving vessel. 3. That which is carried on the back AWE 76 AWI or shoulders; a pack; a knapsack; a burden. See awe. Aweawe (a'-we-a'-we), n. The arms or tentacles of a squid. Syn: Awe. Aweawe (a'-we-a'-we), v. 1. To grow or become thin; to thin. 2. To be- come less dense, falling perceptibly though slowly, as rain-drops; to be dispersed or thinned: Ua aweawe ka ua, the rain has become le-ss dense. 3. To be adhesive or sticky; to become tough or tenacious, as poi: Ua aweawe ka poi; the poi has become tenacious. See uo. Aweawea (a-we'a-we'a), adj. 1. In- distinct or ill-defined in color or sound; lacking in brightness or in distinctness of tone, outline, etc.; feeble; faint. 2. Not clearly seen or apprehended; indistinct; dim: He ula aweawea, a faint red; he a aweawea, a dim burning. Aweawea (a-we'a-we'a), adv. In a faint or dim manner; not brightly or clearly; obscurely; faintly; dimly: Ike aweawea aku la oia he wahi onohi ma Koolau o Hawaii. Aweawea (a-we'awe'a), n. 1. The state of being faint or dim; lack of brightness, distinctness, or lumi- nousness; obscurity; faintness; dimness: ka aweawea o ka wai- hooluu, the faintness of the color. 2. A rapid or instantaneous view; a momentary look; a glimpse. Aweawea (a'-we'a-we'a), v. To catch a glimpse of; to see for an instant; to glimpse. Aweka (a-we'-ka), adj. 1. False; tricky; fraudulent; deceitful. 2. Lacking in honesty, integrity," or good faith; having a disposition to cheat or defraud; untrustworthy; dishonest. 3. Close; stingy; par- simonious. Aweka (a-we'-ka), n. 1. The act of deceiving or attempting to deceive; fraud; deceit. 2. A disposition to be false, unjust, or untruthful in one's character or actions; dis- honesty. 3. One who deceives; a cheat; a deceiver. 4. Extreme econ- omy; closeness; stinginess; par- simony. Awekaweka (a-we'-ka-we'-ka), adj. and n. Same as aweka. Awela (a-we'-la), n. A species of fish (Thalassoma purpureum). When very small the tish is variously known as olani, olale, or palaea; when small it is called awela, and when large, hou. Awelawela (a-we'-la-we'-la), adj. Ad- mitting of escape; that can be escaped; escapable: He kukai awe- lawela, a fastening (of nets) ad- mitting of escape. Awelawela (a-we'-la-we'-la), n. A fish. See awela. Awele (a-we'-le), n. 1. The objec- tive point that one strives to reach; the end aimed at; the goal. 2. A mark, line, post, pole, or the like, made or set up to indicate the limit, safety-place, or winning-point in any game, race, contest, or com- petition: Aka, i lilo ka awele i ke- kahi, nana ke eo. Aweiu (a-we'-lG), adj. Rent or worn into rags or until the texture is broken; worn out; ragged; torn: He wahi kapa awelu. Awelu (a-we'-lu), n. Torn or ragged tapa; a rag of any kind. Aweluwelu (a-we'-lu-we'-lti), v. To be ragged; to be worn out; to be torn, as a tapa. See weluwelu. Aweoweo (a-we'o-we'o), n. A species of shrub (Chenopodium sandwich- eum) ; a variety of herbs of the goosefoot family; the pigweed. 2. A species of red fish (Priacanthus cruentatus). The adult is called aweoweo, the young, alalauwa. Aweuweu (a-we'u-we'u), n. A species of wild or mountain taro, common- ly known as aweu for brevity, but sometimes called mamauea, or na- wao. Awiawl (a'-wi-2,'-wi), n. A species of herb (Erigeron canadensis); a weedy herb of the aster family. See iliohe. Awl ha (a-wi'-ha), n. See aweawea. Awl ha (a-wi'-ha), v. See aweawea. Awihawiha (a-wi'-ha-wi'-ha), n. See aweawea. Awihawiha (a-wi'-ha-wi-ha), v. See aweawea. Awl hi (a-wi'-hi), n. 1. A momentary drawing of the eyelids near to- gether; a wink. 2. An amorous or coquettish look; a side glance; an ogle. Awihl (a-wi'-hi), v. 1. To close and open the eyelids quickly; to draw the eyelids together, as in convey- ing a hint or making a sign; to wink. 2. To cast admiring, coquet- AWI 77 EA tish, or coarsely familiar glances; to ogle. Awiki (a-wi'-ki), v. To hasten; to hurry; to be quick. See wiki. Awikiwiki (a-wi'-ki-wi'-ki), n, A climbing shrub of the bean family (Canavalia galeata). Also called Puakauhi. Awlli (a-wi'-li), v. 1. To mix to- gether, as different ingredients. 2. To form of different textures, as cloth. 3. To twist together; to interweave ; to form by twisting or twining; to entwine. 4. To be disturbed; to be agitated. See wili. Awiliwili (a-wi'-li-wi'-li), v. Same as awili. Awiwi (a-wi'-wi'), v. To hasten; to hurry; to be quick. See wiki. E (e). The second letter of the Ha- waiian alphabet. In the cardinal numbers from one to nine, E and A are often used interchangeably, depending upon whether the nu- merals are used attributively or predicatively, as: elua lio ou, alua ou lio. In certain words prefixed by the particles a or ma, e is often substituted for a: as, elelo for alelo (tongue) ; mehana for ma- hana (warmth). E (e), adj. 1. Not the same; differ- =E2=82=AC'iit from the one specified; other; another. 2. Previously unknown, unseen, or unheard of; new; strange. Mea e, a strange thing (stranger); kanaka e, a strange man. Syn: Malihini. E (e), adv. 1. From a place; off; away: Holo e lakou; they flee away. 2. In advance; before the time; beforehand: Lohe e au; I heard beforehand. 4. In a con- trary manner; adversely; oppo- sitely: often compounded with the verb ku (to stand) ; as, kue, to stand in a contrary manner; hence, to be opposed to. See ee. 4. [Con- traction of ae.] Truly; just so; yes: a reply of affirmation or cpn- sent, opposed to aole (no). It is often used as the sole response in conversation, a condemnable usage See ae. E (e), interj. 1. An exclamation pre- fixed to an expression of address, as a sign of the vocative or case of address: O! E ka Haku! O Lord! 2. An exclamation to call attention to what is about to be said: listen! take notice! say! E (e), prep. 1. Expressing the rela- tion of agency, cause, means, or instrument: through the direct ac- tion of; through the help of; by: Ua ahewaia oia e ke alii; he was condemned by the chief. 2. The sign of the future tense, also of the infinitive and imperative modes. E (e), V. See ee. Ea (e'a), adj. Causing disgust or un- pleasant sensations; disagreeable; offensive, as odor. Same as eaea (2). Ea (e'a), adj. 1. Covered with or as with dust; dusty: Ea ke ala; the way is dusty. 2. Filled with dirt; foul; filthy; dirty. Ea (e'a), adj. Windy; noisy; clam- orous. Ea (e-a'), adj. Tired from talking: Ea ka waha i ke ao i ke keikl hookuli. Ea (e-a'), adv. An expression of as- sent, affirmation, or interrogatory surprise, as in answer to a ques- tion, or to repeat the sense of a question asked: Ay or aye; yea; yes. Ea? he oiaio ia? Aye? is that a fact? The sense is often inter- jectional. Ea (e'-a), interj. An exclamation calling attention to what is about to be said: I say! Say! Aloha oukou, ea! Love to you, I say! Ea (e-a'), interj. An interrogative ejaculation expressing curiosity, surprise, inquiry, etc.: Eh? what? Ea (e'a), n. 1. A species of turtle (Chelone imbricata) which is of great value, as it furnishes almost exclusively the tortoise-shell of commerce; the hawkbill turtle. 2. The shell of the hawkbill turtle; the tortoise-shell: He ea kuu wa- kawaka. 3. The white thrush, a vesicular disease affecting the lips, mouth and throat. Generally confined to infants. 4. Air; breeze; wind: Ke ea ku malie; the still air, 5. The breath, as of life: Ke ea o ke kanaka; the breath of EA 78 EEA man. 6. Life: Oiai ke ea; while life lasts. Ea (e'a), n. A melodic as contrasted with a harmonic succession of notes, rhythmically arranged; tune; air. Ea (e'a), n. 1. A species of fish similar to the aawa, but differ- ing chiefly in the dark zone on the posterior part of its body; the dark-colored aawa. 2. A cloud of pulverized earth; a dust-cloud, Ea me he opua hiki kakahiaka la. Me he mea la o Hoku o Mahealani Ka hukiku o ka waa la i ka lae. Ea (e'a), v. 1. To become erect after kneeling, sitting, or lying down; to be raised or elevated, as the head: Ua ea ae kona poo; his head was elevated. 2. To swell upward; to rise up: Ea ka muli- wai; the stream rises. 3. To rise in sight; to appear above the hori- zon. Ua ea ae ka mahina; the moon has risen in sight. 4. To in crease in force, intensity, etc.; to rise. 5. To be revived from death; to rise or arise from the grave: Ue ea hou ka make; the dead has risen again. Eaea (e'a-e'a), adj. 1. Dignified; honorable; high: Me he wawae kuhaka la ka eaea. Syn: Hiehie, eaeakai. 2. Offensive, disagreeable. Same as ea. Eaea (e'a-e'a), n. An offensive odor; a foul smell; stench; stink: Ka eaea o ka iloli o ka mano o Koo- lau. Eaea (e'a-e'a), v. 1. To be covered with dust; to be dusty: Eaea na kamalii o Lahainaluna i ka lepo. 2. To make dim with or as with shade; to obscure the light, bright- ness, illumination, or luster of; to dim; to darken; to overshadow; to cloud; to shade: Ka lawaia nui i eaea na kuemaka i ehuehu na lihilihi. Eaeakai (e'a-e'a-ka'i), adj. Dignified; honorable. Same as eaea. Eaeakai (e'a-e'a-ka'i), n. 1. State of being weatherbeaten, as a person or thing long exposed to the sea air or salt spray. 2. Water or other liquid dispersed in particles, as by the wind or by force of im- pact; spray. Eaha (e-a'-ha), pron. [A compound form of the interrogative pronoun. aha with the introductory exple- tive e.] What? how? No good reason is assigned for its general use as a compound, and modern scholars prefer to treat this pronoun in all its relations as two separate words; as, e aha. In the same manner the compounds heaha and keaha, are written he aha and ke aha. In the expression, e aha ana, the pronoun, aha, is used elliptically for "what are you doing?" Without the ellipsis the same meaning is conveyed by the expression, e hana aha ana oe. Ebon! (e-b6'-ni), n. A hard, heavy wood, usually dark, and used for ornamental cabinetwork; ebony. Edena (e-de'-na), n. The garden that was the first home of Adam and Eve; Eden. Ee (e-e'), adj. Carressing; inviting; kind: He makamaka ee, a kind friend. Ee (e'-e'), adj. Of, pertaining to or like down; covered with down; downy. Ee (e'e), adj. 1. Of, pertaining to, or influenced by the tides; tidal: Kai ee, tidal wave, 2, Hard; stiff; dry. See maloo and kaee. Ee (e'-e'), adv. In a contrary man- ner; adversely; oppositely. Like the simple form, e, it is often com- pounded with the verb ku; as, kuee, to stand adversely; hence, to oppose. Ee (e'-e'), n, 1. The fine soft plum- age of birds under the contour- feathers, especially that under the wings, as of the oo (Moho nobilis) ; down. 2. The downy covering or first feathering of a bird; the floccus. 3. The cavity under the arm near the shoulder; the axilla or armpit. Syn: Poee and poaeae, Ee (e'e), n. Any extraordinary ocean wave, such as may be caused by a submarine earthquake or excep- tional winds; a tidal wave. See kaiee, Ee (e'e), v. 1. To climb upon; to ascend and seat oneself upon; to mount. 2. To go on board, as a passenger; to embark; to board: Ee maluna o ka lio; ee maluna o ka waa. Eea (e-e'a), adj. Quick; ready; ex- pert. Eea (e-e'a), v. To rise up frequently, after dipping or diving. EEE 79 EHE Ece (e-e'e), v. 1. To rise up with a furtive look, like the actions of a thief. 2. Hence, to be mischievous. Eeelu (e'e-e'-lu), n. That portion of a tree that is cut off, leaving the stump standing in the ground; the top of a tree that is cut off and cast away. See eulu. Eehi (e-e'-hi), v. Same as hehi. Eehia (e'e-hi'a), adj. 1. Fearful; dreadful; awful. 2. Inspired by awe; solemn. Eehia (e'e-hi'a), n. Fear; dread; reference; awe. Eehia (e'e-hfa), v. To be overcome with fear and reverence; to be inspired by something sublime or fearful; to be stricken with awe. Eei (e-e'i), adj. Offensive; filthy; flyblown. Syn: Eeiehiehi, ekiki- lau. Eeiehiehi (e-e'i-e'-hi-e'-hi), adj. Same as eei. Eeina (e'e-i'-na), v. To creak; to make a sharp cracking noise; to crepitate. See uina. Eeke (e-e'-ke), adj. Same as eke. Eeke (e-e'-ke), n. 1. A species of hard-shelled crab. See kuapa. 2. A withdrawing or starting back because of fear or horror; a re- coil. 3. A contraction of any ma- terial into less bulk or dimensions; a shrinkage. See mueeke. Eeke (e-e'-ke), v. 1. To draw back, as from something dreaded or dis- tasteful; to recoil, as in horror or disgust; to decline action from timidity or fear of consequences; to shrink. 2. To make a shrugging movement of fear, horror, pain, etc.; to wince; to flinch: "Eeke mai la ia i ka wela i ke ahi. 3. To become less or smaller by con- traction; to contract; to become reduced; to diminish. Eekeloi (e-e'-ke-16'i), v. To tap ,& drum monotonously or listlessly, especially with the fingers, usually accompanied by singing in a dron- ing fashion; to thrum. Eelokoa (e-e'-16-ko'a), n. A local name for a storm from the north- east of Waimea, Hawaii. Eena (e-e'-n^), adj. 1, Wild; un- tamed. 2. Wary; shy; timorous; not easily caught: Eena ka ia i ka upena. Eene (e-e'-ne), v. 1. To be in great fear concerning; to tremble for; Eene aku i ka mea aneane e hau- le. 2. To be astonished at or ashamed of. Eepa (o-e'-pa), n. Forgery; deceit; treachery. Syn: Epa. Eeu (e-e'u),adj. Quick In movement; alert; lively. Eewa (e-e'-wa), v. To make a wry face, as in derision; to pout sneer- ingly; to make a mouth; to pro- trude the lips mockingly. Syn: Ewaewa. Eha (e-ha'), adj. Consisting of one more than three, or of twice two; four: a cardinal numeral. See aha Eha (e'-ha), adj. 1. Pained or dis- tressed in mind; hurt. 2. Painful; sorrowful; hurtful. Eha (e'-ha), n. 1. Injury, especially one causing physical or mental pain or distress, as a wound or bruise, or a slight or insult; a hurt. 2. Pain; sorrow; affliction, Eha (e'-ha), v. To be hurt; to be sore; to be painful; to suffer. Eha ka naau; the heart suffers. Ehaeha (e'-ha-e'-ha), adj. Causing grief or sorrow; creating afflic- tion; grievous; painful; sorrow- ful ; hurtful. Ehaeha (e'ha-e'-ha), adv. Grievous- ly; sorrowfully; painfully. Ehaeha (e'-ha-e'-hS,), n. Sorrow or mental distress; affliction; pain; grief. Ehaeha (e'-h^-e'-ha), v. To cause to experience grief; to inflict sor- row upon; to hurt the feelings of; to grieve: used impersonally: Eha- eha au; it grieves me. Eha ha (e-ha'-ha), v. 1. To cause or permit to hang out and down, as the tongue; to loll. 2. To breathe hard or spasmodically; to draw short, labored breaths; to gasp; to pant: Ehaha ka ilio i ka wela; the dog pants from heat. See aha- ha. Ehe (e'-he'), interj. [An exclamation calling attention to what is about to be said,] Listen! say! It is used in poetry at the end of =E2=82=AC^ery line in a stanza, especially in meles or songs, to maintain the metrical structure of each line, Ehea (e-he'a), v. The imperative mood of the verb hea. to call. Properly written as two separate words, as, e hea, call (you). EHB 80 EI Eheehe (e'-he-e'-he), adj. Short and interrupted; worrying; wearing; hacking; said of a cough: He ku- nu eheehe, a hacking cough. Eheehe (e'-he-e'-he), n. A short dry cough. Eheehe (e'-he-e'-he), v. To emit or be troubled with a short dry cough; to cough dryly; to hack. Eheheu (e'-he-he'u), n. Same as eheu. Ehehoopli (e'-he-ho'o-pi'i), n. Carved parallel undulating lines on an ie kuku or tapa beater. Ehena (e-he-na), v. Incorrect form of hehena. Eheu (e-he'u), adj. 1. Having wings, or something analogous to wings; winged: He holoholona eheu, a winged animal. 2. Soaring on or as on wings; hence, lofty; ele- vated: Na manao eheu, elevated thoughts. 3. Passing swiftly; wing- ed or rapid: Na hora eheu, the winged hours. Eheu (e-he'u), adv. In a manner as if on wings; wingedly. I Eheu (e-he'u), n. 1. The fore limb of a bird, bat or pterodactyl, adapt- ed for flight. 2. A wing: Na eheu o ka manu, the wings of the bird. 3. That which is conceived as con- ferring power of swift motion or performing some function of wings: a metaphorical use: Mala- lo o ka malu o kou mau eheu, un- der the shelter of thy wings. Ehi (e'-hi), v. Incorrect form of hehi. Ehia (e-hi'a), adv. How much? how many? Ehia (e-hi'a), v. Incorrect form of eehia. Ehiehi (e'-hi-e'-hi), v. Incorrect form of ahiahi. Ehiku (e-hi'-ku), adj. Consisting of one more than six; seven: a cardi- nal numeral. See ahiku. Ehina (e-hi'-na), adj. Having the color of sand; yellowish-red; sandy, Umiumi ehina; sandy beard. See ahina. Ehipa (e-hi'-pa), adj. 1. Not straight; bent; crooked. 2. Not upright in conduct; tricky; dishonest or crooked. Ehipa (e-hi'-pa), n. 1. A bend or curve; something regarded as bent or crooked; a crook. 2. A profes- sional rogue; a swindler; a cheat or crook. Ehipa (e-hi'-pa), v. 1. To give a bent or curved form to; to cause to as- sume a bent or curved shape; to curve; to bend; to crook. 2. To be tricky; to be dishonest; to be crooked. Eho (e'-ho), n. 1. The stone god, Lonokaeho, often written Eho for brevity. 2. Any stone god; a stone idol. 3. A stone pillar set up as a memorial; a monument. 4. A pile of stones set up, usually in shallow water, to attract the fishes. See ahu. 5. The hot stones that are put inside of dressed animals in cooking. 6. A swelling, usually on an internal surface of the body; an ulcer. Ehoeho (e'-h6-e'-h6), n. See eho, 3. Ehu (e'-hu), adj. 1 Having the color of sand; yellowish-red; sandy: Umiumi ehu, sandy beard. 2. Hav- ing or tinged with a red or reddish hue; flushed with red; florid; ruddy. Ehu (e'-hu), n. 1. Water or other liquid dispersed in particles, as by the" wind or by force of impact ; spray. 2. Water in the form of vapor; steam. See mahu. Ehu (e'-hQ), v. See hoehu. Ehuahiahl (e'-hii-a'-hi-a'-hi). n. The evening twilight: said of one who has passed the meridian of life. Ehuawa (e'-hti-a'-wa), n. A species of plant (Cyperus laevigata) ; any rush-like herb growing in wet places, or on the banks of lakes, ponds, or sluggish streams; the sedge. See ahuawa. Ehuehu (e'-hii-e'-hu), adj. Full of fury; violent; furious. Ehuehu (e-hu-e'-hii), adv. With fury; violently; fiercely; furiously: ku ehuehu. Ehuehu (e'-hu-e'-hu), n. 1. The state of being furious; violence; f uriousness : , Ka ehuehu o ka makani, the furiousness of the wind. 2. Total or partial absence of light; obscurity; gloom; dark- ness. Ehukai (e'-hii-kai), n. Atmosphere of the sea. Ehukakahiaka (e'-hii-ka'-ka'-hi-a'-ka), n. The dawn of the morning. Said of one in the prime of youth. Ei (e'i), adv. [A contraction of eia.] In or at this place; here: Ei ae, EIA 81 EKO ke hele mai nei; here, he is com- ing. See eia. Eia (e'-ia), adv. Here; at or in this place: opposed to aia (there): Eia au la; here I am. Eia (e'i-a), n. This place; the pres- ent; here: Ka eia a me ka eia aku, the here and the hereafter. Einei (e'i-ne'i), adv. At or in thla place; here: Einei ka wai; here is the water. Einei (e'l-ne'I), interj. An exclama- tion calling attention to what is about to be said: I say! say! Einei! e hele kaua, I say! let us (two) go. See ea, Eiwa (e-i'-wa), adj. Consisting of one more than eight or of thrice three; nine: a cardinal numeral. See aiwa. Eka (e'-ka), adj. 1. Of the nature of or containing filth; dirty; foul; filthy. 2. Constipated; costive. Eka (e-ka'), n. A minor bunch of ba- nanas, hanging like a row of fin- gers; a hand of bananas. Eka (e'-ka), n. 1. Anything that soils or makes foul; that which is foul or dirty; dirt; filth. 2. Con- stipation; costiveness. 3. The name of a sea breeze blowing over Kona. 4. [Eng.] A measure of area, usually of land; an acre. Ekaeka (e'-ka-e'-ka), adj. Dirty; fil- thy. See eka. Ekaeka (e'-kS-e'-ka), n. Dirt; filth. See eka. Ekaha (e-ka'-ha), n. 1. Ferns of the genus Polypodium. Ekaha akole is the species (Polypodium lineare). 2. A species of algae (Gelidium filicinum). Ekahakaha (e-k^'-ha-ka'-ha), n. 1. A species of plant, the birdnest fern (Asplenium nidus). A very large genus of ferns having linear or ob- long indusia attached by one mar- gin; the spleenworts. 2. A species of algae (Gelidium filicinum). Same as ekaha. Ekalesia (e'-ka-le-si'a), n. 1. A body of Christians organized for worship and religious work; a church. Eke (e'-ke), adj. 1. Having good qualities in a high degree; eminent by reason of worth or value; ex- cellent: said of both persons and things. 2. Exactly fitted or ad- justed; accurate; nice. Eke (e'-ke), n. 1. A sack or pouch, usually of woven material, leather, or paper, used as a receptacle; a bag: Eke kala, money-bag (purse). 2. A small bag or pouch attached to a garment; one of the pouches of a billiard-table; a pocket. 3. The bag or pouch that is attached to a bag-net; a net-bag. Ekeeke (e'-ke-e'-ke), adj. 1. Afflict- ed with or showing pain; distress- ed; pained: He nana ekeeke, a pained look. 2. See eke, adj. Ekeeke (e'-ke-e'-ke), n. 1. A piercing, stinging pain. 2. Dissatisfaction or vexation caused by the conduct or action of others; indignant dis- approval; dislike; displeasure. Ekeeke (e'-ke-e'-ke), v. 1. To be in pain; to be pained. 2. To afflict with mental suffering; to pain or grieve. 3. To remove or sweep up with or as with a brush; to brush off. Ekeekei (e'-ke-e-ke'i), v. See ekekei. Ekekei (e'-ke-ke'i), adj. Not long; short: aha ekekei, short string. Ekekei (e'-ke-ke'i), v. To become short. Ekekemu (e'-ke-ke'-mu). v. 1. To open or move the lips, as in speak- ing, but without sound. 2. To utter unintelligibly, incoherently, or with indistinct repetition; to murmur; to babble. Ekekeu (e'-ke-ke'u), n. Same as ekeu. Ekemu (e-ke'-mG), v. 1. To give out or send forth with audible sound, whether articulately or not; to utter. 2. To reply or respond to a question or person; to answer. Ekeu (e-ke'u), adj. Having and ex- pressing in speech or manner a high opinion of self and contempt for others; proud and disdainful; haughty. See haaheo. Ekeu (e-ke'u), n. The fore limb of a bird, bat, or pterodactyl, adapted for flight; a wing. Syn: Eheu and ekekeu. Eki (e-ki'), n. See elaueki. Ekikilau (e-ki'-ki-lau'), adj. See eei. Eko (e'-k6), adj. Of the nature of or containing filth; nasty; dirty; fil- thy. Eko (e'-k6), n. Anything that soils or makes foul; that which is foul or dirty; nastiness; dirt; filth. Ekoeko (e'-k6-e'-k6), adj. Same as eko. EKO 82 ELE Ekoeko (e'-ko-e'-ko), n. Same as eko. Ekolu (e-ko'-lu), adj. Consisting of one more than two; three: a cardi- nal numeral. See akolu. Eku (e'-ku), n. Back projection of the manu ihu (bow piece) of a canoe upon which the kuapoi (weather board) rests. (Not on all canoes.) Eku (e'-ku), v. To turn up the earth with the snout; to make holes by rooting; to root: Eku ka puaa i ka lepo; the hog roots the ground. Ekule (e-kii'-le), n. See akule. Elaa (e-la'a), adv. Together with; along with; likewise; thus; in like manner; as also; the same; alike; the same as; for instance. Elaahal (e'-la'a-ho'i), adv. See elaa. Elau (e'-lau), n. The top, as of a plant; the extreme point; the tip, as of the finger; the end. See welau. Elaueki (e-la'u-e-ki'), n. A dagger- like weapon to be attached to the muzzle of a rifle; a bayonet. Elauiki (e'-lau-i-ki'), n. See elauki. Elauki (e'-la-u-kl'), n. The top or end of a ti leaf. Elauwaikl (e'-lau-wai-ki'), n. See elauki. Elawaiki (e'-la-wai-ki'), n. See elauki. Ele (e'-le), adj. See eleele. Eleao (e'-le'o), n. A small insect which infests vegetation; the plant- louse; the aphid. Elehei (e'-le-he'i), adj. See ekekei. Elehei (e'-le-he'i), n. The condition or quality of being short; short- ness: I ka elehei, i ka mumuku. Eleheu (e'-le-he'u), adj. 1. Angry; raging. 2. Mutilated; deprived of some essential part. Eleheu (e'-le-he'u), n. 1. Anger; rage. 2. The act of mutilating, or the condition of being mutilated; mutilation; in law, mayhem. Elelo (e-le-i'o), v. 1. To go after secretly. 2. To disappear quickly. Eleka (e-le'-ka), n. A very large deer; the elk. Eleku (e'-le-ku'), adj. 1. Easily broken; brittle: pohaku eleku. 2. Not beautiful or good-looking; un- sightly. Eleku (e'-le-ku'), n. Any rock, usual- ly of a slate color, that splits read- ily, especially when exposed to heat. Eleku (e'-le-ku'), v. To fly to pieces; to break easily. See eleeleku. Elele (e-le'-le), n. 1. One sent with a message, oral or written, or on an errand of any kind; a messen- ger. 2. A bearer of official dis- patches; a delegate, especially, nowadays, the delegate of the Ter- ritory of Hawaii to the United States Congress. 3. A diplomatic representative; an ambassador. Elelo (e-le'-16), n. An organ of speech; the tongue. See alelo. Elelolua (e-le'-16-lii'a), adj. [Elelo, tongue, and lua, two.] Double- tongued; deceitful. Elelolua (e-le'-16-lii'a), n. A double- tongued, deceitful person; a double- dealer; a trickster. Eleele (e'-le-e'-le), adj. 1. Destitute of light, partially or entirely; black or approaching black; dark: he po eleele, a dark night. 2. Having a very dark skin; dark-colored; black. See uliuli, lipolipo. Eleele (e'-le-e'-le), adv. In a dark manner; obscurely; mysteriously; darkly. Eleele (e'-le-e'-le), n. 1. Total or partial absence of light; obscurity; darkness: ka eleele o ka po, the darkness of the night. 2. A black- skinned person, as a negro; a ne- gro: Na eleele o Aferika, the blacks of Africa. The more modern word is paele. Eleeleku (e'-le-e'-le-ku'), adj. 1. Easily broken; brittle: Pohaku eleeleku. See helelei. 2. Unsightly; not beautiful or good-looking. Eleeleku (e'-le-e'-le-ku'), v. To fly to pieces; to break easily. See eleku. Eleelepi (e'-le-e'-le-pi'), adj. 1. Agi- tated; turbulent, as waves affected by different winds. 2. Disorderly; tumultuous, as men of different minds: eleelepi ka waha o na ka- naka. Elei (e-le-i'), adj. Blue-black; shiny- lack. 2. Sele-ct; choice. Elelu (e-le-lu'), n. The common cockroach =E2=80=94 a name applied to sev- eral species of the Blattidae. Elemakule (e'-le-ma-ku'-le), adj. Ad- vanced in years; aged; old. Said of men. Elemakule (e'-le-ma'-ku'-le), n. A man advanced in years; an old man. ELE 83 ENA Elemakule (e'-le-ma-ku'-le), v. To be or become old. Said of men. Elemihi (e'-le-mi'-hi), n. The com- mon black crab. Elemio (e'-le-mi'-o), adj. Growing small by degrees toward one end or in one direction; tapering. Elemio (e'-le-mi'-o), adv. In a taper- ing manner; taperingly. Elemio (e-le-mi'-o), v. To become gradually less in diameter toward one end; to grow small by degrees in one direction; to taper. Elepalo (e'-le-pa'i-6), n. A species of bird (Chasiempis sandwichensis) ; a flycatcher. Elepane (e'-le-pS.'-ne), n. 1. An ele- phant-seal; a sea-elephant. 2. The elephant. Elepi (e'-le-pi'), n. See elemihi. Eleu (e-le'u), adj. Nimble; active; quick; alert. =E2=80=A2 Eleua (e-le-u'a), n. The door at the weather-end of a native Hawaiian house. The door at the opposite end was named eleao. Eleuli (e'-le-u'-li), n. A tapa of a gray color, usually perfumed : Kapa eleuli o Puna. Eli (e'-li), V. 1. To break the soil; to break up, as for cultivation; to dig. 2. To form or make by ex- cavating or digging; to hollow out: E eM i ka lua a poopoo; dig the pit until it is deep. Elleli (e'-li-e'-li), v. [Elf, to dig.] To dig repeatedly. Elleli kapu, elleli noa, Amama, ua noa. Leie wale aku la ! Elielikaumai (e-lT-e-li-ka'u-mai), n. A solemn supplicatory expression used at the end of a prayer; an in- vocation for the favor of the gods. Elima (e-li'-ma), adj. Consisting of one more than four; five: a cardi- nal numeral. See alima. Elo (e'-16), adj. Saturated with water or moisture; wet and heavy; soak- ed; soggy: Pulu kahi kapa i ka ua, elo wale; a tapa is wet with rain, it is soaked through. Eloelo (e'-16-e'-16), adj. See elo. Eloelo (e'-16-e'-16), v. To be moist; to be wet: O Kaelo keia malama ke eloelo nei na huihui i ke kai. Elowale (e'-16-wa'-le), v. To be satu- rated; to be wet. Often written as two separate words. See elo and wale. Elua (e-lu'a), adj. Consisting of one more than one, or of a unit taken once again; two; a cardinal nu- meral. See alua. Emanuela (e-ma'-nii-e'-la), n. God with us: a name given to the Mes- siah in prophecy, and to Jesus Christ in its fulfilment; Em- manuel; Immanuel. Emerala (e'-me-ra'-ia), n. A precious stone of a bright-green color; an =E2=82=AC=C2=ABnerald. Emi (e'-mi), n. In music, a flat; a character used on a natural degree of the staff to make it represent a pitch or half step lower; a tone a half step lower than a tone from which it is named. Emi (e'-mi), v. 1. To drop behind; to lose ground; to fall behind. 2. To cause to grow less or smaller; to diminish or reduce, as in size, number, rate, quantity, or value; to decrease. 3. To recede; to flow back; to subside; to ebb. 4. To lower in estimation or reputation; to debase or degrade; to sink. 5. To grow spiritless or languid; to lose vigor; to droop; to flag. Emiemi (e'-mi-e'-mi), adv. In a man- ner that is lagging behind; slowly; backwardly. Emiemi (e'-mi-e'-mi), v. See emi. Emikua (e'-mi-kti'a), v. To go back- ward. Emo (e'-m6), n. A waiting; a delay: Ua hiki mai me ka emo ole; he ar- rived with no delay. Emo (e'-m6), v. To be long, often used with the negative ole (not) : Ua emo ole oia; he was not long. Emoloa (e-mo-lo'-a), n. A species of grass (Eragrastis variabilis) with flattened spikelets. Emoole (e'-m6-5'-le), adj. Quick; prompt; expeditious; speedy. Emoole (e'-m6-6'-le), adv. Without delay; quickly; suddenly; expedi- tiously; soon. Emoole (e'-m6-6'-le), n. Despatch; promptness ; quickness ; sudden- ness. Ena (e'-na), adj. 1. Red hot; raging, as fire. 2. Full of fury; angry; wild. Ena (e'-na), v. To be in a rage; to flush with anger; to blush or be- come red, especially in the face. Enaena (e'-n^-e'-nS,), n. 1. A raging, furious heat. 2. A common shrub ENA 84 EUA (Yraphalium luteo-album). It is from one-half to one and one-half feet high. Enaena (e'-na-e'-na), v. 1. To be hot; to burn, as a raging fire. 2. To be strongly offensive to the sense of smell: Enaena ka pilau o ka lio make. Ene (e'-ne), n. The beginning of a child's creeping. Ene (e'-ne), v. 1. To begin to creep: Ua ene ke keiki; the child has be- gun to creep. 2. To creep along; to get near an object: E'ne aku la au e pehi i ka pohaku. Enehe (e-ne'-he), v. Incorrect form of anehe. Enei (e-ne'i), adv. See anei. Enemi (e-ne'-mi), "=E2=80=A2 [Eng.] An enemiy. Enene (e-ne-ne), v. 1. To begin to creep. See ene. 2. To enlarge; to expand; to dilate. Eno (e'-n6), adj. Wild. Enoeno (e'-n6-e'-n6), v. To be wild or excited. See maenoeno. Enuhe (e-nu'-he), n. 1. A large and striped worm that infests vegeta- tion. 2. The larva of an insect in the first stage of metamorphosis; a caterpillar. 3. A rapacious or ex- tortionate person. Syn: Anuhe, poko, peelua. 4. A species of trail- ing fern (Gleiepencia), called also uluhi and unuhe. Eo (e'o), adj. 1. Successful in achieve- ment, especially in competition; winning: ka pahu eo, the winning point. 2. Finished; complete; full: he puni eo, a full accomplishment. Eo (e'o), n. 1. That which is won; especially, money won in a wager or a game of chance; a winning: He eo nui, a large winning. 2. A calabash or other vessel brimful of food: He eo, he ipu ai piha. Eo (e-o'), n. A reply or response; an answer, as to a call. Eo (e-6'), V. To reply or respond, as to a call; to answer: Ua eo kakou i ke Akua; we have answered God. Eo (e'o), v. To be gained or suc- ceeded by; to be victorious, as in a contest or a game of chance; to be won: Eo ia'u ka hakoko; the wrestling is won by me. Eo au ia oe, I am won by you. Eoekala (e'-6'e-ka'-la), adv. [A com- traction of e ole e kala.] In time gone by; long ago: Eoekala wale kuu lohe ana. Eolani (e'o-la'-.ni), adj. Tending to- ward heaven; skyward; heaven- ward: Ka laau eolani, the heaven- ward tree. Eono (e-o'-no), adj. Consisting of one or more than five; twice three; six: a cardinal numeral. Syn: Aono. Epa (e'-pa), adj. False; deceitful. Epa (e'-pa), n. 1. One who is false to his trust. 2. A falsehood; a fraud or artifice; a forgery. 3. One who speaks falsely to do harm to another. 4. An ancient Jewish dry measure; an ephah. Epa (e'-pa), v, 1. To be deceitful. 2. To steal. 3. To backbite: Syn: E epa, e wahahee, e hoopunipuni, e alapahi. Epaepa (e'-pa-e'-pa),v. See epa. Epoda (e-p6'-da), n. An ephod, a priestly vestment of linen, espe- cially that worn by the Jewish high priest over the tunic and outer gar- ment. Eu (e'u), adj. 1. Inclined or given to mischief; of a prankish nature; mischievous. 2. Being or behav- ing like a rogue or knave; dis- honest; roguish. Eu (e'u), n. 1. The act of rising; ascent; elevation; rise: Ka eu o ka noe, the rising of the mist. 2. One who vexes or annoys; a prankish person; a mischievous person. 3. A tricky, deceitful person; a rogue; a knave. 4. A peculiar sensation of the skin; a creeping numbness: Kolo ka eu ma ka lae. Eu (e'u), V. 1. To rise, as. from sleep or rest; to get up: Eu ae oe, you get up. 2. To go higher; to as- cend: Ua eu ae mai ka haahaa a i ke kulana kiekie; he ascended from a low to a high position. 3. To cause to be raised; to raise up: Eu ae kou poo; raise up your head. 4. To move by thrusting one part of the body forward upon a surface and drawing the other part after, as a worm; to crawl: Eu ka ilo, the maggots crawl. 5. To be in- clined to mischief; to be mischie- vous. 6. To be dishonest; to be roguish. Euanelio (e'u-a-ne-li'-o), adj. Concern- ing the truths taught in the New Testament. EUA 85 HA Euanello (e'u-a-ne-li'-o), n. [Gr.] 1. The gospel; the life and labors of Jesus Christ as described by the four Evangelists. 2. The system of salvation as revealed in the New Testament. Eueu (e'u-e'u), n. A stirring up; an excitement. Eueu (e'u-e'u), v. To rouse; to wake up; to stir up. Eulu (e-ti'-lii), n. 1. A branch cut off to be planted again; a cutting; a scion, 2. The top of a tree that is cut off. See eeelu. Eulu (e-ii'-lii), v. To cut or crop off, as the top and branches of a tree. Eunuha (e'u-nCl'-ha), n. [Gr.] An emasculated man; a eunuch. Eunuha (e'u-nii'-ha), v. To castrate; to emasculate. Euweke (e'U:we'-ke), v. 1. To cleave apart or split with or as with a wedge; hence, to rend; to wedge. 2. To burst open; to break in pieces. Ewa (e'-wa), n. 1. A district west of Honolulu on the shore of Pearl Harbor. 2. (Mod.) A name for Eve, mentioned in the Biblical ac- count of the creation. Ewa (e'-wa), v. 1. To be crooked; to be twisted; to be bent out of shape. 2. To act unjustly. Ewaewa (e'-wa-e'-wa), adj. 1. Un- equal; irregular. 2. Showing or expressing anger: Maka ewaewa, eyes expressing anger. Ewaewa (e'-wa-e'-wa), adv. With partiality; unjustly. Ewaewa (e'-wS-e'-wS,), n. 1. Injus- tice. 2. A turning aside from right. Ewaewa (e'-wS-e'-wa'), v. 1. To mock. 2. To act unjustly. Ewaewariki (e'-wa-e'-wS-i'-ki), n. 1. The imaginary voice of a spirit who died with her unborn infant: a lo- be oe i ka leo o ka ewaewaiki e hoonene ana. 2. A species of bird (Sterna fuliginosa) ; the sooty tern. Also known as ewaena. Ewa*i (e'-wai), n. A swelling under the armpit or groin; a bubo. See auwakoi. Ewalu (e-wa'-lCi), adj. Consisting of one more than seven, or twice four; eight: a cardinal numeral. See awalu. Ewe (e'-we), n. 1. The navel string. 2. The white of an egg. 3. The abdominal aorta. 4. The place of one's birth as well as one's an- cestors. Ewe (e'-we), v. To grow again after being cut off; to sprout: ua ewe ka ai. Ewewe (e-we'-we), n. The love, af- fection, or fond remembrance for one's place of birth and of early childhood: O ke aloha mai ia oukou me ke ewewe o ka noho pu ana. H H, The third letter of the Hawaiian alphabet. It is frequently euphon- ic, particularly between the verb and the passive termination ia; as., maluhia instead of maluia. In this case it is sometimes changed to 1; as kaulia for kauia. Ha, (ha), adj. The ordinal of four, fourth. It is distinguished by the article ka: ka ha, the fourth. Ha (ha), n. 1. Air exhaled through the mouth. 2. A breathing out through the mouth. 3. In music, name of the fourth note from the key. 4. The footstalk which sup- ports the leaf and enfolds the stem of certain plants, such as the taro, sugar-cane, coconut, banana, etc. 5. A trough for any liquid to run through; a water pipe; in modern times, a lead or iron pipe through which water flows. Syn: Hawai. 6. A species of the ohia tree, also the timber of the tree, also called ohiaha. 7. Euphonistic word ut- tered in monotone in recitations, chanting, prayers, etc. It is used in the middle or at the end of a line, as: he ana ha nui keia no ke au- hee la. Ha (ha). A particle implying acqui- escence or assent by not objecting. It is never used alone but requires some antecedent word or phrase to complete the sense, as: oia hoi ha, so it is, or let it be so. The word also conveys suggestion, in- timation, hint, etc., as, "E hele hoi ha wau," shall I go. Ha (ha), prefix. Ha is often pre- fixed to the original root of a word, or inserted when it takes the cau- HA 86 HAA sative hoo; as: inu, to drink; hoo- hainu, to give drink; like, to be like; ; hoohalike, to compare or cause to resemble. It also expresses a degree of variation of color, as: uli, dark or blue color; hauli, blu- ish, somewhat blue. Ha (ha'), suffix. Ha alone has no meaning. In the phrase oihoiha, it signifies a willingness to com- plete some mutually understood act, as "We'll go for it." Ha (ha),v. 1. To breathe out through the mouth; to expire; to exhale gently. 2. To breathe upon: ha ke Akua i ka lewa, God breathed into the open space. =E2=80=94 Mele of Ke- kupuohi. Haa (ha-a'), n. 1. A tree (Antidesma platyphyllum) native chiefly of Ma- laysia and extending into Polyne- sia, growing from 20 to 30 feet high, called also hame and mehame. It furnishes a dye of a gray color. 2. The dye produced from the haa. Haa (ha'a), n. 1. A dance; a danc- ing. 2. A dwarf; man or animal below ordinary height. Haa (ha'a), prefix. Is used in some words for the causative prefix in- stead of hoo as in haakohi. It is oftener found in the Tahitian dia- lect. Haa (ha'a), v. To dance by bending the knees, as in certain dances. Haaa (ha'-a'a), adj. (Written also haee.) Friendly; kind; hospitable. Haaa (ha'-a'a), v. (Written also haee.) 1. T acknowledge one as a friend though a stranger. 2. To treat with hospitality. 3. To ex- hibit affection for; to love. Haae (ha'-a'e), n. 1. Saliva or spit- tle, especially the saliva wlien worked up in the mouth into foam ; hence, 2. An intoxicating beer made of the sugar-cane when fer- mented and foaming. Haae (ha'-a'e), v. 1. To drizzle; to drip, 2. To slobber at the mouth; to drool. Haa haa (ha'a-ha'a), adj. 1. Not high; of low station; humble; unpreten- tious. 2. Depressed. Haahaa (ha'a-ha'a), adv. Meekly. Haahaa (ha'a-ha'a), v. 1. To be low; humble. 2. To live quietly: e no- ho malie. Haaheo (ha'a-he'o), adj. Proud; lofty; haughty; magnificent; applied mostly to persons. Haaheo (ha'a-he'o), n. Pride; haughti- ness: He haaheo, he mea anei la e pono nona iho? Haughtiness, is that a thing to benefit himself? See heo. Haaheo (ha'a-he'o), v. To strut, to exhibit pride in dress or movement. Haaikaika (ha'a-i-ka'i-ka), v. To mock by making wry faces. 2. To revile; to abuse with scurrilous language. Haakea (ha'a-ke'a), adj. Of light or whitish color. Haakea (ha'a-ke'a), n. 1. Fruit of the akia tree. 2. A species of taro distinguished by the white stem of the plant. 3. Something nearly white. Haakel (ha'a-ke'i), adj. 1. Proud; fond of show for vain display, as in assuming the dress and character of another. 2. Scoffing; scorning. Haakei' (ha'a-ke'i), n. 1. Haughti- ness. 2. A proud person; a scof- fer; O ka haaheo, he mea paha ia e make ai ka poe haakei: Pride, that is a thing perhaps to kill the scoffer. Haakei (ha'a-ke'i), v. [Haa, causa- tive, and kei, to boast.] To be proud; to be vainglorious; to be puffed up. Haakeikei (ha'a-ke'i-ke'i), v. [Kei, to boast, and haakei, to be proud.] 1. To vaunt in pride. 2. To be inso- lent. Haakeke (ha'a-ke-ke'), Vv 1. To quar- rel; to strive without using phys- ical force. 2. To cause wordy con- tention. 3. To scold. Haakoae (ha'a-ko-a'e), n. 1. Places in the cliffs where the koae or tropic birds make their nests. Cliffs which no man can climb. Haakohi (ha'a-ko'-hi), n. Travail; la- bor pains. Haakohi (ha'a-ko'-hi), v. To travail in child-birth; to suffer labor pains. Haakoi (ha'a-ko'i), n. A bragging; a boasting. Haakoi (ha'a-ko'i), n. 1. Fruitless labor. 2. The practice of onanism. Haakoi (ha'a-ko'i), v. 1. To force; to urge. 2. To have licentious cravings. Haakoikoi (ha'a-ko'i-ko'i), v. To prac- tice venery. HAA 87 HAA Haakokohi (ha'a-k6-k5'-hi), adj. Suf- fering from severe labor pains. Haakokohi (ha'a-ko'-ko'-hi), n. Labor pains. Haakokohi (ha'a-ko'-ko-hi), v. To be in travail; to suffer labor pains. H aa kookoo wa I e ( ha'a-ko*o-ko'o-wa'-le ) , n. A wrestling; a striving in the exercise of wrestling. Syn: Ha- koko. HaakualikI (ha'a-ku'-a-li'-ki), n. Title of an officer who preceded the train of a high chief to rehearse his rank and to tell the object of his approach. Haakue (ha'a-ku'-e), n. Title of the servant who waved the kahili over a reclining chief if the chief and the servant were of the same sex; otherwise the kahili holder, if a woman, was called haakoni; if a man his title was haakua. Haale (ha-a'-le), v. [Ale, a swell of water]. 1. To be completely full, ready to overflow. 2. To rise as water rises. Haalele (ha'a-le'-le), v. [Haa and lele, to fly.] 1. To quit; to desert; to forsake; to give up. 2. To leave unfinished. 3. To reject; to cast, off. Haaielea (ha'a-le-le'a), n. 1. In an- cient times the man sacrificed on cutting down the ohia tree to make idols. 2. A discarding, a casting off as useless. Haaielea (ha'a-le-le'-a), v. [Contrac- tion of haaleleia, passive form of haalele]. See haalele, to forsake. Haall (ha-a'-li), n. The gills of a fish. Haaliali (ha'-a'-li-a'-li), n. 1. The gills of a fish. Syn: Haali. 2. End of the penis. Haalii (ha'a-li'i), v. To spread out; to spread down, as a mat, tapa, paper, etc. (Written also halii.) Haalii, v. (Obsolete.) See haliilii j or halii. ! Haalili (ha'a-li'-li), v. Same as hoo-j lili, to undulate. I Haalilo (ha'a-li'-lo), n. An indistinct i undertone, like the soughing of the! wind; prolonged murmur, as thej hum of insects: I Kani haalilo a ke kua mauna, ' Me ka nu a ka hlnihlni (a forest shell) . | Haalou (ha'a-lo'u), v. [Haa and lou,i to bend in sorrow.] 1. To mourn; | to weep in affliction or grief. 2. To sigh. 3. To bend downward, aa the bough of a tree. Haaloulou (ha'a-lo'u-lo'u), adj. Cast down in mind; dejected; sad. Haaloulou (ha'a-lo'u-lo'u), n. [Re- duplication of haalou.] To feel grief; to mourn. Haalulu (ha'a-lu'-lu), n. 1. A trem- bling; a trepidation. 2. A shaking, as the earth in an earthquake. Haalulu (ha'a-lu'-lu), v. 1. To trem- ble; to totter; to shake; to quake. 2. To be in a state of trepidation, fear, confusion, etc. Haama (ha-a'-ma), v. 1. To begin to ripen, as oranges, but not to get soft. 2. To be fit to offer to the gods. 3. To mature, applied to persons. Haano (ha-a'-no), v. 1. To boast. 2. To exalt; to extol. See hoano. Haanou (ha'a-no'u), adj. Boasting: olelo haanou, boasting language. Haa'nou (ha'a-no'u), n. Boasting language; olelo haanou. Haanou (ha'a-no'u), v. To be puffed up with flattery. To be inflated with pride. Syn: Akena. Haanul (ha'a-nui), n. 1. The boast- ing of something received or favor obtained. 2. A boaster; one who brags. Haanul (ha'a-nui), v. To boast; to speak in bombastic language. Syn: Akena and haanoi. Haao (ha'-ao), adj. Driving in groups as rain with wind; word applied to the rains of Auaulele: ua haao. Kuu haku 1 ka ua haao =E2=80=94 e =E2=80=94 My lord In the driving rain. Ke lele la ka ua mauka, o Auaulele ; The ralii flies quickly o'er the upland of Auaulele. Lele ka ua. lele pu no me ka makani. The rain flies.=E2=80=94 flies with the wind. Haao (ha'-ao), n. 1. The separate sections or subdivisions in the pro- cession following a high chief. 2. A rain peculiar to Auaulelo in Kau, Hawaii, so named because the showers follow one another like the haao or subdivisions in the retinue of a chief. 3. A certain pattern carved on an ie kuku or tapa beat- er. Syn: Halua. Haapu (ha-a'-pu), adj. Ambitious; much desired: na hana naauao haapu, the strongly desired labors of learning. See haupu. Haapu (ha'a-pu), n. Same as haupu. Haapu (ha-a'-pu), v. To yearn for. HAA HAH Haapuka (ha'a-pu'-ka), v. [Haa and puka, to cheat,] To wrongfully gather up; to scrape together the good and the bad, anything and everything for property, as after a game is played to assume that one has won, and gather in the stakes. Haapuku (ha'a-pu'-ku), v. To be- come suddenly disturbed or anx- ious concerning the welfare of one's friends: pilikia iho la oloko, haapuku mai la ka manao ana. Haawa (ha-a'-wa), n. (Written also hoawa.) Name given to trees of the genus Pittosporum. Also known as papaahekilie. Haawe (ha'-a-we), n. 1. A burden. 2. A pack carried on the back. Haawe (ha'-a'-we), v. To carry on the back; to put upon the back or shoulders for carrying. Syn: Waha. See awe and lawe. Haaweawe (ha'-a'-we-a'-we), adj. Mov- ing, not stationary, Haaweawe (ha'-a'-we-a'-we), n. 1. Volunte-er potatoes; potatoes grown from those left when the crop was dug: ka haupuupu, ka okupu. 2. Any aftergrowth from roots of plants. 3. Name applied to certain sharp abdominal pains. Haawi (ha'-a'-wi), v. 1. To give;, to grant; to make over to another. 2. To proffer; to make an offer; to tender, Haawina (ha'-a-wi'-na), n. [Haawi, to give, etc., and ana, a participle ter- mination,] 1 A giving; a giving out; hence: 2. A portion; a part assigned to one. 3. In school, a lesson appointed to be learned. 4. A gift; a present. Syn: Makana. 5. A gift; a talent. Hadasa (ha'-da'-sa), n. [Heb.] The myrtle tree. Isa. 41:19. Lala ha- dasa, myrtle branche-s. Hae (ha'e), adj. Wild; tearing; furious; ferocious; cross; he ilio hihiu hae, a ferocious wild dog; applied only to animals. Hae (ha'e), adv. Yearning; longing: hae ke aloha. Hae (ha'e), n, 1, Something torn, as a piece of tapa or cloth. See hae- hae. The Hawaiian signals were formerly made of torn tapa ; hence, in modern times: 2. A flag; en- sign; banner; colors, etc.: ke kia, ame ka pea, ame ka hae, the masts, the sail, and the flag. Syn: Lepa. 3. The growling or snarling of a cross dog. Hae (ha'e), v. 1. To bark, as a dog. 2. Same as haehae, to tear. Haehae (ha'e-ha'e), n. 1, Strong af- fection. 2. Any strong or earnest de- sire, as hunger, thirst, etc, 3, Name of a cape or promontory in Puna often used in native meles or songs. 4. The two enclosures in front of Lono's temple. Haehae (ha'e-ha'e), v. To tear, as cloth or a garment. (Used with aahu.) 2. To tear in pieces, as a savage beast does a person. To rend, as a garment, through grief or indignation. 3. To rend, as the mountains in a hurricane. 4. To be moved with compassion; to sym- pathize. Haehae na maka, haehae ke aloha. Haehaeia (ha'e-ha'e-i'a), adj. Tom; injured; rent. Haehaeia (ha'e-ha'e-i'a), v. [Passive form of haehae.] To be rent; to be torn to pieces. Haehu (ha-e'-hu), v. To grow thrift- ily and large, applied to plant life. Haei (ha'-ei), v. (Obsolete.) To look; to pe-ep; to look slyly. Mod. Syn: Kiel and halo. Haekalkai (hae-ka'i-kai), v. (Obso- lete.) To mock. See haikaikai. Haele (ha'-e-le), v. To go or come Used only with mai or aku: haele mai, to come; haele aku, to go. Syn. with hele, but requires a dual or plural subject. Haha (ha'-ha), n. 1. Pride; haughti- ness; arrogance; contempt of oth- ers. 2. A wooden net or trap made of twigs and small branches and used for catching fresh water fish. Haha (ha'-ha'), n. 1. The inside of taro tops used for food; the whole top is called huli. See ha. 2. A small tree (Cleromontia gaudichau- dii) found on west Maui, also along the Kula pipe line. On Kauai it Is known as apeape, and on Oahu as ohawai. Also called hahaaiakama- nu. The thick milk sap is used as bird-lime by the natives. 3. Bana- na (Musa sp.). Haha (ha'-ha'), v. 1. To breathe hard ; to pant for breath, as in great haste. See ha. 2. To feel of; to move the hand over a thing. 3. To grope as a blind person; to feel, as if searching for something. HAH 89 HAH Hahae (ha'-ha'e), v. 1. To rend; to tear, as a garment. 2. To separate into parts. 3. To split lengthwise, as the pandanus leaf. Hahahana (ha'-ha-ha'-na), v. [Re- duplication of the verb hana.] To do; to perform. See the root hana. Ha ha hi (ha'-ha'-hi), v. To tread upon. Syn: Hehi. Hahal (ha'-ha'i), n. A breaking; a disjoining; a separating. Hahai (hS,'-ha'i), n. A swelling in the groin; a bubo. Also called auwai- ahiki and auakoi. Hahal (ha'-ha'i), v. 1. To follow; to pursue; to chase. 2. To follow one's example: Ua hahai nui na ka- naka a pau mamuli o na 'lii e noho ai ; all men generally followed after the chiefs for the time being. Hahai (ha'-ha'i), v. 1. To tell; to talk about: e hahai ana no lakou i na moeuhane; they were telling their dreams. =E2=80=94 Laieik. p. 143. 2. To report; to relate the particulars of. Hahaku (ha'-ha'-ku), v. 1. To tie to- gether in a bunch. See haku, to tie together. 2. To fold up; to put in order. Hahale (ha'-ha'-le), v. [Shortened from halehale.] 1. To be flaten- ed; to be sunken. Syn: Opaha. 2. To be hungry.. Hahalu (ha-ha'-lu), adj. 1. Rotten or defective inside; applied to wood, taro, potatoes, etc. 2. Empty; void; hungry: ua hahalu, ua pololi ka opu. Hahalu (ha'-ha'-lu), n. 1. Empti- ness; ihe state of being empty. 2. Sensation of hunger. Hahalu (ha-ha'-lu), v. 1. To be in- ternally defective, as worm-eaten or rotten wood. 2. Hungry. See the root, halu. Hahalua (ha'-ha'-lu-a), n. 1. The spotted sting ray, a fish which women were forbidden to eat under penalty of death. Also known as hihimanu, ihimanu and lupe. 2. A tree (Cyane^ leptostegia) which often reaches a height of 40 feet. It possesses a single erect trunk. The tree is peculiar to the island of Kauai. Hahana (ha-ha'-na), adj. Very warm, as the heat of the sun, the weather, .or the effect of labor. Hahana (ha-ha'-na), n. 1. Extraordi- nary heat. 2. Great effort; a put- ting forth of great strength or power. Hahana (ha-h^'-na), v. 1. To be ex- ceedingly warm; to be overheated. 2. To make impetuous effort, as in contest or emulation. Hahano (ha'-ha'-no), v. To administer an enema; to give an injection. Hahao (ha'-ha'o), v. To put in; to place within. 2. To throw in. Hahapaakai (ha'-h=C2=A7,'-pa*a-ka'i), n. A salt bed; a place where salt is pro- duced by evaporation of the sun. Hahau (ha'-ha'u), adj. Pertaining to punishment, as: laau hahau. Hahau (ha-hS'u), n. 1. That which is put or laid upon as a burden, or punishment; stripes; a streak or welt caused by flogging. Hahau (ha'-ha'u), v. 1. To whip; to strike with anything: hahau ai, to thresh, as grain. See haua. 2, To scourge; to chasten: hahauia kona kua i ke kaula e ka haole; his back was whipped with a rope by a for- eigner. 3. To inflict; to smite. Hahaua (ha'-ha-u'-a), v. [Contraction of hahauia, passive of hahau.] Scourged; beaten; punished; whip- ped. Hahauhui (ha-ha'u-hu'i), n. A re- ligious ceremony in the pule hoo- piopio. Syn: Uhauhui. See auhau- hui. Hahei (h=C2=A7.'-he'i), adj. Fat; plump; full, as the flesh on a healthy shoulder. Syn: Hehei. Hahei (ha'-he'i), v. To be striped over the shoulders, applied only to animals: he puaa hahei; a hog striped over the shoulders. Haheo (ha'-he'o), adj. 1. Proud; proud of dress or anything gaudy. 2. Haughty manner. Haheo (ha'-heo), v. To be proud, especially of dress or equipage; to put on airs of superiority. See heo and haaheo. Hahi (h^'-hi), n. 1. A treading upon; a trampling down. 2. An overturning. Hahl (h=C2=A7,'-hi), v. To tread upon; to trample down; to tread out, as grain. To stamp with the feet. To tread or trample upon. See ehi and hehi. HAH 90 HAI Hahihahi (ha'-hi-ha'-hi), v. [Freq. of hahi.] To tread or trample upon frequently. Hahili (ha'-hi'-li), n. A species of toad-fish. Also called nohu. Haho (ha'-ho), v. 1. To become poor in flesh. 2. To fail; to want strength; e wiwi iho ma ke kino. Hahu (ha'-hu), n. The bowels in a purged state. Hahualo (ha'-hu-a'-lo), n. The short fins of a fish next to the hiu (caudal fin). Hai (ha'i), n. 1. A break; a frac- ture; a broken place. Syn: Haina. 2. A joint of a limb: ka hai a maawe, the* elbow joint. 3. [Con- traction of Hainakolo.] The god- dess of tapa makers and bird catchers. 4. Distinguished fight- ers slain in battle. 5. The sacri- fice place upon the lele or altar. Hai (ha'i), pron. 1. Another; an- other person: no liai, for another; ia hai, to another: Hookahi no makamaka, o oe no, aole o hai; one only friend, thou art he, there is no other. Hai (hai), v. To hire; to engage for compensation. Hai (ha'i), v. 1. To place upon the altar, as in worship; to place upon the lele (altar) as a sacrifice to a god. 2. To be broken; to be not entire; to be in pieces. 3. To narrate; to tell; to inform; to recite. 4. To confess. 5. To be vain; proud. (See hoohai.) 6. To act lasciviously. Haia (ha'i-a), n. 1. A class of de- pendents, retainers or servants. 2. An assemblage; a number, es- pecially of persons. 3, It is used as a prefix to other words. Haiai (ha'i-a'i), v. [Hai, to sacri- fice, and ai, edible fruit.] 1. To sacrifice that the earth may bring forth food. 2. To tie food in bunches. Haiamu (h^'i-a'-mu'), adj. 1. Beau- tiful, as applied to a landscape; verdant. 2. Weird; still; wild and quiet. Haiamu (ha'i-a'-mu'), v. [Hai, to sacrifice, and amu, contraction of Kuamu, the goddess of plants.] To sacrifice to Kuamu. Haiano (ha'i-a'-no), n. [Hai, to de- clare, and ano, the meaning or quality.] An adjective. Haiao (ha'i-a'o), n. [Mod. Hai, to declare, and ao, to awake.] 1. A sermon; a public declaration of religious truth. 2. A discourse. Haiao (ha'i-a'o), n. [Hai, sacrifice, and ao, day.] A sacrifice offered in the daytime as distinguished from haipo, a night sacrifice. Haiawahine (ha'i-a'-wa'-hi'-ne), n. [Haia, a company, and wahine, woman.] 1. An assemblage of the wives of one* man exclusive of the favorite one. 2. A wife of secon- dary quality; not a favorite wife. 3. A concubine; a mistress. 4. A company of women retained by a queen or princess. Haiawahine (ha'i-a'-wa'-hi'-ne), v. To be a concubine. Haiea (ha'i-e'a), n. A species of fish; the blue aawa. See aawa. Haihai (ha'i-ha'i), adj. 1. Brittle; easily broken. 2. Proud; vain. Haihai (ha'i-ha'i), n. [Freq. of hai.] 1. A broken place. 2. A breach or breaking of a law. 3. A state of brittleness; liability to break. Haihai (ha'i-ha'i), v. [Hai, to break.] 1. To break; to break in pieces. To break off, as the branch of a tree. To crush, as a flower (Laieik, p. 142); to break up. 2. To break, as a law or command. 3. To separate the flesh from the bones of a dead person; ua haihai 'O Kamehameha, alalia hoi mai o Liholiho mai Ka- waihae mai. 4. To dissect. 5. To speak in a haughty manner; to strut; to be proud. Syn: Hoohaihai. 6. To carry one's self in such a manner as to attract the attention of one of the . opposite sex. Syn: Hoohai. 7. To consult or chat together. (When haihai has this meaning it must be fol- lowed by olele to complete the sense, as: haihai-olele, to consult or talk together.) Haihai (ha'i-ha'i), v. 1. To follow earnestly or swiftly. 2. To run a race. Haihaia (ha'i-ha'i-a'), adj. 1. Wicked. 2. Profane. 3. Sensual. Haihaia (ha'i-ha'i-a'), 'n. Senauality. Haihaia (ha'i-ha'i-a), v. To court the favor of the gods, or perhaps to use various arts, as by getting herbs, medicines and offerings to prevent the gods from hearing another's prayers. HAI 91 HAI Haihana (ha'i-ha'-na), v. [Hal, to declare, and hana, to do.] To de- clare something done; to an- nounce completion. Haiinoa (ha'i-i-no'a), n. [Hal, to de- clare, and inoa, name.] A noun. Haikaika (ha'i-ka'i-ka), adj. Sneer- ing; expressing anger. Haikaika (ha'i-ka'i-ka), n. A sneer.' Haikaika (ha'i-ka'i-ka), v. 1. To mimic; to mock by . making wry faces at. 2. To speak contempt- uously to. Haikala. (ha'i-ka'-la), n. A fatal disease which was accompanied by cramps. The medicine used for this was waiiki (composed of the core of a green calabash and the sap of the kukui tree). Haikalamuku (ha'i-ka'-la-mu'-ku), n. A disease as fatal as haikala and for which the same medicine was used. Haiki (ha'-i-ki), adj. [Ha, a trough for water to run through, and iki, small.] 1. Narrow. 2. Pinched; scanty. 3. Suffering for want of food. Haiki (haM-ki), v. 1. To be in want. 2. To feel desolate; be- reaved. 3. To be disappointed. Haikiaka (ha'i-ki-a'-ka), v. Incorrect form of haikaika, to mock. Hailawe (ha'i-la'-we), v. To ex- change, as in barter; to give one piece of property for another. Hailea (ha'i-le'a), adj. Skilled; skillful. Hailea (ha'i-le'a), adv. Skillfully.- Hailea (ha'i-le'a), n. 1. Skill; in- genuity; familiar knowledge of a thing with ability to apply that knowledge in a practical way. 2. One skilled in the application of knowledge to practical purposes. Syn: Loea. Hailepo (ha'i-le'-po), n. 1. Chronic looseness of the bowels. 2. Any illness that makes one look wan and pale. 3. A marine animal of the order Delphinus; the dolphin. Also known as ihimanu, hihiwai, hihimanu and hahalua. Hailepo (hai'le'-po), v. 1. To be sick with the disease called hai- lepo. 2. To be ill with any sick- ness that makes one look wan and pale. Haili (ha-i-li), n. 1. An indistinct recollection; vague impression made upon the mind by some event or spoken word; a percep- tion of something not real. 2. Earnest desire. 3. Spirit; ghost. 4. The impression of something fondly remembered: halialia wale mai no ke aloha, hoanoano wale mai no me he haili la e kau iho ana maluna, love brought the fond remembrance, it brought solemnity as if a spirit rested on him; lele ke aka o ka manao, leleiaka i ka lani; lele ae la ka haili o ka ia nui iluna. Haili (ha'-Mi), n. Name of a cele- brated heiau or temple in Hilo. Haili (ha'-i'-li), v. To be put in mind of something suddenly; to be startled, pleasantly or other- wise. Hailla (ha'i-li'-a), v. [Haili, to be startled; to be frightened.] To start suddenly from fear. Hailiaka (ha'-i-li-a'-ka), n. (Haili, ghost, and aka, shadow.] 1. A ghost; a spirit. 2. Fear of a shadow or the spirit of one de- parted. Haili ill (ha'i'-li-i'-li), n. Cursing; profane language: he hoino. Hailiili (ha' i-li-i'-li), v. [Ha, con- traction for hai, to say and iliili, to collect or assemble.] 1. To revile the gods; to swear pro- fanely; to curse. 2. To speak dis- re-spectfully of one. 3. To re- proach; to blackguard; to revile. Hailili (ha'i-li'-li), n. Grief; mental distress caused by disaster or mis- fortune. Hailili (ha'i-li'-li), v. To grieve over the death of a loved one: ua make, hailili e. Hailima (ha'i-li'-ma), n. 1. The el- bow. 2. In measuring the dis- tance from the elbow to the end of the fingers; half a yard or a cubit. Hailoaa (ha'i-16-a'a), n. [Hai, to tell and loaa, to obtain.] 1. Answer to a proble^m; a declaration of what one has found out. 2. The name of a little book called a key to an algebra. 3. A key or clue to in- tricate propositions. Hailona (ha'i-lo'-na), n. 1. A mark sign or signal character represent- ing a thing, as a letter represent- ing a sound; an arithmetical sign, etc. 2. A lot in casting lots. 3. Whatever is used in casting lots. HAI 92 HAI Hallona (ha'i-lo'-na), v. 1. To cast or draw lots. To distribute by lot. 2, To certify by actions that some- thing will be done. 3. To make a signal for some purpose. 4. In modern times, to throw dice. See hoailona. Hailono (ha*i-lo'-no), v. [Hai, to tell, and lono, the news.] To tell the news; to spread a report: aohe a hailono iki: none at all (escaped) to tell the news. Hailuku (ha'i-lu'-ku), n. A stoning to death; killing one by stoning. Hailuku (ha'i-lu'-ku), v. [Hai, the particle, and luku, to slaughter.] 1. To hit with any weapon; to de- stroy: kena ae la ke alii e hailuku i ua poe la; the king sent word to destroy those persons. (Pehi de^ scribes the act when one alone does the throwing or hitting; hai- luku implies that more than one did the destroying.) Haimalule (ha'i-ma'-lu'-le), adj. 1. Soft; effeminate; weak in body. 2. Deliberate at work. Haimanawa (ha'i-ma'-na'-wa), n. 1. A very delicate white tapa that is rather thin. 2. Name* of the school book used at Lahainaluna in teach- ing chronology. Haina (ha'i-na'), adj. Cruel; unmer- ciful; hard-hearted. Haina (ha'i-na), n. [Hai, to speak, and ana participial ending.] A speaking; a declaration. Haina (ha'i-na), n. 1. A declara- tion; a conversation. 2. A break- ing, as of a stick or other thing. 3. A breaking of a law. Haina (ha'i-na'), v. 1. To be stingy of food. 2. To withhold anything from those who deserve it. 3. To forsake. 4. To act unkindly; to be ungrateful; to be unmindful of. 5. To abuse. Haina (ha'i-na), v. [Contraction of haiia, passive of the verb hai, to tell.] Tell; confess; declare; speak. (Used imperatively.) Halnaka (ha'i-na-ka'), n. [Bug.] 1. A handkerchief. 2. A napkin. Hainaki (ha'i-na'-ki), n. 1. Prayer or petition to be released from payment of the property tax for the chief). 2. The one so peti- tioning. Hainole (ha'i-no'-le), v. 1. To find fault with; to complain of. 2. To incite; to encourage; to stimulate. Hainu (ha'-i'-nu), v. (Obs.) To give drink to one; to cause to drink. Mod. syn: Hoohainu. Haiola (ha'i-o'-la), n. [Hai, to de- clare, and ola, life, salvation.] 1. One who preaches or declares there is salvation for men. 2. The declaration of such a fact. Haiole (ha'i-o'-le), adj. [Hal, to break, and ole, not.] Wilful; im- pudent; disobedient, Haiolelo (ha'i-o-le'-lo), n. [Hai, to declare, and olelo, word.] A preaching; a declaration of the Word of God. Haiolelo (ha'i-o-le'-lo), v. To make a speech or an address. (Laieik, p. 115.) Haiouli (ha'i-o-u'-li), n. A prognos- tication from observing the sky. Kindred with kilolani and kilokilo hoku. Haiouli (ha'i-o-u'-li), v. [Hai, to de- clare, and ouli, the sky.] To prog- nosticate; to declare future events from observing the heavens. Haipo (ha'i-po'), n. [Hai, a sacri- fice, and po, night.] A sacrifice offered in the night in distinction from haiao. Haipu (ha'-i'-pu), n. [Ha, the stem of a leaf, and ipu, a gourd.] The stem of a gourd leaf used in medi- cine. Haipule (ha'i-pu'-le), adj. Pious; de- vout; religious; religiously dis- posed: a ike mai o Vanekouva he alii haipule o Kamehameha, etc., when Vancouver saw that Kame- hameha was religiously disposed, etc. Haipule (ha'i-pu'le), n. A devotee; a pious person; a saint. 2. Piety. 3. Profession of religion; outward worship. Haipule (ha'i-pu'-le), v. [Hai, to of- fer, as in sacrifices, and pule, to pray.] 1. To speak or say a pray- er to the gods. 2. To worship vis- ibly. 3. To exhibit the character of a worshiper; to practice reli- gious rites: Ina e makemake oe e haipule, if you wish to practice re- ligious duties. 4. To consecrate a temple; to prescribe the forms of religion; nana (na ke alii) e hai- pule na heiau poo kanaka, oia hoi na luakini. Haiula (ha'i-u'-la), n. 1. The glow observed in the sky at early morn- ing and evening. 2. The red or HAI 93 HAK yellow appearance of dust raised by the wind. Haiwahine (ha'i-wa-hi'-ne), n. The goddess of tapa makers. Haiwale (ha'i-wa'-le), v. [Hal, to speak and wale, idly or without effect.] 1. To talk for the pur- pose of concealing the truth. 2. To talk in a haphazard manner in order to divert attention from one's self. Haka (ha'-ka), n. 1. A hole; a breach, as in a side of a house; hence, 2. A ladder, that is, the cross sticks and spaces between. 3. A hen-roost: hanaia i haka no ua moa la e kau ai. 4. A building not tightly inclosed, having many open places. Haka (ha'-ka), v. 1. To stare at; to look earnestly at. Syn: Nana. 2. To look at with desire. (Often connected with pono as an inten- sive.) Haka (ha-ka'), v. To quarrel; to dispute; to contend. Syn: Hakaka. Hakae (ha'-ka'e), v. To be unsound; to be weak; frail; applied to per- sons or things. Hakaha (ha'-ka'-ha), v. To delay; to procrastinate; to tarry. Hakahaka (ha'-ka-ha'-ka), n. 1. That which is full of holes or open spaces. 2. Want; deficiency; loss. 3. Empty space; place unoccupied; me or ma ka hakahaka, in the place of. He hakahaka, ka houpo implying pololi, hunger. Hakahaka (ha'-ka-ha'-ka), y. 1. To be full of holes; unsound; cellular. 2. To be hollow, as a bone. 3. To be empty. 4, To be open; to be not tightly enclosed, as a building. See haka, n, Hakahele (ha'-ka-he'-le), v. Incor- rect form of akahele. Hakaka (ha'-ka-ka'), n. Fighting; quarreling; contention; contro- versy. Hakaka (ha'-ka-ka'), v. To quarrel; to contend; to fight =E2=80=94 but often only in words. To debate. Syn: Haka. Hakakae (ha'-ka-ka'e), adj. Thin. Hakakae (ha'-ka-ka'e), v. To be sickly and weak; to waste away from trouble or distress. Syn: Hakae. 2. To be thin and frail and easily destroyed, as thin tapa. Syn: Hakae. Hakaka! (ha'-ka-ka'i), adj. Excea- sively fat; swollen. Hakakai (ha'-ka-kai), v. To be swelled; to be excessively fat but weak. Syn: Kuhakakai. Hakakau (ha'-ka-ka'u), n. 1. A place to hang things upon. 2. A thin, tall man. Hakakau (ha'-kaka'u), v. [Haka, a ladder or elevated resting place, and kau, get upon or mount.] 1. To be suspended, as on a ladder. 2. To stand with a slender foot- ing, as on the edge of a canoe looking for squid: ke hakakau la ke kanaka me he kioea la; the man stands like a kioea (a long- legged bird). 3. To mount and take from. Hakakauluna (ha'-ka-ka'u-lu-na), n. Stools on which double canoes were placed when out of water. Syn: Aki: Hakakauplll (ha'-ka-ka'u-pi'-li), n. A traditionary rat celebrated for its skill in stealing food and keep- ing away from its pursuers. Ike ia hakakaupiii me he iwa la i ka lai, Ke aka lele au a Kalahikiola, Ola ka maka ia Kohala pall uka. Hakakauplll (ha'-ka'-ka'u-pi'-li), v. 1. To stand listening intently like a startled thief. 2. To be ready to fly on the approach of any one: e kau me he iwa la i ka lai, e lele aheahe malie ana. Hakake (ha'-ka-ke'), v. [Haka, lad- der or frame, and ke, to push.] 1. To jump up, onto, or over. 2. To stand on stilts. 3. To stand, as a spider on long legs. 4. To stand huddled or crowded togeth- er; to be so crowded as not to find a standing place. Hakaku (ha'-ka-ku'), n. A frame for drying fish for the chiefs. These were tabu. Hakala (ha'-ka'-la), n. The gable end of a house. Aia mahea ia? Aia ma ka hakala o ka hale. See kala. Hakalalu (ha'-ka-la-lu'), adj. Debili- tated; impaired in strength from old age, sickness, etc. Hakalalu (ha'-ka-la-lu'), v. To be- come weak from emaciation. Hakalla (ha'-ka-li'-a), adj. Dilatory; slow; taking too much time. Hakalla (ha'-ka-li'-a), n. Detention; slowness: he hewa nui, o keia hakalla o lakou; the great error was this slowness of them. Hakalla (ha'-ka-li'-a), v. To be dila- tory; slow in doing a thing. HAK 94 HAK Hakalina (ha'-ka-li'-na), v. To be showy or pompous; to be vain of one's attire, Hakaiunu (ha'-ka-lu'-nu), adj. 1. Old; aged. 2. Lacking in strength; debilitated. Hakaiunu (ha'-ka-lu'-nu), n. (Writ- ten also hakanu.) Extreme old age when one is no longer able to walk: hele o mea a kau ka haka- iunu. Hakamoa (ha'-ka'-mo'-a), n. [Haka, to quarrel, and moa, a fowl.] 1. Cock-fighting, a game practiced in former times: o ka hakamoa keka- hi mea makemake nui e na 'lii. 2. A fist fight; sparring. Hakamoa (ha'-ka'-mo'-a), v. 1. To box; to spar. 2. To fight with feet and spurs, as cocks do. Hakanea (ha-ka-ne'a), adj. Awk- ward, unskilful; unable to accomp- lish. Syn: Neki. Hakanele (ha'-ka-ne'-le), adj. Thin; spare in flesh; applied to man or beast: Ua hakanele oe i ko oukou hiki ana mai. Hakanene (ha'-ka-ne'-ne), v. 1. To be weak, infirm from protracted sick- ness. 2. To be swelled; puffed up: e maimai, e ukeke. Hakao (ha'-ka'o), v. To go naked. Hakaolelo (ha-ka'-o-le'-lo), n. One whom a chief employed to report the misdeeds of the people. Hakaolelo (ha-ka'-o-le'-lo), v. [Haka, to quarrel, and olelo, word.] To blame another; to accuse vehe- mently. Hakapono (ha'-ka-po'-no), v. 1. To look earnestly at; to stare at. Syn: Haka. 2. To be watchful of; to observe with care. Syn: Haka. Hakau (ha'-ka'u), adj. 1. Slim; poor in flesh. 2, Tall and slender. Hakau (ha-ka'u), v. To look slim and tall, as a person whose flesh is wasted from his limbs. Hakau (ha'-ka'u), v. 1. To practice fighting with the hands; to use hands and arms and body in ath- letic practice. 2. To strive in op- position; to debate or contend with words. Hake (ha-ke'), n. Fullness; reple- tion to the bursting point. Hake (ha-ke'), v. To be over full; to be full to the bursting point. Hakea (ha'-ke'-a), adj. Syn: Kea, white. Pale, as one sick. | Hakelo (ha'-ke'-lo), adj. (Also writ- ten hakelokelo.) Snotty. Hakelo (ha'-ke'-lo), n. (Also written hakelokelo.) Mucus. Haki (ha'-ki), adj. Easily broken: haki wale, brittle. Haki (ha'-ki), v. To be broken. See uhaki for the active form, Hakia (ha'-ki-a), n. A pin; nail; spike. Hakia (ha'-ki-a), v. (Obsolete.) To fasten or join with a pin. Syn: Makia and kakia. Hakia (ha'-ki'-a), v. [Contraction of hakiia, the passive form of haki, to break.] To be broken. HaklEiaki (ha'-ki-ha'-ki), v. To be broken in pieces; to be broken into fragments. Hakii (ha'-ki'i), v. (Written also hakiikii.) To fasten with lacings or rope. Syn: Nakii. Hakilo (ha'-kl'-lo), v. 1. To observe narrowly; to watch closely and attentively. 2. To watch another's actions or conduct, generally. 3. To eavesdrop or listen secretly, expecting something bad: ua ha- kilo aku au ia mea ma e ohumu ana. 4. To act the spy. Syn: Kilo. Hakina (ha'-ki'-na), n. [Contraction of haki ana, a breaking.] A piece broken off; a remnant; a part; a portion; hakina ai, a piece of food. Hakinaolelo (ha'-ki'-na-o-le'-lo), n. 1. Part of a word; a syllable. 2. A syllable in music. Hakiu (ha'-ki'-u), v. To spy out; to look at; to examine: alalia, hakiu like iho la lakou i iini ai. Syn: ' Hakilo and kiu. Hako (ha-ko'), n. [Ha, the leaf of, and ko, sugar-cane.] The leaf of the sugar-cane: ka wakawaka o Mano e moku ai ka hako. Hako (ha'-ko), v. To be dignified in one's bearing; to appear honor- able; to be noble in form: ua hako kona helehelena, ma kona mau maka. Hakohako (ha'-ko-ha'-ko), adj. [Freq. of hako.] 1. Portly. 2. Dignified in appearance; noble in person. Syn: Hako. Hakoi (ha'-ko'i), adj. 1. Heavy; burdensome; weighty, as luggage; kaumaha, koikoi. 2. Heavy, as the heart. HAK 95 HAK Hakoi (ha-ko'i), n. Paraphia, a' strangulation of the glans penis, a j disease of children. j Hakoi (ha'-ko'i), v. 1. To dash at)out, as water against water. 2. | To be agitated, as water in a dish which is carried unsteadily: hakoi! ka wai. 3. To be mentally un- 1 settled, as one's thoughts when in trouble. Hakoikoi (ha'-ko'i-ko'i), v. 1. To be' agitated, rise or swell up, as a tur- \ bulent tide. 2. To be disturbed mentally: Ma ka haale o ka ma- ^ nao e pii iluna me he waf la e ^ hakoikoi iloko o ka manawa; j through the overflow of thoughts I rising up like water, the affections | flow within. Syn: Hakoi. Hakoko (ha'-ko-ko'), n. Wrestling; contention of strength between two persons to cause each other to fall: Eia kekahi lealea, o ka hakookoo; here is one pastime, wrestling. Hakoko (ha'-ko'-ko'), v. (Written also hakookoo.) To wrestle; to grapple with another to cause him to fall. (Hawaiians write the j worci in both forms. The last syllables are equally long and ac- cented.) Hakona (ha'-ko'-na), adj. 1. Scorched or dried black, as breadfruit which hangs on the trees long after the season is over, when one side be- comes parched and black with the sun: he hakona ka hua ulu. 2. It applies also to the side lying long on the dirt; the other side is kua paa. Hakonakona (ha'-ko'-na-ko'-na), adj. Rough; dark; clouded; uneven. Hakookoo (ha'-ko'o-ko'o), adj. Same as hakoko. Haku (ha'-ku), n. 1. A lord; a mas- ter; an overseer; a ruler. 2. A hard lump of anything; the tongue of a bell; a hard substance in the flesh; the ball of the eye; haku onohi; the name of several species of hard stones formerly .used in working stone adzes: ua kapaia kela mau pohaku, he haku ka koi ka inoa. 3. The inner part of a thing; the central part of fruit: Ka haku o ka ipu, the middle portion of the melon. Haku (ha'-ku), v. 1. To dispose of things in order; to put in order. 2. To arrange or tie feathers in a kahili; to make a wreath or lei: e haku i ka lei; e haku oe i lehua. (Laieik. p. 146.) 3. To put words in order, as in poetry; to com- pose a song. Hakuaina (ha'-ku-a'i-na), n. [Haku, lord, and aina, land.] A land- holder, that is, one who manages the land and the people on it un- der the chief or owner. Hakuakea (ha'-ku-a-ke'a), n. A phrase in praise of Lono, a lord of extensive power: papa ka hakua- kea o Lono. Hakuapa (ha'-ku-a'-pa), n. (The pre- ferable spelling is hakuepa.) 1. A false speaker; a detractor. 2. A false report; evil speaking. Hakuapa (ha'-ku-a'-pa), v. (Gen- erally written hakuepa.) To speak falsely; to detract; to slander. Hakue (ha-ku'e), n. Same as hauke. Hakuekue (ha'-ku'e-ku'e), n. A deep sea crustacean, resembling the ina. Found only in deep sea. Hakuepa (ha'-kii-e'-pa), n. 1. A back- biter. 2. A liar. Hakuhaku (ha'-kii-ha'-ku), adj. Full of hard lumps; lumpy. Hakuhaku (ha'-ku-ha'-ku), v. 1. To put together. 2. To fold up, as tapa; to put in order; to arrange. [See haku.] Hakuhale (ha'-ku-ha'-le), n. [Haku, master, and hale, house.] The master or owner of a house. Hakuhana (ha'-ku-ha'-na), n. 1. An overseer or superintendent of la- bor. 2. A word applied to the appearance or motion of the clouds: he ao hakuhana; a dark circular-shaped moving cloud giv- ing no rain. Hakui (ha'-ku'-i), n. Food cooked with hot stones, as popolo, luai, blood of hog, etc. Hakui (ha'-ku'i), n. 1. The spike- lets of the haukeuke. 2. The horn of the sea-egg. Hakui (ha'-ku'i), v. [Ha, and kul, to sound out.] 1. To reflect sound, as an echo. 2. To sound in every direction, as thunder rumbling through the heavens: e kani ma- hope o kekahi kani ana me he kihili la; to reverberate. 3. To be slightly sick at the stomach: hoopailua. 4. To flutter; to pal- pitate, as the heart. Hakui (ha'-ku'i), v. To cook food with red hot stones. HAK 96 HAL Hakuia (ha'-ku-i'a), v. [Passive of haku.] To be bound; braided; wreathed together, etc, (Laieik, p. 112.) Hakuikui (ha-ku'i-ku'i), v. [Freq. of hakui, to reflect sound.] See hakui. Hakukai (ha'-ku-ka'i), v. [Haku lumpy, and kai, sea.] To be dis- turbed, as the sea; to be stormy. Syn: Ooloku. Hakukoi (ha'-ku-ko'i), v. 1. To spring up in the mind; to remem- ber suddenly. 2. To be disturbed; to be agitated. Hakukole (ha'-ku-ko'-le), n. 1. A blackguard; a vile person. 2. A defamer; a slanderer. Hakukole (ha'-ku-ko'-le), v. To black- guard; to reproach in foul lan- guage. Hakuma (ha'-ku'-ma), adj. (Written also hakumakuma.) Ominous; dark; lowering, applied to cloud semblance. Hakumakuma (ha'-ku'-ma-ku'-ma), adj. 1. Lowering, as clouds threat- ening a storm. 2. Pitted, as the skin with disease. 3. Thick; set close together. Hakumakuma (hS,'-kii'-m^-ku'-m=C2=A7,), v. 1. To lower; to frown; to look threatening, as clouds portending a storm. 2. To be rough or pitted, as from the scars of the smallpox: hakumakuma ka ili. 3. To be close together. 4. To be thick, as a board. Hakumele (ha'-ku-me'-le), n. A poet; a composer of songs. Hakumele (ha'-kil-me'-le), v. [Haku, to compose, and mele, a song; poetry.] To compose or make poetry. Hakuohia (ha'-kti-o-hi'a), n. 1. The god of the ohia trees. 2. The ohia tree of which an idol was to be made: a i ka la i pii aku ai i ka hakuohia make kekahi kanaka, i me-a e mana ai ua kii ohia la; on the day they went up for an ohia tree some man would die, to give efficacy to the idol. The species of ohia used was the ohiaapane. Hakuohia is the same as kii-ohia. 3. An idol made of ohia wood. Hakuolelo (ha'-kti-o-le'-lo), n. 1. One who puts words together in proper form, as in narration or descrip- tion. 2. A false accuser; a detrac- tor. Hakuolelo (ha'-ku-o-le'-lo), v. [Haku, to put together, and olelo, words.] To detract; to defame; to slander. Hakuone (ha'-ku-o'-ne), n. [Haku, lump, and one, sand.] A small division of land, similar to or smaller than a koele cultivated for the chief. (See kuakua.) Hakuonohi (ha'-ku-6-no'-hi), n. [Haku, a hard lump, and oinohi, the eye- ball.] 1. The pupil of the eye. 2. The little image in the eye. Hakupe (ha'-ku'-pe), n. Slow or feeble walking. Hakupe (ha'-ku'-pe), v. To walk feebly. Hakupehe (ha'-ku-pe'-he), v. 1. To speak carefully as to truth and propriety. 2. To step or act slowly as through uncertainty. Hakuwahfine (ha'-ku-wa-hi'-ne), n. [Haku, a lord, and wahine, a fe- male.] 1. A female master, that is, a mistress. 2. The wife of a chief or noble. Hala (ha'-la), adj. Sinful; wicked; kanaka hala, a sinner. Hala (ha'-la), adv. 1. Sinfully; in a state of sin. 2. (Referring to space past over.) Onward; throughout; even to; up to; he pa pohaku a hala i ka lani, a stone wall (reaching) clear up to heaven. A hala, clear up to, is also used. Hala (ha'-la), n. 1. Sin; transgres- sion: hala ole, without sin. 2. Offense. 3. A law case. 4. The pandanus tree (Pandanus odoratis- simus). Coarse mats are made from the leaves and wreaths (lei) from the ripe fruits. The tree is also known as lauala or lauhala. Hala (ha'-la), v. 1. To miss the ob- ject aimed at: Nou mai la ia, a hala ka pohaku; nou hou mai la ia a hala hou no; a i ke kolu o ka nou ana, pa aku la; he threw and the stone missed; he threw again and missed again; the third time he threw, he hit. 2. To be gone; to pass away, as time; to pass over. 3. To pass onward; to go beyond. 4. To err; to be guilty or blameworthy. Halahala (ha'-la-ha'-la), adj. Bitter; sour; brackish: ko halahala, sour or fermented cane. Halahala (ha'-la-ha'-la), n. A spe- cies of fish of the uhu class. Also called uhuhala-hala. HAL 97 HAL Ha la ha la (ha'-la-ha'-la), n. [Redup. of hala, to miss.] See hala. Halahalawai (ha'-la-ha'-la-wa'i), adj. 1. Watery; wet. 2. Tearful; weep- ing. Syn: Haloiloi. 3. Handsome in personal appearance. Hala hi (ha'-la-hi'), n. Hissing or whizzing of any projectile passing through the air. Halahl (ha'-la-hi'), v. 1. To miss, as to miss a mark. 2. To dodge any missile. 3. To fly near, as a hurled stone. 4. To whiz. Halahula (ha'-la-hu'-la), n. 1. An as- sembly composed of chiefs, priests, magicians and prophets. 2. A war council. Halai (ha'-la'i), adj. Not stormy; undisturbed by wind. Halai (ha'-la'i), n. The lulling of a strong wind; a calm. Halalo (ha'-la-i'o), interj. 1. Oh; well; alas, etc.; an exclamation of surprise at a failure to hit, reach, find, etc. Halalo (ha'-la-i'o), n. The meat of the lauhala seed. HalaiwI (ha'-la-i'-wi), n. A covet- ous look: halaiwi me ka manao e lawe malu. Halaiwi (ha'-la-i'-wi), v. To look covetously at. Halakahiki (ha'-ia-ka-hi'-ki'), n. The pineapple plant and its fruit. Halakau (ha'-la-ka'u), v. To beget Halakea (ha'-la-ke'a), n. 1. A white tapa. 2. The upright posts within a house to which the laaukea, or cross ties, were fastened. Halala (ha'-la'-la), adj. Over grown; of extra size. Halalo (ha'-la'-lo), v. 1. To lift up and look under. 2. To reflect: pela kuu halalo ana ia'u iho, so I thought within myself. 3. To in- ject, to give an enema or injec- tion. Syn: Hahano. Halaioa (ha'-ia-lo'a), n. A species of fish. Halana (ha'-la'-na), v. [Ha, parti- ciple, and lana, to float.] 1. To overflow, as water. 2. To flood. Halanalana (ha'-la'-na-la'-na), v. 1. To overflow; to flow thick and fast, as the tears: nolaila i hala- nalana ai lakou me ka haloiloi i ko lakou waimaka, to shed tears. See halana. 2. To be qualmish. Halao (ha'-la'o), n. 1. Pain in the eye from some small mote. Syn: laolao. 2. A mote; a foreign sub- stance in the eye. Halao (ha'-la'o), v. To suffer pain in the eye from a particle or mote lodged there: halao ana i kuu i maka. ! Halaoa (ha'-la-o'a), adj. Projecting; I standing above. Halaoa (ha'-la-o'a), v. 1. To project; to project unevenly. 2. To stretch out. 3, To extend upwards, as the mast of a ship. Halaolao (ha'-la'o-la'o), adj. Small; I stunted; poor; thin. ; Halaolao (ha'-la'o-la'o), v. Freq. of halao, to suffer pain in the eye. , Halapa (ha-la'-pa), n. 1. A petition to the gods for an immediate an- swer to prayer: E Ku e Lono =E2=80=94 e! E halapa i ka mauli kukala o ka hale hou; O Ku, O Lono, satisfy quickly the desire of my soul for the new house. Halapepe (ha'-la-pe'-pe), n. A glab- rous tree (Dracaena aurea) 25 to 35 feet high, with, soft whitish wood, emitting roots above ground like the hala or pandanus. The natives formerly carved their idols out of this wood. Halapia (ha'-la-pi'-a), n. The white hala; hala keokeo. A species of pandanus that bears a white cone. Halau (ha'-la'u), n. 1. A long house with openings on both ends used mostly for canoes. 2. A mother hen. Halau (ha'-la'u), v. To be long; to extend; to stretch out. Halawai (ha'-la-w^'i), adj. Of or pertaining to meeting: hale hala- wai, a house for a public meeting. Halawai (ha'-la-w^'i), n. 1. A meet- ing place. 2. The place of union between the heavens and the earth; the space between them. Syn: Lewa hookui. Halawai (ha'-la-wa'i), v. 1. To meet, as two persons. 2. To meet as two lines in an angle. 3. To as- semble, as persons for business or public worship. Halawalawa (ha'-ia-wa-ia-wa'), adj. Having short turns; running this way and that. Halawi (ha'-ia-wi'), v. To look upon with desire. Syn: Halaiwi. Hale (ha'-le), n. 1. A house; a hab- itation; a dwelling place; mostly HAL 98 HAL for men. 2. A sheltered and in- closed place for any purpose. In ancient times every man of wealth was supposed to have the fol- lowing .six houses: (a) The heiau, house of worship where the idols were kept; (b) The mua, the eat- ing house for the husband, and distinct from the eating house of the woman. Husband and wife never ate together. The mua was tabu to the wife; (c) The noa, the separate house of the wife, which was free for her husband to enter. The woman ate in the hale noa at certain periods; (d) Hale aina, the eating house of the wife; (e) The kua, the house where the wife beat out tapa; (f) Hale pea, the house of separation for the wife during the periods of her in- firmity. They had other houses and for other purposes, but these six were considered necessary for every person in respectable stand- ing. See the above words in their places. Halealna (ha'-le-a'i-na), n. [Hale, house, and ajna, eating.] In an- cient times the eating house for women. (The mua was the eating house for men.) See hale. Haleakala (ha'-le-a'-ka-la'), n. [Hale, house, a, of, and ka la, the sun. House of the sun.] 1. The extinct volcano of east Maui. Also known as Heleakala. 2. The high moun- tain peak on the rim of the crater of Haleakala. Also known as He- leakala. Halealli (ha'-le-a-li'i), n. [Hale, house, and alii, chief.] A chief's house; a palace. Halealii palaoa, an ivory palace. Halehalawai (ha'-le-ha'-la-wa'i), n. [Hale, house, and halawal, to meet; assemble.] A meeting house; a synagogue; a place of meeting. Halehale (ha'-le-ha'-le), adj. Deep down, as a pit; deep, as a cavern. Halehale (ha'-le-ha'-le), n. 1. A deep place: halehale poipu, deep under the surf. (Laieik. p. 133.) 2. A pit. Halehale (ha'-le-ha'-le), v. 1. To be fallen in, as the roof of an old house. 2. To be pressed down. Halehau (ha'-le-ha'u), n. [Hale, house, and hau, the hau tree.] 1. A house built of hau timber for the use of the gods, where divine honors were paid. 2. The ice house of Poliahu on Maunakea mentioned in the story of Laiei- kawai. Haleheiau (ha'-le-he'i-au), n. The first house made in an establish- ment; a house in which to keep the household gods and a place of worship. Halehookipa (ha'-le-ho'o-ki'-pa), n. [Hale, house, and kipa, to turn in and lodge with one.] A lodging house; a house for strangers. See halekipa. Halehooluhi (ha'-le-ho'o-lu'-hi), n. [Hale, house, and luhl, oppres- sion.] A house of bondage; a place of bondage. Halekaa (ha'-le-ka'a), n. [Hale, house, and kaa, to roll.] 1. Any carriage with a top or covering. 2. A chariot. 3. A carriage house; a garage. Halekahikokaua (ha'-le-ka'-hl-k6'- ka'ua), n. [Hale, house, kahiko, armor, and kaua, war.] An armory; a place for storing or keeping arms. Halekamala (ha'-le-ka'-ma'-la), n. [Hale, house, and kamala, a tem- porary shed.] 1. A house quickly and slightly built; a temporary shed; a booth. 2. A tabernacle. Halekaua (ha'-le-ka'u-a), n. [Hale, house, and kaua, war.] A fort; a tower; a fortification. Halekia (ha'-le-kl'-a), n. [Hale, house, and kia, a post; a pillar.] A portico to a house; a verandah supported by pillars. Halekiai (ha'-le-ki'-a'i), n. [Haie, house, and kiai, to watch.] A watch tower; a tower. Halekipa (ha'-le-ki'-pa), n. [Hale, house, and kipa, to lodge a trav- eler.] 1. An inn; a lodging house. 2. A friend; a friend of the same sex. Halekoko (ha'-le-ko'-ko) , n. 1. The house where the hoalii, companion of the king or high chief, slept: ua kapaia ka halekoko o ka hoalii. 2. House where prisoners were held until sacrificed upon the lele or altar. Halekua (ha'-le-ku'-a), n. [Haie, house, and kua, block for beating tapa.] 1. One of the houses of an ancient Hawaiian residence. 2. HAL 99 HAL House where tapa, the native cloth, was made. Halekuku (ha'-le-ku'-ku), n. [Hale, house, and kuku, to beat tapa.] The house occupied by the woman when beating out tapa. See (5) under hale. Halekula (ha'-le-ku'-la), n. [Hale, house, and kula, school.] A school- house. Halekupapau (ha'-le-ku'-pa-pa'u), n. [Hale, house, and kupapau, a dead body; corpse.] A tomb; a sepul- cher; a grave. Halelaau (ha'-le-la'-au), n. [Hale, house, and laau, wood, timber.] A wooden house, in distinction from a grass-covered house. Halelalalaau (ha'-le-la'-la-la'-au), n. [Hale, house, lala, a branch, and laau, tree.] A house made of branches. of trees or other unsub- stantial materials; a booth; a shanty. Haleiana (ha'-le-la'-na), n. [Hale, house, and lana, to float.] A float- ing house; applied to Noah's ark. Halelanalana (ha'-le-la'-na-la'-na), n. [Hale, house, and lanalana, bouy- ant.] A house built on a double canoe for king or chiefs. Also called pola. Halelehua (ha-le-le-hu'-a), n. Name of a goddess mermaid who dwelt in the depths of the leiewaena, the channel between the islands of Kauai and Oahu. Halelelo (ha'-le-le'-lo), adj. Outly- ing, applied to the tides: Halelelo mai nei ke kai; the tide is out. Halelelo (ha'-le-le'-lo), n. (Written also halelolelo.) Certain caves in headlands whose entrance is through the sea. Such caves are said to be on the coast of Kana- hena, Maui, and on Lanai; and also on the coast of Nailima, Ko- hala. Halelepo (ha'-le-le'-po), n. [Hale, house, and lepo, earth.] A mud house; a house built of adobe or sun-dried brick. Halelewa (ha'-le-le'-wa), n. [Hale, house, and lewa, swinging.] A portable house; a tent. Halelo (ha-le'-lo), adj. Jagged; hav- ing sharp protuberances like lava: Ku keo, ka halelo o Kaupo; how jagged stand the rocks of Kaupo. Halelole (ha'-le-16'-le), n. [Hale, house, and lole, cloth.] A tent: Poe humuhumu halelole. Syn: Halelewa. Halelu (ha'-le-lu'), adv. 1. Musically. 2. Praiseworthily. Halelu (ha'-le-lu'), n. A psalm: na halelu, the psalms of David. Halelu (ha'-le-lii'), v. To sing praise to God. Halelua (ha'-le-lu'-a), n. [Hale, house, and lua, a pit or grave.] 1. A cave in the side of a hill used as a place of abode. 2. A house over a grave, or a vault for reception of the dead. 3. A grave. Haleluapaahao (ha'-le-lQ'-a-pa'a-ha'o), n. A dungeon; a prison in a pit; a dark cell in a jail. Syn: Hale- paahao. HaleluJa (ha'-le-ia'-Ia), v. (Mod.) [Very unusual passive form of ha- lelu.] Haleluia is also used as an active verb, synonymous with halelu, to sing praises to God. Halemalu (ha'-le-ma'-lu), n. [Hale, house, and malu, cool; shady.] A shaded house or shed. Halemalumalu ( ha'-le-m^'-lu-ma'-lu ) , n. A shaded house, or shed. Syn: Halemalu. Halemoe (ha'-le-mo'-e), n. [Hale, house, and moe, to sleep.] A sleeping house; one of the houses of a Hawaiian householder. Syn: Moe. Halemua (ha'-le-mu'-a), n. In an- cient times the house where the husband ate his food. See hale. Halenale (ha'-le-na'-le), adj. (Obso- lete.) See konale. Haleone (ha'-le-6'-ne), n. A tempo- rary shelter made of a pile of sand or earth: kukulu lakou i haleone, ua kapaia he hale puone (more properly puu one), a sand pile. Haleopeope (ha'-le-6'-pe-6'-pe), n. [Hale, house, and opeope, to fold up, as clothes.] 1. The name of the house where the chief's ward- robe was kept. 2. House or place where the bones of chiefs were kept. Halepaahao (ha'-le-pa'a-ha'o), n. [Hale, house, paa, fast, and hao, iron.] A prison house; a jail. HalepaanI (ha'-le-pa-a'-ni), n. [Hale, house, and paani, to play.] A play-house; a theater. Halepahu (ha'-le-pa'-hu), n. [Hale, house, and pahu, a box.] House HAL 100 HAL used as a place of refuge in time of war. Halepakul (ha'-le-pa'-ku'i), n. [Hale, house, and pakui, to splice. 1. A fortified house; a tower. 2. A house of two or more stories. 3. A structure added on to a pre- viously built house. Halepapaa (ha'-le-pa'-pa'a), n. [Hale, house, and papaa, secure,] A storehouse. Halepea (ha'-le-pe'a), n. [Hale, house, and pea, unclean.] A house where the menstruous women for- merly were obliged to remain. (Laieik. p. 171.) Visitors were allowed to come to these houses but the priests were not. Halepio (ha'-le-pi'o), n. [Hale, house, and pio, an arch.] A house in the frame of which bent poles were used with the butt ends planted in the ground while the other ends met over the ridge pole, res.embling slightly an Indian wigwam. Halepohaku. (ha'-le-po'-ha'-ku), n. [Hale, house, and pohaku, stone.] A house built of stone; a stone house. Halepokl (ha'-le-po'-ki), n. A place back of the heiau, temple, where the bones of chiefs sacrificed upon the lele (altar) were deposited. Halepukaua (ha'-le-pu'-ka'u-a), n^ [Hale, house, pu, a gun, and kaua, war.] 1. A fort; a tower; a house of defense. 2. A castle. Halepule (ha'-le-pu'-le), n. [Hale, house, and pule, to pray.] A prayer house; a house of worship; a meeting house. Halepuna (ha'-le-pu'-na), n. House built of limestone or coral. Halepupupu (ha'-le-pu'-pii'-pu), n. [Hale, house, and pupupu, poor; frail.] A makeshift house or dwelling place, as a shed, tree, hedge, lee side of a rock, etc. Haleu (ha-le'-u), n. Toilet paper, or anything used for that purpose. (A word which Kamehameha ap- plied to Keoua when the latter threatene4 to join kings against him.) Haleu (ha-le'-u), v. To comb; to clear out; to purify; to cleanse. Haleuma (ha'-le-u'-ma), n. Incorrect form of heleuma. Haleumu (ha'-le-u'-mu), n. 1. The house or shelteT where the umu or oven was located. 2. Name of Lono's house. (Lono was the master umu heater; he was sup- posed to keep the fires of Hale- maumau going.) Hall (ha'-li), v. (Used frequently with the prepositions mai and aku.) 1, To bear; to carry; to convey: hall mai, to bring; hall aku, to take or carry away. 2. To suffer; to endure; to undergo pain of body or mind; to suffer in be- half of. Hall (ha-li'), n. and v. Incorrect form of halii. Halia (ha'-li'a), n. 1. A symptom. 2. A premonition: ke kau e mai nei ia'u ka halia o ka makau, ame ka weliweli. (Laieik, p. 180.) Halia (ha'-li'a), v. To have a fond recollection of a person or thing. See Laieik. p. 116, and halia, noun. Halia (ha'-li'-a), v. [Contraction of haliia, passive form of hali, to convey.] To be carried; borne, etc. Halialia (ha'-li'a-li'a), adj. Beloved; cherished; remembered with af- fection: ka manao halialia a'u i ka manao i ke ao; I have a fond remembrance of the desire for in- struction. Halialia (ha'-li'a-li'a), n. A fond recollection of a person or friend: ke kau mai nei ka halialia aloha ia lakou; malaila no ka halialia aloha ana, there was the beloved recollection, =E2=80=94 Laieik. p. 34. Halialia (ha'-li'a-li'a), v. 1. To have a recollection of a friend: e halialia ana no nae ke aloha ia'u ma na wahi a kaua i ao ai. 2. To become intent, as the mind, or as thoughts which keep one wakeful. 3. To spring up, as thoughts or af- fections in the mind: halialia ke aloha. See lia. Halihali (ha'-li-ha'-li), v. [Freq. of hali,] See hali for definition, Halii (ha'-li'i), n. 1. A covering; anything laid over or upon a flat surface to cover it; a spread. 2. The leafage that falls from grow- ing plants and covers the surface underneath. Halii (ha'-li'i), v. 1. To spread out and lay down, as a sheet or mat. 2. To spread upon or over, as a garment; to spread or cover over, as snow over the tops of the mountains. (See Laieik. p, 112.) HAL. 101 HAL 3. To spread out, as grass, hay, earth, etc. 4. To expose to view, as something that had been con- cealed. Haliikull (ha'-li'i-kuMi), n. [Halii, to spread, and kuli, knee or knees.] 1. One who spreads the knees when sitting down to eat so that others may not reach the food. 2. Selfishness; stinginess. Hallikuli (ha'-li'i-ku'-li), v. To be hardhearted; to be niggardly; to be selfish. Haliilii (ha'-li'i-li'i), v. [Freq. of ha- lii.] To spread out or over fre- quently. See halii. Haliipili (ha'-li'i-pi'-li), n. A light shower or mist peculiar to regions covered with the pili grass. Haliipili (ha'-li'i-pi'-li), v. [Halll, to spread over, and pili, a coarse grass.] To spread over a region of pili, as a shower, like the spreading of a mat: haliipili i ke kula o Lele, the shower extends over the plain of Lahaina. Hal ike (ha'-ll'-ke), v. 1. To equal- ize. 2. To give equally; to equal- ize in disposing of things. 3. To resemble; to be like. Halina (ha'-ll'-na), n. 1. A bearing, or personal appearance; form. 2. A resembling; likeness. (Halina- lina is generally used.) Halinalina (ha'-li'-na-li'-na), n. Re- semblance or similar appearance; he helehelena like. Syn: Halina. Haliu (ha'-li'-u), n. 1. A looking around; a glancing about. 2. A turning from or toward. Haliu (ha'-li'-u), v. 1. To turn to- wards or from, as mai or aku is used. 2. To turn one's attention to a thing; to turn round to look. 3. To listen. 4. To turn aside or from. 5. To turn towards one with love and respect: manao iho la au e haliu ae i ka Haku; I de- termined to turn to the Lord; E haliu mai ko alo; turn your face this way. Halo (ha'-lo), n. 1. The motion of the fins of a fish in swimming; the motion of the side fins of a shark. 2. The motion of rubbing or polishing. 3. The side fins of a fish. 4. A spreading out of the hands as in the act of swimming. Halo (ha'-lo'), v. 1. To turn the eye on; to look here and there; to look at: a halo aku la au mahope, to sweep round or traverse with the eye. 2. To look out; to peep; to look slyly or shyly. Halo (ha'-lo), v. To rub, grind or polish. Haloaloa (ha-16'a-lo'a), adj. Hav- ing an uneven surface; rough. Haloaloa (ha'-lo'-a-lo'-a), n. Rough- ness. Haloaloa (ha'-lo'a-lo'a), v. To be rough or uneven. Halol (ha'-lo'i), v. (Written also haloiloi.) 1. To be about to weep. 2. To shed tears. Haloiloi (ha-lo'i-lo'i), adj. Weep- ing; shedding tears: ka maka ha- loiloi o ka ohia, the weeping eyes " of the ohia. Haloiloi (ha-lo'i-lo'i), n. The state of feeling just as one is about to weep; deep feeling. Haloke (ha'-lo'-ke), adj. Sprained or broken, as a limb. Haloke (ha'-lo'-ke), v. 1. To rub against each other, as the ends of broken Bones. 2. To move back and forth. Haloko (ha'-lo'-ko), n. A puddle of water standing after a rain; a small pool of water. Halokoloko (ha'-16'-k6-lo'-ko), n. 1. Small pools of water after a rain. 2. Tear drops. Halokoloko (ha'-16'-k6-16'-ko), v. 1. To stand in pools, as water after a rain. 2. To be about to weep; to have deep affliction. Syn: Haloi. Halokowai (ha'-lo'-k6-wa'i), n. A pool of fresh water; a small lake: o na waipuna huihui, o na halo- kowai. Haloku (ha-16'-ku), v. 1." To bubble up, as when heavy raindrops fall into water. 2. To disturb the sur- face of smooth water, as when many small fish come to the sur- face: haloku ka ia o kuluhaipu; the fish of kuluhaipu dimple its surface. 3. To undulate. Halolani (ha'-lo'-la'-ni), n. 1. A land, mentioned in Hawaiian stories, ad- joining Nuumealani. It is said to abound in hornets and dragon- flies: Lele ka pinao o Halolani, lele i ka lani; the dragon-fly of Halolani flies, it flies to heaven. 2. The flying of a bird or fish over land or water with but little motion. HAL 102 HAL Haloliili (ha'-lo'-li-i'-li), adj. Lazy; idle; useless: o Mano kapu o ke kaele haloliili. Halu (ha'-lu), v. (Written also Ha- luhalu.) 1. To be thin; lean, as a person poor in flesh. 2. To be hungry for food. 3. (Obsolete.) To be greedy after what is an- other's; to confiscate property, as chiefs did in ancient times. Halua (ha-lu'a), adj. 1. Striped; seamed; streaked: he lole halua; he kilika halua. 2. Worn; weak; dilapidated. Halua (ha'-lu'a), n. 1. A ripple on the water; the rising up of water by the wind. 2. A streak, stripe or seam; he nao kuku. Halua (ha-lu'-a), n. A pattern on a tapa beater, consisting of two sets of parallel lines crossing at right angles. Halua (ha'-lu'-a), n. and v. Incor- rect form of hoohalua, Haluakoeau (ha'-lu'-a-ko'e-au'), n. Same as halua, a pattern on a tapa beater. Halualeihala (ha'-lu'-a-lei-ha'-la), n. A pattern carved on an ie kuku or tapa beater, supposed to resemible a lei hala or necklace of pandanus nuts. It is composed of a series of interlocking triangles. Halualua (ha-lu'a-lu'a), n. Soft- ness; weakness; flexibility. Halualua (ha-lu'a-lu'a), v. [Ha, and lualua, soft; flexible.] 1. To be soft; flexible. 2. To be weak. Haluamanama (ha-lu'-a-ma-na'-ma), n. A certain design carved on an ie kuku or tapa beater, cross hatching, resembling the meshes of a net. Also called makaupena. Haluapawehe (ha'-lti'-a-pa-we'-he), n. A certain design carved on an ie kuku or tapa beater. Same as uahaao and hoopai pawehe. Par- allel lines crossing at other than right angles; cross hatching. Haluapo (ha'-lu'-a-po'), v. [Halua, to lie in wait, and po, night.] To lie in wait in darkness. Haluapou (ha'-lu'-a-po'u), n. Prayer used when the banana was planted. Haluapou (ha'-lu'-a-po'u), v. To chant the prayer of the banana planter: E Kama e ! E eku iho a hooulu ae i ka maia a kaua e kanu nei, E hanai i nui, i halala ka ahui, E haluapou ka paa o ka ahui, E koikoi ka hiki o Kaahui, I lau, i mano e lawa ai ka ahui. O, Kama, dig deep and cause the banana we plant to grow. Let the bunch be long and large. Let the tree be strong to hold the fruit up. That four hundred, four thousand may have enough. HaluapuHi (ha-lu'-a-pu-i'-li), n. A certain design carved on an ie kuku or tapa beater, twining in parallel wavy lines, with the apices not in line. Haluapupu (ha-lu'-a-pu-pu'), n. A design carved on a tapa beater. Same as molehaluapupu. Haluku (ha-lu'-ku). n. A noise, es- pecially the sound produced by striking the side of a canoe with a paddle, so as to scare fish into a net. Haluku (ha'-lu'-ku), v. 1. (Obso- lete.) To wallow in the mire, as a hog. 2. To strike the canoe with the paddle; that is, to scare fish into a net. 3. To render turbid or muddy. Halukuluku (ha'-lu'-kii-lu'-ku), v. 1. To clatter. 2. To make a rattling noise like the falling of heavy drops of water on a hard surface. Halu la (ha'-lu'-la'), n. A calm; still- ness, as the sea without wind. Halula (ha'-lu'-la'), v. To become calm, as a wind. Halulelule (ha'-lu'-le-lu'-le), v. [Ha and lule, to be shaken.] 1. To be weak; yielding; to be flexible. See olulelule. 2. To be weak from excessive fatness. 3. To walk unsteadily from weakness. Haluli (ha'-lu'-li), v. 1. To shake gently; to vibrate with very gen- tle motion, as the leaves of a tree on a quiet day. 2. To turn or twist quietly. Halulu (ha'-lu'-lu), n. 1. A noise of a chariot and horsemen rushing to battle. 2. The noise of rushing water. 3. The sound of thunder or wind: halulu hekili. 4. Any vibratory sound. Halulu (ha'-lu'-lu), n. The name of a fabulous bird killed by the chief Aukelenuiaiku in ancient times: o halulu, o ka manu kani halau. O Halulu, o ka manu leo nui, e kani halau ana i na pea kapu o Ku- kulu o Kahiki. Halulu (ha'-lu'-lu), v. To roar; to rage, as thunder, as the sound of a heavy wind, as the sea: Halulu aku la ka pohaku i ke kahakai; HAL 103 HAN the rock thundered off to the sea shore; halulu ana o laua ma ka puka o ka hale, shook violently the door of the house. Hal una (ha'-lu'-na), v. 1, (Obso- lete.) To summon men to work. 2. To breathe hard. Hama (ha'-mS), v. To signal silence by the motion of the open hand over the mouth. Hamakua (ha'-ma'-ku'-a), n. The name of two districts of land; one on the northeastern side of Ha- waii, and the other on the north- eastern side of Maui. Hamakuu (ha'-maku'u), v. 1. To start up suddenly and stand erect, as from alarm or consternation. 2. To tie one's hair in a topknot. Hamama (ha'-ma'-ma), adj. 1. Un- closed; expanded; open. 2. Free of obstruction; accessible. Hamama (ha'-ma'-ma), adv. Openly. Hamama (ha'-ma'-ma), v. To gape; to yawn; to open wide. Hamare (ha'-ma'-le), n. A hammer; any tool used in place of a ham- mer; a mallet. Hamare (ha'-ma'-le), v. To pound; to hammer. Hamau (ha'-ma'u), adj. Silent, as a person who refrains from speak- ing. Hamau (ha'-ma'u), adv. Silently. Hamau (ha'-ma'u), n. 1. A certain condition or quality of the ripe fruit of the ohia or mountain ap- ple. 2. The purple ripe fruit of the ohia tree. Hamau (ha'-ma'u), v. 1. To be si- lent; to hush; to be still: Alalia, hea mai la ia makou, i mai la] hamau kakou, then he called to us and said, let us be still. 2. With e, as e hamau, to keep silent as an act of worship. Hame (ha'-me), n. 1. A tree (Anti- desme platyphyllum) 20 to 30 feet high. Said to be very superior for the finest cabinet work. Also known as haa and mehame. 2. (Eng.) Ham, the salted and smoked thighs of hogs. Hamiha (ha'-mi-ha'), v. To be calm, as the surface of the sea. Hamo (ha'-mo), adj. 1. Anointed. 2. Besmeared: ina hele ke kanaka me ke poo hamo palolo, if a man went with head besmeared with white clay; mea hamo, ointment; perfume. Hamo (ha'-mo), v. 1. To rub over with little weight or force. 2. To rub gently with the hand. 3. To besmear with any liquid or adhe- sive matter. 4. To plaster. Hamohamo (ha'-m6-ha'-mo), n. 1. A gentle stroking; a making smooth. 2. Flattery. 3. An office obtained from a chief by flattery or by de- preciating a rival. Hamohamo (ha'-m6-ha'-mo), v. [Freq. of hamo.] To stroke lightly with the hand; to smooth. Hamole (ha'-mo'-le), adj. 1. Round and smooth. Syn: Omole. 2. Des- titue of hair. Hamoula (ha'-m6-u'-la), n. [Hamo, rubbed over, and ula, red.] 1. A kind of tapa colored or stained red. 2. A red stain or color. 3. The act or process of fixing a red color. Hamu (ha'-mu), n. The fragments that remain after eating. Hamu (ha'-mu), v. 1. To eat frag- ments of food. 2. To eat the skin. 3. To pick bones. 4. To scrape up and eat what is left: e ai hamu. Hamuhamu (ha'-mii-ha'-mu), v. 1. To crumble up into fragments. 2. To eat fragments. See hamu. 3. To gather up and preserve fragments of food. See lapulapu. Hamuili (ha'-mii-i'-ll), n. Personal attendants of a chief. Hamumu (ha'-mii'-mu'), n. 1. A low indistinct rumbling sound. 2. An indistinct sound of conversation. Hamumumu (ha'-mu-mii'-mu), v. 1. To talk in a low indistinct man- ner; to whisper. 2. To talk in a low voice just above a whisper. (Written also hamumu.) Hana (ha'-na), n. 1. Work; labor: hana mana, a miracle; hana a ka lani, the doing or the work of the chief. 2. Duty. 3. Office; calling. 4. Trade. 5. Bleached wauke bark. 6. Tapa of the best material and of brilliant colors used to cover the outside of any- thing. Also called kilohana. 7. The four white sheets of tapa un- der the top sheet of a set of sleep- ing tapa. Hana (ha-na'), n. The middle post on the end of a house; post that supports the end of the ridge pole. HAN 104 HAN Hana (ha'-na), v. 1. To work; to labor. 2. Used in a most exten- sive sense of to cause and to act. Hanaale (ha'-na-a'-le), v. 1. To at- tack with raillery. Syn: Hanawale. 2. To ridicule; to deride; to treat contemptuously. Hanae (ha'-na'e), n. 1. Vain labor; trifling effort. 2. A blunder; some- thing done that provokes ridicule. Hanae (ha'-na'e), v. To provoke; to tease; to worry with importunity. Hanaea (ha'-na-e'a), v. To do a for- bidden thing; to disobey. Hanahana (ha'-na-ha'-na), adj. 1. Warm, as a hot day; heated, as with exercise. See hana and the root, hana. 2. Offensive; sour; stinking; applies to food: hanahana ka ai awaawa. Hanahana (ha'-na-ha'-na), v. (More properly written hahana.) 1. To be heated; to be exceedingly warm. 2. To be vehement or vio- lent. Hanahanai (ha'-na-ha'-na'i), n. A projection on the surface of a precipice or on a steep ascent; edge of a steep place; brow of a hill. Hanahanauna ( ha'-na-hS-'-na-u'-na ) , adj. Contemporary; of the same age. Hanahanauna (ha'-na-ha'-na-u'-na), n. 1. Very distant relationship. 2. A relative; a kindred; relations by friendship. Hanahemo (ha'-na-he'-mo), n. A feeble state of health; state of weakness. Syn: Omali. See ohemo. Hanahemo (ha'-na-he'-mo), v. [Hana, and hemo, to loosen.] To loosen; to let go; to untie. (Slang.) Syn: Wehe ae or e wehe ae. Hanahlhl (ha'-na-hl'-hi), adj. 1. Un- civil; crude. 2. Wild; untamed. 3. Rank growing; wild, as grass. 4. Branchy, as a vine. Hanahihiu (ha'-na-hi-hi'-u), n. [Hana, a work, and hihiu, wild.] 1. A strange work; a miracle. 2. A dif- ficult thing to accomplish; a work that requires a special or expe- rienced worker. Hanahio (ha'-na-hi-o'), n. (Not idio- matic.) A slanting; a deviation from the square. Hanahio (ha'-na-hi-o'), v. [Hana and hio, to lean over.] (Not idio- matic.) 1. To cause to lean or push over from an upright posi- tion. 2. To slant; to cut to an angle. Hanahokai (ha'-na-ho'-ka'i), v. [Hana, work, and hokai, to waste.] 1. To behave foolishly or carelessly. 2. To squander. 3. To do mischief. 4. To work in a disorderly manner. See hokai. Hanai (ha'-na'i), adj. 1. Nourished; fed; applied to the receiver; a servant, etc. Keiki hanai, a fos- ter child. 2. Applied to the giver; as, makua hanai, a foster parent; he alii hanai, etc. Hanai (ha'-nai), n. 1. The four strings that hold a hanging cala- bash. 2, The three or four cords that connect a kite with the kite- line. 3. One fed or sustained by another; a foster child; a ward. Hanai (ha'-na'i), v. 1. To feed; to nourish, as the young. 2. To sup- port, as those in need. 3. To feed, as a flock; to feed; to sustain, as a people. 4. To entertain, as strangers; e hookipa i na malihini. 5. To act the part of a parent to- wards an orphan; to foster. 6. To skim along the ground, as a bird; to fly close to the surface, as the flying fish. Hanaiakamalama (ha-nai-a-ka-ma-la'- ma), n. 1. A benevolent goddess who presided over the tabus that were the birthright of certain chiefs. (The rules that etiquette prescribed in the life and conduct of such a chief were intricate and burdensome to the last degree.) 2. Name of the residence in Nuu- anu valley, Honolulu, of the late Queen Emma, and of that locality. Hanaiahuhu (ha'-na'i-a-hu'-hu), adj. Well fed; plump; swelled out: puaa hanaiahuhu, a pet hog. Hanaiahuhu (ha'-na'i-a-hu'-hu), n. A person or animal especially cared for. Hanaiahuhu (ha'-na'i-a-hu'-hu), v. [Hanai, to feed, and hu, to swell out.] 1. To feed or stuff with food, as a favorite hog or dog. 2. To feed, as a child or any young animal from birth; he keiki hana- iahuhu na'u. 3. To be fed or brought up by hand, as a lamb or any young animal. Hanai I i (ha'-na-i'-li), n. [Hana, to work, and ili, the skin.] A tan- ner; a manufacturer of leather. HAN 105 HAN Hanaipu (ha'-nai'-pu'), n. In ancient Hawaiian worship the title of the man who carried the image of a diety, and who ate the food of- fered to the god: o ke kanaka nana e amo ke akua, ia ia no e hanai aku ai, ua kapaia he hanai- pu. Hanakai (ha'-na-ka'i), adj., adv., v. Incorrect form of hokai. Ha'namana (ha-na-ma'-na), n. [Hana, and mana, super-natural power.] The words are often written sep- arately, as: hana mana. 1. A work of the gods. (Hawaiians be- lieved there was a class of gods having superhuman power; next to these were the highest chiefs, such as Kamehameha, who were reverenced as gods.) 2. (Biblical.) A miracle. Hanamanuea (ha'-na-ma'-nu-e'a), v. 1. To blunder; to be careless. 2. To be slow in movement. 3. To work in opposition to. Hanana (ha'-na'-na), adj. 1. Curved inwardly; bending. 2. Flowing away. 3. Overflowing. Hanana (ha'-na'-na), n. Overflow; inundation; flood. (Halana is a more correct spelling.) Hanana (ha'-na'-na), v. To flow, as water; to overflow, as a stream. (Halana is the preferable spell- ing.) Hananai (ha'-na-na'i), n. Loftiness; pride; self-esteem. Hananai (ha'-na-na'i), v. To be af- fected or showy in dress or man- ner; to strut. Hanaoi (ha'-na-o'i), n. (Obsolete.) [Hana and oi, sharp.] A general name for cutlery, as knives, etc.; a unuhi ae i ka hanaoi, then he drew out his knife. Hanaoi (ha'-na-o'i), v. To make sharp. Hanapaa (ha'-na-pa'a), V. [Hana and paa, fast, or tight.] 1. To fasten; to make fast. 2. To tighten. (The full form, which is generally used, is hana a paa or hoopaa.) Hanapepe (ha'-na-pe'-pe'), n. A small district on Kauai. Hanapllo (ha'-na-pi'-lo), adj. Wheezy; nasal; squeaky. (Applied to voices.) Hanau (ha'-na'u), n. Child-birth; the bringing forth of offspring. (Applied to animals and persons.) Hanau (ha'-na'u), n . Baptism. Hanau (ha'-na'u), v. 1. To be bom. 2. To give birth to; to bring forth children; more rarely used in an active sense to bear or bring forth, as a mother. (The trans- lators of the Hawaiian Bible have used the word in the active sense for want of a better term, but Hawaiians seldom do; it mostly expresses the act of separation of the child from the mother; hence in a neuter or passive sense often, there was born to or for.) Hanauakane (ha'-nau-a-ka'-ne), n. Offspring of the god, Kane. Hanauanaua (ha-na-u'-a-na-u'a), n., v. Incorrect spelling of hawanawana. Hanauhope (ha'-na'u-ho'-pe), n. 1. The last born. 2. The last birth. Hanaukahl (ha'-na'u-ka'-hi), n. [Ha- nau, born, and kahi, one.] An only child. Hanaukama (ha'-na'u-ka'-ma), adj. [Hanau and kama, a child.] Child bearing; prolific. Hanaukama (ha'-na'u-ka'-ma), n. Par- ents who have many children. Hanaumua (ha'-na'u-mu'-a), n. [Ha- nau and mua, the first.] 1. The first child; the first-born. Syn: Hiapo and maka-hiapo. Hanauna (ha'-na'u-na), n. (For ha- nau ana.) 1. Relatives in general. Syn: Hoahanau. 2. A circle of members of one family. 3. A suc- cession, as of father, son, grand- son, etc. 4. A generation, that is, people living at the same time. Hanauwahapaa (ha-na-ii-wa'-harpa'a), adj., n. Same as hanawahapaia. Hanauwalea (ha-na-ii-wa'-le'a) , n., v. Same as hanawalea. Hanawahapaa (ha'-n^-wa'-ha-pa'a), adj. Obstreperous; loud-voiced. Hanawahapaa (ha'-na-wa'-h^-pa'a), n. 1. A boisterous, noisy person. 2. A wordy quarrel. Hanawal (ha'-na-wa'i), v. 1. To menstruate: Aia hanawai kou ma- kuahine. Laieik. p. 171. 2. To urinate. Hanawale (ha'-na-wa'-le), n. A gra- tuitous work; a benefaction. Hanawale (ha'-na-wa'-le), v. [Hana and wale, only.] 1. To do for the sake of doing; to do something without reward, that is, gratui- tously. 2. To work aimlessly. 3. To labor in vain. 4. To do or say a thing in sport. HAN 106 HAN Hanawalea (ha'-na-wa'-le'a), n. Cus- tomary work; habitual employ- ment. Hanawalea (ha'-na-wa'-le'a), v. [Na- na and walea, habit.] 1. To live, act or do in a manner to which one is accustomed. 2. To do a thing as a pastime or diversion. Hanawanawa (ha-na'-wa-na'-wa), v. Incorrect form of hawanawana, to whisper. Hane (ha'-ne), n. Idle chatter or gossip. Hanea (ha'-ne'a), n. Loss of appe- tite. Syn: Kanea. Hanea (ha'-ne'a), v. To have no ap- petite. Syn: Kanea. Hanee (ha'-ne'e), v. [Ha and nee, to slip; slide along.] 1. To fall, as a ruined building, or a wall; to flatten. 2. To slip or slide down, as an avalanche: ua kapaia o Ka- holo mahope o ka hanee ana o ka pali; it (the place) was called Kaholo (the moved) after the slid- ing down of the pali. See nee. Haneenee (ha'-ne'e-ne'e), v. [Freq. of hanee.] To hitch along: me he oopa la haneenee ae la ka nee, as a lame man hitches along his pace. Hanehane (ha'-ne-ha'-ne), n. The in- distinct wailing or crying of the spirits: hoopihaia i na leo wawalo o ka hanehane, me ka leo uwe; (the air) was filled with the voices of lamentation, and crying out, and the sound of wailing. Hanehane (ha'-ne-ha'-ne), v. To cry; to wail, as the ghosts of the dead were supposed to do. Hanene (ha'-ne'-ne), n. Abusive lan- guage spoken of one absent; mali- cious misrepresisntation. Hanene (ha'-ne'-ne), v. 1. To black- guard; to deride and scorn in dis- sembled language. 2. To make plans for opposing another polit- ical party. Hanere (ha'-ne'-re), adj. (Eng.) A hundred. Hanere (ha-ne'-re), n. A hundred. Hani (ha'-ni), v. (Written also ha- hani.) 1. To' step lightly; to walk softly. 2, To graze or strike lightly against in passing. 3. To pass quickly through the air with a humming noise; to whiz. 4. To approach. Hanihani (ha'-ni-ha'-ni), v. 1. To make first or slight advance in tempting to adultery. See hoo- hanihani. 2. To begin to do a thing and give up before done; to come near doing something with- out accomplishing it. Han lie (ha'-ni'-le), v. (Obsolete.) To prepare for company; to re- ceive company. HanJna (ha'-ni'-na) , n. A yellow, pa-u, ancient Hawaiian woman's garment, colored with olena or tur- meric. Hanlna (ha'-ni'-na), v. Same as hanihani. HaninI (ha'-ni'-ni), v. (See nini and ninini.) 1. To overflow; to spill. 2. To pour out, as water. To pour down, as a powerful rain. 3. To be gone; to disappear: Hoohanini i Mana ka wai opua, Hoaleale i ke kaha o Kaunalewa. Haniu (ha'-ni'-u), n. [Ha, butt-end or stem of a leaf, and nlu, a cocoa- nut.] The heavy end or stem of a cocoanut leaf. Hano (ha'-no), adj. Silent; deso- late; lonely, as an uninhabited place. See anoano. Hano (ha'-no), n. A tubular wind instrument made of a small gourd or bamboo and played with the nostril and fingers. Hano (ha'-no'), n. 1. The asthma; a cough; a wheeze. 2. A cough, as a signal of one's presence. (See Laieik. p. 146.) la wa no kani aku la ka hano, then he emitted a cough. Hano (ha'-no), v. To use as a syringe; to inject. Hanoalewa (ha'-no'-a-le'-wa), n. A small, temporary heiau or altar where gifts were offered to the gods: Eia ke kuahu imua ou, e Kane, He hanoalewa e hai aku ai i i ka alana. The altar is before you, O Kane, The altar which carries the gift. Hanohano (ha'-no-ha'-no), adj. 1. Glorious; honored; dignified; dis- tinguished. 2. Grave, sober. Hanohano (ha'-no-ha'-no), n. Glory; honor; pomp; splendor; excel- lency; especially such as arises from wealth or position. Hanohano (ha'-no-ha'-no), v. To be distinguished; to be regarded with honor. Hanona (ha'-no'-na), n. 1. Testing of a new net or fisher's line, for luck. 2. Determination by lot of the virtue or value of. HAN 107 HAO Hanona (ha'-no'-na). v. (Written also halona.) To test by trial or use of, as a net or fishing line. Hanonono (ha'-n6-no'-no), adj. Cracked; full of holes. Syn: Pu- kapuka. See hakahaka. Hanonono (ha'-n6-no'-no), n. 1. A leak in a fish pond; an under- ground escape of water. 2, A small stream that overflows with water in the rainy season but is dry in summer: he hanonono, he panonono. Hanopilo (ha'-nS-pi'-lo), n. Hoarse; speaking with a wheezy voice. Hanopilo (ha'-n6-pI'-lo), v. [Hano, a wind instrument, and pllo, wheezy.] 1. To be hoarse; to speak in a deep-toned voice. 2. To speak as one without a palate. See hana- pilo. Hanu (ha'-nu), adj. Living; na mea hanu, the living things. Hanu (ha'-nu), n. 1. The breath; respiration. 2. Breath in the sense of existence; life. 3. That which is unsubstantial or evanes- cent. Hanu (ha'-nu), v. 1. To breathe. 2. To hunt or search for by means of the sense of smell. (See Laieik. p. 104.) 3. To smell. Hanua (ha'-nu'a), adj. Level; plane; flat. Hanua (ha'-nu'a), n. A level or flat place. Hanuhanu (ha'-nu-ha'-nu), n. Incor- rect form of honuhonu. Hanuhanu (ha'-nu-ha'-nu), v. (Freq. of hanu.) 1. To smell. 2. To scent, as a dog following the track of his master: e imi ma ka hanu- hanu ana ka ka ilio e loaa ai ka hookapuhi. Hanul (ha'-nu'i), n. 1. The butt- end of the stem of a coconut leaf. 2. A species of fish said to be of the same class as maomao. Known to Hawaiian fishers as mokumo- kuhanui. Hanunanuna ( ha'-nu '-na-nu'-na), n. 1. A nasal sound. 2. The voice is- suing through the nose. 3. First signs of the fermentation of fresh poi. Hanunu (ha'-nii'-nu), adj. Stooping; bending over; round-shouldered. Hanunu (ha'-nii'-nu), v. To be bent over; to be stoop-shouldered. See oohu. Hanupa (ha'-nti'-pa), v. To be full to the brim (applies only to liq- uids). Hanupa mai nei ka hoi ke kai o ka loko ia. The sea has filled the fish pond to its limit. Hanupaa (h&'-nu-pa'a), n. [Hanu, and paa, tight.] 1. A cold. 2. Ca- tarrh. Hanupanupa (ha'-nu'-p^-nu'-pa), adj. 1. Slippery; muddy, as a road; unsteady, as by walking in a bad road; allowing the feet to sink in, as a sandy or very dirty road. 2. Choppy, applied to the waves of the sea. Hanupanupa (ha'-nu'-pa-nu'-pa), v. [Ha and nupa, soft; muddy.] 1. To be muddy; soft. 2. To find it difficult to walk from slipperiness. 3. To be choppy, as the sea. Hanupau (ha'-nti-pa'u), n. [Hanu, to breathe, and pau, to finish.] The gasping of a dying person, the giving up of the spirit: he hanu- pau ka make. Hanupilo (ha'-nu-pi'-lo), n. Offen- sive breath. Hanupilo (ha'-nu-pi'-lo), v. Same as hanopilo. Hanuu (ha-nu'u), adj. Low, refer- ring to tides and other currents of water. Hanuu (ha'-nu'u), n. The flowing back of the tide; the going down of the waters. Hanuu (ha'-nu'u), v. To recede, as water; to ebb; to flow back. Hanuunuu (ha'-nu'u-nu'u), adv. Ir- regularly; slowly; unequally: Ina 1 ulaula hanuunuu ke ao, if the clouds be unequally red. Hanuunuu (ha'-nu'u-nu'u), n. 1. A slow disappearance. 2. A dropping out of something a little at a time from a bundle. Hanuunuu (ha'-nu'u-nu'u), v. 1. To fade; to disappear from sight gradually. 2. To disappear a little at a time. Hao (ha'o), adj. 1. Iron-like; rig- orous; hard; solid; partaking of the nature of hao wood. 2. Strained; tight; rigid: hao na po- lena. Hao (ha'-o), n. 1. A robber; a plun- derer. 2. Any hard substance, as iron, the horn or hoof of a beast. 3. A small milky tree (Rauwolfia sandwicensis). It is from 10 to 20 feet high. 4. The wood of the hao tree. HAO 108 HAO Hao (ha'-o), v. 1. To rob; to de- spoil; to strip one of property; to plunder. 2. To kill and plunder. 3. To strip one of his garment; to take little by little; to collect to- gether: Hao ke Koolau, pau na mea aloha, Koolau was robbed of all endeared things. Ahu iho ka pua wahawa 1 Wailua, The despised blossoms were collected together at Wailua. (It was formerly the practice of the chiefs to punish offenders for all offenses less than those pun- ishable by death, by stripping them entirely of their property. This practice continued until the people had a written code of laws.) 4. To put less things into a great- er. 5. To put into. 6. To take up and put into. 7. To take up by handfuls. 8. To take out or up with the hands or with an imple- ment. See haohao. Hao (ha'o), v. 1. To wonder at; to be astonished. (Haohao is gen- erally used.) 2. To be thin; to be poor in flesh: wiwi, emi iho ke kino a olala. Syn: Olala. Haoa (ha'-6-a), adj. Hot; burning hot, as the sun: wela loa; e na hoa o ka la nui haoa o ua kula nei, E imi mua kakou i ka pono o ka naau; O companions of the great burning sun of the high school, etc. Haoa (ha'-6-a), n. 1. The fierce burning heat of summer. (See Laieik. p. 119.) 2. Vomit. 3. Sourness of the stomach; heart- burn. 3. Nausea; propensity to vomit. Haoa (ha'-6-a). v. [Contraction of haoia, passive of hao.] 1. To be taken as by an enemy; to be taken by violence. 2. To be given up, as to an enemy. Haoapuhi (ha'-oa'-pu'-hi), n. Among fishermen, the stick used with a hook in catching eels. Haoe (ha'-o'e), v. To be uneven, as points of a substance; to rise one above another: haoe na ale o Hopoe i ka ino; the waves of Hopoe stand up, are erect in the storm. Onini ke kal o Keaaii, he makani, Haoe na ale o Hopoe i ka ino. Haoeoe (ha'-o'e-o'e), adj. 1. Uneven, as points which stick up, or as waves of the sea: haoeoe na ale o ke kai. 2. Uneven in rank, as men running where some are be- fore and some behind; haoeoe na kanaka e holo mai la. Haoeoe (ha'-o'e-o'e), v. [Reduplica- tion of haoe, to be uneven.] Haohao (ha'o-ha'o), adj. Soft; ten- der; not coarse; milky (applied only to the meat of a young coco- nut) : He ono ka wai o ka niu haohao; the milk of the tender coconut is sweet. Haohao (ha'o-ha'o), n. Disappoint- ment; doubt; uncertainty. (See Laieik. p. 105.) Haohao (ha'o-ha'o), v. 1. To doubt; to discredit. 2. To be troubled in accountng for an event. 3. To be restless; sleeple-ss at night: hao- hao hoi keia po o'u, aole wau i moe iki. Laieik. p. 198. 4. To marvel; to wonder; to be aston- ished. 5. To be in doubt respect- ing one's character: haohao hewa, to think or design evil. Haohao (ha'o-ha'o), v. 1. To dis- tribute; to give equally to many: e haawi like me ka puunawe; to divide and assign in just propor- tion. 2. To dip or scoop up with the hands. 3, To measure by handfuls. Haohaoa (ha'o-ha'-o'a), adj. Rough with the scoria of a volcano. See haoeoe, adj. Haohaoa (ha'o-ha'-o'a), n. (Written also haoaoa.) 1. Places so cov- ered with broken lava that one cannot walk on them: kapu ma ka haoa ka haohaoa lani. 2. Melted rock thrown up by a volcano. Haohaoalani (hao'-hao'-a-la'-ni), n. (Written also haoaoalani.) A word describing the reverence and af- fection formerly felt by the people for their chiefs: he kuhau lalapa o ke kapu la. Haohaona (ha'o-ha'-o'-na), n. Affec- tion; remembrance. Haohaona (ha'o-ha'-o'-na), v. T. To remember with affection; to spring up in the mind, as love for a friend. 2. To be remembered by one who is absent. Haokanu (ha'o-ka'-nu), n. A seed bed; a plot of ground in a garden prepared for planting seeds. Haokanu (ha'o-ka'-nu), v. To pre- pare a seed bed. Haokea (ha'o-ke'a), n. A variety of taro. HAO 109 HAP Haokilou (ha'o-ki'-lo'u), n, [Hao, iron, and kilou, hook.] An iron hook. Haole (ha'-6'-le), adj. 1. White: he keokeo; ina i keokeo ka hulu o ka puaa a puni, he haole ia puaa; he puaa haole. 2. Foreign; belong- ing to another country. Haole (ha'-5-le), n. 1. A person with a white skin; hence, a foreigner; but Hawaiians say haole eleele for negro. 2. A person from a for- eign country; an alien, especially one of Anglo-Saxon stock. (The foreigners who arrived first in the islands were white persons.) Haolillil (ha'o-li'i-Ii'i), v. [Hao, to take up or out of and put into, and Mi Mi, little as to quantity.] To remove or displace a little at a time; to take out of and put into little by little, as in handfuls. Haomanamana (ha'o-ma'-na-ma'-na). n. [Hao, iron, and manamana, di- vided.] A gridiron; so called from the divided irons. Haona (ha-o'-na), n. 1. Name of certain calabashes for cooked food. 2. A receptacle, or repository. Haowaha (ha'o-wa'-ha), n. [Hao, iron, and waha, mouth.] A bridle bit. Haowale (ha'o-wa'-le), n. [Hao, to rob, and wale, without cause.] Robbery; a taking of another's property without right. Haowale (ha'o-wa'-le), v. To rob ruthlessly, cruelly or without pity. Hapa (ha'-pa), n. An indefinite part of a thing; a few; a small part; sometimes a half. Hapa (ha'-pa), v. To be diminished; to be made less; to be partly done. Hapaha (ha'-pa-ha'), n. [Hapa, part, and ha, four.] 1. A fourth part of a thing; a quarter. 2. Twenty- five cents, or a quarter of a dollar. Hapahapai (ha'-pa-ha'-pa'i), v. 1. To lift or toss up, as a child. 2. To throw upward by hand. Hapa I (ha'-pa'i), adj. Pregnant, aa a female: kou hapa! ana, thy con- ception. Hapai (ha'-pai), n. Pregnancy. Hapal (ha'-pa'i), v. 1. To lift up; to elevate; to take up; to carry. 2. To raise the hands, as in taking an oath. 3. To honor; to praise; to exalt for past deeds; to recom- pense. 4. With pu, to lift to- gether; to act together. 5. To take up, that is, commence, begin; to do the first act in a course. 6. To conceive, as a female; to become pregnant. Hapakolu (ha'-pS-ko'-lu), n. [Hapa and kolu, three.] A third part of a thing. Hapakue (ha'-pS-ku'e), adj. 1. Crooked; deformed; crfppled. 2. Stammering; hesitating in speech. Hapakue (ha'-p^-ku'e), v. 1. To be uncertain of; to be irresolute. 2. To be deformed in the legs and feet. 3. To be deformed; to be crippled. 4. To stammer or be slow in speech: ma ka olelo a na elemakule, ua lohi ke kamailio ana, hapakue ka waha i ka olelo. Hapakui (ha'-pa-ku'-i), v. (Obso- lete.) To stammer. See hapakue. Hapala (ha'-pa'-la), v. 1. To defile or disfigure by daubing; to be- smear. 2. To daub; to paint. 3. To plaster with lime. Hapale (ha'-pa'-le), n. [Ha, a trough, and pale, to shove or push away.] A contrivance for carry- ing off or removing anything. Also called oopale, hence kopala, shovel or trowel. Hapalima (ha'-pS-li'-ma), n. [Hapa, part, and lima, five.] One-fiflh; a fifth part of a thing. Hapalua (ha'-pa-lu'-a), n. [Hapa, part, and lua, two.] 1. One-half. 2. A half dollar. Hapapa (ha'-pa'-pa), adj. 1. Shal- low, as earth above the rock; shoal, as shoal water; not deeply planted, as seed: o kahi hapapa i ulu ole a mae koke. 2. Superfi- cial; not profound. Hapapa (ha'-pil'-pa), n. 1. A stratum of rock covered with thin earth; a stony place. 2. A place where the water is not deep; a shoal. Hapapapa (ha'-pa-pa'-pa), n. and adj. Same as hapapa. Hapauea (ha'-pa'u-e'a), adj. Want- ing in strength; debilitated by rea- son of age. Hapauea (ha'-pa'u-e'a), n. 1. Feeble- ness from age. 2. One who is weakened or exhausted by age. Hapauea (ha'-pa'u-e'a), v. To be feeble from age. Hapaumf (ha'-pa-u'-mi), n. [Hapa, a half or a part, and umi, ten.] 1. A tenth part; a tithe. 2. Er- roneously used formerly by Ha- HAP 110 HAU waiians to mean a small coin, six and a quarter cents, which is not a hapaumi of any known coin. 3. In modern times, a five-cent piece. Hapaupau (ha'-pa'u-pa'u), adj. 1. Be- smeared; dirty; as glass, furni- ture, etc: ua hapaupau ke aniani, ua hapaupau ka papa, e holoi ae. 2. Filled or clouded with dust. Hapawale (ha'-pa-wa'-le), n. [Hapa and wale, only.] A part; a few; a small portion. Hapawalu (ha'-pa-wa'-lu), n. [Hapa and walu, eight.] 1. The eighth part of a thing. 2. Twelve and a half cents. Hape (ha'-pe), adj. (Obsolete.) In- corre-ct; faulty; inaccurate. Hapopo (ha'-po'-p6'), adj. Dim- sighted; almost blind; blear-eyed, as one who cannot see clearly: hapopo ka maka. Hapopo (ha'-po'-po'), n. The begin- ning of obscure vision. Hapopo (ha'-p6'-po'), v. To be al- most blind; to have dim vision. Hapou (ha'-po'u), n. Soft porous stones, used for smoothing and polishing. Syn: Olai. Hapoupou (ha'-p5'u-pou), adj. Low; short. Hapoupou (ha'-po'u-pou), v. To be short; to be low in stature. Hapuku (ha'-pu'-ku), v. 1. To gather up everything; to collect indis- criminately good and bad; to scrape together. 2. To be crowded together, as thoughts in the mind: pilikia iho la oloko, hapuku, ha- puku mai la ka manao ana. Hapukuohiohi (ha'-pu'-kii-6'-hi-6'-hi), n. Foolish, nonsensical talk. Hapukuohiohi (ha'-pu'-ku-6'-hi-6'-hi), V. To speak foolishly; to talk nonsense: ma ka hapukuohiohi ana paha a ka waha me ua poe Kauai la. Hapuna (ha'-pu'-na), n. 1. A shal- low spring which furnishes clear water. 2. A pool of water fed by a spring. Hapuu (ha'-pu'u), adj. Many; abounding; plenteous. Hapuu (ha'-pu'u), n. 1. A species of tree fern, (Cibotium chamissoi and C. glaucum.) Trunks have been seen of 16 or more feet in height. The soft flossy wool at the foot of the leaf stalks is known as pulu. Also called the pulu fern. 2. The tender shoots of the hapuu fern. 3. A goddess of necromancy. Hapuu (ha'-pu'u), v. To be many; to be thick together; to abound. Hapuuhee (ha'-pu'u-he'e), n. Young or infant squid. ' Hapuupuu (ha'-pu'u-pu'u), adj. Ob- scure; not easily perceived. Hapuupuu (ha'-pu'u-pu'u), n. A spe- cies of grouper. (Epinephelus quernus.) A rather scarce fish; color, nearly uniform, dark pur- plish brown. Resembles the Oopu- okuhekuhe. Known also as hapuu and oopuhapuu. Hapuupuu (ha'-pu'u-pu'u), v. 1. To be choked or suffocated in the attempt to swallow hard food: He paakiki ka ai, e hapuupuu ana au; the food is hard, I shall be choked. 2. To be hesitating or indefinite in speech: Ua hapuupuu kana olelo, aole akaka; his words are indef- inite; it is not clear. 3. To be obscured: Ua hapuupuu Hilo i ka ua Kanilehua; Hilo is obscured by the Kanilehua rain. Hare (ha'-re), n. [Eng.] A hare. Lev. 11:6. Hau (ha'u), n. 1. The land breeze that blows at night; he^ce, any cool breeze: he hau kekahi ma- kani mauka mai, ua manao ia mai loko mai o ke kuahiwi kela ma- kani. (This word has several forms. It usually takes ke for its article instead of ka; but the ke is sometimes united with it, and then it becomes kehau. This, how- ever, requires a new article, which would be ke, ke kehau; but this article also sometimes adheres to the noun, and thus requires a new article still; hence the different forms of the word: hau, kehau, and ke kehau, all of which take corresponding articles. 2. Ancient name of a very gentle and hardly perceptible inland current of air in the evening and early morn- ing; known also as kehau, sup- posed to indicate the dew point. 3. Dew; dew-drops. 4. The gen- eral name of snow, ice, frost, cold dew, etc: i hoomanawanui ai hoi kaua i ka hau huihui o ke kaka- hiaka, when we two also per- severed in the cold frost of the morning; hau paa, hoar frost. 5. A soft porous stone used for smoothing and polishing cala- HAU 111 HAU bashes. 6. A fr=E2=82=AC=C2=ABly branching tree. (Paritium tiliaceum). Very common along the coast. Two species were known to Hawaiians, kaekae (light) and koii (heavy or hard). The light wood served for outriggers of canoes; the bark, tough and pliable, was used in making rope. See hau-kuahiwi. Hau (ha'u), n. 1. The snorting sound which an angry animal makes in attacking. 2. A kind of dance, also called hula alaapapa. See alaapapa. Hau (ha'u), v. 1. To swallow smoke; to gulp down smoke. 2. To inhale through the mouth; to snuff up, as the wind. 3. To snort, as a horse. 4. To indulge in vain boasting; to brag. Haua (ha'u-a), n. A blow with the hand, fist, club, etc. Haua (ha'u-a), v. 1. To whip; to apply stripes to one. 2. To chas- tise. See hahau. Hauapu (ha'u-a'-pu), n. (Obsolete.) See haupu. Haueka (ha'u-e'-ka), v. [Hau, par- ticiple, and eka, filthy.] To be defiled with smut; to be filthy; unclean. Syn: Hauke. Haueli (ha'u-e'-li), n. [Hau, frost, snow, ice, and eli, to dig.] The native Glauber salts which are dug up out of caverns in the rocks on the island of Hawaii. Hauhau (ha'u-ha'u), adj. Cold; ap- plied to food that has become cold. Hauhau (ha'u-ha'u), v. 1. To lay stones in a wall. 2. To build with stones. Syn: Uhau. 3. To strike; to smite; to beat. See hahau. 4. To tap; to rap lightly with rapid strokes. Hauhauna (ha'u-ha'u-na), adj. Be- ginning to smell ; offensive, applied to an odor. Hauhili (ha'u-hi'-li). adj. 1. Un- bound; loose; not tied fast. 2. Diverging from the straight path; blundering; false; not to be de- pended on for truth. Hauhili (ha'u-hi'-li), n. Carelessness in doing a thing: no ka mikioi o ka hana, aole no ka hauhili, for the niceness of the work, not for the slovenliness. Hauhili (ha'u-hi'-li), v. 1. To tie a bundle loosely; to wind a cord around a number of things in a loose manner. 2. To go astray; to wander, as one who loses the road. Haul (ha'-u'i), n. 1. A mythological character conspicuous in Hawaiian tradition. Haul was said to be the first of Hawaii's aliis, or chiefs, and a demi-god: 0 Haul ka lani, he alii kiekie. Haul is the lani (highest), a distinguished chief. ' He Inimu alii, he Icumu akua. Begetter of chiefs, origin of the gods. I 2. The title of a chief, as a noble. I a descendant of kings. Haukae (ha'u-ka'e), adj. 1. Slovenly; foul; unclean. 2. Impure; wicked. I Haukae (ha'u-ka'e), n. 1. Filthi- I ness; carelessness. 2. A filthy or careless person; a sloven. 3. A I mean fellow. 4. A babbler; a trifling talker. ! Haukae (ha'u-ka'e), v. 1. To be de- j faced. 2. To be blotted out. 3. To be squandered. 4. To behave I shamefully. See hookae. 5. To do I a thing carelessly: ina e hauhili a haukae ka oukou hana, if you do your work in a slovenly and 1 careless manner. 6. To be un- I clean in appearance. I Haukai (ha'u-ka'i), v. Incorrect form I of haukae; to erase, blot out and destroy. =E2=96=A0 Haukamumu (ha'u-ka'-mu'-mu), n. [Hau, participle, and kamumu, a j rustling sound.] 1. The confused I noise of a multitude: ua uhiia kona leo e ka haukamumu leo o ka aha; his voice was drowned by the confused noises of the multi- tude. (See Laieik. p. 22.) 2. The low or indistinct conversation of two persons. (See Laieik. p. 80); murmur. Haukau (ha'u-ka'u), n. A choppy ' sea. I Haukauka (ha'-u'-ka-u'-ka), n. (Also written haukeuke.) 1. A ring- ! worm. 2. A species of sea egg re- I sembling the ina. Hauke (hau'-ke), n. [Abreviation of haukeuke.] The sea-egg. Hauke (ha'-u'-ke), n. 1. Searching or hunting with the fingers. 2. Hunt- ing or searching for lice: ka haule ana i ka uku poo. Hauke (ha'-u'-ke), v. To search with the fingers. j Haukea (ha'u-ke'a), n. [Hau, snow, I and kea, white.] The white snow; HAU 112 HAU the whiteness of snow: ka haukea o Maunakea. Haukeke (ha'u-ke'-ke), adj. Cold; shivering with cold. Haukeke (ha'u-ke'-ke), n. A shiver- ing with the* cold. Haukeke (ha'u-ke'-ke), v. 1. To shiver with the cold. 2. To be contracted with cold, as the muscles: haukeke mai ana ka lehelehe, minomino na lima, eleele ka lihilihi; the lips quivered with the cold, the hands were wrinkled, dark were the eyebrows. 3. To be painfully cold. Haukeuke (ha'-u-ke-u-ke), n. 1. A small crustacean resembling the ina or sea egg. 2. A crustacean a little larger than the ina and found only on the wet rocks be- tween low and high water mark. 3. Ringworm, similar to the ane: haukeuke, he ane, he mea e pili ana ma ka ili o ke kanaka, ua like me ke kane. Haukeuke (ha'-u-ke'-uke), v. To click together rapidly as the teeth; to clatter. Haulalapa (ha'u-la-la'-pa), n. The ascending blaze of a large fire. Haulani (ha'u-la'-ni), adj. Uneasy; seeking freedom from restraint; restive: he mauli haulani. Haulani (ha'u-la'-ni), v. 1. To plunge, as a canoe. 2. To be restless in one's grasp; to squirm: e oni. 3. To try to free one's self when held fast. Haulaula (ha'-u'-ia-u'-la), adj. Pink; reddish. Haulaula (ha'-u'-la-u'-la), n. Pink; reddishne'ss. Haulaula (ha'-u'-lS,-u'-la), v. To be a little red: a haulaula ka waha i ka laau. See ula, red. Haule (ha'-u'-le), adj. Lost; dropped: kekahi mea haule. fall from a perpendicular state; Haule (ha'u-le), v. 1. To fall; to to stumble. 2. To come upon one, as an emotion. 3. To come to or arrive at a place. 4. To encamp: a haule lakou i Kailua. 5. To become void. 6. To lack. 7. To fail. 8. To be wanting. 9. To fall dead. 10. To fail in coming to pass or to be fulfilled, as a prom- ise. 11. To fall, as in moral or religious character. Haulena (ha'u-le'-na), n. [Contracted from haule ana.] A falling, that is, whatever falls; a gleaning. Haul! (ha'-u'-li), adj. 1. Dark; swarthy; tawny. 2. Shadowing; shady. Hauli (ha'-u'-li), n. 1. Dark or brown in color. Anything of a dark color; the dark shadow of an object; dark clouds; the deep blue sky. See uli. 2. A stain upon a person's character: ka hauli o ka mea hewa ole, e nalowale ia; the stain upon a person's char- acter without fault will vanish. Hauli (ha'-u'-li), v. To be dark in color. Hauliull (ha'-u'-li-u'-li), n. The snake mackerel, (Lemnisoma thyrsi- toides.) A rare deep-sea fish, color dark metallic blue, attains a length of three feet and over. Known also as hauliulipuhi. Hauliuli (ha'-u'-li-u'-li), v. [Inten- sive of hauli.] 1. To be dark, etc. 2. To be in a slight state of com- motion; applied to the rippling of the sea when the wind begins to blow. Haumakaiole (ha'u-ma'-ka-i-o'-le), n. Extreme old age, when the eyes are dim, the steps totter, and the breath is short. Haumana (ha'u-ma'-na), n. A stu- dent; an apprentice; a disciple. Haumana (ha'u-ma'-na), v. 1. To be a disciple of; to be an adherent or follower; to be a pupil. 2. To receive from another's mouth, that is, to receive knowledge. (Refers to the custom of feeding from the mouth.) Haumanumanu (ha'u-ma'-nu-ma'-nu), adj. 1. Full of holes, cracks or crevices. 2. Defaced; having an unsightly appearance. Haumea (ha'u-me-a), n. One of sev- eral names of Papa, wife of Wa- kea and mother -of Hawaii's war god, Kekaua-kahi, and of Pele. Haumia (ha'u-mi'-a), adj. Unclean; impure ; filthy. Haumia (ha'u-mi'-a), n. 1. Defile- ment, ceremonial or physical. 2. Moral deviation from the right. Haumia (ha'u-mi'-a), v. To be de- filed; to be polluted; to be either morally, physically or ceremonially unclean. Hauna (ha'u-na), adj. 1. Offensive to the smell, stinking. 2. Having HAU 113 HAU the odor of flesh beginning to spoil; tainted (refers to meat). Hauna (ha'u-na), n. 1. The smell of tainted meat or fish. 2. The process of mending a net. Hauna (ha'u-na), n. A striking; a firm stroke with the hand, as in playing kilu and other games. Hauna (ha'u-na), v. To patch or mend a net. Haunaele (ha'u-na-e'-le), n. 1. The excitement and disturbance of war. 2. Any popular commotion or dis- turbance. Haunaele (ha'u-na'-e-le), v. 1. To flee in war. 2. To suffer the con- sequences of such flight; that is, to forsake houses, homes, and the general loss of all comforts. 3. To be in confusion, as in a mob or general disobedience to laws. 4. To be in doubt or perplexity of mind. Haunama (ha'u-na'-ma), n. A very slight offensive odor, much less than hauna: he wahi maea uuku. See hauna. Hauoiao (ha'u-o-i'-ao), n. The han- dles attached to a small net used in taking the iao fish. Hauoki (ha'u-o'-ki), n. A medicine made from the bark of the hau tree. It is given to women in labor. 2. A kind of palsy or per- haps stiffness of the limbs, as when one is chilled with cold, or when one has been long in the water. Hauole (ha'u-o'-le), adj. [Hau, frost, dew, etc., and ole, not.] Without dew, as a barren place. Hauoli (ha'u-o'-li), adj. Joyous; glad. Hauoli (ha'u-o'-li), n. Joy; rejoic- ing; gladness. Hauoli (ha'u-o'-li), v. [Hau and oil, to sing.] To be glad; to rejoice; to express joy by singing. Hauolioli (ha'u-o'-li-o'-li), v. Incor- rect form of hauoli; to rejoice. Hauomalolo (ha'u-o'-ma'-16-lo), n. The two sticks attached to the net which is used in taking fly- ing fish. Hauopo (ha'u-o'-po), n. What is put together in good order; a good, well finished work. Hauopo (ha'u-o'-po), v. (Obsolete.) To lay in good order, as stones in a wall; to stand evenly: he wahi i nini, i kumanoia a maikai. Haupa (ha'u-pa), v. 1. To eat much; to swell up, as from over- eating. 2. To be greedy in eat- ing; to eat ravenously. 3. To open and shut, as the jaws in eat- ing fast. Syn: Upa. Haupeepee (ha'u-pe'e-pe'e), v. To play hide and seek: e peepee akua. Haupia (ha'u-pi'a), n. Arrow-root and coconut milk mixed together and baked for food. Haupia ha'u-pi'a), v. To mix ar- row-root, pia, and coconut for bak- ing. Haupo (hau'-po), n. The pit of the stomach. Syn: Houpo. Haupu (ha'-u'-pu), n. Sudden ex- citement of thought or of the passions. (This word was for- merly used in a moral philosophy for the conscience, or the internal monitor: o ka mea i nanea palaka ka haupu, alalia aole e ole kona hewa. Later lunamanao was used.) The modern word is lunai- kehala. Haupu (ha'-u'-pu), v. 1. To rise up, as the affections or passions. 2. To come to sudden recollection of; to call to mind. 3. To suffer with anxiety; to be much excited or moved; ua haupu honua ae la ka makaula; the prophet was much excited. (See Laieik. p. 157.) Haupuu (ha'u-pu'u), n. A bunion- like enlargement on the joints. Syn: Oha-ku-lai. Haupuupu (ha'-u'-pu-u'-pu), n. Same as haupu, a calling to mind. Haupuupu (ha'-u'-pu-u'-pu), v. To call to mind. Haupuupuu (ha'u-pu'u-pu'u), adj. Bumpy; uneven, as heaps of salt in the salt-pits. Haupuupuu (ha'u-pu'u-pu'u), n. A disease of the joints which de^ velopes nodules or little bone-like knots on the joints of the fingers, wrists and toes. See haupuu. Haupuupuu (ha'u-pu'u-pu'u), v. To be troubled with the disease hau- puupuu. Hauupu (hau-u'-pu), n. 1. Suspicion. 2. Conjecture. 3. Imagination of something good or evil. Hauwalaau (ha'u-wa'-la-a'u), v. 1. To gabble where all talk and none hear. 2. To get into confusion, as an assembly disagreeing in opinion: alalia hauwalaau loa ae la HAU 114 HAW ka lehulehu; then the multitude fell into great confusion. See wa- laau. Hauwalawalaau (ha'u-wa'-la-wa'-la- au), n, 1. Noise, as of many talk- ing at once without cause or meaning. See hauwalaau. 2. Mere gabbling without cause: make ka alii o Nunu ma Koolau, kahaha kahi poe, i mai kanaka, he hau- walawalaau wale no, when the chief Nunu died at Koolau, some were astonished, but the people said there was nothing but a great talk. See walaau. Hauwanaoa (ha'u-wa'-na-o'a), v. To be uneven in height; to have an irregular surface; to project one above another. Hauwawa (ha'u-wa'-wa'), n. Confu- sion; discordant sound, as a mul- titude all talking at once. Hauwawa (ha'u-wa'-wa), v. To talk in vain, confusedly or in disorder. Se-e wawa. Hawa (ha'-wa), v. [Obsolete.] To be daubed with excrements; to be defiled; to be unclean. Hawae (ha'-wa'e), n. A species of white sea-egg differing from the wana (sea-egg) in that it has no spikelets. Hawaekainui (ha'-wa'e-ka'i-nu'l), adj. 1. Awkward, as in diving and spattering the water much; ha- waekainui ke kanaka i ka luu. 2. Not neat or expert in aquatic games; unskillful in marine sports. Hawaewae (ha'-wa'e-wa'e), n. A spe- cies of very small Crustacea re- sembling the lobster, usually found in the shell of a dead wana or sea-egg. Hawahawa (ha'-wa-ha'-wa), adj. [Hawa, defiled.] Filthy; dirty; especially with such dirt as sticks. Hawa! (ha'-wa'i), adj. Pertaining to the place or work of steaming food in an oven. Hawa! (ha'-wa'i), n. 1. The water which is used to pour over an oven to generate steam. 2. A trough or pipe for holding or con- veying water. Hawai (ha'-wa'i), v. 1. To pour water on an oven when heated to generate steam. 2. [Obsolete.] To dash water over one to purify or cleanse after pollution. The mod- ern word is pikai. Hawaii (ha'-wai'-i), n. The largest island of the Territory of Hawaii, which gives the name to the group. Prom time immemorial the people have called themselves "ko Hawaii," and the islands "ka pae aina o Hawaii," "na moku Hawaii," etc. (The name appears in several of the Polynesian dia- lects.) Hawaiiakea (ha'-wai'-ia-ke'a), n. Broad or large Hawaii: i kane na ke kaikamahine alii o Hawaiiakea. Laieik. p. 168. Hawale (ha'-wa'-le), n. 1. Deceitful language. 2. Idle talk without re- gard to the truth. Hawale (ha'-wa'-le), v. To speak falsely. Hawaii (ha'-wa'-li), n. (Written also hawaliwali.) 1. A rank growth of vegetation surrounding a pond, or along a water course. 2. The snake mackerel; also called hau- liuli. Ha wan a (ha'-wa'-na), v. [Contrac- tion of hawanawana.] To whis- per; to speak in a low voice. Hawanawana (ha'-wa'-na-wa'-na), n. 1. A whisper; whispering. Hawanawana (ha-wa'-na-wa'-na), v. 1. To whisper: A huki iho la ia ia, 6 hawanawana i kona pe- peiao, he pulled him towards him- self to whisper in his ear. Syn: hawana. 2. To plot against one. Hawane (ha'-wa'-ne), n. The fruit of the loulu tree; the fruit is eat- able; its leaf made into hats. Ha wawa (ha'-wa'-wa'), adj. Awk- ward; unskillful; lacking knowl- edge of how to do or act. Hawawa (ha'-wa'-wa'), n. 1. Awk- wardness; clumsiness. 2. An un- skilled person; one lacking in ex- perience or knowledge. Hawawa (ha-wa'-wa'), v. To be awkward; to be unskillful. Hawele (ha'-we'-le), n. 1. A tying on; a binding on. 2. The thong or strap with which the tying is done. Hawele (ha'-we'-le), v. 1. To tie or lash on with a cord. 2. To en- circle with flexile straps; to gird on. 3, To fasten or draw together the straps or strings which se- cure a burden or a garment. Hawena (ha'-we'-na), n. A white clay hair dressing mixed with juice from the root of the ti plant. HAW 115 HEB It turned the hair gray or white and gave it a showy luster. Hawewe (ha'-we-we), n. A rustling indistinct sound; a slight rumb- ling sound. Hawewe (ha'-we'-we), v. To rustle; to cause a clattering noise. See kawewe. He (he). The indefinite article A. Prefixed to a noun it signifies one. He (he), n. 1. The pile or mound overa grave. 2, The larva that eats the leaves of the coconut and the palm-leaf pandanus. Also called kakani, a small insect which lives on the outside of leaves and fruit. 3. A weapon used in war; he laau i hanaia i he kaua. (Called he from the hissing sound created when wielded in fighting.) See Laaupalau. 4. Noise caused by rushing wind or water: He, he o ka makani Kauaula kau i lohe iho nei; I've heard the swish of the Kauaula (a wind peculiar to the ravines of west Maui). He (he), v. 1. To utter a continu- ous swishing or murmuring sound, as running water, or soughing of the wind through the tree tops. 2. To scrape; to rub over the sur- face with something that removes roughness, or polishes. Hea (he'-a), adj. 1. Misty; clouded; obscure; smoky. 2. Reddish; in- flamed; bloody. Hea (he'-a), n. 1. A call; a cry. 2. A public recitation of the many names and achievements of dis- tinguished persons. 3. A cold mist-like rain peculiar to the Kona districts on Hawaii: He ua, hea. See ua, konahea and kona. Hea (he'a), n. 1. Sore eyes; in- flamed eyes. 2. A red color, as of blood. 3. An ancient Hawaiian practice to determine who was to be the human sacrifice. On the eighth day of the dedication cere- 1 monies of a heiau, or temple, a ; baked hog was to be eaten. Should j any one be unable to eat all of his portion he was immediately sacri- 1 ficed. The hog itself was called puaa hea, bloody pig. Hea (he'-a), an interrogative pro- noun and adverb. Which? what? where? when? referring to place, where; ka hale hea? what or which house? ka manawa hea? when? what time? etc. Hea (he'-a), v. 1. To call; to give a name to. Syn: Kapa. 2. To call to one; to call one. Syn: Kahea. 3. To sing or recite a mele: ina ku ke kanaka i ka hea mele ana, if any man stand up for reciting a mele. Hea (he'a), v. 1. To sacrifice hu- man life by means of the hea. 2. To be blear-eyed. 3. To be red or sore, as inflamed eyes. 4. To be stained or colored red; to redden. Heaha (he'-a'-ha), adv. [He, a, and aha, what. A what?] What, an interrogative adverb denoting a question. Heaha (he'-a'-ha), v. To ask what; what is it: heaha mai la kekahi, heaha ia; a certain person asked what is it? See aha. Heahea (he'a-he'-a), adj. 1. Mod- erately warm; tepid. 2. Insipid; not pleasing to the taste. Heahea (he'a-he'a), v. [Redup. of hea.] 1. To call; to call fre- quently; to call out. 2. To call for help. 3. To call in; to wel- come. Heahea (he'-a-he'-a), v. [Redupl. of hea, to redden.] 1. To imprint with spots. 2. To stain, especially with red. 3. To be smeared, as with red dirt. Heaheaia (he'-a-he'-aia), n. 1. A calling: a voice calling: aole nae 1 loaa ka heaheaia mai. Laieik. p. 91. 2. A welcoming. Heahio (he/-a-hi'-o), adj. Lazy; loit- ering; dilatory. Heahio (he'-a-hi'-o), n. [He, the ar- ticle, and ahio, contraction for puahio, to come and go suddenly.] A shirker, one who avoids a call to work; one who comes to a task and suddenly disappears. Heana (he'-a'-na), n. 1. The corpse of one slain in battle. 2. A car- cass of any animal. Heau (he'-a'u), n. Name of the place where fishermen set the basket in catching fish; the place was artificially built; alalia kukulu hou i mau heau ma ka hema o ka mokupuni. Hebedoma (he'-be-do'-ma), n. [Gr.] 1. A week. 2. Seven years. Hebera (he-be'-ra), adj. Hebrew. Hebcra (he-be'-ra), n. A Hebrew, one of the descendants of Abra- ham. HEE 116 HEH Hee (he'e), n. 1. A flowing, as of liquid. 2. The menses. 3. A flight, as of a routed army. 4. The squid, so-called from his slippery- qualities. Hee (he'e), v. 1. To melt; to run or flow, as a liquid. 2. To slip or glide along. 3. To ride on a surf- board. (See Laieik. p. 91.) Syn: . Heenalu. 4. To flee; to flee through fear: ke kaua ana, O ka poe i hee, makau lakou. 5. To be dispersed in battle. 6. To melt or soften (applied figuratively to the heart). 7. Imperatively: hee aku paha, be off; go about your business. (In this imperative sense it is perhaps a contraction for hele.) Heehe (he-e'-he), v. To bleat, as a lamb. Heehee (he'e-he'e). Incorrect spell- ing of hehee. Heehia (he'e-hi'a). Incorrect form of eehia. Heeholua (he'e-ho'-lii'-a), n. [Hee, to glide along, and holua, a small light frame on runners, similar to a sled, upon which the ancients slid down hill.] A pastime among the ancient Hawaiians. See holua. 2. The path traversed by the holua in the game of heeholua. Heeholua (he'e-ho'-lu'-a), v. To slide down hill on a holua or sled. Heekee (he'e-ke'e), n. A species of fish inhabiting coral reefs. Also known as ahaaha, kekee and auau. Heekekei (he-e'-ke-ke'i), adj. Short; too short; deficient in length. See ekekei. Heekoko (he'e-k6'-ko), n. [Hee, to flow, and koko, blood. 1. A flow- ing of blood. 2. Any great flow of blood. 3. The menses. Heemakoko (he'e-ma'-k6'-ko), n. A species of large red squid found in the ocean, not eatable; he hee nui loa ia ma ka moana, he mea ai ole ia. Also known as makoko. Heemakole (he'e-ma'-ko'-le), n. Squid that has been cured with salt, and is red from the effect of salt brine. Heenalu (he'e-na'-lu), n. [Hee and nalu, the surf.] Surfing, the an- cient and modern pastime of rid- ing on a surf-board. Heenalu (he'e-na'-lu), v. [Hee, and nalu, the surf.] To ride on a surf-board. Heenehu (he'e-ne'-hu), n. 1. A light mist-like rain off the Hilo coast, observed usually when the nehu, a species of anchovy, is running. 2. The fishing season when the nehu run in great shoals. Heepuloa (he'e-pu'-15'a), n. (Hee, squid, pu, the head of a squid, and loa, long). The long headed squid; a species of light-colored squid with elongated head. Color, white or gray. Heewale (he'e-wa'-le), n. 1. A mis- carriage; a premature birth. 2. Flight from a foe. Heewale (he'e-wa'-le), v. [Hee, to run, flow, and wale, only.] 1. To melt easily. 2. To flee, as a coward in time of danger. 3. To bring forth young prematurely. Heha (he'-ha), adj. Lazy; indolent; slow; molowa i ka hana, manaka. Hehe (he'-he'), adj. Ulcerous. Hehe (he'-he'), n. 1. The upper cal- abash or cover of a hula drum. 2. A boil. 3. A running sore. Syn: Maihehe. Hehe (he-he'), n. 1. Loud, exces- sive laughter. 2. Derisive laugh- ter: ka aka hehe a ka manu o Kaiona. Hehe (he-he'), v. 1. To laugh long; to laugh excessively. 2. To laugh in derision. Hehe (he'-he'), v. To run, as a sore. See maihehe, a boil. Hehee (he'-he'e), adj. Flowing; melting; liquid. Hehee (he'-he'e), n. A running, as the discharge from a sore; viscous matter. Hehee (he'-he'e), v. 1. To be soft; to be melted; to be liquified; to be dissolved; to become liquid. 2. To fade, as colors: hehee i ka wai; to fade in washing. Hehehee (he'-he-he'e), v. To fade; to be unstable in color. Hehei (he'-he'i), v. To be entangled in a net. Syn: Hei. Hehelo (he'-he'-lo), v. 1. To be red- dish brown, like the helo or ohelo. 2. To be good looking; to be grand or proud in appearance. 3. To be vain or proud of one's at- tire. 4. To be showy. Hehena (he'-he'-na), adj. 1. Insane; raving mad. 2. Delirious. Hehena (he'-he'-na), n. 1. Madness, insanity. 2. A mad person: hana HEH 117 HEK iho la e like me na hehena ame na holoholona, they acted like madmen and brutes. Hehena (he'-he'-na), v. 1. To be mad; insane. 2. To be enraged, infuriated. Heheo (he'-he'-o), v. To rock on the foot; to toss up and down on the foot; a way of amusing little chil- dren. Hehl (he'-hi), n. 1. A beating or pressing with the feet (procedure in preparing the surface of a new taro patch for planting). 2. A treading; a place for treading; kahi hehl palaoa, a threshing floor where grain was trodden out. 3. A step or pressure with the foot: kaa hehi wawae; a bicycle. Hehi (he'-hi), y. 1. To tread upon; to trample down. 2. To put the foot upon, a symbol of subjection. 3. To trample upon; to disobey or disregard, as a law: hehi na mea a pau maluna o ke kanawai o ka aina; everybody trampled upon the law of the land; hehi berita, to trample upon or disregard a covenant. 4. To beat or press with the feet. He ho (he'-ho), n. Incorrect form of iho, the center, the core. Hehu (he'-hu), n. 1. Young plants for transplanting. 2. A cathartic made from the . stem of gourd leaves. Hehu (he'-hu), v. 1. To uproot, to uproot for the purpose of replant- ing. 2. To put to flight, as a peo- ple: malia paha i hehuia makou i poe nana e kuhikuhi i na iwi o ka poe kahiko; perhaps we shall be rooted up as those who shall point to the bones (landmarks) of the ancients. 3. To drive; to rouse up for work or war. 4. To purge from the effect of medicine. 5. To summon to work or to war. 6. To warn out. Hehukai (he'-hu'-ka'i), n. The spray of the sea. Hehunakai (he'-hu-na-k=C2=A7,'i), n. Sea spray. Syn: Hunakai. Hei (he-i'), n. 1. The papaia tree (Carica papaya). The fruit of the papaia tree, Syn: Milikana and papaia. Hei (he'-i), n. 1. A net; a snare for entangling and taking game. 2. A snare; a stratagem; a device for catching one unawares. 3. Game caught in hunting or fishing. 4. A game resembling cat's cradle. 5. The practice of hanging foliage about the house of the gods to render the sacrifices acceptable; i mea e hoohiwahiwa aku. 6. A wreath of green leaves: O ke aka- mai o ka makuakane, e liio r=C2=BBo ia i hei na ke keiki, the wisdom of the father, it shall become a wreath for the child. 7. A dec- oration; an ornament. Hcl (he'-i), V. 1. To be entangled; to be snared, as game. 2. To be insnared or entangled, as a person trapped by stratagem. 3. To dec- orate, to adorn. Heiau (hei'-a'u), n. 1. Large tem- ples of the ancient Hawaiians: E kukulu oe i mau heiau no na akua, no Ku, no Lono, no Kane ame Kanaloa; build thou some temples for the gods, for Ku, for Lono, for Kane and Kanaloa. 2. A high place of worship. 3. A small secret room in a heiau. 4. A pri- vate place of worship. (The heiau, temple, was one of six houses of the ancient Hawaiian's home.) Heie (he'i-e'), n. (Obsolete.) A ser- vant or herald of a prophet. Heihel (he'i-he'i), v. 1. To run, as though in a race. 2. To run a race. Heiheiholua (he'i-he'i-ho-lu'a), n. 1. Coasting on a holua, an ancient Hawaiian sled. 2. A race with a holua. Heiheinalu (he'i-he'i-na'-lu), n. [Hei- hei, to run, and nalu, surf.] 1. To ride the surf on a surf-board; to surf. 2. To race on surf-boards. Heiheiwaa (he'i-he'i-wa'a), n. A race between two or more canoes. Heka (he'-ka), adj. (Written also hekaheka.) 1. Sore; red, as in- flamed eyes. 2. Eyelids turned out by inflammation. 3. Blear- eyed; bleary. Hekau (he-ka'u), adj. 1. Taut; not slack; stretched. 2. Strong; firm: he kaula hekau. Hekau (he'-ka'u), n, 1. A towline. 2. A large strong rope for fasten- ing boats, canoes, etc.; a warp. 3. The stone used as an anchor for a canoe. 4. An anchor. Hekau (he'-ka'u), v. 1. To tow or tie a vessel with a towline. 2. To make fast, as in anchoring a boat or cask, by tying to stones or HEK 118 HEL rocks under water. (See Laieik. p. 124.) Aole e lilo, ua hekauia; to be moored on the water. Heke (he'-ke), adj. 1. Chagrined; depressed; ashamed. 2. Sensitive; susceptible; easily affected. See Oheke. HeKe (he'-ke), n. 1. A nail, pin or rack fastened to the inside wall of a house to put things upon. 2. A triangular sail set above the gaff, also called peaheke. Hekeheke (he'-ke-he'-ke), adj. 1. Very fleshy. 2. Sickly. Syn: Uhekeheke. Hekill (he'-kl'-li), n. 1. Thunder 2. Fig. Anything terrible, raging, terrific: uhi paapu mai la oia i na hekili o ke kuko ino. =E2=80=94 Laieik. p. 196. Hekili (he'-ki'-li), v. To thunder. Hekuni (he'-ku'-ni), n. A mark or impression made in tattooing, branding, fastening with a seal, etc. Hekupau (he'-kfi'-pS,'u), n. The last of the ku days, one of the days of a month sacrexi to the god Ku. It was the sixth day of the month. Hela (he'-la), adj. (Written also helaliela). 1. Redness of the eye- lids. 2. Partial blindness: o ka paholehole o ka ili, helahela ino ka poe i hana pela.. Helaepaa (he-la'e-pa'a), n. A ser- vant who is branded in the fore- head as a mark of servitude. Hele (he'-le), n. A going; a pass- ing on; a journey; a course. Hele (he'-le), V. 1. To walk. 2. To go. 3. To move. i Helea (he'-le'-a), v. [Contraction of aheleia.] To be taken or caught in a trap. Heleakala (he'-le-a-ka-la'), n. [Lit. Moving of the sun.] 1. The ap- parent path of the sun in its imag- inary daily journey between the summer and winter solstices. 2. The point in the ecliptic where the sun apparently turns in its path; the path of the sun. 3. Lo- cally, a place in the crater of Ha- leakala on the island of Maui. Helehele (he'-le-he'-le), v. To cut up; to divide, as with a knife or shears. See mahele. Helehelena (he'-le-he-le'-na), n. The external appearance of a person, as features, form. With maka, the appearance of the face: Hele- helena o ka poino, face of sadness. Laieik. p. 142. Helehonua (he'-le-ho'-nu'-a), v. 1. To depart suddenly. 2. To go before the appointed time. Helehonua (he'-le-ho'-nu'-a), v. To tie or bind up beforehand, in the way of preparation for a journey. Helei (he-le'i), n. An inflammatory disease of the eye. Helei (he-le'i), v. 1. To straddle. 2. To say no by a signal, that is, by pulling down one corner of the eye slyly. Helekikaha (he'-le-ki-ka'-ha), v. 1. To walk absentmindedly. 2. To refuse to take notice of; to disre- gard. Helekiki (he'-le-ki'-ki'), v. 1. To go hastily. 2. To do quickly; to act very swiftly. Helelei (he'-le-le'i), adj. 1. Scat- tered. 2. Dropping or falling, as tears: halawai oia me kana keiki me ka waimaka helelei, she met her son with flowing tears. 2. Broken or crumbled, so as to sep- arate. 4. Crumbling, as dirt: he lepo helelei. Helelei (he'-le-le'i), v. 1. To be scattered abroad. 2. To be dis- persed. Helepela (he'-le-pe'-la), v. [Hele, to go, and pela, thus; so. Used im- peratively.] Be gone; be off; get out; go just as you are. Often more fully, thus: e hele loa pela, get you gone clear away. Heleu (he-le'-u), n. Same as haleu. Heieuma (he'-le-u'-ma), n. 1. The stone anciently used as an anchor to hold a canoe. See hekau. 2. An anchor of a vessel: aole i kuu ka heieuma o ka moku, the anchor of the ship was not let down. Helewale (he'-le-wa'-le), v. [Hele, to go, and wale, in the condition one is in naturally. See wale.] 1. To go about destitute of cloth- ing; to be naked. 2. To be poor; to be in need. Syn: Ilihune. 3. To go or be anywhere without any fixed purpose: helewale mai nei au; I happened to come along here. (Hele and wale are often written separately.) Heliu (he-li'u), v. Incorrect form of haliu. Helo (he'-lo). adj. Red; of the col- or of blood. HEL 119 HEM Helo (he'-lo), n. A bright red color; the color of blood. Helohelo (he'-lo-he'-lo), adj. Red- dish; reddish brown. Of the color of the ohelo berry. Helohelo (he'-lo-he'-lo), v. To be reddish brown like the ohelo. Helu (he'-lu), adv. A reciting or proclaiming the virtues of a de- ceased person: alalia, uwe helu mai la ia, penei, a uwe helu iho la. =E2=80=94 Leieik. p. 50. Helu (he'-lu), n. A recounting; a re- telling. Helu (he'-lu), n. 1. Any mass of hard particles taken collectively, as the seeds of the liipoe or In- dianshot. 2. Small shot. Syn: Lu. 3. A scattering or strewing. Syn: Lu. Helu (he'-lu), v. 1. To scratch the earth, as a hen. 2. To dig pota- toes with the fingers. 3. To paw the ground, as an angry bull. 4. To count; to number; to compute. 5. To impute; to attribute. 6. To relate; to tell over; to repeat. Heluai he'-lu-a'i), n. [Helu, to count, and ai, a score.] A score- keeper in a game. Heluhelu (he'-lu-he'-lu), v. 1. To read; to pore over. 2. To re- count; to relate some past trans- action. Heluhoike (he'-lu-h6-i'-ke), n. [Helu, to count, and hoike, to show.] An abacus, a frame with strings of counters, used as an aid in solv- ing questions in arithmetic. Helu la (he'-lu-I'a), n. Anything which is counted or reckoned. Heluiana. Incorrect form of he luna. Heluna (he'-lu'-na), n. (Contraction of helu ana.) 1. A numbering, counting, etc.; hence, 2. A num- ber: Ua like ka heluna o kona mau niho me ko ka lio, the num- ber of his teeth is like that of a horse. Hema (he'-ma), adj. Left; applied to two opposite things; as, lima hema, the left hand, in distinction from lima akau, the right hand; welau hema (in geography), the south pole, opposed to welau akau, the north pole. Kanaka lima hema, a left-handed man. (In marking the cardinal points of the compass, an Hawaiian faces the west; hence, his right hand indicates the north and his left the south.) Hefnahema (he'-ma-he'-ma), adj. Awkward; clumsy; not expert; not clever; unprepared. Hemahema (he'-ma-he'-ma), adv. In- competently; not properly. Hemahema ( he'-ma-he'-ma ),n. Want; need; necessity. Hemahema (he'-mS-he'-ma), v. 1. To be destitute of; to want: I ma- kaukau ko oukou hoi ana, aole e hemahema, that you may be sup- plied on your return and not be destitute. 2. To be inefficient; to be not ready, to be unequal to. Hemo (he'-mo), adj. Loose; sep- arating. Hemo (he'-mo), n. A loosening; a separation of things once united: ua like ka hemo me ka makili. Hemo (he'-mo), v. 1. To be loos- ened; to be untied. 2. To be out of. 3. To be open or unfastened. 4. To be divorced or separated from. 5. To be weaned. Hemoe (he'-m6-e'), adj. [Hemo and e, strangely, that is, very much.] 1. Faint; hungry; gasping. 2. Near death; dying: hemoe ke aho, the breath is scanty. Hemoe (he'-m6-e'), n. The last ex tremity of life; dying breath. Hemoe (he'-m6-e'), v. 1. To be faint. 2. To lose courage. 3. To become feeble. 4. To be de- pressed. Hemohemo (he'-m6-he'-mo). n. A separation; a loosening. Syn: Hemo. Hemohemo (he'-m6-he'-mo), v. [Freq. of hemo.] 1. To loosen often or very much. 2. To be unfastened. 3. To be weak from fear. Hemolealea (he'-m6-le'a-le'a), v. (Also written hemolaelae. [Hemo and lealea, joy; cheerfuless.] To consent cheerfully to one's going for, or doing a thing; to bid him Godspeed: ka ae pono ia aku; ka hele ana aku me ka pono. Hemolele (he'-m6-le'-le), adj. Per- fect; faultless; holy; complete. Hemolele (he'-md-le'-le), n. 1. Per- fection. 2. Virtue; goodness; I holiness . 3. A state of glory. Hemolele (he'-m6-le'-le), v. 1. To be complete, perfect, fully finished. 2. To be holy; to be perfect. Hemu (he'-mu), interj. Shoo; away; be off. HEN 120 HEW Hena (he'-na), n. 1. The hollow of the thigh. 2. In human anatomy, the mons Veneris. Henahena (he'-na-he'-na), v. Incor- rect form of henehene, to deride. Henalu (he-na'-lu), n. 1. A surf. 2. A rough sea. 3. Meditation. Hene (he'-ne), n. 1. A low flirta- tious laugh. 2. Obsolete form of kihene, a bundle. Hene (he'-ne), v. To laugh coquet- tishly. Henehene (he'-ne-he'-ne), adj. Dis- dainful; foolish; silly: aka, i ka poe hewa, he mea henehene ia e lakou ka nani o ke Akua. Henehene (he'-ne-he'-ne), n. Mock- ery; contempt; insolence. Henehene (he'-ne-he'-ne), v. 1. To laugh in derision; to mock; to treat a person or thing with con- tempt. 2. To vituperate; to re- vile. Heneheneia (he'-ne-he'-ne-i'a), v. [Passive of henehene, to mock.] Mocked; reviled. Henipoa (he'-nl-p6'-a), n. A languid person. Henu (he'-nu), v. Incorrect form of hinu, to be smooth. Henuhenu (he'-nd-he'-nu), adj. In- correct form of hinu-hinu, shin- ing. Henuhenu (he'-nu-he'-nti), v. Incor- rect form of hinuhinu, to shine. Heo (he'-o), adj. Proud; haughty; generally used with haa. (Haaheo is the better form.) Heo (he'-o), n. The end of the penis within the prepuce. Heo (heo), v. To depart in haste; to go suddenly: I a nei iho nei o Ku a ua heo aku la. Heoheo (he'-o-he'-o), n. (Reduplica- tion of heo.) The glans penis within the prepuce; applied to men and to some animals; loaa ka heoheo, ua hoka; to get noth- ing:: to be disappointed. Heoa (he'-pa), adj. Idiotic; desti- tute of ordinary intellectual pow- ers. Hepa (he'-pa), n. 1. A shaking of the limbs: the palsy. 2. Partial paralysis of the vocal organs which causes indistinct articula- tion. 3. A slight form of demen- tia. 4. Idiocy. 5. An imbecile. Hepahepa (he'-pa-he'-pa), adj. Help- less or feeble from palsy. Hepahepa (he'-pa-he'-pa), n. 1. A person helpless from palsy. 2. Sign of beginning of mental break- down discovered in speech or ac- tions. Hepanoa (he'-pa-no'-a), n. A very dry and sterile spot or tract of land. Hepue (he'-pu'e), n. An eddy or contrary current in air or water. Hereekela (he'-re-e-ke'-la), n. [Eng.] Herschel; the planet of that name. Heu (he'-u), adj. Fuzzy, downy, as fine hair or the soft coating of a leaf. Heu (he'-u), n. 1. Down or fine hair. 2. The quicksilver on the back of a looking-glass: holoi la- kou i ka heu o ka aniani, they washed the quicksilver off the glass. 3. Fuzz, the loose coating or fibers upon certain fruits or leaves. Heu (he'u), n. 1. The hoot of an owl. 2. The guttural sounds made by those skilled in Hawaiian oli (mele) and prayers. Heu (he'-u), v. To begin to grow; to sprout; to germinate: he ka- naka opiopio wale no, akahi no a heu. Pehea kau mau wahi hehu? Akahi no a heu ae. How are your plants? Only just commenced to sprout. Heu (he'u), v. (Written also heu- heu.) To croak; to make a hoarse sound in the throat. Heuheu (he'u-he'u), n. Same as heu. Heukae (heu'-ka'e), n. [A corrup- tion of haukae, dirty.] A dis- reputable person: he haukae. Heumiki (he'u-ml'-ki), adj. Beauti- ful; pleasing; comely. Hewa (he'-wa), adj. 1. Wicked; im- proper. 2. Defective; imperfect in action. Hewa (he'-wa), adv. Erroneously; wrongfully: hele hewa, to go wrong. Hewa (he'-wa), n. 1. Error; sin. (Often connected with ino and hala.) 2. A failure to hit or reach. 3. Fault; defect; blemish. Hewa (he'-wa), v. 1. To be wrong; to be in error. 2. To sin; to transgress. 3. To miss; to fail to hit. 4. To be incorrect; to be HEW 121 HIH faulty; to fail. 5. To be under condemnation. Hewahewa (he'-wa-he'-wa), adj. Crazy; demented. See hoohewa- hewa. Hewahewa (he'-wa-he'-wa), n. 1. A mistake in identification. 2. De- rangement of mind from sickness. See hoohewahewa. 3. Sullen si- lence. Hewahewa (he'-wa-he'-wa,), v. To make a mistake; to commit an error; mostly used in the causa- tive. See hoohewahewa and hewa. HI (hi), n. 1. A flowing away; a purging. 2. Dysentery. Same as hikoko. 3. A hissing sound. 4. The practice of fishing for the aku, as hi aku. Hi (hi), V. 1. To purge, as with a cathartic. 2. To blow out with force any liquid from the mouth. Hia (hi'a), adj. 1. Ardent; eager. 2. Roving; unsteady. Hia (hi'-a). An interrogative with the prefixes a, e and pa, as ahia, how many, ehia, how many, pahia, how many to the group. Hia (hi'a), n. 1. The act of rubbing two sticks together to obtain fire. 2. Reflection; thinking. 3. Lone- liness. 4. Desire. Hia (hi'a), v. 1. To rub one stick upon another, as in obtaining fire in ancient times. 2. To knot or fasten the meshes of a fish net; to form net work. Hiaa (hi'-a-a'), adj. 1. Indisposed to sleep; wakeful. 2. Watchful. Hiaa (hi'-a-a'), v. 1. To lie awake; to be restless while attempting or wishing to sleep: e hiaa ana no kona aloha, he was wakeful on ac- count of his love. Laieik. p. 205. Syn: Uluku (2). 2. To be sleep- less, as one troubled in mind. Hiaai (hi'-a-ai), n. Longing desire; yearning; eager wish to obtain. Hiahia (hi'-a-hi'-a), adj. Fading; transitory. Syn : Ahiahia. Hiahia (hi'-a-hi'-a), n. Dignity; pride. Syn: Hiehie. Hiahia (hi'a-hi'a), v. (Freq. of hia.) Hiahia (hi'a-hi'a) v. Incorrect spell- ing of hiehie, to be excellent in personal appearance. Hiaka (hi-a'-ka), n. 1. The recita- tion of the legends of the Hiiaka, goddesses of volcanoes. 2. A par- i ticular kind of mele or song for the Hiiaka. Hiaka (hi-a'-ka), v. To recite leg- ends or fabulous stories. Hiaku (hi'-a'-ku), n. 1. Certain lo- calities in the sea where fisher- men seek the aku, called hiaku from the hum or hissing sound heard when the aku takes the hook. 2. The act of fishing for the aku. Hiala (hi-a'-la), v. Contraction of hialaai. (Obsolete.) To eat greedily. Hialaai (hi-a'-la-a'i), v. To eat greed- ily. (Obsolete.) Hiamoe (hi'-a-mo'-e), n. 1. Sleep; deep sound sleep; rest in sleep. See moe. 2. Sloth; laziness. Hiamoe (hi'-a-mo'-e), v. 1. To lie asleep; to sleep; to fall asleep. 2. To rest in sleep, that is, to be dead: e hiamoe i ka make. 3. To die. 4. To fall prostrate, as if asleep. Hiapo (hi'-a'-po), n. The first born child. Syn: Makahiapo. Hie (hi'-e), v. 1. To be comely. 2. To appear distinguished. 3. To appear haughty in carriage. Hiehie (hi'-e-hi'-e), adj. 1. Good. 2. Lively. 3. Proud; haughty: o na mea hiehie ame na mea lealea, of distinguished appearance. 4. Ma- jestic; noble; dignified; stately; pompous. Hiehie (hi'-e-hi'-e), n. 1. Dignity in appearance; honor. 2. Pride; haughtiness; overbearing conduct. Hiena (hi-e'-na), n. 1. A kind of soft, porus, stone, used to smooth and polish utensils. It is harder than the ana stone which is used only on wood. 2. [Eng.] A hyena. Hi hi (hi'-hi), adj. Thick or close together, as grass, vines, or men; crowded; intermingling: hi hi aku; hihi mai. Hi hi (hi'-hi), n. 1. The running, spreading out, entwining or creep- ing of vines; a thick growth of vegetation. 2. A cause of entang- ling; an offense. 3. A cause of offense by use of bewildering lan- guage; an entanglement of words. Hihia is usually used in this sense. Hihi (hi'-hi), v. 1. To branch or spread out, as vines, or as the limbs of a tree. 2. To grow thick together: ka pikoplko, ua hihi; HIH 122 HIK hihl pea ka lewa. Laieik. p. 168. 2. To intermingle; to intertwine. Hihia (hi'-hi'-a), adj. Difficult; per- plexing; troublesome; entangled; involved. Hihia (hi'-hi'-a), n. 1. A difficulty; a cause of trouble. 2. A thicket: ka hihia paa o ka nahele. Laieik. p. 94. 3. A knot of threads bunched confusedly. 4. A suit or action at law; a case in court. Hihia (hi'-hl'-a), v. 1. To be per- plexed or entangled, either phys- ically or morally. 2, To be in a state of difficulty or perplexity. Hihialou (hi'-hi-a-lo'u), n. A plant with small yellow flowers. Syn: Alaalapuloa and uhaloa. H'ihiawai (hi'-hi-a-wa'i), n. 1. The fresh sprouts of a species of fern called palai-kahawai, used as a condiment or relish with the opae- oehaa, a species of shrimp. 2. A species of shell-fish found only in fresh water streams. Hihikaeka (hi'-hi-ka-e'-ka), v. 1. To tangle up, as a rope or string; to tangle, as the hair. 2. To confuse by the use of language; to dis- concert; to throw into confusion: Ua hihia na mea a pau, ua hihi- kaeka ma ka oleolo ana. 3. To tangle or perplex one in speaking by distracting remarks or actions. Hihimanu (hi'-hi'-ma'-nu), n. 1. The spotted stingray (Mobula japon- ica). Also known as ihimanu and lupe. It takes the latter name from its likeness in form to a lupe or kite, and from its habit of flying. Hihio (hi-hi'o), n. A vision. j Hihio (hi-hi'o), v. 1. To fall into light sleep; to doze; to be sleepy. 2. To see as in a vision; to dream. Hihiu (hi-hi'-u), adj. Wild; strange; unfriendly; unsocial; often applied to animals that have been once tamed, but have become wild; Ant: Laka, tame: Na holoholona hihiu ame na holoholona laka; he ilio hihiu hae, a wolf. Hihiu (hi-hi'-u), v. 1. To be wild or untamed, as an animal. 2. To be wild and savage, as men. Hihiwal (hi'-hi-wa'i), n. Same as hihiawai. Hii (hi'i), v. 1. To lift up and hold or carry in the arms. 2. To bear upon the hips and support with the arms, as a child. 3. To hold, as a child on the knees. 4. To carry in the arms and on the bosom: ike ae la oia i ke kaika- mahine e hiiia mai ana. Laieik. p. 10. 5. To nurse; to tend, as a child. Hiiaka (hi*i-a'-ka), n. A general name of the godesses of volcanoes. See Hiaka: O Hiiaka ke akua i hookahe mai i ke koko ma ke poo o kona kahu. These goddesses twelve in number and all younger sisters of the goddess, Pele. Hiikala (hi'i-ka'-la), n. A species of fish-hook which is baited only with limu, moss. Hiikau (hi'i-ka'u), v. 1. To pelt with stones. 2. To throw, as a stone, at a person or thing: hiikau aku la ka kanaka i ka pohaku, the men threw stones. 3. To throw carelessly; to throw at random. Applies only to a single thrower. Hiilani (hi'i-la'-ni), n. Praise; exal- tation; deference. Hiilani (hi'i-la'-ni), v. [Hii, to lift up, and lani, on high.] 1, To nurse or take care of, as an in- fant chief. 2. To exalt; to praise; to admire. Syn: Hoolanilani and hoonani. 3. To admire and obey, as a servant does his master. Hiipaka (hi'i-pa-ka), v. 1. To have to nurse one's own child; to be compelled to act as an attendant or caretaker of one's own chil- dren: Aole no ia e hiipaka, he wahine na ke kane waiwai; she need not nurse (for) ; she is the wife of a rich man. Hiipoi (hi'i-po'-i), v. [Hii and poi, to protect.] 1. To tend and feed, as a young child. 2. To feed and defend, as a chief does his people. 3. To take in the arms, as a child. 4. To take care of and provide for generally, said of God's care of men: ke hiipoi mai nei ke Akua ia kakou. Hiipuupuu (hi'i-pu'u-pu'u), v. Incor- rect form of hipuupuu; to tie with many knots. Hikaka (hi'-ka-ka'), adj. 1. Bent round; curved; crooked. 2. Stag- gering; unsteady. Hikaka (hi'-ka'-ka), n. An unsteady motion. Hikaka (hi'-ka'-ka), v. To reel in walking, as a drunken man. To HIK 123 HIL stagger, as a man carrying a heavy burden. Hikapalale (hi'-ka-pa'-ia-le'), n. 1. Incoherent talk; gibbering; unin- telligible speech. 2. Foreign speech; artificial slang or "hog Latin" used to prevent persons not in the secret from understanding. Hikau (hi'-ka'u), v. To throw with- out particular aim; to throw in a haphazard manner. Hikauhi (hi-ka'-u-hi), adj. 1. Having or being of no use; ineffectual. 2. To no purpose; of no use, e^c: aia ko'u waa hikauhi ma Molokai; hikauhi oe a holo e ka moku; hele a hikauhi. Hikauhi (hi-ka'-u-hi), adv. Ineffec- tually; uselessly; aimlessly. Hiki (hi'-ki), v. 1. The meaning is dependent on the words mai and aku, as: hiki mai, to come to; hiki aku, to go to. 2. To be able to do a thing; to accomplish . a purpose; to prevail. Hikialoalo (hi'-ki-a'-lo-a'-lo), n. Point of the heavens directly overhead. Hikiee (hi'-ki-e'e), n. 1. A raised platform for sleeping. 2. A sort of bedstead or couch. 3. A place for a bed. Hikiee (hi'-ki-e*e), v. 1. To elevate slightly, as a pillow or the border of a mat. 2. To approach; to draw near. 3. To bridge over a stream. Hikii (hi'-ki'i), n. A binding; a tying; a fastening. Hikii (hi'-ki'i), v. 1. To tie; to fasten by tying. 2. To bind, as a prisoner. Syn: Nakii. Hikllkii (hi'-ki'i-ki'i), v. Another form of hikii; to tie; to bind strongly. HIkIku (hi'-ki-ku'), n. [Hiki and ku, to rise. The place of the sun's rising. (Used poetically only.) Syn: hikina. Hikilele (hi'-ki-le'-le), adv. Quickly; suddenly; immediately. Hikilele (hi'-ki-le'-le). n. A startled awakening sudden confusion of thought; perturbation; alarm; sudden fright. Hikilele (hi'-ki-le'-le), v. [Hiki and lele, to jump; to fly.] 1. To wake suddenly from sleep. To wake with affright. 2. To jump or start suddenly from surprise or fear; to be suddenly agitated. HIkimoe (hi'-ki-mo'-e), n. [Hiki and moe, to lie down.] (Poetical only.) The west; place where the sun sets. (Usual word for the west is komohana.) Hikina (hi-kl'-na), adj. Eastern: ma ka aoao hikina o Hawaii, on the eastern side of Hawaii. Hikina (hi-ki'-na), adv. Eastwardly. Hikina (hi-ki'-na), n. [Hiki and ana, participial termination.] The full form is: ka hiki ana (a ka la), the coming (of the sun), that is, the east; the place of the sun's rising. The east; the place of I the sun's rising. Hikiwale (hi'-ki-wa'-le), adv. [Hiki and wale, merely.] Accidentally; without design; by chance. Hikiwawe ( hi'-ki- wa-we), adv. Quick- ly; speedily; without delay. Hikiwawe (hi'-ki-wa'-we), v. [Hiki and wawe, quick.] To be quick; to be quick or smart in doing a thing. Hikiwi (hi'-ki-wi), adj. Incorrect form of kikiwi. crooked; bent. Hikoko (hi'-ko'-ko), n. [HI and koko, blood.] 1. A flowing of blood. 2. The disease hemor- rhoids. 3. Dysentery. Hikoni (hi'-ko'-ni), n. 1. The hikoni or sign of humiliation was an indelible mark or scar on the fore- head made by tattooing or by the stroke of a pahoa, dagger. 2. A servant so marked on the fore- head was a disgraced servant: o ka poe kauwa i hoailonaia ma ka lae, ua kapaia he kauwa hikoni. 3. A mark inflicted by a high chief upon the seducer of his wife. Hiku (hi'-ku), adj. The seventh: i ka hIku o ka malama, in the seventh month. Hikuhiku (hi'-ku-hi'-ku), n. Confu- sion of sounds, as of a multitude all talking at once. Hila (hi'-la), v. Same as ohila, which is the preferable form. Hilahila (hi'-ia-hi'-la), adj. Ashamed. Hi la hi la (hi'-iahi'-la), adv. Shame- fully. Hilahila (hi'-ia-hi'-la), n. Shame. iHllahJIa (hi'-ia-M'-la). v. (Refers to acts and language). To be ashamed; I to be put in confusion; to be ashamed of. Hilai (hl-la'i), adj. [An archaic word used in ancient prayers; probably hiilai, hii, to lift up, and lai for lani, heaven.] Exalted. HIL 124 HIL Hilala (hi-la'-la), v. 1. To reel; to stagger; to sway as if intoxicated. Syn: hikaka. 2. To bend. Hi lea (hi-le'-a), adj. 1. Incapable. 2. Thriftless; improvident. Hili (hi'-li), adj. Turning; wander- ing; random; irregular. Hill (hi'-li), n. 1. Deviation; a wan- dering; a going astray. 2. The juice or sap of growing plants. 3. Sapwood. 4. A general name for barks used in dying, as hili kolea, hili koa, etc. 5. A black dye made of bark for coloring tapa. Hili (hi'-li), v. 1. To braid; to plait, as a wreath. 2. To string, as ku- kui nuts: e hili kukui. 3, To turn over and over, as in braiding; to twist; to spin. 4. To tie on, as Hawaiians formerly tied or braided their koi, tools, onto handles. 5. To deviate from the path in trav- eling; to wander; to miss one's way. 6. To droop; to flag. 7. To smite, as with a sword or the hand. 8. To deviate from a set- tled rule of conduct. Hiliau (MMi-a'u), adj. Unworthy; wanting merit or fitness. Hiliee (hi'-li-e'e), n. Name of a low straggling shrub (Plumbago zeylanica). The acrid juice of the plant is considered poisonous and was formerly employed for black tattooing. Known also as iliee, ilihee and ilieo. Hilihill (hi'-li-hl'-li), adj. Red or brown in color; shaded; dark. Hiliihili (hi'-li-hi'-li), v. [Freq. of hili to smite.] To smite fre- quently; to strike repeatedly. Hilihill honu (hi'-li-hl'-li-ho'-nu), adj. 1. Wealthy; rich. 2. Well off; comfortably settled. See kuonoono. Hilikau (hi'-li-ka'u), adj. 1. Care- less; purposeless. 2. Stumbling. 3. Inaccurate in speech; varying in one's story: e lauwili, e lalau. 4. Walking cross-legged. Hilikau (hi'-li-ka'u), v. 1. To act in a careless manner; to act without thought or purpose. 2. To walk cross-legged. 3. To do things in a haphazard way. Hilinaehu (hi'-li-na-e'-hu), n. The tenth month of the Hawaiian cal- endar. Hilinai (hi'-li-na'i), n. 1. Trust; con- fidence. 2. A leaning against or upon. 3. What is leaned upon, as a table. 4. A bed or place for re- clining. Hilinai (hi'-li-na'i), v. 1. To lean upon; to lean against. 2. To trust in; to have confidence in. Hilinama (hi'-li-na'-ma), n. The sev- enth month of the Hawaiian cal- endar, corresponding to Septem- ber. Hilinohu (hi'-li-no'-hu), v. To be wealthy; to abound in. See hili- hilihonu. Hiliou (hi'-li-o-u'), n. 1. A square braid of eight or sixteen strands. 2. An ailme-nt of the bowels or stomach. 3. Fullness of the stom- ach. Hiliu (hi-ll'-u), n. 1. The specific note of a conch shell call to as- semble. 2. Assembly call made with a shell. Hilo (hi'-lo), adj. 1. Thready; threadlike. 2. Spun; drawn out and twisted into threads. Hilo (hi'-lo), n. 1. The first night in which the new moon can be seen (like a twisted thread) : o hilo ka po mua no ka puahilo ana o ka mahina. 2. Gonorrhea. Hilo (hi'-lo), V. 1. To twist with two or three strands, as a Ha- waiian rolls a string on his thigh. 2. To twist with the thumb and fin- gers. 3. To spin; to turn, as in twisting. See hili, milo, will, etc. Hilohilo (hi'-16-hi'-lo), n. 1. The sweet juice of the ki, or ti, root, especially when there is but a small quality and it is very sweet. 2. The word may also describe the agreeable qualities of fruit juice. Hilohilo (hi'-16-hi'-lo), n. Sweetness; deliciousness; character or quality as applied to the juice of the ki, or ti, plant. Hilohilo (hl'-16-hi'-lo), v. To lengthen a speech or story by inserting new matter. Hilu (hi'-lu), adj. 1. Still; quiet; reserved; dignified; (a word of commendation): hilu ka noho ana o mea. 2. Neat. 3. Elegant; powerful; magnificent. Hilu (hi'-lu), n. Two species of coral reef fishes (Anampses cu- vier and Julis eydouxii). Common. Among the most brilliantly marked of the many bright colored fishes seen among the Hawaiian islands. Hiluhilu (hi'-lu-hi'-lu), adj. Excel- lent; nice; beautiful. HIL 125 HIN Hiluhilu (hi'-lu-hi'-lu), n. (A word that describes the admirable qual- ity, character or appearance of persons or things. See hilu, adj.) The excellent; the glorious; the powerful. HimenI (hi'-me'-ni), n. [Eng.] A hymn; a song in sacred worship; a mele in praise of Jehovah. Himeni (hi-me'-ni), v. To sing a hymn. Hina (hi'-na), adj. 1. Gray; hoary; applied to the head: oho hina. 2. Gray, as the beard: he umiumi hina. Hina (hi'-na), n. 1. A gray color. 2. Leaning; falling; stumbling. 3. A posture assumed for prayer. 4. Female deities, as Hinahele, Hinau- luaoa, etc.. especially the goddess with whom Wakea consorted after separation from his wife, Papa. Hina became the mother of Molo- kai, hence the proverbial expres- sion: Molokai nui a Hina. 5. [Heb.] A hin, a Hebrew measure. Hina (hi'-na), v. 1. To lean from an upright position. 2. To fall; to fall down, as a house. 3. To make a mistake; to err; to fall morally, as a person from a state of uprightness; to relapse or de- cline from a state of rectitude. Hinaale (hi'-na-a'-le), n. A species of small fish. See Hinalea. Hinahele (hi'-na-he-le), n. The name of the goddess of fishes. She was I the wife of Kuula, god of fisher- \ men, and mother of Aiaiakuula. ! She was one of the Hina class of deities and is often called simply Hina: o Hinahele lau o Kuula na 'kua lawaia, mai Hawaii a Niihau. Hinahele and Kuula are the divin- ities of fishing from Hawaii to Niihau. Hinahina (hi'-na-hl'-na), adj. Gray- ish; gray. Hinahina (hl'-nS-hi'-na), n. A gray color. ! Hinai (hi-na'i), n. 1. A container' made of braided ie or other materials. 2. A basket. Hinalaeleele (hi-na'i-a-e'-le-e'-le), n. The fifth Hawaiian month, cor- responding to July. Hinai hooluuluu (hi-na'i ho'o-lu'u- lu'u), n. A fish trap, a basket put down into the sea for catching fish. Hinaipoepoe (hi-na'i-po'-e-po'-e), n. 1. A round basket. 2. A basket braided around a calabash. Hinakulaina (hi'-na-ku-la'i-na), v. LHina, to fall or lean over, and kulaina, a pushing or inclining.] 1. To be partially fallen down. 2. To be leaning over from having been pushed. Hinakuluiua (hi'-na-ku'-lu-i-u'a), n. [Hina, goddess, kulu, to drop, and ua, rain.] One of the Hina sis- ters; the goddess of rain. (The two younger sisters are Hinakea- lii and Hookuipaele.) Hinalea (hi'-na-le'-a), n. Common coral fishes, certain varieties of which are very beautiful and bril- liantly marked: hinai hinalea, a hinalea basket. Hinalea (hi'-na-le'a), v. To blow from aft, as wind favorable for sailing: Pela iho a hinalea mai ka makani. Wait a while till the wind blows fair. Hinalii (hi'-na-li'i), adj. [Hina, gray, and III, young or little.] Slightly gray, as the hair. Hinalii (hi'-na-li'i), n. A chief in whose time there occurred a de- luge, called kai a ka Hinalii (the sea of Hinalii). Hinalo (hi'-na'-lo), n. (Also known as hinano.) 1. Flower of the puhala, pandanus tree. 2. Very fine mats made from the young leaves of the pandanus tree. Also called moena-hinalo. 3. The odor of the pandanus flower. Hinamoe (hi'-na-mo'-e), n. [Hina, to fall, and moe, to lie down.] 1. A place of death (often applied to volcanoes). 2. A place in Ha- waiian story where Pele's smoke falls over and lies at the foot of a sacred or tabu mountain called Kamohoalii, until it is dissipated. Hinana (hi'-na-na), n. The young of the oopu, a species of gobey (Ele- otris sandwicensis), abundant in fresh, brackish and shallow wa- ters. Hinauluohla. (hi'-na-u-lii-o-hi'a), n. The goddess who presides over the ohia, mountain apple, forests. Hinawenawe (hl-na'-we-na'-we), adj. 1. Tall and thin; hence, feeble; debilitated. 2. Thin; spindling; slender. Syn: Unlhi. HIN 126 HIP Hine (hi'-ne), adj. Proud; vain; showy; splendid; gaudy. Hini (hl'-ni), adj. Small; thin; feeble. Syn: Uhini. Hini hini (hi'-ni-hi'-ni), adj. Indis- tinct; faint. (Applied to the voice.) Hinihini (hi'-ni-hl'-ni), n. 1. Speak- ing in a small, thin voice. 2. Whispering. 3. A variety of land shells: A i lohe oe i ke kani o ka leo o ka Hinihini, ke Kuamauna, ke Kahuli, aole au i iho aku. =E2=80=94 Laieik. Hinipoa (hi'-ni-po'-a), adj. Same as nipoa, enfeebled. Hinu (hi'-nu), adj. Smooth; greasy; polished; dazzling. Hinu (hi'-nu), n. Natural grease; oily or fatty substance; ointment: substance for besmearing; mo- mona, mea poni. Hinu (hi'-nu), v. 1. To be oily. 2. To have a lustrous and smooth surface. Hinu hinu (hi'-nu-hi'-nu), adj. 1. Bright; shining; splendid, as red cloth. 2. Glittering, as polished stones. Hinuhinu (hi'-nu-hi'-nu), v. To be bright; to be glistening; to be shining. Hio (hi-o'), adj. Leaning; oblique: kaha hio. Any line which is neith- er parallel, perpendicular, nor hor- izontal, is hio.) Hio (hi'-o), n. 1. A downward wind, as over a mountain or high hill: he makani e amio ana mai kahi kiekie mai, wind eddying down over a high place. 2. The inside corner of a house where the two side surfaces meet. 3. A ventral eructation; a passage of wind from the bowels. Hio (hio'), V. 1. To lean over; to slant; to incline from a perpen- dicular; hence, 2. To be one- sided. 3. To swing to and fro. 4. To lean upon or against. 5. To trust in. Hiohio (hi'o-hi'o), adj. Ruddy; bright red: ula hiohio. Hiohio (hi'-o-hi'-o), n. A device used by deep sea fishermen. It consists of a flat shell called "pa" attached to a cord, and is used as a trailer behind a canoe. Hiohio (hi'-6 -hi'-o), v. 1. To draw the breath into the mouth, as one eating hot food; hence, 2. To eat in a hurry. Hiohiona (hi'o-hi-o'-na), n. [Freq. of hiona.] The features of a per- son; gait; form; face; presence. Syn: Helehelena. Hiolani (hi'o-la'-ni), v. 1. To lie stretched out lazily. 2. To sit at ease, as a chief. 3. To be in a posture* of thought. 4. To be free of all restraint; to give up to nat- ural impulses. Hiolo (hi-o'-lo), n. A tumbling down; a sliding away; a falling over. Hiolo (hi-o'-lo), V. [Hi, flowing, and olo, to vibrate.] 1. To tumble down, as a wall. To fall over, as a house. 2. To fall; to cease to be erect . 3. To be broken up or scat- tered in falling. 4. To become useless or void in a moral or so- cial sense, 5. To be overthrown or defeated. (A very expressive word, conveying the idea of a fall accompanied by a breaking up or destruction of what falls.) Hiolo ka pohaku is an old na- tive expression signifying thun- der. Hiona (hi'-o-na), n. Personal ap- pearance; face; countenance, etc. See hiohiona, synonym. Hioole (hi'-o-6'-le), adj. Perpendic- ular; straight; exactly upright; not leaning; not inclining. Hioole (hi'-6-6'-le), n. 1. Something standing upright. 2. Perpendicu- larity. 3. Stability; firmness. Lit: without leaning; me ka hai- pule mau 1 ke Akua me ka hioole. Hipa (hi'-pa), n. Sheep. Hipa (hi'-pa), n. Incorrect spelling of h=E2=82=AC?pa. Hipahipa (hi'-pa-hi'-pa), v. To ex- press gladness vociferously; to be gleeful. Hipakane (hi'-pa-ka'-ne), n. [Hipa, sheep, and kane, male.] A ram: ili hipakane, a ram skin. Hipakeiki (hi'-pa-ke'-i-ki), n. [Hipa, sheep, and keiki, the little one.] A lamb. Syn: Keikihipa. Hipapalale (hi'-pa-pa-la'-le). Incor- rect spelling of kipapalale. Hipopotamu (hi'-p6-p6-ta'-mu), n. The hippopotamus. Hipuka (hi'-pu-ka), n. A snare for catching birds: ka hipuka no na manu hihiu; kau aku la ia i ka HIP 127 HIW hipuka pahele, (The hipuka dif- fers from the kipuka in that it is always concealed and takes game by the feet or legs, while the ki- puka consists of a loop thrown or set in the open.) Hipuu (hi'-pu'u), adj. 1. Knotty, as a string tied up in knots. 2. Tied fast. Hipuu (hi'-pu'u), n. 1. A knot; a fastening. 2. Anything tied. Fig: E wehe oe i ka hipu naaupo, o make auanei oe. 3. A bag for carrying small things; a little purse: hipuu kala. Money tied up in a corner of a handkerchief. (This word was used by the trans- lators of the Bible for satchel in Isaiah 3:22.) Hipuu (hi'-pu'u), V. To tie in knots, as the string of a bundle or bag. Syn: Hipuupuu. Hipuupuu (hi'-pu'u-pu'u), adj. 1. Tied; fastened. 2. Knotty, as tied in knots: he hipuupuu kahi malo o kahi alii, the malos of some chiefs were tied in knots. Syn: Hipuu. Hipuupuu (hi'-pu'u-pu'u), n. Any- thing that is tied in knots or made fast. Hipuupuu (hi'-pu'u-pu'u), v. 1. To tie in knots; hence, to tie up in a bundle. Syn: Hipuu. 2. To tie fast. 3. To gird around, as with a sash: aole kakou i like me na kanaka kiai alii a hipuupuu kahi malo, we are not the men who guard the king, belted up with sashes. 4. To tie one thing to another. Hiu (hi'u), n. The caudal fin of a fish. Hiu (hi'-u), n. 1. Small polished and flattened stones used in the games of konane, kinipeki and aneo, as the pieces are used in the game of checkers. 2. Machine for raising weights by working a lev- er. Hiu (hi'-u), V. 1. To fling; to throw with violence. 2. To lift or haul with ropes. Hlua (hi-u'-a), adj. Menstrual; per- taining to the menses. Hlua (hi-u'-a), n. 1. A game, played on a board of five squares. 2. The board on which the game of hiua is played. 3. Menses; menstrua- tion. Hiuhiu (hi'u-hi'u), n. 1. Remnants of the raw material that remain after weaving; the fibers that are left after completion of woven work, as mats, hats, etc. Ka hiu- hiu lauhala; ka hiuhiu makaloa. 2. Remnants that remain after eating fish, meats, etc. Hiukolc (hi'u-ko'-le), n. The red- tailed oopu, a fish found only in the mountain streams. Called also nuukole and napili. Hiumalolo (hi'u-ma-16'-lo), n. [Hiu, and malolo, the flying-fish.] The caudal fin of the flying-fish. Hiuwai (hi'u-wa'i), n. A ceremony of ablution or religious purifica- tion directed by a high priest. One part of the ceremonial consisted in bathing in streams to which virtue had been previously impart- ed by the priest on the evening of Hoaka (second day of the moon) which was one of the an- cient tabu days. Hiwa (hi'-wa), adj. 1. Black; en- tirely black; applied mostly to that which was used in sacrifice to the gods, as a black hog: ina i eleele a puni ka hulu, he hiwa paa ia puaa. 2. Niu hiwa, green coconut; awa hiwa, green coconut are the two examples where hiwa means green. Hiwa (hi'-wa), n. Any black article supposed to be acceptable to the gods as an offering. Hiwa (hi'-wa), v. 1. To be of a black color, such as was consid- ered precious or valuable in sac- rifice. 2. To be of a clear or pure black. Hiwa^waa (hl'-wa'a-w^'a), adj. Large; fat; corpulent. (Applied only to persons.) See momona. Hiwahiwa (hi'-wa-hl'-wa), adj. Pre- cious; esteemed; greatly beloved. Hiwahiwa (hi'-w2,-hi'-wa), n. A per- son or thing greatly beloved; a pet. (Applied generally to chil- dren or animals.) Hiwahiwa (hi'-wa hi'-wa), v. 1. To be greatly loved; to be an object of passionate affection. 2. To be personally indulged; to be a pet. HiwI (hi'-wi), n. The flat or de- pressed summit of a protuber- ance, or projection. HIwi (hi'-wi), v. To be stopped in growth, as disease; to diminish, as a swelling. HO 128 HOA Ho (ho), n. 1. The asthma. 2. [Eng.)] A hoe. 3. The colter of a plow. Ho (ho). Prefix. Same as hoo. Ho (ho), V. 1. (Imper.) To transfer, that is, to bring or carry away, according as it is followed by mai or aku. The word is followed by a verbal directive to complete the sense, as ho aku, ho mai, ho ae. 2. To wheeze; to breathe hard, as in the asthma. Hoa (ho-a'), adj. Roving; unsteady; movable. See hia. Hoa (ho'-a), n, 1. A tying; a bind- ing. 2. A companion; a fellow; a friend; an assistant. It is found in many compounds; as, hoapio, a fellow prisoner; hoamoe, a bed- fellow; hoahele, a traveling com- panion, etc. Hoa (ho'-a), v. 1. To tie; to secure by tying. 2. To bind; to wind round, as a rope or string. 3. To rig up, as a canoe: a ma ka wa e hoa ai ka waa, he kapu ka hoa ana. Alaila, hoaia ka pou me ka \ lohelau. 4. To smite forcibly with a single stroke of a heavy rod or \ club. I Hoa (ho-a'), v. 1. To set on fire, i 2. To inflame ; to incite ; to | arouse. I Hoaa (ho'-a-a'), n. 1. A mistake; a blunder; an error. 2. Kindling, j that is, small pieces of fuel used j in starting a fire. I Hoaa (ho'-a'a), v. 1. To become I confusexi; to be disconcerted; to I lose self-possession. 2. To look | about with an air of uncertainty. I 3. To lose one's way; to str^y or i wander. j Hoaahaama (ho'-a-a'-ha-a'i-na), n. [Ho for hoa, and ahaaina, a feast.] A fellow banqueter; one who eats at the same feast. Hoaa hi (ho-a'-a'-hi), n. One who kindles and tends fires. Hoaahi (ho-a'-a'-hi), v. To kindle a fire. Hoaahu (ho'-a-a'-hu), v. [Ho for hoo, and aahu, to clothe.] 1. To clothe; to put on a garment. 2. To give tapa or clothes to. Hoaai (ho'-a-a'i), n. [Hoa, compan- ion, and ai, to eat.] One who eats with another in a friemdly way; a guest at a meal. Hoaaikane (ho'-a-ai-ka'-ne), n. A friendly companion. Hoaaina (ho'-a-a'i-na), n. [Hoa and aina, land.] 1. A person to whom the hakuaina or konohiki commits the care of his land. 2. A hus- bandman; a tiller of the ground for a konohiki or hakuaina. Hoaaloha (ho'-a-a-lo'-ha), n. [Hoa, companion, and aloha, to love.] 1. A friend: ia wa, ua lilo ko Hawaii nei i poe hoaaloha no na misio- nari, at that time the Hawaiians became friends to the missionar- ies. 2. A beloved companion. Hoaamaka (ho'-a-a'-ma'-ka), v. To look at with eyes wide open, as from desire, fear, hunger, etc. Hoaano (ho'-a-a'-no), n. 1. Pre- tense. 2. Assumed fearlessness; bluff. 3. Defiance. Hoaano (ho'-a-a'-no), v. 1. To pre- tend fearlessness; to boast of one's courage when the courage is not there. 2. To pretend to be something one is not. See aano. Hoaapu (ho'-a-a'-pu), v. [Ho and aapu, to warp; bend up.] To make a cup of the hollow of the hand: e hoaapu ae i kou poho lima, make the palm of your hand into a cup. Hoae (ho'-a'e), v. To give or trans- mit; to pass along from one to another. Hoae ke pa ia E; pass along the plate to E. Hoaea (ho'-a'-e'a), v. [Ho for hoo, and aea, to cause to wander about.] To pretend to wander; to behave like a wanderer or vagabond in order to accomplish a particular object. Hoaeae (ho-a'e-a'e), v. Same as hooaeae, to intone. Hoaha (ho'-a'-ha), v. [Ho for hoo, and aha, a cord.] 1. To make or braid together the strings for a calabash with netting. 2. To tie up a calabash: e hoaha i ka ipu. (Some of this net work was very elaborate.) Hoahaaha (ho'-a'-ha-a'-ha), v. 1. To sit crosslegged, while eating. 2. To exhibit pride in demeanor or attitude: he kanaka hoahaaha. 3. To be bent, stunted, crooked, or misshapen. Hoahaaina (ho'-a'-ha-a'i-na), v. [Ho for hoo, aha, collection, and aina, to eat, to cause a collection for eating.] To make a feast. Hoahana (ho'-a-ha'-na), n. [Hoa, companion, and hana, to work.] 1. A fellow laborer in any kind of HOA 129 HOA business. 2. One that helps, re- lieves or relays. Hoahanau (ho'-a-ha-na'u), n. [Hoa, companion, and hanau, to be born.] 1. A kinsman; a blood relative; a relative. 2. A brother in an extensive sense. (In a modern sense, a fellow professor of reli- gion.) Hoahanauna (ho'-a-ha-n^'u-na), n. [Hoa, companion, and hanauna, relations.] Relatives of one's own clan, tribe or nation. See hana- una. Hoahele (ho'-a-he'-le), n. [Hoa and hele, to go.] 1. A fellow traveler. 2. A companion in walking. Hoahewa (ho'-a-he'-wa), v. 1. To find guilty of a crime or wrong; to pronounce guilty; to condemn. See ahewa and hewa. Hoahiahi (ho'-a'-hi-a'-hi), v. [Ho for hoc, and ahiahi, evening.] 1. To darken; to obscure. 2. To be neither clear nor dark. 3. To de- tain until evening. Hoaho (ho'-a'-ho), n. A close call; a narrow escape. Hoaho (ho'-a'-ho), v. [Ho and aho, small sticks used in thatching.] To tie aho on to a building. Hoaho (ho-a'-ho), v. [Ho for hoo, and aho, breath. To give breath to.] To put forth great effort; to have courage. Hoahoa (ho'-a-ho'-a). n. 1. A strik- ing, smiting, etc. 2. The mallet with which wauke was beaten to make tapa. Hoahoa (ho'-a-ho'-a), v. (Freq. of hoa, to strike.) To smite repeat- edly; to strike continuously. Hoahoaka (ho'-a-h6-a'-ka), adj. Bril- liant; luminous. Hoahoaka (ho'-a-h6-a'-ka), n. 1. A burning fire; a blaze; a bright light. 2. A flashing; brilliancy; glitter. Hoahoaka (ho'-a-h6-a'-ka), v. 1. To gleam; to flash; to glitter. 2. To burst forth in sudden flames. 3. To send forth rays of light. Hoahoalohaloha (ho'-a-ho'-a-lo'-ha-lo'- ha), n. [Hoa, companion, and aloha, love.] Loving friend. Hoahooilina (ho'-a-ho'o-i-li'-na), n. [Hoa, companion, hoo, causative, and ilina, an inheritance.] A fel- low heir to an inheritance. Hoahoolaukanaka (ho'-a-ho'o-la'u-ka- na'-ka), n. [Hoa, friend, hoo, cau- sative, lau, the number 400, ka- naka, man.] A social companion; social companions; an added mem- ber of a household. Hoahu (ho'-a-hu), adj. 1. Dissatis- fied. 2. Malevolent; ill disposed; rejoicing in another's misfortune. Hoahu (ho'-a'-hu), n. 1. An as- semblage of things; a collection. 2. A collecting, as of property. 3. A gathering together. Hoahu (ho'-a'-hu), v. [Ho for hoo, and ahu, a collection of things.] 1. To cause a collection or gath- ering together. 2. To lay up, as goods for future use. 3. To col- lect articles; to lay up in heaps. 4. To lay up against one, as anger; e hoahu ana i ka huhu ma- luna o kela poe. 5. To find fault with; to be dissatisfied with. 6. To be evilly disposed. 7. To dis- like. 8. To envy. Hoai (ho-a'i), n. 1. The joining of things sewed together: ka hoopili ana ma na hookuina. 2. In anat- omy, a suture; a joining: hoai manawa, coronal suture; hoai kau- paku, sagittal; hoai kala, lamb- doidal; hoai maha, temporal su- ture, etc. Hoai (ho-a'i), v. To set into; to put into; to insert. Hoalai (ho'-a'i-a'i), adj. White; clear; shining. Hoalai (ho'-a'i-a'i), n. 1. A soft clear white light; a pure light. 2. Abstract whiteness. j Hoalai (ho'-a'i-a'i), v. [Ho for hoo, and aiai, to be white.] 1. To cause to be white, etc., that is, to whiten. 2. To clear off rust or dirt from a substance that it may shine. 3. To make clear, as the unclouded moon; to cause to shine as a light. 4. To be proud. Hoaikane (ho'-a'i-ka'-ne), v. [Ho for hoo, ai and kane.] See aikane. 1. To commit sodomy. 2. To be an intimate friend of the same sex. 3. To be an intimate friend. 4. To make friends with a person of whom one is afraid. (Laieik. p. 47.) 5. To make friends. Hoalkola (ho'-^i-ko'-la), n. 1. A sneer; a. sneering expression. 2. A contemptuous cheering; ironical commendation: ku no ka akaiki o lakou ame ko lakou hoalkola ana, their chuckling and their false cheering hit us. 3. Irony. HOA 130 HOA Hoaikola (ho'-ai-ko'-la), v. 1. To ex- press triumph over another con- temptuously. Syn: Akola. 2. To cause contemptuous treatment. Hoailona (ho'-ai-lo'-na), n. 1. A mark; a signal. 2. A sign of something different from what it appears to be, 3. A sign or fore- runner of something coming to pass or expected. 4. A sign; a pledge; a distinguishing mark. 5. A signet. 6. A target; a mark to shoot at. 7. A lot cast, as in casting lots: ma ka hoailona, by lot. 8. A scepter; a badge of authority. Hoailona (ho'-ai-lo'-na), v. 1. To sound the depth of water, that is, to throw the lead. 2. To mark; to set a mark upon one. 3. To cast lots for a thing. 4. To play dice. See hailona. Hoailonamoi (ho'-ai-lo'-na-mo-i), n. rHoailona, and moi, sovereignty.] A scepter; a badge or emblem of regal authority. Hoaimu (ho'-a-i'-mu), n. One who lights the fire of an imu (oven): O Lui ko makou hoaimu. Hoaimu (ho'-a-i'-mu), v. [Ho for hoo, a, to burn, and imu, oven.] To kindle a fire in the oven; to heat the oven. Hoaipoola (ho'-ai-po'o-la'), v. To belch after eating heartily. Hoaipukahale (ho-a'i-pu'-ka-ha'-le), n. In Hawaiian pathology the name of a class of fatal diseases. Wai- iki was the only remedy used. Hoakaipukahale, hoakaku and hoa- kakakai were diseases of the same class. Hoaipuupuu (h6'-ai-pu'u-pu'u), v. [Ho for hoo, and aipuupuu, to serve.] To issue provisions; to distribute food, garments, etc. See aipuupuu. Hoaka (ho'-a'-ka), n. 1. One of the tabu days; the second day of the moon. 2. The crescent of the new moon; the hollow of the new moon. 3. The arch or lintel over a door. Hooka (ho'-a'-ka), v. 1. To brandish or to wave', as a speap in fighting II Sam. 23:18). 2. To drive away; to frighten. 3. To open; to open the mouth in speaking. Syn: Oaka. (Hoik. 13:6.) 4. To glitter; to shine; to be splendid. (Nahum. 2:3.) 5. Incorrect form of hoakaaka. Hoakaa (ho'-a-ka'a), v. To cause the removal of, or to remove the surface covering of anything, as to peel the bark off a tree, or to remove the hide of an animal. Hoakaaka (ho'-a'-ka-a'-ka), v. [Ho for hoo, and aka, to laugh.] 1. To cause laughter. 2. To laugh at; to mock; to reproach. Hoakaka (ho'-a-ka'-ka), n. An inter- pretation; an explication. Hoakaka (ho'-a-ka'-ka), v. [Ho for hoo, and akaka, clear; explicit.] To make plain; to make intelli- gible; to interpret. Hoakakala (ho'-a-ka'-ka-i'a), adj. Made clear; made plain; made manifest; rendered intelligible; explicated. Hoakakakai (ho'-a'-ka-ka-ka'i), n. An ancient disease, generally fatal. Called hoakakakai because the distress is under the kakai or re- gion of the loins. Syn: Haikala- muku. Hoakakakala (ho'-a'-ka-ka'-la), n. 1. An ornament made of the teeth of a hog or dog and worn as a charm. 2. A form or stage of venereal diseases. Hoakakea (ho'-a'-ka'-ke'a), n. [Ho- aka and kea, a cross.] The arch over a door; a lintel. Hoakaku (ho'-a'-ka-ku'), n. 1. A vision; an apparition; a phantom. 2. An internal disease resembling, but not so fatal, as the hoakaka- kai. Hoakaku (ho'-a-ka-ku'), v. [Ho for hoo, and akaku, a vision.] To have a supernatural or visionary sight. Hoakaua (ho'-a-ka'u-a), n. [Hoa, companion, and kaua, war,] 1. A fellow soldier. 2. One against whom a soldier is fighting. 3. An antagonist. Syn: Hoapaio. Hoakauwa (ho'-a-kau-wa'), n. [Hoa, companion, and kauwa, a servant.] A fellow servant. Hoakea (ho'-a-ke'-a), v. [Ho for hoo, and akea, broad.] 1. To make broad or wide; to cause enlarge- ment; hence, 2. To deliver from difficulty. Hoakeaia (ho'-a-ke'-a-i'a), n. 1. En- largment. 2. Escape; deliverance. Hoakeaia (ho'-a-ke'-a-i'a), v. [Past tense of hoakea.] Made wide; broadened; enlarged. HOA 131 HOA Hoaki (ho'-a'-ki), v. 1. To plot. 2. To seek ground for accusation. 3. To charge with evil conduct. 4. To withhold from the landlord his due: hoaki i ka hakuaina. Hoakoa (ho'-a-k5'-a), n. [Hoa, com- panion, and koa, soldier,] A fel- low soldier; one under the same leader. Syn: Hoakaua. Hoakoakoa (ho'-a-k6'-a-k5'-a), v. [Ho for hoc, and akoakoa, to as- semble.] 1. To assemble; to con- gregate. 2. To collect, as things generally. Syn: Akoakoa. Hoakuka (ho'-a-ku-ka'), n. (Also known as hoakukakuka.) [Hoa, companion, and kuka, to consult.] A fellow counsellor; an adviser. Hoala (ho'-a'-la), v. [Ho for hoc, and ala, to rise up.] 1. To raise from a prostrate position. 2. To wake from sleep; to cause one to wake. 3. To excite; to stir up; to arouse. 4. To rouse one to action. Hoalaala (ho'-a'-la-a'-la), v. [Inten- sive of hoala.] 1. To incite; to urge on to action. 2. To waken from sleep or from a state of in- action or indifference. Hoa la la (ho'-a'-la-la'), v. [Ho for hoo, and alala, to cry out.] To make one cry out plaintively (like the alala, the raven of Hawaii). Syn : Alala. Hoalalahia (ho'-a'-la-la'-hi'-a), n. Wakefulness; insomnia. Hoalalahia (ho'-a'-la-la'-hi'-a), v. [Also spelled hoalaalahia.] 1. To be wakeful. 2. To be unable to sleep from agitation. Hoalauna (ho'-a-la'u-na), n. [Hoa, companion, and launa, friendly.] 1. A close companion; an intimate friend who is always near. 2. A neighbor. Hoalawaia (ho'-a-la-wa'-i'a), n. [Hoa, companion and lawaia, a fisher- man.] A fellow fisherman. Hoalawehana (ho'-a-la'-we-ha'-na), n. [Hoa, companion, lawe, to bear, and hana, work.] A fellow labor- er; a fellow workman; a helper; an assistant. See lawehana. Hoalawepu (ho'-a-la'-we-pu'), n. [Hoa and lawe, to carry, and pu, to- gether.] 1. One who works with another; a partner in labor. 2. A partner or confidential agent who shares responsibilities and confi- dences. Hoaleale (ho'-a'-le-a'-le), v. [Ho for hoo, and ale, a wave.] 1. To make or cause waves in water; to stir up, as water. Syn: Aleale. 2. To stir; to agitate; to cause to debate or discuss. 3. To insti- gate; to rouse to action. 4. To create confusion; to cause public commotion; to induce tumult. Hoali (ho'-a'-li), adj. Wavy; undu- lating; partaking of the nature of hoali, a signal. Hoali (ho'-a'-li), n, A signal or sign made by a waving motion. Hoali (ho'-a'-li), v. 1. To wave; to signal. 2. To make an offering to the gods by signals or signs. 3. To stir up, as embers of a fire, or the dregs in a cup. Hoaliali (ho'-a'-li-a'-li), v. 1. To stir with the hand as in mixing bread or poi. 2, To poke or disturb, as in shaking up embers or smoul- dering ashes. Hoaliali (ho'-a'-li-a'-li), v. [Ho for hoo, and aliali, to whiten.] 1. To make white. 2. To cause to shine. 3. To signify offerings to the gods by waving; to indicate an offering by motion. I Hoali! (ho'-a'-li'i), adj. [Ho for hoo, I and alii, chief; king.] Causing a royal appearance; imitating roy- alty. See hooalii. Hoali i (ho'-a-li'i), n. [Contraction of hoa, companion, and alii chief.] I The companion of the king or high chief: kukuluia i hale kamala I no ka hoalii, a moe no ka hoalii I ma ua hale la. I Hoalo (ho'-a'-lo), n. 1. An elision; an omission of a part. 2. One who omits a part or a number in a regular series. Hoalo (h5'-a'-lo), v. [Ho for hoo, and alo, to dodge.] 1. To shun or avoid. 2. To escape from. 3. To omit or skip: ka hana i kekahi la, ka noho wale i kekahi la, to work one day, to do nothing one day. See alo. Hoaloaa (ho'-aio-a'a), n. [Hoa, com- panion, and loaa, to obtain.] 1. A fellow receiver; a partaker with one. 2. One who receives as much as another: ka loaa like. Hoaloalo (h6'-a'-16-a'-lo), v. [Freq. of hoalo.] To dodge or pass by fre- quently. HOA 132 HOA Hoaloha (ho'-a-16'-ha), n. [A con- traction of hoaaloha.] A friend; a beloved companion. Hoalohaloha (ho'-a-16'-ha-16'-ha), v. [Ho for hoo, and aloha, to love.] 1. To give thanks for something received. 2. To make suit to; to pay respects to. (Job. VII: 19.) To apply to for a favor. (Laieik. p. 72.) Hoalu (ho'-a'-lu), adj. 1. Yielding; bending. 2. Loose. 3. Hanging down. Hoalu (ho'-a-lu), n. 1. A depression on any flat surface of land. 2. A bending downward. 3. A slack- ness. Hoalu (ho'-a'-lu), v. [Ho for hoo, and alu, flexible.] 1. To loosen; to hang down. Syn: Alu. 2. To bow down; to stoop; to courtesy. Syn: Alu. Hoalualu (ho'-a'-lu-a'-lu), adj. 1. Loose. 2, Bending down. 3. Yield- ing. Hoalualu (ho'-a'-lu-a'-lu), n. The act or process of making soft, loose, pliable, etc. Hoalualu (ho'-a'-lu-a'-lu), v. [Freq. of Hoalu.] 1. To be soft; flexible; yielding. 2. To bow down. Hoaluhl (ho'-a-lu'-hi), n. [Hoa, com- panion, and luhl, fatigue from la- bor.] A companion or fellow la- borer in any work or business, whether there be much or little fatigue: eia keia, e o'u hoaluhl. Hoama (ho'-a'-ma), v. To begin to ripen. Hoana (ho'-a'-na), n. A species of diodon, also known as kohala or kohala hoana. The* species are mostly inhabitants of tropical seas ; they are generally known as por- cupine fishes. Hoana (ho'-a'-na), n. 1. A kind of stone used in polishing and in sharpening instruments. 2. A hone; a whetstone; a grindstone. Hoana (ho'-a'-na), v. 1. To rub, as with a stone. 2. To grind, as with a grindstone. Syn: Anai. (Hookala is more often used for grinding, that is, for sharpening tools.) Hoanae (ho'-a-na-e'), v. 1. To save; to stow away for future use. 2. To withhold from present use for another purpose. Hoanahua (ho'-a'-na-hu'-a), adj. Un- balanced physically; out of pro- portion; lop-sided. Hoanahua (ho'-a'-na-hu'-a), n. 1. A tall, slim, stoop-shouldered man. 2. A deformed or misshapen per- son or thing. See kanahua. 3. Deformation; lopsidedness. Hoanahua (ho'-a'-na-hu'-a), v. [Ho for hoo, and anahua, bending.] 1. To stoop; to bend over, as a tall, slim man who walks stoop-shoul- dered. See anahua and kanahua. 2. To be out of shape; to be crooked or deformed. Hoanakaa (ho'-a'-na-ka'a), adj. Roll- ing or revolving as applied to a hone or grindstone: he hoana kaa. Hoanakaa (ho'-a'-na-ka'a), n. [Ho- ana, a hone or whetstone, and kaa to roll] A grindstone. Hoanapa (ho'-a'-na'-pa), n. 1. Light which is reflected or transient. 2. A bright flashing light, like lightning. Hoanapa (ho'-a-na'-pa). v. [Ho for hoo, and anapa, to flash; to shine.] 1. To exhibit a flashing light. 2. To cause sudden reflected light, as from a mirror. 3. To cause to flash, as lightning. 4. To cause to glitter or shine. See anapa. Hoanapau (ho'-a'-na-pa'u), n, 1. A turning or twisting of the body. See anapau. 2. The final or finish- ing movement in a hula dance. Hoanapau (ho'-a'-na-pa'u), v. 1. To make a rotary motion as though revolving on an axis. 2. To per- form the finishing movement of a specific hula or dance called hula- hoanapau. Hoanapuu (ho'-a'-na-pu'u), n. 1. A crooking; a bending. 2. An undu- lating motion. 3. Protuberances. See anapuu. Hoanapuu (ho'-a'-na-pu'u), n. 1. The process of bending. 2. A bend- ing; a crooking: he hoanapuu. Hoanapuu (ho'-a'-na-pu'u). v. 1. To twist; to bend. 2. To undulate, as the air. Hoanapuu (ho'-a'-na-pu'u), V. 1. To crook, as a piece of timber. 2. To be uneven, or irregular in size or shape. 3. To project. 4. To make an angle. Syn: Anapuu. 5. To cause a thing to bend or be crooked, Hoano (ho'-a'-no), adj. Holy; de- voted to sacred use's. HOA 133 HOA Hoano (ho'-a'-no). n. 1. Pride; self confidence; a high, daring spirit. See hoaano and aano. 2. Boasting of one's bravery. See haano. Hoano (ho'-a'-no), v. 1. To rever- ence; to attribute divine honor to. 2. To hallow. 3. To render obeisance to. Hoanoho (ho'-a-no'-ho), n. [Hoa, companion, and noho, to dwell. J A neighbor; one who resides with or near another. Hoao (ho'-a'o), adj. Pertaining to or describing the night of the day called Huna, the eleventh night after Hilo or the new moon, when the Hoao, or nuptials, were sup- posed to become fixed. Hoao (ho'-ao), n. The ancient Ha- waiian marriage custom. Hoao (ho'-a'o), v. [Ho for hoo, and ao. to try.] 1. To make a trial of a thing. 2. To taste. 3. To tempt. 4. To assay. 5. To begin. (See Laieik. p. 184.) 6. To undertake. Hoaolelo (ho'-a-o-le'-lo), n. [Hoa, companion, and olelo, word.] 1. A companion with whom one con- verses. 2. One consulted on busi- ness. 3. A counsellor: o lakou no ko Kamehameha mau hoaolelo no kela mea keda mea nui o ke au- puni, those were Kamehameha's counsellors concerning every im- portant matter of the kingdom. Hoaopuinoino (h6'-S,-5'-pii-i'-no-r-no), n. [Hoa and opuino, evilly dis- posed.] 1. A companion in crime. 2. One who is similar, in j evil tendencies. 3. An associate In crime who has turned against his companion. Hoapaio (ho'-a-pa'i-o), n. [Hoa, com- panion, and palo, to contend.] An antagonist; an opponent in wrestling or fighting. Hoapaonioni (ho'-a-pa'-o'-ni-o'-ni), n. [Hoa, companion, and pao'nioni, to struggle.] A fellow contestant. ' See paonioni. Hoapapua (ho'-a-pa'-pu'-a), n. CHoa, companion, and papua, to throw arrows.] One who plays with or bets with another in the game of papua or keapua (throwing or shooting arrows of sugar-cane). Hoapi (ho'-a'-pi), v. (Contraction of the phrase hoao e pi.) 1. To un- dertake as a tenant (hoaaina) to cheat his master, or hakuaina, in order that he (the tenant) may be required to vacate his tenancy. See hoaki. 2. To try to cheat a landlord so as to break a lease. Hoapill (ho'-a-pi'-li), n. [Hoa, com- panion, and pill, to adhere.] 1. Close companion; a friend. 2. An attache. (Formerly one who at- tached himself to a chief and was his constant companion.) Hoapio (ho'-a-pl'-o), n. [Hoa, fellow, and plo, prisoner.] A fellow pris- oner. Hoapipi (ho'-a'-pi'-pi), v. 1. To Join together, as two or more canoes: he waa aole i hoapipiia, he waa hookahi. (Ancient Hawaiian.) 2. To drive or round up cattle. (Mod- ern.) Hoapono (ho'-a-p6'-no), adj. Ap- proved; right; worthy. Hoapono (ho'-a-po'-no), n. Approba- tion; sanction. Hoapono (ho'-a-p6'-no), v. [Ho for hoo, and apono, to approve.] 1. To pronounce blameless. 2. To ap- prove. 3. To find not guilty in a trial. Hoau (ho'-a'u), v. 1. To float. 2. To cause to swim. 3. To learn to swim. 4. To teach to swim. Hoau (ho'-a'u), v. 1. To dedicate; to set apart for a special purpose. 2. To initiate a bride into the customs of marriage. 3. To wash garments by beating, as the Ha- waiians washed. Hoauau (ho'-a'u-a'u), n. A cleansing by the use of water; a bath. Hoauau (hp'-a'u-a'u), n. 1. Quick- ness in doing a thing. 2. Haste. Hoauau (ho'-a'u-a'u), v. 1. To hur- ry; to quicken to action. 2. To excite; to stimulate. Hoauau (ho'-a'u-a'u), v. [Ho for hoo, and au, to swim, or auau, to wash.] To wash the body; to bathe. Hoauauwaha (ho'-a'u-a'u-wa'-ha), v. Obsolete form of hoauwaha. Hoauhee (ho'-^u-he'e), v. To cause to flee, as an army; to rout; to put to flight. See hee. Hoauheehee (ho'-au-he'e-he'e), v. To cause things to be scattered about, as leaves or dust by the wind. Hoauhuiu (ho'-a'u-hu'-lu), v. To dis- perse; to cause to vanish. See hoauheehee. Hoaulll (ho'-au-li'i), adj. 1. Nice. 2. Well dressed. 3. Straight. 4. Skillful. See mikioi. HOA 134 HOE Hoaulil (ho'-au-li'i), v. 1. To finish in a perfect manner. 2. To cause- to appear comely, polished, etc. Hoaumoe (ho'-au-mo'-e), n. A lodger or guest for one night, Hoaumoe (ho'-au-mo'-e), v. [Ho for hoo, and aumoe, midnight.] 1. To pass the night with or at. 2. To plan to arrive at night. Hoauna (ho'-a-u'-na), n. [Hoa, com- panion, and una, to send.] One who accompanies a messenger. Hoauna (ho'-a'u-na), v. [Ho for hoo. and auna, a flock.] 1. To collect or assemble, as a flock of birds. 2. To cause to assemble. Hoauwaepuu (ho'-au-wa'e-pu'u), adj. Serving to prevent by fear, etc. Hoauwaepuu (ho'-au-wa'e-pu'u), n. 1. Discouragement. 2. That which prevents by discouraging. Hoauwaepuu (ho'-au-wa'e-pu'u), v. 1. To find fault. 2. To discourage; to dishearten. 3. To deter. 4. To prevent by fear. Hoauwaha (ho-a'u-wa'-ha), v. 1. To make a ditch or trench; to dig a channel for water, 2. To plow a furrow. Hoawa (ho'-a'-wa), n. A tree 18 to 20 feet high (Pittosporum acumi- natum), also known as papaahe- kili. Hoawa (ho'-a'-wa), v. [Ho for hoo, and awa, bitter.] 1. To make bit- ter to the taste. 2. To make a decoction out of leaves or barks for the purpose of extracting col- ors for a dyestuff. Hoawaa (ho'-a-wa'a), n. The tack- ling or rigging of a canoe, tying on the ako, etc.; o ka aha, he mea hoawaa ia, a e holo ai. Hoawaawa (ho'-a'-wa-a'-wa), adj. 1. Bitter to the taste, 2. Severe; cruel; hard. Hoawaawa (h5'-a'-wa-a'-wa), n. A rising in the stomach from sour- ness or other causes. Hoawaawa (ho'-a'-wa-a'-wa), v. [Ho for hoo, and awaawa, bitter,] 1. To make bitter; to cause bitter- ness. 2. To be hard; to be cruel; to embitter one's life; to curse. Hoawahia (ho'-a'-wa'hi'-a), v. To cause bitterness; to cause sadness, sorrow, suffering, Hoawa wa (ho'-a-wa'-wa), v, [Ho for hoo, and awawa, a ditch,] 1. To make a ditch or furrow. 2, To make or cause a groove. Hoawe (ho'-a'-we), n. [Ho and awe, a burden.] A weight carried on the back. Hoawe (ho'-a'-we), v. Obsolete form of haawe. [Ho for hoo, and awe, to carry on the back.] To carry on the back, as a child or a per- son. Hoaweawe (h5'-a'-we-a'-we), n. Sprout or sprouts that start from the roots of tuberous plants, as the potato, etc. See haaweawe. Hoaweawea (ho'-a'-we'a-we'a), adj. Faded; discolored: ke kikohukohu hoaweawea a ke kal. Hoaweawea (ho'-a'-we'a-we'a), n. Dimness of the eyes; dullness of vision; defective sight. Hoaweawea (ho'-a'-we'a-we'a), v. 1. To discolor; to cause to disap- pear or fade gradually, as color fades. 2. To have obscure vision. Hoe (ho'-e), n. A paddle for a ca- noe; an oar for a boat. Hoea (ho-e'-a), v. To be in sight; to be risen; to have arrived. See hooea. Hoeha (ho'-e'-ha), v. [Ho for hoo, and eha, pain.] To cause pain; to give pain. Hoehaeha (ho'-e'-ha-e'-ha), adj. Trou- blesome; wearisome; burdensome; causing trouble, pain or distress. Hoehaeha (ho'-e'-ha-e'-ha), n. The act or process of inflicting pain. Hoehaeha (ho'-e'-ha-e'-ha), v. To give pain, bodily or mentally; to vex; to harass; to get one into perplexity; to oppress. Hoehoe (ho'-e-ho'e), n. 1. The shoulder-blade, from its resem- blance to a canoe paddle (hoe) : ka iwi ma ke kumu o ka iwi uluna, 2. A tubular wind instru- ment among Hawaiians somewhat resembling the flute. Same as hano. Hoehoe (ho'-e-ho'-e), v. [Freq. of hoe.] To paddle a canoe; to row a boat. Hoehoena (ho'-e-ho-e'-na), v. 1. To be made quiet or charmed by the notes of the hoehoe. 2. To be charmed by any music. Hoehoene (ho'-e-ho-e'-ne), v. 1. To play softly on the hoehoe. 2. To captivate or delight with the sound of the hoehoe. To be charmed by a chant (oli), or any plaintive mu- sical sound. 3. To pierce the lobe of the ear by the application of an HOE 135 HOH acid found in the bark of the hiliee. i Hoehu (ho'-e'-hu), v. [Ho for hoo, I and ehu, to scare away.] 1. To I drive or frighten away: e hoehu i ka puaa e ku mai nei, drive away the pig standing here. 2. To ' arouse to action from a state of i rest; to incite; to urge. 3. To | whiten. ! Hoeleele (ho'-e'-le-e'-le), v. [Ho for | hoo, and eleele, dark.] To make; black; to darken. j HoeleikI (ho'-e-le-i'-ki), v. 1. To com- 1 mit robbery. 2. To watch for an opportunity to do harm. I Hoelo (ho'-e'-lo), adj. Urging; | throwing in. (Obsolete.) I Hoelo (ho'-e'-lo), v. To stir; to dis- 1 turb the relative position of things, ! as one scatters the heated stones ! of an imu or oven; ulu i ka imu. Hoeloelo (ho'-e'-lo-e'-lo), v. [Freq. of Hoelo]. See hoelo, v. Hoemi (h5'-e'-mi), v. [Ho for hoo, and emi, to lessen.] 1. To cause a diminution; to lessen. 2. To return backward; to fall behind. 3. To drive back; to put down. Hoemiemi (ho'-e'-mi-e'-mi), v. [See hoemi.] 1. To cause to shrink back, as the mind; to doubt; to hesi- tate. 2. To dispute about a pur- chase; to bandy words about a price; to depreciate the worth of; to undervalue in a bargain. 3. To fall back or retreat little by little. Hoemu (ho'-e'-mu), v. [Ho for hoo, and emu, to throw away.] To cast away; to banish; to drive off. See hoehu. Hoena (ho'-e'-na), n. [Ho for hoo, and ena, to rage, as fire.] To cause to burn or glow with heat. Hoenaena (ho'-e'-na-e'-na), v. 1. To cause to be very hot; to heat to a glow. 2. To make angry; to arouse. Hoene (ho'-e'-ne), n. 1. The low, gentle melody of musical tones, j 2. The pleasure or enjoyment of | listening to such tones. 3. Pleas- 1 ure; enjoyment: o ka hoene ku j o ka uwe a ka lani. 4. Abortion. 5. Medicine used for abortion. Hoene (ho'-e'-ne), v. 1. To produce melody in song; to cause low sweet succession of sounds in recital or song. 2. To cause abortion by ex- ternal applications of poisonous herbs. Hoeno (ho'-e'-no), v. [Ho for hoo, and eno, to be wild.] 1. To be easily frightened, as an animal once tame, that has become wild. See ahiu. 2. To cause to be wild. 3. To become shy, wary or coy. Hoepa (ho'-e'-pa), v. [Ho for hoo, and epa, to deceive.] 1. To de- ceive; to cheat; to act basely in' everything. 2. To counterfeit; to carry on a deception; to dissem- ble. See epa. Hoepaepa (ho'-e'-pa-e'-pa), v. [Freq. of hoepa.] 1. To do the acts of a general bad character; to steal; to cheat; to slander, etc. See epa. 2. To practice deception in any form. 3. To deceive by trick- ery; to humbug; to bamboozle. Hoeuli (ho'-e-uMi), n. [Hoe, a pad- dle, and uli, to steer.] A rudder. Hoewa (ho'-e'-wa), v. [Ho, for hoo, and ewa, to turn aside.] To be one-sided; to lean over; to sway to and fro like an old grass house in the wind. Hoewaa (ho'-e-wa'a), n. An oars- man; one who rows a boat or paddles a canoe. (Laieik. p. 35.) Hoewaa (ho'-e-wa'a), v. [Hoe, pad- dle, and waa, canoe.] To paddle a canoe. Hohana (ho'-ha'-na), n. 1, Measure used by Hawaiians in apportioning food. The measure in common use among fishermen was a bail- ing cup or a double handful. 2. A measure, both hands full, used in giving out food, small fish, etc. 3. A small measure box or cala- bash. Hohana (ho'-ha'-na), v. 1. To grasp; to seize hold of with the hand; to hold fast; e puili. 2. To distrib- ute by measure. (The usual meas- ure was as much as a hand or two hands would contain. Ancient Hawaiian fishermen reckoned their catches of small fish by handfuls, and apportioned their gains by hand measure, or by a small dip- per made out of a calabash.) Hohe (ho'-he'), adj. Fearful; tim- orous. Ho he (ho'-he'), n. 1. Fear; terror. 2. A coward. Hohe (ho'-he'), v. [A contraction of holo, to run, and hee, ^o flee or melt away through fear.] 1. To lack courage; to be a coward; to be fearful. 2. To be overcome HOH 136 HOI with fear. 3. To flee from fear. 4. To be overcome or routed. Ho he he (ho'-he-he), adj. Faint- hearted; weak from fright. Hohewale (ho'-he'-wa'-le), n. A flee- ing without cause; cowardice. Hohewale (ho'-he'-wa'-le), v. To be . afraid without reason. Hoho (ho'-ho'), n. 1. Hollow mur- muring or roaring, as of rushing waters. 2. The distant sound of a small cataract. 3. Sound caused by the rush of compressed air or water. Hoho (ho'-ho'), V. 1. To make a hoarse gurgling noise as water over a sinking canoe; to gurgle: Ke hoho mai la ka liu, the leak gurgles. Hoho (ho'-ho'), V. 1. To snore. 2. To breathe hard. 3. To gurgle. 4. To snort, as a horse: alalia, hoho mai ka lio. Hohoa (h6'-ho'-a), n. 1. The process of beating used in making tapa or native cloth. 2. The mallet used in beating the bark into tapa. 3. A war club. See pahoa. Hohoa (ho'-ho'-a), v. 1. To strike repeatedly with the hohoa, the mallet used in making tapa. 2. To beat dyed tapa. This was done to soften it. 3. To smooth or even kapa or tapa out by beating; ap- plied to the first process in beat- ing. 4. To strike, as in fighting. Hohohoi (h6'-h6'-ho'i), v. (See Hoi, to return.) To return again. Used only in the plural form and ap- plied only to a number of three or more. E hohoi kakou, let us go back. It differs from uhoi in that uhoi applies only to two, as: E uhoi kaua, let us two go back. Hohoka (ho'-ho'-ka), v. See hoka. 1. To be ashamed. 2. To be baffled; to be foiled. Hohola (ho'-ho'-la), adj. Open; un- sealed; me ka palapala i hoholaia, with an open letter. Hohola (ho'-ho'-la), v. [Ho, and hola, to spread.] 1. To unfold; to spread out and make smooth, as tapa, nets, mats, etc. 2. To over- cast or cover over, as spreading clouds. 3. To extend or stretch out over, as the wings of a bird in its flight. Ho hole (ho'-h5'-le), v. [Ho, and uhole, to skin; to peel.] 1. To peel off the skin, as a banana. 2. To skin, as an animal. 3. To rub; to file off; to strip off the surface of. Hoholo (ho'-ho'-lo), n. A sliding; a sudden or irresistible moving of anything. Hoholo (ho'-ho'-lo), v. [Ho and holo, to slip.] 1. To slide off. 2. To move along the surface of. Hohoma (ho'-ho'-ma), adj: Reduced in flesh; poor; lean. Hohoma (ho'-ho'-ma), v. [Ho and homa, lean.] To be poor in flesh; to be lean. Hohono (h6'-h6'-no), n. An odor which partakes of the nature of its organic source. Hohono (h6'-ho'-no), v. To smell strongly, as tar or burning sul- phur; to be offensive to the smell. Hohonu (h6'-ho'-nu), adj. Deep, as a pit or a well. Hohonu (h6'-ho'-nu), n. The deep, that is, the deep sea; the depth. Hohonu (h6'-h6'-nu), v. 1. To be deep, as water; to be deep down, as a pit. 2. To be full, that is, deep, as the sea at full tide. Hohopa (h6'-ho'-pa), adj. Long, thin, slender: he kanaka hohopa, a thin slender man. Hohule (ho'-hu'-le), adj. Hairless; destitute of hair on any part of the body. Hohule (ho'-hu'-le), n. A word used in ancient Hawaii to describe a completely hairless person. Hoi (ho'i), adv. An intensive ad- verb which emphasizes the next word or phrase. Also; besides; moreover; indeed; no hoi, also; besides. Hoi (hoi), n. 1. A species of yam (Dioscorea sativa), common in the forests of the lower elevations. It was cultivated for the supply of ships before the introduction of the potato. 2. An ancient system of polygamy practiced among the chiefs and permitted only to chiefs. Hoi (ho'i), V. To go back. Hoi is seldom used alone, but is followed by the adverbs, mai, aku, hou, loa, wale, etc., as: hoi mai, come back; hoi aku, go back; hoi hou, go again or come again; hoi loa, go for good, or not to return; hoi wale, to return only, that is, with nothing. Hoi hi (ho'-i'-hi), v. To make sacred; to cause to be hallowed. See ihi, adj. HOI 137 HOI Holhoi (ho'-i'-ho'-i), adj. Glad; joy- ful; gratified; well pleased. Hoihoi (ho'-i-ho'-i), n. 1. Joy; glad- ness; good feeling; rejoicing; cheerfulness, gratification in a thing: Me ka hoihoi, me ka hau- oli ame ka manao lana, with good feeling, with joy and with hope. 2. Hopefulness; a state of being infused with happy anticipations. Hoihoi (ho'i-ho'i), v. See hoi. 1. To restore; to bring back. 2. To send back; to dismiss; to send away. Hoihoi (ho'i-ho'i), v. To return; to go back; used for hoi. Hoihoi (ho'-i-ho'-i), v. 1. To be pleased; to rejoice; to be joyful. 2. To give pleasure. 3. To be made glad. 4. To be infused with life or hope. Hoihope (ho'i-ho'-pe), v. [Hoi, to return, and hope, backwards.] 1. To go back after an advance; to turn back. 2, To return to former practices after a reformation. 3. To revolt, as one taken captive. Hoihou (ho'i-ho'-u), n. In music, the character signifying a repeat. Hoihou (ho'i-ho'u), v. [Hoi, to re- turn, and hou, again.] To return again. Hoi I (hoM-i'), adj. Closefisted; nig- gardly; stingy. Hoii (ho'-i-i'), n. 1. Stinginess; closeness in dealing. 2. Hard and cruel oppression of the weak and poor. Hoii (ho'-i-i'), v. [Ho for hoo, and ii, parsimonious.] See ii and kaii. 1. To save; to be thrifty. 2. To be close; parsimonious; to be close in bargaining. 3. To squeeze or work out of another some little favor. 4. To be hard upon; to oppress: o ka hookohu- kohu ame ka hoii a kanaka no ke Akua. Hoiimaka (ho'-i-i'-ma'-ka), v. [Ho for hoo, ii, to be hard, and maka, face.] To forbid or discountenance iniquity openly, but favor it se- cretly in practice; to play the hypocrite. Hoike (ho'-i'-ke), adj. Plain; clear; relating to or containing testi- mony. Hoike (ho'-i'-ke), adv. Openly; vis- ibly; clearly. Hoike (ho'-i'-ke), n. 1. An exhibi- tion, as of a school. 2. A witness of an event; a witness in court. Syn: Ikemaka, a witness, and hoikemaka, an eye-witness, 3. Tes- timony; an attestation; proof. Hoike (ho'-i'-ke), v. [Ho for hoo, and ike, to know.] 1. To cause to know; to make known. 2. To show; to make a display: e uni- hi, e puka iwaho; to exhibit. 3. To explain, as in language. 4. To set forth; to testify. Hoikeana (ho'-i'-ke-a'-na), n. 1. A show; an exhibition. 2. The name of the last book in the Bible, Revelations. Hoike ike (ho'-i'-ke-i'-ke), n. That which makes clear; a narration which relates particulars. Hoike ike (ho'-i'-ke-i'-ke), v. [Ho for hoo, and ike, to know.] 1. To make known; to communicate knowledge; to point out truths or facts. Ho Hi (ho'-i'-li), v. 1. To convey from one person or place to anoth- er; to transmit. 2. To bequeath; to leave by will. 3. To set on shore, as a ship on a coast. Hoilihune (ho'-I'-li-hil'-ne), v. [Ho for hoo, and ilihune, poor; destitute.] 1. To make one poor; to deprive one of his property. 2. To be humble; lowly. See ilihune. Hoiliili (ho-i'-li-I'-li), v. [Ho for hoo, and iliiii, to collect.] 1. To collect. 2. To lay up; to heap I together. j Hoilikole (ho'-I-li-ko'-le), v. [Ho for I hoo, and ilikole, raw skin.] To make very poor; to deprive of all I comforts, leaving the victim noth- ing but his skin. Hoilo (ho'-i'-lo), adj. Pertaining to the germinating process of seeds. Hoilo (ho'-i'-lo), V. To cause seeds I to sprout before placing in a seed I bed. I Hoiloilo (ho'-i'-lo-i'-lo), v. Freq. of I hoilo, to force seeds. Hoimi (ho'-i-mi), v. [Ho for hoo, I and imi, to seek.] To search dil- igently. Hoinaina (ho'-i'-na-i'-na), v. 1. To in- fluence unfavorably by false rep- resentation; to circulate false re- ports for the purpose of prejudg- ing; to bias the mind by idle chatter. 2. To give repose by the utterance of soft musical sounds, as the under-tones of the oli or Hawaiian song. HOI 138 HOK Hoino (ho'-i'no), adj. Opprobrious; abusive; insolent; insulting; wor- thy of reprehension. Hoino (ho'-i'-no), adv. Abusively: Mai olelo hoino; do not speak abusively. Hoino (ho'-i'-no), n. Reproach with- out reason; contempt; vilification. Hoino (ho'-i'no), v. [Ho for hoo, and Ino, bad. Literally, to make or carry evil to.] 1. To censure meanly; to speak evil maliciously of. 2. To harm; to abuse in speech; to curse; to reproach without reason. 3. To degrade by report; to defame; to insult; to revile. Hoinola (ho'i'-nS-i'a), adj. [Passive of hoino.] Reproached; cursed. Holtnoino (ho'-i'-n6-i'-no), v. To de- face, to disfigure; to sadden; to disguise, as the face by austerity. Hoinu (ho-i'-nu), v. Incorrect form of hooinu, to give drink to. Holo (ho'-i'o), n. A species of fern (Asplenium arnottii), used me- dicinally. Common in the woods of the lowlands. H6lole (ho'-i-o'-le), v. [Ho for hoo, and lole, a mouse.] 1. To cause to rush upon; to seize; to hold fast. 2. To force; to compel; to act falsely among one's friends for the purpose of cheating or killing. 3. To watch for an opportunity to assail. Ho'iomo (ho'-i'-o'-mo), v. [Ho for hoo, and lomo, to fall into the water without spattering.] 1. To cause to drop quickly into water with little disturbance of the sur- face, as one plumps a stone. 2. To plunge feet first perpendicularly into deep water. Holpo (ho'-i'-po), V. Same as Hooipo. Holu (ho'-i'-u), n. The act of keep- ing apart from. Holu (ho'-i'-u), V. [Ho for hoo, and lu, to lay a kapu.] 1. To be shy; to be reserved. 2. To cause to be afraid. 3. To shut up apart from others; to withdraw from: Heaha keia au e holu mai nei? Why are you so reserved? Holwl (ho'-I'-wi), V. [Ho for hoo, and Iwl, crooked.] 1. To turn the eye-ball from its natural position; to turn the eyes aside; to squint; to be cross-eyed. 2. To hint by a motion of the eyelids or of one eye only; to wink or signal with the eyes. Hoka (ho'-ka), adj. 1. Hopeless. 2. Disappointed; thwarted. Hoka (ho'-ka), n. 1. A mistake In understanding one's words. 2. A disappointment; frustration; a de- feat of hopes. Hoka (ho'-ka), v. 1. To squeeze; to put through a strainer. 2. To be disappointed; to be foiled; to be fooled; to be made to appear foolish. Hokaa (ho'-ka'a), n. 1. Dizziness; a sensation of whirling or reeling. 2. A twining round and round. Hokaa (ho'-ka'a), v. 1. To cause a confusion in the brain or stomach. 2. To create a rolling or dizzy sen- sation. Hokaawa (ho'-ka-a'-wa), n. [Hoka, to squeeze or press, and awa.] 1. An awa strainer, made of stems of the ahuawa plant and used to separate the juice from the fiber of the awa root. 2. Be- fooled. Mai hele au i ahuawa hokaawa, aka pakele ae nei paha au i keia la. I was nearly made a fool of today but escaped per- chance for a time. Hokae (ho'-ka'e), v. See kae. 1. To rub or blot out; to efface printed characters; to obliterate. 2. To mar; to make defective. Hokahoka (ho'-ka-ho'-ka), v. [Preq. of hoka, to be fooled.] 1. To be ashamed: Hokahoka wale iho no ka mea haku ole, he is ashamed of himself who has no master. 2. To be disappointed. Hokahokal (ho'-ka-ho'-ka'i), v. [See hokai 3.] 1. To stir up; to mix, as two ingredients. 2. To render turbid. Hokal (ho'-ka'i), adj. Obtrusive; without right. Hokal (ho'-ka'i), adv. Disorderly; mischievously; wickedly. Hokal (ho'-ka'i), v. 1. To disregard order; to cause disorder, 2. To squander; to misspend. 3. To create general disturbance. Hokale (ho'-ka'-le), n. A hard con- cretion in the flesh; a kernel: he mau wahi anoano ma ke kumu pepeiao, a malalo o ke a lalo. Hokall (ho'-ka'-li), adj. Thin in flesh; meager; slender; slim. Hokall (ho'-ka'-li), n. Loss of appe- tite from preoccupation. 2. The HOK 139 HOK common lizard; the lizard's tail, because it is slim. 3. Slimness. Hokeo (ho'-ke'-o), n. 1. The lower of two gourds which compose the Hawaiian drum. 2. A long cala- bash used as a receptacle for clothing or for a fisherman's out- fit. It was made of the gourd of the vine (Lagenaria vulgaris). Also called hulilau. Hokeo (ho'-ke'-o), v. To cherish in secrecy a sentimental thought. K hokeo iho i ke aloha, Poipol Ahulho i nalo. Hoki (ho'-ki), n. 1. A mule. (Hoki is the Hawaiian pronunciation of i the English word horse, which was first used; later lio was ap- plied to a horse, and hoki to the ass and the mule. Hoki is now used to designate the mule, while the donkey or ass is called ke- kake.) Hokii (ho'-ki'i), adj. Lean, thin in flesh. Hokii (h5'-ki'i), n. 1. Phthisis; tu- berculosis. 2. A consumption; a pining sickness. Hokii (ho'-ki'i), v. To dissolve; to pine away, with phthisis. Hokilo (ho'-ki'-lo), v. To be sick and emaciated. 2. To waste away from long illness. Hokio (ho'-kl'-o), n. 1. A pipe; a whistle; a wind instrument played with the mouth. 2. Single- note of a whistle uttered as a signal. 3. A | musical instrument made of a j small gourd. I Hokio (ho'-ki'-o), v. 1. To play the} pipe. 2. To whistle. 3. To signal j by a single note of a whistle. Hokiokio (ho'-ki'-6-ki'-o), n. An an- cient wind instrument among Ha- waiians, used 'in the Bible, equiv- alent to pipe. Hokiokio (h6'-ki'-6-ki'-o), v. [For hookiokio.] 1. To pipe; to play on the pipe. 2. To whistle a se- ries of tones with the voice or on an instrument. Hoko (h5'-ko), adj. Large; fat; roll- ing; applied to the thighs of per- sons and animals. Hoko (ho'-ko), n. 1. The fleshy movable part of a fat person or animal. 2. The buttock; applied to men and animals. 3. The in- side of the thighs: ua pili na hoko, or ua hui na hoko, on account of fatness. 4. The under part of the thigh. 5. The fleshy hinder part of the leg below the knee. Hoko (ho'-ko), V. 1. To become fleshy; to grow fat. 2. To de- velop muscle. Hokohoko, adj. Same as hoko. Hoku (ho'-ku'). adj. Thin In flesh; meager. Syn: Hokii. Hoku (ho'-ku'), n. 1. [Ho, to breathe hard and ku, to stand.] A phase of asthma in which the patient seeks relief by standing or moving about. 2. A suggestion or intima- tion suddenly presented within one's mind. Hoku (ho'-ku), n. The fifteenth day of the month, the fourteenth night, after hilo or the new moon; called, when the moon sets before day- light, hoku palemo, sinking star, otherwise hoku ili, stranded star (D. Malo, chapter 12, section 16.) Hoku (h6-ku'), n. A star; hoku lele, a comet; ka poe hoku o ke kaei, the planets. Hokua (ho'-ku'-a), n. 1. The lower and back part of the neck where it joins the shoulders. 2. The back between the shoulders. 3. A gratuitous uniting of persons to assist one of their number in finishing a difficult task, as in planting, fishing, etc. Hokuaea (ho-ku'-a'-e'a), n. [Hoku, star, and aea, wandering.] A planet. Hokuamoamo (h6-ku'-a'-m6-a'-mo), n. [Hoku and amoamo, to wink.] 1. The twinkling of the stars. 2. A twinkling star Hokuao (h6-ku'-a'o), n. [Hoku, star, and ao, light.] The planet Venus when it is the morning star. Also called hokuloa. Hokuhele (h6-ku'-he'-le), n. [Hoku and hele, to move.] Same as ho- kuaea, a planet. Hokuhookelewaa (ho-ku'-ho'o-ke'-le- wa'a), n. [Hoku, star, hookele, to steer, and waa, canoe.] 1. A star, the appearance of which was the signal for sailing on a voyage: a i ka wanaao, i ka puka ana o ka hokuhookelewaa, at the dawn of the morning, at the appearance of the star. =E2=80=94 Laieik. p. 36. 2. A star that appeared just before the birth of a high chief. 3. Pole-star, which served ancient Hawaiians as a guide in navigation. Also called HOK 140 HOL Kau: Aia a puka o kau holo kakou; when Kau appears we sail. Hokuimoimo (ho-ku'-r-mo-i'-mo), n. A twinkling star. Hokuimoimo (ho-ku'-i'-mo-i'-mo) , v. Same as imoimo, to wink. Hokuku (ho'-kii-kii'), adj. [See hoku, asthma.] 1. Having the colic. 2. Filled with anger or unpleasant sensations; hokuku au iloko-e ake e hele hookolokolo. 3. Unquiet; disturbed; agitated. Hokuku (ho'-ku-ku'), v. 1. To wheeze; to be short of breath. 2. To have an upset stomach. Hokulele (ho-ku'-le'-le), n. [Hoku, a star, and lele, to fly; literally, a flying star.] A meteor. Hokuloa (ho-ku'-lo'-a), n. [Hoku and loa, great.] 1. The morning star. Syn: Hokuao. Also called Mana- nalo. 2. Venus. Hokupuhipaka (h6-ku'-pu'-hi-pa'-ka), n. [Hoku, a star, and puhipaka, tobacco smoking.] A comet. Syn: Hokuwelowelo. H 0 k u we I owe I o ( ho-ku'-we'-16 -we'-lo ) , n. [Hoku, star, and welowelo, streaming or streamer.] A comet. Syn: Hokupuhipaka. Hola (ho'-la), n. 1. The Tahitian name of the root and stalk of the auhuhu, a poisonous and intoxi- cating plant, the bark of which was used in drugging or Intoxicat- ing fish so they could be caught. See auhola and auhuhu. 2. The system of catching fish by drug- ging them with hola or auhuhu. Hola (ho'-la), v. To drug or intox- icate fish with the hola or auhuhu. Hola (ho'-la'), v. 1. To open: a hola ia ka waha a palahalaha; to spread out. See hohola and uhola. 2. To widen; to unfold; to open and spread. Holahola (ho'-ia-ho'-la), v. [Freq. of hola, to spread out.] 1. To spread out; to smooth, as a tapa; or to make up, as a bed. 2. Applied to the mind, to calm; to soothe; to open; to enlighten. See hohola and uhola. 3. [Freq. of hola, to drug fish.] To drug or intoxicate fish; to spread or scatter the au- huhu poison in fishing. Holao (ho-la'o), v. 1. To pass by; to run past. 2. To refuse recog- nition of; to disavow knowledge of by carriage or deportment. Holapa (ho-la'-pa), n. Incorrect form of hoolapa. Holapa (ho-la'-pa), V. Incorrect form of hoolapa. Holapu (ho'-la'-pu), v. 1. To stir up; to mix water and dirt; to make water dark colored by put- ting in dirt. 2. To render turbid; to roil. 3. To perplex; to disturb the temper. Holau (ho'-lau), n. A multitude of persons or animals assembled un- der one head or leader. Holau (ho'-lau), v. To assemble into a single community or flock. Hole (ho'-le), n. 1. That which re- sults from the action of the verb hole, as a groove; a furrow made by rubbing one thing upon an- other. 2. The motion made by the hands in rubbing the aulima on the aunaki to obtain fire. Hole (ho'-le), v. 1. To curse; to abuse, as a drunken man. 2. To rasp; to file; to rub off. 3. To notch the end of a spear; to make grooves, as in a tapa beater; hole ie, furrow the ie or tapa stick. Holehole (ho'-le-ho'-le), v. [Freq. of hole.] 1. To peel; to strip off, as the skin from the flesh or the flesh from the bones: holehole iho la lakou i na iwi o Lono, they skinned the bones of Lono (Cap- tain Cook), that is, separated the bones from the flesh. 2. To strip from the stalk or stem of a plant, as in thrashing cane. Holei (ho'-lei), n. 1. A much branch- ing glabrous shrub or tree (Ochro- sia sandwicensis). 2. Yellow dye made from the bark and root of the holei tree. Also spelt hoolei. Holei (ho'-le'i), v. To produce a yel- low dye from roots and bark of the holei tree. Holele (ho'-le-i'-e), n. 1. Those who prepare the ie for braiding or weaving. 2. Those who prepare the ie or stick used in marking tapa; makers of ie. Holeie (ho'-le-i'-e), v. [Hole, to peel, and Ie, a vine.] 1. To peel the bark from the ie used in basket making. 2. To groove or carve figures on the ie, or stick used in marking tapa. Holl (ho'-li), n. Sprouting; the first appearance of a thing as the first coming out of the beard of a young man. HOL 141 HOL Holi (ho'-li), V. 1. To persist in in- direct allusion. 2. To start a con- j versation; to make a suggestion | for the purpose of starting con- \ versation. 3. To seek to open con- i versation: Holi kamailio, holi olelo. Oi holi mai nei o mea a noi maoli; Blank started with in- direct hints, then made a straight request. 4. To sprout: Ke holi ae nei ka nahele o ko pa; the weeds are just starting on your ground. Holo (ho'-lo), adj. Running; mov- ing; sailing; racing; he lio holo, he moku holo. Holo (ho'-lo), n. 1. A running; a racing: a going; a moving. 2. A bundle: holo ai, a bundle of food. 3. A sudden descent of anything; a mass of rock and earth sliding down a mountain side. Holo (ho'-lo), V. 1. To move smooth- ly or quickly; to go fast; to run; to flee; to strive in a race; to be- come a candidate (of modern ap- . plication). 2. To sail; to move by sail or paddle on the water; to begin a voyage. 3. To have a thing concluded or settled in mind: Ua holo or ua holo ia manao, it goes. 4. To slide. Holoaa (ho'-lo-a'-a'), adj. Destitute; lacking something necessary or de- sirable; without aim or purpose. Holoaa (ho'-16-a'-a'), v. [Holo, to run, and hoaa, to blunder, literally, to run about not knowing what to do.] 1. To be destitute of re- sources; to seek in vain for help. 2. To run here and there to no purpose or without aim or plan. Holoai (ho'-lo-a'i), n. [Holo, bundle, and ai, food.] 1. A bundle of baked food. 2. A wrapper to carry food in. See paiai. Holoholo (ho'-16-ho'-lo), n. 1. An old Hawaiian game; suggests the Eng- lish play of battledore and shuttle- cock. Little balls, to which feath- ers were attached, were propelled by a thrust of the foot of the player. It was played by six or three on a side. 2. A mode of fishing by night. Holoholo (ho'-16-ho'-lo), v. [Freq. of holo.] 1. To walk; to walk about. 2. To sail or run to and fro. To go from place to place. 3. To exercise in walking for health or for pleasure. (A modern use of the word). Holoholoi (h6'-16-h6'-16'i), v. [Freq. of holoi.] 1. To rub with pres- sure and quick motion; to rub off dirt; to rub smooth. 2. To rub hard; to scour. Holoholokake (ho'-16-ho'-16-ka'-ke), adv. Qualifying ai, to eat vora- ciously; with no respect for others' rights; helping one's self regardless of ceremony. Holoholokake (ho'-15-ho'-16-ka'-ke), v. 1. To eat freely of another's food. 2. To seduce another man's wife. Holoholoke (ho'-16-ho'-16-ke'), v. 1. To run or move quickly from place to place. 2. To be movable: Ua ano e ka hana a ke anuenue, no ka holoholoke ana i kela wahi keia wahi; the rainbow acted strangely resting now in that place, now in this. Laieik. p. 16. Holohololio (h6'-16-ho'-16-li'-o), v. To ride horseback. Syn: Hoohololio. Holoholomoku (ho'-16-h5'-16-mo'-ku), n. [Holo, to sail, and moku, ship.] A sailor; one who travels in a ship. Holoholomoku (ho'-16-h6'-16-mo'-ku), V. To travel by sea. Holoholona (ho'-16-h6-lo'-na), n. [Ho- loholo and ana, a running about.] 1. A four-footed beast; generally applied to domestic animals, but often to wild ones. 2. Domestic beasts collectively, including birds. Holoholoolelo (ho'-16-h6'-16-o'-le'-lo), n. A tale bearer, a tattler. (Often written in two words.) =E2=80=A2 Holoholoolelo (h6'-16-ho'-16-o'-le'-Io), V. [Holo and olelo, talk.] To slander; to tell tales to the dis- advantage of another; to propa- gate false reports. Holoholoplnaau (ho'-16-h6M6-pi'-na- a'u), n. The planet Mars. Holohua (h5'-16-hu'-a), v. 1. To glance; to strike or fly off in an oblique direction; to fail of hitting the mark; to dart obliquely. 2. To be premature: Ua holohua ka ma- nao, the thought is premature. Holoi (ho'-lo'i), V. 1. To clean any- thing in water; to scrub with water. 2. To rub with something soft for cleaning, as in dusting. 3. To scrub; to rub hard; to ob- literate; to blot out. 4. To make clean in any way. Holoila (ho'-lo'i-ia), adj. Washed; cleansed by washing or wiping. HOL 142 HOL Holokaa (hoM6-ka'a), v. [Holo, to go fast, and kaa, a vehicle on wheels.] To ride about in a car- riage. Holokahiki (ho-16-ka'-hi-ki), n. [Holo, to sail, and kahiki, a foreign country.] A Hawaiian sailor who has visited foreign countries: Ua tausani paha na holokahiki no Ha- waii aku, there were thousands perhaps of sailors from Hawaii; O Lehua ka inoa o ka holokahiki nana i hoolike iwaena o Vane- kouva ame Kamehameha, Lehua was the name of the sailor to for- eign countries who interpreted be- tween Vancouver and Kamehame- ha. See holomoku. Holokai (ho'-lo-ka'i), n. [Holo and kai, sea.] One who rides on the sea; a seaman: na holokai, sea- faring men. Holoke (ho'-lo'-ke), v. To rub against some opposing object; to grate; to rub roughly, causing a harsh sound. Holoke (h5'-lo-ke'), v. To run at random; to run in a haphazard manner; to run about thought- lesslv. Holokeloke (ho'-lo'-ke-lo'-ke), adj. Shaky; creaky; not tight; ready to come apart. Holokeloke (ho'-lo'-ke-lo'-ke), v. To be loosely put together; to be in such condition as to easily come apart. Holokiki (ho'-16-ki-ki'), v. [Holo, to run, ana kiki, quickly.] To run or sail swiftly; to run headlong. Holokohana (h6'-16-ko'-ha'-na), v. [Holo, to go, and kohana, desti- tute of clothes.] To go about naked; to be destitute of clothes, not even a malo. Holoku (hoM6-ku'), n. A woman's loose outer garment. Holokuku (ho'-lo-ku-ku'), v. [Holo and kuku, to stop short.] 1. To trot, as a horse. 2. To ride rough- ly or uneasily. Holola (ho-lo-la'). A phrase express- ing contempt or derision; la is a particle: Ke holola oe e manao ua hoka makou. You, O thought, have supposed that we are ashamed. Hololio (ho'-lo-li'-o), n. [Holo, to ride, and lio, horse.] A rider of a horse. Hololua (ho'-15-lu'-a), adj. 1. Creep- ing or running both ways, like the muhee, the crab; aole e like me kou manao ka muhee, ka hololua; 2. Two-faced; hypocritical. Hololua (ho'-16-lu'-a), v. [Holo and lua, double.] 1. To go or move two ways; to go both ways, like the crab; as the muhe, a species of fish that moves two ways. 2. To be two-faced; to act the hypo- crite; to dissemble. Holomoku (ho'-lo-mo'-ku), n. 1. A sailor; a seaman; ka halepule no ka poe holomoku ma Honolulu; he mau mea holomoku, seamen. 2. A rushing, as of water. Holomoku (ho'-lo-mo'-ku), v. [Holo and moku, ship.] 1, To sail on a ship. 2. To rush along, as a tor- rent; to move or push forward impetuously. Holona (ho-lo'-na), n. 1. In music, a finale; the end of a tune. 2. A novice; one who is new to what he undertakes; one who is un- tried. Holopaani (h5'-16-pa-a'-ni), v. [Holo, to run, and paani, to play.] 1. To run and play like children; to play rudely and boisterously. 2. To sail about for pleasure. Holopapa (ho'-16-pa'-pa), adv. All to- gether; en masse. Holopapa (ho'-16-pa'-pa), n. 1. A shelf; a flat surface or ledge. 2. A rack or frame on which tapas and other articles were laid. Holopapa (ho'-16-pa'-pa), v. To rule by force; to control; to overcome; to prevail over; used where one man conquers several others; to defeat completely; to overrun. Holouka (ho'-16-u'-ka), n. 1. A draft or current of air peculiar to moun- tainous regions and confined to comparatively empty spaces be- tween high palis (cliffs). (Also called hio.) 2. Political disturb- ances. Holowa (hoM6-wa'), n. [Holo, to thrust, and wa, cleft or space be- tween.] A thrusting through a wa or cleft. (This word evidently was invented by the translators of the Scriptures to describe the en- gines of war used by the Hebrews. See II Chronicles 26:15.) Holowaa (ho'-lo'-wa'a), n. [Holo and waa, canoe.] 1. A box; a chest; a trunk; a coffin; a cradle; an oblong receptacle. See kawaa. 2. HOL 143 HON A species of fishing net. 3. A trough; a watering trough. Holowale (ho'-16-wa'-le), adj. Want- ing courage; cowardly. Holowale (h6'-16-wa'le), n. 1. A coward; one fleeing without ap- parent cause. 2. One who flees from danger, duty, etc. Holowale (ho'-16-wa'-le), v. [Holo, to run, and wale, freely.] 1. To flee without cause or danger; to! act cowardly. 2. To go about des- titute of clothing; to go about naked. Holu (ho'-lu), adj. Arch-like; con- cave. Holu (ho'-lu), n. 1. A rising and sinking, as waves. 2. A playing to and fro, as of flexible material. Holu (h5'-lu), V. 1. To bend, as a limber stick; to arch over. 2. To spring back by elastic force. 3. To rise and sink as waves; to play to and fro; to seesaw. Holua (ha'-lu'-a), n. 1. A smooth path on a side hill for sliding down. 2. A sled for sliding down hill. (To play with the holua was an ancient pastime among Ha- waiians.) Holu holu (ho'-m-ho'-lu), adj. Duc- tile; elastic; springy, as a sword blade; pliable. Holuholu (ho'-lu-ho'-lu), v. [Preq. of holu.] To play to and fro easily and often; to be very flexible. Holule (ho'-lu'-le), adj. Fat; so fat as to shake (lule) ; soft and flex- ible. Holulelule (ho'-lu'-le-lu'-le), adj. Fat; so fat as to shake (lule) ; soft and flexible. Holulelule (h5'-lu'-le-lu'-le), v. To be fat; to be soft and flexible. Holulu (ho'-lu'-lu'), adj. Corpulent; bulky and weak. Holulu (ho'-lu'-Iu'), n. Corpulency, bigness, bulk combined with weak- ness. See olulu. Homa (ho'-ma), adj. Thin in flesh; poor; hollow; applied to the cheeks, not well rounded or filled out. Homa (ho'-ma), v. 1. To be lacking in muscle; to be thin in flesh; to lose plumpness of feature. 2. To be of vacant countenance ; to be ! empty of thought. Homahoma (ho'-ma-ho'-ma), v. Freq. of homa. Homai (ho'-ma'i), v. [Ho for hoo, and mal, a verbal directive, used most frequently in the imperative: Lit. Cause to be this way.] Hand this way; give this way; bring here: Homai i wahi wai inu na'u, give me here some water to drink. Home (h5'-me), n. [Eng.] Home; place of one's family and resi- dence. Homera (pronounced ho'-me'-la), n. [Heb.] A homer, a Jewish liquid or dry measure. Hometa (pronounced ho'-me'-ka), n. [Heb.] A snail. Horn! (ho'-mi'), adj. (See omi.) Withered; sick; unfruitful, as a plant; sick, as a person; of feeble growth. Homi (ho'-mi'), v. To wither; to dry or shrivel up. HomimI (ho'-mi'-mi'), v. (See omi- mi.) To spring up, as a seed planted, but with feeble strength, and produce nothing. Hone (ho'-ne), adj. Roguish; mis- chievous. Hone (ho'-ne), n. 1. Mischief; a trick. 2. A teasing; an annoying; a vexation. Hone (ho'-ne), v. (See ne.) 1. To be saucy; to be playful; to be tricky; to tease one; to run upon; to irritate or annoy verbally, 2. To prick; to enter, as a sharp thing: Me he wahi kuikele la ia e hone nei iloko o ka manao, like a needle it pierces into the thought. 3. To criticise; to cen- sure; to cavil. Honea (ho'-ne-a'), n. 1. Mud or earth deposited by water. 2. Mat- ter in the intestines not voided. Syn: Honowa. Honehone (ho'-ne-ho'-ne), adj. 1. Given to tricks; teasing; fretting; not letting one alone. 2. Low, soft and sweet, descriptive of vocal sounds or tones of a musical in- strument; melodious. Honehone (ho'-ne-ho'-ne), v. [Freq. of hone.] 1. To be tricky; to be mischievous. 2. To emit low mu- sical sounds, vocal or instrumen- tal; to sing in low sweet notes. Honekoa (ho'-ne-ko'-a), adj. Impu- dent; undaunted; not afraid to be mischievous; bold in importuning. Honekoa (ho'-ne-ko'-a), v. [Hone and koa, to be bold.] 1. To rail; to be saucy. 2. To be bold in HON 144 HON teasing; to be too forward; to take undue liberties. Honi (ho'-ni), n. 1. A salutation; a kiss. 2. A touch as of a match to a combustible. 3. Commanding a complimentary salutation to one: E haawi i ko'u honi ala aloha ia lakou. Give them my sweet lov- ing kiss, that is, affectionate sal- utation. Honi (ho'-ni), v. 1. To touch; to ap- ply a combustible article to the fire. (Lun. 16:9.) 2. To smell, as an odor. To smell any per- fume; to snuff. 3. To feel the in- fluence of, as the roots of trees do the water. 4. To salute by touching noses (the ancient way of saluting among Hawaiians) ; honi iho la i ka ihu. Laiedk. p. 203. 5. To kiss; to salute by kissing. To embrace on parting; applied to various forms of salu- tation and farewell, as good-by, shaking hands, etc. 6. =E2=80=A2 To beg earnestly and often; to importune. See holi. (The word describes the actions of children in kissing, ca- joling, etc., for the purpose of ob- taining some favor.) Honinan'ina (ho'-ni'-na-ni'-na), adj. 1. Fleshy and flabby; fat and placid; large but not strong. 2. Withered, blighted or shriveled. Hono (ho'-no), n. 1. A stitching; a sewing; a joining together: ka hono o na aina o Maui, the unit- ing of the lands of Maui. 2. The back of the neck. 3. A tabu which requires every man to hold his hands in a particular posture. 4. A place where the wind meets some obstruction and is reflected back: oia kahi hono e hoi mai ai ka nui o ka makani; a cave or bay; a sheltered spot on the sea; a sheltered place. 5. A winding in and out. Hono (ho'-no), v. To stitch; to sew up; to mend, as a garment or a net. 2. To join by stitches; to unite by stitching. Honoa (ho'-n6-a'), n. Same as ho- nowa. Honoai (ho'-no-a'-i'), n. [Hono and ai, the neck.] The back of the neck. Honoai (ho'-nS-a'i), n. Same as honowai. Honohono (ho'-n6-ho'-no), adj. Hav- ing an odor or scent. Syn: Ho- hono. Honohono (ho'-no-ho'-no), n. A spe- cies of long decumbent grass (Oplismenus compositus) common in the outskirts and open glades of forests and along water courses. Honokaa (ho'-no-ka'a), n. 1. Place at or near the seashore provided with caverns which serve as shel- ters from danger or distress. 2, A sheltered inlet or bay. 3. A village or section in Hamakua on Hawaii, said to have taken its name from the caverns on its sea- front. Honokeana (ho'-no-ke-a'-na), n. Spe- cific name of a porous stone. Also called ana. Honole (ho'-no'-le), v. Syn: Hone. 1. To be mischievous; to be prank- ish; to be saucy. 2. To censure. 3. To tease. Honopu (ho'-n6-pu'), n. 1. A turbu- lent crowd assembled to make an attack; a mob. 2. A distinct part of the sea off the coast of Napali, Kauai, between Haena and Kala- lau: Lumilumi ke kai o Honopu, turbulent is the sea of Honopu. 3. Shore between Kalalau and Haena on Kauai: Hai e ka lua i Honopu i ka wela o ka la. Honowa (ho'-n6-wa'), v. Same as honea and honoa. The matter contained in the intestines, excre- ment. (In ancient Hawaii the word was at times used by arro- gant chiefs to describe the com- mon people.) Honowai (ho'-n6-wa'i), n. 1. A place of meeting of the relatives of the parties contemplating hoao, or marriage, according to the ancient order, to prepare for the cere- mony. 2. A uniting; a bringing together and causing a new rela- tionship; mostly brought about by marriage; as, makua honoai, a parent by marriage, or a parent- in-law; makua honoai kane, a father-in-law; makua honowai wa- hine, a mother-in-law. Honu (ho'-nu), n. The green turtle; a terrapin; more generally applied to the sea turtle; a tortoise. (The honu formerly was forbidden to women to eat in the times of the tabu, under penalty of death.) Honua (ho'-nu'-a), adj. 1. Preced- ing; going before hand: olelo ho- HON 145 HOO =E2=80=A2nua, the foregoing description; pule honua, the former religion; i kau kauoha honua ana, your charge just given. Laieik. p. 20. Ke makau honua e mai nei no. Laieik. p. 180. 2. Premature. Honua (ho'-nQ'-a), adv. 1. Gratui- tously; without cause; naturally: Ua aloha honua anei na kanaka kekahi i kekahi? do men natural- ly love each other? No ka pono a ke Akua i waiho honua mai ai, for the righteousness which God had freely manifested; o ka hoo- maka ana, ua like no ia me ke ao ana, i ola honua i ka palapala. 2. Thoroughly; freely; completely; wholly; entirely. 3. Preparatively; previously. Ke makau honua e mai nei no. Honua (ho'-nu'-a), n. 1. Flat land; laiid of an even or level surface, in distinction from hills and moun- tains. 2. In geography, the earth generally, including sea and moun- tains. 3. A foundation; a resting place. 4. The bottom of a deep place, as of the sea or a pit; bed of a body of water. Honuhonu (ho'-nu-ho'-nu), n. fFreq. of honu, a terrapin.] 1. An an- cient game where people crawled on all fours like terrapins. 2. A pattern of tapa having the surface raised in ridges like corduroy. Honuhonu (ho'-nu-ho'-nu), v. To play the terrapin or honuhonu game. Hoo (ho'o). Causative prefix to verbs; as, malu, to shade, hoomalu, to cause a shade, to over-shadow; pono, good, right, hoopono, to cor- rect, to make right; akea, to be broad, hooakea or hoakea, to cause to be broad, that is, to extend, en- large, etc. This prefix, though originally adapted to the verb, retains its causative meaning when the word becomes a noun, adjective or ad- verb. Ua hele oia i ka hoike, he has gone to the exhibition; he kanaka hoopunipuni, a man caus- ing deception, that is, a deceitful man; olelo hooino iho la, he spoke causing reproach, that is, he spoke reproachfully. Before words whose first letter is a vowel, the last o of the hoo frequently coalesces with the vow- el of the word following, for the sake of euphony, particularly be- fore a, e and o; as, hoano for hooano; hoole for hooole, etc. Some words have haa (but very seldom) for their causative prefix instead of hoo; as, haaheo for hooheo (from heo, pride), to be haughty. This form seems to come from the Tahitiian dialect. A few words take both forms for their causative, as hoonui and haanui, from nui, to be large. Hoawi, to give, is used for hooawi, but haawi is used oftener than either. Strictly speaking, hoo in a dic- tionary should not begin a verb, but verbs having this prefix should be set in their places, and their meanings be modified by hoo as it occurs; as, ike, to know, etc hooike or hoike, to cause to know, to show, to exhibit; ikeia, to be known, hooikeia, to be made known, to be shown; ikeike, to know clearly; hooikeike, to make known clearly or frequently, etc. But a large class of words begin with the causative prefix hoo, whose roots are not known or are out of use. Though such a root might be assumed as being in ex- istence or having once existed, as Greek lexicographers often as- sume an obsolete theme, there would be much danger in Hawaii- an of getting the wrong word: hence it has seemed advisable to retain hoo as the beginning of the word. This occasions some repetition, but it is hoped it will not be a serious inconvenience. This prefix always takes the glottal sound. Hoo (ho'o'). V. 1. [Ho for hoo, and o, food 1 1. To provide food for a journey; to furnish for service. 2. [O, to dip.] To stretch out, as the hand; to thrust the hand or finger into an orifice, pocket, etc.: hoo iho la i ka poi, kukulu iwaho. 3. To cause to enter. Hooa (ho'-o-a'), n. 1. A breaking up; a separating of parts. 2. A retching; vomiting. See hoowa, Hooa (h5'-o-a'), v. To cause to break up; to split. 2. To cause to heave with nausea. Syn: Hoowa. Hooaa (ho'o-a'a), v. Same as Hoo- waa, to dig. Hooae (ho'o-a'e), v. Incorrect form of hoa'e. [Hoo and ae, to break HOO 146 HOO tabu.] To cause to go over; to cause to break, as a law or tabu; to transgress. Hooaeae (ho'o-a'e-a'e), v. To read with a tone; to intone. Hooaha (ho'o-a'-ha), v. Incorrect form of hoowaha. 1. To seize; to take by force or without consent. 2. To covet. Syn: hookaha. Hooahaaha (ho'o-a'-ha-a'-ha), v. To sit cross-legged. Hooahewa (ho*o-a'-he'-wa), v. To pronounce one guilty; to condemn. Syn: Noahewa. Hooahi (ho'o-a'-hi), v. [Hoo and ahi, fire.] A term used in cer- tain sacrificial ceremonies. 1. To kindle (the sacrifice) ; to set afire. 2. Give to the fire. Hooaho (ho'o-a'-ho), v. fHoo and aho, to breathe.] To be patient; to endure: E hooahonui a pau ae keia pilikia, be very patient till this calamity is overpassed. See hoaho. Hooahu (ho'o-a'-hu), adj. Gathered; collected; laid up. Hooahu (ho'o-a'-hu), v. fHoo and ahu, to collect.] To gather to- gether; to collect; to heap up. Hooaikane (ho'o-a'i-ka'-ne), v. To make friends. See aikane and ho- aikane. Hooaipuupuu (ho'o-a-T'-pu'u-pu'u), v. 1. To make or constitute one an aipuupuu or waiting servant. 2. To act as a servant, particularly in waiting on the table. See ai- puupuu. Hooakaaka (ho'o-a'-ka-a'-ka), n. To cause to laugh; to make one laugh. See aka, akaaka and ho- akaaka. Hooakaka (ho'o-a-ka'-ka), v. [Hoo and akaka, clear.] To explain; to make clear what is intricate; to expound. Hooakamai (ho'o-a'-ka-ma'i), v. [Hoo and akamai, skillful.] 1. To make wise. 2. To be skillful at any art or business; to be intelligent. 3. To make a pretense of wisdom; to be proud of one's attainments. Hooakea (ho'o-a'-ke'-a), v. [Hoo and akea, broad.] To enlarge; to spread out; to widen; to make broad. See hoakea. Hooalala (ho*o-a'-la-la'), v. [Hoo and alala.] 1. To cry out, as the alala. 2. To make one cry. See hoalala. Hooaleale (ho'o-a'-le-a'-le), v. [Hoo and ale, a wave.] To agitate; to cause commotion; to set in motion the surface of water; to cause waves. Same as hoaleale. Hooalia (ho'o-a-li'-a), v. [Hoo and alia, to restrain.] To cause to stop; to check; to hinder; to put restraint upon. Mai hoohalia mai oe. Hooalii (ho'o-a-ll'i), v. [Hoo and alii, chief.] To make a chief; to establish royalty in office. Hooaloha (ho'o-a-16'-ha), v. To make love to; to court; to try to ingra- tiate one's self with. Hooalohaloha (ho'o-a-lo'-ha-lo'-ha), v. [Hoo and freq. of aloha, to love.] 1. To take pleasure in; to give thanks; to bless. 2. To proffer friendship; to make friendly ad- vances. Hooalualu (ho'o-a'-lu-a'-lu), v. [Hoo and alualu, loose.] 1. To cause to loosen or slacken, as a rope. 2. To cause to be flabby; to cause to be roomy or loose. See hoalualu. Hooamo (ho'o-a'-mo), v. [Hoo and amo, to carry.] To cause one to carry or bear a burden. Hooanae (ho'o-a'-na-e'), v. [Same as hoanae.] To set aside; to set apart for a particular use. HooanI (ho'o-a'-ni), n. A rumbling; a movement of wind in the bowels. Hooani (ho'o-a'-ni), v. 1. To raise or lift in a gentle manner and move to and fro over a fire, as a kahuna in the treatment of a pa- tient. 2. To signal with the hand. 3. To wave to and fro, as a red rag to infuriate a bull. Hooanoano (ho'o-a'-no-a'-no), adj. Solemn; serious; devout. Hooanoano (ho'o-a'no-a'-no), v. See hoano. 1. To be solemn, as with the idea that an invisible spirit is present. 2. To solemnize the mind, as for worship, or as in the presence of a spirit; hooanoano wale mai no me he haili la e kau iho ana maluna. 3. To awe; to strike with fear or awe. Hooapono (ho'o-a'-po'-no), v. To pronounce not guilty, justify. See pono and hoapono. Hoapono is the better form and is in more general use. Hooauau (ho'o-a'u-a'u), v. [Hoo and auau, to wash.] To wash the body; to bathe the body. HOO 147 HOO Hooauhee (ho'o-a'u-he'e), v. [Hoo and auhee, to flee.] 1. To disperse in battle; to put to flight; to rout. 2. To pillage. 3. Fig.: To be des- titute; to be stripped of every- thing as those conquered were; hence, to be destitute of every comfort and resource. Hooauwaha (ho'o-a'u-wa'-ha), v. Same as hoauwaha. To plow; to make a long ditch; to dig a furrow. Hooauwahawaha (ho'o-a'u-wa'-ha-wa'- ha), v. FreQ. of hooauwaha, to plow. Hooauwana (ho'o-a'u-wa'-na), v. [Hoo and auwana, to wander.] 1. To cause to wander; to scatter; to disperse, as a conquering army dis- perses the enemy. 2. To be dis- persed. Hooea (ho'o-e'-a), v. [Hoo and ea, to rise up.] To cause to rise; to lift up; to elevate. See hoea. Hooeae (ho'o-e-a'e), v. Incorrect spelling of hooaeae. Hooeleele (ho'o-e'-le'-e'-le), v. [Hoo and eleele, dark.] To make black; to blacken, like the gathering of clouds before a storm. Same as hoeleele. Hooemi (ho'o-e'-mi), v. [Hoo and emi, to grow less.] 1. To draw back. 2. To diminish in size or number; to lessen. Same as ho- emi. Hooeu (ho'o-e'u), v. [Hoo and eu, to rise.] To animate; to encour- age; to excite. Hooeueu (ho'o-e'u-e'u), v. To rouse; to stir up to action; to cause to wake up. See* eueu. Hoohaa (ho'o-ha'a), v. [Hoo and haa, a short person.] 1. To cause to be low; to humble; e hoohaa, e ano e. 2. To be suddenly para- lyzed. 3. To be without standing; to be without character. See hela- epaa. 4. To be deceitful; to get one's living by cheating. 5. To be lazy; to live in a careless manner. Hoohaahaa (ho'o-ha'a-ha'a), adj. Humble; thinking lowly of one's self; not proud. Hoohaahaa (ho'o-ha'a-ha'a), adv. 1. Humbly; modestly. 2. Offensively; insolently; contemptibly. Hoohaahaa (ho'o-ha'a-ha'a), n. A be- ing made humble. A being put down or abased. Hoohaahaa (ho'o-ha'a-ha'a), v. 1. To make low; to humble; to abase; to make humble. 2. To cause to be debased; to cause to be re- duced in station or rank. Hoohaalulu (ho'o-ha'a-lu'-lu), v. (Hoo and haalulu, to shake.] To make to shake; to cause trem- bling; to cause a tremulous or vibratory motion. Hoohaanui (ho'o-ha'a-nu'-i), v. [Hoo and haanui, to boast.] 1. To cause to boast; to cause the ut- terance of boastful language. 2. To make one act the part of a braggart. Hoohae (ho'o-ha'e), v. [Hooandhae, wild.] 1. To make wild or sav- age. 2. To irritate; to exasper- ate. 3. To call forth; to provoke. Hoohaehae (ho'o-ha'e-ha'e), v. 1. Freq. of hoohae. 1. To tantalize or tease in order to provoke anger. 2. To defy; to provoke to combat. Hoohaha (ho'o-ha'-ha), adj. Covered up; shaded; overshadowed, as by clouds; ina i poipu ka lani, a ane- ane makani ole, he hoohaha ia. Hoohaha (ho'o-ha'-ha), v. [Hoo and haha, to strut.] 1. To be obsti- nate; opinionated. 2. To be proud; high minded; to strut; to act the dandy; to strut, as a cock turkey; he kanaka hoohaha, hoo- kano, haaheo, noho wale, aole hana; he hoohaha kana hele ana. 3. To beat down; to pound; to make hard, as the bottom of a salt pond. Hoohahai (ho'o-ha'-ha'i), v. [Hoo and hahai, to pursue.] To cause or entice to follow. Hoohahu (ho'o-ha'-hu'), v. 1. To make even; to smooth; to level. 2. To cause purging by a cathartic. See hahu. Hoohahuhahu (ho'o-ha'-hu-ha'-hu), v. [Intensive of hoohahu.] To cause frequent evacuations from the bow- els; to purge. Hoohai (ho'o-ha'i), v. [Hoo and hai, proud.] 1. To be proud; to strut about; to look down upon others. 2. To carry one's self in such a way as to attract attention of one of opposite sex. Hoohaihai (ho'o-ha'i-ha'i), v. Inten- sive of hoohai. To be proud; vain. Hoohalli (ho'o-ha'i-li), v. 1. To be of a dark color; to be dark or dim to the sight. 2. To take the ap- pearance of a spirit. 3. To be transformed. See haili. HOO 148 HOO Hoohainu (ho'o-ha'-i'-nu), v. To give drink to; to cause one to drink. Hoohaka (ho'-o-ha'-ka), v. [Hoo and haka, full of holes.] 1. To cause to be open; to be full of openings, cracks or spaces. 2. To make light, not heavy. See also ohaka. Hoohakahaka (ho'o-ha'-ka-ha'-ka), v. [Hoo and hakahaka, to open.] 1. To be full of holes or cracks; to be open. 2. Fig. To open, as the ear; to give attention to what is said. 3. To make empty; to cause to be unoccupied. 4. To cause opening to be made; to make open, Hoohakalia (ho'o-ha'-ka'-ll'-a), v, [Hoo and hakalia, to be slow.] 1. To detain; to delay; to pro- crastinate. 2. To be dilatory; to linger; to loiter; to lag behind. Hoohakanu (ho'o-ha'-ka'-nu), v. [Hoo, (ha) and kanu, to be silent.] 1. To be speechless; silent; unsocial. 2. To cause silence. Hoohake (ho'o-ha-ke'), v. [Hoo and hake, to be full.] To break, as a boil; to thrust; to puah; to cram in; to cause to break or burst open. Hoohaki (ho'o-ha'-ki), v. [Hoo and haki, to be broken.] To cause to break; to break, as a stick or a bone. Hoohakoi (ho'o-ha'-ko'i), v. [Hoo and hakoi, to dash.] 1. To cause wa- ter to dash wave against wave, or against the sides of a vessel. 2. To be agitated, as water in a dish unsteadily carried. 3. To swell and rise up, as water. 4. To be agitated, as the mind. Hoohala (ho*o-ha'-la), v. [Hoo and hala, to miss; to pass on.] 1. To cause to miss the mark; to dodge; to turn aside. 2. To transgress; to go beyond. 3. To pass; to go by, beyond or over; mai hoohala oe ia ia, do not miss him, as in throwing a spear. Hoohalahala (ho'o-ha'-la-ha'-la), v. [Hoo and halahala, to miss.] 1. To refuse assent to the terms of a bargain; to be displeased with the proposed conditions of another. 2. To turn aside; not to listen to what one says. 3. To find fault with a proposal or offer. See also hala. Hoohalahalawale (ho'o-ha'-la-ha'-la- wa'-le), n. A complaint without cause; an unreasonable objection to a proposal. Hoohalahalawale (ho'o-ha'-la-ha'-la- wa'-le), V. To complain without cause; to find fault unreasonably. Hoohalala (ho'o-ha'-la-la'), v. [Hoo- hala, to pass, and la, day. Lit. to cause the day to pass.] 1, To pass the time; to spend the day. 2. To endure for the present day; applied to sick persons: ua pono kou mai? Answer: Aole, he hoo- halala wale no, no ka make. Ap- plied to the hungry; he ai anei ka oukou? Aole, he hoohalala wale no =E2=80=94 he kamau ea. Applied also when one has but a little food, just enough for the day. Hoohale (ho'o-ha'-le), v. [Hoo and hale, house.] 1. To rest in a house; to stay in a house; to lodge. 2. To receive one into a house; to solicit one to be a host or friend. See hoaikane. 3. To cause one to be at home in one's house; to grant the privileges of a house. Hoohalehale (ho'o-ha'-le-ha'-le), v. 1. To cause an appearance of empti- ness, as the opu or stomach when hungry. 2. To be hungry; to suf- fer with hunger. Hoohalekipa (ho'o-ha'-le'-kl'-pa), v. [Hoo and halekipa, an inn.] To entertain, as a guest; to receive into one's house, as a friend. See hoaikane. Hoohalepapaa (ho'o-ha'-le-pa'-pa'a), v. [Hoo and halepapaa, storehouse.] 1. To convert a structure into a storehouse; to arrange for a place to store goods or provisions. 2. To cause to be stored in a house for keeping. Hoohali (ho'o-ha'-li), v. [Hoo and hail, to carry.] To cause a con- veying of anything. Hoohalia (ho'o-ha-li'a), v. [Hoo and halia, to remember fondly.] 1. To awaken reminiscence; to stir re*- membrance of past events, wheth- er agreeable or unpleasant. 2. To stir up an impulse; to awaken thought. Hoohalihall (ho'o-ha'-li-ha'-li), v. [Hoo and freq. of hall, to carry.] 1. To carry or bear, as a burden; to carry frequently. 2. To cause to be carrie-d or delivered to another. Hoohalike (ho'o-ha'-ll-ke), v. [Hoo and halike, to resemble.] 1. To HOO 149 HOO cause to be like; to make similar; to copy after. 2. To compare with; to examine qualities of things in order to discover dif- ferences or resemblances. Hoohalikelike (ho'o-ha-li'-ke-ll'-ke), n. A resemblance; likeness; a sim- ilarity. Hoohalikelike (ho'o-ha-li'-ke-li'-ke), v. fFreq. of hoohalike.] 1. To make alike. 2. To divide equally; to equalize. Hoohalu (ho'o-ha'-lu), v. [Hoc and halu, to be thin.] 1. To be or become poor or thin in flesh. 2. To be made poor, feeble from disease or lack of food. Hoohalua (ho.'o-ha'-lu'-a), n. An am- bush; an ambuscade. Poe hooha- lua, Hers in wait. Hoohalua (ho'o-ha'-lu'-a), v. 1. To watch an opportunity for mis- chief; to lie in wait, either to kill or rob. 2. To act as a spy; secretly to do a thing; to watch for an opportunity to see or speak to a person. (Laieik. p. 77.) Hoohaluhalu (ho'o-ha'-lu-ha'-lu), v. fFreq. of hoohalu.] To be poor in flesh; to be thin; to be hungry. Hoohaluku (ho'o-ha-lu'-ku), v. To make a noise; especially by strik- ing a paddle against a canoe to scare fish into a net. Hoohalulu (ho'o-ha'-lu'-lu), n. Roll- ing sound of thunder, surf, falling rocks, etc. Hoohalulu (ho'o-ha'-lu'-lu), v. [Hoo and halulu, to roar.] To cause a continuous roaring like thunder or a heavy wind; to rage; to make a rumbling sound, as surf dashing against a rocky shore. Hoohamo (ho'o-ha'-mo), v. fHoo and hamo, to rub.] 1. To cause a rub- bing, as with the hand; to caress; to fondle; to treat lovingly. 2. To flatter for the purpose of gaining good will. 3. To cause to be over- spread with any adhesive matter. Hoohamohamo (ho'o-ha'-m6-ha'-mo), V. [Freq. of hoohamo.] To feel with the hand frequently; to rub over; to anoint. Hoohana (ho'o-ha'-na), v. [Hoo and hana, to work.] 1. To cause to work; to do service for another; to compel to work, as a slave; to encourage to work. 2. To make use of; to employ; to use. Hoohanaiahuhu (ho'o-ha'-nai-a-hu'- hu), V. To be fed or brought up by hand, as any young pet animal. Hoohanau (ho'o-ha'-na'u), v. [Hoo and hanau, to bring forth young.] 1. To cause to bring forth as a fe- male. (Used principally in con- nection with the application of medicines designed to effect pre- mature parturition.) 2. To beget or cause to be born. (Not used by Hawaiians themselves in this sense.) 3. To baptize, in a reli- gious sense.) Hoohani (ho'o-ha'-ni), v. [Hoo and hani, to approach.] 1. To come near, so as just to touch; to pass softly by. 2. To cause to touch; to touch lightly in order to attract. 3. To bring to notice; to propose or suggest by quiet approaches. Hoo hani hani (ho'o-ha'-ni-hS.'-ni), v. fFreq. of hoohani.] To tempt slightly by suggestion; to make gentle advances. Hoohanina (ho'o-ha-ni'-na), v. 1. To turn a little so as to allow one to pass in a narrow road. 2. To question or catechise for the pur- pose of gaining information. 3. To suggest or hint. Hoohanini (ho'o-ha'-ni'-ni), v. [Hoo and hanini, to spill.] 1. To pour or run out, as water from a vessel; to cause to flow, as water; also, as tears: ua hoohanini ia na ma- puna waimaka, the fountains of tears overflowed. Laieik. p. 203. 2. To cause to be spilled; to cause to overflow. 3. To pour out a lit- tle at a time. Hoohano (ho'o-ha'-no), v. Syn: Hoo- hanohano, to exalt. Hoohanohano (ho'o-ha'-n6-ha'-no), v. 1. To cause to be exalted; to ex- tol; to elevate to rank or power; to elevate by praise; to eulogize; to glorify; to invest with dignity or honor. 2. To conduct one's self with dignity; to make one's self dignified. (Not used in a vain- glorious sense.) Hoohanuhanu (ho'o-hfi'-nii-ha'-nu), v. [Hoo and hanu, to breathe.] 1. To cause to breathe frequently; to draw the breath in and out. 2. To resuscitate; to revive from faint- ing. 3. To snuff, as the wind; to take up a scent. Hoohaohao (ho'o-ha'o-ha'o), v. [Hoo and haohao, to wonder.] 1. To cause HOO 150 HOO to wonder or marvel. 2. To be moved with surprise or admira- tion. 3. To have uncertain antici- pation. 4. To have a feeling of doubt combined with curiosity. Hoohapa (ho'o-ha'-pa), v. To dimin- ish. Hoohapai (ho'o-ha'-pa'i), v. [Hoo and hapai, to carry.] 1. To cause to carry. 2. To cause a concep- tion in the* womb; to cause to be with child. Hoohauhau (ho'o-ha'u-hau), v. To change the personal appearance of; to disguise one's self; to cause a false show. Hoohauhili (ho'o-ha'u-hi-li'). v. [Hoo and hauh'ili, to wander.] 1. To blunder in speaking; to talk fool- ishly without regard to truth. 2. To cause confusion; to cause others to blunder or wander. Hoohaukae (ho'o-ha'u-ka'e), v. THoo and haukae, a sloven.] 1. To be a sloven, or to act in a slovenly manner; to be base in conduct. 2. To cause to be defaced; to cause to be obliterated; to daub over. 3. To act generally as an abandoned person. Hoohaumia (ho'o-ha'u-mi'-a), v. [Hoo and haumia, filthy.] 1. To cause to be defiled; to pollute; to cause to be unclean; to contaminate. 2. To deface; to disfigure. Hoohauna (ho'o-ha'u-na), v. 1. To entice or draw out by conversa- tion. 2. To clasp; to embrace. 3. To seize with the hands, as some- thing difficult to hold. 4. To stuff the vagina in order to produce abortion. Hoohaunaele (ho'o-ha'u-na'-e-le), v. [Hoo and haunaele, disturbance.] To cause a disturbance; to incite a riot; to do mischief in a mass. Hoohauoli (ho'o-ha'u-6'-li), v. [Hoo and hauoli, to rejoice.] To cause joy; to make joyful; to cause* re- joicing. Hoohauwawa (ho'o-ha'u-wa-wa), v. [Hoo and hauwawa, to gabble.] 1. To talk all together; to ipake con- fusion by a multitude talking all at once. 2. To cause loud, idle talk. Hoohee (ho'o-he'e), v. [Hoo and hee, to melt.] To cause to melt. 2. To cause' to slip or slide along. 3. To cause to flee; to put to flight; to rout, as an army. See auhee. Hooheehee (ho'o-he'e-he'e), v. [Freq. of hoohee.] To cause to slide along by jerks, as a holua or sled moves over a rough course. Hooheewale (ho'o-he'e-wa'-le). v. [Hoo and heewale, to melt.] 1. To cause to melt easily; to run into liquid. 2. To cause to flee or run away; to cause to act the coward. 3. To cause a miscarriage. Hoohehee (ho'o-he'-he'e). v. [Hoo and hehee, to melt.] 1. To melt; to run, as a liquid; to liquify, as any hard substance. 2. To cause any hard matter to melt; to cause to melt; to cause to become liquid. 3. Soften; to dissolve. Hoohehelo (ho'o-he'-he'-lo), v. [Hoo and hehelo, to be proud.] 1. To be proud; to be proud of one's appearance or dress. 2. To affect dignity; to act in a lofty, proud manner. 3. To be deceitful. Hooheheo (ho'o-he'-he'-o), v. [Hoo and heo, proud.] 1. To swell out; to be large, as a woman with a large pau. 2. To walk with proud gait or with affected dignity; to show one's self off in false guise. Hoohei (ho'o-he'i), v. [Hoo and hei, a snare.] 1. To set a net or snare; to entangle in a snare; to ensnare. 2. To lasso; to catch with a rope. 3. To beset with dif- ficulties. Hooheihei (ho'o-he'i-he'i), n. 1. A playing on the drum; the sound of the drum within the heiau (temple). 2. A running; a trial of speed. Hooheihei (ho'o-he'i-he'i), v. 1. To beat the tabu drum in the heiau or temple. (A signal to all within hearing to retire within doors.) 2. To cause to run swiftly; to con- tend in a footrace. HoohekiH (ho'o-he'-ki'-li), v. [Hoo and hekili, thunder.] To cause thunder. Hoohele (ho'o-he'-le), v. [Hoo and hele, to move.] 1. To cause to move; to cause to change place; to set in motion. 2. To cause to walk or assist in walking. Hoohelehele (ho'o-he'-le-he'-le), v. [Hoo and helehele, to divide.] 1. To cause to divide, as with a knife, etc. 2. To go between; to divide; to separate by cutting, as HOO 151 HOO cutting cloth with shears. See hele and mahele. Hoohelelei (ho'o-he'-le-le'i), v. [Hoo and helelei.] To scatter, as sow- ing grain; to throw away. Hoohemahema (ho'o-he'-ma-he'-ma), V. [Hoo and hemahema, want.] 1. To cause deficiency, failure or want of. 2. To cause a destitu- tion; to deprive of. 3. To dislike and take no care of (applied to all things not desired). 4. To set no value upon; hoohemahema i ka waiwai, waiho wale a lilo ia hai. Hoohemo (ho'o-he'-mo), v. [Hoo and hemo, to be loosened.] To make loose; to loosen; to set at liberty. Hoohemohemo (ho'o-he'-m6-he'-mo), v. [Freq. of hoohemo, to make loose.] Hoohemu (ho'o-he'-mu), v. [Hoo and hemu, be off!] To drive away; to scare away; to frighten; to drive off, as he-ns, pigs or other animals. Syn: Hoemu. Hoohena (ho'o-he'-na), v. [Hoo and hena, hollow of the thigh.] 1. To see, feel or handle the hena. 2. To take off one's clothes; to ex- pose one's person. Hoohenahena (ho'o-he'-na-he'-na), v. [Freq. of hoohena.] To act las- civiously; to uncover one's naked- ness; to dress so as to show the hena. Hoohene (ho'o-he'-ne), v. [Hoo and hene, to mock.] To cause mock- ery; to show contempt. Hoohenehene (ho'o-he'-ne-he'-ne), v. [Freq. of hoohene.] 1. To cause laughter at another's expense; to mock; to vilify. 2. To ridicule; to laugh at in derision; to banter. Hooheo (ho'o-he'-o), v. [Hoo and heo, proud.] 1. To be proud; vaunting; lofty. 2. To exhibit pride; to show vanity; to make ambitious display. Syn: Haaheo. Hoohepa (ho'o-he'-pa), v. [Hoo and hepa, silent.] 1. To be mischiev- ous or careless in the use of words. 2. To imitate in the use of language for the purpose of ridicule. Hoohepahepa (ho'o-he'-pa-he'-pa), v. [Freq. of hoohepa.] To talk im- properly, as imitating the talk of foreigners; to mispronounce words or misconstruct language; e hoo- kahuli i ka olelo. Hooheu (ho'o-he'-u), v. [Hoo and heu, the first shooting of the beard in boys.] To make a be- ginning of; to cause a starting of. Hoohewa (ho'o-he'-wS), v. [Hoo and hewa, sin; error.] 1. To condemn; to convict of crime or misde- meanor; to accuse one of crime. 2. To punish. Syn: Ahewa. Hoohewahewa (ho'o-he'-wa-he'-wa), v. [Freq. of hoohewa.] I. To cause to do or be in error. 2. To forget; to mistake; to forget the name of a person; to mistake one person for another. 3. To be doubtful with regard to a thing. 4. To be slightly deranged; to be delirious; not so strong as hehena or pupule. Hoohewawale (ho'o-he'-wa-wa'-le), v. [Hoohewa, to condemn, and wale, gratuitously.] To condemn with- out cause; to oppress; to injure. (This word is often divided in writing, and perhaps should al- ways be so). Hoohi (ho'o-hi'), v. [Hoo and hi, to purge.] To cause to purge, as a cathartic. Hoohiahia (ho'o-hl'-a-hr-a), v. Same as hoohiehie. Hoohlala (ho'o-hl'-a-la), adj. Greedy; ravenous. Hoohiala (ho'o-hi'-5-la), n. Eager de- sire; greediness. Hoohialaal (ho'o-hi'-a-la-a'i), v. 1. To eat greedily; to stuff one's self with food. 2, To be intent on evil. Hoohiamoe (ho'o-hl'-a-mo'e), v. [Hoo and hiamoe, to sleep.] To cause to sleep. 2. To pretend to be asleep. Hoohiapo (ho'o-hl-a'-po), v. [Hoo and hiapo, first-born.] To be con- stituted a first-born; to have the privileges of a first-born. Hoohie (ho'o-hi'-e), v. [Hoo and hie, excellent.] To make or cause to be excellent; to be grand to look at. 2. To be proud; to be haughty; to carry a high head. Hoohiehie (ho'o-hi'-e-hi'-e), v. [Hoo and hiehie, pride.] 1. To be good in appearance; to be noble in as- pect. 2. To have the outward ap- pearance of the well-bred without the substance. 3. To be proud and vain; to pift on an external show, Hoohlhi (ho'o-hi'-hi), adj. 1. Offen- sive; injurious, as applied to the harmful use of language. 2. Dis- HOO 152 HOO graceful; destructive, as in run- ning about telling tales. Hoohihi (ho'o-hi'-hi), v. [Hoo and hihi, to entangle.] 1. To cause en- tanglement; to entangle in any- way. 2. To desire to get what is another's; to covet. 3. To run or adhere closely, as vin=E2=82=AC=C2=AB. Hoohihia (ho'o-hi'-hi'-a), v. [Hoo and hihia, entanglement.] 1. To get one into difficulty; to entrap. 2. To perplex; to vex; to entangle. 3. To embarrass; to beset with any kind of obstruction. HoohihJu (ho'o-hi'-hi'-u), v. [Hoo and hihiu, wild.] 1. To cause fear; to be fearful. 2. To make afraid; hence, 3. To make wild; to cause to be untamed. Hoohii (ho'o-hi'i), v. [Hoo and hii, to lift up or hold in the arms, as one holds a child.] To cause to carry or be carried in the arms. Hoohikaka (ho'o-hi'-ka'-ka'), v. 1. To cause a leaning this way and that, as a rickety house. 2. To cause unsteadiness in standing or walk- ing; to cause to stagger. Hoohiki (ho'o-hl'-ki), n. A vow; a promise; a prayer; a swearing. Hoohiki wahahee, a false swear- ing. Hoohiki (ho'o-h!'-ki), v. [Hoo and hiki, to come.] 1. To arrive at a place, especially at a place desig- nated. 2. To vow; to swear to a fact; to adjure on oath. 3. To swear at; to reproach; to revile; usually with ino. Hoohikihiki (ho'o-hi'-ki-hi'-ki), v. [Freq. of hoohiki.] To bear or carry frequently; to carry away a little at a time. Hoohikilele (ho'o-hi'-ki-le'-le), v. [Hoo and hikilele, to be startled.] To startle one; to cause one to jump; to wake one suddenly. Hoohiia (ho'o-hi'-la), v. To cause shame; to be ashamed. Hoohilahila (ho'o-hl'-la-hi'-la), adj. Bashful; modest, as a backwoods- man; he hoolua nui ke kuaaina, he hoohilahila. Hoohilahila (ho*o-hi'-la-hi'-la), v. [Freq. of hilahila.] 1. To be timid; modest; fearful, as a bashful per- son; hence: 2. To be affected with act with modesty; to put one to shame. 3. To make ashamed; to shame by superiority. (Laieik. p. 138.) E hoohilahila aku ai ia Laieikawai. Hoohilala (ho'o-hl'-la'-la), v. [Hoo and hilala, to bend.] 1. To bend, as the slim branches of a tree with the wind; to curve; to bend round, as a hook. 2. To cause to swing backward and forward. Hoohili (ho'o-hi'-li), v. [Hoo and hill, to wander.] 1. To stray from the right path; to wander; to go here and there without object. 2. To cause to go wrong. Hoohili hill (ho'o-hi'-li-hi'-li), v. [Freq. of hili.] 1. To cause to wander often. 2. To color red; to smear with anything of dark color. Hoohiliu (ho'o-hi-li'-u), v. [HIliu, note of a conch shell.] 1. To cause the conch to sound, to blow the conch. 2. To emit sound from any wind instrument. Hoohilo (ho'o-hi'-lo), v. [Hoo and hilo, to twist.] To cause to twist; to twist, as a cord: E hoohilo aku 06 ia Pala i ke aho, cause Pala to twist the cord. Hoohilu (ho'o-hl'-lu), v. [Hoo and hllu, glorious.] To exalt; to praise; to dignify. See hoohilu- hilu. Hoohiluhilu (ho'o-hi'-lu-hi'-lu), v. [Freq. of hoohilu.] To exalt; to praise; to honor; to dignify. (More generally use-d than hoohilu.) Hoohio (ho'o-hi-o'), v. [Hoo and hio, to lean.] 1. To cause to lean or slant; to bend over. 2. To stag- ger in walking. Hoohiolo (ho'o-hi-o'-lo), v. [Hoo and hiolo, to fall down.] 1. To cause overthrow; to cause to roll down or away; to throw down; to de- molish. 2. To cause a throwing down of an assemblage of objects, or the destruction of a system: Hoohiolo iho la o Kamehameha i ke kapu, Kamehameha destroyed the tabu. Hoohipa (ho'o-hi'-pa), v. Incorrect form of hoohepa. Hoohipahipa (ho'o-hi'-pa-hl'-pa). In- =E2=80=A2 correct form of hoohepahepa. Hoohipuu (ho'o-hi'-pu'u), v. [Hoo and hipuu, a bag or bundle.] To make up into a bundle; to bundle up for carrying. Hoohiu (ho'o-hi'-u), v. [Hoo and hiu, to lift.] 1. To cause a lift- ing: Ua hoohiu ia ka moku iluna o ke ala huki moku. The ship was HOO 153 HOO caused to be lifted on to the ma- rine railway. 2. To cause to rise by some exterior force; to hookau iluna. Ua hoohiu ia ka lahui mai loko o ka po, The people were caused to rise out of obscurity. Hoohiwahiwa (ho'o-hi'-wa-hl'-wa), v. [Hoc and hlwa, acceptable to the gods.] 1. To be acceptable to the gods; to be dear; to be greatly be- loved. 2. To honor; to treat as beloved or precious. Hooho (ho'-o'-ho), n. 1. A shout; an exclamation of joy. 2. A shout of approbation. Hooho (ho'-o'-ho), v. [Hoc and oho, to cry out.] 1. To shout or cry out, as a single person; to call after one. 2. To exclaim with many voices: holo ka moku ma- kai; hele na kanaka mauka e hooho hele ai, the ship went on the sea, the men went on shore shouting. Hoohoa (ho'o-ho'-a), v. [Hoo and hoa, a companion or friend.] 1. To cause to be friends; to make a friend of. 2. To challenge; to dare one to fight; to provoke to anger. Hoohoahoa (ho'o-ho'-a-ho'-a), v. [Hoo and hoahoa, to beat or strike.] To cause a striking, as of beating tapa. Hoohoho (ho'o-h6'-ho'), v. [Hoo and hoho, to breathe hard.] To cause a sound like that emitted from a blow hole. Hoohohono (ho'o-h6'-ho'-no), v. [Hoo and hohono, an offensive smell.] 1. To give or cause a slightly of- fensive smell, like tar, sulphur. 2. To give out a smell like that of stale food. Hoohoka (ho'o-ho'-ka), v. [Hoo and hoka, disappointed.] To cause a mistake; to disappoint. Hoohokahoka (ho'o-ho'-ka-ho'-ka), v. [Freq. of hoohoka.] To cause fre- quent mistakes or blunders; to cause disappointment; to discon- cert; to throw into confusion; to destroy the self-possession cf. Hoohokahokai (ho'o-ho'-ka-ho'-kai), v. To cause general confusion. Hooholepaahaa (ho'o-ho'-le-pa'a-ha'a) , v. To seek secretly to seduce. Hooholi (ho'o-ho'-li), v. [Hoo and holl, a first appearance.] 1. To make a first appearance: Ke hoo- holi ae la ka niho o ke keiki, The child's first tooth appears. 2. To make one's first effort to do a thing. Syn: Hooheu. Hooholo (ho'o-ho'-lo), n. One who rides; a rider. Hooholo (ho'o-ho'-lo), v. [Hoo and holo, to run.] 1. To cause to run. 2. To run along a road. 3. To move in various ways; to sail; to set sail, as a vessel; to ride on any- thing. 4. To agree, as a deliber- ate assembly; to pass, as a vote; to confirm an assertion; to settle; to conclude; to determine. Hoohololio (ho'o-h6'-16-li'-o), v. A horseman; a rider on horseback. Hooholomoku (ho'o-ho'-lo-mo'-ku), n. I [Holo, to sail, and moku, a ves- ! sel.] One who sails or causes a i ship to sail. Hooholomoku (ho'o-ho'-16-mo'-ku), v. [Holo, to sail, and moku, ship.] To sail or to direct the sailing of a ship; applied either to the master or men. Hooholu (ho'o-ho'-lu), v. [Hoo and holu, to bend.] 1. To bend; to arch; to crook; to be flexible. 2. To make flexible; to cause to spring back. 3. To cause to swing up and down. Hooholuholu (ho'o-ho'-lu-ho'-lu), v. [Fre-q. of Hooholu.] 1. To bend, as a flexible piece of timber; to bend, as a stick, 2. To move up- ward and downward. Hoohonu (ho'o-ho'-nu), v. To level off the bottom of a lua or pit. Hoohonua (ho'o-h6'-nu'-a), v. 1. To be firmly established; to be fixed. 2. Figuratively, to be well off; to have enough; to be above want. Hoohu (ho'o-hu'), v. [Hoo and hu, to rise.] 1. To cause to rise or swell, as leaven or poi; to cause to fer- ment; to break forth. 2. To cause an overflow of. 3. To cause a missing of the way or deviation from a direct path. 4. To cause a I revealing of what was before unknown, Hoohua (ho'o-hu'-a), v. [Hoo and hua, fruit.] 1. To cause to swell, I as a bud; to produce fruit, as a I tree; to bring forth, as a female. I 2. To cause to proceed from, as I consequences from actions or cir- cumstances, arguments, etc. Hoohua (ho'o-hu'a), v. 1. To insist upon for some personal favor, or privilege. Hoohua kekahi poe i HOO 154 HOO ka inu rama. 2. To annoy or vex by petty requests. Hoohuae (ho'o-hu'-a'e), v. See ho- ohu, to cause an overflow. Hoohuahua (ho'o-hu'-a-hu'-a), v. To have nothing in one or in another, as you have nothing in me, or nothing doing. This word is an expression of unspeakable con- tempt and is always accompanied with a gesture. Hoohuahuaanalau (ho'o-hu'-a-hu'-a-a'- na-lau), v. To question captiously. Syn: Hoohuahualau. Hoohuahualau (ho'o-hti'-a-hu'-la-lau), adj. Puzzling; captious; olelo hoohuahualau, insidious question- ing. Hoohuahualau (ho'o-hu'-a-hu'-a-lau), V. 1. To question in sport or deri- sion, the person questioned being ignorant of the design. 2. To puzzle with captious questions; to throw difficulties in the way of explanation; to talk strangely. 3. To make one's self strange; to pretend not to be acquainted. 4. To ask questions in a serious way, as a seeker after knowledge or in- formation. 5. To be in a state of suspense; to be puzzled; per- plexed. 6. To question what to believe or what not to believe. Hoohuaka (ho'o-hu'-a-ka), v. 1. To emit a great quantity of smoke in the process of smoking. 2. To cause a gleam of light; to cause a flash or a glimmer. Hoohuakaeo (ho'o-hu'-a-ka-e'o), n., v. Same as hoohuakeeo. Hoohuakeeo (ho'o-hu'-a-ke-e'o), n. 1. Disdain; contempt. 2. A turn- ing away from or quitting because displeased. Hoohuakeeo (ho'o-hu'-a-ke-e'o), v. (Also hoohuakaeo.) 1. To find fault with; to be dissatisfied. 2. To quit, to have done with be- cause offended. 3. To take of- fense at something said or done and go away or stop doing a thing as a mark of displeasure. Hoohuail (ho'o-hu'-a'-li), v. [Hoo and huali, to glitter.] 1. To cause to shine; to glitter with a pure white. 2. To make pure. Hoohuelo (ho'o-hii-e'-lo), n. A length- ening. Hoohuelo (ho'o-hu-e'-lo), v. [Hoo and huelo, the tail of an animal.] 1. To lengthen out; to make small by drawing out in length. 2. To extend in length or space; to continue. Hoohuhu (ho'o-hu'-hu'), V. [Hoo and huhu, anger.] 1. To make angry; to provoke. 2. To be very angry. 3. To assume anger; to pretend to be angry. Hoohuhuki (ho'o-hu-hu'-ki), v. [Hoo and huki, to pull.] To pull one's own way; to be headstrong; to be set of purpose, willful. Hoohul (ho'o-hu'-i), V. [Hoo and hui, to unite.] To cause a union be- tween two or more things; to add to; to add on; to annex. Hoohulpo (ho'o-hu'-i-po'), v. [Hui, to come to gether, and po, night.] 1. To come together in the night or in secret. 2. To meet in a place of assignation. 3. To meet without previous familiarity. 4. To be compelled to a union against the wishes of one or of both par- ties. Hoohula (ho'o-hu'-la), v. [Hoo and hula, to pry up.] 1. To cause to be pulled up; to cause removal of. 2. To cause to be taken up out of the ground to transplant. Hoohulei (ho'o-hu'-lei), v. [Hoo and hulei, to see-saw.] 1. To cause to move upward and downward or backward and forward. 2. To pro- duce a see-sawing motion, as in a hula dance. Hoohull (ho'o-hu'-li), v. [Hoo and hull, to turn over.] 1. To turn; to change; to cause an overturn; to express in another manner the same thing. 2. To cause to turn; to cause to change. Hoohulihull (ho'o-hu'-li-hu'-li), v. [Preq. of hoohuli.] To change; to turn often; to put in order; to turn over often; to mix up. Hoohuna (ho'o-hu'-na), v. [Hoo and huna, to hide.] To cause hiding; to cause a concealment of; to conceal. Hoohunahuna (ho'o-hu'-na-hu'-na'), v. [Freq. of Hoohuna.] To hide fre- quently or thoroughly. Hoohune (ho'o-hu'-ne), v. [Hoo and hune, poor.] 1. To cause poverty; to make poor. 2. To tease; to beg often; to ask something from an- other; to entreat a favor. Hoohuoe (ho'o-hu-5'e), v. To wonder at; to be surprised. HOO 155 HOO Hoohuoi (ho'o-hu'-o'i), adj. 1. Causing jealousy; distrusting one's faithful- ness: he mea hoohuoi ia Halaani- ani ka nalo ana o Laieikawai. (Laieik. p. 128.) 2. Wondering. Hoohuoi (ho'o-hu'-o'i), n. 1. Jeal- ousy; o ka hoohuoi o na kanaka ame na 'Hi i na misionari, the jealousy of the people and chiefs respecting the missionaries. 2. A wondering; a feeling of doubt and curiosity. Hoohuoi (ho'o-hu'-o'i), v. [Hoo and huoi, jealousy.] 1. To surmise; to infer; to imagine without certain knowledge. 2. To be jealous; to feel jealous toward another for some real or supposed advantage: Ina i noho lakou me kekahi alii hoohuoi kekahi alii, if they had lived with a particular chief, anoth- er chief would have been jealous. Hooia (ho-o'i-a), v. To prove; to make evident, to confirm the truth of a thing. Hooiaio (ho'-o'i-a-i'o), n. 1. A pledge for something promised. 2. A proof; an indorsement. Hooiaio (ho'-o'i-a-i'o), v. [Hooia and io, really.] 1. To prove; to sub- stantiate as a fact. 2. To take an acknowledgment, in a legal sense, as of a title deed, etc. Hooieie (ho'o-i'-e-i'-e), adj. 1. Proud; vain; light minded; foppish; vain- glorious. 2. Quarrelsome; given to contention, Hooieie (ho'o-i'-e-i'-e), v. [Hoo and je, to pick a quarrel.] To be quar- relsome; to seek for a fight. Hooihaiha (ho'o-I'-ha-i'-ha), v. [Hoo and ihaiha, strained.] 1. To be overcome by natural impulse or sudden motive or desire. 2. To be bloated; to be puffed out with air. 3. To draw tightly, as a rope. 4. To be intent. Hooiho (ho'o-i'-ho), v. [Hoo and iho, to descend.] 1. To cause to de- scend; to go down; e hooiho ana ka waa i Oahu. 2. In a nautical sense, to sail before the wind. 3. To sail toward the south. Hooihoiho (ho'o-i'-h6-r-ho), v. [Freq. of Hooiho.] 1. To go down; to cause to descend; to let down lit- tle by little. 2. In a nautical sense. to sail in a southerly or westerly direction. 3. To form an oblong basket-like receptacle from leaves for keeping or conveying dry food. Hooihona (ho'o-i-ho'-na), n, [Hooiho, to descend, and ana, -ing.] 1. A road leading down hill; a descent. Syn: Ihona. 2. A slope; a de- clivity. 3. A sailing southward or westward. Hoorika (ho'o-i-i'-ka), v. 1. To draw or contract the features; to make faces. 2. To draw into wrinkles; to shrink. Hooika (ho'o-i'-ka'), v. [Hoo and ika, to float ashore.] To go ashore from a boat or canoe; to put ashore*, as from a canoe; to throw on a bank from any water. Hooikaika (ho'o-i-ka'i-ka), v. [Hoo and ikaika, strong.] 1. To make strong; in a reciprocal sense, to make one's self strong; to strengthen; to encourage; to ani- mate. 2. To vie with; to endeavor to excel; to strive for superiority. Hooike (ho'o-i'-ke), v. [Hoo and ike, to see.] To cause to see, in the sense of restoring eyesight; to make one see who before was blind. (An invented word which is seldom used.) Hooiki (ho'o-i'-ki), v . [Hoo and Ikl, little.] To make small; to dimin- ish. (Seldom used. A better form is hooerai, or hooliilii iho, or hoo- iki-iho.) Hooili (ho'o-i'-li), adj. Filled to sa- tiety; glutted. He nui no ka ma- ona ma ke kuaaina, he maona hooili; something to eat and lay aside; he maona a koeaku. Hooili (ho'o-i'-li), v. [Hoo and Hi, to lay upon one.] 1. To hit upon; to put upon, as to put on board a ship; to place upon, as upon the shoulders. 2. To transfer; to make over the possession of. 3. To gather; to collect. Same as hoo- Hooiliill (ho'o-lMi-i'-li), v. [Hoo and iliili, to collect.] To collect in store; to gather together; to gath- er in heaps. Hooilina (ho'o-i'-li'-na), n. [Hoo and ilina, an heir.] 1. An inheritance; property falling to one from the death of a person. 2. An heir; an inheritor of the property of a de- ceased person. 3. A burying place. Hooilinaolelo (ho'o-i-li'-na-o-le-lo), n. (Obsolete.) The will of a de- ceased person. Hooilo (ho'o-i'lo), n. The rainy or wintry months, in distinction from kau, the summer season. HOO 156 HOO Hooiloilo (ho'o-i'-lo-i'-lo), v. To pre- dict from signs or ,omens. See hoiloilo and iloilo. Hooinaina (ho'o-i-na'i-na), v. [Hoo and inaina, to hate.] 1. To arouse hate or hatred; to stir up enmity. 2. To be angry; to hate; to detest. Hooinu (ho'ol'-nu), v. [Hoo and inu, to drink.] To give drink to; to cause to drink. (Usually written hoohainu.) Hooio (ho*o-i'-o), adj. Boastful. Hooio (ho'o-i'-o), n. Boastfulness; braggadocio; vain display. Hooio (ho'o-i'-o), v. 1. To talk about one's self in a boastful manner. 2. To assume an air of superiority or preeminence. 3. To act in an artificial or ostentatious manner. Hooioi (ho'-o'i-o'i), adj. Assuming; forward; desirous of appearing conspicuous; vain; conceited. Hooipo (ho'o-i'-po), v. [Hoo and ipo, a mistress.] To woo; to court; to solicit the affections of one; ap- plied either to men or women. Hooipoipo (ho'o-I'-po-I'-po), v. [Fr=E2=82=AC?q. of hooipo, to woo.] Hooka (ho'o-ka'), v. [Hoo and ka, to dash.] 1. To dash; to strike. 2. To cause a dashing down; to break; to shatter, destroy by throwing down. Hookaa (ho'o-ka'a), n. The payment of a debt. Hookaa (ho'o-ka'a), v. [Kaa, to roll.] 1. To cause to roll off. 2. To pay a debt. 3. To discharge any obli- gation, which involves the binding nature of a promise or contract. 4. To reciprocate; to interchange. Hookaakaa (ho'o-ka'a-ka'a), v. [Hoo and kaakaa, to open.] 1. To open, as the eyes; to cause to open; to cause one to see by opening the eyes. 2. To cause to roll, that is, to ride in a carriage. [From kaa, a wheel.] Hookaana (ho'o-ka-a'-na), v. [Hoo and kaana, to assemble, to bring together.] 1. To cause an assem- bling of. 2. To decoy, as the fish- ermen entice the uhu into the net. Hookaawale (ho'o-ka'a-wa'-le), n. Di- vorcement. Hookaawale (ho'o-ka'a-wa'-le), v. [Hoo, kaa, to roll, and wale, only.] 1. To roll off; to separate; to make a space between. 2. To di- vide off; to cause a division. 3. To cause a separation. [From kaa- wale, separate.] Hookaawili (ho'o-ka'a-wi'-li), v. [Hoo and kaawili, to flatter.] 1. To flat- ter for the purpose of obtaining a favor; to cajole; to coax. 2. To gain by flattering. Hookaawili (ho'o-ka'a-wi'-li), v. [Hoo, kaa, to roll, and wili, to twist.] 1. To cause to turn or writhe, as in pain; hence, to be in severe pain. 2. To fondle; to caress; to treat tenderly. Hookae (ho'o-ka'e), v. [Hoo and kae, contempt.] 1. To treat contemp- tuously; to reject as unworthy of notice. 2. To scorn; to treat haughtily. Hookaekae (ho'o-ka'e-ka'e), v. 1. To daub over; to paint badly. 2. To defile; to pollute, as food, books, mats, etc.; Mai hookaekae i ka moena, Don't dirty the mats. Hookaeo (ho'o-ka'-e-o), v. 1. To be angry without just cause. 2. To be addicted to censure; to be fault- finding or querulous. See keeo. Hookaeoeo (ho'o-ka'-e'-6-e'-o), v. [Freq. of Hookaeo.] To be criti- cal, censorious, fault-finding, etc. Hookaha (ho'o-ka'-ha), n. An extor- tioner; one who strips people of their property. Hookaha is the result of kuko, lia, iini, etc., to desire strongly. Hookaha (ho'o-ka'-ha), v. [Hoo and kaha, to seize.] 1. To extort; to cheat. 2. To seize what is anoth- er's; to take property with the owner's knowledge, but without his consent. 3. To turn suddenly from a direct courfee and move toward another point. Hookahakaha (ho'o-ka'-ha-ka'-ha), adj. Superb; showy; fine; making a display as a dandy. (Applied to the merits of an exhibition.) Hookahakaha (ho'o-ka'-ha-ka'-ha), n. A display; an exhibition; a cele- bration; hana iho la ia i hookaha- kaha no kana poe wahine, he made an exhibition of his wives. Hookahakaha (ho'o-ka'-ha-ka'-ha), v. To parade; to make an ambitious display; to show off. Hookahe (ho'o-ka'-he), n. A flowing, as of blood or water; a pouring out. Hookahe (ho'o-ka'-he), v. [Hoo and kahe, to flow.] To water; to cause HOO 157 HOO water to flow over land; to cause to flow, as a liquid; to irrigate. Hookahea (ho'o-ka'-he'-a), v. [Hoo and kahea, to call out.] To cause to cry out; to call; to raise the voice in calling: la hookahea anae a'u, o ka piu nui no ia i ka naholo, As I called out they all fled. Hookahee (ho'o-ka'-he'e), v. [Hoo and kahee, to slip or slide off.] 1. To cause to flow off. 2. To cause to pass through a strainer; to cleanse; to filter. 3. To pour from one container into another. 4. To fish with a scoop net. Hookahekahe (ho'o-ka'-he-ka'-he), v. [Freq. of hookahe.] To water, as land; to cause to flow, as water; to wet by overflow; to drain, as land. Hookaheia (ho'o-ka'-he'-la), v^. [Hoo and kahela, to spread out or heave.] 1. To swing along, as the swell of the sea when it comes along the western coast of Hawaii from the south; to flow along, as a high swell of the sea. 2. To lie down and stretch out at full length. Hookahelahela (ho'o-ka'-he'-la-he'-la), V. [Hoo and helahela, to stretch out.] To bend round; to curve, as passing round a cape, as the wa- ters of the ocean. See kahela and kuhela. Hookahi (ho'o-ka'-hi), adj. One; only one, in distinction from many. Hookahi (ho'o-ka'-hi), adv. Singly; alone; only. Hele hookahi, to go alone; to go by one's self. Ku hookahi, to stand alone. Hookahi (ho'o-ka'-hi), n. A oneness; a unity; a being only one. Hookahi (ho'o-ka'-hi), v. [Hoo and kahi, one.] 1. To be or cause to be one; to separate a group into individuals. 2. To make one, that is, to resemble; to be similar or like something else. 3. To attend to one thing. 4. To make one out of many, E imi kakou ma ka mea e hookahi ai ka manao ana, let us seek to unite our thoughts. Hookahikahi (ho'o-ka'-hi-ka'-hi). v. [Hoo and kahi, to rub; to comb.] Literally, to cause to be rubbed. 1. To anoint; to daub over. 2. To rub gently; to lomilomi or chafe the limbs very softly. 3. To comb or dress the hair. Hookahiko (ho'o-ka'-hi'-ko), v. [Hoo and kahiko, to be old.] To return to conversation and manners of ancient times; to talk of former times; to imitate ancient manners. Hookahiko (ho'o-ka'-hi'-ko), v. [Hoo and kahiko, to apparel or adorn, also hookahikohiko.] 1. To cause to be dressed ; to make a person or place attractive to sight by dec- orating. 2. To cause one's self to be dressed attractively. Hookahiohio (ho'o-ka-hi'o-hi'o), v. [Hoo and freq. of hio, to lean over.] 1. To cause to lean over a little. 2. To be slightly intox- icated so as to stagger. Hookahu (ho'o-ka'-hu), v. To be or act the part of a servant; to have or take care of persons or prop- erty; applied to a king, to care for one's people. Hookahuli (ho'o-ka'-hu'-li), v. [Hoo and huli or kahuli, to turn; to change.] 1. To change the out- ward form of a thing. 2. To turn over; to turn upside down; to overthrow; to cause an upsetting or overturning. Hookahu 1 1 hull (ho'o-ka'hu'-li-hu'-li), V. Freq. of hookahuli, to change, etc. Hookahuna (ho'o-ka'-hu'-na), v. [Hoo and kahuna, a priest.] 1. To cause to be a priest; to set apart for the priesthood. 2. To pretend to be a kahuna; to act pretentiously as a kahuna or priest. Hookahunahuna (ho'o-ka'-hu'-n3.-hii'- na), V. [Hoo and huna, a small particle and ka, to shake or dash.] Literally, to shake little atoms. To sprinkle, as fish is sprinkled with salt. Hooka I (ho'o-ka'i), v. Incorrect form of hokai, to waste; to destroy, etc. Hookall (ho'o-ka'-i'i), v. 1. To harden. 2. To be hard in a bargain; to be close; to be stingy. Hookaka (ho'o-ka-ka'), v. [Hoo and freq. of ka, to dash; strike.] 1. To break up, as wood for fuel (the ancient Hawaiians had no axes for cutting fuel). 2. To cause a strik- ing against; to cause a breaking up. Hookakaa (ho'o-ka'-ka'a), adj. Roll- ing. Hookakaa (ho'o-ka'-ka'a), n. A roll- ing together, as of clouds before HOO 158 HOO a storm; a rolling; a being rolled. Hookakaa (ho'o-ka'-ka'a), v. [See Hoo and freq. of kaa, wheel.] 1. To turn, as a wheel; to rotate. 2. To cause to rotate; to roll; to turn over and over. Hookakaha (ho'o-ka-ka'-ha), v. [Hoo and kaha, to strike.] To pierce, as on comnig in contact with two cocks in fighting; to strike with spurs, as a cock. Hookakahele (ho'o-ka'-ka-he'-le), v. [Hoo and kakahele, to go reck- lessly.] To go beyond a pre- scribed limit. Hookakala (ho'o-ka'-ka'-la), v. [Hoo and kala, or kakala, rough.] To make rough; to have many pro- tuberances; to be rough with sharp points. Hookakale (ho'o-ka'-ka'-le), v. [Hoo and kakale, soft, watery.] To make soft or spongy; to be soft; to be flexible, like the wattle of a turkey. Hookakani (ho'o-ka'-ka'-ni), v. [Hoo and kakani, the itch.] To break out with the itch. Hookakekake (ho'o-ka'-ke-ka'-ke), adj. 1. Muddy; dirty; pehea ia wahi, maikai anei? Aole, he hookake- kake wale no. 2. Not free of dirt; not perfectly clean. Hookakekake (ho'o-ka'-ke-ka'-ke), v. 1. To wipe or wash imperfectly, as a table or dishes; in washing clothes when one daubs on soap and hardly washes it off, it is said, he hookakekake kau hana ana, aole pau ka lepo. 2. To mix; to blend; to mingle medicine* with food in order to take it. 3. To daub or paint over carelessly, as in coloring a map. 4. To blot over. Hookaia (ho'o-ka'-la), v. [Hoo and kala, rough.] To sharpen; to grind, that is, to rub on a stone for sharpening; to grind, as a tool. Hookalae (ho'o-ka'-la'e), v. [Hoo and kalae, clear sky.] To cause to clear off, as clouds after a rain; to open, as the clouds that the sky may appear; to be clear, as the sky. Hookalahala (ho'o-ka'-la-ha'-la), v. [Hoo and kalahala, to pardon sin.] To cause to pardon sin; to make an atonement. Hookalai (ho'o-ka'-la'i), v. [Hoo and kalal, to hew.] 1. To cause to hew; to cut, as wood or stones into some shape. 2. To pretend to hew. Hookalakalai (ho'o-ka'-la-ka'-lai), v. [Hoo and freq. of kalai, to hew.] To cut off; to smooth, as the in- side of a canoe; to finish or put in proper shape by cutting with an ax. Hookalakupua (ho'o-ka'-la-kii-pu'-a), V. 1. To lie in wait; to ambus- cade for the purpose of robbery; to act the part of spies. 2. To entrap one in his words. 3. To ob- serve or watch slyly as one plots mischief. 4. To practice witch- craft; to hold intercourse with good or evil spirits. See kala and kupua. Hookalali (ho'o-ka'-la-li'), v. [Hoo and kalali, to show off.] To carry one's self in a haughty manner; to exhibit smartness in pose; to show off. Hookalekale (ho'o-ka'-le-ka'-le), adj. Lying; deceitful; treacherous. Hoo kali (ho'o-ka'-li), v. [Hoo and .kali, to delay.] To cause to wait; to wait; to delay; to wait for something. Hookaiilolilo (h6o-ka'-li'-16-li'-lo), v. [Hoo and kalilolilo, to be about to die.] To reach that stage in dis- ease where result between life and death is uncertain; to reach the turning point or crisis in disease. Hookaluhe (ho'o-ka'-lu'-he), v. 1. To bend; to vibrate as a leaf in the wind. 2. To ogle; to bend and twist, as a fop or a vain woman. Hookama (ho'o-ka'-ma), adj. Pertain- ing to adoption: O Luhi ka'u keiki hookama, Luhi is my adopted child. Hookama (ho'o-ka'-ma), n. , 1. An adopted child. 2. The state of be- ing an adopted child. Hookama (ho'o-ka'-ma), v. [Hoo and kama, a child.] To adopt, as a child; to make the child of an- other one's own. Hookamaa (ho'o-ka'-ma'a), v. To shoe; to furnish with shoes or sandals. Hookamahao (ho'o-ka'-ma-ha'o), v, [Hoo and kamahao, wonderful.] To be or do something wonderful; to be transformed; to take a new form, especially a more splendid one; to make wonderful; to be or cause to be an object of wonder. HOO 159 HOO Hookamakama (ho'o-ka'-ma-ka'-ma), I adj. Pertaining to prostitution. ; Hookamakama (ho'o-ka'-ma-ka'-ma), n. 1. A prostitute. 2. Prostitution. He hookamakama kekahi mea nui ma kahi alii. Hookamakama (ho'o-ka'-ma-ka'-ma), V. 1. To prostitute one's wife or daughter; to make one a prosti- tute. 2. To behave lasciviously; to prostitute one's self for money. See Kamakama. Hookamakamaka (ho'o-ka'-ma'-kri-mfi'- , ka), V. [Hoo and kamakamaka, to! cover.] 1. To ask forgiveness; to seek restoration of friendship. 2. To forget an injury. Hookamalani (ho'o-ka'-ma-la'-na), v I [Hoo and kamalani, a chief's: child.] To make one a favorite, especially one who appears un- worthy; to treat indulgently, as a doting parent a disobedient or mischievous child; to lavish favors on a child. \ Hookamani (ho'o-ka-ma'-ni), n. 1. A i hypocrite. 2. Hypocrisy; guile; | pretense. j Hookamani (ho'o-ka'-ma'-ni), v. [Hoo and kamani, outwardly attractive.] I 1. To have a very good external | appearance, but to be internally | worthless. Applied to any sub- stance. 2. Applied to persons, to be deceitful; to act the hypocrite; to make hypocritical pretensions; to be worthless under a pleasant exterior. Hookamaniha (ho'o-ka'-ma-ni'-ha), v. [Hoo and kamaniha, to be rude.] 1. To be rude; to be rough; to be unsocial. 2. To be hard-hearted, unfeeling; to be unkindly disposed. Hookanahai (ho'o-ka'-na-ha'i), v. [Hoo and kanahai, to decrease.] 1. To be small; to be stinted; to make small; to make less; to reduce in size; to humble somewhat. Syn: Hookanahau. 2. To be cautious; to be moderate; "to go slowly. Hookanahau (ho'o-ka'-na-ha'u), v. To be small; to be depresses!; to make less. Syn: Hookanahai. Hookanahe (ho'o-ka-na'-he), v. To drive or urge forward; to accel- erate movement; to hurry; to quicken. Syn: Hookanakaie. Hookanahua (ho'o-ka'-na-hu'-a), v. [Hoo and kanahua, crooked; stoop- shouldered.] 1. To bend upward, as a crooked rafter. 2. To rise above water, as a whale's back. 3. To bend; to crook; to be hump- backed. 4. To be refractory; to refuse to obey. Hookanaka (ho'o-ka'-na'-ka), v. [Hoo and kanaka, a man.] To be or act like a man; to be brave; to be manly; to act the part of a brave man. Hookanakaie (ho'o-ka-na'-ka-i'e), v. To quicken; to hasten; to urge on. Syn: Hookanahe. Hookanakamakua (ho'o-ka-na'-ka-ma'- ku'-a), n. Maturity, as a young person of either sex; being grown up. (Laieik. p. 28.) Hookanakamakua (ho'o-ka-n^'-ka-ma'- kii'-a), V. [Hoo and kanakamakua, an adult.] 1. To personify a grown person. 2. To cause one's self to act with unshaken courage; to act the part of a grown person; to be sober, grave, sedate, etc. Hookanaleo (ho'o-ka'-na-le'o), v. [Hoo and kanaleo, to feign, to sham.] To act falsely; to dissemble; to make a prepense of, as one who feigns sobriety when intoxicated. Hookanaiua (ho'o-ka'-na-lu'-a), v, [Hoo and kanalua, to be in doubt.] To cause to be in doubt; to hesi- tate. Hookanaoe (ho'o-ka'-na,-o'e), v. (Hoo- kanaie is preferable.) 1. To push forward; to urge on; to quicken; to hasten in doing a thing. Syn: Kanahe. 2. To persevere in mov- ing forward. Hookanawal (ho'o-ka'-na-wa'i), v. [Hoo and kanawai, law.] 1. To set off from one in anger; hoo- kanawai aku la ia i kona wahi i hele ai, aole e hele hou; hookana- wai aku la i na makamaka. 2. To separate one's self from a person, place or thing under a solemn vow not to renew acquaintance until certain conditions are fulfilled. (Not an uncommon practice with angered persons). Hookane (ho'o-ka'-ne), n. A woman keeper of a house of bad repute. Hookane (ho'o-ka'-ne), v. [Hoo and kane, husband, man.] 1. To make a special friend of a man; applied only to a woman. 2. To keep a house of assignation. Hookani (ho'o-ka'-ni), v. [Hoo and kani, a ringing sound.] 1. To cause to sound; to make a sound as by ringing a bell or by striking HOO 160 HOO some resonant body; to play on a musical instrument. 2. To sing or celebrate with voice or instru- ment; to make a musical sound. 3. To reverberate, roar or rattle, as thunder. Hookanikani (ho'o-ka'-ni-ka'-ni), v. [Freq. of hookani.]. To play the ukeke; to strike on anything to make a sound repeatedly. 2. To sing often. 3. To make a noise, as a multitude of voices and in- struments preparatory to a moko- moko or boxing match; a noho malie na kanaka, alalia, hookani- kani pihe mai, penei. Hookanipihe (ho'o-ka'-ni-pi'-he), v. [Hoo, kani, a ringing sound, and pihe, discord; hookanikanipihe is preferable.] 1. To make a great discordant noise, as in an assem- bly for the hula; Alalia, hookani- pihe mai kela aoao o ka aha. Then the other side of the assembly shouted. 2. To wail in a loud voice. Hookano (ho'o-ka'-no), n. Haughti- ness; pride; self sufficiency. See kano. Hookano (ho'o-ka'-no), v. [Hoo and kano, to be proud.] To be proud; to be lofty in demeanor; to be haughty. Hookaokoa (ho'o-ka'-o-ko'-a), adj. Ar- rogant; exclusive. Hookaokoa (ho'o-ka'-o-ko'-a), v. [Hoo and kaokoa, to stand aloof.] To put one's self forward; to be prominent among many others; makemake no oia e hookaokao ia ia. Laieik. p. 91. Syn: Hookiekie. Hookaokoa (ho'o-ka'-o-ko'-a). v. [Hoo and kaokoa, to stand aloof.] 1. To cause to be placed aside. 2. To set apart; to devote to a special purpose. 3. To separate from. Hookapae (ho'o-ka'-pa'e), v. [Hoo and kapae, a turning aside.] 1. To cause to turn off; to push aside; to parry; to render ineffec- tual, as an argument, to refute. 2. To turn aside and conceal; to thrust out of sight. Hookapeke (ho'o-ka'-pe'-ke), n. Ar- rangement of one's garments so as to display some part of the person, an incentive to lewdness; eia kekahi mea e moekolohe ai, o ka hoohiehie a o ka hookapeke. Hookapeke (ho'o-ka'-pe'-ke), v. [Hoo and kapeke, to be out of place.] 1. To cause to be unloosened; to unloose; to uncover. 2. To take stealthily; to conceal; hookapeke i ke poi, to take off the cover; hoo- kapeke i ka waa, to conceal the canoe. Hookapekepeke (ho'o-ka'-pe'-ke-pe'- ke), V. [Hoo and kapekepeke, un- steady.] To cause doubt; to make unconstant in feeling, purpose or pursuit; to cause to be of change- able mind, belief or opinion. Hookapu (ho*o-ka'-pu), v. [Hoo and kapu, prohibited.] 1. To prohibit; to forbid; to put under an inter- dict. 2. To consecrate; to make sacred; to set aside for a particu- lar use. Hookapuhi (ho'o-ka'-pu'-hi), n. [From the old custom of feeding a spe- cies of puhi or eel =E2=80=94 puhi uha or omole.] 1. A nurse of a king's or a chief's child; e na haumana, ame na kumu, ame na hookapuhi, ame na kahu. 2. The kahu of an animal, as the master or owner of a dog; e imi ma ka hanuhanu ana ka ka ilio e loaai ka hookaouhi, to seek as a dog s.eeks by smelling to find his master. See kahu. Hookapuhi (ho'o-ka'-pu'-hi), v. [Hoo and kapuhi, a master, provider or guardian.] To feed a species of eel (puhi omole) an industry said to be practiced chiefly on Oahu. Hookapukapu (ho'o-ka'-pu-ka'-pu), v. [Hoo and kapu, sacred.] To exalt; to extol; to glorify; to eulo- gize. Hookau (ho'o-ka'u), v. [Hoo and kau, to hang or place upon.] To put up upon; to go up; to place one thing upon another; e hookau hianioe, to fall asleep. Laieik. p. 143. Hookauaheahe (ho'o-ka'u-a'-he-a'-he), V. [Hoo, kau, to hang, and aheahe, light, gentle, as a light breeze.] 1. To fly softly or gently, like a kite. 2. To hover; to move to and fro in a quiet manner in the air. Hookauhua (ho'o-ka'u-hu'a), v. [Hoo and kauhua, to conceive.] 1. The formative or growing state of the young in the womb. 2. Name of a condition incidental to women dur- ing the first three or four months of pregnancy. HOO 161 HOO Hookaukau (ho'o-ka'u-ka'u), n. Gath- ering of clouds before a rain, regarded as a sign of stormy weather. 2. An assembling. 3. A placing upon. See hookau. Hookaukau (ho'o-ka'u-ka'u), v. (Freq. of hookau.] 1. To put upon; to ascend upon; to cause to arise; to lift up a thing, as a child in putting him on a horse. 2. To gather, as clouds before a rain: E ua mai ana paha, ke hookau- kau ae la na ao. Likely it will rain; the clouds are piling up. Hookaukaulua (ho'o-ka'u-ka'u-lu-a), v. To wait; to procrastinate*. Hookaulana (ho'o-ka'u-la'-na), v. [Hoo and kaulana, to be renowned.] To make a person or event famous; to send abroad a report concern- ing a person or thing. Hookaulua (ho'o-ka'u-lu'-a), v. [Hoo and kaulua to be slack.] 1. To procrastinate; to delay; to detain; to be slow in obeying a command. 2. To be in doubt; to hesitate about doing a thing; to postpone a work. 3. To be late; to be oui of season. Hookaumaha (ho'o-ka'u-ma'-ha), v. [Hoo and kaumaha, heavy.] To lay a burden upon one; to be hard upon; to trouble; to oppress. Hookauwa (ho'o-ka'u-wa'), v. [Hoo and kauwa, a servant.] 1. To make a servant of; to cause one to serve or to be a servant. 2. To act in the capacity of a servant. Hookauwakuapaa (ho'o-ka'u-wa'-ku'- a-pa'a), n. 1. Hard service; cruel bondage. 2. State of a bond serv- ant. Hookauwakuapaa (ho'o-ka'u-wa'-ku'- a-pa'a), v. [Hoo, kauwa, a serv- ant, and kuapaa, laborious.] 1. To serve with rigor; to act under, and live in hard bondage. 2. To cause to serve as a bondservant. Hookauwowo (ho'o-ka'u-wo'-wo), v. [Hoo and kauwowo, to branch out and spread.] 1. To cause to grow and increase, as vines or vege- tables of rapid growth; to grow thriftily, as vines or plants. 2. To cause to multiply, as a people. Hookawowo (ho'o-ka'-w6'-wo), v. [Hoo and kawowo, to roar.] To make* a slight rumbling noise, as by moving the feet, drumming with the fingers, etc.; to rust-e, as leaves in the wind; to roar, as a waterfall or a high mnd. Hooke (ho'o-ke'), n. 1. A struggling against dififculty; an urging on. 2. A push; a shove. Hooke (ho'o-ke'), v. [Hoo and ke, to compel.] 1. To crowd together, as at the door of a house; to el- bow; to edge on by degrees. 2. To push aside any person or thing that is in the way. 3. To get one into difficulty by intrusion or in- trigue. 4. To struggle against op- position. 5. To abstain from; to let alone; to oppose. Hookeai (ho'o-ke'-a'i), v. [Hooke, to abstain, and ai, food.] To abstain from food; to fast. Hookeekee (ho'o-ke'e-ke'e), v. [Hoo and keekee, obstinate.] To be sullen; to be morose; to be obsti- nate, sulky, etc. Hookeeo (ho'o-ke'-e'-o), v. [Hoo and keeo, to be angry.] 1. To be quickly angry; to be wrathful; to be quick tempered. 2. To be dis- affected; to quit becaufi^e of dis- content. Hookeha (ho'o-ke'-ha), v. [Hoo and keha, to be puffed up.] 1. To cause one's self to be puffed up; to be proud; to be vainglorious; to assume undue importance. 2. To treat with contempt. Hookehakeha (ho'o-ke'-ha-ke'-ha), v. [Hoo and freq. of keha, to be puffed up.] 1. To be proud; to be high minded; to imitate a chief in manners and dignity. 2. To make a pretense of pre-eminence. Hookei (ho'o-ke'i), v. To set one's self above others literally; to take a higher seat; morally, to be proud; to be self exalted; alalia, hookei iho la ke kahuna nui nana i kai ka aha. See haakei, proud. Hookeikei (ho'o-ke'i-ke'i), v. [Hoo and keikei, to be glorious.] To glory; to boast; to honor one's self; to be proud of one's skill at any business; to be vainglori- ous; to think much of one's self. Hookekee (ho'o-ke'-ke'e), adv. Crook- edly. See kekee. Hookekee (ho'o-ke'-ke'e), v. [Hoo and kekee, crooked.] To crook; to bend; to pervert; to spurn; to make crooked; to be crooked. Hookela (ho'o-ke'-la), n. 1. One in- tent on excelling. 2. An attempt HOO 162 HOO to outdo, to surpass, etc. 3. Name of a month. Hookela (ho'o-ke'-la), v. [Hoo and kela, excelling, going beyond.] 1. To exceed; to go beyond; to be higher; to be more. 2. To excel; to outdo. 3. To attempt to go be- yond; to compete with ambitiously.' Hookele (ho*o-ke'-le), n. 1. One who I steers; a helmsman; a steerer of a canoe. (Laieik. p. 45.) Syn: Hookelewaa. 2. A captain; a di- rector; a guide through dangers or difficulties. Hookele (ho*o-ke'-le), v. [Hoo and kele, to slip; to slide along.] 1. To sail, as the master of a ship or canoe. 2. To direct or steer a | ship or canoe; to hold the helm. [ 3. To direct the course of or con- j duct any business; to lead along i through difficult places. 4. To cause to be wet, muddy, slimy, etc. Hookelekele (ho'o-ke'-le-ke'-le), v. [Freq. of hookele, to sail.] 1. To slip or slide easily. 2. To sail about for pleasure in a canoe or boat. 3. To feed the exhausted gradually a little at a time. See pikale. 4. To moisten the raw ma- terial used in weaving in order to make it pliable and easy to han- dle; to sprinkle with water; e hookelekele i ka moena. Hookelewaa (ho'o-ke'-le-wa'a), n. The helmsman of a canoe. Syn: Hookele. Hookeo (ho'o-ke'o), v. [Incomplete form of hookeokeo, from keo, white.] To make white; to whiten. Hookeokeo (ho'o-ke'o-ke'o), v. [Hoo and keo or keokeo, white.] To cause whiteness; to make white. Hookepa (ho'o-ke'-pa), v. [Hoo and kepa, to snatch at.] 1. To cause to snap or snatch at with the teeth; to tear or rend with the teeth. 2. To cut with a slope. Hookeu (ho'o-ke-u), v. [Hoo and keu, a remainder.] 1. To have over and above; to make a re- mainder. 2. To cause a residue; to cause to be left over after a counting or separation. Hooki (ho'o-ki'), v. [Hoo and kl, to shoot.] 1. To cause to be emitted or shot forth. 2. To eject in a stream, as water from a pipe; to discharge; to shoot; to pretend to shoot. 3. To cause to go after; to set on as a dog is ordered to seize its victim. Hookie (ho'o-ki'e), v. [Hoo and kie, high.] To cause to lift up; to be high. Hookie! (ho'o-ki-e'i), v. [Hoo and klei, to look slyly.] To cause to peep; to look slyly at. Hookiekle (ho'o-ki'e-ki'e), n. Pride; haughtiness; overbearing conduct. Hooklekie (ho'o-ki'e-ki'e), v. [Hoo and kiekie, to be high.] 1. To elevate; to lift up. 2. To be proud; to be high minded; to lord it over another. Hookihe (ho'o-ki'-he), v. [Hoo and kihe, to sneeze.] To cause to sneeze. Hookihl (ho'o-kl'-hi), v. [Hoo and klhi, edge, corner.] 1. To cause a corner or nook by overlapping; to lay over so as partly to cover. 2. To cause to be folded so as to lie partly over something. 3. To turn off at a right angle. Hooklhikihi (ho'o-ki'-hi-kl'-hi), v. [Hoo and freq. of klhi, corner; edge, etc.] To branch out; to make many corners; to make the sides of a figure irregular. Hookll (ho'o-ki'i), adj. 1. Thin; lean in flesh. 2. Close; parsimonious. Hookll (ho'o-ki'i), n. Thinness of flesh from loss of food or starva- tion. Hookii (ho'o-ki'i), v. [Hoo and kli, to go after.] To cause to go for a thing; to cause to fetch; to go after; to take hold of; to seize, as a little child tries to lay hold of things. 2. To deprive of food; to cause fasting. Hooklikli (ho'o-ki'i-ki'i), v. [Hoo and klikii, to swell.] To cause to swell out, as the breast; as the stomach; to rise. Hookiki (ho'o-kl'-ki'), v. See hoo and freq. of ki, to shoot.] To spill; to drop, as water; to squirt or eject in a stream out of a nar- row orifice. Hookikii (ho'o-ki'-ki'i), v. [Hoo and kikii, to recline.] 1. To stretch out in a reclining posture on couch or mat for the purpose of rest. HOO 163 HOO 2. To yield to the natural impulse for unrestraint and repose. Hookiki-kanawai (ho'o-ki-kl-ka'-na- wai), V. To enforce law. (A primitive phrase, the modern ex- pression is hooko-kanawai.) Hookikina (ho'o-ki-ki'-na), v. [Hoo and kikina, to hasten.] 1. To send on an errand with dispatch; to command; to order; to hurry. 2. To urge; to ply with motives; to importune. Hookikino (ho'o-ki-ki'-no), v. Hoo- kino is preferable. 1. To form into a body. 2. To make a likeness of: Hookikino wale o Lualii ia maua, A ike I ke ino o kanaka, a haalele. Lualii made us two to be gods ; He discovered man's deformity and cast us aside. Hookikino (ho'o-ki-ki'no), v. To em- body. Same as hookino. Hookilo (ho'o-ki'-lo), adj. Thin, wasted in flesh by iUness. Hookilo (ho'o-ki'-lo), v. [Hoo and kilo or hakilo, to look earnestly.] 1. To spy; to eavesdrop or over- hear; to act as a spy upon those who do wrong; e hookilo i ka hewa. 2. To watch, as one who is doing wrong; to watch slyly. 3. To act the part of a kilo or one skille-d in magic. 4. To grow thin; to waste away, as one in the con- sumption; hookilo kino ole, wiwi. Hookimo (ho*o-ki'-mo), v. [Hoo and kimo, to butt.] 1. To cause to strike with the head; to go head- long. 2. To play or cause to play the game of kimo. Hookimokimo (ho*o-ki'-mo-ki'-mo), n. A dropping forward of the top. Hookikimo is preferable. Hookimokimo (ho'o-ki'-mo-ki'-mo), v. To nod; to drop forward the head from drowsiness. Hookina (ho'o-ki'-na), v. [Hoo and kina, to urge on.] 1. To cause constant renewal of; to prolong; to persist. 2. To make one heavy or sad; to oppress; to make weary; to put one burden on after another; to add one command after another. 3. To urge one to do a thing; to compel to do it: Malia i hookina ai kuu kane ia'u i ka inu awa, Perhaps my husband will compel me to drink awa. =E2=80=94 Laieik. p. 208. Hookina hoi ka ua, The rain falls continuouslv. Hookinakina (ho'o-ki'-na-ki'-na), v. [Freq. of hookina.] Hookino (ho'o-ki'-no), v. [Hoo and kino, body.] To embody; to give body, form or solidity to a thing; to take a shape: hookino ai ka honua, he gave the earth a body or shape. Same as hookikino. Hookio (ho'o-ki'o), v. [Hoo and kio, a pool.] 1. To spread out; to en- large. 2. To gather together, as water in a lake or pond. Hookioklo (ho'o-kro-kl'o), v. [Hoo and kiokio, to play on a pipe.] 1. To pipe; to play on, as a fife; to play on any wind instrument. 2. To whistle. Hookipa (ho'o-ki'-pa), adj. Disposed to entertain strangers; kanaka hookipa, a man liberal in enter- taining strangers. Hookipa (ho'o-ki'-pa), n. A receiv- ing and entertaining. Hookipa (ho'o-ki'-pa), v. [Hoo and kipa, to turn aside. 1. To turn in; to lodge. 2. To entertain with hospitality; to invite to enter one's house. Hookipi (ho'o-ki'-pi), adv. Rebellious- ly; treacherously. Hookipi (ho'o-ki'-pi), v. [Hoo and kipi, rebellious.] To cause a re- bellion; to promote defiance of lawful authority. Hookiwi (ho'o-ki-wi), n. An un- steady motion in standing or walk- ing. Hookiwi (ho'o-ki-wi), v. [Hoo and kiwi, to crook.] 1. To crook or bend, as a horn. 2. To pull along. 3. To fall down; to move from one side to the other as if about to fall, in standing or walking; to totter. Hookiwikiwi (ho'o-ki'-wi'-kl'-wi), v. [Freq. of hookiwi.] 1. To incline or swing backward and forward frequently in standing or walking. 2. To pretend to totter or threat- en to fall. Hooko (ho'o-ko'), v. [Hoo and ko, to fulfill.] Literally, to cause a fulfillment of. 1. To fulfill; to carry out, as a contract; to fulfill, as an agreement or promise. 2. To cause pregnancy. 3. To be con- ceived. Hookoa (ho'o-ko'-a), v. [Hoo and koa, a soldier.] To act the sol- dier; to be brave; to be strong; to be fearless. HOO 164 HOO Hookoa (h5'-6-k6'a), v. Incorrect form of hoookoa, from okoa, dif- ferent. 1. To make different. 2. To set apart; to separate. 3. To discriminate. 4. To cause to lili" fer. Hookoe (ho'o-ko'-e), v. [Hoo and koe, remainder.] To cause some to remain; to be over and above; to be left after some are taken; to reserve; to set aside. Hookoekoe (ho'o-ko'e-ko'e), v. [Hoo and koekoe, cold.] 1. To cause to be cold; to make cold and wet; to be chilly. 2. To dampen or make moderately wet. 3. To make in- sipid or flat, as applied to food. Hookoene (ho'o-ko'-e'-ne), adj. Fee- ble, as applied to natural motion: Hookoene no hoi kau hele, your walking is feeble. Hookoene (ho'o-ko'-e'-ne), v. [H=C2=ABoo and koene, to take shelter.] 1. To make effort to reach shelter, as applied to the manner of walking of feeble persons. 2. To creep along haltingly and resting till a safe place is reached; to go feebly. Hookohana (ho'o-ko'-ha'-na), v. To cause one to be naked, destitute or needy. Hookohokola (ho'o-k6'-h6-ko'-la), v. 1. To rejoice at the overthrow of one's enemy; to be glad at his discomfiture. 2. To express con- tempt at the discomfiture or fail- ure of another. Hookohu (ho'o-ko'-hu), n, 1. A chosen one; one appointed to a post of duty. (Laieik. p. 104.) 2. A warrant granting authority to perform certain duties; a com- mission; a diploma. Hookohu (ho'o-ko'-hu), v. [Hoo and kohu, the being fixed.] Literally, to cause to be fixed or placed. 1. To empower; to authorize a performing of some office. 2. To place in some position of trust or authority, Hookohukohu (ho'o-ko'-hu-ko'-hu), v. 1. To ask with forwardness. 2. To act presumptuously; to be assum- ing. 3. To make advances in at- tempt to gain favor with. See hookohu. Hookoi (ho'o-ko'-i), v. [Hoo and koi, to urge on; to compel.] 1. To speak in a harsh voice; to make rough or harsh; to urge. 2. To menace by the use of language. Hookoikoi (ho'o-ko'i-ko'i), n. 1. A bearing of a burden. 2. The act of making one sad; putting one in circumstances disagreeable and grievous to be borne. Hookoikoi (ho'o-ko'i-ko'i), v. [Hoo and koikoi, heaviness; weight.] To make heavy literally or morally; to oppress; to treat with rigor. Hookoi koipuahiole (ho'o-ko'i-ko'i-pu- a'-hi-o'-le), v. 1. To cause a thing to be done by false pre- tense. 2. To acquire by issuing false or fictitious orders. Hookoine (ho'o-ko-i'-ne), v. [Hoo and koine, to hasten.] 1. To endeavor or hasten to act in spite of infirm- ity or feeble-ness: Hookoine mai nei oe i ka hele. You endeavor to walk in spite of your weakness. 2. To enter a state of mental re- pose after a condition of mental agitation. Hookokanawai (ho'o-k6-ka'-na-wa'i),v. [Hooko to fulfil, kanawai, law.] To enforce law. Hookoko (ho'o-ko'-ko), v. [Hoo and koko, blood.] 1. To blush; to have a suffusion of the face with red from suppressed emotion, as strong passion, anger, etc. 2. To be full of anger; to be red with anger. Hookokohi (ho'o-ko'-ko'-hi), adj. Running low; black; thick; threatening, as clouds; he ao hoo- kokohi, a thick black cloud. Ap- plies also to low creeping plants. Hookokohi (ho'o-ko'-ko'-hi), v. To be black and threatening, as clouds; to lower. Hookokoke (ho'o-ko'-ko'-ke), v. [Hoo and kokoke, near in time or place.] To cause to draw near; to ap- proach. Hookokole (ho'o-ko'-ko'-le), v. Con- traction of hookolekole, which see. Hookokolo (ho'o-ko'-ko'-lo), v. [Hoo and kokolo, to crawl.] 1. To cause one to crawl or creep. 2. To stoop or bend down; to walk in stooping posture; to walk in a feeble man- ner, as an infirm person. 3. To be round-shouldered. Hookokonoie (ho'o-ko'-ko'-no-i'e), v. [Hoo and kokonoie, to stir up, to excite.] To rouse to lively thought or action; to encourage; to incite; to inspire with hope. HOO 165 HOO Hookola (ho'o-ko'-la), v. [Hoo and kola, sexual excitement.] To cause excitement of the sexual passions. Hookolakola (ho'o-ko'-la-ko'-la), v. [Freq. of hookola.] To arouse sexual passion. Hookole (ho'o-ko'-le), v. [Hoo and kole, raw or red, as flesh.] To cause to be red, as partly cooked meat. Hookolekole is in more general use. Hookolekole (ho'o-ko'-le-ko'-le), v. 1. To make raw or red, as flesh. 2. To cause food to be partly cooked. Hookolili (ho'o-ko'-li-li), v. [Hoo and kolill, to flutter.] 1. To cause to flutter; to move up and down or to and fro with quick vibratory motion. 2. To scatter in small particles, as water. Hookolo (ho'o-ko'-lo), v. [Hoo and kolo, to creep; to crawl.] 1. To cause to creep or crawl along; to walk bent over; to crouch. 2. To approach one with the intention of entering into conversation. 3. To draw near to in a creeping pos- ture. 4. To approach humbly to ask a favor. (In ancient times all persons sent for by a chief as suspected or accused of an of- fense, and all who came to a chief to ask a favor, approached him on their hands and knees, crawling from a distance.) 5. To follow a trail, track or clew; to follow by footsteps, tracks or signs. Hookolokolo (ho'o-ko'-16-ko'-lo), v. [Hoo and kolokolo, to seek evi- dence.] 1. To call to account. 2. To question with the design of eliciting some fact; to investigate by questioning. 3. To try an ac- cused person; to hold a court. Hookolonuha (ho'o-k6'-16-nu'ha), adj. Sullen; silent; refusing to speak. See kolo. Hookolonuha (ho'o-k6'-16-nu'-ha), v. [Hookolo for hookoiono and nuha, obstinate.] 1, To be stubborn or obstinate; to be sullen and silent. 2. To persist in a line of conduct sullenly without apparent reason. Hookomo (ho'o-ka'-mo), v, [Hoo and komo, to enter; to sink down.] 1. To cause to enter in various ways; to enter an aperture; to enter the door of a house; to sink down into, as into water. 2. To place within; to insert; to put into. Hookomokomo (ho'o-k5'-m6-k6'-mo), V. [Freq. of hookomo.] To fill up intei'stices ; to push or shove into intervening space, as in calking. See komo and komokomo. Hookona (ho'o-k6-na'), v. [Hoo and kona, to be strong.] 1. To be brave; to dare; to be hard upon. 2. To be haughty; to be over- bearing. Hookoni (ho'o-ko'-ni), v. [Hoo and koni, to test; to try.] I. To try; to experience; to cause to be prov- en. 2. To ask or try a little by way of begging or making a bar- gain; to tempt; to learn by trial or experiment. Hookonini (ho'o-ko'-ni'-ni), v. [Hoo and konini, convalescent.] 1. To revive from fainting. 2. To cause to shoot up or grow like a plant. 3. To swell, as a bud. 4. To con- valesce, as a sick person. Hookono (ho'o-ko'-no), v. [Hoo and kono, to invite.] 1. To cause or issue an invitation. 2. To solicit; to tempt to come. Hookonokono (ho'o-ko'-n6-ko'-no), n. 1. A setting on, as dogs to fight; causing a quarrel between persona that they may fight and kill each other. 2. An urging to aggressive action; to "sic-em" on. Hookonokono (ho'o-ko'-n6-ko'-no), v. [Hoo and kono, to invite; to urge.] 1. To set on; to urge, as dogs to fight. 2, To entice one to do something, not necessarily wicked. 3, To stir up or excite feeling. 4. To send frequently to hurry one on. 5. To be induced to do a thing. (Laieik. p. 128.) Hookowa (ho'o-k6-wa'), v. To sep- arate; to make a space between. Hooku (ho'o-ku'), v. [Hoo and ku, to stand.] 1. To cause to stand; to stand erect; to stick up in a per- pendicular position. 2. To hold water with the paddles when the canoe is sailing. 3. To put off from one's self; to decline to sup- port or help; to refuse assistance. 4. To direct the course of: Ke hooku la o Kahanamoku i kona waa no Kalehuawehe, Kahanamo- ku directs the course of his canoe to Kalehuawehe. Hookua (ho'o-ku'-a), v. 1. To con- tinue effort until one's strength and interest are gone. 2. To work so continuously without results HOO 166 HOO that the employment becomes a mere matter of form, lacking in- terest. See kua and kuanui. Hookuakeeo (ho'o-ku-a-ke-e'o), v, 1. To act contrary to. 2. To go to an extreme in anything because of anger, as when one asks a little and a great deal is thrown to him in anger. 2. To be dissatisfied and forsake, renounce or refuse. Hookuali (ho'o-ku-a'-li), v. To whit- en, to make white. See kuali. Hookuamiami (ho'o-ku'-a'-mi-a-mi), v. [Hoo and kuamiami, the motion of a hinge.] 1. To make motions like a hinge. 2. To revile one about his work. Hookuanui (ho'o-ku'-a-nu'-i), v. 1. To cause a putting forth of effort as a mere matter of routine. 2. To do one's task in a spiritless, de- jected manner from any cause. Hookue (ho'o-ku-e'), v. [Hoo and kue, to resist.] To cause to re- sist; to oppose; to make opposi- tion. Hookuekue (ho'o-ku'-e-ku'-e), v. To excite anger; to stir up opposition. See hookue. Hookuekue (ho'o-ku'e-ku'e), v. [Kue- kue, the elbow joint.] To elbow; to jog with the elbow; to push. Hookuekuemaka (ho'o-ku'-e-ku'-e-ma'- ka), V. [Hoo and kuemaka, the eye-brow.] To contract the eye- brows in reproof or anger; to frown. Hookuekuemakanui (ho'o-ku'-e-ku'-e- ma'-ka-nu'i), v. Intensive of hoo- kuekuemaka. Hookuekuene (ho'o-ku'-e-ku-e'-ne), v. 1. To make way; to turn aside. 2. To move back and forth, as a fan. 3. To cool one with a fan. 4. To arrange in order; to put in order. See kuene. Hookuene (ho'o-ku'-e'-ne), v. [Hoo and kuene, to measure.] 1. To take the measure for laying out a building; to measure; to lay out. 2. To arrange for; to prepare. Hookuewa (ho'o-ku'-e'-wa), v. [Hoo and kuewa, one who has no place in life.] 1. To cause one to wan- der about friendless. 2. To act the part of a vagrant or vagabond; to have no settled habitation. Hookuhi (ho'o-ku'-hi), v. [Hoo and kuhl, a gesture with the hand.] 1. To teach the art of gesture or motion of body and limbs in the i hulas or dances. 2. To cause to guess; to suppose; to think. Hookuhihi (ho'o-ku'-hi'-hi), v. 1. To cause censure or condemnation to fall upon an innocent person; to entangle or involve the innocent in the wrong doing of others. 2. To entangle; to cause to entangle. Syn: kahihi. Hookuhikuhi (ho'o-ku'-hi-ku'-hi), v. Freq. of hookuhi, to teach gestures in dancing. Hookuho (ho'o-ku'-ho'), v. [Hoo and kuho, the sound of a stone falling perpendicularly into water.] 1. To cause a sound short and quick, as a stone falling perpendicularly into water. 2. To emit a violent con- vulsive cough followed by a whoop, as in whooping cough. Hookui (ho'o-ku'i), n. A joining or connecting; o kahi mawaena o ka lani ame ka honua, ua kapaia he lewa, he hookui ame ka halawai. Hookui (ho'o-ku'i), v. 1. To cause to be strung, as in stringing flowers for leis or wreaths. E hookui i ka manai a uo i ke Kaula a lawa. 2. To join together, as letters in forming a word. 3. To dovetail; to fit; to splice. 4. To dash or strike against each other. Hookuikahi (ho'o-ku'i-ka'-hi), v. [Hoo and kuikahi, to unite.] 1. To unite; to agree together; to cause to be united. 2. To make a treaty of peace and friendship. Hookuikui (ho'o-ku'i-ku'i), n. 1. Any whole thing made by a combina- tion of other wholes, as a house made by bringing together two or more houses; something united or put together. 2. A sentence; a collection of words. Hookuikui (ho'o-ku'i-ku'i), v. [Freq. of hookui; from kui, to unite.] 1. To unite; to join together. 2. To put words together as in talking in a slow, hesitating manner. 3. To unite by sewing, as cloth; e hoo- kuikui i ka manai, a uo i ke kaula a lawa. 4. To splice; to extend or repair by adding pieces. Hookuina (ho'o-ku'-i-na), n. 1. A uniting; a joining. 2. A seam in a garment. 3. A contact; a close joining of two or more things. 4. Place where parts meet in any structure; he hookuina ami, a hinge joint. HOO 167 HOO Hookuke (ho'o-ku'-ke), v. To drive off; to drive away; to banish; to expel. Hookuku (ho'o-ku'-ku'), adj. 1. Full, as with food; satiated. 2. Fitted; having a resemblance. Hookuku (ho'o-kii'-ku'), n. [Hooand freq. of ku, to stand.] A standing to measure; fitting; a measuring of anything by comparison with something else. Hookuku (ho'o-ku'-ku'), n. Same as hokuku, fullness, etc. Hookuku (ho'o-ku'-kiV), v. 1. To examine in order to ascertain re- semblances or differences. 2. To cause to come or stand up to- gether in order to test quality, as competitors in feats of skill, strength, etc. 3. To try or fit on, as a garment, Hookukuli (ho'o-ku'-ku'-li), v. [Hoo and kukuli, to kneel, from kuli, the knee.] To cause to kneel; to kneel down. Hookulanalana (ho*o-ku'-la'-na-la'-na), V. [Hoo and kulanalana, to vacil- late, to be unsteady.] 1. To make unsteady; to cause to totter or shake as though about to fall. 2. To unsettle; to cause to waver in opinion or determination. Hookull (ho'o-kiV-li), adj. 1. Silent; made to say nothing by a bribe, as in the phrase moe hookuli, to lie silent. 2. Not talkative; mute. Hookuli (ho'o-ku'-li), v. [Hoo and kuli, to be deaf.] 1. To turn away from hearing; to refuse to hear. 2. To disregard one's advice or instruction. 3. To feign deafness; to pretend not to hear. 4. To bribe to disobedience. Hookulokulou (ho'o-ku'-lo-ku'-lou), v. To writhe, twist, turn or wring, as in great physical pain or over- whelming sorrow. Hookulou (ho'o-kQ'-lo'u), V. [Hooand kulou, to bow.] 1. To cause to bow down; to cower; to sit cowering. 2. To cast the eyes downward. 3. To cause mental depression; to humiliate. Hookuloulou (ho'o-ku'-lo'u-lo'u\ v. To bend over. See hookulokulou. Hookulukulu (ho'o-ku'-lu-ku'-lu), v. [Hoo and kulu, to drop.] To leak; to fall in drops; to drip; to sprin- kle with water. Hookumakaia (ho'o-ku'-ma-ka'i-a), v. To cause an ambuscade; to be- tray; to accuse an innocent per- son; to cause a betrayal. Hookumakena (ho'o-ku'-ma-ke'na), v. To cause to wail, as persons for the dead. Hookumu (ho'o-ku'-mu), V. [Hooand kumu, the beginning of a thing.] 1. To make a beginning of; to en- ter on; to take the first step; to do the first act; to originate. 2. To settle; to root; to establish; to lay a foundation. 3. To ap- point to a particular business or office. Hookunaina (ho'o-ku'-na'i-na), v. [Hooku, to cause to stand and naina for inaina, anger or hate.] 1. To cause retribution to follow conquest; to wreak vengeance on the successors or descendants of the vanquished. 2. To make a conquest; to conquer; to show an exterminating spirit; to reconquer. I Hookunana (ho'o-ku'-na-na), v. [Hoo- I ku, to stand, and nana, to look I about.] To hesitate; to pause; to be undecided. Hookunou (ho'o-ku'-no'u), v. [Hoo I and kunou, to bow.] To bow, as I the head; to nod, as the head; to I wag the head, or shake it; to bow; to bend over. Hookunu (ho'o-ku'-nu), v. [Hoo and kunu, to cough.] 1. To cause to I cough; to make one cough; to I hack and cough. 2. To feign or I imitate a cough. I Hookuoe (ho'o-ku'-o'e), v. [Hoo and I kuoe, to walk in stooping posture.] I To have to move along carefully j because of physical weakness; to i be made to delay or lag behind on j account of infirmity: Heaha keia I ou e kuoe ae nei? He omaimai, What makes you walk so feebly? It is illness. Hookuoha (ho'o-ku-6'-ha), n. A ve- nereal disease. Hookuoi (ho'o-ku-o'i), v. [Hoo and kuol, to move slowly.] To limp; to walk with unequal steps. Hookuokoa (ho'o-ku'-o-ko'-a), v. [Hoo and kuokoa, to stand aside.] To cause to stand aside; to put one by himself; to separate from others from a feeling of superiority. Hookuolo (ho'o-ku'-6'-lo), v. [Hoo and kuolo, to shake; to tremble,] To shake; to be unsteady, as with the palsy; to have the palsy; to cause to shake. HOO 168 HOO Hookuoni (ho'o-ku-6'-ni), v. [KuonI, to move gently.] 1. To move a little; to move slightly or easily; to v^alk slowly. 2. To lag behind. Also called hookuuoni. Hookuono (ho'o-ku'-6'-no), v. [Hoo and kuono, a bay or gulf.] 1. To sink in, as the eye in sickness; to sink down; to indent, as the land on the sea shore and cause a bay. 2. To make a breakwater. 3. To put in a corner or secluded re- treat. 4, To be comfortably set- tled in one's domicile. Hookuonoono (ho'o-ku'-6'-n6-6'-no), n. Persons living at ease having a competency of the means of living; aole hune nui o ka poe hookuono- ono, he lako lakou. Hookuonoono (ho'o-ku'-6'-n6-6'-no), v. [Hoo and kuonoono, well fur- nished.] 1. To be supplied; to have sufficiency. 2. To be quiet; to remain quiet a long time; to be well established. 3. To put in order; to keep in order. 4. To accumulate means or resources by industry. Hookuoo (ho'o-ku'-o'o), v. [Hoo and kuoo, to stand ready.] 1. To stand ready; to be prepared for any business or event; to be in read- iness for a call. 2. To assume gravity for the purpose of decep- tion. 3. To be sober; to be solemn, sedate. Hookupa (ho'o-ku'-pa), v. [Hoo and kupa, to dig.] 1. To dig, as in trenching. 2. To cut; to hew, as in hollowing out a canoe. 3. To trench or loosen the soil of a gar- den in the process of tillage. Hookupa (ho'o-ku'-pa), v. [Hoo and kupa, a native.] To confer the status of a native or subject on an alien; to cause to become a sub- ject or give allegiance to. Hookupaa (ho'o-ku'-pa'a), v. [Hoo and kupaa, to stand fast.] 1. To cause to stand fast; to confirm, as an agreement. 2. To make per- petual, as a promise or covenant. Hookupakupa (ho*o-ku'-pa-ku-pa'), v. 1. To dig; to excavate or cut, as in hollowing a log in making a canoe. 2. To dig or trench the soil in a garden. Hookupe (ho'o-kii'-pe), v. [For hooo- kupe.] 1, To cause a turning of, as one's ankle or foot in walking; hence, causing a stumbling. 2. To cause a misstep; to err in conduct. Hookupu (ho'o-ku'-pu), adj. 1. Lia- ble to taxation; mea hookupu, a tributary. 2. Taxed; laid under tribute. Hookupu (ho'o-ku'-pu), n. 1. A tax; a taxation; a tribute to one in higher standing; a present; a gift; a gratification. 2. A contribution. Hookupu (ho'o-ku'-pu), v. [Hoo and kupu, to spring up.] 1. To cause to vegetate; to cause growth. 2. To contribute in common with others for a special object or per- son. 3. To pay taxes. Hookuu (ho'o-ku'u), adj. Let down; loosened; dismissed. Hookuu (ho'o-ku'u), v. [Hoo and kuu, to loosen.] 1. To let go; to dismiss; to send away; to release; to let down. 2. To set free or re- lease from obligation; to absolve, as from the consequences of break- ing a tabu, etc. Hookuukuu (ho'o-ku'u-ku'u), V. [Freq. of hookuu.] 1. To let down grad- ually or by little jerks, as a rope is lowered with a jerky motion. 2. To let run wild without care or oversight. Hoola (ho'o'la), n. Used for hooola. 1. Safety after danger; deliverance from peril; salvation of a people. 2. One who saves or delivers. Hoola (ho'o-la'), n. 1. A tapa or Ha- waiian cloth of gray color; applied mostly to single pieces; but on Kauai, used instead of the word kapa generally. 2. Remnants of tapa. Hoola (ho'-o'-la), v. [For hooola, hoo and ola, recovery.] 1. To have ease after pain; to recover from sick- ness. 2. To cure a disease. 3. To save from danger; to deliver or free from death. Hoola (ho'o-la'), v. 1. To withhold openly; to be parsimonious. 2. To be miserly; to secrete or hide one's goods. Hoolaa (ho'o-la'a), v. [Hoo and laa, devoted.] To consecrate; to hal- low; to set apart for a particular purpose, especially for religious purposes. Hoolaalaa (ho'o-la'a-la'a), v. [For hoolala, from hoo and lala, a branch.] 1. To branch out, as the limbs, of trees. 2. To divide or plan a task into branches or sub- HOO 169 HOO divisions (obsolete). The modern word is hoolala, to plan. Hoolaalaau (ho'o-la'a-la-a'u), v. 1. To create a growth of thicket, trees, shrubs, vines, etc. 2. To create an obstruction by cultivating ahrub- bery; to make a barrier by cross- ing sticks. 3. To obstruct or close a path; to plant or cause bushes to grow. Written incorrectly hoo- lalaau. Hoolaau (ho'o-la'-a'u), adj. Knotty. Hoolaau (ho'o-la'-a'u), n. A cramp. Hoolaau (ho'o-la'-a'u), v. 1. To vex with importunity. 2. To contract; to be afflicted with cramp. 3. To cling to one; to persist in follow- ing after; to tease. Hoolaehonua (ho'o-la'e-h6-nu'a), v. [Hoo and laehonua), non-recogni- tion, forehead earthward.] 1. To avoid recognizing or being recog- nized; to refuse to take notice of. Kupanaha no hoi o Kaneakua. 0 ka hoolaehonua no ka, hoi ia i kc Kaikunane. Astoni.shinK is (the act of) Kaneakua ; She refuses to recognize her brother. 2. To bow before a superior. Hoolaelae (ho'o-la'e-la'e), v. [Hoo and laelae, clear.] 1, To be clear; to shine; to be bright, as an un- clouded sky. 2. To make clear or luminous what is dark and mys- terious. Hoolaha (ho'o-la'-ha), n. A public no- tice; an advertisement; anything that advertises. Hoolaha (ho'o-la'-ha), v. [ Hoo and laha, to spread out.] 1. To spread out; to widen; to spread abroad, that is, to publish extensively, as news; to cause to become of gen- eral interest. 2. To give notice of; to advertise; to announce pub- licly; to proclaim. Hoolahalaha (ho'o-la'-ha-la'-ha), v. 1. To bear; to carry, as on a double canoe or peleleu. 2. To spread or cover in the sense of offering pro- tection, as a bird covers its young. Hoolahalahai (ho'o-la'-ha-la-ha'i), v. [Hoo and freq. of lahai, to hover over.] 1. To hover over, as a bird; to flap the wings without making any advance, as an owl. 2. To float in the air, as a kite. Hoolaholaho (ho'o-la'-ho-la'-ho), v. [Hoo and laho, the scrotum.] To preserve and care for one's means, resources, property, etc. 2. To col- lect and keep intact, as in a re- ceptacle. Hoolahul (ho'o-la'-hu'-i), v. [Hoo and lahui, to prohibit.] 1. To proclaim a tabu or religious interdict that covers all inhabitants, whether chiefs, priests or the mass of the people. 2. To cause to be conse- crated; to be made tabu. 3. To for- bid the doing of a thing. Hoolal (ho'o-la'i), v. [Hoo and lai, to be still.] 1. To cause to be still; appease; to quiet, as a mob. 2. To be quiet; to be still. Hoolaka (ho'o-la'-ka), v. [Hoo and laka, tame.] To tame; to domesti- cate, as an animal; to take away wildness by friendly treatment. Hoolakalaka (ho'o-la'-ka-la'-ka), v. [Freq. of laka.] To make tame. Hoolako (ho'o-la'-ko), v. [Hoo and lako, a sufficiency.] To supply; to cause a supply; to be furnished; to supply for an emergency; to prepare; to get ready. Hoolakolako (ho'o-la'-k6-la'-ko), v. Freq. of hoolako, to be supplied, etc. Hoolala (ho'o-la'-la'), v. [Hoo and lala, branch.] 1. To cause a branching out, as in plants by re- moving the top. To sprout from the stem as a plant. 3. To arrange the preliminaries for a definite piece of work; to lay foundations preparatory to starting work. Hoolala (ho'o-la'-la), v. To make flexible or capable of bending by the application of heat: He Hau- hana ka inoa o kahi e hoolala a ai, Hauhana is the name of the place (or oven) where the flexing or bending is done. Hoolala (ho'o-la'-la), v. To go or steer out of a regular course; ap- plied to a turning to the right as distinguished from muku or hoo- muku, a turning to the left. Hoolalahai (ho'o-la-la-ha'i), v. To hover over, as a bird. Syn: Hoola- halahai. Hoolale (ho'o-la'-le), v. [Hoo and lale, to be in haste.] 1. To cause stir; to hasten the doing of a thing; to excite to action; to get ready quickly for an event. 2. To hurry; to hasten. Hoolalelale (ho'o-la'-le-la'-le), v. [Freq. of hoolale.] 1. To get ready quickly; to put in order In a hurry, as a house when a visitor comes unexpectedly. 2. To hasten generally. HOO 170 HOO Hoolana (ho'o-la'-na), v. [Hoo and lana, to float; to hope.] 1. To cause to float; to be light; to float upon, as upon water. 2. To listen with attention; e hoolana i ka pepeiao. 3. To cheer up; to infuse life or hope into; to en- courage. 4. To insist upon; to persist from obstinacy, whether right or wrong. Hoolanakila (ho*o-la'-na-ki'-la), v. i [Hoo and lanakila, to overcome.] 1. To cause to triumph. 2. To set at liberty from restraint; to grant immunity, privilege, exemption, etc. Hoolanalana (ho'o-la'-na-la'-na), v. [Hoo and freq. of lana, to float.] 1. To cause to be light; to float, etc. 2. To cause to be cheerful; to make hopeful. Hoolanilani (ho'o-la'-ni-la'-ni), v. [Hoo and lanilani, most eminent.] 1. To exalt; to praise; to extol, eulogize. 2. To enjoy the priv- ileges of a chief. 3. To exercise authority upon. Hoolaoa (ho'o-la'-6-a), adj. Describ- ing a hook used in fishing for eels. Hoolaoa (ho'o-la'o-a), n. A common hook fastened to the end of a shank and used in eel fishing. Hoolaoa (ho'o-la-o'-a), v. 1. To tie up, as small sticks for fuel, or as human bones are assembled and tied in a bundle. 2. To cause to be bound together. Hoolaola (ho'-o'-la-o-la'), v. [For hoo- olaola. Hoo and olaola, sound made in the throat in drinking.] 1. To gurgle, as water when drink- ing. 2. To flow noisily, as from an ihiloa (long ne-cked calabash). Hoolaolao (ho'o-la'o-la'o), v. [Hoo and laolao, a bundle.] 1. To do up in bundles; to tie up, as a bundle for carrying; to tie a string around. 2. To collect and tie to- gether small sticks used in strengthening the banks of a stream or ditch. Hoolapa (ho'o-la'-pa), n. 1. Rising or boiling up. 2. The swelling or rising of a blister. Hoolapa (ho'o-la-pa), v. [See lapa, a ridge between two depressions.] 1. To form a ridge of. See hoo- lapalapa, to furnish with or make ridges. 2. To cause a rising or boiling; to cause to rise in blis- ters or bubbles. 3. To excite with heat or passion. Hoolapalapa (ho'o-la'-pa-la'-pa), v. [Hoo and lapa, to spring around, or lapalapa, a ridge, a boiling, etc.] 1. To cause to spin around, caper, prance or frolic. 2. To cause a boiling or rising in bub- bles. 3. To make a blaze; to send forth a flaming light. 4. To form a ridge; to furnish with ridges. Hoolapanai (ho'-o'-la-pa'-na'i), n. 1. A redeemer; one who is put in the place of another to save that other's life. 2. An atonement. Hoolapanai (ho'-o'-la-pa'-na'i), v. [For hooolapanai, hoola, to save, and panai, to redeem.] To save one by redeeming; to buy the liberty of one who is in bondage; to re- deem. Hoolapee (ho'o-la'-pe'e), v. [Hoo and lapee, to bend over.] 1. To bend up; to double over; to swell up. 2. To cause one's self to bend or crook in posture; to lie athwart or obliquely. 3. To cause to turn out of a straight line. Hoolapuu (ho'o-la'-pu'u), v. [Hoo and lapuu, to bend up.] To bend over; to arch; to crook; to recede from a straight line. Syn: Hoo- lapee. Hooiau (ho'o-la'u), v. [Hoo and lau, many; 400.] 1. To make numer- ous; to make company for one. 2. To take away the solitude of a place. Hoolauakanea (ho'o-la'u-a-ka-ne-a'), V. To hide; to conceal; to go or put away out of sight; to deceive. See hoolaehonua. Hoolaulau (ho'o-la'u-la'u), v. [Hoo and laulau, to bundle.] 1. To tie up a bundle. 2. To cause to be tied up in "laulau" or parcels wrapped in leaves. Syn: Hoolao- lao. Hoolauiea (ho'o-la'u-le'a), v. [Hoo and laulea, to be on friendly terms with.] 1. To appease; to calm one angry; to satisfy an injured party; to reconcile. 2. To perform the offices of a peacemaker. Hoolaumania (ho*o-lau'-ma-ni'-a), v. To spread out smoothly and even- ly; to make free of bumps or protuberances. Hoolauna (ho'o-la'u-na), n. [Hoo and launa, friendly.] 1. To be on good terms with one; to act the HOO 171 HOO part of a friend. 2. To give intro- duction to. Hoolauwili (ho'o-lau-wi'-li), v. [Hoo and lauwili, to turn; to be fickle.] 1. To cause to twist; to take many positions or shapes. 2. To go round and round in speaking; to use many words in saying little, 3. To be inconstant or fickle in doing a thing. 4. To involve in complications; to make intricate or difficult to understand by words or actions. Hoolawa (ho'o-la'-wS), v. [Hoo and lawa, enough.] 1. To finish; to make means suit the intended pur- pose; to accomplish a purpose. 2. To have enough; to be supplied; to apportion justly or equally; to cause to have enough. 3. To meet a deficiency; to supply what is lacking. 4. To subtract. Hoolawalawa (ho'o-la'-wa-la'-wa), v. 1. To finish alike. 2. To give a portion to each. Hoolawe (ho'o-la'-we), v. [Hoo and lawe, to carry.] 1. To cause to draw out; to carry from one place to another; to cause to bear or carry; to take away from; to sub- tract. 2. To cause a taking away or removal. Hoolawehala (ho'o-la'-we-ha'-la), n. 1. Treachery; seeking evil of one; a desire to detract from one's rep- utation; an accusation. 2. An In- jury caused by some trivial thing; a malady that has developed from a foreign or insignificant matter. He wahi eha iki wale no keia i hoolawehala. Hoolawehala (ho'o-la'-we-ha'-la), v. 1. To seek occasion against one; to find ground of accusation. 2. To cause the perpetration of a wrong. Hoo I awe I awe (ho'o-la'-we-la'-we), v. [Hoo and lawelawe, pertaining to work.] To cause to do or serve. Hoole (ho'-o'-le), v. [For hooole, hoo and ole, no; not.] 1. To deny; to be unwilling. 2. To contradict. 3. To refuse assent; to withhold. Hoolea (ho'o-le'a), n. 1. Praise. 2. The object of praise. 3. Adoration in song; homage paid In worship. Hoolea (ho'o-le'a), v. [Hoo and lea, to be pleased with.] 1. To praise; to extol; to sing praise to. 2. To give delight to; to cause to be greatly pleased. Hooleakua (ho'-6-le-a-ku'-a), v. To deny the existence of the gods. Hoolealea (ho'o-le'a-le'a), adj. Pleas- ing; soothing, as music. (Laieik. p. 79.) Hoolealea (ho'o-le'a-le'a), v. [Hoo and lea, to please.] 1. To amuse; to sport with. 2. To sing in or- der to attract attention. 2. To soothe; to assuage; to alleviate sorrow or pain. Hoolehelehel (ho'o-le'-he-le-he'i), v. [Hoo and freq. of lehcl, to jump.] To move by a series of jumps or springs. Hoolehe!ehekii (ho'o-le'-he-le'-he-ki*i). V. 1. Literally, to thrust out the lips, as an image. To behave in a gloomy manner; to be sullen, mute, obstinate, etc., from dislike or discontent. 2. To be disappoint- ed; to be baffled. Hoolei (ho'o-le'i), v. [Hoo and lei, to cast; to throw.] To cast or throw away; to reject; to drop carelessly. Hooleilei (ho'o-le'i-le'i), v. [Freq. of hoolei, to throw away.] 1. To cast or throw away often. 2. To scat- ter; to strew about. 3. To make a series of throws or tossings. Hooleiloa (ho'o-le'i-15'a), v. Also writ- ten hooloa. [Hoolei, to throw, and loa, long.] 1. To extend or straight- en the body. 2. To straighten out; to make straight. 3. To stretch out the arm. 4. To stretch out the legs. 5. To cast off entirely; to discard; to cast off as useless. Syn: Kiola loa. Hooleina (ho'o-le'i-na), n. [For hoo- leiana.] 1. That which is cast or thrown away; refuse matter; of- fal; rubbish. See hoolena and hoolina. 2. Place where offal or rubbish is deposited. Hooleiwale (ho'o-le'i-wa'-le), v. [Hoo- lei, to throw away, and wale, only.] 1. To throw away as useless or worthless. 2. To dispose of In a heedless manner. Hoolele (ho'o-le'-le), v. [Hoo and lele, to move In the air.] 1. To cause to fly; to let fly. 2. To cause a palpitation or fluttering. Ua hoolele la ka oili, caused her heart to flutter.=E2=80=94 Laieik. p. 205. Hoolelehu (ho'o-le'-le'-hu), v. [Hoo and lelehu, to be sleepy.] 1. To cause or pretend sleepiness. (The word describes the sensation that HOO 172 HOO follows a potation of awa.) 2. To give one's self up to a feeling of unconcern that precedes sleep. Hoolemana (ho'-ol-e-ma'-na), v. [Ho- ole, to deny, and mana, power; authority.] 1. To deny one's pow- er or authority, as the people in Liholiho's time denied the author- ity of the priests and the ancient gods; as the Jews also denied the authority of Jesus Christ. 2. To deny one's claim or ownership. Hoolena (ho'o-le'-na), n. Same as hooleina. That which is thrown away, or cast off. Hooleole (ho-o'-le-6-le), v. To deny. Hooleoleo (ho'-o'-le'o-le'o), v. 1. To cause to rise and fall, as waves. 2. To go about creating confusion, as men running hither and thither inciting to action. 3. To make un- even; up and down, as a wrinkled mat or floor. Hoolepe (ho'o-le'-pe), v. [Hoo and lepe, diagonally.] To cause the edge to be cut or folded diago- nally like the edge of a scallop shell or the comb of a cock. Hoolepule (ho'-o'-le-pu'-le), v. [Ho- ole, to deny, and pule, prayer; re- ligion.] To deny one's authority to act as priest, as did the people after Liholiho had broken the tabu. Syn: Hoolemana above. Hoolewa (ho'o-le'-wa), n. 1. A bearing; a carrying; a floating in the air. 2. The act of bearing a corpse at a funeral; hence, 3. A funeral procession; funeral rites. Hoolewa (ho'o-le'-wa), v. [Hoo and lewa, to swing.] 1. To cause to swing; to vibrate; to float in the air. 2. To lift up and carry, as between two persons; to carry in a manele or palanquin. 3. To carry a corpse in a funeral proces- sion. 4. To cause a swinging or rotary motion, as in certain forms of dancing. Hoo lewa lewa (ho'o-le'-wa-le'-wa), adj. Moving; flying, as clouds that fly low; ina e kokoke mai ke ao, he ao hoolewalewa. Hoolewalewa (ho'o-le'-wa-le'-wa), v. [Hoo and lewalewa, to hang or dangle.] 1. To cause to be' sus- pended; to hang or swing loosely. 2. To attach to something above so that the thing attached shall swing back and forth. Hoollhaliha (ho'o-li'-ha-ll'-ha), v. [Hoo and lihaliha, nausea, or sorrow.] 1. To nauseate; to create sickness of the stomach. 2. To occasion grief, sorrow, sadness. Hooiike (ho'o-li'-ke), v. [Hoo and like, to be like.] 1. To make alike; to make equal; to liken one thing to another; to make a re- semblance. 2. To divide' equally. 3. To imitate or copy. Hoollkelike (ho'o-li'-ke-li'-ke), n. A comparing. Hoollkelike (ho'o-li'-ke-li'-ke), v. [Freq. of hooiike.] To examine in order to discover similarity or un- likeness. Hoolili (ho'o-li'-li), adj. 1. Partaking of a jealous nature; distrustful. 2. Firm; hard; bold; dignified; important. Hoolili (ho'o-li'-li), n. 1. A wavy appearance on the surface of a quiet sea, often caused by a school of fish swimming near the surface. 2. The putting on of airs; a feel- ing of one's importance; the act of creating jealousy in another. Hoolili (ho'o-li'-li), v. [Hoo and MM, jealous.] 1. To partly close the eyes on account of a bright light. 2. To make one jealous; to cause jealousy. 3. To set up for or as- sume what does not belong to one; hoolili ko Oahu e hookolokolo i ko Lahaina. 4. To provoke suspicion. 5. To undulate, as the air under a hot sun; to undulate, as the sur- face of water by the skipping of fishes or gentle current of air. Hoolilo (ho'o-li'-lo), v. [Hoo and lilo, to pass from one to another.] 1. To cause a transfer; to change from one to another; to deliver from one to another. 2. To be lost. Hoolimalima (ho'o-ll'-ma-li'-ma), n. A person hired to work. Hoolimalima (ho'o-li'-ma-li'-ma), v. [Hoo and limalima, to handle.] 1. To cause a doing of anything for a compensation. 2. To make a bargain; to hire; to buy or sell. Hoolina (ho'o-li'-na), v. Same as hooleina and hoolena. To cast off; to throw away. (Obsolete.) Hoolinalina (ho'o-li'-na-li'-na), v. [Hoo and linalina, tough.] 1. To cause to be tough and cohesive; to make glutinous. 2. To be tough and hard, like wax or gum. HOO 173 HOO Hoolioli (h6'-6'-li-6'-li), v. [For hoo- olioli.] To cause to rejoice; to make glad; to be cheerful; to be joyous. Hooliolio (ho'-o'-li'o-li'o), v. To daz- zle with light. I Hooliuliu (ho'o-li'u-li'u), V. [Hoo and I liuliu, referring to duration of | time.] 1. To cause long delay; to | prolong; to be dilatory. 2. To i stay or delay over time. Hooliuliu (ho'o-li-u-ll'u), v. [Hoo and liuliu, to make ready or equip for action.] To cause to be prepared for a doing of some-thing; to start I preparations for a movement. Hooloa (ho'o-lo'-a), v. [Hoo and loa, long.] To stretch out or extend the arms or legs after being bent. Literally, to make long. Hooloa by a blow on certain muscles, 2. To be dull; to be stupid; to be indolent; to be unable to accom- plish anything. 3. To negle^it. Hoololalola (ho'o-16'-la-lo'-la), v. [Freq. form of hoolola.] 1. To cause loss of power frequently or to a great extent. 2. To be very stupid. 3. To neglect much or frequently. Hoolole (ho'o-lo'-le), v. [Hoo and lole, to peel or turn.] 1. To skin; to turn; to change; to turn outside in. 2. To cause to be flayed. Hooioli (ho'o-16'-li), v. [Hoo and loli, to change.] 1. To change; to alter; to renew; to take a new form. 2. To exchange one thing for another. Is said to be a Kauai word for ; Hoololiloli (ho'o-1= 6'-li-lo'-li), v. [Freq. hooleiloa. Hoolohaloha (ho'o-lo'-ha-lo'-ha), v. [Hoo and lohaloha, dumpish, mop- ing, etc.] 1. To be stupid . and dull. 2. To be spiritless; to lack energy; to be disheartened. 3. To be unsociable, Hoolohe (ho'o-lo'-he), v. [Hoo and lohe, to hear.] 1. To cause to hear; to turn the attention. 2. To listen; to regard; to obey. i Hoolohelohe (ho'o-16'-he-lo'-he), v. | of hooioli.] 1. To be constantly changing or altering. 2, To re*-.- tlfy; to change; to reform. Hoololohe (ho'o-lo'-lo'-he), v. [Hoo and lolohc, slow to hear, disobe dient.] 1. To be sour and to act roughly. 2. To be harsh in one's speech and behavior. 3. To re fuse compliance with one's invita- tion; to refuse all approaches; to be disobedient. (Laieik. p. 65.) 4. To stay behind; to linger. 1. To give ear continuously; to Hoolono (ho'o-lo'-no)= , v. [Hoo and pay attention. 2. To give special attention to the act of listening. 3. To listen secretly, as an eaves- dropper. Hoolohi (ho'o-lo'-hi), v. [Hoo and lohi, to be slow.] 1. To make lono, a report.] 1. To give heed to rumors in order to verify them. 2. To give obedience. Hoolopu (ho-o'-lo-pu'), V. [Ho(o) and olupu, to be inflated,] To dilate; to inflate. to slow; to delay; to detain. 2. To Hoolou (ho'o-lo'u), v.= [Hoo and lou, a hook.] To hook; to pull with a hook; to insert, as one thing into another. Hooloua (ho'o-lo'-u'a), adj. [Passive voice of hoolou; contracted from hoolouia.] Hooked; pulled with a hook; fastened with a hook. go slowly; to keep behind cause delay; to act slowly. Hoolohilohl (ho'o-lo'-hi-lo'-hi), v. 1. To indulge the habit of procrasti- nation; to be continually putting off. 2. To procrastinate; to post- pone. Hooloihl (ho'o-16-I'-hi), v. [Hoo and Hooloulou (ho'o-lo'u-l= o'u), v. [Hoo To lengthen out; to and loulou, heavy.] 1. To cause to bend over; to stoop in grief or sorrow; to be afflicted. 2. To bend with weight, as a tree laden with fruit. loihl, long.] prolong. Hoolokaa (ho-o-lo-ka'a), v. To cause to roll; to roll along a road. Hooloko (ho'o-lo'-ko), v. 1. To in- sinuate. 2. To suggest as a sport; i Hooloulou (ho'o-lo'u-lo'u), v= . [Hoo to urge one to dance. 3. To i and freq. of lou, a link or ho= ok.] prompt "the within" to perform 1. To connect with links or hooks= , some act, meritorious or evil. | 2. To form a connected serie= s with Hoolola (ho'o-lo'-la), v. [Hoo and anything doubled l= ike a hook, lola, helpless.] 1. To cause loss of Hoolua (ho'o-lu'-a),= adj. Strong; power of any part of the body, as \ rough; muscular: He= hoolua nui HOO 174 HOO ke kuaaina, he hoopepehu, People of the back country are muscular, they show strength. Hoolua (ho'o-lu'-a), n. 1. The strong north wind: He ua kahi hoolua, a he ua ole kahi hoolua, Some strong winds have rain, others not. 2. The name of the rain accompanying the north wind; he ua hoolua, he ua nui no ia. Hoolua (ho'o-lu'-a), v. [Hoo and lua, two; twice.] 1. To do twice; to repeat; to do over again. 2. Spe- cifically, to bake over; to cook twice. 3. To cook in an imu or oven until very soft. Hoolua! (ho'o-lii-a'i), v. [Hoo and luai, to vomit.] 1. To cause a vomiting; to cast out of the stom- ach. 2. Fig. To cast out, as a peo- ple; to drive off. Hooluaiele (ho'o-lu'-a'i-e'-le), v. 1. To misguide; to cause to go here and there instead of the direct way. 2. To cause to be confused in thought; to involve; to make intri- cate or complicated and difficult to be understood. Hoolualuai (ho'o-lu'-a-lu-a'i), v, [Hoo and luai, vomit.] 1. To cause to vomit. 2. To use means to pro- voke vomiting; a hoolualuai aku la, a pau loa ka awa i ka luaiia. (Laieik. p. 208.) 3. To raise a portion of food slightly chewed, as ruminating animals. Hoolue (ho'o-lu'e), v. [Hoo and lue, to loosen.] 1. To cause to be loose, as any article of clothing; to cause to hang down free, as un- tied or loosed hair. 2. To bring forth many young, as a woman who has borne many children; as a hen that hatches many chickens. Hooluelue (ho'o-lu'-e-lu'e), adj. Hang- ing low and loosely, as ill-fitting attire. Hooluelue (ho'o-lu'e-lu'e), n. A gown; a loose dress; a flowing robe. Hooluelue (ho'o-lu'e-lu'e), v. 1. To let down; to loosen. 2. To be loose, as a garment. 3. To throw away. Hooluhe (ho'o-lu'-he), v. 1. To be proud; to act haughtily; to sway. 2. To droop, as a leaf; to be weak; to hang down. Hooluheluhe (ho'o-lu'-he-lu'-he), v. To hang loosely; to be flexible with weakness. Hooluhi (ho'o-lii'-hi), v. [Hoo and luhi, fatigue.] 1. To make weary. 2. To make one work hard. 3. To oppress; to overbear; to overbur- den. Hooluhlhewa (hoo'-lu'-hi-he'-wa), v. [Hooluhi, to overburden, and hewa, wrongfully.] To oppress; to ha- rass; to burden wrongfully. Hooluhiluhi (ho'o-lu'-hi-lu'-hi), v. [Freq. of hooluhi.] 1. To force one to do many kinds of much hard work. 2. Continuously to impose excessive burdens upon. Hoolui (ho'o-lu'i), v. 1. To overturn the decision of a council of ka- hunas or prie-sts. 2. To abrogate; to abolish; to make void. Hoolule (ho'o-lu'-le), adj. Incorrect form of holule. Hoolulelule (ho'o-lu'-le-lu'-le), adj., v. Incorrect form of holulelule. Hooluli (ho'o-lu'-li), v. [Hoo and lull, to vibrate; to shake.] To rock; to vibrate; to cause a mo- tion back and forth. Hooluliluli (ho'o-lu'-lMu'-li), v. [Hoo and lull, to rock, roll, etc.] 1. To stir up; to awake one out of sleep; to disturb one's quiet; to agitate. 2. To rock, as a child in a cradle. Hoolulu (ho'o-lu'-lu), V. [Hoo and lulu, quiet; calm.] 1. To lie quietly in the water, as a ship in a harbor; to be calm. 2. To make calm; to rest. Hooluluhi (ho'o-lu-lu'-hi), adj. Over- cast; gloomy; heavy; dark, said of the sky or atmosphere. Hooluluhi (ho'o-lu-lu'-hi), v. [Hoo and luhi, weary with labor.] 1. To cause the eyes to be heavy with sleep; to be drowsy; to be sleepy. 2. To be heavy, dark, threatening, as clouds, before a storm. Hooluna (ho'o-lu'-na), v. [Hoo and luna, an officer; an overseer.] 1. To make or cause to be a luna or overseer; to appoint to be in au- thority over others. 2. To take upon one's self the functions of a luna or overseer; to be or act as an officer; to be in authority over others. 3. To stir up or order men to their duties; to act the luna. Hooluni (ho'o-lu'-ni), adj. Weak; applied to persons or things. See hooluli. Hooluolu (ho'-o'-lu-o'-lu), v. [For hoooluolu. Hoo and oluolu, to please; to comfort.] 1. To make HOO 175 HOO easy; to quiet; to comfort; to be cool. 2. To come between persons in disagreement with a purpose to reconcile; to pacify; to conciliate. Hooluu (ho'o-lu'u), V. [Hoc and luu, to dive into the water.] 1. To plunge into a liquid; hence, 2. To dye; to color. 3. To cause to dive into; to immerse. Hooluuiii (ho'o-lu'u-I'-li), n. One who changes the skins of beasts into leather; a tanner. Also called hanaili, in modern usage. Hooluuiii (ho'o-lu'u-i'-li), v. [Hooluu, to immerse, and ili, a skin or hide.] To tan hides. Hooluuluu (ho'o-lu'u-lu'u), n. 1. A basket or trap for catching fish. It is baited, weighted with stones, and lowered into the water or the fisherman dives with it. Called nowadays hinai hooluuluu. 2. The act of taking or catching fish in a basket or trap. Hooluuluu (ho'o-lu'u-lu'u), v. [Hoc and luuluu, grief, trouble, sorrow.] 1. To cause sorrow; to oppress; to make heavy. 2. To cause to be burdened with pain, care, sorrow, etc. 3. To fish with a basket for the fiah called hinalea; to dive and take fish in a basket. Hooluupaakal (ho'o-lu'u-pa'a-ka'i), n. 1. A large square-shaped bag made of a species of rush and designed to hold salt. 2. A large mat made to protect salt from rain. Hooma (ho'o-ma'), v. [Hoo and ma, to fade; to wilt.] 1. To cause to fade; to wilt, as a flower; to per- ish. 2. To strike with the hands or paddle, as a man on a surf- board; to hold a canoe to its. proper course in riding the swell of the sea. 3. To signal by strik- ing with the paddles of a canoe. Hoomaa (ho'o-ma'a), v. [Hoo and maa, to accustom.] 1. To accus- tom; to practice; to exercise by practice. 2. To be ready for any business by having experience in it; to gain skill by practice. Hoomaakaaka (ho'o-ma'-a'-ka-a'-ka), V. [Hoo, ma, and akaaka, to laugh.] 1. To cause laughter; to make sport; to play a trick. 2. To say that which is not true. Syn: Hoakaaka. hoomakeaka. Hoomaalea (ho'o-ma'a-le-a), v. [Hoo and maalea, cunning.] To act wis.ely; to act craftily; to act de- ceitfully; to be dexterous. Hoomaali (ho'o-ma-a'-li), v. [Incor- rect form of hoomoali, hoo and moali, slender.] To make the trace of a thing, as the wake of a ship; to make a faint track of a person walking; to make a slight road; to appear, as the scar of a wound. Hoomaalili (ho'o-ma'a-li'-li), v. [Hoo and maalili, cooled.] 1. To cause to be cool; to cool; to abate heat in any hot substance. 2. To ap- pease; to sooth; to quiet; to as- suage, heat, anger, grief, pain, etc. Hoomaamaa (ho'o-ma'a-ma'a), v. [Freq. of hoomaa, to accustom.] 1. Make familiar by use; to ac- cus.tom one to work; to teach one to work. 2. To be furnished; to be ready for business. Hoomaau (ho'o-mii-a'u), n. 1. A tempting; a trial of one's con- stancy. (Laieik. p. 102.) 2. A teasing, tiring, jading, etc. by steady repetition. 3. Persecution. Hoomaau (ho'o-ma-a'u), v. [Hoo and maau, to trouble.] 1. To perse- cute; to injure maliciously; to of- fend. 2. To hate; to dislike. Hoomaauea (ho'o-ma-a'u-e'a), v. [Hoo, maau, neglect, and ea, tired.] 1. To work lazily; to leave one's work unfinished. 2. To act in a reluctant or half-hearted manner. 3. To lack interest or belief in. , Syn: Hoomalauea, which see. Hoomaawe (ho'o-ma'-a'-we), v. [Hoo and maawe, narrow, thin.] To make a trace of; to make a foot- print, track or path; to mark lines indicating a cours.e. H 00 m a a wea we ( ho'o-m5,-a'-we-a'-we ) , V. [Freq. of hoomaawe.] To make very small threads, as in working fibers. Hoomae (ho'o-ma'e), v. [Hoo and mae, to wilt.] 1. To cause to wilt, as a leaf; to wither; to dry, as a vegetable; to blast; to fade, as colored cloth; to hang down, as a wilting vegetable. 2. To make flexible or pliant by exposing to heat. Hoomaeaea (ho'o-ma'-e'-a-e-a), v. [Maeaea, to disobey.] To disre- gard; to turn a deaf ear to; to refuse to listen. Syn: Hoonalulu. Hoomaeele (ho'o-ma'-e-e'-le), v. [Hoo and maeele, numb.] 1. To be be- HOO 176 HOO numbed from mental agitation. 2. To pity; to have one's sympathy excited: ua hoomaeeleia ka naau o ko lakou kaikunane i ke aloha. =E2=80=94 (Laieik. p. 74.) Hoomaeha (ho'o-ma-e'-ha), v. 1. To provoke; to exasperate; to cause irritation; to render uneasy in mind. 2. To hurt. 3. To wound the feelings of; to annoy. Hoomaemae (ho'o-ma'e-ma'e), v. [Hoo and mae, to fade.] 1. To cause to wilt, as a leaf; to fade, as the colors of cloth. 2. To render plant tissues, as lauhala (pandanus leaves), etc., pliable and easy to handle, usually by exposing the fibers to heat. Hoomaemae (ho'o-ma'e-ma'e), v. To cleanse. Hoomaewa (ho'o-ma-e'-wa), v. [Hoo and maewa, to mock.] To mock; to mimic; to reproach; to pro- voke. H oomaewaewa (ho'o-ma'-e'-wa-e'-w5,) , V. [Freq. of hoomaewa.] To re- proach; to s.neer at; to ridicule. Hoomaha (ho'o-ma'-ha), v. [Hoo and maha, rest.] To cause to rest from fatigue or pain; to cease from exertion. Hoomahaha (ho'o-ma'-ha-ha'), v. [Hoo and mahaha, dry, friable.] 1. To clean off a taro patch; to make the soil soft, friable, fit for planting. 2. To start the huli or taro plants preparatory to setting them in their proper form. Hoomahala (ho'o-ma'-ha'-la). Same as hoomohala, to open, etc. Hoomahana (ho'o-ma'-ha'-na), v. [Hoo and mahana, warm, also mehana.] To cause to be warm; to create warmth. Hoomahanahana (ho*o-ma-ha'-na-ha'- na), n. 1. A tabu observed in the dedication of a temple or heiau. 2. Designation of an interdict or tabu placed on first-fruits which were offered to the gods or to some favorite. Hoomahanahana (ho'o-ma'-ha'-na-ha'- na), V. [Freq. of hoomahana.] Hoomaheha (ho'o-ma'-he'-ha), adv. Working slowly and lazily but perseveringly. Hoomahie (ho'o-ma'-hl'-e), v. 1. To be ahy; to express coyness; to act as though unwilling to become fa- miliar. 2. To be excellent; to be grand; to be noble in appearance. 2. To be proud; to have a high look. See hie, pride, and hoohie. Hoomahola (ho'o-ma'-ho'-la), v. [Hoo and mahola, to open as a flower.] 1. To spread out smoothly, as clothes or tapa. 2. to open; to spread open; to expand, as a flower. Also written hoomohala. Hoomaholahola (ho'o-ma'-ho'-la-ho'- la), V. Freq. of hoomahola. (Ma- hola and mohala have the same meaning.) Hoomahu (ho'o-ma'-hu), v. [Hoo and mahu, steam; vapor.] 1. To create steam; to cause to burst forth like steam. 2. To cook or soften food by steam. Hoomahu (ho'o-ma'-hu), v. To eat little in anticipation of a greater repast or feast. Hoomahua (ho'o-ma'-hu'-a), v. 1. To watch; to lie in wait; to act as a s.py secretly. 2. To cause fear or apprehension of evil to spread from unknown origins. Hoomahua (ho'o-ma'-hu'-a), v. [Con- traction of hoomahuahua, to in- crease; to grow in size; to swell out. Hoomahuahua (ho'o-ma'-hu'-a-hu'-a) , V. [Hoo and mahuahua, to be in- creased.] 1. To make more; to cause an increase of; to multiply by adding to. 2. To enlarge; to cause to grow big. Hoomahuakala (ho'o-ma'-hu'-a-ka'-la), V. [Hoo and mahuakala, con- temptuous.] 1. To treat with con- tempt. 2. To express disbelief in. 3. To mock, insult, sneer at, etc. Hoomahui (ho'o-ma-hu'i), v. [Hoo and mahul, to follow.] 1. To fol- low; to imitate; to listen to one's couns.el or advice; to follow the example of. 2. To adopt the man- ners, actions, habits, etc., of others. Hoomahuka (ho'o-ma'-hu'-ka), v. [Hoo and mahuka, to run away.] 1. To counsel or advise one to run away; to assist one to leave a place or business secretly. 2. To hide one's self to avoid work. Hoomahuwa (ho'o-ma'-hii-wa'), v. To make ominous; to foreshow by signs, or omens, as meeting a one- eyed person is said to mean bad luck. Hoomal (ho'o-ma'i), v. [Hoo and mai, sickness.] 1. To cause sick- ness. 2. To be weak; to be out of health. 2. To feign illness. HOO 177 HOO Hoomaihaiha (ho'o-ma'-i'-ha-!'-ha), v. [Hoo and maiha, to be energetic] 1. To draw firmly, as a rope. 2. To be intent upon, as the mind; to pursue eagerly. To unite all the forces of physical and intel- lectual energy. Hoomaika (ho'o-ma'-i'-ka), v. To be s,trong; to be intent upon. Hoomaikai (ho'o-ma'i-ka'i), n. 1. Thanksgiving. 2. Honor. 3. Favor; respect; admiration. Hoomaikai (ho'o-ma'i-ka'i), v. [Hoo and maikai, handsome, good.] 1. To make good ; to correct ; to make handsome. 2. To bless: to ascribe goodness to one; to make prosper- ous. 3. To render thanks; to thank. (Thank you, in modern common usage, is mahalo.) Hoomaikaiia (ho'o-mai-ka'i-Ia), n. Honor; outward respect paid to a superior. Hoomaikafka (ho'o-ma'-i'-ka-i'-ka), v. [Hoo and maika, weary.] To be made weary by physical effort. Hoomailani (ho'o-ma'i-la'-ni), v. 1. To fondle; to treat tenderly. 2. To praise; to exalt. 3. To tend, as. a child; to take care of; to honor. Hoomaimai (ho'o-ma'i-ma'i), v. [Hoo and freq. of mai, sickness.] To pretend to be sick; ua hoomaimai ae la oia, a nolaila, ua hala ia po. (Laieik. p. 209.) Hoomaino (ho'o-ma'-I'-no), v. [Hoo and maino, to injure.] 1. To make sad; to treat with severity. 2. To treat cruelly; to revile; to abuse. Hoomainoino (ho'o-ma'-i'-nd-I'-no), v. [Hoo and mainoino, to suffer af- fliction.] 1. To afflict; to treat with severity; to slander; to de- ride. Syn : Hoomaewaewa. Hoomaio (ho'o-ma'-i'o), v. [Hoo and maio, a wasting sickness; ma, to fade, and io, flesh.] To grow thin in flesh; to have little flesh on the bones. Hoomaioio (ho'o-ma-i'o-i'o), n. The s.hort, acute note of a little bird. Hoomaioio (ho'o-ma-i'o-i'o), v. [Hoo and ioio, the cry of a young chicken.] To peep; to chirp. Hoomaioio (ho'o-ma-i'o-i'o), v. [Hoo and freq. of maio, to mark or scratch.] To mark; to deface; to scrape, as in the use of some sharp pointed instrument. Hoomaka (ho'o-ma'-ka), n. The com- ing of a child's first tooth. Hoomaka (ho'-o'-ma-ka), n. The fresh blade of a plant; the first leaf of a tree. Syn: Omaka. Hoomaka (ho'o-ma'-ka), v. To be- gin; to commence a work; to set forth a new thing. Hoomakaakiu (ho'o-mn -ka a-ki'-u), v. [Hoo and makaakiu, watchful eye.] 1. To spy out; to act the part of a spy; to watch with jealousy. (This is rather a phrase than a word, to commence to watch). 2. To s.py, watch or listen for the purpose of reporting. Hoomakaaua (ho'o-ma'-k^-a'-ua), v. To hang moist sheets of tapa over a line or haka so that the edges on either side of the line will cor- respond, creating a fixed crease through the middle of the sheet. The word is used by the makers of the kuina kapa, tapa blankets. Hoomakae (ho'o-ma'-ka-e'), v. [Hoo and makae, against.] 1. To look at with disdain; to stand aloof from; to be at enmity with; to look askance or be angry at. 2. To reject as, unworthy of respect; to treat contemptuously. Hoomakai (ho'o-ma'-ka'i), v. [Hoo and makai, a guard.] 1. To clothe with the authority of a constable; to make or commission a police- man. 2. To act the part of a po- liceman. Hoomakaki (ho'o-ma'-ka-ki'), v. To design revenge; to meditate mis- chief. Hoomakakiu (ho'o-ma'-ka-kl'-u) adj. Jealous ; suspicious ; watchful through jealousy. (Obsolete.) Hoomakakiu (ho'o-ma'-ka-ki'-u), v. [Contraction of hoomakaakiu.] To watch with a jealous eye; to lie* in wait for. Hoomakaia (ho'o-ma'-ka'-la), v. [Hoo and makala, to loosen.] 1. To cause to open a little, as a door. 2. To untie; to loosen, as in tak- ing off a garment. 3. To unravel; I to disentangle the threads of. j See kala. Hoomakamaka (ho'o-ma'-ka-ma'-ka), V. [Hoo and makamaka, a friend.] 1. To be on terms of intimacy; to make friends for the sake of pro- fit or convenience. 2. To cause to be friends; to make friends of HOO 178 HOO those who were previously in con- troversy; to conciliate. Hoomakanahelehele (ho'o-ma'-ka-na'- he'-le-he'-le), v. [Hoo and maka- nahele, wild, inhabiting a forest.] 1. To caii&e to appear wild; to be- deck or adorn with the wild growth of the forest, as vines, flowers, etc. 2. To take to life in the wood land. 3. To go astray in the bush; to get out of the road. Hoomakau (ho'o-ma-ka'u), v. [Hoo and makau, fear.] To cause one to fear; to make afraid; to frighten. Hoomakauaua (ho'o-ma'-ka'u-au'-a), v. To hang up to dry. Hoomakau kau (ho'o-ma'-ka'u-ka'u), v. [Hoo and freq. of makau.] 1. To make afraid; to try to scare: e lilo ana oe i mea e hoomakaukau ia ai ma na alanui, thou shalt become an example causing fear by the road sides. =E2=80=94 Laieik. p. 212. Hoomakaukau (ho'o-ma'-ka'u-ka'u), v. [Hoo and makaukau, ready; pre- pared.] To make ready; to pre- pare; to get in readiness for busi- ness or for a coming event. Hoomakaulii (ho'o-ma'-ka'u-li'i), adj. Watchful; careful; provident. Hoomakaulii (ho'o-ma-ka'u-li'i), n. 1. One who feigns friendship and eats with one while he watches his opportunity to injure him; one acting with cunning and duplicity. 2. Strong desire for and corre- sponding effort to obtain a thing. Applied to those who take proper care of their resources. Hoomakaulii (ho'o-ma-ka'u-li'i), v. 1. To be thoroughgoing; to perse- vere; to hold out; to have a strong desire for a thing: e hoomana- wanui a loaa mai; he kanaka hoomakaulii haku, a nolaila e ma- lama pono i ka waiwai; he hoo- makaulii ma ka manao i ke Akua. 2. To be thrifty. 3. To serve a chief in order to obtain favors; to follow; to adhere to for gain; I lako o ua kanaka la, o kana hoomakaulii ana. That man's obedience to the chief is from the favors (lako) he expects; Ua hoomakaulii anei kakou e ma lama ia ai? Have we been obe- dient in order to be taken care of? Eia ka manao iloko o ua kanaka la, o kana hoomakaulii ana, o loaa mai ka aina. He ka- naka huhu wale, he poe hooma- kaulii aina. Hoomake (ho'o-ma'-ke), v. [Hoo and make, death.] 1. To cause death; to kill: Olelo ke kahuna o Kame- hameha e hoomake oe i ka wa- hineaolua, oia o Kahoukapu hoole o Kamehameha alalia olelo ke ka- huna, minamina ae la i ka wa- hineaolua a e aea ana kou akua mai ou aku; a e hele ana ia a kukulu o kahiki a hoi hou mai me ka lehelehe namu a me ka olelo a ka malihini. 2. To put in a state of privation; to cause thin- ness of flesh. 3. To submerge; plunge. Mai hoopae oe (i ka aina), e hoomake oe i kou nalu, go not ashore, plunge under your surf. 4. To pretend to be dead. Hoomakeaka (ho'o-ma'-ke'-a'-ka), adj. Exciting laughter; witty; he olelo hoomakeaka. Hoomakeaka (ho'o-ma'-ke'-a'-ka), v. [Hoo and freq. of aka, to laugh.] To excite laughter; to exercise wit. Hoomakee (ho'o-ma-ke'e), v. [Hoo and makee, eager to obtain.] 1. To long after; to wish eagerly. 2. To wish to possess; to be greedy after; to scrape together; to lus.t after property. Hoomakehewa (ho'o-ma'-ke-he'-wa), v. [Hoo and makehewa, in vain.] 1. To cause to be in vain, to no pur- pose; to make worthless. 2. To do a thing in vain. Hoomakemake (ho'o-ma'-ke-ma'-ke), V. [Hoo and makemake, to de- sire.] 1. To cause to desire; to wish for. 2. To cause a longing for. Hoomakena (ho'o-ma'-ke'-na), v. [Hoo and makena, mourning.] To cause mourning; to cause sorrow; to cause grief. Hoomakiu (ho'o-ma'-ki-u), v. [Hoo and kiu, to spy,] To watch se- cretly for the purpose of gaining information. Hoomakoa (ho'o-ma'-ko'a), v. [Ma- koa, to go forward fearlessly.] To walk, talk or act bravely; to act as an officer among soldiers; e hookoa, e hookalali. Hoomakoi (ho'o-ma'-ko'i), v. [Hoo and makoi, hard, s.evere.] To be hard; to be stingy; to be close; to be regardless of others. HOO 179 HOO Hoomakole (ho'o-ma'-ko'-le), v. [Hoo and makole or kole, red, as raw flesh.] 1. To make raw, as flesh; to be red, as inflamed eyes. The word is also used in humorous raillery, as ua halawai oe me ka makole, equivalent to paoa oe, not lucky. Hoomakoli (ho'o-ma'-ko'-li), v. [Hoo and makoli, short, scanty.] To cut short; to make small; to render fine. Hoomakomako (ho'o-ma'-k6-ma'-ko), adj. Descriptive of large over- shadowing clouds: he ao hoomako- mako, a cloud that causes shadow or shade. Hoomakomako (ho'o-ma'-k6-ma'-ko), V. [Hoo and makomako, to be large.] 1. To enlarge; to make wider; to increase the size of. Hoomakou (ho'o-ma'-ko'u), v. [Hoo and makou, to be red, as the eyea. From makou, a perennial with a red tuberous root like radish, used as a medicine in some diseases of children.] 1. To make red; to be blood-shot, as the eyes from being long in salt water. 2. To blush; to turn red. Hoomaku (ho'o-ma'-ku'), v. [Hoo and maku, sediment.] To cause sediment; to separate the leea from the pure liquor; to cause the refuse contained in a liquid to settle. Hoomakua (ho'o-ma-ku'-a), v. [Hoo and makua, parent.] 1. To cause to be a parent or guardian. 2. To adopt, as a parent adopts a child. 3. To act the part of a makua or parent; to foster. 4. To grow large; to approach manhood or womanhood in stature. 5. To be- come established. Hoomakue (ho'o-ma-ku'-e), n. An angry look; a frown; a stirring up of displeasure. Hoomakue (ho'o-ma-ku'-e), v. [Hoo and makue, to frown.] 1. To ex- press displeaaure by a look; to frown upon. 2. To produce a pur- ple or dark color. See kue and makue. Hoomakuekue (ho'o-ma-ku'-e-ku'-e), v. [Freq. of hoomakue.] 1. To con- tract the brow in displeasure; to scowl. 2. To rebuke with looks. Hoomakumaku (ho'o-ma'-kG-ma'-ku), v. [Hoo and freq. of maku, full grown,] 1. To increase; to en- large; to grow fat; to be heavy, as a fat person or animal. 2. To make fleshy or fat. See also hoomaku. Hoomaiae (ho'o-ma-la'e), v. [Hoo and malae, to be calm.] 1. To put on a pleasant countenance; to as- sume the appearance of friendship when the heart is disaffected; to hide an evil desjgn by assuming pleasantry. 2. To calm; to make quiet; to appease. Hoomalaea (ho'o-ma-la-e'a), v. 1. To be calm; to be quiet; to settle down in quietness; applied to the presence of one who was re- proached when absent. 2. To ap- pear friendly while in the presence of, but virulent when absent; to be two-faced. Hoomalaelae (ho'o-ma'-la'e-la'e), v. [Hoo and laelae, clear, as the sky.] To enlighten; to make clear and pleasant; to calm; to let in the light; to cause light to shine in the gloom; to make clear in mind. Hoomalailena (ho'o-ma-la'i-le'-na), v. [Hoo and malailena, bitterness.] To make bitter; to embitter. Hoomalamalama (ho'o-ma-la'-ma-la'- ma), V. [Hoo and malamalama, light.] To cause light. To en- lighten; to ahine upon. Hoomaiana (ho'o-ma-la'-na), v. [Hoo and malana, to lighten.] 1. To make less heavy; to make buoy- ant. 2. To lift lightly; to attempt to raise from a lower level. Hoomalanalana (ho'o-ma'-la'-na-la'- na), V. [Freq. of hoomaiana.] To make very light or buoyant. Hoomalao (ho'o-ma-la'o), v. To act the idler; to be a vagabond; to go about from place to place doing nothing. Hoomalau (ho'o-ma-la'u), v. [Hoo and malau, to reject good advice.] 1. To be unbelieving; to be un- godly; to be irreverent toward sacred things. 2. To profess dis- belief; to be distrustful of. Hoomalauea (ho'o-ma'-la'u-e'a), v. To cause to be lazy; to be indo- lent. 2. To give one's self up to a condition of general uselessness. Hoomalea (ho'o-ma'-le'a), v. Same a?, hoomaalea, to act wisely or cunningly. Hoomalle (ho'o-ma'-li'-e), v. [Hoo and malie, calm; quiet.] 1. To hush, as a tumult; to clear off, as HOO 180 HOO the sky after a storm. 2. To cause to be undisturbed. Hoomalielie (ho'o-ma-li'-e-ir-e), v. [Hoo and intensive of malie, to be quiet.] 1. To cause stillness. 2. To appease, as a ruffled mind; to soothe; to calm; to allay anger or agitation of any kind; to as- suage hostility. Hoomalihini (ho'o-ma'-li-h!'-ni), v. [Hoo and malihini, a s.tranger.] 1. To make one's self a stranger; to become a stranger; to be for- eign to one. 2. To imitate a stranger. Hoomaliko (ho'o-ma-H'-ko), v. 1. To discredit; to refuse belief to. 2. To refuse respect. Hoomalimali (ho'o-ma'-li-ma'-li), v. [Hoo and malimali, to flatter,] 1. To flatter. 2. To attempt to secure one's favor by flattery. Hoomalohilohi (ho'o-ma'-lo'-hi-lo'-hi), V, [Hoo and malohilohi, weary, slow.] To be slow in moving; to be dilatory. Hoomaloka (ho'o-ma-lo'-ka), n. 1. A doubter; an unbeliever. 2. Un- belief in a chief's word. 3. Dis- obedience. Hoomaloka (ho'o-ma-lo'-ka), v. [Hoo and maloka, disregard of com- mands, to be sluggis.h; to be stu- pid.] 1. To be dull; to be stupid in mind. 2, To disregard any im- portant truth; to be unbelieving. Hoomalolo (ho'o-ma-16'-lo), n. Dis- tinctive title of a day when all la- bor stops; the day on which sacri- fice is offered; the name of the day before the la kapu; hence, un- der the Christian system, the la hoomalolo is Saturday, the day be- fore the Sabbath. Hoomalolo (ho'o-ma-16'-lo), v. [Hoo and malolo, to rest.] 1. To call a day of rest; to cease work: Hoo- malolo mai la ka makou hana o keia la, Our work is off for today or we are off work today. 2. To ebb and flow much more than usual, applied to the ocean. Hoomaloo (ho'o-ma-lo*o), v. [Hoo and maloo, parched; dry.] To caus.e to dry up, as water; to wither, as a tree or flower; to make anything dry. Hoomalu (ho'o-ma'-lu), adj. Making or causing peace between differ- ing parties; mohai hoomalu, a peace-offering. Hoomalu (ho'o-ma'-lu), v. [Hoo and malu, a shade, peace, etc.] 1, To rule over, especially in a peaceful way; to govern quietly; to make peace. 2. To bring under the care or protection of. 3. To seize and appropriate by process of law. Hoomalule (ho'o-ma-lu'-le), v. [Hoo and malule, weak, limber.] 1. To make weak; to weaken; to enfee- ble. 2. To change from one form to another; to metamorphose, as a caterpillar into a butterfly. Hoomalumalu (ho'o-ma'-lu-ma'-lu), adj. Overshadowing; shading, as clouds that run low; he ao hoo- malumalu. Hoomalumalu (ho'o-ma'-lu-ma'-lu), v. [Hoo and malumalu, shady.] 1. To overshadow; to cause a malumalu or s.hade. 2. To obscure; to cover over; to darken. Hoomana (ho'o-ma'-na), n. The act of worship. Hoomana (ho'o-ma'-na), v. [Hoo and mana, authority, power.] 1. To ascribe divine honors; to worship; to cause one to have regal author- ity. 2. To authorize; to confer authority on; to empower. Hoomanaka (ho'o-ma'-na-ka'), n. [Hoo and manaka, lazy, indifferent.] 1. Laziness; indifference, discour- agement; faint-heartedness; e hana no me ka hooikaika, aole me ka hoomanaka. 2. Discouragement as a result of censure; loss of pa- tience through nagging. (A mod- ern meaning.) Hoomanaka (ho'o-ma'-na-ka'), v. [Hoo and manaka, laziness.] 1. To make lazy or faint-hearted; to dis.- courage; to weaken. Opposite of hooikaika. 2. To vex by finding fault; to make weary by nagging. Hoomanakii (ho'o-ma'-na-ki'i), adj. Idolatrous. Hoomanakii (ho'o-ma'-na-ki'i), n. 1. The practice of worshiping idols; idolatry; called figuratively in Scripture, whoredom. 2. Also vanity; a vain service; whore- dom. 3. A worshiper of idols. Hoomanakii (ho'o-ma'-na-ki'i), v. [Hoomana, worship, and kii, an idol.] To worship idols; to wor- ship any god except Jehovah. Hoomanalo (ho'o-ma'-na'-lo), v. [Hoo and manalo, diluted.] 1. To make insipid; to make tasteless. 2. To cause a change in the taste HOO 181 HOO of anything. 3. To purify; to j aweeten anything from salt or any t unpleasant taste or smell. Hoomanao (ho'o-ma'-na'o), v. [Hoo and manao, to think.] Literally to cause a thought. To turn the mind I upon; to call to mind; to cause to consider; to remember. Hoomanaonao (ho'o-ma'-na'o-na'o), n. A bitter reflection on the past; sorrow for the past. Hoomanaonao (ho'o-ma'-na'o-na'o), v. [Hoo and nnanaonao, to lament.] 1. To call up the past with sor- row; to think or reflect on the past. 2. To be affected by hear- ing of or by the sight of some great misfortune, as of shipwreck, or des.truction by fire, etc. _ Hoomanawalea (ho'o-ma'-na'-wa-le'a), V. [Hoo and manawalea, alms.] 1. To appease by a gift. 2. To give alms; to relieve the dis- tressed. 3. To cause one to give or to contribute. Hoomanawanui (ho'o-ma'-na'-wa'- nu'-i), n. 1. The being patient; patience. 2. Endurance. Hoomanawanui (ho'o-ma'-na'-wa'- nu'-i), V. To be patient; to be long-suffering. Hoomanea (ho'o-ma-ne'-a), v. [Hoo and manea, callous.] 1. To ren- der callous; to harden; he mea ia na ke kalaimoku e hoomanea i kanaka i haalele ole i ke alii. 2. To cause to be inured; to be trained; to be habituated. Hoomaneoneo (ho'o-ma'-ne'o-ne'o), v. [Hoo and maneo, to itch.] 1. To scratch to relieve itching. 2. To cause a ticklish aensation by slight touches; to tickle. Hoomano (ho'o-ma-no'), v. [Hoo and mano, a shark.] 1. To act the shark; to be greedy; not to invite the onlooker to partake. 2. To swallow ravenously as a shark: Aohe no kau he ai, he ai a mano. Hoomaoa (ho'o-ma'-o'-a), v. [Hoo and maoa, sore caused by friction of the malo or pau over the hip.] To have lameness in the hip joint; to be weak in the muscles of the thigh. Hoomaoe (ho'o-ma'-o'e), v. [Hoo and maoe, bold.] 1. To speak or ask for a thing; to give a hint of one's desire. 2. To hint; to suggest; to make an indirect allusion for the purpose of gaining something. Hoomaoi (ho'o-ma'-o'i), v. [Hoo and maoi, bold, forward.] To be im- pertinent, as in asking a favor in an unbecoming, indecorous man- ner. Hoomaomao (ho'o-ma'o-ma'o), v. [Hoo and maomao, green in color.] 1. To cause to be colored green; to make a green color. 2. To darken; to make a blue color. See omaomao. Hoomaona (ho'o-ma'-o'-na), v. [Hoo and maona, full, satisfied.] To cause to be satisfied. To feed to satiety; to fill with food; to be satisfied with eating; to load. Hoomau (ho'o-ma'u), adj. 1. With- out break; continuously; without interruption. 2. Unappeasable; not to be reconciled. Hoomau (ho'o-ma'u), v. [Hoo and mau, to repeat.] 1. To be con- stant. 2. To cause to be immov- able; to perpetuate; to make fast, as an anchor in sand or rocks; to keep perpetually in action. 3. To persevere; to go forward; hoo- mau aku la laua i ka hele. =E2=80=94 Laieik. p. 101. 4. To continue; to prolong; to be repeated. Hoomau (ho'o-ma-u'), v. [Hoo and mau, wet, moist.] 1. To moisten; to supply with water; to irrigate. 2. To add water to anything; to dampen. 3. To make cool or re- freshing. Hoomauae (ho'o-ma'u-a'e), v. To intermeddle; to interfere in the concerns of others; to interpose; to intrude. Hoomauakala (ho'o-ma'u-a-ka'-la), v. [Hoo and mauakala, to scorn.] 1. To hold in extreme contempt; to disdain; to despise. 2. To be lazy; to spend the day; to be indo- lent; to go about doing nothing. 3. To accuse falsely; to laugh with scorn. Hoomauhala (ho'o-ma'u-ha'-la) , n. An old grudge; cherished revenge. (Laieik. p. 69.) Hoomauhala (ho'o-ma'u-ha'-la), v. [Hoomau, to perpetuate, and hala, offense.] To keep long enmity against one; to retain long the memory of an offense; to seek revenge long after an offense. Hoomaui (ho'o-ma-u'-I'), v. 1. To ripen fruit, as bananas or papaias, HOO 182 HOO by burying underground. 2. [Maui, to break or sprain.] To use an in- jured limb of the body. Hoomauia (ho'o-ma'u-I'a), v. [Hoo- mau, to continue, and ia, sign of passive.] Continual; perpetual. Proceeding without interruption; lasting, O ka poi ka ai hoomauia. Hoomauiui (ho'o-ma-u'i-u'i), v. To become sore again; to recur, as the trouble in a previous sprain or break of a bone. Hoomauleho (ho'o-ma'u-le'-ho), v. [Hoomau, to continue, and leho, a callous bunch.] Literally, to cause the callous bunches to con- tinue. To cause one to work hard; to oppress; to make one work all day and every day. Hoomauna (ho'o-ma'-u'-na), v. [Hoo and mauna, to waste.] To waste; to dispose of uselessly; i mauna aku ai i ka pono kahiko. Hoomaunauna (ho'o-ma'-u-na'-u-na), n. Waste; useless destruction of property. Hoomaunauna (ho'o-ma-u'-na-u'-na) , V. [Hoo and maunauna, to waste.] To waste, as property; to spend uselessly; to consume; to destroy without regard to expense. Hoomawae (ho'o-ma'-wa'e), v. [Hoo and mawae, a crevice.] 1. To make or cause a cleft or crevice; to split or cleave. 2. To put in a crevice; to hide or s.ecrete. Hoomawaena (ho'o-ma-wa'e-na), v. To be lost or hidden in the midst of a company of people or things; a i ka au hou ana o ka mea i komo i ka pua, hoomawaena iaoia. 2. To be lost in a crowd. Hoomawale (ho'o-ma'-wa'-le), v. [Hoo and ma, to wilt, and wale, only.] To be destroyed or perish quickly. Hoomea (ho'o-me'-a), v. [Hoo and mea, thing.] 1. Literally to "thing" or cause to thing; to cause or do something. 2. To cause or do anything not specifi- cally designated. (The phrase sug- gests an ellipsis.) Hoomea wale iho no kela, he only trifles, or he only deceives. Hoomeha (ho'o-me'-ha), adj. 1. Hush, quiet, preparatory to observing a tabu. 2. Preparing for the tabu. Syn Hoomalolo. Hoomeha (ho'o-me'-ha), v. [Hoo and meha, quiet.] 1. To cause quiet; to hush. 2. To stay at home from work; to cease from work. For- merly applied to a la kapu or holy day but now referring to a la hoo- malolo, the day before the Sab- bath, that is, Saturday. 3. To be absent. Hoomele (ho*o-me'-le), v. [Hoo and mele, a song.] To cause or make a song; to sing a mele; to be joy- ous; to rejoice. Hoomeneme'ne (ho'o-me'-ne-me'-ne), v. [Hoo and menemene, grievous; hard to bear.] 1. To be grieved. 2. To have compassion; to pity; to cause tender treatment of. Hoomiho (ho'o-mi'-ho), n. Incorrect form of hooniho, a stone wall, etc. Hoomoa (ho'o-mo'a), v. [Hoo and moa, cooked.] To cause to be cooked; to be thoroughly baked. Hoomoae (ho'o-mo'-a'e), v. [Hoo and moae, a furrow, a cleft.] 1. To cause a cleft; to cut a furrow in. 2. To split; to divide lengthwise; to rend asunder. Hoomoakaka (ho'o-mo'-a-ka'-ka), v. [Hoo and moakaka, clear to the mind.] To cause to be very plain to the mind; to make one under- stand what may be intricate; to explain. Syn: Hoakaka. Hoomoalaala (ho'o-mo'-a'-la-a'-la), v. [Hoo and moalaala, or maaloalo, to go this way and that without certain direction.] 1. To run around; to be active as if engaged in important business. 2. To be busy about; to go from house to hou&e. 3. To be forward; to be impertinent. Hoomoali (ho'o-mo-a'-li), v. To make a narrow track or line showing a course. Hoomoamoa (ho'o-mo'-a-mo'-a), v. [Hoo and moa, a cock.] To go in company with, as a cock goes with hens to protect or warn in case of danger; to be intimate with; e hoopunahele. Hoomoana (ho*o-mo'-a'-na), n. A camping place; a collection of per- sons assembled for rest or camp- ing; a camp. Hoomoana (ho'o-mo-a'-na), v. [Hoo and moana, a lying down.] 1. To spread down mats for staying ovei* night; hence, 2. To encamp, as travelers; to encamp, as soldiers. Hoomoe (ho'omo'-e), v. [Hoo and moe, to lie down.] 1. To lie down; to prostrate in adoration. 2. To HOO 183 HOO apeak of one's sleeping with anoth- er, that is, of marrying. (Laieik. p. 66.) 3. To lie down to rest; to rest by lying down. 4. To post- pone; to continue, referring to time. Hoomoemoe (ho'o-mo'-e-mo'-e), v. 1. To cause to lie down. 2. To hush or put to sleep. 3. To entice to an unlawful sexual association. Hoomohala (ho'o-mo-ha'-la), v. [Hoo and mohala, opened.] 1. To open; to unfold or blossom, as a flower. 2. To spread, as a tapa or sheet. 3. To, have hope, as one disap- pointed; ua hoomohala ia kona naau kanalua. (Laieik. p. 93.) 4. To unfold, as. one's inward de- sire. 5. To rage, as lust. Laieik. p. 196.) Hoomohalu (ho'o-mo-ha'-lu), v. [Hoo and mohalu, to relax.] 1. To cause to be at ease; to give relax- ation. 2. To cause to become loose; to slacken; to ease; to di- vert; to unbend. Hoomohaluhalu (ho'o-mo-ha'-lu-ha'- lu), V. [Freq. of hoomohalu.] To be flexible; to be easily bent. Hoomohola (ho'o-mo-ho'-la), v. [Hoo and mohola or hohola, to unfold and spread.] To spread out wide- ly; to unfold, as the growing of a plant. Hoomohole (ho'o-mo-ho'-le), v. [Hoo and mohole, to peel.] 1. To cause to peel; to strip the skin from an animal; to peel the bark from a tree. 2. To cause a falling off. Syn: Uhole. Hoomoko (ho*o-mo'-ko), v. 1. To fill a newly made taro patch with water. 2. To flood or fill with water for the purpose of examina- tion or testing, as a fresh cala- bash, etc. Hoomoku (ho'o-mo'-ku), n. 1. A cut- ting or a dividing, 2. A portion; a part separated from the original whole. Hoomoku (ho'o-mo'-ku), v. 1. To cause a division; to cut and di- vide, as a land. 2. To cut off or separate; to disunite. Hoomole (ho*o-mo'-le), v. [Hoo and mole, to linger.] 1. To cause to linger; to be slow; to be behind. 2. To hesitate; to be slow; to be unwilling, backward, etc. Hoomolowa (ho'o-mo'-16-wa'), adj. Slothful. Hoomolowa (ho'o-m5-lo-wa'), v. [Hoo and molowa, inactive.] 1. To be indifferent about a thing; to be indisposed to do a thing, especially to work; hence, 2. To be lazy; to be idle. 3. To assume an air of unconcern; to feign indifference. Hoomomole (ho'o-mo'-mo'-le), v. 1. Same as hoomole, to hesitate. Hoomomole is used for the sake I of euphony. I Hoomomole (ho'o-mo'-mo'-le), v. I [Intensive of hoomole, to be slow.] Hoomoo (ho'o-mo'o), v. To continue; to follow up; to follow a course of procedure to completion. HoomoukiukI (ho'o-mo'-u'-ki-u'-ki), v. [Hoo and ukiuki or moukluki, bad smelling.] 1. To cause an offen- sive smell; to reek with offensive smells, like an old and dirty ship, or like the breath of a tobacco smoker. 2. To be warm or stifled for want of pure air. Hoomu (ho'o-mu'), v. [Hoo and mu, to be silent. Contraction of hoo- mumule, to be mum.] 1. To sit ailent; to be speechless. 2. To make no reply; to refuse to answer. Hoomue (ho'o-mu'e), v. [Hoo and mue, insipid.] 1. To be bad tast- ing to the palate; to be offensive to the taste. 2. To make insipid; to make brackish. Hoomuemue (ho'o-mu'e-mu'e), v. [Freq. of hoomue.] Hoomuhu (ho'o-mu'-hu), v. [Hoo and muhu or mumuhu, a number of like things assembled in bulk.] 1. To swarm, said of insects when assembled in a mass; to be crowd- ed as a multitude of beings in mo- tion. 2. To make a low humming sound, as of insects when forming a swarm, said also of the sound I caused by a multitude of beings j in motion. Hoomuimui (ho'o-mu'i-mu'-i), v. To assemble, to cause to assemble; to j bring together. Hoomuka (ho'o-mu-ka'), v. [Hoo and muka, a quick, sharp noise, as of the lips when tasting food or I liquor.] To smack; to express rel- ish for food by a smack. Hoomukamuka (ho'o-mu'-ka-mu-ka'), v. To test food by tasting. I Hoomumu (ho'o-mu'mu'), v. [Hoo and mu or mumu, to hold in the I mouth.] 1. To hold in the mouth HOO 184 HOO without swallowing. 2. To hold the mouth silent from speaking. 3. To utter inarticulately. 4. To bite gently; to chew with closed lips, as one without teeth. Hoomumuhu (ho'o-mu-mu'-hu), v. [Hoo and muhu or mumuhu, to hum.] 1. To collect; to a&semble together, as men; to gather to- gether, as other things. 2. To make a low, indistinct noise; to sound like an indistinct low hum. Syn: Hoomumulu. Hoomumuku (ho'o-mu'-mu'-ku), v. [Hoo and muku or mumuku, short.] 1. To cut short; to cut off a piece of; to make shorter. 2. To quit a piece of work before completion; to cause a quitting of. Hoomumule (ho'o-mu'-mu'-le), v. See mumule, silent. 1. To cause one's self to quit talking; to be mute; to be silent. 2. To be unbalanced mentally; to show the first symp- toms of insanity; to be out of one's mind. Hoomumulu (ho'o-mu'-mu'-lu), v. To collect together in great numbers; to be thick, as swarms of flies. Syn: Hoomumuhu. Hoomuu (ho'o-mu'u), v. [Hoo and muu, collected.] To cause a col- lection; to heap together; to col- lect into a mass. Hoona (ho*o-na'), v. [Hoo and na, pacified.] 1. To cause ease; to give quiet from pain; to appease; to comfort. 2. To settle; hoona kuleana, to settle a claim. Hoonaaikola (ho'o-na'-ai'-ko'-la), n. Contempt; disdain; scorn. Hoonaaikola (ho'o-na'-ai'-ko'la), v. [Hoona, from na, pacified, and aikola, an expression of triumph.] To express satisfaction at the overthrow of; to declaim contempt for a defeated opponent. Hoonae (ho'o-na'e), v. [Hoo and nae, to breathe hard.] To cause to breathe hard; to puff like one traveling fast up hill; to be short of breath from fatigue. Hoonaele (ho'o-na'-e'-le), v. [Hoo and naele, swampy.] 1. To be swampy; to be soggy; springy, etc., as a marsh covered with thick vegetable growth. 2. To cause to sag by press.ure under weight. 'i. To open or enlarge, as a hole or cleft. Hoonaenae (ho'o-na'e-na'e), v. [Freq. form of hoonae, to be short of breath.] Hoonaha (ho*o-na-ha'), v. See naha, broken. To cause a breaking; to cause to be shattered. 2. To cause a cleansing of the bowels by a purgative. Hoonahenahe (ho'o-na'-he-na'-he), v. [Hoo and freq. of nahe, soft.] 1. To be soft, as. a low subdued tone or utterance. 2. To speak with low subdued voice; to sing or oli in a low. soft tone. 3. To be low; to be flat; to be thin; to be humble. Hoonahili (ho'o-na-hi'-li), v. [Hoo and nahlll, lost, unable to find the way.] 1. To cause to be per- plexed; to misdirect; to cause to go the wrong way. 2. To make confused or bewildered. 3. To lengthen out the time of; to pro- crastinate. Hoonahoa (ho'o-na-ho'-a), v. [Hoo and nahoa, strong; bold.] 1. To be hard; to be strong; to be bold, as a soldier. 2. To turn a deaf ear; to refuse to listen. Same as hoonehoa. 3. To make bold, as to do some valiant act; be valiant; to show no fear. Hoonahonaho (ho'o-na'-ho-na'-ho). v. [Hoo and nahonaho, deep, dark.] 1. To be deep set, as the eyes from famine or illness. 2. To be so deep that nothing can be seen, as a deep pit. Hoonahu (ho'o-na'-hu), v. [Hoo and nahu, to bite.] 1. To cause to bite. Used in the imperative to incite to attack with the teeth. Hoonahunahu (ho'o-na'-hu-na'-hu), v. [Hoo and nahunahu, griping pains.] 1. To cause pains in the bowels or to have such pains. 2. To be in labor pains. 3. To be seized by sudden pinching pains. Hoonaiki (ho'o-na-i'-ki'), v. Also spelt hoonaike. 1. To persecute. 2. To ridicule; to make a laugh- ing stock of. Hoonaikola (ho'o-na-I'-ko-la). Same as hoonaiki. Hoonainai (ho'o-na'i-na'i), v. [Hoo and nainai, to shorten.] 1. To make shorter; to abbreviate. 2. To sob; to breathe hard. Syn: Hoo- nae. Hoonakele (ho'o-na-ke'-le), v. [Hoo and nakele, soft; slippery.] To HOO 185 HOO make boggy, as land; to be soft and shaky, as a miry place, cov- ered with vegetable growth, Hoonakoa (ho'o-na-ko'a), v. [Hoo Hoonalulu (ho'o-na'-lu'= -lu), v. 1. To mind or in the belly, which was considered by the ancient Hawaiians the seat of thought. and koa, a soldier.] To be bold; to be brave; to act the soldier; to be fearless; to be daring. See hoonahoa. Hoonakolo (ho'o-na-ko'-lo), v. [Hoo and kolo, to crawl, or nakolo, to flow.] 1. To run along; to spread, as liquid on a surface. 2, To caus.e a rolling sound, as distant thunder. Hoonakui (ho'o-naku'i), v. [Hoo and | Hoonana (ho'o-na-na'), = adj kui, to sound abroad.] To make rumbling noise; to rumble. Hoonakui (ho'o-na'-ku'i), v. [Hoo and nakui, joyful, cheerful.] To court friendship by exhibiting a happy disposition; to seek inti- macy with by showing good spirits. Hoonakulu (ho'o-na-ku'-lu), v. [Hoo and nakulu, a succession of vague turn a deaf ear; to refuse to lis- ten; to disregard. Syn: Hoo- maeaea. 2. To cause vexation; to cause headache by continued dis- obedience or disregard. Hoonamunamu (ho*o-na'-mu-na'-mu), V. [Hoo and freq. of namu, to speak rapidly.] 1. To speak un- intelligibly. 2. To grumble; to complain in sullen undertones. [From hoonanaa, to enrage.] Angry; cross; reluctant: Hoonana hoi oe; You are cross. Hoonana (ho'o-na'-na'), v. [Hoo and na, quiet, or nana, to hush; to be quieted, as a child.] To calm; to quiet, as a child; to hush up a dif- ficulty; to ease a pain; to com- fort; to console. noises, as heavy drops of rain.] Hoonanaa (ho o-na -na a), v. To= en- 1. To cause disturbance through! ^^ge; to challenge to a contest= a series of rattling noises, as the with no mtention to fight; = to pro- falling of heavy drops of rain or voke to anger and run away w= hen the rolling noise of thunder. 2. anger flames. To create intense mental emotion "oonanaau (ho'o-na'-na-a u), v. [= Hoo from any specific source. (Laieik. | ^nd nana, or lana= , to float, and p. 118.) Hoonakulukulu (ho'o-na-ku'-lii-ku'-lu), [Hoo, na, and kulu, to drop.] To drop down, as rain; to drip from the clouds, as rain: E hoonakulu- kulu oukou, e na lani, mai luna mai, Drop down, ye heavens, from above. Hoonalo (ho'o-na'-lo), v. [Hoo and nalo, lost, out of sight.] 1. To cause to disappear; to make as if lost; to hide one's self. 2. To blot j Hoonanaho (ho'o-na-na'-= ho) out; to obliterate; to cancel. 3. To cause to be lost; to vanish; to cause to be out of sight; nalo wale, to be forgotten. Hoonaionalo (ho'o-na'-16-na'-lo), n. Shift; evasion; subterfuge. Hoonaionalo (ho'o-na'-16-na'-lo), v. [Freq. of hoonalo, to hide one's self.] To resort to subterfuge for concealment or escape. Hoonalu (ho'o-na'-lu), v. [Hoo and nalu, surf.] 1. To cause a swell j of the sea on shore; to rise, as i the surf; to act, as the sea when I the wind and tide are contrary, i 2. [Hoo and nalu, to weigh in | the mind.] To ponder; to dwell; upon in thought; to revolve in the! au, tide; current.] 1. To cause to float on the surface of water; to swim standing or erect; to float here and there as the current goes. 2. To wander; to ramble here and there, as in search of. Hoonanahili (ho'o-na'-na-hi'-li), v. Same as hoonahili. 1. To perplex; to cause to go wrong. 2. To go in a crooked manner; to wander about; to mistake the road. [Hoo and nanaho, deep down.] To be set deep. Same as hoonahonaho. Hoonanahu (ho'o-na'-na'-hu), v, [Hoo and nahu, to bite.] 1. To cause a biting or stinging sensation. Same as hoonahu. To cause to bite; to sting like a burn. 2. [Hoo and nanahu or lanahu, a coal of fire.] To make charcoal. Hoonanaka (ho'o-na-na'-ka), v. [Hoo and naka or nanaka, a crack; a crevice.] 1. To be full of cracks, openings or chinks. 2, To cause a fissure, as heat cracks clay. Hoonanaki (ho'o-na-na'-ki), v. [Hoo and nanaki or nakii, to tie; to fasten.] To bind; to tie up; to HOO 186 HOO make fast with a cord or string and knot. Hoonanauha (ho'o-na'-nahu'-ha), v. To make an exhibition of one's strength, physical and mental. Hoonane (ho'o-na'-ne), v, [Hoo and nane, a riddle.] 1. To put forth a riddle; to propose something mys- terious for explication. 2. To speak in parable. Hoonanea (ho'o-na'-ne'-a), v. [Hoo and nanea, at ease.] 1. To cause to be at ease; to put one's self in a quiet mental atmosphere. 2. To be easy; to be contented; to be satisfied with one's self; to be in- different to the future. Hoonani (ho'o-na'-ni), v. [Hoo and nani or lani, beautiful; glorious.] 1. To glorify; to praise; to exalt; to honor. 2. To make beautiful; to adorn; to decorate. Hoonaninani (ho'o-na'-ni-na'-ni), v. [Freq, of hoonani.] To praise con- tinuously; to praise much. Hoonanue (ho'o-na'-nu'-e), v. [Hoo and nanue, to create a swelling.] To cause such action on the stom- ach as to produce a heaving sen- sation; to cause to vomit. Hoonapai (ho'o-na'-pa'i), v. [Hoo and napai, to bend in.] 1. To cause to crook; to cause to bend; to arch. 2. To make flexible; to render pli- able, easy to bend, not stiff or brittle. Hoonape (ho'o-na'-pe), v. [Hoo and nape, elastic; flexible.] 1. To cause to bend; to bend, as an elas- tic stick. 2. To play to and fro; to cause to spring back or return to a previous condition after hav- ing been bent. 3. To rise and fall gently, as quiet breathing. Hoonapele (ho'o-na-pe'-le), v. [Hoo and napele, to hurt; to wound.] 1. To make a wound on the head. 2. To swell, as the effect of a wound; to swell out, as the belly; to cause to enlarge. 3. To be soft and yielding, as a boggy, miry place; to shake, as a log; to soft- en, as the food in the stomach; o ka opu, oia kahi e hoonapele ai i ka ai, the stomach is the place to soften the food. 4. To cause to be broken into fragments; to shatter. 5. To be loosely constructed, not properly fastened. Hoonapelepele (ho'o-na-pe'-le-pe'-le), V. [Freq. of hoonapele.] To wound frequently; to swell very much or cause to swell; to be very soft or muddy; to shatter; to be very loosely constructed. Hoonapolo (ho'o-na'-po'-lo), v. [Hoo and napolo, to straighten.] 1. To make straight; to reduce to order. 2. To lay out in a straight line. To straighten. Hoonaue (ho'o-na'u-e), v. [Hoo and naue, to vibrate.] 1. To cause to rock; to reel to and fro; to shake, as the earth in an earthquake. 2. To move a little; to shove along. Syn: Nawenve and nauwe. Hoonaueue (ho*o-na-u'e-u'e), v. [Freq. of hoonaue.] To rock; to shake to and fro. Hoonauki (ho'o-na'u-ki), v. [Hoo and =E2=80=A2nauki, to fret.] To be irritated; to be vexed; to be provoked. See hoonaukiuki. Hoonaukiuki (ho'o-na'-u'-ki-u'-ki), v. [Active form of hoonauki.] To irritate; to make angry; to exas- perate; to provoke. Hoonaulu (ho'o-na'u-lu), v. [Hoo and naulu, to vex.] To provoke; to awaken opposition. Hoonawale (ho'o-na'-wa'-le), v. [Hoo and na, to pacify, hoona, with wale, only, in vain.] 1. To com- fort; to attempt to quiet without effect. 2. To try in vain to allay pain or grief. (Should be written separately, hoona wale.) Hoonawali (ho'o-na'-wa'-li), v. [Hoo and nawali, weak.] 1. To cause to be weak; to make feeble; to make sickly. 2. To cause to tot- ter. 3. To make thin and hence flexible, not stiff. 4. To feign weakness; to act as if deficient in strength. See hoonawaliwali. Hoonawali wall (ho'o-na-wa'-li-wa'-li), V. Same as hoonawali, and in more general use. Hoonawele (ho'o-na-we'-le), v. [Hoo and nawele, fine; small; thin.] 1, To make very little; to be fine, like the threads of a spider's web; to spin, as a spider its web. 2. To become weak through loss of flesh; to totter from weakness: Hoonawele no hoi kau hele. Your walk is unsteady. Hoone (ho'-6'-ne), n. [Ho and one, sand, to be sandy.] A soft, porous stone, also called ana. When pul- verized to be used as a medicine HOO 187 HOO the powder resembles sand, hence the name hoone. Hoone (ho'-o-ne), v. To rub or polish with the one or ana. Hoone (ho'o-ne), v. [Hoo and one, to fret.] 1. To worry with impor- tunity; to cause vexation by in- sistence. 2. To tease; to fret; to ask for food, as a child. Hoonea (ho'-o-ne'-a), v. [Ho(o) and onea, vacant.] To make desolate; to sweep off all; to destroy whol- ly. See neo and neoneo. Hooneanea (ho'-o-ne'-a-ne'-a), v. [Hoo and oneanea, a desolate place.] To make desolate. To take all away; to dispossess one of every- thing; to take all the fruits of one's land. Hoonee (ho'o-ne'e), v. [Hoo and nee, to move.] 1. To move; to shove along; to rub against. 2. To cause to change place. 3. To re- move from one place to another. Hooneenee (ho'o-ne'e-ne'e), v. [Freq. of hoonee, to move along.] 1. To push along; to move frequently; to shake. 2. To cause to move along by jerks and starts. Hoonehoa (ho'o-ne-ho'-a), v. Same as hoonahoa and hoonakoa. To be severe; to be bold; to act the sol- dier; to be brave. Hoonei (ho'o-ne'i), v. [Hoo and nei, an indistinct murmur, as the sough of wind in the forests.] 1. To produce an undefined roar- ing, as the shouts of a moving multitude. 2. To cause a quaking. Hooneinei (ho'o-ne'i-ne'i), v. [Hoo and neinei, short, scanty.] 1. To crowd one upon another; to cause to move along, urged by others. 2. To cut short; to stint; to shorten. Hoonele (ho'o-ne'-le), v. [Hoo and nele, destitute.] To deprive one of something; to make destitute; to deprive of. Hoonemo (ho'o-ne'-mo), v. [Hoo and nemo, to smooth over.] 1. To be polished; to be made smooth. 2. To polish, Hoonemonemo (ho'o-ne'-m6-ne'-mo), V. To make smooth; to polish. Hoonene (ho'o-ne'-ne'), n. 1. The voice of a cricket. 2. A cry as of one in distress and calling for help. Hoonene (ho'o-ne'-ne), v. 1. To chirp, as a cricket; to sing, as a cricket. 2. To utter lamentation in undertones. Hoonene (ho'o-ne'-ne'), v. To croak, as the alae or mudhen; to utter a plaintive note, as a cry of one in distress: Ina e lohe oe i ke keu o ka alae a me ka leo o ka ewaewaiki, e hoonene ana, if you hear the croak of the alae and . the voice of the ewaewaiki utter- ing its cry of sorrow, etc. =E2=80=94 Lai- eik. p. 149. Hooneo (ho'o-ne'-o), v. [Hoo and neo, to be silent.] 1. To make silence; to hush; to be still. 2. To make desolate; to make lonely. Hooneoneo (ho'o-ne'-6-ne'-o), v. 1. To hush to stillness; to be still. 2. To be still or quiet for want of people. 3. To desolate; to lay waste; to make destitute of life. Hooniania (ho'o-n!'-a-ni'-a), v. [Hoo and niania, smooth.] To cause to be stripped of vegetation; to remove every vestige of plant life from; to make or be smooth, as a baldhead. Hoonianiau (ho'o-ni'a-ni-a'u), v. [Hoo and nianiau, straight.] 1. To be wise or prudent in personal con- duct: E hele hoonianiau, lau konane waho, go in a straight- forward manner, many eyes are watching. 2. To be swift in mo- tion; to be fleet; to hasten. Hooniau (ho'o-nl'-au), v. 1. To pro- long; to extend the time of; to continue: A no keia mea (ka ikea ana o ke kahoaka o Laieikawai), hooniau aku la ka Makaula i ka pule ana. For this reason (be- cause he saw the Kahoaka or spirit of Laieikawai) the priest prolonged his prayer, etc. Laieik. p. 26. 2. To follow in order to overtake. Hooniau (ho'o-ni'-au), v. [Hoo and niau, easy sailing.] To copy or follow on after; to imitate; to do rightly. Hoonihinihi (ho'o-nl'-hi-nl'-hi), [Hoo and nihl, to step softly or care- fully.] 1. To be cautious, as in walking on a ridge or reef of rocks. 2. To take light hold of a thing, as from fear of filth. 3. To eat sparingly; e ai hoonihinihi. 4. To cause to be narrow or edge- wise. Hooniho (ho'o-ni'-ho), n. Stones in- HOO 188 HOO serted in a bank; a stone wall or hedge. Hooniho (ho'o-ni'-ho), v. [Hoo and niho, tooth.] 1. To lay stones in a wall; to lay stones in an embank- ment, as the lower side of a road, that is, to insert stones into a bank like teeth in the gums. 2. To form into a facing for a ter- race; to lay stones one upon an- other to support a bank of earth. Hoonina (ho'o-ni'-na), v. [Hoo and nina, soft, adhesive. Contraction of hooninanina or hoolinalina.] To make soft and viscous or ropy; to cause to be tough but not brittle; to make pliable. Hooninanina (ho'o-ni'-na-ni'-na), v. Same as hoolinalina and hoonina. Hoonioniolo (ho'o-ni'-6-ni-o'-lo), n. 1. Straightness; that which is cor- rect; upright: me ka hoonioniolo o ka manao kekahi, some with correctness of opinion. 2. Fear- lessness in speaking; spirit in ex- pression. Hooniortiolo (ho'o-nl'-o-ni-o'-lo), v. [Hoo and nioniolo, correct; straight.] 1. To be morally straight; to be upright; to be cor- rect in practice. 2. To be correct in principle; to have right views. 3. To manifest a haughty spirit by not carrying anything, while others are heavily loaded; kaumaha la- kou, a he hoonioniolo kana hele ana. He kanaka haaheo ka! Hoono (ho'-o'-no), v. [Hoo and ono, sweet, delicious.] 1. To make agreeable to the taste. 2. To tfc'mpt the appetite. Hoono (ho'o-no'), v. [Hoo and no, a leakage in the soil.] To cause water to pass gradually down through the soil to "the depths un- der ground." Hoonoa (ho*o-no'-a), v. [Hoo and noa, the cessation of a tabu.] To cause to cease, as the force of a tabu. Hoonoa (ho'o-no-a'), v. 1. To keep continually burning, as a fire; e hoomau i ke ahi; to burn con- tinually, as a volcano. 2. To be- come dry or unfertile, as land suf- fering from drought. Hoonoe (ho'o-no'-e), v. [Hoo and noe, mist.] 1. To make mist or vapor; to cause water to fall in very fine drops. 2. To darken, as mist or fog obscures the land- scape. 3. To feel the first effects of a narcotic; to doze. Hoonoenoe (ho'o-no'-e-no'-e), v. [Hoo and noenoe, mist, fog.] 1. To cause mist. 2. To make drowsy. Hoonohi (ho'-o-no'-hi), n. 1. To cause to be red; to be of a reddish color. 2. To make fiery red. 3. To cause to sparkle; to shine with brilliant colors, as a rainbow. Hoonohinohi (ho'-o-no'-hi-no'-hi), v, [A more euphonic form of hoo- nohi.] 1. To cause to shine with brightne-ss; to be red. 2. To have a different form. 3. To mark with different colors. Hoonoho (ho'o-no'-ho), n. A species of fish-hook made of bone. Hoonoho (ho'o-no'-ho), v. [Hoo and noho, a seat.] 1. To cause to be seated; to place; to put down. 2. To set in order; to place right- ly; to regulate. 3. To establish in a place; to install; to appoint to; to seat. Hoonohonoho (ho'o-no'-ho-no'-ho), n. 1. The state of being possessed or controlled by a spirit. 2. The as- suming to be the medium of a god. 3. A person who is sup- posed to be controlled in speech and action by an akua noho; one who acts as a medium between the gods and man. In the* phrase hoonohonoho akua, the act of set- ting up or worshiping the poe akua noho: Hana ino nui ia ke- kahi poe hoonohonoho akua; a ma- huka lakou ma kahi e aku, Some mediums are persecuted and flee to other places. Hoonohonoho (ho'o-no'-ho-no'-ho), v. 1. To settle; to establish; to col- lect together; to arrange. 2. To put in proper order; to adjust; to classify. Hoonohonolo (ho'o-no'-ho-no'-lo), v. 1. To sleep in a sitting posture. 2. To pretend sleeping in a sitting position in order to detect or dis- cover secret matters. Hoonohu (ho'o-no'-hu), v. 1. To let down partly or reef as the sails of a ship. 2. To scowl; to rebuke with a look; to frown: E hoonohu iho ana oe i ke aha? Why do you frown? Hoonoi (ho'o-no'-i), v. [Hoo and noi, to beg.] To cause to beg; to in- duce another or others to beg. Hoonoke (ho'o-no'-ke), v. [Hoo and HOO 189 HOO noke, to be energetic] 1. To work energetically and persever- ingly; to be acute in searching for the means to secure an end; to act with energy and intelligence. 2. To express displeasure by fret- fulness or constant scolding. Hoonole (ho'o-no'-le), v. To be un- skillful; to be awkward; to act lazily. Hoononi (ho'o-no'-ni), v. To stir; to create disturbance; to incite to violent action. See none. Hoononolo (ho'o-no'-no'-lo), v. [Hoo and nonolo, to breathe hard.] 1. To utter guttural sounds; to emit sounds through the nostrils. 2. To cause a low, murmuring sound, as a cat when it purs. Hoonoono (h6'-6'-no-6'-no), n. A con- diment; a relish. Hoonoono (ho'-6'-no-6'-no), v. [Hoo and freq. of ono, sweet, palatable.] 1. To tell of keen enjoyment in eating in order to tempt appetite; to tantalize the hungry by describ- ing gustatory pleasures. 2. To render palatable; to give relish to; to make pleasant to the taste; to make sweet. Hoonoonoo (ho'o-no'o-no'o), v. [Hoo and noonoo, to think.] 1. To cause to think upon; to remember; to consider; to reflect upon. 2. To be reminiscent; to recall to mind. Hoonou (ho'O'no'u), v. [Hoo and nou, to throw.] 1. To throw a stone; to pelt with stones; to throw, as missiles. 2. To looseoi; to send forth. (Nou is the proper word.) 3. To put forth physical effort; to exert force to the ut- most, as in striving to accomplish some physical task. Hoonua (ho'o-nu'a), n. 1. A gift or gifts given for the purpose of ob- taining favor. 2. Person or per- sons bestowing presents to obtain favor. 3. Something given or an act performed in order to recon- cile. Hoonua (ho'o-nu'a), v. To give in order to obtain favor; to give in expectation of receiving. 2. To bribe. Syn: Hookuli. Hoonuanua (ho'o-nu'a-nu'a), v. 1. To cause to be enriched; to increase the possessions of. 2. To be en- nobled; to be honored. Hoonuha (ho'o-nu'-ha), v. [Hoo and nuha, silent; taciturn.] 1. To be idle; to be lazy; to be indisposed to do anything. 2. To sit still, as a person unable to walk. 3. To act as though disabled; to resist; to be stubborn. Hoonuhanuha (ho'o-nu'-ha-nu'-ha), adj. Unfavorable, adverse. Hoonuhanuha (ho'o-nu'-ha-nu-ha), v. [Intensive of hoonuha, to be stub- born.] 1. To be very stabborn. The* more euphonious and more commonly used word is hoonu- nuha. 2. To act in a sulky man- ner; to manifest a stubborn dis- position. Hoonui (ho'o-nu'-i), v. [Hoo and nui, great.] 1. To make great; to enlarge; to increase. 2. To multiply; to add to. 3. To boast; to brag; to enlarge beyond the truth. 4. To dilate; to distend. Hoonuinui (ho'o-nu'-i-nu'-i), n. [Hoo and nuinui, an increase.] An ex- aggeration; an overstatement. Hoonunuha (ho'o-nu'-nu'-ha), v. To be stubborn or sulky. Same as hoonuhanuha and more generally used. Hoonuu (ho'o-nu'u), adj. Greedy after food; having a keen appe- tite for food or drink. Hoonuu (ho'o-nu'u), n. 1. Greedi- ness after food; a voracious ap- petite; a seizing food with eager- ness. 2. A glutton. Hoonuu (ho'o-nu'u), v. 1. To be greedy in eating; to eat to great fullness; to gormandize; applied to a single person. 2. To eat greedily. Hoooioi (ho'o-6'i-6'i), adj. Same as hooioi. Assuming; desirous of ap- pearing at the head; conceited; vain. Hooolea (ho-o'o-le'a), v. To harden, to make stiff; to cause an erec- tion of the penis. Hoooluolu (ho'o-o'-lu-6'-lu), v. [Hoo and oiuolu, to be comfortable.] Same as hooluolu. 1. To comfort; to console one in affliction and pain; to give comfort to body or mind. 2. To please. Hoopa (ho'o-pa'), v. [Hoo and pa, to touch.] 1. To cause to touch; to take hold of. 2. To hit; to strike. 3. To touch; to feel of; to handle. Hoopaa (ho'o-pa'a), v. [Hoo and paa, fast; tight.] 1. To make fast; to bind; to keep tight; to HOO 190 HOO detain. 2. To tie or fasten a thing; to make tight. 3. To stop one's speech; to be silent; you have said enough. (Laieik. p. 65.) 4. To hold back; to refuse con- sent. 5. To hold on to; to re- strain; to confine. 6. To hold by law or promise. Hoopaakiki (ho'o-pa*a-ki-ki), n. Stub- bornness; disobedience. Hoopaakiki (ho'o-pa'a-ki-ki'), v. [Hoc and paakiki, hard morally and physically.] 1. To hold fast to one's opinion; to be obstinate; to be unyielding. 2. To have no re- spect to other's feelings, person or property. 3. To be hard in the treatment of others; to be hard hearted. 4. To make hard, firm or compact; to harden. Hoopaapaa (ho'o-pa'a-pa'a), v. 1. To contest in words; to discuss; to argue for and against; to debate. 2. To enter into angry, wordy con- test. Hoopae (ho'o-pa'e), v. [Hoc and pae, to float ashore.] 1. To cause to arrive at land; to go ashore from a canoe, boat or vessel. 2. To float ashore, as anything at sea. 3. To build up on a bank of a taro patch. 4. To" run upon a beach, as a canoe. A modern ap- plication of the word ia to smuggle. \ Hoopaee (ho'o-pa'-e'-e'), n. 1. A de- ' sire and an effort to obtain an- ! other's property; a species of rob- ! bery. 2. A method of defrauding | by representing incorrectly; a get- 1 ting possession of something by j trickery. Syn: Apuka. I Hoopaee (ho'o-pa'-e'-e'), v. [Hoo and I paee, to hear indistinctly.] 1. To; cause to hear indistinctly through | noise. 2. To cause to be unintel- 1 ligible; to s.peak rapidly or indis- tinctly so as to cause a misunder- standing; to misrepresent. 3. To misunderstand what is said; to be partly deaf. Hoopaele (ho'o-pa-e'-le), v. [Hoo and paele, to be dirty.] 1. To be- smear; to defile; to make dirty; to blacken. 2. Fig., To disturb with other thoughts and reflections. (Laieik. p. 142.) Hoopaepae (ho'o-pa'e-pa'e), v. [In-! tensive of hoopae.] To be driven or dashed on shore by the aurf; to ride ashore through the surf; to cause to land. 2. To cause a canoe or surf-board to shoot land- ward on the crest of a wave. 3. To support by firm foundation, as underpinning. Hoopaepae (ho'o-pa-e'-pa-e'), v. [Hoo and pae, to sound.] 1. To make a loud, boisterous noise in con- versation; to talk with a loud voice so that everybody can hear. 2. To dispute or debate in a vo- ciferous manner. (Obsolete.) Hoopaewa (ho'o-pa'-e'-wa), n. 1. Crookedness in dealing; so deal- ing as to get the advantage; also, in conversation, a perversion of truth or an erroneous statement, often connected with robbery and murder. 2. A deviation; a being not exactly in proper form or shape. Hoopaewa (ho'o-pa'-e'-wa), v. [Hoo and paewa, crooked.] To make crooked; to cause to be out of a direct line. Hoopahee (ho'o-pa'-he'e), v. [Hoo and pahee, to slip.] 1. To cause to slip; to cause to fall down; to cause to slide, as the feet in a slippery place. 2. Make slippery, as with grease or water; to cause anything to slip or move easily. Hoopaheehee (ho'o-pa'-he'e-he'e), v. Intensive of hoopahee. Hoopahele (hb'o-pa'-he'-le), v. [Hoo and pahele, to ensnare.] 1. To cause to be ensnared; to take or catch with a snare. 2. To deceive by trickery; to cause to be im- posed upon by pretense. Hoopahemo (ho'o-pa'-he'-mo), v. [Hoo and hemo or pahemo, to loosen.] 1. To loosen; to cause to slip off, as an axe from the helve. 2. To let go; to make free from re- atraint in a secret manner; to con- nive at releasing from restraint. Hoopahola (ho'o-pa-ho'-la), v. 1. To spread; to unfold. 2. To promul- gate; to cause to be published . Hoopahole (ho'o-pa'-ho'-le), v. [Hoo and pahole or pohole, to peel off.] 1. To peel; to pull off, as the skin of a banana; to wound the skin. 2. To rub; to polish. 3. To do a thing with indifference. 4. To treat with indifference: Hoopa- hole oe i ka'u olelo, you treat my words with indifference. Hoopahu (ho'o-pa-hu'), v. [Hoo and pahu, to burst forth.] 1. To cause to burst forth; to explode. 2. To HOO 191 HOO cause an explosion. 3. To cause an explosive aound. as a sudden violent stroke on a drum. (A pahu was a large drum). Hoopahua (ho'o-pa'-hu'a), v. 1. To cause to be in vain; to make of no effect. 2. To move sidewise; to walk, run or sail laterally. Hoopahupahu (ho'o-pa'-hu-pa-hu'), n. Sound of continuous violent drum- ming or beating. (Laieik. p. 198.) Hoopahupahu (ho'o-pa'-hu-pa-hu'), v. [Hoo and pahu, to burst forth, or pahu, drum.] 1. To make sharp, sudden crackling noises, as the explosive sound of fire-crack- ers. The word implies a continua- tion of s.uch sounds, not a single report. 2. To make a succession of loud sounds by single strokes on a drum. 3. To throb violently, as the heart from fear or excite- ment. Hoopai (ho'o-pa'i), n. 1. An avenger; ka hoopai koko, an avenger of blood. 2. Punishment; penalty. 3. A fine imposed as punishment for an offense. 4. The judgment of a '' court on a criminal. 5. A carved design of finely ruled parallel j lines with sharp edges, on an ie kuku or tapa beater. Found in many combinations, as hoopai ha- lua, two sets of parallel lines at right angles. Hoopai (ho'o-pa'i), v. [Hoo and pai, to strike.] 1. To strike back; to revenge; to reciprocate treatment. 2. To punish; to punish according to law. 3. To cause a penalty to be imposed upon. Hoopaiho (ho'o-pa'i-ho), v. [Hoo and paiho, to project.] 1. To jut out, as a broken bone. 2. To give a warning with the hand; to peahi, gesture, be-ckon with the hand. 3. To speak or tempt by sign lan- guage. 4. To lay open; to expose. 5. To peel off, as in slipping off the outer skin. ' Hoopaiki (ho'o-pa'-i'-ki), v. [Hoc, pa, to touch, and iki, little.] 1. To touch lightly or softly; to move gently; to move a very little. 2. To touch cautiously. 3. To eat or drink a little only; to take sparingly of food or drink. Hoopailua (ho'o-pa'i-lu'-a), n. 1, Sick- ness at the stomach; disgust; loathing. 2. A disgusting sight; an abomination. Hoopailua (ho*o-pa'i-lu'-a), v. [Hoo and pailua, nausea.] 1. To be sick at the stomach; to nauseate. 2. To dislike greatly; to be dis- pleased with. 3. To abhor; to loathe. Hoopakaka (ho'o-pa'-ka-ka'), v. [Hoo and pakaka, smooth, without a wrinkle.] 1. To cause to be dis- tended so as to show no crease or wrinkle; to distend or dilate as the belly. 2. To cause to glide smoothly over a surface. Hoopakake (ho'o-pa'-ka-ke'), v. [Hoo and pakake, to talk indistinctly.] 1. To practice the kake, or secret language; to talk unintelligibly ex- cept to those instructed in a kind of mystical language. 2. To talk like a foreigner without learning his language. Hoopakauaaka (ho'o-pa'-ka'-ua-a'-ka), V. [Aka, to laugh.] 1. To cause one to laugh; to create laughter; to make sport. 2. To divert the mind from care; to relax and amuse. Hoopake (ho'o-pa-ke'), v. [Hoo and pake, an oozing, percolation.] To s.queeze out; to force out by com- pression; to compress so as to force out, as juice from a pulp, or viscid matter from a small orifice. Hoopakele (ho'o-pa-ke'-le), v. [Hoo and pakele, to escape. To cause to escape from; to deliver; to save one from danger. Hoopakelo (ho'o-pa-ke'-lo), v. [Hoo and pakelo, to slip out of.] 1. To slip out of the grasp of a person or thing, as a fis.h from the hands. 2. To cause to slip out. Hoopaki (ho'o-pa-ki'), v. [Hoo and paki, to strike, to splash.] 1. To peck or crowd out as a chick in the egg about to hatch; to swell out; to push through any opposing substance; to squirt, as the juice of a squeezed orange. 2. To cause a splashing or spattering as of water, mud, etc. HoopakikI (ho'o-pa'-ki'-ki'), v. [Hoo and paki, to splash or spatter.] 1. To cause a splashing; to spat- ter water, mud, etc. 2. To cause to glide over a smooth surface. Syn: Hoopakaka. Hoopakio (ho'o-pa-kl'o), v. [Hoo and pakio, to drop continually, as rain.] To cause to rain frequently; HOO 192 HOO to drop down or leak continually a little at a time. Hoopakole (ho'o-pa-ko'-le), v. [Hoo and pakole or pokole, to be short.] 1. To curb; to restrain. 2. To shorten; to make short. Hoopakupaku (ho'o-pa'-ku'-pa-ku'), v. [Hoo and paku, to burs.t out.] To cause to break open suddenly; to turn inside out, as a bursting from internal pressure. Hoopala (ho'o-pa'-la), v. [Hoo and pala, mellow; soft.] 1. To make soft; to ripen soft, as dead-ripe fruit. 2. To put through an artifi- cial process of ripening, as of im- mature fruit. Hoopalaha (ho'o-pa-la'-ha), v. To fall prostrate in adoration. Hoopalahalaha (ho'o-pa'-la'-ha-la'-ha), V. [Laha, to extend.] To spread out; to make broad; to widen. Hoopalahea (ho'o-pa'-la-he'a), v. [Hoo and palahea, dirty.] 1. To defile; to daub over; to stain; to make dirty. 2. To spread out; to dif- fuse. Hoopalahee (ho'o-pa'-la-he'e), v. [Hoo and palahee, to shrink from.] 1. To recoil from an action for fear of something. 2. To feign in- ability as an excuse for not acting. Hoopalahuli (ho'o-pa'-la-hri'-li). v. To turn upside down; to turn over and over: E hoopalahuli iho oe i ka umeke, turn the calabash up- side down; to reverse. Hoopalale (ho'o-pa'-la-le')^ v. [Hoo and palale, loose, disconnected.] 1. To speak with another voice; to disguise the voice; to stammer; to vociferate. 2. To speak incoher- ently or with insidious meaning. Hoopalaleha (ho'o-pa'-la-le'-ha), v. [Hoo and palaleha, slothful.] 1. To be s.lothful; to be idle; to be careless. 2. To defer or put off what ought to be done at once; to procrastinate. Hoopalalehe (ho'o-pa'-la-le'-he), v. To be idle; to waste time; to be in- active. Same as hoopalaleha. Hoopalani (ho'o-pa'-la-ni), v. [Hoo and palani, sour.] 1. To make sour, to give a biting taste. 2. To cause to be rancid or musty: Ua palani ka ai, The food is sour. Hoopalau (ho'o-pa-la'u), v., adj. Be- trothed; engaged in marriage, as a woman to a man. Hoopalau (ho'o-pa-Ia'u), v. 1. To engage to marry, as a man and woman; to make an agreement of marriage. 2. To betroth, as par- ents a daughter; to agree to make a matrimonial alliance. Hoopalau (ho'o-pa'-lau), v. [Hoo and palau, to lie; to deceive.] 1. To cause to lie; to cause to deceive; to be guilty of perfidy. 2. To caus.e perjury; to induce or incite to the willful violation of an oath. Hoopale (ho'o-pa'-le), v. [Hoo and pale, to ward off, to resist; to parry.] 1. To drive off from; to defend when attacked. 2. To sep- arate from. 3. To be or act the defendant in court. Hoopalela (ho'o-pa-le'-la), v. [Hoo and palela, idle; lazy.] To be indisposed to work; to be idle; to be lazy, Hoopalemo (ho'o-pa'-le'-mo), v. [Hoo and palemo, to sink in water.] To plunge; to cause to sink in water. Hoopalepale (ho'o-pa'-le-pa'-le), v. [Hoo and pale, to ward off.] To separate; to ward off; to loosen. Syn: Hoopale. Hoopalo (ho'o-pa'-lo), v. [Hoo and palo, to live idly.] 1. To sit speechless, as one watching others; to sit silent and quiet, but with sly and wicked thoughts or inten- tions. 2. To act as though idle and indifferent although really ac- tive and on the watch; to act the part of a detective. Hoopalu (ho'o-pa'-lu), v. [Hoo and palu, to lick.] 1. To cause to lap or take in with the tongue. 2. To pass the tongue over; to lick. 3. To strike with the tongue. Hoopalua (ho'o-pa'-lu'a), v. 1. To put two things together, as two letters in reading. 2. To double; to increase by twice as much. Hoopaluhee (ho'o-pa'-lu-he'e), v. [Hoo and paluhee, to soften.] 1. To make s.oft; to cook soft; to cause to flow. 2. To reduce to a pulp; to make pulpy. Hoopalupalu (ho'o-pa'-lu-pa'-lu), v. [Hoo and palupalu, weak, soft.] 1. To soften; to cause to be easily impressed; to mollify, as in ap- peasing excited passion. 2. To make weak; to feign weakness. 3. To make pliant; to cause to be flexible, not stiff or brittle. 4. To HOO 193 HOO cause to be sodden or seethed, as in preparing food. Hoopane (ho'o-pa'-ne), v. [Hoo and pane, to reply.] 1. To cauae to reply back and forth in conversa- tion; to make a reply to what has been said. 2. To say or talk in order to draw out or bring to light through response. Hoopanee (ho'o-pa'-ne'e), adj. Put off; postponed; delayed. Hoopanee (ho'o-pa'-ne'e), n. That which is postponed; a postpone- ment. Hoopanee (ho'o-pa'-ne'e), v. [Hoo and panee, to postpone.] To put off; to push out of place; to post- pone doing a thing; to delay. Hoopanepane (ho'o-pa'-ne-pa'ne), v. [Freq. of hoopane.] 1. To speak and reply; to answer each other, as people in conversation. 2. To offer or sugges.t verbal replies to provoke controversy. Hoopaninio (ho'o-pa'-ni-nl'o), v. A contraction of hoopanionio for eu- phony. To variegate with colors; to put different colors on a thing; e wai kilikiloia, e panionio. Hoopanionio (ho'o-pa'-ni'o-ni'o), v. [Hoo and freq. of panio, to spot; to paint.] To spot; to print, as in printing tapa; to variegate. Hoopanoa (ho'o-pa'-no'-a), v. [Hoo and panoa, wild dry land.] 1. To cause to be dry, hard and rocky, as a barren dry place. 2. To cause barrenness. Hoopanopano (ho'o-pa'-n6-pa'-no), v. [Hoo and panopano or papano, thick; black; glossy.] 1. To make thick and black, as a cloud; to be thick, glossy black. 2. To be covered or decked with dark colors. Eleele Hilo c, Hoopanopano i ka ua, Dark is Hilo now. Covered in gloomy rain. Hoopapa (ho'o-pa'-pa), n. 1. A shelf made by placing sticks across the corner of a room. 2. The condi- tion of a woman with a board tied to her abdomen to secure her con- ception; a e hoomaemae 1 kona hanau keiki. Hoopapa (ho'o-pa'-pa'), n. A cham- pion or leader. O Kanupaiki ko Hilo keiki hoopapa. Hoopapa (ho'o-pa'-pa'), v. 1. To touch gently with the hand; to pat. 2. To make advances to, for the purpose of gaining information. 3. To decide questions of rivalry by competitive contest. Hoopapa (ho'o-pa'-pa), v. [Hoo and papa, a row; a rank.] To place- in rows or ranks, as soldiers; to lay in rank one above another; to pack in order, as clothes in a trunk. Hoopapa (ho'o-pa'-pa), v. To answer back and forth in the way of friendly dispute; to contend for in words. Hoopapaa (ho'o-pa-pa'a), v. 1. To make crisp; to make brittle, as in cooking. 2. To burn; to scorch in the fire, as food burnt black. Hoopapai (ho'o-pa'-pa'i), v. [Hoo and papal, to slap, to strike with open hand.] To feint a strike. Hoopapai (ho'o-pa-pai), v. To move the lower parts of the abdomen gently forward, as is practiced in certain forms of the hula dance's. Hoopapalalu (ho'o-pa'-pa'-la'-lu), v. 1. To be weak in body. 2. To be unstrung; to have no nerve, as dist. from hoopopololu, to be brave, etc. Hoopapalima (ho'o-pa'-pa'-li'-ma), v. [Hoo, papai, to touch, and lima, hand.] 1. To touch, join or shake hands as confirmatory of a pre- vious agreement. (This was an ancient practice among Hawaiians. To lock hands was an act which signified a making certain or last- ing of any mutual promise of agreements.) Hoopapau (ho'o-pa'-pa'u), n. En- gagedness; devotedness; earnest- ness and perseverance in a pur- suit. Hoopapau (ho'o-pa'-pa'u), v. [Hoo and papau, to be intent.] 1. To be all engaged in a thing; to be wholly taken up with it. 2. To be in earnest in a work or in an af- fair; to have a great anxiety about a thing. 3. To persevere; to insist upon. Hoopau (ho'o-pa'u), v. [Hoo and pau, all.] 1. To make an end of a thing; to finish; to complete a work; to cease to work. 2. To devour; to consume all. 3. To cancel; to do away with; to set aside. Hoopau (ho'o-pa-u'), v. [Hoo and pau, a woman's garment.] To put or gird on the pa-u; to bind on HOO 194 HOO one, as a loose garment; to tie around. Hoopauaka (ho'o-pa'u-a'-ka), v. [Hoo and pauaka, crooked, deceitful, etc.] To cause to be of no use, as applied to action; to avail noth- ing; to answer no purpose: He hana hoopauaka kela. That work is of no use, avails nothing. Hoopauha (ho'o-pa'u-ha'), v. To ob- ject; to oppose; to set one's self against a proposition; to offer ob- structive argument. Hoopaulinalina (ho'o-pa'u-li'-na-li'-na), V. [Hoo and lina, soft; yielding.] 1. To work lazily or carelessly be- cause of little or no pay. 2. To waste time or substance in mat- ters that avail nothing. Hoopaumaele (ho'o-pa'u-ma-e'-le), v. [Hoo and paumaele, to defile.] To cause defilement or pollution; to daub over; to foul; to dirty. Hoopaumako (ho'o-pa'u-ma'-ko), v. [Hoo and paumako, deep grief.] 1. To have great affe-ction for; to weep over one for grief; to be sad at the loss of a friend or any- thing valuable. 2. To manifest sorrow in one's features; to be of sad countenance. 3. To pretend to be grieved at the misfortune or sorrow of. Hoopaumanawa (ho'o-pa'u-ma-na'-wa), V. [Hoopau, to make an end of, and manawa, time.] 1. To waste time; to play the child after one has grown up; to act foolishly; to live idly. 2. To indulge in any pastime. Hoopaupau (ho'o-pa'u-pa'u), v. [Hoo and pau or paupau, soot or sooty.] 1. To make black; to cause to have a dark brown or black color. 2. To cover or soil with soot. Hoopaupauaho (ho'o-pa'u-pa'u-a'-ho), V. [Hoo and paupauaho, discour- aged, from pau, all gone, and aho, breath.] 1. To cause to be nearly out of breath; to breathe, as from violent exercise or exce-ssive phys- ical weakness. 2. To be weary in doing a thing; to be discouraged. 3. To pretend to be out of breath; to feign faintness; to perform feebly. Hoope (ho'o-pe'), adj. Perfumed; anointed with perfumed substances. Hoope (ho'o-pe'), v. [Hoo and pe, to anoint.] 1. To anoint with what is perfumed; hence, to perfume. 2. To bribe; to influence by any- thing given. 3. [Hoo and pe, for pepe, marked; bruised.] To cause to break up; to break fine; to mash. Hoopea (ho'o-pe'a), v. [Hoo and pea, to make a cross; to oppose.] 1. To accuse or punish an innocent person; to bring one into diffi- culty; to deal falsely or unjustly. 2. To embarrass by secret means, hoopea kua. Hoopeepee (ho'o-pe'e-pe'e), v. To cause to be out of sight; to hide the truth; to prevaricate; to quib- ble in order to hide the reality. Hoopehupehu (ho'o-pe'-hu-pe'-hu), adj. Full; large; spreading, as clouds; he ao hoopehupehu. Hoopehupehu (ho'o-pe'-hii-pe'-hu), v, [Hoo and pehu, to swell, pehupehu, swollen.] To cause to swell; to cause to grow larger; to be swollen. Hoopepe (ho'o-pe'-pe'), v. [Hoo and pepe, broken or bruised.] 1. To cause to be broken in pieces; to make soft by bruising. 2. To pound; to beat; to strike heavily in order to crush; to break up by blows. Hoopepehu (ho'o-pe'-pe'-hu), adj. Strong; rough; muscular. Syn: Hoolua. Hoopepehu (ho'o-pe'-pe'-hu), v. To be strong; to be active. 2. To show strength in the physical con- stitution: He hoolua nui ke kua- aina, he hoopepehu. The country- man shows strength, he is mus- cular, energetic, etc. Hoopepelu (ho'o-pe'-pe'-lu), v. [Hoo and pelu, to bend over.] 1. To cause to bend or double over. 2. To be in doubt; to be doubtful which way to go. 3. To repeat one's self in speech; to ramble in talking; e lauwili, e olelo pelu- pelu; to repeat. Hoopi (ho'o-pi'), n. The title of such persons as were economical in regard to food and took care of it in distinction from the waste- ful: O ka poe mahiai malama i ka ai, ua kapaia ua poe la, he hoopi, aole o lakou wi, The planters who preserved their property were called hoopi; they were not im- poverished. Hoopi (ho'o-pl'), V. [Hoo and pi, stingy.] 1. To be hard; to be HOO 195 HOO close; to be stingy. 2. To be sour; to be unsociable. 3. To make or cause to be stingy. 4. To be careful of one's means; to be economical provident, etc. 5. [Hoo and pi, a species of vine.] To fol- low after. (Obsolete.) Hoopiha (ho'o-pl'-ha), v. [Hoo and piha, full.] To cause to fill; to fill full, as a container; to put into a vessel until it runs over. Hoopihapiha (ho'o-pI'-ha-p!'-ha), v. [Hoo and pIha, full.] 1. To cause to be full; to overflow; to abound. 2. To swell up, as the stomach from disease. 3. To be full, as cloth gathered and plaited into a ruffle; hence, 4. To be full and flowing, as a ruffle. 5. To fill up with, or spread defamatory lan- guage. Hoopiho (ho'o-pi'-ho'), V. To put under water; to fill'with water; to over- whelm a boat. Hoopii (ho'o-pi'i), v. [Hoo and pii, to ascend.] 1. To cause to as- cend; to go up; to appear; to pro- trude above: ua hoopiiia ka huelo o ua moo nui nei. =E2=80=94 Laieik. p. 103. 2. To inform of the fault of a per- son. To complain to one in au- thority of one in error or fault. 3. To accuse before a court of justice. To appeal to or for. Hoopiina (ho'o-pi-I'na), n. [Hoo and piina, a going up.] Literally a go- ing up. The ascent of a hill; a path or road leading upward. Hoopiipii (ho'o-pi'i-pi'i), v. [Hoo and freq. of pii, to go up.] 1. To cause to ascend; to cause to go up. 2. To beat against the wind; to sail in a zigzag manner. 3. To raise the cud, as ruminating an- imals. 4. To cause to flow up- ward, as water out of a spring. Hoopikiki (ho'o-pi-ki'-ki), v. To cur- tail; to make shorter; to shorten. (Obsolete). Hoopiji (ho'o-pi'-li), v. [Hoo and pili, to adhere.] 1. To cause to adhere to; to stick to; to cling to. 2. To put together the parts of a thing. 3. To attach one's self to another; to adhere to a person, as a servant or retainer. Hoopilikia (ho'o-pi'-li-ki'-a), v. [Hoo and pilikia, crowded close.] To get one into difficulty; to lead one into straits; to cause one to be in want. Hoopilimeaai (ho'o-pi'-li-me'a-a'i), n. 1. A person serving another merely for his living. 2. One who lives upon others. Hoopilimeaai (ho*o-pI'-li-me'a-a'i), v. [Hoopili, to adhere to; and meaai, something to eat.] To attach one's self to another for the sake of a living; to be a retainer, es- pecially where not much service is required; to serve merely for a living; to live in idleness, pre- tending to belong to a chief, mere- ly to obtain a living, while indif- ferent as to the chief's honor or authority or interests. Hoopilipili (ho^o-pi'-li-pl'-li), v. [Hoo and pili or pipili, to adhere to.] 1. To put together two or more things into one; to cause them to adhere closely. 2. To live together in close friendship, as two intimate friends. 3. To court; make love to. Hoopinana (ho*o-pI'-na'-na), v. [Hoo and pinana, to climb.] 1. To cause a climbing. 2. To ascend by the use of the hands and feet. 3. To turn the features upward as a mark of scorn. Hoopio (ho'o-pl'-o), v. [Hoo and pio, to extinguish.] 1. To put out; to extinguish, as a fire or light. 2. To humble; to reduce to servi- tude; to make a prisoner of; to conquer. Hoopio (ho'o-pi'o), v. [Hoo and pio, to bend.] To cause an arch; to bend; to make a curve; to crook. Hoopioloolo (ho'o-pI-o'-16-o'-lo), v. 1. To cause agitation of mind. 2. To feed. Hoopiopio (ho'o-pi'o-pi'o), v. 1. To practice sorcery, phases of which were the auhauhui, hiu, and ana- ana. 2. To pray in the practice of sorcery. 3. To perform other cer- emonies with medicines, etc., in order to kill. (The god to whom the prayer was made was called Pua.) Hoopipika (ho'o-pi-pi'-ka), v. [Hoo and pipika, moving out of a direct line.] To turn aside; to balk or shy, as a horse; to make a detour, as if to avoid meeting some per- son. Hoopo (ho'o-po'), V. [Hoo and po, night; dark.] 1. To act in the dark. Fig. To do ignorantly. 2. To give without discretion; to act HOO 196 HOO foolishly without intelligence; e hoonaaupo, e hoonalowale. 3. To absent one's self slyly, as if in the dark: i kekahi manawa, ike ia mai lakou i ka pule, a i kekahi manawa, hoopo loa aku, sometimes they appear at worship, at other times they make themselves dark. 4. To keep out of one's sight. 5. To be willingly blind or ignorant. Hoopoe (ho'o-p6'-e), v. [Hoo and poe, round.] 1. To cut off short; to cut off square, as pieces of sugar-cane or pieces of wood. 2. To cut the hair alike all over the head. 3. To make globular. Hoopoepoe (ho'o-po'-e-po'-e), v. [Hoo and poepoe, round.] 1. To make round; to collect into a ball. 2. To shorten endwise. 3. To cut off, as a section of a log for a cart wheel. See hoopoe. Hoopoha (ho'o-p6-ha'), v. [Hoo and poha, to burst; to break.] 1. To cause to break or burst forth, as a sound. 2. To burst, as the con- te-nts of a boil; to overflow. 3. To flow away; to cause to explode with a sudden report. Hoopohae (ho'o-po'-ha'e). v. 1. To cause to be torn slightly for the purpose of looking into or exam- ining. 2. To make a break, or tear a hole in a wrapper or envelope. Hoopohaku (ho'o-po'-ha'-ku), v. [Hoo and pohaku, a stone, rock.] 1. To cause to become a stone or rock; to harden. 2. To become as a rock or stone; to be very hard. Hoopohala (ho'o-p6'-ha'-la), n. [Hoo and pohala, to question in a cap- tious manner.] 1. Caviling; de- preciating; discrediting. 2. A de- crying of; a withholding of confi- dence from. Hoopohala (ho'o-p6-ha'-la), v. [Hoo and pohala, to question in the sense of unbelief.] 1. To oppose by a show of indifference to or un- belief in. 2. To reject as unbe- lievable. 3. To gainsay or ob- struct in a roundabout manner. Hoopohalu (ho'o-p6'-ha'-lu), v. 1. To make a hole or crevice; to split; to crack; to burst forth. 2. To swell up, as a wound; to be large. 3. To cause an opening through solid material, as a calabash. The word has relatively the same meaning as hoopahoe, one refer- ring to a rending in soft material as tapa, the other to solid matter. Hoopoheoheo (ho'o-p6-he'-6-he'-o), v. To make a head on the end of a stick or other substance, as in making the neck on the top of a rafter on a native house; E kalai ia luna o na oa, a uuku; a hoo- poheoheo ia ko luna o na oa. Cut the upper part of the rafters small and turn them into a head. Hoopoi (ho'o-po'i), v. [Hoo and poi, to cover.] To cover. Hoopolna (ho'o-po'-T'-na), v. [Hoo and poina, to forget.] To cause to forget; to be unmindful; to be indifferent as to business or knowledge; to be thoughtless. Hoopoino (ho'o-po'-i'-no), v. [Hoo and poino, to be in distress.] 1. To cause injury; to harm. 2. To mar; to deface; to hurt; to cause distress. Hoopoipoi (ho'o-po'i-po'i), v. [Freq. of hoopoi.] 1. To smother, as a fire; to extinguish. 2. To assem- ble or brush together with the hands. Hoopokakaa (ho'o-po'-ka-ka'a), v. [Hoo and pokakaa, turning over and over as the wheel of a pul- ley.] 1. To turn, as the wheel of a pulley; to cause to roll, as a wheel. 2. Fig. To go over and over again with the same story, as a verbose speaker. Hoopokole (ho'o-po-ko'-le), v. [Hoo and pokole or pakole, short.] To shorten; to cut short; to curtail the length of a thing. Hoopokopoko (ho'o-p6'-ko-po'-ko), v. [Hoo and freq. of poko, short.] 1. To make short; to curb in; to cut short. 2. To shorten piece- meal. Hoopolapola (ho'o-po'-la-po'-la), v. [Hoo and polapola, sprout.] 1. To revive or cause to come to, as one sick. 2. To sprout; to push out, as a bud; to quickeii; to hasten on. 3. To increase, enlarge or multiply by nourishing. Hoopololel (ho'o-p6'-lo-le'i), v. [Hoo and pololei, straight.] 1. To make straight; to straighten. 2. To correct; to make corrections; to put to rights. Hoopololi (ho'o-p6'-lo'-li), v. [Hoo and pololi, hungry.] 1. To cause hunger; to fast. 2. To impover- ish; to make poor. HOO 197 HOO Hoopoluluhi (ho'o-po'-lu-lu'-hi), n. 1. Shadow that gathers with low- hanging heavy clouds; darkness which often foretells a storm; dark gathering of clouds before a storm. Hoopoluluhi (ho'o-po'-lti-lu'-hi), v. [Hoo and poluluhi, dark; foggy.] To cover the sky with dark storm clouds; to thicken and darken, as clouds before a storm. Hoopomaikai (ho'o-po'-ma'i-ka'i), v. [Hoo and poma^ikai, fortunate.] To make one fortunate; to be fortu- nate in obtaining what one wishes; to be blesse-d. Hooponalonalo (ho'o-po'-na'-16-na'-lo), [Hoo and ponalonalo, to be dim.] 1. To appear dimly as scarcely discernible; to be obscure to the sight. 2. To cause to be out of sight; to evade for the purpose of concealment. 3. To cause nausea. Hooponinlu (ho'o-po'-ni'-ni'u), n. A dance requiring a rotative motion of the body. Hooponlniu (ho'o-po'-ni'-ni'u), v. 1. To cause to whirl round, as a spinning top. 2. To perform ro- tatory motions, as is required in certain dance-s. Hooponlponi (ho'o-po'-ni-p6'-ni), v. [Hoo and poni, purple.] 1. To cause to be of a black or deep blue color. 2. To color purple. 3. To mix or blend dark and bright colors. Hooponiunlu (ho'o-po'-nl'u-ni'u), v. [Hoo and ponlu, dizziness.] 1. To cause a dizziness of the head. 2, To cause a confusion of thoughts. Hoopono (ho'o-po'-no), v. [Hoo and pono, good; right.] To rectify; to put in order; to make correct; to do rightly. Hooponopono (ho'o-po'-n6-po'-no), v. [Freq. of hoopono.] 1. To rule over; to superintend. 2. To put in order; to regulate; to correct what is erroneous. Hoopoo (ho'o-po'o), V. [Hoo and poo, a head, guide or leader.] To ex- alt to be a leader; to appoint to chieftainship; to cause to be the head of an assemblage of persons. Hoopoopoo (ho'o-po'o-po'o), v. [Hoo and poopoo, deep.] 1. To make deep or deeper; to dig deep; to cause to sink down. 2. To cause to grow poor in flesh. Hoopopololu (ho*o-p6'-p6'-lo-lu), v. To have physical force; to walk boldly; to show courage in the presence of danger. Dist. from hoopapalulu, to be weak, etc. Hoopouli (ho'o-po'-ii'-li), v. [Hoo and poull, darkness.] 1. To dark- en; to make dark. 2. To blind; to mislead; to deprive of sight. 3. To feign unrecognition of; to pretend not to know. E hoopouli inai ana ka oe ia'u, Kuu hoa o ke ami nie ke koekoe. So you pretend not to know me. Your comrade through cold and mist. Hoopoupou (ho'o-po'u-po'u), v. [Hoo and poupou, short of stature.] 1. To make short. 2. To stoop; to lean forward. Hoopu (ho'o-pu'), V. 1. To be quiet; to hush. 2. To stop motion or agitation as in secret inspection; to act the part of a spy. 3. To sit shrugged up in one's tapa or blanket; to shiver with the cold; to sit in a huddled posture. See pu and puu. 4. [Hoo and pu or puu, to draw lots.] To divide by lot. Hoopuahi (ho'o-pu-a'-hi), v. [Hoo and puahl, to be quick.] To cause quick action; to bestir. Hoopuai (ho'o-pu-a'i), v. 1 To flow or gush out of a natural reservoir, as a well or spring. 2. To cause an upheaving of. Hoopuakea (ho'o-pu'-a-ke'-a), adj. Full of light; lucid; shining. Hoopuakea (ho'o-pu'-a-ke'a), n. 1. An illumination; a shining. 2. A white cloud, or any beautiful dis- tant obje-ct. Hoopuakea (ho'o-pu'-a-ke'a), v. [Hoo, pua, to appear or come in sight and kea, white, clear, etc.] To appear at a distance as beautiful, as light. Hoopuai i (ho'o-pu-a'-li), v. To com- press; to gird tightly. Hoopuapual (ho'o-pu'-a-pu'ai), v. [Hoo and freq, of puai, to flow.] To gur- gle, as one drinking from a cala- bash; to boil or cause to boil up, as a spring. Hoopuapuwa (ho'o-pu'a-pQ-wa'), v. [Hoo and puwa, to evaporate, to dissipate, to vanish, as smoke or mist,] To cause to be transfig- j ured; to change or cause to be I changed in appearance, as a cloud HOO 198 HOO or smoke as it rises into the upper atmosphere. Hoopuhalalu (ho'o-pu'-ha'-la-lu'), v. [Hoo and puhalalu, puffed, inflat- ed.] To fill up with air or water; to inflate. Hoopuhalu (ho'o-pu'-ha'-lu), n. One who acts in an underhand manner; a hypocrite. Hoopuhalu (ho'o-pu'-ha'-lu), v. 1. To waste time in fruitless dispute. 2. To spend time lazily. 3. To explain language* so as to mean nothing. 4. To object to; to re- fuse consent to. Hoop u ha I u ha I u ( ho'o-pu'-ha'-lu-ha'-lu) , V. 1. To be loosely fastened; not compact. 2. To loosen up; to pulverize, as the soil for planting. Hoopuhanu (ho'o-pu'-ha'-nu), v. [Con- traction of hoopuai hanu.] 1. To exhale and rest, as after violent effort. 2. To breathe softly and easily, as in repose. Hoopuholoholo (ho'o-pi"i'-h6'-16-h5'lo), V. [Hoo and puholoholo, a steam bath.] To cause perspiration by steam, to take a steam bath by sitting covered beside a vessel containing hot water. Hoopuipui (ho'o-pu'-i-pu'-i), v. [Hoo and puipui, fat.] 1. To make large, fat and fleshy, as the body. 2. To cause increase of; to make addi- tion to by growth. Hoopuiwa (ho'o-pu'-i'-wa), v. [Hoo and puiwa, to start suddenly.] 1. To cause to be suddenly scared; to frighteTi; to surprise. 2. To be overtaken; to be seized by: ua hoopuiwala ke alii kane e ke kuko ino. Leieik. p. 37. Hoopuka (ho'o-pu'-ka), v. [Hoo and puka, an opening.] 1. To cause to pass through an orifice, as through a doorway or through a hole in a fence. 2. To make a substance full of holes or chinks. 3. To cause to appear in sight, as a ship at a distance. 4. To emerge to light, as from darkness. 5. To publish, as a newspaper. Hoopukaku (ho'o-pu'-ka-ku'), v. [Hoo and pukaku, to deviate, to go out of the way.] 1. To act independ- ently. 2. To adhere to another and not to one's proper lord: ka! kupaianaha, no'u aku kuu aina, a hoopukaku oe i kou waiwai ma- muli o ke alii. Hoopukapuka (ho'o-pu'-ka-pu'-ka), v. [Hoo and freq. of puka, to go forth, and hoopuka, to cause to go out.] 1. To disseminate; to push forward; to make prominent. 2. To make a profit on goods; to buy and sell for profit. 3. To answer or reply back and forth; to show one's skill in answering again; to contradict, as two who are obsti- nate in conversation. 4. To trade. Hoopukumoa (ho'o-pu'-ku-mo'a), adj. Hard-hearted; close-fisted; selfish. Hoopukumoa (ho'o-pu'-ku-mo'-a), v. [Hoo and puku or hapuku, to gather up, to assemble, and moa, a hen.] 1. ^Literally: to gather up every little thing as a hen scratching. 2. To be selfish; to regard one's own interests only. 3. To be covetous, close-fisted, niggardly, greedy. Hoopulalelale (ho'o-pu'-la'-le-la'le), v. [Hoo and pulale, to hurry; to scare.] 1. To hurry; to hasten; to make a stir in doing a thing. 2. To urge to the immediate doing of something. Hoopulapula (ho'o-pu'-la-pu'-la), v. [Hoo and pulapula, a shoot or sprout of a plant.] 1. To start a first growth of; to make a begin- ning of seed growth, as in seed beds. 2. To multiply by procrea- tion. Hoopulelehua (ho'o-pu'-le-le-hu'-a), v. [Hoo and pulelehua, a butterfly.] 1. To blow away, as small bits of paper. 2. To act the butterfly; to flutter about, as vain, dressy per- sons. 3. To talk much with little sense. Hoopulou (ho'o-pu'-lo'u), v. [Hoo and pulou, to veil the head.] 1. To cover the head with a tapa. 2. To overspread one's self with any- thing that hides the person entirely from sight; to be covered. 3. To blindfold; to veil; to cover with a veil. Hoopulu (ho'o-pu'-lu), V. 1. To de- ceive; to act treacherously; to take advantage of one by deceit. 2. To slander for the purpose of revenge; to find fault with for self advancement. Hoopulu (ho'o-pu'-lu), V. 1. [Hoo and pulu, decaying vegetable mat- ter used for fertilizing.] To ma- nure; hoopulu loi. To enrich land with vegetable mold. 2. [Hoo and HOO 199 HOO pulu, wet.] To make wet; to irri- gate; to moisten. 3. To soak; to cause to lie in a liquid until the substance absorbs the distinctive characteristics of the liquid; to dye. Hoopulupulu (ho'o-pu'-lu-pu'-lu), adj. 1. Strong smelling; stinking. 2. Deceitful; hypocritical; rotten; treacherous. Hoopulupulu (ho'o-pu'-lii-pu'-lu), v. 1. To cause a stench; to make an offensive smell. 2. To make soft, pulpy, rotten, etc. 3. To deceive. Hoopumehana (ho'o-pu'-me-ha'-na), v. [Hoo and pumehana, warm. Also written hoopumahana. 1. To warm, as by fire; to warm by cov- ering with clothes; to warm up, as food. 2. To give warmth to; to impart gentle heat; to make warm. Hoopunahele (ho'o-pu'-na-he'-le), v. [Hoo and punahele, a favorite.] To mjake a favorite of one; to treat one as a favorite; applied mostly to chiefs. Hoopunahelu (ho'o-pu'-na'-he'lu), v. [Hoo and punahelu, mould, spi- ders' webs, etc.] To grow mouldy or musty; to grow old; cause to mould. Hoopunalua (ho'o-pu'-na-lu'-a), v. [Hoo and punalua, a partaker in common with another in the fav- ors of one of the opposite sex.] To have, as a man, another wo- man beloved equally with his wife ; to have, as a woman, another man beloved equally with heT husband. Hoopunana (ho'o-pu'-na'-na), v. [Hoo and punana, to sit on, as a nest.] 1. To sit like a fowl on eggs to hatch them. 2. To hatch eggs by warming them. 3. To brood or cherish, as a fowl her young. 4. To warm, as a person by the fire. 5. To form a nest for; to settle one's self in a new place. HoopunI (ho'o-pu'-ni), v. [Hoo and puni, to surround.] 1. To come around; to surround. 2. To get the advantage of; to deceive; to beguile; to delude by craft; to impose on. 3. To be charmed with; to desire much, as the de- sire of the sexes. (Laieik. p. 38.) Hoopunini (ho'o-pil'-ni'-ni), v. To go here and there out of a straight course; to tack, as a ship; to sail crookedly; to float here and there: Ke hoopunini nei no ke alii i ka , moana maluna o ka waapa, The king floats here and there over the ocean in a boat. Hoopunipuni (ho'o-pu'-ni-pu'-ni), adj. Deceitful; causing deceit; treach- erous. Hoopunipuni (ho'o-pu'-ni-pu'-ni), n. Deceit; treachery; falsehood; de- ception. Hoopunipuni (ho'o-pu'-ni-pu'-ni), v. 1. To get around one, that is, to deceive; hence, to lie; to speak falsely. 2. To misrepresent; to mislead wilfully; to conceal the truth in any manner. 3. To with- hold knowledge of in order to lead astray. 4. To tempt; to decoy. See hoopuni. Hoopunoni (ho'o-pu'-no'-ni), v, [Hoo- pu for hoopulu, to soak, and noni, a tree the root of which is used for coloring.] 1. To be or to make of a reddish color; to be brown. 2. To make a dye from the root of the noni plant. 3. To color with the dye stuff of the noni. Hoopunono (ho'o-pu'-n6'-no), v. [Hoo and punono, to dress gorgeously.] 1. To be noble; to dress gorgeous- ly. 2. To render attractive with bright or scarlet colors. Hoopunonohu (ho'o-pu'-n6-no'-hu), v. [Hoo and punonohu, to rise as smoke.] To rise column-like, as smoke in a still atmosphere. Hoopuopuo (ho'o-pu-o'-pu-o), v. To appear and disappear alternately as a light or the crest of a wave. Hoopupu (ho'o-pu'-pil'), n. [For hoo- j puupuu, hoo and puupuu, to he j heaped up.] A collection of things; a gathering up. Hoopupu (ho'o-pu'-pu'), V. [Hoo and pupu, little bunch, cluster or tuft.] 1. To arrange or lay out in little piles or parcels. 2. To cause to be disposed in small collections. Syn: Hoopuu. Hoopupu (ho'o-pu'-pu'), V. To hold back; to be unwilling; to be obsti- nate; to withhold consent; to re- sist or decline solicitation. Hoopupue (ho'o-pu'-pu'-e), v. To seize upon suddenly. Hoopupuka (ho'o-pii'-pu'-ka), v. [Hoo and pupuka, having an unsightly appearance.] 1. To cause to ap- pear unsightly; to make ugly to look at. 2. To deform; to dis- figure. HOO 200 HOO Hoopupule (ho'o-pu'-pu'-le), v, [Hoo and pupule, crazy.] 1. To make, one crazy; to be out of one's wits; to be insane. 2. To pretend to be insane; to imitate a crazy person. Hoopuu (ho'o-pu'u), n. Displeasure or hostility shown in expression of the face; a frown. Hoopuu (ho'o-pu'u), V. [Hoo and puu, a heap.] 1. To collect to- gether; to collect in heaps; to lay up in store. 2. To fill up, as the be'lly with wind; to fill, as the heart with resentment; hoopuu ae la au iaia i kana hoahewa ana ia'u. Hoopuua (ho'o-pu-u'-a), v. [Puua, to be choked.] 1. To cause to be filled up or choked; to crowd into until too full. 2. To push away; to treat with dislike. 3. To be choked; to have hard labor, as a female. Hoopuukahua (ho'o-pu'u-ka-hu'a), v. To ridicule one's work or words; to belittle, to disparage. Hoopuupuu (ho'o-pu'u-pu'u), v. [Freq. of hoopuu.] To lay in heaps; to collect in a number of little heaps. Hooua (ho'o-u'-a), v. [Hoo and ua, rain.] To give or cause rain. Hoouahi (ho*o-u-a'-hi), v. [Hoo and uahi, smoke.] To cause smoke, steam or vapor; to burst forth, like steam. Hoouaua (ho'o-u'-a-u'-a), v. 1. To cause to be tough; to make firm. 2. To be stubborn, obstinate, un- reasonable. Hooueue (ho'o-u'e-u'e), v. [Hoo and freq. of ue, to shove along.] To cause to move by jerks or shoves; to move by pushing or prying. Hoouha (ho'o-u'-ha'), v. To eject wind from the stomach; to belch. Hoouhalu (ho'o-u-ha'-lu), v, [Hoo and uhalu, weak from hunger.] 1. To be weak; to become enfeebled, de- bilitated, etc. 2. To become faint or to lack strength from hunger; to be very hungry. Hoouhauha (ho'o-u'-ha-u'-ha'), v. To pretend fatigue; to hold out the appearance of being exhausted. Hoouhenehene (ho'o-u'-he'-ne-he'-ne), V. [Hoo and (u)henehene, to mock.] To laugh secretly at one; to mock ironically, Hoouhi (ho'o-ii'-hi), v. [Hoo and uhi, to cover up.] To overspread; to cover up; to wrap up; to put out of sight by covering. Hoouhiuhi (ho'o-u'-hi-u'-hi), v. [Hoo and freq. of uhi, to cover.] 1. To cover up; to conceal in various ways; to cover over; to withhold from knowledge of; to equivocate. 2. To use ambiguous language with a view to mislead. Hoouhuhi (ho'o-u'-hii-hi), v. To an- noy; to tease; to trouble; to vex. Hoouiul (ho'o-u*i-u*i), v. To make beautiful. Hoouka (ho'o-u'-ka), adj. Pertaining to battle; la hoouka, day of battle; day of attack. Hoouka (ho'o-u'-ka), v. 1. To put or lay upon, as to a horse or other animal; to put on board a canoe or vessel; to freight; to send prop- erty by ship. 2. To attack; to make an attack; to rush upon, as in battle. Hooukall (ho'o-u'-ka'-li), v. [Hoo and ukali, to follow.] 1. To cause to follow; to follow after; to accom- pany by following. 2. To try to follow; to try to go after: I hoou- kall aku nei hoi au ia mea ma, kipaku nui mai nei nae, I tried to follow =E2=80=94 but they all drove me back. Hooukana (ho'o-fi'-ka'-na), v. [Hoo and ukana, movable property. 1. To bundle up or pack movable goods. 2. To cause to be conveyed or sent. Hooukauka (ho'o-ii'-ka-u'-ka), v. [Freq. of hoouka, to attack, to head.] HooukI (ho'o-u'-ki), v. [Hoo and ukl, to irritate.] To provoke; to do that which will offend. Hooukluki (ho'o-u'-ki-u'-ki), v. [Hoo and ukluki, to offend.] To cause one to be offended; to insult. Hoouku (ho'o-u'-ku), n. [Hoo and uku, to pay.] The imposing of a penalty; the act of de-claring a fine or tax. Hoouku (ho'o-u'-ku), v. [Hoo and uku, reward.] 1. To cause pay- ment to be made. 2. To impose a fine or a tax. 3. To cause a re- ward. Hooulaulauaka (ho'o-u'-la'-u-la'-u-a'- ka), n. 1. To express sexual de- light or gratification vociferously. 2. To enjoy, as the union of the sexes. Hooule (ho'o-u'-le), v. To form a tenon; to sharpen the end of a piece of wood, fit for insertion into a mortise. HOO 201 HOO Hoouleule (ho'o-u'-le-u'-le), v. [Hoo and uleule, hanging.] 1. To cause to swing; to hang pendulous; to crook or turn down. Hoouli (ho'o-u'-li), v. [Hoo and uli, to be dark colored.] To make black; to darken; to make green, as the sea; as a forest. Hoouliuli (ho'o-u'-li-u'-li), v. Inten- sive of hoouli. Hooulu (ho'o-u'-lu), V. [Hoo and ulu, to grow, as a vegetable.] 1. To cause to grow, as seeds planted; to sprout. 2. To stir up; to cause disturbance; to create a tumult. 3. To rouse to action; to inspire with courage or hope. Hooulua (ho'o-u-lu'-a), v. [Hoo and ulua, to assemble.] 1. To collect; to assemble together, as men; to collect, as things. Hooulua (ho'o-u'-lu-a'), v. [Hoo and ulua, to assemble.] 1. To call in song or speech to united action. 2. To cause a multitude to be of one accord through argument; to create harmony where disagree- ment previously prevailed. Hoouluhua (ho*o-u'-lu-hu'-a), v. [Hoo and uluhua, displeased.] To give trouble; to weary; to vex; to op- press; to wear out the patience of one; mai hoouluhua i ke keiki. Hooululu (ho'o-ii-lu-lu), v. 1. To call on the gods for help. 2. To call or implore the gods to possess or to control the will of; e hooululu Akua. Hooulumahiehie (ho'o-ti'-lti-ma'-hi'-e- hi'-e), V. [Hoo and ulumahlehle, to make a fine appearance.] 1. To cause to appear in attractive form ; to array in showy attire. To dec- orate or adorn in a manner to at- tract admiration. Hoouluulu (ho'o-u'-lu-u'-lu), v. [Hoo and uluulu, to collect.] To collect together, as men or things; to as- semble in one place. Hoouluuluakua(ho'o-u'-lu-u'-lu-a-kii'-a) V. 1. To cause to be possessed with the spirit or power of the gods; to be possessed of disem- bodied spirits. 2. To set up one's self for a god; to make preten- sions of being a god. 3. To make or appoint gods; to invest with the attributes of a god. Syn: Hoo- nohonoho akua. H oou i u u I u waa ( ho'o-u'-lu-u'-lu-wa'a ) , V. [Hoo, freq. of ulu, to collect, and waa, canoe.] To collect many canoes in one place. HooumikI (ho'o-u'-mi'-ki), v. [Hoo and umlkl, to pinch.] To pinch or squeeze slyly. Hooumikimiki (ho'o-u'-mi'-ki-mi'-ki), V. Intensive of hooumiki. Hooumu (ho'o-u'-mu), v. 1. To pile up; to store away; to dump. 2. To make an earth oven (umu or imu). Hoouna (ho'o-u'-na), v. 1. To cause to go; to send on. 2. Cause to be conveyed; to transmit. Hoounauna (ho'o-u'-na-u'-na), v. 1. To order; to command; to issue or- ders, as an overseer or superin- tendent. 2. To ask or urge to do a thing: Aole o'u manao e hoouna- una aku ia olua. (Laieik. p. 21.) 3. To perform some part in the hoopiopio or anaana, as to call on the gods to eat up (figuratively), kill or destroy. Hooune (ho'o-u'-ne), v. [Hoo and une, to pry up.] 1. To pry up, as with a lever; to lift by prying. 2. To shove or push by starts, as in moving something heavy. (A better form is houne.) Hoouneune (ho'o-u'-ne-u'-ne), v. [Freq. of hooune.] 1. To pry up. 2. To incite; to urge on. Hoounoo (ho'o-u'-no'o), v. 1. To cause to be partly cooked. (Ap- plied only to flesh of animals used for food.) 2. To be raw; to be red, as raw meat. Hoounounoo (ho'o-\i-no'u-no'o), v. [In- tensive of hoounoo.] To be not wholly cooked. Hooupuupu (ho'o-u'-pQ-u'-pu), v. [Hoo and upu, to desire.] 1. To cause to desire strongly; to incite a long- ing for. 2. To threaten; to fright- en; to scare with false alarm. Hoouwa (ho'o-u'-wa'), v. [Hoo and uwa, to shout.] To cause to cry out; to create a shout; .to make clamorous. Hoouwaa (ho'o-u'-wa'a), v. [Hoo and uwaa, to excavate.] 1. To cause to be open. 2. To make a free en- trance, etc., as a harbor: e komo no na moku manuwa iloko o na awa a pau 1 hoouwaa ia. Hoouwahl (ho'o-u'-wa'-hi), v. [Hoo and uwahi, for uahl, smoke.] 1. To cause smoke; to emit smoke. 2. To HOO 202 HOO apply smoke to; to disinfect, cure, dry, etc., by smoke. Hoouwauwa (ho'o-u'-wa'-u-wa'), v. Intensive of hoouwa, to shout. Hoouwe (ho'o-u'-we'), v. [Hoo and uwe, to cry.] 1. To cause to cry; to make one cry. 2. To cause one to cry; to cry out for pain or grief. Hoouweke (ho'o-ii-we'-ke), v. To cause or make a very little aper- ture or opening, cleft or gap, etc. Hoouwene (ho'o-u'-we'-ne), v. 1. To speak in a small, shrill voice, like a weak or dying person. 2. To talk with low, squeaky voice, as when possessed with the spirit of an akua or god. Hoouwenewene(ho'o-u'-we'-ne-we'-ne), V. (Freq. of hoouwene.) Hoouweuwe (ho'o-u-we'-ii-we'), v. 1. To cry out frequently. 2. To cause the mere sound of crying; to feign crying: to pretend to cry. Hoouwewe (ho'o-u-we'-we), v. 1. To be fickle, 2. To move about; to shake. Syn: Hooueue. 3. To put on airs; to display ostentatiously, Hoouwiki (ho'o-u-wi'-ki), v. [Hoo and uwiki.] To cause to shine through small holes. Hoouwiuwi (ho'o-u'-wi'-u-wi), n. The broad-leaf kamani, also called uwi- uwi. Hoouwiuwi (ho'o-u-wi'-u-wi), v. [Hoo and uwi, to wring; to twist.] 1. To wring; to squeeze; to twist. 2. To squeak, as new shoes; to grind, as the teeth, HoouwiuwikI (ho'c-u-wl'-u-wi'-ki), v, 1. To gleam; to shoot rays of light, as through small apertures, 2, To shine with intermittent light; to twinkle, as the stars, Hoowa (ho'-o-wa'), v. [Ho(o) and owa, to split open.] 1. To cause to vomit; to make sick at the stomach; to flow off, 2, To cause to burst open lengthwise; to split; to make a cleft; to cause an open- ing by splitting, Hoowaa . (ho'o-wa'a), v. [Hoo and waa, a canoe.] 1, To make a proper form or pattern of a canoe 2, To dig a trench for planting, Hoowaha (ho'o-wa'-ha), adj. Having a disposition to take another's property; greedy; he hoowaha, he alunu, he hao wale no, Hoowaha (ho'o-wa'-ha), v, [Hoo and waha, a bundle.] 1. To covet; to seize; to take with the knowledge. but without the consent of the owner. Syn: Hookaha. 2. To cause to be carried on one's back. Hoowahawaha (ho'o-wa'-ha-wa-ha'), v. [Hoo and waha, mouth.] 1, To make mouths at, 2, To treat with contempt; to ridicule, 3, To hate; to dislike; to have a contemptuous dislike of. Hoowahi (ho'o-wa'-hi), v. [Hoo and wahi, to break; wawahi, to break up.] To grind or break to pieces; to cause to break. Hoowahine (ho'o-wa'-hi'-ne), v. [Hoo and wahine, woman.] 1, To make special friendship with a woman; applied only to men. 2, To imi- tate, as a man, the manners of a woman, Hoowahu (ho'o-wa'-hu), v. [Hoo and wahu, to take by force,] To lie in wait either to kill or rob. (Obso- lete,) Syn: Hoohalua, Hoowahua (ho'o-wa-hu'-a), v, [Hoo and wahua, a snare; a trap.] 1. To ensnare; to entrap. 2. To misrep- resent for the purpose of leading astray. 3. To entrap or lead on to downfall by verbal misrepresenta- tions. Hoowai (ho'o-wai). Incorrect form of hoouwai, v. To move; to move by pushing or sliding along the surface of solid matter. Hoowai ho (ho'o-wa'i-ho), v. [Hoo and waiho, to lay down.] 1. To leave*, to quit, 2, To ignore; to shun. 3, To leave exposed, as a woman her shame; eia kekahi mea e moe- kolohe ai, o ka hoowaiho. Hoowaihowale (ho'o-wa'i-ho-wa'-le), v. [Hoo, waiho, to leave, to let re- main, and wale, with nothing or as may happen.] To cause to be un- covered; to make an exposure of; to deprive of concealment; to lay open; to sit in a state of nudity; to expose one's shame. Syn: Hoo- waiho. Hoowaiwai (ho'o-wa'i-wa'i), v. [Hoo and waiwai, property.] 1. To make rich; to have a supply; to be abundantly provided for; hence, 2. To increase the possessions of, Hoowalehau (ho'o-wa'-le-ha'u), v. [Hoo and waiehau, a slimy sub- stance extracted from hau bark.] 1. To cause to be waiehau, slip- pery; to be unstable; to be fickle; to be entertaining or enticing in HOO 203 HOP the use of language. 2. To befool with allusive words; to delude. Hoowalewale (ho'o-wa'-le-wa'-le), n. 1. The deceiver; the tempter. 2. A tempting; a temptation. 3, Be- witchery; a bewitchment. 4. A consulter with familiar spirits. Hoowalewale (ho'o-wa'-le-wa'-le), v. [Hoo and walewale, to deceive.] 1. To deceive; to ensnare. 2. To tempt; to bewitch; to charm; to fascinate to such a degree as to take away the power of resistance. Hoowalewalenahesa ( ho'o-wa'le-wa'- le-na-he'-ka), V. [Hoowalewale and nahesa, which should be written separately.] 1. In the original translation of the Bible into Ha- waiian the two words are joined and rendered: "To exercise en- chantment." 2. To reveal things by communication with departed spirits. Hoowali (ho'o-wa'-li), v. To mix; to blend. Hoowehiwehi (ho'o-we'-hi-we'-hi), v. [Hoo and wehlwehi, adorning; wehl, a wreath.] 1. To gather decorations for ornament. 2. To prepare ornaments for a person; to decorate. Hoowela (ho'o-we'-la), v. [Hoo and wela, heat.] 1. To burn; to cause to be burned or scorched. 2. To heat in the fire. 3. To excite emo- tion; to arouse passion. Hoowelawela (ho'o-we'-la-we'-la), v. [Hoo and wela, to burn.] 1. To burn up; to consume with heat. 2. To heat; to inflame with anger; to madden. Hooweliweli (ho'o-we'-li-we'-li), adj. [Hoo and weliwell, fear.] 1. Fear- ful; threatening; having the qual- ity of exciting fear; he ao hoo- weliweli, a threatening cloud. 2. Exciting fear for any purpose. Hooweliweli (ho'o-we'-li-we'-li), n. 1. A causing of fear; a threat; menace. 2. A denunciation. Hooweliweli (ho'o-we'-li-we'-li), v. [Hoo and weliweli, fear.] To cause fear; to frighten; to alarm; to terrify. HoowikiwikI (ho'o-wi'-ki-wl'-ki), v. [Hoo and wiki, quick.] To cause to hasten; to hurry; to cause to do a thing quickly. Hoowili (ho'o-wi'-li), n. A school or shoal, as applied to a multitude. In Hawaiian it refers only to habi- tants of the sea. Ua ikeia mai nei he hoowili iheihe, A school of ihe- ihe has just been seen. Syn: Kaawili. Hoowili (ho'o-wl'-li), v. [Hoo and wili, to twist. 1. To cause a turn- ing; to causs a movement in the form of a circle. 2. To wind; to coil or twine. Hoowili (ho'-o-wi'-li), v. [Ho(o) and owili, to roll or fold up.] To cause to be rolled up, as a blanket; to make a roll, as of tapa, paper, etc. Hoowilimoo (ho'o-wi'-li-mo'o), n. (A modern word.) Name applied to the quadrille dance, traced to the steps and movements of the dance. The better orthography is hoowiliamoo. Hoowili wili (ho'o-wI'-li-wTMi), v. [Hoo and wili, to bind] 1. To bind or tie up tightly; to tie up in bundles. 2. To assemble) and tie in a single pack or bundle. 3. To cause to spin or turn round rapid- ly. 4. Same as hoolauwili; to cause to twist; to be inconstant, etc. Hoowiuwiu (ho'o-wi'u-wi'u), v. [Hoo and intensive of wiu, dirty.] 1. To make filthy; to besmear. 2. To make foul; to soil. 3. To cause to be entangled; to entangle, as a kite. Hopala (ho'-pa'-la), v. 1. To daub; to blot out by discoloring. 2. To paint; to besmear. 3. To blame one who is innocent; to defame; to smirch the reputation of. Hopalapala (ho'-pa'-la-pa'-la), v. [Freq. of hopala.] To besmear. Hopapau (ho'-pa-pa'u), n. Incorrect form of hoopapau. 1. Ardent de- sire; fervor; a persevering; per- sistence in the pursuit of anything. 2. An expression of intense emo- tional activity persisted in, as thinking continuously or moodily on a subject, like grief, love, acqui- sition of an object, etc. Hope (ho'-pe), adj. 1. Ending; last: na olelo hope, the last words; na hope ole, without result; without consequence or effect. 2. Late; coming after something else; tar- dy. 3. Not long past; recent; next to. Hope (ho'-pe), adv. 1. Recently. 2. Tardily; slowly; backward; be- hind-hand. HOP 204 HOU Hope (ho'-pe), n. 1. The end; the limit; the finishing; the result, as of a course of conduct. 2. Termi- nation; conclusion; death. 3, Pur- pose; object; result. He aha ka hope? What is the result? 4. Hindmost part; the rear. 5. A substitute; one who engages to answer or act for another; a legal surety; bondsman. Hopena (ho'-pe'-na), n. 1. The end- ing; the conclusion; the bringing to a close. 2. The ending up of anything. In a specific sense, the close of life. Hopepe (ho'-pe-pe), adj. 1. Humble; depressed; downtrodden, as the people of a cruel chief; o ko ke kuaaina noho ana, he hopepe, he hopohopo, he wiwo wale me ka makau; he hopepe ke ano o na kuaaina. 2. Disconsolate; dis- heartened. Hopepe (ho'-pe-pe), v. 1. To be cast down in spirits; to be disheart- ened. 2. To conduct one's self in a cringing manner as in fear or servility. Hopepoo (ho'-pe-po'o), n. [Hope, rear, and poo, the head.] 1. The back part of the head. 2. Name of one supplying the place of an ab- sent superior or head. Hop'ilo (ho-pi'-lo), V. Same as opilo. 1. To relapse after a partial re- covery from sickness. 2. To be often sick. Hopilole (ho'-pi-lo'-le), v. To eat slowly and carefully, as a sick person. Syn: Niole. Hopo (ho'-po), V. To lack courage; to be fearful of what may be com- ing; to be overawed. Hopohopo (ho'-p6-ho'-po), adj. Timid; having the sense of fear. Hopohopo (ho'-p6-ho'-po), n. An im- pression of impending evil; dread; the feeling of fear; awe. Hopohopo (ho'-p6-ho'-po), v. Freq. or intensive of hopo, to fear. Hopu (ho'-pu), n. A taking; a seiz- ing; a catching of one. Hopu (ho'-pu), V. 1. To seize upon, as something escaping; to grasp; to catch. 2. To take, as a prison- er; to apprehend, as a criminal. 3. To hold fast, as something caught. Hopue (ho'-pu'-e), n. A tree, the bark of which, like the olona, is made into strings, cords, etc.; probably the opuhe described by Dr. Hillebrand as a plant yielding a most valuable fiber. Hopu hopu (ho'-pii-ho'-pu), v. [Freq. of hopu.] To seize; to grasp fre- quently; to catch one after another. Hopuhopualulu (ho'-pu-ho'-pu-a'-lu'-lu), n. Confusion begotten of overmuch haste. Hopuhopualulu (ho'-pii-ho'-pii-a'-lii'-lu) , V. [Hopuhopu, to seize, and alulu, hastily.] 1. To do something in a state of trepidation. 2. To act so hastily as to create confusion. Hopuhopuaukela (ho'-pu-ho'-pu-a'u- ke'-la), adj. Amorous. Hopuhopuaukela (ho'-pu-ho'-pu-au'- ke'-la), V. To jostle or scramble to satisfy intense desire of. Hopupu (ho'-pu-pu'), V. To be emo- tionally agitated; to be disturbed or excited through the organs of sense, as love, hatred, lust, etc. Hora (ho'-ra), n. [Lat.] An hour; a particular time; a measure of time. Hosana (ho'-sa'-na), interj. [Heb.] An exclamation of praise to God; hosanna. Hosana (ho'-sa'-na), n. [Heb.] An acclamation or ascription of praise; hosanna. Hou (hou), adj. 1. New; recent; previously unknown. 2. Fresh; not old. Hou (hou), adv. Again; recently; lately done. Hou (hou), adv. Again; recently; anew; afresh. Hou (hou), n. 1. Sweat; perspira- tion. 2. A species of fish of the coral reefs and warm currents, chiefly deep green and blue. (Thalassoma purpureum). Called also palaea, olale or olani, and awela. Hou (h5u), V. 1. [Hou, new.] To be new; to be fresh; to be recent. 2. To push forward; to thrust; to shove. 3. To stab, as with pointed instrument. 4. To reach after, as in thought action: Hou wale aku la ka manao i o, i o, e ake e loaa, Thought pushes hither and thither in desire to discover. Hou (ho'-u'), V. To moisten or soak or dip in liquid. Houhou (ho'u-ho'u), v. [Freq. of hou, to pierce.] 1. To thrust or piece frequently; to bore through, as in drilling. 2. To be persevering; to continue doing a thing. HOU 205 HUA Houluulu (ho'-u'-lu-u'-lu), n. 1. An assembly; a convocation. 2. An aha or religious assembly. Houluulu (ho'-u'-lu-u'-lu), v. [For hoouluulu, hoo and ulu, to grow.] 1. To collect; to assemble; as people. 2. To bring together things scattered. 3. To cause an increase. Houmeke (ho'-u-me'-ke), v. [For hoo- umeke, hoo and umeke, a poi cal- abash.] 1. To swell in growing like the calabash gourd; to swell, as fruit in growing. 2. To have enough; to be supplied with com- forts; to be well off. Literally, to be filled, as a calabash is filled. Houpepe (ho'-u-pe'-pe), v. [Ho(o) and upepe, to be flat or flattened; pepe, crushed; bruised.] 1. To be modest; to be bashful; to act as a backwoodsman; to be diffident. 2. To be crushed, as the mind; to be made flat; to make flat. Houpo (ho'u-po), n. 1. The dia- phragm; the region of the heart. (Laieik. p. 45.) 2. A palpitation or fluttering of the heart. 3. The action of the mind: Lelele ka houpo i ka olioli. The mind (or heart) leaped for joy. Houpolewalewa (hou-po-le'-wa-le'-wa) , n. 1. A hungry, empty stomach. 2. Faintne-ss for want of food. Houpolewalewa (ho'u-p6-le'-wa-le'-wa), V. [Houpo, diapraghm, and lewa- lewa, movable.] 1. To be flat or empty, as the stomach of a hungry person. 2. To be hungry; to be dizzy for want of food. 3. To be light or empty, as the stomach. Houpuupu (ho'-u'-pu-u'-pu), v. To surmise, or look for without cer- tain knowledge: houpuupu mai nei ke kapena e hopuia ana o A. Houweke (ho'-u'-we'-ke), v. 1. To uncover or open by a shove or side-push. 2. To open and shut very little, just enough to look in or out; to tilt. HouwikI (ho'-u-wi'-ki), v. [Ho(o) and uwiki, a gleam or ray of light as seen through a small crevice.] To open a little; to make a small aperture; to let in the light, Hu (hu), adj. Fermentable. Hu (hu), n. 1. That which causes rising, leaven. 2. A class of the common people, nearly syn. with makaainana: e ka hu, e na maka- ainana, etc. (Laieik. p. 21.) O ka poe hemahema a naaupo, ua ka- paia lakou he hu ka inoa, he ma- kaainana kahi inoa. 3. A noise; a rustling, as the wind among trees. (Laieik. p. 104.) 4. A top; hu kani, a humming-top. Hu (hu), V. 1. To rise or swell up as, leaven or new poi; to effer- vesce. 2. To run over, as water overflows. 3. To burst forth, as lava, or water from the rock. 4. To percolate as moisture through rock, sand or earth. 5. To break forth in mental agitation. 6. To depart from a proper course; to miss one's way. Hua (hu-a'), adj. [From huwa, envy.] Envious; jealous. Hua (hu'-a), n. 1. The twelfth night after the new moon, the thirteenth day of the old Hawaiian month. 2. A producing; that which is pro- duced; offspring. 3. Effect; that which follows from a cause. 4. A watchword; password; rallying cry. 5. Testicle; Syn: Opea. 6. Modernized, a letter or letters that spell the words of a language. 7. Fruit; fruitage. 8. Egg; ovum; seed. Hua (hu-a'). Same as huwa, n. Envy. Hua (hu'a), n. 1. A flowing. 2. The trail of a pa-u; the trail of a gar- ment; the tucks at the bottom of a gown. 2. The snapper of a whip. Hua (hfi'a), v. 1. To froth; to make frothy. 2. To make a bor- der or trimming: E hua mai hoi oe i kuu holoku. Please make a border for my holoku or gown. Hua (hu'-a), v. 1. To sprout; to bud; to bear fruit, as a tree or vegetable. 2. To grow or increase as fruit; to increase, as a people; to be fruitful. Hua (hu-a'), v. Incorrect form of huwa, to envy Huaa (hu'a'a). i huwa, to envy. I Huaaelo (hu'-a-a'e-lo), adj. Unfruit- ful; barren; not fertile. See aelo. Huaaelo (hu'-a-a'e-lo), n. [Hua, egg, and aelo, stale.] An infertile egg. Huaai (hu'-a-a'i), n. [Hua, fruit, and al, to eat.] Fruit to eat; any fruit that may be eaten as food. Huaale (hfi'-a-a'-le), n. [Hua, seed, and ale, to swallow.] A pill; a medicine in the form of a little ball, to be swallowed whole. Incorrect form of HUA 206 HUA Huabale (hu'-a-pa'-le), n. [Hua, fruit, and bale (Eng.), barley.] The grain of barley, or simply barley. Huae (hu-a'e),v. [Ae, an adverb, de- scribes the action of the verb hu, to rise.] To rise and flow over. Huaelo (hu'-a'e-lo), v. [Hua, egg, and elo, wet, as a tapa; hence, rotten; worthless; see also huaaelo.] To be or become useless, worthle-ss or in vain; E malama hoi, o huaelo ka hihi o ka hooikaika ana, beware, lest the weariness in perseverance be in vain. Huafiku (hu'a-pi'-ku), n. [Hua and fiku (Eng.), fig.] A fig; the fruit of the fig tree. Huahaule (hu'-a-ha'-ii'-le), adj. [Hua, fruit and haule, to drop; to fall.] 1. Lit. Seed or fruit fallen; pre- maturely born; hence, 2. Friend- le'ss; without support; no means of living; set loose from any chief or parent. 3. Bastard. Huahaule (hu'-a-ha'-u'-le), n. 1. One prematurely born; an orphan. 2. Illegitimate child. Huahaulelani (hu'-a-ha'-u'-lo-la'-ni), n. A species of sweet potato, so called from its spontaneous growth as if from lani or heaven; a species of wild potato. Huahaulewale (hu'-a-ha-u'-le-wa'-Ie), n. 1. The potato produced from the extended stem or vine as distin- guished from the product in the hill. 2. An illegitimate; an unlaw- ful or improper production. HuahekJII (hu'-a-he'-kl'-li), n. [Hua, egg. and hekili, thunder. Lit. A thunder egg.] 1. A hail stone; hail. (Thunder generally occurs during hail storms on the moun- tains of Hawaii, hence the suppo- sition that hail was produced by thunder.) 2. The seed of a plant used in medicine, called also ho- awa or papaahekili. Huahua (hu'a-hu'a), n. Foam or froth; an aggregation of bubbles. Huahua (hu'a-hu'a), v. [Freq. of hua, foam.] To gather foam; to froth. Huahuaalau (hu'-a-hu'-a-a'-lau), n. 1. A seeking or searching for by interrogating. 2. A deceiving; an endeavor to e-nsnare one by ask- ing questions; a tempting one to say what would incriminate one's self. Huahuaalau (hu'-a-hu'-a-a'-la'u), v. 1. To question with a design to en- tangle; to put one to the torture. 2. To interrogate for the purpose of eliciting the truth. I Huahuaanala (hu'-a-hu'-a-ana-la'), v. I Same as huahuaanalau. Huahuaanalau (hu'-a-hu'-a-ana-lau'), i V. Same as hoohuahuaalau, to ! question; to interrogate. (Obso- lete). Huahuae (hu'-a-hu'-a'e), n., v. Same as huahuai. Huahua! (hu'-a-hu'-a'i), n. 1. A violent boiling; a frequent opening. 2. Rattling noise. Huahuai (hu'-a-hu'-a'i), v. [Freq. of huai, to open, uncover, etc.] 1. To boil up, as water in a spring; to rise in bubbles. 2. To break up; to break forth, as water. 3. To open frequently that liquid may flow. 4. To open and shut in a noisy manner. Huahuakai (hii'a-hu'a-ka'i), n. 1. A sponge. 2. Sea foam; crest of ocean wave as it breaks into foam. Huahuanana (hu'a-hu'a-na'-na), n. [Huahua, froth, and nana, for lana, to float.] Lit. Floating froth. A reproaching; making use of re- proachful epithets; calling one an ignorant nothing. Huahuwa (hu'-a-hu'-wa'), n. Envy. Huai (hu'-a'i), v. 1. To dig out of the ground; to break up ground. 2. To unclose and take out of; to disinter. 3. To uncover an imu or native oven: Huai oia i kana imu iho. He uncovered his own oven. 4. To make known something con- cealed or kept secret. Huaka (hu'-a'-ka), adj. 1. Clear as crystal; clear as pure water, etc.; bright; white; shining. 2. Daz- zling; flashing. Huakahi (hu'-a-ka'-hi), adj. One alone; single. Huakahi (hu'-a-ka'-hi), n. A single thing or person. Huakai (hu'a-ka'i), n. 1. The foam of the sea. 2. A sponge. Same as huahuakai. Huakai (hu-a-ka'i), n. A large com- pany traveling together. Huakai (hu'a-ka'i), v. [Hua, foam, and kai, sea.] To make white, as the foam on the crest of a breaker or wave. Huakaihele (hu'-a-ka'i-he'-le), n. Mov- ing procession; a number of per- HUA 207 HUA sons traveling together in orderly form; a troop. Huakapu (hu'a-ka'-pu), n. 1. Some- thing consecrated to a purpose; anything laid under an interdict or tabu by chiefs in ancient Hawaii. Literally, the edge or margin that surrounds an alii kapu or high chief. 2. The night when the final instructions are imparted to a group of trained dancers. Huake (hu'-a-ke'), adj. 1. Full; plump, as a healthy man. 2. Well proportioned, as a properly mod- eled canoe. Huakeeo (hu'-a-ke-e'-o), adj. Stub- born; headstrong; not content; dissatisfied. Huakeeo (hu'-a-k5-e'-o), n. [Hua, that whiclv results, and keeo, dis- satisfaction.] Displeasure; anger; resentment. Huakeu (hu-a-ke'u), adj. Upright; honest; just. Huakineto (hu'-a-ki-ne'-to), n, [Gr.] A hyacinth, name of a precious stone. Huaku (hiV-a-ku'), adj. 1. In a good sense: fearless; bold: he kanaka huaku, wiwo ole; he olelo huaku ma ka pono, a speech fearless for the right. 2. In a bad sense: bold; impudent. 3. Also used for hua- keu, upright; honest; just. Huakukui (hu'-a-ku'-ku'-i), n. 1. Nut of the kukui or candle nut tree. 2. Fish when they swim with the head on the surface of the water, so called from their resemblance to floating kukui nuts. Huaiake (hu-a'-la-ke'), adv. Loosely: nakinaki huaiake, to tie loosely. Huaiake (hu-a'-la-ke'), v. 1. To tie or bind loosely; to fasten with rope or cord in such manner that the fastening may easily be loosened. 2. To swell out; to be large; to be round; to be full. See huake. Hualala (hu'-a-la'-la), adj. 1. In the form of a section of a circle; oval; curved. 2. Warped; twisted out of shape, applied to surfaces. Hualalai (hfi'-a-la-la'i), n. Name of a mountain on the western side of Hawaii. Hualele (hu'-a-le'-le), n. [Hua, seed, and lele, to fly.] 1. The seeds of the plant laulele. 2. Hernia. Huali (hu'-a'-li), adj. 1. Bright; clean, as a substance polished; bright; polished; pure white; lole huali, very white cloth; shining. 2. In a moral sense, pure; unde- filed; morally good; applied to the heart. 3. Glittering. Kuu pahi- kaua huali, my glittering sword. Huali (hu'-a'-li), v. 1. To be bright, as polished metal; to be clean; to glitter with whiteness or purity, as a garment. 2. To burst forth with sudden transient light. Hualii (hu'-a-li'i), adj. [Hua, fruit, and lii, little.] Descriptive of the inferior fruit left over after the harvest is reaped; small; diminu- tive. Hualii (hu'-a-li'i), n. Runt. Hualili (hu'-a-li'-li), n. [Hua, fruit, and lili, contraction of malili, with- ered, shriveled, wilted, etc.] De- generate or blasted fruit; fruitage that fails of reaching maturity. Hualele (hu'a-lo'-le), n. [Hua and lole, cloth.] The trimmings or border appendages of a garment. Hualu (hu'-a'-lu), n. [Hu and alu, loose.] 1. A slight viscous mem- brane that affects the eye. 2. The loose skin under the eyeball. Huamele (hu'-a-me'-le), n. [Hua, let- ter, and mele, to sing.] The notes in music; a modern term. Huamoa (hu'-a-mo'-a), n. [Hua, egg, and moa, a fowl.] 1. A hen's egg. 2. The round bone that enters the socket of the hip. 3. A species of yellow sweet potato, so called from its resemblance to the yellow part of an egg. Huanoni (hu'-a-no'-ni), n. [Hua, fruit, and noni, a shrub, Morinda citrifolia.] The fruit or the apple of the noni, which was used as medicine: He kaua huanoni kekahi; some fought with noni apples. Huaole (hu'-a-6'-le), adj. [Hua, fruit, and ole, to be not.] Fruitless; worthless; of no account; without character, applied to persons. Huaolelo (hu'-a-o-le'-lo), n. A single word. Huapalaoa (hu'-a-pa-la'-S-a), n. [Hua, seed, and palaoa, (Eng.) flour, bread.] The seed of bread, that is, wheat. Huapalaoaeleele (hu'-a-pa-la'-6-=C2=A7,-e'-le- e'-le), n. [Huapalaoa, wheat, and eleele, dark colored.] Rye, as dis- tinct from wheat. HUA 208 HUE Huapoo (hu'-a-po'o), n. 1. The bones on the sides of the head. 2. The side of the head. Huawai (hu'-a-wa'i), n. A water gourd. (The more common form is huewai. Huawai is tlie word used on Lanai.) Huawaina (hu'-a-wa'i-na), n. [Hua, fruit, and waina, grape.] A grape; collectively, grapes; the fruit of the vine: Huawaina pala mua, the first ripe grapes. Hue (hu'-e), adj. Skillful at decep- tion; adroit; dexterous; thievish; i disposed to steal: Kanaka hue. ! Hue (hu'-e), n. 1. A gourd; a water | calabash; hue ili, a skin bottle.! 2. Any narrow-necked vessel for holding liquids. (In the Maori language, general name for all gourds). 3. One skilled in sleight of hand; juggler. 4. Artful decep- tion. Hue (hu'e), n. The act of removing. Hue (hu'e), v. [Hu, to flow, or over- flow, and e, from.] 1. To cause to flow out; to unload, as a ship. 2. To remove; to throw out of, as in unloading cargo. Hue (hiV-e), v. 1. To look slyly; to j act furtively, stealthily, etc. 2. To ; do as if by stealth or without au- 1 thority. 3. To be light fingered; j to take or convey adroitly: Hue! ae la kekahi kanaka i ka apa lole , kukaenalo, A certain man filched j a piece of unbleached cotton cloth. See aihue (ai to eat, and hue), root from which aihue* is derived. Huehu (hu'-e'-hu), adj. Chilled; cold; benumbed from cold. Huehu (hu'-e'-hu), n. 1. The strong (cold) northwesterly wind expe- rienced in the winter months. Also called kiu-inu-wai or malua-kii-wai. 2. Shivering caused by such wind. Huehu (hu'-e'-hu), v. To shiver, as with cold. Huehue (hu'e-hu'e), adj. 1. Spread- ing over; growing thickly like thrifty vines, as the koali, con- volvulus. 2. Spreading over like rain: He ua huehueia no Uli; The rain spreads over Uli. (Uli is a contraction of Paliuli, a place men- tioned in the novel, Laieikawai. Huehue (hu'-e-hu'-e), n. The crater on Hualalai where the last vol- canic eruption occurred. Huehue (hu'e-hu'e), v. [Intensive of hue, to dig out.] To throw up; to raise up; to loosen; to open; to be spread or scattered. Huehuelo (hu'-e-hu-e'-lo), n. [From huelo, tail.] 1. The tail end of a thing; the last of it; Nolaila, ke hai aku nei au i keia wahi hue- huelo manao, Wherefore, I declare this tail end of a thought (last idea) ; Loaa mai o ka huehuelo wale no, aole o ke kino pu kekahi, I obtained the tail only, not the body with it. 2. Small strip-like remnant of anything. Hueie (hu'-e-i'e), n. [Hue, a gourd, and ie, a vine used in basket making.] A demijohn, from its case or covering, which resembles the fibers of the ie vine. Hueili (hu'-e-I'-li), n. [Hue, cala- bash, and ili, skin.] A skin bottle, such as Asiatics used for contain- ing liquids. Huelo (hu'-e'-lo), n. Tail of a beast or reptile; the rump; ke kahili o na holoholona ma ka hope, the fly-brush at the extremity of an- imals; huelo awa, a sting. Mai noho a makamaka ilio, i ka huelo ka ike, be not friends with the dog, for the tail will show it. 2. Fig. An inferior, as distinguished from poo, a superior. 3. The hop vine. Hueloelo (hu'-e'-16-e'-lo), adj. Tail like; having appendages like tails. Huene (hu'-e'-ne), n. 1. Sound caused by asthmatic breathing; wheezing. 2. Disease character- ized by difficult breathing; asthma. Hueu (hu-e'-u), n. [Hu, a bursting out, and eu, a rising up to do.] A bold, fearless man; one who excites to action, good or bad; a soldierly man; he kanaka koa; hueu oe i ke kolohe, you are bold in mischief; a bold energetic man in action. Syn: Hooeu. Hueuaina (hu-e'-ti-a'i-na), adj. [Hueu, valiant, and aina, land or country.] 1. Bold or valiant for one's land or country. 2. Patriotic. Huewai (hu'-e-wai), n. [Hue, a gourd, and wai, water.] 1. A long-necked pohue or calabash pre- pared to hold water. 2. A water calabash, in distinction from cala- bashes used for other purposes; a large gourd; any kind of bottle used to contain water. Called huawai on the island of Lanai. HUE 209 HUH Huewaina (hu'-e-wa'i-na), n. [Hue, a gourd, and waina (Eng.). wine.] A bottle for wine; a bottle filled with wine. Huha (hii'-ha'), adj. Given to much talking; given to talking indis- creetly. Huha (hu'-ha'), n. 1. Rumor; talk lacking proof; idle chat. 2. A large, fleshy and unwieldy person. Huhonua (hu'-h6'-nu'-a), v. [Hu, to rise, and honua, going before.] To rise in action that shall result in the general welfare: E huhonua i manakai ka wai. Huhu (hu'-hu), adj. Rotten, as a calabash; worm-eaten, as wood. Huhu (huhu'), adj. Angry; of- fended; provoked. Huhu (hu'-hu), n. 1. A caterpillar that eats cloth. 2. An insect that bores into wood ; a borer. (This in- sect, in its winged state is called naonaolele, lit. flying ant. After dropping its wings it is called huhu or ukulaau, lit. wood louse.) Huhu (hu-hu'), n. Anger; wrath; displeasure. Huhu (huhu'), V. [Freq. or inten- sive of hu, to rise up; to swell.] To be angry; to express angry feelings by scolding, storming, cursing; to be crabbed; to be churlish. Huhuhu (hu'-hti'-hu), adj. [Intensive of huhu, rotten.] Rotten; worm- eaten, etc. Huhuhue (hu'-hu-hu'-e), v. [Freq. of hue, to steal.] 1. To steal fre- quently; to carry off at many times secretly. 2. To steal in con- cert; to steal jointly with others. (Obsolete.) Huhuhula (hu'-hii-hu'-la), v. [Freq. of hula, to dance.] 1. To dance and sing; to dance* and sing and play, as at a hula; e pae, e hula, e like pu. 2. To dance and sing often. 3. To dance in mass, as in a promiscuous assembly; to leap about in a frolicsome way. Huhuhulel (hu'-hu-hu'-le'i), v. 1. To sport in a frolicsome manner. 2. To leap about and gyrate, eddying and frisking, circling and twist- ing in endless rebound, as in a fall of water over a precipice. Huhuhull (hu'-hu-hu'-li), v. [Freq. of hull, to turn.] 1. To turn often; to turn, as many persons. 2. To turn in general; to change from one condition to another. 3. To turn or change in large numbers, as a people, from one thing or cause to another; to change condi- tions of in vast numbers. Huhuhuna (hu'-hii-hii'-na'), v. [Freq. of huna, to conceal.] 1. To hide often or much; to conceal. 2. To unite, as of two or more, to con- ceal. Huhuhune (hu'-hft-hu'-ne), v. [Freq. of hune, poor.] To be poor; to be stripped of all property. Used only in speaking of more than one. Huhul (hu'-hu'-i), n. Same as hui- hui. 1. A collection of things into one form or group. 2. The Pleiades or seven stars; a cluster. Huhuihelu (hu'-hu'-i-he'-lu), n. [Hu- hui, collection, and helu, to num- ber.] Title of a translation of Briggs or decimal logarithms made for the use of schools. Huhuikalo (hu'-hu'-i-ka'-lo), n. [Hu- hul, bunch, and kalo.] A bunch of taro. Huhuiwaina (hu'-hu'-i-wa'i-na), n. [Huhui, cluster, and waina, grapes.] A cluster of grapes, Huhuki (hu'-hu'-ki), v. [Freq. of huki, to pull.] 1. To draw or pull repeatedly as in drawing slips for determining a question by chance. (Laieik. p. 72.) 2. To draw out of or toward one, as in pulling weeds. Huhuku (hu'-hfi-ku'), adj. [Huhu, in- sect that bores into wood, and ku, contraction of kuku, standing thickly together.] Full of borers; full of holes made by the huhu pukapuka, or borer insect. Syn: Popopo. Huhula (hu'-hu'-la), v. [Freq. of hula, to dance.] To dance in couples; to hula two at a time: E huhula hoi olua, You two dance. Huhull (hu'-hu'-li), v. [Freq. of hull, to turn.] Used only in a plural sense, two or more. To turn; to turn up; to search; to look here and there, Huhulull (hu'-hu'-lQ-i'i), adj. Made rough and ugly, as the hair or feathers of an animal in water, or from fright. Huhuluii (hu'-hu'-Iu-i'i), v. [Hulu, hair, and 11, light particles of fi- bers like fuzz.] 1. To stand up; to stand up, as bristles; to stand erect, as the hair on the flesh when one is wet and cold. 2. To HUH 210 HUI be wet and cold; to shiver with cold; to be so stricken with sud- den fright that the hair rises. Huhululoloa (hu'-hu'-Iu-lo'-lo'-a), adj. Describing a long-haired, lean, ill- fed condition. Huhune (hu'-hu'-ne), n. A skin dis- ease peculiar to the hog; it re- sembles the ohune in man. Huhune (hu'-hu'-ne), v. Same as hoohune, to tease. Huhupaolaau (hu'-hu-pa'o-la-'au), n. [Huhu, a borer, pao, to bore, and laau, wood.] 1. Literally, wood borer; an insect which burrows in wood, the huhu. 2. Fig., a de- stroyer of reputation, character, etc.; a slanderer; a defamer; human borer. Hui (hu'i), adj. Cold, cool, chilly. Hui (hu'-i), n. 1. A coming together . of two or more things; a uniting; an assembly. (In the Maori lan- guage, hui, meet, come together.) 2. A union or association of per- sons designated for a common pur- pose, as planting, fishing, dancing, etc. 3. The flippers of the sea- turtle. Hui (hu'i), n. Inflammatory pain of the muscles; inflamation of the muscles; rheumatic pain, ache. In general, ache in any physical or- gan: niho hui, tooth ache. Hui (hu'-i), n. Same as hu'i. Hui (hu'-i), V. 1. To unite; to come =E2=80=A2 together; to assemble. 2. To add to: E hui keia me kela, Add this to that, 3, To agree*; to be like- minded. Hui (hii'i), V. 1. To ache. 2. An elided form of huli, to turn. Huihul (hu'i-hu'i), adj. Cold; chilly; cool. Huihui (hu'-i-hu'-i), adj. Mixed; mingled; united. Huihui (hu'-i-hu'-i), n. 1. A collec- tion or cluster of things; an as- semblage of small things in a knot; a collecting; an assembling. 2. The seven stars, Pleiades. Huihui (hu'i-hu'i), n. Cold; chill: I hoomanawanui ai hoi kaua i kg huihui o ke kakahiaka, You and I endured the cold of the early morning. Huikahi (hu'-i-ka'-hi), adj. Lit. United in one. Bound up; girded, as a man with a malo, or a woman with a pa-u, with a single hitch. Huikahi (hu'-i-ka'-hi), n. A short malo; a malo put on with one turn and fastened with a single hitch. Huikahi (hu'-i-ka'-hi), v. To be at one; to be in concord; to be in agreement. Huikai (hu'-i-ka'i), v. To mix or jumble together in recitation; to make disagreeing statements in recounting the particulars of. Huikala (hu'-i-ka'-la), adj. Cleans- ing; purifying; wai huikala, water of purification. Huikala (hu'-i-ka'-la), n. Pardon. Huikala (hu'-i-ka'-la), v. [Hui, to join, and kala, to loosen; to for- give.] 1. To cleanse, as a disease; to purify. 2. To be purified. 3. To sanctify one's self. 4. To cleanse morally. 5. To cleanse ceremon- ially. Huikau (hu'-i-ka'u), adj. 1. Stum- bling in walking. 2. Without order; varying in one's story; put to- gether irregularly. Huikau (hu'-I-ka'u), n. Confusion; lack of regularity. Huikau (hu'-i-ka'u), v. To be thrown together without order, as the furnishings of a house, baggage, utensils, etc.; to be disarranged or out of order. Huila (hu-!'-la), n. [Eng.] A wheel. Syn: Pokakaa. Huila (hiV-I-la), v. To flash, as burning powder; to give a sudden light: Haule i ka papu. E! huila na pu e. Syn: Anapu. Huina (hu'-I-na), n. [Hui, a group, and ana, a uniting.] 1. A number; the sum of several numbers: E hookui i ka huina, to add up the sum. 2. The point where two line's meet, an angle; the place where two roads meet; a corner, as of a house, fence, etc. 3. In music, a close of a tune. 4. In geometry, huina is the general name for angle; huinakolu, tri- angle, huinahaa, quadrangle, hui- nalima, pentagon; huina ono, hex- agon; huina hiku, heptagon; huina walu, octagon, etc. 5. A being as- sociated; a union. Huinaha (hu'-i-na-ha'), n. [Huina, angle, and ha, four.] A quadrilat- eral or four-sided figure; huinaha- like, a square; huinahaloa, a rec- tangular parallelogram; huinaha- hio, a figure of four equal sides HUI 211 HUK but oblique angles; huinahahiolo- ihi an oblique parallelogram; hui- nahakaulike, a square or parallelo- gram; huinahalualike, a four-sided figure which has two parallel sides only; hui'nahalikeole, a four- sided figure of which all the sides are unequal. Huinahelu (hu'-i'-na-he'-lu), n. [Hu- ina, a number, and helu, to count.] A number; the sum of several numbers; huinahelu okoa, the whole number. Syn: Heluna. Huinahiku. (hu i'na-hi'-ku), n. A seven sided figure, a heptagon. Huinakolu (hu'-I'-na-ko-lu), n. [Hu- ina and kolu, three.] A triangle; hulnakolufike, an equilateral tri- angle; huinakolu elua aoao like, an Isosceles triangle; huinakolu aoao like ole-, an irregular tri- angle; huinakolu kupono, a right triangle; huinakolu peleleu, an obtuse triangle; huinakolu oi, an acute triangle. Hul'nakupono (hu'-i'-na-ku-p6'-no), n. A right angle. Huinalaaulana (hu'-i'-na-la-a'u-la'-na), n. [Huina, a uniting, laau, timber, and lana, to float.] A union of floating timbers; a raft. Huinalima (hu'-i'-na-li'-ma), n. [Hu- ina, angle, and lima, five.] 1. In geometry, a five-sided figure; a pentagon; huina ono, a six-sided figure; huina hiku, a seven-sided figure; huina walu, an eight-sided figure, etc. 2. Union of two hands as in the game of uma. Huinaol (hu'-i-na-o'i), n. [Huina and oi, sharp pointed.] An acute angle. Huinapeleleu (hu'-i'-na-pe'-le-le'u), n. [Huina, a point or place of meet- ing, and peleleu, an extension.] An obtuse angle. Hui'nawai (hu'-I'-na-wa'i), n. [Huina, a meeting or union, and wai, water.] 1. A meeting or collec- tion of waters; a pool. 2. A meet- ing of two or more currents or streams of water, also the place where such curremts meet. Huinawaina (hu'-i'-na-wa'i-na), n. [Huina, a coming togetTier of and waina, grapes.] A cluster of grapes. Syn: Huhuiwaina. Huini (hu'-i'-ni), adj. Having sharp points like needles. Huini (hu'-i'-ni), n. The sharp sound of a little bird. Huini (hu'-i'-ni), v. To end in a sharp point, as the top of a high mast. See winiwini, sharp. Huiopapa (hu'-i-o-pa'-pa), n. A prayer used near the luakini or temple for the purification of women. The tabu began in the evening, the prayer was offered in the early morning following. Huipa (hu'-i-pa), n. Name of a spe- cies of stone out of which the maika stones were made; de- scribed as black and hard and takes a fair polish. Also called kaauaupuu. Huipa (hu'-i'-pa), n. [Eng.] A whip. Huipa (hu'-i'-pa), v. To whip. Huipu (hu'-i-pu'), V. [Hui, to unite, and pu, together.] 1. To mix to- gether; to come together; to unite; to assemble, as persons. 2. To join with; to combine along with another or others. Hulta (hu-i'-ka), n. [Eng.] Wheat. Huiuna (hu'-i-u'-na), n. [Hui, to unite and una, to pry.] A seam; a uniting by a specific method of stitching. Huka (hu-ka'), n. A term used in calling hogs to their food. Huka (hu'-ka'), v. To call hogs; to call to one, as in calling hogs. Hukaa (hu'-ka'a), n. [Hu, to ooze out of, and kaa, foreign timber, particularly that which exudes any resinous substance.] 1. Pitch, resin or gum from a tree; any substance of a resinous nature. 2. Timber that drifts down to the islands from the northwest coast of America, so called from the rosin that often peels off from that kind of floatage. Hukahukai (hu'-ka-hu'-ka'i), adj. 1. Insipid; tasteless; unpalatable. 2. Saltish; salt in a moderate de- gree, applied to water and to food. Hukai (hu'-ka'i), adj. [Hu, to ooze, and kai, salt water.] Brackish; insipid; tasteless. Syn: Hukahu- kai. Hukailoloa (hu'-ka'i-16-lo'-a), n. A person who always lives with one particular chief. Hukakai (hu'-ka-ka'i), adj. Brackish; insipid; tasteless. Syn: Kai, hu- kahukai. Hukekl (hu'-ke'-ki'), adj. Same as hukiki. Cold; shivering with cold. HUK 212 HUL Huki (hu'-ki), adj. Soft; tender: Hoomoa a huki, cook until soft. Huki (hu'-ki), v. 1. To draw; to pull; to draw, as with a rope or attempt to draw. 2. To deviate from a direct course. Hukihee (hu'-ki-he'e), n. [Huki, to pull, and hee, to slip.] 1. A glid- ing along; a passing over, as over a bridge. 2. A walking or passing smoothly over a stream. 3. A par- ticular net used in fishing for fry. Hukihelei (hu'-ki-he'-le'i), n. 1. The skin about the eye drawn down in a disease of the eye. 2. A disease of the eye wherein the lower eyelid is drawn down, exposing the inner membrane. Huki huki (hu'-ki-hu'-ki), n. 1. An ancient game like the modern "tug of war." 2. A method of fishing where one end or corner of the net is carried by the hand and the other by the great toe. Huki huki (hu'-ki-hu'-ki), v. [Freq. of huki, to pull.] 1. To draw or pull frequently. 2. To pull by jerks. 3. To play the game of hukihuki. Hukiki (hu'-ki'-kl'), adj. 1. Small; pointed; dwarfish. 2. Cold, so as to shiver or shake. Syn: Hau- keke and opili. Hukiki (hu'-ki'-ki'), n, A species of fish. See puhikii. Hukiki (hu'-ki'-ki'), v. To be wet; to be cold on account of wet; to shiver with the cold. Syn: Hu- keki and opili. Hukilau (hu'-ki-la'u), n. [Huki, to pull, and iau, leaves.] A method of fishing, in which a large num- ber of persons drive the fish into a net by means of rope-s hung with leaves, usually of the ti plant. This apparatus is called the Iau. Hukiwai (hu'-ki-wa'i), n. One whose business it is to draw and fetch water. Hukiwai (hu'-ki-wa'i), v. [Huki, to draw, and wai, water.] To draw water, as from a well. Huku (hu'-ku), adj. Jutting; pro- tuberant; standing out beyond the line or surface of. Huku (hu'-ku), n. A natural pro- tuberance; something pushed be- yond the surrounding surface, Syn: Ohuku. Hukulii (hii'-ku-li'i), adj. Small; lit- tle: dwarfish. Hukulii (hu'-kii-li'i), v. To be very small; to be little; to be dwarfish. Hula (hu'-la), n. 1. A swelling; a protuberance under the arm or on the thigh: he o ka mai mamua, a mahope hula mao a mao, a ma kela wahi ma keia wahi o ke kino, pela i hulahula ai. 2. A twitching, as of the eye; an in- voluntary muscular motion. 3. A dance; a dancing. Hula (hu'-la), v. 1. To dance; to move to rhythmic song. 2. To palpitate, as the heart; to throb, as an artery. 3. To go through solid substance: E hula a puka, to bore through. Hula (hu-la'), v. 1. To raise up and out of with a lever. 2. To expel; to eject; to drive out. Hulaa (hu'-la'a), v. 1. To dig; to turn up earth with an oo, the an- cient implement for digging. 2. To uproot, as a tree; to pry up. Same as ula'a. Hulaana (hu'-la-a'-na), n. A place where one must swim to pass a precipice that projects into the sea. (Laieik. p. 73.) Hulahula (hu'-la-hu'-la), n. 1. A good or favorable aha, a prayer formerly very sacred. Hulahula (hu'-la-hu'-la), v. To twitch often, as the eye; to twitch, as in- voluntary spasmodic motion; to flutter. Hulale (hu'-la'-le), n. Same as hu- lali. Hulali (hu'-la'-li), n. A shining sur- face; a reflector of light, as a white shining tapa; he mea e ka hulali, ia manawa. =E2=80=94 Laieik. p. 121. Hulali (hu'-la'-li), v. 1. To be muddy; to be slippery, as the ground on account of rain; hulalilali ke ala, pakika i ka ua. 2. To have a gloss; to glitter; to shine. 3. To shine, that is, to reflect light, as a glass window at a distance; ka hulalilali a na puka aniani. Hulalilali (hu'-la'-li-la'-li), v. [Hu, ooze, and lalilali, wet, muddy, etc.] 1. To be very shiny; to be ex- ceedingly slippery. 2. To abound in mud on a hard surface: Hula- lilali ke ala, The way is muddy. Hulani (hu'-la'-ni), v. [Hu, to rise, and lani, heaven.] 1. To praise; to exalt. 2. To gush sentimental- ly; to praise extravagantly; to flatter. Syn: Lelepailani. HUL 213 HUL Hulehulel (hu'-le-hti'-le'i), v. 1. To go up and down, as children on a seesaw; to see-saw, 2. To strike with swinging motions of hands or feet. 3. To flap. See huhuhulei. Hulei (hu'-le'i), v. 1. To lift up; to raise or lift the cover of. 2. To draw up or shorten, as a woman lifts her dress In crossing a wet road. 3. To be lifted or turned over, as by storm or quake. Huleia (hu'-le'-ia), n. A species of soft stone, also called ana and olai; pumice. Huli (hu'-li), n. 1. A searching; a seeking; a turning over. 2. The part of the taro top which is used to propagate the plant. 3. A trump or winning card. 4, The curling or bending over of a break- er's crest. 5. A spiral turn or winding. 6. A turning or sep- aration from. Huli (hu'rli), V. 1. To turn; to face- otherwise; to turn over; to re- verse; huli hope, turn back; huli mai, turn to or toward one. 2. To change one's opinion or manner of life. 3. To seek; to search for. 4. To examine thoroughly; to study; to investigate. Huliamahi (hu'-li-a'-ma'-hi), adj. Uni- versal; general; without limit. Huliamahi (hu'-li-a'-ma'-hi), v. 1. To overflow, as water rushing all to one place. 2. To act in common; to turn in vast numbers. 3. To overthrow. Hulihuli (hu'-li-hu'-li), v. [Freq. of huli, to turn over.] To turn over frequently; to search after. Hulikaio (hu'-li-ka'-lo), n. Same as huli. The cuttings of taro for planting by which the taro is prop- agated. Hulilau (hu'-li-la'u), n. 1. General name for calabashes of every de- scription. 2. A calabash used as a receptacle for tapas or garments. 3. A word applied to the person of woman as receptacle for the best in man. E noho no oe, e Kaohana, Me na hulilau a kaua. Hulili (hu'-li'-li'), adj. Shivering, as with wet and cold. Hulili (hu'-li'-li), n. 1. A fluttering blaze; the vibrations of the air un- der a hot sun. 2. A rolling up. as the swell of the surf before it breaks. 3. A garrison; a fort; a strong place. 4. A ladder; a bridge; ke ala hulili o Nualolo, the bridge (or ladder) of Nualolo. Syn: Alahaka. Hulili (hu'-li'-li'), v. To be cold; to shiver with the cold; to be con- tracted with the cold. Hulili (hu'-li'-li), v. 1. To burn or shine brightly. 2. To undulate, as the air under a hot sun; to undu- late, as the surface of water by the skipping of fishes, 3. To lay sticks across, as in covering a pit- fall; e hulili aku i ka laau, alalia uhi ka lau. Hulilua (hu'-li-lO'-a), adj. [Huli, to turn and lua, two; double.] 1. Turning two ways; blowing two ways, as the wind, 2, Changing from one thing to another, as the thoughts; shifty; shifting. Me he makani hulilua la, Hull ka manao=E2=80=94 hele ka noonoo. =E2=80=94 Mele. Like a shifting wind The mind changes =E2=80=94 thought moves. 3. Two-faced. Hulimoku (hu'-lT-mo'-ku), v. [Hull, turn, and moku, a contraction of momoku, a rushing together.] To act or turn in great numbers. Syn: Huliamahi. Hulina (hu-ll'-na), adj. Same as uli- na, soft, which see. Hulina (hu'-li-na), n. 1. A turning; a turning place. 2, A reversing, 3, [Contraction of huliana, turning, facing.] A fronting; frontage, Hulinaalo (hu'-li'-na-a'-lo), n, [Huli- na, turning, and alo, front,] A place over against; one place op- posite to another, Hulipahu (hu'-li-pa'-hu), n. Second mate of a vessel. Hulipu (hu'-li'-pu'), V. 1. To turn together. 2. To turn upside down. 3. Overturned; thrown down. Hulo (hu-lo'), interj. and v. [Eng.] To shout; to cry aloud; to cry out in applause. Hulu (hu'-lu), adj. Sluggish, as the mind; disobedient; slow; indis- posed to move. Hulu (hQ'-lu), n. 1. A feather or feathers. 2. Every kind of hair excepting the hair of the head, which is called lauoho. 3, Wool; fleece, 4. Pen made from a feath- er, a modern use of the word. Hulu (hu'-lu), V, 1. To be disobe- dient; to disregard one's com- HUL 214 HUM mands; not to pay attention. 2. To be impertinent. Huluanai (hu'-lii-a'-na'i), n. [Hulu, bristles, and anai, to rub.] A brush for painting; especially for white- washing. Coconut fiber was used to paint with, Huluhipa (hu'-lu-hi'-pa), n. [Hulu, wool, and hipa (Eng.), sheep.] Wool (Lit. Hair of sheep.) Coat of wool covering a sheep; fleece woolen goods; cloth made of wool Huluhulu (hu'-lu-hu'-lu), adj. [Inten sive of hulu, hair.] Having over much hair; hairy; covered with hair. (Applied only to hair on the human body, excluding the hair of the head and face.) Hair on the head is called lauoho; on the face umiumi. Huluhulu (hu'-lu-hu'-lu), n. [Hulu, wool.] 1. A fleece blanket; a fleece of wool. 2. The fine hairy out-growth from the skin of ani- mals or the surface of plants. 3. Sleeping garment made of wool; woolen blanket. Huluhulu-waena (hu'-lu-hu'-lu-wa'e- na), n. A limu or sea moss, also called owaowaka. Hului (hu'-lu'-i), V. To draw to- j gether, as a fish net when full of fish; to call toward one's self. Hului la mai kuu lani alii =E2=80=94 e =E2=80=94 he. Huluiiwi (hu'-lu-i'-i'-wi), n. [Hulu, feather, and ilWi, a small red bird.] The feathers from which the ahu- ula or feather cloaks were made, which were obtained from the iiwi. Hulumamo (hu'-lu-ma'-mo), n. [Hulu, feather, and mamo, a yellow bird.] The feathers of the mamo with which war cloaks and royal robes were adorned. Hulumanu (hu'-lu-ma'-nu), n, [Hulu, feather, and manu, a bird.] 1. A bird-feather, highly valued in for- mer times; o ka hulumanu ka mea i manao nui ia, he waiwai ia. 2. A striped heavy cloth used in mak- ing beds or mattresses. 3. A class of men around a chief, very great favorites; a favorite of a high chief. Huluoo (hu'-lu-o'-6'), n. [Hulu, feath- er, and 00, the name of a bird.] The feathers of the oo: o ka hulu mamo, ua oi aku ia mamua o ka hulu 00, The mamo feathers are superior to the oo feathers. Huma (hu'-ma). Same as humu. Humama (hu-ma-ma), n. Same as humuma. Hume (hu'-me), v. To bind around the loins and fasten with a loop: Ina hume ke kanaka i ko ke alii malo, e make no ia. If a person should bind on a chief's malo, the penalty would be death. Humemalomaikai (hu'-me-ma'-16-ma'i- ka'i), n. [Hume, to gird, and malo maikai, beautiful malo.] Wearing an ornamental malo, that is, imi- tating a chirf; acting the fop or dandy. Humu (hu'-mu), n. Altair, the bright star in the constellation of Aquila. (Akuila.) Humu (hu'-mu), v. To sew cloth; to fasten together by sewing. Humuhumu (hu'-mu-hu'-mu), adj. Descriptive of work done with needle and thread or fiber. Mea humuhumu ano e, a strange thing for sewing. Humuhumu (hu'-mCl-hu'-mu), n. 1. A species of trigger fish. (Balistes capistratus.) Color, light drab with darker cloudings; a narrow distinct white line from near angle of mouth to origin of soft anal. 2. A dark-colored spot on the human body; a mole. Humuhumu (hu'-mu-hu'-mu), v. [Freq. of humu.] To sew; to unite or fasten by a series of stitches; to fasten by sewing. Humuhumuhiukole (hu'-mii-hu'-mu- hi'u-ko-le), n. A species of trigger fish. (Balistes vidua.) Also called humuhumu uli. Color, dark brown with tinge of brown. Humuhumumimi ( hu'-mii-hu'-mu-ml'- mi), n. A variety of humuhumu or trigger fish. (Balistes capis- tratus.) Color light brown, rosy line beginning slightly behind and below angle of mouth. Humuhumu-nukunuku-apuaa (hii'-mti- hu-mu-nu'-kii-nu-ku-a'-pu-a'a ) , n. Species of trigger fish. (Balistapus aculeatus.) Color of one kind, chiefly light brown, of another orange brown and of a third yel- low and green. Humuma (hu'-mu-ma'), n. A cluster of three stars in the constellation of Aquila. Humuna (hu'-mu'-na), n. [Contrac- tion of humuana, humu and ana.] HUM 215 HUO 1. A serving; a seam. 2. Designa- tion of the entire thing after the seam is completed. Syn: Kuina, Humuula (hu'-mu-u'-la), n. 1. Very hard reddish stones out of which ancient koi or axes were made. 2. A locality on the slope of Mauna Kea. Huna (hu'-na), adj. Small; little; powdery. Huna (hu'-na), n. [Huna, to be lit- tle.] 1. A minute part of; a small particle; grain. Huna one, grain of sand. 2. A small part of any- thing. A particle of dust; a crumb of food or other substance. 3. [Huna, to hide.] That which is concealed; the private parts; geni- tals; kahi huna. 4. A day of the month; i ka po 1 o Huna (Laieik. p. 112.); tenth day or night after Hilo or the new moon; the elev- enth day of the month in the an- cient Hawaiian lunar calendar. Huna (hu'-na'), v. 1. To hide; to conceal; to keep from the sight or knowledge of. 2. To keep back truth in speaking; to equivocate, as in using ambiguous language with a view to mislead; to pre- varicate. 3. To disguise one's self; to feign; to pretend. Hunaahi (hii'-na-a'-hi), n. [Huna, small, and ahl, fire.] A spark of fire; a live cinder. Hunahuna (hu'-na-hu'-na), n. [Freq. of huna.] A small part of; huna- huna ai, crumbs of food; huna- huna lepo, fine dust: O na huna- huna o ka naauao, oia ka i loaa mai iau. The crumbs of knowl- edge, that is what I have re- ceived. Hunahuna (hu'-na-hu'-na'), v. [In- tensive of huna, to hide.] 1. To steal away and hide; to conceal one's self. 2. To hide by a false showing. Hunakai (hu'-na-ka'i), n. [Huna, small, and kai, sea.] 1, The fine spray of the sea. 2. Sea foam. 3. A species of bird; small three- toed sandpiper; a sanderling. Hunakaua (hu'-na-ka'u-a), n. [Huna, small part of, and kaua, war.] The individual units or single persons in a war host. Hunakele (hu'-nu-ke'-le), n, 1, A place where only one body is bur ied secretly; a burying place for only one. 2. Act of secret burial. Hunakele (hii'-na'-ke'-le), v. [Huna, to conceal, kele or waokele, place of spirits, secret or unknown place.] To bury a corpse secretly, as in former times, so that no one might steal it; to bury one with- out any mark by which the place might be known. Hunalepo (hu'-na-le'-po), n. [Huna, small part, and lepo, dust.] Dust; very small particles of matter. Hunalewa (hu'-na-le'-wa), n. The van of an army; the front ranks; the opposite of hunapaa, the rear; o ka poe mamua, he poe uuku ia, ua kapaia lakou he hunalewa. Hunaolona (hu'-na-6'-16-na'), n. [Hu- na, small part, and olona, a shrub, the bark of which re-sembles flax.] 1. Tow, the refuse of flax. 2. Waste or remnant bt olona bark which remains after the fiber is cleaned. Hunapaa (hu'-na-pa'a), n. The rear of an army, in distinction from hunalewa, the front. Hunawai (hu'-na-wa'i), n. [Huna, small part, and wal, water.] 1. A particle of water; spray; mist. 2. Little water. Hune (hu'-ne), adj. Destitute of property; naked; poor; applied to persons. Hune (hu'-ne), n. 1. A poor man; a poverty stricken person: E ola auanei ka hune, the poor man will soon recover. Hune (hu'-ne), v. 1, To be poor; to be destitute; to be impoverished. To be in want. 2. Same as hoo- hune, to tease. Hunehune hu'-ne-hu'-ne), adj. Mist; very fine water drops. Hi/noai (hu'-n6-a'i), n. A parent-in- law, either father or mother, ac- cording to the designating terms kane or wahine. Hunoalkane (hu'-n6-=C2=A7.'i-ka'-ne), n. A father-in-law. Hunoaiwahine (hiT-nd-a'i-wa'-hi'-ne), n. A mother-in-law. Hunona (hu'-no'-na), n. A child-in- law. See hunonakane, hunonawa- hine. Hunonakane (hu'-n6'-na-ka'-ne), n. A son-in-law. Hunonawahine (hu'-n6'-n2,-wa'-hi'ne), n. A daughter-in-law. Huoi (hu'-o'i), n. Suspicion; appre- hension; an imagining; surmising; conjecture; an opinion formed on HUO 216 lA conjecture: He wahi huoi ko'u, I have a little suspicion. Huoi (hu'-o'i), V. 1. To be inquisi- tive. 2. To suspect; to surmise; to imagine. Huole (hu'-o'-le), adj. [Hu, leaven, and ole, none.] 1. Unfermented; not pungent. 2. Without leaven; unleavened; berena huole, unleav- ened bread. 3. Within limits of. Huonoonoole (hu'-o'-no-o'-no-o'-le), n. [Hu, something fermented; onoono, to taste good; ole, not.] A fer- ment that does not taste good; an unpalatable brew. The brews of the ancient Hawaiians were made of th=C2=AB sweet potato, ki or ti root, ohia or mountain apple and sugar cane. Hupe (hu'-pe'), n. Mucus from the nose. Same as upe. Hupekohola (hu'-pe'-ko'-ho-la'), n. [Hupe, mucus, and kohola, whale.] A slimy substance found in the ocean, so called because supposed to be from the nose of the whale. 2. Spermaceti. 3. The spawn which produces the ohua and the manini. Hupi (hu'-pi'), V. To squeeze moist- ure out of; to wring. Syn: Uwi. Hupo (hu'-po'), adj. Savage; ignor- ant; barbarous; dark; idiot like: he nui ka poe hupo loa ma kua- aina. Hupo (hu'-po'), V. 1. To be ignor- ant; to be in mental darkness. 2. To be a natural fool; to be des- titue of common sense. Hupokarito (hu'-po-ka'-ri'-to), n. [Gr.] A hypocrite. [This word was used by the translators of the New Testament, but later hooka- mani took its place.] Hupu (hu'-pu), adj. Moved by dis- . guised anger or hostility. Hupu (hu'-pu), n. 1. Suppressed or concealed anger. 2. Secret re- sentment. Hupuna (hu'-pu'-na), n. [Hu, to over- flow and puna, a spring.] A col- lection or overflow of spring water in a hollow place. Hupunawai (hu'-pu'-na-wa'i), n. Same as hupuna. 1. Standing water; a collection of water. 2. The over- flow of a spring. Hupupu (hu'-pii'-pu), n. An insect that bores into wood, also called huhu. Husopa (hu'-ko'-pa), adj. Similar to hyssop. Husopa (hu'-ko'-pa), n. [Eng.] Hys- sop, an herb. Huwa (hu'-wa'), n. Envy. Huwa (hu'-wa'), v. To be envious; to be jealous. Huwelo (hu'-we'-lo), n. Same as huelo. The tail of a beast. I (i). The fourth letter in the Ha- waiian alphabet. I (i). 1. A sign of the imperfect tense of verbs. 2. A sign of the subjunctive mood, being a contrac- tion of ina. 3. A sign of the po- tential mood; that; as: Ua hai aku au i lohe oukou; I have spoken that you might hear. 4. A sign of the imperative mood, with the verb (to bring) understood. I ku- kui; (bring) a lamp. I (i), adj. Stingy; close; niggardly. I (I), conj. [A contraction of ina.] If; that. I (I), n. The name of a select class or company of soldiers under Ka- mehameha I. I (i), prep. 1. To; towards. 2. In; at; unto. 3. By; for; in respect of. 4. Above; more than; on ac- count of. (Used before common nouns.) I (i), V. 1. To speak; to say, in connection with the thing spoken or said. 2. To address one; to make a speech to one. 3. To give an appellation; to designate a name. 4. To adopt, as a child. la (i'a), pron. 1. This, referring to the person or thing present. 2. That, referring to the person or thing absent. la (i'a). The sign of the passive voice in the conjugation of verbs: Ua alohaia mai kakou. We are be- loved. It may be annexed to the verb, forming one word, or it may be separated by one or more inter- vening words: Ua lawe malu ia ke dala; the money was taken se- cretly. In some cases a letter is inserted before it for the sake of lA 217 IE euphony: awahia (for awaia), bit- ter. ta (ia'), conj. During the time that; as long as; while: la lakou i noho ai ilaila; while they lived there. la (i-a'), n. 1. A yard: the stand- ard English measure of length. 2. A long slender spar, suspended i from a mast and used to support sails. la (i'a), n. 1. Fish: a general name for all vertebrate animals with gills retained through life, living in water, 2. Meat of any kind, as distinguished from ai (food). 3. The galaxy; the Milky Way. la (i'a), n. Same as ie. la (ia'), prep. To; of; for; by; with; on account of; in respect of. Used before proper names of per- sons and before pronouns. la (i'a), pron. He; she; it. The third person singylar number of the personal pronoun. E uwe ana la (keiki); it (the child) is crying. la (i'a), V. Same as ie. lagua (i'a-gii'a), n. A leopard-like mammal; a jaguar; the American tiger. laha (i-a'-ha), pron. [I, to, and aha, what.] To what; for what: prop- erly written as two separate words, as, i aha, to what. I aha ka make- make? For what is the desire? lahona (ia-h6'-na). [Properly i aho- na, a part of a phrase.] See ahona. lako (i-a'-k6), n. 1. The* arched sticks which connect a canoe with its outrigger. Ka iako o ka waa, o ka hau ka iako paa. 2. The num- ber forty: used generally in count- ing tapas: A me na iako kapa he nui loa; and the very many for- ties of tapas. lako (I-a-ko'), n. One skilled in clearing, emptying and refitting a damaged canoe. He iako, he mea i aoia i ka holo moana a me ka luu kai. laloa (i'a-lo'a), n. A dead body em- balmed and dried, or otherwise preserved from putrefaction. laloa (i'a-lo'a), v. To preserve dead bodies by salting them; to bury dead bodies with perfumes; to embalm. laloko (i-a-16'-k6), n. 1. The side or part that is within; the inner sur- face or space; inside. 2. That which is contained; contents; in- ward parts; entrails. 3. Inner thoughts or feelings, laloko o ke kanaka; the inner thoughts of man. lamo (i-a'-mo), v. To leap into the water from a height without splash or spatter. Also called iomo, erro- neously. (The acme of a Hawaii- an's skill in leaping into the water is not only to cause no splash at entry, but to glide (pahi'a), under water a distance so as not to dis- turb the bubbling or ebullating effect of his leap.) lana (i-a'-n^), n. The owl. lanel (i'a-ne'i), adv. Here; at this place. lanuarl (i-a'-nu-a'-ri), n. January, the name of the first month in the year. Kaelo was one name of the corresponding month in the old Hawaiian calendar, though it varied in different localities. lao (i-a'o), n. A species of small fish generally used for bait. lasepi (I'a-se'-pi), n. [Biblical.] A pre-cious stone, probably a dark- green opalescent stone; a jasper. lau (i-a'ii), n. See iao. lau (i-a'Q), pron. [A contraction of ia au, the objective case of the personal pronoun of the first per- son singular number.] To me; for me; by me. lawi (T-a-wi'), n. A drepanidine bird (Himatione sanguinea). See apa- pane. Ibeka (pronounced i-pe'ka), n. The ibex, the wild goat mentioned in the Bible. The Hawaiian word for goat is kao. Ie (i'e), adj. 1. Made of canvas, cot- ton, or linen; made of braided ma- terial: lole ie; cloth made of lin- en; papale ie; hat made of braid- ed material. 2. Flexible; limber. 3. Of coarse texture. Ie (i'e), adj. Provoking; insulting. Ie (i'e), n. 1. Canvas; cotton; linen. 2. A tall woody climber (Frey- cinetia arnotti), a tough, wiry vine used in tying and in basketwork. See ieie. 3. The material used in braiding or weaving, as rushes, pandanus leaves, bamboo, etc. 4. (Mod.) A braid so made: ie pa- pale, a braid for a hat, that is, material for a hat. 5. (Mod.) A woven basket: ie pepa, a waste IE 218 IHO basket. 6. The stick used in beat- ing tapa: he ie kuku. le (i'e), V. To insult; to provoke; to pick a quarrel. lehova (i-e'-ho'-va), n. Lord; Jeho- vah: the name of the one eternal, living and true God. leie (I'e-i'e), adj. Decorated or cov- ered with the leaves of the ie. He poo ieie. leie (I'e-i'e), adj. Proud; haughty; arrogant; manifesting self-esteem. leie (i'e-i'e), n. 1. A tall woody climber (Freycinetia arnotti). Syn: ie. 2. The leaves of the ieie, gen- erally made into wreaths and for- merly used in decorating the gods of Hawaii: He leie hula. leie (i'e-i'e), v. To be decorated with leaves; to be dressed in wreaths. leiewaho (i'e-i'e-wa'-h6), n. The name of the channel between Kauai and Oahu: more generally known as Kaieiewaho Channel: Kahulilua na ale o Kaieiewaho. leiewe (i-e'-i-e'-we), n. (Obstetrics.) 1. The secundine. 2. The pla- centa. lekuku (i'e-ku'-ku), n. The wood- en mallet used in finishing tapa. Also called kukukapa. leie (i-e'-le), n. A chief; a king: a distinctive appellation. lesuruna (i-e'-sii-ru'-na), n. Jeshu- run: a term applied to Israel. lewe (i-e'-we), n. 1. The navel string. 2. The afterbirth. 3. A new born infant. I ha (T-ha'), v. To be intent upon; to have the mind earnestly fixed; to devote one's attention: Ua I ha wale no; he gives his whole at- tention. Ihaiha (i'-ha-i'-ha), adj. Hard-drawn; stretched tight; tense; taut: Iha- iha ke kaula; the rope is taut. Ihaiha (i'-ha-i'-ha), adj. Strained to a state of great physical or mental tension. I he (i'-he), n. 1. A spear. 2. A short, light spear; a javelin: he I he hulali. 3. A light lance, jave- lin, or spear; a dart. He Ihe pa- kelo, ihe pahee, a me na ihe o. Ihea (i-he'a), adv. To what place; whither; where: Ihea oukou? Where were you? Ihee (i-he'e), adj. Still; quiet; calm: Ihee ka la malie. Ihee (i-he'e), v. To escape; to run away from. Iheehee (i'-he'e-he'e), v. To cause to flow in a continuous stream of dense liquid substance, as oil; to pour out in a dense volume. E iheehee ana i ka aila iloko o ka huewai. Iheihe (i-he-i'-he), n. A species of fish (Hemiramphus depauperatus) ; the halfbeak. Same as meemee. I hi (I'-hi), adj. 1. Sacred; hallowed. 2. Majestic; dignified. I hi (i'-hi), n. 1. A species of plant (Portulaca oleracea) widely used as medicine. 2. The common purslane. I hi (i'-hi), n. A crown-like head- piece marking distinctive rank. Same as i'-hi. I hi (i'-hi), V. 1. To strip off the bark or skin of; to bark, flay, or decorticate; to peel. 2. To tear or strip off; to remove. Ua ihi ka la, ua wela ke pahoehoe. Syn: Maihi. 3. To cover or wrap the head, as in the ceremony of cover- ing the head of a chief or an idol. Ihlawaawa (i'-hi-a'-wa-a'-wa), n. 1. A storm with lightning and thunder. 2. Also said to be the name, of a god of thunder and lightning. Ihihi (i-hi-hi'), adj. Unduly or mean- ly sparing in the use' or expendi- ture of money; close; niggardly; parsimonious; stingy. Ihihi (i-hi-hi'), v. To neigh, as a horse. Ihiihi (i'-hi-i'-hi), adj. See ihi. I hi ihi (i'-hi-i'-hi), inter j. An excla- mation expressing surprise, or wonder mingled with delight. Ihiihi (i'-hi-i'-hi), n. 1. See ihi. 2. A fish, also called aha and kekee. Ihilani (i'-hi-la-ni), n. 1. The heav- enly splendor; auroral brilliancy. 2. A god of lightning. Ihimanu (i'-hi-ma'-nu), n. The sting- ray. See hihimanu. I ho (i'-ho), adv. 1. At that time; then. (In English it is generally understood, as: Uwe iho la ia; he (then) cried.) 2. Just; exact- ly; precisely: ano iho nei, just now. Iho (i'-ho), n. 1. The soft tissue in the center of the stems and branches of exogenous plants; the \ IHO 219 II pith. 2. The axis of the earth. I 3. The axle or axle-tree, as of a ! wheel. See paepaekomo. 4. An ' inferior grade of tapa; the supe- rior being known as kilohana. 5. The medial sheet of a set of ku- ina tapa. Iho (i'-h6), prep. To or towards a lower place; down: Lele iho oe; you jump down. Iho (i'-h6), pron. 1. Self used with nouns or pronouns. Eia ko'u ma- nao no'u iho; here is my opinion of myself. 2. Own: used after a possessive. Kona iho; his own. j Iho (i'-h6), V. To go down; to de- 1 scend, as from a higher to a lower | place. j Ihoiho (i'-h6-i'-h6), n. 1. The solid,! heavy part of timber; the heart of a tree. 2. A torch or torch- j light; a flambeau. 4. A candle. Ihoihokukui (i'-h6-i'-h6-ku'-kii'i), n. One or more strings of kukui nuts, used for torches. Iholena (i'-h6-le'-na), n. A variety of the banana (Musa sapientum), having light green leave's and stems of light green with black streaks: formerly permitted to be' eaten under the tabu system: Eia! na maia a Papa e ai ai, o ka popo- 1 ulu, o ka ihole'na. I Ihona (i'-h6'-na), n. A descending; a going down; a descent. I hope (i-h6'-pe), adv. To or toward the rear; in the direction of the back; backward: E nee ihope; move back. Ihu (i'-hii), n. 1. The nose of a person. 2. The bill of a bird. 3. The snout of an animal. 4. The bowsprit of a ship. 5. The fore* part of a canoe. 6. A form of af- fectionate salutation expressed by the contact with pressure of the noses; hence, a kiss. Homai ka ihu; give me (the nose) a kiss. Ihuanu (i'-hu-a'-nii), n. 1. An up- land wind of Kawela. O ka ihu- anu he makani ia no Kawela mauka mai. 2. The name of an odoriferous tree or shrub growing in Kawela. Ihuhanunu (i'-hQ-ha-nii'-nu), adj. Hard breathing; snoring. Ihu ihu (i'-hu-i'-hu), adj. Standing up straight; directed upward; erect. Ihuku (i'-hu-ku'), n. 1. The act of holding up one's nose, as in pride or anger. 2. Anger. 3. Con- tempt. Ihuku (i'-hii-kfl'), v. To turn up the nos=C2=AB, as in anger or contempt. See ihupii. Ihukukani (i'-hii-ku'-ka'-ni), adj. Hard breathing; snorting. Ihukukani (i'-hu-kii'-ka'-ni), n. The act of snorting; a snort. Ihumaa (i'-huma'a), adj. Disobedient; mischievous. Ihuna (i'-hii-na'), adj. 1. Inclined to snore. 2. Inclined or given to mischief; mischievous. Ihunana (i'-hfl-na-na'), adj. 1. Hard breathing; snoring. 2. Venture- some; confident; bold. Ihunono (i'-hu-n6-no'), adj. See ihu- nana. Ihu none (i'-hfl-n6-no'), n. 1. The act of snoring; a snore. Ihunono (i'-hii-n6-no'), v. To snore, as in one's sleep. See nono, no- noo, none. Ihuolaola (i'-hu-6-la'-6-la'), n. 1. A snoring nose. 2. A hard breath- ing; a snoring. ihupapa (i'-hu-pa'-pa), adj. Same as ihupepe. Ihupepe (i-hu-pe-pe), adj. Flat-nosed. Ihupepe (I'-hii-pe'-pe), n. 1. A flat nose. 2. A flat-nosed person. Ihupii (i'-hu-pi'i), n. The act of turning up one's nose, as in pride; hence, anger; contempt. Ihupii (i'-hu-pi'i), v. To turn up the nose, as in contempt. li (i'-i'), adj. 1. Sour; mouldy; musty. Syn: Punahelu. 2. Cov- etous; close; niggardly. 3. Cruel; selfish. 4. Hard to lift or carry; weighty; heavy. li (i'i), adj. 1. Stinted; unthrifty. 2. Stiff; tight, as a rope. 3. Close; parsimonious. li (i'i), n. 1. A gathering together; a collecting, as of small things: Ua ike lakou i ka ii o na kanaka i ka poaaha; they saw the gath- ering of the mulberry bark by the people. 2. A gurgling of the voice from throat, as in chanting: O ka mea lea 1 ke olioli, aia a loaa ka ii iloko o ka puu. 3. Something heavy or difficult to lift; a heavy weight. 4. A drepanidine bird (Himatione sanguinea). See apa- pani. 5. A species of fish. li (i-i'), n. Selfishness; cruelty; stinginess. II 220 IKI li (i'-i'), n. Mould; rust; anything indicating rust or decay. li (i'i), V. To collect; to gather up; to bring together. Ke ii nei ka aha. Syn: Noii, li (i'-f), V. 1. To be mouldy or musty. Ua ii ka ai; the food is musty. 2. To be lost; to be for- gotten. Ua ii na olelo kahiko. liaao (i-i'-a-a'o), n. Hard, mouldy food, such as drie^ taro or po- tato. Hi (i-i'i), adj. Below the ordinary size; diminutive; stunted; dwarf- ish, lii (i-i'i), n. 1. A child of slow growth; a person of small stature. 2. A person, animal, or plant that is unnaturally small or has been stunted in development; a dwarf. 3. Smallness in stature; the con- dition of being stunted in develop- ment; dwarfishness. 4. A plant, formerly used as food in time of scarcity. lii (i-i'i), v. To choke; to restrain; to hedge up. liika (i'-M'-ka), n. 1. The mark left on the skin after the healing of a wound or sore; a scar. 2. A cica- trix. lina (i'-i-i'-na), v. ly. Syn : lini. lika (i-i'-ka), adj or substance; thin; lank. like (i-i'-ke), adj. Marked by keen perception or discernment; keen- witted; shrewd; sharp. limo (ii'-m6), v. To close and open the eyelids quickly; also, to draw the eyelids together, as in con- veying a hint or making a sign; to wink. lini (i-i'-ni), n. The act or fee-ling of one who yearns; a strong emo- tion of longing or desire, especially with tenderness; a yearning. lini (i-i'-ni), v. To desire; to wish for; to long after. liwi (i-i'-wi), n. A species of bird (Vestiaria coccinea). liwipolena (i-i'-wi-p6'-le'-na), n. A bird; same as iiwi; also called polena. Ika (i'-ka'), adj. Carried along by a current; floating; drifting. Ika (i-ka'), n. 1. Goods cast or swept from a vessel into the sea and found floating; flotsam; jet- sam. 2. The sides of a taro patch, To desire strong- Wanting in flesh lean; shrunken; or of a mala (garden) where the grass is thrown. Ika (ika'), v. 1. To float ashore; to be driven on shore by the surf. 2. To be turned aside from a straight course, as a vessel by the wind and current; to drift. Ikai (i-ka'i), adv. Towards the sea: opposed to iuka, inland. Ikaika (i-ka'i-ka), adj. Strong; pow- erful; energetic. Ikaika (i-ka'i-ka), adv. Strongly; powerfully; energetically. Ikaika (i-ka'i-ka), n. Strength; pow- er; energy. Ikaika (i-ka'i-ka), v. 1. To exercise muscular strength; to be strong. 2. To become powerful. 3. To be energetic. Ike (i'-ke), n. Knowledge; instruc- tion; understanding. Ike (i'-ke), v. 1. To see; to per- ceive by the eye. 2. To perceive mentally; to know; to understand. 3, To receive, as a caller. 4. To have carnal knowledge of. Ikea (i-ke'a), v. [A contraction of ikeia, the passive form of the vCTb ike.] To be seen; to be known; to be understood. Ikeakaka (i'-ke-a'-ka'-ko), n. A posi- tive knowledge; a clear vision; a perfect understanding. Ikeakaka (i'-ke-a'-ka'-ka), v. To know clearly; to perceive distinct- ly; to understand plainly. Ikeike (i'-ke-i'-ke), v. See ike. Ikemaka (f-ke-ma'-ka), n. One that sees with his own eyes, or knows a thing of his own knowledge; an eye-witness; a witness. Ikemaka (I'-ke-ma'-ka), v. To see with the eyes; to know by sight. Iki (i'-ki), adj. Small; little. A di- minutive often used as a com- pound element; as, kamaiki, the little one. Iki (i'-ki), adv. 1. Almost; nearly. 2. Not much; slightly. Ikiiki (i'-ki-i'-ki), adj. 1. Close and hot, as the air of a crowded room. 2. Tight, as a bandage or clothes. Ikiiki (i'-ki-i'-ki), n. 1. Closeness; lack of air. 2. The act of strang- ling, or the state of being strangled. 3. Severe pain. 4. The pangs of death. 5. Lassitude caused by heat. 6. A panting for breath. 7. The name of the sixth month of the Hawaiian calendar, correspond- ing to May. (The names and or- IKI 221 ILI der of the months varied, however, in different localities.) Ikiiki (i'-ki i'-ki), v. 1. To be pressed; to be compelled to do a thing. 2. to be harassed; to be vexed. 3. To be weary of refraining from. 4. To pant for breath, as one dying. Ikiki (i-ki'-ki), n. Same as ikiiki. Ikimakua (i'-ki-ma-kii'a), n. The name of a stone out of which the maika, bowling, stones were made. Iko (i-ko'), V. To imitate; to copy. Ikol (i-k6'i), n. A buoy; a float, as of a net; usually made of hau or wiliwili wood. Iku (i'-ku), interj. All at once! All together! An exclamation giving encouragement to persons about to exert themselves in some physical effort. Ikua (i-kii-a'), n. The eleventh month in the Hawaiian calendar, corresponding to October; also written Ikuwa. (This varied ac cording to locality.) iku iku (i'-ku-i'-kii), n. An offensive smell. Syn: Okaoka. Ikuwa (i'-ku-wa'), adj. 1. Clamorous; vociferous. 2. Making a confused noise; chirping noisily. Ikuwa (i'-ku-wa'), n. 1. Any loud, repeated outcry; a clamor. 2. A confusion of cheerful notes made by birds; a vociferous chirping. 3. An echo. 4. Same as ikua, the name of a month. ikuwa (i'-ku-wa'), v. 1. To utter loud outcries; to vociferate; to clamor. 2. To give the short, high-pitched, cheerful sound of a bird; to chirp noisily. Ka leo o, na kahuli e ikuwa ana. Ha (i'-la), n. A small permanent spot on the skin; a birthmark; a mole. Ilaila (Ma'i-la), adv. In that place; there. ilailau (i-la'i-la'u), n. See laulele. Halo (Ma'-16), adv. In a lower place; down; downwards; below. Hamuku (i'-la-mii'-kii), n. 1. An of- ficer who enforces the orders of a chief or of a judge; an executive officer. 2. An executioner; a de- stroyer. 3. A marshal; a sheriff. Hi (i'-li), n. 1. The stranding of a ship on a shore or rock. 2. The descent of property to the heir of the last holder; an inheritance. 3. The skin of a person or animal. 4. The bark of a tree; the outer layer of any vegetable or fruit. 5. The surface of any substance. Elua no ano o na Hi, o ka ill laumania a o ka ili hualala. 6. A small district of land, next smaller than an ahupuaa: He kanakolu- kumamakolu mau ili iloko o ke ahupuaa o Honolulu; there are thirty-three ilis in the ahupuaa of Honolulu, (An ili was not neces- sarily all in one piece, but might consist of a number of detached lele or "jumps." The ili of Puna- hou was of this kind.) 7. A small, smooth stone worn by the water; a pebble. 8. A side; a surface: ili o ka wai, surface of the water. Ili (i'-li), V. 1. To strike or run aground, as a boat; to strike a shoal or rock. 2. To be cast away; to be stranded: Ua Hi ka moku a nahaha; the ship was stranded and was broken up. 3. To rest on land, as a boat when the water subsides; to stick fast. 4. To lay the responsibility upon one; to make one responsible. 5. To come upon one, as a bless- ing or a curse; to inherit. Iliahi (i'-li-a'-hi), n. A sandalwood tree (Santalum freycinetianum). Its timber, known in commerce as yellow sandalwood, commands a high price now on account of its scarcity. Its wood is deeply scent- ed, whence the name laau ala (scented wood). Iliaina (i'-li-a'i-na), n. A division of land smaller than an ahupuaa; subdivided in turn into moo-aina. Iliau (i'-li-a'u), n. A species of shrub (Wilkesia gymnoxiphium) having medicinal properties. Iliee (i'-li-e'e), n. Same as hiliee. Ilihau (i'-li-ha'u), n. The bark of the hau tree, of which ropes are made: He ilihau ke kaula. Ilihee (i-li-he'e), n. A shrub. The root is very acrid and is used as a medicine. Also called hiliee. Ilihelo (i'-li-he'-lo), n. Farmers who worked but little; that is, who tilled the soil in an unsystematic manner, doing here a little and there a little, with no fixed pur- pose, as distinguished from ilipilo, industrious and systematic cultiva- tors: o ka poe mahiai liilii ua ka- paia lakou he ilihelo. (Not now in use.) ILI 222 ILI llihia (r-li-hi'a), adj. Awful; rever- ential; sublime. llihia (i'-li-hi'a), n. Fear; awe; rev- erence. llihia (i'-li-hi'a), v. To be overcome with awe and reverence. Illhilauna (i-li'-hi-la-u'-na), v. See lihilauna. Hlholo (i'-li-h6'-16), n. Same as ili- helo. Ilihune (I'-li-hu'-ne), adj. Poor; des- titute of property; indigent. IMhune (i'-li-hu'-ne), v. To be poor; to be in need; to be without means. II ill i (i'-li-i'-li), n. 1. Small, smooth stones worn by the water; peb- bles. 2. Small stones used in the game of konane (checkers). Illkai (i'-li-ka'i), adj. Horizontal: kaha ilikai, horizontal line. Ilikai (I'-li-ka'i), n. The surface of the sea. Illkala (i'-li-ka'-la), n. A shark skin; especially, the skin stretched over and fastened to a coconut shell, which formed a kind of drum. Ilikani (i'-li-ka'-ni), n. Same as ili- kala. Ilikea (I-li-ke'-a), n. 1. Light -col- ored skin. 2. A person with a clear, light skin, lliki (i-li'-ki), n. 1. A rapid onset; a dash, as with a weapon; a hf.avy downpour, as a rainstorm. 2 Same as liki, which see. lliki (i-li'-ki), v. To dash; to strike against, as a weapon; to pour down in a torrent, as a rainstorm. Ilikole (i'-li-k6'-le), adj. 1 Not full- grown; not mature or ripe, imma- ture. He niu ilikole. 2. Being, completely without something re- garded as necessary or desirable; poverty-stricken; poor; destitute. Ilikona (i'-li-ko'-na), n. A small, hard protuberance on the skin; a wart. Ilikone (i'-li-k6'-ne), adj. Same as ilikole. Iliku (i'-li-ku'), n. [Contraction of ili kupono.] A nearly independent ili or division of land within an ahupuaa, tributary directly to the king and not, or only slightly, to the chief of the ahupuaa. Hono- hononui on the island of Hawaii, was an iliku. Ililihia (i-li'-li-hi'a), adj. See ilihia. Ililua (i-li-lu'-a), n. [Ili, skin, and lua, second.] 1. The second skin or new skin that follows on the healing of a sore. 2. The outside corrugated bark of a plant. 3. The wrinkly skin incident to old age. Same as ilipakalua. 4. Hence, old age; an aged person. Ililuna (i'-li-lii'-na), n. 1. The upper skin; hence, the surface; the top. 2. The outer bark which is scraped off in making tapa. [lima (i-li'-ma), n. 1. A green and yellow-flowered plant of the genus Sida, the blossoms of which are woven into garlands for personal adornment. 2. The re-gion on the side of a mountain next below the apaa, said to abound with ilima. Ilimano (i'-li-ma-no'), n. The shark skin; used for making drum heads. I Una (i-li'-na), n. 1. An enclosure devoted to the burial of the dead; a graveyard. 2. A place where many are buried, as distinguished from a hunakele, where only one is buried. 3. A sepulchre; a tomb or vault; a grave. IMnawai (i-li'-na-wa'i), n. A place where a brook loses itself in the ground. II io (i-li'o), adv. Hypocritically; f alsel V. Ilia (i-li'o), n. 1. A dog: Ilio hihiu, a wild dog =E2=80=94 a wolf; ilio hahai, a pursuing dog=E2=80=94 a greyhound. 2. The brace that holds the rafter to the cross beam. 3. A catamite. 4. Poetical for cloud. (The Hawaiian poet personified the clouds as ilio, dogs, as he had no nobler animals. With the term he coupled some descriptive adjective, as: uli, dark; ehu, red; hakeakea, pink, etc.) Ilioeha (i-li'o-e'-ha), n. A species of fish of the acanthuroid family. Ilio-ehu (i-li-6-e'-hu), n. A cloud hav- ing a ruddy tint. Iliohae (i-li'o-ha'e), ^n. 1. A fierce dog. 2. A wolf. Iliohe (i'-li-6'-he), n. 1. A common weed (Erigeron canadensis), 2, A certain species of the algae, hav- ing broad leaves. Iliohihiuhae (i-li'o-hi'-hi'u-hae), n, 1. A fierce, wild dog. 2. A wolf. Iliolelo (i'-li-6-le'-16), n. . One who tattles or gossips; a talebearer; a tattler, Iliolelo (i'-li-6-le'-16), v. To tell tales; to gossip; to tattle. Iliomaka (i'-li-6-ma'-ka), n. The fore- skin. ILT 223 INA lliomea (i-lI-6-me'-a), n. A light gray or white cloud. Iliouli (i-li'-6-u-li), n. A dark cloud; a rain cloud. liipakalua (Mi-pa'-ka-lu'a), n. Same as ililua, and more modern. 1. Wrinkled skin. 2. The rough outer bark of a plant or fruit. ilipalapala (i'-li-pa'-13.-pa'-la), n. The skin of animals prepared for writ- ing; a parchment. Ilipilo (I'-li-pi'-lo), n. An efficient farmer; one who cultivated indus- triously and systematically, work- ing all day, as distinguished from ilihelo, a shiftless and unsystem- atic farmer who worked but little: o ka poe mahiai a po ka la ua kapaiia lakou he iiipilo. (Not now in use). Iliwahi (i'-li-wa-hl'), n. The sheath of a sword or similar bladed weapon; any sheath; a case or covering, as for a sword; a scab- bard. iliwai (I'-li-wa'i), adj. 1. Lying in a plane; level; even; plane. 2, Hor- izontal: he kaha iliwai, a horizon- tal line. Syn: Ilikai. Iliwai (i'-lT-wa'i), n. 1. A horizontal line, plane, surface, or position; a level. 2. A leveling instrument. 3. A flexible tube or pipe of rubber, etc., for conveying water; a hose. Ilo (i'-16), n. 1. The larva of a fly; a maggot. 2. Any creeping or crawling animal, whether large or small, as a grub, caterpillar, or the like; a worm. See enuhe. Iloilo (i'-16-i'-16), adj. Full of worms or maggots; wormy. Iloilo (i'-16-i'-16), V. To be full of worms; to be wormy. Ua iloilo ka ia, ua kauia nae e ka iloilo liilii. Iloko (M6'-k6), prep. In; inside; within. Noli (i-16'-li), n. 1. A strong smell; an offensive odor: Ka iloli o ka mano. 2. The unpleasant sensa- tions of pregnancy. Huna (i-lu'-na), adv. Toward a higher place or level; upward; up. Iluna (i-lu'-na), prep. Up; upon; above. Imaka (i'-ma-ka), n. A watchtower. I mi (I'-mi), v. 1. To search for; to explore throughly; to look for; to go in search or quest of; to try to discover; to seek. E imi hala; to seek evil. 2. To try or examine. as by probing or testing; to exam- ine with close attention to detail. Imihala (i'-mi-ha'-la), v. To find fault with; to blame. I mi hale (i'-mi-ha'-le), n. One who is a seeker of property; a heritage seeker, in distinction from one who is to possess it, known as the noho hale: O Kamehameha ka imihale, o Liholiho ka noho hale. Imihale (i'-mi-ha'-le), v. To seek an inheritance for one's children. Imlhia (i'-mi-hi'a), v. The passive form of the verb imi. (The "h" being inserted in imiia for the sake of euphony). Imilmi (i'-mi-i'-mi), v. Freq. of imi. Imlolelo (i'-mi-6-le'-16), v. 1. To lie. 2. To obtain a thing by false statements. 3. To prattle; to tell tales; to slander. 4. To find words to accomplish a purpose. I mo (i'-m6), n. A wink; a winking; a twinkling. Imo (i'-m6), v. 1. To wink. Syn: Amo. 2. To snap, as the eyes on drinking something very acid. 3. To twinkle, as a star. Imoimo (i'-m6-i'-m6), adv. At a great distance; very far off. Imoimo (i'-m6-i'-m5), v. See imo. Imu (i'-mti), n. A place for baking food; a pit for roasting meat; an oven. Syn: Umu. Imua (i-mii'a), prep. Before; in front of; in the presence of. Imua no o Kekuokalani a make. Imuli (i-mu'-li), prep. At the back of; in the rear; behind. Imuloa (i'-mu-16'a), n. A long oven or imu; a shallow, oblong pit for sweating the sick. In preparing the imuloa, uhaloa and lama were used for fuel to produce live coals, over which were spread a thick layer of ape leaves. Upon this bed of green leaves the naked patient was laid and covered up with enough tapa to confine the steam. Then the practice of exor- cism was performed with prayers to Lono and Hina. Imuloa (i'-mii-16'a), v. To perform the practice of sweating in the imuloa; to cause to sweat by steam, especially in an oven, or imu. Ina (i-na'), adv. In truth; in fact; indeed. Ina (i-na'), adv. At this place; right here. It is always followed by the INA 224 INO verbal directive iho: Ina iho ke ala; here is the way. Ina (i-na'), conj. Provided or on condition that; if. Ina (ina'), interj. An exclamation expressive of a wish. O that! Would that! Ina no au i make nou! O that I had died for thee! Ina (i'-na), n. A sea egg; a sea- urchin. Ina (i-na'), n. The presence of a person, place or thing. Ina (I'-na), v. 1. To raise by means of a lever; to pry up. 2. To vary in utterance for the sake of the expression; to modulate: E ina ka leo; modulate the voice, Ina (i-na'), v. To go; to do (some- thing): used imperatively. Ina kakou; let us go. 2. To make speed; to be quick: used in ex- hortation: Ina hoi: let us be quick. Inahea (I'-na-he'a), adv. At what time? When? Inahea oe i hele mai ai? When did you come? Inai (i-na'i), n. A relish; a con- diment. Ina ina (T-na'i-na), adj. 1. Moved with anger; full of wrath; wrath- ful; angry. 2. Feeling or mani- festing hatred; malignant; hateful Inaina (i-na'i-na), n. 1. Anger; rage; wrath. 2. Malice; hatred. Inaina (i'-na-i'-na), n. The reddish evacuation which precedes labor in childbirth. Ua hemo ka inaina o ke keiki. ua kokoke paha i ka manawa e hanau ai. I'naina (i-na'i-na), v. 1. To be angry with; to be affected with anger. 2. To dislike; to abhor; to hate. Inaina (I'-na-i'-na), v. To shake; to move; to disturb; to stir. Inainaia (i-na'i-na-i'a), adj. Regarded with aversion; held in disfavor; disliked; hated. Inaleo (i'-na-le'o), n. A preposition; a word which denotes the relation of an object to an action or thing, so called because it is usually placed before its object. Inalua (I'-na-lii'a), n. A trap-like basket used in catching fish. He Inalua, he huehue, he laau hihi, he mea hopu ia. Inamona (i'-na-mo'-na), n. The meat of the kukui nut roasted and pounde-d up with salt as a relish for food. I nana (i-na'-na), v. To walk about idly, without any definite object; to roam about; to loaf. I nana (i-na-na'), v. Let me see; show me, etc. Used only impera- tively. Inane (i-na'-ne), v. Same as inana. Ine (i'-ne), conj. A corruption of ina. Inea (I'-ne'a), adj. 1. Unfortunate; unsuccessful; calamitous. 2. With- out reward; useless; vain: He hana inea ka hewa; Sin is labor without reward. 3. (Rare, applied to persons.) True, stanch, stead- fast: hoa inea, a true friend, that is, one who is a companion in hardship or misfortune. Inea (i-ne'a), n. Hard toil with little reward; fruitless labor: Na hoa o keia inea, o ka poe nana e waele. Inehinei (i-ne'-hi-ne'i), adv. Yester- day; on the day last past: ine- hinei kela la aku, day before yes- terday. Inei (i-ne'i), adv. Here; at this place. Syn: lanei. Ineihinei (i-ne'i-hi-ne'i). adv. Same as inehinei. Ineka (i-ne'-ka), n. See inika. Iniha (i-ni'-ha), n. An inch, the twelfth part of a foot. Iniiniki (I'-ni-i-m'-ki), v. To pinch often or frequently; to nip a little. Se^ iniki. Inika (i-ni'-ka), n. 1. Ink; a colored liquid used in writing; hence, the Hawaiian equivalent waieleele (black water). 2. A species of plant (Basella rubra). Iniki (i-ni'-ki), v. 1. To squeeze be- tween two hard edges, as between a thumb and a finger; to pinch. 2. To snatch away; to carry off; to nip off. Inikini (i'-ni-ki'-ni), n. Indians, the aborigines of America: He nui na lahui Inikini e noho ana ma Amer- ika; many are the tribes of In- dians in America. I no (i'-no), adj. Bad; wicked; vile; sinful. I no (i'-no), adv. 1. In a bad man- ner; improperly; wickedly; badly. 2. Much; very; exceedingly: an intensive word: aloha ino; exceed- ingly loving. Ino (i'-no), n. 1. Iniquity; depravity; wickedness. 2. A poor grade, char- acter, or quality: Ke ino o ka INO lOL pepa a me ka inika; the poor quality of the paper and ink. 3. A gale; a storm of wind and rain; a tempest: he Ino huhu, a horrible tempest. 4. The commotion, dis- turbance, or agitation of a multi- tude; a tumult: He ino o uka, ke lele ino mai nei ke ao. Ino (i'-n6), v. 1. To be or become worthless; to become bad. 2. To be infected or contaminated; to become corrupt. 3. To injure; to hurt: Oia ka mea e ino ai ke kino; that is what injures the body. Inoa (i-n6'a), n. A name, the dis- tinctive appellation by which a person or thing is known. Inoino (i'-n6-i'-n6), adj. 1. Bad; worthless. 2. Despicable. 3. Poor In quality. 4. In poor condition. 5. Disorderly. Inoino (i'-n6-i'-n6), n. 1. Badness; worthlessness. 2. Indecency. 3. A bad disposition. Inoino (I'-nS-r-nS), v. 1. To be bad; to be worthless. 2. To be un- pleasing. (Antonym for malkai). 3. To be sad; to be grieved: No ke aha la i inoino ai kou maka? Why is your countenance sad? 4. To be tempestuous. Inoino ke kai; the sea is tempestuous. (The meaning is distinguished by inton- ation.) Inu (I'-nii), n. 1. Any liquid for drinking; a beverage; a drink. 2. The act or habit of taking spirit- uous liquors, especially to excess; drinking: ka ino o ka inu; the act of drinking. Inu (i'-nii), v. 1. To take a liquid into the stomach through the mouth; to drink. 2. To drink or take in, as Intoxicating liquors; to imbibe. Inuwai (i'-nu-wa'i), n. 1. The name of a sea breeze which blows over the island of Lehua, near Kauai. 2. The name of a temperance so- ciety that once existed among the Hawaiians. lo (i'o), adj. Not imaginary; true; real: Ua paa ka manao o na kanaka he akua io no o Lono; the minds of the people were firm (in the belief that) that Lono (Cap- tain Cook) was a real god. lo (i'o), adv. Truly; really; verily; certainly: Ua hana io no oia pela; ' he really did so. I lo (i-o'), adv. In that place; at a distance; yonder: Aia no ia io; there he is yonder. lo (i'o), n. A bundle, package or parcel made up for transportation or storing. (Applies only to food- stuffs). He io paakai; a bundle of salt. 2. One who announces the approach of a chief; a forerunner. 3. A large buteonine hawk (Buteo solitarius); a buzzard. 4. A sport in which the object of the players is to keep from being caught or touched by the one who chases them for that purpose, sim- ilar to the game of tag. lo (i'o), n. 1. Lean flesh; the animal muscle: He io kue; an antagonis- tic muscle. 2. Flesh in general. 3. One's person. 4. Kindred; rel- atives. 5. Reality; truth; verity. 6. The substance of a matter; the main point; the gist. lo (i-o'), prep. To; towards: used before proper names and pro- nouns. See ia. lo (i'6), V. To hasten away with fear; to flee. lo (i'o), V. To be loaded down with bundles. See laulau. loena (i-o-e'-nS), adj. 1. Wild; sav- age; untamed. 2. Not sociable; averse to companionship. loio (i'o-i'o), adj. Chirping; peep- ing: He manu loio; a peeping bird (swallow). loio (i'o-i'o), n. The clitoris. loio (i'o-i'o), V. 1. To utter a low sharp sound; to chirp; to cheep; to peep. 2, To project upward, as the peak of a mountain: loio ae ana o Puuonioni e oni ae ana e like me Maunakea. 3. To taper. loio (i-o'-i-o'), V. To look here and there, as a thief who is about to steal. loiolea (i'o-i'o-le'a), adj. 1. Brisk; spirited; lively. 2. Quick temp- ered; angry. 3. Lean; feeble. 4. Shabby. loiolepo (i'o-i'o-le'-p6), n. 1. A bearer of tidings; a messenger to carry news. 2. A tattler; an idle talker. lokupu (i'o-kii'-pfl), n. 1. A polypus, a disease of the nose. 2. A gum boil. A small boil formed on the gum. 3. The lampers, a disease in the roof of a horse's mouth, lolana (i'o-ia'-na), v. To float in the air, as a bird. lOL 226 IPU lole (i-6'-le), n. A mouse or rat: lole nui; a wharf rat, a rabbit, or a mole. lolea (i'o-le'a), adj. 1. Wild; sav- age; untamed. 2. Not sociable; averse to companionship. lolenui (i-o'-le-nii'i), n. A rat, es- pecially the large wharf-rat. Prop- erly written as two separate words, iole nui. lolerabati (i-6'-le-la-pa-ki), n. A rab- bit. Properly written as two sep- arate words, iole rabati. loliu (i'o-li'u), n. The lean flesh in- side the backbone of beef, etc., ad- joining the ribs. The flesh outside of it is called uhau. lomaha (i'o-ma'-ha), n. The temple muscle. Properly written as two separate words, io maha. lomo (T-6'-m6), v. 1, To drop sud- denly into the water without a splash. 2. To leap into the water without a spatter, as a frog. Also written iamo. lopono (i'o-po'-no), n. 1. A class of persons, generally high chiefs, who were formerly entrusted with the care of the person and effects of the king. 2. A relative or friend whose faithfulness may be trusted: He hoahanau iopono no kela nou. ua make no oe he iopono. Ipo (i'-p6), n. 1. A sweetheart. 2. A paramour. Ipo (i'-p6), V. 1. To become a sweet- heart or a paramour. Ipoipo (i'-p6-i'-p6), V. See ipo. Ipu (I'-pu), n. 1. Any cucurbita- ceous plant, and its fruit, as melon, pumpkin, etc. 2. A general name for a vessel or container, as dish, cup. mug, etc., each kind being designated by some additional word expressive of its use. Ipuahl (I'-pii-a'-hT), n. A vessel for burning incense, especially in re- ligious ceremonies; a thurible; a censer. Ipual (i'-pu-a'i), n. A calabash or vessel for containing food. Ipuaimaka (i'-pu-a'i-ma'-ka), n. The fruit of certain species of plant of the gourd family (Cucurbita- ceae), especially the muskmelon or the watermelon, which is eaten raw. Ipuala (i'-pu-a'-la), n. 1. A box for containing the several articles used in making one's toilet. ?.. The aromatic fruit of a certain species of the melon, as the musk- melon, the cantaloupe, nutmeg, or citron. Ipuauau (i'-pu-a'u-a'u), n. A large basin or other receptable to wash in: a washbasin; a laver. Ipuawa (i'-pu-a'-wa), n. The bitter calabash. Ipuawaawa (i'-pu-a'-wa-a'-wa), n. Same as ipuawa. Ipubaka (I'-pu-ba'-ka), n. A tobacco pipe. Ipuhao (i'-pu-ha'o), n. An iron pot. Ipuhaole (i'-pu-ha'-6-le), n. A for- eign ipu; hence, a watermelon. Ipuholoholona (i'-pu-ho'-lo-ho-lo'-na), n. 1, A vessel or calabash for bait. 2. A long upright calabash for holding a fisherman's outfit, as lines, hooks, bait, etc. Ipuholoi (i'-pu-h6-16'i), n. A wash basin. Syn: Ipuauau. Ipuia (i'-pu-i'a), n. A vessel or dish for containing fish or meat. Ipulnika (I'-pu-i-ni'-ka), n. An ink- well; an inkstand. Ipuka (i-pu'-ka), n. 1. Any means or avenue of exit or entrance; a pas- sageway; a door. 2. A movable barrier closing a passage or an opening; a gate. 3. An opening in the wall for the admission of light and air; a window. Ipukai (i'-pG-ka'i), n. A calabash or vessel in which fish or meat is kept or preserved. Ipukalua (i'-pu-ka'-lua), n. The ed- ible fruit of any one of the various trailing plants of the genus Cucur- bita, as the pumpkin, squash, or melon when baked. Ipukapuahi (i'-pu-ka'-pu-a'-hi), n. A censer; a thurible. See ipuahi. Ipukukui (i'-pu-ku-kii'i), n. 1. A sup- port with a socket or sockets for holding a candle or candles; a candlestick; also, a candelabra. 2. Any device employing a flame for furnishing an artificial light; a lamp. Ipukuniala (i'-pu-kii'-ni-a'-la), n. A censer; a thurible. See ipuala. Ipulaau (I'-pii-la-a'u), n. A wooden vessel. Ipulei (i'-pu-le'i), n. 1. A decorated calabash used as a receptable for leis and choice tapas. 2. A per- son with a large body and small legs: a term of reproach to the people of Kohala. Ipulei Kohala na ka moae ku. IPU 227 IWI Ipulepo (i'-pu-le'-p6), n. A potter's vessel; an earthenware pot. Ipunui (i'-pu-nu'i), n. 1. The great bronze laver in Solomon's temple at Jerusalem. 2. A large contain- er (ipu). Ipupu (i'-pu-pu'), n. Pumpkin or squash. IputI (i'-pu-ti'), n. A teapot. Ipuwaiauau (i'-pu-wa'i-a'u-a'u), n. 1. A washbasin. Syn: Ipuauau. 2. (Biblical.) A laver. Syn: Ipuauau. 3. A class of ancient Hawaiian people who kept the genealogies of the chiefs, because they washed the characters of the chiefs so far as their pedigrees were concerned. Ua kapaia ka poe kuauhau he ipuwai- auau no na alii. lu (i'u), adj. Sacred; entitled to reverence or respect; not to be profaned or lightly treated; invio lable. lu kahi o ke alii; sacred is the place of the chief. lu (i'u), n. 1. A tabu enforced on women after childbirth, or during the period of me-nstruation. 2. A sacred place; a consecrated spot: Noho ke alii i ka iu; the king sits in the sacred place. lubile (iu'-bi-le'), adj. Of or pertain- ing to jubilee; jubilant; exulting. lubile (i'u-bl-le'), n. The fiftieth an- niversary of any event; jubilee. ludaio (iu-kai'-6), n. A descendant of Abraham; a Jew. luiu (i'u-i'u), adj. Majestic; lofty; stately. See poiuiu. luiu (i'u-i'u), n. A place supposed to be afar off or high up above the eart^n or beneath the ocean, sacred as the dwelling place of gods: Ke Akua noho i ka iuiu; the God that dwells in a place afar off. luiu (i'u-i'u), V. To be afar off; to be high up; to be in a sacred place. luka (i-u'-ka), adv. Toward the in- terior of a land; inland. lulai (iu-la'i), n. July, the seventh month of the year. lunipera (iu'-ni-pe'-la), n. An ever- green shrub or tree, the juniper. lupita (iu-pi'-ka), n. The planet Jup- iter. Syn: Kaawela. Iwa (I'-wa), adj. Ninth; one of nine equal parts. Iwa (I'-wa), n. The frigate-bird (Fregata aquila) ; the man-of-war bird. Ke ike i ka iwa. Ho i:i ko lalo. Iwa (iwa'), n. 1. A thief: named after Iwahue, a notorious thief who lived long ago. Iwaena (i-wri'e-nil), prep. In the midst of; between; among. Iwaenakonu (i-wa'e-na-ko'-nii), n. The middle, the center of a circle; the middle point of a closed curve or surface; the point equally distant from the extremities, or from the different sides of anything. Iwaho (i-wa'-h6), adv. 1. From the inside or within; out. E hele oe iwaho; you go out. 2. On the ex- terior; without; outside: Ua hele oia iwaho; he went outside. Iwa iwa (i'-wa i'-wa), n. A species of fern (Adiantum capillus-veneris) ; a very delicate and graceful fern with an erect black stem, common in damp rocky woods; the maiden- hair, maiden's-hair or Venus' hair. Iwal<alua (i'-wa-ka'-lu'a), adj. Twice ten; twenty: a cardinal numeral. Iwakalua (i'-wa-ka'-lii'a), n. 1. The sum of ten and ten; twice ten; twenty: a cardinal number. 2. Any symbol representing this num- ber; as, XX. Iwi (i'-wi), adj. 1. Crooked; curved. 2. Pointed; stiffly bearded; bris- tled. Ina i ehuehu ma ke kikala, he hulu iwi ia puaa. Iwi (i'-wi), n. 1. A bone. 2. The midrib of a vegetable leaf. 3. The side of an upland field of taro. 4. A coconut shell. 5. The stones that mark the boundaries of lands, sometimes a low stone wall; the boundary stones or stone wall. Ka iwi o na wahi a ka poe kahiko i mahi ai; the boundary stones of the places where the ancients cul- tivated. 6. A corn-cob. 7. The re- mains of a lime-pit or lime-kiln, 8. A near kindred; a close rel- ative: He iwi halua oe, he iwi kau i ka awaloa. 9. See iiwi. Iwi (i'-wi), V. To look obliquely; to cast sidelong glances; to squint. Iwia (i'-wi-a'), n. The jawbone; the maxillary bone. iwialalo (i'-wi-a'-la'-16), n. The lower jawbone; the inferior maxillary bone. Iwialuna ( i'-wi-a '-lii'-na), n. The up- per, jawbone; the superior maxil- lary bone. IWI 228 K Iwlaoao (I'-wi-a'o-a'o), n. The rib, one of the bones attached to the spine and tending to encircle the body-cavity. Iwielelo (i'-wi-e-le'-16), n. The hyoid bone, the bone in the base of thje tongue. Iwihilo (i'-wi-hi'-16), n. The thigh- bone; the femur. Iwihoehoe (i'-wi-ho'e-ho'e), n. The shoulder-blade; the shoulder-bone; the scapula. Iwihope (i'-wi-ho'-pe), n. The occipi- tal bone; the bone which forms the posterior segment of the skull. Iwihua (i'-wi-hii'a), n. The hip-bone; a large irregular bone belonging to the pelvis, and forming the principal prominence of the hip. Iwiiwi (I'-wi-i'-wi), adj. 1. Showing the bones through the skin; thin; lean; bony. 2. Same as iwi. Iwika (i'-wi-ka'), n. The ischium; the part of the hip-bone on which the body rests when sitting. Iwikaele (I'-wi-ka-e'-le), n. The keel of a ship; the body of a canoe: E kalai i ka iwikaele. Iwikala (i'-wi-ka'-la), n. See iwikaele. Iwikalakua (i'-wi-ka'-la-kii'a), n. The spine's on the dorsal fin of a fish. Iwikalalo (I'-wi-ka-la'-lS), n. The rays supporting the ventral fin of a fish. Iwi kanaka (i'-wi-ka-na'-ka), n. A hu- man bone. Iwikanana (i'-wi-ka-na'-n^), n. The frontal bone, the bone of the an- terior part of the skull, forming the skeleton of the forehead. Iwikano (I'-wi-ka'-no), n. The preax- ial bone of the fore limb; one of the two long bones of the forearm; the radius. Iwikele (I'-wi-ke'-le), n. See iwi kaele. Iwiku (i'-wi-ku'), n. [Iwi and ku, to stand.] One of the bones of the lower leg. Iwikuamoo (i'-wi-ku'-a-mo'o), n. [Iwi and kuamo'o, lizard.] 1. The bones of the back; the backbone. 2. A near relative of a high chief whose office was to attend the person of the chief, execute his orders, etc.; ko ke alii mau iwikuamoo ponoi. Laieik. p. 35. See ilamuku and poelamuku. Iwilae (i'-wi-la'e), n. The bone of the forehead. Iwi lei (i'-wi-le'i), n. 1. The shoul- der bone; the collar bone. 2, The measure of a yard, that is, from the breast bone to the end of the longest finger. Iwimaha (i'-wi-ma'-ha), n. The cheek bone. He wahi iwi ewaewa ia, Iwiole (i'-wi-6'-le), n. An adz, a tool having its blade at right angles with its handle and usually curved. Iwiopeapea (i'-wi-6-pe'a-pe'a), n. The two bones between the occipital and frontal bones that form a part of the top and sides of the cra- nium: the parietal bones. Iwipili (i'-wi-pi'-li), n. 1. The double or united bones of the arm or leg. 2, The longitudinal ridge in the pili grass that was used in thatch- ing houses. Iwlpona (i'-wi-po'-na), n. [Iwi, bone, and pona, joint.] 1. A joint. 2. The bones of a person separated from each other and all jumbled together: hai pu ka iwlpona i ka uwe. Iwipoo (i'-wi-po'o), n. Skeleton of the head; the skull bones. Iwipuhaka (T'-wi-pu'-ha'-ka), n. [Iwi, bone, and puhaka, loins.] The bones of the loins. Iwipuhi (i'-wi-pu'-hi), n. 1. A carved design on a tapa beater, consisting of a herring-bone figure with one or two long ridges in the center. 2. A variety of the banana plant and its fruit. Iwipuniu (i'-wi-pu-ni'-u), n. Same as iwipoo, the skull. Iwluluna (i'-wi-u-lii'-na), n. The bone of the upper arm or fore limb; the humerus. Iwiumauma (i'-wi-u'-ma-u'-ma), n. The breastbone, the sternum. K, the fifth letter of the Hawaiian alphabet. Its sound varies some- what from the English K sound to that of the T, according as the enunciation is made at the end of the tongue or near the root. The natives on the island of Hawaii generally pronounce the letter KA 229 KAA with the palate, that is, give it the K sound, while the natives of the island of Kauai pronounce it with the end of the tongue, that is, pro- nounce it as T. K has a short hard sound, as in certain combina- tions of K and E, as Ken, Keg, Kelp, etc. Often, in words that required more than a single K sound the T was used in place of a second K, as ketahi for kekahi. This form, however, was peculiar to the natives of Kauai, and finds no place in the average talk of the present day. Ka (ka), art. 1. The definite article, the. It is one of the three defi- nite articles, ka, ke, and he. Ka (ka), adv. or conj. A word ex- pressing opposition in passing from one thought to another: Ua olelo kaua e hele pu, aole ka oe e hele ana; You and I said we would go together but you are not going, or he kau malie ka la, o ka honua ka ke kaa nei! it is the sun, is it, that stands still, the earth, forsooth, that rolls! Ka contains the idea of some supposed error, or some- thing wrongly done or thought. Ka (ka), interj. An exclamation of surprise, wonder, disappointment or disgust. See kahaha. Ka (ka), n. The long slender stem of any plant that trails on the ground; a vine: as pu ka, pumpkin vine. Ka (ka), n. A sudden violent hit; an unnatural fling with a whirling motion of the arm. 2. A dish to bail water with. Ka (ka), prep. Of; belonging to; it marks the relation of possession and is used before nouns and pro- nouns; it is similar in meaning to the preposition a, but used in a different part of the sentence. Ka (also ko) before nouns is similar in meaning to the apostrophic S in English, and signifies the thing or the things belonging to these nouns; as, ka ke alii, belonging to the chief; ka laua, that of those two. Ka (ka). A particle; word used orally to call attention. Ka (ka), v. 1. To bail water, as from a canoe: E ka oe i ka llu; you bail the leakage. 2. To break; to shatter; to throw violently. 3. To strike with a quick, hard stroke, as to strike fire with flint and steel. 4. To radiate or pro- ceed in direct line from a point, as in making a fish-net or weaving; to braid or knit; to make or mend texture, as nets, woven fabric, etc. 5. To make a completion or end- ing of; to destroy utterly: E aho hoi e ka i ka nele lua; it were better that both should cease. Laieik. p. 197. 6. To turn over the soil; to uproot. Kaa (ka'a), adv. Gone; absent; no more. Kaa (ka'a), n. 1. Anything that rolls or turns, as a top or a car- riage wheel; a carriage itself; a cart; wagon or chariot; a grind- stone: kaa i uhiia, a covered wagon. 2. All kinds of foreign timber, except oak. 3. Same as puukaa, a rolling hill. 4. One of the twists of fiber composing a rope. 5. Primitive form of kaao, legend. From kaa, v., to roll off (orally). Kaa (ka-a'), n. Thread made of fi- ber; a very small twist or thread used to fasten a hook to the fish- . line. Kaa (ka'a), v. 1. To radiate; to go out, as rays of light from the sun; as sparks from a red hot iron. 2. To turn every way, as bones in a socket joint. 3. To roll; roll off. See olokaa. 4. To revolve; to roll, as a wheel. 5. To take ef- fect as a cathartic. Syn: Naha. 6. To be over; to be done; to be past: ua kaa na peelua; the cater- pillars are past. 7. Word express- ing a continuous or protracted state: as ua kaa oia i ka mai; he is confined with long sickness. Literally, he revolves in sickness, rolls around in illness. 8. Pay; satisfy; set aside. Kaaa (ka-a'a), n. [Ka, the, and aa should be written as separate words.] See aa. Kaaha (ka-a'-ha), n. [Ka, the, and aha.] 1. Cord braided from the husk of the coconut. Syn: Aha. 2. Wand or staff of authority used by a priest in blessing the sacri- fice placed on the lele (altar). 3. Same as aha, a species of fish. Kaahaaha (ka'-a-ha-a'-ha), v. 1. To grow; to increase in size and so- lidity. 2. To grow thriftily, as in plant life. KAA 230 KAA Kaahale (ka'a-ha'-le), n. [Kaa, a cart, and hale, house.] A house- like cart or carriage. Kaahe (ka'a-he'), v. [Ka, the, and ahe, slight breathing.] 1. To be feeble; to be near dying: Pehea o Auhea? Aole akaka ka pono ke kaahe ae la. 2. To labor for breath. Kaahele (ka'a-he'-le), v. [Kaa and hele, to go.] To travel about; to visit different parts of the coun- try; to go here and there. To pass over or through a country. Kaai (ka-a'i), n. Sash; belt; any- thing used as a girdle: Poai, ohao aku i ke kaai; Encircle and tie with a girdle. Kaai (ka-a'i), v. 1. To bind or tie round; to gird on, as an oriental dress; to tie on, as a fillet on the head, or a girdle around the waist. Syn: Kaei. 2. [Ka, to tear or root up, and ai, food.] To take up food out of the soil; to gather the crop: ia makou e kaai ana, when we were pulling the crop. Kaakaa (ka'a-ka'a), v. 1. To open, as the eyes; to look upon; to have respect for; to watch over. See hookaakaa. 2. To cause to open, as the eyes. 3. To watch: E noho oe e kaakaa i ka hale; you stay and watch the house. Kaakaahiki (ka'a-ka'a-hi'-ki), v. To be actively employed; to be enthu- siastic in any endeavor to attain or gain. Kaakaalina (ka'a-ka'a-li'-na), adj. 1. Tough; stringy; not soft or pulpy; applied to bananas. 2. Viscid; gluey. 3. Well seasoned; juicy. Kaakaawili (ka'a-ka'a-wl'-li), v. To writhe in agony: hookaakaawili iho la oia no kona ehaeha, he writhed much, being in great pain. Kaakalolo (ka'a-ka'-16'-lo), adj. Des- titute; forsaken; in condition of extreme poverty. Kaakalolo (ka'a-ka'-16'-lo), v. [Kaa, to roll about, ka, article the, and lolo, brain.] To be upset or dis- turbed in the mind because desti- tute. Kaakaua (ka'a-ka'u-a), adj. Dexter- ous in warfare. Kaakaua (ka'a-ka'u-a), n. 1. A class of chiefs consulted by the king in times of difficulty: he alii kaakaua, he alii akamai i ke kaa- kaua; koho oia i kekahi poe ka- naka akamai i ke kakaolelo, ame ke kaakaua, i mau hoaolelo nona. 2. One skillful in managing war operations: o ka mea akamai i ke kaua, he kaakaua ia. Kaakaua also refers to the maneuvers of the armies in time of battle. 3. (Mod.) A chariot; a war carriage. Kaakaua (ka'a-ka'u-a), v. [Kaa, to roll about, and kaua, to battle.] To ma- neuver in warfare to manage in the disposition of fighting forces. Kaakolu (ka'a-ko'-lu), adj. Three- fold; three-stranded, as a rope. Kaakua (ka'a-ku'-a), adv. Fraudu- lently: kukini, alalia, pili nui la- kou, pili hihia, pili kaakua. Race and then bet all together; bet pro- miscuously, bet fraudulently. Kaakua (ka'a-ku'-a), n. Same as kaakukua. Kaakukua (ka'a-ku'-ku'-a), n. [Kaa, rolling, and kukua, backward and forward.] Headache accompanied with dizziness. Kaakumu (ka'a-ku'-mu), adj. Same as the adjective, kumumu. Kaala (ka-a'-la), n. 1. A mountain on the island of Oahu. 2. A lake or spring on Mount Kaala which is said to have taken its name from the mountain: Nani Kaala, he kiowai, na ke kehau." Beautiful is Kaala, fountain of the dewdrops. 3. A beautiful woman of Lanai described in Hawaiian mythology. Kaala (ka'-a-la'), n. 1. An instru- ment formerly used in war. 2. A form of fighting anciently taught among the chiefs: He nui ka poe ao i ke kaka laau me ke kaala; many people learned to fence and to sling the ala. Kaala (ka'-a-la'), v. [Ka, to hurl, and ala, stone used as an implement of war.] To sling the ala. Kaalaala (ka'-a'-la-a'-la), adj. Hard; vigorous, as the healthy body of a growing infant; a kaalaala ke ke- iki e hanai i ka ai; as the child becomes vigorous, feed it. Kaalalo (ka'a-la'-lo), v. [Kaa, to move, and lalo, down.] 1. To di- rect a vessel's course off the wind. Kaalalo ae nei makou ia Oahu: We sailed on the lee side of Oahu. 2. To talk inconsistently by way of flattery; to flatter; to act man- ly to secure some object. 3. To contradict one's self in talking or in telling a story. KAA 231 KAA Kaalele (ka'a-le'-le), v. 1. To sway, as a leeble person attempting to lean on a staff; to reel. 2. To move unsteadily in walking, as one affected with palsy or dizzi- ness. Kaalelewa (ka'a-le-le'-wa), adj. 1. Flying; driven with the wind; standing off and on, as a ship off port; driven about in the air or on the sea. 2. Rolling in the wind: na ao kaalelewa, rolling clouds. Kaalelewa (ka'a-le'-le'-wa), n. [Kaa, to roll, le, contraction of lele, to fly, and lewa, the upper regions of the air.] A rolling or rotating of anything in the air; rotation sky- ward. The word is used in de- scription of clouds which float swiftly through the air. It ap- plies to any object gyrating through the atmosphere. Kaaluna (ka'a-lu'-na), v. [Kaa, to go or roll over, and luna, one over others in command.] 1. To domi- neer over; to be overbearing. 2. To sail against the wind, indicat- ing a direction opposite to that of kaalalo. See kaalalo. Kaamakoi (ka-a'-ma'-ko'i), n. Thread used to attach the fish-hook to the fishing line. Kaamakoi (ka-a'-ma'-ko'i), v. To tie or attach the fish-hook to the line. Kaamaloo (ka'a-ma-lo*o), v. [Kaa and maloo, dry.] To wipe dry; to dry, as with a cloth. Kaamaluna (ka'a-ma-lu'-na), v. [Kaa and maluna, above.] To oversee business ; to exercise an office over others. Kaamehai (ka'a-me-ha'i), n. An ille- gitimate child. Kaamehai (ka'a-me-ha'i), v. [Kaa, to pass out from, me, with, and hai, another person.] To be unlawfully begotten. Kaamehou (ka-a'-me'-ho'u), n. Pro- i cess of attaching the fish-hook to the fish-line by the kaa. Kaamehou (ka-a'-me'-ho'u), v. To tie I the fish-hook to the fishing line | with a new kaa or threadlike j string. See kaa. Kaamola (ka'a-mo'-la), adj. 1. Turn-' ing round; changing; not stead- fast. ! Kaamola (ka'a-mo'-la), adv. Loosely. Kaamola (ka'a-mo'-la), v. [Kaa, roll-, ing, and mola, unfixed.] To turn} round loosely; to be not firm; not steadfast; not compact. Kaana (ka'-a'-na), v. 1. To make alike; to make a convert. Ua ka- ana mai ka bipi hihiu maloko o ka bipi laka. 2. To separate into parts for the purpose of allotment; to apportion. Kaaniau (ka'a-nl-a'u), adj. Broken; passed away, as a tabu; noa ke kapu; he kapu ka laua, noa ke kapu, the tabus of the long gods and the short gods are no more. See noa. Kaanini (ka'a-ni'-ni), v. 1. To be agitated; to be flustered. 2. To run in agitation, as a child wish- ing to catch up with its parent who has started before. 3. To writhe. 4. To turn around rapid- ly; to whirl. Kaanoi (ka-a-no'i), n. [Ka, the, anoi, desire.] A desire; an eager wish. Kaao (ka'-a'o), n. Over-ripe condi- tion of fruit. Particularly ascribed to the cone of the hala (pandanus) tree when the nodules begin to fall off. Kaao (ka-a'o), n. A legend; a tale of ancient times; a fable: Aole i oleloia ma na kaao kahiko o ko o nei poe kanaka; it is not spoken of in the ancient legends of this people. See kaa. Kaao (ka-a'o), v. To recite, to nar- rate; applicable only to fictitious and traditionary tales: I ua po nei e kaao ana oia ia makou; on that night he was telling us a story. Kaao (ka'-a'o), v. To be calm in some places while the wind blows on one side or in some parts: kaao ae la ka makani; to be smooth, as the sea in a calm, but not a dead calm. Kaaoe (ka'a-o-e'), adj. Same as kaaowe. Kaaoe (ka'a-o-e'), n. Same as kaa- owe. Kaaoki (ka'a-o'-ki), v. [Kaa, to sep- arate from, and oki, to stop.] 1. To complete; to finish off, as a canoe. 2. To beautify, as in putting on the finish: Kaaoki iho oe i kahi puniu a haawi mai; finish off the puniu (coconut shell cup) and give it to me Kaaokoa (ka'a-6'-k6'-a), adj. 1. Sep- arate. 2. Remaining. 3. Total; undivided. KAA 232 KAE Kaaokoa (ka'a-6'-ko'-a), v. [Kaa, to roll, and okoa, wholly.] To roll off entirely; to separate from as a whole, as: ua kaaokoa ka aie; the debt is wholly paid. See kaokoa. Kaaona (ka'a-o'-na), adj. Red or red- dish brown: me he pua kaaona la, like a blossom dried to a red- dish color. Kaaona (ka'a-o'-na), n. 1. Name of one of the months in the ancient Ha- waiian calendar, varying in differ- ent localities. 2. A bundle of any- thing hung up to dry or smoke; applied to fish, sugar cane, etc., that which is smoked red or brown. Kaaowe (ka'a-6-we'), adj. Poor; des- titute; without means of support. Kaaowe (ka'a-6-we'), n. A person who owns no land; o ka poe aina ole, he kaaowe ia. Syn: Kaaoe. Kaapahu (ka'a-pa'-hu), v. [Kaa, to separate, and apahu, to cut cross- wise. For euphony one "a" is omitted.] To cut off crosswise; to cut square off. Kaapalaoa (ka'a-pa-la'o-a), n. (Mod.) [Kaa, wheel, and palaoa, flour.] 1. A flour mill; a grinding of flour. 2. A thrashing implement. Kaapalaoa (ka'a-pa-la'o-a), v. To grind; to make flour. Kaape (ka'-a'-pe), adj. Disobedient to orders; obstinate; headstrong. Kaape (ka'a-pe'), adj. Servile; cringing; fawning. Kaape (ka'a-pe'), v. To be servile. Kaapeha (ka'a-pe'-ha), adj. 1. Big; corpulent. 2. Distinguished; high in rank; influential. Kaapeha (ka'a-pe'-ha), n. A large, chief-like person of great influ- ence. Kaapeha (ka'-a'-pe-ha'), n. The cas- tor oil plant on Hawaii. Kaapuni (ka'a-pu'-ni), adj. Going or traveling about, or from place to place. Kaapuni (ka'a-pu'-ni), n. 1. The going round, as going round a cir- cle, an island or the world. 2. A voyage by land or sea. Kaapuni (ka'a-pu'-ni), v. [Kaa and puni, around.] To go or roll around; to go round from place to place; to circumambulate; in law, he lunakanawai kaapuni, a circuit judge. Kaau (ka'-a'u), n. Hawaiian numer- al meaning the number forty: hookahi kaau or one forty, that is, one, number forty. Kaauaupuu (ka'-a'u-a'u-pu'u), n. A hard mottled stone used in making ulu or olohu, stones used in games. Well known on the island of Maui as kaauaupuu. Also called huipa. Kaawa (ka'-a'-wa), n. [Ka, dish, and awa, liquor made from awa root.] A large bowl used to strain or mix the awa liquor. Kaawale (ka'a-wa'-le), adj. 1. Emp- ty, as space or a housee. 2. Con- venient; fit. 3. Free; spare; un- occupied: wa kaawale, spare time. 4. Free; that is, unmarried; alone. Kaawale (ka'a-wa'-le), n. 1, A sep- aration of persons or things; a di- vorce. 2. A space between two or more things; an empty space. Kaawale (ka'a-wa'-le), v. [Kaa and wale, only.] 1. To divorce; to be separate, as persons or things; to separate, as friends. 2. To turn or roll freely. 3. To turn invol- untarily or without control. Kaawe (ka'-a'-we), n. 1. Suicide by hanging. 2. (Obs.) A tie or cra- vat: o ke kaawe kekahi mea e nani ai ka a-i kanaka, the cravat is what adorns the neck of a man. (The modern word is lei-ai.) 3. Suspenders. Kaawe (ka'-a'-we), v. 1. To tie any- thing tightly around the throat; to choke by tying the throat. 2. To hang by the neck; to strangle with a cord: Kaawe ia ia iho a make, to commit suicide. [Kaawe gener- ally applies to suicide; li, to a pub- lic execution by hanging.] Kaaweawe (ka'-a'-we-a'-we), n. 1. Oppression of the chest; a disease of the neck and che-st. 2. Sick- ness of the stomach. Kaawela (ka'a-we'-la), n. Jupiter, one of the planets. Syn: Aohoku. Kaawili (ka'a-wi'-li), n. School of any kind of small fish, as iheihe, puhi- kii, etc. Kaawili (ka'a-wi'-li), v. [Kaa and will, to twist.] To writhe in pain. Kaba (ka'-ba), n. Heb. [Biblical.] A cab, a Hebrew dry measure. It is nearly three pints. Kae (ka'e), n. Brink or border of anything; brim or upper edge of. Kae (ka'e), n. Same as hookae. Kae (kae'), v. Same as hookae. Kae (ka'e), v. 1. To have a border or brim. 2. See hauhae. KAE 233 KAE Kaea (ka'e-a), adj. Having no appe- tite. See manawahua, noun (1). Kaea (ka'e-a), n. The loss of appe- tite; no relish for food; o ke kaea pu wale no ia. Laieik. p. 142. Kaea (ka'e-a), v. 1. To have no ap- petite; to lose the appetite for food. Syn: Kanea. Kaee (ka'-e'e), adj. 1. Hard or stiff, as new tapa. 2. Dry. Kaee (ka'-e'e), n. A tall climbing plant, a purgative bean (Mucuna gigantea). Known also as kaiee. Kaee (ka'-e'e), v. To dry up by heat; to evaporate, as water in the sun. He wahi wai, aole i kaee i ka la. Kaeee (ka'-e-e'e), adj. 1. Stiff: Kaeee kela, i ka onohi o kuu maka. See kaee. 2. Ragged. Kaeee (ka'-e-e'e), n. 1. Joy; glad- nes, as at the arrival of a friend. Kaeele (ka-e-e'-le). Same as kaele. Kaeeio (ka-e-e'-lo), v. Same as kai- helo. Kaeeohua (ka-e'-e-o-hu'-a), n. A spe- cial net made to catch small fish like the ohua. Kaeepaoo (ka'-e'e-pa'-o'o), n. A circu- lar pouch-like net made to fish for paoo. Kael (ka'-e'i), n. 1. A belt; a gir- dle; a sash: Ke apo ma ka opu. 2. In geography and astronomy, a zone of the earth or heavens; na hoku o ke kaei, the planets. Kael (ka'-e'i), v. 1. To gird on; to bind on, as a belt around the body: e apo ma ka opu. 2. To put on, as armor or an official or extra garment. 3. To put on, as a mourning dress or a loose garment. Kaeipoo (ka'-ei-po'o), n. (Mod.) 1. A turban. 2. A diadem. Kaeka (ka'-e'-ka), adv. Exceedingly, confusedly twisted: Ua will kaeka ke aho; the line is confusedly tangled. Kaeka (ka'-e'-ka), v. 1. To be en- tangled, as a rope or string; e hihia, e lauwili. 2. To make tan- gled, confused, etc.: Ua kaeka ka upena me ka ia; the net is en- tangled with the fish. Kaekae (ka'e-ka'e), adj. 1. Young, fresh and smooth, as an unmarried woman who is much desired; hence applied to a young and beau- tiful woman. 2. Applied to a ca- noe, new; smooth; without knots, etc.: he waa kaekae. 3. Soft; mel- low; pleasant to the taste, as a well cooked potato. Kaekae (ka'e-ka'e), adj. [Freq. of kae, border.] Having many edges; bordered. Kaekae (ka'e-ka'e), n. [Freq. of kae.] The narrow edge of a rule; edge; border; brim; brink. Kaekae (ka'e-ka'e), v. 1. To be smooth and plump; without pro- tuberances. Kaekae ke olona; kaekae ka umeke. 2. To rub; to make smooth. Kaeke (ka'-e'-ke), n. 1. Small drum made of a coconut shell covered with the skin of the kala fish. 2. Drum beating. 3. Skill in beating a drum: he poe akamai i ke kaeke, skilled in drum beating. Laieik. p. 112. Kaeke (ka'-e'-ke), v. To beat the small drum for the hula dance. Kaekeeke (ka'-e'-ke-e'-ke), n. 1. Drum made of the coconut shell. 2. The art of drumming: oia ka wa i laha mai ai ke kaekeeke. Kaekeeke (ka'-e'-ke-e'-ke), v. To beat or play the drum: e pai pahu, a hookanikani. Syn: Kaeke. Kaela (ka'e-la), n. A beam, brace of crosspiece. See kaola. Kaele (ka'-e'-le), adj. 1. Empty. 2. Partially filled, as a calabash with fish or food, leaving some empty space at the top, 3. Incomplete; unfinished. Kaele (ka'-e'-le), adv. In part; not entirely; not wholly. Kaele (ka'-e'-le), v. To be in great numbers. (The word is used to express wonder, surprise, amaze- ment, etc.) Kaele hoi kanaka o kela wahi! Many are the people in that place. Katleloi (ka'-e'-le-15'i), n. The sound of the drum in ancient times; the roll of the drum. Kaelewaa (ka'-e'-le-wa'a), n. 1. An unfinished boat or canoe. He waa i kapili ole ia i ka laau. See ka- ele. 2. The unfinished design of a canoe. Kaelo (ka-e'-lo), n. [Ka, belonging to, and elo, wet.] The name of one of the months in the ancient Hawaiian calendar, varying in dif- ferent localities. David Malo says Kaelo was equivalent to January. Kaena (ka'-e'-na), adj. Boastful; self- opinionated. KAE 234 KAH Kaena (ka'-e'-na), adv. With certain- ty; surely; without error, etc.; no ko'u ike i ka maikai, ko'u mea no ia i olelo kaena ai, from any knowledge of beauty, I can speak with confidence. Kaena (ka'-e'-na), n. 1. High mind- edness; pride; self-exaltation. 2. Same as keena. Kaena (ka'-e'-na), v. To boast; to glory; to brag; to be conceited: auhea la ka mea nui i kaena ai ou- kou ia oukou iho? Where is the great thing for which you boast yourselves? Kaenakoi (ka-e'-na-ko'i), n. [Ka, ar- ticle the, and enakoi, anus.] The anus. (Used in the abusive ex- pression, E hele oe a i kaenakoi, nearly equivalent to "Go to hell.") Kaeo (ka'-e'o), adj. Full, as a cala- bash with food: he aloha i ka ipu kaeo, love for the full calabash. Kaeo (ka-e'-o), n. Same as keeo. Kaeueu (ka'-e'u-e'u), n. Joy; delight; gratification; excitement. See eueu. Kaeueu (ka'-e'u-e'u), v, 1. To be the larger, as of two ropes or pieces of wood joined together. 2. To be big. 3. To excel; to go beyond. Kaha (ka'-ha), n. 1. A scratch; a mark; a letter. 2. In mathemat- ics, a line. 3. A strip of land along the shore; barren land. 4. Channel of a stream. See kahawai. 5. [Mod.] A kind of cloth striped lengthwise. Also known as halua. Kaha (ka-ha'), n. Largeness; fat- ness; plumpness: aohe io o ke kaha. Kaha (ka'-ha), v. 1. To scratch; to mark the surface of; to write; to make indefinite marks. 2. To. cut; to hew, as timber. 3. To=C2=ABrCut open, as a fish, animal, or person. 4. To depart from a straight course; to start aside. 5. To keep clear of; to withdraw from and go a different way, as in avoiding any obstruction. 6. To shoot off for the shore on incoming surf. (Laieik. p. 92.) 7. To cover over completely as by a great tidal wave. (A word used by an ancient alii (chief) of Hamakua, Hawaii, in describing the desolation caused by a famine: Ua kaha aku la ka nalu o kuu aina; Literally, the surf of my land, or place, has swept everything away. Surf here means famine.) 8. To desolate; to sweep away; to oppress; to cre- ate general destruction. Kaha (ka-ha'), v. To be fat; to be plump; to be full, as a well-fed animal. Kahaakua (ka'-ha-a'-ku'-a), n. [Kaha, marks, and akua, god.] 1. A track of a god in a desert place. 2. The home of ghosts; place of evil spirits. Kahaapo (ka'-ha-a'-po), n. [Kaha, marks, and apo, hoop. Lit: an embracing mark.] 1. The circum- ference; he umi kapuai ke kaha- apo o kekahi; ten feet is the cir- cumference of some. 2. In gram- mar, brackets. Kahaea (ka'-hii-e'a), n. 1. A disease, thrush, when it spreads over the body. See ea. 2. [Kaha, to de- prive of, and ea, life or breath.] One who deprives others of their natural rights. 3. A certain for- mation or cluster of clouds fore- shadowing future events. It was such a cloud formation that warned Keopulupulu of his death by Ka- hahana. 4. A singular bluish ap- pearance of the sky in the morn- ing; a sign of rain; he kahaea ia, he aouli ua ia. Kahaea (ka'-ha'-e'-a), v. To extend over the heavens as a cloud, varie- gated, black, white, blue, etc.: Kahaea ka lani i na ao; The sky is overcast with clouds. Va oiiiaomao ka lani, ua kahaea hina, Fa pini ka maka o na hoku. The sky is clear : above is open ; The eyes of the stars sparkle. Kahaha (ka'-ha'-ha'), interj. An ex- pression of wonder, surprise or dis- pleasure. (Hawaiians in the use of this word express a great va- riety of shades of meaning, ac- cording to the tone of voice, etc.) Kahaha (ka'-ha'-ha'), v. 1. To won- der or be surprised at a thing; to be astonished at the sight of a thing or at an idea expressed by one; to marvel. 2. To hiss at; to treat with contempt. 3. To be in doubt or perplexity at what one sees or hears, and knows not how to account for; to think a thing strange. 4. To doubt; to hesitate. (This word is used with manao or naau to express doubt.) KAH 235 KAH Kahahaia (ka'-ha'-ha'-i'a), v. [Pas- sive of kahaha.] To be doubted: Ua kahahaia kana olelo; his word is doubted. Kahahanai (ka'-ha-ha'n^'i), n. [Kaha, a knot, and hanai] 1. The string that secures the upper part of the koko (net-work which surrounds a calabash). 2. [Mod.] The radius of a circle. Kahahul (ka'-ha-ha'i), n. [Mod.] Kaha, a mark, and hul, to unite.] 1. In music, a brace. 2, In mathe- matics, the plus sign. Kahal (ka'-ha'i), n. A belt or loin band. See kahel. Kahai (ka'-ha'i), v. To tie around; to bind in the form of a circle; to encircle. Kahai (ka'-ha'i), v. 1. To decrease, as a noise; to cease; to abate, as a storm. 2. To revive after faint- ing; to recover temporarily. Kahakaha (ka'-ha-ka'-ha), n. 1. An engraving; a writing. 2. (Obso- lete.) Same as hookahakaha, a display, Kahakaha (ka'-ha-ka'-ha), v. [Freq. of kaha, to mark, scratch, cut off or divide.] 1. To mark frequent- ly; to scarify. 2. To engrave on stone or copper; to write in the sand or upon the ground: aole anei e kahakaha ko kakou naau i kekahi hena o kela kanaka? 3. To cut off; to divide frequently. Kahakahana (ka'-ha-ka'-ha'-na), n. 1. A long narrow piece of anything; a strip: kahakahana lole, a strip of cloth. 2. Any fragment separ- ated lengthwise from the bulk. Kahakai (ka'-ha-ka'i), n. [Kaha, mark, and kai, sea.] 1. The sea- shore. 2. The region of country bordering on the sea. Kahakeleawe (ka'-ha-ke'-le-a'-we), n. [Mod. Kaha, to cut, and keleawe, copper.] 1. A cutting of copper; an engraving: ka mea a ka poe kahakeleawe i hanai. 2. A work- er in copper or brass. Kahakiki (ka'-ha-ki'-ki), v. 1. To make a roaring noise, as of vio- lently rushing waters. 2. To cause a clattering sound, as of heavy rain and wind. Kahakuhi (ka'-ha-ku'-hi), n. [Mod. Kaha, mark and kuhi, to point out.] Any mark or character used to di- rect attention. Kahaia (ka'-ha'-la), n. A species of amber fish (Seriola purpurascens.) Also known as puakahala. Color, light brown with yellow band along whole length of body. Kahalahala (ka'-ha'-la-ha'-la), adj. 1. Tasteless; insipid; without natural flavor. 2. Not savory; unpleasant to the taste. Kahalawai (ka'-ha'-la-wa'i), n. [Ka, article the, and halawai, meeting.] 1. The center; principal point of. 2. Place where the kahuna, priest, performed his official duties, of- fered his prayers, etc. 3. Regions in the unseen where the gods are supposed to abide. Kahalelelepo (ka'-ha'-le-le'-le-po'), n. A general famine when whole households stole out by night to find food. Kahalill (ka'-ha-li'-li), v. To exhibit wrath or displeasure from jeal- ousy. Kahaloa (ka'-ha-lo'-a), n. 1. A set of five tapas made for general use. 2. A set of tapas used with peb- bles in revealing future events or disclosing secrets. Kahana (ka'-ha'-na), n. A valley on the island of Oahu. Kahania (ka'-ha-ni'-a), adj. 1. Clear. 2. Smooth shaven. Kahania (ka'-ha-nl'-a), v. [Kaha, a cut, and nia, smooth.] 1. To be shaven; to be cut close; to be made smooth, as a shaven head: kahania ke poo o ka ohule. 2. To be clear overhead; to be uncloud- ed. 3. To be sour; to have a biting taste: kahania mai nei hoi ka ai, the food has turned sour. Kahapili (ka'-ha-pi'-li), n. [Kaha, a mark, and pili, to touch.] In geom- etry, a tangent of a circle. Kahapoai (ka'-ha-po-a'i), n. [Kaha, a mark, and poai, to surround.] The circumference of a circle. Kahapoohiwi (ka'-ha'-po'o-hi'-wi), n. [Kaha, fat, and poohiwi, shoulder.] The fat or muscle on the shoulder- blade. Kahapuu (ka-ha'-pu'u), n. Same as hapuu. Kahau (ka'-ha'u), n. [Ka, to hurl, and hau, a stick of the hau tree.] A game involving the hurling of light spears made of hau timber. These spears sometimes went whizzing through the air for a dis- KAH 236 KAH tance of two or three hundred fathoms. Kahau (ka'-ha'u), v. [Ka, to brush aside, and hau, dew.] To brush off the dew. This was practiced in trapping grasshoppers. Grass- hoppers were used as food in an- cient Hawaii. Kahau (ka-ha'u), v. 1. To abate, as the wind; pehea ka makani? Ua kahau iki mai, aole ikaika: e holo kakou. 2. To be diminished, as sickness; ua kahau iki mai kou mai, ua pale ka nui. 3. To abate, as a stream of water; kahau ka wai, kokoke pau. Kahau la (ka'-ha-u'-la), adj. Sensual as applied to dreams. See aika- haula and moekahaula. Kahaula (ka'-ha-u'-la), n. A sensual dream. Kahau le (ka'-ha-u'-le), v. To circum- cise. Syn: Kaheule. Kahawai (ka'-ha-wa'i), n. [Kaha, cut, and wai, water.] 1. A brook; a rivulet; a water course; a cas- cade; a stream with frequent rap- ids; any small stream. 2. A ra- vine, wet or dry; any channel formed by water or through which water flows. Kahe (ka'-he), n. A flow of any liquid. Kahe (ka'-he), v. 1. To run, as water; to flow, as a stream or river. 2. To flow, that is, to abound in any substance. 3. To melt; to become liquid. 4. To drop; to trickle, as tears. 5. To flow, as blood from a wound, as froth from the mouth. Kahe (ka'-he), v. 1. To cut or slit longitudinally; to cut off: Kaha omaka, to circumcise after the Hawaiian manner; to castrate. 2. To menstruate. Kahea (ka'-he'a), adj. Foul; filthy. Kahea (ka'-he'a), v. [Hea, to call.] 1. To call any one for any pur- pose. 2. To cry to one for help; to call upon one, as in prayer. 3. To speak; to call aloud. 4. To cry out, as in pain. Kahea (ka'-he'a), v. To be dirty; to be foul; to be corrupt. Kaheawai (ka'-he-a'-wa'i), v. [Kahe, to flow, a, until, wai, water.] 1. To flow; to be soft; to run like water. 2. To become liquid. 3. To pro- ceed en masse; to move in crowds: Kaheawai kanaka, i Aala; the people flocked to Aala (Park). See holomoku. Kahee (ka'-he'e), v. [Ka and hee, to slip; to slide.] 1. To slip flowers along from the needle or manai to the string in making wreaths. 2. To catch fish by means of a scoop net. Kahehi (ka'-he'-hi), v. 1. To slip; to mistake; to slip off. 2. To make a false step; to stumble. Kahei (ka'-he'i), n. 1. A sash; a belt; a band worn as a belt. 2. A sash passing over the shoulders, as a soldier's belt. 3. A cloth for preserving goods. Kahei (ka'-he'i), v. To tie round, as a girdle or belt; to gird on. Syn: Kaei. Kaheka (ka'-he'-ka), n. 1. Natural basin or shallow place on hard pan or rock. 2. Artificial basin or shallow pond where salt is evaporated from the salt water of the sea. Kahekoko (ka'-he-ko'-ko), n. [Kahe, to flow, and koko, blood.] 1. Hem- orrhage: Ua kahe a koko i ka nahua e ke anu; blood flowed from the biting of the cold. 2. An ail- ment of climbers at high eleva- tions, where hemorrhages some- times occurred, attributed by na- tives to the biting cold. Kahela (ka'-he'-la), n. 1. The smooth undulation of the sea where there are no breakers. 2. A wide ex- panse of land or water with wavy outline. 3. The swell of the sea when it comes from the south along the western shore of the isl- and of Hawaii. Kahela (ka'-he'-la), v. 1. To move backward and forward, or up and down on a swell of the sea. 2. To move along, as the billows: Kahela ka nalu o ka pae lauhala, Hooaiai ke kai koo o Maliu-e. Billows sweep along the lauhala bank. The surf of Maliii-e sparkles. Kahelahela (ka'-he'-la-he'-la), v. To lie spread out, as the sea or as a person asleep. See kahela: Ku- hela, kahelahela ka lai o Lele; The swell of the sea spreads along the quiet of Lele. Kahele (ka'-he'-le), n. [Ka, the, and hele, going.] Anything used to decorate the persons about to start on a journey, as flowers, wreaths, leaves, etc. KAH 237 KAH Kahenawal (ka'-he'-na'-wa'i), n. [Lit. kahe-na-wai, flowing of water.] A brook; running water. Kaheu (ka'-he'u), v. To weed, as in a garden; to put a garden in or- der; to stir up the dirt, pull up the weeds, grass, etc. See heu, v. Kaheule (ka'-he-u'-le), v. To circum- cise. Syn: Kahe. Kaheumiumi (ka'-he-u'-mi-u'-mi), n., and V. Same as kahiumiumi. Kahewa (ka'-he'-wa), v. To miss; to make an attempt but not succeed; to be foiled in an attempt. Kahl (ka'-hi), adj. and pron. Some; someone; consisting of a portion =E2=80=94 used to express an indefinite quantity, number or place. Kahi (ka'-hi), adv. and conj. Be- sides; as well; moreover; also: O ka ia kahi na ke akua; the fish also for the god. Kahi (ka'-hi), n. A place; some definite place spoken of or under- stood; it does not admit of the definite article; often synonymous with wahi. Kahi kuai, a market place, or simply a market; ma kahi e aku, at another place. Kahi (ka'-hi), v. 1. To rub gently with the thumb and finger. 2. To comb, as the hair. (The idea is from the motion of rubbing, pol- ishing.) 3. To cut; to shave, as the beard. 4. To slit open, to cut longitudinally: kahi i ka opu, kahe i ka omaka. Kahiau (ka'-hl-a'u), adj. 1. Lavish of gifts; wasteful of property by indiscriminate giving: he kanaka kahiau. See kihikau, v. 2. Fin- ished; complete in every respect. Kahiau (ka'-hi-a'u), v. To finish or complete in a workmanlike man- ner; to bring to completeness: E kahiau i ka umeke a mikioi, finish off the calabash until mikioi, per- fect. Kahihi (ka'-hi'-hi), n. Entangle- ment; perplexity. Kahihi (ha'-hl'-hi), v. [See hlhl.] 1. To entangle; to choke, as weeds do plants. 2. To sue one at law; to cause one to be entangled with a law or tabu. 3. To entangle one by accusing him; to slander. 4. To block up an entrance: ua kahihi ka puka o ka hale e ka upena na- nana, the door of the house was stopped with a spider's web. Kahikahl (ka'-hi-ka'-hi), n. A gentle massage practiced by those skilled in the art of lomilomi (rubbing). Kahikahi (ka'-hi-ka'-hi), v. [Freq. of kahi, to rub.] 1. To rub continu- ously. 2. To draw the thumb and fingers very gently and with a slight pressure forward and back- ward over any part of the body. 3. To scratch rapidly with any sharp instrument. Kahikakaka (ka'-hi-ka-ka'-ka), n. [Kahi, place, and kakaka, to cleanse with water.] 1. A place of cleansing. 2. A pool supplied by a little stream of water in front of the halepea; a place to wash. See halepea. Kahikalena (ka'-hi-ka'-le'-na), v. To complete; to finish; to dispose of a matter so that nothing remains: Ke anai mai, kahikalena ku i kapa; to push is to complete to the limit. Kahiki (ka'-hl'-ki), n. (It takes no article.) 1. The general name of any foreign country: hai mai la oia i na 'Hi i kona holo i kahiki; he told the chiefs of his sailing to a foreign country; hence, holoka- hiki means any Hawaiian who has been to a foreign land. Kahiko (ka'-hi'-ko), adj. Old; an- cient; that which is long past: poe kahiko, the ancients, the old people; wa kahiko, old time. Kahiko (ka'-hi'-ko), n. 1. The name of the first man upon the Hawaii- an islands according to some gene- alogies: ua i hou ia mai, ma ka mookuauhau i kapaia Ololo, he kane ia kanaka mua loa, o Kahiko kona inoa, it is said again, in the genealogy called Ololo, that the very first inhabitant was a man whose name was Kahiko. The question here discussed is whether the first person on the islands was a man or woman. (D. Malo, chap- ters 3 and 4.) 2. An elderly per- son; an old man; elua mau mea kahiko, e kipakuia'na, e hele pela, two old men, they were being driven away. Syn: poohina. Kahiko (ka'-hi'-ko), n. 1. Garments in general. 2. Distinguishing or- naments or robes; equipment for service. 3. The furniture of a house, especially handsome costly furniture; e hookupu paha no ko lakou waiwai, ko lakou kahiko o ka hale. KAH 238 KAH Kahiko (ka'-hi'-ko), v. To be or be- come old; to fade, as a flower or leaf: ua kahiko e, to become old prematurely; to be ancient. Kahiko (ka'-hl'-ko), v. 1. To dress; to put on apparel. 2. To adorn, or deck; to cover in the way of apparel. 3. To furnish with equip- ment for service. 4. To invest with mark or sign of distinction, Laieik. p. 112. Kahikohiko (ka'-hi'-k6-hi'-ko), v. Freq. of kahiko, to dress, to adorn, etc. Kahikokaua (ka'-hl'-ko-ka'u-a), adj. Word descriptive of possessions requisite in warfare, as: hale kahikokaua, house for fighting equipment, etc. Kahikokaua (ka'-hi'-k6-ka'u-a), n. Equipage for war; array or dress for battle. Kahikolu (ka'-hi-ko'-lu), adj. Three- fold; three in one. Kahikolu (ka'-hi-ko'-lu), n. [Mod.] Three in one; the Trinity; used only in the Scriptural sense; the Godhead, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Kahili (ka'-hi'-li), n. [Ka and hili, to plat; to twist.] 1. A brush made of feathers bound to a stick; a broom. (Probably originally used as a fly-brush.) 2. The large brushes used by the chiefs; they were symbols of royalty on all public occasions. Kahili (ka'-hi'-li), v. 1. To brush; to sweep, as with a broom; to sweep, as a house; to wipe or free from dust. 2. To sweep away, as the wind blows away light substances; hence, 3. To destroy. 4. To change; to be changeable. Kahilihili (ka'-hi'-li-hi'-li), v. [Freq. of kahili, to brush.] 1. To use a light kahili or duster rapidly as in sweeping. 2. To scatter away; to brush off. as small dust or light substances. Kahimoe (ka'-hi-mo'-e), n. [Kahi, place, and moe, to sleep.] A sleeping place; a bedstead. Kahina (ka'-hl'-na), v. [Ka and hina, to fall.] 1. To fall before one; to be the victim of one's intrigue or displeasure. 2. To supplant; to take advantage of one. Kahinalii (ka'-hl'-na-li'i), n. Proper name of a celebrated chief in whose days was a great flood; hence, kaiakahinalii, the flood. Syn: Hinalii. Kahinu (ka'-hl'-nu), v. (See hinu.) 1, To rub over with oil; to anoint. 2. To rub over or anoint, as a sac- rifice. 3. To rub or grease the runners of a sled. See holua. Kahio (ka'-hi-o'), n. 1. A leaning; walking with a swaying motion. See hio. 2. Variation from the perpendciular. Kahiohio (ka'-hi'o-hi'o), v. To be slightly intoxicated. Kahiolona (ka'-h!-6'-16-na'), adj. Of cutting or peeling olona: ma ka hale kahiolona, at the house for cutting olona. Laieik. p. 206. Kahiumiumi (ka'-hi-u'-mi-u'-mi), n. A beard cutter, that is, a barber, Syn: Kaheumiumi. Kahiumiumi (ka'-hi-u'-mi-u'-mi), v, [Kahi and umiumi, beard,] To shave off the beard. Kahoa (ka'-ho'-a), v. 1. To inter- cede; to appeal in behalf of. 2. To strike violently, as with a club or stone; to break by the use of extra force: E kahoa aku oe i ke poo o Malea; break Malea's head. Kahoahoa (ka'-h6'-a-h5'-a), v. To in- tercede for; to mediate in behalf of: E kahoahoa aku kau pule imua o Kane i loaa mai ke ola-iki, ke ola-nui a me ke ola a kau ka puaneane, let your prayer inter- cede with Kane that you may re- ceive the little life, the greater life and the eternal life, Kahoaka (ka'-ho-a'-ka), n. 1, The spirit or soul of a person still liv- ing, supposed to be seen by priests; nona ia kahoaka e hihia nei, he uhane, he haili, he uhane kakaola, 2. A phantom; specter, Kahoho (ka'-ho'-ho'), interj. Oh! Oh, my! any exclamation of won- der, amazement, surprise, etc. Kahoho (ka'-ho'-ho'), v. To cry out in wonder. Kahoi (ka-ho'i), v. Same as kaohi, Kahokai (ka-ho-ka'i), v, 1, To mix up. 2. To mix with two ingre- dients, as earth and water. Kaholo (ka'-ho'-lo), adj. Hasty; quick; nimble; swift. Kaholo (ka'-ho'-lo), v. 1. To pro- gress rapidly; to be speedy. 2. To sew with long stitches. Kahonua (ka'-ho'-nu'a), n. 1, The side or bank of a water-course; KAH 239 KAH the bank or footing on the border of a stream. 2. Place where ca- noes rest or touch ground when approaching a landing. Kahookui (ka'-ho'o-ku'i), n. [Ka, the, and hookui, a joining.] 1. Place of meeting; a designated place of assembly. 2. Place appointed by the priests to meet the gods: E na aumakua mai ka lahiki a ka lakau; No, all ye gods from East to West. Mai ka paa iluna a ka paa ilalo; From the eternal heav- ens to the everlasting depths. Mai ka hookui a ka halawai; from the assembly to the place. Kahu (ka'-hu), n. 1. An honored or upper servant; a guardian or nurse for children. Hence, 2. A feeder; a keeper; a provider: kahu hipa, a shepherd. Kahu (ka'-hu), v. 1, To bake in the ground as Hawaiians do; to cook food. 2. To kindle or make a fire; to burn, as lime in a pit; to burn, as brick; to burn; to con- sume. Syn: Puhi. Kahu umu, to bake in an oven. (A contracted form is kahumu.) 3. To burst forth in sentiment, rage, etc. E kahu ana ko ia nei, inaina; this one's wrath is bursting forth. 4. Same as hookahu, to be or act the part of a high servant or guard- ian. Kahua (ka'-hu'-a), n. 1. The pre- pared foundation of a house, that is, the ground cleared off and lev- eled down on which to set up a building: ua maikai ke kahua o kekahi hale; the place (for the foundation) of the house is good. 2. An open space proper for an encampment; a camp ground: ka- kua kaua, a camp. 3. A place: kahua hehi palaoa, a thrashing floor; kahua mokomoko, a place where people assembled to wres- tle. Laieik. p. 42. Kahua (ka-hu'-a'), n. [Ka and huwa, envy.] Envy. Kahua (ka'-hil'-a), v. [Ka, to send forth, and hua, a word.] 1. To designate; to point out; to direct. 2. To make plain; to expound: E kahua mai oe na makou, make plain to us. Kahuahale (ka-hu'-a-ha'-le), n. [Ka- hua and hale, a house.] 1. The foundation of a house. See kahua. 2. A town; a village; a cluster of houses. Kahuahanene (ka-hii'-a-ha'-ne'-ne), n. [Kahua and hanene, low; vulgar.] A place used for pleasure and vile purposes. Kahuahi (ka'-hu-a'-hi), n. [Kahu,ser- i vant, and ahl, fire.] One who has 1 the care of the fire; a fire builder. Kahuahi (ka'-h\i-a'-hi), v. 1. To build a fire. 2. To tend a fire. Kahuahoouka (ka-hfi'-a-ho'o-u'-ka), n. [Kahua and hoouka, to attack.] 1. A battle ground; a place se- lected for the contest of two ar- mies. 2. Place used for any com- petitive sports or contests of any description. I Kahuai (ka'-hu-a'i), n. A baker; one I who prepares or cooks the food. Kahuai (ka'-hu-a'i), v. [Kahu, to i bake, and al, food.] To bake food in the ground. Kahuaina (ka'-hu-a'i-na), n. [Kahu and aina, land.] The head man of a division of land. Kahuakaua (ka-hu'-a-ka'u-a), n. [Ka- hua, a place, and ikoi, an offensive j weapon.] A place used to teach j the use of the ikoi. I Kahuakaua (ka-hu'-a-ka'u-a), n. [Ka- hua and kaua, war.] A field of battle. Kahuakua (ka'-hu-a-ku'-a), n. [Kahu, a guardian or caretaker, and akua, a god.] One whose office it is to take care of a god; one engaged about the altar; a priest. Kahualea (ka-hu'-a-le'a), n. [Kahua, place of action, and lea or lealea, pleasure, play, etc.] Place where people assembled for play, gaming or other pastime. Kahuamalka (ka-hu'-a-ma'i-ka), n. The path or groove made for play- ing the game maika. See maika. Kahuaole (ka-hu-a-5'-le), n. [Kahua, foundation, and ole, not.] 1. A good for nothing person; a useless person. 2. A person or thing with no foundation; one without char- acter. Kahuaomalio (ka'-hu'-a-o-mfi-li'o), n. [Kahua, foundation, and malio, the first dawn of morning light.] 1. Literally, the source of light and comfort. 2. Figuratively, the source of life's enjoyments, such as food, fish, mats and all the fruits of the land. 3. [Kahua, place, o, of, Malio, name of a KAH 240 KAH mythical woman who gave up wholly to sensual pleasures. Ma- llo's place.] Figuratively, place of all sensual enjoyments. Kahua-pahee (ka-hu'-a-pa-he'e), n. 1. The level ground or floor where the game of pahee was played. 2. An athletic field. Kahubaka (ka'-hu-pa'-ka), n. [Mod. Kahu and baka, tobacco.] A ser- vant of the chiefs who has charge of their tobacco, lights their pipes, smokes a little himself, and pre- sents it to his master. Kahubipi (ka'-hu-pl'-pi), n. [Kahu and bipi, an ox or cow.] A keeper of cattle; a herdsman. Kahuhipa (ka'-hu-hl'-pa), n. [Kahu and hipa, sheep.] A shepherd. Kahuia (ka'-hu-i'a), v. Passive form of kahu, to bake. Kahuilaokalani (ka-hu-i'-la-o-ka-la'-ni), n. [Ka, the, huila, lightning flash, o, of, ka lani, heaven or heavens. The lightning flash of the heavens.] 1. One of the names of Kalaipahoa, supposed to be a god from a foreign country, who entered the nioi, a tree on Lanai and Molokai, hence, 2. The tree called by his name; it is very poisonous. (Ancient natives in- vested the lightning with a divin- ity.) Kahukahu (ka'-hii-ka'-hu), n. The offerings or sacrifice of the first fruits consecrated to the gods. Kahukahu (ka'-hii-ka'-hu), v. To of- fer sacrifice of the first fruits to the gods or aumakuas. Kahuki (ka'-hu'-ki), n. Rottenness; corruption; putrefaction, especially of animal bodies. Kahuki (ka'-hu'-ki), v. To be cor- rupt; to be rotten. Syn: Palaka- huki. Kahukula (ka'-hu-ku'-la), n. [Mod. Kahu and kula, school.] 1. A school committee. 2. One having charge of schools. Kahuli (ka'-hu'-li), n. A change; an overthrow; an overturning. Kahuli (ka'-hu'-li), n. 1. The sing- ing or sounds attributed by the Hawaiians to land shells. "E lohe auanei oe i ka leo o na kahuli e Ikuwa ana; You will hear the voices of the kahuli in chorus. 2. The shells or snails themselves. Kahuli (ka'-hu'-li), v. To be changed; to be turned round; to be upset (intransitive). Hookahuli is the transitive form. Kahulihuli (ka'-hu'-li-hu'-li), adj. Un- steady; moving to and fro. See lull. Kahulihuli (ka'-hii'-li-hii'-li), v. 1. To be unsettled; to be unsteady in purpose. 2. To sway, reel or tot- ter; to be vacillating; to be tossed about frequently, as a ship in a storm; to rock; to wave; to stand in a tottering manner. See lull. Kabul io (ka'-hu-li'-o), n. [Kahu and lio, a horse.] One who tends or feeds a horse. Kahului (ka'-hii-lii'-i), n. A contest on a broad, open plain. Ina he kahua akea a malaelae, he kahului ke kaua kupono ma ia kahua; If there is a wide field clear of obstruc- tions, kahului is the kind of kaua (contest) proper for that field. Kahumoku (ka'-hu-mo'-ku), n. [Kahu and moku, a ship.] A mate of a ship; specifically, the second mate. Kahumu (ka-hu'-mu), n. [Contrac- tion of kahu and umu, to bake in an oven.] To bake in an oven. Kahumu (ka-hu'-mu), v. To bake in an oven; to bake, as taro. Kahuna (ka'-hu'-na), n. [Kahu and ana, a cooking.] 1. A general name applied to such persons as have a trade, an art, or who prac- tice some profession. Some quali- fying term is generally added; as, kahuna lapaau, a physician; ka- huna pule, a priest; kahuna kalai laau, a carpenter; kahuna kala, a silversmith; kahuna kalai, an en- graver. 2. Generally in ancient Hawaii the word kahuna without any qualifying term, refers to the priest or the person who offered sacrifices: O ka mea pule i ka ke alii heiau, he kahuna pule ia. Kahuna (ka'-hu'-na), v. To exercise one's profession; to act the part of a professional person or kahuna. Kahunaanaana(ka'-hu'-na-a'-na-a'-na'), n. [Kahuna and anaana, sorcery.] One who uses divination or sor- cery, especially one who "prays a person to death"; that is, causes death by witchcraft. Kahunaao (ka'-hu'-na-a'o), n. [Mod. kahuna, priest and ao, to teach.] 1. A preacher. 2. One whose business it is to impart knowledge to men. KAH 241 KAI K ah una ha i (ka'-hu'-na-ha'i), n. [Ka- huna and hal, to tell.] One who speaks publicly; a preacher. (The full form is kahunahai olelo.) Kahunahoopiopio (ka'-hu'-na-ho'o-pi'o- pi'o), n. [Kahuna and hoopiopio, to practice sorcery.] A priest or one who practices sorcery in con- nection with his priestly office. Kahunahuna (kii'-hu'-na-hu'-na), n. [Ka and hunahuna, small par- ticles.] 1. Small particles. 2. A sprinkling of anything. Kahunahuna (ka'-hu'-na-hu'-na), v. To sprinkle; to sprinkle a little salt upon meat; to sprinkle salt or water in small quantities; e kapi awaawa ole i ka paakai. Kahunakalai (ka'-hu'-na-ka'-lai), n. [Kahuna and kalai, to hew.] 1. One who hews out canoes; a carpenter generally. 2. An expert in sculp- ture; one who hews, cuts, shapes, etc., in wood or stone. Kahunakii (ka'-hu'-na-ki'i), n. 1. A priest who ministers in the wor- ship of idols. 2. A foreteller; an adviser; a counselor. There are several forms of this term; as, kahuna o na kii, kahunapule kii aoao. 3. The director and guide of the high chief or king in things relating to war; ma ka wa e kaua ai, o ke kahunakii ka mea alakai mua i ke alii nui ma kana oihana. Kahunalapaau (ka'-hu'-na-la'-pa-a'u), n. [Kahuna and lapaau, to heal.] A physician; a doctor of medicine. Kahunapele (ka'-hu'-na-pe'-le), n. 1. The priest or priestess of Pele. 2. The worshipers of Pele. Kahunapule (ka'-hu'-na-pu'-le), n. [Kahuna and pule, prayer.] A priest; one who publicly officiates in the exercises of religion. The modern word for any clergyman or preacher of the gospel. Kahupuaa (ka'-hu-pu'-a'a), n. [Kahu and puaa, swine.] A swine herd, Kahuumu (ka'-hu-u'-mu), n. One who cooks or bakes food. Kahuumu (ka'-hu-u'-mu), v. To bake food in an oven; to cook food gen- erally. See kahu and umu, oven. Kahuwai (ka'-hu-wa'i), n. [Kahu and wai, water.] 1. One who has the charge or oversight of the division of water. 2. See kahawai. Kai (ka'i), adj. Same as hukakai. Kai (kai), adv. A long time; kai ka hana loa ia oe, very long the time you were doing it; e hana loa kai ka loihi, it is long to do, how very long. See kai, interj. Kai (kai), interj. Is that so? Huh? Any word expressing displeasure; annoyance, vexation. Kai (kai), interj. An exclamation denoting wonder, surprise, aston- ishment, etc. How; how much; how great: Kai ka nani! O how glorious! Kai ka hemolele! How excellent! Renowned; wonderful; kai ka luhi, what a weariness. Kai (ka'i), n. 1. The sea; sea water; a flood: kai hooee, an overflowing flood; the surf of the sea: kai ula, the red sea; kai piha, the full sea or flood tide; kai make, the dead sea or ebb tide; kai koo, a very high surf, etc. (See these compounds). 2. A current in the sea; he kai i Hawaii, a current towards Hawaii. 3. Brine. 4, Gravy of roast meat; broth. Kai (ka'i), n. 1. A net for fish; a snare for birds; a noose used as a trap. 2, A decayed tooth. Kai (ka'i), v. 1. To try or learn to walk. 2. To lead; to show the way. 3. To direct with authority; to have charge of, as ke kai ana o ka aha. 4. To draw on by the offer of some good, real or ap- parent. Kai (ka'-i), v. To pull up and out of the soil. Applied to the tak- ing up of root crops or weeds; to pull up, as taro or potatoes. Kaiahuakai (ka'i-a-hu'-^-ka'i), n. A large company traveling together. Syn: Huakai. Kaiahuakai (ka'i-a-hu'-a-ka'i), v. [Kai and huakai, a large company.] 1. To lead a large traveling company. 2. To move onward in great num- bers. Kaiahulu (ka'i-a-hQ'-lu), n. The sea in great agitation, so as to be white. Kaiahulu (kai-a-hu'-lu), v. [Kai, sea, and hulu, hairy.] To be in a foam, as the sea agitated greatly by the winds; to act, as the sea when current and wind are contrary. Kaiakahinalii (ka'i-a-ka-hi'-na'-li'i), n. [Kai, sea, and Hinalii, name of a chief of Hawaii, in whose time there occurred a great flood.] The name of a great flood in ancient times which by tradition covered KAI 242 KAI the whole earth, that is, the Ha- waiian islands. (See the story in D. Malo's Hawaiian Antiquities.) Hence this is the word used for the deluge in Noah's time in a translation of the Scriptures. Kaiakahulumanu (ka'i-a'-ka-hu'-lu-ma'- nu), n. [Kai, sea, and Hulumanu, a favorite of the king, Keawea- weulaokalani of Maui.] The name of the flood yet to come, as Kai- akahinalii is the name of the flood that is past. Kalalii (ka'i-a-li'i), n, A hard rock out of which hatchets were made. Kalalile (ka'i-a'-li'-le), adj. Indolent; lazy; contemptuous. Kaialile (ka'i-a'-li'-le), adj. Unskill- ful; awkward; inexpert: aole e loaa keia mea o ka manao, i ka mea kaialile lomalomaaihalale. Kaialile (ka'i-a'-li'-le), v. To be in- dolent, lazy or indifferent; to treat with contempt any effort to be industrious. Kaianoa (ka'i-a'-no'a), n. 1. A kind of fish-hook made of bone. 2. A decoy made of a shell and used as bait in fishing for aku. Kaiapo (ka'i-a'-po), n. [Kai, sea, and apo, to encircle.] A rising or high tide. The modern word is kaipii or kainui. Kaiau (ka'i-au), n. [Kai, sea, and au, current.] Where the currents move continuously in the ocean; beyond the reef. Syn: Hohonu. Kaiau (ka'i-a'u), n. [Kai, sea, and au, to swim.] 1. Place in the sea beyond a foothold. 2. Place in the sea capable of being swum; a swimmable sea. Kaiau I u (ka'i-a-u'-lu), n. 1. The out- side; the best; the figured one of a set of tapas. Syn: Kilohana. 2. Figuratively, something rather re- markable in appearance. 3. An overhanging cloud. 4. A flat ele- - vation on a mountain trail used as a resting spot. 6. Name of a strong wind off Waianae on the island of Oahu: Pa ka makani, he kaiaulu, i na niu o Pokai. Kaiea (ka'i-e'-a), n. [Kai, sea, and ea, to rise.] A rising tide; a swell- ing of the sea; a spreading over the land. Kaiee (ka'i-e'e), n. [Kai, sea, and ee, to get upon.] 1. A rising tide, a swelling of the sea; a spreading over the sea. Syn: Kaiea. 2. Any extraordinary ocean wave which overflows its natural limit. Kaiee (kai'-e'e), n. The purgative bean. Also called kaee. Kaielo (ka'i-e-lo), n. Same as kai- helo. Kaiemi (ka'i-e'-mi), n. [Kai and emi, to lessen.] A decreasing or falling tide. Syn: Kaimake. Kaiena (kai-e-na), adv. Applied to defective walking. Hele kaiena kela, ua eha. Kaiena (ka'i-e'-na), n. A manner of walking with feet far apart : helei kana hele; his gait is a straddle. Kaiena (ka'i-e'-na), v. To walk with the legs far apart; to sit astride. Kaiewa (ka'i-e'-wa), v. To live as it happens, sometimes well off, some- times in poverty, exalted or de- pressed. Kalewe (ka'-i-e'-we), n. [Ka, the, and iewe, navel string.] 1. The navel cord. 2. A company that follows a sick chief who is seek- ing to regain health. The word is used in a figurative sense to represent the followers of the chief as being the life-giving link between their chief and the un- known, unseen source of life: Ka huakai ke kaiewe o ka Lani. Kalheenalu (ka'i-he'e-na'-lu), n. [Kai, sea, and heenalu, to slide down the surf. A surf-sliding sea.] A place where the sea is favorable for surf-riding. Kaihehee (ka'i-he'-he'e), n. An an- cient tabu to violate which in- volved death by lumai (drowning). Kaihehena (ka'i-he'-he'-na), n. [Kai and hehena, mad.] The raging sea. (The following names of the sea are found in a prayer of Kea- nini: kaikane, kaiwahine, kaipu- pule, kaihehena, kaiulala, kaipiliai- kee. Kaihele (ka'i-he'-le), n. 1. A mov- ing or placing in regular order, as in laying stones in a pavement. 2. First trial of a child in learn- ing to walk. Evidently suggested by the careful manner in which a little child places its feet in its first attempts at walking. 3. A proceeding in a continuous course. Kaihele (ka'i-he'-le), v. 1. To make a move; to transfer a piece (as in a game) from one position to an- other: Kaihele hoi paha kau po- haku i hiki ka'u pohaku ke hele KAI 243 KAI aku; be so good as to move your stone that my stone may go for- ward. (Pertinent to the game of konane.) 2. To advance in pro- cessional order. 3. To walk care- fully, applied only to the first walking of a child. Kaiheleku (ka'i-he'-le-ku), n. Any place in the sea where a footing may be found. Kaihelo (kai'-he'-lo), n. The milk of the coconut mixed with other ingredients for food. Called also kaeelo and kaielo. Kaihi (ka'-i'-hi), n. 1. Dizziness. 2. Something in the head that pro- duces dizziness. Kaihl (ka'-i'-hi), v. 1. To spin round like a top; to be dizzy. 2. To withhold what is another's; to keep back what is forfeited in a game; to seize without ceremony. Kaihohonu (ka'i-h6-h5'-nu), n. [Kal and hohonu, deep.] High tide; full sea; deep water; deep sea. Kaihoi (ka'i-ho'i), n. [Kai and hoi, to return.] A falling or low tide. Kaihua (ka'i-hu'a), n. [Kai, sea, and hua, flowing.] Rising tide; setting in of water from the ocean to shore. Kaii (ka'-i'i), n. [Ka, the, and ii, or Hi, species of the tree fern.] The tree fern. Kali (ka'-i'-i), n. A kind of net for taking fish. Syn: Kaili. Kail (ka'-i'i), v. 1. To strut; to be vain. 2. To deny a request; to turn away from one asking help. 3. To be stingy; to be close-fisted. Kaika (ka'i-ka'), n. 1. A cultivated piece of ground. 2. On wet land the word designates the borders of taro patches. Kalkahi (ka'i-ka'-hi), adj. [Kai, to apportion and kahl, one.] Few; scarce; unfrequent; here and there one. See kakaikahi. Kaikai (ka'i-ka'i), adj. Heavy =E2=80=94 word descriptive of what must be car- ried on an auamo (a carrying stick) or on the shoulder; too heavy to carry in the hand. Kaikai (ka'i-ka'i), v. (See kai.) 1. To lift up, as the hand. 2. To lift or raise up, as the eyes to heaven. Syn: Leha. 3. To lift up or raise, as the voice in com- plaint; kaikai i ka leo. 4. To take up; to bear; to carry upon: kai- kai no laua i ka pahu a hiki ma ka hakae. 5. To take off, as a burden; to carry away; to lift, as a weight. 6. To carry tenderly; to support; to sustain. 7. To pro- mote; to favor; to exalt; to favor. 8. To draw towards one by some hidden agency: Heaha la ka i kaikai mai nei ia'u e ike hou ia oe? What is it that has drawn me to see you again. 9. To be led or urged on, as by strong desire: a na keia kuko, kaikai kino hou ia mai la. =E2=80=94 Laieik. p. 196. Kaikaiapola (kai'-kai'-a-po'-la), n. and V. Same as kakaiapola. Kaikaina (ka'i-ka'i-na), n. The young- er of two brothers or two sisters; used by a brother when speaking of a brother, or a sister of a sis- ter. But if a brother speaks of a sister, or a sister of a brother, it is kaikunane. The word applies to the younger of two or more per- sons of like sex and parentage. Kaikamahine (ka'i-ka'-ma'-hi'-ne), n. I A daughter; a female descendant. (According to analogy this word for daughter should be keikiwa- hine, after the analogy of keiki- kane, but Hawaiians do not use it so.) Kaikaowa (ka'i-ka-o'-wa'), v. 1. (Im- perative.) Seize; take; follow; the word given by Kekuaokalani for seizing boys, fish, etc., that were not his own. 2. To kidnap. 3. To seize and carry away fish, food, etc. (A word used in time of war.) Kaikea (ka'i-ke'-a), n. 1. The fat of hogs or other animals. 2. The sap of a tree. 3. The sapwood, re- sembling in color the fat of an- imals. Kaiki (ka'i-ki), n. Beginning of flood tide; starting of the tide to flow in. Kaikialamea (ka'i-ki-a'-la-me'a), n. 1. A wasting disease like the paaoao in children. 2. A wasting away of the flesh; emaciation. Kaiko (ka'i-ko), n. A constable; a policeman. Syn: Makai. Kaikoakoa (ka'i-ko'a-ko'a), n. 1. Sauce made from the insides of certain fishes and eaten with food as a relish. 2. The watery fluid of the bowels. Kaikoeke (ka'i-k6'-e'-ke), n. A brother-in-law; a sister-in-law; gen- KAI 244 KAI erally further designated by the word, kane or wahine. Kaikoele (ka'i-ko'-e'-le), n. A very shallow sea in a calm, too shallow for a canoe; he kai kui opihi, he malia paha. Kaikoi (ka'-i-ko'i), n. A species of taro; he kalo. Kaikoo (ka'i-ko-o'), n. A high surf of the sea: a raging swell of the sea. Kaikoo (ka'i-ko-o'), v. To fall off as a receding sea. (Laieik. p. 165.) Kaikowa (ka'i-ko'-wa'), v. Same as kaik'aowa. Kaiku (ka'i-ku'), n. A middle tide, not high nor low. Small high tide. Syn: Kaimau. Kaikua (ka'i-ku'-a), n. 1. A country- man; a backwoodsman. 2. Des- olate place; region sparsely inhab- ited. Kaikuaana (ka'i-ku'a-a'-na), n. The elder of two brothers or sisters; used by a brother when speaking of a brother, or by a sister when speaking of a sister; but when a brother speaks of an elder sister, it is kaikuwahine. When a sister speaks of an elder brother it is kaikunane. Kaikuahine (ka'i-ku'a-hi'-ne), n. The sister of a brother. Kaikunane (ka'i-ku'-na'-ne), n. The brother of a sister. Kaikuono (ka'i-ku'-o'-no), n. [Kai, sea, and kuono, a bay.] A gulf; a creek; an inlet of water into the land. Kailanahuahi (ka'i-la-na'-hu-a'-hi), n. [Kai and lanahuahi, a coal of fire.] Very dark or black water of the ocean. Kaili (ka-i'-li), adj. Plundered; a word used to describe seized prop- erty: Waiwai kaili; plundered property. Kaili (ka'-i'-li), n. 1. Mode of fish- ing with hook and line, without rod, called kaili from the twitch- ing or hasty snatching in taking the fish. 2. Act of taking fish by this method. 3. The great feather god of Kamehameha; also called Kukailimoku. Kaili (ka'-i-li), n. 1. Name of a fish net from its use, to take away. 2. Extortion; a taking by force: he mea kaili. Kaili (ka'-i'-li), v. 1. To snatch; to take away; to take by force. 2. To take away, as one's pleasure and joy; to take away one's right; to spoil or rob one's glory. 3. To take all. 4. To labor for breath; to breathe as it were by snatches. Kailiili (ka'-i'-li-i'-li), n. A narrow valley near the top of Waialeale on the island of Kauai, a resting place for kings and queens in an- cient times. Kailiili (ka'-i'-li-i'-li), v. To snatch or grab repeatedly; to give away and take back indefinitely. Kailike (ka'i-ll'-ke), v. [Kai and like, alike.] To divide equally be- tween a number of persons. Kallikoliko (ka'i-li'-ko-li'-ko), adj. Fat or greasy; applied to gravy. Kailikoliko (ka'i-li'-ko-li'-ko), n. [Kai, gravy, and liko, oily.] 1. Fat gravy. 2. The oily part of fat. 3. The appearance of oil poured upon water. See liko. Kailipolipo (ka'i-li'-p6-li'-po), n. [Kai and lipolipo, blue or black.] The deep, dark blue or black sea. Kailiponi (ka'-I-li-po'-ni), n. A dis- ease in which one falls down dead; something like apoplexy; he kaili- poni ka make. Kailiwale (ka'-I'-li-wa'-le), n. Seizure of the property of another; plun- der; robbery. Kailiwale (ka'-i'-li-wa'-le), v. 1. To take without regard to right or to consequences; to take by force. 2. To rob; to plunder. Kailuhee (ka'i-lu'-he'e), n. That part of the sea which is dark blue, that is the deep sea. Syn: Kaiula. Kaimahamoe (ka'i-ma'-ha-mo'-e), n. [Kai, gravy, and mahamoe, a fish.] 1. The gravy made for the fish mahamoe. 2. The fat or grease of that fish. 3. A calm, quiet sea. Kaimake (ka'i-ma'-ke), n. [Kai and make, dead.] 1. Low water; ebb tide. 2. (Mod.) Name of the Dead Sea. Kaimalolo (ka'i-ma'-16-lo), n. [Kai, sea, and malolo, retreating.] Re- treating sea; a shallow place in the sea where the tide is at rest. Kaimalolo (ka'i-ma'-lo'-lo), n. Fish- ing ground where the malolo (fly- ing fish) abound. Kaimaloo (ka'i-ma'-lo'o), n. [Kai and maloo, dry.] Low tide; ebb tide, when many places on the sea KAI 245 KAI shore are dry, or the coral and reef are bare. Kaimau (ka'i-ma'u), n. Middle tide, neither high nor low. Syn: Kaiku. Kaimoku (ka'i-mo'-ku), n. A com- mencing of the tide to recede or return; a turning of the tide. Kaina (ka'i-na), n. 1. An expression used at the end of a sorcerer's in- vocation of eternal destruction upon his victim. The word shows the ceremony is ended. 2. Con- traction of kaikaina, which see. Kaina (ka'i-na), v. [Variant of kaiia, passive of Kai.] To be led away; to be moved slowly along. Kaina (ka'-i'-na), v. An imperative form of the verb Kai, to lead: Kaina aku ia ku ma o; lead Ku over there. Kaina (ka'i-na), v. [Intransitive of kai, to move.] To be moved; to be carried or borne along; to be drawn away. Kainoa (ka'i-no'-a), v. An imper- sonal verb denoting doubt, or un- certainty of opinion. Kainoa he oiaio; as if it were true. Kainoa he oiaio kana olelo; as if his word were true. The word is some- times shortened by dropping the final a, to Kai no. Kainui (ka'i-nu'-i), n. High sea; high tide. Syn: Kaipiha. Kainunuki (ka'i-nu'-nu'-ki), n. [Kai, sea, and nunuki, rising and fall- ing.] An irregular wave of the ocean; tide or wave not conform- ing to the general course of the tides. Kaio (ka-I'o). [Ka, the, and io, a hawk.] The brown hawk or kite. Kaioe (ka'i-o'e), n. 1. A shrub or tree: he pua laau no ke kaioe, the tree blossom of the kaioe. 2. A lizard god supposed to inhabit the plant kaioe. Kaiohua (ka'i-o'-hu'-a), n. A place between the shallow and the deep sea, a favorite feeding place of the ohua fish. Kaioio (ka'-i'o-i'o), adv. Unthriftily; weakly; scatteringly, describes the growing of plant life: Ulu kaioio ka nahelehele; the weeds grow scattered about. Kaiokilohee (ka'i-o-ki'-lo-he'e), n. [Kai, sea, okilo, to look for, and hee, squid.] 1. Squid fishery. 2. Name of a place in the sea; same as kaiau. Kaiolena (ka'i-6'-le'-na), n. [Kai, liquid, and olena, yellow.] 1. Water prepared with salt and the yellow coloring matter of the olena plant and set apart for re- ligious rites. 2. Dye made from the olena plant. Kaiolena (ka'i-6'-le'-na), v. 1. To cleanse; to purify; e huikala; e hoomaemae. 2. To make yellow by dyeing. Kaioloa (ka'i-o'lo-a'), n. The cere- mony of tying the malo on to the god; it was done by the women of the chief. Kaiooleiepa (ka-i'o-o-le'-le'-pa), n. [Ka, the, io, bird of the hawk family, o, of, and lelepa, name of a district in the island of Hawaii. The hawk that flies over the dis- trict of Lelepa.] One of Kame- hameha's fanciful appellations. 0 kalanl ka Io o Lelepa, Ka alapa pii moo o ku. Kaiopelu (ka'i-6'-pe'-lu), n. 1. A place in the sea where fishermen fish for opelu. 2. A sauce or gravy- used as an appetizer. Kaiopokeo (ka'i-o'-po'-ke'o), n. Name of a long prayer at the dedication of a heiau, temple. Kaipaeaea (ka'i-pa-e'a-e'a), n. [Kai, sea, and paeaea, the act of catch- ing fish with rod, hook and line.] 1. Place for catching fish with rod and line. 2. A calm, smooth sea. Syn: Pohu. Kaipapau (ka'i-pa-pa'u), n. A shal- low place in the sea; shallow sea. Syn: Poana and kaiohua. Kaipiha (ka'i-pi'-ha), n. [Kai and piha, full.] A high sea; high tide, Kaipii (ka'i-pi'i), n. [Kai, sea, and pii, climbing.] High or rising tide. Syn: Kainui. Kaipu (ka'i-pu'), n. Same as kai- mau. Kaipuu (ka'i-pu'u), n. A division or portion. More commonly written puu. Kaipuu (ka'i-pu'u), v. To divide out into parts or portions. See puu. Kaiua (ka'i-u'-a), v. To continue; to repeat over and over: kaiua ka olelo; he olelo kuawili. E kaiua i ka hookahe i ka wai; continue to water the ground. Kaiula (ka'i-u'-la), n. [Mod. Kai, sea, and ula, red.] 1. The Red Sea. The sea that separates Af- rica and Asia. 2. Menses. KAI 246 KAK Kalulala (ka'i-u'-la'-la), n. 1. That part of the ocean's surface out of sight of land. 2. A tempestuous sea. Kaluli (ka'i-u'li), n. [Kai, sea, and uli, blue.] The dark blue sea; hence, the deep sea; the name of the sea beyond the kohola. Syn: Kailuhee. Kaiulu (ka'i-u'-lu), n. 1. The sea at full tide. Syn: Kainui and kai- piha. 2. Same as kaiaulu, the name of a wind at Waianae. Kaiuwe (kai-u'-we), v. Same as kaiua. Kai wi poo (ka'-i-wi-po'o), n. [Ka, article, iwi, bone, and poo, the head.] 1. The skull. 2. Calvary, the place where Jesus Christ was crucified. Kaka (ka'-ka), n. A cluster; num- ber of things growing together or adjusted in clusters. Kaka (ka-ka'), n. [Mod.] The com- mon duck. Kaka (ka'-ka'), v. [Ka, to strike; to dash.] 1. To beat; to whip. 2. To cut and split or break wood (this was anciently done, not with against stones or rocks). 3. To an axe, but by striking sticks strike, as fire with flint and steel; ka or kaka ahi. 4. To thrash, as grain. Kaka (ka'-ka), v. To cleanse by dip- ping or rubbing in water. Kaka (ka'-ka), v. To be odorous, fragrant or otherwise. Kakaa (ka-ka'a), adj. Rolling; re- volving; spinning. Kakaa (ka-ka'a), adj. Restless; wan- dering. Applied also to a condi- tion of the eyes where the muscles which serve the eyeball suffer partial paralysis: Maka kakaa, un- fixed, rolling eyes, or cross-eyed. Kakaa (ka-ka'a), n. 1. A rolling; a moving to and fro. 2. Restless- ness. Kakaa (ka'-ka'a), v. [Ka and kaa, to roll.] 1. To roll; to turn over and over. 2. To turn round rap- idly; to spin, as a top. 3. To re- volve, as a wheel on an axis. Kakaa (ka'-ka'a), v. To turn aside; to deviate; to roll about, as a canoe in a rolling sea: Kakaa ae la ka ihu o ka waa ilalo, the prow of the canoe has turned off the wind. Kakaako (ka-ka-a'-ko), adj. Dull; slow; crooked; underhand; mean; unfair; fraudulent. Kakae (ka'-ka'e), adj. Spry; lively, as a child in walking. Kakae (ka'-ka'e), v. 1. To run. 2. To be spry; to be quick. Kakaha (ka'-ka'-ha), n. 1. Common name applied to strips of barren land along the seashore. 2. A comparatively shallow place (or bank) in the ocean where many kinds of fish abound. See aukaka. Kakahe (ka'-ka'-he), n. A flowing as a brook; a flowing or dripping of any fluid. Kakahe (ka'-ka'-he), v. [See kahe, to flow.] 1. To flow; to overflow; to run, as a liquid; to melt; to flow, as a melted substance. 2. To leak, as a fluid. 3. To gather or sweep along in crowds =E2=80=94 applied to a collection of living creatures moving in the same course. See kakai. Kakaheawai (ka'-ka'-he-a'-wa'i), v. [Kakahe, to flow, a, as, and wai, water.] To flow like water; to flow in great quantity. Kakahele (ka'-ka-he'-le), v. [Kaka and hele, to go.] 1. To go quickly; to move quickly; to be in a hurry. 2. To go recklessly. Kakahi (ka-ka-hi'), n. Same as ka- kaki, an iron hoop. Kakahiaka (ka-ka'-hl-a'-ka), n. [Ka- kahi and aka, shade. Breaking the shade (of night).] Morning: ka- kahiaka nui, early in the morning. Kakahiaka (ka-ka'-M-a'-ka), v. To be or become morning. Kakahiki (ka'-ka-hi'-ki), adj. Lack- ing point or purpose in conversa- tion. Kakahiki (ka'-ka-hi'-ki), n. Idle con- versation; waste of time in vain talk. Syn: Kakahili. Kakahili (ka'-ka-hi'-li), n. Idle chat- ter. Kakahou (ka'-ka-ho'u), adj. 1. Imma- ture; not ripe. Applied in general to agricultural products. 2. Just buried; of recent interment. Kakahou (ka'-ka-ho'u), v. [Kaka, to cut or break up, and hou, to stab or pierce.] To torture to death by cutting, piercing or flaying. (A mode of punishing practiced by the natives in a former age.) Also known as kakaolo, to cut up alive. KAK 247 KAK Kakal (ka-ka'i), n. 1. A company traveling together. 2. A family, in- cluding servants, dependents, etc. Kakai (ka'-ka'i), n. 1. Name of the strings used in tying up a cala- bash. 2. A string to make fast to. 3. A litter, as of animals. 4. A cloud that hangs low, near the ground: E makani auanei, ke kau mai la ke kakai o Waimea; there will be wind, the kakai hangs over Waimea. Kakal (ka-ka'i), v. [Kal, to lead.] 1. To go along in company: kakai ka aha i muli honua; the company followed all together. 2. To travel together, as a huakai, or caravan: kakai lua ka hele a kanaka. 2. To follow, as chickens do a hen. 3. To follow one after another, as in Indian file. Kakai (ka'-ka'i), v. To gird; to tie on; to encircle with band or net. 2. To lift the aha, tabu cord, while the priests pray. Kakaiahili (ka'-ka'i-a-hl'-li), v. 1. To talk in a haphazard manner; to speak without thought. 2. To walk in a zigzag manner; to wander about, as one lost. Kakaiapola (ka'-ka'i-a-po'-la), n. [Ka- kai, string to tie to, a, preposition of, and pola, a pendant.] 1. The tail of a kite; alaila, nakinaki na kaula hanai ame ke kakaiapola ame ke aho. 2. A leading string. Kakaiapola (ka'-ka'i-a-p5'-la), v. To lead on or compel to follow by a leading string. Kakaikahi (ka'-ka'i-ka'-hi), adj. 1. Few; scarce; here and there one; a small number. 2. Rare. Kakaikahi (ka'-ka'i-ka'-hi), adv. Rarely. Kakaikahi (ka'-ka'i-ka'-hi), v. To be few; to be scarce; to be seldom occurring; hence, to be precious. Kakaipall (ka'-ka'i-pa'-li), n. [Kakai, string or net-work, and pall, prec ipice.] A precipice or series of precipices enclosing or protecting the adjoining region. Kakaipauda (ka'-ka'i-pau'-da), n. [Eng. Mod.] A cartridge box. Also known as kapepauda. Kakaka (ka'-ka'-ka), n. A bow for shooting arrows; a cross-bow. Kakaka (ka'-ka'-ka), v. To be crooked; to be bent, as a bow. (Hookakaka is the transitive form.) Kakaka (ka'-ka'-ka), v. 1. To cleanse with water; to wash. 2. To wash lightly; to rinse. Kakakaka (ka'-ka-ka'-ka), adj. 1. Unclean; filthy. 2. Ceremonially impure. Kakakau (ka'-ka-ka'u), n. [Ka, a cup, and kakau, to print.] A cup- like dish, usually of stone, used to hold the ink or dye with which the natives marked tapa or tat- tooed the skin. Kakakau (ka'-ka-ka'u), v. To re- print; to renew the characters of. Kakake (ka'-ka-ke'), n. A name ap- plied in general to all potatoes unfit for poi. KakakI (ka'-ka-ki'), n. An iron hoop; iron from a hoop, that is, hoop iron; hookahi puaa, hookahi pauku kakaki, one hog for one piece of iron hoop. (Found in D. Malo: Mooolelo Hawaii). Syn: Kakahi. The modern word is apohao. KakakI (ka'-ka-kl') v. To be poor or thin in flesh: Ua hele ia a kakaki; he has become thin. Kakaki hi (ka'-ka-ki'-hi), v. 1. To step lightly or softly; to go quick- ly; to run lightly. 2. To wander without aim or purpose. Kakaki I (ka'-ka-ki'i), n. Careless- ness in speaking; falsehood. Kakakii (ka'-ka'-ki'i), v. 1. To speak without regard to truth; to be careless of what one says. 2. To be clumsy in one's mode of action; to blunder in deportment. 3. To walk crookedly. Kakala (ka'-ka'-la), adj. Sharp; sharp pointed; rough with sharp points. Kakala (ka'-ka'-la), n. 1. The break- ing of the surf: kakala ka nalu. 2. Anything sharp pointed; anything small and sharp, like a needle. 3. The spur of a cock. 4. A species of worm that destroys potatoes and other vegetables; a cater- pillar. Syn: Peelua. Also known as peelue. Kakala (k^'-ka'-la), v. 1. To be rough with sharp points; to be craggy; to be sharp, as a needle, pin, etc. 2. To be inflamed with anger; to be turbulent, as an an- gry mob; to express anger in words. 3. To loosen; to unfasten. 4. To give up feelings of resent- ment; to forgive; to excuse. See kala. KAK 248 KAK Kakalaau (ka'-ka'-la'-a'u), n. 1. A variety of hula dance. 2. Fenc- ing with spears, an art taught in ancient times: he nui ka poe ao i ke kupololu ame ke kakalaau, me ke kaala, many persons learned to strike with the pololu, to fence and to throw with a sling. Kakalaau (ka'-ka'-la'-a'u), v. To practice attack and defense with lances. Kakalaio (ka'-ka'-lai-o'), v. 1. To have a creepy sensation, as though chilled with fright. 2. To shudder with fear. 3. To have the sensa- tion of cold. 4. To be rough, as the skin affected with cold. See okala. Kakalaioa (ka'-ka'-lai-o'a), adj. Thorny; composed of thorns. Kakalaioa (ka'-ka-la'i-o'a), n. A tall spreading shrub (Caesalpinia bon- ducella), having seeds globose, of stony hardness and lead color. Kakalaioa (ka'-ka'-lai-o'a), v. Same as kakalaio, to have a creepy sen- sation. Kakalana (ka'-ka-la'-na), v. 1. To cry out; to call aloud. 2. To proclaim throughout a kalana, or district. Kakalawela (ka'-ka-la'-we'-la), n. A scar from burning. Kakalawela (ka'-ka-la'-we'-la), v. [Ka- kala and wela, to burn.] 1. To make a scar by burning; to sear. 2. To have the color and appear- ance of a seared or scarred skin. Kakale (ka'-ka'-le), adj. Thin; great- ly diluted with water, as thin poi: he ai kakale. Kakale (ka'-ka'-le), v. 1. To be thin; to be watery; to be nearly liquid, as thin poi. 2. To have the quality of a fluid, as thin poi or molasses. (Hookakale is the transitive form.) Kakali (ka'-ka'-li), adv. Waitingly; in a waiting posture; in wait; watchfully. Oi noho kakali aku nei, o ka po no ia, have watch- fully waited until night. Kakali (ka'-ka'-li), v. To wait for some person or thing to come or be done; to expect; to continue waiting for something. See kali. Kakalule (ka'-ka-lu'-le), adj. Not cer- tain; variable; equivocal: kaka- lule ma ke kamailio ana, equiv- ocal in conversation. Kakana (ka'-ka-na'), adj. Rough, as in conversation ; boisterous ; coarse. Kakana (ka'-ka-na'), n. 1. Contemp- tuous language; reproach; vilifi- cation. 2. An expression of scorn. Kakana (ka'-ka'-na), n. Satan. Kakanakana (ka'-ka'-na-ka'-na), n. 1. A species of limu or sea moss. 2. Same as kakonakona. Kakana! ii (ka'-ka'-na-li'i), v. To be stunted. Kakani (ka'-ka'-ni), n. 1. A blast or blight on vegetables. 2. A small insect which lives on the outside of fruit, leaves, etc. 3. The itch. Kakaoko (ka'-ka-o'-ko), adj. Incor- rect form of kakaako. Dull; slow; crooked; underhand; mean; un- fair; fraudulent. Kakaola (ka-ka-6'-la), n. 1. The spirit or soul of a living person as seen by the kahuna kilokilo, juggling priest. (If many spirits were seen in company they were called oio. The ghost of a single deceased person was called kino- wailua, which see.) 2. Hallucina- tion. Kakaolelo (ka'-ka'-o-le'-lo), n. [Kaka and olelo, word.] A counselor; an .adviser; a lawgiver; a scribe; one skilled in language: kekahi poe kanaka akamai i ke kakaolelo, cer- tain men skillful in judgment. Kakapa (ka'-ka'-pa), n. 1. A small strip of land adjoining a larger piece of land belonging to an- other person: ina he kakapa o ka loi, i hookahi lalani o ua kakapa ai la. 2. The outside bank of a taro patch. Kakapahi (ka'-ka-pa'-hi), n. Fenc- ing; sword exercise. Kakapahi (ka'-ka-pa'-hi), v. [Kaka, to strike, and pahi, knife.] To fence; to use the sword in fenc- ing. Kakau (ka'-ka'u), n. 1. Anything written. 2. The act of writing; hence, 3. The writing down of the names of persons who are to pay tribute. Kakau (ka'-ka'u), v. 1. To write; to mark with a pen or pencil; to make letters. 2. To write upoa; to print or paint on tapa, as in former times; to put down for re- membrance. 3. To describe; to mark out; to designate; to divide out into parcels, as land. 4. To tattoo. Kakaualii (ka'-ka'u-a'-li'i), n. 1. A royal scribe; one whose office is KAK 249 KAK ^ to do a chief's writing. 2. A writer of chronology. Kakauha (ka'-ka-u'-ha), adj. 1. Not flexible; rigid. 2. Oppressive. Kakauha (ka'-ka-u'-ha), v. To be stretched out, as the arm; hence, to be oppressive. (Hookakauha is the transitive form.) Kakaukaha (ka'-ka'u-ka'-ha), v. 1. To print, paint or mark, as on the skin. 2. To tattoo. Kakaumooolelo ka.'-ka'u-mo'o-5'-le'- lo), n. [Mod. Kakau, to write, and mooolelo, connected talk.] A recorder; a copyist; one who writes a mooolelo or story. Kakauolelo (ka'-ka'u-o-le'-lo), n. [Mod. Kakau and olelo, word.] A person whose business it is to keep or write a record; a scribe; a clerk; a secretary. Kakawahie (ka'-ka-wa'-hi'-e), n. Name of a bird. (Loxops flammea.) K a ka we I e we le ( ka-ka'-we'-le-we'-le ) , n. A recalling to mind of some mutual agreement or stipulation; a calling back of what has formerly been in the mind: A i loaa hoi ke kawelewele, pono iki no ia mana- wa; if memory recalls (a pledge of love) it will be well for the time being. Kake (ka'-ke), n. 1. Potatoes unfit for poi. Syn: Kakake. 2. Code language spoken and written, used generally only by Hawaiian roy- alty. Kakekake (ka'-ke-ka'-ke), v. To be changed in the relative positions of, as cards in a pack. Kakeko (ka'-ke'-ko), adj. 1. Power- ful; strong; having great physical mgth. 2. Hard; difttcmtr Nana kakeko, hard work. Kakele (ka'-ke'-le), n. A rubbing over the surface of the body; an anointing of the skin of a person. Kakele (ka'-ke'-le), v. 1. To slip; to slide, as on a muddy road. 2. To glide on the surface of the water; to sail about for pleasure. See kele. 3. To besmear, as the skin with oil. 4. To do that which will please one. Kakepauda (ka'-ke-pa'u-da), n. [Eng.] A cartridge box. Syn: Kakai- pauda. KakI (ka'-ki), adj. Cross; petulant; showing anger, irritation, rage, etc., in language or looks. Kakia (ka'-ki'-a), n. A nail; a pin; a wedge. Syn: Makia. KakIa (ka'-ki'-a), v. To wedge or fasten up tightly; to fasten in a particular place or situation with a nail, pin or wedge. Kakini (ka'-ki'-ni), adj. [Eng. Mod.] Twelve in number; a dozen. Kakini (ka'-ki-ni), n. (Mod.) A gar- ment made to cover the foot and leg; a stocking. Kakio (ka'-ki'o), n. The itch; the itching pustules of the skin. Syn: Meeau. Kakiwi (ka'-ki'-wi), adj. Crooked; bent; pahi kakiwi, a crooked sword. Kakiwi (ka'-ki'-wi), v. 1. To bend down and fasten in the earth, as in propagating plants by causing a branch to take root previous to its separation from the stock. 2. To ensnare; to catch by means of a noose. Kakolu (ka'-ko'-lu), adj. Three- stranded; three-fold; kakolu ke kaula. Syn: Kaakolu. Kakona (ka'-ko'-na), v. To stop; to hinder anything in its progress: kakona ke ahi, haule wale iho no; the torch fails, it falls short =E2=80=94 spoken of the ahikao or flambeaux tossed over cliffs. Syn: Ali. Kakonakona (ka'-ko'-na-ko'-na), n. 1. A species of grass (Panicum torri- dum). 2. A species of limu or sea moss, known also as lipaha. Kakoo (ka'-ko'o), n. 1. A sash; a girdle. 2. One who aids or sup- ports another in an undertaking. Kakoo (ka'-ko'o), v. 1. To bind up; to gird on, as one's loose garment with a sash; to bind round. 2. To give strength; to assist; to back up; to take the part of; to up- hold. Kakou (ka'-k6'u), pron. We; spoken of more than two, including the speaker and the persons addressed. Kaku (ka'-ku'), n. The name of a long fish, a species of barracuda (Sphyraena snodgrassi). A large voracious species of wide range. Syn: Kupala. Kakua (ka'-ku'-a), n. The worship of the gods; worship. Kakua (ka'-ku'-a), v. 1. To bind or fasten on, as a pa-u. Syn: Kakoo. 2. To tie on, as a kihei, a gar- ment formerly worn by Hawaiian men. To put round, as a cincture KAK 250 KAL or girdle. Syn: Kakoo. 3. To as- cribe power or sacrifice to the gods; to magnify. 4. To appeal to the gods for help. Kakual (ka'-ku'-a'i), n. Sacrifice of- fered at every meal. The offer- ings were mostly of bananas, fish and awa. Kakuai (ka'-ku'-a'i), v. To feed the spirits of the dead; to place food upon a household altar for the dead. This was formerly a com- mon practice among the Hawaiians. Kala (ka'-la'), adj. Silver: puna kala, silver spoon. Kala (ka'-la), adv. Spoken of time, as: aole e kala, long ago; long since; not very lately; not just now; a good while ago; aole e kala ka noho ana o na haole maa- nei, it is a good while that for- eigners have lived here, that is, their coming here is not lately. Aole e kala, E kala kahlko E kalawale i makeai E kala kahiko. Kala (ka'-la), n. 1. A public crier; A person whose busine-ss it was to summon people and chiefs togeth- er in time of war, 2. A substi- tute. 3. The ends of a house in distinction from the sides. 4. A species of surgeon fish (Acanthu- rus unicornis). Color, olive, pale below; top of head and horn dark olivaceous, caudal spines pale blue; dorsal fin pale blue crossed by narrow pale yellow lines. 5. A migratory bird (Sterna panayen- sis) about as large as the common pigeon; plumage dark gray, white underneath. Kala (ka'-la' or dala), n. [Mod.] The Hawaiian pronunciation of dollar; hence silver coin; silver in gen- eral. Kala (ka'-la), v. 1. To loosen; to untie, as a string or rope; to let loose, as an animal. 2. To un- loose; to put off, as clothes; to undress; to put off, as armor. 3. To open half way, as a door or book. 4. To absolve from a con- tract. 5, To put away; to take away, that is, to forgive sin or a crime; to pardon. 6. To forgive, as a debt; to release one from payment. 7. To pardon a fault; to free from imputation of blame. 8. To ask forgiveness; to acknowl- edge a wrong with expression of regret. Kala (ka'-la), v. 1. To proclaim, as a public person the will of his sovereign; to cry, as a public crier. 2. To proclaim; to send for; to invite. 3. To publish; to make known by proclamation. Kalaau (ka'-la'-au'), n. [Ka, to strike; laau, wood.] An ancient hula dance in which a part of the music was the striking of one stick upon another, as castanets: He kalaau ka hula nui a na 'lii e hana ai, A kalaau was the great dance which the chiefs performed. Kalaau (ka'-la-a'u), v. [Kala, to call, and au, float.] To call; to call aloud. See walaau. Kalaau (ka'-la'-a'u), v. [Ka, to cast or strike, and laau, stick.] To hit two sticks together in the kalaau, a kind of hula. See kakalaau. Kalae (ka'-la'e), adj. 1. Clear; pure; white; calm; pleasant. Kalae (ka'-la'e), n. 1. Clearness; whiteness. 2. A clear pure at- mosphere; a calm. Laieik. p. 25. See lae and laelae. 3. Name of a section of land on the island of Molokai. Kalaea (k3,'-la-e'a), adv. Roughly; harshly; angrily; applied to speak- ing: He olelo kalaea wale no ka Hakau ia Umi; Hakau spake only roughly to Umi. Kalaea (ka'-la-e'a), n. Roughness; rudeness in speaking; harshness. Kalahala (ka'-la-ha'la), n. 1. The taking away of guilt; an atone- ment. 2. That which takes away sin; that which absolves sin; a redeemer. Kalahala (ka'-la-ha'-la), v. [Kala, to pardon, and hala, guilt.] 1, To loose or absolve one from guilt or sin; to pardon sin. 2. To take away the ground of an offense, or to answer for it. Kalahale (ka'-la-ha'-le), adv. [Kala and hale, the end of a house.] Like the end of a house, that is, per- pendicular, or nearly so; o na wahi e kiekie kalahale ana ma kahi aoao, he pali ia, places being per- pendicularly high on one side are palis (precipices). K a i a h e wa he wa ( ka'-la-he'-wa-he'-wa) , V. 1. To give inconsiderately. Same as haawi naaupo. 2. To give foolishly or unwisely. 3. To KAL 251 KAL settle or bestow one's property, as a crazy man: eia ka'u, until it is all gone. Kalahua (ka'-la-hu'a), n. The reli- gious ceremony of chiefly women being allowed to eat fish after a tabu: ai no hoi na wahine a pau i ka ia hou, ua kapaia keia hana ana he kalahua, and all the women ate of the fresh fish, this act was called kalahua. Kalai (ka'-la'i), v. 1. To hew; to cut: kalai laau, to hew wood; kalai pohaku, to hew stones. 2. To pare; to cut; to engrave; to carve out, that is, to divide out, as one's portion: kalai laau, a hewer of wood; kalai pohaku, a stone cutter. 3. To direxjt; to conduct or regu- late; to manage. Kalaiaina (ka'-la'i-a'i-na), n. 1. Dur- ing the days of Hawaiian mon- archy, the name of the office of the Minister of the Interior. 2. Po- litical economy. 3. (Mod.) Polit- ical party. 4. (Mod.) A depart- ment of the cabinet. Kalaiaina (ka'-la'i-a'i-na), v. [Kalai, to divide, and aina, land.] To manage or direct the affairs of the land, that is, the resources. Kalaihi (ka'-la-i'-hi), adj. Assuming undue importance; boastful; proud; exalted on account of one's office or nearness to a chief: ame ka leo kalaihi o na kumu, and with boastful voice of the teachers. Kalaiia (ka'-lai'-i'a), adj. Hewn; cut; carved; graven; engraved. Kalaiino (ka'-la'i-I'-no), v. [Kalai, to carve out, and Ino, wickedness.] 1. To concoct mischief; to devise a plan of evil against another. See aiahulu. 2. To contrive secretly to kill or destroy by witchcraft. Kalaimoku (ka'-la'i-mo'-ku), n. [Ka- lai^ manage, and moku, island.] 1. One who is concerned in man- aging the affairs of an island. 2. One whose advice is valued in managing a people; o ka mea aka- mai i ke kakaolelo no ke aupuni, he kalaimoku ia; the person skill- ful as a counselor for the govern- ment is a kalaimoku. ' Kalaipohaku (ka'-la'i-po'-ha'-ku), n. [Kalai and pohaku, a stone.] A stone cutter. Kalakaka (ka'-la-ka'-ka), adj. 1. Rough; rude; offensive to the ear. Applied to language. 2. Rough; scraggy; thorny; knotty. Kalakaka (ka'-la-ka'-ka), v. 1. To be craggy; to be rough; to be harsh. 2. To use coarse language. Kalakala (ka'-la-ka'-la), adj. Rough; sharp, as a rasp; as saw teeth. Kalakala (ka'-la-ka'-la), adv. Rough- ly; harshly. Applied in a general way to deportment and language. Kalakala (ka'-la-ka'-la), v. To be thorny; to have rough or sharp points, as plants or animals. Kalakalai (ka'-la-k=C2=A7:'-la'i), v. To hew; to cut; to carve, as in wood. See kalai. Kalakini (ka'-la'-kl'-ni), n. [Kala, money, and kini, for guinea.] 1. An English gold coin. 2. Later kini was used in describing any gold coin: Kau kuai ana i ka wahine o Maui i ke kalakini, your buying a woman of Maui with gold. , Kalakua (ka'-la-ku'-a), n. [Kala, rough, and kua, back.] The fin on the back of a fish. Syn: Kuala. j Kalakupua (ka'-la-ku'-pu'-a), v. To ! be under control of some myste- I rious or supernatural influence, as witchcraft or sorcery. Hookala- kupua is the transitive form. Kalalau (ka'-la-la'u), n. 1. A table- land on Mount Waialeale, on the island of Kauai. "Nani Kalalau, he aina pali," beautiful Kalalau, a land of cliffs. 2. A series of palis or famous cliffs on the north side of Kauai. "Napelepele Kalalau, owali i ka makani," Uncertain is Kalalau, swinging in the wind. The words refer to the swinging ladders at Kalalau. Kalalea (ka'-la-le'-a), adj. 1. Promi- nent and long. 2. Turned up, as the nose. 3. Distorted, as the face of an angry man: maka kalalea. Kalalea (ka'-la-le'-a), n. 1. Height; what is high up. 2. Pride; haugh- tiness, as in men. 3. A general name for a school of sharks. Ua ike mai nei oe i ka lalani kalalea? Did you see the line of sharks? (The word is applied to a number of sharks swimming in line.) 4. Name of a mountain on Kauai. (Laieik. p. 13.) Kalai i (ka'-la-ll'), adj. 1. Making an exhibition of one's self in ac- tions or movements of the body. 2. Quick and straightforward; ap- plied to motion; kalai i ka holo o KAL 252 KAL ka moku; kalali ka hele o ke ka- naka mama; Swiftly sails the ship; rapidly walks the man. Kalali (ka'-la-ll'), n. A showing off; a display of one's self in an osten- tatious manner, Kalali (ka'-la-lI'), v. 1. To talk in a pretentious manner; to show off; to affect ambitious display in con- versation or in actions. 2. To walk stiffly or proudly; to walk like a soldier marching. Kalamalo (ka'-la-ma'-lo'), n. A spe- cies of grass (Eragrostis varia- bilis). A variety of grass said to have a curative property, and used in midwifery. Kaiamania (ka'-la-ma'-ni'a), adj. Level; even; having an even sur- face, as a quiet sea. Kaiamania (ka-la-ma'-nl'-a), n. Kala and mania, smooth.] 1. The smooth end of a house; a steep smooth hill; a pali (cliff). 2. A smooth surface. Kalamaula (ka'-la-ma-u'-la), n. A spe- cies of stone out of which maika stones were made. See humuula. Kalamo (ka'-la'-mo), n. Word used by translators of the Scriptures for the name of a plant, calamus, men- tioned in Solomon's Song 4:14. Kalamoe (ka'-la-mo'-e), n. A bluish species of kala or surgeon fish. Kalamoku (ka'-la-mo'-ku'), n. (Or kalamoho.) A species of awa fish; deep sea awa. See awa. Kalana (ka'-la'-na), n. 1. A sieve; a strainer. 2. The name early given by Hawaiians to white writ- ing paper. Kalana (ka-la'-na), n. The name of a division of an island next less than moku, and synonymous with okana in some places. Kalana (ka'-la'-na), v. To sift; to strain, as through a sieve, etc. See kanana. Kalanae (ka'-la-na'e), n. An eye ser- vant; a servant who works only when watched. Kalanae (ka'-la-na'e), v. To work only when watched. Kalaneo (ka'-la-ne'o), v. To be de- ceitful; to be two-faced. Hookala- neo is the transitive form. Kalania (ka'-la-ni'a), adj. Smooth, as the sea without a wave. See alania. Kalanlpaa (ka'-la'-ni-pa'a), n. The broad blue sky; the fixed, strong firmament. Kalaniuli (ka'-la'-ni-u'-li), n. The blue sky; the upper visible heav- ens. See apapalani. Kalau (ka'-la'u), v. 1. To thatch with leaves or potato vines; to thatch or line the inside of a house with leaves. 2. To work ineffi- ciently. Kalauae (ka'-la'u-a'e), adj. Indis- posed to work; lazy; loitering. Kalauae (ka'-la'u-a'e), v. 1. To be indifferent to work; to be lazy. 2. To be a hanger-on. Kalaunuiohua (ka-la'u-nu'i-6-hu'a), n. An ancient king who lived in the time of a universal famine called Kaiamania. Kalawa (ka'-la'-wa), n. 1. A place where a bend in the road comes again to a straight line. 2. Inter- mittent pains in the side, neck, etc.: eia keia eha, ua kalawa ae nel i kuu ai, here is this pain, it has just moved round to my neck. Kalawa (ka'-la'-wa), v. To move off to one side and partly round: ua kalawa ae la ma ke kua o ka hale; to move a little sideways and in a circular motion. Kalawa i (ka'-la-wa'i), v. To go round; to go about; to surround. Syn: Poai. Kalawaia (ka'-lS'-wa-i'a), n. The oc- cupation of a fisherman; the act of taking fish. [The word takes no article. The word is written and pronounced by Hawaiians as though ka were an integral part of the word.] Syn: Lawaia and lowaia. Kalawakua (ka'-la'-wa-ku'-a), v. [Ka- lawa, to move to one side; and kua, the back.] To move side- ways and round to the back. Kale (ka'-le), adj. Thin and watery, as poi: he ai kale. Kale (ka'-le), v. To be thin and watery, like very thin poi. Syn: Kakale and kalekale. Kalea (ka'-le'-a), n. 1. A choking. 2. The whooping cough. Kalea (ka'-le'-a), v. 1. To choke from having the windpipe obstruct- ed, as when liquid goes the wrong way. 2. To be choked. Kalekale (ka'-le-ka'-le), adj. [Freq. of kale, thin and watery.] Thin; watery; soft; nearly fluid. KAL 253 KAL Kalekale (ka'-le-ka'-le), n. A fine deep-sea food fish (Roosevelti brighami). It is often erroneously called akikiki. Kaiekedona (ka'-le-ke'-ko'-na), n. (Mod.) A chalcedony, the name of a precious stone. Kalele (ka'-le'-le), n. A stay; a rail- ing; anything used to comfort or to support. Kalele ka'-le'-le), v. 1. To lean upon, as upon a cane or staff. 2. To press upon for support; to bear on. Kalele! (ka'-le-le'i), v. (Mod.) [Ka, the article, and lelei, common name of a beautiful bird.] To ap- pear beautiful, as a beautiful wo- man. Kalelel (ka'-le-le'i), v. To yield obe- dience to. Kaleleku (ka'-le'-le-ku'), v. To press down hard; to bear on heavily. See kalele. Kalelemuku (ka'-le'-le-mu'-ku), v. [Kalele, to lean or bear on, and muku, the off or starboard side of a canoe.] 1. To lean on the off or starboard side of a canoe. 2. To lead a free and easy life; to rid one's self of care. Kalelewa (ka'-le-le'-wa), adj. Flying; floating, as clouds: ao kalelewa. See kaalelewa. Kalelewa (ka'-le-le'-wa), v. 1. To float, as a vessel not at anchor; to stand off and on, as a vessel: aole nae i ku ka moku, kalelewa wale no, the vessel, however, did not anchor, it only lay off and on. See lewa and kaalelewa. 2. To swing backward and forward or from side to side. Kalena (ka'-le'-na), v. [Ka, to ra- diate or go out from the center, and lena, to tighten.] To stretch out for drying, as a hide; to spread out, as a cloth. Kaleokumuu (ka'-le'-o-ku'-mu'u), n. [Ka, the; le for lae, a point; o, of, and Kumuu, name of a traditional person said to be a noted robber and an expert in the lua or prac- tice of killing by breaking the bones of the victim.] The place, point or residence of Kumuu; a cone or bank on side of Waialeale, Kauai. Kalepa (ka'-le'-pa), adj. Trading; peddling; he mau moku kalepa kekahi, some were trading ships. (It is the custom of Hawaiians when they have poi or other ar- ticles to sell, to hoist a small flag (lepa), hence to sell; to make mar- ket.) See lepa and lepalepa. Kalepa (ka'-le'-pa), n. One who brings things to market; in mod- ern times, a merchant. Kalepa (ka'-le'-pa), v. [Ka, to throw out and lepa, a flag or signal.] 1. To peddle; to sell from place to place. 2. (Mod.) To vend mer- chandise, as a shop-keeper. (Ka- lepa was formerly used on Hawaii; maauauwa, on Oahu; and piele on Kauai, for peddling.) See ma- auauwa and piele. Kalepalepa (ka'-le'-pa-le'-pa), v. To flap, as the sails of a ship; to flap in the wind, as a flag or ensign. See kilepalepa. Kalewa (ka'-le'-wa), adj. 1. Hang- ing; swinging, as a weight on a pole. 2. Flying, as clouds. 3. Ly- ing off and on, as a ship. Kalewa (ka'-le'-wa), n. 1. A swing; a contrivance for moving back and forward, like kowali. 2. A place near or in the luakini (temple) where the king and a few people were separated from the multitude. Kalewa (ka'-le'-wa), v. 1. To float; to be floating, as any substance in the air. Syn: Lewa. 2. To sail here and there on the water; to lie off and on, as a vessel. 3. To carry a weight suspended on a pole between two persons. 4. To be unsettled; to move often from place to place. Syn: Lewa. Kali (ka'-li), n. 1. A waiting, a hes- itation. 2. Slowness; hesitancy in speech. 3. A defect in speech; a defective utterance. 4. A loiterer. 5. The edge, as of a garmnt, a leaf, etc. 6. The vagina. Kali (ka'-li), n. 1. A spine, spindle or slender rod used to thread things upon, as the kernels of the kukui nut were strung to make a torch or as flowers for a lei. 2. The string so made, as a whole: kali kukui, a string of kukui nuts or a kukui nut torch when lighted. Kali (ka'-li), v. 1. To wait; to tarry; to stay. 2. To sojourn with one temporarily. 3. To wait for something; to await; to lie in wait. 4. To hesitate in speaking: he kali ka olelo. KAL 254 KAL Kallall (ka'-li-a'-li), n. The castor oil plant (Riclnus communis). Syn: Koli. Kaliawe (ka'-li-a'-we), n. Brass; copper, etc. See keleawe. Kalii (ka'-li'i), n. The ceremony observed when the high chief landed from a voyage with his people and his god. Kali kali (ka-li-ka-li), adv. Almost. Kali kali (ka'-H-ka'-li), n. A fine food fish (Rooseveltia brighami) of the* order Serranidae. Kalikali (ka'-li-ka'-li), v. [Freq. of kali, to wait.] 1. To be a little behind; not quite even with some- thing else. 2. To be not quite full; to lack something. Kalikea (ka'-li'-ke'-a), n. [Kali, edge, and kea, white.] A white border or fringe; white on the edge or border. Kalikukul (ka'-li-ka'-ku'-i), n. Sev- eral strings of the meat of the kukui nut made into a flambeau; he kalikukui i aulamaia; a torch made of kukui nuts. Kalilo (ka'-ll'-lo), n. A fatal disease or sickness, like mai make; a sick- ness so great that death only re- mains: he mai lilo wale aku no koe. Kalilo (ka'-ll'-lo), v. To be dying a natural death. Kalilolilo (ka'-li'-16-lI'-lo), v. To be about to pass away, that is, to die. See kalilo and lilo. Kalina (ka'-li'-na), n. 1. Old potato vines that have finished bearing. 2. Potatoes of the second growth, 3. A potato field where the old refuse potatoes and vines only remain. 4. Any old withered vine. Kalipilau (ka'-li-pl-la'u), n. 1. A form of venereal disease. 2. A word used to reproach women. Kalo (ka'-lo), n. 1. The taro (Co- locasia antiquorum var. esculen- tum). The well-known vegetable of Hawaii. It is cultivated in arti- ficial water beds, and also on high mellow upland soil. It is made into food by baking and pounding into hard paste. After fermenting and slightly souring, it is diluted with water, the-n called poi, and eaten with the fingers. (The ori- gin of the taro plant is thus de- scribed in Hawaiian Mythology: Ulu mai la ua alualu la, a lilo i kalo, The fetus grew [when it was buried] and became a kalo). Kalo (ka-lo'), n. [Ka, article, the, and lo, a god that killed men.] One of the class of gods called akua oikanaka: Opua ame Kalo kekahi mau akua i makau ia; Pua and Lo are gods who are feared. Kaloa (ka'-lo'-a), n. 1. Word ap- plied to certain days of the month sacred to Kaloa or Kanaloa, (There were three kaloa days in the na- tive calendar distinguished re- spectively as Kaloa Kukahi, Kaloa Kulua and Kaloapau.) 2. The twenty-third night after Hilo, the new moon; the twenty-fourth day of the month. Kaloakukahi (ka-lo'-a-ku-ka'-hi), n. One of the days of the month in the ancient Hawaiian calendar; the twe-nty-fourth day of the lunar month and one of the days of the Kanaloa tabu. Kaloakulua (ka'-lo'a-ku-lu'-a), n. The twenty-fourth night after Hilo, the twenty-fifth day of the month in the ancient Hawaiian calendar. Kaloapau (ka'-lo'a-pa'u), n. The twenty-fifth night after Hilo; the twenty-sixth day of the month in the ancient Hawaiian calendar. Kaloha (ka'-16-ha'), n. Same as ka- luha. Kalo he (ka'-16'-he), n. A mischief maker: Nanaia ke kupu, ka eu, ke kalohe o kai, look out for -the law- less, the cheat, the mischief maker of the sea coast. =E2=80=94 Laieik. p. 104. Kalohi (ka'-lo'-hi), n. 1. The muscles which supply strength or power. 2. The sexual organ of males. 3. [From lohi, slow, lingering.] The lingering place. 4. The pali (cliff) of Kaholo on the west side of the island of Lanai. Named Ka- lohi by Kamehameha IV from his being becalmed there more than a week. Kalo kalo (ka'-lo-ka'-lo), v. 1. To pray to the gods; to supplicate favors. 2. To call upon God; to ask for assistance: aka e kalo- kalo aku kakou i ke Akua, a nana e lileiuli lelewae, but let us call upon God, and he will blot out and wash away (our sins) ; he hoi a kalo kalo aku i ka mea nani hi- wahiwa o ka lanikolu. 3. To be- KAL 255 KAM seech; to implore; to entreat in a very humble manner. Kalole (ka'-lo'-le), adj. 1. Smooth; having luster, applies to hair. 2. Straight and smooth, as hair: he huluhulu kalole ko ka lio, he piipii inoino ko ke kamelo. Kalole (ka'-lo'-le), n. 1. Straight hair. 2. Straight smooth hair, like that of Chinese; e like me ko na Pake. 3. Beautiful black hair. 4. An officer or servant whose duty it was to lomilomi or massage a chief. The kalole was always a fe- male servant. (This service when performed for a woman devolved upon a man servant who was called omau.) Kalole (ka'-lo'-le), v. To change the tone of the voice; to change one's voice so as not to be known. Kalolo (ka'-16'-lo), n. A name given to the first liquor that runs off in distillation. (The last running is called kawaa. [See okolehao.] Kalu (kiV-lu'), n. [Ka, article, and lu, to scatter.] 1. That which is scattered abroad. The falling of ripe fruit. 2. The falling of dried leaves; falling leaves. 3. Ripe fruit fallen and lying around. Kalua (ka-lu'-a), adj. Double; two- stranded, as a rope; kalua ke kaula. Kalua (ka-lu'-a), n. 1. Same as lua, ka is the article. 2. Same as Kau- lua, name of a month. Kalua (ka'-lu'-a), v. [Ka, to appro- priate, and lua, pit.] 1. To bury; to hide under ground. 2. To bake, as animal or vegetable food. This was always done in an oven under ground. 3. To kill, dress and cook an animal for food, embracing the whole process. 4. To burn brick or lime. The latter was always burnt in a covered pit. Kalualua (ka'-lu'-a-lu'-a), adj. Rough, as a road; rough; uneven, as land. Kaluanuunohonionio (ka'-lu'-a-nu'u-no- ho-ni'o-ni'o), n. The god that sits over the main entrance of a lua- kini or place of worship. Also called Lananuu. The same god was supposed to keep watch over private dwellings. Kaluha (ka'-lii-ha'), n. A species of reed (Cyperus monocephala). Kaluhaluha (ka'-lu'-ha-lu'-ha), n. A general name for all kinds of grass and rushes which grow in water. Kaluhi (ka'-lu'-hi), v. 1. To be flex- ible; to be easily shaken, as the bough of a tree. 2. To be easily scattered, as ripe fruit or withered leaves. Kalukalu (k^'-lu-ka'-lu), n. 1. A vegetable like the kaluha, growing chiefly at Kapaa on Kauai. 2. A very thin gauze-like tapa; pale kalukalu. Translated in English muffler; kalukalu nui, a mantle, Kama (ka'-ma), adj. 1. Pertaining to adoption; made by adoption. The word requires the prefix hoo to give it the adjectival sense. See hookama. Kama (ka'-ma), n. 1. Name given by women to former husbands by whom they have borne children. 2. Children generally; the second generation in a family. 3. Spe- cifically, children adopted into the family of another; kama ole, child- less. 4. A natural cavern, cleft or fissure in a rock: he keiki na ka pohaku; a native would call it the child of a rock. Kama (ka'-ma), v. 1. To bind or tie up, as a bundle: E kama iho oe a paa ke paiai, tie up and secure the bundle of food. See kama- kama. 2. To enclose in a wrapper or wrappers. Kamaa (ka'-ma'a), n. Sandals; a kind of shoe protecting the bottom of the foot. 2. Tapa or other material bound round the feet -and legs when traveling on places of scoria or other rough places. 3. [Mod.] Shoes; boots; slippers. Kamaa (ka'ma'a), v. Not used with- out hoo. See hookamaa. Kamaaha (ka'-ma-a'-ha), n. Cord made of coconut fiber. Kamaaha (ka'-m^-a'-ha), v. [Kama, to tie up, and aha, cord or mat made of coconut fiber.] To tie, or bind with coconut fiber. Kamaaina (ka'-ma-a'i-na), n. [Kama, child, and aina, land. Lit. A child of the land.] 1. A native born In any place and continuing to live in that place. 2. One belonging to a land and transferred with the land from one landholder to an- other. 3. The present residents in a place; a citizen; especially one of long standing. KAM 256 KAM Kamaaloa (ka'-ma'a-lo'-a), n. [Ka- maa, sandals, and loa, long.] The runners on which a holua (sled) slides. Kamaaloihi (ka'-ma'a-16-i'-hi), n. Mod. [Kamaa, sandals, and loihi, long. Lit. Long shoes.] Boots. Kamaehu (ka'-ma-e'-hu), n. 1. Strength; energy: ku kamaehu, to stand firmly. 2. Firmness of res- olution; fixedness of purpose. Kamaeu (ka'-ma-e'u), n. [Kama, child, and eu, mischievous.] 1. A mischievous child. 2. A vicious, lying, deceitful person. Kamahao (ka'-ma-ha'o), adj. [Kama and hao, to wonder.] Wonderful; astonishing; surprising; unheard of; incomprehensible: ke ku ana mai o keia mea kamahao, the standing of this wonderful thing; aina kamahao, wonderful land. Kamahoehope (ka-ma'-ho-e-h6'-pe), n. Same as mahoehope, one of the months in the ancient Hawaiian calendar. Kamahoemua (ka-ma'ho-e-mu'a), n. Same* as mahoemua, the name of a month. Kamahoi (ka'-ma-ho'i), adj. Very pleasing; splendid. Kamahoi (ka'-ma-ho'i), n. An ex- pression of admiration; wonder mingled with admiration. Kamai (ka'-ma'i), n. Place of pros- titution or assignation. Kamai (ka'-ma'i), v. To play the whoremonger for hire. Kamaikahulipu ( ka'-m3,-i'-ka'-hii'-li- pu'), n. A canoe god to whom prayer was made wheoi a single canoe was imperiled or capsized at sea. Also called Kama-i-kahuli- waa. Kamaikahuliwaapu (ka'-ma-i'-ka'-hii'- li-wa'a-pu'), n. The deity who was appealed to when a double-canoe was upset. Also called Kama-i- ka-huli-honua. Kamaiki (ka'-ma-i'-ki), n. 1. A des- ignation in general of any little child. 2. An expression of endear- ment applied to little children. Kamai I io (ka'-ma'-i-ll'-o), n. Conver- sation; consultation; familiar talk. Kamai I io (ka'-ma'-i-li-o), v. To con- verse; to exchange ideas collo- quially; to confer together; to consult; to talk with. Kamaiowa (ka-ma'i-o-wa), n. Disease of female genitals. Kamakahi (ka'-ma-ka'-hi), n. [Kama, child, and kahi, one.] An only child. Kamakaleioku (ka'-ma-ka-le'i-5'-ku'), n. Keawe's war-god. A god made of the tree called koalaukani, a species of koa. 0 ka haku maka o Kalananuu, 0 Kamakaleioku kalai aku Hooneenuu, Ke ana a Kalaukani, Kani kuhele ka ua i kaupaku o ka hale o moe-a. Kamakama* (ka'-ma-ka'-ma), n. A partitive of the noun hookama- kama. See the noun hookama- kama. Kamakama (ka'-ma-ka'-ma), v. 1. [Freq. of kama, to bind or tie.] To bind; to tie; to make fast; to bind up, as a bundle; to bind on. 2. A partitive of the verb hookamakama, to prostitute. The word requires the prefix hoo to make sense. See hookamakama. Kamakamaiiio (ka'-ma-ka'-ma'-I-li-o), n. Familiar conversation. Kamakamaiiio (ka'-ma-ka'-ma'-i-li-o), V. To converse; to talk together familiarly; otherwise synonymous with kamailio. Kamakamaka (ka'-ma'-ka-ma'-ka), n. 1. A cry for help; a prayer to the gods for assistance. 2. Material used to spread over the hot stones of an imu or oven to protect the food from burning. (The modern word is pale.) Kamakane (ka'-ma-ka'-ne), n. Name applied in common to all male children. Kamakau (ka'-ma-kau), n. [Ka, to block out, to pound, and makau, fish-hook.] The art of making the bones of men or animals into fish-hooks; o ke kanaka akamai 1 ke kamakau, he kanaka waiwai ia. Kamakau (ka'-ma-kau), v. To form a fish-hook. Kamakena (ka-ma-ke'-na), n. Same as make-na, wailing. Ka is the article. Kamakii (ka'-ma-ki'i), adj. Lazy; shirking; indolent. Kamakii (ka'-ma-ki'i), v. To be idle; to be wandering about do- ing nothing. Kamakiilohelohe (ka'-ma-ki'i-lo'-he-lo'- he), n. [Kama, for Kamapuaa; kli, get; lohelohe, a small beetle- like insect found in still water.] 1. A tabu or consecration of the lohelohe for sacred use. 2. The KAM 257 KAM tabu placed upon one who seeks the lohelohe on the order of a priest. 3. A tabu worship for the chief. Kama kin I (ka'-ma-ki'-ni), n. A tabu ordered upon anything or any per- son. Kamakonakahikulani (ka-ma'-ko-na'- ka'-hi-ku'-la'-ni), n. [Ka, the, ma- kona, relentless; kahiku, haughty, and Ian I, toward the sky.] A word or pTirase that Implies a very con- temptuous opinion of others. Kamakuu (ka'-ma'-ku'u), n. (See ma- kuu, ka is the article.) 1. A knob or ball of hair fastened with a knot on top of the head. 2. (Mod.) The pommel of a saddle. Kamala (ka'-ma'-la), adj. Tempor- ary, as the covering of a house or shelter: Hale kamala. Kamala (ka'-ma'-la), n. 1. A booth. 2. A temporary house. 3. A stall for cattle. Kamala (ka'-ma'-la), v. 1. To make a small shanty or hut for tempor- ary use. 2. To thatch with the leaves of the uhi for a temporary house. KamalanI (ka'-ma-la'-ni), n. [Kama, child, and lani, chief.] The child of a chief, a favorite or petted child. See punahele. KamalanI (ka'-ma-la'-ni), v. To be treated as a favorite. (Hooka- malani is the transitive form.) Kamale'na (ka'-ma-le-na), p. The pau (garment formerly worn by Hawaiian women) or other tapa dyed with the root of the olena or turmeric. Kamalli (ka'-ma-li'i), n. [Kama, child, and Hi, little.] 1. Children, either boys or girls; the young people of a family. 2. A word of endearment, used both in the sin- gular and plural. Kamalole (ka'-ma-lo'-le), v. 1. To reject; to forsake one thing and seek another, as food, tapa, women, etc. 2. To repudiate; to refuse: Kamalole no hoi o a i ka makou ai, A refuses our food. Kamalu (ka'-ma-luO, v. [Ka, to strike, and malu, secretly.] 1. To do secretly; to steal: ua kama- luia kuu puaa e mea; my hog has been stolen by somebody. 2. To prohibit; to forbid: ua kamalu mai o mea ia makou, aole make hana; Somebody secretly forbade us to work. Kamamake (kS'-ma'-ma'-ke), n. Same as mamake. (Ka is the article.) Kamana (ka'-ma-na'), n. (Eng. Mod.) Syn: Kamena. A carpenter. Kamani (ka'-ma'-ni), adj. Smooth; not rough; resembling polished ka- mani wood; beautiful; shiny. Kamani (ka'-m^'-ni), n. A littoral tree (Calophyllum inophyllum) gen- erally planted near habitations and large grove of kamani which for- nishes an excellent cabinet wood. The name occurs in old chants. A large grove of kamani which for- merly existed in the valley of Ha- lawa, Molokai, has been referred to by early navigators. Kamani (ka-ma'-ni), v. Not used without hoo. See hookamani. Kamaniha (ka'-ma-ni'-ha), adj. Rude; unsocial; sullen; cross and silent. (For the verbal form, see hooka- maniha.) Kamaniula (ka'-ma'-ni-u'-la), n. A variety of the kamani, a tree much planted for the shade afforded by its spreading branches and large leaves. Kama no (ka'-ma'-no), n. [Eng.] The salmon fish. Kamanomano (ka'-ma'-no-ma'-no), n. A shrub one to two feet high ((^en- chrus calyculatus) which grows chiefly on old lava fields. The leaves and stem of the plant were used for medicine. Kamapuaa (ka'-ma-pii-a'a), n. [Kama, child, and puaa, pig.] A fabled kupua or wizard, half man, half hog. He was the son of Hina and Kahikiula and a grandson of Ka- maunuaniho, who robbed Olopana's bird preserve, and whose haunt was the Kaliuwaa Falls. He was worshiped as a god. Kamapuka (ka'-m3.-pu'-ka), n. 1. A persistent beggar. See auhaupuka. 2. One who seeks favors in a roundabout way. Kamapuka (ka'-ma-pu'-ka), v. 1. To beg; to ask favors; to ge^ from another through ardent entreaty. 2. To glory over; to boast; to ob- tain and show. See Auhaupuka. Kamau (ka'-ma'u), adj. Fast adher- ing; constant, as a friend or be- loved relative. Kamau (ka'-mS'u), n. 1. Endurance; perseverance, especially in uncer- KAM 258 KAN tainty. 2. The small and worth- less tubers of the taro that remain in the hill after the harvest. See palili, 3. A remote family relation- ship. 4. A friend on account of relationship, that is, a friend as well as a relative. Kamau (ka'-ma'u), v. 1. To stop in any action; to wait or delay for a time. 2. To hold on or continue in spite of. 3. To fix or fasten temporarily. 4. To play down, as a trump card. Kamauea (ka'-ma'u-e'-a), n. A flick- ering of the breath. Kamauea (ka'-ma'u-e'-a), v. [Kamau, to wait, and ea, breath.] To be holding on for the present; to be barely alive. Kamawahine (ka'-ma-wa'-hi-ne), n. [Kama, child, and wahine, female.] 1. A female child. 2. Women, in general. Kamehal (ka'-me-ha'i), adj. 1. Un- usual; beyond the common order of things; astonishing. 2. Illegiti- mate, in the sense of being unlaw- fully begotten. Kameleona (ka'-me'-le-o'-na), n. [Eng.] 1. The chameleon. 2. The mole. Kamelo (ka'-me'-lo), n. [Eng.] A camel. Kamelopadi (ka'-me'-lo-pa'-di), n. [Eng.] A camelopard, the giraffe. Kamena (ka'-me-na'), n. [Eng.] A carpenter. Kamiki (ka-ml'-ki), n. The god of medicine men and of thieves; also called Opelunuikauhaalilo. Kamokumoku (ka'-mo'-ku-mo'-ku), v. [Ka, to go out, and mokumoku, broken.] To move, as the* bowels in a diarrhea, at intervals. Kamola (ka'-mo'-la), v. 1. To weave or entwine together loosely. 2. To be- slackly twisted, as a string; to be tied in a loose manner. Kamumumu (ka'-mu'-mu'-mu), n. (Plural form of kamumu.) Low, indistinct noises, as of something far away: kamumumu o na kaa, rumbling of wagons; kamumumu o ka ua; sounds of great rain at a distance; kamumumu o na wawae, sound of many footsteps. Kana (ka'-na), adj. Employed only in idiomatic turn of speech; it con- veys the sense of surprise or dis- approval, as: aole no i kana mai kau hana; your action is a matter of astonishment. Kana (ka'-na), n. The outside of the neck. Kana (ka'-na), n. A mythical man who formerly resided at Hilo; said to have been four hundred fathoms high; he stepped over the hill of Haupu on Molokai and slipped down; he also fought with Keo- laewanuiakamau. Kana (ka'-na), pron. [Ka, prep, hav- ing the sense of belonging to, and na, prep, for, used to emphasize the force of ka.] His or hers; belonging to him or to her. Kana (ka'-na), v. Word used only in phrase forms peculiar to the Hawaiian; it implie-s intense feel- ing, pleasurable or unpleasant, and is used only in idiomatic diction, as nana aku oe i ka hale o mea, aole o kana mai, ka nani, behold how beautiful is the house of. Kanae (ka'-na'e), n. 1. A pleasing effluence; a bringing out of fra- grant odors. 2. Fragrance. Ke kolollo a ke kehau o ia uka, E lawe mai ana i ka nae aala o ke kiele. The whiff of the morning air of that upland, Bringing out sweet odors of the kiele (a flower). Kanaenae (ka'-na'e-na'e), adj. Propi- tiating; appeasing: eia ka mohai kanaenae ia oe e ke akua; here is a peace-offering to thee, O god. He hale kanaenae no ka lani e ola, a house offered to the god in sac- rifice that the chief may live. Kanaenae (ka'-na'e-na'e), n. 1. A sacrifice; an offering to the gods; a propitiatory sacrifice. (Laieik. p. 27.) 2. A conciliatory act or gift. He kanaenae hoomalielie keia ia oe, e Pele, this is a con- ciliatory cry to you, O Pele. Kanaenae (ka'-na'e-na'e), v. 1. To pray to the gods; to offer sacri- fice to the gods; e kanaenae i ke akua. 2. To appease; to quiet. Kanaha (ka'-na-ha'), num. adj. Forty in number; used for forty in counting ropes, cord, bundles of food and property generally, but in counting tapas iako is used. Kanaha (ka'-na-ha'), v. To be forty in number. Kanahae (ka'-na-ha'e), v. Same as kanahai. Kanahai (ka'-na-ha'i), v. To de- crease; to diminish; to cease; to KAN 259 KAN leave off; ua kanahai ka wela o ke kuni, the heat of the burning has ceased; kanahai ka ue, the wailing has ceased; kanahai anei ka inu rama? Aole. Kanaho (ka'-na'-ho), n. 1. A refuge; a place of protection. 2. One who has escaped from danger, and who is resting. 3. An almost breath- less arrival. Kanaho (ka'-na'-ho), v. [Contraction of kanaaho.] 1. To rest after vio- lent exertion. 2. To be safe after escaping from harm; to rest under protection after having escaped in- jury. Kanahua (ka'-nS,-hu'-a), adj. Crooked; stoop-shouldered. (For the verb see hookanahua.) Kanai (ka'-na'i), n. Name applied to certain places in the sea where the water lies smooth and calm: O kahi o ke kai e moe ana me he alanui la, he kanai ia, that por- tion of the sea that lies like a long mark is a kanai. Kanaka (ka'-na'-ka), adj. Manly; strong; stable; ame ko lakou ano kanaka no ke Akua, and with their manly character, etc. Kanaka (ka'-na'-ka), n. 1. A man; one of the genus homo. 2. The general name of men, women and children of all classes, in distinc- tion from the alii or chiefs. 2. The after end of the outrigger of a canoe. Kanaka (ka'-na-ka), n. [Plural form of kanaka.] People in general; the mass of persons that make up a community. Kanaka (ka'-na'-ka), v. Not used without hoo. See hookanaka. Kanakamakua (ka'-na'-ka-ma'-ku'-a), n. [Kanaka and makua, parent.] 1. The state of mature age, whether one has children or not; one mature of person, full grown. 2. A man of bodily strength. 3. An eminent man. 4. A master of a household; a provider: O ka hana ia a ke kanakamakua; that is the work of a master. Kanakano (ka'-na'-ka-no'), interj. [Kanaka, manly, and no, emphatic, indeed! really!] A phrase ex- pressing applause or approbation, well done! noble! fine! manly! Kanakolu (ka'-na-ko'-lu), num. adj. Three tens; the number thirty. Kanaleo (ka'-na-le'o), v. To be de- ceptive; to be disposed to deceive or mislead. (Hookanaleo is the transitive form.) Kanaloa (ka'-na-lo'-a), n. 1. A deity, brother of Kane. See kukanaloa. 2. A species of fish. Same as pakaiele. 3. Security; firmness; the state of being immovable. Kanaloa (ka'-na-16'-a), v. To be es- tablished; to be unconquerable. Kanaloakukahl (ka'-na-lo'-a-ku-ka'-hi), n. Same as kaloakukahi, one of the days of the month. Kanalu (ka'-na'-lu), n. The priests of Ku who served at the luakini (temple) : ua kapaia na kahuna o ia aoao na kahuna o Kanalu, no ka mea o Kanalu ke kahuna^mua; the priests of that order were called Kanalu because Kanalu .was the first kahuna or priest. Kanai ua (ka'-na-lu'-a), adj. Waver- I ing; fickleminded ; fearful of a \ result. I Kanalua (ka'-na-lu'-a), num. adj. j [Kana, tenfold, and lua, two.] Two I tens; twenty; elua umi, umi lua. I Kanalua (ka'-na-lii'-a), n. Doubt; un- certainty as to what to think or how to act. Kanalua (ka'-na-lu'a), v. To be in doubt; to hesitate between two things; to be in doubt how to act in a certain case or how to ac- count for an event. Kanana (ka'-na'-na), n. 1. A sieve or strainer. 2. (Mod.) Writing paper: Ua makaukau ka hulu, ka Inika a me ke kanana, the quill, ink and writing paper are ready. Kanana (ka'-na'-na), v. 1. To sift, as flour; to winnow, as grain. 2. To strain; to pour through a strainer, etc., with a view to sep- arating the good from the poor. 3. To sift, that is, to try one's moral character. Kananana (ka'-na'-na'-na), v. To sep- arate what is evil from the good. See kanana. Kananuha (ka'-na-nu'-ha), adj. 1. Dull; stupid; slow or dull at an- swering. 2. Stubborn; obstinate; obdurate. Kananuha (k^'-na-nu'-ha), v. 1. To be dull. 2. To be sullen, stub- born, gruff, gloomy, ill-tempered. Kanapl (ka'-na-pi'), n. (Mod.) A centipede. KAN 260 KAN Kanapl (ka'-na-pi'), v. 1. To emit a sharp sudden cracking sound; to snap. 2. To fail to discharge when desired, as a gun. Kanapuu (ka'-na-pu'u), v. To be bent upwards: Ua kanapuu ke oa; the rafter is bent upward. See anapuu. Kanawal (ka'-na-wa'i), n. [Ka, prep- osition, of, belonging, relating to; na, sign of the plural, and wai, water.] 1. Lit. What belongs to the waters, that is, rights of water courses contained almost every- thing the ancient Hawaiians for- merly had in common in the shape of laws; hence the name kanawai has in more modern times been given to laws in general. 2. A law; an edict; a command of a chief. 3, More modern meaning, a^ legislative enactment. Kanawai (ka'-na'-wa'i), v. 1. To put under the law; to forbid a thing to be done: aole nae makou i kanawai i ka puhi baka no ka ili- hune: we did not, however, forbid (put under the law) the smoking of tobacco. 2. To put one's self under a law; that is, to obey a law. Kanawai I ua (ka'-na'-w^'i-lu'-a), n. 1. [Kanawai, law, and lua, double.] The Book of Deuteronomy, that is, a repetition of the laws of Moses. 2. Rule or laws of the lua, an ancient Hawaiian art of self-de- fense. Kanawao (ka'-na-wa'-o), n. 1. A hard striped pebble found in brooks and used in slinging. Used also as a sinker in fishing with hook and line. 2. Small insect that feeds on the leaf of the kalo (taro plant). Kanawi (ka'-na-wi'), v. To be poor; to be thin in flesh. Kane (ka'-ne), n. 1. The male of the animal species; opposite to wahine, female. 2. A husband. 3. An eruption or formation of whitish flakes on the skin. 4. One of the more distinguished heathen gods of the ancient Hawaiians, also called Kane-i-ka-wai-ola, Kane of the Living Water. 5. A certain day in each month set apart for the worship of the god, Kane. Kane (ka'-ne), v. To be or act the part of a husband: I kane oe na Lahopa; be a husband to Lahopa. Kanea (ka'-ne'-a), adj. Nauseous. Kanea (ka'-ne'-a), n. The loss of appetite; slight sickness; weak- ness; listlessness. Kanea (ka'-ne'-a), v. 1. To have no appetite for food; to feel sick; to loathe food. 2. To be slow and listless about work. Kaneapua (ka'-ne-a'-pu'-a), n. A younger brother of Kane and Ka- naloa. They were all left on La- nai. Kanegaru (pronounced ka'-ne-ka-lu'), n. (Mod.) A kangaroo. Kanehai (ka'-ne-ha'i), v. To de- crease; to make smaller; to sub- side, as wind, storm, or rain. Kaneiahuea (ka'-ne'-i-a'-hu-e'-a), n. 1. Name of a celebrated steersman of the canoe by night. 2. One skill- ful in managing a canoe by night or by day. Kaneikapualena (ka'-ne-i-ka-pu'-a-le'- na), n. [Kane, a god; I, in; ka, the; pualena, daybreak. Lit. Kane- in-the-early-morning.] Kawelo's war god. Kanekl (ka'-ne'-ki), v. 1. To be full to overflowing, as a stream in a freshet, or as one's temper in the heat of passion. 2. To be near trouble; to be nearly overflowing, as a river: ua hele ka wai a ka- nekl wale i ka pua o ke uki, the water nearly overflows the top of the uki (a plant). Kanekupua (ka'-ne-ku-pu'-a), n. A mock fight on the arrival of a high chief: Ua kapaia keia kaua ihe ana he kanekupua, thus fight- ing with spears was called a kane- kupua. Kanemake (ka'-ne-ma'-ke), adj. [Kane, husband, and make, dead.] Widowed. Kanemakua (ka'-ne-ma'-ku'-a), n. 1. Elder brother of a woman's hus- band. 2. A surety for a brother's wife. The older brother of a mar- ried man sustained the relation of ka'nemakua to his younger broth- er's wife. 3. Specific name of the malolo fisher's god; a deity who was supposed to assist the fisher- men in driving the malolo into the nets. Kanemare (ka'-ne-ma'-re), n. Mod. 1. A married man. 2. A bridegroom. Kanenuiakea (ka'-ne-nu'-i-a-ke'-a), n. [Kane, a god, nui, great, and akea, extensive. Lit. Great comprehen- KAN 261 KAN sive Kane.] The principal of a class of gods who exercised the chief direction and oversight over the athletic sports of the people. The class was said to have num- bered fifteen of which Kanenuia- kea was the head. The individ- uals in the class are as follows: Kanekii, Kanehakia, Kanelele, Kaneikamakaukau, Kanekohola, Kaneikaalei, Kaneikokea, Kane- paina, Kanepohakaa, Kanemakua, Kaneholopali, Kaneikapualena, Ka- neikapuahakea, Kaneikawaiola. Kanepaina (ka'-ne-pa'-i'na), n. A god in the class of Kanenuiakea, rep- resented by an insect resembling a grasshopper. Kanepolu (ka'-ne-po'-lu), n. 1. A chief on the Island of Oahu, who was killed by falling from a ledge one or two feet high: Make o Ka- nepolu i ka pali uuku, Kanepolu was killed by a small ledge of rock. 2. Name of a ledge or projecting ridge in Kailua, Oahu. Kanepuaa (ka'-ne-pu'-a'a), n. 1. The god of husbandry; ke nuhu nei, alia i oki ka aina a ka hewahewa a heu. (Kanepuaa was represented in dark clouds, E, Kanepuaa, e; e kela ao eleele e, e malu ke kiha- pai a kaua, Oh, Kanepuaa, oh yon- der dark cloud, protect our kihapai or field.) 2. Name also used for Kamapuaa. 3. Prayer of the hus- bandman. Kani (ka'-ni), adj. Sounding; sing- ing; squeaking; making a noise. Kani (ka'-ni), n. A singing; a ring- ing sound; a report, as of a gun; the sound of a trumpet, or of mu- sical instruments. Kani (ka'-ni), v. To be conveyed in sound. (For the transitive form, see hookani.) Kaniaau (ka'-ni-a'-a'u), n. Mourning for the loss of a wife or husband; deep seated grief; solemn mourn- ing. Kaniaau (ka'-ni-a-a'u), v. 1. To mourn; to grieve for the loss of husband or wife. 2. To wander about in sorrow; to go from place to place in despondency. 3. To be greatly afflicted, so that the sight of objects bringing the de- ceased to mind would be distress- ing. Kaniahiaa (ka'-ni-a'-hi'-a-a'), v. 1. To weep immoderately and lament for one absent, as a man for a beloved wife. 2. To mourn so ex- cessively that sleeplessness en- sues. Kaniai (ka,'-ni-a'-i'), n. [Kani and a-i, neck.] 1. The throat. 2. The larynx; the Adam's apple. 3. The trachea or windpipe. Kaniaukani (ka'-ni'-au-ka'-ni), n. 1. The name of Kamehameha's re- turn from Oahu to Hawaii; ua kapa kela hoi ana o kaniaukani. 2. The jewsharp. Kanihia (ka'-ni'-hl-a), adj. Love-sick; suffering from love: E noho ka- nihia aloha ae ana au ia oe, I lan- guish with love for you. Kaniie (ka'-ni-i'e), n. 1. Sound of the ie stick used in beating tapa. 2. A hard metallic sound. Kanikani (ka'-ni-ka'-ni), adj. Sound- ing; giving or causing a sound. Kanikani (ka'-ni-ka'-ni), n. The sound of any tinkling instrument. Kanikani (ka'-ni-ka'-ni), v. [Freq. of kani, to make a sound.] 1. To tinkle, as a small bell. 2. To sound, as any sharp noise. 3. To cry out with a shout: kanikani pihe aku la ka aha, "ka wahine maikai, e!" the woman is beau- tiful!=E2=80=94Laieik. p. 165. Kanikau (ka'-ni-ka'u), adj. Mourn- ing: hale kanikau, house of mourn- ing. Kanikau (ka'-ni-ka'u), n. A dirge; mourning; lamentation. Kanikau (ka'-ni-ka'u), v. [Kani, to sound, and kau, a song.] 1. To mourn for the loss of friends. To lament; to bewail; as for the dead. 2. To compose a dirge, or to sing one extemporaneously. To com- pose an elegy. See kumakena. Kanikoha (ka'-ni-ko-ha), v. [Kani, to sing, and koha, to crack.] 1. To cackle like the ao, a bird of the mountains. 2. To sound suddenly and loud, like the crack of a rifle. Kainikoko (ka'-nf-ko'-ko'), n. 1. One so old that carrying him in the koko or net is the only mode of conveyance. 2. The caring for an old person, as choice articles are protected from harm in the koko. Ka'nikoo (ka'-ni-ko'o), n. A man, so old that he cannot walk without a staff. KAN 262 KAN Kanilehua (ka'-ni-le'-hu'a), n. [Kani, to drink, and lehua, flower of the lehua tree.] A mist-like rain pe- culiar to the lehua forests =E2=80=94 the mist that drinks of the lehua bloom. Kanimoopuna (ka'-ni-mo'o-pu'-na), adj. Pertaining to grandparents. Kanimoopuna (ka'-ni-mo'o-pu'-na), v. [Kani, to have, and moopu'na, grandchild.] To have a grand- child or grandchildren. Kanini (ka-ni'-ni), v. Same as ko- nini. Kanlpuka (ka'-ni-pu'-ka), n. General name for a door, gate, entrance, etc. Syn: Ipuka. Kanlu (ka'-ni-u'), n. 1. Smart blow; a hard knock. 2. The effect of a hard stroke; the hurt that follows a forcible stroke with the hand, fist, stick, etc. Kaniu (ka'-ni-u'), v. To strike a sharp ringing blow with hand or fist: E noho malie oe o Kaniuia aku auanei e au ko poo; Keep still or I'll box your ears (slap your head). Kaniuhu (k5,'-ni-u'-hu'), adj. Sigh- ing; sorrowing on account of op- pression or wrong; distressed; sad. Kaniuhu (k=C2=A7,'-ni-u'-hu'), n. [Kani, sound, and uhu, a cry of grief.] Sorrow; sighing; com- plaint; groaning; trouble; sorrow; groaning from oppression: Noho no lakou me ke kaniuhu ole iloko o lakou iho, they live without com- plaint within themselves. Kaniuhu (ka'-ni-u'-hu'), v. [Kani, to sound, and uhu, complaint.] 1. To complain of pain of body; to groan with pain or grief. 2. To coo or mourn like a dove. 3. To mourn, as in affliction. 4. To sigh on ac- count of oppression. 5. To be sad; to be' sorrowful. Kaniull (ka'-ni-u'-li), v. To put out the lips as signifying disapproval, dissent or persistence. Kanluu (ka'-ni-u'u), n. A sound the source of which is unknown, as a sudden falling of anything. Kanluu (ka'-ni-u'u), v. To have a sharp, quick sound. Kaniwahie (ka'-ni-wa'-hi'-e), adj. [Kani, hard or ringing sound, and wahie, wood used for fuel.] Hard; not easily shaped; difficult to treat, as a piece of hard wood. Kaniwawae (ka'-ni-wa'-wa'e), adj. [Kani, sounding, and wawae, foot.] Of or belonging to a foot soldier: na kanaka kaniwawae, foot sol- diers or footmen. Kaniwawae (ka'-ni-wa'-wa'e), n. 1. A footman. 2. A foot soldier; in- fantry. Kano (ka'-no), A stiffening; a state of erection. Kano (ka'-no), n. 1. The two bones of the lower arm or the two bones of the lower leg. 2. A cubit in measure. 3. The body of a tree in distinction from its branches. 4. That part of a tool which is held in the hand when used. Kano (ka'-no), v. Same as uma, an ancient Hawaiian sport. 1. To wrestle or throw down, using the forearm (kano). 2. To measure strength with another by locking arms or legs in attempt to throw the other. Kano (ka'-no), v. To stiffen up; to make stiff; to cause to stand erect; to cause erection. Kanoa (ka'-no'-a), adj. Circular, ap- plied to a dish containing awa, and to a taro patch: E poepoe kanoa, e kae kanoa, round, as a kanoa, edged like a kanoa. Kanoa (ka'-no'-a), n. 1. A round spot of land lower than the surround- ing land. See ponaha. 2. A cir- cular cup-like vessel used for fil- tering liquid awa. Kanoenoe (ka'-no'-e-no'-e), v. [Noe, the northeast trade wind.] 1. To blow strongly; applied to the trade winds: ke kanoenoe mai nei no ka makani. 2. To be unsteady, as ap- plie-d to the wind. 3. To be partly intoxicated. Kanokano (ka'-no-ka'-no), adj. Stiff; not flexible. Kanokano (ka'-no-ka'-no), v. To be set up. Kanono (ka'-no'-no), n. A snapping sound like the crack of a pistol; a reverberating, roaring noise. Kanono (ka'-no'-no), v. To ring, as a bell; to sound; to make a noise by striking aganst a sonorous body, as a clock hammer. Kanowa (ka'-no'-wa), n. Same as kanoa, a cup. Kanu (ka'-nu), adj. Relating to plants or seeds: mea kanu, seed KAN 263 KAO or a vegetable for planting; laau kanu, a tree for planting. Kanu (ka'-nu), n. A burial; a plant- ing; concealing in the earth. Kanu (ka'-nu), v. 1. To bury, as aj corpse; to cover with earth. 2. To plant, as seed. 3. To trans- plant. 4, To hide in the earth. 5. i To set firmly in the earth. I Kanu (ka'-nu'), v. To be sullen; to: be* stubborn. ' Kanueeina (ka'-nG-e'-e'-i'-na), v. 1. To fix and smooth down, as the wet ruffled feathers of a fowl. 2. To make straight; to make smooth. ; Kanulu (ka'-nu'-lu), adj. Low, deep, heavy, as applied to sounds. Kanulu (ka'-nu'-lu), n. 1. An excel- ling; an increasing; said of sound. 2. Vibratory sound, as of distant thunder. Kanulu (kS-'-nu'-lu), v. To have a heavy deep sound, as the voice of a person with a cold. Kanunu (ka-nu'-nu), adj. Large; very fat; he hee kanunu kau. Kanunu (ka-nu'-nu), n. Einlargement physically, said of increasing size; fullness: Kanunu hoi kela keiki; how fleshy is that child. Kanupapahuwili (ka'-nu-pa-pa'-hu-wi'- li), n. A setting firmly in the ground by a process of tamping. Kanupapahuwili (ka'-nu-pa-pa'-hii-wi'- li), V. [Kanu, to set in the earth, papahu, to tamp, and will for ka- wili, to mix.] To set solid in the ground by mixing earth with water and driving the mixture down with frequent strokes, said of setting posts. Kao (ka'-6), interj. [The article ka and o.] A word or phrase express- ing surprise or wonder. Kao (ka'o), n. 1. A peacemaker; an intercessor. 2. A goat; kao hele, scapegoat. So translated in the Scriptures. 3. A light spear. Kao (ka'o), n. Same as kaao, a legend. Kao (ka'o), v. To intercede; to mediate; to separate contending partie-s; to prevent one from ac- cusing or slandering another: ua kao mai oe ia'u. Kao (ka'-o), v. 1. To call aloud in a sense of warning; to cry out as in cautioning against anything that may cause harm. 2. To plead; to call by way of entreaty. Syn: | Uwalo. 3. To throw or cast a dart or javelin. Kaohl (ka'-o'-hi), v. To keep in pos- session; to continue to hold; to restrain from departure: kaohl na lii iaia e noho, aole oia i ae mai; the chiefs urged him to stay, but he did not consent. Kaohlhiu (ka'-o-hl'-hi'-u), n. [Kao, goat, and hlhlu, wild.] The ga- zelle or wild goat. Kaokaa (ka'-o-ka'a), n. Ancient game in which a small gourd is spun as boys spin a top. Kaokanaka (ka'o-ka'-na'-ka), n. Des- ignation of satyr as found in a translation of the Scriptures. Kao kao (ka'o-ka'o), n. A form of venereal disease. Kaokao (ka'o-ka'o), n. 1. A rain cloud on the point of precipitation. 2. First drops of a shower. Kaokao (ka'o-ka'o), v. 1. To be prominent; to project above the skin. 2. To be rel and hard. Kaokeiki (ka'o-ke'-i-ki), n. Young goat. Syn: Keikikao. Kaokoa (ka'-6-k5'-a), adj. Whole; unmutilated: he ia kaokoa, okioki ole, mai ke poo a ka hiu, a fish whole, uncut from head to tail. Kaokoa (ka'-6-ko'-a), n. The being independent; a standing aloof; a separation from. (The word is ap- plied to those who deny allegiance or obligation to any one.) Kaokoa (ka'-6-ko'-a), v. [Ka and okoa, different.] 1. To be whole; to be undivided. 2. To stand aloof from; to be indepeiident of. Kaola (ka'-6'-la), n. 1. A stick or beam laid across a house from foot of rafter to rafter to strength- en it; a beam; the beam of a house. 2. Mod. Any strong piece of lumber or metal used as a bar, beam or rail, as in fences, gates, etc. Used in the Scriptures to de- scribe the confines of darkness, as: na kaola o ka po, the bars of night. Kaolahao (ka'-o'-la-ha'o), n. [Kaola and hao, iron.] An iron bar. Kaolele (ka'-o-le'-le), n. (Kao, dart, and lele, to fly.] A dart; a javelin; a sky-rocket. Kaolo (ka'-o'-lo), n. A zigzag path- way down a hill. Kaomi (ka'-o'-mi), n. The north- east trade wird. See moae. 2. KAO 264 KAP Name of a noted Hawaiian agita- tor. Kaomi (ka'-o'-mi), v. 1. To press down, as with a lever; to bear down upon a thing. 2. To squee-ze; to press together. 3. To crush. Kaomiwaina (ka'-o'-mi-wa'i-na), n. A wine press. Kaona (ka'-o-na), n. Name of an agitator and religious fanatic who caused a popular disturbance on the island of Hawaii when a dep- uty sheriff of the district was killed. Kaoo (ka'-o'o), n. 1. A girding or exercising constraining force on, some part of the body to relieve pain. 2. A drawing tighter of the girdle or malo. 3. A multitude traveling together. 4. A crowd of people. Kaoo (ka'-o'o), v. 1. To bind. 2. To tighten. 3. To be in an overwhelm- ing crowd. 4. To be in straits. Kaopa (ka'-o'-pa), adj. Lame; stiff. See oopa. Kaopa (ka'-o'-pa), n. [Ka, article the, and opa, a limping.] Defec- tive walking; lameness. Kapa (ka'-pa), n. 1. The cloth beaten from the bark of the wauki or paper mulberry, also from the mamaki and other trees; tapa. 2 Cloth of any kind; clothes gener- ally; kapa komo, a coat; a dress. 3. A bank; a shore; the side of a river, pond or lake; the side of a taro patch; the side of a wood or land; the side of a road. Syn: Aoao. 4. The labium of a female. Plural: kapakapa. Kapa (ka'-pa), n. Slight blows or taps heard at intervals; intermit- tent tapping. Kapa (ka'-pa'), n. A class of e-els that play havoc among all kinds of fish. See puhikapa. Kapa (ka'-pa), v. 1. To designate or point out by title. 2. To attach a nickname to. Kapa (ka'-pa'), v. 1. To squeeze or press with the hands, as refuse awa is pressed to extract the liquid. 2. To strain with a strainer Kapaaiialo (ka'-pa'a-i-la'-lo), n. Any place on the earth in distinction from heaven; o kahi e pili ana i ka honua, ua kapaia o kapaaiialo. =E2=80=94 D. Malo. Kapaailu'na (ka'-pa*a-i-lu'-na), n. 1. The arch of the heaven above, supposed to be firm and strong. 2. Any place in the air or above the earth; o kahi e pili ana i ka lani ua kapaia o kapaalluna. 3. The antithesis of Kapaaiialo; the eternal heavens. Kapaau (ka'-pa-a'u), n. A particular place in a temple (heiau). A place reserved for the priests, and where the sacrifices, offerings or victims were assembled in front of the lele or altar. Also called ka nuu. Kapae (ka'-pa'e), n. The act of turn- ing aside anything from its proper use, or from moral rectitude. Kapae (ka'-pa'e), v. 1. To pervert; to turn aside; to turn aside from moral rectitude. 2. To turn aside from the direct road in traveling. To turn aside from following a per- son. 4. To turn aside from obe- dience to law. 5. To turn a thing from its designed use or object. (When a commander in battle ordered a soUier to throw a spear at an opponent who was in reality the soldier's friend, the soldier would throw his spear where it would do no injury, and yet he would pretend to obey. He would thus be said to kapae the spear. The word was much used formerly as applied to the mismanagement of a chief's property, to designate a kind of embezzling. 6. To mis- appropriate. Kapaeolelo (ka'-pae-o-le'-lo), v. To change the meaning of a word or phrase from its common meaning; to explain. Kapahai (ka'-pa-ha'i), n. The limit or boundary of; edge; border. Kapai (ka'-pa'i), n. Any kind of remedy prepared for external use: he popo kapai, a ball for rubbing (lomi). Kapai (ka'-pa'i), v. [Ka and pai, a blow with a flat surface.] 1. To pound gently with the fist as on one's flesh to promote circulation. 2. To anoint the body with oint- ment. 3. To break in piece's; to separate into parts by force. 4. To break up wood for fuel. Kapakahi (ka'-pa-ka'-hi), adj. [Kapa, side, and kahi, one.] 1. One-sided; uneve-n; crooked. 2. Partial to one party to the injury of an- KAP 265 KAP other: lawe kapakahi, to act with partiality. Kapakahl (ka'-pa-ka'-hi), v. 1. To act partially. 2. To put out of square. Kapakai (ka'-pa-ka'i), v. [Kapa, aside, and kaM (contraction of kaukai), to wait for.] To wait in expectation of, or looking for an event to happen; to wait looking for the result of another's action. Kapakakeu (ka'-pa'-ka-ke'u), v. Same as kapakeu. Kapakapa (ka'-pa-ka'-pa), adj. Fic- titious; assumed, as one's name; he inoa kapakapa, an assumed name for any purpose. Kapakapa (ka'-pa-ka'-pa), n. 1. The labia of females. Singular is kapa. 2. The crotch of men. Kapakapa (ka'-pa-ka'-pa), v. [Freq. of kapa to call or name.] 1. To call by assumed or fictitious names. 2. To call in a familiar manner. 3. To call as a suppliant: E kapakapa ae no hoi oe i kou mau aumakua, call or invoke your ancestral gods. Kapakeu (ka'-pa-ke'u), v. 1. To talk insanely. 2. To dispute in a gar- rulous manner. Kapakomo (ka'-pa-ko'-mo), n. [Kapa, cloth, and komo, to enter in, that is, to put on.] A garment; wear- ing apparel. Kapakuina (ka'-pa-ku-I'-na), n. [Kapa, the native cloth, tapa, and kuina, uniting by stitches.] The five tapas which when sewed together for bed clothing are called kuina- kapa. Kapala (ka'-pa'-la), n. 1. A writ- ing; a printing; a stamping. 2. A blotting out by daubing. Kapala (ka-pa'-la), n. See pala (ka is the article). Kapala (ka'-pa'-la), v. 1. To blot; to daub; to strike or blot out. 2. To stain; to spot; to paint or print tapa or cloth. See palapala and hapala. Kapalaau (ka'-pa'-la-a'u), n. 1. An ahupuaa (district) on the- westerly side of Niihau. 2. The place where the sun sets: kokoke ka la e hiki i Kapalaau, the sun will soon reach Kapalaau, the setting place. Kapalalu (ka'-pa'-la-lu'), adv. Badly; awkwardly; uncertainly; away from. Kani kapalalu ka pu, the gun fires uncertainly. Kapalau (ka'-pa-la'u), n. [Kapa, gar- ment, and lau^ leaf.] 1. A tem- porary covering or garment made of leaves. 2. The leaves with which the corpse of a chief was bound up previous to burial. Kapalill (ka'-pa-ll'-li), n. 1. A trem- bling or palpitation, as of the heart. 2. The vibration of the tongue in pronouncing the French Kapallli (ka'-pa-li'-li), v. 1. To shake rapidly, as a reed or leaf in the wind. 2. To move rapidly, as the tongue in speaking rap- idly. 3. To palpitate, as the heart either by fear or joy; kapalill ka houpo. 4. To be in fear. 5. To tremble. Kapalulu (ka'-pa-lu'-lu), n. A trem- ulous sound, as a fly buzzing near the ear. Kapalulu (ka'-pa-lu'-lu), v. 1. To move about irregularly and quick- ly, as in effort to fly away or escape. 2. To flap the wings rap- idly, as a bird in its endeavor to get out of the fowler's snare. 3. To move; to tremble; to shake. 4. To make a tremulous or buzzing sound. Kapanaha (ka'-pa-na'-ha), n. 1. A light form of insanity. 2. A de- lusion. Kapaoka (ka'-pa-o'-ka), n. The Poly- nesian pronunciation of Sabaota =E2=80=94 Sabaoth, Hebrew word for armies. Kapapa (ka'-pa'-pa), v. 1. To scram- ble about, as a person having fallen down in the dark feels about him; hina wale i ke ala kapapa. 2. To feel one's way. 3. To search by feeling. Kapapaku (ka-pa-p=C2=A7,-ku'), n. Same as papaku. Kapapala'ni (ka-pa-pa-la'-ni), n. The heavens and its spiritual powers. Syn: Apapalani. Kapapaulua (ka'-pa'-pa-u'-lii'a), n. 1. A man defeated in battle and doomed to be sacrificed upon the altar (lele). 2. The practice of striking the canoe sides with pad- dles when fishing for the ulua. 3. The quick succession of sounds so made by fishermen to drive the fishes into the nets. KAP 266 KAP Kapapaulua (ka'-pa'-pa-u'-lu'a), v. To sacrifice a human being. Kapapea (ka'-pa-pe'a), n. [Kapa, cloth, and pea, filthy.] 1. Filthy rags. 2. Garment worn by women in the halepea. See halepea. Kapauu (ka'-pa-u'u), n. A quivering of a net in taking fish. Kapauu (ka'-pa-u'u), v. 1. To flutter or flap; to splash or spatter in the water, a process employed by fish- ermen to drive fishes into a net. , See kapeku. (Formerly the word was used on Kauai and Oahu, while kapeku was more- popular on the other islands. Kapeku is the word in general use among native fish- ers.) 2. To be agitated; to be disturbed; to be worried: Ua ka- pauu ka lani, the lani (chief) is worried. Kapawa (ka-pa'-wa), n. Same as pawa. Kapea (ka'-pe'a), v. 1. To lay hold of; to seize, as a criminal. 2. To accuse falsely. See hoopea. 3. To bring charges of evil without cause against a good man. Kapeapea (ka'-pe'a-pe'a), n. Any- thing made by crossing sticks to form a netlike barrier. Kapeapea (ka'-pe'a-pe'a), v. To put across; to intersect; to interfere with. . Kapehe (ka'-pe'-he), n. A compan- ion; an assistant; a fellow work- er; an associate in any work or business. Kapehe (ka-pe'-he), v. Same as ku- pehe, to go softly. Kapeke (ka'-pe'-ke), v. 1. To be out of joint, as a limb. 2. To limp, as a lame person. 3. To make a misstep. 4. To miss in attempting to do a thing; to make a mistake. 5. To be turned aside, or drawn back as one's malo or loincloth, exposing the body. Kapekei (ka'-pe-ke'i), v. Same as kapekeu. Kapekepeke (ka'-pe'-ke-pe'-ke), adj. Unsteady; hesitating; doubtful; unlike at different times. Kapekepeke (ka'-pe'-ke-pe'-ke), adv. Doubtfully; irresolutely; unstead- ily; superficially. Kapekepeke (ka'-pe'-ke-pe'-ke), n. 1. Inconstancy; ficklene-ss. 2. Doubt; hesitancy. Kapekepeke (ka'-pe'-ke-pe'-ke), v. [Kapeke, to slip, to make a mis- step.] 1. To stand unsteadily, to totter; to roll; to be about to fall. 2. To walk unsteadily; that is, not from one's own condition, but from the nature of the ground on which one is walking. 3. To be unset- tled in mind or opinion; to be in doubt. 4. To be inconstant; to be fickle. 5. To fasten or put up a thing carelessly or insecurely: ua paa kapekepeke no, aole i paa pono. Kapekeu (ka'-pe-ke'u), adj. Quarrel- some; disagreeable. Kapekeu (ka'-pe-ke'u), v. 1. To be quarrelsome. 2. To be on un- friendly terms. Kapeku (ka'-pe'-ku), n. One who as- sists the fishermen by driving the fish into the nets. Kapeku (ka'-pe'-ku), v. 1. To splash the water, as fishermen do to drive fish into a net. 2. To dash about in the water, as a fish does when suddenly frightened. See kapauu, to flutter. Kapekupeku (ka'-pe'-kii-pe'-ku), v. Freq. of kapeku. Kapeleleu (ka'-pe'-le-le'u), n. The name of Kamehameha's voyage when he went to take possession of his kingdom; so called from the kind of canoes he we-nt in: ua ka- paia kela hele ana o kapeleleu, the voyage was called kapeleleu. See peleleu. Kapena (ka'-rfi'-na), n. (Eng.) 1. A captain or master of a ship: i kapaia 'ku ai Kapena Kuke o Lono, Captain Cook was called Lono. 2. A captain; a military officer. Kapena-kuke (ka-pe'-na-ku'-ke), n. Captain Cook's name as pro- nounced by Hawaiians. Kapi (ka'-pi), v. 1. To scatter in drops or particles; to sprinkle. The word usually requires an ex- planatory word or phrase to free it from ambiguity: as, kapi i ka paakai, sprinkle with salt; kapi i ka lehu, sprinkle with ashes; kapi i ka wai, sprinkle with water, etc. 2. To salt; to preserve with salt. Kapihi (ka-pi'-hi), n. Same as pihi, button. Kapii (ka'-pi'i), n. A class of the personal attendants of a chief. Kapiki (ka'-pi'-ki), n. 1. Poi made of water-soaked taro: Kapiki ka makou poi. 2. (Eng.) The Ha- KAP 267 KAP waiian pronunciation for the word cabbage. Kapili (ka'-pl'-li), v. [See pili.] 1. To join or unite together in various ways. 2. To fit different sub- stances together. 3. To put or fit together, as the different parts ot a house or ship or other work of the kind: Kapili laau, to work at carpentry; kapili moku, to build a ship; ua popopo ke kia moku, hoi hou oia e kapili, the mast of the ship was rotten, he returned to repair it. 4. To repair or mend what is broken. 5. To plaster; to besmear, 6. To make fast by the use of plaster. Kapilialo (ka'-pi'-li-a'-lo), n. 1. A girl or woman who is a favorite. 2. A mistress or paramour. See pilialo. 3. An unknown land peo- pled with inhabitants whose race is unknown: he pilikua, he kana- ka ano e. Kapilikua (ka'-pi'-li-ku'-a), n. 1. An imaginary country of which nothing is known as to race or lo- cation; he kanaka pili makua, ma ke kaao ana e loaa mai ai. See kapilialo. 2. A giant. Kapilimanu (ka'-pi'-li-ma'-nu), n. [Ka- pili, to make fast by the use of plaster, and manu, a bird.] The art of catching birds with bird lime (pilali), etc.: i ko'u pii ana iuka i ke kapilimanu. Kapilimoku (ka'-pi'-li-md'-ku), n. 1. The art of ship building. 2. A ship builder. Kapilimoku (ka'-pi'-li-mo'-ku), v. To build, but espe-cially to calk ships. See kapili. Kapilipili (ka'-pi'-li-pl'-li), v. 1. To fit one thing to another; to join two things so as to make one; to unite. 2. To set or place as a fixture. 3. To fix blame on anoth- er; to complain of another, as an excuse for one's self. See kapili. Kapio (ka'-pi'o), n. A snare. Kapio (ka'-pi'o), v. [Ka and pi'o, to be bent.] To catch with trap or snare. Kapipi (ka'-pi'-pi), v. To sprinkle, as salt, blood, or water. Kapipine (ka'-pi'-pi'-ne), n. (The op- posite of kamaioa which is applied to males.) Kapipine i huiia me ke kamaioa, a female associated with a male. Kapo (ka'-po), n. A fabled goddess said to be related to Pele, and to be a sister of Kalaipahoa. See Kahuilaokalani. Kapola (ka'-po'-la), v. 1. To bind up in a wrapper; to fold up in a tapa; e wahi, e kapola. 2. To wrap with a bandage; to bind with repeated turns. Kapolapllau (ka'-po'-ia-pi-la'u), n. A filthy bandage. Kapoo (ka'-po'o), n. 1. Place where anything disappears. 2. A cavity; a depression; the armpit. Hollow place at the juncture of the wing of a fowl with the body. Kapoo (ka'-po'o), v. To enter into, in the . sense of disappearing; to sink into and out of sight: ua kapoo ka la, the sun has gone down; ua kapoo ka iole iloko o ka lua, the rat has disappeared in the hole. Kapoopoo (ka'-po'o-po'o), v. 1. To descend; to go down. 2. To be uneven; to be rough, as a broken surface; to abound in ruts or lit- tle holes, as an ill-kept highway. See kapoo. Kapu (ka'-pu), adj. 1. Prohibited; forbidden; hence, 2. Sacred; con- secrated; holy; devoted. Kapu (ka'-pu), n. 1. The system of religion that existed formerly in Hawaii. It was based upon nu- merous restrictions or prohibitions, keeping the common people in obe- dience to the chiefs and priests; but many of the tabus extended to the chiefs themselves: Eha na po kapu ma ka malama hookahi, there were four tabu nights (days) in a month: First, Kapuku; second, Kapuhua; third, Kapukaloa; fourth, Kapukane. 2. A restriction; a re- straint; a consecration; a separa- tion. 3. Any restrictive or pro- hibitory order. 4. Mod. A tub. Kapu (ka'-pu), v. 1. To be set apart for some particular person or special purpose. 2. To be pro- hibited. 3. To be made sacred or devoted to sacred usage. (For the transitive form see hookapu.) Kapuahi (ka-pu-a'-hi), n. [Kapu, place of, and ahi, fire.] 1. A fire- place. 2. The pan of a musket or gun. 3. A censer for sacrifice. 4. An oven. 5. The vagina. Kapuahihao (ka'-pu-a'-hi-ha'o), n. [Kapuahi, fireplace, and hao, iron.] KAP 268 KAU 1. An iron stove; an iron furnace. 2. The place or circumstances of affliction, used in a figurative sense. Kapuai (ka'-pu-a'i), n. 1, The sole of the foot. 2. A footprint; a footstep. 3. Mod. A foot in meas- ure (twelve inches). 4. Paw: ka- puai manamana, the paw of an animal. (The Hawaiians have no word for foot in distinction from wawae, leg; but wawae includes often both foot and leg; so lima signifies arm including the hand, but there is no specific word for hand.) Kapuai koloa (ka-pu-ai-ko-lo'-a), n. A carved design on a tapa Ijeater, consisting of a series of Gothic arches. Kapuamoe (ka'-pu-a'-mo'e), n. 1. Place set apart for a class of chiefs called Niaupio. 2. A tabu where everybody was required to prostrate himself when the chief passed; he alii niaupio no, he kapuamoe no kona. KapuanoFio (ka'-pu-a'-no'-ho), n. A tabu conceded to the order or class of Niaupio. A tabu requiring all the people to sit when the king's calabash or other utensil was carried by; he alii nui, he niaupio no, he kapuanoho nae kona. See kapuamoe. Kapuapua (ka-pu'-a-pu'-a), n. 1. A species of banana resembling the lele. 2. The tail feathers of a bird. Kapuapua (ka'-pu'a-pu'a), n. Any in- definite or uncertain place: Aia i hea? Aia i kapuapua, i ka au- waa ipanana; Where is he? He is off in the fleet of wandering, questionable canoes. Kapuhi (ka'-pu'-hi'), n. 1. A master of an animal. 2. A nurse of a child. 3. A provider. See hooka- puhi. Kapuhili (ka'-pu'-hi'-li), n. A species of fish. See puhikii. Kapukapu (ka'-pu-ka'-pu), n. Honor; praise; dignity; separation from what is common. See kapu. Kapukapu (ka'-pu-ka'-pu), v. 1. To be sacred; to be entitled to rev- erence. 2. To be difficult to ap- proach because of rank, dignity, station, etc. A kapukapu no hoi me ou mau kaipuahine. =E2=80=94 Laieik. p. 99, And also difficult to ap- proach like your sisters. For the transitive form, see hookapukapu. Kapukapu Ian i (ka'-pii-ka'-pu-la'-ni), v. To be repellent in manner; to be distant and ill-natured; to be haughty. (Lit. to have the ap- pearance of heavenly sacredness.) Kapukawai (ka'-pii-ka-wa'i), adj. j Handsome; regal; attractive. I Kapukawai (ka'-pu-ka-wa'i), v. 1. To be handsome; to be noble in appearance; to be princely in car- riage and attire. 2. To be so clean and beautiful that no water is re- quired to cleanse or beautify. Kapule (ka'-pu'-le), adj. More than ripe; almost rotten. Kapule (ka'-pu'-le), v. To be over- ripe, spoken of fruit. Kapu I u (ka'-pu'-lu), adj. 1. Dirty; filthy. 2. foolish. 3. Sottish. Kapulu (ka'-pu'-lu), v. 1. To be un- faithful in business. 2. To be careless; to be slovenly. Kapulupulu (ka'-pu'-lu-pu'-lu), v. 1. To be slovenly; to be shiftless; to be negligent of one's person; to be dirty, unkempt, or carelessly dressed. Kapuni (ka'-pfi'-ni), adj. Overspread- ing; widely diffused: he ua ka- puni, a rain over all the islands. Kapuni (ka'-pu'-ni), n. 1. The cir- cumference of a thing; a sur- rounding; a circuit. See puni. 2. One who lived and died in his birthplace: He kapuni o Keoua no Kaawaloa; Keoua was a kapuni of Kaawaloa. Kapuo (ka'-pu-o'), n. A call or watchword announcing the ap- proach of a sacred personage, or the carrying out of religious cere- monies, as: Kapu o, e moe; The tabu is on, prostrate yourselves. Kapuwai (ka'-pu-wa'i), n. Tub of water, or literally water tub. Kapu wo hi (ka'-pu-wo'-hi), n. 1. A tabu less than a kapu niaupio, that is, a relaxation of the kapu niau- pio; o ke alii kapuwohi, aole oia ame kona lawe kahili; o Kameha- meha I. he kapuwohi kona. 2. A tabu accorded to the relatives of a king (wohi). Kasia (ka'-si'-a), n. (Eng.) Cassia, an odoriferous herb. Katarakete (ka'-ta-ra'-ke'-te), n. (Heb.) The cormorant, a bird. Kau (ka'u), n. 1, The summer sea- son, as dist. from hooilo, the KAU 269 KAU winter. (The Hawaiians had only the two seasons.) 2. A period of time when one lives; a lifetime: a i ke kau i ke alii, ia Kameha- meha, in the lifetime of Kameha- meha. 3. A time for any particu- lar purpose; a specified time. 4. A time of indefinite length: kau ai, a fruitful season; kau wi, a time of famine. 5. The Milky Way. 6. The center piece in the game of puhenehene, also called puukapu. 7. The middle finger of the hand. 8. A setting of the sun, derived from the kau in the game of puhenehene: mai ka la hiki a ka la kau, from the rising to the setting sun. =E2=80=94 D. Malo, chap. 5, verse 11. 9. A frame or place fitted for setting or placing things. 10. A perch. 11, A pole raised longitudinally over a canoe like the ridge pole of a tent, over which the ahu or mat was spread in stormy weather. Kau (kau), pron. Yours: kau keia; this is yours. Ka'u (ka'u), pron. (An oblique case of au.) Of me; mine; belonging to me. Also a prefix pronoun, my; mine; of me. Kau (ka'u), v. 1. To hang; to hang up; to suspend. 2. To hang, tie or gird on: kau i ka pahi kaua; gird on the sword. 3. To place or put upon. 4. To promulgate; to make known. 5. To overhang, as the heavens over the earth. 6. To hover. 7. To rest. 8. To descend and rest; to alight. 9. To embrace. 10. To appear; to be up. 11. To cease. Kaua (ka'u-a), n. A war; a battle; an army drawn up for battle: Poe kaua, a host, an army. Kaua (ka'-ii'a), pron. We two; you and I. Kaua (ka'u-a), v. 1. To war; to fight, as two armies. 2. To make war upon or against. 3. To fight for; to battle. Kaua (ka'-u'-a), v. 1. To invite to stay: Aole o maua mea nana e kaua mai, a liuliu ko maua noho kuewa ana, there is no reason why we two should stay and lengthen out the time of our sojourning. See kaohi. 2. To detain; to urge to stay. Kauahoa (ka'u-aho'a), adj. Cross; morose. Kauahoa (ka'u-a-ho'-a), n. [Ka, the, and uahoa, hard, unkind.] 1. A hard-hearted person. 2. A sour disposition. Kauai (ka'u-a'i), n. One of the Ha- waiian islands. Kauaikanana (ka'u-a'i-ka'-na'-na'), n. (A phrase rather than a word.) An attitude of recumbent repose. Kauaka (kau'-a-ka'), n. 1. A person crazy, noisy with constant muscu- lar motion. 2. One making a show or pretense. Kaualau (ka'u-a-la'u), n. The plan- tain, a plant resembling the ba- nana. Kauai ii (ka'u-a'-li'i), n. A person of no rank invested with the title of alii or chief. Kauai io (ka'u-a-li'-o), n. [Kaua, war, and lie, a horse.] 1. A warrior on horseback. 2. Cavalry, in dis- tinction from infantry. Kauamai (ka'-u'-a-ma'i), v. [Kaua, to invite to stay, and mai, a verbal directive.] To invite or urge to stay by; to draw or influence to- wards one's self. Kauapaio (ka'u-a-pa'i-o), n. 1. A combat where there is striking back and forth. 2. A verbal combat. Kauaula (ka'u-a'-u'-la), adj. Strong; raging; furious; applied to the trade winds when they break over the hills back of Lahaina: he leo o ka makani kauaula kau i lohe iho nei. Kauaula (ka'u-a'-u-la), n. A kind of soft porous stone used in rubbing to make smooth or even. Kauaula (ka'u-a'-u'-la), n. A strong wind from the mountains, occa- sioned by the breaking over of the trade winds; often destructive at Lahaina. Kaue (ka'u-e'), adv. [Kau, impend, and e, previously or consequently.] By consequence; by reason of; hence. The word requires a phrase or sentence to make sense, as: Pepe- hua o Kuakua ma kona hale, kaue ka well a puni kauhale; Kuakua was killed in his own house, hence fear hung over all the village. Kauea (ka'u-e'a), adj. Having no appetite. Syn: Kaea. See kanea. Kauekekel (ka'u-e'-ke'-ke'i), adj. Short, as a coat or gown; too short. KAU 270 KAU Kauha (ka-u'-ha), n. The rectum. (Uha is the word, ka the definite article.) Kauhakake (ka'u-ha'-ka-ke'), adj. Short. Syn: Kauekekei. Kauhale (ka'u-ha'-le), n. [Kau, place, and hale, house.] 1. A Small cluster of houses; a village. 2. A house or residence of a person. 3. A place where a house has been, or where one is to be. Kauhau (ka-ii-hau'), v. Same as uhau, to strike with a whip. Kauhekekei (ka'u-he'-ke-ke'i), adj. Short. Syn: Kauekekei. Kauhilo (ka'u-hi'-lo), v. To fasten with a rope the sticks of a native building while in the course of erection; he aho mai waho mai o ka hale i ka manawa e kauhilo ai; alalia, kauhilo ia ka hale a pau. Kauhiuhi (ka'-u'-hi-u'-hi), n. The uhiuhi, a forest tree (Mesoneurum kauaiense) whose timber was used for the boards of the native sled (holua) and for oo (ancient agricul- tural implement). Kauhola (ka'u-ho'-la), n. Disease of apoplectic nature resulting in a sudden loss of consciousness. Kauhola (ka'u-ho'-la), v. To open; to expand; to unfold, as a tapa; as a flower in blooming. Syn: Uhola. Kauholo (ka'u-ho'-lo), v. 1. To fol- low for the purpose of inflicting harm in return for insult or in- jury. 2. To send after, and try to get one to return. See kaukolo. Kauholopapa (ka'u-ho'-lo-pa'-pa), n. 1. One known only to those of like lineal descent to be a chief; an illegitimate son of a chief who knew he was of royal blood but did not know his pedigree. Such a one would not allow his clothing to be placed on the same frame or shelf as another chief, so he was called alii-kau-holo-papa, a clothes-rack chief. =E2=80=94 D. Malo, Ha- waiian Antiquities, chapter XVIII, V. 24. Ua kapaia oia he alii kau- hola papa, no ka mea, ma ka holo- papa i ikeia ai kona alii ana. 2. A stick, pole or shelf on which to hang tapa. Kauhua (ka'u-hu'a), n. 1. Enlarge- ment of the body due to pregnan- cy. 2. The state of pregnancy. 3. Tendency toward nausea which frequently accompanies the condi- tion of pregnancy. 4. The act of writing words or thoughts. Kauhua (ka'u-hu'a), v. To form in the mind; to originate. 2. To con- ceive; to become pregnant. 3. To swell out, as one with child. See hookauhua. 4. To put down in letters; to reduce to writing. Kauhuhu (ka'u-hu'-hu), n. 1. The edge of a precipice. 2. The pole running lengthways of the house to which the tops of the rafters are fastened; a ridge pole. 3. A species of shark also called niuhi. Kau i la (ka'u-I'-la), adj. Pertaining to the kauila ceremony: kapu kau i la, tabu incident to the dedi- cation of a heiau. Kauila (ka'u-I'-la), n. A species of hard reddish wood. Same as kau- wila. Kauila (ka'u-i'-la), v. To offer spe- cial sacrifices during the dedica- tion ceremonies of a heiau: Hoo- makaukau no ka la e kauila ai ka heiau; make ready for the day when the heiau will be set apart for sacred uses. =E2=80=94 Laieik. p. 165. Kauilahuluhulu ( ka'u-i'-la-hu'-lu-hu'- lu), n. 1. The prayers used at a religious ceremonial in dedicating an ancient temple. 2. Sacrifice of a man and woman who violated the kauila tabu. Kauilahuluhulu ( ka'u-i'-la-hu'-lu-hu'- lu), V. To offer human sacrifice for violation of the tabu connected with the special ceremonies of the kauila. Kauilamahu (kau-i'-la-ma'-hu'), n. A tree (Cheirodendron gaudichaudii) 30 to 50 feet high, called also olapa and mahu. Kaukahi (ka'u-ka'-hi), n. [Kau, ca- noe, and kahi, one.] 1. A single canoe. Ma ke kaulua o Keopuo- lani, a ma ke kaukahi o Hoapili, he waa aole i hoapipi ia, he waa hookahi. 2. A oneness; a perse- verance; steadiness in doing a thing; ma ka kaukahi kana hana ana, aole ma ka lauwili; a single- ness of purpose. Kaukai (ka'u-ka'i), v. To wait for an event to happen, or for any change in affairs; kaukai aku nei ka pono, it is better to wait awhile. =E2=80=94 Laieik. p. 67. Kau kali (ka'-u-ka'-li), adj. Following as a consequence: He hauoli ka KAU 271 KAU ukali o ka lanakila; gladness fol- lows victory. Kaukali (ka'-u-ka'-li), n, [Ka, the, and ukali, a following.] That which results from a cause: Aole hoi kakou i haalele i ke kuko a me ka wahahee, ka ukali; We have not yet forsaken covetousness and lying, that which results (from covetousness). Kaukama (ka'u-ka'-ma), n. (A phrase rather than a word.) 1. Your first-born. 2. Your adopted child. 3. Your first in estimation or affection, said of a husband or wife. Kaukama (ka'u-ka'-ma), n. Cucum- ber. Kaukanawai (ka'u-ka'-na-wa'i), n. One who makes laws; a law-giver. Kaukanawai (ka'u-ka'-na-wa'i), v. [Kau, to appoint, and kanawai, law.] To establish or appoint, as a law; as a king or legislature. Kaukani (ka'u-ka'-ni), n. A thou- sand. Kaukau (ka'u-ka'u), n. 1. A heap of stones in a field used as a tem- porary altar on which the fruit of the field is laid as an act of wor- ship. 2. Act of fishing for ulua from cliffs or rocks on the sea- shore. 3. A snare to catch birds. 4. An appeal to one's sense of justice or compassion. (Laieik. p. 76.) Kaukau (ka'u-ka'u), v. 1. To set or fix, as a snare or net for birds. 2. To deliberate with one's self; to weigh in the mind: Pehea la ka loihi o ko'u kaukau ana? How long shall I take counsel in my soul? 3. To counsel; to advise or admonish in a kindly way. (Laieik. p. 71.) 4. To explain; to make clear. 5. To eat or drink. (Kaukau in this sense is said to be a corruption of a Chinese word. It is used by foreigners in conver- sation with natives, and vice versa.) Kaukaualii (ka'u-ka'u-a-li'i), n. The name of a class of chiefs below the king; a prince. O na 'lii ma- lalo o ke alii nui. (The poe kau- kaualii were generally the descend- ants of chiefs where the father was a high chief and the mother a low chief, or no chief at all.) Kaukaulele (ka'u-ka'u-le'-le), adj. 1. Nimble; active; jumping. Joyful; expressing happiness. Kaukoko (ka'u-ko'-ko'), v. [Kau, to put upon, and koko, a net woven in meshes to hold or carry any- thing.] To carry anything with a koko and auamo (carrying stick). See auamo. Kaukolo (ka'u-ko'-lo), n. 1. A mov- ing on and after something, as roots of plants in search of mois- ture. 2. A creeping or crawling along. Kaukolo (ka'u-k5'-lo), v. 1. To chase; to follow; to pursue. 2. To persevere in asking a favor until obtained; e hoomoo, e hookoikoi. 3. To run and spread out, as the roots of a tree just under the sur- face of the ground. Kaukukui (ka'u-ku-ku'-i), adj. Of or belonging to a candlestick or lamp. Kaukukui (ka'u-ku-ku'-i), n. Place on which to set a lamp. Kaula (ka'u-la), n. 1. A rope; a strong cord; a string, 2. A cord or tendon in the animal system. 3. Kaula uila, a chain of light- ning. 4. In geometry, the chord of an arc of a circle. 5. Thong of a whip. 6. Stroke or cut of a whip. Kaula (ka'u-la), n. A prophet; one who preaches or announces future events. Kaulaelae (ka'u-la'e-la'e), v, [Kau, to overhang, and laelae, bright, clear.] 1. To be plainly seen above; to be unclouded. 2. To stand out clearly. Kaulahao (ka'u-la-ha'o), n. [Kaula, rope, and hao, iron.] Iron chain; a rope made of iron. Kaulai (ka'u-la'i), n. The act of drying what is wet; things so put up to dry. Kaulai (ka'u-la'i), v. To hang or put out in the sun to dry; kapili ma ka poi, a pili ka welu ma ka laau, kaulai aku i ka la a maloo. Kaulalei (ka'u-la-le'i), n. [Kaula, string, and lei, wreath.] 1. Cord on which the things which make a lei or wreath are strung. 2. String of wreaths. 3. A long cluster of fruit growing together. Kaulaluahine (ka'u-la-lu'-a-hl'-ne), n. The rope running from the prow of a canoe to the after end and KAU 272 KAU employed to lash the ahu, or mat used for protection from the high seas. O ke kaulaluahine e moe ana ma ka aoao o ka waa, oia ka mea e paa ai ka ahu; the kaula- luahine lying along the side of the canoe, that is the thing that holds the ahu. Kaulana (ka'u-la'-na), adj. Univer- sally known, noted or remarkable for some quality; celebrated; notable. Kaulana (ka'u-la'-na), n. 1. Fame; report; renown. 2. Place to put things on: kaulana waa, a rest for a canoe. 3. Place to rest. See oioina. Kaulana (ka'u-la'-na), v. To be or become famous or renowned; to be celebrated for some quality: ua kaulana aku keia wahi no ka na- auao, this place is famous for in- telligence; a kaulana aku i na aina e, to be renowned even to foreign lands. See hookaulana, to make famous. Kaulanaaa (ka'u-la'-na-a'a'), n. [Kau- lana (adj.), and aa, stony.] A common resting place on a road pointed out as such by a heap of stones. Kaulanaolelo (ka'u-la-na-o-le'-lo), n. [Kaulana, a putting, and olelo, word or command.] 1. Formerly used as synonymous with hooilina- olelo, or kauoha, that is, the will of a deceased person. (These words are also obsolete. The modern word is palapalahooilina or palapalakauoha.) 2. The person to whom property is willed or be- queathed; an heir; devisee. Syn: Hooilina. Kaulawaha (ka'u-ia,-wa'-ha), n. A bridle. Kaulawaha (ka'u-la-wa'-ha), v. [Kau- la, rope, and waha, mouth.] 1. To bridle; to rein in; to restrain, as a horse. 2. Fig. Applied to the tongue. Kaulawahine (ka'u-la-wa'-hi-ne), n. [Kaula, prophet, and wahine.] A prophetess. Kaulei (ka'u-le'i), adj. 1. Insecure; without secure foundation; not of solid situation, site, or position. 2. Not firmly established; de- ceptive; without secure founda- tion; applied to men seeking hap- piness in life and failing. Kaulei (ka'u-le'i), v. 1. To place carelessly; to place in an inse- cure way. 2. To be insecure; to be not firm in standing or position. Kauleile! (ka'u-le'i-le'i), v. Same as kaulei, to be insecure. Kaulele (ka'u-le'-le), adj. 1. Moving as with wings; flying. 2. Over and above; added on; enlarged; very great: He aloha kaulele ia oe e ka hoaluhi; extra aloha to you, fellow laborer. Kaulele (ka'u-le'-le), adv. With ad- dition; excessively: ke aloha kau- lele aku nei au ia oe. Kaulele (ka'u-le'-le), n. 1. Some- thing over or more than the ordi- nary quantity or number. 2. An addition made to something; an enlargement; that which is added to complete the bargain. 3. Some- thing beyond what is due or cus- tomary. Kaulele (ka'u-le'-le), v. [Kau and leie, to be separated from.] 1. To add something on; to enlarge; to be or do something besides what was proposed, as in making a bar- gain; to add more so as to sat- isfy. 2. To add or send over; to make abundant; to increase: ma- nao iho la au, e kaulele aku i ko'u aloha maluna o lakou; it was in my mind to send my aloha to them. Kauleo (ka'u-le'-o), v. 1. To exhort; to urge or request one to do a thing; to enjoin, as a duty. 2. To charge; to command one to say or do something to or for another. Kaulia (kau-li'-a), v. [Passive of kau for kauia. Sometimes written kauhia.] To be hung up; to be suspended. Kauliilii (ka'u-li'i-li'i), v. [Kau and liilii, little.] 1. To divide out in small quantities; to make distribu- tions on a small scale. 2. To be scattered. Kau I ike (ka'u-li'-ke), adj. 1. Just; equitable. 2. In geometry, paral- lel: kaha kaulike, parallel lines. Kaulike (ka'u-li'-ke), n. Justice; uprightness; no partiality. Kaulike (ka'u-li'-ke), v. [Kau and like, alike.] 1. To balance or hang even. 2. To make alike; to make no distinction; to be just; to be equal; to be right. Syn. with ewaewa ole. 3. To be just as good; to be as well as; ua pololei. KAU 273 KAU ua kauiike keia mea me ka na- auao. 4. In law, to deal in equity or righteously; to decree, decide or do that which is just, equitable and right without regarding the letter of the statute law. Kauloloa (ka'u-16'-lo'a), v. 1. To ask frequently for ' a thing; to tease in order to obtain a thing requested: a loaa i kekahi kanaka ke koi hao, a lohe ke alii, alalia kauloloaia aku la, a lilo mai la. Syn: Kaukolo. 2. To speak to anyone often as to an offense. Kaulua (ka'u-lu'a), adj. [Kau, place or put, and lua, for elua, two.] Double, applied to two like things put or used together for a com- mon purpose, as: waa kaulua, double canoe. Kaulua (ka'u-lua), n. A pair; a span; a yoke =E2=80=94 any word signify- ing two of a kind. Kaulua (ka'u-lu'a), n. 1. Slackness; delay; procrastination; hesitation. 2. Last month of the Hawaiian year, corresponding to February. (This varied in localities.) Kaulua (ka'u-lu'a), v. To be slack; to be remiss in fulfilling a prom- ise; to delay the time of doing a thing. See hookaulua and hoo- kaukaulua. Kaulua (ka'u-lu'a), v. [Kau, place or put, and lua, two.] 1. To put two together; to yoke or harness together, as two animals. 2. To double in number or quantity. Kauluallo (ka'u-lii'-a-ll'-o), v. To put two horses together. Kaulumaloo (ka'-u'-lu-ma'-lo'o), n. The dry growth; drought. Kaumaha (ka'u-ma'-ha), adj. 1. Heavy loaded, as a person or a beast of burden; burdensome. 2. Applied to the mind, painful. Kaumaha (ka'u-ma'-ha), n. 1. Weight, as of a burden. 2. Weariness; heaviness; depression of spirits: Nui ke kaumaha o kona naau no ko lakou luku wale ana, great was the sorrow of his heart at such a slaughter. 2. A sacrifice; a serv- ice rendered to God. Kaumaha (ka'u-ma'-ha), v. 1. To be heavy, as any substance. 2. To be weary with carrying a heavy bur- den. 3. To suffer oppression from rigorous service. 4. To be weary for want of sleep. 5. Applied to the mind, to be downcast in mind; I to be heavy-hearted; to be sad; to be sorry; to be grieved. See hoo- I kaumaha. 6. To offer in sacri- ! fice; to kill a victim for sacrifice; to offer a gift upon an altar. Kaumakalole (ka'u-ma'-ka-I'-o-le), n. Extreme old age. Syn: Nihokahi (one tooth) and haumakaiole. Kaumakalole (ka'u-ma'-ka-i'-o-le), v. To be so old as not to be able to see, or to see clearly. (Generally haumakaiole is used.) Kaumihau (ka'-u'-mi-ha'u), n. A i tabu in force on the night before going into battle when men were separated from their wives. Kaumoo (ka'u-mo'o), v. [Kau, to place, and moo, a division of land.] 1. To designate the limits of I a moo a'ina, a small division of land. 2. To mend a fracture with j a splint. 3. To splice; to fasten i the long pieces that run length- ways of a canoe. Kaumuku (ka'u-mu'-ku), adj. Defi- cient in length; too short. Kaumuku (ka'u-mu'-ku), v. To be I too short; unfit because cut too short. Kauna (ka'u-na), adj. 1. Four; the composite number four. 2. Ap- pearing in the heavens. Kauna (kau'-na), n. 1. [Contraction of kau ana.] 1. An appearing in the heavens; he po kauna mahina, a night when the moon was shin- ing. 2. [Eng., town.] A town, a village. Kaunakoma (ka'u-na-ko'-ma), n. [Kauna, four, and koma, a com- ma.] (Quotation marks. Kaunaoa (ka'u-na'-5'a), n. A species of poisonous coral. Kaune (ka'u-ne'), adj. Slow; inact- ive. Kaune (ka'u-ne'), n. Delay; slow- ness in doing a thing; a lagging behind. Kautie (ka'u-ne'), v. To be slow; to be dilatory; to walk or move leisurely; to cause delay. Kauneinei (ka'u-ne'i-ne'i), v. [Kau, to put upon, and nelnei, short.] To just barely reach a place; to bare- ly fit. Kaunoa (ka'u-no'a), n. The dodder, a parasitic plant. Kaunu (kau'-nu), v. 1. To provoke sexual excitement. 2. To consult together on a place of assignation, used generally of love interviews. KAU 274 KAU Kaunuanalau (ka-u'-nu'a-na-la'u), n. A species of fish-hawk. Syn: Kaupu. Kauo (ka'u-6'), adj. Drawing; pull- ing; dragging along: bipi kauo, a laboring ox. Kauo (ka'u-o'), n. Yolk of an egg; kauo moa; kauo ke akua hulu. Kauo (ka'u-5), v. 1. To draw or drag along; to haul, as a load. 2. To endure; to incline to do a thing. 3. To pray for special blessings at the time of the new year. Kauoalupe (ka'u-o'-a-lu'-pe), v. 1. To carry without much care, as a man wounded in battle. 2. To free from danger; to drag away from a dangerous place. Kauoe (ka'u-o'e), n. 1. An office in the king's train. 2. A king's body-guard. Kauoha (ka'u-o'-ha), n. 1. A will, verbal or written; a command; a charge; a dying request. (A writ- ten will is now called palapalakau- oha or palapalahooilina.) 2. A covenant; a commission; a judicial decision. 3. A determination; a decree. Kauoha (ka'u-6'-ha), v. 1. To give a dying charge; to make a bequest or a parting charge; hence, to make a will. (Ancient wills, of course, were verbal.) 2. To give a charge on any subject; to com- mand; to put in charge, as one dying or going away: kauoha ae la oia (o Kamehameha) ia Kaui- keaouli e noho i alii no Ha^vaii nei; he (Kamehameha) gave in charge to Kauikeaouli to reign as king over the Hawaiian islands. 3. To commit into the hands of another. 4. To give orders con- cerning a person or thing. 5. To write down; nolaila, ke kauoha aku nei au i ko'u manao ma keia palapala, i ike oe i ko'u manao. Kauokahiki (ka'u6'-ka-h!'ki), n. Any- thing so heavy that removal can be made only by dragging. Kauokuu (ka'u-o'-ku'u), n. [Kau, time of, and okuu, name of a great pestilence.] A sickness or pesti- lence which formerly spread over the Hawaiian islands: Ua kapaia ka inoa o kela mai (ahulau) he kauokuu; the name of that sick- ness was kauokuu. Kauolani (ka'u-o-la'-ni), v. 1. To express admiration of a chief or his deeds. 2, To express admira- tion generally. See pailani, to praise. Kauolupe (ka'u-o'-lu'pe), v. Same as kauoalupe, tp rescue. Kauowaa (kau'-o-wa'a), n. [Kauo, to drag, and waa, canoe.] The work or business of drawing down ca- noes from the mountain when fin- ished or partly so. Kaupaku (ka'u-pa'-ku), n. [Kau and paku, a partition.] 1. The ridge pole of a house. 2. [Mod.] A roof. Kaupaku (ka'u-pa'-ku), v. To thatch the ridge of a house: alalia, kau- paku a paa, pau ia hana. A house thatched with pandanus leaves as a rule carried a cap of amau or dry ti leaves; if thatched with pili grass the ridge was covered with kalamalo, a kind of grass with a furzed top. Kaupale (ka'u-pa'-le), n. Something, real or imaginary, coming or placed between two things to sep- arate them; a boundary line be- tween two lands; a partition in a house; a dam, etc. Kaupale (ka'u-pa'-le), v. [Kau and pale, to ward off.] 1. To sepa- rate; to put a mark or sign of par- tition; to cause a division; to stand between; to set or put, as an obstruction or division; to raise a slight partition between, so as to stop a child; to fence or partition off. 2. To resist temp- tation: hookaupale aku ia hewa. Kaupaona (kau'-pao'-na), n. 1. Scales for weighing; steelyards or other instruments for weighing. 2. The weight of a thing. Kaupaona (ka'u-pa'o-na), v. 1. To weigh, as with scales or steel- yards. 2. To weigh out, as goods or money, that is, to pay out. 3. To weigh morally, as the deeds of men, as one's life and character. Kaupe (ka'u-pe'), v. To be put down; to be humbled; to be crushed. Syn: Pe. Kaupili (ka'u-pi'-li), n. 1. A being inseparably united, as two or more. 2. Mutual love. 3. A bosom friend. 4. Beloved wife: Syn: Pilialo. KAU 275 KAU Kaupili (ka'u-pi'li), v. To be united, as man and wife; to love one another. Kaupoohiwi (ka'u-po'o-h!'-wi), adj. [Kau, to place; poohiwi, shoul- der.] Descriptive of what is placed on the shoulder; applied to a musket: Ua mahuahua iki ae na pu kaupoohiwi. The number of muskets (shoulder-guns) was a little increased. Kaupoohiwi (ka'u-po'o-hi'-wi), v. [Kau and poohiwi, the shoulder.] To put or place on the shoulder; to shoulder, as something heavy, as firearms. Kaupouna (ka'u-po'-u-na), n. [Anoth- er spelling of kaupaona, but sel- dom used.] Steelyards and scales for weighing. Kaupu (ka-u'-pu), n. A large black bird the size of a turkey, found mostly on the islands of Nihoa and Kaula. A kind of fishing eagle. Kaupua (ka-u'-pu'-a), n. Same as opua. Kauwa (ka'u-wa'), adj. 1. Servile; befitting a servant. 2. Inclined to serve; ready to act the part of a servant. Kauwa (ka'u-wa'), n. 1. A servant; in the most general sense, one who serves or does the business or labors for another. 2. Any subject of a king or chief. 3. A household or domestic servant. 4. A slave; an order of men who sacrificed themselves on the death of a chief. Kauwahi (kau'-wa'-hi), adj. Some; something; some place; any one place or thing. (It also has a pro- nominal force.) See kau, place. Kauwahi (kau'-wa'-hi), n. Some; some part; a part of a thing. A parcel indefinitely large; kauwahi o ke koko, some of the blood. (Kauwahi as a substantive rarely takes the article, except when it refers to place. It has always the idea of a partitive.) Kauwai (ka'u-wa'i), v. 1. To pour out, as water; to lead along, as a small stream; to pour into; to fill with water. 2. To moisten with water. 3. To irrigate. Kauwakane (k3,'u-wa'-ka'-ne), n. [Kauwa, servant, and kane, male.] A man servant. Kauwafupe (ka'u-wa'-lu'-pe), v. [Kau- wa, servant, and lupe, kite.] 1. To carry; applied to persons who un- ceremoniously carry away a friend who is in danger. 2. To carry away hastily; to drag out of dan- ger without ceremony. Kauwau (ka'-u'-wa'u), n. [Ka, the, and, uwau, to scratch the skin.] The mange. Kauwawahine (k=C2=A7,'u-wa'-wS.-hi'-ne), n. [Kauwa, servant, and wahine, fe- male.] A maid servant. Kauwelu (ka'u-we'-lu), v. [Kau, to hang, and welu, a shred or frag- ment of tapa.] To set in view conspicuously a piece of cloth as a signal or sign. (These signals were used to impart knowledge of appointed times and seasons, tabus, warnings, etc. Kauwewe (ka'u-we'-we), n. 1. A cover, or what is put on top of an imu, oven, in baking food. 2. A ruffle for the neck. See pihapiha. Kauwila (ka'u-wi'-la), adj. A day or time under a tabu: a kokoke i ka la kauwila. =E2=80=94 Laieik. p. 164. Per- taining to the tabu known as kauwila; kapu kauwila. Kauwila (ka'u-wi'-la), n. 1. A tree (Alphitonia excelsa), often attain- ing 50 to 80 feet in height. It is no- where common except in Waimea, Kauai. 2. Wood of the kauwila tree, remarkably close grained, hard, and heavy, on which ac- count the natives used it for mak- ing spears, mallets for beating tapa and other tools. It turns black with age. Also known as kauila, and on Maui as o'a. Kauwila (ka'u-wi'-la), v. 1. To per- form a special ceremony in con- secrating a temple, heiau, when a special sacrifice was placed upon the altar, lele. 2. To assemble and prepare material for consecrating the heiau: E hoomakaukau no ka la e kauwila ai ka heiau. Laieik. p. 164. See kauila, to offer sac- rifice. Kauwill (ka'u-wl'-li), v. 1. To min- gle in with other things. 2. To gather on to a moving thing, as people join on to a traveling party. Kauwo (ka'u-wo'), n. 1. Seed; off- spring; increase: If Nahienaena had had a son, the old chiefs would say "Ua loaa ke ke kau- wo."=E2=80=94 D. Malo. 2. A supporter; a sustainer. 3. A succeeder; one KAU 276 KAW who comes in the place of an- other. Kauwo (ka'u-wo'), v. Same as kauo, to draw. Kauwoha (ka'u-w6'-ha), n. Same as kauoha. Kauwowo (ka'u-wo'-wo), v, (Same as Kawowo.) 1. To increase or grow rapidly. 2. To increase rapidly, as a people or race; applied to the peopling of Hawaii from the first man. Kawa (ka'-wa), n. 1. Top of a precipice from which a swimmer leaps into a pool of water. 2. A precipice from which a suicide plunges; a lele aku i ka make me he kio kawa la. See lelekawa. 3. A deep pool of water with an overhanging precipice, from which swimmers dive. Kawa (ka'-wa), n. 1. An extension. 2. The distance between two ob- jects. Kawa (ka'-wa'), v. 1. To strike se- cretly; to stab in the dark. 2. To assassinate. 3. To kill and rob. Kawaa (ka'-wa'a), n. 1. A method of putting to death by throwing the victim overboard from a canoe far out at sea. 2. A method of deep sea fishing which consists in drawing the nets by movements of canoes controlled by the fisher- men. 3. The song of a bird, prob- ably the bristle-thighed curlew, which seems to say: "I kawaa, e holo, ua nui ke kai o ke aumoe." Kawaa (ka'-wa'a), v. 1. To cast overboard from a canoe into the ocean. 2. To sacrifice or execute by throwing overboard far out at sea. Kawae (ka'-wa'e), v. [Ka, the ar- ticle, and wae, the very smallest and meanest of oha (sprigs of the taro plant).] To treat in a mean manner; to underrate; to estimate another as though that other were a mean little taro sucker. Kawaewae (ka'-wa'e-wa'e), n. A kind of stone, coral or volcanic rock used in polishing canoes. Kawaha (ka'-wa'-ha), adj. 1. Vacant, as a space. 2. Hollow, as a groove. Kawaha (ka'-wa'-ha), v. 1. To fur- row; to make a long furrow or groove. 2. To be hollow, as a log or pillar. Kawai (ka'-wa'i), v. 1. The second brew made from the ti root after the first, called okolehao, is ' ex- tracted. Also called pokii, being after or final. 2. The coloring matter or residuum when water is poured on the brew the second time. 3. The partly colored water itself. 4. The liquor obtained from cane, etc., after most of the in- toxicating matter is extracted; aohe ikaika o keia rama, he kawai wale no; there is no strength in this rum, it is nearly all water. Kawaikamama (ka'-wa'i-ka-ma'-ma'). A phrase equivalent to, "the water makes it easy." Kawaikamama (ka'-wa'i-ka'-ma'-ma), V. To be drowsy; to be overcome by sleepiness. Kawakawa (ka'-wa-ka'-wa), adj. 1. Wet; damp with fine rain. 2. Sat- urated: Ua hele wale kahi moe a kawakawa i ka mimi; the bedding is saturated. Kawakawa (ka'-wa-ka'-wa), n. The bonito or little tunny (Gymnosarda alletterata). Color, blackish blue above, lighter below, becoming sil- very on belly; back marked with about twelve oblique wavy lines separated by bluish silvery inter- spaces. Very popular as a food fish. Called, when young, oeoe. Kawakawa (ka'-wa-ka'-wa), v. 1. To be wet with water or rain. 2. To be very wet. Kawakawau (ka'-wa-ka'-wa-u'), adj. Damp, as mats or grass: He mau moena kawakawau loa keia o ka- kou, these are very damp mats of ours. See kawau. Kawakawau (ka'-wa-ka'-wa-u'), v. 1. To be damp. 2. To be damp and cold. 3. To be wet with perspira- tion, as the body, or the bed where one sleeps. Kawalawala (ka'-wa'-la-wa'-la), adj. 1. Few; scattering; not close; kauhale kawalawala, scattered houses. 2. Unintelligible, refer- ring to speech. 3. Insufficient, inadequate, unsatisfactory: He maona kawalawala; unsatisfactory is the eating. Kawalawala (ka'-wa'-la-wa'-la), adv. Insufficiently, inadequately, unsat- isfactorily. Kawalawala (ka'-wa'-la-wa'-la), n. Fewness; scarcity. KAW 277 KE Kawalawala (ka'-wa'-la-wa'-Ia), v. 1. To be scattered; to be placed hel- ter-skelter; to be strewn about hav- ing irregular intermediate spaces lying between. 2. To be separated without reference to rule or order. ( Hooka walawala is the transitive form.) Kawau (ka'-wa-u'), n. 1. Dampness. 2. Moisture that comes of vapor or fog. Kawau (ka'-wa'u), n. 1. A metallic or clangorous sound. 2. A tree (Xanthoxylum dipetalum), former- ly used by the natives for tapa beating boards (kua-kuku-kapa). Kawau (ka'-wa-u'), v. To be wet and cold; to be damp. Kawau (ka'-wa'u), v. To keep back; to detain; to stay; to delay. Kawauke (ka'-wSu'-ke), n. Same as wauke. Kawauke (ka'-wa'=C2=BBi-ke), v. [Ka, to strike, and wauke, the plant that furnishes the bark for tapa.] 1. To cut down the wauke plant. 2. To shred the bark of the wauke. Kawea (ka'-we-a') n*. Same as ka- welea. Kawelau (ka-we'-lSu'), n. Same as welau. Kawele (ka'-we'-le), adj. Slow; lin- gering, as a disease; o ka hookuli ka mea e kawele nei ia poe. Kawele (ka'-we'-le), n. [Eng.] A towel; a napkin; a wiping cloth. Kawele (ka'-we'-le), v. To dry by rubbing with a towel. Kawele (ka'-we-le), v. To work slowly or moderately, as at rowing a canoe, or cultivating the soil. Kawelea (ka'-we'-le-a'), n. A species of lizard fish (Trachinocephalus myops). Also known as welea. Color, pale grayish, silvery below; side of back with three wavy stripes of dull yellow. Kawelewele (ka'-we'-le-we'-le), n. 1. Certain short ropes that hang from the projection of the iako of a canoe. See iako. 2. A goatee. Kawewele (ka'-we'-we'-le), n. 1. The person at the end of a long rope where many persons are drawing a heavy weight; o kama ke akua i kawewele. 2. The canoe at the head of the line or train of canoes drawing the lau or rope hung with leaves in the method of fishing called hukilau. Kawelewele (ka'-we'-le-we'-le), v. 1. To work slowly or moderately. 2. To work carefully. See the verb kawele. Kawelo (ka'-we'-lo), n. A variety of sweet potato. Kawewe (ka'-we'-we), v. 1. To be brittle, to be easily broken and snapping with a crackling noise. 2. To clatter, as dishes. 3. To make a rustling noise. 4. To be dry; to be unfruitful, as potatoes without water. Kawj (ka'-wi'), v. To press; to squeeze, as grapes or any sub- stance in order to extract the juice. Syn: Kowi. Kawlll (ka'-wi'-li), n. The art of catching birds with bird lime, etc.: pela no oia i papa aku ai i ka poe kawili manu oo; so also he -forbade those who caught full grown birds. Kawili (ka'-wi'-li), v. 1. To mix to- gether differe-nt ingredients, as flour and water in making bread; to stir up together. See will. 2. To insnare birds with bird lime. Kawillkaeka (ka'-wi'-li-ka'-e'-ka), v. [Kawili, to mix, and kaeka, to en- tangle.] 1. To entangle; to go this way and that; to involve. 2. To go over and over again. 3. To interweave. Kawilimanu (ka'-wi'-R-ma'-nu), n. [Kawili and manu, a bird.] A method of catching birds with bird lime; he lawaia manu. Same as kapilimanu. Kawiliwili (ka-wi'-li-wi'-li), n. Same as wiliwili. Kawowo (ka'-w6'-w6), n. 1. A thrifty growth; a healthful increase. 2. The first growth of vigorous seed- ling plants; plants growing thrift- ily. Kawowo (ka'-w6'-w6), v. 1. To be of vigorous growth; to grow luxuri- antly. 2. To grow; to increase; to spread out. 3. To increase, as a prosperous people. Ke (ke), art. The. A form of the definite article ka. Ke is used before all nouns beginning with the letter k. A few nouns begin- ning with the letter p have ke also for their article, and a still smaller number beginning with the letter m. Nouns whose first let- ter is a have both ka and ke for their article; that is, some nouns KE 278 KEA take one and some the other, but no one noun, without a radical change of meaning, takes both forms of the article. Nouns be- ginning with o, like a, take both forms of the article. Before all other letters, whether vowels or consonants, ka is the form of the article. Ke (ke), conj. If, introducing a con- dition or supposition, as: Ke hele au; if I go. E ike oe ke hele mai oe; you will see if you come. Ke (ke), interj. An interjection im- plying contempt, disgust, negation, aversion, dislike, etc. Ke (ke), particle. 1. Ke used before a verb and nei after it, mark the present tense of the indicative mood. Ke with the subjunctive mood marks the future tense. After the verbs hiki, always, and pono, generally (both used as aux- iliary verbs), ke is used before the infinitive instead of e. Ke (ke), v. 1. To flatten; to adjust to a surrounding level, as in re- moving a hummock or heap of earth. Kea (ke'-a), adj. White, pellucid; clear. Syn: Keo. Kea (ke'a), n. 1. A male animal reserved for propagating its kind; male of virile power. 2. A tight- ness of the chest attended with difficulty of breathing. 3. Two different parts of the body; thorax. The kea paa, the chest, the kea hakahaka, the abdomen, elua kea, o ke pea paa ame ke kea haka- haka. Kea (ke'-a), v. To shoot or throw arrows. See keapua. Kea (ke'a), v. 1. To hinder; to ob- ject to. 2. To put across so as to intercept. Keaawaileia (ke'a-a-wa'i-le-i'a), n. A fishhook with more than one barb. Keahakahaka (ke'a-ha'-ka-ha'-ka), n. [Kea, and hakahaka, empty.] The part of the body in men and beasts which embraces the ab- domen, as keapaa does the chest. Keai (ke'-a'i), v. [Ke and ai, food.] To thrust away food; to fast. Syn: Hookeai. Keakea (ke'-a-ke'-a), adj. White; clear. Keakea (ke'a-ke'a), adj. In the form of several crosses, as sticks under a piece of timber to carry it: a keakea a amo aku. Keakea (ke'-a-ke'-a), n. 1. The se- men of males. Syn: Kekea. Keakea (ke'a-ke'a), n. An obstruc- tion; anything used to close a way or passage. Keakea (ke'a-ke'a), v. [Kea, to hin- der.] 1. To hinder. 2. To object to that which would be to the ad- vantage of another. 3. To keep back; to restrain one from doing a thing; to prohibit; to resist, Keakealani (ke'-a-ke'-a-la'-ni), n. [Keakea, male seed, and lani, heavenly or sovereign.] 1. Sov- ereign descent; divine origin. 2. A descendant of the highest, as was Keawe. Keaku (ke-a'-ku'), n. A large cave on the eastern side of the valley of Kailiili, on the island of Maui. Keakualapu (ke'-a-ku'-a-la'-pu), n. [Ke, the, akua, god, and lapu, ghost.] 1. The ghost god; a phan- tom; an apparition. 2. One of the two red coats which Vancouver gave to Kamehameha I. The other coat was called kekupuohi. Kealia (ke-a'-li'-a), n. 1. Lowlands so close to the sea that the soil becomes moist from the salt water. 2. A place where the salt water is brought or caused to flow inland, the sea then shut out and the water evaporated, leaving the salt, which may be gathered up. Keamaumau (ke-a'-ma'u-ma'u), n. Same as amaumau. Keao (ke-a'o), n. The period be- tween sunrise and sunset; the light of day. Keapaa (ke'a-pa'a), n. 1. The chest of man or animal, that is, the por- tion of the body included within the* ribs, as distinguished from keahakahaka, the abdomen. Keapua (ke'a-pu'a), v. [Kea, to shoot, and pua, the blossom of the sugar-cane; hence, an arrow.] To throw or shoot arrows of sugar- cane. (This was a favorite sport of children; formerly it was a game among men.) Keawakoo (ke-a'-wa-ko'o), n. Name of a kanoa or cuplike depression in the landscape near the top of Waialeale on Kauai. The place is said to have been named after a deity called Keawakoo represented by a stone idol near the spot. KEA 279 KEH Keawe (ke-a'-we), n. The bearer. The word is used by itself or com- pounded with other words. Keawenuikauohilo (ke-a'-we-nu'i-kau'- o'-hi'-lo), n. Proper name of a god belonging to the class called akua noho, supposed to dwell with or take possession of men. Kcdera (ke'-de'-ra), adj. [Eng.] Per- taining to cedar: laau kedera, cedar timber. Kedera (ke'-de'-ra), n. [Eng.] A cedar tree; cedar wood. Kee (ke'e), adj. 1. Crooked; out of proper form; distorted. 2. False. Kee (ke-e'), n. A species of stone out of which stone-axes were made. Kee (ke'e), n. Crookedness; want of uprightness in conduct; wrong doing: mai hai aku i ke kee o ko kakou aina; aka, e hai aku i ke ala ame ke onaona ame ka peekue o ka naauao; tell not of the crook- edness of our country, but speak of its beauty, its fragrant airs and our manifold intelligence. I hiki aku oe imua o Umi, mai hoike aku i ke kee o ka aina; If you appear before Umi do not proclaim the ill fame of the land. Kee (ke'e), v. To be bent; to be crooked. Keehana (ke'-e-ha'-na), n. 1. A place to rest a thing on. 2. Ground stamped upon or trodden by the foot. 3. Foot-print. 4. A foot- stool; a place to put the feet upon. 5. A prop; a supporter; keehanawawae. 6. A place for the feet, that is, a floor, a pave- ment. Keehanawawae (ke'-e-ha'-na-wa'-wa'e) , n. A foot-stool, etc. See kee- hana. Keehl (ke'-e'-hi), n. The stirrup of a saddle. 2. A kick. Keehi (ke'-e'-hi), v. 1. To kick. 2. To stamp with the foot. 3. To kick at; to despise. 4. To rebel. 5. To strike or hit upon, as a beam of light: i ka manawa e keehi iho ai na kukuna o ka la i ka piko o na mauna, when the rays of the sun shall hit the top of the mountains. Keehilae (ke'-e'-hi-la'e), adj. Proud; haughty; disdainful, Keehina (ke'-e'-hl'-na), n. [A differ- ent spelling of keehana and kee- hanawawae.] A footstool, etc. Keekee (ke'e-ke'e), adj. Unreason- ably obstinate. Keekee (ke'e-ke'e), v. To be obsti- nate; to be unreasonable. Keele (ke'-e'-le), adj. Great, as a noise; great, as a land; large; ex- celling; very great: Keele kou aloha. Your aloha is great. Keele (ke'-e'-le), v. 1. To be greatly troubled or perplexed: keele ka I pioo ana o ka mai a ola; the pa- tient was exceedingly troubled un- til cured. 2. To be over anxious. Keeleawaa (ke'-e'-le-a'-wa'a), adj. I [Keele, excelling, and awaa, groove I or furrow.] Having frequent i ditches or gullies: keeleawaa ke ! ala; the way is rough, up and : down. Keemoa (ke'e-mo'-a), adj. Having ' lost one's affection or attachment I for another and looking at that j other with indifference. ! Keemoa (ke'e-mo'-a), v. To be sour; I to be crabbed; to be ill-natured. Keena (ke-e'-na), n. 1. A room; an j apartment in a house. 2. A drawer I of a bureau: keena kapu, a sanc- I tuary. 3. A place partitioned off for special purpose: Keena moe, bedroom; keenahana, office or workshop. Keeo (ke'-e'o), n. 1. Dissatisfaction; displeasure; anger. 2. Resentment. Keeo (ke'-e'o), v. (Syn: Kaeo.) 1. To be angry; to be indignant at what is wrong. 2. To be suddenly I excited; to rage. 3. To disagree; I to be opposed to; to object. ; Keha (ke'-ha), v. 1. To be puffed ' up with pride. 2. To make a display I of one's self. 3. To lie down stretched out at full length with 1 face upturned, head on pillow and i entire body wrapped in tapa. This form of repose was called moe i keha. 4. To lean the head back on a support: e moe me ke kaa j o ke poo i ka uluna me ka lolii ana i ke kapa a paa. 1 Kehakeha (ke'-ha-ke'-ha), adj. Swag- I gering; lofty; proud; boastful. 1 Kehakeha (ke'-ha-ke'-ha), n. Pride; arrogance. Kehakeha (ke'-hS-ke'-ha), v. [Freq. of keha, to be puffed up.] To be proud; to be haughty; to be arro- gant. Kehaluha (ke'-ha-lu'-ha'), v. To im- itate the dancing and chanting of the masters. KEH 280 KEK Kehanawawae (ke'-ha'-na-wa-wa'e), n. [Contraction of kee-hanawawae.] A foot-stool. Kehapa (ke'-ha'-pa), v. To be less than was expected; to be insuffi- cient. Kehau (ke'-ha'u), adj. Frosty; rainy, etc.; hoahele, hoa o ke anu kehau o ke kakahiaka. Kehau (ke'-ha'u), n. 1. The gentle land breeze at night on the west side of Hawaii. See hau. 2. The mountain breeze in the morning or evening: e o'u poe hoa o ka la wela o Lahainaluna ame ke kehau anu o ke kakahiakanui. 3. A mist; a cold, watery vapor: mostly of the mountainous regions. See ke- wai. 4. Frosty air. Kehena (ke'-he'-na), n. A place where refuse is thrown; a place like the Gehenna of the Scrip- tures; hell. Kehina (ke-hi'-na), n. A place for putting the feet; a foot-stool. Syn: Keehana and keehina. Kehu (ke'-hu), n. [Ke, the, and hu, contracted form of ehu, spray, vapor, mist.] Mist spray, vapor: Kehu kai o Waialua, the sea spray of Waialua. Kei (ke'i), interj. An exclamation expressing wonder, surprise, aston- ishment, etc. Kei (ke'i), n. 1. A boast; glorying; pride; high-mindedness. 2. The name of a species of hard rock out of which stone axes were made. See the noun, haakei, haughtiness. Kei (ke'i), v. Same as the verb haakei. Keia (ke'-i'-a), pronoun. This, re- ferring to something present or just said; this person; this thing. Keikei (ke'i-ke'i), v. [Redupl. of kei.] To be honored; to be glori- fied or glorious: Kekei Lahaina i ka ua paupili, grand is Lahaina of the paupili rain. Keiki (ke'-I'-ki), n. [Ke, to push, and iki, small.] 1. Offspring; a shoot of a plant. 2. A child. 3. An offspring, whether a child or grown person. 4. A descendant of any generation. 5. The young of animals. Keiki (ke'-i'-ki), v. [Ke, the, and iki, small, diminutive.] Hardly a verb without a prefix. See hoo- keiki. Keikiaiwaiu (ke'-i-ki-ai-wai-u'), n. [Keiki, offspring, and waiu, milk.] 1. Any young suckling. 2. A suck- ing child; an infant. Keikihiapo (ke'-i-ki-hi'-a'-po), n. [Keiki, child, and hiapo, first born.] The first born of a family. Keikihipa (ke'-i'-ki-hi'-pa), n. Mod. [Keiki, offspring, and hipa, Ha- waiian pronunciation of sheep.] A lamb. Keikihoki (ke'-i'-ki-ho'-ki), n. [Keiki, offspring, and hoki, an ass.] The young of an ass. Keikikane (ke'-T'-ke-ka'-ne), n. [Ke- iki, child, and kane, male.] A son; a male child. Keikikao (ke'-I'-ki-ka'o), n. [Keiki, offspring, and kao, goat.] A kid. Syn: Kaokeiki. Keikipapa (ke-i'-ki-pa'-pa), n. [Keiki, descendant, and papa, an ances- tor.] 1. A resident; a descendant; one who among many others, is a descendant of some great man, who lived perhaps several gene- rations back; but it is on the con- dition that said descendants con- tinue to reside on the ground where their ancestor did. 2, A native born as distinguished from kanaka e, or malihini. Keikipipi (ke-i'-ki-pl'-pi), n. [Keiki, offspring, and pipi, an ox or cow.] A calf. Keikipipikane (ke-i'-ki-pi'-pi-ka'-ne), n. [Keikipipi, calf, and kane, male.] A young bullock. Keina (ke'-i-na), n. Four units. The number four. Generally written kauna. Kekahi (ke'-ka'-hi), adj. and pron. One; some; some one; a certain one. See kahi. Kekahuna (ke-ka'-hu'-na), n. [Ke, article, the, and kahuna, priest.] ' 1. The preacher. 2. The Book of Ecclesiastes. Kekaloakamakamaka (ke'-ka'-lo-a-ka'- ma'-ka-ma'-kk), n. Name of the prayer in ancient worship said in setting aside the timbers used in building a temple. Kekanalii (ke'-ka'-na-li'i), v. A mis- spelling of kakanalii, to be stunted. Kekauha (ke'-ka'-u-ha), adj. Stretched out; straight and stiff. Syn: Ka- kauha, which is in more general use. Keke (ke'-ke), n. 1. A shore bird called turnstone (Arenaria inter- KEK 281 KEL pres). See akeke. 2. A species of puffer-fish (Tetraodon hispidus) witli a priclily skin. Keke (ke'-ke'), v. 1. Cover up. (A word used to children in charging them to put down their clothes. 2. To circumcise. Keke (ke'-ke'), v. [The intensive of ke.] 1. To strive together; to con- tend. 2. To scold; to be angry at; to provoke. 3. To show fight. Kekea (ke'-ke'-a), n. 1. The semen of males. Syn: Keakea. 2. An albino. Kekee (ke'-ke'e), adj. 1. Crooked; twisted. 2. Incorrect; contrary to the rule of right. 3. Cross; pet- ulant. Kekee (ke'-ke'e), adv. 1. Crookedly. 2. Erroneously: hana kekee, to do unrighteously. Kekee (ke'-ke'e), n. A kind of fish which swims near the surface of the water. Called also aha and ihiihi. Kekee (ke'-ke'e), v. To be crooked; to be twisted; to be out of shape. Kekekaha (ke-ke-ka'-ha), v. Same as kikakaha. Kekeko (ke'-ke'-ko), v. 1. To be small; to be small and low of stature. 2. To have a turned up nose: e keko e ihukoki, e kokikoki, to have a nose like that of a bull- dog. Kekene (ke'-ke'-ne), adj. Envious; jealous: I aku l|i au, no ke aha? No ka opu kekene o Moo. I said what for? For the envious dispo- sition of Moo. Kekene (ke'-ke'-ne), v. 1. To be jealous of; to envy. 2. To be evilly disposed; to be perverse. Kekenuku (ke'-ke'-nu'-ku), n. A quarrel without resorting to force. Kekenuku (ke'-ke'-nu'-ku), v. [Keke, to contend, and nuku, to scold.] To rise up, as two persons in order to fight, and after scolding at each other awhile, separate without fighting. Also written ke- keanuku. Kekewe (ke'-ke'-we), adj. Swelled; full, as the belly; kekewe ka opu. Kekewe (ke'-ke'-we), v. To be bloat- ed; to be swelled as with fat or dropsy. Keki (ke-ki'), n. 1. [Ke, the, and ki, the root of the ti plant.] The root of the ti plant. 2. [Ke, the, and kl, lock.] The lock Keko (ke'-ko), n. Mod. 1. Name applied to any quadrumanous ani- mal. 2. A monkey. Kekokeko (ke'-k6-ke'-ko), adj. 1. Per- taining to a small man or woman; short; little; keko, ihu kumene, kokikoki. 2. Offensive to the sight because of disfigurement of the human face. Kekuielua (ke-ku'i-e-lu'a), n. An art of warfare formerly practiced. Syn: Kuialua. Kekupuohi (ke'-ku'-pu-6'-hi), n. A red coat which Vancouver gave to Kamehameha I. The other of the two coats was called keakualapu. Kela (ke'-la), adj. Excelling; going beyond; preceding; great above another. Kela (ke'-la'), pron. [Ke, the, and la, there.] That; that person; that thing; that fellow (more em- phatic and definite than ia) ; he; she; it. It is used in opposition to keia, this. It is used when the noun to which it refers has just been used. Kela (ke'-la), v. 1. To exceed; to go beyond, 2. To project out be- yond another thing. 3. To be more. Kelakela (ke'-la-ke'-la), v. Redupl. and intensive of kela, to exceed. Kele (ke'-le), adj. Reached or ar- rived at by sailing: he moku kele i ka waa, an island reached by a canoe. Kele (ke'-le), n. The fat of animals, grease or whatever induces slip- periness. See kelekele. Kele (ke'-le), v. 1. To be surround- ed; to be enveloped: Kuu moku kele i ke kai; my island surround- ed by the sea. 2. To sail on or out. 3. To sail off and on: e kele wale ana ka waa mawalo; the canoe is sailing off and on outside. Keleawe (ke'-le-a'-we), adj. Pertain- ing to copper, brass, tin, etc.: ipu keleawe, a brass or copper kettle. Keleawe (ke'-le-a'-we), n. 1. Brass. 2. Copper. 3. Tin. 4. Polished steel: keleawe melemele, yellow copper, that is, brass. Kelekele (ke'-le-ke'-le), adj. 1. Fat; oily; rich; greasy (said of food). 2. Muddy; slippery (said of a road). Kelekele (ke'-le-ke'-le), n. 1. Fat; grease. 2. Fat meat as opposed to io, the lean meat of an animal. KEL 282 KEP 3. The fat part of a hog. 4. Mud; mire; slush. Kelekele (ke'-le-ke'-le), v. [Redupl. of kele, to sail.] To sail about in a boat for pleasure; to glide easily here and there. Kelero (ke'-le'-ro), n. (Gr.) A lot in casting lots. Kelewai (ke'-le-wa'i), n. 1. Tapa made from the waste of a better grade of tapa. 2. A coarse kind of tapa made from the bark of the mamaki tree. Kelewai (ke'-le-wa'i), v. 1. To be liquid-like: Kelewai ka ai, the poi is thin. 2. To be muddy; to be slippery, as very thin mud. Kelo (ke'-lo'), with a prolonged "o"), interj. Hawaiian pronunciation of "Sail ho!" Kelou (ke-lo'u), n. Same as kilou, a hook. Kemau (ke-ma'u), n. [Ke, the, and mau, a shortening of amaumau.] Same as amaumau, the fern. Kemoa (ke-mo'a), v. Same as kee- moa. Kena (ke'-na), adj. 1. Weary; heavy; sad; sorrowful. 2. Filled to satiety. Kena (ke'-na), n. 1. Weariness; de- pression; dejection; depression of mind under unmitigated toil. 2. The feelings of a tired parent to- wards a child that refuses to obey; weariness, anger and love all com- bined. Kena (ke'-na'), pron. [Variant of kela.] He; she; that person: Aohe kekahi la kula e like me kena olelo; There was not a single day's school, as he said. Kena (ke'-na'), v. 1. To command; to order to be done; to give or- ders; to compel. (Laieik. p. 176.) 2. To send to, as an officer on business: kena aku la o Kameha- meha i kona poe kanaka e imi i ka laau ala; Kamehameha sent his men to look for sandalwood. 3. To give orders in case of emer- gency. Kena (ke'-na), v. 1. To be weary; j to suffer under hard labor. 2. To be grieved. 3. To be satisfied. Kenakena (ke'-na-ke'-na), v. [Dupl. of kena, to be grieved.] To weep; to mourn; to suffer inconvenience; to be bitter. Kenakena (ke'-na-ke'-na'), v. [Freq. of the verb kena, to command.] To command; to give orders. Keneta (ke-ne'-ta), n. (Eng.) A cent, the hundredth part of a dol- lar. Ken I (ke'-ni), v. To walk very soft- ly, so as to make no noise with the feet. Syn: Nihi. Kenikeni (ke'-ni-ke'-ni), n. 1. Old native word for knife. 2. Ten cents; a dime. 3. Native name applied to the Lahaina cane. Kenikeni (ke'-ni-ke'-ni), v. To fur- nish, make or assemble a complete outfit, as of furnishings for a hab- itation, articles of attire, food, fish, canoes, nets, etc. Keo (ke'o), adj. White; clear; glistening white. See kea. Keo (keo'), n. [Ke, the, and o, pin.] The pin. Keokeo (ke'o-ke'o), adj. 1. Proud; haughty: Keo no hoi o A; A Is proud. 2. White; clear. Keokeo (ke'o-ke'o), n. Something white or glistening. Keokeo (ke'o-ke'o), v. To be white; to be whitened. (Hookeokeo is the transitive form.) Keoloewa (ke-o'-16-e'-wa), n. A god- dess belonging to the class of Kapo, called akua noho, and a patroness of the healing arts. Kepa (ke'-pa), adj. Of or belonging to the kepa, almond tree. Kepa (ke'-pa'), n. A spur, so named from its use or motion on the heel; he kui e hoeha ai i ka lio ma na aoao. Kepa (ke'-pa), n. Word used by the translators of the Bible for the almond tree. Kepa (ke'-pa), v. 1. To snap, as with the teeth; to champ the teeth, as a boar. 2. To turn; to bite suddenly. 3. To scrape, as dirt from a stone or board. Kepakepa (ke'-pa-ke'-pa), v. To dance or chant (olioli) rapidly to the accompanying notes of an ipu- hula, or hula drum. Kepani (ke'-pa-nl'), adj. Japanese. Kepani (ke'-pa-nl'), n. [Mod.] A Japanese. Kepau (ke'-pa'u), n. 1. A general name of substances fusible by heat, as tar, pitch, rosin, lead, pewter, etc. 2. The name given by Hawaiians to printer's type: o ke kepau i paiiai ka manao o KEP 283 KI ke kanaka; the type by which the thoughts of men are printed. Kepaupoka (ke'-pa'u-p6'-ka'), n. [Ke- pau, fusible substance, and poka, a ball or bullet.] Lead; a mass of lead. Kepia (ke'-pi'-a), n. 1. The matter about the face of one who has sore running eyes. See piapia. 2. Oil that stands and becomes partly dry. Kepoda (ke'-po'-da), n. Name ap- plied by the translators of the Scriptures to the porcupine. (Isai- ah 34:11.) Kepue (ke'-pu'-e), n, A kind of hard stone out of which ancient axes were made. Syn: Humuula. Kepuka (ke'-pu'-ka), n, A curious or wizard art; a sleight of hand trick; a trick of legerdemain. Kepuka (ke'-pu'-ka), v. 1. To play curious tricks. 2. To practice sleight of hand. Word coined since the introduction of such amuse- ments. See puka. Keratlo (ke'-ra-ti'-o), n. Word used by the translators for the carob pod mentioned in the Scriptures. Keroko (ke'-ro'-ko), n. (Biblical.) Saffron, mentioned in Solomon's Song. Kerokodile (ke'-r6'-k6-dl'-le), n. A crocodile or Leviathan, as men- tioned in a translation of the Book of Job. Keruba (ke'-ru'-ba), n. A cherub. See translation of Paul's letter to the Hebrews. Kerubima (ke'-ru-bi'-ma), n. Cheru- bim. Kerusolito (ke'-ru-so'-li'-to), n. The chrysolite mentioned in Revela- tions. Kerusopera (ke'-ru-s5'-pe'-ra), n. (Gr.) A chrysoprasus, a precious stone spoken of by Saint John in Revelations. Keu (ke'-u), adj. Remaining over and above; additional. Keu (ke'u), adj. 1. Very angry; cross. 2. Fault finding. Keu (ke'-u), adv. Superfluously; be- yond a limit. Keu (ke'-u), n. 1. In arithmetic, a remainder. 2. A portion extra, more. Keu (ke'u), n. 1. Surliness; pettish- ness; anger, expressed in words. 2. A harsh, coarse sound, as the croak of a mud-hen, owl, etc.: Ina e lohe oe i ke keu o ka alae, if you hear the croak of the alae. Laieik. p. 149. Keu (ke'-u), v. To be more; to have a remainder. This word is used in counting or in specifying a gen- eral amount, with something over, thus: pa kauna a keu, four each and something over, or four and some besides; pa umi a keu, ten and upwards; pa kanaha a keu, forty and more; pa lau a keu, four hundred and over; the fraction over the definite sum is not speci- fied. See hookeu. Keu (ke'u), v. 1. To contradict; to scold; to find fault; to show a bad disposition; to be morose. 2. To complain in a fault-finding man- ner. Keueue (ke'-u'e-u'e), v. [Ke, to push, and ue, to move.] To push against; to oppose one; to treat harshly. Also written keueuwe. Keukeu (ke'u-ke'u), adj. [Redupl. of adjective, keu.] Censorious. Keukeu (ke'u-ke'u), n. A reduplica- tion of the noun, ke'u. Keukeu (ke'u-ke'u), v. [Redupl. of keu.] 1. To be continually com- plaining. 2. To utter words of complaint. Kewa (ke'-wa), n. An expecting or looking for something to happen in the future; an anticipation. Kewai (ke'-wa'i), adj. 1. Spoiled; rotten, as an egg. 2. Over ripe; on the point of decay. 3. Abound- ing with water; thin as liquid. Kewai (ke'-wa'i), n. 1. Wind from a place of rain. 2. A mist con- nected with rain some distance off; pili ke kewai, kuhaluka ka mauna. 3. The moisture which settles on mats and walls inside of a house from the dampness. Kewakewai (ke'-wa-ke'-wa'i), v. To be addled, as an egg; to be spoiled. Kewe (ke'-we), adj. 1. Contorted; convulsive. 2. Perverted; twisted out of meaning =E2=80=94 said of language. Kewikewi (ke'-wi-ke'-wi), v. Same as kiwikiwi. Ki (ki), adj. Close; parsimonious: kanaka ki. Syn: Pi, miserly. Ki (ki),n. A shrub (Cordyline termi- nalis) very common in all islands at the lower edge of the woods. It is from six to twelve feet high. The natives understood how to ferment a kind of liquor from the root, and KI 284 KIA at a later period learned to distill from it a strong spirit called okole- hao, from the whalers' iron try pots which were used in the dis- tilling process. The leaves, called lai or laui, served as wrappers for food and as plates, and were also used for thatching. They afford an excellent forage for cattle. 2. Name given by bird-catchers to the amakihi, also called by the na- tives Pupua lenalena, from the yel- low feathers in the tail. See ama- kihi. 3. (Eng.) The key of a lock. Ki (kl), V. 1. To pull the trigger of a gun; hence, to shoot: alalia ki mai la na haole i koe i ka pu, to discharge fire-arms; ina e ae oe i kuu lio, e ki koke aku au ia oe 1 ka pu, a make oe. 2. To squirt water, as with a syringe. 3. To blow from the mouth, as fishermen blow the oil of the kukui nut and coconut from the mouth in order to quiet the surface of the sea. 4. To lock or fasten with a key. 5. To sift; to strain. Kia (kl'-a), n. 1. A pillar or inner post of a house which supports the ridge. 2. A pillar or post set up for any purpose. 3. The mast of a ship or any vessel. 4. A stand- ing idol: he kia hoailona, a stand- ing image of worship; kia ao, a pil- lar of cloud; kia ahi, pillar of fire. 5. One who entraps or catches birds or fish; kia manu, a bird catcher. (Laieik. p. 106.) 6. The name of the material used in catch- ing birds. 7. The rod on which the slime, kepau, is placed, or the trap which insnares the fish. 8. A spike or nail for fastening boards or timbers. Syn: Makia. Kia (kl'-a), v. To do, finish or com- plete an act. The word requires a prefix or a succeeding word to complete the sense, as: Ka kia, to drive by knocking; to nail; to spike; kia manu, to catch birds with snare or trap; e kia i kela ia, insnare that fish; e kia aku i kela kanaka a make; do that man to death with a sorcerer's prayer or by any other way. Kiaahi (ki'-a-a'-hi), n. [Kia, pillar, and ahi, fire.] A pillar of fire; a fire pillar. Kiaaina (ki'-a-a'i-na), n. [Kia, pillar, and aina, land, the pillar or sup- port of the land.] A governor; a governor of an island; a ruler. Kiaao (ki-a-a'o), n. [Kia, pillar, and ao, cloud.] A pillar of cloud or cloud pillar. Kiaha (kl'-a'-ha), n. 1. A drinking dish; a cup; a mug; a tumbler: kiaha ooma, a pitcher. 2. A basin, Kiahaaha (ki'-a'-ha-a'-ha), v. To pour water, as out of a kiaha, or cup- like contrivance. Kiahamanu (kl'-a'-ha-ma'-nu), n. A species of the fish called oopu. Also known as nawao and nuukole. Of very active habit, often trans- ferring itself from one pool to an- other by leaping. Kiai (k!-a'i), n, 1. A guard; a ! watchman. 2. The time of a watch. Kiai (kl-a'i), v. 1. To watch over; to guard; to take charge of; to look out for; to act the part of, or to do the duty of a guard. 2. To wait for; to expect; to think. Kiaipo (kl'-a'i-po'), n. [Kiai, watch, j and po, night.] A night watch; a j watch in the night. Kiaipoo (kl'-a'i-po'o), n. [Kiai, watch, I and poo, the head.] A head guard; I title of the person who guarded the king for the time being: ua kapaia ua kanaka la, kiaipoo; that person (who guarded the king) was called kiaipoo. Kiaipuka (ki'-a'i-pu'-ka), n. [Kiai, guard, and puka, a door or gate.] A porter; a guard at a gate. Kiakahi (kl'-a-ka'-hi), adj. With one accord; agreeing; noho kiakahi ma ka pono; alike; in unison; ap- plied to opinion or action. See kuikahi. Kiakahi (ki'-a-ka'-hi), n. [Kia, mast, and kahi, one.] 1. A one-masted vessel; a sloop. 2. Firmness of purpose; adherence to a fixed plan; constancy. 3. A person of fixed purpose. Kiakolu (kl-a-ko'-lu), n. [Kia, mast, and kolu, three.] A ship having three masts: he kiakolu, a three- masted ship. Klalo (ki'-a'-lo), n. 1. A digging out. 2. A wrenching or twisting off. Kialo (ki'-a'-lo), v. 1. To dig out, as the eye. See poalo. 2. To twist out, as a tooth. 3. To reach after, as in drawing something to one. Kialoa (kl'-a-lo'-a), n. 'l. A long, light and beautifully finished "ca- KIA 285 KIH noe. 2. A tall, well-proportioned, beautiful woman. Kialua (ki'-a-lii'-a), n. [Kia, mast, and lua, two.] A brig or schooner having two masts: he moku kia- lua, a vessel of two masts. Kiapa (ki'-a-pa'), n. 1. A swift sail- ing canoe. 2. A vessel equipped with cross spars (a later meaning). Kiauau (kl'-a'u-a'u), v. 1. To smooth; to smooth down; to take wrinkles out of tapa or clothes. 2. To walk or run lightly; e mama i ka hele ana; e mele pale waa. 3. To en- courage with oli, or song, as was the custom when great numbers of workmen were drawing their ca- noes from the forests to the sea- shore. Klawe (ki'-a'-we), n. The algaroba tree (Prosopis juliflora) ; also the fruit or pod of the tree. Kiaweula (ki'-a-we-u'-la), n. 1. A shade of red, applied to the clouds; ina he ulaula ke ao, ua ula ia, he kiaweula. 2. Faint colors of the rainbow. Kida (ki'-ka), n. [Heb.] Cassia. Kie (ki'e), adj., n., v. Same as kiekie. Kieei (ki'-e-e'i), v. Plural form of kiei. Kiel (ki'-e'i), v. 1. To look into; to scrutinize; to peep at: oi imi aku i ka manao, oi hull aku, oi halalo aku, a kiei aku, a nana iho; a kiei malalo o ka papale o na haole, they peeped under the bon- nets of the foreigners (women). 2. To look at one by stretching the head around or over something; to look over in order to see any- thing. 3. To look slyly; e nana malu. 4. To watch the conduct of one: ke kiei mai nei no ia i ka poe uhai kanawai. 5. To look at a particular object; kiei aku la au makai a mauka, a holo aku la au, I looked seaward and inland and ran away. 6. To look through a door or crevice to see something. (Laieik. p. 174.) Kieke (ki'-e'-ke), n. A bag; a pocket; a satchel; a bag for carrying pro- visions: Kieke kahuhipa, a shep- herd's bag. See eke. Kiekie (ki'-e-ki'-e), adj. High; lofty; exalted; separated; holy. Kiekie (ki'-e-ki'-e), n. A height; a high place: ke kiekie, the high one, that is, God; ua like ke kie- kie me ka loa, the height is like the length. Kiekie (ki'-e-ki'-e), v. (Syn: Kie.) 1. To be lofty; to be high, as a mountain. 2. To be lifted up; to be raised high, as a material ob- ject. 3. To be proud; to be self- exalted; to think one's self above or better than others. Kiekiena (ki'-e-ki'-e'-na), n. [Kiekie, high, and ana, being.] 1. Being high; rising high. See palipali. 2. A tableland. Kiele (kl'-e'-le), n. An odoriferous shrub; he laau aala. Some say it was brought from a foreign coun- try, but the word is found in two ancient meles at least: He kiele ka alau niu Xo hana lau aala ai na 'Hi. 0 ka lau o ke kiele i aala; E ka lani, ai mai ai inae, Aala no mai ka lau a ke kumu. Kiele (ki'-e'-le), v. 1. To emit a fragrant odor: o ka lau o ke kaa i kiele i aala, the leaf of the kaa sent forth odor. 2. To perfume garments with a scent made from the leaves of the kiele and kaa: E kiele iho oe i keia kapa, per- fume this garment with kiele. Kielei (ki'-e-le'i), n. A form of danc- ing with the feet and legs far apart: he kielei kekahi hula; kieli is a kind of dance. Kielei (ki-e-le'i), v. Incorrect form of kihelei. Kiha (ki'-ha), n. The movements or convulsions in the act of sneezing; sneeze. Kiha (ki-ha'), n. The rise and fall of a canoe in a heavy sea. Kiha (ki'-ha), v. To sneeze. Syn: Kihe. Kiha (ki-ha'), v. 1. To rise and pitch, as a canoe in a heavy sea. 2. To belch. Kihae (ki'-ha'e), v. To tear off; to divest of: Ka makani kihae oho o ka lauki o Luakaha; the wind that tears off the covering of the ti plant of Luakaha. See uhae, to rend. Kihaehae (ki'-ha'e-ha'e), v. To tear to pieces; to rend into small parts. See haehae. Kihamu (ki'-ha'-mu), v. [Ki, and hamu, to eat fragments.] 1. To eat proudly or daintily; to taste this and that, as though tasteless. KIH 286 KIH 2. To be over nice; to be squeam- ish, Kihapa (ki-ha'-pa), v. 1. To be half covered; to have only a kihei over one shoulder. 2. To have only one-half the head shaved. 3. To be unfinished; to be incomplete. Kihapai (ki'-ha'-pa'i), n. 1. A small division of land just below a pauku in size. 2. A cultivated patch of ground, a garden, a potato patch, a field, a small farm, etc., belonging to the people as distin- guished from the chiefs, which was called koele. 3. A particular department in business or office. (Formerly the ceremonies of re- ligion were divided into several de- partments; it was the business of one to keep the altar in order, of another to offer the sacrifice, etc.; these different departments or of- fices were called kihapai.) Kihau (ki'-ha'u), adj. Frugal; sav- ing. Kihau (ki'-ha'u), adv. In a frugal manner; sparingly: E ai kihau kakou; let us eat sparingly. Kihau (ki'-ha'u), v. To be moderate; to abstain from excess. Kihawahine (ki'-ha-wa'-hi'-ne), n. A goddess who took on the form of a lizard and dwelt at Mokuhinia, Lahaina. Certain fish also, as the akupa, olali, hilu, were said to be possessed of this deity. Kihe (ki'-he), v. To sneeze. Syn: Kiha. Kihe (ki'-he), v. 1. To dive down, as the bow of a vessel in a heavy sea. 2. To dive, as one dives un- der the surf. 3. To roll or dive, as a porpoise. Kihe (ki'-he'), v. [Contraction of kihae, to tear off.] 1. To strip; tear lengthwise. 2. To become a demi-god. Kihee (ki'-he'e), v. To pour out after straining, as is done in drinking awa: e kihee mai oe i ka awa o kakou, pour out our awa. Kihehe (ki'-he'-he'), v. 1. To be or become deified; to pass or live in- visibly in the air. 2. To be made a god of. Kihei (ki'-he'i), n. The garment for- merly worn by Hawaiian men. A loose garment of tapa thrown over one shoulder and tied in a knot. It was thrown off in working. Kihekihe (ki'-he-ki'-he), v. [Redupli- cation of kihe, to sneeze.] 1. To have a fit of sneezing. 2. To pant or struggle for breath; to cough severely, as deep-sea divers do after rising to the surface. Kihele (ki'-he'-le), v. To hook; to fasten with a hook, briars, or any- thing crooked. Kihelei (ki'-he-le'i), v. 1. To stand with the legs spread apart. 2. To straddle. Syn: Kukihelei. Kihene (ki'-he'-ne), n, 1. A bundle, as potatoes done up for carrying. 2. A vessel or utensil made of twigs or rushes and lined with leaves, a native basket. Kihi (ki'-hi), n. 1. The outside cor- ner or projection of a thing; the apex of an angle. 2. The edge of a garment. 3. The border of a land or country. 4. The extremity of a thing: ke kihi o ka pepeiao, the tip of the ear; ke kihi o ka aahu, the border of a garment. 5. The corner, as of a board; the sharp point of a leaf. 6. The commencement of evening, when darkness begins, as: ke kihi o ka po. Syn: Kau. 7. Nickname ap- plied to a cross-eyed person. Kihi (ki'-hl'), n. A variety of sweet potatoes (uala paa), the ancient potato of Hawaii. It is yellow and is used in the preparation of cer- tain medicines. Kihikau (ki'-hi-ka'u), v. To give lavishly and until all is gone: i ke kihikau au, a ua pau. See kahiau. Kihikihi (ki'-hi-ki'-hi), n. 1. The curving of the horns of the moon; that is, the extremities are kihi- kihi. 2. The curve of the wings of a bird. 3. The broad part of an ancient cocked hat, the brim of which was turned up and made sharp corners: ua kihikihi ke poo, curved are their heads, referring to Captain Cook's officers with their cocked hats on. 4. A species of fish, the Moorish idol (Zanclus canescens) white with black bands. 5. A species of surgeon fish (Ze- brasoma veliferum) black with six bands of white and yellow. Kihikihi (ki'-hi-ki'-hi), v. [Freq. of kihi.] 1. To be full of corners. 2. To be bent. 3. To have a number of angles. See hookihi- kihi. KIH 287 KIK Kihiloa (ki'-hi-16'a), adj. 1. Crooked; twisted out of shape; having many angles. 2. Blundering; wan- dering; not straightforward; false. Kihimoe (ki-hi-mo'-e), n. One of the five points or corners where the stone called noa in the game of puhenehene is concealed. See pu- henehene. Kihipoohiwi (kl'-hi-po'o-hl'-wi), n. [Kihi, corner, and poohiwi, shoul- der.] Generally synonymous with poohiwi, the shoulder, but really means the corners, points or sides of the shoulders. Kihipuka (kl'-hi-pa'-ka), n. One of the five points, puu kapu, in the game of puhenehene. Kihoe (ki'-ho'-e), v. To have no fixed abiding place; to lead a rov- ing life; to move from one place to another. Kiholo (ki'-ho'-lo), n. 1. A large hook, formerly made of wood, used to catch the shark and other large fish. 2. A famous fish pond on the island of Hawaii called Kame- hameha fish pond. It was de- stroyed by a lava flow in 1859. Kii (ki'i), n. 1. An image; a pic- ture: i ko lakou ike ana i ke kii o ko lakou mau hale. 2. An idol; a statue; kii kalaiia, a graven image; kii palapalaia, a picture; kii hooheeheeia, a molten or cast image; kii akua, images of gods for worship; he laau ke kii no na kanaka ame na 'Hi, the common people and the chiefs have idols of wood; kii ku, a standing image; kii pohaku, an image of stone; kii onohi, pupil of the eyes. Kii (ki'i), v. 1. To go after a thing. 2. To fetch. 3. To send for a person or thing. 4. To take from another. 5. To procure for one. 6. To require of one. Kiiakua (ki'i-a-ku'-a), n. An image representing a god. See kii. Kiihelei (ki'i-he'-le'i), adv. 1. Branch- ing apart; straddling. 2. Not com- pactly; in a disorderly manner: Pehea hoi i kiihelei ai ke kanu ana o kou mau laau? How is it that your trees are planted in so disorderly an arrangement? Kiihelei (ki'i-he'-le'i), v. [See helei, to spread open.] 1. To stand, sit or walk with the legs wide apart. 2. To straddle: Ua ku kiihelei, oia ma kela aoao a ma keia aoao o ke awa. Kiihooheheeia (ki'i-ho'o-he'-he'e-ia), n. A molten or cast image. See kii, an image. Kiikalaiia (ki'i-ka'-lai'-i'a), n. [Kii, image, and kalai, to hew.] A carved idol; a graven image. Kiikau (ki'i-ka'u), adj. Pertaining to clouds divided into black or white strips: he ao onohi opua kiikau. Kiikau (ki'i-ka'u), n. Drifting clouds marked with different colors. Kiikea (ki'i-ke'-a), n. A medicine made from the bark of the bread- fruit tree crushed together with the tender shoots of the coconut. It is used as an ointment. Kiikii (ki'i-ki'i), v. 1. To swell; to enlarge. 2. To be full from over- eating. Kiiku (ki'i-ku'), n. [Kii, image, and ku, to stand.] A standing image or idol. Kiimanana (ki'i-ma'-na'-na), v. 1. To be enlarged. 2. To be bloated, swelled, as a dead body in process of corruption. Kiina (ki'-i'-na), V. 1. Send for; send and take, expressing command. (It is used often in a passive sense: Kiina mai la ia e na kahu ma ke kaulua; He was sent for by his guardians on a double-canoe.) 2. Go get and bring away; Ua kiina mai nei na waa, the canoes have been sent for. Kiipalapala (ki'i-pa'-la-pa'-la), n. [KII and palapala, writing.] 1. A pic- ture; a portrait. 2. A picture for worship. Kiipohaku (ki'i-p6-ha'-ku), n. [Kii, image, and pohaku, stone.] A stone idol. See eho. Kiipua (ki'i-pu'-a), adj. Going about, as an idle person who is more or less mischievous: nahili, lalau. Kika (kl'-ka), adj. 1. Strong; ener- getic, as a magistrate in applying the law to transgressors, 2, Hav- ing force; impressive; having au- thority. Kika (kl'-ka'), n. A cigar, Kikaha (kl'-ka'-ha), adv. Passing by a former friend; not recogniz- ing one with whom he was for- merly acquainted: e wawau, e hele loa ma ke alanui, e aloha ole. Kikaha (ki'-ka'-ha), v. To turn about and go in another direction. See kaha. KIK 288 KIK Kikakaha (ki'-ka'-ka'-ha), v. 1. To pitch into; to dash against; to rush together, as two cocks when fighting. See kaka. 2, To move off a straight course, as if to shun or keep away from. Kikakala (ki'-ka-ka'-la), v. 1. To strike with the spurs, as fighting cocks do. 2. To draw up with a hook in fishing for squid. Kikakapu (kl'-ka-ka'-pu), n. A spe- cies of butterfly fish (Chaetodon lunula). It is found among coral reefs, and is noted for bright col- ors and great activity. The kika- kapu was used in the practice of witchcraft. Kikala (kl'-ka'-la), n. 1. The hol- low of the back between the hips. 2, The name of the bone called coccyx. 3. The hip: ke kikala amp ka uha. 4. The buttocks; the posteriors. Kikalapai (ki'-ka'-la-pa'i), n. The sunken hips of a person not well formed; papai, pananai. Kikaliki (kl'-ka-li'-ki), n. Cigarette. Kikama (ki'-ka'-ma), n. White tapa made from the wauke. Kikamu (ki'-ka'-mu), n. 1. A social gathering which has become quiet for some reason. 2, Small fish gathered around a hook which they do not bite. Kikamu (kl'-ka'-mu), v. 1. To be suspicious. 2. To shrink from ap- proach. Kikanalei (ki'-ka'-na-le'i), v. To sit on the heels; to squat. Kikaola (ki'-ka'-o-la), n. [Ki, the key of a lock, and kaola, a cross beam.] A cross-bar; a beam or bar used to shut in or out. Kikau (ki'-ka'u), v. To give freely; to bestow upon others with good will. See kihikau. Kike (kl'-ke), n. [Mod.] Kitten; kitty. Kike (ki'-ke'), v. 1. To break or strike, as with a hammer; to knock; to rap. 2. To give and take in a conversational way, as in repartee or dialogue; to speak by turns. Kikeekee (kl'-ke'e-ke'e), adj. 1. Crooked; zigzag, as a path: he ki- keekee ke ala, not straight. 2. Wrong, in a moral sense; per- verted: mai hele oe ma ke ala kikeekee o ka aina o kaua, o kuia auanei oe a hina; aka, e hele oe ma ke ala pololei; go not in the crooked path of our land, lest ere long you stumble and fall, but go in the straight path. (Pololei means straight or upright.) Kikeekee (kl'-ke'e-ke'e), n. A wind- ing or crooked path. Kikeekee (ki'-ke'e-ke'e), v. To crook; to bend. See kee. 2. To form or move in short turns; to proceed in a zigzag course. Kikeke (ki'-ke'-ke'), v, 1. To knock, as at a door for entrance. 2. To strike frequently upon, as in crack- ing a nut. See kike, to break. Kikenenei (ki'-ke'-ne-ne'i), adj. Too short; contracted. Kikenenei (ki'-ke'-ne-ne'i), v. 1. To draw in; to contract. 2. To draw or lift up; to throw or cast up; to put upon something. Kikepa (ki'-ke'-pa), n. The lapping of one thing over another; a fold- ing over. Kikepa (ki'-ke'-pa), v. 1. To fix or place a thing in a one-sided man- ner. 2. To lean over on one side. 3. To cover one side of the head. 4. To overlay or be overlaid. 5. To bite or snatch with the teeth. Kikepakepa (ki'-ke'-pa-ke'-pa), v. 1. To dress or adorn in a grotesque manner; to dress fantastically. 2. To cut the hair fantastically. 3. To adorn the person differently from the fashion. 4. To disfigure one's self, as in ancient times when a chief died, the people knocked out their teeth, and lacer- ated their bodies. Kiki (ki'-kl'), adv. 1. Quickly; sud- denly; violently; in a hurry. Kiki is often used as an adverb of in- tensity after verbs of action or condition, and signifies very, ex- ceedingly, etc., as: holo kiki, he ran swiftly; paa kiki, very tight; Hele kiki aku la, i iki ole o Papa ia ia; he went hastily that Papa might not see him. Kiki (kl'-ki'), n. 1. A quick, hard stroke, as a cock striking its spurs in fighting. 2. Bundles done up for carrying on a stick. 3. The leaves used in tying up bundles of potatoes or other things. 4. A bird, resembling a plover, usually caught with a net. Kiki (kl'-ki'), v. [A freq. and inten- sive of ki, to shoot or squirt.] 1. To spurt, as water pressed through KIK 289 KIK a small orifice. 2. To eject black matter, as the squid. 3. To prac- tice masturbation. 4. To flow swiftly, as water from the bottom of a full barrel. 5. To do a thing vehemently; to run very swiftly; to fly furiously at, as one cock at another, or as a hen in defense of her young. KikI (ki'-kl'), v. To paint the face or hair white with lime or clay (palolo). KIkialo (ki'-ki'-a'-lo), v. [Kiki, from ki, to do, and alo, the presence of one.] 1. To move or do quickly whatever is to be done. 2. To get into action now. 3. To do in the presence of. Kikialo (ki'-ki'-a-lo), v. To fish with a scoop net. Kikiao (ki'-kl'-ao), n. 1. A sudden bursting forth of passion. 2. A sudden gust of wind; a squall; a strong wind. KIkihi (ki-ki'-hi), adj. Having cor- ners like a cocked hat: ua kapaia 'ku e makou, o ka papale he poo kikihi; said of anything crescent shaped: aole like me ke poo kikihi a Kane; he poo kikihi, a half- mooned cocked or military hat. See kihi-kihi and kihi. Kikihi (ki'-kl'-hi), n. 1. A sailing about in a canoe with a sail. 2. Walking about quickly. Both (1) and (2) are generally used with a prefix: as he holo kikihi. 3. The brim of a broad-brimmed turned up hat. 4. A door frame. 5. The side posts of a door; the door casing. Also called kukuna and kikina. The door itself is now generally puka. Kikihi (ki'-ki'-hi), v. To dodge; to move in quick turns, as in turning short corners. Kikii (ki'-ki'i), v. 1. To lie on the back with upturned face. 2. To lie still with the face upward as though in imitation of an image. Kikiki (ki'-ki'-ki), adj. Close; op- pressively hot, as a room filled with people; kikiki ka wela a ka la. Applied to the heat of the sun. See nopu. Kikiko (ki'-ki'-ko), adj. Dotted; spotted, as paper, tapa, or the skin. Kikiko kl'-ki'-ko), v. To make a point, dot, etc.; to print; to tattoo the skin; to make marks or letters on the skin. See kiko. Kikilo (ki'-kl'-lo), adj. Afar off; at a great distance. Kikilo (ki'-ki'-lo), n. A far away and indefinite portion of time either past or future: I ko kakou mau kupuna i hala aku 1 o kikilo, concerning our ancestors of old. Pehea na lahui i o kikilo? How will it be with nations in the dis- tant future? Kikimo (ki'-ki'-mo), v. 1. To bow or bend forward, as the head when one is going to sleep in a sitting posture. 2. To nod with drowsi- ness. See kimo. Kikina (ki'-kl'-na), n. 1. A being hurried; a hurrying; an urging. 2. A time of; a season. Kikina (kl'-kl'-na), v. 1. To be in haste. 2. To be urged on to; to be compelled. (For a transitive form of the verb, see hookikina.) KIkio (kl'-ki'o), v. To evacuate the bowels. Syn: Kio. Kikipa (ki'-ki'-pa), v. [Ki and kipa, to turn aside.] 1. To call upon one. 2. To go frequently to a neighbor's. 3. To make a circuit to avoid one. 4. To turn aside from a straight road, or from one's regular business. Kikiwi (ki'-ki'-wi), adj. Bent and rounded at the point like a duck's bill; crescent-like. Kikiwi (ki'-ki'-wi), v. [Ki and kiwi, to bend.] 1. To bend or bow the head. 2. To nod from drowsiness. 3. To bend over; to bow down. 4. To proceed with an unsteady gait. Kiko (ki'-ko), adj. Striped; spotted; speckled. Kiko (ki'-ko), n. 1. A small spot, dot or point. 2. A spot on the skin. 3. The figure marked on the skin in tattooing. 4. Punctuation marks. 5. The dot or mark made as a sign indicating something or some event. 6. The cock of a firearm. Kiko (ki'-ko), v. 1. To pluck; to pull off, as fruit from a tree. 2. To pick up, as a fowl does its food. 3. To peck or break the shell, as a chicken in hatching. 4. To mark by a sign, symbol or other token. KIkoa (ki'-ko'-a), v. [Contraction of kikoia, the passive form of the KIK 290 KIK verb kiko.] Picked up; marked; checked: Kikoa na lae o na kane ame na wahine; the foreheads of men and women were marked or dotted. Kikohoomaha (kl'-ko-ho'o-ma'-ha), n, [Kiko, point, and hoomaha, causing rest.] The points or characters used in writing which indicate pauses or rests for the voice in reading, as comma, semicolon, pe- riod. Kikohu (ki'-ko'-hu), v. To spot; to make a spot with coloring matter: e kikohu iho oe i ka pau. See kohu. Kikohukohu (ki'-ko'-hQ-ko'-hu), n. 1. Spots on a garment. 2. A blem- ish; an imperfection. Kikohukohu (kl'-ko'-hu-ko'-hu), v. To daub; to spot; to make unclean; to spatter, as ink in writing. Kikol (kl'-ko'-i), v. 1. To do a little here and there; to do things irreg- ularly. 2. To be bold in reprov- ing; to reprove indiscriminately. 3. To interrupt the attention of a hearer. 4. To supersede; to fore- stall. Kikokahi (kl'-k6-ka'-hi), n. [Kiko, point, and kahi, one.] A period; the point in punctuation (.). Kikokiko (ki'-k6-kI'-ko), adj. 1. Spot- ted; speckled; having spots of dif- ferent colors. 2. Striped. Kikokiko (kI'-k6-ki'-ko), v. 1. To discolor with spots. 2. To nibble, as fish at the bait. Kikokikoi (kI'-k6-ki'-ko'-i), adj. Here and there; irregular. Kikokikoi (ki'-k6-ki'-ko'-i), v. To skip about, as in working in one place and then in another; to skip about in reading: kuhikuhi lelele, to point here and there. See kikoi. Kikokoma (ki'-ko-ko'-ma), n. [Kiko, point, and koma, comma.] A semi- colon. See kikohoomaha. Kiko I a (ki'-k6-la'), n. One who re- cords or checks the day's work; a timekeeper. Kikola (ki'-k6-la'), v. [Kiko, to mark or check, and la, day.] To verify by mark or other sign the daily advancing of anything; to make a daily record of by kiko, or small points or marks. Kikoluko (ki'-ko-lu'-ko), adj. Colored in stripes. Kikoluko (ki'-ko-lu'-ko), v. To mark in long parallel lines with a va- riety of colors. Kikomoe (ki'-k6-m5'e), n. [Kiko, point, and moe, to lie down.] 1. A hyphen (-). Kikoni (ki'-ko'-ni), n. The art or trade of finishing canoes after they are dug out and shaped. Kikoni (ki'-ko'-ni), v. 1. To smooth off and finish a canoe after it is dug out. 2. To prepare and make soft the wauke bark for making tapa; ka wauki i kikoniia a palu- palu maikai. 3. To quickly pierce or lance a swelling. 4. To rap one gently on the forehead. Kikonia (ki'-ko-ni'-a), n. [Mod.] The stork so translated in the Scrip- tures. Kikonikoni (ki-ko'-ni-ko'-ni), v. [Freq. form of kikoni, to rap.] To knock gently and often. Kikoninau (ki'-k6'-nl'-nau), n. [Kiko, point, and ninau, question.] The interrogation point (?). Kikoo (ki'-ko'o), n. 1. An arm or anything bent; a bow: He kaka, he mea e panai ka pua; a bow, a thing to shoot arrows. 2. A span; a measure made by the thumb and forefinger: Aha kikoo i koe o ko ia la maikai ia ia nei; that person is four points less hand- some than this. 3. A line across the arc of a circle; the chord of an arc. 4. The bent bow was called kikoo in shooting: kikoo kakaka, a bow. Kikoo (ki'-ko'o), v. 1. To stretch out the hand to take something, or to do something. 2. To ex- tend the hand in making a ges- ture. 3. To stretch or spread out the wings, as a bird about to fly. Kikookoo (ki'-ko'o-ko'o), v. 1. To reach as far as one can for a thing; to stand on tip-toe and reach as high as one can. 2. To stretch one's self. Kikoola (ki'-ko'o-la'), adj. Carelessly performed ; entangled ; topsytur- vy; mixed together confusedly. Kikoola (ki-ko'o-la), n. The sun's rays stretching upward just before sunrise. Kikoola (ki'-ko'o-la'), v. To huddle together; to put together confused- ly; to fill a container without any order. KIK 291 KIL KIkoookala (ki-ko'o-6-ka-la), n. Same as kikoola. Kikopulwa (kl'-k6'-pu-i'-wa), n. [KIko, point, and puiwa, surprise.] The exclamation point (!). Kikowaena (ki'-k6'-wa'e-na), n. [Kiko, point, and waena, the middle.] The center of a circle. Klla (ki'-la), adj. Strong; stout; able; bold; having superior force. Kila (ki'-la), n. (Eng.) 1. Steel; a flint-steel for striking fire. 2. A general name for chisels: ka liao ma ka maka o ke koi, the iroh at the edge of the adze; ka hoaka o na kila o na hale kaa, the flashing of steel of the chariots. Kilaha (ki'-la'-ha). n. [Ki and laha, to spread out.] 1. An enlarging; a swelling out: ke kilaha o ka opu, the broadening of the abdomen. 2. A being made broad or wide and ample; capaciousneis, Kllaklla (ki'-la-ki'-la), adj. 1. Tall; strong; stout; imposing^, as a per- son. 2. Great; brave; Applied to a person. 3. Majestic; inspiring ad- miration. Ku kilakila o Mauna Kea, Mauna Kea sttnds in majes- tic grandeur. Kilakila (ki'-la-ki'-la), n. Height; grandeur; magnificence; applied to a mountain. Kilakila (ki'-la-ki'-la), v. 1. To ex- press admiration of one: Kilakila ia e ku mai la; long may she (Laieikawai) stand there. (Laieik. p. 165.) (As we say, long live the king.) 2. To be beautiful. 3. To have poise that commands admir- ation. KIlea (ki'-le'-a), n. 1. A prominent hill on the island of Molokai where Kana, a noted character in tradi- tion, fought with Kapepeekauila. also known as Haupu. 2. Small but prominent hills: Mai pii au i puu kilea, 1 ka hoolehelehe. KIleo (ki'-le'-o), n. 1. The pistil of flowers. 2, The larynx. Kllcpa (ki'-le'-pa), v. 1. To float In the wind, as a tapa or a piece of cloth fastened to a stick. 2. To indicate by a sign. See lepa, a small flag. Kilepalepa (kl'-le'-pa-le'-pa), n. The fluttering or floating of a flag or colors. Ike aku la oia I ke ki- lepalepa a ka pea o ka waa. He saw the fluttering of a canoe's sail. Laieik. p. 26. Kilepalepa (kr-le'-p=C2=A7,-le'-pa), v. [Freq. of kilepa.] To flap or flutter in the wind, as an ensign, flag or sail. Kill (ki'-li), n. See kilioopu. Kill (ki'-li), v. [Abbreviation of kilihau.] 1. To rain gently. 2. To rain in very small drops. Kilihau (ki'-li-ha'u). v. 1. To fall gently, as a soft shower. 2. To di- minish, as the termination of a shower. Kilihehe (ki'-li-he'-he'), adj. Obsti- nate in opinion. Kilihehe (ki'-li-he'-he'), v. To be ob- stinate; to be unmanageable. Kilihuna (kl'-li-hu'-na), v. To be scattered into small pieces like fine rain. See lelehuna. Kilika (ki'-li'-ka), adj. Silken: lole killka, silk cloth. Kilika (ki'-li'-ka), n. (Eng.) 1. Sillf 2. Native name of the black mul- berry (Morus nigra). The plant was originally introduced for th=C2=A7 leaves used in feeding silk worms. Kilika (ki'-li-ka'), v. 1. To fall in few drops, as rain. 2. To decrease, as rain. 3. To grow small. 4. To eat sparingly. Kllikaa (ki'-li-ka'a), v. To fall or drop a little at a time. Syn: Kilika. Kilikilihau (ki'-li-ki'-li-ha'u), adj. Di- minishing; softening; ceasing. Kilikilihau (ki'-li-ki'-li-ha'u), v. [Freq. of kilihau.] 1. To fall gent- ly as mist or fine rain; to sprinkle. 2. To sprinkle, as a little salt; aole ua, ke kilikilihau wale mai la no. 3. To blow gently, as the wind; kilikilihau ka makanl. See kilihau. Kilikillhuna (ki'-li-ki'-li-hu'-na), n. 1. Sprinkling, of rain. 2. Particles, of rain, dust, etc, Syn: Huna. Kilioopu (ki'-li-6-o'-pu), n. 1. Name of a reed or tall coarse grass (Cyperus auriculatus) : E hele ou- kou e uu mai I pua kilioopu; Go and gather flowers of the kilio- opu.=E2=80=94Laieik. p. 192. 2. A wind of Waihee, Maui. Kllipolpol (ki'-li-po'i-po'i), v. 1. To clap; to strike the palms together. 2. To move the middle or waist to and fro in rapid uninterrupted course; to wiggle. Kilo (ki'-lo), n. 1. A star-gazer: o' ka mea nana lani, he kilo lani no la. 2. A predictor of future events from the observation of the stars, KIL 292 KIL from the barking of dogs, the crow- ing of cocks, etc. 3. An astrolo- ger; a magician; a soothsayer; an enchanter. 4. A judge; a prophet: o Kahiko ke alii pono, a akamai la, he kahuna ame ke kilo: Kahiko was a good king, he was wise, he was a priest and a prophet. 5. Same as aniani, a mirror. 6. Col- lection made by gleaning. Kilo (ki'-lo), V. 1. To act the part of a spy; to find out in order to bring to light. 2. To watch omens; to give heed to signs in order to forecast events. 3. To watch or look earnestly at for the purpose of discovering something. 4. To glean; to gather what remains in the soil after the crop is re- moved: Ihea aku nei oukou? I * uka kilo uala. Where have you been? Inland gleaning potatoes. Kilohana (k!'-16-ha'-na), adj. Fine; beautiful; excellent; best. Kilohana (kl'-lS-ha'-na), n. 1. The outside, and most beautifully printed sheet of a set of five sleeping tapas. The group was called kuinakapa. 2. The very best as contrasted with that which was poorer: ka mea maikai loa i huipuia me na mea ino. 3. A hil- lock or heap of stones used as a resting place: he puu hoomaha. Kilohee (kl'-lo-he'e), n. [Kilo, to look for, and hee, squid.] 1. The act of searching the sea for squid. 2. Squid fishermen. 3. Name of a place in the sea beyond the kuaau, reef, and synonymous with hohonu, the deep sea, a place where fish- ermen look for squid. Kilohi (ki'-lo'-hi), adj. Proud; self- opinionated. Kilohi (ki'-lo'-hi), n. Pride; vanity; a high opinion of one's self. Kilohi (ki'-lo'-hi), v. 1. To look at one's self, one's person, features, dress, etc., with admiration; to be proud of one's dress or person. 2. To act with self-complacency. 3. To be vain; to exhibit vanity in any way. 4. To scrutinize, as one's character; to examine; to ob- serve. Kiloia (kr-16-i'a), n. A searcher of the sea or streams for fish. Kiloia (ki'-16-i'a), v. [Kilo, to look at, and la, fish.] To look as a fisherman looks into the water for fish: Heaha kana e hana la? E kiloia ana; What is he doing? He is looking for fish. Kilokilo (ki'-16-ki'-lo), adj. 1. Per- taining to omens. 2. Magical; per- taining to hidden wisdom. Kilokilo (kl'-lo-kl'-lo), n. 1. A guess at the future; a prediction; a watching the appearance of clouds for signs. 2. An enchantment. 3. A diviner; one who fortells events by magic; a fortune-teller. Kilokilo (kI'-16-ki'-lo), v. 1. To tell fortunes by magic; to act the sorcerer. 2. To examine carefully. 3. To question concerning futilre events; to study the language of the stars: E koho honua wale no me ka manao wahahee. See kilo. Kilokilohoku (kM6-ki'-16-h6'-ku'), n. [Kilokilo and hoku, a star.] An astrologer; a star-gazer. Kilokilolani (kl'-16-ki'-16-la'-ni), n. An astrologer. See kilolani. Kilokilouhane (kl'-16-kl'-16-ii-ha'-ne), v. and n. [Kilo and uhane, the spirit.] 1. To foretell the condi- tion of one's soul as being safe or near death, as living or as about to suffer. A species of necromancy based upon falsehood, much prac- ticed in former times. 2. One who communicates with the aumakua, or spirits, concerning the things which should be revealed to the people in general. Kilolani (ki'-16-la'-ni), n. [Kilo and lani, heaven.] One who looks at the stars; a star-gazer; an astrol- oger. (Isa. 47:13.) One who pre- tends to predict the future by watching the stars. Syn: Kilo- kilolani. Kilomakani (kl'-lS-ma-ka'-ni), n. [Kilo and makani, wind.] One who prognosticates the future by ob- serving the winds. Kilou (ki'-lo-u'), n. 1. A quiet nook; a place favorable for sleep. 2. A lonely spot. Kilou (ki'-lo'u), n. A hook. See lou, to bend. Kilou (ki'-lo'u), v. To hook; to fasten on to, as with a hook; to catch with a hook; to take fish with a hook. Kilowahine (ki'-lo-wa'-hi'-ne), n. [Kilo and wahine, a woman.] 1. A prophetess; a sorceress. 2. A woman fortune teller. 3. One whose office was to discover the KIL 293 KIN character of a woman by lines in the hand. Kilu (ki'-lu), n. 1. A small gourd or calabash for small, choice things. 2. A small gourd used at play: o ke kilu, he ipu no ia i kalai kapakahi ia ma kahi o ke au; a game attended with gam- bling and licentiousness. 3. The name of the game itself: he paani ino o ke kilu i ka po. =E2=80=94 Laieik. p. 114. O ke kilu ka mea e olioli ai na mea akamai i ke mele. (Kilu was a play for gr6wn people, pu- heoheo for children.) See puheo- heo. Kilu (ki'-lu), V. 1. To play at the pastime called kilu; a ma ka wa e kilu ai. 2. To be wet; to be very damp; to be drenched with rain: ua kilu wale i ka lumaia e ka ua, covered by water from the rain. Kilua (ki'-lu'-a), n. 1. A liar; a de- ceiver; a falsifier. 2. A lie; a deceit; a falsehood. Kilua (ki'-lu'-a), v. [Ki, contraction of kri, an image or resemblance, and lua, double.] To be two- faced; to be deceitful. Kimebala (ki'-me-ba'-la), n. (Gr.) A cymbal. KImo (ki'-mo), n. A game played in former times, exhibiting the mus- cular strength of the arm and skill of the hand in catching and hold- ing: ka pai ana i kekahi pohaku me ka hoolei ana i ka pohaku liilii iluna me ka apo ana ae me ka pohaku nui me ka lima i ke- kahi pohaku uuku. Kimo (ki'-mo), v. 1. To strike, as with a stone, a stick or a sword; to thrust with a stick. 2. To pound, bruise or mash, as in pounding poi. 3. To go headlong or head first, as down a cliff: kimo e mai ke poo a make loa; he went head first and was killed. 4. To strike, as with a stick in the game of puhenehene. 5. To bend over or forward, as in making a bow. 6. To nod, as with drowsi- ness. KImokimo (ki'-m6-ki'-mo), n. An up- and-down motion, as of a trip- hammer. Kimokimo (ki'-m6-ki'-mo), v. 1. To cut with an ax, as in smoothing at with repeated strokes, as in quarrying; tamping, or smoothing off any rough surface; to strike . off the inside of a canoe. 2. Jo hew, shave or smooth off the in- side of a canoe. This was done with a koi, or small adze, with' many repeated strokes. Kimomo (ki'-m6-mo'), v. To strike; to pound; to bruise; to break, etc.; as in breaking or bruising bait for fishing. Syn : Kimokimo. Kimopo (ki'-mo-po'), n. 1. Secret rev bellions; assassinations in the night. 2. Assassins; persons of re- bellious disposition. 3. Night rob- bers and plunderers; ma ka papu (ma Kauai), ke kimopo ana, Kimopo (ki'-m6-po'), v. [Kimo, to strike, and po, night.] To kill in the dark; to assassinate; to rob in the night; to lie in wait to kill; to do a thing in the dark and in secret: a po iho, kimopo iho la na kanaka; during that night men committed assassinations. Kimopoo (ki'-mo-po'o), v. [Kimo, to bend, and poo, the head.] To bow down; to bend the head forward: e kulou ilalo mamua ke poo. 2. To go headlong, as in diving head- foremost. : Kina (kl'-na'), adj. 1. Sinful; wicked; bad; defiled. 2. Having a blem- ish: hipa kane kina ole, a ram unblemished. Kina (ki'-na'), adv. Not well; badly done. Kina (ki'-na'), n. 1. A blemish, as in a person or body of an animal. 2. Sin; error; wickedness: kina ole, without fault, sinless. 3. Any troublesome untoward event or cir- cumstance that prevents the real- ization of one's hopes: ma na aina kula he hoomanawanui ka hana no na kina, he poko, he la, he hauoki, he pulua ame kahi mau kina e ae. Kina (ki'-na'), v. To be blemished; to be defective; to be defaced; to be disfigured: E kina auanei ko helehelena; Your features may be disfigured. Kinal (ki'-na'i), v. 1. To quench; to extinguish, as fire. 2. To put out a light: ua kinai loa ia ka mala- malama. 3. To extinguish, as life; to kill by strangling, striking or piercing, as: oo keiki. vanishes. 3. A mourning for the life, or loss of one dead. 4. The Kinaina (ki'-na'i-na), n. 1. The put- ting out. of life; the end of life;. 2. The end of a road, or where it KIN 294 KIN extinguishing or ending of any- thing. Kinakina (ki'-na-ki'-na'), v. To call angrily; to call or command in loud peremptory tones. See hoo- kikina which is the better word. Kinana (ki'-na'-na), n. A mother bird and her brood. 2. A brooding place. Kinanahate (ki'-na'-na-ha'-le), n. Place where a house stands, in- cluding grounds, etc., devoted to domestic life. Kinanape (kl'-na-na'-pe), adj. Crammed full; filled; stuffed, ag with food. Kinau (kl'-na'u), n. A species of fish also called kawakawa. 2. A species of small eel living in the sand. This eel is said to take its color from the sand in which it lives. Kinaunau (ki'-na'u-na'u), n. A stain, said of one's character; a defect; a fault. Kinaunau (ki'-na'u-na'u), v. To be defective in character; to be full of moral failings or little vices. Kinemona (ki'-ne-mo'-na), n. (Eng.) Cinnamon, the odoriferous bark of a tree. A word coined by the translators of the Scriptures. Kini (ki'-ni), n. 1. The number 40,000. 2. Any number indefinitely great. 3. Kinsfolks; relatives 4. (Eng.) Tin; as, pa kIni, a tin plate; so written instead of pa tini. 5. Gin. Kiniholo (kl'-ni-ho'-lo), n. [Kini and hoJo, to run.] A game of ball, sim- ilar to baseball. Kinlkini (ki'-ni-k!'-ni), adj. Numer- ous; multitudinous; very many: me he hale puka kinikini la, like a house with many windows. Kinikini (ki'-ni-kl'-ni), n. =E2=80=A2 A multi- tude; a number indefinitely large. Kinikinipuu (ki'-ni-ki'-ni-pu'u), n. Place of many puu or hillocks standing near each other. Syn: Olowalupuu. Kinilau (ki'-ni-la'u), n. An unnum- bered multitude, said of great num- bers of persons or things collec- tively: kinilau akule, a multitude of akule fish. Kinlpopo (ki'-ni-po'-po'), n. Playing at ball; a general term for all the games of ball-playing. Kinlpopo (ki'-ni-p6'-po'), v. To play ball in the various games. Kino (ki'-no), n. 1. The body of a person as distinguished from its appendages, limbs, heck, etc. 2, The body of a person as distin- guished from uhane, the soul: okoa ke kino, okoa ka uhane. 3. A person; an individual; one's self: kuhi oia me kona kino iho, he thought with himself. 4. The body; the substance; the principal part of a thing; he keokeo ke kino o ko'u kapa; main part of anything. Kino (ki'-no), v. Same as hookino. Kinoakalau (ki'-no-a'-ka-la'u), n. [Kino, body, and akalau, many shapes or shadows.] The spirit or ghost of a living person. See wailua, akalau and kinowailua. There were formerly persons, mostly priests, who pretended to see the ghosts, souls or spirits of living people. They would inform a person that they had seen his spirit, and that this was a sign that some great calamity was about to befall him. The priests did this for the purpose of extortion, KInohi (ki'-no'-hi), n. 1. The be- ginning; the first of a series. 2. Origin; the first in time; first state. 3. The beginning of the world. 4. The name of the first book of the Bible, Genesis. (Ki- nohi never takes the article. It is indefinite or obscure as to point of time.) Kinohinohi (ki'-no'-hi-no'-hi), adj. Printed, as calico; spotted: kiko- kiko, onio. KInohou (ki'-n6-ho'u), adv. At first; before. Kinohou (ki'-no-ho'u), n. The start- ing time of anything undertaken. Syn: Kinohi. Kinomake (ki'-n5-ma'-ke), n. [Kino, body, and make, dead.] A dead body of man or animal. Syn: Kupapau. Kinopu (ki'-no'-pu), n. The scent of tobacco; o ka poe a pau i lawe i ke kinopu, ua okiia ka lakou mau ipu. Kinora (ki'-no'-ra), n. (Heb.) 1. Name of a musical instrument; a harp, as rendered by the transla- tors of the Bible. Kinowailua (ki'-no-wa'i-lu'-a), n. [Kino, body or substance, and wai- lua, shadowy.] A poetical name for a spirit or ghost of a dead KIO 295 KIO person, kaola. See kinoakalau and ka- Klo (ki'-o), adj. Practicing in a military school, as the, chiefs in former times had mock fights for practice: he kaua paani, he kaua lealea, he kaua kio, etc.; he kaua pahukala kahi inoa. Klo (ki'-o), n. 1. Name applied in a general way to games imitative of warlike encounters. 2. A pro- jection; a bunch on a large body. 3. A bubo, a form of syphilis. Kio (ki'o), n. 1. Excrement. 2. A pond or puddle of water, especial- ly if filthy. See kiowai and halo- kowai. 3. A cistern. 4, A pool. 5. A water sluice. 6. The dregs or settlings of liquor. 7. The part of a potato root which branches off from the main root. Kio (ki'o), V. To evacute the bowels, Kioahi (ki'o-a'-hi), n. [Kio, pool, and ahi, fire.] A fiery pit; a place or torment; hell: a poino mau ka poe hewa i ke kioahi a ka po mau loa. Kioe (ki'-o'e), n. 1. A cup; a spoon or ladle. 2. The motion of the forearm and wrist in paddling or dipping. Kioe (ki'-o'e), v. 1. To skim off the scum of a liquid. 2. To skim the cream from milk. 3. To dip up any liquid, as with a ladle. Kioe (kl'-o'-e), v. To turn the head with a rotary motion, .as in search of something, said of a bird watch- ing for its prey. Kioea (ki'-o-e'a), n. 1. A species of bristle-thighed curlew (Numenius tahitiensis), which has long legs. It is found on Molokai. 2. The voice of a bird on Molokai (the kioea probably): kani mai la ua manu la, penei: "Kioea, kioea, kioea, lawekeo, lawelawekeo." 3. Localities where birds assemble: ua kapaia kela mau lae mahope o kekahi manu olaila, he kioea. Kioea (ki'-o-e'a), v. 1. To be long in an upright or perpendicular way. 2. To extend; to stretch out. 3. To be lifted up; to stand high, as on long legs (see the noun): ua like ke kiekie me ke kioea. Kioeoe (ki'-6'e-6'e), adj. [A contrac- tion of kiaoeoe.] Long; tall, as the mast of a ship. See oeoe. Kioeoe (ki'-o'e-o'e), v. [Freq. of kioe, to dip.] To dip into and with- draw; to ladle. Kioki (ki'-o'-ki), adj. 1. Fat; plump; rolling, as the flesh of fat animals. 2. Muscular. 3. [Contraction of maokioki.] Variegated; marked with different shades, said of the gradations of light or color on the sea. Same as maokioki. Kiokio (ki'-6-ki'-o), adj. Piping; of or belonging to a pipe; a musical instrument. Kiokio (ki'o-ki'o), n. [A plural form of kio.] 1. A group of little puddles or mud-holes. 2. Anything variegated, as cloth; as spots in the sea, some places calm and some ruffled; anything unequal in appearance. Kiokio (ki'-6-ki'-o), n. A wind mu- sical instrument; a pipe. Kiokio (ki'-6-ki'-o), n. A sticking out; a standing out beyond a plane surface: Na kiokio pali, the spurs or lateral projections of a preci- pice. Kiokio (ki'-o-ki'-o), v. Same as hokio- kio, to play on a pipe. Kiokioki ( ki'-o '-ki-o'-ki), adj. [Inten- sive of kioki.] Muscular; applied to young strong men's shoulders. Kiola (kl'-o'-la), v. 1. To lay down a substance for inspection: Kiola aku la na mea i koe i ka lakou. Laieik. p. 193. 2. To overthrow; to cast down; to reject, as a peo- ple for their moral worthlessness. 3. To throw away as worthless or improper to be kept. Kiolaola (ki'-o'-la-o'-la), v. 1. To throw or cast frequently, as stones or other missiles. 2. To throw back and forth. 3. To scatter. Kiolea (ki'-6-le'-a), n. 1. A high seat; an exalted station. 2. A rickety seat on an elevated place; hence, 3. An unsafe state or con- dition. Kiolea (kI'-6-le'-a), v. [Variant of kioea.] 1. To be long. See kioea. 2. To be elevated. Kiolei (ki'o-le'i), v. To assume a crouching posture. Kioiena (ki'o-le'-na), n. A place for coloring tapa. Kioiena (ki'o-le'-na), v. 1. To spread out to dry, as tapa. Syn: Hoo- mahola. 2. To whiten in the sun. 3. To dip or immerse in dye. KIO 296 KIP Kiolepo (ki*o-le'-po), n. [Kio, a pool, and lepo, dirt.] A puddle; a place of filth; a collection of mud, water and filth. Kioloa (kI'-6-lo'-a), n. Same as kia- loa, a small canoe. Kiona (ki'-o'-na), adj. Of or belong- ing to excrements. Kiona (ki'-o'-na), n. 1. A place for throwing excrements: he wahi hoolei honowa; a dung hill. 2. A privy or back-house. Kio'naha (kI'-6-na'-ha), v. [Ki and onaha, crooked.] To be bent; to be crooked; to be curved. (Hoo- kionaha is the transitive form.) Kioopoi (ki-o'o-po'i), n. 1. A meas- ure of poi; the quantity of poi taken up by a single dip. 2. The act of dipping out poi. Kioopoi (kl'-o'o-po'i), v. To take out poi by dipping. Kiope (ki-o'-pe), v. See oopa, lame. To be lame in the legs; to limp. See kaopa. Kiowai (ki'o-wa'i), n. [Kio, collec- tion, and wai, water.] 1. A collec- tion of water; a puddle; standing water. 2. A fountain. Syn: Pu- nawai. Kiowao (ki'o-wa'-o), n. A cool wind accompanied by moisture or fog common in high elevations on all the Hawaiian islands. Kiowea (kI'-6-we'a), n. Same as kioea. Kipa (ki'-pa), adj. Same as hookipa. Kipa (ki'-pa), n. Kindness; hospital- ity; access to one. Kipa (ki'-pa), v. 1. To pass within; to turn from the direct path. 2. To turn in and lodge; to stay with one, temporarily. 3. With ae: to turn from; to turn aside. Kipaepae (ki'-pa'e-pa'e), n. 1. Stone steps for entering a house. 2. A pavement. See paepae. Kipai (ki'-pa'i), n. The driving away or expulsion of animals that do not belong to one. Syn: Kipaku. Kipai (ki'-pa'i), v. To drive off or expel, as dogs or chickens belong- ing to others: ke kipai ana i ka mea e hoomalu ana i kana mau keiki. Syn: Kipaku. Kipaipai (ki'-pa'i-pa'i), n. A cover for temporary use only; a spread composed of leaves, grass, rushes, etc. Kipaipai (ki'-pa'i-pa'i), v. 1. To cover or spread with some common material. 2. To pave a road tem- porarily as with stones or other materials. Kipaku (ki'-pa'-ku), n. A banish- ment; an expulsion. Kipaku (ki'-pa'-ku), v. 1. To drive away forcibly; to expel or turn out of a house or place of resi- dence. 2. To put away, as a wife; to cast out; to turn off. 3. To put away, as property unlaw- fully obtained; kipaku o kapule i ka upena a Kauanehu; Kapule drove away Kauanahu's net. Kipalale (ki'-pa-la-le'), adj. Without method; not orderly; without sys- tem. Kipalale (ki'-pa-la-le'), n. 1. A rush- ing; a hurry; a rapid flow, as a swollen stream of water: i na kipalale a na waiahulu, by the rushing of muddy water. 2. Dig- order; tumult. Kipalale (ki'-pa-la-le'), v. [Palale, scattered.] To be spread out; to be extended in disorderly manner, as a rushing stream. Kipaopao (kl-pa'o-pa'o), v. To strike; to pound, as with a hammer; to beat; to bruise. See paopao. Kipapa (ki'-pa'-pa), n. 1. The top- ping off of a wall. 2. The filling up of a hole with stones: kipapa pohaku, a pavement. 3. A back- load of anything; a burden: He- aha kau haawe? He kipapa ai no Koolau mai nei. What is your burden? A bundle of food from Koolau. Syn: Haawe. Kipapa (ki'-pa'-pa), v, 1. To pave; to lay a pavement of stones. See kipaepae and kipaipai. 2. To bal- ance on the top of the surf; to turn sideways, as on a surf-board in the surf. 3. To be close to- gether. 4. To protect and support when another condemns. Kipapalale (ki'-pa'-pa'-la-le'), n. A diffused or scattered condition of, as in separating a heavy burden into parts so that the parts may be balanced on an aumaka, or pole to carry baggage on. Kipapapohaku (ki'-pa'-pa-p6'-ha'-ku), n. [Kipapa, pavement, and pohaku, a stone.] A stone pavement. Kipapau (ki'-pa-pa'u), v. To walk down a declination, as in going down a high hill. Kipawale (ki'-pa-wa'-le), n. 1. The coming upon with no expressed KIP 297 KIP purpose, trusion. 2. An intruder, 3. In- Kipawale (kl'-pa-wa'-le), v. [Kipa, to turn in and lodge, and wale, gra- tuitously.] 1. To go and sit un- bidden in another's house. 2. To enter another's premises with dis- honest intentions. 3. To happen in; to come in by chance. Kipe (kl'-pe'), adj. Tending to brib- ery; inducing one to commit brib- ery. Kipe (ki'-pe'), n. 1. A bribe; a gift to pervert judgment. 2. Property given to avoid punishment: he waiwai e haawi malu ia e pakele ai ka hihia ma ke kanawai, o lilo i ka hoohewaia. 3. One who prac- tices bribery. Kipe (ki'-pe'), v. To bribe; to offer secretly a reward for some wrong doing; to give something secretly to screen one from justice: e ha- awi malu i ka waiwai i mea a pakele ai. Kipe (ki'-pe'), v. 1. To stone; to pelt with stones. 2. To pelt or strike, as hail or rain in a storm. Syn: Kipehi. Kipea (ki'-pe'a), v. 1. To cross one stick with another. 2. To build a shanty or temporary shed for a shelter. 3. To erect a secret build- ing where one may hide. See pea. Kipeapea (ki'-pe'a-pe'a), v. Same as kipea. Kipehi (ki'-pe'-hi), v. [Kl and pehl, to pelt with stones.] 1. To throw clubs or stones: kipehi aku la ia i ua wahi manu la, a pa aku la kona wawae a hai. See kipe. 2. To throw at; to strike with something thrown. 3. To assail with rough language. Kipepa (ki'-pe'-pa), n., v. See ki- kepa. Kipi (kl'-pi), adj. Seditious; rebel- lious. Kipi (ki'-pi), adv. Rebelliously; se- ditiously. Kipl (ki'-pi). n. 1. A rebel. 2. Re- bellion, opposition and resistance to lawful authority. 3. A break- ing up or overturning of a govern- ment: he ku e, he pepehi a he mokuahana, revolution. Kipi (ki'-pi), v. 1. To resist lawful authority; to rebel; to revolt. 2. To withhold allegiance: kipl hou iho la o Kanekoa a kaua me Ke- oua. 3. To upturn; stir up with any sharp instrument, as in tilling the soil. Kipikipi (ki'-pi-ki'-pi), adj. Rebellious; acting in frequent rebellions. Kipikipi (kl'-pi-ki'-pi), n. 1. Com- motion; tumult, as people in a state of revolt: he poe kipikipi, rebels. 2. A striker; a boxer; one given to striking. Kipikipi (ki'-pi-ki'-pi), v. [Freq. and intensive of kipi, to rebel.] 1. To stir up sedition; to fight. 2. To fight, as in a melee: e hakaka ma- luna, malalo, e paio me ka inoino. 3. To strike at continuously with any sharp pointed tool, said of dig- ging up the ground in the process of cultivation. Kipikua (ki'-pi-ku'-a), n. [Kipi, to dig up, and kua, to strike oblique- ly, as in kua laau, to cut down a tree.] Pickaxe. Kipo (ki'-po'), V. To break; to break open, as a box or chest: e hoo- naha, e wawahi; alalia, kipo iho la i ka pahu i ka pohaku. Kipoda (ki'-po'-da), n. (Heb.) An animal or bird mentioned in Scrip- ture, the bittern or porcupine. (Isa. 14:23.) Kipoipoi (ki'-po'i-po'i), adj. Conceal- ing. KIpolpoi (ki'-po'i-po'i), v. To cover up; to conceal. Kipola (ki'-po'-la), n. The wrapper fastened around anything which one carries to market, as fowls, fish, etc. Kipola (ki'-p6'-la), v. 1. To warm, as a sick person in order to favor the operation of medicine. 2. To wrap up anything in order to car- ry it; to infold and bind in a bun- dle. Kipolapola (ki'-p6'-la-p6'-la), v. To warm a sick person; to apply whatever will tend to warm a sick person. Kipolo (ki'-po'-lo), n. A prayer for the death of an enemy: he hua pule. A word used in a sorcerer's prayer which is equivalent to lead on to the place of death. Kipona (ki-p6'-na), n. Variety of col- or. Variable places in the sea, some calm, some ruffled: Hiki i na kipona ino o Kohala. Kipona (ki'-po'-na), v. 1. To diver sify in color; to dye or mark with various colors: E kipona iho oe i kuu lei, Mark my wreath with a KIP 298 KIW variety of colors. 2. To be vari- able, as spots in the sea in a calm. Syn: Kiponapona. Kiponapona (ki'-p6'-na-p6'-na), v. To be variegated in color, as the sea, sometimes calm, sometimes rough: e kiokioki e like me ke kai i kekahi manawa malie, e kipona. Kipopo (ki'-po-po'), V. To hit slight- ly with a succession of knocks; to strike rapidly against a hard sur- face. Kipou (ki'-po'u), V. [Ki and pou, post of a house set in the ground.] 1. To drive down, as a stake in the ground. 2. To lean, as the post of a thatched house; to bend over. KIpu (ki'-pu'), V. 1. To turn the paddle, as in back-paddling in a canoe: Kipu iho la lakou i na hoe; they turned back the paddles, that is, paddled backwards. 2. To turn away; ka huahua i ke kipu. 3. To fold tightly around one, as a large tapa. Kipuka (ki'-pu'-ka), n. 1. A snare for taking birds; a sliding noose. 2. A variation or partial change in form, said of landscape or cloud pictures. 3. An opening; a calm place in a high sea; a deep spot in a shoal. 4. An open place in a forest; a clear place in a lava field. 5. The cloak or poncho of a woman's riding habit, such as worn by Hawaiian women in rid- ing horseback. Kipukapuka (ki'-ptl'-ka-pii'-ka), adj. Full of openings. Kipulu (kl'-pu'-lu), adj. Enriching; making fruitful: ka ua noe anu hookipulu lehua o na pali. Kipulu (kl'-pu'-lu), n. 1. Fertilizer. 2. Anything or any process which fertilizes the soil. Kipulu (ki'-pu'-lu), V. To apply ma- nure or any fertilizer to the soil to enrich it; to dress with mulch. Kipuni (ki'-pu'-ni), v. 1. To gird on; to wrap around, as a coat or cloak around the body: e kipuni i ka aahu. 2. To be completely surrounded or covered. 3. Fig. Encircle: E kipuniia makou i ka pono, i ke aloha, etc., let us be en- circled with righteousness, with love, etc. Kipupu (ki'-pu-pu'), V. To turn away; to hold off: Kipupu mai nei hoi ka ua; the rain holds off. Syn: Kipu. 2. To set an oar back little by little. 3. To brace back the oar little by little. 4. To be hin- dered or impeded in some way. 5. To draw back or refuse to go when invited or ordered, or pulled by the arm; to be unwilling. Kipuupuu (ki'-pu'u-pu'u), n. 1. The thought that arises in one's mind when he hears that another has slandered or spoken evil of him; a mental disturbance. 2. A wish- ing of evil to one who has injured us. 3. A chilly wind accompanied with rain common in Waimea, Ha- waii: Maele au i ke kipuupuu o Waimea, I am chilled by the ki- puupuu of Waimea. Kiu (ki'u), n. 1. A spy: I kou hoi ana, ea, mai hoolike ia oe me na kiu; hoouna mai la oia i poe kiu; he sent forward a company of spies; ki mai ua poe kanaka kiu la i ka lakou pu, that company of spies fired their guns. 2. A strong moderately cold northwest wind. Also known as malualua or maluakiiwai, holua and hoolua. Kiu (ki'u), V. 1. To spy; to act the part of a spy by watching anoth- er's conduct or movements: e kiu malu, to inspect secretly. 2. To notice with care; to observe for special purpose. Kiuhoopulu (kl'u-ho'o-pu'-lu), n. 1. The business or action of a person sent as a spy. 2. Cunning prac- tice. Kiuhoopulu (ki'u-ho'o-pu'-lu), V. [Kiu, to spy, and hoopulu, to flatter.] To act with cunning in order to en- trap one: e hana maalea e puni- hei ai. Kiwaa (ki'-wa'a), n. The name of a mythical bird mentioned in old legends. Also called kiwaha. Kiwaawaa (ki'-wa'a-wa'a), adj. 1. Broad-shouldered; stout, as a strong man. 2. Rough; rutty; un- even; not smooth; not level. Kiwaawaa (ki'-wa'a-wa'a), n. A tapa used for various purposes, but of a rough texture: he huna hoopulu kuku na ka wahine; he pau ma- noanoa; term applied to mamaki 'tapa before it reaches the stage of completion. Kiwaawaa (ki'-wa'a-wa'a), v. To be rough; to be uneven. Kiwawa (ki'-wa'-wa'), n. 1. Wauke bark partly beaten into tapa; the thick tapa matter when partly beat KIW 299 KOA en out, or ready for beating. See kiwaawaa. 2. ConfuBion of voices Syn: Hauwawa. Kiwi (ki'-wi), adj. Sideways; lateral. Kiwi (ki'-wi), n. 1. The horn of any animal, as an ox or cow: kiwi hipa, a ram's horn, 2. Any crook- ed thing; a crooked horn; a sickle. 3. A pulling here and there, as a fish caught with a hook. Kiwi (ki'-wi), v. 1. To turn from a natural shape or position. 2. To fall or tumble down. 3. To pull obliquely, as a fish that is fast to a hook, that is, to bend the line out of its natural place. 4. To bend or to be crooked. 5. To bend for- ward or sideways, as a sleepy per- son; to nod. 6. To turn a little one side or edgeways. 7. To walk crookedly; he kiwi ka hele ana. Kiwikiwi (ki'-wi-ki'-wi), v. [Freq. form of kiwi, to bend, turn, nod, etc.] To pull frequently at dif- ferent angles: hopu mai la ke kanaka iwaho, hookiwikiwi, iho la, a hemo ae la. See hookiwikiwi. Ko (ko), adj. Drawn, dragged, pulled, etc. Ko (ko), n. 1. Sugar cane. 2. Sugar and all candied sweets. 3. In music, the second ascending note. Ko (ko),prep. Of; the sign of posses- sion or property, answering often to the apostrophic "s" in English, thus: ko na, of him, of her, of it, that is, his, hers or its (seldom, however, in the neuter) ; ko kakou, of us, that is, our, ours; ko lakou, of them, theirs, etc. It has the same meaning as o, but is placed in another part of the sentence. Ko is used also before proper and common nouns in the same way. Sometimes ko and o are both used, as: Ko o nei poe kanaka, of, or what belongs to the people here, or the o may be taken as a noun of place. Ko (ko), pron. [Contraction of kou.] Your; yours. Thy; thine; of thee. Ko (ko), V. 1. To be fulfilled; to be brought to pass. 2. To be con- ceived. 3. To become pregnant. 4. To win in a dispute. 5. To draw or drag, as with a rope; to tow. Koa (ko'-a), adj. Brave; bold, as a soldier. Koa (k6-a'), adj. 1. Dry; without moisture. 2. Sterile, barren; un- fruitful, said of land. 3. Unsteady; not fixed or regular in habits. Koa (ko'-a), adv. Boldly; without fear: e olelo koa, speak boldly. Koa (ko'a), n. The horned coral; the coral rock. Syn: Akoakoa. Koa (ko'-a), n. The koa, a forest tree (Acacia koa). Sometimes spoken of as the Hawaiian mahog- any. 2. A soldier; a warrior. Koa (k6-a'), n. 1. A mean beggar; one who lives by the practice of begging. 2. A mistake; a blunder or error in the use of language or in action. Koa (k6-a'), v. 1. To be dry; to be without moisture: maloo, mauu ole. 2. To be unfruitful; to bear no fruit, as a plant or tree: e hua ole mai i ka hua. 3. To speak unwittingly; to speak in jest. 4. To make a mistake in speaking: to use words carelessly: e olelo kikoola. Koa (ko'-a), v. To have no fear; to be bold; to be valiant; to act the soldier: E ikaika oe, e koa hoi, be strong and be unafraid. Koaa (ko'-a'-a'), n. 1. The name applied in general to unfruitful plants: aole hua, he koaa. 2. Name applied to a certain type of the sweet potato: He uala hua ole ke koaa, the koaa is an unfruitful potato. Koaa (ko'-a'-a'), v. 1. To be dry; to be juiceless, said of overdone roasted meats; to be roasted till hard and destitute of natural flavor. 2. To be unfruitful, as plants in dry ground. Koae (ko'-a'e), adj. White; of a whitish color; bright. Koae (ko'-a'e), n. 1. A red-tailed tropical bird (Phaethon rubricauda). Also known as kaula. The feath- ers of this and another species, called the salmon-tailed tropical bird, were highly esteemed for use in the making of kahilis. 2. A snapper fish (Bowersia ulaula). Also known as ulaula. Color, brownish or purplish olivaceous above, pale on side, under parts nearly white. 3. A variety of the sweet potato. Koaea (ko'-a'-e'-a), adj. 1. Dry, lacking juice; not succulent; desti- tute of the distinctive fluids which characterize substances used for KOA 300 KOA food. 2. Dry; unfruitful; bearing no fruit. Koai (ko'-a'i), v. 1. To stir with a circular motion of the hand. 2. To wind round; to tie about; to creep round like a circling vine; to gird round, as a pau, or girdle, upon the body: e koai i ka pau. See kaei and koali. Koaiai (ko'-a'i-a'i), v. To move round with the hand; to stir, as one does tea. See koai. Koaie (ko'-a-i'e), n. [Koa, the koa tree and ie, the mallet used in beating tapa.] A species of the koa tree (Acacia koaia), a general name applied to dwarf koa trees growing singly. Also called koa oha. 2. Timber derived from the koaie. Koaka (ko'-a'-ka), adj. Lustful; li- centious; unchaste: He keiki koaka nae (Halaaniani). =E2=80=94 Laieik. p. 128. Koaka (k5'-a'-ka), n. 1. One who marries wives and puts them away again: he moekolohe pinepine. 2. A profligate. Koaka (ko'-a'-ka), n. The Hawaiian pronunciation for quarter; a quar- ter of a dollar. Koaka (ko'a-ka'), n. [Koa, coral, and ka, to dash.] Name of a place or places where two or more oppos- ing currents meet on coral shoals causing a disturbance of the sea. Koaka (ko'-a'-ka), v. 1. To be con- tinually changing one's residence; to lead a vagabond life. 2. To marry wives and go and leave them. 3. To act the debauchee. Koakea (ko'a-ke'-a), n. [Koa, coral, and kea, white.] The white coral of the ocean. Koakoa (ko'a-ko'a), n. The coral of the ocean; the coral rock. Gener- ally written akoakoa. Syn: Koa and akoakoa. Koakoa (ko'a-ko'a), adj. 1. Fur- nished; supplied; having what is necessary for comfort: Kuonoono, koakoa ka noho ana. Syn: Ku- onoono. 2. Brave; bold; daring; impudent; he olelo koakoa ko ke- kahi alii kanaka; the opposite of hopepe and oheke. Syn: Koa. Koakoa (ko'-a-ko'-a), adj. Rascal- ly; tricky; knavish. Koakoa (ko'a-ko'a), v. 1. To live in one place; not to move or rove about from one place to another; not to visit here and there. Syn: Kupene. 2. To have a special at- tachment for a place. Koakoana (ko'a-ko'-a'-na), adj. Thrifty, saving, frugal, etc.: O ke kahikau wale iho la ka hoi ka Kauhi aohe wahi mea a koakoana iho, Kauhi gives away lavishly, with no sense of saving anything. Koakumuole (ko'-a-ku'-mu-o'-le), n. A koa tree of that name toward the mountains from Kahihikolo; the tree was devoted to Kamapuaa. Koala (ko'-a'-la), adj. Cooked; broiled on the coals. Koala (ko'-a'-la), n. A clot or a coagulated mass that fails to come away with the after-birth. Koala (ko'-a'-la), v. To cook on the fire; properly, to lay on the coals. Koala (ko'-a'-la), v. To leave a rem- nant; to have something left over. Koalaala (ko'-a'-la-a'-la), n. 1. A slight, hasty repast. 2. Breakfast. Koalaukane (ko'-a-la'u-ka'-ne), n. Same as koaie. Koali (ko'-a'-li), n. The plant con- volvulus (Ipomoea tuberculata), he mea hihi kolo; a stout glabrous twiner with a tuberous root; also known as koali ai. The roots were used as a cathartic. Koali (ko'-a'-li), v. To creep around; to twine about, as a vine; to run and grow thickly together, as the convolvulus. See koai. Koana (ko'-a'-na), adj. Clear, as water when the dirt has settled at the bottom. Koana (ko'-a'-na), n. 1. A small part or piece of anything; a frag- ment; a particle; ka maawe o ka papale a o ka moena. Syn: Koena. 2. A bladder. Koana (ko'-a'-na), v. To remain; to be over and above. Koanaawa (ko'-a-na-a'-wa), n. Rem- nant or refuse of the awa root which remains in the cup after pouring out the liquid. Koanaawa (ko'-a'-na'-a'-wa), v. To treat one harshly to whom one has given property to take care of; to be hard upon one; to be evil disposed. See keemoa. Koania'ni (ko'-a'-ni-a'-ni), n. 1. A soft cooling wind. 2. A place cooled by a gentle breeze. 3. The blow- ing of a cool breeze; he peahi koa'niani. Koaniani (ko'-a'-ni-a'-ni), v. 1. To blow, as a fresh breeze; ke KOA 301 KOE koaniani mai nei ka makani. See aniani. 2. To blow softly or gently, creating coolness. 3. To make or cause a breeze, as with a fan: e koaniani me ka peahi. Koapaka (ko'-a-pa'-ka), adj. 1. Val- iant; brave. 2. Successful, as a combatant. Koapaki (ko'-a-pn'-ki'), n. 1. A sol- dier well cared for; an active sol- dier. 2. A tree thoroughly ma- nured. 3. A careful cultivating. 4. A tree well taken care of, and hence applied to other things well cared for. Koaweoweo (ko'-a-we'-6-we'-o), n. A species of cane which has joints striped with white and red. Koe (ko'-e), adj. Remaining; en- during. Koe (ko'-e), n. The remainder; what is left; an excess; an overplus; a surplus. Syn: Koena. Koe (ko'e), n. The angleworm. Koe (ko'-e), v. To be that which remains; to be a fraction of; to be left after a number or quantity has been withdrawn. See hookoe. Koe (k6'-e), v. 1. To throw off with the fingers. 2. To scrape. Koea (ko'e-a), adj. 1. Disobedient to orders; self-willed; taciturn; lazy; indolent; indisposed to go when ordered. 2. Close-fisted; nig- gardly. 3. Not easy of approach; not gracious. Koea (ko'e-a'), n. 1. A person in- clined to indolence. 2. A person indisposed to yield to the wish of another. Koea (ko'e-a'), v. 1. To refuse a favor; to be unkind: i ole makou e aaka a koea iho, that we may not be stubborn and refuse. 2, To be hard hearted; to be cruel. Koeau (ko'e-a'u), n. A design on a tapa beater, consisting of parallel waving lines with their apices in line. Kochaeha (ko'-e'-ha-e'-ha), adj. Hot; uncomfortable by reason of heat; sultry: koehaeha ia wahi i ka la. Koehaeha (ko'-e'-ha-e'-ha), n. 1. Pain of mind; sorrow; sadness. 2. Su- persensitiveness. 3. One who is hard, unobliging or morose. 4. One who is jealous. Koehana (ko'e-ha'-na), adj. Warm; applied to weather: mehana, wela- wela. Koehana (ko'e-ha'-na), n. 1. Warmth; heat, as of the sun: ka wela o ka la. 2. A stand; place from which a show or display may be viewed. 3. Place occupied by the actors in the game of mokomoko, boxing. 4. Unremitting work; continuous labor. Koehonua (ko-e-ho'-nu'-a), n. 1. A great remainder; big balance. 2. A remnant of work. Koekoe (ko'e-ko'e), adj. Chilly from being wet; chilled; cold. Koekoe (ko'e-ko'e), n. Dampness; cold; chilliness: i ke anuanu ame ke koekoe o ua wahi nei la. Koekoe (ko'-e-ko'-e), n. A break in the surface made by a scratch. Koekoe (ko'e-ko'e), v. To be wet and cold; to be cold from being wet. Koekoe (ko'-e-ko'-e), v. To break the surface of a thing by rubbing with anything rough or sharp- pointed; to mar the surface by scratching. Koele (k6'-e'-le), adj. Dry, as the ground; dry, as bones: koele na iwi o Hua ma i ka la, dry are the bones of Hua and his company in the sun. (Hua was a chief whose people and himself died while traveling in the sun.) Koele (ko'-e'-le), n. A small divi- sion of land, less than a kihapai; hence, a field planted by the ten- ants for the hakuaina (landlord); a garden belonging to the chief, but cultivated by his people. Koele (k6'-e'-le), n. 1. The sound of the tapa mallet as it hits the log on which the fabric is spread for beating. 2. Sound which comes of a quick audible beat, as the tick of a watch or the stroke of a tapa mallet. 3. A very tall person. Koele (k6'-e'-le), v. 1. To strike; to beat; to tick, as a clock. 2. To make a resonant sound, as that of the tapa mallet, ticking of a watch or the constant strokes of a smith's hammer. Koeleele (k6'-e'-le-e'-le), adj. 1. Con- tentious; quarrelsome. 2. Boister- ous; turbulent; making a noise. Koeleele (k6'-e'-le-e'-le), v. 1. To make a sound frequently by strik- ing; to sound often. See kanikani. 2. To be dry, as a place without rain and under the heat of the sun: koeleele aku o Ikua. KOE 302 KOH Koelelua (ko'-e'-le-lu'-a), v. To be equal in numbers or strength, length, breadth, etc. Koelepalau (ko'-e'-le-pa'-la'u), n. A pudding made of potatoes and the milk of the coconut. Koeli (ko'-e'-li), n. [Ko, cane, and eli, to dig.] The sugar-cane plant- ed or put under ground; he ko malalo o ka lepo no Halalii. Syn: Kokea. Koelo (ko'-e'-lo), n. That which is fastened at the top and hangs, as a signal, colors, a streamer, etc. See kowelo and welo. Koelo (ko'-e'-lo), v. To move about irregularly in the wind, as a flag. Syn: Kowelo. Koeloea (ko'-e'-16-e'a), adj. [Koelo, moving in the air, and ea, light dust easily subject to disturbance.] 1. Dust; moving wind; a dust cloud. 2. Gusty; subject to gusts. Koeloelo (ko'-e'-16-e'-lo), v. [Preq. form of the verb koelo, to flutter in the wind.] To float or flap in the wind. Koena (ko'-e'-na), n. 1. The remain- der; an overplus; a remnant of something larger or more numer- ous; hence, 2. The ruins of any- thing; what is left. Koene (ko'-e'-ne), v, 1. To be safe or secure from harm; to be under protection. 2. To move cautious- ly as if in search of shelter or safety. Hookoene is the better word. Koha (ko'-ha'),adj. Cracking; sound- ing with a sudden noise. Koha (ko'-ha'), n. A cracking of a whip; a report of a pistol; a sud- den squeak. (A smaller sound than poha.) Kohaha (ko'-ha'-ha'), adj. 1. Large; increased in size; swelled up. 2. Plump, as a fat animal. Kohahe (ko'-ha'-he), adj. Desolate; without inhabitants. Kohahe (ko'-ha'-he), v. 1. To be desolate. 2. To be destitute. 3 To be deserted, without inhabi- tants. Kohaka (ko'-ha'-ka), v. [Mispronun- ciation of koaka or kuaka for quar- ter.] A quarter (of a dollar). Syn: Hapaha. Kohala (ko'-ha'-la), n. The north- ern district of Hawaii. Kohana (ko'-ha'-na), adj. Naked; destitute of clothing; not even a malo. Kohana (ko'-ha'-na), adv. Nakedly: holo kohana, fled in nakedness; ku kohana, to stand nakedly, that is, to be in nakedness. Kohana (ko'-ha'-na), n. Nakedness; an utter destitution of clothing: hele wale, aole kapa. Kohana (ko'-ha'-na), v. To be naked; to be destitue; to be needy. Hoo- kohana is transitive form of the word, Kohanahana (ko'-ha'-na-ha'-na), v. [Ko and hanahana, to be warm.] To be hot; to be warm; to burn. See hanahana. Kohe (ko'-he), n. 1. The vagina. 2. A mortise. Kohe (ko'-he), v. Incorrect form of kohi or kaohi. To restrain; to hold back. Kohea (ko'-he'-a), v. 1. To be warm and clear, as applied to agreeable weather. 2. A loose flowing gar- ment; a kimono. Koheako (ko'-he-a'-ko), n. A disease of females, attended with pain or difficulty in passing urine. Kohekohe (ko'-he-ko'-he), n. A com- mon plant (Eleocharis obtusa) found in taro patches and stagnant water. Kohekohea (ko'-he-k6'-he'-a), v. To be clear, as the sky; to be serene; without clouds; to be calm; to be warm; to be agreeable, applied to the weather, Syn: Kohea. Kohekohepapa (ko'-he-ko'-he-pa'-pa) , n. 1. A sore and ulcerated throat. 2, An eating sore. 3. A form of syphilis, 4. A variety of the kohe- kohe plant. See kohekohe, Kohclemu (ko'-he-le'-mu), adj, 1. Dull; inattentive; inactive. 2. Dis- obedient. Kohelemu (ko'-he-le'-mu), v. To practice the most degrading forms of licentiousness. Kohelua (ko-he-lu'-a), n. A species of fish-hook fitted with two barbs or prongs on the same side of the shank. Koheluapaa (ko'-he-lu'-a-pa'a), n. A kind of fish-hook with two barbs. Kohenalo (ko'-he-na'-lo), n. A slen- der corrugated stone used for smoothing wood or stone. KOH 308 KOH Kohenalo (ko'-he-na'-lo), v. To use the kohenalo stone; to file; to rasp. Koheo (ko'-he'-o), v. 1. To show off; to make a show; to parade one's self. 2. To walk about, as a hen with her wings loose or par- tially spread open: me ka upaupa ana o na eheu. 3. To fly up on a perch: e lele a kau maluna. Koheoheo (ko'-he'-6-he'-o), adj. Dead- ly; poisonous: apu koheoheo, the poisonous cup, the contents of which were made up of several posonous ingredients, designed for suicide or for the execution of criminals by the order of a chief, the person presenting the cup saying, "He wahi mea ola ia." Koheoheo (ko-he'-6-he'-o), adj. De- scribing a frock coat as distin- guished from a jacket or dress coat: he lole koheoheo. Koheoheo (ko'-he'-6-he'-o), n. 1. A mixture containing a deadly poi- son: he mea awaawa e make ai. 2. Deadly medicine of a sorcerer. 3. A kind of play among children, as swinging a rope to be jumped over. 4. A certain stick or buoy which floats a fishhook. 5. A tu- bular wind musical instrument with three holes supplied with wind through the nostrils. Kohl (ko'-hi), n. A piece of fat. Kohl (ko'-hi), v. 1. To dig; to make a hole in the ground; to dig, as a well. Syn: Eli. 2. To hold back; to che"ck; to restrain, as in re- straint of one's forward movement. 3. To separate from or disunite. Kohia (ko'-hi'-a), v. 1. To signal by a rub or pressure of thumb and finger not to consent. 2. The word also has the force of an im- perative: KohIa aku ka ilio. Hold off the dog. Kohlal (ko'-hi-a'i), v. [Kohl, to dig, and ai, food.] To dig food from the ground, as potatoes. Kohlkohl (ko'-hi-ko'-hi), n. 1. The act of separating or sorting the good from the bad fish after a large haul. 2. A culling process. Kohlkohl (ko'-hi-ko'-hi), v. 1. To sep- arate; to pick out; to separate worthless food from the good. 2. To separate the good from the bad fish after a great haul; to cull. Kohikohlkupalaia (ko'-hi-ko'-hi-ku'-pa- Ifi-la'), n. An ancient pastime, a kind of children's lottery; a guess- ing for something hidden in earth or sand. Kohiku (ko'-hi-ku'), v. 1. To con- sume needlessly; to waste. 2. To waste and destroy food in time of war. Koho (ko'-ho), V. 1. To choose gen- erally; to select without regard to number. 2. To choose one of two persons; to make a choice among two or more objects. 3. To choose one of two or more uncertain things. 4. To choose, that is, to determine; to decree. 5. To guess, as a riddle. Kohohonua (ko'-h6-h6'-nu'-a), v. [Koho, to choose or name, and honua, without cause or reason for.] 1. To ask for or choose in a general way, without specifica- tion. 2. To ask for; to beg, as for land, fish or any definite ob- ject desired: kohohonua i ka aina; he begged for land; kohohonua i ke akua i waiwai, he asked the god for property. Kohoko (ko'-ho'-ko), n. A disease of the womb. Also called opu-lauoho. Kohokoho (ko'-h6-ko'-ho), v. [Freq. of koho.] 1. To choose or guess frequently. 2. To cast lots for a thing. 3. To guess, conjecture, surmise, etc., as in guessing at a riddle. 4. To choose some person to draw near to in the sense of attachment or affection. Kohola (k6'-ho'-la), n. 1. A reef; a dry place in the sea a little way from the main land. 2. A place of very shallow water some dis- tance from the shore, like Kalia on Oahu; also some places still more shallow or dry, as at Kona on Molokai. Kohola (ko'-h6-la'), n. A whale. Koholua (ko'-h6-lu'-a), n. 1. An abor- tive instrument of polished bone. 2. The word was applied figura- tively to the decisive methods of the high chiefs. He papa koholua oi ke alii; the chief is a sharp koholua. Kohomua (ko'-h6-mu'-a), n. [Koho, to choose, and mua, first.] A first choice, and one greatly desired. Kohu (ko'-hu), adj. 1. Agreeable; suitable; fit; convenient; becom- ing. 2. Alike; similar: he maka kohu haole keia. 3. Pleasing; proper; well proportioned. KOH 304 KOI Kohu (ko'-hu), adv. In a becoming manner. Kohu (ko'-hu), n. 1. The sap of plants or vegetables, particularly if colored, and such as may be drawn or extracted from the juice of vegetables. 2. Ink or any fixed coloring matter for printing or coloring tapas or cloth; pale ink. 3. The fixing or permanency of the color. 4. Resemblance; like- ness. Kohu (ko'-hu), V. 1. To be fit, ap- propriate or proper. 2. To be good in appearance; to be in harmony with. 3. To take or receive color from one, that is, to resemble physically or morally: ua kohu i ka makuahine, he takes his color from his mother (physically, the color of the skin, or, figuratively, her character). 4. To be imprint- ed, as a mark or figure upon some- thing. Kohukohu (ko'-hu-ko'-hu), adj. At- tractive; inviting to the eye; showy. Kohukohu (ko'-hu-ko'-hu), v. [Freq. form of the verb kohu.] To be very fit; to be marked frequently. Koi (k6-i'), adj. Shrill; sharp; fine, as a voice in a high key. Koi (k5'-i), n. A compulsion; an urging, etc. Koi (ko'i), n. 1. Ax; adze. 2. Any tool used to give a smooth or plain surface. (See compounds of koi for the specific names.) Koi (ko'-i), V. 1. To urge; to en- treat; to ask earnestly; to im- plore. 2. To tempt. 3. To flow over, as water flows over a dam. 4. To put on a string or rod, as in stringing flowers for a wreath or placing kukui nuts on a rod for a candle. Koia (ko'-ia), pron. [Ko, of, and la, that, him, her.] 1. Of him; his: ka welau wale no o koia la lima, only the end of his finger. 2. Be- longing to; the property of: koia nei waa, this one's canoe. Koieie (ko'-i'e-I'e), n. 1. A rapid current, sucking in and carrying off everything. 2. The things thus swept away. 3. Water sports; games played in water. 4. The stillness that precedes the turn- ing of the tide. Koieie (ko'-i'e-i'e), v. [Ko, to draw, and ieie, a running or flowing, as of the movements of the tides.] To move with force, as a rapidly flowing tide or rushing stream. Koieie (ko'-i-e'-le), v. 1. To drive; to force; to push on; to urge over much. See koi. 2. To overflow; to rush here and there, as over- flowing water; to drive on, but in the wrong road. Koiholu (ko'i-ho'-lu), n. [Koi and holu, to bend.] An adze, that is, a bent axe. Koii (ko'-i'i), adj. Fresh; vigorous; green; flourishing, as young healthy plants. Koii (ko'-i'i), n. 1. A growing strongly; an increasing vigorously =E2=80=94 said of growing plants. 2. Ex- citement of the genital organ of the male. See kola. Koii (ko'-i'i), v. [Ko, drawn, and ii or iii, small, diminished.] To be diminished; to grow less, as water flowing a long distance: koii ka wai. Koikahi (ko'i-ka'-hi), n. [Koi and kahi, to cut or shave.] A plane; a tool for planing boards or timber. Koikoi (ko'i-ko'i), adj. 1. Heavy; weighty. 2. Substantial; honor- able; valiant, as persons of integ- rity: poe koikoi, honorable per- sons. 3. Applied to words or speech: full of meaning; emphat- ic; also, rough; inconsiderate: olelo koikoi, a rough speech. Koikoi (ko'i-ko'i), n. 1. Substance; strength; spirit. 2. Honor; sub- stance. 3. Weight; heaviness; solidity. 4. Rigor; severity. See hookoikoi. Koikoi (ko'i-ko'i), v. 1. To be heavy; to have material weight. 2. To be weighty; to be important; to have influence. Koikoi (ko' i-ko'-i), v. [Freq. of koi, to urge, to insist upon.] To urge persistently. Koili (ko'-i'-li), v. [Ko, to draw, and iii, a descent. Literally to draw down.] 1. To set; to go down, as the moon; to set, as the moon on the surface of the sea: ke kau ana o ka mahina maluna o ka iii o ke kai i ka manawa e napoo aku ai, the resting of the moon on the surface of the sea when going down. 2. To sink out of sight; to pass beyond one's vision. Koilipi (ko'i-H'-pi), n. [Koi and lipi, sharp; tapering.] An axe. KOI 305 KOK Koina (k6'-i'-na), n. 1. A pressure; a compulsion; a forcing. 2. A requisition; something required, as a debt, cost, charge, etc. See koi. Koine (ko'-i'-ne), v. To move slow- ly; to step carefully, as a sick person: Ke koi'ne ae nei o A; A is walking by very slowly. Koiuiu (ko'-i'u-i'u), adj. Very dis- tant; very high. Koiuiu (ko'-i'u-i'u), v. To be afar off; to be high up; to be at a great distance. Syn: Poiuiu. See iuiu. Koiula (ko'i-u'-la), n. 1. A rising smoke. 2. A rainbow-like cloud. Koiula (ko'i-u'-la), v. To rise or ascend and spread out, as smoke; to float in the air; to ascend, as a cloud. Koka (ko'-ka'), adj. Dry, as land; dry; barren; hard, as a dry soil. Koka (ko'-ka'), v. 1. To stuff any- thing into the mouth. 2. To fiy the mouth with anything to pre- vent utterance of sound. Kokaa (ko'-ka'a), n. Lean meat. Syn: Pakaa. Kokahe (ko'-ka'-he), n, 1. A false assertion; a lie; an untruth. 2. Those who live without any fixed abode. 3. A hanger-on. Kokakoka (k6'-ka-ko-ka'), v. [Inten- sive of koka.] To put stuffing into the mouth; to stuff the mouth full. See koka. Kokala (ko'-ka'-la), n. [Ko and kala, a fish.] 1. The sharp thorns on the back of the kala fish. 2. The dorsal fins of any fish. 3. A young kala fish. Koke (ko'-ke), adj. 1. Quick; soon. 2. Near; not far off. Koke (ko'-ke), adv. Quickly; imme- diately; quickly, as in moving from place to place. Koke (ko'-ke), n. A very swift run- ner: O Makoa ko Kamehameha koke; Makoa was Kamehameha's runner. Koke (ko'-ke'), v. 1. To strike to- gether; to hit. See uke and puke. Kokea (ko'-ke'a), n. [Ko, sugar- cane, and kea, white.] The white cane; called also opukea or ainakea. Kokeano (k5'-ke-a'-no), adj. Silent; deserted; uninhabited. Kokekoka (ko'-ke-ko'-ka'), v. To punish or strike one for an offense, real or imaginary. Koki (k6'-ki), adj. [Contraction of nukoki.] Short-nosed; snub-nosed, like a monkey: kekokeko, keko, ihu kumene, kokikoki. Koki (ko'-ki'), n. The extremity; the tiptop; the limit in height of anything, as tree, house, hill, moun- tain, etc. Kokiki (ko'-ki'-ki), n. 1. A sinking or bending; a sagging. 2. A bend- ing branch of a tree; the highest top of a tree, especially a bending twig or branch; a place where a branch divides off. Kokikoki (ko'-ki-ko'-ki), adj. [Redupl. of koki.] See koki. Kokio (ko'-ki'o), n. A small tree (Gossypium drynarioides) of the cotton family. Kokio (ko'-k!'-o), v. (Imp. mood and spoken in contempt.) Stop; don't go with. Kokiokea (ko'-ki'o-kea), n. A tall shrub (Hibiscus arnottianus), also called hauhele. Kokiokeokeo (ko-ki'o-ke'o-ke'o), n. Same as kokio-kea. Kokio-ula (ko'-ki'o-u-la), n. The red kokio flower (Hibiscus kokio), also called pualoalo, Koko (ko'-ko), adj. 1. Rainbow- hued; descriptive of fine rain or mist when taking the colors of the rainbow, as: ua koko. 2. Red- dish appearance of falling rain where the light shines through it: e ku ana ka punohu i ka moana, ame ka ua koko. =E2=80=94 Laieik. p. 25. Koko (ko'-ko'), n. 1. The carrier for a calabash made of braided strings: alalia, hanaia kekahi koko hakahaka: A paa na kanaka eha ma na kihi eha o ua koko la; An open net was made and four men held the net by the four corners. Syn: Aaha. 2. A belching of wind from the stomach, Koko (ko'-ko), n. 1. Blood: koko hala ole, innocent blood. 2. (Mod.) Chocolate or cocoa. 3. A small tree (Euphorbia corifolia) ten to twenty feet high. It was much used as firewood. Also known as akoako. Koko (k6'-k6), n. Crow of a rooster. Koko (ko'-ko'), v. 1. To feel; to squeeze; to press, as in massag- ing. 2. To set a broken bone; to replace a bone by pressure. 3. To pull this way and that; to pull or drag along. 4. To tie up the KOK 306 KOK strings of a calabash. 5. To push; to jostle, as in a crowd. Koko (ko-ko'), V. 1. To be full. 2. To be great with young. Syn: Ua kq. Kokoa (ko'-ko'-a), n. (Mod.) Choco- late. Kokoe (ko'-ko'-e), v. 1. To cut with a single, quick pulling stroke. 2. To cut or scratch with a sharp instrument. 3. To divide with a thin, keen edge. 4. To look away from; to look with disdain or sus- picion. Kokohi (ko'-ko'-hi), n. 1. The pains of childbirth. 2. The sadness or fear felt in time of a storm. 3. The storm cloud itself. Kokohi (ko'-ko'-hi), v. To cut off by a single stroke. Kokohiku (ko'-ko'-hi-ku'), v. To lay waste a land; to pull up the food and throw it away: hele mai la ia, a kokohiku i na kalo o Waipio, he came and laid waste the taro of Waipio. Syn: Kohiku. Kokohu (k6'-ko'-hu), v. To be spot- ted; to be marked; to be daubed. Kokohuawaina (k6'-k6-hu'-a-wa'i-na) , n. [Mod. koko, blood, and hua- waina, grape.] Wine. Kokoi (k6'-k6'-i), n. A jet; a spurt. Kokoi (ko'-ko'-i), v. 1. To spurt; to eject, as water; to cast out sud- denly. 2. To flow as a passing body of water. 3. To rush in con- cert, as a crowd: Kokoi hele na kanaka no Hawaii; people are rushing to Hawaii. 4. To stand up to: Kokoi ka waa i ka makani; the canoe stands up to the wind. Kokoke (k6'-ko'-ke), adv. 1. Near to; close by: e hele kokoke mai, draw near. 2. Almost. Kokoke (ko'-k6'-ke), v. 1. To be near to; to be in favor with. 2. To be on friendly terms. Kokoki (ko'-ko-ki'), adj. High; ex- tended, as the end or top of a thing. See koki. Kokoko (ko'-ko'-ko), adj. Blood- thirsty, like a person with his blood up; raging with anger; ready for murder or any deed. See koko, blood. Kokoko (k6'-k6'-ko),n. [Koko, blood.] The act of eating fish or other meat with the blood; that is, raw. Kokokohe (ko'-ko-ko'-he), n. A friendship arising from a form of sodomy. Kokokohe (ko'-ko-ko'-he), v. To commit a form of sodomy. Kokokooha (ko'-ko-ko'o-ha'), n. 1. Very small and inferior potatoes. 2. Water-soaked potatoes. Kokoiau (ko-ko-la'u), n. Same as kookoolau. Kokoie (ko'-ko'-le), n. Any food crop stinted with weeds or drought. Kokoio (ko'-ko'-lo), v. [Ko and kolo, to creep, to stoop.] 1. To go on the hands and knees; to crawl. 2. To walk with the back bent, as a humpbacked person. 3. To creep in growing, as a vine. Kokomo (ko'-ko'-mo), adj. 1. Sink- ing; entering in. 2. Full to the limit; full to the verge of sinking. Kokomo (ko'-ko'-mo), n. A sinking; a going into or under; a going down from overloading; Ua ko- ' komo o A no ke kaumaha o Kona ai i ke eke kala. KokonI (k6'-k5'-ni), n. Twitching, jerking, throbbing of the muscles. Kokoni (ko'-ko'-ni), v. 1. To throb; to beat, as the pulse. 2. To be in pain; to suffer distress: e kokoni ka aha ia ia hea o Lono. 3. To suffer pain accompanied with twitching of the muscles. See koni. Kokonoie (k6'-ko'-n6-i'e), v. To grow strong; to become strong follow- ing a period of weakness. Kokoo (k6'-ko'o), n, A co-mate; a companion. (With a numeral suf- fix the word defines the number of persons associated.) Kokooha (ko-ko'o-ha'), n. Same as koloaha, a variety of potato. Kokoohia (k6'-ko'o-hI'-a), adv. How many? Asked in reference to the number of persons or things to- gether. See ehia, adv. Kokookolu (ko'-ko'o-ko'-lu), n. Three together. Kokoo! ua (ko'-ko'o-lu'-a), n. 1. A second staff; hence, 2. A sec- ond; an assistant; a helper; a companion; a union of two. 3. Two- fold; two together; two persons in concord. Kokoou (ko'-ko'o-fi'), adj. Cold; damp; muddy and damp. Syn: Koou. Kokope (ko'-ko'-pe), v. (Syn: Kope.) 1. To defend from. 2. To push KOK 307 KOL away; to parry. 3. To shovel, as dirt. Kokopuna (ko'-k6-pu'-na), n. Men- strual blood of a virgin. Kokowe (ko-ko'-we), v. To run swift- ly; to be light; to pass along rap- idly. E kokowe ana kau hele i hea? Kokua (ko'-ku'-a), n. 1. Help; as- sistance; what is given in charity; entertainment; hospitality. 2. The Holy Spirit; the Comforter, as re- ferred to in the Gospel of John. Kokua (ko'-ku'-a), v. [Ko, contrac- tion, of koo, a brace, and kua back.] 1. To brace up, as a fall- ing house. 2. To assist in business or an undertaking. 3. To help; to help one who is poor or in dis- tress. 4. To bind or tie on, as a garment. Syn: Kakua. 5. In de- liberative bodies, to second a mo- tion. Kokuli (ko'-ku'-li), n. Ear wax. Kola (ko'-la), adj. 1. Hard; rigid. 2. Unripe; said of any fruit which can not be ripened. Kola (ko'-la), n. 1. The tail feathers of a cock. 2. Sexual excitement. 3. A wedge; a cleat. Kola (ko'-la), v. 1. To be spread out; to grow; to be enlarged; to be thick together; to extend be- yond, as the tail of a cock. 2. To be excited, as the animal passions. Kolahi (k5'-la'-hi), n. White sugar cane. Syn: Lahi and kokea. Kolaila (ko'-lai'-la), pron. Of this or that. Kolakola (ko'-la-ko'-la), v. [See kola, to be spread out.] 1. To be enlarged; to be opened up, as the opening of a flower from the bud. 2. To be sexually excited. Kolane (ko-la'-ne), n. Same as ko- nane. Kolani (ko-la'-ni), n. A kind of hula: he kolani kekahi hula. A kind of dance where the dancers indulge in extraordinary gyrations. Kole (ko'-le), adj. 1. Raw, as meat not fully cooked. 2. Inflamed; red, as an inflamed wound. 3. Used proverbially, as you are de- nied; you are nothing, as in the sentence kolekole kou maka, that is, the corner of your eye is red or pulu; down! you see that you are up a stump. See also kole- kolemaka. Equivalent to "nothing doing." Kole (k6'-le), n. 1. Redness; the being red, as raw flesh. Kole (ko'-le), n. A brown fish about eight to ten inches long. It takes its name from the redness of its eyes. Kole (ko'-le), v. 1. To be red, like raw meat. 2. To be inflamed, as the eyes; as a wound. 3. To be raw, as flesh with the skin off, Kolea (ko'-le'-a), n. 1. A stepfather or stepmother. 2. A parent-in-law; a father-in-law, makuakane kolea, or a mother-in-law, makuawahine kolea: he kane hou na ka makua- hine, he wahine hou na ka makua- kane. 2. The Pacific golden plover (Charadrius fulvus); a migratory bird which makes its appearance about the end of August and leaves again early in May. A pop- ular game bird. Kolea (ko'-le'-a), n. A tree fifteen to twenty feet high, of the genus Suttonia. Kolea (ko'-lt^'-a), v. 1. To make a friend of one; to form a friend- ship quickly and without object: e hoomakamaka wale aku no; to be on very friendly terms with one for the present. 2. To seek re- lationship; to look for evidence of kinship. Kolealea (ko'-le'a-le'a), n. [Ko and lealea, to please.] 1. The action of hushing or stilling children when they cry. 2. A giving up to natural gratifications. Kolekole (ko'-le-ko'-le), adj. Red- dish; raw, as meat; red; flushed with red. Kolekole (ko'-le-ko'-le), n. Red earth; red clay found in different places; he alaea, he lepo ulaula. Kolekole (ko'-le-ko'-le), v. [Redupl. of kole, to be red.] To be raw; not cooked, as meat. Kolekolea (k6'-le-k6'-le-a), n. Same as moano. Kolekolea (k6'-le-k6'-le'-a), n. An- other name for the kahuli. Kolekolemaka (k6'-le-k6'-le-ma'-ka), n. Incorrect form of kolekole ko maka. An epithet expressing scorn, and generally accompanied by a pulling down of the lower eyelid: Eia kau, kolekole ko maka; this is what you get, redness of the eye. Koll (k5'-li), n. A meteor. KOL 308 KOL Koli (ko'-li'). n. 1. The castor-oil plant. 2. The castor bean. Syn: Kaapeha. Koli (ko'-ll), V. 1. To pare; to shave off little by little; to whittle: e koli i ke oho, to shave or cut the hair; e koli i ke kukui, to trim the lamp; e koli i ke kila, to shave off with a chisel. 2. To sharpen, as a pen with a knife; to trim off the outside, as the fringe of a cloth. Kolii (ko'-li'i), n. [Kolii, to be greasy.] The oil of the castor-oil plant. Kolii (ko'-li'i), v. 1. To spread and disappear; to be diffused, as oil dropped on water; to vanish grad- ually. 2. To be greasy. Kolikoli (k6'-li-k6'-li), v. To cut off frequently; to cut off; to cut short; to trim. Kolikoliko (ko'-ir-k6-li'-ko), v. 1. To swell out; to enlarge. 2. To be fat. 3. To have the appearance of grease floating on the surface of water. See likoliko. Kollli (k6-li'-li), n. Same as koolili. Kolili (ko'-ll'-li), v. 1. To drop or leak out. 2. To rush out, as pent up water; to flow swiftly, as water from a deep cistern. 3. To flutter, as a flag in the wind; to . wave, as a flag in one's hand: e hookolili ana i ka welau o ka maile. =E2=80=94 Laieik. p. 120. Kolillu (ko'-li'-li'u), adj. Dimly seen, as fine print by a person of de- fective vision: ka ia ano koliliu, ka hele ana e ka lani. See poliu- liu. Koliuliu (ko'-li'u-li'u), adj. Far off; indistinct; very remote. Koliuliu (ko'-li'u-li'u), n. 1. An in- distinct sound heard from afar. 2 A whisper from some other world. 3. Something from afar: inu wai koliuliu o Hilo. 4. Something seen afar off, as a person, but so far as not to distinguish anything par- ticularly. Koliuliu (ko'-li'u-li'u), v. To be not clear on account of remoteness or obstruction of vision or hearing. Kolo (ko'-lo), V. 1. To creep on all fours, as an infant. 2. To crawl, as a worm. 3. To grope, as a blind man. 4. To crouch. 5. To stoop, as an inferior to a superior. 6. To creep or crouch clandestinely; to move secretly. 7. To grow or run, as a lateral branch of a vine. 8. To creep, run or penetrate, as the fine roots of a tree or plant into the earth: kolo lea ke aa malalo, to take root downward. 9. To pull; to drag along. Syn: Koko and kauo. Koloa (ko'-lo'-a), n. A duck; spe- cifically, a muscovy duck. 2. [Lit- erally, long cane.] Name of a long cane fashioned like a shepherd's crook and used as a weapon to as- sail or defend. This long cane is said to have given a name to a district on Kauai. Koloa (ko'-lo'-a), n. A district on the island of Kauai. Koloaha (ko'-lo-a'-ha), n. A variety of potato abounding in water and used principally in making potato mash. Syn: Kokooha. Koloapuupuu (ko'-16-a'-pu'u-pu'u), n. A wind usually accompanied with rain and common in Waimea on the island of Hawaii. Koloau (ko'-16-a'u), v. 1. To be stretched out; to be thin and long. 2. To stretch out one's self. Kolohe (ko'-lo'-he), adj. Polluting; vile. Kolohe (k6'-16'-he), adj. Roguish; playful; mirthful; jolly. Kolohe (ko'-lo'-he), adv. Mischiev- ously; badly; vilely. Kolohe (k6'-16'-he), adv. Roguishly. Kolohe (ko'-lo'-he), n. 1. Mischief; evil; that which is bad in conduct. 2. Pollution; defilement. 3. Moral baseness. Kolohe (k6'-16'-he), n. 1. Roguish- ness. 2. A person pleasantly mis- chievous; a joker. Kolohe (ko'-lo'-he), v. To be mis- chievous; to be roguish; to render one's self obnoxious by petty an- noyances. Kolohe (ko'-lo'-he), v. 1. To pollute; to lead away from rectitude; to se- duce. 2. To trick; to defraud; to cheat. 3. To be morally bad. Kolokio (ko'-lo-kl'-o), n. Bird catch- ers; persons who caught birds with a long rod and bird-lime: kolokio manu o Kaile ka uka na- hele o Laa, the bird catchers of Laa (Olaa) and Kaile. Koloko (ko'-lo'-ko), n. [Ko, of, and loko, the inner part.] That which pertains to the inner part; that which belongs within; the inside KOL 309 KOM or Inner parts of a thing; interior portion. Kolokolo (ko'-16-k6'-lo), n. 1. The loud rumbling at the close of a peal of thunder. 2. Word used in calling domestic animals. Kolokolo (k6'-16-ko'-lo), v. 1. To seek evidence of; to look for proof. 2. To examine facts, inci- dents, etc., that lead to the sub- stantiation of any truth. 3. To crawl toward another person in order to give an account of your- self. 4. To gobble, as a turkey. 5. To call, applied to beasts or birds. 6. To be vexed; to be irri- tated. Kolokolohal (k6'-16-ko'-16-ha'i), n. A chief or a common person whose character is respected for probity and virtuous conduct; a term of respect: nona ka lala kau kolo- kolohal. Kolokolokio (k6'-16-k6'-16-ki'-o), n. 1. A calling of birds by imitating their notes. 2. Bird-catchers, well known in the past throughout the districts of Puna, Hamakua and Kohala on the island of Hawaii. Kolokolonahe (k6'-16-k5'-16-na'-he), adj. Euphonious form of kolo- nahe. See kolonahe. Kolokolonahe (k6-16-ko'-16-na'-he), n. Euphonious form of kolonahe, which see. Kololio (k6'-16-li'-o), n. Rapid move- ment of wind or water around or between barriers. KololloikI (k6'-16-li'-6-i'-ki), n. A gen- tle current; a light flow of water in a stream. Kololu (ko'-lO-lu'), adj. 1. Soft; ten- der; not hard or firm, said of a new born child or new growth of bone. 2. Easily impressed, read- ily influenced one way or another. Kolona (k6'-16'-na), n. (Eng.) A colon (:). Kolonahe (k6'-16-na'-he), adj. Gen- tle; mild; peaceful; blowing softly; fanning, as a gentle breeze. Kolonahe (k6'-16-na'-he), n. [Kolo, draw or pull, and nahe, gently.] A gentle, pleasant breeze: he ma- kani e anianl mai ana. Kolopu (k6'-16-pu'). adj. Full; well fed; well proportioned throughout; full fleshed. Kolopua (k6'-lo-pu'-a), adj. Sweet, said of one's breath; fragrant. Ua ha la kuu lehua a la Kookoolau I ka nae kolopua. Kolopupu (k6'-16-pu'-pu'), adj. [Kolo, to crawl, and pupu, doubled.] Old; lean; withered, as a very aged person. Kolopupu (ko'-16-pa'-pu'), n. 1. An aged infirm person. 2. An ad- vanced stage of old and infirm age. Kolu (ko'-lu), adj. The simple form for the number three; with the article, ke kolu, the third. The common forms are akolu and ekolu. Kolu (kd-liV), n. (Eng.) Glue: e like me he kolu la ka linalina; like glue is the adhesiveness. Kolua (ko'-lQ'-a), n. The act of put- ting into an oven under ground. See kalua. Kolua (ko'-lu'-a), v. [Ko, to be com- pleted, and lua, an excavation.] To cook food underground. (The Ha- waiians made their ovens under- ground.) See kalua. Koluilul (ko'-lu'Mu'-i), n. Continued ringing sounds in the ear. Kolulu (ko'-lQ'-lu), V. 1. To be or to act as a guard or defense. 2. To parry off; to defend from evil: e paku, e alai. Syn: Palulu. Kolu=C2=ABna (koMu'-na), adj. [Ko, prep, of, and luna, above, overhead.] 1. Relating to the things overhead. 2. Belonging to the topmost: aole e papaa koluna ai, the food on top will not be burnt. Koma (ko'-ma), n. (Eng.) A comma. Komako (ko'-ma'-ko), n. (Eng.) The Hawaiian orthography for tomato, an edible fruit. The Hawaiians generally call the fruit of the to- mato ohia. Komala (ko'-ma'-la), adj. Pleasant; bright; clear. Komall (kd'-ma'-li), adj. 1. Glisten- ing; sparkling. 2. Bright, as moonlight. Komaluna (ko'-ma-ia'-na), n. [Mod. Koma, comma, and luna, above.] 1. The apostrophe ('), as: ke 'lii, the chief. 2. The glottal stop (=E2=80=A2), which generally signifies that the letter K has been dropped, as: ko'u and no*u. Kome (ko'-me), n. (Heb.) Bul- rushes: he waa kome, a bulrush canoe. Kome (ko'-me), v. Same as komi. KOM 310 KON Komekome (ko'-me-ko'-me), v. 1. To begrudge; to be reluctant to part with. 2. To secrete in conse- quence of grudging, 3. To hold back; to grudge in giving, as a wife when her husband is disposed to give, or as a husband when the wife is disposed to give. Komi (ko'-mi), v. 1. To press to- gether; to bear down; to press down into a small space. 2. To rub down smooth, as ruffled tapa; to rub or press, as a folded paper: i ka hau komi o ke kakahiaka. Syn: Kaomi and kowi. Komikomi (ko'-mi-ko'-mi), adj. Put away; secreted; stolen. Komikomi (k6'-mi-k6'-mi), v. 1. To press; to make smooth. 2. To be- little or to attend to trifles in deal- ing. 3. To be stingy; to be close; to urge for the last mite; to lay aside secretly. See komekome. Komo (ko'-mo), adj. That which re- lates to putting in, filling or in- serting. Komo (ko'-mo), n. 1, The name of anything that enters; a tenon. 2. Anything that is entered, as a fin- ger-ring; a thimble, etc. 3. The filling up of any empty space; ka piha o ka mea hakahaka. Komo (ko'-mo), v. 1. To enter; to go into. 2. To be loaded to the proper limit, said of a canoe; to be freighted: Ua komo ka waa. 3. To dress; to attire. Komoa (ko'-mo'-a), n. The tail feathers of a cock. Syn: Koomoa. Komoalna (k6'-m6-a'i-na), v. [Komo, enter, and aina, land.] To enter upon an inheritance; to take pos- session of a land. Komohale (ko'-m6-ha'-le), n. The act of dedication on entering a new house; house-warming. Komohale (ko'-mo-ha'-le), v. [Komo, enter, and hale, house.] 1. To dedicate a house (after which it was proper to use it). 2. To en- ter a new house as a habitation. Komoha'na (ko'-mo-ha'-na), adj. Western; pertaining to the west. Komohana (ko'-mo-ha'-na), n. 1. The sinking or going down of the sun. 2. The west, the place where the sun enters the sea. Komokomo (ko'-mo-ko'-mo), n. 1. The act of fitting a garment to a person until it fits well. 2. A dis- ease, epilepsy. A demoniacal pos- session perhaps. 3. A game that resembles boxing. Komokomo (ko'-mo-ko'-mo), v. To play the game of komokomo; to strike with the fists; to box, Komolima (ko'-mo-li'-ma), n. [Komo and lima; the hand.] A finger- ring; a thimble. Komolole (ko'-mo-lo'-le), n. Apparel; a change of clothes or raiment. Komolole (ko'-mo-lo'-le), v. [Komo and lole, cloth; clothes.] 1. To dress; to put on clothes. 2. To fit a dress to a person. Komowale (ko'-mo-wa'-le), n. A tres- passer. Komowale (k6'-m6-wa'-le), v. [Komo, to enter in and wale, gratuitously.] To enter without permission or in- vitation; to trespass; to intrude. Komui (ko-mu'-i), v. To be smitten with great heat. Syn: Konui. Kona (ko-na'), adj. 1. Fierce; angry; blustering, violent.. 2. Brusque. Kona (ko'-na), n. 1. South (oppo- site of koolau, which is north), 2. The southwest wind; also the south wind. 3. The rain accom- panying a south wind: He ua kona, he ua nui loa ia; a kona rain is a very great rain, 4. The south or southwest sides of the Hawaiian islands, Kona (ko'-na), pron. His, hers, or its, KCna (k6'-na'), v, 1. To be ugly; to be rigid; to be obdurate; to be unyielding. 2. To be violently against; to be strongly opposed to. 3. To have contempt for; to de- spise. 4. To disregard. Ko'nahau (ko'-na-ha'u), v. 1, To be cool, as the atmosphere; as an airy room. 2. To be very cold. Konahau (ko'-na'-ha'u), v. 1. To be fat, as an animal. Syn: Konahua. 2. To be greasy, Konahea (ko'-na-he'-a), n, A fine westerly rain accompanied by a moderately cold wind. Konahilimaia (ko'-na-hi'-li-ma-i'a), n. [Kona, a rain, hili, to thatch or braid, and maia, banana leaves.] Protracted rains that cause moun- tain climbers to make temporary shelters of banana leaves, Konahua (k5'-na'-hu'-a), adj. Fat; fleshy, as a man or an animal, Konahua (ko'-na'-hu-a), n, 1, The inner fat of animals, 2, The fat of hogs, etc, 3, A kidney. KON 311 KON Konakona (k6'-na-k6'-na'), adj. Un- desirable; contemptible. Ko<nakona (ko'-na-ko'-na), adj. Strong; not easily tired. Konakona (ko'-na-ko'-na'), n. Dislike; disregard; contempt. Konakona (ko'-na-k6'-na'), v. 1. To be undesired; not to be liked. 2. To be despicable; to be contempt- ible. Konakona (ko'-na-ko'-na), v. 1. To be rough; to be uneven. 2. To be exceedingly strong. Konakonea (ko'-na-k6'-ne'-a), v. To be restored to health after sick- ness; to receive strength after weakness. Syn: Konekonea. Konaku (ko'-na-ku'), n. A heavy rain which falls in large drops and is accompanied by a strong south or southwest wind: He kona hili maia ke konaku; A banana thrashing Kona is the Konaku. See kona. Konalani (ko'-na-la'-ni), n. A fine warm rain with southerly wind. Konale (k5'-na'-le), adj. 1. Bright; clear; unobscured. 2. White. 3. Quiet; still: Aiai e like me ka mahina i ka po malie loa; he ma- hina konane konale; bright like the moon on a very quiet night. Konalelewa (ko'-na-le'-le'-wa), n. A variety of the aawa fish, also called awa uleholu and ea and konalewalewa. See aawa. Konalewalewa (k6'-na-le'-wa-le'-wa), n. Same as konalelewa. Konamoe (ko'-na-mo'-e), n. A class of the kona rains; a cold rain. Syn: Konahea. Konane (ko'-na'-ne), adj. Bright; clear; unobscured; white: na po mahina konane, bright moonlight nights. =E2=80=94 Laieik. p. 181. Konane (ko'-na'-ne), n. A game re- sembling checkers; a kind of puni- peke: he mea hana lealea e like me ka punipeke. The stones are placed in black and white squares. A player removes one stone and the other jumps, as in checkers: ua lilo oe ia'u ke konaneia; you are mine by the game konane. =E2=80=94 Laieik. p. 59. Kone (ko'-ne), n. (Eng.) A cony; a species of hare. Koneka (ko-ne'-ka), n. A cornet. Konekonea (ko'-ne-k6'-ne'-a), adj. 1. Restored; recovered again from sickness. 2. Shaven, as the head. 3. Bald. Konekonea (ko'-ne-k6'-ne'-a), v. 1. To be shaved smooth, as the head. 2. To be bald or smooth, as the forehead. 3. To be hard and dry. 4. To be strong, as a well person. 5. To be restored from sickness; to be recovered from disease. Konene (ko'-ne'-ne), v. 1. To grow strong; to recover health gradual- ly after a period of illness. 2. To move the iliili, or small stones, used in the game of konane. 3. To be very hard and dry. Konenene (ko'-ne-ne'-ne), v. Same as konene and konekonea, to re- cover from illness. Konerisa (ko'-ne-ri'-sa), n. Name of a foreign bird, the kite. Syn: Korenesa. Koni (ko'-ni), adj. Beating; throb- bing; painful. Ko'ni (ko'-ni), n. 1. The beating or throbbing of the pulse or heart. Syn: Api. 2. The thumping, as on a melon to try its ripeness. 3. A trial of strength or ability: makemake na kamalii i ka hele no ke koni o ka wawae. 4. Eager wish, to do, obtain or enjoy. Koni (ko'-ni), v. 1. To try; to taste; to test by tasting. 2. To try, as one's constancy or affec- tion. 3. To throb, as the pulse; to be in pain of body or mind; to be jealous; to suffer from appre- hension or fear. 4. To try the quality of a thing by experiment: hookoni hele aku la lakou i kahi e ono ai ka wai; they went along tasting till they found sweet water. Konia (k6'-ni'-a'), adj. Disobedient; perverse; unyielding. Konikoni (ko'-ni-ko'-ni), adj. 1. Feeling deeply; ardent. 2. Act- ive; busy: he aloha huihui koni- koni ana iloko o'u. Konikoni (ko'-ni-ko'-ni), v. 1. To nibble, as little fishes nibble at a baited hook. 2. To twitch. Konlnl (k6'-ni'-ni), adj. Convales- cent; getting well from sickness. Konlnl (k5'-ni'-ni), v. 1. To revive after fainting. 2. To be convales- cent. 3. To grow up, as a plant; to spring up, as a shoot, after a period of wilting. Konlnlu (ko'-ni-nT'-u), n. Dizziness which results from rotary motion. KON 312 KOO Kono (ko'-no), v. 1. To solicit; to invite; to persuade; to ask. 2. To notify to come or do. 3. To cite. Konohiki (ko'-no-hi'-ki), n. 1. The head man of an ahupuaa, a land division. 2. A person who has charge of a land with others under him: o ka mea ai aina, he kono- hiki ia; the one who occupies land (under a chief) is a konohiki. 3. An agent who managed the chief's lands. Konokona (ko'-no-ko-na'), v. 1. To be despised. 2. To be displeased with. Konakona is often used. Ko-nokono (ko'-no-ko'-no), v. [Freq. of kono, to invite.] 1. To invite. 2. To urge on or stir up to action; to incite. Konu (ko'-nu), a suffix used with waena, middle. The center; the central point; the middle. See waenakonu. (Konu is used to ren- der waena more emphatic and def- inite, as the middle point; the very center of a place or thing. Alone it conveys no meaning.) Konui (ko'-nu'-i), v. To be smitten with great heat, as from the sun's rays. Konuwaena (ko'-nu-wae'-na), n. Same as waenakonu. Koo (ko'o), adv. Equivalent to fold, as how many fold? Koolua, two- fold; kokookolu, three-fold; koo- walu or kowalu, eight-fold, etc. Koo (ko'o), n. 1. A prop; a brace for holding anything up. 2. The sprit of a canoe's sail. 3. A pole used to impel a canoe. 4. A doubling; ehia koo? Koo (ko'-o'), n. 1. A vacant place in a crowd: Eia no kahi koo iki; here is a little vacant space. 2. Leisure; unoccupied time. Aohe ana wahi koo iki o ka la; he has no leisure during the day. Koo (ko'o), V. 1. To support; to establish; to brace oneself. 2. To prop up anything likely to fall. 3. To lay on in folds, as in pleating a dress. Koo (k6-o'), V. 1. To loosen; to slacken. 2. To be separated; to be loose. Kookapu (ko'o-ka'-pu), n. A tabu which involved the death penalty. Kookapu (ko'o-ka'-pu), v. To forbid on pain of death: kookapuia ae la ka puaa ame ka niulelo. Kookoo (ko'o-ko'o), n. 1. A staff; a cane for supporting a weak per- son; a rod: kookoo hao, an iron rod; a shepherd's crook. 2. Fig. A stay; a supporter; a staff, that is, means of livelihood. Kookoohao (ko'o-ko'o-ha'o), n. [Koo- koo, staff, and hao, iron.] An iron staff; a rod of iron. Kookoolau (ko'o-ko'o-la'u), n. A class of small plants of the genus Campylotheca employed as reme- dies, sometimes called the Hawaii- an tea plant. Syn: Kokolau. Kookoolua (ko'o-ko'o-lu'a), n. Same as kokoolua which is a more cor- rect form. Kookoou (ko'o-ko'o-u'), adj. Damp; wet; kookoou me he kapa pulu la. Syn: Koou. Kooku (ko'o-ku'), n. 1. The slope on the side of a mountain or hill. 2. A road or path leading up hill. See piina. Kooku (ko'o-ku'), v. To swell; to enlarge; to puff up, as a ruffle. Koola (ko'-o'-la), n. 1. Sexual ex- citement of a male bird. 2. Virile power. Koola (ko'-6'-la), v. To be enlarged. See kola. Koolau (ko'o-la'u), n. 1. North. 2. General name of lands or districts on the north side of the Hawaiian islands. Koolili (ko'o-li-li). n. Syn: Kolili. 1. The quivering motion of an arrow as it flies through the air. 2. The twinkling of the eyelids. 3. The undulating motion of the atmosphere under the direct rays of the sun. Koolua (ko'o-lu'-a), v. 1. To be in pairs. 2. To go in pairs: E koolua aku oukou a pau; You all go forth in pairs. 3. A canoe which can carry no more than two persons. Koomoa (ko'o-mo'-a), adj. Long tailed; waving like the tail feath- ers of a cock; long and bent like a cutlass. Koomoa (ko'o-mo'-a), n. The long feathers in a cock's tail. Koomoomo (ko'-o'-mo-o'-mo), n. [Mod.] Candy. Koona (ko'-o'-na), n. A remnant; the remainder of water in a cala- bash. Syn: Koena. Koonei (ko'6-ne'i), n. [Ko, of or be- longing to, and one!, of here or of KOO 313 KOU this place.] Adv. noun. That which belongs to a place: koonei kanaka; people of this place; koo- nei kauhale, houses of this region. Koou (k6'o-u'), adj. Wet with water; cold; damp; chilly from moist clothes; moist, also, as mats, house, etc. Syn: Kou. Kopa (ko'-pa), n. 1. A shrub (Cya- thodes tameiameiae) the fruit of which is made into beads. Known also as pukeawe or puakeawe, mai- ele and on Lanai, as kawau. See pukeawe. 2. [Eng.] Soap; kula kopa lole, the fuller's field. Kopalani (ko'-pa-la'-ni), n. [Ko, sugar-cane, and palani, red.] A variety of sugar-cane characterized by a very red stem. Kope (ko'-pe), n. 1. A shovel; a spade; a scoop for lading flour. 2. General name of any utensil used to gather, take up, throw, scrape, as shovel, hoe, rake, scoop, etc. Kope (ko'-pe), n. (Mod.) 1. Coffee. 2. The coffee plant; the berry of the coffee tree. Kope (k6'-pe), v. 1. To shovel, as dirt. 2. To paw; to scratch. 3. To defend from; to parry, as a blow; to turn aside from. Kopeahi (ko'-pe-a'-hi), n. [Kope, shovel, and ahl, fire.] A fire shovel. Kopekope (ko'-pe-ko'-pe), adj. 1. Mo- rose; silent; taciturn; ill-natured. Syn: Opukopekope. 2. Avaricious. Kopela (ko'-pe'-la'), n. 1. The sun- dried berry of the coffee plant; cured coffee. Kopelehu (ko'-pe-le'-hu), n. [Kope, shovel, and lehu, ashes.] A fire shovel. See kopeahi. Kopena (ko'-pe'-na), n. Scorpion. Kopera (ko'-pe'-la), n. (Mod.) Cam- phor. Kopewai (ko'-pe-wa'i), n. [Kope, cof- fee, and wai, water.] The fresh ripe coffee in the hull. Kopi (ko'-pi), V. To salt, as fish or meat; to sprinkle on salt; to pre- serve in salt. Syn: Kapi. Kopiko (ko'-pi'-ko), n. 1. A kind of grass. Syn: Opiko, 2. A small tree fifteen to twenty feet high be- longing to the genus Straussia. The timber is used for kuas, blocks in making tapa; it is also used for fuel. Kopili (ko'-pi'-li), n. 1. Gifts pre- sented to a child on its birthday. 2. A small white tapa put over the gods and altar while prayer was said. Syn: Oloa. 3. Thin trans- parent tapa made from fragments or waste matter of the wauke bark. Kopilinui (ko'-pi-li'-nu'i), n. 1. A re- ligious service when the altars and sacrifices were covered with white tapa; ua kapaia ua la la he la kopilinui no ke kopili ana o ka Lananuumamao. 2. Day set apart for a religious ceremony when the Lananuumamao (one of the gods outside the temple) was invested with the oloa, or white cloth. Kopina (ko'-pi'-na), n. (Eng.) A cop- ing on the top of a building. Koplpi (ko'-pi'-pl), V. 1. To sprinkle, as water or salt, or as a perfume. See kopi. 2. To sprinkle over. Syn: Kahunahuna. Kopole (ko'-po'-le), n. A method of cooking by wrapping food in leaves and covering with embers. See puelehu. Kopukea (ko'-pu-ke'a), n. A variety of sugar cane. Same as ainakea, opukea and kokea. Kora (ko-la), n. (Heb.) A cor, a dry measure. Koraka (ko'-ia'-ka), n. (Gr.) A raven. Korebana (k6'-le-ba'-na), n. (Gr.) Corban; a gift; consecrated prop- erty. Korenesa (ko'-le-ne'-ka), n. [Mod.] Name of a bird, the kite, in Deut. 14:13. Koreneta (k6'-le-ne'-ka), n. [Eng. Mod.] A cornet, a musical instru- ment. Chronicles 15:28. The later form is koneka. Koriana (k6'-li-a'-na), n. (Eng.) Coriander; the seed of the corian- der. Korlneta (ko'-li-ne'-ka), n. A cornet. Same as koreneta. Korona (k6'-lo'-na), n. (Eng.) 1. A crown; the official headdress of a king or queen. Syn: Leialii. 2. A rosary. Kou (k6'-u'), adj. Moist; wet; damp; chilly from moisture. Syn: Koou. Kou (ko'u), n. A large shade tree (Cordia subcordata), growing gen- erally near the sea. The timber is good for many purposes, and espe- KOU 314 KU cially for cups, bowls, dishes, etc. The wood takes a polish. This tree was formerly much planted by the natives around their houses, but it is now nearly extinct. Kou (ko'u), pron. Your; yours; thy; thine; of thee; of you; of yours; possessive case of oe. See kau. Kou (ko'u), pron. My; mine; of me; possessive case of au or wau, and formed like them. It is doubtless a contraction of ko ou. Kou (ko'-u'), V. To look; to look about; to look here and there: e nana, e imi i o i o. Kou (ko'u), V. To cluck, as a hen. Kouga (ko'-u-ka'), n. (Eng.) The cougar. Koukou (ko'u-ko'-u'), adj. Moist, as a healthy skin when somewhat cold; damp; chilly, as a tapa or house. Syn: Kawakawau. Koukou (ko'u-ko-u'), adj. 1. Heavy, as a canoe or anything which sinks in the water instead of floating lightly. See koikoi. 2. Water- logged. Koukou (ko'u-ko'u), n. Harsh sound of a bird calling to its mate or its brood. Koukou (ko'u-ko'u), v. [Freq. of Kou.] To cluck or croak. Koula (ko'-u'-la), n. [Ko, sugar-cane, and ula, red.] A variety of sugar- cane, which is of a reddish color. Kowa (ko'-wa'), n. [Koa and wa, a space.] 1. A vacant space be- tween two things, as: 2. The spaces between the fingers or toes. 3. A strip or space of water be- tween two lands; hence, channel of a harbor; a strait or sound. Kowa (ko'-wa'), v. To be separated so as to form a narrow pass or passage between. (Hookowa, to make a space between; to sep- arate.) Kowaa (ko-wa'a), n. 1. A rope made of hau bark for dragging canoes from the forests where they were made to the seashore. 2. A rope or string for drawing or dragging a canoe or other things: he ili hau, he mea kowaa ia; he akua kowaa o Kanepuaa, a canoe hauling god was Kanepuaa. Kowaa (ko'-wa'a), v. To drag; to draw; to move a canoe by draw- ing. Kowaha (ko'-wa'-ha), n. 1. A soft wauke fiber used in making the kopili (fine white tapa). 2. The young shoots of the wauke plant used for medicine. Eia kona laau, o ka popolo me ke kowaha; Here is his medicine, the popolo with the kowaha. Kowakowau (ko'-wa-ko'-wa-ii'), adj. Damp; cold. Syn: Kokoou. Kowali (ko-wa'-li), n. 1. A child's game of swinging a rope. (There were two kinds.) 2. A certain stick or buoy on which to float or hang a fish hook. 3. A stout trail- ing plant, a variety of convolvulus (Ipomoea insularis) common in the lower woods of the Hawaiian isl- ands. Also known as kowali awa- hia. Kowali (ko'-wa'-li), v. 1. To swing to and fro, as a rope for children to jump over. 2. [Ko, draw, and wali, mixed.] 1. To mix, to stir by using a drawing or rotary mo- tion. 3. To mix very thoroughly; to stir until the component parts of any mixture are united in one consistent mass. Kowalipehu (ko'-wa'-li-pe'-hu), n. A variety of convolvulus which bears a delicate white flower. Also called kowali ai from the fact that the tips of the vines were used for food. Kowau (ko'-wa-u'), n. 1. The tes- ticles. 2. The eggs of fishes. Kowelo (ko'-we'-lo), v. [Ko and welo, to float in the wind.] 1. To drag or trail behind, as the train of a garment. 2. To stream or float in the wind, as colors or an ensign. See koelo. Kowi (ko'-wi'), V. 1. To press; to squeeze together. 2. To wring out, as water. Syn: Kawi. Kristiano (ka-li-ki-a'-no), n. A Chris- tian; a follower of Jesus Christ. Ku (ku),adj. Suitable; adaptable; be- longing to; befitting. Syn: Ku- pono. Ku (ku), n. [Shortened from ili ku- pono.] 1. A term describing one of the two features of an ili, or sub- division of an ahupuaa. 2. A por- tion of land which does not pass with all the land from one owner to another but whose ownership is fixed: lilo ka aina i ku; The land has become fixed. 3. One of the days of the month. (There were four ku days, called kukahi, kulua, kukolu and kupau, =E2=80=94 the third, KU 315 KUA fourth, fifth and sixth days of the month. 4. Name of one of the Hawaiian gods, Ku (ku),v. 1. To arise; to rise up, as from a sitting posture. 2. To rise up to do a thing or for a specified purpose. 3. To rise, as war. 4. To stand erect. 5. To stand, that is, to stop still; to let down an anchor (generally written kuu). Ku iho la makou ia nei, We an- chored (stood, stopped) at this place. 6. To be like; to resemble: Ua ku ke keiki i ka makua; the child resembles the parent. 7. To be hit. 8. To extend from ^ne place to another. 9. To be fit. Kua (ku'-a), n. 1. The back of the head of a person or animal in dis- tinction from the face: He kahi mahope o ke poo o ke kanaka, a o ka holoholona. 2. The top of a ridge or high land. See kualapa. 3. The woman's house; one of the six houses of an ancient Hawaiian residence. 4. Same as kuapa'a. Kua (ku'-a), n. 1. The hewn stick, block or wood on which tapa is beaten. 2. The anvil of a black- smith. 3. An ox yoke from its sim- ilarity to the tapa block. Kua (ku'-a), v. 1. To strike in a horizontal direction; hence, 2. To cut or hew down, as a tree with an axe: alalia kua laau ala o Ka- lanimoku, then Kalanimoku cut down sandal-wood. 2. To hew, as wood or stones; to cut out, as stone from a quarry: ke kua po- haku oe; to cut, as coral: hele aku la makou e kua puna. 3. To overthrow; to destroy (cut down), as an idol. Kuaaha (ku'-a-a'-ha), n. 1. An altar set up in a dwelling; place in a private dwelling set apart for wor- ship. 2. T^e equipment for such an altar. Kuaaina (ku'-a-a'i-na), adj. Of or pertaining to the upland country; rude; away from refined society. Kuaaina (ku'-a-a'i-na), n. [Kua, high land, and aina, land.] 1. The back country; up the mountain where there are no chiefs; the country in distinction from a vil- lage or city. Mar. 6:56. 2, The inhabitants or people of the back country: o ka poe i noho ma ke kua o ka mokupuni, ua kapaia he kuaaina, he inoa hooino nae ia. 3. Ignorant, uninstructed people; the ignoble; back- woods people: Ka poe makaainana, na wahi kokoke ole mai i kahi alii, j Kuaana (ku'-a-a'-na), n. [Shortened form of kaikuaana.] The older of two children of the same sex; as, kai-kuaana, the older of two own brothers or of two own sisters: ka hoahanau mua ma ka hanau ana. 2. A first brewage of liquor. Mix- tures that follow the first brew are called pokii. Kuaau (ku'-a-a'u), n. [Ku, stand, a, j and au, swim.] Place in the sea I inside of a reef where one may ' either stand or swim, Kuae (ku-a'e), n. The keel of a canoe, Syn: Kuamoo. Kuahana (ku'-a-ha'-na), n. [Kua, for akua, god, and ha'na or hahana.] A class of gods who killed men. Same as akua hoounauna, Kuahaua (ku'-a-ha'-u'-a), adj. Pro- claiming; calling together, as the people of a chief: mamuli o ka olelo kuahaua, according to proc- lamation. Laieik. p. 162. Kuahaua (ku'-a-ha'-u'-a), n, 1, A proclamation. 2. A vocal sum- moning of the people to assemble. Kuahaua (ku'-a-ha'-u'-a), v. 1, To call out all the people, as a chief; to call together on business; to assemble all the people, 2. To proclaim; to make known by pub- lic announcement, Kuahea (ku'-a-he'-a), n, A region on the side of a mountain below the kuamauna, hillock on the side of a mountain, and where trees begin to diminish, Kuaheleloa (ku'-a-he'-le-lo'-a), v. To wander about continuously from place to place, Syn: Wailana. Kuahelemai (ku'-a-he'-le-ma'i), n. Same as kuhelemai, a gambling game. Kuahilo (ku'-a-hi'-lo), v. To ramble in telling a story; to make a long story, Syn: Hilohilo. Kuahilohilo (ku'-a-hi'-16-hi'-lo), v. [Freq, of kuahilo.] To talk with- out coming to the point. Kuahine (kii'-a-hi'-ne), n, A sister of a brother: E kuu lani, eia ko kuahine, o Kahalaomapuana, ka mea au e aloha nui nei; Here is your sister, Kahalaomapuana, the one whom you greatly love, Laieik. p. 176. KUA 316 KUA Kuahiwi (ku'-a-hl'-wi), n. [Kua, back, and hiwi, summit.] 1. The top or summit of a mountain. 2. Moun- =E2=80=A2tains or a mountainous country. 3. A single mountain. Kuahu (ku'-a'-hu), n. An altar for sacrifice: kuahu okoa, a whole altar. He wahi e hoomoa ai na mohai. Kuahua (ku'-a-hu'-a), n. 1. A hump- backed person. Syn: Kuapuu. 2. A rising above the general surface of anything. Kuahua (ku'-a-hu'-a), v. [Kua, back, and ahua, a raised place.] 1. To bend upward, as the back. 2. To rise above water, as a whale's back. 3. To be bent upward. 4. To be humpbacked. Kuahu i (ku'-a-hu'i), n. Two poles tied temporarily over the frame of a house which is being built; he aho mawaho o ka hale i ka manawa e kauhilo ai. Kuahulu (ku'-a-hu'-lu), n. 1. Ear- ring. 2. Wild vegetables eaten in time of famine. Kuahulu (ku'-a-hu'-lu), v. To resort to wild plants for food: Ua kua- hulu keia, he pia ka ai. Kuai (ku-ai), adj. Of or belonging to trade: he hale kuai, a house for sale, or a house where sales are made, that is, a store; waiwai kuai, goods or property for sale. Kuai (ku'-ai), v. 1. To rub one thing against another. 2. To grind by rubbing one surface against another. 3. To rub or stir round, as in sifting flour, Kuai (ku'-a'i), v. 1. To barter one thing for another. (This was the ancient idea of selling and buying, as Hawaiians formerly had no common circulating medium.) 2. To traffic or exchange one com- modity for another. After coin be- gan to circulate, kuai lilo mai sig- nified to buy, and kuai lilo aku, to sell. At present, the phrase is contracted into kuai mai, to buy, and kuai aku, to sell. Kuaiako (ku'-a-i-a'-ko), n. Brace over which the iako, or sticks which secure the ama, longitudinal stick of an outrigger canoe, are lashed on to a canoe. There are two of these kuaiako on each canoe, called kuaiako mua and kuaiako hope. (Laieik. p. 17.) Kuaihooola (ku'-a'i-ho'o-o'-la), v. [Kuai, to buy, and hooola, to save alive.] To ransom. (Kuaihoola is the more correct form.) Kuaihu (ku'-a-i'-hu), v. To repeat over and over. Kuailo (ku'-a'-i-lo), v. 1. To declare or explain some enigma or myste- rious expression: e hai mai i ka nane nalowale loa, loaa ole i ka imiia. 2. To call for an explana- tion or solution of a riddle or puz- zling enigma. Kuai no (ku'-a-i'-no), v. 1. To turn back to an evil course after having forsaken it. 2. To be bad; to be wicked. Kuaio (ku'-a-io), n. A border of raised earth which marks the sep- arating line between taro patches or cultivated fields. Syn: Kuauna. Kuaiole (ku'-a-i-o'-le), n. The upper ridge pole of a house which se- cures the ends of the rafters to the kauhuhu, or lower ridge. Kuakahi (ku'-a-ka'-hi), n. 1. A place not known, but considered to be far off: oi noho kou uhane ma puu Kuakahi, while your spirit dwells in Kuakahi assembly, 2, Place supposed to be a rendezvous for departed spirits. It is said there were three of these places designated respectively as puu Kuakahi, Kualua and Kuakolu. 3, The third generation of a series, that is, the third from the parent, makua; second, the child, keiki; third, the grandchild, kuakahi; moopuna kuakahi, a grandchild: he keiki na kana keiki aku. Kuakahiki (ku'-a-ka-hl'-ki), n. [Ku, reaching, a, to or unto, and kahiki, distant country.] 1. Something afar off in another land; I kuaka- hiki ka pule; Let the prayer reach unto kahiki (a far away place). 2. Something done so long ago that it is forgotten. Kuakaikai (ku'-a-ka'i-ka'i), n. Swell- ing of cheeks and abdomen, Kuakaikai (ku'-a-ka'i-ka'i), v. To be full fleshed. Syn: Uulukai. Kuakala (ku'-a-ka'-la), n. A medicine mixed up with some liquid and taken as a purgative. The name of the plant is naule or puakala, thistle. Kuakalikea (ku'-a'-ka'-li-ke'a), adj. [Word used in profane* language. KUA 317 KUA Kua, for kuapae, kali and kea.] Filthy; corrupt; dirty; foul. Kuakea (kQ'-a-ke'-a), adj. White. Kua kea (ku'-a-ke'-a), v. To be white as chalk or as salt on or about salt ponds: ua hele a kuakea i ka paakai. Kuakea (ku'-a'-ke-a), v. [Ku, stand and akea.] To stand openly; to be public. Kuakeahu (ku'-a-ke-a'-hu), n. 1. An unseen imaginary place at a great distance. 2. The country people, poe kuaaina, that live far from the metropolis: a hala loa kou uhane ma kuakeahu. Kuakeao (ku'-a-ke-a'o), n. Same as kuakeahu. Kuaki (ku'-a'-ki), v. 1. To feel sad at the loss of a bet in gambling: Kuaki paha, pili oia i kona waiwai a pau loa, a ilihune, a pupule maoli kahi poe i ka minamina nui; he wagered all his property, be- came poor, and others became crazy on account of great grief. 2. To regret; to be disappointed. Kuakoko (kfl'-a-k6'-ko), adj. Of or be- longing to childbirth. Kuakoko (ku'-a-ko'-ko), n. 1. Pain; distress, as of a woman in child- birth. He kuakoko nei ka wahine, o ka mea ikaika loa no ia, a hiki mai ke kuakoko hanau. 2. The results of uncontrolled emotions. Kuakoko (ku'-a-k6'-ko), v. To travail; to have the pains of childbirth. Kuakolo (ku'-a-ko'-lo), v. 1. To fol- low after. 2. To persist in pursuit of. Syn: Kaukolo. Kuakolu (ku'-a-ko'-lu), n. The fifth In a series of generations; a great great grandchild; the child of a great grandchild; he kupuna kua- kolu. See kuakahi. Kuaku (ku'a-ku'), adj. Sarcastic; ironically spoken. Kuakua (kii'-a-ku'-a), n. 1. A sec- tion or piece of a fish net: kua- kua upena. 2. A small section of land. See koele or hakuone. Kuakua (ku'-a-ku'-a), v. 1. To chip; to hack; to chop. 2. To cut down, as a tree; to cut; to hew out, as a canoe: o ke koi keia e kuakua ana i ka waa; this is the ax to hew out the canoe. See kua. Kuakuai (ku'-a-kii-a'i), v. [Kuai, to rub.] 1. To rub with pressure; to polish; to grind. 2. To wear by rubbing. Kuakuaku (ku'-a-kii-a'-ku), n. 1. A newly made taro patch. 2. The process of hardening the floor and banks of a newly made taro patch. Kuakupi (ku'-a-ku'-pi'), n. An abscess on the back, Syn: Kuapuhi. Kuala (ku'-a'-la), adj. Pertaining to usury: Uku kuala, usury, Kuala (kQ'-a'-la), adv. Usuriously; giving upon usury, Kuala (ku'-a-la'), n. The dorsal fins of a fish, Kuala (ku'-a'-la), n, 1. Hard taro, cooked but not mashed, 2, A turning over; a leaping over; a somersault, 3, A throwing with the palm of the hand up. Kuala (ku'-a'-la), v. 1. To turn a somersault, 2, To take or exact usury, 3, To overpay; to pay over and above. 4. To turn up- side down. 5. To throw with the palm of the hand up. Kualaau (ku'-a-la'-a'u), n. [Kua, to hew, and laau, wood.] A hewer of wood. Kualakai (ku'-a-la-ka'i), adj. Large; fleshy; full; very fat. Kualakai (kfi'-a-la-ka'i), n. 1. A sea- slug (Nudibranchiata), called also pilikoa. 2. The eating of fresh fish pressed to a pulp and mixed with other ingredients. (The ma- lolo was the fish frequently served in this manner.) 3. A swelling of the body from eating rich food or from disease. Kualakai (ku-a-la-ka'i), v. [Kuala, to toss with the hand, and kai, a liquid dressing for food.] 1. To prepare raw fish for food by press- ing to a pulp: Kualakai iho ka ia. Press the fish to a pulp. (So called because the food thus pre- pared was tossed into the mouth.) Kualana (ku'-a-la'-na), adj. 1. Lazy; not disposed to work: o ka noho o ka ohua kualana. 2. Deserted; abandoned; given up, as when a rower lays down his paddle from fatigue, 3. Not sinking; floating; komo ole, lana. Kualana (ku'-a-la'-na), n. 1. Indo- lence; laziness, 2, A lazy fellow: nui ka poe kualana e noho aina ole ana; o ke kanaka hoopili wale he kualana ia; he who joins himself to another without work is a lazy fellow, a kualana. 3, A man who roves about without a chief or KUA 318 KUA haku, or any support, or any one to depend on. Kualana (ku'-a-la'-na), v. [Kua, the back, and lana, floating.] 1. To be idle; to be indifferent to all business: to wander about without object. 2. To be uninterested, as one who does not understand; to be without comprehension or per- ception: Lilo oukou i ka olelo haole, a kualana makou. Kualanapuhi (ku'-a-la'-na-pu'-hi), n. The office of the person who kept the flies off the king when he slept: o ka mea kahili i ko ke alii wahi e moe ai, he kulanapuhi ka inoa. Kualani (ku'-a-la'-ni), adj. Sour. Kualaini (ku'-a-la'-ni), n. Something that is sour; sour food. Syn: Palanioa. Kualapa (ku'-a-la'-pa), n. A ridge of land between two ravines. Syn: Lapa. Kualapa (ku'-a-la'-pa), v. 1. To stretch out, as- a headland; to pro- ject, as a cape. 2. To be ridgy. See lapa. Kualapehu (ku'-S-ia-pe'-hu), n. A man whose office it was to lomilomi, massage, a chiefess. Kualau (ku'-a-la'u), n. Heavy local showers accompanied with or driv- en by light winds. Kualauwili (ku'-a'-la'u-wl'-li), v. To be circuitous in conversation; to wander here and there in one's talk. Syn: Lauwili. Kualehelehe (ku'-a-le'-he-le'-he), adj. Skillful in the use of language. Kualehelehe (ku'-a-le'-he-le'-he), v. [Kua, to cut, and lehelehe, the lips. To hew or shape with the lips, that is, speech.] 1. To converse with many words. To talk fluent- ly; aka, o keia pae aina i kualehe- ehe ia e Binamu. 2. To argue or reason with many words; to use language persuasively. 3. To in- fluence conduct by skill in talking. Kualena (ku'-a'-le'-na), v. To stretch or spread out in order to free from wrinkles. See lena. Kuall (ku'-a'-li), v. 1. To be white. 2. To be glistening, sparkling, shining, etc. (Hookuali means to whiten; to make white.) Kualiali (ku'-a-li-a'-li), adj. White, as lime; as white paper, etc. Kualll (ku'-a-li'i), n. Any living thing, animal or plant, below ordi- nary size or dwarfed. Kuall 11 11 (ku'-a-li'i-li'i), v. [Kua and liilii, to be small; to be little.] To abate; to slacken; to decrease in heat. Kualilii (ku'-a-li'-li'i), v. Same as kualiilii. Kualono (ku'-a-lo'-no), n. [Kua and lono, to hear.] 1. The space on the top of a mountain; a place of silence. 2. A knoll, small hill or protuberance on the top of a moun- tain. 3. A range of hills. Kualua (ku'-a-lu'-a), adj. Repeating; doing a thing twice. Kualua (ku'-a-lu'-a), adv. Twice; the second time. Kualua (ku'-a-lu'-a), n. The fourth in descent; a great grandchild: he moopuna, he keiki na kana keiki; the fourth generation. Kuamaha (ku'-a-ma'-ha), n. The side of the head; the bones back of the ear. See iwimaha and mahamaha. Kuamaka (ku'-a-ma'-ka), v. To cut down prematurely; to cut while green, not fully matured. Kuamakani (ku'-a'-ma-ka'-ni), adj. 1. Not sinking; floating. 2. With- out constraint; free, as the wind; inconstant; komo ole, lana, kua- makani. 3. Facing the wind; win- dy; exposed to the wind. Kuamauna (ku'-a-ma'u-na), n. [Kua, back, and mauna, a mountain.] A protuberance or hillock on the side of a mountain. Kuamlami (ku'-a'-mi-a'-mi), n. 1. The motion of a turning hinge. 2. Any motion imitating that of a hinge. 3. The motion of sexual inter- course. 4. A term of reproach applied to one just married. Kuamlami (ku'-a'-mi-a'-mi), v. 1. To make a motion like the working of hinges. See ami, a hinge. 2. To express the intercourse of the sexes. 3. To laugh at; to mock; to express contempt. Kuamoamo (ku'-a'-mo-a'-mo), v. [Ku, noted Hawaiian god, and amoamo, to wink at.] 1. To dishonor the god Ku; to curse the gods. 2. To curse; to swear. 3. To reproach; to quarrel. (From this word comes amuamu or kuamuamu, to use re- proachful language.) KUA 319 KUA Kuamoo (ku'-a-mo'o), adj. Of or per- taining to the backbone: iwi kua- moo. Kuamoo (ku'-a-mo'o), n. [Kua, back, and moo, a lizard.] 1. The back- bone of a man or animal. Syn: Iwikuamoo. 2. A road or fre- quented path. (This was the word used formerly on the island of Hawaii for path or road; the word alanui is now used. 3. A way; custom. Syn: Aoao. 4. The keel of a canoe. Syn: Kuae. Kuamooolelo (ku'-a-mo'o-6-le'-lo), n. [Kuamoo, road, and olelo, speech, language.] 1. Spoken record or history given in regular order with no interval or break; continuous story. 2. A style of speaking; a dialect. Kuamuamu (ku'-a'-mii-a'-mu), n. Blasphemy; a reviling of sacred things; reproachful language. 2. Songs in which opprobrious lan- guage is freely used. Kuamuamu (ku'-a'-mu-a'-mu), v. 1. To blaspheme, curse, etc. 2. To abuse with scurrilous language. Syn: Amu and amuamu. Kuana (ku'-a'-na), n. Standing; posi- tion; attitude. Kuanaka (ku'-a-na'-ka), n. 1. [Kua and naka, not solid.] An exten- sive disease up and down the back resembling kuapuhi, an abscess on the back. Also called kuananaka. 2. A piece of hard coral used in polishing. 3. A variety of sea slug ( Nudibranchiata ) . Kuanalu (ku'-a-na'-lu), n. The place in the outer surf just before it breaks; or the place where the waves break: ikeia'ku ekolu oukou e ku mai ana ma kuanalu. Laieik. p. 130. Kuanea (ku'-a-ne'-a), n. 1. Lonely place; a place wasted and forsak- en. 2. Dry, barren land, hence, 3. Applied to one who lacks ordi- nary intelligence: an awkward, ignorant person. Kuanoo (ku'-a-no'o), adj. 1. Thought- ful; meditative. 2. Expert; pos- sessing ability to understand. Kuanoo (ku'-a-no'o), n. [Kua and noo, contraction of noonoo, to think.] A place on the top of a mountain; a place for thinking or meditation. Kuanui (ku'-a-nu'-i). adj. [Kua, back, and nul, great.] 1. Big-backed, that is, awkward, in doing some- thing more than was required, and thus spoiling what he tried to do; or doing a thing in his own way in opposition to the will of him for whom he works. 2. Obstinate; self-willed: he alii kuanui a chief who will have his own way; aole kuanui o Parao, he hewa maoli no. Kuao (ku'-a'o), n. A cloud standing in an upright position. Kuapa (kii'-a-pa'), n. Wall of a fish- pond. Kuapa (ku'-a-pa'), n. A crab of the species paiea, but with a hard shell. Known also as papa. Kuapaa (kQ'-a-pa'a), adj. 1. Severe; harsh toward servants. 2. Labor- ious; hard worked; slavish; hur- ried with work; kauwa kuapaa, a slave. 3. Parched on one side: Kuapaa (ku'-a-pa'a), n. 1. A variety of caterpillar destructive to plants. 2. Breadfruit which remains on the trees long after the season is over and is parched on the side next the sun. 3. Coral reefs which are alternately exposed and submerged by the flow of the tides. 4. Ma- rine mollusk, described by natives as about two inches long and cov- ered on the back with about eight very hard scales, whence its name kuapaa, hard back. 5. A kind of crab with an extra hard back. Kuapaa (ku'-a-pa'a), v. [Kua, back, and paa, hard.] 1. To harden the back, that is, to be hard upon one; to oppress. 2. To be com- pelled to do; to be under a mas- ter. Kuapapa (ku'-a-pa'-pa), adj. Peace- ful; quiet; resting in confidence, quietness; rest from turbulence or anarchy. 2. A heap; an assem- blage of things placed one upon another. Kuapapa (ku'-a-pa'-pa), n. 1. Peace; he ulu kuapaa. Kuapapa (ku'-a-pa'-pa), v. [Kua, to cut down, and papa, a board.] 1. To hew out boards or planks. (For- merly one log made but one board.) 2. To cut down and shape a log for a poi board. 3. To place one upon another; to pile on; to heap up. 4. To be united, as people under one chief. 5. To be at peace; to live quietly: hele mai ia nei, kuapapa o ko kakou noho KUA 3^20 KUA pu ana: we came here (Lahaina- luna), peaceful has been our liv- ing together. Kuapapanui (ku'-a-pa'-pa-nu'i), n. 1. Peace and quiet in government. 2. Peace following a treaty of mutual benefit; a great peace. 3. Per- fect enjoyment. 4, A having of anything beyond the usual course. Kuapapa'nui (ku'-a-pa'-pa-nu'i), v. [Kuapapa and nul, great.] 1. To enjoy quietness and satisfaction un- der the same ruler; to be free from the turmoils of war. 2, To be at ease; to live quietly, as without much care, and out of the bustle of business. 3. To be peaceful and happy, as the effect of a virtuous life. 4. To have excessively; to do to the utmost degree. Kuapol (ku'-a-po'-i), n. 1. The weather board on the front part of a canoe. 2. The knee pan: moe pono ka iwi ihu maluna o ka ihu e like me ke kuapoi maluna o ka waa. 3. Name of a bone in the arm or hand. Kuapoi (ku'-a-po'-i), v. [Ku, to rise, a, and, poi, overspread.] To be full fledged, as birds or any kind of fowls; applied to young birds when almost fully grown: kuapoi na manu; the birds are fully fledged. Kuapolao (ku'-a-p6'-Ia'o), n. 1. A small amount of tribute (hookupu) for a king or high chief. 2. A small pile of treasure (waiwai) collected for the king. Kuapuhi (ku'-a-pu'-hi), n. [Kua, back, and puhi, to burst or break open suddenly.] An abscess on the back. Kuapuiwi (ku'-a-pu-I'-wi), n. Long residence in a place. Syn: Ku- laiwi. Kuapuu (ku'-a-pu'u), n. [Kua, back, and puu, a protuberance.] A hump- or crooked-backed person. Kuau (ku'-a'u), n. 1. That part of an implement which is held in the hand when used. Syn: Kano. 2. The stick or mallet with which the tapa is beaten out. Syn: le kuku or kuku kapa. 3. The handle of a knife, file, auger, etc. Kuaua (ku'-a-u'a), n. A fall of rain; a passing shower. (Laieik. p. 181.) Kuaualiope (ku'-a-u'a-ho'-pe), n. The latter rain. See kuaua. Kuauakahi (ku'-a-u'a-ka'-hi), n. [Ku- aua, a rain, and kahi, one.] The principal or single rain during the summer months: ka ua hookahi o ka makalii, the one rain of the summer. Kuauamua (ku'-a-u'a-mu'-a), n. 1. The first rain of a season. 2. Any former rain. See kuaua. Kuauha (ku'-au-ha'), n. Advice; council: E kali ana au o ka loaa mai o ke kuauha; I am waiting for advice. Kuauha (ku'-au-ha'), v. To be ad- vised: E kali ana au o ke kuauha ia mai, I am waiting to be ad- vised. Kuauhau (ku'-a'u-ha'u), adj. 1. Re- lating to what is registered or re- tained as historical: palapala ku- auhau, a genealogical register. 2. Distinguished for skill in kuauhau (lineage). Kuauhau (ku'-a'u-ha'u), n. 1. A genealogy; a pedigree: Mai manao kakou he pololei loa keia kuau- hau; let us not think that this genealogy is strictly correct. 2. A person skilled in genealogy or tra- dition; an historian: He mea ike- ike kuamoo alii. Kuauhau (ku'-a'u-ha'u), v. [Ku, shortened form of kuamoo, path, and auhau, lineage.] 1. To be recorded in genealogy, in history or tradition: o na kupuna mua o ko Hawaii nei i kuauhauia, the first ancestors of Hawaii which are noted in genealogy. 2. To have the knowledge of genealo- gies; to know the path of the descent of chiefs: e ike i ke kua- moo kupuna alii mai kahiko mai. Kuaula (ku'-a'-u'-la), adj. Red.- Kuau la (ku'-a'-u'-la), n. Thick tapa made from the bark of the ma- make shrub and stained red. Kuauna (ku'-a'-u-na), n. 1. The bank of a stream. 2. The side or border of a taro patch. Syn: Kuaio. Ke hele nei makou ma na kuauna poho; we are traveling at present on the borders of taro patches liable to sink in. Kuaupaa (ku'-a'u-pa'a), n. A bundle of pololu (spears) carried by the chief and officers of an army when going into battle. Kuawehi (ku'-a-we'-hi), n. [Kua, back, and wehi, a dark color.] 1. A disease affecting the shoulders. KUA 321 KUE 2. Sign or symptom of this disease. 3. Variety of small caterpillar marked with black fuzz on the back. Kuawill (ku'-a-wi'-li), n. 1. A prayer used at the dedication of the high- est order of heiau (temples) and continued all day. 2. Indirectness, repetitions and irregularity in work. Kuawili (ku'-a-wi'-li), v. [Kua and will, to twist.] To repeat over and over again without meaning; to wander from the point in speak- ing. Kubita (kfi'-bi'-ta), n. [Eng.] 1. A cubit in measure; eighteen inches. 2. Iwi kubita, he iwi hailima e pili pu ana me ka ili kano, one of the bones of the forearm joined to the wrist. Kue (kii-e'), n. 1. Opposition; strife; commotion. 2. Opposer. Kue (ku-e'), v. [Ku, to stand, and e, opposite.] 1. To be opposed; to be contrary; to be against; to re- sist; to act contrary to authority. See hookue. Kue (ku'e), v. To push with the elbows. Kuea (kii-e'a), n. A wanderer; a friendless man. Kuea (ku-e'a), v. [Contraction of kuewa.] To wander about; to have no home. Syn: Kuewa. Kuee (ku'-e-e'), n. Disagreement; dissension; opposition of senti- ment. Kuee (ku'-e-e'), v. [Ku, to stand, and ee, with a meaning stronger than e.] 1. To disagree; to con- tend in words. 2. To do contrary to; to oppose. 3. To rise up against; to attack. 4. To bicker; to quarrel. Kueeohua (ku'-e'e-6-hu'-a), n. Incor- rect form of kaeeohua. Kuehu (ku'-e'-hu), v. [Ku and ehu, to drive away.] 1. To drive away. 2. To stir up; to make turbid, as water. 3. To shut off, as water running over land. 4. To shake off as dust from a mat. 5. To let go; to cast away, as a thing not desired. Kuehu (ku-e'-hu), v. To brandish or move something one way and the other, as in communicating by sig- nals; to wave: Kuehu ae la oia i ka lepa o kona aahu; he waved the fringe of his robe. =E2=80=94 Laieik. p. 22. Kuehuehu (ku'-e'-hti-e'-hu), v. [Freq. of kuehu.] 1. To throw dust or dirt. 2. To toss up and down; to shake. 3. To signal. Kuekaa (ku'-e-ka'a), v. 1. To turn upside down, as in seeking for something. 2. To turn over and over. Kuekue (ku'e-ku'e), n. 1. A joint; a protuberance; the knuckles; the wrist bones; ka puupuu o ka hai- lima; the elbow, etc. (qualified by some other word). 2. Any bony protuberance. Kuekuehu (kii'-e'-kii-e'-hu), v. Same as kuehu, to drive away. Kuekuelima (ku'e-ku'e-li'-ma), n. The elbow. Kuekuene (ku'-e-kCi-e'-ne), v. [Kue and kuene, to lay out or prepare for.] 1. To act the part of a steward; to apportion food. 2. To separate; to apportion; to divide and assign to. Kuekueni (ku'-e-ku-e'-ni), v. 1. To shake; to tremble; to move; to vibrate. 2. To swing back and forth, as in waving a kahili. See hookuekuene. Kuekueo (ku'-e-ku-e'o), v. To be un- able to move or change position from illness or accident; to be almost dead, not conscious: Ua hele ka hoi o Mea a kuekueo; Mea has passed to unconsciousness. Kuekuewawae (ku*e-ku'e-wa'-wa'e), n. 1. The heel. 2. The ankle joints. Kuelu (ku'-e-lu'), v. To loosen; to fall off, said of fruit that drops when it comes to perfection. Kuelu (kti'-e'-lu), v. To float in the wind; to flutter, swing or vibrate in the air. Kuemaka (ku'e-ma'-ka), n. [Kue, brow, and maka, eye.] The eye- brows. Kuemakapali (ku'e-ma'-ka-pa'-li), n. [Kuemaka, eyebrow, and pali, a precipice.] The brow of a hill. Kuemi (kG-e'-mi), v. [Ku, to stand, and emi, to shrink back.] To stand or retreat, as from some- thing feared. Kuene (ku-e'-ne'), n. [Mod.] A steward; a treasurer. Kuene (ku'-e'-ne), n. 1. A small quantity of anything; a fraction, as half a glass of rum or water: he wahi kuene ai uuku, a little food. 2. Detraction; slander. KUE 322 KUH Kuene (ku'-e'-ne), v. 1. To measure for the purpose of laying out the foundation of a house. 2. To frame; to lay out, as the frame of a building. 3. To set up; to put in order, as seats for a multitude; to set up the posts of a house. 4. To supervise and apportion sup- plies, as a steward; to act the steward: ke hooko nei oia, ke kuene nei; e lana 'e ka pepeiao ke kueneia nei. Kuenehale (ku'-e'-ne-ha'-le), n. [Ku- ene, to frame or lay out, and hale, house.] 1. The knowledge of the several trades of house building. 2. One skilled in framing and fin- ishing a house: o ka ike i ka mahiai, o ka ike i ka lawaia, o ka ike i ke kuenehale, ame ke kau- paku. Kueo (ku'-e'-o), adj. Unsteady; in- secure, referring to a foothold. Kuewa (ku'-e'-wa), n. 1. One who has no place to live, no friends. 2. A fugitive. 3. A vagabond. 4. A wanderer. Kuewa (ku'-e'-wa), v. 1. To wander about; to be unstable. 2. To be friendless; to wander about with- out a home. Kuha (ku'-ha), adj. Pertaining to saliva. Kuha (ku'-ha), n. Saliva; spittle. Kuha (ku'-ha), v. To spit; to spit upon. Kuhaiki (kti'-ha'-i-ki), adj. 1. Nar- row; contracted; too small or nar- row. 2. Worried; alarmed; uneasy. Kuhaiki (ku'-ha'-i-ki), v. [Ku, stand, and halki, narrow or close.] To be straightened. Kuhakakai (ku'-ha'-ka-ka'i), v. [Ku, to stand, and hakakal, to be swelled.] 1. To be swelled out, as a fat person. 2. To be swelled with disease; hence, 3, To be weak; to be sickly. Kuhakuha (ku'-ha-ku'-ha), v. [Freq. form of kuha.] To spit upon fre- quently. Kuhalahala (ku'-ha'-la-ha'-la), v. 1. To make a bargain and then break it. 2. To find fault with; to grumble; to express chagrin. 3. To envy one his prosperity or wealth, and procure his death by the pule anaana (a form of sor- cery) : i opuinoino ia mai no ka hanohano. Kuhaluka (ku'-ha'-lu'-ka), adj. [Ku, to stand, and haluka, to be pressed together promiscuously.] Many; numerous; huddled together; go- ing in great companies: pili i ke kewai, ku haluka ka mauna. Kuhanaole (ku'-ha'-na-o'-le), adj. 1. Lazy; idle. 2. Standing idle. Kuhanaole (ku'-ha'-na-o'-le), v. [Ku, stand, hana, work, and ole, not.] 1. To be lazy; to be idle; to do nothing. 2. To stand around with nothing to do. Kuhao (ku'-ha'o), adj. 1. Standing firmly and acting alone: he ua kuhao, rain from a single cloud or without a cloud. 2. Independent. Kuhao (ku'-ha'o), v. [Ku, to stand, and hao, firm, tight.] 1. To stand; to stand alone. 2. To stand alone morally. Kuhapa (ku'-ha'-pa), n. A fitting only in part. Kuhapa (ku'-ha'-pa), v. [Ku, to fit, and hapa, partly.] 1. To be in- correct, or correct only in part in speaking. 2. To be a misfit. Kuhapahapa (ku'-ha'-pa-ha'-pa), v. To be incorrect frequently in speak- ing. Kuhauhau (ku'-ha'u-ha'u), v. [Ku, stand, and hau, expression of an- ger.] To bristle; to show anger by snapping with the teeth. Kuhe (ku'-he), n. 1. A change of color in the skin in consequence of being long in the water, as purple, blue, brown, etc. 2. A va- riety of the oopu fish, found alike in the sea and in fresh water streams. Known also as okuheku- he and oopu akupa. Kuhea (ku'-he'-a), adj. 1. Calling; insnaring, as of birds: makaala ke kanaka kuhea manu; Watchful is the man who insnares birds. 2. Noisy; boisterous. Kuhea (ku'-he'-a), n. 1. One who imitates the cry or song of birds to call them into a snare. 2. A hunter of birds. 3. A sudden and loud outcry. Kuhea (ku'-he'-a), v. [Ku and hea, to call.] 1. To call; to cry aloud; to make a noise; to call out. See kahea. 2. To shout. Kuheamanu (ku'-he'-a-ma'-nu), n. 1. An imitator of bird song. 2. A fowler, so used by translators of the Bible. KUH 323 KUH Kuhekuhe (ku'-he-ku'-he), n. [Freq. of kuhe, a change of color.] 1. Changeable colors, as black, green, blue. 2. Thick, dark. Kuhela (ku'-he'-la), adj. Moving for- ward in wavy motion; sweeping along; carrying everything before it: Na nalu kuhela mai waena moana e pahola ana i ke kowa o Alenuihaha, the sweeping billows from mid ocean carrying through Alenuihaha channel. Kuhela (ku'-he'-la), n. The high un- broken swell of the sea as it moves along. Kuhela (ku'-he'-la), v. To rise and move along, as the swell of the sea; to pass along standing or ris- ing high, as a high swell of the sea; to rise, as a high surf. See kahela and kahelahela. Kuheleloa (ku'-he'-le-lo'-a), adj. Of or belonging to a state of banish- ment. Kuheleloa (ku'-he'-le-16'-a), n. 1. A person stripped of everything, ban- ished, and sent off to live where he can. 2. A banishment. Kuheleloa (ku'-he'-le-lo'-a), v. [Ku, to rise, hele, to go, and loa, dis- tance.] 1. To be sent off from one's house, land and neighbor- hood. 2. To wander about con- tinuously from place to place. See wailana. Kuaheleloa is the proper word. Kuhelemai (ku'-he'-le-ma'i), n. [Ku, to rise, hele, to move, and mai, this way.] A gambling game; he koi, he hooleilei. Also called kua- helemai. Kuhepa (ku'-he'-pa), v. [Ku and hepa, false.] 1. To be untrust- worthy; to be uncertain what one will do, as a servant or neighbor. 2. To break one's word; to de- ceive. 3. To trifle in conversation; to equivocate. Kuhepahepa (ku'-he'-pa-he'-pa), adj. 1. Doubtful; different from what was expected; aole ike maopopo; having an imperfect knowledge of a thing. 2. Untrustworthy; incor- rect; false. Kuhewa (ku'-he'-wa), adj. 1. Com- ing suddenly; seizing upon, as a disease; striking unexpectedly, as the wind: he mai kuhewa, sudden or unwarned sickness. Kuhewa (ku'-he'-wa), v. [Ku, to be hit, and hewa, wrongly or unwit- tingly.] 1. To be hit or seized j upon without previous warning. I 2. To be hit by mistake, as in missing a mark aimed at and hit- ting something aside. Kuhi (ku'-hi), n. A gesturing with the hand to regulate singing, time, etc.; the use of the baton or hand in directing music: a na lakou (ka poe hula), e ao i ke kuhi a paa ke kuhi o ua mau mele la. . Kuhi (ku'-hi), v. 1. To infer; to sur- j mise without certain knowledge I of; to suppose; to imagine: Kuhi lakou he lokoino ko na kanaka o Hawaii, they inferred the people of Hawaii were of bad disposition. 2. To point out; to point at with the finger. Kuhialaea (kii'-hi-a-la'-e-a), n. [Kuhi, to point, and alaea, red coloring matter.] A certain class of priests of Lono, whose office it was to mark the limits of lands with the alaea (red coloring matter). Kuhiano (ku'-hi-a'-no), n. [Kuhi to point out, and ano, meaning of.] I Word used to indicate the mean- ing, nature or character of any- thing. Kuhi hewa (ku'-hi-he'-w=C2=A7,), n. An er- ror in judgment or opinion. Kuhihewa (ku'-hi-he'-wa), v. [Kuhi, infer, and hewa, wrong.] To mis- take; to judge erroneously; to err; to have a wrong opinion. Kuhikuhi (ku'-hl-ku'-hi), adj. 1. Sweet, as sugar. 2. Fat, as the fat of a well-fed animal; overfat; sickeningly fat. Kuhikuhi (ku'-hi-ku'-hi), v. [Freq. of kuhi.] 1. To show; to point out; to designate; to direct one to a particular place. 2. To make signs with the hand; to point the finger; to direct by the hand: kuhikuhi heiau, to direct the cere- monies of the temple service. 4. To make known. 5. To teach. 6. To be fat; to be rich with fatness, as food. 7. To be sweet or pleas- ant to the taste, as highly-sea- soned food. Kuhikuhinia (ka'-hi-ku'-hi-ni'-a), adj. Pleasant to the taste; delicious; applied to food. See kuhinia. Kuhikuhipuuone ( ku'-hi-ku'-hi-pu'u-o'- ne), n, 1. A class of priests in ancient times who were consulted and gave advice concerning the building and location of temples KUH 324 KUI (luakini). 2, One who interprets signs and omens to show favor- able or unfavorable issues. Kuhilani (ku'-hi-la'-ni), adj. Proud; haughty; high-minded; boastful. Kuhilani (ku'-hi-la'-ni), n. A reader of signs in the heavens. Kuhila'ni (ku'-hi-la'-ni), v. 1. To domineer. 2. To conduct one's self in a lordly manner. Kuhili (ku'-hi'-li), adj. 1. Colored; having artificial color; daubed. 2. Mixed with coloring matter, as wauke before it is pounded and thus colored in the bark: ka onohi ula me he wauke kuhili la, the red colored cloud like the stained wauke. Kuhili (ku'-hi'-li), v. [Ku, and hill, general name for barks used in dyeing.] To stain or dye with dark red colors. Kuhina (ku'-hi'-na), n. 1. One that carries the orders and executes the commands of the king or high- est chief; the highest officer next the king. (Kalanimoku was the kuhina of Kamehameha.) 2. An officer of the king's guard. Kuhina (ku'-hi'-na), v. To bear the commands or to execute the or- ders of the chief. Kuhinia (ku'-hi-ni'-a), adj. Fat; rich; sweet (spoken of food). Kuhinia (ku'-hi-ni'-a), n. 1. The fat of hogs. 2. Sweetness or richness of food. 3. The unpleasant sensa- tion after eating too much or too rich food. Kuhinia (ku'-hi-ni'-a), v. 1. To be satiated with food: E ai iho oe a kuhinia; you may eat to the full. 2. To be fat; to be round; to be plump. To be sickeningly fat; to be greasy. Kuhinu (ku'-hi'-nu), v. 1. To rub over with any oily substance. 2. To cause to shine by the applica- tion of grease; to polish. Kuhipa (ku'-hi'-pa), v. Same as kuhepa, to be deceitful. Kuhipahipa (ku'-hi'-pa-hi'-pa), v. 1. To be uttered indistinctly; to mut- ter. 2. To be unintelligible. Kuhlwa (ku'-hi'-wa), v. To be under a non-religious tabu; to be under a secular tabu; to be subject to a chief and under his control, as distinguished from the freedom of the people: ua omea ia (ka aina) he kuhlwa. Kuho (kii-ho'), n. Sound caused by a sudden- vertical drop of some heavy substance into water. Kuho (ku-ho'), V. To drop heavily all at once into deep water. Kuho aku la ia iloko o ke kai. Kuhoho (ku'-ho-ho'), n. That which is deep; a deep ravine. Kuhokuho (kii'-ho-ku'-ho'), v. [Freq. of kuho, to drop vertically into water.] To fall or plunge into a wave. Kuho^nu (ku'-ho'-nu), n. A species of crab-fish, very popular as food. Kuhouana (kG'-ho'u-a'-na), n. [Ku, to rise, hou, and ana, participial termination.] 1. A rising anew; a rising again; a resurrection. 2. A recovery from illness. Kuhoupoo (kii'-ho'u-po'o), v. [Kuho, to drop heavily into deep water, and poo, the head.] To dive head- first into the water. Kuhua (ku'-hu'-a), adj. 1. Stiff, as paste or any heavy liquid. 2. Firm, as jelly. Kuhuhua (ku'-hti'-hu'-a), adj. Paste- like, said of thick gravy. Thick, as liquid. Syn: Kuhua. Kuhukuku (ku'-hii'-ku-ku'), n. 1. A dove. 2. Cooing of a dove. Kuhukuku (ku'-hti'-kii-ku'), V. To coo; to make sounds like the call of a dove. Kui (ku'-i), n. Any pointed instru- ment of metal or wood, as needle, nail, pin, spike, bolt, screw, etc. Kui (ka'i), V. 1. To stick together; to join. 2. To stitch or sew to- gether. E kui lehua, to braid le- hua blossoms into a wreath. Lai- eik. p. 145. Kui (ku'i), V. 1. To pound with the end of a thing; to pound with a hammer or mallet; to knock out, as the teeth; mai kui wale i na niho a hemo. 2. To pound, as poi: a kui i kana ai, and he pound- ed his food. 3. To beat out, as metals. 4. To pound up; to break fine. 5. To smite; to injure; to smite with the hand. 6. To sound, as thunder: kui iho la ka hekili maluna. 7. To sound abroad; to sound or spread abroad, as fame or report: kui aku la ka lono. 8. To be heard, as a report. Kuia (ku'-i'a), adj. [The past par- ticiple of ku.] 1. Fitted. 2. Stum- bling. 3. Not sharp; blunt. 4. KUI 325 KUI Doing over and over again. 5. Meeting. Kuia (ku-i'a), n. A short spear. Kuia (ku-I'a), v. 1. To stumble; to strike against an obstacle in walk- ing. 2. To waver, to be unsettled in opinion. Kulai (ku'i-a'i), n. [Kul, to pound, and ai, food.] 1. The act of pound- ing poi or food. 2. One who pre- pares food by mashing or beating it. Kuialua (ku'i-a-lu'-a), n. A warlike art taught in former times: He nui ka poe i ao i ke ka ala me ke kui alua; Many persons were taught to use the ikoi (a missile resembling a boomerang) and the lua. 2. A form of assailing by throwing missiles. 3. The god of the games of ikoi and lua. Kuiautnoe (ku'i-au'-mo'-e), n. 1. The name given by those about the chief to those below them in priv- ilege, though better persons: o ka poe i komo ma ke kuiaumoe, o ka poe lakou o pohokano, he kukui- olelo wale no ia. 2. A class of privileged persons in a chief's re- tinue. Kuiee (ku'-i-e'-e), v. [Kul and ee, the armpit.] To secure or carry under the arm; to fold up and put under the arm. Kuielua (ku'i-e-lu'-a), n. Same as kuialua. Kuihao (ku'i-ha'o), adj. Pertaining to a blacksmith. Kuihao (ku'i-ha'o), n. An iron spike; a nail, iron kui (any pointed in- strument). Kuihao (ku'i-ha'o), n. A blacksmith. Also called amala or amara. Kuihao (ku'i-ha'o), v. [Kui, to pound, and hao, iron.] To forge; to work iron, as a blacksmith. Kui he (ku'i-he'), adj. Doubting; hes- itating; advancing and retreating. Kuihe (ku'i-he'), v. [Kul for kuia, to waver, and he for hee, giving up, or ku, to stand, and hee, to slide.] 1. To doubt; to hesitate; to be unbelieving; to hesitate to obey or believe a statement: alal- ia, kuihe iho la kela no ke aloha i na makua, then she hesitated on account of love for her parents. See kanalua. 2. To be undecided; to waver. Kuihewa ( ku'i-he'- wa), v. [Kul, to strike, and hewa, wrong.] To strike or hit by mistake. Kulkahl (ku'i-ka'-hi), adj. Peaceful; quiet: olelo kulkahi, a league, a covenant, or treaty. Kulkahl (ku'i-ka=C2=BB-hi), adv. Together; in common; peacefully. Kulkahi (ku'i-ka'-hi), n. 1. A union of sentiment or feeling. 2. A state of peace; satisfaction. 3. A cov- enant; a treaty. 4. A treaty of peace and amity. Kulkahl (ku'i-ka'-hi), v. [Kul, to unite, and kahi, one.] 1. To have things and interests united. 2. To be at peace: ua kulkahl ke au- puni; the kingdom is in a state of peace. 3. To be conducive to peace: he mea anei ia e kulkahi ai? is that a thing to make peace? I kulkahi ai ka ainoa o ke aupuni, that the breaking tabu might be peaceably done throughout the kingdom. Kuikawa (ku'-i-ka-wa'), adj. [Ku, to stand; I, preposition, in; ka, the, and wa, space: To stand in the space.] 1. Free; not bound to any chief. 2, Not subject to any one's control; not in bondage. (This phrase is sometimes written in one word as above, and sometimes in four, as ku i ka wa.) Kuikawa (ku' i-ka'-wa'), v. To be noncommittal; to be unpledged to any opinion or course. Kuike (ku'i'-ke), adv. At once, on sight: E uku kuIke; pay on sight or at once. (Used principally in making compensation or discharg- ing obligations.) KuIke (ku'-i'-ke), v. [For ku i ka ike, stand by the seeing.] 1. To know by sight. 2. To understand beforehand, as aia a kuike au he pono ke hele, alalia hele; when I know in advance it Is proper to go, then I go. Kuike (ku'i-ke'), v. [Kui, and ke, to push away.] 1. To smooth off a place; to leave nothing rough: ua kulkela a pau loa, it is all smoothed over. 2. To strike right and left indiscriminately. 3. To destroy until nothing is left, as in war. 4. To tax heavily: kuike 1 ka aubau nui, i na kamalii ame na mea a pau, they were heavily taxed, children and everyone else. KUI 326 KUK Kuikele (ku'-i-ke'-le), n. [Kui, pin, and kele, slippery.] A needle for sewing. Kuikepa (ku'i-ke'-pa), n. 1. The work of making the god named Lonomakua. 2. Model or image of the god Lonomakua. Kuikepa (ku'-i-ke'-pa'), n. See kepa. Kuikepa (ku'i-ke'-pa), v. To cut across the grain in the working of woods. Kuikui (ku'i-ku'i), adj. 1. Placed over against; contrary. 2. Strik- ing or blowing strongly, as the wind; he makani kuikui. Syn: Pakuikui, which is more frequently used. Kuikui (ku'i-ku'i), n. A medicine, made into a drink from the sap of the akoko tree. Kuikui (ku'i-ku'i), v. [Intensive of kui, to strike.] 1. To strike often; to beat; to smite or buffet, as a person. 2. To splice; to add on to; to enlarge or increase by ad- dition. Kuikui (ku'-i-ku'-i), v. To link to- gether; to fasten together with links. Kuikuiwale (ku'i-ku'i-wa'-le), n, A pounding or bruising to death; an ancient method of killing. Kuila (ku'-i-la), n. 1. A kind of for- eign cloth: he lole hinuhinu paa loa. 2. Woven cloth; cloth woven with a twill. Kuileiula (ku'-i-le'i-u'-la), n. 1. One whose duty it is to decorate the apparel of an alii, a chief. 2. An expression of admiration for one's chief, as clothed with rainbow- colored tapas: o ke kuleiula au o ke alii. Used in song. Kuili (ku-i'-li), n. [Contraction of kuawili, a petition.] The name of a prayer which lasted all night. See kuawili, a prayer. Kuilua (ku'i-lu'-a), v. [Kui, to add, and lua, two; double.] To add on; to double by adding to a thing: e kuilua, e kuilua mai i ka pono ia lakou, add on, increase the goodness to them, that is, in- crease continually in goodness. E kuilua iho ka ikaika, double the strength. Kuina (ku'-I'-na), n. [Kui and ana, a uniting.] 1. A sewing, that is, a set of sleeping tapas, generally five, sewed together, which an- swered the purpose of sheets. 2. A seam; a place where pieces of tapa or cloth are united. 3. (Mod.) A sheet. Kuinehe (ku'i-ne'-he), adj. 1. StilL without a rustling sound: o ka lani kuinehe uwe, the heaven utter- ing sorrowful sounds, or the king in solitary grief. 2. Unnaturally quiet; weird, wild; without living things, as the solitude of a primeval forest. Kuipalu (ku'i-pa'-lu), adj. Broken fine; bruised; pounded. Kuipalu (ku'i-pa'-lu), v. [Kui, to break, and palu, soft or fine.] 1. To bruise or pound fine, that is, soft. 2. To break up; to break fine. To break down; to demolish, as idols: Kuipaluia na akua kii. 3. To beat or bruise. Kuipe (ku'i-pe'), v. [Kui, to beat, and pe, crushed flat. The full form is kui a pe.] To beat down; to bend over flat: i kuipeia e ka makani Apaa, beaten down flat by the Apaa wind. Kuipehi (ku'i-pe'-hi), n. Hesitancy; distrust; an objecting. Kuipehi (ku'i-pe'-hi), v. 1. To be in doubt; to hesitate in acting. 2. To go with hesitancy. 3. To distrust one's friendship or offer. See kuihe. Kuka (ku'-ka'), n. 1. A council for transacting business; a caucus meeting preparatory to business. 2. A reasoning on a subject; an inquiry; kuka olelo, a consultation. Kuka (ku'-ka), n. [Mod.] Coat; surtout. Kuka (ku'-ka'), v. 1. To think to one's self; to revolve in one's own mind. 2. To consult together, as persons considering how a thing is to be done. 3. To consider de- liberately. 4. To consult together, as a council of state: kuka iho la lakou no ke kaua ana: they con- sulted together respecting the war; kuka hewa, to think or de- vise mischief. Kukaa (ku'-ka'a), n. 1. A roll; a bundle of cloth or tapa; a large bundle: hookahi punahele, hoo- kahi kukaa, each intimate friend, one bundle (piece) of cloth. 2. A pack which is made by a rolling up; that which is rolled up for safe-keeping or transportation. See kaa, to roll. 3. In a modern in- terpretation, wholesale. KUK 327 KUK Kukaa (ku'-ka'a), v. [Ku, to stand, and kee, to roll.] To roll up, as a bundle of tapa or cloth; to make a kukaa or roll; to swell up; e pehu. Kukaawale (ku'-ka'a-wa'-le), adj. Standing off; separate; alone: he hale kukaawale, a house standing separate. Kukaawale (ku'-ka'a-wa'-le), v. [Ku, to stand, and kaawale, alone; apart.] To stand by one's self; to stand alone. Kukaawe (ku'-ka'-a'-we), adj. Safe; protected. Kukaawe (ku'-ka'-a'-we), n. A con- voy; a guard to protect person or property. Kukaawe (ku'-ka'-a'-we), v. 1. To be made safe; to be placed in cus- tody of for protection from harm. 2. To be convoyed. Kukae (ku'-ka'e), n. Excrements; dirt; filth: he honoa. See honawa. Kukaea (ku'-ka'-e'a), n. [Ku, a ris- ing, and ea, dust raised by the wind.] 1. A cloud of dust; dust storm. 2. A person whose move- ments resemble a whirlwind. Kukaekoloa (ku'-ka'e-k6-lo'-a), n. 1. A species of grass found at Koloa. 2. Ducks' dung. Kukaeloli (kQ'-ka'e-lo'-li), v. [Kukae and loll, to dirty.] 1. To spot; to stain. 2. To be spotted or stained with black spots. Kukaena (ku'-ka-e'-na), adj. Angry. Kukaena (ku'-ka-e'-na), n. [Ku, rise up; ka, article the, and ena, great heat. Ku and kaena, wrath.] An- ger; rage; unappeasable wrath. Kukaeina (ku'-ka-e'-na), v. To be an- gry; to be enraged. Kukaenalo (ku'-ka'e-na'-lo). n. [Ku- kae and nalo, a fly.] 1. A name given by Hawaiians to unbleached or brown cotton cloth. 2. Bees- wax: he kepau e hoohele ai 1 na lopi humuhumu; a wax that causes sewing threads to move. Kukaepele (ku'-ka'e-pe'-le), n. [Ku- kae and Pele, the goddess of vol- canoes. Lit. The excrements of Pele.] 1. Sulphur; brimstone. 2. Matches. Kukaepopolo (ku'-ka'e-po'-p6'-lo), n. A person whose father was a chief and his mother not; a term of reproach signifying dark or doubt- ful origin. Syn: Kulu. Kukaepueo (ku'-ka'e-pu-e'-o), n. 1. A species of grass. 2. A species of sea-weed; a variety of salt- water limu or moss with grass- like shoots. Kukaeull (ku'-ka'e-u'-li), n. 1. The black or blue liquor in the hee or squid; the soft matter of the squid used for bait. 2. Term ap- plied to a prostitute in early days. Kukaeuwau (ku'-ka'e-u-wa'u), n. Scent left by the uwau bird in Its haunts. Kukaha (ku'-ka'-ha), v. [Ku, to stand, and kaha, to turn away.] To stand sideways: e ku ewa ae ma ke kua, to stand aslant, as in yielding room for passing. Kukahekahe (ku'-ka'-he-ka'-he), n. An incredible story; a lie; an un- true story. Kukahekahe (ku'-ka'-he-ka'-he), v. 1. To relate falsely. 2. To become a great talker with jests and laugh- ter. 3. To tell a great many sto- ries or anecdotes: e lilo loa ma ke kamailio ana me ka lealea; e hai waha aku i na olelo he nui wale. Kukaheu (ku'-ka-he'u), v. [Ku, stand, and heu, short fine hair. Literally, the fur stands up.] To show anger by one's demeanor. Kukahi (ku'-ka'-hi), n. Name of a day of the month or of the moon. The second day after Hilo; the third day of the month. Kukahua (ku'-ka-hu'a), adj. 1. Thick; fat; soft, as a fat animal. 2. Good to look at; well rounded; full. Kukai (ku'-ka'i), n. The name of a rope fastening two or more fish nets together. Kukal (ku'-ka'i), v. 1. To give and return mutually; to exchange, as in giving and taking. 2. To re- spond or repeat, as in recital: Kukai olelo. 3. To lead on; to help on; to tide over. Kukalhu (ku'-ka-i'-hu), v. [Ku, to set up, ka, the, and ihu, nose.] To turn up the nose; a phrase signifying contempt. Kukalkahi (ku'-ka'i-kiV-hl), adj. Same as kukakaikahi. Kukalkahi (ku-ka'i-k5-hi), v. Same as kukakaikahi. Kukalkea (ku'-ka'i-ke'-a), adj. [Ku- kai and kea, white.] 1. Faded, as cloth. 2. Ceasing to interest, as the same words, thoughts or story KUK 328 KUK often repeated: kukaikea ka olelo i ka lohe pinepine, not interesting is the story often heard. Kukaikea (ku'-ka'i-ke'-a), v. To be uninteresting; to excite no atten- tion. Kukailimoku (ku'-ka'-I-li-mo'-ku), n. Name of Kamehameha I's war god. Kukaiolelo (ku'-ka'i-6-le'-lo), n. 1. Words often repeated. See kaiua. 2. A recital. 3. One who recites; a narrator. Kukaiolelo (ka'-ka'i-6-le'-lo), v. To repeat over and over. Kukakaikahi (ku'-ka'-ka'i-ka-hi), adj. Scattered; spread. Kukakaikahi (ku'-ka'-ka'i-ka'-hi), v. To stand scattered; to be spread abroad. Kukakalaioa (ku'-ka'-ka-la'i-o'-a), adj. 1. Wild; rough; rude; untamed; bristling up. Like the kakalaipa; thorny. 2. The sensation on the application of cold water. 3. Re- sembling one's sensation when shivering with cold. Kukakalaioa (ku'-ka'-ka-la'i-o'-a), n. [Ku, like, and kakalaioa, a rough prickly shrub.] Wildness; rude- ness; resembling the kakalaioa. Kukakuka (kii'-ka-ku'-ka'), v. [Kuka, to think.] 1. To ask one's self; to reflect. 2. To hold a consultation. To consult together how to man- age a difficult matter. 3. With naau or iho, to consult or think within one's self; to muse; to think. 4. To devise good or evil. Kukakukai (kii'-ka'-ku-ka'i), v. Fre- quentative of kukai. Kukala (ku'-ka'-la), adj. Of or per- taining to a public proclamation. Kukala (kii'-ka'-la), v. [Ku, to stand, and kala, to call out.] To pro- claim publicly. Kukala (ku'-ka'-la), v. [Mod.] To cry goods for sale, as an auc- tioneer. Kukamoo (ku'-ka'-mo'o), v. [Kuka, to consult, and moo, history, or moo may be a shortening of moo- kuauhau, a genealogy.] 1. To con- sult the history of descent. 2. To study ancient customs. 3. To re- fer to the mookahuna or genealogy of the ancient priests. Kukanaloa (ku'-ka'-na-lo'-a), adj. De- scribing the variety of banana sacred to Kanaloa. Kukanaloa (ku'-ka'-na-lo'-a), n. 1. The day or days sacred to the worship of the god Kanaloa. 2. A variety of banana, called kuka- naloa because devoted to use in the worship of Kanaloa; also called moa. Kukanono (ku'-ka-no'-no), n. A word by which the superlative degree of any quality or condition of be- ing, is expressed, as in: kukanono hoi ka wela, the heat is excessive. That which is superlative. Kukanono (ku'-ka-no'-no), v. To be more than the ordinary; to be excessive. Kukaoo (ku'-ka-o'-6), n. One of the names of the god of husbandry. See Kanepuaa. Kukapakahi (ku'-ka'-pa-ka'-hi), v. [Ku, to stand, and kapakahi, side- ways.] 1. To stand bent over; to stand leaning sideways. 2. To stand awry; to stand out of square. Kukapalani (ku'-ka'-pa-la'-ni), n. A gathering of the fish called pa- lani; school of palani. Kukapalani (ku'-ka'-pa-la'-ni), v. To smell bad. Kukapu (ku'-ka'-pu), adj. 1. Un- violated. 2. Applied to a young woman obedient and kind to her parents: he wahine kukapu, a chaste woman. Kukapu (ku'-ka'-pu), n. 1. Chastity. 2. A chaste person. Kukapu (ku'-ka'-pu), v. [Ku, to be, and kapu, chaste.] 1. To be chaste; to be inviolate. 2. To be set apart. Kukaula (ku'-kau'-la), n. Practice of fishing in deep waters where the fishermen find the largest speci- men of the deep sea fishes, as the ulaula, kahala, opakapaka, etc. Kukawowo (ku'-ka-w6'-w6), n. 1. The gurgling of water when poured into the bung hole of a cask: ke kani ana o ka wai iloko o ka pahu i ka manawa e ukuhi ai. 2. The sound of rushing waters. Kukawowo (ku'-ka-wo'-w6), v. [Ku, to hit or pierce, and kawowo.] 1. To proceed with speed; to over- whelm and sink into, as waters sweep over dry land and sink into the earth. 2. Used as in priest- craft. To reach and penetrate; to get at and enter, said of prayers. 3. To speak incisively; to speak with severe censure. Kuke (ku'-ke), n. 1. A thin kind of adze, chisel-shaped and about KUK 329 KUK an inch or inch and a half in width, used for the finer work in handicraft. 2. [Eng.] A cook. Kuke (ku'-ke), v. 1. To nudge; to push gently. 2. To hunch or push off, that is, to give a hint with the elbow to go. Kukeauau (ku'-ke-a'u-a'u), v. [Ku, to pierce, and au, or auau, a va- riety of the sword fish.] 1. To lie in wait for; to injure, as by slander or by violence. 2. To as- sault by physical or defamatory acts. Kukeku (ku'-ke-ku'), n. 1. A push- ing here and there with elbows and shoulders. 2. The scattering of dust before the wind; the vio- lent blustering of the waves of the sea. Kukeku (ku'-ke'-ku), v. 1, To push with elbow or shoulder. 2. To bluster; to rage. Kukekuke (ku'-ke-ku'-ke), v. [The intensive of kuke.] To push forc- ibly with the elbow. Kukele (ku'-ke'-le), adj. Slippery. Kukele (ku'-ke'-le), n. A slipping; a sliding of the feet in walking. Kukele (ku'-ke'-le), v. [Ku and kele, to slip; to slide.] 1. To slip easily; to glide about, as a pleas- ure boat in smooth water. 2. To be muddy; to be slippery, as a bad road. Kukia (ku'-kl'-a), adj. Firm; steady; not easily moved. Kukia (ku'-ki'-a), v. [Ku, to stand, and kia, a pillar.] 1. To stand up, as a pillar. 2. To stand firm; to be steady in purpose; to be not easily moved. Kukihelei (ku'-ki'-he-le'i), v. [Ku, to stand, and kihelel, straddle.] To stand with the legs apart; to straddle. Kukini (ku'-kl'-ni), adv. In the man- ner of a race; to run, as in a race; e holo kukini. Kukini (ku'-ki'-ni), n. 1. A post; a messenger. Syn: Elele, messen- ger. He mea mama i ka holo. 2. A runner in a race; one who con- tends with another in a race course. The kukini was formerly an officer of the government, whose duty it was to carry orders to different parts of the island. They were esteemed according to their fleetness: wae mai oia (o Kamehameha) i mau kukini nana; he chose some runners for him- self. Kukini (ku'-ki'-ni), v. 1. To run, as in a race; to run swiftly. 2. To run round from place to place on an errand. 3. To hasten; to hurry on; to go anywhere. 4, To run on an errand for mischief. Kuko (ku'-ko), adj. Lusting; kanaka kuko. Kuko (ku'-ko), n. Strong desire; lust: kuko hewa, lust; kuko umi ole, unrestrained desire; covet- ousness. Kuko (ku'-ko), V. 1. To desire strongly; to lust after; to set the mind and desire upon; to covet. To expect; to cherish evil in the heart; e lia, e manao ino maloko; kuko no ia i ke kaua ame ka make o Kaahumanu, he greatly desired war and the death of Kaahumanu. 2. In reference to idolatry, to go after; to yield to other gods. Kukoaeahawai (ku'-k6-a'e-a-ha'-wai), n. 1. The full flowing of water in a water course with mud and dirt: a pau ia, kukoaeahawai ma ia la hookahi no; when that was over there was a flowing of water with mud on the same day. 2. A mud flow. Kukoeae (ku'-ko'e-a'e), n. 1. Name of a class of temporary heiaus or places of worship made for pro- tection against famine. 2. Name of a heiau or temple: hoolaleia ka laau o ka heiau hou, he kukoeae ua heiau la; prepare the timber for the new heiau, a kukoeae that heiau shall be. Kukohana (ku'-ko-ha'-na), v. [Ku, stand, and kohana, naked.] 1. To stand n-aked; to strip off one's clothes; to be naked. 2. To go about without clothing: e hele aole kapa e uhi ana ia ia iho. Kukohoonui (ku'-k6-ho'o-nu'i), n. [Kuko, desire, and hoonui, to in- crease.] The desire of hoarding up; covetousness; ka uluku me ka hiaa; sleepless with desire. Kukolu (kQ'-ko'-lu), n. The name of a day of the month, the third Ku or the fourth day after the new moon. Kukona (ku'-ko'-na), adj. Cross; of sour temper; sullen; defiant: A ike aku la ia Hinaikamalama e hele ana me ka maka kukona; and saw Hinaikamalama walking with KUK 330 KUK a sullen countenance. =E2=80=94 Laieik. p. 203. Kukona (ku'-ko'-na), n. Sourness of disposition; easily put out and made angry. Kukonukonu (ku'-ko'-nu-ko'-nu), adj. Excessive; overmuch; to a great degree. Kuku (kii'-ku'), adj. 1. Crowded; standing thickly together. 2. Thorny; prickly; having many sharp points: laau kuku, thorns; prickly bushes, Kuku (kii'-ku), n. The operation of beating out tapa. Kuku (kii'-ku'), n. 1. A rising or standing up: nana aku la oia i ke kuku o na opua; he saw the ris- ing of the opua or pointed clouds. Laieik. p. 48. 2. Name in com- mon of thorns or spines. Kuku (ku'-ku'), n. Mod. The cuckoo. Kuku (ku'-ku'), V. 1. To strike; to beat, as in pounding tapa; ua ku- kuia ke kua me ka pulu kapa i ka hale; the block with the fresh bark is beaten in the house. 2. [Ku, to stand.] To stand up to- gether; to stand erect and stiff, used only in the plural: E kuku ae ka lehulehu; let the multitude stand up. 3. To rise up, as a thought in the mind. 4. To be agitated, vexed, perplexed: Kuku mai la na manao iloko o'u; thoughts are stirred within me. Kuku (ku'-ku'), V. To shake off; to remove something by shaking. Kukua (kii'-kii-a'), n. A variety of large crab. Syn: Kukuau. Kukua (ku'-ku'-a), n. Temporary faintness; a swoon. Kukua (ku'-ku'-a), v. To be dizzy; to be faint. Kukuahi (ku'-kii-a'-hi), adj. Plainly visible; prominent. Kukuahi (ku'-kii-a'-hi), v. [Kuku, contraction of kukulu, to set up, and ahi, fire.] 1. To set up a fire; to make a high fire in the open. 2. To be built on an emi- nence; to be set up on high; to be prominent: Kukuahi kauhale o Alewa, the houses of Alewa are conspicuous. Kukuakakalaioa (ku'-ku'-a-ka'-ka'-la'i- o'-a), V. To bristle up; to be wild; to act as an untamed animal; as a wild boar. Kukuau (ku'-kii-a'u), n. A variety of crab. Same as kukua. Kukue (ku'-ku'e), n. 1. A lame per- son; one deformed or somewhat twisted. See hapakue. 2. Club- foot. Kukuee (ku'-kii-e'-e'), v. [Ku, to stand, and kuee, opposition. Lit. to stand opposed to.] To contend with; to oppose; to bicker; to quarrel, as two persons. Kuku he (ku'-ku'-he), v. To be dark colored; to be black or blue. Kuku hi (kii'-ku'-hi), v. 1. To pour water into a calabash or barrel; to fill with water. Same as ukuhi. 2. To take out by dipping. Kukui (ku'-ku'-i), n. 1. The name of a tree (Aleurites moluccana). The nut was formerly used to burn for lights; the tree produces also the gum pilali; the body of the tree was sometimes made into canoes; the bark of the root mixed with charcoal was used in coloring ca- noes black. 2. Nut of the kukui tree. 3. Lamp; torch; contrivance for producing artificial light. 4. Fig. One who leads another; a leader; a guide. Kukui (ku'-ku'i), v. [Kui, to pub- lish.] 1. To publish; to spread, as a report. 2. To make famous. 3. [Kui, to add to.] To join one thing to another. Same as pakui. Kukuiahi (ku'-ku'-i-a'-hi), n. Lamps of fire. Kukuioleio (ku'-ku'i-6-le'-lo), n. 1. Story tellers. 2. A company of people talkative and noisy at night when they should be asleep. O ka poe o Pohokano (a place in Kaupo, Maui) he kukui olelo wale no =E2=80=94 the people of Pohokano are simply story tellers. Kukuioleio (ku'-ku'i-o'-le'-lo), v. [Ku- kui, to piece out, and olelo, words or speech.] To recite; to recount, as in narration. Kukuiwanaao (ku'-ku'i-wa'-na-a'o), n. The people about the chief who talk and sing and tell stories all night. O ka poe noho me ke alii ma ke kukuiwanaao, he poe lakou no makou; the people about the chief who talk and sing all night are our people. Kukuiwanaao (ku'-ku'-i-wa'-na-a'o), n. Morning lamp; the morning star. Kukuku (kii'-ku'-ku), adj. 1. Worm- eaten, describing that which is eaten into by the huhu, a worm KUK 331 KUK that bores into wood. 2. En- feebled ; worn out. Kukuku (ku'-ku-ku'), n. 1. A rising, as of anger; mental tumult. 2. Great stir; agitation, as a boiling, bubbling, surging, etc. 3. [Mod.] The soapwort. Kukuku (ku'-kii-ku'), v. [Reduplica- tion of the word ku, to stand.] 1. To stand together; to be united in action. 2. To act pompously; to display vanity by one's own ac- tions. Kukukuku (ku'-ku-ku'-ku), n. A dove. Kukula (ku'-ku'-la), v. [Eng. Kula, school.] To have school, that is, to attend school; to go through the exercises of school: alalia, kukula iho la kakou i kakahiaka nui, then we attended school early in the morning. See kula. Kukule (ku'-ku'-le), n, A variety of the marigold. A beautiful blos- som; the beautiful opening of the petals of a flower; the opening of a flower. See melekula. Kukule (ku-ku'-le), n. 1. Debility; imbecility. 2. A kind of disease; an indisposition to move; applied to persons, to animals and to fowls. Kukule (ku-ku'-le), v. 1. To be dumpish; to be loth to move, as in some kinds of disease. 2. To be imbecile. Kukuli (ku'-ku'-li), n. The bone in front of the knee joint; the knee- pan. Kukuli (ku'-ku'-li), n. An unpleasant sensation produced by food. Kukuli (ku'-ku'-li), v. [Ku, stand, and kuli, the knee.] 1. To kneel; to bow the knee. To kneel in reverence: Kukuli hoomaikai, to kneel in prayer; to worship. 2. To crouch; to lie down, as a beast; to stand on the knees. Kukulu (kQ'-ku'-lu), n. 1. The place where the sky apparently meets the horizon: na kukulu eha, the four cardinal points of the compass, that is, everywhere; na kukulu o ka honua, the points or ends of the earth. Isa. 45:22. The border or edge of a country; ka pea kapu o kukulu o Tahiti. Laieik. p. 167. 2. A pillar; a post. Kukulu (ku'-ku'-lu), v. 1. To set up on end; to erect, as a tent. To make fast in a perpendicular posi- tion. 2. To set up, as the frame of a native house; to build, as a house. 3. To set up, as an idol. 4. To stick up, as a stake. 5. To pile; to heap up. 6. Figuratively, with hale: to perpetuate a fam- ily; to build a name: kukulu inoa. Kukulu (ka'-ku'-lu), v. [Kulu, to drop.] To drop a little at a time, as a fluid. Kukuluaeo (ku'-ku'-lu-a-e*o), n. 1. Stilts. 2. A very thin person with very long legs. 3. Name of a bird, the Hawaiian stilt (Himan- topus knudseni). Back and wings deep black with gloss of green. Bill black; legs very long, hence its name. Kukuluakau (ku'-ku'-lii-a-kau), n, [Kukulu, point, and akau, north.] The north, that is, the north point. Kukuluhema (ku'-ku'-lu-he'-ma), n. [Kukulu, point, and hema, left; the south.] The south; the south point. Kukulupapa (ku'-ku'-lu-pa'-pa), v. [Kukulu, to pile up, and papa, rank.] To pile in regular order; to classify; to arrange in ranks. Kukulupapai (ku'-ku'-lu-pa'-pa'i), v. [Kukulu, to put up or erect, and papal, temporary shelter or abode.] To make a shed or shelter for tem- porary occupation. Kukuma (ku'-ku'-ma), n. A variety of the crab known as paiea. Kukuna (ku'-ku'-na), n. 1. The rays of the sun or any luminous body. 2. The radii of a circle; the spokes of a wheel. 3, The end posts of a native house which verge towards the center. 4. The side posts of a door, that is, of an ancient Hawaiian house. 5. A gate post: eha kukuna i kukuluia no ka pa, well posts; a elua ku- kuna i kukuluia no ka punawai. Kukuni (ku'-ku'-ni), adj. Burning; very hot; feverish; kukuni keia la, this day has a fever, that is, it is very warm. See kuni and wela. Kukuni (ku'-ku'-ni), n. [From kuku- ni, to kindle fire.] The prayer of a sorcerer; he pule anaana. A sorcerer's prayer was always ac- companied with fire on an ape leaf. Kukuni (kii'-kii'-ni), v. [Kuni, to kindle; to turn.] To kindle, as a fire. Hal. 18:8. To burn, as a sacrifice. To kindle a fire gener- ally. KUE 332 KUL Kukunu (ku'-ku'-nu), n. See kukuna, the side posts of a house. Kula (ku'-la), adj. [Mod.] Golden; made of gold. Kula (ku'-la), n. 1. The country in the rear of the sea shore; the open country back from the sea. Lit. The name of the region of a mountain near its base, next be- low the pahee; it is a region where people may live and houses may be built. It extends to the region called kahakai, or sea shore. 2. Any open uncultivated land. 3. A field for cultivation. 4. Un- cultivated land in the neighbor- hood of a city, i. e., suburbs. 5. A field; a pasture. 6. Upland in distinction from wet or meadow land. 7. Place for landing from deep water; spot where a canoe or a swimmer touches bottom. 8. Place where birds gather in crowds. 9. Name of an ancient god who could overleap fences and mountains, perch on straws and converse with other gods. 10. A basket-like fish trap. 11. [Eng.] A school; a place of instruction: ua kukulu ia keia kula i wahi e imi ai i ka naauao. 12. [Mod.] Gold. 13. Name in common of or- naments made of gold. Kula (ku'-la), v. 1. To be in, or to have perpetual solitude, as to live in uncultivated and uninhabited places: e paa mai ka meha o ka la, e uhi mai ka malu. 2. To teach; to impart instruction. 3. To learn. Kula! (ku'-la'i), n. 1. A knocking down of a person with a view to killing him. 2. A running over one. 3. A thrusting at one to kill him. 4. A blow; a rap. Kulai (ku'-la'i), v. 1. To push over from an upright position. 2. To knock down; to overthrow. 3. To dash in pieces; to destroy. 4. To shake; to wave; to brush off, as with a weapon: ke kulai mai la ka lio i ka nalo; the horse brushes off the flies. Kulaia (ku'-la'-i'-a), adj. Festal. La kulaia, festal day. Kulaia (ku'-la'-i'-a), n. A feast day; a day in commemoration of some event. Kulaina (kii'-la'i-na), n. [A deriva- tive of kulai, to knock down.] 1. A being cast down; an overturn- ing; an overthrow; a being knocked to pieces. 2. A being made ashamed; abusive treat- ment; maltreatment. Kulaina (ku'-la'i-na), v. To be broken down. Kulainakawa (kii'-la'i-na'-ka'-wa), n. [Kulaina, ill-treatment, and kawa, a bathing pool.] 1. Term applied to a young girl ravished in a kawa or bathing place. 2. The act of ravishing while bathing; rape in a bathing pool. Kulaiwi (ku'-la-i'-wi), adj. Pertaining to one's native land. Kulaiwi (ku'-la-I'-wi), n. 1. Long res- idence in a place. Syn: Kuapuiwi. 2. Common name of a native. Kulakai (ku'-la-ka'i), n. Title of a god of husbandry. Also called Kamapuaa and Kanepuaa. Kulakula (ku'-la-ku'-la), n. 1. A game like nine-pins. 2. Untillable land; land unfit for cultivation. Kulakulai (ku'-la-ku'-la'i), n. 1. A wrestling; a scuffling; a throwing another down. 2. Another name of the game called uma. Kulakulai (kii'-la-ku'-la'i), v. To wrestle; to scuffle. See kulai. Kulaia (ku'-la'-la'), n. [Ku, stand, and lala, branch or twig of a tree.] Any plant propagated by slips or scions. Kulaia (ku'-la-la'), n. [Mod. kula, school, and la, day.] Day school in distinction from night school. Kulalani (ku'-la'-la'-ni), adj. Standing in rows; standing in line for pres- entation. Kulalani (ku'-la'-la'-ni), v. [Ku, to stand, and lalani, a row.] To be or to stand in a row; to be equal each to each: he kulalani wale no ka onionio, the spots stand in straight lines. Kulana (ku'-la'-na), adj. Nodding; bending the neck: he poo kulana ka kela wahine. See kunewa. Kulana (ku'-la'-na), n. A bending or dropping forward. Kulana (ku'-la'-na), n. [Ku, to stand, and lana, to float.] 1. A place where many things are collected together, as a village, a garden; a meeting or collection of per- sons: e hele ana oukou i hea? E hele ana i o, i ke kulana pule, that is, to a meeting which is held only once at a place or occasionally. 2. Reputation; station; rank; po- KUL 333 KUL sition; standing. 3. The quiet spot on the surface which follows the striking together of two seas. Also called kulananalu. 4. A place in a hulili or fortification where the men stand to throw their spears. 5. The location of a house: na kulana o ka hale. 6. Situation; relative position of any person or thing. Kulana (ku'-la'-na), v. Same as ku- lanalana, to be unsettled. Kulanahale (ku'-la'-na-ha'-le), n. [Kulana, a collection, a site, and hale, house.] 1. A village. A cluster of houses; a town; a city: ma ko kakou noho ana ma keia kulanahale, ma Lahainaluna nei, by our living at this village, at Lahainaluna; more generally writ- ten kulanakauhale. 2. A house site. Kulanaheenalu (ku'-la'-na-he'e-na'-lu), n. [Kulana and heenalu, to swim on the surfboard.] Place or village where a good surf came in so that the people might have the pleas- ure of riding on the surf. (A good surf was considered an important appendage to a village.) Kulanakauhale (ku'-la'-na-ka'u-ha'-le), n. A large or small town, village or city; also often synonymous! with kulanaheenalu, as the terms j were interchangeable. Syn: Kula- ! nahale. I Kulanalana (ku'-la'-na-la'-na), n. A I false step; a stumbling. i Kulanalana (ku'-la'-na-la'-na), v. [Ku, j stand, and lanalana, not fixed, not firm. Literally, to stand trem- bling.] 1. To be unsettled; to be of doubtful mind; to be hesitating. 2. To stand unfixed; to be shaky or tottering. 3. To reel, as one drunk. Kulananalu (ku'-la'-na-na'-lu), n. Place where the surf breaks; where the surf rider starts his run. Kulanihakol (ku'-la'-ni-ha'-ko'i), n. [Ku, the god, Ku, represented in rain and storm, lani, heaven, and hakoi, heavy.] What is above or on high; a supposed place in the heavens from which the waters of rain came; the windows of heaven: Ina i nui ke ao eleele ma ua poipu la, ua manao, ia aia maloko olaila o Kulanihakol, nolaila mai ka he- kili, ka uila, ka makani, ka ua, ka ino nui. Kulapa (ku'-la'-pa), v. [Ku, to stand, and lapa, to jump about.] 1. To frolic; to jump about in sport; to skip in sportive pranks. 2. To struggle, as in efforts to be free; to twist, turn, wring, as one in distress. 3, To break up the ground preparatory to cultivation. Kulauka (ku'-la-O'-ka), n. 1. Another name of Kupulupulu, god of the canoe-makers whose territory ex- tended from the lower limits of the forests to the mountain tops. 2. [Ku, a god, and uka, inland.] The gods of the mountains as dis- tinguished from kuakai, gods on the sea shore. Kule (ku'-le), n. A fish (Synodus) which burrows in the sand: he kule ka inoa o ka ia noho ma ke one, Kule is the name of the fish in the sand. Known also as ulae. Kule (ku'-le), v. 1. To seize or take another's. See kulekule. 2. To meddle in the concerns of others for personal or selfish purpose. 3, To be removed; to be turned out or ousted. Kulea (ku'-le'a), adj. Successful; competent; able: ua kulea ka hana. Kulea (ku'-le'a or ku'-le-a), adv. Suc- cessfully; in a happy manner; com- pletely; perfectly. Kuleana (ku'-le-a'-na), n. 1. A part, portion or right in a thing. Own- ership, 2. A right of property which pertains to an individual. 3. Interest in, as interest in a friend; a portion belonging to a friend. 4. One's appropriate bus- iness: hookahi o kaua makamaka, o ka imi naauao, oia hoi ko kaua kuleana e noho ai ma keia kulana- kauhale. 5. In modern times, kule- ana often refers to a small land claim inside another's land, that is, a reserved right in favor of some claimant; the original term was synonymous with lihi, an at- tached piece of land which another was allowed to cultivate and had some claim to. 6. A just claim. 7. A cause; a reason. Kuleana (ku'-le-a'-na), v. To cause: Aole hoi he makani o keia lua wai e kuleana ai la hoi ka aleale ana o ka wa; there is no wind in this well to cause the waters to ripple. Laeiik. p. 15. KUL 334 KUL Kulehu (ku'-le'-hu), v. [Ku, to stand, and lehu, ashes.] To place in ashes; to cook by the heat of ashes. To roast in the fire or hot ashes. See pulehu, Kulekule (ku'-Ie-ku'-le), adj. 1. Un- settled; unfurnished; lacking in conveniences; the opposite of ku- onoono and koakoa: noho wale aku no lakou aole kulekule; dis- turbed. 2. Turned upside down. Kulekule (ku'-le-ku'-le), v. To be ousted from house to house, or from place to place. Kulele (ku'-le'-le), v. [Ku, to stand, and lele, to fly.] 1. To drive or scatter away, as some light or small thing; to drive away, as with a puff of wind; kulele ka makani. 2. To cause to lele or fly away. See hoolele. Kuleleiwi (ku'-le-le-i-wl), adj. Liable to be turned away or deposed. Kuleleiwi (ku'-le'-le-i'-wi), v. To be made destitute; to be despoiled. Kuleleiwi (ku'-le-le-I-wi), v. To be in disagreement; to be in a state of dissension. Ina pela oe e hana ai, e kuleleiwi ana ko kaua no- hona; If you do thus, you and I will be out of harmony. Kuleleula (ku'-le'-le-u'-la), adj. Bend- ing; arching, as the rainbow. Kuleleula (ku'-le'-le-u'-la), n. Column of clouds exhibiting the colors of the rainbow. Kulepe (ku'-le'-pe), n. A violent blast of wind accompanied with rain, generally in the middle of a channel. Kulepe (ku'-le'-pe), v. 1. To divide lengthwise; to split through the middle; to split open; to lay open as in dividing a fish from head to tail. 2. To make a hole in the ground: kulepe ekuia a awaawa. Syn: Awaawaa. 3. To blow hard, as the wind in the middle of a channel. Kuli (kii'-li), adj. 1. Deaf. 2. Deaf and dumb. Kuli (ku'-li), n. 1. Deafness. 2. In- attention to duty. 3. A deaf per- son. One unable from deafness to join in conversation. 4. The knee. Kuli (ku'-li'), n. A bribe to secure silence. Kuli (ku'-li), V. 1. To be stunned with noise; to be deafened; not able to hear. 2. To be silent; be quiet. 3. To give or pay some- thing as a reward for keeping a thing secret. Same as kipe, to bribe. See hookuli. Kulia (ku'-li'-a), n. That fortune or lot which falls to one. Same as ulia. Kulia (ku'-li'-a), v. [For kuia, "1" in- serted. Used imperatively.] 1. Stand up; be present; present your- self: kulia kou ikaika; let your strength come out. Laieik. p. 104. 2, To confront; to push or put for- ward: Kulia aku i ke akea; Place it before the public. Kuliana (ku'-li-a'-na), n. 1. The de- sire for a gift or present as the price of silence. 2. That which is given to a participant* in an act for the purpose of keeping that participant quiet. 3. A being deaf for a purpose; a pretending not to know. Kulihiamoe (kii'-li-hi'-a-mo'e), v. [Kuli, deaf, and hiamoe, sleep. Literally, to be deaf from being sleepy.] To doze; not to hear through drowsiness. Kulihilihi (ku'-li'-hi-li'-hi), v. 1. To stand edgewise, as though just ready to fall. [Ku, to be hit, and lihl or lihiiihi, the edge of a thing.] To be hit obliquely. To be caught or hooked on the side or slightly, as a fish; to be grazed or hit slightly, but not seriously injured. Kulikuli (kii'-li-kti'-li), v. 1. To stun with noise; to be confused with noise so that one cannot think. 2. Used imperatively, hush; be still; keep silence; referring to what another says. See kuli. Kulina (ku'-ll'-na), n. [Mod.] Corn; maize. Kulina (ku'-li'-na), v. [Kuli and ana, being deaf.] To hear partly or in- distinctly, less than lohe. Syn: Mahui. Kulipee (ku'-li-pe'e), v. [Kuli, knee, and pee, to hide.] 1. To be lame. 2. To be fatigued. 3. To be top- sy-turvy; to be confused; to be sick; to be weak; to be feeble. 4. Figuratively, to be out of sight, unnoticed, ignored. Kulipolipo (ku'-li'-p6-lI'-po), adj. In a great degree; extremely. Kulipolipo (ku'-li'-p6-li'-po), n. That which is deep. KUL 335 KUL Kuliu (ku'-li'u), n. 1. One who shows distinctive traits. 2. Skill in exe- cution. Kuliu (ku'-li'u), V. To think deeply; to have a penetrating mind. Kulo (ku'-lo'), V. [Ku, to stand, and lo, for loa, long.] 1. To stand long; to wait long; to stay for. 2. To continue doing a thing; to persevere. Kuloa (ku'-lo'-a), v. 1. To wait in expectation, 2. To wait some time; to wait until food is ripe. 3. To procrastinate: e hooloihi ai i ka manawa e waiho ai. Syn: Kulo. Kuloa (ku'-lo'a), n. See hokuloa. Kulolhl (ku'-16-r-hi). v. [Ku, to stand, and lolhl, long. 1. To stand during a long period; to last long. 2. To wait long; to be long about accomplishing anything. Kuloko (ku'-lo'-ko), adj. [Ku, per- taining to, and loko, the inner part.] Relating to affairs within; concerning things inside, not be- yond; relating to internal or home affairs; opposite of kuwaho. Kulokuloku (ku'-lo'-ku-16'-ku), v. To flow fn little streams as a bub- bling spring. Syn: Halokoloko. Kulolalola (ku'-lo'-la-lo'-la), adj. 1. Stiff, as the limbs; not obeying the will. 2. Standing helpless. 3. Unable to stand firmly. Kulolalola (ku'-lo'-la-lo'-la), v. [Ku and lola, paralyzed.] 1. To be stiffened; to be paralyzed; to stand inertly. 2. To act as an idiot. 3. To be weak or imbecile. 4. To be slow and awkward. See kulomaloma. Kuloll (ku'-lo'-li), n. 1. Name of a variety of wauke (mulberry) on the island of Hawaii at Palilua. 2. A person who has no wife nor children; one without a relative. Kulolla (ku'-16-li'-a), adj. Insepa- rable: kuu hoa kulolla, my insep- arable friend. Kulolla (ku'-lo'-ll'-a) adv. Insepara- bly; in a manner not to be separated: Ua pili kulolla maua; we two are united inseparably. Kulolia (ku'-lo-li'-a), v. 1. To share in a common fortune or fate. 2, To be inseparable. Kulolo (ku'-16'-lo), n. A pudding made of taro and coconut, or of breadfruit and coconut: imi oia i kulolo, he mea ono loa ia ai. (Called paipaiee when made of breadfruit.) Kulolohill (ku'-16'-16-hi'-li), v. 1. To be long in doing a thing; to be very slow. 2. To converse or tell a story with many episodes and much unnecessary matter; to lengthen out, as a story. Kulomaloma (ku'-lo'-ma-16'-ma), n. 1. Dullness; awkwardness; stupidity; inertness. 2. An awkward person. Kulomaloma (ku'-lo'-mS.-lo'-ma), v. [Ku, to stand, and loma, slow; awkward.] 1. To do a thing very slowly and awkwardly; to act as one partially paralyzed. 2. To be slow; to be without skill. Kulono (ku'-lo'-no), n. A straight ascending and smooth surface, as the side of a cliff: E pii kulono I ke alo o ka lani; go straight up into the face of the sky. Kulono (ku'-16'-no), n. Small holes in the bottom of a calabash or other vessel where the water may drop through. Syn: Kunono. Kulou (ku'-lo'u), V. [Ku, to stand, and lou, to bend.] 1. To bow the head; to bend forward. 2. To stoop in order to look down. 3. To bow with respect to another. Kuloupoo (ku'-lo'u-po'o), v. [Kulou, to bend forward, and poo, the head.] 1. To dive into the water with the head down, that is, head foremost. 2. To turn, as a somer- set. 3. To leap down a precipice head first. Same as kuwalapoo. Kulu (ku'-lu), n. 1. A drop of water. 2. Leak from aloft; the water that comes down in alternate drops. 3. Name in general of liquor distilled through a pipe. Okolehao is called also kulu. 4. Dysentery. 5. Gonorrhea. 6. The second night after the full moon, when darkness sets in just before the moon rises; the 17th day of the month in the old Hawaiian calen- dar. 7. A person whose father was a chief and his mother a com- moner. Syn: Kukaepopolo. Kulu (ku'-lu), V. 1. To drop, as water: kulu ka lani, the heavens dropped water, that is, it rained. To drop, as tears: na waimaka o kela mea keia mea e kulu i lalo; to distill from. Hence, 2. To leak, as the roof of a house. 3. To run in drops; to trickle. 4. To be KUL 336 KUM drowsy; to be in a tranquil state of mind as though half asleep. Kulua (ku'-lu'-a), n. 1. The third day and night after the new moon. 2. The union of two things. 3. A pair of twins. Kulua (ku'-lu'-a), n. A person whose father is a chief and his mother is not: ina he alii ka makuakane, a he alii ole ka makuahine, ua ka- paia ka laua keiki he kulua, a he waiki kahi inoa, he kukaepopolo kahi inoa; o ke ano o ia mau olelo, he alii akaka ole. Kulua (ku'-lu'-a), v. [Contraction of kuluia, passive of kulu, to drop or leak, as water.] Leaked: Ua ku- lua ka hale o kakou i ka po nei; our house leaked last night. Kuluaumoe (ku'-lu-a'u-mo'e), n. Mid- night; the stillness of midnght. Kuluhiamoe (ku'-lu-hi'-a-mo-e), v. Same as kuluihiamoe. Kului (ku'-lu'i), n. A small tree or shrub (Nototrichium sandwicense). Kuluihiamoe (ku'-lu'-i-hi'-a-mo'e), v. To overcome with sleep. Kuluiki (ku'-lu-i'-ki), adv. Daintily; little by little. Kuluiki (ku'-lu-i'-ki), v. [Kulu, to be asleep, and iki, little.] 1. To be partially asleep; to doze. 2. To be constantly doing a little at a time; to persevere; to persist, as the continual falling of water drops through a leak. 3. To enter in little by little; to soak through, as water. Kulukahiohio (ku'-lu-ka'-hi'o-hi'o), adj. [Kulu and hio, to lean over.] To be partially drunk; to reel to and fro. See kahiohio. Kulukulu (ku'-lii-ku'-lu), v. [Freq. of kulu, to drop.] 1. To drop con- tinuously in drops or little bits. 2. To be given to talking; to talk much about things of little im- portance. Kuluma (ku'-lu'-ma), v. To be neigh- borly; to be acquainted; to be well known. Akahi no a ike, aole i kuluma; we have met but once, are not acquainted. Kuma (ku'-ma), adj. 1. Pitted; rough, as the skin from scars of sores; set thick together. 2. Dark colored, as clouds. See kumakuma and hakumakuma. Kuma (ku'-ma'), n. [Ku, a name, and ma, denoting attendance or retinue.] Ku and party; Ku and company. Kuma (ku'-ma), v. Same as kupa. Kumaka (ku'-ma'-ka), adj. Thorough- ly understood; fully known. Kumaka (ku'-ma'-ka), v. [Ku, to be hit, and maka, the eye.] 1. To know certainly; to apprehend ful- ly: e ike maopopo, e ike lea; ike maka, know by sight. 2. To be in sight of. Kumakaia (ku'-ma'-ka'-ia), n. A traitor; one who is apparently friendly, but is in reality a be- trayer. Kumakaia (ku'-ma'-ka'-ia), v. To be- tray; to ambuscade. Kumakalehua (ku'-ma'-ka-le'-hu'-a), n. 1. The ceremony prescribed when the lehua tree is cut down to be used in building a temple or heiau. 2. The action of putting or hang- ing bananas, a hog, or a man, as sacrifices upon the tree which was to be used in building a heiau. Kumakalehua (ku'-ma'-ka-le'-hu'-a), v. [Ku, to put, place; ma, at, on; ka, article, the; and lehua, the lehua tree.] To hang, as a bunch of bananas, a hog, or a man (a transgressor) as sacrifices upon the tree which was to be used in building a heiau, temple. (Such a tree was generally a lehua; hence the term.) ; Kumakapa (ku'-ma'-ka'-pa), adj. Un- tamed. Kumakapa (ku'-ma'-ka'-pa), v. [Rather a phrase than a word: ku, stand; ma, at, and kapa, side of a road.] 1. Stand away from; stand aside. 2. Stand out of the way. Kumakapa (ku'-ma'-ka'-pa), v. To be wild; to be unapproachable. Kumakena (ku'-ma'-ke'-na), adj. Mourning; hale kumakena, house of mourning. Kumakena (ku'-ma'-ke'-na), n. 1, A mourning; a lamentation for the dead when great multitudes raised their voices in lamentation. 2. The general mourning that followed the death of the king or high chief, when the people wailed, knocked out their teeth, lacerated their bodies, and at last fell prostrate 3. A mourning or sorrow for the loss of property, house, goods, etc., and the distress that fol- KUM 337 KUM lowed; no ka pilikia o ka noho ana. See kanikau. Kumakena (ku'-ma'-ke'-na), v. To mourn; to wail; to lament for the dead. To grieve; to be in distress for the loss of a relative or friend : e uwe aloha me ke kanikau. Kumakuma (ku'-ma-ku'-ma), adj. Rough; uneven; not smooth. Kumakuma (ku'-ma-ku'-ma), n. 1. Rough, as the surface of akoakoa or coral. 2. Rough or pitted, as the skin of a person after having the small-pox. 3. Rough blemish on one's skin. Kumano (ku'-ma'-no), n. 1. The head of a water course. 2. A res- ervoir, 3. A dam which confines a brook or stream of water; he poowai, he pu, he manowai. Kumano (ku'-ma'-no), v, [Ku, for kukulu, to build; mano, place where water is collected.] To make a mano; to build a barrier in a stream for the purpose of raising water to a desired level. Kumebala (ku'-me-ba'-la), n. [Gr. Mod.] A cymbal, a musical instru- ment: kumebala walaau, tinkling cymbal. Kumene (ku'-me'-ne). adj. Dull; blunt; flat, said of a nose: He keko ihu kumene; a monkey with a blunt short nose. See mene. Kumimi (kii'-mi'-mi'), adj. Feeble; frail; not vigorous. Kumimi (ku'-mi'-ml'), n. Weakness; feebleness. Said of stunted plants and animals. Kumimi (ku'-mi'-mi), n. A species of very poisonous small crab. Kumimi (ku'-mi'-ml'), v. To grow in a weak manner; to be sickly. Kumino (ku'-mi'-no), n. [Biblical.] Cumin, an herb. Kumomole (ku'-mo'-mo'-le), v. [Ku and momole, smooth.] To be straight up and down, as a smooth precipice; to be smooth and steep, as a precipice that cannot be climbed. See mole. Kumooalii (ku'-mo'o-a-li'i), n. A race or line of kings; a dnyasty. Kumu (ku'-mu), n. 1. The bottom or foundation of a thing, as the bot- tom of a tree or plant, but not the roots; as, kumu laau, the bot- tom of a tree; kumu maia, banana stumps for planting; the stump of a tree; the stalk or stem of plants; the butt end of a log, etc.; hence, 2. The beginning of a thing, as work or business. 3. The foun- dation, that is, the producing busi- ness. 4. Teacher. 5. Pattern; a model. 6. A first cause; origin; place of beginning; fountain head. 7. An article of traffic by ex- change. (Formerly all trade among Hawaiians consisted of barter, and the price of a thing was not a cash price, but one article became the kumu of another if it could be exchanged for it.) 8. A great mul- titude in a common herd, as: kumu puaa, herd of swine. 9, That part of an instrument which when used is held in the hand. Kumu (ku-mu'), n. A variety of goat fish (Pseudupeneus porphy- reus) =E2=80=94 Color, rich rosy red on back and top of head; paler on side with broken marks along center of scales. Formerly forbidden to women to eat. Kumu (ku'-mu), v. See hookumu. Kumualakai (ku'-mii-a'-la-ka'i), n. [Kumu and alakai, to lead; to guide.] 1. A leading teacher; a school teacher directing to higher pursuits. 2. A guide, Kumuao (ku'-mii-a'o), n, [Kumu, teacher, and ao, to teach,] An in- tensive and giving definitiveness to kumu.] 1. A teacher; an in- structor. Kumuea (ku'-mii-e'-a), n. [Kumu, handle, and ea, tortoise shell.] The ea or tortoise shell on the handle. A tortoise shell handle. Kumu ha (ku'-mu'-ha), n. A contrac- tion of kumuuha. Kumuhele (ku'-mu-he'-le), n. The crotch. Also called nihinihi. Kumuhipa (ku'-mu-hl'-pa), n, [Kumu, source or that which produces, and hipa, sheep. Lit. a sheep kumu.] Flock of sheep. Ohanahipa is a better form. Kumuhoohalike (ku'-mii-ho'o-ha-li'- ke), n. Pattern of a thing. Kumuhoola (ku'-mu-ho'-o'-la), n. [Kumu, price, and hoola, to save from danger.] A ransom; a price paid for deliverance from death. Mat. 20:28. Kumuhoolaha (ku'-mu-ho'o-la'-ha), n. [Kumu, the producing cause, and hoolaha, to spread abroad.] Seed; applied to animals; means of prop- agation. KUM 338 KUM Kumuhoolike (ku'-mu-ho'o-li'-ke), n. A pattern; a copy. Same as ku- muhoohalike. Kumuhou (ku'-mu-ho'u), n. [Kumu, teacher, and hou, new. Lit. A new teacher.] The Holy Spirit. Kumuipukukui ( ku'-mu-i'-pu-ku'-ku'-i ) , n. [Kumu and ipu, cup, and ku- kui, torch.] A candlestick; a lamp. Kumukahi (ku-mu-ka'-hi), n. Origin; beginning or occasion of any thing. Kumukuai (ku'-mu-ku'-a'i), n. [Kumu, price, and kuai, to buy.] 1. The thing paid for an article in barter. 2. In modern times, the price of an article in cash. Kumukui (ku'-mu-ku'i), n. 1. A box- ing teacher. 2. A fencing master. Laieik. p. 44. Kumukumu (ku'-mu-ku'-mu), n. The stumps or roots of what is cut off; the short hairs with the roots left after dressing a hog; the roots or stumps of the beard after shav- ing; the short stumps left after breaking off weeds instead of pull- ing them up. Kumukumu (ku'-mii-ku'-mu), v. 1. To be short, as the remnant of what is cut off. 2. To be cut short or shaved close, leaving the stumps or kumu, that is, the roots or stumps of hair or beard when shaved. 3. To be blunt, dull or short. Kumulau (ku'-mii-la'u), n. [Kumu, the producing cause, and lau, a leaf.] 1. That which propagates or brings forth often; a producer; a breeder. 2. A vegetable that produces much, as the stump of a tree that throws out many sprouts ; so of other vegetables producing their own kind. 3. A female, hu- man or animal, that produces many offspring. Lit. The bring- ers forth, as a hen that has hatched more than once, a sow that produces pigs often, etc. 4. Fig. Applied to chiefs, because they nourished or fed men. 5. Also, figuratively, a fruitful source of evil or good, generally the for- mer: ua lilo kekahi o ua mau hewa la i kumulau hoolaha no ka hewa; some of those vices became the principal source of spreading evil. 6. The leaf or sprout that grows out of the root or stump. | Kumuieomele (ku'-mu-le'-o-me'-le), n. [Kumu, foundation, and leo, voice, and mele, a song.] 1. The rules of music. 2. Title of a song book. I Kumumaomao (ku'-mu-ma'o-ma*o), n. 1. An easterly wind at Oahu. 2. A stone from which maika stones were made. Greenish colored stone I from which the olohu or rolling I stones are made. I Kumumu (ku'-mii'-mu'), adj. Dull; blunt; obtuse; dull, as an edged tool. Kumumu (kii'-mii'-mii'), v. 1. To be I blunt; to be obtuse. See kumu- kumu. 2. To have the qualities of something broken or cut off. 3. To be dull, as a tool. Kumumumu (ku'-mii'-mu'-mu), n. 1. Cartilage. 2. Crackling. Kumuohai (ku'-mu-o'-ha'i), n. [See kumu and ohal, a large flowering shrub or tree.] The bush or body of the ohai tree. Kumuone (ku'-mu-6'-ne), n. 1. A stone out of which maika stones were made. 2. Rock made of sand. 3. Bank of sand. Kumupaa (kQ'-mii-pa'a), n. [Kumu, the beginning, and paa, fixed.] 1. That which is firmly fixed; a solid foundation. 2. [Mod.] The princi- pal, a sum of money placed at in- terest in distinction from panee, interest paid for the use of money. Kumupaa (ku'-mti-pa'a), v. [Kumu, bottom or foundation, and paa, im- movable.] 2. To be fixed firmly. Kumupakoli (ku'-mu-pa'-ko'-ll'), n. [Kumu, foundation, and pakoll, first three notes in the Hawaiian scale.] The staff or five lines on which music is written. See pa- koli. Kumupepeiao (ku'-mu-pe'-pe'i-a'o), n. The mastoid process or bone of the ear. Kumuplpi (ku'-mu'-pi'-pi), n. [Kumu, flock, and pipl, cow.] A flock of cattle. Pua pipi is better. Kumupuaa (ku'-mu'-pii-a'a), n. [Ku- mu, flock, and puaa, a pig.] A herd of swine. Kumuuha (ku'-mu-u'-ha), n. [Kumu, bottom, and uha, the termination of the colon.] The bottom of the intestines; the rectum; the amo, place of egress. Kumuwai (ku'-mu'-wa'i), n. [Kumu, beginning, and wal, water.] A KUM 339 KUN water spring; a fountain; the head of a water course or stream. Kumuwaina (ku'-mti'-wa'i-na), n. [Mod. Kumu, stalk, and waina (Eng.), vine.] A grape vine. Kuna (ku'-na), n. 1. A form of the itch. 2. A variety of fresh water eel said to have been introduced from abroad. Kunae (ku'-na'e), v. [Ku, stand, and nae, difficulty in breathing.] To stand or move about in order to gain relief from any disease caus- ing hard breathing. Kunae (ku'-na'e), v. [Ku, stand, and na'e, name of a native plant that becomes exceedingly inflexible or unyielding when wet.] To stand firmly against opposition. Kunaenae (ku'-na'e-na'e), v. To stand alone; to stand unmoved. See kunae. Kunahelu (ku'-na-he'-lu), v. 1. To be strong smelling; to have an unpleasant odor. 2. To be mouldy; to smell of mould and age. See punahelu. \ Kunahihl (ku'-na-hl'-hi), adj. 1. Shiv- 1 ering. 2. Bristling. 3. Ferocious; wild; fierce. 4. Applied to words, fierce: ka olelo ikaika ame ke kunahihi, strong language with fierceness. Kunahihi (ku'-na-hi'-hi), n. .1. Fe- rocity; wildness in appearance; a standing up of the hair. 2. Chilli- ness. Kunahihi (ku'-na-hi'-hi), v. [Ku, to stand, and hihi, thick together.] 1. To stand erect, as the hair. 2. To have the hair standing erect, as a person. 3. To be rude or wild. 4. To shudder; to feel the sensation of cold water. Kunahua (ku'-na-hu'-a), v. To be ungainly in posture; to walk awk- wardly. To bend forward in walk- ing. See kanahua. Kunaina (kQ'-na'i-na), adj. Pushed over; thrown down; laid prostrate. Kunaina (ku'-na'i-na), v. To be over- thrown; to be pushed over; to be laid prostrate. Kunakuna (kd'-na-ku'-na), n. [Ku, to stand, and na for ana.] 1. A standing; the things standing up, | that is, the side posts of a door; lapauila. 2. Side supports. Kunakuna (ku'-na-ku'-na), v. [Re- duplicative of kuna, a form of itch.] A sore; a kind of itch; a species of disease. Syn: Kuna. Kunana (ku'-na'-na), n. Name of Keliimaikai's goat. Kunana (ku'-na'-na), n. Same as ku- lana, a position, situation, location, etc. Kunana (ku'-na'-na), v. Same as kulana or kulanalana. Kunana (ku'-na'-na'), v. [Ku, stand, and nana, to look at.] To stand looking about; to stand and watch, Kunanahale (ku'-na'-na-ha'-le), n. 1. A number of houses near together. 2. A place where a house may be built. 3. A place where a house once stood. See kulanahale. Kunane (ku'-na'-ne), n. A game played on a flat surface with black and white stones. It resembles the game of checkers. Same as konane. Kunane (kti'-na'-ne), n. The rela- tionship of a brother to a sister, generally with the prefix kai; as, kaikunane, the brother of a sister. Kuneki (ku'-ne'-ki), n. 1. A crowd of people. 2. The condition, the inconvenience of a crowd. 3. A fullness; an overflowing. Kuneki (ku'-ne'-ki), v. 1. To be full; to overflow; to be over and above. 2. To be crowded, as people. Also written kuaneki and kuineki. See neki. Kunewa (ku'-ne'-wa) , n. 1. Heavi- ness for want of sleep; fatigue. 2. An unsteady motion. Kunewa (ku'-ne'-wa), v. 1. To nod or drop the head forward, as from sleepiness or fatigue. 2. To stag- ger. See newa. Kunewanewa (ku'-ne'-wa-ne'-wi), adj. Having strength exhausted; weary to the point of tottering. Kunewanewa (ku'-ne'-w3,-na'-wa), n. 1. A heavy weariness. 2. A stag- gering through weakness for want of food: E hoomanawanui i alo ai kaua i ka pololi ame ka hune, i ke anuanu koekoe ame ke kunewane- wa; Continue steadfast that you and I may avoid hunger and want, the damp chill and weariness. Kunewanewa (ku'-ne'-wa-ne'-w^), v. [Ku, to be hit, and newanewa, staggering.] 1. To be staggeringly weary; to be so overcome as to be about to fall. 2. To stagger like a drunken man; to reel as KUN 340 KUN one hit by a heavy blow on the head. Kuni (ku'-ni), n. 1. A fever; the ague. 2. The heat of the sun. 3. A mark made with fire, a live coal or heated iron; tattoo mark. 4. The name of a prayer connected with sorcery and with praying peo- ple to death. 5. The practice of sorcery; the same as anaana. Kuni (ku'-ni), v. 1. To kindle, as a fire. To light, as a lamp. 2. To blaze up and burn, as a fire; to consume with fire. 3. To burn, as a sacrifice. 4. To burn, as a fever. 5. To touch off, as a cannon. 6. To scorch or burn, as with a blaze of fire. 7. To burn or put a mark upon; to stamp; to fix indelibly on the skin, as in tattooing. Kunia (ku'-ni-a'), adj. [Same as ko- nia, disobedient.] 1. To be dis- obedient; not to yield to one's wishes. 2. To be close. Kuniahi (ku'-ni-a'-hi), adj. Word de- scriptive of the way fire is ap- plied: pu kuniahi, gun fired by touching fire to the vent; kani ka pu kuniahi, the cannon sounded when fired. Kuniahi (kG'-ni-a'-hi), n. One who tends a fire. Same as puhiahi. Kuniahi (ku'-ni-a'-hi), v. [Kuni, to kindle, and ahi, fire.] To kindle a fire. Kunihi (ku'-ni'-hi), v. [Ku, to stand, and nihi, to turn edgeways.] 1. To turn a thing edgeways; to set up on edge; to lay on one side; to stand up prominently, as a ridge of uncut hair on the head. 2. To stand sideways. Kuni hi nihi (ku'-nl'-hi-ni'-hi), adj. Narrow; having a thin edge. Kunihinihi (ku'-ni'-hi-nl'-hi), n. 1. The edge of a precipice. 2. A tuft of hair extending from the fore- head over the top and down the back part of the head. 3. The ridge of a war helmet. Kunihinihi (ku'-ni'-hi-ni'-hi), v. [Ku, to stand, and nihi, on edge.] 1. To stand up, as a pali, precipice, that cannot be climbed; to be precipitous, said of the crest of a range of mountains. 2. To stand or be perilously near to a down- fall or ruin; to stand on the nar- row edge of anything. Kuninihi (kii'-ni'-ni'-hi), n. Narrow edge. Same as kunihinihi. Kuninihi (ku'-ni'-ni'-hi), v. Same as kunihinihi. Kuniponipo (kti'-ni'-p6-ni'-po), adj. Same as kulipolipo. Kuno (ku'-no'), v. [Ku, stand, and no, an intensive strengthening the ku.] To stand firmly; to stand in spite of. (Should be written separately.) Kunokunoku (ku'-no'-kii-no'-ku), v. The same as kulokuloku. Kunokunou (ku'-no'-ku'-no'u), v. [Freq. of kunou.] 1. To bow often. 2. To nod the head in derision. To bow or wag the head in scorn. 3. To notify by motions of the head. Kunoni (ku'-no'-ni), v. To progress very slowly, as: welawela maoli oe e kunoni ae nei; very warm are you as you go slowly by. Kunono (ku'-n6'-no), adj. 1. Full of small holes, as a calabash that leaks. 2. Weak; feeble; without strength. 3. Bright red. Kunono (ku'-no'-no), n. 1. Small or fine holes in any container, as a calabash. 2. A small idea; a little thought: he wahi kunono manao iki no nae. 3. A red color. Kuhonopa (ku'-n6-no'-pa), v. 1. To stand as though not sure of one's foothold. 2. To be awkward or helpless from weakness of the limbs; to be helpless, as a person with the palsy; to be weak. 3. To lean over, as a tall man. Kunou (ku'-n6'u), v. 1. To make signs for one to do a thing. 2. To bow gently or slightly with re- spect to one or in recognition, 3. To nod or beckon with the head in order to communicate some- thing secretly. Laieik. p. 17. To hint to one by a motion of the head. Kunounou (ku'-no'u-no'u), n. A spe- cies of wrasse fish. Another name for kupoupou. Kunu (ku'-nu), n. A cough. Kunu (ku'-nu), v. 1. To have a cough; to cough. 2. To roast meat on the coals. Kunukalea (ku'-nii-ka'-le'a), n. [Mod.] Whooping cough. Kunukunu (ku'-nu-kii'-nu), n. 1. Ex- pression of discontent at the haku, overseer, for his requiring too much labor. 2. Anger laid up and cherished in the mind. E noi aku ia ia me ka hoowahawaha KUN 341 KUO ole ame ke kunukunu ole; ua noho ia 1 keia wahi me ka hoo- manawanui ame ke kunukunu ole. Kunukunu (kfl'-nii-kti'-nu), v. 1. To express discontent or disagreement in undertones. 2. To cherish se- cret dissatisfaction, said of those who grumble covertly about things in general. 3. To groan; to com- plain, as an oppressed people. Kununa (ku'-nu'-na), adj. Pertain- ing to anything cooked over the coals. Broiled; roasted. Kuo (ku'-o'), V. To cry with a loud voice; to lift up the voice in weep- ing for joy: e aloha nui mai me ka uwe. Kuoha (ku'-o'-ha), n. A prayer used to cause a man to love his wife and a wife to love her husband. Kuo ho (ku'-o'-ho), n. A kind of fish- hook, so called from its resem- blance to the top of a shell (leho). Kuo I (ku'-6-i'), V. 1. To move slow- ly, as a vessel with little wind. 2. To rock or reel to and fro, as a vessel in a calm. 3. To reel or stagger, as a fowl drenched in water. Kuolli (ka'-o-i'-li), adj. 1. Steep, as a road up hill. 2. Hard to do; not easy, said of passing over precipitous trails: Kuoili ka piina o Nuuanu; steep is the ascent of Nuuanu. Kuoili (ku'-o-i'-li), v. [Ku, to stand, and oili, to ascend.] 1. To walk a steep road up hill. 2. To go cautiously as in walking up or down a steep place. Kuokoa (ku'-6-ko'-a), adj. Standing aloof or separate from; existing in independence of anything else. Kuokoa (ku'-6-ko'-a), v. [Ku, to stand, and okoa, another.] 1. To stand aside by one's self; to be independent. 2. To stand aloof from assisting or injuring another. 3. To cast off the authority of a king or ruler; to rebel. Kuokuolo (ku'-6-ku'-o'-lo), v. [The intensive of kuolo.] To make a vibrating motion, as in rubbing or polishing; to rub; to polish, as in scouring a utensil. Kuola (ku'-5'-la), v. [Ku, to stand, and ola, life.] 1. To stand alive and safe; to escape some great danger. 2. To be without a scar or blemish after hostile encounter. Kuolo (ku'-o'-lo), n. A small drum; I a timbrel. The hula drum; he I ipu hula; he hula paipu. Same ! as kuolokani. Kuolo (ku'-6'-lo), V. To make a vi- brating motion; to rub; to polish; ! to scour; to scratch. I Kuolo (kii'-o-lo), v. 1. To shake, as a fluid in a bottle or cask. 2. To tremble, as the voice. 3. To cause i a vibrating sound. , Kuolohia (ku'-o'-16-hi'-a), n. A spe- cies of grass (Rhynchospora laxa), I also called puukoa. Kuolokani (ku'-6'-16-ka'-ni), n. [Ku- olo, a hula drum, and kani, to sound.] An ancient Hawaiian mu- sical instrument used at hulas and on other occasions of amusement and dissipation; a timbrel. 2. (Biblical.) Psaltery. Kuoloku (k\i'-6'-16-ku'), n. The voice or trilling song of a singing bird: kuoloku ka leo o ka manu kani lea. Kuoloku (ku'-6'-16-ku'), v. To sing like a bird; to sound vibratory notes; to warble. See kuolo. Kuolono (kii'-5-lo'-no), n. Hillocks or protuberances on the tops of the mountains: a o na puu maluna pono iho o ke kuahiwi, e ku lalani ana, a ku hookahi paha, ua ka- paiaku ia he kuolono. Same as kualono. KuonI (ku'-o'-ni), v. [Ku, stand, and on I, to move.] 1. To walk gently or softly; to move lightly. 2. To fall back or behind another on ac- count of a slow movement. Same as kunoni. Kuono (kii'-o'-no), n. 1. Place in a room made by the receding of the wall; a secluded nook. 2, In geog- raphy, a bay; a gulf; a recess of the sea into the land. He wahi kai e poopoo ana iloko o ka aina; A little sea intruding upon the land. See kaikuono. Kuonoono (ku'-o'-n6-o'-no), adj. Well furnished; supplied: kuonoono ole, unsteady, unsettled. Kuonoono is applied to persons who thrive by industry. Kuonoono (ku'-o'-n6-o'-no), n. 1. An inheritance; a settlement. 2. A settled place, that is, a place of rest. Kuonoono (ku'-o'-n6-o'-no), v. To be comfortably settled; to be well furnished with things for comfort KUO 342 KUP and convenience; to be above want. Kuoo (ku'-o'o), adj. 1. Fearless; ready; prompt in action; vigilant. 2. Serious; sober minded. Kuoo (ku'-o'o), V. [Ku, to stand, and 00, mature; prepared.] To stand ready; to be prepared for any event; especially to be pre- pared against evil. 2. To be un- excited; to be calm; to be fully awake to circumstances. 3. To be sober; to be earnest. Kuou (ku'-5-u'), adj. Indolent; in- different; listless. Kuou (ku'-o-u'), V. 1. To rest the head on anything. 2. To incline the head; to bend the head for- ward. 3. To be listless. 4. To be downcast; to manifest sorrow or discouragement by a downcast pos- ture. Kuouelena (ku'-6'-u-e-le'-na), adj. Listless; indifferent. Kuoueldna (ku'-o'-u-e-le'-na), v. [Kuou, indifferent; e, by; lena, laziness.] 1. To be lazy. 2. To lack interest in anything. 3. To be slow to act because uncon- cerned. Kuoulena (ku'-ou-le'-na), adj. Loyal; faithful. Kuoulena (ku'-o'u-le-na), n. A coarse kind of tapa, called also akoa; o ke paupau akoa, o ke paupau kuoulena no ia. Kuoulena (ku'-o'u-le'-na), v. To stand firmly by; to be loyal. Kupa (ku'-pa), n. One native-born or naturalized in a place; a long resident or native of a place: he kamaaina kahiko; kupa ai au; a native-born who eats (enjoys) the land (au, poetic for aina). 2. A variety of caterpillar. See peelua. 3. A variety of the shell fish, leho. 4. [Eng.] Soup. 5. A maker of barrels, casks, kegs, etc.; a cooper. Kupa (kii-pa'), v. 1. To dig out; to dig a trench. 2. To clean off or dig out the inside of a canoe: a kupa ia oloko o ka waa; to turn up ground. Kupa (ku'-pa), v. 1. To be a citizen. 2. [Eng.] To act as a cooper; to do the work of a cooper. Kupaa (ku'-pa'a), adj. 1. Unmov- able; constant, as a memorial pil- lar. 2. Unshaken in mind or pur- pose. 3. Firm; strong, as an arm; fixed, as a plan; olelo kupaa, an ordinance; a covenant; a statute. Kupaa (ku'-pa'a), adv. Firmly; in a manner not easily moved. Kupaa (ku'-pa'a), v. [Ku, to stand, and paa, fast.] 1. To stand fast or firmly, as a material object. 2. To stand fast morally; to con- tinue constant, as a person intent upon his purpose; e hoomanawa- nui. Kupa! (ku'-pa'i), n. [Mod.] From the English, goodbye. Kupal (ku'-pa'i), v. To be bulky, said of a number of things as- sembled or piled up without or- der: Kupal ka ukana ma ka uwapo; the freight is piled up on the wharf. Kupalanaha (ku'-pa'i-a-na'-ha), adj. Wonderful ; unaccountable ; strange, as a story or the relation of an event good or bad; it is used as an intensive. See kupanaha. Kupaka (ku'-pa'-ka), n. 1. A writh- ing; a bending this way and that. 2. A tearing; a treaty with vio- lence. Kupaka (ku'-pa'-ka), v. 1. To writhe; to twist; to bend this way and that; to move one way then an- other, as in anguish or anger. 2. To throw the limbs about, as in great pain. 3. To strive with con- tortions of the body. Kupaka ae la aole e hiki, he struggled with- out success. Kupakaki (ku'-pa'-ka-ki'), v. 1. To act tumultuously; to be turbulent. 2. To thrash about as an angry, drunken person. Kupakupa (ku'-pa-ku'-pa'), v. Re- duplication of the verb kupa, to dig out.] 1. To dig a trench. 2. To hew out a canoe; to slice or chip off, as with an adze. Kupala (ku'-pa'-la), n. 1. Another name of the kaku, a fish. 2. Same as pala. Kupalaha (ku'-pa-la'-ha), n. [Ku, stand, and palaha, down.] General name of Kamehameha's movable heiaus, temples. Kupa Hi (ku'-pa-li'i), adj. 1. Small; dwarfish; diminutive, as a dwarf- ish person. 2. Humble; not of high rank; pertaining to the com- mon people. Kupalii (ku'-pa-li'i), n. 1. A variety of the awa plant distinguished by KUP 343 KUP a very small leaf. 2. A short per- son; one of low stature. 3. One of low rank; person of humble sta- tion; a common citizen. Kupalil (kfl'-pa'-li'i), v. To be little; to be dwarfish; to be diminutive. Kupaliiaiau (ku'-pa.-li'i-a'i-a'u), n. [Kupalii, a plain citizen; ai, to eat or derive benefit from; and au, a period of time.] 1. A person who derives the benefits incident to continuous service under a num- ber of masters. 2. A person who has lived many years, or to old age under many alii or chiefs. Kupaloloi (ku'-pa-16'-lo'i), v. 1. To drum with the fingers on the drum or pahu at a hula or other gath- ering: kupaloloi ka leo o ka pahu e kani i Mauoni; the sound of the drum trills at Mauoni. 2. To cause a vibration of sound; to trill. Kupalu (ku'-p^'-lu), n. 1. Material used to attract or entice. 2. Lure. Kupalu (ku'-p=C2=A7.'-lu), V. 1. To stuff with food; to give a person or animal as much as he can eat. To fatten; to nourish; to feed highly. Hence, 2. To make a favorite of one. 3. To prepare the bark for kuku or the manufacture of tapa by causing it to become soft and malleable. Kupaluia (ku'-pa'-lti-i'a), adj. Fatted; well fed. Kupaluia (ku'-pa'-lu-i'a), n. 1. A fat- ling; a well-fed animal. Mat. 22:4. 2. A taming, as of fish by feeding: ka hoohauna ana i laka mai ka ia. Kupaluia (ku'-pa'-lQ-I'a), v. Passive form of the verb kupalu, to fatten. Kupanaha (ku'-pa-na'-ha), adj. Won- derful ; strange. Kupanaha (ku'-pa^na'-ha), adv. Won- drously; unaccountably. Kupanaha (ku'-pa-na'-ha), n. A won- der; a strange event. See kupai- anaha. Kupanaha (ku'-p=C2=A7,-na'-ha), v. To be wonderful. Kupaoa (ku'-pa'-o-a), n. A low de- cumbent shrub (Raillardia scabra), the root of which was used to dye and scent tapa. Kupaoa (ku'-pa-o'-a), n. 1. Any sub- stance emitting odor. 2. Fra- grance; perfume. Kupaoa (ku'-pa-o'-a), n. 1. An odor- ous plant (Raillardia scabra) used to scent tapa. 2. Fig. What gives character to life: o ke kupaoa ia e hoope ai i na uhane, that is the plant which gives scent to souls, that is, their peculiar character. Kupapaku (ku'-pa'-pa-ku'), n. 1. A place deep down in the ground: olalo o kupapaku, down to the limit. 2. Limit of depth; point be- blow which it is not possible to progress further. 3. Rock surface below a surface of soil. Syn: Pa- paku, bedrock. Kupapaku (ku'-pa'-p^-ku'), v. To be or stand on bedrock. KupapalanI (ku'-pa'-paia'-ni), n. 1. A very ancient alii [chief]. 2. Chief of the highest papa (order). Kupapalani (ku'-pft'-pa-la'-ni), v. [Ku, to reach, papa, rank, and lani, title of royalty.] To be of high rank; to have reached a place among the lani, the highest. Kupapau (ku'-pa-pa'u), adj. Of or belonging to a dead body: hale ku- papau, a tomb. Kupapau (ku'-pa-pa'u), n. A dead body; a corpse; a deceased per- son: lawe aku la lakou i ke kupa- pau o Lono, the people carried away the dead body of Captain Cook; eia ke kauoha a ke kupapau ia'u, here is the last charge of the deceased to me. Kupapau I a (ku'-pa-pa-u'-la), v. To stand with the side or broadside to the wind, as a house; to blow directly on, as on the side of. Kupau (ku'-pa'u), adj. Fearful; shrinking. Kupau (ku'-pa'u), n. Name of the fifth day after the new moon or the last of the Ku-tabu; that Is, the sixth day of the month in the old Hawaiian calendar. Kupe (kG'-pe), n. That part of a canoe, forward and back of the lashings, that secures the outrig- ger to the boat. Kupe (kfl'-pe), v. To manage or di- rect a canoe, as the man with the steering paddle; to direct the bow of a boat or canoe; e hoopololei ae i ka ihu. Kupee (ku'-pe'e), n. 1. An ornament, generally a string of shells (pupu- hoaka): kupee gula =E2=80=94 gold brace- let. 2. A bracelet; kupee lima. 3. A fetter: kupee keleawe, a fetter of brass; laau kupee, stocks. Kupee (ku'-pe'e), v. 1. To bind with fetters; to fasten with fetters. 2. To bind; to tie fast. 3. To orna- KUP 344 KUP ment the wrist or arm with brace- lets; to put ornaments on the arm. Kupehe (ku'-pe'-he), n. A quiet movement, as that of a person; an unsteady movement, as that of a weak person; hakupe, he kupehe. Kupehe (ku'-pe'-he), v. To go softly Syn: Kapehe. Kupehi (ku'-pe'-hi), v. To throw at; to pelt; to cast stones at: e hoolei i ka pohaku. See kipehi and pehi, Kupekia (ku'-pe-ki-a'), n. The fear of evil; nervousness. Kupele (ku'-pe'-le), n. 1. A medi- cine. 2. A process of breaking up the inside parts of anything, as in excavating. Kupele (ku'-pe'-le), v. 1. To bruise, as fruit to soften it; to soften; to pound up, as taro; rub to pieces. 2. To feed full or till sur- feited, as a parent does a child or a pet dog: e kupele i ka ilio. 3. To dig out the inside of by the process of kupele or softening and breaking up, said of digging out the inside of a log in the making of a canoe. 4. To mix up or work over poi the day after it is made. Huli ka waha (ka waa) iluna, alalia kupele maloko. See hoowali. 5. To dig out the inside of a canoe. Kupeleleu (ku'-pe'-le-le'u), v. iKu, stand, and peleleu, broad, extend- ed.] 1. To stand in a broad or spreading posture, as one who blocks up the door or a narrow passage. 2. To be broad, as one with spreading or bulky baggage on his back: He aha kau e kupe- leleu nei? What are you doing standing so big here? Kupene (ku-pe'-ne), v. 1. To live steadily in one place, instead of roving about. 2. To be indisposed to action. Kupenu (ku'-pe'-nu), v. 1. To dip into liquid. 2. To color by dip- ping into dyestuffs. 3. To plunge into water; to immerse forcibly. See lumai. Kupenupenu (ku'-pe'-nii-pe'-nu), v. The frequentative of kupenu. Kupeulu (ku'-pe-u'-lu), adj. Old; worn out, as a canoe: pehea ko oukou waa? he wahi waa kupeu- lu no hoi; How is your canoe? It is even a canoe worn out. Kupeulu (ku'-pe-u'-lu), n. 1. An old broken worn out canoe, without sail or other conveniences. 2. A canoe with a large or blunt ihu, forepart: ina nui ka ihu, he kupe- ulu kahi inoa. Kupikio (ku'-pi-ki-o'), v. 1. To be greatly agitated; to be in com- motion as water disturbed by the wind. 2. To rage or be in com- motion, as an angry multitude. 3. To be troubled, as the mind. Kupikipikio (ku'-pi'-ki-pi'-ki-o'), adj. Troubled; raging, as: kai kupiki- pikio. Kupikipikio (ku'-pi'-ki-pi'-ki-o'), n. 1. The agitation of water when the surface is thrown out of its level; the commotion of the waves of the sea in a storm. 2. The raging of a multitude. 3. The agitation of the mind. Kupikipikio (ku'-pi'-ki-pi'-ki-o'), v. [Intensive form of kupikio.] 1. To be in commotion generally. 2. To rage, as the sea when wind and current are opposite. 3. To be furious; to be agitated, as a people in a popular tumult. 4. To be agitated, as the mind. Kupllikli (ku'-pi'-li-ki'i), v. 1. To stand close together so as to crowd. 2. To be confused. See pilikia. Kupinai (ku'-pi-na'i), adj. Noisy; confused with noise: aloha na hoa kupinai, wawa hanehane o ua hale nei. Kupinai (ku'-pi-na'i), n. 1. A great crying; a general or universal la- mentation where multitudes are wailing together. 2. The echo of mourning or lamentation. 3. An echo; a reverberation of sound, as from a precipice. 4. A great and confused noise of people. Kupinai (ku'-pi-na'i), v. [Ku, to rise or to go, and pinai, thick to- gether.] 1. To mourn; to wail; to make a great and confused noise, as of wailing. 2. To go from house to house or from place to place. 3. To be thronged with numbers of people; to stand thickly together, as people in a crowd. 4. To reverberate, as a sound; to echo back a sound. Kupinapinai (kii'-pi'-na-pi'-na'i), v. 1. To come and stand close together, as people day after day. 2. To return repeatedly; to come back often: Kupinapinai ka alalauwa. KUP 345 KUP the alalauwa (little red fish) recur often. Syn: Kupinepine. Kupinepine (ku'-pi'-ne-pi'-ne), v. [Ku, to stand; pinepine, often.] To re- turn repeatedly. Syn: Kupinapinai. Kupipl (ku'-pi'-pi), adj. [Ku, to stand, and pipipi, crowded.] Close together; thick, as people standing together. Kupipipi is the more correct form. Kuplpi (ku'-pi'-pi), n. A species of fish (Abudefduf sordidus) which resembles the maomao in form and color. Same as aoaonui. Kupipl (ku'-pi'-pi'), V. See kapipi, to sprinkle. Kuplplpl (ku'-pi-pi'-pi), V. [Ku, to stand, and piplpl, thick together.] To stand close together, as a mul- titude; to be confused. Kupo (ku'-po), n. 1. A species of fish net: he upena kupo. 2. A variety of scoop net. Also written kupoo. Kupoepoe (ku'-po'e-po'e), v. [Ku, to fit, and poepoe, round.] 1. To be fitted round, that is, well fur- nished, as one wearing much tapa. 2. To have much property. 3. To be fully furnished. Kupohu (ku'-po'-hu), n. [Ku, to stand, and pohu, calm.] A calm; the state of the sea when there is no wind; a calm of wide extent. Kupola (ku'-po'-la), v. 1. To roll up, as a bundle; to tie up to- gether. See kapola. 2. To wither and roll up, as the under or dead leaves of bananas. Same as kukaa. Kupololu (ku'-p6'-16-lu'), n. 1. Art or skill in the use of the pololu, a long spear. 2. The striking or stabbing one with a pololu: he nui ka poe ao i ka lono maka ihe, me ke kupololu. Kupono (ku'-po'-no), adj. 1. In ge- ometry, upright; perpendicular; ka- ha kupono, a perpendicular line. 2. Morally upright; honest; con- scientious. 3. Adapted to; suitable. Kupono (ku'-po'-no). n. A training or state of being fitted for. Kupono (ku'-p6'-no), v. [Ku, to stand or to fit, and pono, right.] To be right or to act uprightly; to be just; to be true. 2. To fit; to be fit; to be adapted to a purpose. Kupou (ku'-po'u), V. To bend or bow forward, as in drowsing, or if one hits his foot and stumbles forward: a kupou iho la kona poo ma ka waha o ka ipu. Laieik. p. 211. Kupoull (ku'-p6'-u'-li), v. 1. To be darkened: kupou I i ka naau i ka ona i ka baka. 2. To be overcome with mental or moral delusion; to be mentally blank; to be mentally unsound. Kupoupou (ku'-po'u-po'u), n. Wrasse fish (Cheilio inermis). Color, olive green varying toward rusty red. Kupu (ku'-pfi'), adj. Thick, as paste. Kupu (ku'-pu), n. 1. A vegetable growth; a sprout. 2. Offspring; offshoots from a single source. Kupu (ku'-pu), v. 1. To sprout; to spring up; to grow, as vegetation; to shoot out buds; to open out, as leaves or blossoms. 2. To grow large; to increase. 3. Fig. To grow up or increase, as good or evil. Kupua (ku'-pii-a'), adv. In a united manner. Kupua (ku'-pu'-a), n. 1. A sorcerer; a witch; a wizard. 2. A person of extraordinary powers of body or mind; one able to do what others cannot; O Aiwohikupua keia, ke kupua kaulana a puni na moku. =E2=80=94 Laieik. p. 100. (Sorcerers, wizards and witches are frequent- ly spoken of in old Hawaiian kaao and mele, as people who ex- isted and were fully believed in.) Kupua (ku'-pG-a'), n. A standing to- gether; unity; concord. Kupua (ku'-pQ-a'), v. [Ku, stand and pua, a collection of individuals, group, flock, etc.] To stand to- gether; to stand united; to be brought together, as single persons or things are formed into a single mass, group or flock. Kupueu (ku'-pd-e'u), n. 1. A per- son who excels in doing good or in doing mischief: ma ke ahiahi o ua la hoouka kaua nei o na ku- pueu. Laieik. p. 109. 2. An expert. Kupukupu (ku'-pu-ku'-pu), n. 1. Any vegetable that springs up spon- taneously, as the sprouts which start up from the roots that re- main in the ground after a crop is harvested. 2. Any odoriferous plant. Kupukupuula (ku'-pii-kii'-pfi-u'-la), n. A low straggling shrub (Plumbago zeylanica). The acrid juice of the plant is considered poisonous and was employed for dark tattooing. Also known as ilieo or iliee. KUP 346 KUU Kupulii (ku'-pu-li'i), n. [Kupu, off- spring, and Mi, little.] A small man, but not properly aa, a dwarf; it applies to slowness of growth in men, animals and vegetables. Kupuna (ku-pti'-na), n. 1. A pater- nal or maternal grandparent. 2. A father of two or more generations back. 3. A forefather or ancestor. 4. A patriarch: no na kupuna mua o ko Hawaii nei, concerning the first fathers (ancestors) of the Hawaiian race. Kupuna kane (kii'-pu'-na-ka'-ne), n. [Kupuna, grandparent, and kane, male.] A grandfather. A paternal ancestor of several generations back: o Kukanaloa ke kupuna- kane o kekahi poe o Hawaii nei. Kupunawahine (ku'-pu'-na-wa'-hi'-ne), n. [Kupuna, grandparent, and wa- hine, female.] A grandmother. A maternal ancestor of several gen- erations back. Kupuni (ku'-pu'-ni), v. [Ku, to stand, and puni, around.] To stand around; to surround, as an enemy. Kupuohe (ku'-pu-o'-he), v. To shoot forth as a branch or growth, as the young shoots of the bamboo. Kupuohi (ku'-pu-o'-hi), adj. Quick growing; early maturing, as men or plants. Kupuohi (ku'-pii-o'-hi), v. [Kupu, to shoot up, and ohi or ohe, bamboo.] 1. To grow up quickly, as a veg- etable of quick growth. 2. To grow quickly, as a child that has grown to maturity early; to grow tall and slender. Kupuohichi (ku'-pii-o'-hi-o'-hi), v. [Kupu, to grow, and ohiohi, vig- orous.] To grow thriftily; to shoot forth rapidly: Ohiohi ke kupu o ka laau; vigorous is the growth of the plant. Kupuu (ku'-pu'u), n. Hard, dry food. Food cooked and eaten without any further preparation than the cooking: He wahi kupuu ko ma- kou aina; we have a little hard taro for our meal. See kupu and aikupuu. Kurina (ku'-ri'-na), n. [Eng. Mod.] Corn; corn meal: kurina wall, corn meal. Kuu (ku'u), n. 1. A releasing; a letting go. 2. The act of taking fish in a net. (This idea is more from letting down the net than from insnaring the fish.) 3. Name in general of all nets for catching fish, except the scoop net called kioe. Ku'u (ku'u), poss. pron. My; mine; be- longing to me; what belongs tome. Kuu (ku'u), V. 1. To let go; to loosen; to release; to slacken, as a rope that is too tight; to let down, as by a rope; to let down from the shoulder. 2. To loose, that is, to cast, as a net into the water for fish; to take fish in a net, that is, to let down the net for them. 3. To become calm, as the mind after intense anxiety; to be assuaged. Laieik. p. 77. 4, To give liberty. 5. To cause to do; to suffer or permit to be done. 6. To dismiss: e kuu i ka uhane, to give up the ghost; to die. 7. To fail; to give up. 8. To cease to help. Kuuala (ku'u-a-la), n. See kuala. Kuue (ku'u-e'), v. [Kuu, to release, and e, beforehand.] 1. To re- lease, as one from his sufferings. 2. To have one's difficulties pass away at once; kuue ka luhi, pau ka pilikia. Kuuhauhau (ku'-u-ha'u-ha'u), v. [Ku, and uhauhau, weak.] To be weak; to totter; to be unsettled; to waver. Kuukaluhi (ku'u-ka-lu'-hi), v. [Kuu, stop; ka, article, the, and luhi, weariness, fatigue, etc.] To rest after labor, toil and care. It is said that after Kamehameha con- quered the islands, he exclaimed "Ua kuu ka luhi," the burden has ceased or is off. Kuukanae (ku'u-ka-n=C2=A7,'e), n. [Kuu, release, and kanae, the breathing.] A free breathing, that is, free from fear; safe; palekana. Kuukanae (ku'u-ka-na'e), v. To rest or breathe freely after exhaustive effort. Kuukuli (ku'u-ku'-ll), v. [Ku'u, to let down or rest, and kull, the knee.] To kneel. Preferable form is ku- kuli. Kuukuu (ku'u-ku'u), n. 1. A variety of short-legged spider, so called from its habit of letting itself down by its own web with short sudden pulls. 2. A missile re- sembling a boomerang, used as a weapon; also used in playing the game of kaikoi. KUU 347 LA Kuukuu (ku'u-ku'u), v. [The fre- quentative of kuu.] 1. To let down; to let go: alalia, kuukuu lakou 1 kii malolo. 2. To let down slowly; to lower by a series of releasings. Kuula (ku'-u'-la), n. The name of the god of fishermen in all parts of the Hawaiian islands. Hinahele was his wife and the goddess of fishermen. When the people prayed to Kuula and he would not give them fish, they then prayed to Hinahele to intercede with her husband. See Hinahele. Kuulala (ku'-u-la'-la), adj. 1. Wan- ton; lascivious. 2. Insane; out of reason; lilo loa ma kona make- make iho; unrestrained from fol- lowing one's own inclinations; ua nana na kanaka, aole he kuulala loa e like me mamua, men looked at him, he was not so much out of his senses as before. Kuulala (ku'-u-la'-la), n. 1. Great ignorance; stupidity; a want of common sense views; no ke kuu- lala loa o ko onei poe kahiko i na olelo lalau. 2. Wantonness; las- civiousness. Kuulala (ku'-u-la'-la), v. 1. To be beside one's self; to be out of one's right mind: e pupule, e hehena. 2. To go here and there; to be lawless. Kuululu (ka'-G-lii-lu'), adj. 1. Cold; shivering with cold; chilled; hence, 2. Fearful or abashed. Kuululu (ku'-u-lu-lu'), V. To be cold; to be contracted with cold; to shiver with the cold. Kuuna (ku'-u'-na), adj. 1. Heredi- tary; descending or derived from parents to children, as some dis- eases: he mai kuuna ia no lakou, theirs is a hereditary disease. 2 Traditionary: Ma ka manao kuuna o oukou, according to your tradi- tionary opinions; na hewa kuuna, traditionary vices. Kuuna (ku'-u'-na), n. 1. A descend- ing; passing down. 2. A hereditary disease; he mai na na kupuna, a disease from their grandparents. See kuu. Kuwa (ku'-wa'), n. A special prayer; a prayer used for a particular event, as the cutting of the piko of a new house (trimming the grass from over the door), the completion of a canoe, ending of the work on a new net, etc. Ku- wa ka inoa o ia pule, Kuwa is the name of that prayer. Kuwal (ku'-wa'i), v. 1. To rub in a circular manner. 2. To make smooth ^nd polished by rubbing. Kuwala (ku'-wa'-la), adj. (A dif- ferent spelling of kuala.) Usurious ; taking usury. Syn: Uku hoopanee. Kuwala (ku'-wa'-la), n. A somersault; a turning over and over. Kuwala (ku'-wa'-la), v. 1. To turn over and over; to turn upside down. 2. To turn a somersault. Kuwalapoo (ku'-wa-la-po'o), v. [Ku- wala, to turn over, and poo, the head.] To go over and over with the head foremost; to turn a som- ersault or "cartwheels." Kuwalawala (ku'-wa'-la-wa'-la), n. A topsyturvy motion. Kuwalawala (ku'-wa'-la-w=C2=A7,'-la), v. 1. To spring back and forth; to swing to and fro. 2. To jump over repeatedly, as in the game of leap- frog. Kuweluwelu (ku'-we'-lu-we'-lu), adj. Thin; soft, fine, like the threads of a spider's web; hanging like a tassel. Syn: Puawe. L. The sixth letter of the Hawaiian alphabet. It represents the sound of a liquid as in other languages; hence it is easily changed to such of the other liquids as are sim- ilarly pronounced, that is: N and the smooth American R in foreign words, thus, nanai for lanai; on the contrary lanahu is used for nanahu. L is inserted sometimes, for the sake of euphony, between a verb and its passive termination ia; as, kaulia for kauia; manaolia for manaoia. La (la), adj. Like the sun; sunny; warm: haalele o Poleahu i kona kapa hau, lalau like lakou 1 ke kapa la. =E2=80=94 Laieik. p. 113. La (la), n. 1. The sun; he mea e ma- lamalama ai 1 ke ao, ke alii o ka malamalama, that which gives I light to day, the king of light. 2. LA 348 LAA Day or light, in distinction from po, darkness. 3. A particular or appointed day; la kalahala, day of atonement. A particular day of the month or year. 4. Solar heat; warmth. (Stifling heat is ikiiki.) 5. The effect of the heat of the sun, that is, a drought: ka la nui, a great drought. 6. Ancient canoe sails of the Hawaiians which were made from the white leaves of the pandanus. La (la), prep. A particle following verbs, mostly in some preterite tense, and generally connected with either mai, aku, iho or ae. It is also used with nouns and adverbs and seems to have a slight ref- erence to place; similar, but not so marked or strong as the French la. It is used also with nouns and pronouns in specifying means, cause or process. Laa (la'a), adj. 1. Sacred; devoted, that is, given up or set apart to sacred purposes; hence, holy: mea laa, a consecrated or holy one; he lahui kanaka laa, a consecrated nation. 2. Devoted to; appro- priated. Laa (la'a), adv. Also; together with others; so; besides all this: oia mea a pau e laa me keia, all that thing together with this; o ka launa nui aku i ka wahine e, e laa me ka wahine i ke kane e. Syn: Elaa; pela. Laa (la'a), n. Time of; season; pe- riod of time: Ka laa keia o ka malo; This is the dry season. Laa (la'-a'), n. Width; breadth. Syn: Laula. Laa (la'a), v. 1. To be holy; to be set apart for holy purposes: e hookaawale i na waiwai i hoanoia, 2. To be devoted to any person. 3. To be consecrated to a particular use or purpose, generally religious. To be under or bound by an oath. (Laieik. p. 38.) To be bound by a kiss. (Laieik. p. 126.) 4. To be devoted to destruction or death: A ike mai la na ilamuku o Liloa ua laa keia keiki no ka ae ana ma kahi kapu; And the sheriffs of Liloa saw that the child was de- voted (had forfeited his life) on account of his climbing over a tabu place. 5. To propagate plants by the process of inarching. Laaana (la'a-a'-na), adj. Devoted; dedicated; set apart. Laahia (la'a-hi'-a), v. To be set apart for some special purpose: I ka la iho nei o Kulua i laahia ai keia auolo nona. On the day of Kulua this auolo or canoe house was dedicated. Laalaau (la'-a'-la-a'u), n. An herb; a bush; herbs; green things. (Puk. 3:2.) That class of vegetables be- tween trees and grass. Laalo (la'-a'-lo), n. [Contraction of laukalo, taro leaves.] Mature taro tops, not dry. Laamake (la'a-ma'-ke), n. [Laa, de- voted to, and make, death.] The time when vegetables generally die or dwindle or grow slowly, like autumn in cooler climates; oppo- site to laaulu. Laamaomao (la'a-ma'o-ma'o), n. The Eolus of Hawaiian mythology; ka ipu makani a Laamaomao, Laa- maomao's wind calabash. Laau (la'-a'u), n, 1. A general name for what grows out of the ground; o na mea e ulu ana ma ka honua ua kapaia he laau: 2. Wood; trees; timber (but not often fire- wood, which is wahie) ; a stick of wood. 3. A forest; a thicket of trees; ka mea ulu ma na kuahiwi. 4. Medicine; that which is taken in case of sickness. [The ancient Hawaiian medicines were numer- ous, and consisted mostly of mix- tures of leaves of trees, barks, roots, etc. Some of the medicines were exceedingly nauseous; others very acrid; but the physicians de- pended more on their enchant- ments, their invocations to the gods, the sacrifices offered, or the prices paid, than on the virtue of their medicines.] 5. Strength; firmness; hardness. 6. A cramp. Laaua (la'a-u'a), adj. [Laa, to de- vote, and ua, sign of perfect tense.] Devoted to destruction; as for having broken tabu: Laaua i ke kapu, devoted to the results of the tabu. Laaua (la'a-u'a), n. [Laa, devoted to, and ua, rain.] Time of rain. Laauala (la'-a'u-a'-la), n. [Laau, wood, and ala, odoriferous.] San- dal-wood, an odoriferous wood for- merly in great abundance in the mountainous regions. Syn: Iliahi. LAA 349 LAA Laauana (la'-a'u-a'-na), n. [Laau, a stick, and ana, to measure.] A measuring stick. Laauhoopii (la'-a'u-ho*o-pii), n. [Laau, medicine, and hoopii, to cause to ascend.] An emetic. Laauikiai (la'-^'u i'-ki-a'i), n. [Laau, wood, Iki, little, and ai, to eat.] A general name for herbs. Laaukaa (la'-au'-ka'a), n. [Mod. Laau, tree, and kaa, pine.] A fir tree. Laaukea (la'-au'-ke'a), n. [Laau, wood, and kea, a cross.] A cross of wood. Laauki (la'-a'u-ki'), n. [Laau, tim- ber, and ki (Eng.), key.] A bar for a gate. Laaukia (la'-a'u-ki'-a), n. [Laau, stick, and kia, to entrap.] A stick used by bird catchers. A rod pointed with bird-lime and used in taking birds. Laauku (la'-a'u-ku'), n. [Laau and ku, to stand.] A side post of a door, from its erect position. A post of a house; an upright post. Laaukukahi (la'-a'u-.ku'-ka'-hi), n. The seventeenth day after Hilo, or the new moon, first of the three laaus, in the old Hawaiian calen- dar; the eighteenth day of the month. Laaukulua (la-a'u-ku'-lu'-a), n. The eighteenth day after Hilo, second of the laaus in the old Hawaiian calendar; the nineteenth day of the month. Laaukupee (la'-a'u-ku'-pe'e), n. [Laau and kupee, a fetter.] Stocks, fet- ters, etc., for criminals; any in- strument of wood used as fetters. Laaula (la'a-u'-la), n. Season of the year when vegetation turns red or brown. See laamake. Laaulalo (la'-a'u-la'-lo), n. [Laau, timber, and iaio, down.] The boom of a vessel, from its horizontal po- sition, in distinction from kia or laauku. Laaulapaau. (la'-a'u-ia'-pa-a'u), n. [Laau, medicine, and lapaau, to heal, cure, etc.] Medicine, that is, herbs, roots or other compounds for the relief of diseases. Laauli (la'a-u'-li), n. An ancient god who made laws that were not to be broken; ka inoa o ka mea nana i kau na kanawai paa, o Kanelaau- li. Another name of the god Kane, supposed to be the author of every living thing. Laauiu (la'-a-u'-lu), n. [Laa, devoted or set aside, and ulu, growth.] A time when vegetables spring or grow fast in distinction from laa- make. Laauiuai (la'-a'u-lu'-a'i), n. [Laau, medicine, and luai, to vomit.] An emetic. Syn: Laaupii and laau- hoopii. Laaumakai (la'-a'u-ma'-ka'i), n, [Laau, wood, and makai, a con- stable.] The signal or badge of a constable under the first code of laws; it was a square piece of wood five or six inches in length, each side an inch wide, one-third of the length was turned for a handle; this the constable carried with him as a designation of his office. Laaumoe (la'-a'u-mo'-e), n. [Laau, medicine, and moe, to sleep.] Med- icine causing sleep; an opiate. Syn: Laauhoomoe. Laaunaha (la'-a'u-na'-ha'), n. [Laau, medicine, and 'naha, to operate as a cathartic] A cathartic medicine. Laauoliva (la'-a'u-6-li'-va), n. [Laau, I tree, and oliva, olive.] Olive tree. Laauooi (la'-a'u-6-o'i), n. [Laau, I bush, and ooi, sharp: full of sharp ! points.] A bramble bush. Also ! written laauoioi. Laauowe (la-a'u-o'-we), n. Same as I lauowe, a murmuring sound. I Laaupa (la'-a'u-pa'), n. [Laau, medi- I cine, and pa, barren.] An ancient I drug given to produce abortion, or rather perhaps to prevent fecunda- tion; nolaila, inu nui na wahine I i ka laaupa i hapai ole lakou. He laau hanau keiki ole. Laaupaaoao (la'-a'u-pa'-a'o-a'o), n. [Laau, medicine, and paaoao, a disease common to children.] A medicine used chiefly for little children. Laaupalau (la'-a'u-pa-la'u), n. 1. A weapon used in war, a long club. 2. In later times, the word has been applied to the oo, an agricul- tural implement, "the wooden plow." Laaupau (la'-a'u-pau), n. Last of the laau days, the nineteenth day after Hilo; the twentieth day of the month in the old Hawaiian calen- dar. LAA 350 LAH Laaupii (la'-a'u-pi'i), n. [Laau and pii, to ascend.] An emetic. Syn: Laauluai, laauhoopii. Lae (la'e), adj. Clear, shining. Lae (la'-e), n. Any projection, as a prominent forehead. A brow of a hill; a cape or headland. In geog- raphy, a cape or promontory. Lae (la'e), v. To be light; to be clear, as day; to be shining, as a light. Syn: Kalae and malaelae. Laehaokela (la'e-ha'o-ke'-la), adj. [Mod.] Having one horn in the forehead; he holoholona kiwi hoo- kahi ma ka ihu. Laehaokela (la'e-ha'o-ke'-la), n. [Mod., lae, forehead, hao, horn, and kela, projecting.] The uni- corn. Laekol (la'e-ko'i), n. [Lae, forehead, and koi, sharp; projecting.] A sharp or projecting forehead. Laekoloa (la'e-ko'-lo'-a), n. A hard red stone out of which native axes were made, also called humuula. Laelae (la'e-la'e), adj. 1. Bright; bright shining, as the sun; e like me ka la laelae i ke awakea; pure; clear; serene, as a clear sky. 2. Fig. Pure in sentiment. Hal. 19:8. 3. Clear; unobscured ^ to the sight. 4. Clear; distinct, as the meaning of a word or speech. Laelae (la'e-la'e), n. 1. Light above or overhead; a bright sky. 2. Calm, pleasant weather. Laelae (la'e-la'e), v. To be clear; to be free from fog; to be lumi- nous. Laele (la'-e'-le), n. The old leaves of any growing plant; the leaves which are ready to fall. Laelua (la'e-lu'-a), adj. [Lae, projec- tion, and lua, double.] Projecting; sharp; prominent, as a ridge. Syn: Mukoi and laekoi. Laenihi (la'e-nl'-hi), n. A variety of fish marked by a crest on its head. Laepaa (la'e-pa'a), n. A servant marked in the forehead. Syn: Lae- puni. LaepunI (la'e-pu'-ni), n. Same as laepaa. Laha (la'-ha), adj. Broad; extended; spread out. Syn: Palahalaha. Laha (la'-ha), n. 1. A calabash broad and flat, but not high; he ipu nou. Also called nounou or paka. 2. Seed of the gourd which produces the laha. Laha (la'-ha), v. 1. To be spread out; to be extended laterally. 2. To be spread abroad, as a report: Aole hoi i laha nui ka ai noa ia la, The free eating (that is, the report of it) did not extend greatly on that day. 3. To be distributed far and wide. 4. To be published, as a proclamation. 5. To be in- creased; to be spread out; to be- come numerous, as a people. The transitive form is hoolaha. Lahai (la'-hai), v. To start up sud- denly; to jump; to fly. Same as lehai. Lahalaha (la'-ha-la'-ha), adj. Open; extended; overspread. Lahalaha (la'-ha-la'-ha), v. [Laha, to be spread.] To be open, as the wings of a bird in hovering; to be overspread as the nest of a bird when brooding. Lahalahai (la'-ha-la'-hai), v. [Inten- sive of lahai.] To jump or fly. Lahalahawai (la'-ha-la'-ha-wa'i), n. A broad puddle or pond of water. Syn: Haloko. Lahalawal (la'-ha-la-wa'i), adj. and adv. Slippery; unpleasant to travel; ua helehele, lahalawai i ka ua; broken, slippery from the rain. Lahana (la'-ha'-na), n. [La, day, and hana, to work] A day's work; the work of a day. (Properly two words.) Lahea (la'-he'-a), v. To smell strong or rancid. Lahi (la'-hi), adj. 1. Thin; flat; op- posite to manoanoa. 2. Pleasant; sweet; delicate; pleasing to the ear; mele iahl, pleasant song. Lahi (la'-hi), n. A species of white cane, also called ko kea. Lahia (la-hi'a), v. Incorrect form of lochia. Lahilahi (la'-hi-la'-hi), adj. [Inten- sive of lahi.] 1. Thin, as paper; gauzelike; thin, as beaten gold. 2. Not stout; not thick; slim; yielding; supple; soft. Laho (la'-ho), n. Sack containing the testes; scrotum. Lahokole (la'-ho-ko'-le), n. [Laho and kole, raw.] An epithet of re- proach (vulgar). Lahollo (la'-ho-li'-o), n. [Laho and Ho, horse.] Gum elastic or India rubber. LAH 351 LAK Lahookahakaha (la'-ho'o-ka'-ha-ka'- ha), n. [La, day, and hookahakaha, display.] A day of exhibition, of display, of fine appearance; he la e hoike ai i ka hanohano; a day for parading. Lahooo (la'-ho-o'o), n. Literally, ma- ture laho or sack. Syn: Lahopaka. Lahopaka (la'-h6-pa'-ka), n. A re- proachful epithet; signifying cracked testicles. Syn: Lahooo. Lahoula (la'-hd-u'-la), n. [Laho and ula, red.] A term of reproach; a railing. Lahui (la'-hu'-i), n. [La, day, and hui, to unite.] 1. A time of com- ing together; hence, 2. An assem- blage; a company; a union of many. 2. People; tribe; nation. Lahui (la'-hu'-i), v. [La, a day, and hui, an assembling.] 1. To pro- hibit; to forbid; to lay a tabu; to proclaim a law or ordinance. 2. To set a day to be observed with religious rites and prohibitory or- ders or tabus. Lahuiaina (la'-hu'-i-a'i-na), n. [La- hui, people, and aina, land.] The nations of many lands; spoken of collectively, the people of many countries. Lahuiia (la-huM-i'a), adj. :^orbidden; prohibited; usually applied to food; ka ai i lahuiia, the forbid- den food. Syn: Kapu. Lahuikala (la'-hu'-i-ka'-la), n. [La, day, and huikala, to purify.] A day for purification, in ancient re- ligious ceremonies. La hui kanaka (la'-hu'-i-ka'-na'-ka), n. [Lahui, collection, and kanaka, people.] 1. A body of people col- lectively. 2. The people under one chief or king in distinction from those of another; collective bodies united in one people; a union of men, but under different chiefs; i mea e pono ai no na lahuikanaka o ko kakou pae aina; hence, 3. As in modern times, a nation; a people. 4. A people without a king; any multitude; he poe, he pae, he puu. Lahuikaua (la'-hii'-i-ka'u-a), n. [La- hui, assemblage, and kaua, war.] 1. People assembled for war; war- riors; a company of soldiers. 2. Fighting people. Lai (la'i), adj. Calm; still; quiet; shining, as the surface of the sea in a calm. Lai (la'i), n. 1. Used for lani, the heavens, especially when the sky is clear and the weather calm; e ke alii wahine o ka lai. =E2=80=94 Laieik. p. 154. 2. A calm place in the sea where there is no ripple and the sea is like a looking-glass. 3. Any calm still place; e noho mai a i ka lai o Lele. 4. Still, as water; pohu, malie o ka lai. Syn: Malino. 5. Any still, silent place; he wahi mehameha. Lai (la'-i'), n. 1. [Contraction of iauki.] The leaf of the ti plant, also called laui. 2. A variety of surgeon fish. (Zebrasoma flaves- cens), also called laipala. Color, brownish yellow crossed by straight bars of deeper color. Lai (la'i), v. To be calm; to make no noise; to be silent; ua lai loa ia po. It was very still that night. Laiki (la'-i'-ki), adj. Full, as the stomach from eating too much. Laiki (la'-i-ki), n. [Hawaiian orthog- raphy for raisi. (Eng.)] Rice; a species of grain. Laiki (la'-i'-ki), n. Fullness, as of the stomach from over-eating; ua laiki ka opu. Laiki (la'-I'-ki), v. 1. To be tight; to fit too close. 2. To be full, as an overloaded stomach; to be op- pressed with a sensation of full- ness from food or gas. Laiku (la'i-ku'), n. A very great calm, either with reference to the atmosphere, without wind, or to the stillness of the ocean, without wave or ripple; he pohu, he malie hinu no ka moana. Lai lai (la'i-la'i), v. [Same as laelae.] To be very calm and clear, as the sun; I ka wa e lailai ana ka la maluna o ka aina. =E2=80=94 Laieik. p. 158. Laina (la'i-na), n. An eruption on the body like shingles, which is a rash similar to prickly heat or hives but much more serious. Laipala (la'-i'-pS'-la), n. A variety of surgeon fish (Zebrasoma flaves- cens), also called lai. Laka (la'-ka), adj. Well fed; tame; domesticated; familiar; gentle; not ferocious; opposite of hihiu. Laka (la'-ka), n. 1. Domesticated affection, applied to all tamed an- imals. 2. Domesticated or tamed animals. 3. The bird alae; deified name of the alae. LAK 352 LAL Laka (la'-ka), v. To be tame; to be made tame or subdued. The transitive is hoolaka. Lakakane (la'-ka-ka'-ne), n. A god; the god of dances; he akua no ka poe hula, Lakalaka (la'-ka-la'-ka), v. Same as hoolakalaka. Lakee (la'-ke'e), adj. Bent; crooked; doubled over. Lakee (la'-ke'e), v. To be coiled up, as a snake or centipede; to be doubled over; to be bent as a flex- ible substance. Lakeke (la'-ke'-ke), n, [Mod., from Eng., jacket.] A roundabout. Lakewe (la'-ke'-we), n. 1. Anything flexible; easily bending. 2. A per- son leaning or bending from weak- ness or disease. See lakee. Lako (la'-ko), adj. Rich; prosper- ous; completely furnished with every necessary convenience. Lako (la'-ko), n. A supply; a full- ness; a sufficiency. Lako (la-ko'), n. [For lauko.] The leaf of the sugar-cane. Lako (la'-ko), v. To be possessed of what is necessary for any pur- pose; to be supplied with requisite means of doing a thing; to be sup- plied with; to have a sufficiency; eia na kanaka i lako i kela mau mea; to be fitted out or furnished with what is requisite for use or ornament, as the works of nature; ua lako ka honua nei i na mau- na, i na awawa, i ka pohaku, etc. Hoolako is the transitive form. Lakolako (la'-ko-la'-ko), v. To be provided; to be furnished with. Lakou (la'-ko'u), pers. pron. The third person plural of the personal pronouns: they; them; generally refers to persons. Lakua (la'-ku'-a), v. To put together words incongruously; to talk fool- ishly and wisely, properly and im- properly at once: Ua lauwili, ua hoi hope, ua lakua, ua hopu hewa, He is changeable, he repeats him- self; he goes over again; he mis- understands. See laukua, adj. La la (la'-la'), adj. Diverging from; composed of branches. Lala (la'-la'), n. 1. The limb or branch of a tree; lala laau, branches of trees. 2. A limb of the human or animal frame. 3. A member of any collective body. 4. A potato produced from a branch of the vine. Lala (la'-la), n. Brightness; sheen; the shining of light on a smooth surface. Lala (la'-la), v. The word requires the prefix hoo to complete its sense, as hoolala, to set apart for a particular purpose; to parcel out for distribution. Lala (la'-la'), v. To mark with lines. See hoolala. Lala (la'-la), v. 1. To make warm; to expose to gentle heat; to make warm or hot. 2. To make straight, as a stick that is bent. Lalaau (la'-la-a'u), adj. Bad; spoiled; rotten; applied to eggs. Lalaau (la'-la-a'u), n. A grove of bushes. [Laalaau is the prefer- able form.] Lalahai (la'-la'-ha'i), v. Same as la- hai. Lalahalaha (la'-la'-ha-la'-ha), v. To rise and swell and move along, as the surf before it breaks. Syn: Hookahela. Lalahela (la'-la-he'-la), n. [Lala, to warm, and hela for kahela or ka- helahela, to lie down flat, face up- ward.] 1. Idleness. 2. A trading in vice; sexual commerce. Lalahi (la'-la'-hi), v. To be thin, etc. See lahi. Lalahiwa (la'-la-hi'-wa), adj. Dark; not light, said of color. Lalahu (la'-la-hu'), adj. [Lala and hu, to rise up.] Convex; swelling out, as a bone set crookedly. Lalakea (la'-la-ke'-a), n. A species of fish; a kind of shark. A va- riety of the shark group distin- guished by its light colored fins. Lalalaau (la'-la'-la'-a'u), n. [Lala, branch, limb, and laau, tree.] A branch or limb of a tree. Lalama (la'-la'-ma), adj. Meddle- some; looking into other people's business. Lalama (la'-la'-ma), n. A looking here and there for something; a pilfering; a taking secretly. Syn: . Halo. Lalama (la'-la'-ma), v. 1. To med- dle with one's work, or business, or tools. 2. To feel about in search of something or under the edges of a mat to find some little thing to steal; to pilfer some article of small value. 3. To LAL 353 LAL meddle with affairs of others; to interfere. Lalana (la'-la'-na), n. 1. A small animal or insect, perhaps a spe- cies of spider. 2. The long legged spider (Pholcus phalangioides), more commonly called lanalana. Lalana (la'-lS'-na), v. To warm, as by a fire. Syn: Olala. Lalani (la'-la'-ni), adv. In rows; by columns; in ranks. Lalani (la'-la'-ni), n. A row, as of trees; a rank, as of soldiers; a line or column of words; a row. Lalani (la'-la'-ni), v. To lead or go along in Indian file; to be put in rows; to stand in rows or ranks. Lalanipuu (la'-la'-ni-pu'u), n. Hil- locks or small hills standing in a row; also called paepuu. Lalapa (la'-la'-pa), n. 1. A bright flame; a flash. 2. A sudden out- burst of temper. Lalapa (la'-la'-pa), v. To blaze, as a fire. Lalau (la'-la'u), adj. Seizing; catch- ing up things as a child; meddle- some. Lalau (la'-la'u), n. 1. A mistake; an error; a blunder. 2. A leading astray; a causing to err morally. Lalau (la'-ia'u), v. 1. To take hold of; to seize; to take out of or from. 2. To err; to go astray. 3. To blunder; to mistake; to wan- der. 4. To be incoherent. 5. To turn aside from right; to err in heart: Lalau no na lima i ka hewa me ka makau ole. The hands in- deed seized upon wickedness with- out fear. Lalauhewa (la'-la'u-he'-wa), n. [La- lau, to err, and hewa, wrong.] 1. The practice or indulgence in sin generally. 2. A going wrong. Lalauwale (la'-lS-'u-wa'-le), n. [La- lau, to err, and wale, only.] The doing that which is contrary to reason or has no reason; foolish- ness. Lalawahi (la'-la-wa'-hi), adj. Dark colored; black; the deepest, most Intense blackness; pouli. Also written lalawahiloa. Lalawai (la-la-wa'i), adj. Prosper- ous; successful. Lalawai (la-la-wa'i), v. To be pros- pered. Lalawe (la'-la'-we), v. [Lawe, to take.] To take something from another; to take out of. Lalawe (la'-la'-we), v. To have an uneasy changing sensation on the skin, as of an itching eruption. Lale (la'-le), n. An imaginary bird spoken of in old kaaos and meles. Lale (la'-le), v. 1. Hasten; hurry; push on. 2. To urge on; to hurry; to stir up; be quick. Lalea (la'-le'-a), n. A buoy; a float- ing guide to one entering a har- bor; a beacon to steer by. Syn: Mouo. Laici (la'-le'i), adv. Together; in clusters; in a united manner, said of things hanging in clusters: Kau lalei ka maia, bananas hang in clusters. Lalei (la'-le'i), n. A bunch or clus- ter of things, as grapes. Syn: Kaulalei. Lalei (la'-le'i), v. To assemble into a close body a number of like things, as in stringing flowers for a lei or wreath. Lalelale (la'-le-la'-le), n. Haste; hurry in doing a thing. Lalelale (la'-le-la'-le), v. [Freq. of lale, to hasten.] To hurry; to be quick in doing a thing. Lali (la'-li), adj. 1. Greasy, as the face or hands in eating pork; fat; shining with grease. 2. Slippery from moist and adhesive matter, said of muddy roads. Lali (la'-li), v. 1. To be greasy, as face or hands from oil, ointment, adhesive matter, etc. 2. To be slippery, as wet earth. Lalii (la'-li'i), adj. Small; young; a word distinguishing the young of certain fish; as, opule lalii, opule makole, opule lauli, opule eleele, etc. Lalii (la'-li'i), v. To prepare; to make ready; to be ready. Lalilali. (la'-li-la'-li), adj. [Lali, greasy.] 1. Greasy, 2. Wet; moist with water; wet and cold; koekoe. Lalo (la'-lo), adj. Low; base; very low in character; ka poe lalo loa: na kanaka lalo loa, the basest of men. Lalo (la'-lo), adv. Down; down- ward; usually with the preposi- tions i, o, no, ko, ma and mai. Laloa (la'-lo'-a), adj. 1. Long. Same as loloa. He laloa no kamalii. 2. High; tall. Laloa (la'-lo'-a), n. Long day. LAL 354 LAN Lalolalo (la'-16-la'-lo), adj. [Inten- sive of lalo.] 1. Low down; base; very low, used in reproach or dis- paragement. 2. Vulgar; rude; of low descent. Laloi?.:o (la'-16-la'-lo), adj. 1. Low; not high; of low stature; short. 2. Of iixlerior position; of humble origin; medium; he alii lalolalo, a chief of riedium rank. Lalolalo (la'-l6-la'-lo), n. 1. One who has risen from humble origin to eminence and iniluence. 2. A per- son rich and influential, but not a chief; o ke kanaka waiwai a ai aina paha, he alii lalolalo ia; a chief by influence and character, but not by birth; aole loaa na 'lii lalolalo. Lalowaia (la'-16-wa'i-a), n. Ancient history in distinction from mod- ern; an account of events in very ancient times, before the reign of Umi. Lama ()a'-ma), n. 1. A forest tree of very hard wood (Maba sand- wicensis) used in building. 2. A torch; a light by night made of any materials, but mostly from the nuts of the kukui tree; a light. A lamp. Connected with ipu ku- kui. A torch. He pulama, he au- lama, he kalikukui i aulamaia, 3. General name for intoxicating liquors. Also spelled rama. Lamaku (ia,'-ma-kii'), n. [Lama, torch, and ku, to stand.] 1. A large torch for giving light in darkness; a torch of kukui nuts; a lamp, 2. Sparks of fire; a fire-brand; momoku ahi. [The lamakus were made by stringing the meats of roasted kukui nuts on a wiry stalk of grass, putting six, eight or ten of these strings together parallel, and binding the whole together with dry banana leaves, the whole forming a cylinder from three to six inches in diameter and from two to four feet in length. Lighted at one end, it produced a large and brilliant light, and also much smoke. 3. Stationary torch; a sig- nal fire. Lamalama (la'-ma-la'-ma), adj. Bright, healthy looking; of fair complexion: He lamalama ke kino o ka mea ai uwala, The complex- ion of the potato-eater is fair. Lamalama (la'-ma-la'-ma), n. 1. A number of torches tied together creating a single flaming torch. 2. A method of fishing with a torch. Lamalama (la'-ma-la'-ma), v. To fish by the light of a torch. Lamumaomao (la'-mii-ma'o-ma'o), n. 1. A word used in the ancient prayers praying that a heiau might be built and sacrifices offered: Koia ka ohia i kai i laau no ka lamumaomao a i laau kii kekahi. Draw the ohia tree to the sea for timber for the lamumaomao and for an idol also. 2. A place for the idols in the heiau. Syn: La- nanuumaomao. Lana (la'-na), adj. Buoyant; float- ing; mama. Lana (la'-na), n. The carriage or bearing of a person; the coun- tenance. Lana (la'-na), v. 1. To be on the surface of fluid; to be borne on the water. 2. To float; to be buoyant. The active form is hoo- lana. Lanaau (la'-na-a'u), v. [Lana, to float, and au, current.] 1. To float carelessly in the current. 2. To go with the current, in a figura- tive sense. Lanahaakei (la'-na-ha'a-ke'i), n. [La- na, the bearing of a person, and haakel, pride.] Lit. Proud bearing; pride; haughtiness in conduct and treatment of others. Lanahu (la'-na'-hu), n. 1. A coal; charcoal. Collectively, coals of fire; lanahu ahi. 2. Figuratively for the remnant of life; also prop- erly written nanahu. Lanahua (la'-na-hu'-a), adj. Bent in; crooked; pressed down. Syn: Ha- nana. Lanahua (la'-na-hu'-a), n. 1. A pro- tuberance or hump on some part of the body or on something. 2. A crook; a turn. 3. One of the sections of a heiau or temple, also called lananuu. 4. The image of a deity which stood in front of one of the structures of a heiau. Syn: Lananuumamao. Lanai (la'-na'i), n. A bower; a shed; a piazza; a porch; a booth. Lanai (la'-na'i), n. [Variant of na- na!, a swelling, a humpbacked per- son.] The island west of Maui, Territory of Hawaii; so called from the form of the island. Lanaia (la'-na-i'a), v. Passive form of lana, to be buoyant; to float on LAN 355 LAN the water; to be on the surface of a fluid. Lanaiea (la'-na'i-e'-a), n. The ap- pearance of a person when dying; pinanai, pinanaiea. Lanakea (la'-na-ke'-a), adj., v. Same as nanakea, thin; pale; weak; to be thin; to be feeble in appear- ance. Lanakila (la'-na-ki'-la), adj. Conquer- ing; prevailing; overcoming. Lanakila (la'-na-kl'-la), n. Triumph; conquest; defeat of an adversary. Lanakila (la'-na-ki'-la), v. | Lana and klla, strong, able.] 1. To be too strong for another party. 2. To be victorious in a contest; to con- quer (Puk. 15:21); to prevail over an opposing party. 3. To hold dominion over. Lanalana (la'-na-la'-na), adj. Un- stable; not fixed. Lanalana (la'-na-la'-na), n. 1. Rope made from coconut fiber. 2. A kind of spider. Same as lalana. 3. Another name for lananuuma- mao. Lanalana (la'-na-la'-na), v. [Lana, to float.] To be light, not heavy; to be buoyant. Lanana (la'-na-na), v. Same as ka- nana, to sift; to strain. Lananuu (la'-na-nu'u), n. [Contrac- tion of lananuumamao; lana and nuu, a step; a rise.] 1. A high stage in the frame where the idols of the heiau stood. 2. One of the gods out of the heiau. Lananuumamao (la'-na'-nu'u-ma'- ma'o), n. One of the gods which stood outside of the heiau. Also called lananuu: ma ka hikina ka lananuumamao. Lanau (la'-nau'), adj. Same as na- nau, unfriendly. LanI (la'-ni), adj. 1. Heavenly; per- taining to the sky. 2. Heavenly; ano Ian I, having a heavenly or holy character; O ka imi anei ia i ka pono ano lani? Is that seeking righteousness of a heavenly char- acter? LanI (la'-ni), n. 1, The upper air; the sky. The visible heavens; kahi i kau nei na hoku; na ao o ka latii, the clouds of heaven; na manu o ka lani, the fowls of heaven; equivalent to na manu o ka lewa. 2. Heaven; a holy place. Anything high up literally or by dignity of character; haul ka lani, ke alii kiekie. 3. The title of a high chief when addressed by a subject; equivalent to "your high- ness;" also when spoken of by a subject; as: e ka lani, ke hai aku nei au ia oe i na mea a kou ma- kuakane, Your Highness, I declare to you the decisions of your father; Ke ae aku nei wau ma kau noi e kuu lani. =E2=80=94 Laieik. p. 197. Lania (la'-ni'a), v. To .warm, as a person warms himself by a fire. Syn: Olani, olala, to dry by fire or heat of the sun. Lanlhinihl (la'-ni'-hi-ni'-hi), adj. [Ni- hl, narrow; nihinihl, edge.] Nar- row in opposition to broad; nar- row, as a wheel; thin. Lanlhinihl (la'-ni'-hi-ni'-hi), n. [La, day, and nihinihl, dangerous, crit- ical.] 1. A dangerous day; day in- dicating a crisis of some sort. 2. A tabu day. Lanikae (la'-ni-ka'e), n. 1. Those who ate the remnants of the food that remained after the alii or chief ended the eating. 2. The kalaimoku or counselor when there is only one chief who requires his service. Lanikuakaa (la'-ni-ku'a-ka'a), n. The highest heaven; nothing beyond. (Laieik. p. 194.) O Lunalilo ka Lanikuakaa. Lanilani (la'-ni-la'-ni), adj. Most em- inent; high in rank. Lanilani (la'-ni-la'-ni), v. [Lani, high- ness, a chief.] To be high-minded; to act like a chief; to be proud. Lanipill (la'-ni-pi'-li), adj. Touching the heavens; he ua la'nipitl, a shower reaching to heaven, that is, a very heavy shower. Lanipill (la'-ni-pi'-li), n. [Lani, sky, and pill, to adhere to.] 1. The place where the sky appears to touch the earth; the horizon. 2. The clouds as they appear to touch the horizon. Lanipo (la'-ni-po'), n. 1. An expres- sion of admiration at a garden or field where vegetables are thrifty and produce a shade over the ground; o kahihi la lanipo o Wai- ku ka pawa. 2. Approbation and praise mingled with joy. Kuu ha- ku o ka ua lanipo; ka ua lanipo, the beautiful rain. Lanuu (la'-nu'u), n. Same as lananuu, One of the gods outside of the heiau; o ka hakumaka o ka lanuu. LAO 356 LAP Lao (la'o), n. 1. A mote moving in the eye and causing pain; he pula one ana iloko o ka maka laolao, 2. A species of wrasse fish (Hali- choeres lao). Color, side brick red with a series of green spots; belly pale blue. Lao (la'o), v. Same as olao, to weed. Laoa (la'-o'-a), v. 1. To bind in a bundle, as formerly the bones of a person were bundled up to put away. 2. To bandage or encircle the loins with a kaei or girdle. 3. To be choked; to strangle from obstruction in the windpipe. Also written laowa. 4. To thrust with a sharp instrument, as in hooking eels. Laolao (la'o-la'o), n. 1. A bundle of small sticks tied up for fuel. 2. A bundle of anything tied up for carrying. 3. Little sticks put down to help sustain the kuauna or bank of a taro patch; ka laolao nahele kuakua loi. 4. Discomfort arising from the inflammation of some membranous tissue, as the eye suffering from a mote, or the bowels from a tendency to colic. Laolao (la'o-la'o), n. A deep boom- ing sound, as that of a surf break- ing far away. Laowa (la'-o'-wa), v. Same as laoa, to be choked. Lapa (la'-pa), adj. 1. Having a flat or square side: E kalai a lapa, Hew till flat. 2. Squared, as a hewed stick of timber; Kalai a lapalapa, hew all sides flat or square. 2. Troublesome, as a child in the way; uneasy; disobedient; mischievous. Lapa (la'-pa), n. 1. A ridge between two depressions; a ridge of land between two ravines. Same as olapa. 2. The steep side of a ra- vine. 3. A swelling. Syn: Pehu. 4. An instrument with three or more prongs made of bamboo and used by women in printing tapa. 5. A variety of sweet potato. 6. The orifice of the womb. Syn: Puao. 7. Desire of the female for intercourse. Lapa (la'-pa), v. 1. To desire sexual intercourse (applied to the fe- male); ia ia e lapa kane ai. 2. To jump and spring about as a wild colt or a calf that is tied. 3. To be meddlesome, said of little chil- dren. Syn : Lalama. Lapaau (la'-pa-a'u), n. That which is used in curing diseases, medi- cine, usually used with a qualify- ing word, as mea, laau, kahuna, etc. Lapaau (la'-pa-a'u), v. 1. To admin- ister medicine. 2. To heal; to cure; hooikaika i ka nawaliwali. Lapalapa (la'-pa-la'-pa), adj. 1. Plat or square, that is, where the cor- ners are prominent, either square or triangular. 2. Ridgy; abound- ing in ridges; from lapa, a ridge. 3. Boiling with heat. 4. Transient; evanescent; suddenly recurring, said of lightning. Lapalapa (la'-pa-la'-pa), n. 1. A ridge of earth; a sharp ridge be- tween two valleys. 2. A cluster of mounds or hillocks. 3. A blaze; a flash of a flame. 4. Boiling or bubbling of a liquid. 5. Timber hewn square. 6. A forest tree, also called olapa and mahu, bark and leaves used for a dye. Lapalapa (la'-pa-la'-pa), v. 1. [Freq. of lapa, to jump and spring.] 1, To bubble up, as boiling water. 2. To be blazing, as a fire; to be greatly agitated or aroused, as in anger, love, desire, etc. Hoolapa- lapa is the transitive form, 3. [Lapa, a ridge, as one of the cor- ners of a square-hewn timber.] To be flat. Lapauea (la'-pa'u-e'-a), n. The state or condition of old age; the trem- bling or feebleness of old age. Same as hapauea. Lapaulla (la'-pau-i-la), n. The side posts of a door frame. He mau kunakuna o ka puka hale. Lit. The spread of a door frame. Lapawai (la'-pa'-wa'i), n. [Lapa, to jump about, and wal, water.] 1. Frisking waters. The surf or roll- ing up of water where a cascade pours down. 2. The agitation where two forces of water meet; the meeting of the sea with the waters of a river. Lapee (la'-pe'e), v. To be bent; to be doubled up; to be crooked. Hoolapee is the transitive form. Lapika (la'-pi'-ka), n. [Mod., for rabita. Eng.] A rabbit. Lapu (la'-pu), adj. Spectral; ghost- ly; akua lapu, a specter; an ap- parition of a god. LAP 357 LAU Lapu (la'-pu), n. 1. An apparition; a ghost; the appearance of the supposed spirit of a deceased per- son. (Hal. 88:10.) Na mea lapu, the ghosts; the dead. (Isa. 34:14.) A o kou inoa, he lapu, a o kau mea e ai ai, o na pulelehua, thy name shall be Ghost (Lapu), thy food the butterflies (the judgment against Kaonohiokala for his crimes). 2. A night monster; ap- parition. Lapu (la'-pu), v. To appear, as a ghost or spirit, especially at night. Lapuia (la'-pii-i'a), v. 1. The pas- sive of lapu. To be visited by a ghost; to have seen a ghost. 2. To be possessed of a spirit. Lapulapu (la'-pii-la'-pu), v. 1. To col- lect together in little heaps; to pick up, as small sticks for fuel. To bind or tie up small substances into bundles or fagots for fuel. Syn: Hapuku. 2. To feel of; to handle over; to tie up. Syn: Lau- kua. Lapuu (la'-pu'u), adj. Bunched or swelled out; o ke aalele lapuu; crooked. Lapuu (la'-pu'u), v. To be bent or doubled over; to be crooked: Ua lapuu ka welau o ke alelo iloko, the end of the tongue is bent in- ward. To be humped up like a hump-backed person. Hoolapuu is the active form. Lapuwale (la'-pii-wa'-le), adj. Fool- ish; worthless; contemptible. Void of truth and reality in action; he mea oiaio ole ma ka hana. Lapuwale (la'-pu-wa'-le), n. 1. Lit. A ghost of a thing; nothing sub- stantial. 2. Vanity. That which in appearance or imagination is something, but in reality is noth- ing; mea lapuwale, folly; foolish- ness; wickedness. Lapuwale (la'-pu-wa'-le), v. [Lapu, ghost, and wale, only.] 1. To be only a ghost; to be not real; to be something not according to ap- pearance; hence, 2. To be worth- less; to be only a lapu. 3. To be disappointed; kii aku o Maewa i ka wai, aole i loaa, hoi mai, a olelo iho la, ka! Lapuwale 1 ka wai ole. Laru (la'-ru), n. [Mod.] The cuckoo, mentioned in the scriptures. Latike (la'-tl'-ke), n. [Mod.] Lat- tice; lattice work. Lau (lau), n. 1. Leaf of a plant; herb: lau nahele, herbs of the fields. 2. The end of a pointed object. Syn: Elau or welau. Lau alelo, the tip of the tongue. 3. The number 400. Lau (lau), v. 1. To produce leaves: E lau ae ana keia kumu ohia, This ohia (mountain apple tree) is put- ting forth leaves. 2. To be numer- ous. 3. [Contraction of lalau, to seize.] To feel after with the hands; to reach out for. Laua (la'-u'-a), dual pron. They two, as distinguished from maua, we two. Laua (la'-u'-a), v. 1. To make prog- ress: Ke laua aku nei kana hana. His work is progressing. 2. To progress until nearly ended. Lauae (la'u-a'e), n. An aromatic herb. A variety of fern, very fragrant and used for decorative purposes. Lauahea (la'u-a'-he'-a), adj. Indis- tinct; not clear, said of speech. Lauahea (la'u-a'-he'-a), n. Rumor. Lauaki (la'u-a'-ki'), n. A body of men working together at the same business; name in general of pro- fessionals. Lauala (la'u-a'-la), n. [Lau, leaves, and ala, rising.] The fresh and mature leaves of the taro. Laualo (la'u-a'-lo), n. [Contraction of laukalo.] Same as laalo and laukalo, the taro leaf. Lauaua (la'u-au'-a), n. A game of chance; a lottery. Lauaua (la'u-au'-a), n, A body of counselors appointed to settle con- troversies arising between their alii or chiefs. Lauaua (la'u-a'u-a), n. A certain wind at Hana, Maui; makani lau- awaawaa, also called lauawa. Lauawa (l^'u-a'-wa), n. 1. The leaf when it first shoots out after the taro top (hull) is planted. Syn: Laupai. 2. The first two leaves or shoots of the hull. 3. Leaves of the awa plant. 4. A wind that blows at Hana, Maui; also called lauaua. Laucka (la'u-e'-ka), adj. Contrac- tion of palaueka, obscure, dim, etc. Lauhala (la'u-ha'-la), n. [Lau, leaf, and hala, the pandanus.] 1. A pan- danus leaf. 2. A pandanus tree. Lauhalalana (la'u-ha'-la-la'-na), n. [Lauhala, pandanus, and lana, LAU 358 LAU floating.] 1. Floating pandanus trees. 2. Migratory people; epi- thet applied to those who do not stay long in any place. Lauhau (la'u-ha'u), n. 1. Another name for laipala, a variety of sur- geon fish. 2. Leaf of the hau tree. Lauhele (la'u-he-le), n. A vegetable, a small bush; also called laulele. Lauhoe (la'u-ho'-e), n. Paddle blade. Lauhoe (la'u-ho'-e), v. 1. To paddle together, as several persons pad- dling a canoe with great strength and resolution; i kahi a kakou e lauhoe aku nei. 2. To paddle uni- formly, said of a number of pad- dlers in separate canoes and mov- ing in the same course. Lauhua (la'u-hu'-a), n. A species of oopi fish, small, broad and yellow. Lauhuki (la'u-hii'-ki), n. 1. The god- dess of those who pounded or manufactured tapa; he akua no ka poe kuku kapa. 2. The office of the person who moistened the tapa during the process of pounding it. Lauhulu (la'u-hu'-lu), n. The dry leaves of the banana tree. Laui (la'u-I'), adj. Of or belonging to the ti plant: he pale laui kou akua ke hiki i Kailua, a ti fence is your god if you come to Kailua, that is, a frail defense. Laui (la'u-i'), n. The leaf of the ti plant, also called lai and lauki. Lauia (la'u-i'a), n. A measure of fish; an apportionment of the fishes caught when a division of the catch is made. Lauili (la'u-i'-li), v. To be fickle; to be inconstant; to be changeable. The better spelling is lauwili. Lauipala (la'u-I'-pa'-la), n. A variety or surgeon fish (Zebrasoma flaves- cens). Color, brownish yellow crossed by bands of deeper yellow. Laukahi (la'u-ka'-hi), n. 1. A plant (Ophioglossum pendulum), the seeds of which are to infants as a mawai or cathartic to carry off the meconium. 2. A variety of creeping fern (Odontoloma re- pens). Laukahiu (la'u-ka'-hi'u), n. [Lau, a leaf, ka, article, and hiu, the tail of a fish.] 1. A long shark, or long-tailed shark (the tail leaf- shaped). 2. The son of Kuhai- inoana, traditional name of a shark-god. Laukaia (la'u-ka'i-a), n. Kane's slum- ber; the nap of Kane. Laukana (la'u-ka'-na), adj. Applied to one who seldom prays in se- cret; laukana kahi mehameha. 2. Lazy in religious matters: molowa i ka pule, too lazy to pray. Laukanaka (la'u-ka'-na'-ka), n. [Lau, many, and kanaka, people.] A place of people; where many peo- ple live; laukanaka ole, a solitary place. Laukapalala (la'u-ka'-pa'-la'-la), n. General name of the leaves of the taro which by their overgrowth in- terfere with the progress of the main crop; such leaves are also called the eyes of Luaipo, he mau maka no Laipo. Laukapalili (la'u-ka'-pa-li'-li), n. [Lau, leaf, and kapalill, to tremble or vibrate quickly.] The name of the taro leaf that first grew on the Hawaiian islands. Laukea (la'u-ke'-a), n. A kind of hard gray stone made into kois (axes). Lauki (la'u-ki'), n. [Lau, leaf, and ki, the ti plant.] The leaf of the ti plant. Laukipala (la'u-kl'-pa'-la), n. 1. Same as lauipala, a variety of fish. 2. The leaf of the ti plant when it turns yellow. Lauko (la'u-ko'), n. [Lau, leaf, and ko, sugar-cane.] The leaf of the sugar cane, also called lao. Laukoa (la'u-ko'-a), n. [Lau, leaf, and koa, a tree.] 1. The leaf of the koa tree. 2. A table knife. Laukoa (la'u-ko'-a), v. 1. To be hatched out, as the eggs of any kind of fowl; pehea ka oukou mau hua? Ua laukoa, e lele auanei. 2. To be furnished with feathers, said of young birds about ready to fly. Laukoaie (la'u-ko'-a-i'e), n, [Lau, leaf, and koaie, a species of tim- ber.] 1. Literally, a koaie leaf. 2. Figuratively, anything which is found only in inland places. Laukoha (la'u-ko'-ha), adj. Fledged, ready to fly. Laukoha (la'u-ko'-ha), v. [Lau, leaf, and koha, squab.] To be fledged; feathered, as young birds; he lau laha ole. Same as laukoa. Laukonakona (la'u-ko'-na-ko'-na'), v. [Lau and konakona, to despise.] 1. To despise; to contemn; to LAU 359 LAU treat contemptuously. 2. To be disgusted; to be exasperated: Ua laukonakona au i kana hana, I am exasperated at his action. Laukua (la'u-ku'-a), adj. Composed of things put together irregularly or in confusion; applied also to words in a speech; he olelo lau- kua, he olelo hoohihia. Laukua (la'u-ku'-a), n. 1. Things scraped or gathered irregularly to- gether; aia ke aloha o ka laukua e laukua wale ai. 2. General name of fish ponds where many sorts of fish are kept. 3. A person who works at many kinds of work. Laukua (la'u-ku'-a), v. To gather to- gether and lay up the good and the bad, or to use what is one's own by right along with what is another's, as by theft or extortion; he laukua wale no ko makou. Syn: Hapuku, to scrape together. Laula (la'u-la'), adj. Broad; wide; he kecna laula, a wide room. Lauia (la'u-la'), n. Extension; breadth; width, etc. Laula (la'u-la'), v. To be broad; to be wide; to be extended. Laulaha (la'u-la'-ha), v. [Lau and laha, to spread abroad.] To be spread abroad, as a noise or re- port; to be heard extensively; to learn something by report. Laulahaole (la'u-la'-ha-o'-le), adj. I Laulaha, spread, and ole, nega- tive.] Kept in; not reported; not spread abroad. Laulahilahi (la'u-la'-hi-la'-hi), adj. [Lau, leaf, and lahilahl, thin.] Thin, as the leaves of ti or the banana. Said of things too thin. See lalahi. Laulama (la'u-la'-ma), n. [Lau, a great number and lama, torch.] Many torches at night. Laulau (la'u-la'u), n. 1. A bundle; a bag, as of money. 2. A wrapper of a bundle; that which surrounds anything. 3. A bundle, as of food done up the second time. 4. A bundle of small wood, or fagots. 5. The netting in which food is carried. 6. A container generally. Laulawill (la'u-la'-wi'-li), n. Same as lauwili. Laulea (la'u-le'a), adj. Peaceful; friendly; pacified. Laulea (1^'u-le'a), n. [Lau and lea, pleasure; joy.] Peace; friendship; satisfaction with a person or thing after having experienced dislike. Laulea (la'u-le'a), v. To be on terms of friendship; to be at peace with. Syn: Launa. Laulele (la'u-le'-le), n. [Lau, leaf, and lele, to spring.] 1. The plant or leaf of a kind of turnip used for food. 2. The dandelion. 3, A net used for fishing in shallow waters and operated with feet and hands. 4. A plant self propagated, but eaten for food in time of scarcity; he ilailau, he ananu, he pilapilau. See ananu. Laulima (la'u-li'-ma), n. [Lau, many, and lima, hands.] A company of men who worked together on one another's land, or at one another's work. Lauloa (la'u-15'-a), n. [Lau, leaf, and loa, long.] A variety of taro, also called lauloa-kane and lauloa-wa- hine, distinguished by the shape and color of the leaves. Laulole (la'u-lo'-le), adj. [Lau, leaf, and lole, cloth.] Cloth-leafed; an epithet of the mulberry; laau lau- lole, a mulberry tree. Laumaewa (la'u-ma-e'-wa), adj. In- sulting; derisive; mocking; sneer- ing: he palapala laumaewa kapu no Lono, a derisive letter to Lono. Laumaewa (la'u-ma-e'-wa), n. [Lau, and maewa, a mockery.] Insult; mockery; taunt; sneer. Laumake (la'u-ma'-ke), n. [Lau, leaf, and make, death.] 1. Name com- mon to all poisonous herbs. *2. Dead leaf. 3. The sharp point of a weapon of combat or war. Laumanamana (la'u-ma'-na-ma'-na), n. [Lau, leaf, and manamana, di- vided.] A variety of potato the leaves of which are slim and much divided. Laumania (la'u-ma'-nl'-a), adj. Smooth, straight and even; ap- plied to the surface of bodies; smooth or polished, as glass; ili laumania, a plane surface. Laumania (la'u-ma'-ni'-a), n. [Lau, leaf, and mania, smooth.] 1. A smooth, thin leaf. 2. A straight, smooth, even surface of a body. Laumania (la'u-ma'-nl'-a), v. To be spread out smoothly and evenly; to have an even surface; to be free of bumps or protuberances. The transitive form is hoolau- mania. LAU 360 LAU Laumanie (la'u-ma'-ni'-e), v. Same as laumania. Laumau (la'u-ma'u), n. A carved de- sign on a tapa beater, resembling the pinnate leaf of a fern. Laumeki (la'u-me'-ki), n. 1. A flow- ing back of the tide; an abatement of waters, 2. A wilting or droop- ing, said of plants languishing for lack of moisture. Laumeki (la'u-me'-ki), v. 1. To flow slowly, as a stream with very little water; to flow back; to re- cede, said of tide water. 2. To move very slowly, as a very slow trotting horse. Laumilo (la'u-mi'-lo), adj. Squirming; contorting; mixing up. Laumilo (la'u-mi'-lo), n. Specific name of a variety of eel, so called from its color resemblance to the yellow leaf of the milo tree. Also called puhilaumilo, O ka lena o ka puhilaumilo i ka pa, Laumilo (la'u-mi'-lo), v. 1. To writhe; to squirm; to turn and twist awry. Syn: Lauwili. Ua laumiloia na uhane, ua make. 2. To destroy by wringing or twist- ing; to kill by torture: E laumilo iho ia K a make, Torture K until he is dead, Launa (la'-u-na), adj. Friendly; so- cial; intimate; with ole, unlike; different from; excellent, etc; i ka hanohano launa ole o ke alii kane, =E2=80=94 Laieik, p. 113. Launa (la'-u-na), v. [For lau ana, probably a spreading,] To asso- ciate with; to be on friendly terms with one; to treat with kindness or attention. The transitive form is hoolauna, Launahele (la'u-na'-he'-le), n, [Lau, leaf, and nahele, a thick growth of brush.] 1. The leaves or thick growth of a forest; hence, 2. Herbs generally; launahele hou, tender herbs. Launiu (la'u-niu), n, A carved de- sign on a tapa beater, resembling the leaf (lau) of a coconut palm (niu), Lauo (la'u-o'), n. Same as lao, leaf of the sugar-cane, Lauoe (la'u-o'e), n, 1, A vibrating sound, 2, A low, continued and indistinct sound like the hum of insects. Lauoe (la'u-o'e), v. To ascend straight upward. Lauoha (la'u-o '-ha), adj. Thrifty. Lauo ha (la'u-o'-ha), n. 1. Rank growth, said of any vegetable that grows large and thrifty. Same as lauohaoha. 2, The sail of a ves- sel above the spanker, 3, A va- riation in vision depending on the nearness or remoteness of an ob- ject. Lauohai (la'u-o'-ha'i), n. Literally, the leaf of the ohai. A large bush bearing beautiful flowers; ka lau o luhea o ka ohai i Mana, Lauohaoha (la'u-o'-ha-o'-ha), n. Same as lauoha, thrifty growing. Lauohe (la'u-o'-he), n. Leaves of the ohe or bamboo which are dried and used for polishing. Lauoho (la'u-o'-ho), n. [Lau, leaf, and oho, the hair of the human head,] 1. The hair of the head. Ka hulu o ke poo. [The hair of animals is hulu, and so is hair on the other parts of the human body.] Lauone (la'u-o'-ne), n. Descriptive of soil. Any place where the soil is light, mellow and easy to culti- vate. Lauowe (la'u-6'-we'), n. Murmuring sounds, as the soughing of wind among the trees. Lauowe (la'u-o 'we'), v. To make a rustling noise with the feet or i fingers. LaupaapaanI (la'u-pa'a-pa-a'-ni), adj. Jolly; inspiring mirth: he keiki laupaapaani no me he wahi alii la, a merry child like a little alii. Laupaapaani (la'u-pa'a-pa-a'-ni), n. A I word used by chiefs in flattering I and caressing each other; also a term expressing pleasure, ; Laupaapaani (la'u-pa'a-pa-a'-ni), v. 1, To make merry; to inspire jollity, I 2, To be lively; to be jovial; to be jolly, Laupae (la'u-pa'e), n. The first two leaves of the taro cutting after it commences to grow. Laupai (la'u-pa'i), n. Same as lau- pae and lauawa. The first two leaves of taro or hull after plant- ing. Laupala (la'u-pa'-la), n. 1. A leaf fading and turning brown or red. 2, A person failing in health and considered not likely to live long. Laupalai (la'u-pa-la'i), adj. Shining; glittering; greasy; hinuhinu, lile. LAU 361 LAW Laupalai (la'u-pS-la'i), v. To be shin- ing, as the fields when the sun- light strikes them after a shower. Laupapa (la'u-pa'-pa), n. [Lau, leaf, and papa, a flat surface.] A broad smooth plane; hence the name of a district on the island of Molo- kai: Kalaupapa. Laupau (la'u-pa-u'), n. The young ulua, also called pauu or paupau. Lauukukahi (la'u-u-ku-ka'-hi), n. A common but incorrect pronuncia- tion of one of the laaus or certain days in a month. See laauku- kahi. Lauulu (15,'u-u'-lu), n. [Lau, leaf, and ulu, the breadfruit tree.] 1. The leaf of the breadfruit tree. 2. A word heard indistinctly, or an idea so obtained from a speaker as to give an uncertain meaning. Lauwahi (la'u-wa'-hi), v. [Lau, leaf, and wahi, to gather up.] 1. To be greedy of gain; to gather prop- erty avariciously. 2. To be eager after food. 3. To be active in indulging lust. Lauwi (la'u-wi'), n. A bird found on the island of Lanai, small and yellow; also called alauhiio (Ore- omyza montana). Lauwilj (la'u-wi'-li), adj. 1. Change- able, like the wind; turning this way and that, like leaves in the wind; hence, 2. Fickle; incon- stant; deceitful. LauwIII (la'u-wi'-li), n. 1. Fickle- ness in conduct. 2. Carelessness in speaking or pronouncing with frequent repetitions. 3. Sudden changes in motion. Lauwili (la'u-wi'-li), v. [Lau, leaf, and wili, to turn; to twist, as leaves affected by the wind.] 1. To whirl or whiffle about, as the wind. 2. To be unstable, as a fickle-minded person. 3. To be double tongued; to be double minded; to be changeable. 4. To be in great trouble or perplexity; to be involved. 5. To talk or speak in a roundabout manner, as one never coming to the point. Lauwiliia (la'u-wl'-li-i'a), n. Afflic- tion; persecution; distress. Lauwiliia (la'u-wrii-i'a), v. Passive of lauwili. To be in, or suffering affliction. Lauwiliwill (l^'u-wi'-lT-wi'-li), n. Another name for lauipala, lauhau, lauhua, a yellow colored fish. Lauwiliwill (la'u-wi'-li-wi'-li), v. [Freq. of lauwili.] To change often; to be very fickle, etc. Lawa (la'-wa), adj. 1. Sufficient; enough; ample; adequate. 2. Full to the brim. 3. White, applied to a fowl: He moa lawa, a white cock. (Laieik. p. 14.) See lawa- aeae, lawakea. Lawa (la'-wa), n. 1. A sufficiency; a supply. 2. A stomach disease of which it is said, paapu ka opu I na iwi aoao. 3. A hook for catch- ing sharks. 4. An office in the king's retinue. Lawa (la'-wa), y. To hold fast; to bind tightly. Lawa (la'-wa), v. 1. To be enough; to be satisfied; to be supplied with; to have enough. 2. To be finished or completed, as a per- formance. Hoolawa is the transi- tive form. Lawaaeae (la'-wS-a'e-a'e), n. 1. Va- riety in color, as in the mixing of the brilliant with the lighter hued feathers of birds. 2. Light yellow- ish red hair when it shows a touch of the gray or white. 3. A white fowl with a sprinkling of red feathers, especially a cock; ka lawaaeae ka nono paa. Lawaia (la'-wa-i'a), n. 1. A fisher- man; one skilled in catching fish, and whose occupation it is. 2. A fishing: the business of taking fish. [Fishing was anciently prac- ticed among Hawaiians to a great extent, and those who followed it as a business became very expert; but the introduction of cattle, goats, etc., has rendered fishing less necessary.] 3. The cormorant, a bird that feeds on fish; an un- clean bird. [A word selected by the translators of the Scriptures.] Lawaia (la'-wa-i'a), v. [Lawa for lawe, to take, and la, fish.] To catch fish, that is, to exercise the calling of a fisherman, by under- standing the places and times of the appearance of different kinds of fish and the art of taking them. 2. In later time the word was applied also to the taking of birds. See lawaiamanu. Lawaiamanu (la'-wa-i'a-ma'-nu), n. [Lawaia, to fish, and manu, a bird.] A hunter and catcher of birds; a fowler. [Catching birds was formerly practiced to a great LAW 362 LAW extent in the mountainous parts of the islands.] Lawakea (la'-wa-ke'-a), n. 1. A white cock. See lawaaeae. 2. Name in general of white attire; white garments. 3. People who dress in large white flowing ta- pas; me i ka uwe hoouwe a ka lawakea. 4. The white garments used in a period of mourning. Lawakua (la'-wa-ku'-a), v. [Lawa, to bind, and kua, back.] 1. To bind or tie fast on the back; to bind tightly; to make fast; e lawalawa, e hoa paa loa. 2. To tie tightly. Lawakuaia (la'-wa-ku'-a-i'a), v. Pas- sive of lawakua, to tie on the back. Lawalawa (la'-wa-la'-wa), v. [Inten- sive of lawa, to hold fast; to bind tightly.] 1. To bind, as a grass house or anything in danger of floating or being blown away by the wind; e lawalawa i ka hale a paa. 2. To stretch cords from one place to another to fasten something. 3. To bind round and make fast; e lawalawa i ka ukana ma ka waa. [The force of this word and lawakua consists in the completeness with which the fast- ening is done, as we say, do it up tight. Lawa I u (la'-wa'-lu), adj. Cooked, as meat or fish. Hoomanao ae la la- kou i na wahine a lakou. i na la lawalu, i ka poi, etc., They remem- bered their wives, their cooked fish, their poi, etc. Lawalu (la'-wa'-lu), n. Meat bound up in leaves and roasted on the coals. Lawalu (la'-wa'-lu), v. To cook meat on the coals inclosed in leaves; e koala, e hoomoa me ka laui. La we (la'-we), v. 1. To take; par- ticularly, to take and carry in the hand. 2, To transfer from one place to another. 3. To take away from, or out of. 4. To carry in any way. 5. To betroth; to se- lect; to adopt, 6. To accept as a proijiise or statement. 7. To sub- tract; to deprive of; to put out of possession. Lawea (la-we'-a), v. To do well. Lawea (la'-we'a), v. [For laweia. Passive of lawe.] See lawe. Lawehala (la'-we-ha'-la), adj. Sin- carrying; sinful; doing that which is forbidden. Lawehala (la'-we-ha'-la), n. 1. One bearing sin; an open transgressor of the law. 2. The indulgence of sin; the practice of evil. 3. One who breaks an obligation or cove- nant; one overtaken in the com- mission of evil. 4. Abstractly, sin; evil. 5. A sinner. 6. An adversary; an enemy. Lawehala (la'-we-ha'-la), v. [Lawe, to bear, and hala, an offense.] 1, To carry or bear guilt, that is, to commit an offense. 2. To transgress; to be morally wrong. Lawehana (la'-we-ha'-na), n. One who engages in work; a work- man; a laborer; one engaged in any set of duties. Hoa lawehana, a helper in any business. Lawehana (la'-we-ha'-na), v. [Lawe, to bear, and hana, work.] To en- gage in business; to commence and carry on work; to be ready for any business; to be industri- ously engaged. Lawekahill (la'-we-ka'-hi'-li), n [Lawe, to carry, and kahili, the great brush, the badge of royalty.] The person who attended the high chief, carried the kahili, and exe- cuted his orders. See ilamuku, iwikuamoo and poelamuku. Lawekeo (la'-we-ke'-o'), n. Song of the kioea or bristle thighed cur- lew. Kani mai la ua manu la, penei: Kioea, kioea, lawekeo, lawelawe ke o. Also called lawe- lawekeo. Lawelawe (la'-we-la'-we), adj. Per- taining to work, service or office; ka poe lawelawe, servants, wait- ers, etc. Lawelawe (la'-we-la'-we), v. 1. To wait upon at table as a servant in attendance. 2. To serve; to per- form the duties of a station. 3. To minister to one; to serve. To be busy; to employ one's self. 4. To handle; to feel of. To handle, as in turning the leaves of a book; to handle, as in using musical in- struments. Lawelaweiwi (la'-we-la'-we-I'-wi), n. [Lawelawe, to tie, or to serve, to take, and iwi, bone.] 1. One skill- ful in restoring the bones of a disjointed skeleton. 2. Office of one who cares for the bones of a deceased person. Laweiawekeo (la'-we-la'-we-ke'-o), n. Same as lawekeo. LAW 363 LEH Lawelua (la'-we-lu'-a), v. [Lawe, to tie, and lua, double.] To bind or tie up the second time; hence, to bind tightly; e hawelelua a paa; to bind at both ends. 2. To act in reference to both sides of the question; to act impartially. Laweola (la'-we-o'-la), n. Man- slaughter. Laweola (la'-\ve-6'-la), v. [Lawe, take, and ola, life.] 1. To take human life without malice or in- tention. 2. To take alive; to car- ry alive. In this sense, should be written as two words. Laweoleio (la'-we-6-le'-lo), n. 1. A tale bearer; one who reports sto- ries to the injury of others. 2. A carrier of olelo or word; one who bears a message. 3. The act of talebearing. Lawepio (la'-we-pi'-o), v. [Lawe, to take, and pjo, prisoner.] To take captive by a conqueror; to carry off, as a prisoner; to carry into captivity. Lawepioia (la'-we-pi'-6-i'a), n. [Part pass, of lawepio.] The state of being a prisoner; captivity. Lawewale (la'-we-wa'-le), n. Seizure of the property of another, as a chief or head man in former times; not strictly the same as aihue, as the taking might be with the knowledge of the owner; a distraining of property; extortion. Lawewale (la'-we-wa'-le), v. [Lawe, to take, and wale, without reason.] To take without leave or right; to extort property from one. Lawewe (la'-we'-we), v. Obsolete. Contraction of lawelawe. Lea (le'a), adj. Pleasing; delight- ful; agreeable. Lealea is the word generally used. Lea (le'a), adv. 1. Pleasantly; agreeably. 2. As an intensive, perfectly; clearly; thoroughly; very; as, moa lea, thoroughly cooked; ike lea, well known, or see clearly; understand perfectly. Lea (le'a), n. 1. Joy; gladness; pleasure; merriment; satisfaction 2. Sexual gratification. 3. The barb or point that slants backward on a fish-hook. Lea (le'a), v. 1. To be pleased; to feel comfortable. 2. To delight in; to be pleased with; to take pleas- ure in a thing; to enjoy: e lea auanei au i ka hiamoe, I shall soon enjoy sleep. Lealea (le'a-le'a), adj. Pleasing; agreeable, etc. Lealea (le'a-le'a), n. Gladness; pleasure; joy. See lea. Lealea (le'a-le'a), v. [Intensive of lea.] 1. To delight in; to be pleased with. 2. Fig. To play, as in a game of boxing. (Laieik. p. 46.) 3. To be merry; to be exhilarated; spoken of the heart. Leenihl (le'e-ni'-hi), n. Same as lae- nihi, a variety of the hinalea fish. Legeona (le'-ge-o'-na), n. [Gr.] A legion, 10,000; an indefinitely large number. Also written legiona. Leha (le'-ha), v. 1. To turn the eyes in different ways without turning the head. 2. To turn the eyes toward, that is, to look with expectation. Lehal (le'-ha'i), v. To jump; to leap; to jump over a thing, as a wall. To start up suddenly, as a bird. Same as lahei. Lehalehai (le'-ha-le'-ha'i), v. 1; [Freq. of lehai.] To leap or bound; to move by successive leaps or flights; to hop or skip from point to point. 2. To jump on both feet; to jump often; e lelele. Lehe (le'-he), n. A variety of hilu, one of the many various colored shore fishes. Lehei (le'-he'i), v. 1. To jump from an elevation, as a dog or goat from a wall; to jump over. Syn: Lehai. 2. To start up suddenly and fly. Lehelehe (le'-he-le'-he), adj. Fat; plump; in good flesh. Syn: Nelu, nelunelu. Lehelehe (le'-he-le'-he), n. 1. The lips, that is, synonymous with waha, for the organs of speech generally. 2. Language; manner of speaking. Syn: Olelo. 3. Vo- cal utterance. Lehelehei (le'-he-le'-hei), v. [Freq. of lehei.] To hop or jump from twig to twig, as a little bird; to take short but frequent flights. Leho (le'-ho), adj. Swollen hard, as a small callous place on the skin; he kua leho, he a-i leho. Leho (le'-ho), n. 1. A species of shell fish. 2. The cowrie shell it- self. 3, A bunch or swelling on the shoulder or back of a person, like the shell of the fish leho, caused LEH 364 LEI by long carrying heavy burdens: oia ke alii hilahila no ka leho no kona kokua i ke amo ana, he was the chief who was ashamed of the bunch (on his shoulder) from car- rying burdens. [This leho was frequently seen on the shoulders of laboring men as late as 1840.] 4. A glowing red color. Leho (le'-ho), v. To have knots or bunches on one's shoulders from carrying heavy burdens: a leho kana hokua i ke amo i ka wai ame kela mea keia mea. Leholeho (le'-ho-le'-ho), adj. Knotted; swelled from carrying burdens. Leholeho (le'-ho-le'-ho), v. To lift and convey a heavy burden on an auamo: He aha keia ukana a ou- kou e leholeho ae nei? What is this baggage that you people are carrying? 2. To be calloused; to be hardened, said of one whose muscles are largely toughened by abrasion. 3, To be swelled; to be dilated. Leholel (le'-h6-le'i), n. A small white shell of the leho species, used for beads. Lehoomao (le'-h6-o'-ma'o), n. [Leho, a kind of shellfish, and omao, green.] A shellfish of a green color; also called lehomao. Lehopaa (le'-h5-pa'a), n. A species of leho of one color. Lehopouli (Ie'-h6-p6'-u'-li), n. A va- riety of the leho; dark reddish col- ored leho. Lehoula (le'-h6-u'-la), adj. Beautiful; precious; beautiful red; very pre- cious, as the red-shelled cowrie. Lehoula (le'-h6-u'-la), n. [Leho and ula, red.] A species of leho of a red color; a red shell fish. Lehu (le'-hu), n. 1. Ashes; ka lepo o ke ahi; ke oka keokeo o ka lanahu, refuse of fire; waste mat- ter of coal. 2. The number 400,- 000, the highest in the Hawaiian series of numbers. Lehu (le'-hu), v. To be or become ashes; e puhi aku a lehu, to burn to ashes, that is, to burn com- pletely. Lehua (le'-hu'a), n. 1. Tree 10 to 35 feet high, usually called ohia le- hua; a species of ohia (Metrosi- deros polymorpha), also called ohia hamau. 2. A well-defined va- riety of the taro plant, pink in color. 3. A small, rocky island on the northeast of the island of Niihau, which has a good spring of water and a fine cavern. 4 The first man slain in sacrifice on a particular occasion. 5. Often used figuratively in a personal way, equivalent to very dear friend: kuu lehua ala o Koolau, my sweet lehua of Koolau. Lehuaapane (le'-hu'-a-a-pa'-ne), n. A species of the ohia ai, or mountain apple tree, so-called because a favorite of the apane bird. Lehuahamau (le'-hu'-a-ha'-ma'u), n. A tree, a species of the ohia ha, on the blossoms of which the birds feed. Lehuahl (le'-hu-a'-hi), n. [Lehu, ashes, and ahi, fire.] The rem- nants of fire; ashes. Lehuakuikawao (le'-hu'-a-ku'-I-ka'- wa'o), n. [Lehua, ku, to stand; I ka wao, in the wild or wilderness; lehua standing in the wild.] An- other name of the lehua or pink- colored taro. Lehuamakanoe (le-hu'-a-ma'-ka-no'e), n. A small sweet-scented moun- tain plant (Lysimachia daphnoi- des), also called kolokolo kuahiwi. Lehuapapa (le'-hu'-a-pa'-pa), n. A small tree or shrub of the lehua class, peculiar to the island of Oahu. Lehulehu (le'-hii-le'-hu), adj. Many; numerous: Ma kona mau ipuka lehulehu i komo aku ai ka hewa, Through its many doors does evil enter in. Lehulehu (le'-hii-le'-hu), n. A mul- titude; an indefinitely large num- ber, A host; a great number; ka lehulehu, the multitude: lehova o na lehulehu, Jehovah of hosts. Lehulehu (le'-hii-le'-hu), v. To be numerous; to become multitudi- nous. Lehuliu (le'-hii-li'u), adj. Hot, as stones in an oven heated to a white heat; lehuliu ka imu. Syn: Ahuliu. Lehu ula (le'-hu-u'-la), n. Dust and dirt when carried by the wind, having a reddish appearance. Lei (le'i), n. 1. Any ornamental dress for the head or neck; a string of beads; a necklace; a wreath of green leaves or flowers; garland. 2. A crown for the head. Syn: Leialii, 3. Any external orna- mental work. [The leis of Ha- LEI 365 LEL waiians were made of a great many materials, but the leihala, made of lauhala nuts, was the most valued on account of its odoriferous qualities.] 4. String of beads used in praying. 5. The garland for crowning a god. Lei (le'i), v. 1. To put around the neck, as a wreath; to tie on, as one's beads. 2. To put on an en- sign or badge, as an officer in bat- tle; ma ka la kaua lei no ke alii i ka niho palaoa. Leiai (le'i-a'-i), n. [Lei and a-i, the neck.] 1. A wreath for the neck. 2. A necktie. Leialii (le'i-a-li'i), n. [Lei and alii, a chief.] A crown, that is, a king's lei. A diadem. Syn: Papale- alii and korona. Leiapiki (le'i-a'-pi'-ki), n. Lei or wreath made of unlike material displaying a variety of colors. Leihala (le'i-ha'-la), n. [Lei, wreath, and hala, the pandanus.] 1. A lei made of the hala fruit, which is odoriferous: he leihala oe ma ka a-i o ka poe naauao, thou art a hala wreath on the neck of the wise. 2. A species of the yellow colored eel. Leihua (le'i-hu'-a), n. A plant; the globe amaranth; so named from the flowers, which are made into wreaths for the head. Leihulu (le'i-hu'-lu), n. 1. Wreath made of feathers. A lei or wreath for the neck made of the feathers of the bird mamo; ka lei mamo no Laa. 2. Children beloved of their parents. Leihulumanu (le'i-hu'-lu-ma'-nu), n. Feather wreath made from the feathers of a white fowl and dyed to resemble the neck feathers of an owl, used to decorate the idols in the lananumamao. Leiilima (le'i-i'-ll'-ma), n. 1. Lei or string of flowers formed from the blossoms of the ilima plant. 2. In modern times, also a paper lei made in imitation of the ilima. Leileho (le'i-le'-ho), n. [Lei, a wreath, and leho, a shell.] A string of cowries: Syn: Pule- holeho. Leilei (le'i-le'i), v. [Requires the prefix hoo to make sense.] See hoolei and hooleilei. Leina (le'i-na), n. A spring; a leap; a bound: Hookahi no leina kau I aku la o Kupa ma kela kapa, One leap landed Kupa on the other j side. Leina (le'i-na), v. Contraction of hooleina. Leio (le'I-o'), n. Incorrect form of leo, voice. Leio (le'i-o'), v. 1. To open the eyes with wildness; to look about wild- ly. 2. To become lean; to be emaciated and hence show crav- ing desire in looks. Leioa (le'i-o'-a), v. [For leioia, pas- sive of leio.] To be opened, as the eyes with wildness; to look wild. Leiohano (le'i-o'-ha'-no'), n. [Leio for leo, and hano, hoarse.] A hoarse voice, as one having a cold. Also leohano. Leiole (le'i-6'-le), n. 1. Another name for the ilima lei or wreath. 2. Another name for ana and ane, a soft stone used for polishing. [Leioia is the correct form.] Leiowi (le'i-o-wi'), n. Phthisic; tu- berculosis. Lei pa pa hi (le'i-pa'-p=C2=A7,'-hi), n. A broad wreath for the head. Leka (le'-ka), n. [Eng.] 1. A leek, an herb. 2. A letter. Leie (le'-le), n. 1. An altar for sac- rifice; he wahi e kau ai i ka mo- hai kuni i ke kuahu. 2. A de- tached part or lot of land belong- ing to an ili (one of the land hold- ings, smaller than an ahupuaa). 3. A leap; a jump. 4. An interval in music. LeIe (le'-le), v. 1. To fly; to jump; to leap; to fly, as a bird; a ike aku la au i ka lele ana o ka manu. 2. To burst forth, as fire in a con- flagration. 3. To move, as a me- teor through the air. To fly; to jump; to rush upon. 4. To pass from; to vanish; to depart from one, as the spirit of a dying per- son. 5. To jump off, hence to land. 6. To move suddenly and swiftly, as in attack. 7. To be scattered; lele liilii. Leiea (le'-le'-a), n. A prayer which the priest utters while the chief drinks his portion of awa. Leieaaka (le'-le-^'-a'-ka), v. To hang; to suspend; to carry on the back as one carries a child or a load. Leieaioio (le'-le-a-i'o-i'o), n. 1. An- other name of the goddess Kuamu, one of the most merciless deities LEL 366 LEL of pagan Hawaii, who inflicted bodily pain, such as nukee, oopa, etc. Leieaka (le'-le-a'-ka), n. The white belt of stars in the heavens; the Milky Way; he ala waiu; also called leleiona. Leieaoa (le'-le'-a-o'-a), n. 1. A flying away in crowds, as in the migra- tory flight of birds. 2. A move- ment collectively or unitedly, as in the act of sailing rapidly away in canoes or ships to another land. Leieha (le'-le'-ha), v. Same as leha. See Leha. Leiehoohaahaa (le'-le-ho'o-ha'a-ha'a) , n. Another name for Kuamu, also called Leleaioio. Leiehoolahalaha (le'-le-ho'o-la'-ha-la'- ha), n. A floating high in air. Leiehoolahalaha (le'-le-ho'o-la'-ha-la'- ha), V. [Leie, fly, and lahalaha, to be spread out.] To fly or float in the air, as a large bird with out- spread wings; e lele i ka imo o ka lani; to hover with no percep- tible movement of the wings. Leiehu (le'-le'-hu), v. To be sleepy or drowsy; to be dull, heavy, stupid, etc. Leiehua (le'-le-hu'-a), adj. Skillful; able to apply the mental powers. Leiehuna (le'-le-hu'-na), adj. Small; fine: ua leiehuna, fine, mistlike rain. Leiehuna (le'-le-hu'-na), n. [Lele, to fly, and huna, a minute part of anything.] Anything extremely small; the smallest part conceiv- able. Leiehuna (le'-le-hu'-na), v. [Lele, to fly, and huna, a small particle.] To fly into small pieces; to scat- ter, as fine particles; to become fine, as dust or fine rain; mukiki ka ia lele a ka manu. Leieino (le'-le-i'-no), n. 1. A spring- ing suddenly as in fright. 2. A sudden sharp assault. Leieino (le'-le-i'-no), v. [Lele, to jump, and I no, bad.] 1. To be in an unquiet state, as the stomach from eating some kinds of food: E leieino no auanei ka ai ma opu o ke kanaka. In the man's stom- ach, the food will be jumping . madly. 2. To be perturbed. 3. [Properly two words, lele, to jump, and the intensive inc.] To spring violently forward, as in attacking; to push forward impetuously; to rush violently. Leieio (le'-le-i'o), v. [Lele, to de- part, to leap, and io, really.] To die quickly; to die suddenly. Leieiomo (le'-le-i-o'-mo), v. [Lele, to leap, and iomo, to dive.] To plunge into the water from a height; e poni, e omoki. Leleiona (le'-le'i-o'-na), n. 1. A small variable colored fish about the size of the opelu which runs with sharks. 2. The Milky Way. Syn: Leieaka. Leiekahauli (le'-le-ka-ha'-u-li), n. [Lele, to fly away, ka and hauli, spirit, life, breath, etc.] 1. A loss of breath. 2. Surprise; admira- tion; fear; a trembling through fear; astonishment. Leiekawa (le'-le-ka'-wa), n. The act of jumping from a precipice to destroy life, or of jumping from a precipice into deep water as a pastime. Leiekawa (le'-le-ka'-wa), v. 1. To leap from an elevation straight down into deep water, a pastime among Hawaiians. 2. To jump or leap down a precipice (a method of committing suicide). Leiekoali (le'-le-ko-a'-li), n. 1. A I swing. 2. Swinging; moving to j and fro of a suspended body. Leiekoali (le'-le-ko-a'-li), v. To swing. ; Leiekoke (le'-le-ko'-ke), adj. [Lele, to fly, and koke, quick.] Flying quickly into a passion; quickly angry; excitable. Leiekolu (le'-le-ko'-lu), n. [Mod.] In music, an interval of a third; a third. Leiekoluhapa (le'-le-ko'-lii-ha'-pa), n. [Mod.] In music, a minor third. Leiele (le'-le'-le), v. [Freq. form of lele.] 1. To fly frequently. 2. To move about irregularly. 3. To hop; to frisk; to move by a suc- cession of jumps. Leielele (le'-le-le'-le) , v. [Freq. of lele.] 1. To run off; to run off in haste; to run off frequently or for a trifling offense, as a servant. 2. To forsake frequently, as a man his wife, or a wife her husband; leielele maua i ke kula o Pele, We two hastened away to the plain of Pele. 3. To perform a series of running jumps. 4. To be unsteady; inconstant. LEL 367 LEL Leielelekoke (le'-le-le'-le-ko'-ke), v. [Leie, to leave, and koke, quick.] To forsake quickly for a trifling offense. See lelekoke. Leieleponi (le'-le'-le-p6'-ni), n. [Leie, to depart, and poni, suddenly; quickly.] A sudden dying; one struck suddenly dead. Leielimahapa (le'-le-li'-ma-ha'-pa), n. [Mod., lele, to leap, lima, five, and hapa, part.] In music, a minor fifth. Leielua (le'-le-lu'-a), n. [Mod., lele, to leap, and lua, two.] In music, a second. Leielupe (le'-le-lu'-pe), v. [Lele, to leap, and lupe, the fore point of the ama of a canoe.] 1. To rise high and submerge or subside, as the lupe of a canoe's outrigger in a stormy sea. The word is used in a figurative way to describe the rise and subsidence of the emo- tions. Leiemalaioa (le'-le-ma'-la'i-o'-a), v. [Lele, to fly, and malaloa, small; fine.] To be scattered or blown away, as small fragments of things ; to be as dust. Leiemu (le'-le'-mu'), n. 1. Weight; heaviness; a burden carried on the hips. 2. One employed to seize victims for immolation. Leiemu (le'-le'-mu'), v. [Lele, to rush upon, and mu, one employed to procure victims for sacrifice.] To arrest or seize for sacrifice. Leiemu (le'-le'-mu), v. To be slow; to be sluggish in movement; to be slow in obeying a command. Leiemua (le'-le-mu'-a), n. "[Lele, to rush upon, and mua, foremost or first in time.] First to attack; first move in a contest. Leieoi (le'-le-oi), n. Something over the usual. Leieol (le'-le-6'i), v. 1. To be ready to speak of one's faults; to say more than is true about one, especially of evil. 2. To be more than the average quantity or measure. Leieopeapea (le'-le-6-pe'a-pe'a), v. [Lele, to fly, and opeapea, a bat.] To flutter, as birds in a fright; to fly like a bat. Leiepaha (le'-le-pa'-ha'), adj. [Mod., lele, to skip over, and paha, by fours.] Counting by fours; skip- ping four in counting in music, leaping over four places; leaping to the minor fourth. Leiepailani (le'-le-pa'i-ia'-ni), v. [Lele, to fly, and pailani, to extol, lani, heaven.] To praise; to bless; to extol. Leiepall (le'-le-pa'-li), v. [Lele, to leap, and pali, a precipice.] To leap down a precipice, a common way formerly of committing sui- cide: pehea la ka uhane o ka poe lelepali? How is it with the souls of those who leap the precipice? Also an ancient Hawaiian sport of leaping from a precipice into deep water; according to some author- ities, with the aid of sails con- structed from the leaves of the loulu palm. Syn: Lelekawa. Leiepau (le'-le-pa'u), v. 1. To trust in; to trust without reserve. 2. To lean upon, figuratively. 3. To ap- ply the mind; to give heed; to attend to. 4. To think much of another as worthy of trust or con- fidence. E manao nui ia hai. Leieplnau (le'-le-pi'-na'u), n. An an- cient Hawaiian game resembling \ checkers played on a marked sur- I face with 15 checks and a single I short stick. Also called pahiuhiu I and punipeki. I Leiepio (le'-le-pi'-o), n. A skillful ! thief; one clever in concealing I evidence of theft. ' Leiepio (le'-le-pi'o), v. [Lele, to fly, ! and pio, an arch.] 1. To fly, as a I meteor through the sky; to move along, as a comet showing its tail; ! to appear, as a supernatural sign in the heavens. 2. To jump or fly in a curved line. 3. To fly in de- feat. Leiepo (le-Ie'-po), n. A small flying- fish. Also called puhikii. j Leieponi (le'-le-p5'-ni), v. [Lele, to I fly, and poni, suddenly.] To be I struck suddenly dead; to die sud- j denly; to die without warning. Same as leieleponi. Leiepono (le'-le-po'-no), v. [Lele, to leap or fly, and pono, right.] 1. To live prosperously; to be blessed in one's business; to transact busi- ness rightly. 2. To die happily. Leiepoo (le'-le-po'o), v. To plunge head foremost. Leiepuni (le'-le-pu'-ni), n. 1. A game with black and white stones on a board; a game resembling check- ers. 2. [Mod.] The full tone in the musical scale. LEL 368 LEO Leieu (le'-le-u'), n. 1. A figure of speech describing mutually inter- changeable sexual relations. 2. Name of a fruit tree; also, name of the fruit. 2. The bird which eats the leleu; o ka manu ai leleu. Leieuli (le'-le-u'-li), v. 1. To cleanse, in a moral sense; to purify. 2. To perform a religious ceremony of absolution. Leieuuli (le'-le-ii-u'-li), v. Same as leieuli. Leiewa (le'-le'-wa), n. [From lewa, pendulous.] 1. A pretended deity. 2. The penis. 3, A general name given to the crowd which follows a chief aside from the servants or aialo; the hangers-on. 4. A ped- uncle. Leiewa (le'-le'-wa), v. [Lewa, to swing.] 1. To float in the air or on water; ke leiewa nei ka moku. 2. To follow one about, as a com- pany of persons; to follow after; to hang on, as those who followed a chief. Leiewai (le'-le-wS'l), v. To purge; to cleanse; to purify. See hiuwai. Leiewale (le'-le-wa'-le), n. 1. A fall- ing; a breaking off; a yielding. 2. A term formerly used to express a good omen; hush; silence, etc. Leiewale (le'-le-wa'-le), v. [Leie, to move, and wale, without cause.] To be or be done spontaneously; to move of one's own accord. Leiewalo (le'-le-wa'-lo), v. [LeIe and shortened form of uwalo, to call.] To call; to call aloud; to call after. Leiewawalo (le'-le-wa'-wa'-lo), v. 1. To reverberate, as an echo. 2. To acclaim in unison; to shout in gen- eral, as in a great assembly. Leieweluwelu (le'-le-we'-lu-we'-lu), v. 1. To be rent; to be torn in pieces. 2. To be broken up and scattered. Leio (le'-lo), adj. Reddened or dark- ened in color; smoked red. LeIo (le'-lo), n. 1. Same as alelo and elelo, the tongue. 2. A spe- cies of sea slug; the trepang. Leiolelo (le'-16-le'-lo), adj. Reddish; reddened. Lemu (le'-mu), n. 1. The under part of the thigh; the buttock. 2. The bottom part of a thing; kahi ma- lalo o na mea a pau; e eu ka lemu, stir your stumps; get up from sitting. Lemu (le'-mu), v. To be slow; to lag behind; to walk as one weak. Lemuku (le'-mu'-ku), v. [From mu- ku, a measure.] 1. To be broken off short; to be cut short. 2. To be flat on the back of the hips =E2=80=94 an epithet of opprobrium and in- sult particularly when said of women. 3. [Le, a contraction of lele, and muku, the outside or off side of a canoe.] To turn a canoe from its appointed course. Lemulemu (le'-mu-le'-mu), n. Walk- ing slowly and with care and hes- itancy. See kolopupu. Lemulemu (le'-mii-le'-mu), v. 1. To go hesitatingly; to walk slowly; to step like an aged person. To be slow; to be slow to come when called. 2. To be unsociable; to be reserved. Lena (le'-na), adj. 1. Yellow; yel- lowish. 2. Lazy; doing nothing. Lena (le'-na), n. 1. A shrub, same as olena. 2. A yellow dye made from the olena plant. 3. Jaundice. Lena (le'-na), v. 1. To bend; to strain, as a bow; to make ready to shoot, as with a bow. 2. To draw tighter; to pull out straight: E lena oe i kuu kaei, draw my belt tighter. 3. To set sight on a given point accurately. E lena ko maka i ka piko o ka mauna. Lenetila (le'-ne-ti'-la), n. [Eng.] Lentils, a kind of food. Leo (le'-o), n. 1. A voice; a sound; mostly of a person or an animated being; hookahi pane ana a ka waha, he leo ia. 2. In grammar, a syllable. 3. In music, a tone. 4. Intent; meaning of. 5. In- fluence arising from station, repu- tation or character. Leoha (le'-6-ha'), n. 1. Hoarse voice. Leohano (le'o-ha'-no'), n. Wheezy voice. Leolani (le'o-la'-ni), adj. High; lofty; tall, as a man; high, as the mast of a ship; he kia leolani, he kua- hiwi leolani, he laau leolani. Leoleo (le'o-le'o), adj. Tall; high; shooting upward, as a tree; as a mountain; he kanaka leoleo, he laau leoleo, he hale leoleo. Syn: Leolani. Leoleo (le'-o-le'-o), v. 1. To wail or chant in subdued tones. Syn: Ha- nehane. 2. To wail, as for the dead. Syn: Uwe. LEO 369 LEP Leoleowa (le'-o-le'-o-wa'), adj. Wish- ing evil; cursing; he olelo leoleo- wa, an expression consigning one to death. He leoleowa ia i ko'u manao. Leoleowa (le'-o-le'-o-wa'), v. To wish evil; to curse; to wish one dead; to make a great noise; to utter in a vociferous manner. Leomele (le'-6-me'-le), n. [Mod., leo, voice, and mele, a song.] 1. Mu- sical sounds; music generally. 2. Musical character as represented on the staff. Leopaa (le'-o-pa'a), n. [Leo, voice, and paa, tight, fast.] -1. One whose voice is stopped. 2. A mute; a dumb person. LeopadI (le'-6-pa'-di), n. [Eng.] A leopard. Leouu (le'-6-u'-u'), n. [Leo, voice and uu, to stutter; to stammer.] An impediment in speech; a stam- mering. Leouwo (le'-6-u'-wo'), n. [Leo, sound, and uwo, to bellow.] The lowest notes in music; the bass notes. Leowaena (le'-a-wa'e-na), n. [Leo, voice, and waena, middle.] The middle voice in music; a second treble. Leowahine (le'-6-wa'-hi'-ne), n. [Leo, voice, and wahlne, a woman.] 1. In music, the highest voice; the air of a tune. 2. Woman's voice. Lepa (le'-pa), n. 1. A border, hem or fringe of a garment. (Puk. 28:33.) A skirt or flowing of a garment; he kihi o ke kapa, he mea e lewalewa ana malalo. (I. Sam. 24:5.) 2. An ensign; a flag used in a war canoe; the flag used at the door of a sacred house. 3. Anything standing up edgewise and making a show, as the comb of a cock. (The lepa was a piece of tapa tied at the end of a stick as a sign or flag and used for va- rious purposes; i ke kukulu ana a ua poe kahuna la i ko lakou lepa, when the priests put up their flag; a haehaeia ka lepa a ua poe kahuna la, the flag of the priests was torn away.] Lepa (le'-pa), v. 1. Same as leha, to turn the eyes upward or side- ways. 2. Same as kepa, to cut obliquely. 3. To snap with the teeth; to strike with spurs, as fighting cocks; to prick. Lepalepa (le'-pft-le'-pa), n. A torn rag or tapa, as an ensign flutter- ing in the wind becomes torn; the torn end or border of a piece of cloth or tapa. Lepe (le'-pe), adv. Diagonally; from corner to corner; e opiopi lepe, fold from corner to corner. Lepe (le'-pe), n. 1. The comb of a cock; he kipaku o ka moa kane. 2. A gash in the flesh; an open wound. Lepe (le'-pe), v. To turn sidewise. Lepelepeohina (le'-pe-le'-pe-o'-hi'-na) , n. 1. Clam. 2. A species of moth or butterfly hatched from a cater- pillar; he wahi mea lele ma ka lewa, he peelua i hoomaluleia. Lepelua (le'-pe-lu'-a), adj. Skillful; cunning; maalea. Lepera (le-pe'-ra), adj. [Mod.] Lep- rous; belonging to leprosy; mai lepera. Lepera (le-pe'-ra), v. [Mod.] To be or become leprous; ua lepera. Lepero (le-pe'-ro), n. [Mod.] A per- son diseased with the leprosy; a leper. Lepeta (le'-pe'-ta), n. [Biblical, Gr.] A mite; a very small piece of money. Lepo (le'-po), adj. 1. Dirty; un- clean. 2. Earthy; made of earth; he ipu lepo, an earthen cup; he wai lepo, dirty water; he kapa lepo, a soiled garment. Lepo (le'-po), n. General name for dirt, dust or defilement of any kind. 1. The dirt; ground; dust; earth; ka honua malalo o na wa- wae. 2. Dung; excrements. 3. Clay; lepo manoanoa. 4. Dust; anything pulverized to dust. (IL Nal. 23:6.) Lepo poho, mud; mire. 5. That part of the ocean where it is deep. Syn: Moana. He moana kahi inoa, he lepo kahi inoa. 6. Where the sea appears dirty, not clear. Lepo (le'-po), v. To be dirty; to be defiled. Lepohanai (le'-p6-ha'-na'i), n. [Lepo, dirt, and hanai, to feed.] Dirt or rubbish which is carried to fill a pit or hole; aole paa ka lepo, he lepohanai wale no. Lepoklaha (le'-p6-ki'-a'-ha), n. Clay prepared for pottery; potters' clay. Lepolepo (le'-p6-le'-po), adj. [Inten- sive of lepo.] Very dirty; turbid. LBP 370 LIH as water: he punawai lepolepo, a contaminated spring. Lepu (le'-pu), n. [Heb.] A hare. Lesema (le'-se'-ma), n. [Heb.] A ligure, a precious s.tone; a loop. Leta (le'-ta), n. [Eng.] A letter; an epistle. Syn: He palapala. Leuwi (le'-u-wi'), n. 1. A canoe with an extra wide kuapoi (the board in front of a canoe). 2. The fore point of a canoe where the ends of the two boards come together; ina i palahalaha maluna o ka ma- nuihu, he leuwi ia waa. Leviatana (le'-vi-a-ta'-na), n. [Heb.] A leviathan, a poetical name of a sea animal; the whale perhaps or crocodile. Lewa (le'-wa), adj. Swinging; pen- dulous; floating; unstable; home- less. Lewa (le'-wa), n. 1. The upper re- gions of the air; the region of the clouds: na ao o ka lewa, the clouds of the air. 2. Whatever is suspended or movable. 3. The space where anything may be sus- pended. 4. The air; the atmos- phere; the visible heavens; kahi o ke ea, ka lani; a particular place in the air or atmosphere: ma keia lewa o ka lani, in this part of the heavens. 5. Persons without home or local attachment: Auhea oukou e na kamalii o ka lewa mai, ame na kanaka makua o ka lewa mai no hoi. Lewa (le'-wa), v. 1. To be afloat in the air or on the water. 2. To be loose; to be unfixed. 3. Same as hoolewa, to carry for burial. LewalanI (le'-wa-la'-ni), n. [Lewa, the upper air, and lani, heaven.] 1. An indefinite space in the air; a place belonging to anything above or in the heavens. 2. The upper heavens, so high overhead that the eye cannot see. Lewalewa (le'-wa-le'-wa), adj. Swing- ing; unstable; floating. Lewalewa (le'-wa-le'-wa), v. [Freq. of lewa, to float.] To float; to dangle; to swing frequently; to move or go often from place to place; hence, to be deceitful. Lewanuu (le'-wa-nu'u), n. [Lewa, air, and nuu, a high even place.] The atmospheric region below the lewalani, the upper heavens. See lewalani. Lewawalo (le'-wa-wa'-lo), v. [Lewa and ualo, or uwalo, to cry out.] To call; to call out; to run call- ing after another. Li (li),adj. Trembling, as from cold; shaking, as with ague. Li (11), n. 1. The chill or shake of an ague fit; the ague. Any sickness connected with the chills; li nui, inflammation. 2. [Mod.] In music, the third note of the scale; pa, ko, li. Li (li), V. 1. To hang by the neck; to strangle by hanging; to hang. 2. To furl, as a sail; eia ko kakou pea e li. 3. To fear; to be afraid; to shrink back with dread. 4. To have a chill. 5. To fasten as with hook and eye. 6. To gird. Lia (li'a), adj. Fearful; affrighted. Lia (li'a), n. 1. A shaking or trem- bling through fear. 2. Fear or dread, as when one supposes he sees a spirit. 3. A strong desire; a desire to obtain or possess some- thing. Syn: Kuko and iini; rest- lessness from something on the mind. 4. Thinking intensely upon some subject; the application of the mind upon something; ke kau nui o ka manao ma ka mea e noonoo ana. 5. Cogitations; se- rious thoughts; a vision. Lia (li'a), v. 1. To ponder; to think; to contemplate. 2. To fear; to be afraid; to start suddenly, as -a dog in catching a fly. 3. To desire greedily; to lust after; to ponder or run, as the mind on something foolish. 4. To be cold; to shiver with fear or cold; to have the sensation of cold. Libano (ll'-ba'-no), n. [Gr. Leban- on.] Frankincense, a gum from Lebanon. Lie (li'-e), n. A goddess of the mountains. She was the special diety of the lei makers. Ligura (li'-gu'-ra), n. [Gr.] A lig- ure, a precious stone. Liha (li'-ha), adj. Sick; nauseated; loathing food. Liha (li'-ha), n. 1. Nausea; sick- ness at the stomach. 2. Same as lihe, a nit; the egg of a head louse. Liha (li'-ha), v. [Contraction of li- haliha.] To be sick at the stom- ach; to be nauseated. LIH 371 LIK Lihaliha (li'-hail'-ha), adj. 1. Fatty; greasy; slippery with grease. 2. Nauseous. Lihaliha (li'-ha-li'-ha), n. 1. Sickness at the stomach. 2. Sorrow; mourn- ing; inaudible expression of loss or disappointment. Lihaliha (ll'-haii'-ha), v. 1. To be sickish, that is, sick at the stom- ach. 2. To be fat; to be greasy; to be slippery with grease. LIhe (ir-he), n. Same as liha, a nit; the egg of a louse. LIhl (li'-hi), adv. 1. By the edge; by the end; kau lihi, laid with the edge or end only resting on, that is, slightly resting on; he wahi helehelena wale no kana ike lihi ana, he partly saw the out- lines of her countenance. =E2=80=94 Laieik. p. 33. 2. Almost. Lihi (li'-hi), n. 1. A border, edge or boundary of a thing where it unites or is near to another when in contact, as edges of bones; the seam or place of uniting in a gar- ment. 2. A lot or portion in any- thing. Syn: Kuleana. 3. Union or nearness to; he mea e maopopo ai ke ano hoahanau ana, a thing that proves relationship. 4. With iki, a very small portion of a thing; lihi iki, a very small piece. Aole ona wahi lihi ike iki i ka ka Haku olelo, He has no knowledge at all of the Lord's word. Syn: Huna, a fragment. Lihl (li'-hi), V. 1. To unite; to fasten to. 2. To come together; to be united, as two pieces of cloth in a garment. 3. To be united in close friendship, as two friends. Lihilauna (ll'-hi-la'u-na), v. To be a little friendly; to be slightly ac- quainted. LIhill (li'-hi'-li), v. 1. To be over- come with confusion; to become bewildered. 2. To think of an ob- ject, then to desire it strongly, then to make vigorous efforts for I it, then to give it up and fail; in a race, to run well with a pros- pect of success, and then turn aside and lose the race. LIhillhi (ir-hi-li'-hi), n. 1. The eye- lids; the eyelashes. 2. The eye- brows; he lauoho ma ke kuekue maka; the hair of the eyebrows. LIhlwal (ll'-hi-wa'i), n. [Lihi, edge, and wal, water.] The border or edge of a stream of water. LI hoi I ho (li'-h6-li'-ho), adj. 1. Very hot. 2. Fiery; glowing. Lli (li'i), adj. 1. Aguish; sick of a fever and ague. 2. Little; small; diminutive; below average size. 'Lii Cli'i), n. [A form of alii, a chief.] A chief; a king; a ruler. See alii, in which the a is often dropped and an apostrophe sub- stituted; as, ke 'lii, na 'Hi. Lii (li'i), n. Premature gray hair in very young people: he lauoho keo- keo i ka manawa kamalii. Lii (li'i), V. To spread out; to spread down, as a mat or kapa; to open and spread out, as a letter. Same as haalii and halii. Liill (li'-Mi), n. The place where the sacrifices were laid before the altar; a ma ke alo iho o ka lele ka liili, malaila e hooahu ai ka mohai. Liilli (li'i-li'i), adj. [Intensive of III, little.] Small; little; diminutive; young. Liiiii (li'i-li'i), adv. Slightly; in a small manner; piecemeal; little by little: e hana lillii,to work a little at a time; e hele lillil, kau llilll; e oki liiiii, to cut up fine, etc. Liipoe (li'i-po'e), n. A kind of plant, same as nena. Like (li'-ke), v. To be like; to re- semble as one thing resembles an- other; to be similar or to have many qualities in common with something else. Likelike (li'-ke-li'-ke), adj. Alike; resembling. Likelike (ll'-ke-li'-ke), n. A resem- bling; likeness; similarity, Likelike (li'-ke-li'-ke), v. The inten- sive of like, to resemble. LikI (ll'-ki), adj. Boastful; bragging. LikI (ll'-ki), n. A boast, or boast- ing; kanaka llkl, a braggart. LikI (ll'-ki), V. 1. To encircle and secure with a band; to gird on, as a loose garment. 2. To be stiff, as a limb with a spasmodic dis- ease. 3. To brag; to glory; to exult. Liklliki (li'-ki-li'-ki), v. [Intensive of I iki, to gird.] To tie up or tie on tightly. Likipahu (li'-ki-pa'-hu), n. [Mod. LIki, to gird, and pahu, barrel.] A tight hoop for a barrel; an iron hoop. LIko (li'-ko), adj. Swelling; grow- ing; opening, as a bud of a tree LIK 372 LIL or a flower; thrifty, as a growing plant. Liko (li'-ko), n. 1. The swelling, budding, protruding, etc., of a growing plant. 2. The swollen bud just before leaves or flowers ap- pear. 3. The top or growing end of a plant. 4. Fig. A young child, especially of a chief; scion. 5. Sheen. Liko (li'-ko), v. 1. To swell out round; to be plump; to be full. 2. To be fat, as a fleshy person. 3. To swell; to enlarge, as the growing bud of a flower before the petals open. 4, To expand, as an opening flower. 5. To shine; to glisten like drops of oil poured on water. LIkoliko (li'-k6-lI'-ko), v. [Intensive of liko, to enlarge.] 1. To swell; to grow, etc. 2. To shine; to glisten; to sparkle; gleam. Li la (li'-la'), v. To be withered; to be shriveled or blasted, said of some kinds of fruit, as a banana: he maia lila, aohe io, a withered banana. Lilalila (li'-la-li'-la) adj. Shrunk up; turned white or gray; blasted, as fruit. Lile (li'-le), adj. Weak; thin; slim; narrow or thin in proportion to length. Lile (li'-le), v. To be thin; to be weak; to be flexible; to be thin and long, as the lines of words I across the page of a book, or as ! a long stave of music. i Lilelile (li'-le-li'-le), adj. Bright; shining; kahi lilelile, a bright spot. Smooth and shining, as the skin of a bald or shaved head. Lilelile (li'-le-li'-le), v. To shine very brightly, as a lamp; to be dazzling, i as the rays of the sun. Lili (li'-li), adj. 1. Jealous, as hus- band and wife of each other; jealous of the honor and esteem of another. 2. Jealous, as Jehovah in his attitude toward other gods. (Puk. 20:5 and 34:14.) 3. Proud; haughty; overbearing from being jealous. 4. Heavy; not easily lifted. Lili (li'-li), adj. Heavy; not easily lifted. Lili (li'-li), n. 1. Jealousy; wrath; displeasure at one. 2. Fig. Zeal for the honor of God. 3. Pride; haughtiness; a disregard of other's rights; ka manao ole i ko hai pono. 4. Pain; distress; mental anguish. 5. Weight; heaviness; that which can not be lifted up, in a figurative sense. Lili (li'-li), V. 1. To be jealous; to be jealous of a husband or wife. 2. To be indignant at =E2=80=94 where jeal- ousy is the cause. 3. Fig. To be jealous for the honor of God. 4. To dare; to be bold; to magnify one's self in consequence of being jealous. Lili (li'-li'), V. [Li, to take in, or shrink back from fear.] 1. To be stiff; to be easily pained or vexed. 2. To join in a mental or moral contest. Li Ma (li'-li'-a), n. [Eng.] 1. A lily. 2. Carved work in Solomon's tem- ple in imitation of lilies. Lili ha (li'-li'-ha), n. 1. The fat of hogs. 2. Anything causing sick- ness at the stomach. 3. Extreme disgust at the exhibition of im- moral conduct. Liliha (li'-li'-ha), v. 1. To be sati- ated; to be filled to the point of nausea. 2. To be sick at the stom- ach; to be nauseated as after eat- ing much rich food; to vomit. 3. Fig. To be disgusted at immoral conduct; to feel disgust at any disgusting object: Liliha no hoi ke noonoo i ka ino o ko lakou noho ana: it is sickening to think of the way they live. Lilihua (li'-li-hu'-a), v. To go pre- pared; to be furnished for a purpose; to be supplied with what is necessary: lilihua na kanaka i ka hele, aole kanaka aa ole. Lilikoi (li-li-ko'i), n. Passion fruit or water lemon. Named from Lili- koi, Maui, where they were first introduced. Lilili (li'-li'-li), v. To be withered; to be undeveloped, said of blighted fruit. Syn: Lila. Lilina (li'-li'-na), n. [Eng.] Linen cloth, that is, fine white cloth. Lilinoe (li'-li-no'-e), adj. Fine, as rain; he ua lilinoe, a fine rain; a mist. Lilinoe (li'-li-no'-e), n. Goddess of Haleakala. Li lie (li'-li'-o), adj. Tightly drawn, as a rope; full; plump, as one full fed. Li lie (li'-li'-o), n. 1. A drawing or turning of the eyes so as not to see clearly. 2. A dragging or LIL 373 LIM tautening,, as of a rope. 3. An acute, darting pain. Lilio (li'-li'-o), V. [Llo and liolio, | tight.] 1. To be drawn tight, as a i rope ; to be stretched so as to | make straight; e malo, e moe po- lolei. 2. To be tight, as the skin of a glutton's stomach after he has eaten; to be drawn tightly or tense- ly, as the skin of the face; lilio j i ka pauma ana; to be drawn | tightly by stretching. 3. To have I the pain or sensation of eating \ too much. 4. To go forward quick- j ly without looking to the right or | left. I Lilipi (li'-li'-pi), adj. [Lipi, sharp.] ! Running to an edge or point; pointed; sharp; tapering like the edge of an axe. Lilo (li'-lo), adv. Out of sight; a great way off; lost; gone; dis- tant; iuka lilo, far inland; kai lilo, out of sight at sea; hala iluna lilo, gone very high up. Lilo (li'-lo), V. 1. To be off, sep- arated from, or be transferred in various ways. 2. To become an- other's; to pass into the posses- sion of another; lilo mai, to ob- tain; to possess; lilo aku, to be lost; to perish. 3. To turn; to change; to be lost; to be gone in- definitely. 4. To be changed from one form or appearance to another, or from one quality to that of an- other. [When lilo is followed by an article before the substantive following, it means to become an- others; as, ua lilo ia i ke alii, he has become the chief's, that is, from being in other circumstances before, the person or the property has now become the person or property of the chief, or is trans- ferred to him. But when the ar- ticle is dropped from before the noun following lilo, it means to to become another character or thing; as, ua lilo ia i alii, he has become a chief, that is, from being a common man, he is transferred to the honors and office of a chief. When no noun follows lilo, it means the subject or thing spoken of is lost or gone absolutely or indefinitely.] Liloa (li'-lo'-a), v. To lie idly and lazily in the house; e lolo a maiele. Liloe (li'-16'-e), v. Same as liloa. Lilolilo (Ii'-16-lI'-lo), adj. 1. Loosened; unbound; broken loose, as a fish once caught by a hook. 2. Open- handed; liberal, as one in giving to others. Lilolilo (li'-16-lI'-lo), v. [Intensive of lilo, to be off or separated from.] To be completely off. Haawi lilo- lilo, to give completely away; give freely. See mohalahala. Lima (li'-ma), adj. 1. With the ar- ticle, an ordinal; the fifth: i ka lima o ka makahiki. See alima and elima. 2. Handy; by the hand; at hand: hana lima, hand work; eia i ka lima, at hand. Lima (l!'-ma), n. 1. The arm; the hand. 2. Fig. Power; a stay; a support. Lima nui, the thumb; lima iki, the little finger. [The Hawaiians make no distinction be- tween arm and hand, lima applies to or includes both; so wawae is both leg and foot.] Limaakau (li'-ma-a'-ka'u), n. [Lima, hand, and akau, right.] The right arm or hand. Limahema (li'-ma-he'-ma), n. [Lima, hand, and hema, left.] The left hand. Limaikaika (li'-ma-i-ka'i-ka), n. [Lima, hand, and ikaika, strong.] 1. A strong hand or arm. 2. Fig. Force; power; strength. Limaikaika (li'-ma-I-ka'i-ka), v. To handle roughly; to assault; to throw one down; to force one against his will. Limaiki (li'-ma-I'-ki), v. To assas- sinate; to kill in a secret place; to fall upon, as a robber. Limakuhi (li'-ma-ku'-hi), n. [Lima, hand, and kuhi, to point out.] 1. The index finger. 2. In printing a sign (1^) calling particular at- tention to a note or paragraph. Limalau (li'-ma-lau), v. 1. To carry on the hips. 2. To work jointly with others. Limalima (li'-ma-li'-ma), adj. A re- dundant form of the adj. lima. Full of hands. Limalima (ll'-mS-li'-ma), n. 1. A hired person. [The more modern phraseology is hoolimalima.] 2. A prayer in which the priest made many gestures with his hands; the ceremony was called hoopii na aha limalima. Limalima (li'-ma-li'-ma), v, [Lima, hand.] 1. To handle; to employ LIM 374 LIO the hands. 2. To filch; steal in a small way; handle for the purpose of secreting. 3. To massage. Limalimapilau (li'-ma-li'-ma-pi'-lau), n. [Limallma, and pilau, dirty.] Dirty hands. Limalimapilau (li'-ma-li'-ma-pl'-lau), v. 1. To handle dirty work. 2. Fig. To be morally filthy. Limanui (li'-ma-nu'-i), n, [Lima, hand, finger, and nui, great.] The thumb. Limanui (li'-ma-nti'-i), v. 1. To at- tack violently with the hands. 2. To rob; to despoil; to strip; to plunder. Limi (li'-mi), v. To be entangled or be in difficulty in the surf; to be upset in the surf and turned over and over. To be overwhelmed in water. See lumai. Limu (li'-mu), .n. Sea-moss or sea- grass; a general name of every kind of eatable herb that grows in the sea; the Hawaiians also class the limu among fish; the varieties are limuaalaula, limuekaha, limu- iliohaa, limuopai, limuulaula, limu- hinaula, limuhululio, limuhuna, li- mukahakala, limukala, limukele, li- mukiki, limukoko, limulipahapala, limulipalao, limulipalawai, limuli- poa, limulipupu, limulipuula, limu- lipuupuu,, limuloloa, limunanue, li- mupaakaiea, limupalahalaha, limu- palawai, limupipilani. Limu (li'-mu), v. To be turned; to be changed; to have various ap- pearances. Limua (li'-mu'-a), adj. The quality or action of wet weather, of a long rain. Limua (ll'-mu'-a), n. Sloppy condi- tion which follows a long rain or the constant flowing of water. Limukakanaka (li'-mu-ka'-ka'-na-ka') , n. [Limu, seaweed, and kakanaka, a species of moss.] A smooth or| slippery kind of moss that grows over the grass abundantly at Ha- nalei, Kauai. Limullmu (li'-mu-ll'-mu), adj. Twist- ing; turning; dissembling; trif- ling; trickish; the opposite of honest and open in conduct. Limu limu (li'-mu-li'-mu), n. A twirl- ing; a curling. The whiffling of the wind; instability of conduct. A curl; a coil. Limulipupu (li'-mu-li'-pu'-pu), n. A species of edible sea moss. Lina (li'-na), adj. 1. Tightly drawn, as a rope. Syn: Liolio. 2. Soft; mucous; adhesive. Lina (li'-na), n. Anything soft and yielding to the touch; papalina, the cheek. Anything soft, flex- ible and tenacious or glutinous. Lina (li'-na), v. To be drawn out tight. Linalina (li'-na-li'-na), adj. Soft; mucous; adhesive; tough; tightly drawn, as a rope; tough or elastic, as India rubber; glutinous. Linalina (li'-na-li'-na), n. 1. Any glu- tinous substance; stickiness, said of certain kinds of food: kalo lina- lina, glutinous taro. 2. Wet, clayey land. 3. Any soft adhesive sub- stance. 4. A drawing together of the skin of a wound; a scar. Linalina (li'-na-li'-na), v. 1. To be sticky; to be adhesive, like gum. 2. To be tough and glutinous. Lineka (li'-ne'-ka), n. [Gr.] The lynx. Lino (li'-no), n. A rope; rope by which anything is drawn. Lino (li'-no), v. To weave; to twist or braid, as strings. Syn: Hill. E hili eha aoao, braid four sides or strands. Linohau (li'-n6-ha'u), adj. Of great worth; most beautiful. Linohau (li'-n6-ha'u), v. 1. To be proud or haughty. 2. To be beau- tiful; to be noble, great, excellent, etc. Linolino (li'-n6-li'-no), adj. Calm; unruffled, as the sea where there is no wind; hence reflecting the light of the sun. Syn: Malino. Linolino (li'-no-li'-no), n. Same as olinolino. Brightness; splendor; dazzling, blinding brilliance. LInu (li'-nu), adj. 1. Close; hard; ungenerous. 2. Loko ino, pi; un- gracious. Lio (li'-o), adj. Tight; strained, as a rope. Llo (li'-o), n. 1. A name given to foreign animals generally when first introduced into the islands, now mostly applied to the horse; the horse. See the verb lio. 2. Same as ilio, a cross beam. The collar or tie beam of a house or other building; ka welau o ka lohi o ka lio. Llo (li'o), n. Another name for the ao, a species of bird. LIO 375 LIU Lio (li-o'), V. [Related to leio, to be emaciated and hence look wildly.] 1. To open the eyes wide, as a wild affrighted animal. 2. To act wildly or ferociously, as an un- tamed animal; to bristle up, as a wild hog. Syn: Kukakalaioa. Lioa (li'-o'-a), adj. Wild; untamable; he ano laka ole. Liolio (li'o-li'o), adj. Bright; shin- ing; dazzling. Llollo (li'-d-li'-o), adj. Tight; strained tight, as a rope. Same as molio- lio. Llollo (li'o-li'o), n. 1. A small bird, same as ao. (Laieik. p. 29.) 2. The sound which the bird ao makes when disturbed, when she bristles like a hen with chickens. Liolio (lI'-6-li'-o), V. 1. To draw tight, as a rope, but not extremely tight; to bind or tie on, as a rope or malo. 2. To make tight; to make hard; to make solid. Liona (li'-5'-na), n. [Eng.] A lion. Lipaha (li'-pa'-ha), n. A variety of inedible seamoss. Llpi (li'-pi), adj. Sharp; tapering down like the edge of an axe. LIpl (li'-pi), n. 1. An axe for cut- ting wood, from its tapering down to an edge. Syn: Koi. 2. Glut- tony; he ai nui ana i ka ai; pa- kela ai. 3. Sharp edge on the sum- mit of a precipice between two depressions; thin edge. LIplhoehoe (ll'-pi-ho'e-ho'e), n. Adz with broad flat blade. LIpikahela (li'-pi-ka'-he'-la), n. Adz or chisel with concave blade. LIplkuke (li'-pi-ku'-ke), n. A thin kind of adz; thin tapering blade. See kuke. Liplllpi (li'-pi-li'-pi), adj. Thin; sharp; tapering; axe shaped. Liplllpi (li'-pi-li'-pi), n. [Llpi, an axe.] Anything thin and standing up edgeways, like a sharp ridge of land. LIpJoma (li'-pi-6'-ma), n. Small rounded adz. Llpo (li'-po), adj. Blue, black or dark from the depth of a cavern, or from the depth of the sea; deep; 'bottomless, as the ocean. Llpo (li'-po), n. Darkness; lack of clearness, said of the gloom of a forest or the obscurity of that which is deep, as deep water. LIpolipo (li'-p6-lT'-po), adj. 1. Deep blue or black. 2. Deep down; ocean-like; deep; bottomless: ka moana lipollpo, the deep blue sea. LIpolipo (ll'-po-li'-po), n. [Llpo, darkness.] Great depth of the ocean so as to appear blue or black; ka hohonu, ka moana, the depth; the ocean. Lipololohuamea (li'-p6-16'-16-hu'-a- me'-a), n. [Lipo, darkness, gloom, and lolohuamea, the appearance of the verge of the ocean.] 1. The ap- pearance on looking into very deep water or a deep pit where no bot- tom is visible; blackness; dark- ness. 2. The darkness involved in the worship of the gods; the j mystery of worship. ! LIpowaonahele (li'-p6-wa'o-na-he'-le), j n. [Llpo, darkness, and waona- ! hele, thick forest.] The darkness i and gloom of a thick forest. j Lipupu (li'-pu'-pu'), n. A species of I inferior seamoss (limu) found on shells. Lira (li'-ra), n. [Gr.] A lyre, a musical instrument; a harp. Liu (li'u), adj. Salty; too salt. Liu (li'u), adv. [Contraction of liu- llu, for a long time.] Slowly; tardily: Ala liu ka la o Waianae Wehe ke kaiuhi i ke oho o ka niu Komo okoa iloko o ka hale. Slowly rises the sun over Waianae Wliile the Kaiulu loosens the leaves of the coconut. It sweeps unresisted into the inclosure (or shelter). Liu (li'u), n. 1. Saltness; the sav- ory taste of food. 2. The peculiar j property of a thing or that quality I by which it is known. Liu (li'-u), n. Leakage. The water in the bottom of a canoe or ship; bilge water: Aole i pau ka II u i ke ka ia, the bilge water is not all dipped out. Liu (li'-u), V. To leak, as a canoe in the water. Liu (li'u), V. To be seasoned as with salt; to be rendered palat- able. Liua (li'-u-a'), adj. 1. Thoughtless; heedless; dissolute; unrestrained. 2. Attracting notice with amorous glances. Liua (li'-u'-a), n. 1. A vertigo; a turning of the eyes so as not to see things distinctly. 2. Indistinct- ness of vision. Same as niua. Liua (ll'-u'-a), v. 1. To see indis- tinctly; to know uncertainly; to LIU 376 LOH be in doubt. To be transformed; to be different from what was sup- posed after being seen clearly, in consequence of indistinct vision. Same as niua. 2. To ogle; to glance amorously. Liula (ll-u'-la'), n. Twilight, that is, time of indistinct vision. See liua. Liula (li'u-la'), n. Mirage. Liuliu (li'-u-li'-u), adj. Prepared; ready. Liuliu (li'u-li'u), adj. [Liu.] Salty. Liuliu (li'u-li'u), adv. For a long time; during a long time. Liuliu (li'u-li'u), n. A relative por- tion of time, as noho liuliu, a liv- ing or staying a long time; aole liuliu, not long, as to time. Liuliu (li'-u-li'-u), V. To get ready for doing a thing; to prepare, as for a journey; liuliu iho la na kanaka o Oahu e holo i ke kaua i Kauai, The people of Oahu made ready to go to the war on Kauai. 2. To be wide awake; to be ready. Liuliu (li'u-li'u), v. To be for a long time: e noho liuliu, stay long. 2. To continue long; He liuliu no na la i pa mai ai, Many are the days (the wind) blows. Liwall (li'-wa'-li), adj. Soft; thin; worked up like thin poi. Lo (15), n. 1. The fore part of the head. 2. A species of bug, long and with sharp claws. 3. An order of priests who lived on the moun- tain Helemano and consecrated the bodies of the dead. Lo (16), prefix. A syllable prefixed to certain words, the precise defi- nition of which does not appear, as lokahi, lomilo, lokea, etc. It serves to change grammatic struc- ture, as kahi, one, lokahi, to be one. Loa (lo'-a), adj. Long; spoken of time, of space or measure. Loa (lo'-a), adv. An intensive word of general application; much; very; exceedingly; it is connected with nouns, adjectives and verbs. Loa (lo'-a), n. 1. Length, in time or space; the whole of any dis- trict of land; long space from one place to another. 2, A receptacle of filth; he nenelu inoino. Loa (lo'-a), v. To extend; to be long; to be indefinitely long as to time, measure or distance. Loaa (lo'-a'a), n. 1. A receiving; an obtaining; a getting; a possessing. 2. Luck; fortune; success or gain: e hoao aku hoi i kau loaa. =E2=80=94 Laieik. p. 64. 3. Result; outcome; con- sequence. Loaa (lo'-a '-a'), n. 1. A rough scraggy stone, as a coral rock or a rough slab of lava. 2. A hard, severe or cruel tabu: e ku i ka loaa i ke kapu. Loaa (lo'-a'a), v. To be obtained; to be found: ua loaa, it is ob- tained or found. (Loaa is always confined in its meaning to a pas- sive or neuter sense.) Makau wau i ke kapaia mai he holoholona i ka loaa ole e kahi manao, I was afraid of being called a beast for not being seized (possessed of) by a thought, that is, for not having a thought. Loala (lo'-a'-la), v. In poetry, to praise; to extol; to bless as the people spoke of a chief. Loe (lo'e), n. The end of a fish- hook opposite the point, also called lea. Loea (lo'-e'-a), n. 1. Skill; ingenuity in doing a thing; cleverness in planning and executing a project. Syn: Hailea. 2. A proficient per- son, an expert. Loea (lo'-e'-a), adj. Skillful; cun- ning; ingenious at any business; well versed. See loia. Loeioe (lo'e-lo'e), adj. [Contraction of maloeloe.] Flexible; fatigued; having strength exhausted from exertion. Loga (lo'-ga), n. [Heb.] A Hebrew liquid measure; a log. Logou (lo'-go'u), n. [Gr.] The name of the second person in the Trin- ity; an appellation of Jesus Christ. Loha (lo'-ha), adj. 1. Sullen; dump- ish; indisposed to speak or act. 2. Growing vigorously; rank, lux- uriant. Loha (lo'-ha), n. 1. Love; affection, etc.; the root of the word aloha. 2. The trimming to the corners and ridge of a thatched house. 3. The art of thatching well. 4. A subordinate; an inferior person; under head man. 5. An ancient game, also called kilu. Loha (lo'-ha), v. 1. To fade; to wilt; to wither, as vegetables; e mae. 2. To put on the loha or trimmings of a house. Lohai (lo'-ha'i), adj. Belonging to a lever for prying up heavy masses; LOH 377 LOK he laau lohai moku e upe ana i na malua nui. Lohai (lo'-ha'i), n. A lever for rais- ing heavy articles. Lohai (lo'-ha'i), n. 1. A disease, the bubo. Syn: Hahai. 2. Lameness of the legs. Lohai (lo'-ha'i), v. To lift with a lever. Lohaloha (16'-ha-lo'-ha), adj. Same as loha. Lohe (16'-he), v. To hear, as the ear a voice or sound. Lohea (lo'-he'-a), v. [For loheia, passive of lohe.] To be heard, etc. Lohelau (lo'-he-la'u), adj. 1. Excel- lent; good; fitting. 2. Old; worn out; rotten, as timber, houses, etc. 3. Exhausted; spent, as a man by fasting or hunger or fatigue. Lohelau (16'-he-la'u), n. The plate of a house frame on which the rafters are fastened; kauia ka lo- helau ma ka waha o ka pou. Lohelohe (16'-he-lo'-he), v. [Freq. of lohe, to hear.] 1. To hear often; to hear repeatedly. 2. To hear indistinctly or incorrectly; scarcely to hear. Lohl (16'-hi), adj. Tardy; lingering; slow; feeble. Lohi (lo'-hi), adv. Tardily; slowly. Lohi (lo'-hi), n. The yard, the organ of generation of male animals. Lohi (lo'-hi), v. To be tardy; to be slow; to be dilatory; to be back- ward. Hoolohi and hoololohi are transitive forms. Lohia (lo-hi'-a), adj. Same as loohia. Lohiau (lo'-hi-a'u), v. To be slow in doing a thing; to make blun- ders: lohiau Puna i ke akua wa- hine, Backward is Puna by reason of the goddess. Lohi lohi (lo'-hi-lo'-hi), v. [Intensive of lohl, to be slow.] To be slow, etc. Loi (lo'-i), n. Disapprobation or con- tempt shown for another's opinion; he hoowahawaha i ko hai manao; a word of contempt, similar to pupuka. Loi (lo'i), n. A water taro patch; an artificial pond where taro is cultivated. Loi (lo'-i), V. Contraction of loiloi, to ridicule, etc. Loia (lo'-I'a), adj. Skillful; ingen- ious; dextrous; applied only to women. Syn: Noeau and mikolo lohua. Maiau means the same thing, applied to men. Loia (lo'-i'a), n. 1. An ingenious, skillful person; one who is handy and expert at any business; ap- plied only to women as maiau is to men. 2. Skill; ingenuity; ex- perience in business. Loie (lo'-i'-e), n. A rule of conduct; a command ; a way of doing things. Syn: Loina. Loiele (lo'-i-e'-le), adj. Sluggish; dull; slow; dilatory. Loiele (lo'-i-e'-le), n. Slowness in doing a thing. Ka! manomano ka loiele ia oe, astonishing the slow- ness of you. Loiele (lo'-i-e-le), v. To be slow in doing a thing; to linger; heaha keia hana au e loiele nei? What are you doing that you should be so slow? Loihi (16'-i-hi), adj. (Sometimes written lokihi.) Long; applied to time or distance; also, the meas- ure of anything, as timber, cloth, etc.; kahi loihi, a great distance off. Loihi (16-i'-hi), n. Length; distance; length of time. Loihi (16-i'-hi), v. To be long. Loiloi (lo'-i-lo'-i), n. Adverse com- ment, unfavorable criticism. Loiloi (lo'-i-lo'-i), v. 1. To ridicule; to contemn or sneer at one's thought or opinion. 2. To find fault with; to comment unfavor- ably. Loina (lo'-i'-na), adj. Rulable; ac- cording to order after established custom. Loina (lo'-i'-na), n. 1. A rule for con- duct, anything to be learned and recited to a teacher. 2. A sign of some coming event. Loio (16'-i'-o), adj. Thin; poor; re- duced in flesh; spare; slim; slight; limp; weak. Loio (lo'-i'-o), n. 1. Straightness; a being straight as a stick without crook. 2. A person reduced in size; thin in flesh. Loio (16'-i-o), n. [Mod.] A lawyer. Loioio (15'-I'o-i'o), n. [Lo, a prefix, and iolo, hither and thither.] A looking askance as though fright- ened. Loka (16'-ka), n. A state of mind full of doubt about any fact or information; unbelief; disbelief. LOK 378 LOK especially of religious truth. See maloka, Lokahi (lo'-ka'-hi), adj. Of the same mind; agreed; of the same opin- ion. Lokahi (lo'-ka'-hi), adv. Similar; with one accord^ with unanimity of sentiment. Lokahi (lo'-ka'-hi), n. Agreement in mind; unanimity of sentiment; union of feeling; oneness; sim- ilarity. Lokahi (lo'-ka'-hi), v. To be alike; to be agreed: i lokahi ka ike, a i kuikahi ka manao, that they may know the same thing, and agree in opinion; to be of one mind; to be in union or unison. Loke (lo'-ke), n. [Mod.] Variant of rose; a rose. Lokea (lo'-ke'-a), adj. White. See kea and keo. Lokea (lo'-ke'-a), n. A long pointed knife with a white handle; pahi loihi, kumu keokeo; long knife, white handle. Lokia (lo'-ki'-a), n. Roan color. Loko (lo'-ko), adj. Inner; what is within; pahale loko, the inner court. Loko (lo'-ko), n. The inner part; that which is within; applied to persons or things: 1. To persons, the internal organs. 2. The moral state or disposition of a person, either good or bad, according to its compounds; as, loko maikai, loko ino, etc. 3. Applied to things, the interior. 4. Applied to ani- mals, the internal organs: ia po no, ai no i ka loko o ka ilio noa. On that night indeed, they ate the inwards of a dog not forbid- den; he mau mea e pili ana ma- loko o ka naau; ia loko, the with- in. (The Hawaiians believed that the moral powers or dispositions had their seat in the small intes- tines. See naau.) Loko (lo'-ko), n. A pond; a lake; a small collection of water; he wai lana malie i puni i ka aina, quiet water surrounded by land. Loko (lo'-ko), prep. In; within; in- ner, etc.; compounded with any of the simple prepositions as o, ko, no, i, ma and mai. (Ia loko is used in Mat. 23:26.) Lokohaiki (lo'-k6-ha'i-ki), adj. [Loko, within, and haiki, close.] 1. Stand- ing thick together; little space be- tween. 2. Parsimonious; close- fisted; hard. Lokoino (lo'-k6-i'-no), adj. Unmerci- ful; unkind; ungenerous. Lokoino (lo'-ko-i'-no), n. [Loko, with- in, and Ino, bad.] An evil disposi- tion; destitute of kindness. Lokoino (lo'-ko-i'-no), v. [Loko, dis- position, and ino, bad.] 1. To act vilely; to deal malevolently; to exhibit a bad disposition. 2. To be evil-disposed; to be evil-minded; to be cruel; to be vindictive. Lokoinoia (lo'-ko-i'-no-ia), n. Object of cruelty; victim of malevolence. Lokoinoia (lo'-ko-i'-no-ia), v. [Pas- sive of lokoino.] Treated with cruelty; judged malevolently. Lokolinu (16'-k6-li-nu), adj. [Loko, disposition, and linu, close.] Par- simonious; stingy. Syn: Loko- haiki, pi. Lokoliu (lo'-ko-li'u), adj. Cross; an- gry; indifferent. Lokoliu (lo'-ko-li'u), v. [Loko, with- in, and liu, insipid.] To be in- sipid; to be without strength; to be bitter. (Applied both to per- sons and things.) Lokoloko (lo'-k6-lo'-ko). v. [Loko, pond.] To stand in puddles or pools of water; e halokoloko; same as halokoloko. Lokomaikai (lo'-k6-ma'i-ka'i), adj. Merciful; disposed to do good; generous; obliging; kind. Lokomaikai (lo'-k6-ma'i-ka'i) , n. Grace; favor; special favor; good will. Lokomaikai (15'-k6-ma'i-ka'i), v. [Lo- ko, disposition, and maikai, good.] To feel and act benevolently; to be kindly disposed towards one; to be favorable to one. Lokomaikaiia (16'-k6-ma'i-ka'i-i'a), n. Applied friendship; practical ex- pression of good will. Lokomaikaiia (lo'-ko-ma'i-ka'i-I'a), v. [Passive of lokomaikai.] Regarded with kindness; esteemed. Lokowai (lo'-ko-wa'i), n. [Loko, pond, and wai, water.] 1. A foun- tain. 2. A fresh water lake or pond. Loku (lo'-ku), adj. Distressing; pain- ful; fearful; ka leo o ka ua loku me ka hekili, the sound of the severe rain with the thunder. Loku (lo'-ku), n. 1. Extreme pain, physical or mental; distress; heart- ache. 2. Mental anguish. LOK 379 Col Loku (16'-ku), V. 1. To prostitute lor pay on a large scale. 2. To give up to natural impulses. Lokuloku (lo'-kti-lo'-ku), n. Pain; distress; numbness of limbs. Lokuloku (lo'-ku-lo'-ku), v. 1. To suffer pain; ke lokuloku nei iloko o ka hanaia, to suffer pain in what was done. 2. To patter, as rain. Lola (lo'-la), adj. 1. Paralyzed; stiff; lame. 2. Idle; neglected; barren, as a fruit tree; emasculated. Lola (lo'-la), n. 1. A palsied per- son; one helpless. He lolo. 2. A blunderer. 3. [Eng.] A roller. Lolalola (lo'-la-lo'-la), v. [From lola, a blunderer.] To be a blunder- head; to be awkward. Lolamoehalau (lo'-la-mo'-e-ha'-lau), v. [Lola, idle, moe, to lie down, and halau, a long house.] To be idle; to be useless, as a person. See lolomoehalau. Lole (16'-le), n. 1. Cloth, particularly foreign cloth; he aa haole. 2. A garment: lole komo, a garment; wearing apparel; lole hana, gar- ments for particular work; lole lauoho, cloth, made of horse-hair. Lole (16'-le), v. 1. To be reversed; to be turned; to be changed in- side out. 2. To be unfolded to view. 3. To strip off the surface of; to peel. 4. To work over with the hands, as in sorting, culling, separating, etc. Lolea (16'-le'-a), adj. Smooth or worn, that is, made smooth by friction or wear; found in the phrase lolea keia kala, smooth I coin. I Lolehana (16'-le-ha'-na), n. [Lole,' cloth, and hana, work.] A work- ing garment. Lolehau (lo'-le-ha'u), v. To limp; to i be weary from walking; to be | lame. (Obsolete.) Lolelau (lo'-le-la'u), n. [Lole, cloth, and lau, leaf.] The art of thatch- ing and trimming off a house. Lolelo (lo'-le'-lo), v. To jump; to skip. Lolelua (lo'-le-lu'-a), adj. Change- able; fickle; double minded. Lolelua (lo'-le-lu'-a), n. 1. Doubt; hesitancy; a changing often of one's opinions or plans: E hana paha, aole paha, aole anei ia he lolelua? To work perhaps, not perhaps, is not that indecision? 2. A whiffler; a turncoat. I Lolelua (lo'-le-lu'-a), v. [Lole and lua, twice.] 1. To be changeable; to be unstable; to be double minded; to act with indecision. Syn: Naaulua. 2. To change; to pervert; to cause a change. 3. To be in doubt; to hesitate; to be fickle. Loiena (lo'-le'-na), adj. 1. Weak; faded; withered, as a plant or fruit or a person. 2. Sterile; bar- ren. Loiena (lo'-le'-na), n. A person, an- imal or vegetable slighted for want of beauty and other desirable qualifications; he maia aao; he maia kukanaloa, he mea ku wale iho no; he loiena, no ka mea aohe ona kulia; a person despised or not desired by women. Loiena (lo'-le'-na), v. 1. [Lole, cloth, and ana.] 1. To be limber; to be flexible, as cloth. 2. To be in- efficient; to be impotent; to be incapacitated. 3. To have lost one's beauty and energy of person. 4. To produce no fruit, as a vege- table. Loll (lo'-li), n. The beche de mer, a species of holothurian; he ia maka ole; "a fish without eyes;" a soft, limp sea-creature without bones; a species of sea-slug; the trepang. Loll (15'-li), V. 1. [The definitions of this word run into those of lole.] To turn over; to change; to alter; to be changed. See hoo- loli. 2. To make a spot with color- ing matter; to daub; to color; e kikohu, e onionio; to color in spots, as was often done with tapa. Lolla (lo'-li'-a), v. 1. To turn on one side, then on the other, as a sleepy person. 2. To wabble, as a canoe when drawn from the moun- tains, it turns from one side to the other. 3. To move or be moved with a rolling motion. Lolil (lo'-li'i), adj. 1. Prepared; ready; furnished. 2. Having very many sides, as a stick of house timber; where there are fewer sides it Is opaka. Lolli (lo'-li'i), n. 1. What is thought of beforehand; that which is pre- pared previous to use. 2, A being prepared. Lolil (lo'-li'i), V. 1. To make ready; * to prepare beforehand; to prepare LOL 380 LOL for an event: nolaila, e lolii e oukou iho, therefore prepare your- selves beforehand. 2. To spread the body or limbs in a careless manner: moe lolii, lie stretched out full length. Loliia (lo'-ir-ia), v. To be turned or changed. Loliloli (lo'-li-lo'-li), adj. A term ap- plied to water-soaked vegetables, especially to taro; tough; changed for the worse; applied also to any vegetable food. Loliloli (lo'-li-lo'-li), v. To be water soaked or tough, as taro some- times is; to be damaged or changed, as food; to be unsound. Same as ololiloli. Lolilua (15'-li-lu'-a), adj. Same as lolelua. Changeable; fickle; given to change. Lolo (lo'-lo'), adj. 1. Palsied; lying helpless. 2. Indolent; lazy. 3. Crazy; insane. Lolo (lo'-lo), adj. Same as lolo- paioa, tall. Lolo (lo'-lo), interj. An expression of triumph over the ills of an- other; same as akola. Lolo (16'-lo), n. 1. The brain of a person or animal; lolo poo. 2. The marrow of the bones, lolo iwi. 3. The seat of thought, ke kumu o ka manao ma ke poo. [This is a modern idea; the an- cient Hawaiians supposed the seat of thought to be in the naau.] 4. The hog sacrificed on the finishing of a canoe, alalia, lolo ka waa, hoomana hou no i ke akua, e hoolohe mai oe i ka maikai o ka lolo ana o ka waa. 5. Religious ceremony at the launching of a canoe. 6. The sheath that sur- rounds the young coconut. Lolo (15-16'), n. 1. The palsy; feeble- ness or disuse of one's limbs. 2. A person afflicted with the palsy. 3. A person very awkward at do- ing anything as though he had not the use of his limbs. Lolo (lo'-lo'), V. To be paralyzed. Lolo (lo'-lo), V. To mock at; to tantalize; to deride for being punished or for some misfortune or ill-luck. Loloa (16'-lo'-a), adj. [Loa, large.] Long; tall, as a tree; connected with kiekie. 2. Lifted up. Loloa (lo'-lo'-a), adv. Afar off; a long time; uhai loloa, following a long distance. Loloa (16'-lo'-a), n. Length; same as loa. Loloa (16'-lo'-a), v. [Loa, large or long.] 1. To be long; to grow or to become long. 2. To go afar off; to be at a great distance. Lolo he (lo'-16'-he), adj. Hearing quickly; giving ready attention; yielding quick obedience, etc. Lolohe (lo'-lo'-e), v. 1. Listen; hear; hearken. 2. To hear quickly; to listen attentively. Lolohi (16'-16'-hi), adj. Very slow; tardy; lingering behind; dilatory. Lolohi (16'-16'-hi), n. 1. One slow from disease, as the palsy. 2. Slowness. Lolohi (16'-16'-hi), v. [Intensive of lohi.] To be very tardy or slow; to be very lingering; to lag far behind. Lolohili (16'-16-hl'-li), v. [Lolo (a), far, and hili, to wander.] To be far off; to be at a great distance; to stretch out a long way; ua lolalola lolohili. Lolohua (16'-16-hu'-a), adj. Indulging or cherishing an evil disposition. Lolohua (16'-16-hu'-a), n. One skilled in the use of language, especially the ancient language; o ka lolo- hua alii o kama i ka moku. Same as pololohua. Lolohuamea (16'-16-hu'-a-me'-a), n. 1. The appearance of the verge of the ocean to one in a canoe on the ocean, as it appears green or dark colored. 2. [Lolohua, skilled in language.] Anyone who speaks correctly and uses language with propriety. Lololahili (16'-16'i-a'-hi'-li), v. 1. To wander about as one unable to find the way. 2. To be confused. Lolokaa (lo'-15-ka'a), n. [Lolo, brain, and kaa, to turn.] A disease of the head; dizziness affecting the eyes. Loloki (16-16'-ki), adj. Same as lo- lohi, slow, tardy, etc. Lolokia (16'-16-ki'-a), n. The stem of a coconut fruit; the branch that connects the fruit with the tree. Loloku (16'-lo'-ku), adv. Spattering- ly, as a heavy rain; as rain drops falling into water, causing a sound and a bubbling up. LOL 381 LON Loloku (lo'-16-ku'), n. Word used by ancient Hawaiians to signify mid- day; when the sun i& directly over- head. Lolokull (16'-16-ku'-li), adj. Sick and deaf, that is, deaf from disease; want of hearing; ko makou pe- peiao i mau aa lolokuli. Lololo (16'-16'-lo), V. [Lo and lolo, the brain.] To exercise the brain; to think; to reflect; to reason; to turn over in one's mind. Lololoa (lo'-16-16'-a), adj. [Intensive of loa.] Very long, as to time or measure; na lima lololoa, very long arms. Lololoa (lo'-16-lo'-a), n. [Lolo, palsy, and loa, very.] The feeling of an arm or leg when the blood ceases to circulate. Lololohc (lo'-16-lo'-he), adj. The op- posite of lolokuli. Able to hear; not deaf. Lololohua (lo'-16'-16-hu'-a), v. To pro- nounce clearly, distinctly and cor- rectly; ke pane lololohua mai nei la. Lolololohua (lo'-16-16-lo'-hu'-a), adj. Thinking; wise; skillful; reflect- ing. Lolomoehalau (lo'-lo'-mo'-e-ha'-la'u) , adj. Idle; useless, etc. Lolomoehalau (16'-16'-mo'-e-ha'-la'u) , n. A man, woman or child who Is lazy, indisposed to work; o ke kane palaualelo, molowa, hana ole, oia hoi ka lolomoehalau. Lolonlu (lo'-lS-ni'-u), n. [Lolo and nlu, coconut.] A canoe made of a coconut tree; he waa loloniu. Lolooau (lo'-16-5'-a'u), n. A species of flying gurnard. Lolopaloa (16'-16-pai'-o'-a), adj. High in stature. Lolopaloa (16'-15-pai'-o-a), n. A tall, thin featured person. Lolopaloa (16'-16-pa'i-o'-a), v. To be tall and slender, as a man: ua lolo- paloa i ka la. Lolopaioea (lo'-16-pa'i-6-e'a), adj. Tall. Syn: Paioea. Lolopio (lo'-ld-pi'o), v. [Lolo for lele, to fly, and plo, an arch.] 1. To fly in a curved line; to fly as a meteor; e lele me he akua lele la; me ka welowelo, as a comet. 2. To leap in a curved line, as one jumping into the water. Lolopoo (16'-16-po'o), n. 1. Literally, the marrow of the head; the brain. 2. The seat of thought in man. Lolopoo (lo'-lo'-po'o), n. A disorder of the brain. Lolopua (16'-16-pu'a), n. The zenith; the point directly over head; eia la i ka lolopua o ka lani. Loma (lo'-ma), adj. Lazy; awkward; unskillful. Loma (lo'-ma), n. Slowness; want of skill; awkwardness. Loma (lo'-ma), v. To be lazy; to be slow; to be awkward; to be indolent. Lomaloma (lo'-ma-lo'-ma), n. Idle- ness; indolence; awkwardness. Lomaloma (lo'-ma-16'-ma), v. Inten- sive of loma in all its definitions. Lomalomaaihalale (lo'-ma-lo'-ma-a'i- ha'-la-le'), adj. [Loma, lazy, and aihalale, to live on others.] A de- pendent; a hanger-on. LomI (lo'-mi), n. A rubbing, press- ing or massaging of one in pain or sick; a massage. Lomi (lo'-mi), v. 1. To rub; to press; to massage. 2. Fig. To comfort; to quiet; e lomi ana au i ka eha o ko'u naau, I am comfort- ing myself for my bad feelings. 3. To crush; to mash fine; e hoo- wali; e hooaeae. Lomia (lo'-mi'-a), v. [For lomiia.] To feel of; to pinch; to squeeze; to press. Lomilo (lo'-ml'-lo), v. To spin with the fingers; to twist, as thread; to make ropes, cords, etc. Syn: Milo, omilo and hilo. Lomilomi (lo'-mi-lo'-mi), n. 1. A rubbing, pressing, etc. See lomi. 2. The servant who does menial work. Lomilomi (lo'-mi-lo'-mi), v. [Lomi, to rub.] 1. To rub; to squeeze and chafe the limbs of one who is weary or in pain. 2. To feel of a thing to ascertain its qualities; Lomilomi iho la kuu lima i ua pohaku la, he paakiki la! My hand felt of that stone, it was hard. 3. To rub out; blot out; to erase by massage. 4. To act under occult power, as in the influence of a god on the life. Lona (16'-na), adj. 1. Useless; in vain; without advantage; awk- ward. 2. Straight; direct (obso- lete). Lona (lo'-na), n. Block placed be- neath a canoe to prevent contact with the earth; the blocks on LON 382 LOU which double canoes rest when out of water. 2. The name of the wood out of which such blocks were made. Lono (16'-no), n. 1. One of the four great gods of the Hawaiian is- lands; the four were Lono, Ku, Kane and Kanaloa. 2. The art of hurling, as practiced in casting weapons through the air: He nui ka poe ao i ka lono maka-ihe; Many are the people who learn to throw the spear. 3. A report; news; a hearing of something new; fame; rumor. A report of what one has heard another say: Nui ka maua kamailio ana ia po na na lono ame na hana i hanaia, We two had much conversation that night re- specting the news and what had been done. 4. A remembrance. 5. The twenty-eighth day of the month in the ancient Hawaiian calendar: o kakahiaka ae, o Lono ia la. Lono (16'-no), v. 1. To be heard; to be mindful of. Hoolono is the active form. 2. To swing; to hurl; to cast or fling from the hand; to throw. Lonoa (16'-n6-a'), n. 1. Gossip. 2. A tattler. Lonoakihi (lo'-n6-a-ki'-hi), n. The eel, god. Lonohli (lo'-n6-hi'i), n. [Lono and hii, to tend a child.] A child that is much tended and dandled. Lonoku (16'-n6-ku), adv. Qn the back; backward. Lonolonoa (lo'-n6-lo'-n6-a'), n. Same as lonoa. A hearsay; a gossip; tattling; a story without founda- tion; lonoloinoa i ka hiki o ka aina, rumor from distant or for- eign lands. Lonu (lo'-nu), n. 1. A cheat; a liar; a rogue. 2. A swelling. 3. A fop; a dandy. Lonu (lo'-nu'), v. [L(o) and onu, to swell.] 1. To swell; to be large. 2. [Lo and nu, to groan.] To groan, as in pain. Lonu (lo'-nu), v. To cheat in play; to be tricky. Loo (lo'o), V. To be overtaken with; to be come upon, as with some calamity or judgment; found only in the passive loohia. Loohia (lo'o-hi'-a), v. [For looia, passive of loo.] 1. To be over- taken by anything, as a disease; by suffering or misfortune; by sad- ness or grief. 2. To come upon, as oppression; to fall upon one, as fear; to befall one. Lookahi (lo'o-ka'-hi), adj., adv., verb. Same as lokahi. Lopa (lo-pa'), n. A man who cul- tivates land under a common farm- er, but owns no lands himself; a tenant; he mahi kihapai malalo aku o ka hoa aina. Lopahoopiliwale (lo'-pa-ho'o-pi'-li-wa'- le), n. A low grade of farmers who obtained their living by ad- hering to the lopas or under farmers. Lopakuakea (lo'-pa-kti'-a-ke'-a), n. [Lopa, a tenant, and kuakea.] A man who cultivates a garden un- der a lopa; a farmer of a lower grade than a lopa. Laieik. p. 21. Lopalaueka (lo'-pa-la'u-e'-ka), n. [Lo- pa, a tenant farmer, and laueka, awkward.] A man slovenly, awk- ward and unskillful in his work. LopI (16'-pi), n. [From Eng. rope, should be written rope or ropi.] Thread, sewing thread; he mea e humuhumu ,ai i ka lole. Also spelled lope. Lopio (lo'-pi'o), V. [Lo and pio, to be bent.] To bend over, as in nodding or going to sleep. Lopu (lo'-pu), n. The koi (hatchet) offered in sacrifice. I Lou (lo'u), n. A hook. Lou io, a i flesh hook; lou hao, an iron hook; I a joining. 2. A pain in the side; j a stitch. I Lou (lo'u), n. An overhanging cliff. j Same as loupali. i Lou (lo'u), V. 1. To bend, as a hook; to bend around, hence kulou, to stand bent, that is, bowing down. 2. To hook; to fasten with a hook; to come up with a hook, as a fish. 3. To insert; to fit on, as a ring on the finger. Loua (16'-u'-a), adv. [Evidently an archaic form of laua.] Quickly; no delay, as the lapse of time, as quick work, etc.; loua ole aku nei; ua loua ole aku ka hana; work not nearly done. Loua (lo'-u'-a), v. [For louia.] 1. To be crooked; to be hooked. 2. To be pulled off with a hook, as fruit is often plucked from a tree. Louhao (lo'u-ha'o), n. [Lou, hook, and hao, iron.] An iron hook. LOU 383 LUA Louhu (16'-u'-hu), v. 1. To leap off; to fly away; e lehal aku. 2. To leap or fly off suddenly in a hap- hazard manner. (Obsolete.) Loula (lo'u-la'), adj. Fast; firm, as a nail that takes firm hold of the wood. Also called louia (lou-ia). Loulou (lo'u-lo'u), adj. 1. Bending over or around. 2. Bent with pain or grief. Loulou (lo'u-lo'u), n. The name of an exercise or game; eia kekahi lealea, o ka loulou, here is one exercise, the loulou. See loulou- lima. Loulou (lo'u-lo'u), V. To be bent down, as by weight or pressure. Loulou (lo'u-lo'u), V. 1. To link to- gether; to hold fast, as with links or hooks; to connect with links. 2. To clasp or link hands and pull in opposite directions, in trial of strength. Louioulima (15'u-lo'u-li'-ma), v. [Lou- lou, to hook, and lima, the hand.] To hook one's fingers with the fin- gers of another person and pull. Loulu (lo'-fi'-lu), adj. Pointed; sharp, like the points at the ends of palm leaves. Loulu (lo'-u'-lu), n. 1. General name of a species of palm (Pritchardia gaudichaudii), Loulu lelo, and Lou- luhiwa, P. Martii, 2. The fruit or kernels of the loulu. 3. A species of fern growing at altitudes of 3000 to 5000 feet, found also in the Viti group, Japan, Malaysia, India and tropical Africa. 4. A species of fish (Alutera monoceros). Color brown mottled with darker spots. 5. Leaf of the loulu palm used as a protection from the rain or sun. Hence, in modern times, an um- brella. Loupall (lo'u-pa'-li), n. An overhang- ing pali or cliff. Lowala (lo'-wa-i'a), n. Another form of lawaia, a fisherman. Lowala (lo'-wa-i'a), v. To catch fish. Syn: Lawaia. Lu (lu), n. 1. That which is thrown away or scattered. 2. That which is shot from a gun; hence, gun shot, from their scattering. 3. The small seeds of the puakala. Lu (lu), V. 1. To scater; to throw away small things, as ashes or sand. (Puk. 9:8.) 2. To drip, as water. (Laieik. p. 80.) 3. To sow, as grain. 4. To shake; to kick or remove dust from one's feet. 5. To dive or plunge in the water; to dive, as in taking a squid. Lua (lu'-a), adj. The number two. See alua and elua. Two; double; hence, 2. Second; secondary. Lua (lu'a), adj. Weak; flexible; nawaliwali, palupalu. Lua (lu'-a), adv. Secondly; a second time. Lua (lu'-a), n. 1. A second; an equal; an assistant. 2. A copy of a writ- ing. 3. Likeness in quality; aole lua e like me ia, there is no second like it, that is, there is nothing like it. 4. Mate; companion; one of a pair. 5. Word expressing the superlative degree of some quality or condition. See luaole. Lua ex- presses admiration and is applied to what is good; lua poll, the en- deared bosom of a warm-hearted friend. (Lua was the watch-word given by Hoapili previous to the last battle on the island of Kauai.) Lua (lu'-a), n. 1. The art of breaking the bones of a person. 2. The art of noosing men in order to murder them, as was practiced on the island of Kauai. 3. The place where the art of the lua was taught. 4. A pit; a hole; a grave; a den or cave. Lua (lu'-a), v. To kill by breaking the bones. (The lua was much practiced in ancient times and is still understood by some old peo- ple.) Luaahl (lu'-a-a'-hi), n. [Lua, pit, and ahi, fire.] 1. Literally, the volcano of Kilauea on the island of Ha- waii. 2. Fig., the place of punish- ment hereafter; hell: O ka hewa ka waa pae i ka luaahl. Sin is the canoe that lands in hell; O ka lua- ahl ke awa o ka make mau loa. Hell is the harbor of eternal death. Luaapana (lu'-a-a'-pa'-na), v. 1. To live idly or in pleasure; to live wantonly; e noho lealea me ka akaaka ame ke kamailio lapuwale. Heaha ka oukou e hana nei? Aole, e luaapana wale ana no makou. Syn: Luana. 2. To waste time; to spend time in a reckless or heed- less manner. Luahele (lu'-a-he'-le), n. 1. A leading astray; a deceiving. 2. A speaking evil against a person. 3. Place where persons are led astray. 4. A pitfall. LUA 384 LUA Luahele (lu'-a-he'-le), v. [Lua, a pit, and hele for pahele, to take by de- ceit, to insnare.] To lead as- tray from the path of virtue; to se- duce; to lead astray by deceiving. Luahi (lu'-a'-hi), n. 1. A place of danger. 2. Cause of destruction; ruin; overthrow; downfall. Luahine (lu'-a-hi'-ne), n. [Lua and wahine, woman.] A contraction of luwahine. An old woman. Luahoana (lu'-a-ho'-a'-na), n. A halo or rainbow appearance around the sun or moon. Syn: Luakalai. Luahohonu (lu'-a-ho'-ho'-nu), n. [Lua, pit, and hohonu, deep.] A deep pit or ditch. Luahuna (lu'-a-hu'-na), n. [Lua and huna, to hide.] A cave or pit in which property was concealed, as in time of war; a concealed or hid- den pit. Lual (lu'-a'i), n. 1. Sickness of the stomach. 2. A discharge from the stomach; vomit. 3. The matter or that which is vomited up. Luai (lu'-a'i), v. 1. To vomit; to cast out of the stomach; to cast forth from the mouth. 2. Applied to a country, to cast out as a country casts out its people for their crimes; to deport, banish. Luaiakoko (lu'-a'i-a'-k6'-ko), n. [Luai, to vomit, and koko, blood.] A vom- iting of blood; a hemorrhage. Luaiele (lu'-a'i-e'-le), n. 1. Laziness; indolence. 2. One who rambles purposely, especially in narration. Luaiele (lu'-a'i-e'-le), v. 1. To go about from house to house or from place to place without apparent object; to live without purpose. 2. To trouble with ambiguity; to make doubtful, especially in mean- ing. See hooluaiele. Luaieleia (lu'-a'i-e'-le-i'a), v. Passive form of luaiele. Luaiku (lu'-a'i-ku'), n. 1. A word used by Kamehameha I to express his contempt of cowards, meaning Kamehameha will vomit. 2. [Con- traction of luaiaku.] Ku's spew. Luaipele (lu-a'i-pe'-le), n. [Contrac- tion of luai a Pele; luai, vomit, and Pele, the goddess of volcanoes.] Brimstone; sulphur. Luaipo (lu'-a'ip5), n. Po's castouts; Po's vomit. Luakaha (lu'-a-ka'-ha), v. To have dwelt long in a place; to have be- come an inhabitant; to be at home; to be familiar with a location; heaha ka oukou e noho ai maanei? Ans. Kainoa he luakaha ko makou noho ana. Luakalai (lu'-a-ka'-la'i), n. A halo around the sun or moon in cloudy or hazy weather. Syn: Luahoana. Luakalallani (lu'-a-ka'-lai'-la'ni), n. A halo in the heavens. Syn: Lua- hoana and luakalai. Luakele (lu'-a-ke'-le), n. A sepulchre; a place for depositing the dead. Syn: Hunakele. Luakini (lu'-a-ki'-ni), n. [Lua, pit, and ki'nl, multitude.] 1. A heiau of the largest class; o ka luakini, oia ka heiau a ke alii nui e noi aku ai i na 'kua ona. 2. The highest species of house in a heiau where human sacrifices were offered. 3. The worshippers in a temple, [Since the introduction of the Christian religion, luakini has been applied to places of worship dedi- cated to Jehovah; e hai i ka olelo a ke Akua iloko o ka luakini o lehova.] Luakupapau (liV-a-ku'-pa'-pa'u), n. [Lua, pit, and kupapau, a corpse.] A grave; a receptacle of dead bodies; a tomb; a sepulchre. Lualoa (lu'a-lo'-a), n. A species of fish-hook; a large hook with a long shank used in taking big fish. Lualua (lu'a-lu'a), adj. Limber; flexible ; flimsy. Lualua (lu'-a-lu'-a), adj. Rough; un- even. Lualua (lu'-a-lu'-a), n. A round fish net. Lualua (lu'a-lu'a), n. An old gar- ment; soft, pliable, flimsy cloth. Lualua (lu'-a-lu'-a), v. 1. To be un- even; to be rough, as a road. 2. To have many depressions, as un- even land. Lualua (lu'a-lu'a), v. 1. To be flex- ible; to be pliable; to be soft; hence, 2. To be old, as gar- ments; to be much worn or used. Lualuai (lu'-a-lu'-a'i), n. The cud; that which is raised from the stomach of an animal to be chewed over again; he mea hoo- lualuaiia. Lualuai (lu'-a-lu'-a*i), v. [Lua, cud, and luai, to raise from the stom- ach.] 1. To raise the food again from the stomach to the mouth, as ruminating animals. 2. To LUA 385 LUH chew the cud; to raise and chew the cud. 3. To vomit. Lualuana (lu'-a-lu-a'-na), v. [Inten- sive of luana.] To be at leisure; to live leisurely; to seek pleasure. Luameki (lu'-a-me'-ki), n. [Lua, pit, and meki, so deep as not to see the bottom.] A very deep pit; a concealed hole in the ground. Luana (lu'-a'-na), adj. Satisfied; easy; living in pleasure or idle- ness. Luana (lu'-a'-na), v. To live in idle- ness or pleasure; to be satisfied with one's self. Heaha ka oukou e hana nei? Aole, e luana wale ana no makou, What are you do- ing? Nothing, only passing time. Luanuu (lu'-a-nu'u), n. The name of two gods in the house of Lono. Luanuu (lu'-a-nu'u), v. 1. To be dressed out with a large kuina of tapa, as the gods were on import- ant occasions. 2. To stand around, as the gods around the temple. Luaole (lu'-a-o'-le), adj. Best. Luaole (lu'-a-o'-le), n. [Lua, second, and ole, no; none.] 1. A darling; a nonesuch; an only and dear one. 2. The most that can be; that which excels all else; a word ex- pressing the superlative degree. LuaonI (lil'-a-o'-ni), n. The second man who fell in battle; o ka lua o ke kanaka i make mua mai, he luaoni ia. Luapaahao (lu'-a-pa'a-ha'o), adj. Per- taining to the lowest prisons or dungeons; hale luapaahao, house dungeon. Luapaahao (lu'-a-pa'a-ha'o), n. [Lua, pit, and paahao, iron fast.] A dungeon; a place of the lowest prisons. Luapau (lu'-a'-pa'u), n. 1. The pit in the luaklni, or temple, hence, 2. A temple, synonymous with lua- kini. 3. A yawning or devouring pit. 4. Fig. That which causes ruin or destruction; o ka mai pala, oia ka luapau o keia pae aina. Luapele (la'-a-pe'-le), n. [Lua, a pit, and Pele, the goddess of vol- canoes.] 1. A volcano itself, eith- er in action or extinct. 2. A puu or hillock on the top of a moun- tain, especially if it have a cavity on the top. Luapo (lu'-a-p5'), n. [Lua, pit, and po, night.] The grave. Luapuhi (lu'-a-pu'-hi), n. [Lua, pit, hole, and puhl, to blow.] A blow hole. Luau (lu'-=C2=A7,'u), adj. Pertaining to or having to do with the food luau. Luau (lu'-a'u), n. 1. The petal of a plant; the leaf of the taro; boiled herbs, that is, the young taro leaves gathered and cooked for food. 2. A species of soft, porous stone used in the process of cook- ery. 3, A feast. Luauhane (lu'-a-ii'-ha'-ne), n. The inner canthus or angle of the eye; the lachrymal duct, perhaps. Luaui (lu'-a-u'i), n. A parent; those whom children call parents or makua; he makua, he mau ma- kua. (Luaui, united with makua, means the natural parent as dis- tinct from an adopted parent or uncle or aunt.) Luawai (lu'-a-wa'i), n, [Lua, pit, and wai, water.] 1. A well of water. 2. A cistern; a pit for water. He punawai hohonu. Luaweheole (lu'-a-we'-he-o'-le), n. [Lua, pit, and weheole, unopened.] The unopened or bottomless pit. Syn: Luapau. Lue (lu'e), v. To be loosened; to be broken up or overthrown; to be scattered. See hoolue. Luea (lu'-e'-a), n. The sensation of seasickness. Syn: Poluea. Sleepi- ness; fatigue; the unpleasant sen- sations on board a ship. Luehu (lu'-e'-hu), adj. Soft; yield- ing, etc. Same as puehuehu. Luehu (lu'-e'-hu), n. A species of soft or porous stones; there are many varieties; the term is op- posed to paa or pohaku paa. Luelue (lu'-e-lu'-e), adj. Loose; flowing; long, as a large loose tapa; lole hooluelue, a long, loose robe. He lole e uhi ana mai luna a hala loa ilalo. Luelue (lu'e-lu'e), n. A long, flex- ible fish net; he upena luelue. Luelue (lu'e-lu'e), v. [Freq. of lue.] To be loosened; to be destroyed; to be broken up, etc. Hooluelue is the transitive form, Luhe (lu'-he), adj. 1. Proud; exhib- iting one's haughtiness; making a show. 2. Fat; acting the chief; lula, luhe, i ke kaha o Kauna- lewa. LUH 386 LUL Luhe (lu'-he), v. To droop; to fade; to wither; to hang down, as a withering plant. Luhea (lu'-he'-a), n. A species of plant; ka lau o luhea o ka ohai o Mana. Luheana (lu'-he-a'-na), v. 1. To feel comfortably drowsy, as a person after eating; e luheana e ka ma- lie. 2, To rest; to be in a state of repose; to be quiet; undis- turbed; calm, unagitated. Luhee (lu'-he'e), n. 1. A quality of stone or rock; eia na pohaku lu- hee, he mau ano e loa ko lakou, here are the luhee rocks unlike all others. (Pohaku luhee is the stone sinker attached along with the cowry shell to a squid hook.) 2. One whose employment is to fish for squid. Luhee (lu'-he'e), v. To pull up and down the line, as in catching the squid (hee). Luhelelei (lu'-he'-le-le'i), v. [Luand helelei, to sow or scatter.] To scatter about here and there, in this place and that. Luheluhe (lu'-he-lu'-he), adj. [Luhe, fat.] Fat; full; plump; momona, kaha. Luhi (lu'-hi), adj. Tiresome; caus- ing weariness; requiring a long time to finish. (Luhl is occa- sioned mostly by carrying a bur- den.) Luhl (lu'-hi), n. 1. Weariness; fa- tigue. 2. Fig. A cause of anxiety; one especially beloved; i aku la, e kuu luhi, eia ke kane, my dear one, here is a husband. =E2=80=94 Laieik. p. 197. 3. A heavy burden; ka mea e hooluhi ai. 4. Oppression; hard labor. Luhi (lu'-hi), v. 1. To be fatigued with labor; to labor severely so as to be oppressed. 2. To labor or suffer with grief; to be weighed down with grief. Luhia (lu'-hi'-a), n. A species of large fish of the shark kind. Luhiehu (lu'-hi-e'-hu), adj. 1. Soft; cooked soft; pala, moa. 2. Beau- tiful; fine; finished. Luhihewa (lu'-hi-he'-wa), adj. Hard, as applied to manner of treatment; oppressive. Luhihewa (lu'-hi-he'-wa), n. Result- less effort. Luhihewa (lu'-hi-he'-wa), V. [Luhl, a burden, and hewa, wrong; wicked.] To be oppressed wrongfully. Luhlluhl (la'-hi-lu'-hi), v. [Freq. of luhl.] To be troublesome. Lul (lu'i), n. An imaginary or indis- tinct sound. Syn: Koliuliu. Luilui (lu'i-lu'i), n. Same as lui. Luina (lu'-i'-na), n. 1. A resident in a ship; a sailor; ka poe kanaka hooikaika no ka moku. 2. A poor foreigner. See luuina. Luka (lu'-ka), n. [Mod.] Luke. Lukaluka (lu'-ka-lu'-ka), n. The ap- pearance of growing, flourishing, thrifty vegetables; also applied to animals; as, puaa lukaluka. Same as nukanuka. Lukamaea (lu'-ka-ma'-e-a), n. An ancient ceremony or prayer pre- scribed for women dating from the time of Papa, the fabled mother of the islands. Ma ia ao ana ae, lukamaea, o Olekukahi ia la. Lukia (lu'-ki'-a), n. Cord made of the coconut fiber used for binding on canoes. Same as luukia, he aha waa. LukIa (lu'-ki'-a), v. To tie with cord, as in fastening a canoe. Luku (lu'-ku), adj. Causing slaugh- ter or destruction; destructive; mea luku, destructive thing. Luku (lu'-ku), n. 1. Slaughter; a destruction of people on a large scale; the rooting out or utter de- struction of a people. 2. Whole- sale destruction of any living thing. Luku (lu'-ku), V. 1. To slaughter, that is, to kill a multitude, as in a severe battle; to overthrow; to destroy; to slay, as in war. 2. Fig. To smite; to destroy, as with a pestilence; to root out or utterly lay waste a people. (Luku applies to the destruction of a great many at once; to make havoc; to root out.) 3. To destroy anything as a whole; to exterminate. Lukua (lu'-ku'-a), v. [Contraction of lukuia, passive of luku.] To be destroyed. Lukuna (lu'-ku'-na), n. [Contraction of lukuana, luku, slaughter, and ana,] A slaughtering; a destruc- tion of persons. Lula (lu'-la'), adj. 1. Smooth, as the surface of the sea unruffled by the wind. 2. Lazy; careless; indolent; hanging like a flag without wind; lula, luhe, i ke kaha o Kaunalewa. Lula (lu'-la'), n, 1. A calm state of the atmosphere when there is no LUL 387 LUM wind. 2. A diminishing or calming of a storm. Lula (lu'-la), v, 1. To be calm, as when there is no wind; to be smooth, as the sea. 2. To be lazy; to be indolent. Lulana (lu'-la'-na), v. To be calm, as people who cease wailing for a deceased person: lulana aku i ka ae wai liula, be still as the rip- ples on the mirage. Lule( lu'-le), v. 1. To shake, as the flesh of a fat person. 2. To be fat; to have soft flesh. See olulelule. [In some cases lule and its com- pounds have definitions like luli; they are kindred words.] Lulelule (lu'-le-lu'-le), adj. Fat; roll- ing; shaky, as the flesh of a fat person. Lulelule (lu'-le-lu'-le), v. [Lule, to shake.] To be very fat, as a per- son; to have the flesh soft and rolling; to be rolling fat. Lull (lu'-li), adj. Unsteady; change- able; shaking; moving to and fro. Luli (lu'-li), V. 1. To vibrate; to shake; to shake, as a bush in the wind. 2. To vary from one posi- tion; to rock; to roll, as a ship with the wind astern; to turn over; to lie down sideways. 3. To be moved from place to place. 4. To be unsteady. Luiiluli (lu'-li-lu'-li), adj. Tottering; standing unsteadily; easily shaken; rocking; not firm. Luiiluli (lu'-li-ia'-li), v. [Luli, to shake.] See hooluliluli. Lulo (lu'-lo), n. 1. Thick leaves of a tree wreathed or twisted into an ornament for the neck; a wreath for the neck. 2. Variant of rula, a rule. Luloni (ia'-16'-ni), v. To be in a deep sleep; to sleep soundly. Syn: Luluhi. Lulu (lu'-lu'), adj. Sowing; hua lu- lu, seed for sowing. Lulu (lu'-lu), adj. 1. Calm; wahi lulu, a place where the wind does not reach. 2. Still; without mo- tion, said of wind or water. Lulu (lu'-lu), n. Any place protected from the wind; a shelter; a pro- tection, cover or cloak. Lulu (lu'-lu'), n. 1. The play of dice used in backgammon. 2. A sow- ing; a scattering. Lulu (lu'-ia'), V. 1. To shake, as the dust from anything; to shake, as the dust from one's feet. 2. To fan; to winnow. 3. To shake, as a cloth. To shake, as the fists in defiance. (Laieik. p. 46.) 3. To sow or scatter, as grain. 4. To scatter; to disperse, as a people; to shake; to overthrow. Lulu (IQ'-lu), V. To be still; to be quiet. Luluaiele (lu'-lu-a'i-e'-le), v. Same as luaiele. Luluainaole (lu'-ld-a'i-na-o'-le), n. A young person who has been well cared for from a child and has grown up handsome and agreeable. Lulualii (lu'-lu'-a-li'i), n. [Lulu, a shaking or fluttering, as a loose garment, and alii, chief; royal.] A garment of bird's feathers; a robe of royalty. Luluhi (lu'-lu'-hi), v. [Luhi, to be tired.] 1. To be very much fa- tigued and heavy with sleep. 2. To be sleepy; to be in a deep sleep; to sleep soundly. Syn: Luloni. 3. To hang black and heavy, as clouds, poluluhi. Luiuhua (lu'-lu'-hu'-a), n. [Lulu, to sow, and hua, seed.] A sower of seed; lulu anoano, a sower of seed. Luiuhua (lu'-lu'-hu'-a) v. To scatter seed. Lululu (lu'-lti'-lu), V. [Lulu, calm.] 1. To flap, as a sail when there is a slight or unsteady wind: lululu ka pea, the sail flaps. 2. To be be- calmed, as in a calm bay. Lulumi (lii'-lu'-mi), n. A thick crowd of people; a great multitude, par- ticularly if they have come to- gether without order. Lulumi (lu'-lu'-mi), v. [Lumi, to come together.] 1. To gather into small compass; to come together, as a rush of people; to press upon one, as in a crowd; to come to- gether in multitudes. 2. To rush along irregularly; e uhauha ma ke alanui. 3. To fold up; to press hard, as dirt around taro; huki i ke kalo nui, lulumi i ka lepo, a popoi i ka mauu. 4. To hide; to conceal. Lulumi malua I ke alo o ka umuloa, Kuikui hilo i ke kai a halehua I na 'ku no la i Peekoa. Luluu (lu'-lu'u), adj. Bent over; bowed down. See luuluu. Luma (m'-ma), v. Same as lumai. Lumai (lii'-ma'i), v. 1. To put to death by putting the head under water. 2. To put anything under water. LUM 388 LUN Lumaia (lu'-ma'i-a), n. The being overwhelmed, as in a heavy storm, rain pouring down all over one; ua =E2=80=A2 kilu wale i ka lumaia e ka ua. Lumaia (lu'-ma'i-a), v. [Contraction of lumaiia, passive of lumai,] To be entangled or turned over and over by the surf; e lauwiliia, limi- limiia e ka nalu. Lumanawahua (lu'-ma-na'-wa-hua'), n. 1. An internal pain; a pain of the bowels, accompanied with frequent evacuations. See manawahua. 2. Mental distress at the loss of anything. Syn : Minamina. Lumi (lu'-mi), v. To come together; to come together, as a rush of peo- ple; to rush along, etc. See lulumi. Lumia (lu'-mi'-a), n. A method of sorcery; he pule anaana. Lumilumi (lu'-mi-lu'-mi), v. 1. [In- tensive of luml.] Same as lu- lumi, to come together as a crowd, etc. 2. [Lumia, sorcery.] To prac- tice sorcery; to repeat the sor- cerer's prayer; to do the lumia; to kill by witchcraft. 3. [Lumai, limi.l To be turned over and over in the surf; e limilimiia e ka nalu. See lumai. To be turned over and over; to be overcome by something, as one capsized in the surf, or overcome by liquor; lumilumiia e ka nalu. 4. To act foolishly; to act wickedly; to do slovenly; e hana ino, kapulu, opiopi inoino; to be in a state of drunkenness and de- bauchery; ua lumilumiia laua e ka ! ona a ka awa. (Laieik. p. 203.) i Lumilumi a ka poll o aaialoha A hal e ka lua 1 honopu. j Luna (lu'-na), adj. Upper; higher; j above; keena I una, an upper room. [Luna as opposed to lalo, down, takes its base at the height of a man's head; all above the height of a man's head is said to be luna, above, upward, high, according to the thing spoken of; and all below the height of a man's head is said to be lalo, down, below, under. Hence the terms in ascending are, oluna ae, oluna aku, oluna loa aku, oluna lilo aku, oluna lilo loa, oluna o ke ao, above the clouds; still higher, ke aouli, ka laniuli, ka lanipaa.] Luna (lu'-na), n. 1. The upper side of anything. 2. The upper; the above. 3. A high place or seat; kahi kiekie. 4. A person who is over others in office or command; hence, an overseer; an officer; a director. 5. A head man of a land or plantation who gives or- ders. 6. A herald; a messenger; one sent on business by a chief; an ambassador. 7. An executive officer of any kind, qualified by the added word. 8. The chief piece in the game konane; paa mua ia'u na luna o ka papa konane a maua. =E2=80=94 Laieik. p. 115. Luna (lu'-na), prep. On; above; higher; over, etc.; found only in the compounds a, i, o, ko, no, ma, and mai. Lunaahaaina (lu'-na-a'-ha-a'i-na), n. [Luna, officer, and ahaaina, a feast.] The master or director of a feast. Lunaauhau (lii'-na-a'u-ha'u), n. [Luna, officer, and auhau, a tax.] One who collects taxes and has charge of tax money; a tax-gath- erer; a publican; a master of the tribute. Lunalialekiai (lu'-na-ha'-le-kl'-a'i), n. [Luna, officer, hale, house, and kiai, to watch.] The governor or commander of a fortress. Lunahana (lu'-na-ha'-na), n. [Luna, officer, and hana, work.] A su- perintendent of any definite work; boss. Lu'nahaneri (lu'-na-ha'-ne'-ri), n. [Mod., Luna, officer, and haneri (Eng.), a hundred.] An officer over a hundred soldiers; a cen- turion; a captain. Lunahooluhi (lu'-na-ho'o-lu'-hi), n. [Luna, officer, and hooluhi, to vex; to burden.] A task master. Lunaikehala (lu'-na-I'-ke-ha'-la), n. [Luna, high, ruling; ike, to know; hala, sin.] The moral perception; knowledge of right or wrong; con- science. [Mod.] Lunakahiko (lu'-na-ka-hl'-ko), n. [Luna, officer, and kahiko, old.] 1. An elderly man of influence from age, dignity of character, knowl- edge. 2. An elder. Lunakanalima (lu'-na-ka'-na-li'-ma), n. [Mod., luna and kanalima, fifty.] A leader of fifty men. Lunakanawai (lu'-na-ka'-na-wa'i), n. [Luna, officer, and kanawai, law.] 1. A judge; a magistrate; one who applies the law to delinquents or transgressors. 2. A book of the Old Testament, Judges. LUN 389 LUW Lunakaua (lu'-na-ka'u-a), n. [Luna, officer, and kaua, war.] A cap- tain in war. Lunakia (lu'-na-ki'-a), n. [Mod., luna, over, above, and kia, a pillar or post.] That which is above or over the kia or pillar; a chapter; the upper part of a column. Lunakiai (lu'-mVki'-a'i), n. [Luna, officer, and klai, to watch.] 1. A person who oversees or watches over others; a bishop; an overseer. 2. A watchman. Lunakiekie (lu'-na-ki'-e-ki'-e), n. [Luna, officer, and kiekie, high.] A dignified person; a person high in responsible office; dignity. Lunakoa (lu'-na-ko'-a), n. [Luna, of- ficer, and koa, soldier.] A mili- tary officer; a captain; a sergeant, etc. Lunalawe (lu'-mi-la'-we), n. [Luna, officer, and lawe, to take; to carry.] An upper servant. Lunalawehana (lu'-na-la'-we-ha'-na), n. [Luna, officer, lawe, to take, and hana, work.] A minister; a chief servant. Lunamanao (lu'-na-ma'-na'o), n. [Lu- na, officer, and manao, thought.] The director of one's thoughts; the internal monitor, that is, the conscience : Pioloke ka noonoo ana a ka lunamanao. The thinking of the conscience was troublesome. (This is a coined word introduced into the work on Moral Philoso- phy and used to some extent in other books; used with hoopuiwa. See Laieik. p. 79.) Syn: Lunaike- hala. Lunaohana (lu'-na-6-ha'-na), n. [Lu- na, head officer, and ohana, fam- ily.] Headman or father of ^ family or tribe. Lunaolelo (lu'-na-5'-leMo), n. [Luna, officer, and olelo, speech.] An of- ficer of communication; one sent to make proclamation; an apostle. Lunatausani (lu'-na-tau'-sa'-ni), n. [Mod., luna, officer, and tausani (Eng.), a thousand.] The captain or officer over a thousand men. Lunu (lu'-nu), adj. 1. Covetous; stingy; parsimonious; exercising violence; oppressive; lawless. Same as alunu. 2. Swollen; puffed up. Lunu (lu'-nu), v. 1. To covet, as the property of others. 2. To extort; to have that feeling that would ex- tort from others. Same as alunu and (incorrect form) nunu. 3. To swathe; to fold or bind up; to roll up, as a bundle of tapa or cloth; to bind up, as an article in tapa. LuonI (lu'-o'-ni), n. The person or chief who delivers one condemned to death and in confinement. (Ob- solete.) Lupalupa (lu'-pa-lu'-pa), n. A prayer at a luakini; he pule no ke kahuna, he lupalupa ka inoa o ia pule, a prayer for the priest, the name of that prayer is lupalupa. Lupe (IQ'-pe), n. 1. A kite. 2. The end of the outrigger of a canoe, also called kanaka. 3. The spotted sting-ray, also called hihimanu. Lupeakeke (lu'-pe-a-ke'-ke), n. The Hawaiian stormy petrel, also called oeoe. Luu (lu'u), V. 1. To dive; to plunge into the water out of sight. 2. Variant of lu, to scatter. Luuhalo (lu'u-ha'-16'), v. [Luu, to dive, and halo, to spread out the hands to swim.] To make with the hands the motions of swim- ming. Luulli (lu'u-i'-li), n. [Mod., luu, to plunge, and iii, skin.] A tanner of skins or hides. Syn: Hanaili. Luuina (lu'u-i'-na), n. A diving for the ina or sea-urchin. Luukia (lu'u-ki'-a), n. Same as lu- kia, cord made of coconut fiber. Luuklmo (lu'u-ki'-mo), v. To dive; to dive headforemost. Luuluu (lu'u-lu'u), adj. Toilsome; painful; heavy; sorrowful. Luuluu (lu'u-lu'u), n. Grief; trouble; depressing fear: pau ka pali, hala ka luuluu kaumaha, past the pali, past the heavy fear. Luuluu (lu'u-lu'u), V. 1. To be bent or drooped with weight. 2. To be sad; to be troubled in mind; to be sorrowful; to be cast down. Luuula (lu'u-u'-la), v. 1. [Luu, to plunge, and ula, red.] To color red; to dye red. 2. [Luu, to dive, and ula, lobster.] To dive for lob- I ster. ; Luwahlne (lu'-wa'-hi'-ne), adj. Of or pertaining to an old woman; wa luwahlne, time of being an old woman. LUW 390 MAA Luwahine (lu'-wa'-hi'-ne), n. 1. An mon people. He anee a= lii, words old woman. 2. A particular class of Kamehameha I. of men under Kamehameha I.; Luwahine (lu'-wa'-hi'-ne), v= . To be some were chiefs, some were com- an old woman (luahine). M M (mu). The seventh letter of the Hawaiian alphabet. Ma. The syllable ma is used for several purposes. 1. Ma is form- ative of many nouns, in which case it seems to imply fullness, solid- ity, addition, etc., to the original word. 2. It often carries the idea of accompanying, together, etc. Ma (ma), numeral adj. or particle, which mostly follows proper names of persons, and signifies an attend- ant upon, or persons belonging to, or accompanying; as: ke alii ma, the chief and his train; an officer and his posse; Hoapili ma, Hoapili and those known to be about him. It includes persons in all capacities from an equal with the one named to all connected with him, even to his servants. [It is possible that the double ma or mama which en- ters most of the numeral adjec- tives, both cardinal and ordinal, above umi or ten, should be re- ferred to this particle.] Ma (ma), n. A being discolored, he kohu. Ma (ma), prep. At; by; in; through; unto; by means of; according to, etc. Ma is also used in uttering a solemn declaration, as in certify- ing, bearing witness, administering an oath, etc. Ma (ma), v. 1. To fade, as a leaf or flower; to wilt. 2. To blush, as one ashamed. 3. To wear out, as a person engaged in too much busi- ness. 4. To be stained or dis- colored by some foreign matter. Maa (ma'a), adj. 1. Accustomed to do a thing; practiced in any busi- ness; used to. 2. Much trodden, as a path; more trodden than me- heu. Maa (ma'-a'), adj. Offensive in smell; stinking. Maa (ma'a), n, 1. A sling, a weapon formerly in use among the Ha- waiians ; he kaula hoolele i ka po- haku, a string that flings the stone. ! 2. A string of a musical instru- 1 ment; he kaula hookani. 3. Ease: of manners; politeness gained by I long training or practice. 4. Experi- ence; long use; frequent trial. 5. Habit. 6. For maaa, a breeze. Maa (ma'a), v. 1. To be accus- tomed; to be accustomed to do a thing, as a work; to be easy in one's manners; to be easy, to be used, to be accustomed; to have practice. 2. To be made familiar by use; to become acquainted by association. 3. To sling, as a stone; to cast a stone from a sling. To throw or cast away, as a sling does a stone. Maaa (ma'-a'a), n. A sea breeze at Lahaina. Maaele (ma'-a'-e'-le), adj. Same as maeele; benumbed. Maahe (ma'-a'-he), v. [Ahe, a light breeze.] 1. To make small; to diminish; to reduce to less size. 2. To fade quickly. Maalahi (ma'a-la'-hi), n. 1. Noble- ness; exultation; ka hanohano. 2. A good happening; favorable out- come. Maalahi (ma'a-la'-hi), v. 1. To es- cape from any evil, real or imag- inary. 2. To be possessed of ad- vantages, as an intelligent person over an ignorant one. Maalea (ma'a-le'-a), adj. 1. Prudent; having forethought; wise. 2. Cun- ning; crafty. Maalea (ma'a-le-a), adv. Deceitfully; cunningly; craftily. Maalea (ma'a-le'-a), n. [Maa, ac- customed, and lea, adv., very.] Cunning; craft; subtlety, such as is obtained by practice; skill in doing a thing, especially mischief, such as gettng the advantage of another. Maalea (ma'a-le'-a), v. To be wise; to be artful; to be cunning; to use policy. Maali (ma'-a'-li), adj. Small; thin; he maawe. Maali (ma'-a'-li), n. A small slender substance; a piece broken off; a streak or vein. See moali. Maalili (ma'a-li-li), adj. Cooled; spoken of what has been hot; luke- warm. MAA 391 MAA Maalili (ma'a-lMi), v. To be abated; to be decreased, said of heat, an- ger, love, passion, etc. Maalo (ma'a-lo'), n. Same as maa- loa. Maalo (ma'-a'-lo), v. [Ma and alo, to pass from one place to another.] 1. To pass along by a place or thing. 2. To pass by one. 3. To pass through, as a land; to make way through a crowd. 4. To pass away, as one's glory or property. 5. To pass by, as a shadow. Maaloa (ma'a-lo'-a), n. A bush or small tree (Neraudia melastomae- folia), from the bark of which tapa was made. Also called maa- lo, maoloa and oloa. Maaloalo (ma'-a'-16-a'-lo), n. 1. The act of reading by hitching along without being able to read fluently. 2. A repeating; a going back and forth. Maaloalo (ma'-=C2=A7,'-16-a'-lo), v. [Freq. of maalo.] 1. To go frequently or quickly from place to place. 2. To pass frequently some stated place; to return repeatedly. Maaloeloe (ma'a-lo'e-lo'e), v. Incor- rect form of maloeloe; to be weary; to be tired; to be heavy with sleep. Maamaalea (ma'a-ma'a-le'-a), adj. [Intensive of maalea.] Very cun- ning; very crafty; more than or- dinarily politic. Maamaama (ma'-a'-ma-a'-ma), adj. Light as opposed to dark. Syn: Malamalama. Maamaama (ma'-a'-ma-a'-ma), n. Light; the opposite of darkness. Maamaama (ma'-a'-ma-a'-ma), v. [For malamalama, the "1" dropped as in the Marquesan dialect.] To be light; the opposite of dark; ka pau ana o ka manawa po. =E2=80=94 Laieik. p. 26. Maanei (ma-a-ne'i), adv. [Ma, prep- osition, and and or enel or nei, here.] Here; at this place, in dis- tinction from some other place. Lit. At here. Also written maenei and manei. See nei. Maao (ma-a'o), n. Same as mawao, a fish of the oopu family; the higher colored oopu, called hinana when small. Maau (ma'-au), n. 1. Indifference; neglect of that which is good. 2. Persecution; tribulation; affliction. 3. Wilful or needless opposition to one; a going about from house to house, being forward, impertinent, troublesome. 4. A shooting forth, as of plants. Maau (ma'-a'u), n. A general name for useless weeds. Maau (ma'-a'u), v. 1. To be indif- ferent to; to slight; to suffer neg- lect. See hoomaau. 2. To shoot up as seeds when they germinate. Maaua (ma'-a'u-a), adj. Old; an- cient; old, as a person; long ago, as an event. See aaua. Maaua (ma'-a'u-a), n. Anything old or ancient; what is of long stand- ing; a person who has lived long; old age. Same as aaua. Maaua (ma'-a'u-a), v. To be over- come with sudden impulse; to come upon, as fear; to be afraid. (Obsolete.) Maauau (ma'-a'u-a'u), n. 1. A poi calabash. 2. A special calabash used by poi peddlers. Maauaua (ma'-a'u-a'u-a), adj. Same as maaua, old; applied to men; a very indefinite term. See aaua. Maauau wa (ma'-a'u-a'u-wa'), n. A market man; a peddler; one who trades and gets money without work. Maauauwa (ma'-a'u-a'u-wa'), v. To have articles for sale; to sell goods; to peddle; to trade; to make mar- ket. (This word was formerly confined to the island of Oahu; on the other islands it was piele and kalepa.) Maauea (ma'-a'u-e'-a), adj. Lazy; manifesting a lazy disposition. Maauea (ma'-a'u-e'-a), n. A variety of wild taro. Maaupopo (ma'-au'-p6-po'), adj. [Maaii, a shooting up, and pope, rotten.] Germinating in clusters, as seeds out of a rotten mass. Maaupopo (ma'-a'u-po'-po'), n. [Ma- au, a shooting up, as the seeds of a plant, and pope, a round mass.] A sprouting thickly, as from a cluster of seeds. Maawe (ma'-a'-we), adj. 1. Small; narrow; thin. 2. Moving in a nar- row path; applied to a road or path: Hele aku la oia i ke ala maawe iki a ke aloha. He has gone in the path little traveled by the loved ones. Maawe (ma'-a'-we), n. [Ma and awe, from aweawe, to be small.] 1. A small indefinite part of some- thing; a small substance; a bit of a string or small strand of a rope; MAA 392 MAE a thread, string; strand in a fabric. 2. A print of a footstep; a track; the wake of a ship; he aweawe, me he holo ana na ka moku. Maawe (ma'-a'-we), v. 1. To go along a narrow road; to wind along, as in a crooked path. 2. To be small; to be thin; to be poor in flesh; hence, 3. To be weak or sickly. Maaweawe (ma'-a'-we-a'-we), adj. Spotted; marked; variegated with small changes of color or form. Maaweawe (ma'-a'-we-a'-we), n. Spots; variegated colors on a thing; marks making different shades of colors. Maaweloloa (ma'-a'-we-16'-lo'-a), n. [Maawe, a thread, and loloa, long.] 1. A strand running lengthwise in a mat. 2. The warp of cloth. Maawepokopoko (ma'-a'-we-p6'-k6-p6'- ko), n. [Maawe, thread, and pokO" poko, short.] 1. The filling or woof of cloth. 2. Strand that runs transversely in a woven fabric. Maaweula (ma'-a'-we-u'-la), n. [Ma- awe, a track, and ula, red; brown.] A path or road so much trodden as to cause the red or brown earth to appear. Mae (ma'e), adj. 1. Blasted, as fruit; withered, as a flower or a leaf. 2. Faded, as a color. 3. Sad; sober, as a person disappointed in his ex- pectations. Mae (ma'e), n. 1. A wasting dis- ease, said of any prolonged con- suming sickness. 2. Physical ex- haustion caused by some malady. Mae (ma'e), v. To wither; to fade, as plants, leaves, flowers, etc. 2. To pine away; to languish; to droop. Maea (ma'-e'a), adj. Strong smell- ing. Bad smelling; strong; un- pleasant to the smell; hauna. Maeaea (ma'-e'-a-e'-a), adj. [Ma and eaea, strong smelling.] 1. Turbu- lent; refractory. 2. Strong in dis- obedience, as a child who refuses obedience to his parents and runs away; not under restraint. 3. Strong physically; he keiki mae- aea, a strong child; maeaea i ka holo, swift to run; maeaea i ka hana, strong for work. Maeele (ma'-e'-e'-le), adj. Benumbed; He maeele no ka lima. The hand is numb; void of feeling, as a leg or an arm in which the circulation is stopped. Maeele (ma'-e'-e'-le), n. 1, Numb- ness of any part when the circula- tion of blood is retarded; ka pi- likia loa o na aalolo no ka noho mau ana ma ka aoao hookahi. [Hawaiians express a strong inter- nal glow of love for a person by maeele, equivalent to the external feeling of a limb when the flow of blood has for a time been stopped or retarded and the limb, in com- mon language, is said to be asleep; he mea e ka maeele o ke alii wa- hine i ke aloha. =E2=80=94 Laieik. p. 205.] 2. Hardness and numbness of any part. 3. The sensation of a female during the time of gestation. 4. Sudden agitation. Maeele (ma'-e'-e'-le), v. 1. To be void of proper feeling, as a leg or an arm from the want of proper circulation of blood; ua maeele kona puuwai i ke aloha. 2. To be shocked; stricken with sudden ner- vous depression, fear, horrol*, as- tonishment, etc. 3. To be over- come with sympathy or sorrow. Maehaeha (ma'-e'-ha-e'-ha), n. Gen- eral name for pain, soreness, grief; disappointment, etc. Maemae (ma'e-ma'e), adj. Clean; pure; free from defilement morally and physically. Maemae (ma'e-ma'e), adj. [Mae^ withered.] Withered; drooping. Maemae (ma'e-ma'e), n. Cleanness; purity, either physical or moral; a separation from what is wrong; a separating between good and evil. Maemae (ma'e-ma'e), v. To be pure; to be clean; to be without defile- ment physically or morally; to be free from any wrong, Maenei (ma'-e-ne'i), adv. [Same as maanei, ma and ene'i or nel, here.] 1. Here; in this place. 2. Here, that is, in this life, in dis- tinction from another; mao o ka puka, a maenei o ka puka, that side of the door, and this side of the door. See nei. Maenoeno (ma-e'-no-e'-no), v. [Ma and eno, to be wild.] To be jeal- ous; to entertain jealous thoughts. Maewa (ma'-e'-wa), v. [Ma and ewa, to be bent out of shape.] 1. To be tremulous; to be unstable, as any substance unfixed. 2. To be led crookedly; e kaiewa. 3. To be blown here and there, as the spray of the surf by the wind; e hoopue- huia e ka wai. MAE 393 MAH Maewaewa (ma'-e'-wa-e'-wa), adj. Reproachful, scornful. Maewaewa (ma'-e'-w=C2=A7,-e'-wa), adv. Irregularly; without order; crook- edly. Maewaewa (ma'-e'-wa-e'-wa), n. A reproach; a scorning. See maewa. Maewaewa (ma'-e'-wa-e'-wa), v. To be mocked; to be abused. Magoi (ma-go'-i), n. [Biblical, Gr.] 1. A magician; a practicer of magic arts. 2. A wise man; a philosopher. Maha (ma'-ha), adj. 1. Easy; quiet; resting, as from labor; free from pain; ceasing from anger. 2. Free from disquiet, as anger, fear, anx- iety, etc. Maha (ma'-ha), adv. Silently; quiet- ly; at rest. Maha (ma'-ha), n. Rest; repose; res- pite or relief from pain or sick- ness; convalescence; relief from any calamity; peace. Maha (ma'-ha), v. 1. To be at rest; to rest, as from labor or toil; to give or cause to rest. 2. To enjoy ease and quiet after pain; to be better; to begin to recover from sickness. 3. To be assuaged; to be softened down, as anger. 4. To be quiet; to rest, as a land when it ceases to be a theater of evil; to be without anxiety. 5. To exer- cise affection towards one; to ac- knowledge or treat one as a friend ; to be complaisant towards one; to love; to cherish; to be oluolu, friendly. Mahae (ma'-ha'-e), n. A species of sturgeon fish of the lauipala group. Mahae (ma'-ha'e), v. To be sep- arated because of disagreement or controversy. Mahaha (ma'-ha'-ha), adj. 1. Soft and tough. 2. Tender, as a weak person. 3. Soft and mealy, as a baked potato. Mahaha (ma'-ha'-ha), n. 1. A spe- cies of fish, the kala (Acanthurus unicornis). 2. A taro plant that sends out no shoots. Mahaha (ma'-ha'-ha), v. 1. To be soft; to be tender; to be weak, as a person. 2. To be tender or flex- j ible, as a vegetable. 3. To be soft | and glutinous, as water-soaked veg- etables. Syn: Loliloli. Mahakea (ma'-ha-ke'-a), adj. 1. Wild; overgrown with weeds, grass and I bushes; nahelehele, weuweu. 2.. Cultivable, said of land naturally fertilized. Mahakea (ma'-ha-ke'-a), n. 1. An uncultivated piece of land over- grown with weeds and grass; a jungle; a wild place. 2. Land which has been cultivated but given up to mahakea or a period of rest. Mahalo (ma'-ha'-lo), adj. Worthy of admiration. Mahalo (ma'-ha'-lo), n. 1. Wonder; surprise; admiration. 2. Approba- tion; blessing; honor given to one. 3. The act of blessing or praising God; ua like ka mahalo me ka hoo- nani. 4. Thanks. (Modern. The phrase thank you is commonly ex- pressed by the word mahalo.) Mahalo (ma'-ha'-lo), v. 1. To ad- mire; to wonder at; to magnify the goodness or virtues of a person or thing. 2. To approve; to praise; to honor; to glorify. Mahamaha (ma'-ha-ma'-ha), n. 1. [Maha, to be friendly.] A fond- ling; the exercise of affection, friendship or hospitality. 2. Space on either side of the head and back of the forehead; temple. 2. The sides of any material sub- stance. 4. The gills of a fish. 5. The wings of the malolo or flying fish. 6. The appendages or wings which belong to any structure. 7. The preputium or foreskin. Mahamaha (ma'-ha-ma'-ha), v. To glow, as with friendly feelings to- , wards one; to expect a meeting with a friend. (Laieik. p. 58.) To be glad to see an old friend or rel- ative: Mahamaha mai la ka wa- hine me ka manao e hele aku ana a halawai. Mahamahaoo (ma'-ha-ma'-ha-o'-o'), n. A piece cut or broken off; he apa- hu, he pauku; the broken handle of an 00. Mahamea (ma'-hS-me'-a), n. A deep sea fish resembling the manini, and a favorite with the eaters of raw fish. Mahamoe (ma'-ha-m6'-e), adj. Clear; plain; blue or black. Mahamoe (ma'-ha-mo'-e). n. A small clam-like shell fish living in the sand along the seacoasts. Mahamoe (ma'-ha-mo'-e), v. [Maha and moe, to rest quietly.] 1. To appear fat, oily or shining; to ap- pear neat, beautiful, etc. 2. To be plump or round, as a fruit; to be fat, as an animal. Syn: Koli- koliko. MAH 394 MAH Mahana (ma'-ha'-na), adj. 1. Warm, as by the influence of the sun. 2. Warm; not yet cooled, as newly baked food. Mahana (ma'-ha'-na), adj. Double; branchy. Mahana (ma'-ha'-na), n. A degree of heat; warmth. Mahana (ma'-ha'-na), n. 1. Any sub- stance branching out; anything double; having two branches; hence, 2. A pair of twins; mau mahoe; two things connected; na mea elua, a pair of things. Syn: Mahoe. Mahana (ma'-ha'-na), v. 1. To be or become warm, as the rising sun. 2. To be warm, as in the contact of one body with another. Mahanahana (ma'-ha'-na-ha'-na), v. [Freq. of mahana.] To be warm very much or frequently. Mahani (ma'-ha'-ni), v. [Ma and hani, to pass silently.] 1. To pass easily and silently; to be evanes- cent'; to disappear; to vanish, as a thought; ua mahani ka manao. 2. To heal up; to granulate, as a wound, so as to disappear. Mahao (ma'-ha'-o), adj. Defective in the center, as a tree; soft; rot- ten; hollow; bent in or down, as a decayed grass house. Mahao (ma'-ha'-o), n. The pith of a tree or vegetable; a soft or de- cayed place in the center or body of a tree; a hole in a tree. Syn: Puha. Mahaoe (ma'-ha-o'e), adj. Same as mahaoi. Bold; forward; imperti- nent. Mahaoi (ma'-hS,-o'i), adj. 1. Always asking favors (of chiefs), thus: na'u kela lole; na'u kela palaoa, etc.; and so of all which one de- sires. 2. Bold in behavior; rude. Mahaoi (ma'-ha-o'i), n. Forward- ness; immodesty in asking favors; impertinence in addressing a su- perior; boldness in address; nani ka nui o kuu hilahila, a he mea e hoi ka mahaoi loa o kekahi poe o kakou. Ua kapaia aku ia o Maoi, no ka mahaoi o ka olelo ana. Mahaoi (ma'-ha'-o'i), v. [Maoi, from ma and oi, to exceed, is probably the original form.] 1. To be bold; to be impertinent. 2. To treat a superior as an equal or with great familiarity. 3. To be forward in asking questions. Mahawele (ma'-ha-we'-le), n. A blue marine shellfish found among rocks; also called pipipi. Mahea (ma'-he'-a), adv. [Ma and hea, where.] Where? at what place? Maheaiani (ma-he'-a-la'-ni), n. The sixteenth day of the month in the old Hawaiian calendar; the day when the full moon begins to lose its roundness; also called Malani. Maheha (ma'-he'-ha), adv. [Ma and heha, slow.] Slowly; lazily; work- ing slowly and lazily but persever- ingly; aka, hana hoomaheha ana ame kohu molowa, hoomau no nae i ka hana. Mahele (ma'-he'-le), n. A portion; name given to a section of any- thing; a division; the act of divid- ing. Mahele (ma'-he'-le), v. To divide; to cut in two; to separate in two parts or pieces. Maheleheie (ma'-he'-le-he'-le), v. [Freq. of mahele.] To divide into small pieces; to divide frequently; to cut into many pieces. Mahelelua (ma'-he'-le-lu'-a), v. [Ma- hele, to divide, and lua, two.] To divide into two parts. Mahelu (ma'-he'ilu), v. [Ma and helu, to scratch the earth.] 1. To spread dust over as an artificial soil. 2. To spread loose soft dirt over a taro patch after the bottom has been pounded hard. See pa- luku. 3. To dig; to turn up the earth. Maheu (ma-he'-u), n. Same as me- heu, a footprint. Maheu (ma'-he'-u), n. A porous kind of stone used to rub, scour or polish. Mahi (ma'-h:), adj. Strong; ener- getic, as a laboring man; as a fighting-cock; moa mahi, a fight- ing-cock. Mahi (ma'-hi), n. Cultivation; plant- ing, etc. Mahi (ma'-hi), v. To dig the ground for the purpose of planting food; to cultivate land by digging; to dress land; to till, as a field or garden; e mahi aku i ke kihapai o ka aina. (Clearing off the weeds, grass, etc., is waele.) Mahiai (ma'-hi-a'i), adj. Of or be- longing to tillage; kanaka mahiai, a farmer. Mahiai (ma'-hi-a'i), n. 1. A culti- vator of the soil; a tiller of the MAH 395 MAH ground; a husbandman. 2. Cul- ture; tillage of the ground. Mahiai (ma'-hi-a'i), v. [Mahi, to cultivate, and ai, food.] To culti- vate land; to produce food from the ground; to till the ground. Mahie (ma'-hi'-e), v. [Ma and hie, grand, of noble appearance.] To be proud; to be lofty; to act in a manner to display one's self. Mahiehie (ma'-hi'-e-hl'-e); v. Same as mahie. Mahihi (ma-hi'-hi), n. Same as ma- himahi, the common dolphin. Mahihi (ma'-hi'-hi), v. [Mahl, to dig, and Ihi, to strip off bark.] To peel off bark or fiber from a tree. Mahihiki (ma'-hi'-hi'-ki), v. To spat- ter; to flap in the water, as a duck at play. See mahikihiki. Mahiill (ma'-hi-i'-li), v. [Mahi and ili, the skin.] To take or seize property for the king. [This was often done by the unscrupulous of- ficers, who left nothing to the peo- ple but their skin.] Mahikaka (ma-hi'-ka'-ka'), v. Same as hikaka, to be out of a straight line. MahikI (ma'-hl'-ki), n. 1. A short grass in a damp place; thick, low shrubs or underbrush. 2. The place where mahiki grass or thick bushes grow, 3. A prop on which a lever rests in prying up a weight 4. A calabash for water. Mahlkl (ma'-hl'-ki'), v. 1. To vibrate; to play up and down, as the beam of a scale; hence, 2. To weigh, as in scales. 3. To play up and down, as a lever upon its prop in the center; to pry, as with a lever. 4. To cast out, as an evil spirit; to exorcise. 5. To hop; to move by jerks; to make progress by jumps, as in leap-frog. 6. To be scattered. Mahikihiki (ma-hi'-ki-hi'-ki), n. Same as mahiki, a grass. Mahikihiki (ma'-hi'-ki-hi'-ki), v. [Freq. of mahiki.] 1. To jump or fly frequently. 2. To vibrate rap- idly, as the tongue; e kapalili. 3. To shake, as in an earthquake; to move frequently. 4. To overturn; to upset. 5. To spatter, as ink in writing. Mahiloa (ma'-hi-lo'-a), adj. Distant; afar off. Ma hi mahi (ma'-hi-ma'-hi), n. The common dolphin (Coryphaenahip- purus). Also called mahihi. ' Mahlna (ma'-hi-na), n. 1. The moon; ! ka mea e malamalama ai i ka po; hence, 2. A lunar month; mahina o hoku, the day of the full moon. 3. The eye of a snail in the end of his horn; he maka pupu. 4. The feelers of a snail. 5. [Contraction of mahl ana, a cultivating.] A cul- tivated patch. See mahina ai. Mahinaal (ma'-hi'-na-a'i), n. [Ma- hina and ai, food, a contraction of mahl a'na i ka ai.] 1. A field, either in a state of cultivation or prepared for it. 2. A field, gen- erally of larger size than kihapai where food is raised. 3. A culti- vated patch; hence, 4. Husbandry itself. Mahinu (ma'-hi'-nu), v. [Ma and hinu, to anoint.] To rub over; to anoint. Mahiole (mS,'-hi-6'-le), n. A war cap; a helmet; an officer's cap. Mahiwaena (ma'-hi-wa'e-na), n. Name in common of those who cultivate; a cultivator. Mahiwaina (ma'-hi-wa'i-na), n. [Mod., mahi, to cultivate, and waina, a grape vine.] A vine dresser; a cultivator of grapes. Mahoe (ma'-ho'-e), n. 1. Two of men or animals born at the same time of one makua; twins. Syn: Ma- hana. 2. A rare tree twenty to thirty feet high (Alectryon mac- rococcus, order Sapindaceae). Mahoehoe (ma'-ho'-e-ho'-e), adj. Straight and free from branches, as a tree; pololei, lala ole. Mahoehoe (ma'-h5'-e-ho'-e), v. To be straight; free from lateral branches. Mahoehope (ma'-ho'-e-ho'-pe), n. A month in the old Hawaiian calen- dar. Mahoemua (ma'-ho'-e-mu'-a), n. A month in the old Hawaiian cal- endar. Mahola (ma'-ho'-la), adj. 1. Spread open; spread out; extended. 2. De- scribing certain medicines used in the ancient practice of the ka- hunas; spreading; flowing: hee mahola, ahi mahola; o ka hee ma- hola oia no ka mea e heehee ai ka mai. Mahola (ma'-ho'-la), n. 1. The spread- ing out and extension of the stom- ach; me ka mahana, ame ka ma- hola ana o ka opu. 2. An opening by expansion, as flowers. Mahola (ma'-ho'-la), v. [Ma and hola, to spread over.] 1. To spread MAH 396 MAH out; to open wide, as a flower in full bloom. 2. To spread out; to unfold, as a tapa to dry: Ua ma- hola ka opuu, The bud has opened. Syn: Uhola, hohola and kalena. Maholahola (ma'-ho'-la-ho'-la), v. [Intensive of mahola.] To spread out extensively. Mahole (ma'-ho'-le), v. [Ma and hole, to peel off; to skin.] To bruise, as the flesh; to hurt; to break up. Uli aai na moku, ma- hole eha ka nahele. Maholehole (ma'-ho'-le-ho'-le), adj. [Mahole, to skin.] Bruised and broken to pieces; crushed to- gether. Maholehole (ma'-ho'-le-ho'-le), n. A bruise; a hurt; an injury; aole ma- holehole o ke kino a'u i ike ai, I did not see a bruise of (on) the body. Maholehole (ma'-h5'-le-ho'-le), v. [Intensive of mahole, to bruise.] To bruise or scratch very much. Mahope (ma'-ho'-pe), adj. prep, and adv. [Ma and hope, the end.] 1. Behind; after; afterward. It expresses future time in respect of the time in which an action was performed, though past in respect of the person speaking. 2. Later in time; hindermost. Mahu (ma-hu'), adj. Quiet; free from noise. Mahu (ma'-hu), n. Steam; hot va- por; smoke. Mahu (ma-hu'), n. 1, A man who assimilates his manners and dresses his person like a woman. 2. A hermaphrodite; a eunuch. Mahu (ma'-hu'), n. Name on the island of Molokai of a tree thirty to fifty feet high; also called on other islands olapa or kauilamahu (Cheirodendron gaudichaudii). The leaves and bark afford a blue dye. Mahu (ma'-hu), v. To blow out steam or smoke; to smoke, as a smoth- ered fire; to throw out hot vapor, as from a volcano. Mahua (ma'-hii'-a), adj. A contrac- tion of mahuahua. Mahua (ma'-hu'-a), n. Contraction of mahuahua; increase; growth; a growing. Mahua (ma-hu'-a), n. Mockery: Ma- hua hoi kana leo, his word is mockery. Mahua (ma-hu'-a), v. To hold in derision; to mock. 2. [Contraction of mahuahua.] To be increased. 3. To be strong. Mahuahua (ma'-hu'-a-hu'-a), adj. In- creasing; large in quantity or num- bers. Mahuahua (ma'-hii'-a-h\i'-a), n. In- crease; growth; expansion. Mahuahua (ma'-hu'-a-hu-a), v, 1. To be increased in numbers or quan- tity. 2. To wax greater; to thrive; to flourish. Mahuakala (ma'-hu'-a-ka'-la), adj. 1. Deceitful.- 2. Contemptuous; dis- obedient to the gods. Mahue (ma'-hii-e'), v. To be scat- tered; to be dispersed, said of crowds scattered or put to flight, as by fear. Mahui (ma'-hu'i), n. Sly conduct of a female to express to one of the other sex her desire; covert suggestion; sly proposal or hint. Mahui (ma'-hu'i), n. Rumor. Mahui (ma'-hu'i), v. 1. To follow the example of one; to imitate him. 2. To imitate, that is, to be led to do as another does; to pattern after. 3. To be an example for another. Mahui (ma'-hu'i), v. To hear indefi- nitely, as a rumor, lohe mahui. Mahuihui (ma'-hu'i-hu'i), v. 1. To learn or understand obscurely; to strike upon the ear indistinctly, as a sound at a distance. 2. To be without order; to be confused; to be obscure to the mind. Mahuka (ma'-hu'-ka), adj. Escaping; running away secretly; he luina mahuka, a runaway sailor. Mahuka (ma'-hu'-ka), n. A runaway; one who has escaped. Mahuka (ma'-hu'-ka), v. To flee away; to escape from; to flee se- cretly; to run away, as a servant from his master; to flee from fear of punishment. Mahulu (ma'-hu'-lu), n. The name common to three gods in the house of Lono. Mahumahu (ma'-hu-ma-hii'), adj. [Mahu, silent.] Desolate; with- out inhabitant; silent, as a place deserted. Mahumahu (ma'-hii-ma'-hu), adj. Fragile; not tough; soft, placid. Mahumahu (ma'-hu-ma-hu'), v. 1. To be silent, as a weak, dying man. 2. To be free from noise; perfectly quiet. Mahuna (ma'-hu'-na), n. 1. The scaly appearance of the skin after drinking awa; the chapping, crack- ing or breaking up of the skin; i kona wa i inu ai i ke awa, mai- MAH 397 MAI kai ka ill, a mahope, mahuna ka Hi, nakaka, puehuehu, inoino loa kona kino. 2. A kind of tapa like the paipaikukui. Mahune (ma'-hu'-ne), adj. [Ma and hune, poor; destitute.] Poor; stripped of property; bereft of comforts. Mahunehune (ma'-hii'-ne-hu'-ne), adj. [Ma and hune, poor.] Poor; with nothing but one's person, Mahunehune (ma'-hii'-ne-hii'-ne), adv. Scarcely; with difficulty; Ola ma- hunehune ae la o Aikake mai ko lakou lima ae, Scarcely did Isaac Davis escape their hands. Mai (ma'i), adj. Sick; diseased; weak. Mai (mai), adv. 1. An adverb of prohibition; before a verb it is used imperatively for prohibiting: mai hele oe, don't you go; mai hana hou aku, do it not again. It is often used with noho a in a prohibitory sense; as, mai noho oukou a hana kolohe, do not do mischief. See noho. 2. Almost; nearly; near to; exposed to; about to be; Mai ike ole oe ia'u, you nearly failed to see me; mai make au, I was almost dead; mostly used in the beginning of a sentence. Mai (ma'i), n. 1. Sickness gener- ally; illness; disease; mai ahu- lau, mai luku, a pestilence; mai eha nui, a painful disease; mai pehu, the dropsy; mai will, vene- real disease. 2. The private parts, Mai (ma'i), prep. 1. From, as from a person, place or thing spoken of. 2. Toward a person, place or thing speaking, and repeated after the noun when the motion is towards the person speaking; oth- erwise aku or ae is used; as, mai Kauai mai, from Kauai (here) this way; mai Honolulu aku a i Kai- lua, from Honolulu onward to Kailua, Mai (ma'i), v. To be or to fall sick; to be diseased; to be unwell. Mai (ma-i'), v. Same as maia, to make soft, Mai (mti'i), v. Come; come near. Maia (ma'-I'-a), adj. Chewed; ground up in the mouth; masti- cated ; hoowaliia, Maia (mai'-a), n. The plantain, the banana and its varieties; a fruit tabu for women to eat in ancient times, Maia (ma'-I'-a), v. [Doubtless a contraction of mamala.] To chew in the mouth; to masticate; to soften for swallowing. Maiahulau (ma'i-a'-hu-la'u), n. [Mai, sickness, and ahulau, pestilence.] A general sickness among the peo- ple; a pestilence. See ahulau. Maiakukanaloa (ma'i-a-ku'-ka'-n=C2=A7,- lo'-a), n. [Maia, banana, and ku- kanaloa, blasted, withered.] A thin, shriveled or blasted banana. Maiao (ma'i-a'o), n. A toe or finger nail; the hoof of a beast; the claws of a bird or animal. Same as maiuu. Maiapilo (ma'i-a-pi'-lo), n. A strag- gling shrub with flowers yielding an unpleasant odor. (Capparis sandwichiana), called on the island of Kauai puapilo. Maiau (ma'i-a'u), adj. 1. Neat; cleanly. 2. Industrious; con- stantly employed. 3. Skillful; in- genious; expert at doing various kinds of business. 4, Ready and correct in speaking, (This word applies chiefly to men; the same quality applied to women is loia.) Maiau (ma'i-a'u), n. Natural skill; ingenuity; wisdom, Syn: noiau. Maiele (ma'i-e'-le), n. 1, A knowl- edge of the use of words in a language. 2. Skill in using words. Syn: Noili. 3. Asking questions with skill, so as to puzzle one. j 4. Same as maieli, a shrub or i small tree. I Maieli (ma'i-e'-li), n. Name of a j much branching shrub 4 to 6 feet 1 high, but in the upper regions, a small tree 10 to 15 feet high. (Cyathodes tameiameiae). Also called maiele and puakeawe. Maiha (ma-i'-ha), v. [Ma and Iha, to be intent upon.] To be energetic; to be intent on doing a thing; to act perseveringly in a cause; to fix the mind upon. Syn: ihaiha. Maihaiha (ma'-i'-ha-i'-ha), v. [Inten- sive of maiha.] To have the mind closely bent on an object; to be determined. Maihe (ma'-i'-he), v. Same as ma- ihi, to peel off. Malhehe (ma'i-he'-he'), n. Mai, sick- ness, and hee, to run or flow.] A boil; a running sore. MAI 398 MAI Malhi (ma'-i'-hi), v. [Ma and ihi, to peel.] To strip off; to peel, as fruit; to strip off, as the bark of a tree. Syn: Ihi. Maihiia (ma'-i'-hi-i'a), adj. Stripped; peeled; everything outside taken off. Maihiili (ma'-i'-hM'-li), n. One who strips another of all he has; a skinflint. Maihiili (ma'-i'-hi-i'-li), v. [Malhi and ill, the skin.] 1. Lit., to strip off the skin. 2. To strip one of prop- erty; to leave one destitute. 3. To lay a tax so as to take all the peo- ple have. Malhilo (ma'i-hi'-lo), n. [Ma'i, sick- ness, and hllo, a running sore.] A venereal disease; the gonorrhea. Syn: Maiwili. Maiholu (ma'i-ho'-lu), n. One of two species of fish, the ea and the aawa (Lepidaplois), similar to the hilu and poou. Maihuli (mai-hu'-li), n. Presents made at the birth of a child. Mall (ma'-i'i), v. To sprout or grow, as a plant; to open or spread out; to unfold, as a flower. Malii (ma'i-i'i), n. 1. A pain in the back. 2. Fatigue from lying long on one side. Main (ma'-i'-i'i), n. A species of fish (Hepatus elongatus); called also maiko and maikoiko, and, on the island of Maui, palapala. Maika (ma'-i-ka), adj. Weary; fa- tigued; lame. Maika (ma'i-ka), n. 1. An ancient game. 2. The stone used in the game of maika. Maika (ma'i-ka), n. 1. Fatigue, pain or weariness from playing maika. 2. Fatigue, lameness, etc., from any cause. Maika (ma'i-ka), v. To play at the game called maika; it consisted in rolling a round smooth stone called ulu or olohu; it was connected with betting, Maika (ma'-i'-ka), v. To be fatigued, weary, tired. Maikahulipu (ma'i-ka'-hu'-li-pu'), n. Another name for Kamaikahulipu, the god who assisted in restoring and righting canoes when upset in the ocean. Maikai (ma'i-ka'i), adj. 1. Exter- nally good; handsome; beautiful; he wahine maka maikai, a hand- some woman. 2. Morally good; upright; correct; excellent. 3. Externally excellent in conduct. Maikai (ma'i-ka'i), n. 1. Beauty; external excellence of persons or things. 2. Beauty of personal ap- pearance; helehelena maikai. 3. Goodness; that which is excellent in moral conduct; uprightness. 4. The sum of various external ex- cellencies; ua like ka maikai me ka nani, ame ka hemolele, ame ka mimo, ame ka pono, ame ka panakai ole, ame ka auliiholo manu. Maikai (ma'i-ka'i), v. 1. To be handsome; to be externally good; to be pleasing to the sight. 2. To be of use; to be useful; to bene- fit; to be good; to be proper; to be in good form. Maikalka (ma'-i'-ka-i'-ka), adj. Tired; wearied, as a person from labor or exercise. Maikalka (ma'-i'-ka-i'-ka), v. [Inten- sive of maika.] 1. To play hard and long at the game of maika. 2. To be wearied; to be fatigued. Malkakal (ma'i-ka'-ka'i), n. [Mai, disease, and kakai, to copulate.] A form of syphilitic infection, Malkeike (ma'-i'-ke-i'-ke), v. [Ma and Ikeike, to know clearly.] To declare; to set forth. MalkeikI (ma'i-ke'-i'-ki), n. [Mai, sickness, and keiki, child.] Preg- nancy; the sickness of pregnancy. Maiko (ma'-i-ko), n. A species of surgeon fish, also called maikoiko (Hepatus atramentatus). Mai kola (ma'i-ko'-la), adj. Worth- less; trifling; used in provoking or irritating language. See nai- kola, akola and aikola. Mai la (ma'-i'-la), adj. Beautiful; fine; handsome; graceful. Maile (ma'i-le), n. 1. A vine with green odoriferous leaves, of which wreaths are made; (Alyxia olivae- formis). Found in all the islands of the group in the woods of the low and middle regions. 2. The rod used in playing puhenehene and other games. (Laieik. p. 114.) Also called mailepuhenehene. 3. The bow or piece securing an ox's neck to the yoke. MAI 399 MAK Mai lehai wale (ma'i-le-ha'i-wa'-le), n. A variety of maile. Mailekakahiki (ma'i-le-ka-ka-hi'-ki), n. A shrub whose branches and leaves are odoriferous; he laa- laau liilii hohono; a variety of shrubby maile, also known as maile-haiwale. Maiiepuhenehene (m3,'i-le-pu'-he'-ne- he'-ne), n. The rod which was struck on a bunch of tapa in the game of puhenehene. Maili (ma'-i'-li). n. Little stones; pebbles. Syn: Iliili. Mailo (ma'-i'-lo), adj. Thin; spare; wasted away; applied to sick per- sons; mailo ke kanaka. Mailo (ma'-i'-lo), v. To be thin or spare, as one wasted away with long sickness; ua hele kona mai a mailo. Maiioihi (ma'i-lo'-i-hi). n. [Mai, sick- ness, and loihi, long.] 1. Any chronic ailment. 2. An invalid. Mailuna (ma'i-lu'-na), adv. [Mai, from, and luna, above.] Prom above. Maimai (ma'i-ma'i), adj. Feeble; languid; weak; somewhat ill; un- well. Maimai (ma'i-ma'i), n. Languor; feebleness; indisposition; being unwell. Maimai (ma'i-ma'i), v. To be unwell, indisposed, ailing; to be somewhat sick, weak, sickly. Maimai (mS.'i-m=C2=A7^'i), v. [Mai, come.] To call one to come; to invite to- ward one; to call, as in calling chickens; e hea, e kolokolo aku i ka moa; to call fowls. Syn: Kolo- kolo. Malmuli (mai-mu'-li), prep. From after; literally from the last of a thing. Maina (m=C2=A7,-i-na'), v. To be person- ally present. (Referring to a third person.) Maino (mS.'-i'-no), v. To be hurt; to be harmed. Hoomaino, to make sad, is the active form. Mainoho (m^'i-no'-ho), adv. [Mai, a word of prohibition.] Do not (fol- lowed by "a" before a verb) ; mai- noho a hana pela, do not do so. (Mainoho is sometimes printed as one word, sometimes two.) Mainoino (ma'-i'-n6-i'-no), adj. Re- proachful; mocking; causing shame. Mainoino (ma'-I'-nS-i'-no), adv. Mis- erably; with much suffering. Mainoino (ma'-I'-nS-i'-no), n. 1. De- facement. 2. Persecution. Mainoino (ma'-I'-nS-I'-no), v. [Inten- sive of maino.] To be afflicted; to suffer abuse. Hoomainoino is the active form. Malo (ma'-i-o), n. A disease reduc- ing the patient's flesh, like con- sumption; tuberculosis; he mai e wiwi ai ke kino a olala. Malo (mS'i-o), n. Incorrect form of maiao, which see. Malo (ma'-i'o), v. To be blemished by scratching; defaced by mark- ing. Maio (ma'-i'o), v. To divide or cut lengthwise; to cut a furrow. Maioia (ma-i'o-i'a), v. To be scratched or marked with a knife or one's nail. Maioio (ma-i'o-i'o), adj. Uneven; some short, some long, as hair cut unevenly. Maipuha (ma'i-pu-ha'), n. [Mai, dis- ease, and puha, to burst or break, as a boil.] An ulcer; a running sore. Maiuu (ma'i-u'u), n. Same as maiao. A nail of a finger or toe; a hoof of a beast; maiuu mahele, a clov- en foot; e oki i ka maiuu, to pare the nails. Maiwaena (ma'i-wa'e-na), prep. From out of; from the midst of. MaiwIII (ma'i-wi'-li), n. [Mai, sick- ness, and will, to writhe in pain.] 1. An incessant pain or sore; a running sore. Syn: Maihilo. 2. A form of venereal disease. Maka (ma'-ka), adj. 1. Raw in op- position to cooked; partly cooked. 2. Fresh, as fresh provisions in distinction from salted. Maka (ma'-ka), adv. [Maka, edge of an instrument.] By the edge; with the edge: alalia, ooki maka koi hookahi iho ana, then he cut with the edge of the adze (koi) one stroke (one bringing down). Maka (ma'-ka), n. 1. The eye; the organ of sight: Aole e ike ka maka i kona pula iho, the eye does not see its own mote. 2. The face; the countenance; he maka MAK 400 MAK no he maka, face to face. 3. The point or edge of an instrument, as a knife or sword; maka o ka pahi kaua; the blade in distinction from the handle. 4. The bud of a plant. 5. The teat or nipple of a female. 6. The presence of one, that is, his favor or blessing: E hele pu no ko'u maka me oe, My presence shall go with thee. 7. Fig. A guide; a director: E lilo mai oe i maka no makou. Thou mayest be eyes to us. 8. Same as makaa. 9. See hoomaka, a beginning. Maka (ma'-ka), n. A very hard stone of which maika stones were made. Makaa (ma'-ka-a'), n. A fish of the cavalla family (Carangus politus) allied to the ulua, also called maka. Makaaha (ma'-ka-a'-ha), adj. Cov- ered with sores; full of pimples, as with the itch; leprous; hooku- ku, hana, hoao. Makaaha (ma'-ka-a'-ha), n. Same as ahamaka, a swinging bed or cot, which see. Makaaha (ma'-ka-a'-ha), n. Small pimples; sores; the itch; kakani, meeau. Makaaina (ma'-ka'-a'i-na), adv. To- ward the land; landward. Makaaina (ma'-ka'-a'i-na), n. [Ma, at, on, ka, the, and aina, land.] A resident; one belonging to the land and transferred with it, as in ancient times, Makaainana (ma'-ka-a'i-na-na), n. [Makaaina and ana, being of the land.] The laboring class in dis- tinction from chiefs; a country- man; farmers collectively, the common people in distinction from chiefs: o na 'lii ame na makaai- nana, the chiefs and the common people. Makaakaa (ma'-ka 'a-ka'a), adj. Open; clear. Makaakau (ma'-ka-a'-ka'u), n. [Maka, eye, and akau, right.] The right eye. Makaakiu (ma-ka-a'-ki'u), adj. Watch- ful. Makaakiu (ma'-ka-a'-ki'u), v. To be watchful. Makaala (ma'-ka-a'-la), adj. Awake; watchful ; vigilant. Makaala (ma'-ka-a'-la), n. 1. [Maka, eye, and ala, awake.] Watchful- ness; a being on guard. 2. [Maka, beginning, and ala, path.] A small faint track made by a person go- ing once; a path scarcely visible; he maawe alanui; a faint path. Makaala (ma'-ka-a'-la), v. [Maka, eye, and ala, awake.] 1. To wake; to be awake or alert; to look out; to take heed; beware. Makaala (ma'-ka'-a-la'), v. To be in- disposed to sleep; to be wakeful. Makaalua (ma-ka-a'-lua), v. To dig holes for planting, Makaaoa (ma'-ka-a'-o'-a), n. A spe- cies of marine shellfish, found only on rocks near the sea coast. Makaawela (ma'-ka-a-we'-la), n, A species of soft, porous stone. Makae (ma'-ka-e'), v, [Maka, eye, and e, against.] To be set against; to be opposed to. Hoomakae is the transitive form, Makaha (ma'-ka'-ha), adj. Robbing; plundering; seizing the property of another. Makaha (ma'-ka'-ha), n. A robbing;, a seizing what is another's; rob- bery; extortion. Makaha (ma'-ka'-ha'), n. Passage for entrance and exit of a pae- humu or enclosure. Makaha (ma'-ka'-ha'), n. 1. Gate at the outlet of a fish-pond. 2, Any open space used as a means of egress 'from an enclosure. Makaha (ma'-ka'-ha), v. [Ma and kaha, to extort.] To seize what is another's; to rob; to plunder; to extort property. Syn: Hookaha. Makahahi (ma'-ka-ha'-hi), n. Won- der; amazement; astonishment. Makahehi is the preferable form. Makahahi (ma'-ka-ha'-hi), v. Same as makahehi. Makahaia (ma'-ka-ha'-ia), v. [Passive of makaha.] To be taken by force; to be robbed. Ma kaha kaha (ma'-ka'-ha-ka'-ha), n, 1, The ceasing of rain. 2. The slow dropping of rain, Makahakahaka (ma'-ka-ha'-ka-ha'-ka), n. [Maka and hakahaka, open, full of holes.] 1. A deep pit or hole; ka poopoo. 2. Open space, as a clearing in a forest or clear land in a lava flow. 3. Deep-set eye- balls. MAK 401 MAK Makahakai (ma'-ka'-M-ka'i), adv. Rather a phrase than a word. [Ma, | at, kaha and kai, sea beach.] At the sea side; on the sea shore. Makahani (ma'-kaha'-ni), v. [Hani, to step lightly.] To go lightly ; or softly; to touch lightly; just to | graze. | Makahehi (ma'-ka-he'-hi), n. Admi- ration coupled with desire. ! Makahehi (ma'-ka-he'-hi), v. 1. To j regard with admiration and de- i light, accompanied with the sense i of desire for. 2. Desire strongly; i to set heart upon: Ike lakou ua nui ka hao makahehi iho la. They saw there was much iron, they set heart upon it. i Makahekili (ma'-ka-he'-ki-li), n. j [Maka, eye, and hekili, thunder,! lit., the eye of the thunder.] A : hailstone. Syn: Huahekili. MakaKelei (ma'-ka-he'-le'i), n. [Maka, eye, and helei, opened, as the eye so as to turn the lid out.] 1. An eye so inflamed or diseased that the lid is turned out. 2. An ex- pression of derision signified by pulling the eye-lid down. Makahema (ma'-ka-he'-ma), n. [Maka, eye, and hema, left.] The left eye. Maka hi (ma-ka'-hi), adj. [Contrac- tion for maka, eye, and akahi, one.] One-eyed; having one eye. Maka hi (ma-ka'-hi), n. Name in general of fishnets with very small mesh, the space admitting the in- sertion of only one finger; upena makahi, one-finger mesh-net. Makahiamoe (ma'-ka-hi'-a-mo'e), adj. [Lit., sleepy-eye.] Sleepy; dull; stupid. Makahiamoe (ma'-ka-hi'-a-mo'e), v. [Maka, eye, and hiamoe, to sleep.] To fall asleep; to all one's self to doze. To give one's self to sleep. Makahiapo (ma'-ka-hi-a'-po), n. [Maka and hiapo, the first born.] The first born child, also called hiapo. Makahiki (ma'-ka-hi'-ki), n. 1. The first day of the year. 2. The commencement of the year. 3. The space of a year; a year; ka puni o na malama he umikumama- lua, a finishing of the twelve- month. 4. Athletic sports (from the ancient practice of holding games at the Makahiki or New Year festival). Makahinu (ma-ka'-hi'-nu), n. [Maka, face, and hinu, bright.] 1. A bright countenance; a friendly look. 2. An expression of the face signifying good will. The natives describe such a person as greasing his forehead with oil; e hamo i kona lae me ka aila kukui. Makahio (m3.'-ka,-hi-o'), adj. [Maka and hio, to lean.] 1. Darting, ap- plied to the eyes. 2. A looking this way and that. Makai (ma'-ka'i), adj. Guarding; go- ing or acting as a guard; huakai makai, a train or people accom- panying as a guard. (Laieik, p. 190.) I ka ekolu makahiki o ko kaonohiokala huakai makai. Makai (ma'-ka'i), adv. [Ma, at, and kal, sea.] At or toward the sea, in distinction from mauka, inland. Makai (ma'-ka'i), n. 1. A person who owns no land; o ka mea aina ole he makai ka inoa. 2. One who goes about idly, hence supposed to own nothing; a gadabout. 3. A guard; a constable; an officer al- ways found in the king's train; a policeman. See verb makai. Makai (ma'-ka'i), v. 1. To look at closely; to inspect; to search out. 2. To spy or look out; to act the part of a spy. 3. To look at from motives of curiosity; to take a view of a place; to examine. Syn: Kiu. 4. To look on as a spectator. Makaia (m^-ka'-ia), n. A traitor, a betrayer; la manawa e ku ai ka makaia o Laieikawai. =E2=80=94 Laieik, p. 150. Makaihu (ma'-kS-i'-hu), n. The sharp point at the bow of a canoe; e kapiliia na makaihu. Makaikal (ma'-ka'i-ka'i), n. 1. Di- version; that which distracts the mind from trouble. 2. A stroll or rambl=C2=A7 for recreation. Makaikai (ma'-ka'i-ka'i), v. [Freq. of makai.] 1. To come to for the purpose of inspecting; to go with the object of viewing; to visit. 2. To go about sight seeing. To look; to examine, etc. Makaino (ma'-ka-i'-no), v. [Maka, eye, and I no, bad.] To have an evil eye toward one; to lose one's affection for a child or person. MAK 402 MAK Makaio (ma'-ka'i-o), v. To be fright- ened and run, as a wild animal, Makaiwa (ma'-ka-i'-wa) , n. The name of Lono's gods. Makaiwi (ma'-ka-i'-wi), n. 1. A sig- naling with the eye. 2. A squint eye. Makakii (ma'-ka-ki'i), n. 1. [Maka, the face, and kil, image.] An imitation face; a mask. 2. [Maka, the eye, and kii, to go after a thing.] A commanding eye; eye that goes after and gets. 3. A commanding look. 4. Lustful eye. Makakiu (ma'-ka-kl'u), v. [Maka and kju, to spy. Lit., to have spying eyes.] To be a spy; to conduct one's self as a spy. Hoomakakiu is the transitive form. Makakoa (ma'-ka-ko'-a), adj. [Maka and koa, a soldier, Lit., a soldier's face.] Pierce in countenance. Makakokoe (ma'-ka-ko'-ko'-e), adj. [Maka, eye, and kokoe, to strike at for the purpose of cutting or scratching.] Angry; evil eyed; de- signing to hurt. Makakole (ma'-kS-ko'-le), adj. Sore or watery-eyed. Makakole (ma'-ka-ko'-le), n. [Maka, eye, and kole, raw, sore.] Inflam- mation of the eyes; sore eyes. See makole, which is in more gen- eral use. Makakuikui (ma'-ka-ku'i-ku'i), v. 1. To stir up anger by an expres- sion of the face. 2. To glare at; to scowl. Makala (ma'-ka'-la), n. A loosening; an opening; a separating. Makala (ma'-ka'-la), v. 1. [Ma and kala, to loosen.] To open what is closed; to separate a little. 2. To draw out; to extract; to unravel. 3. To open a little, as a door; to open, as a book that has clasps on it. 4. To untie; to loosen; to set at liberty. 5. To remit, as a debt; to forgive, as an offense: e ma- kala mai i kuu hala, forgive my offense. 6. [Contraction of ma- kaala, to awake.] To watch; to take heed; to beware; to be vigi- lant. Makalakala (ma-ka'-la-ka'-la), v. [Intensive of makala.] To hold or keep the eyes open; to be sleep- less; makili, makalakala i ka hia- moe. Makalauna (ma'-ka-la'u-na), n. [Maka, face, and launa, an intimate.] An intimate acquaintance; one on terms of friendship; ka mea i maa e mamua. Makaleha (ma'-ka-le'-ha), n. A lofty, mischievous eye. Makaleha (ma'-ka-le'-ha), v. [Maka, eye, and leha, to lift up.] 1. To wonder at; to admire. 2. To lift the eyebrows, as in wonder or admiration. Makaleho (ma'-ka-le'-ho), n. 1. Haughtiness; proud behavior. 2. Lasciviousness. Makalei (ma'-ka'-le'i), n. A kind of fish net. Maka I i (ma'-ka'-li), v. To bait a hook; to angle for fish; e makali e loaa iki. Makali iho oe i kuu makau. Makalll (ma'-ka-li'i), adj. Very small; diminutive; very fine. Makali! (ma'-ka-li'i), n. [Maka and III, small; little.] 1. Smallness; littleness; inferiority. 2. The ce- lestial sign Castor and Pollux. 3. A constellation of seven stars; the Pleiades. 4. The six summer months collectively; also 5. The name of one of the months in the old Hawaiian calendar. Makalll (ma'-ka-li'i), v. See hooma- kaulii. Makalilohua (ma'-ka-li'i-o-hu'-a), adj. Very small. Makalilohua (ma'-ka-li'i-o-hu'-a), n. A species of very small fish found in shoals near the shore; also called ohua. Makalio (ma'-ka-li'-o), adj. Drawn or strained tightly, as a rope. Makaloa (ma'-ka'-16'-a), adj. Always green; always fresh. Makaloa (ma'-ka'-lo'-a), n. A kind of rush of which mats are made. Makalua (ma'-ka-lu'-a), adj. [Maka, face, and iua, double.] 1. Two- faced; two-eyed; two-edged, as a sword. Syn: Oilua. 2. Twofold, said of a fabric woven with double strands so that the finished article presents a similar face on both sides; moena makalua, a two-ply mat. Makalua (ma'-ka'-lu-a), n. 1. Hol- low place in the earth for planting seeds, slips or plants. 2. The socket for the eye-ball. MAK 403 MAK Makalua (ma'-ka-lu'-a), n. Name in general of fishnets whose meshes are of the size which will admit two fingers of a man's hand; Upe- na makalua, two-finger mesh net. Makaluhi (ma'-ka-lu'-hi), adj. [From makaluhl, to be weary.] An ad- jective descriptive of the rest or feasting which follows a prolonged season of toil. (The word is used only in connection with ahaaina, as ahaaina makaluhi, a memorial feast commemorative of some great work done or victory won.) Makaluhl (ma'-ka-lu'-hi), v. To be weary from constant labor. Makaluku (ma'-ka-lu'-ku), v. [Maka, face, and luku, slaughter.] To be turned against one for harm; to be bent on slaughter. Makamae (ma'-kS-ma'e), adj. Pre- cious; valuable; much desired; costly; precious, as a stone; pre- cious, as a beloved child or ser- vant; na mea makamae, precious things. Makamae (ma'-ka-ma'e), n. A dar- ling; a precious one; a beloved one. Makamaka (ma'-ka-ma'-ka), adj. [Maka, fresh.)] Fresh; new; young. Makamaka (ma'-ka-m^'-ka), n. 1. A friend; a beloved one; an inti- mate; one on terms of receiving and giving freely. lob. 2:11. 2. A relative. 3. Fig. Anything to which one is greatly attached: Hookahi hoi o kaua makamaka, o ka imi naauao, oia hoi ko kaua kuleana i noho ai ma keia kula nui. We two have only one friend, that is knowledge seeking, that is the right (reason) of our living at this high school. MakamomI (ma'-ka-mo'-mi), n. [Maka, eye, and momi, the pearl in the oyster shell.] A white speck in the eye, caused by disease. Makamua (ma'-ka-mu'-a), adj. First, primary; beginning; the first of a series: Ua maopopo i ka poe i komo (i ke kula) i ka la makamua o lulai, It was understood by those who entered (the school) on the first day of July. Syn: Mua. Makamua (ma'-ka-mu'-a), n. [Maka and mua, the first; the beginning.] 1. The beginning; the first of things, as of a period of time. 2. The first or eldest of a family of children. Syn: Mua. Ka maka- mua o na la, the beginning of days, that is, the Son of God. Makana (ma'-kS'-na), adj. Freely given or received as a present. Makana (mS'-kS'-na), n. A gift; that which is freely bestowed upon one by another; a present; that which is received gratuitously. Makana (ma'-kS'-na), v. To give freely or gratuitously; to make a present to one. Makanaaloha (ma'-ka'-na-a-16'-ha), n. [Makana, gift, and aloha, love.] 1. A free-will or willing offering. 2. A token of friendship. Makanahele (ma'-ka-na-he'-le), adj. [Maka, face, and nahele, the wild.] Wild; untamed; dwelling in the wilderness. Makanahele (ma'-ka'-na-he'-le), n. [Makana, gift, and hele, to go.] A parting gift. Makanahele (mS-'-kS-na'-heMe), n. [Ma, to, ka, the, and nahele, wil- derness.] A taking to the wilder- ness; a living in the nahele, amongst the bushes. Makanau (ma'-ka-nS'u), n. 1. Twink- ling eye. 2. Name of an ancient heiau or temple. Makani (mi'-ka'-ni), n. Watchword; a word used by sentinels to give notice. (The word is generally used by watchmen set to protect against being taken unawares.) Makani (ma'-ka'-ni), n. Wind; a breeze; air in motion. Makaokao (ma-ka'o-kS'o), n. Same as mokaokao. Makaole (ma'-kS-o'-le), n. [Maka, eye, edge, and ole, the eye teeth.] 1. The edge of the eye teeth; epi- thet of the oo; an oo. 2. The be- ginning of a seed growth; the shoot before it develops leaves. Makaou (ma-ka-o'u), n. A councillor of state (kalaimoku) in the Ha- waiian court, who had served un- der three kings. Such persons were regarded as especially skilled in statecraft, and were highly es- teemed. Makapa (ma'-ka'-pa), n. One who goes about from house to house or goes here and there; he holo- holo kauhale, running about houses. MAK 404 MAK Makapa (ma'-ka'-pa), v. To be aside; to be out of the regular order or line. Makapa (ma'-ka-pa'), v. To be shy; to be suspicious, said of game that escapes from a snare. Makapaa (ma'-ka-pa'a), adj. With closed eyes; without sight; blind. Makapaa (ma'-ka-pa'a), adv. Blindly; without seeing. Makapaa (ma'-ka-pa'a), n. [Maka, eyes, and paa, fast.] One with closed eyes; a blind person. Syn: Makapo. Makapai (ma'-ka-pa'i), adj. Sore, as the eyes; applied where the dis- ease has gone from one eye to the other, and both eyes are sore. Makapala (ma'-ka-pa'-la), adj. Soft, ripe, ready to break open, said of a boil. Makapehu (ma'-ka-pe'-hu), n. [Maka, eye, and pehu, swollen.] 1. A swollen eye; a blackened or bruised eye. 2. Suffering from hunger; deficiency of food: Ola iho la kou makapehu ia ole. My suffering for lack of fish is over. Makapela (ma'-ka-pe'-la), n. [Maka, eye, and pela, foul.] Offensively smelling eyes. Makapo (ma'-ka-po'), adj. Blind; without the sense of sight; moo- wini. Makapo (ma'-ka-po'), adv. Blindly; in a state of blindness. Makapo (ma'-ka-po'), n. 1. Blind- ness. 2. A blind person. Makapo (ma'-ka-po'), v. [Maka, eye, and po, darkness.] 1. To be blind; to be unable to see. 2. To be in darkness mentally; to be ignorant. 3. To be morally blind. Makaponiuniu (ma'-ka-po'-ni'-u-ni'-u), 1. Obscure vision; applied to the eyes, blindness. 2. Applied to the heart, want of courage. 3. Faint- ness resulting from hunger. Makaponiuniu (ma'-ka-po'-ni'-ii-ni'-u), V. [Maka and poniu, to be dizzy.] To faint; to be dizzy or faint for want of food. Makapouli (ma'-ka-po'-u'-li), n. The sensation of darkness that precedes fainting. Makapouli (ma'-ka-po'-u'-li), v. [Maka, eye, and pouli, darkness.] To faint; to fail for want of strength; to be dizzy; e poniuniu. Makapuhi (ma'-ka-pu'-hi), n. A fish- hook with two opposite barbs. Makapula (ma'-ka-pu'-la), adj. [Maka and pula, a mote in the eye.] Sore- eyed; blind in one eye; having a mote in the corner of the eye. Makau (ma'-ka'u), adj. Fearful; afraid; causing fear or dread. Makau (ma-ka'u), adj. Same as ma- kaukau. Makau (ma'-ka'u), n. Fear; dread of evil, Makau nui, terror; dread; disquietude of mind. Makau (ma'-ka'u), n. 1. A fish- hook; also a shark hook. Syn: Kiholo. 2. A hook in general; any kind of hook. Makau (ma'-ka'u), v. 1. To fear; to be afraid; to dread; to fear in time of danger. 2. To have in reverence, as one feared and greatly respected. 3. To trem- ble; to be agitated through fear. Makau (ma-ka'u), v. To be ready. Used only in makaukau, which see. Makaua (ma'-ka'u-a), v. 1. To in- crease; to grow large. 2. To be troubled; to be vexed. 3. To be frightened. Syn: Hoomakauia. Makaualua (ma'-kau-a-lu'a), n. A kind of fishhook. 2. A cast-off fishhook which was never put away with other fishing appara- tus but always placed by itself. Makauaua (ma'-ka'u-au'-a), adj. Hung up to dry. Makauhanona (ma'-ka'u-ha'-no'-na), n. [Makau, hook, and hanona, a long fishing line.] The hook that be- longs to the hanona or long fishing line. Makau hi (ma'-ka-ii'-hi), adj. [Maka, eye, and uhi, to shade; to cover.] Hidden or covered, as the eyes. Makauia (ma-ka'u-ia), n. [Perf. part, of makau.] Fear; respect. Makaukau (ma'-ka'u-ka'u), adj. Ready; prepared for an event. Makaukau (ma'-ka'u-ka'u), n. Readi- ness; preparation. Makaukau (ma'-ka'u-ka'u), v. [In- tensive of makau, to be ready.] To be ready. Hoomakaukau is the active form, to make ready. Makaukii (ma'-ka'u-ki'i), adj. [Ma- kau, fear, and kii, idol.] 1. Great fear. 2. Dread of the gods. Fear of the gods. MAK 405 MAK Makaula (ma'-ka'u-la), n. [Ma and kaula, a prophet.] A foreteller of future events; a star-gazer; a per- son supposed to be possessed of some supernatural gifts. (Laielk. p. 13.) [Kaula and makaula were connected generally with high chiefs, forming a part of their coun- cil. Their office is described in D. Malo, Hawaiian Antiquities, chap. 31.] Makaull (ma'-ka-u'-li), adj. [Maka, eye, and ull, dark green.] Dark, black or blue-eyed. Makaulla (ma'-k^'u-li'-a), n. [For makauia, from makau, fear.] Fear; qualities inducing fear. Makaulli (ma'-ka'u-li'i), adj. Very careful; saving. See the noun hoomakaulii. Makaulli (ma'-ka'u-li'i), v. (intransi- tive). [Makau, to fear, and (a) III, chief.] 1. To have special care; to be anxious; to have interest. 2. To have inordinate desire; to have eagerness to obtain or ac- complish. Hoomakaulii is the ac- tive form, to serve a chief in or- der to obtain favors from him. Makaullmu (ma'-ka'u-li'-mu), adj. [Makau, fear, and llmu, which here means llmu kala, a species of long sea-grass.] Frightened by limu; Ea makaullmu, the sea turtle fearing the sea grass. (The tur- tle is said to be afraid of the sea grass, as his flippers are easily entangled in it.) Makaupena (ma'-ka-u'-pe'-na), n. 1. The midriff; that which covers the bowels. Ka makaupena e uhi ana i ka naau. Syn: Nikiniki. 2. A certain design carved on a tapa beater; also called halua- manama. 3, The mesh of a net. Makawal (ma'-ka-wa'i), adj. [Maka, eye, and wal, water.] Watery- eyed; near-sighted. Makawal (ma'-ka-wa'i), n. Small outlets for water, through the banks of taro patches; small water-way. Makawalu (ma'-ka-wa'-lu), n. A large moving company; a large army: Aole e pono ke kaua uuku ke hana i makawalu ame ke ka- hului, It is not proper for a small army to engage a large army in an open place. Makawalu (m=C2=A7,'-k=C2=A7,-wa'-lu), v. 1. [Maka and walu, to scratch.] To scratch like a cat; to rub; to scrape. 2. To go in large compa- nies; to travel by caravans; hele okai. Makawela (mS'-ka-we'-Ia), n. A bond servant; ina i hoailonaia ke kauwa ma ka lae, ua kapaia he kauwa makawela. Makaweli (ma'-ka-we'-ll), n. A val- ley on the island of Kauai which opens into Waimea valley. Make (mJl'-ke), adj. Dead; hurt; in- jured; wounded; deadly: he hina make, a deadly fall. Make (m^'-ke), adv. Deadly. Make (mH'-ke), n. Death; the disso- lution of soul and body; the state of being dead. Make (mS'-ke), v. 1. [Make, death.] To die; to perish; to be killed. 2. To suffer, as a calamity. 3. [Primitive form of makemake.] To desire; generally preceded by the adverb aole; to need; to lack: aole make kukui, no need of a lamp; aole make wai, no need of water, no thirst. 4. (Used in bar- ter.) (a) To be exchanged; to be bought or sold in exchange, as in traffic by barter, (b) Also used impersonally in the sense, it is agreed, it is a bargain, etc.; ehia huamoa make ka hapawalu? How many hen's eggs will buy (will pay for, will be equal to) a real (or shilling)? Hookahi puu wahie make ka pahu aila, One pile of wood paid for a cask of oil. Make hewa, a bad bargain; no profit; in vain, etc. Makee (mS'-ke'e), n. 1. (Usually joined with waiwai, covetousness.) Greediness of gain. 2. Eager de- sire for; extraordinary affection or love of. Makee (ma'-ke'e), v. 1. To be covet- ous. 2. To be greedy after a thing generally; used in reference to hoarding property; ua nui na mea i makee i kela mea i keia mea, i ka waiwai, i ka hanohano, a ia mea aku ia mea aku. Ma Hawaii nei, o ka aina kekahi mea a lakou i makee al. 3. To gather or scrape together things of value and of little value to keep them; a hapuku. MAK 406 MAK Makeewaa (ma'-ke'e-wa'a), n. Un- limited love of canoes: Manao ae la lakou ma ka makeewaa ana e make ai o Kamaiole, They be- lieved that Kamaiole -could be de- stroyed through his inordinate love of his canoes. Makeewaiwai (ma'-ke'e-wa'i-wa'i), n. Eagerness to acquire wealth. Makehewa (ma'-ke-he'-wa), adv. In vain; to no profit; not answering the purpose; vainly, as labor with- out reward; not worth while. Makehewa (ma'-ke-he'-wa), v. [Make and hewa, wrong.] 1. To be or to do to no purpose; to do in vain or to no profit. 2. To be not worth while. Makekau (ma'-ke'-k=C2=A7,'u), adj. 1. Angry; irascible; quickly angered; unfriendly; makekau oe, aole ike i kou hoahanau, aole hookipa ea. 2. Ungracious; close; stingy. Makeke (ma'-ke'-ke), n. [Eng.] 1. Mustard. Hua makeke, mustard seed. 2. Market; place where the market is. Makele (ma'-ke'-le), n. A deep place of earth and water; deep mud, but partly hardened or covered with grass so as to be shaky; unstable land, where the ground sags under weight. See naka. Makemake (mS,'-ke-ma'-ke), n. 1. A desire; a wish; a want; a think- ing much of. 2. A rejoicing; gladness, coupled with desire, good wishes, approval, etc. Makemake (ma'-ke-ma'-ke), v. [Make, to desire.] 1. To desire much; to wish for; to love. 2, To rejoice, that is, to obtain one's desire; to be glad; e hoihoi, e olioli; ua like ka makemake me ka hauoli ame ka olioli. [Makemake is often used by foreigners where other words such as ake, manao, anoi, etc., would apply better.] Makena (ma'-ke'-na), adj. 1. Mourn- ing; lamenting the death of a friend; wawa makena, a noise of lamentation for the dead; kapa makena, mourning garments. 2. Many, numerous. Makena (ma'-ke'-na), adv. Often; much; to a great degree. Makena no hoi ua hilahila ia oe e ke hoa. Laieik. p. 66. Makena (ma'-ke'-na), n. 1. A wail- ing; a mourning or lamentation for the dead; the sound of mourn- ing or wailing. Syn: Kumakena. 2. Sorrow or suffering from hab- its of intoxication: Pau ka ma- kena ana o ka poe ona rama. The sorrows of those drinking rum were ended. 3. Sorrow; disap- pointment. Makena (ma'-ke'-na), v. [Make and ana, a dying.] 1. To mourn, that is, to make the sound of mourn- ing; to mourn; to wail, as for the dead; to mourn, as at the death of a relative or friend; to mourn in any manner. 2. To float in the air, as the sound of mourning. (Mourning among Ha- waiias was expressed by audible lugubrious tones of the voice.) Makenawai (ma'-ke-na'-wai), n. [Make, to die, and na, plural ar- ticle, and wai, water.] A place where a brook loses itself in the ground. Makewai (ma'-ke-wa'i), adj. Thirsty; desiring to drink. Makewai (ma'-ke-wa'i), n. A desire to drink; thirst. Makewai (ma'-ke-wa'i), v. [Make, to desire, and wai, water.] To be thirsty; to thirst; to desire to drink. Makewale (ma'-ka-wa'-le), adj. [Make, death, and wale, without cause.] That which has died of itself. Makia (ma'-ki'-a), n. 1. A pin; a bolt; a nail; a wedge; anything used to keep a thing in its place. 2. Fig. The state of being settled without disturbance; the state of being under treaty. 3. The meas- ure used in laying out the ground for a heiau. Makia (ma'-ki'-a), v. 1. To fasten, as with nails, spikes or pins; to nail; to bolt; to drive a nail. Lunk. 4:21. Syn: Kakia. 2. To tighten or make fast what other- wise would be loose. 3. Pig. To bind; to make fast, as by a cove- nant or treaty. 4. To mark out the ground for a heiau by driving stakes or turning up the ground. (Obsolete.) Makiau (ma'-ki-a'u), n. A nail of the finger or toe. Syn: Maiao. Makika (ma'-ki'-ka), n. 1. [Eng.] A mosquito; a stinging fly; mai noho hoi a aki wale aku e like me na makika nahu kolohe. (Mosqui- MAK 407 MAK toes were first brought to the isl- ands in 1823. A ship lying in the roads at Lahaina was being cleared of vermin by smoke, and a light breeze brought some mosquitoes ashore. They are now numerous and troublesome on the leeward sides of all the islands.) 2. A plant disease which attacks the sweet potato. Makiki (ma'-ki'-ki), n. A stone ax used in paying a penalty. (Ob- solete.) Maklkoe (ma'-ki-ko'-e), adj. 1. Ex- tended; long; flat. 2. Tall and slender. Syn : Kioeoe. Makili (ma'-kl'-li), v. To open a lit- tle, as the mind; to be conscious of some internal feeling or desire. Syn: Mikili. Makilo (ma'-ki'-lo), n. A beggar. Makilo (ma'-ki'-lo), v. [Ma and kilo, a star-gazer.] 1. To look wistfully after a thing. Syn: Hakilo. 2. To beg. Pololi loa oia, a hele oia ma kauhale e makilo ai i ai nana me ka hilahila ole. To go about beg- ging food. Makimaki (ma'-ki-ma'-ki), n. The swell fish (Tetraodon hispidus). Also called oopuhue and keke. MakinI (ma'-ki'-ni), n. and adj. A certain kind of fish net; ka upena makini a ka poe kii ai ia ke ahi a ka po. Makini (ma'-ki'-ni), n. See manini. Makinikini (ma'-ki'-ni-ki'-ni), adj. Abounding in hills; uneven. Makinikini (ma'-ki'-ni-ki'-ni), v. To be uneven, as land, some places high, some low; makini kona aoao. Make (ma'-k5'), adj. Angry; pro- voked at others so as to quarrel and fight; seeking a fight. Makoa (ma'-ko'-a), n. [Ma and koa, a koa tree.] A tract of land mid- way between the shore and inte- rior where koa trees grow. Makoa (ma'-ko'-a), v. [Ma and koa, a soldier.] 1. To go forward fear- lessly; to do courageously. 2. To be hard with people; to be close; to be stingy; to be unkind. Makoe (ma'-ko'e), v. [Contraction of maka, eye, and kole, raw.] To have sore or inflamed eyes, ma- kole. Makoea (ma'-ko'-ea'), adj. Hard; difficult; paakiki, makona. Make hi (ma'-ko'-hi), n. A variety of red taro. Makoi (ma'-ko'-i), adj. See makoea. Hard; severe; discourteous; hos- tile. Syn: Makona. Makoi (ma'-ko'-i), n. Pishing pole. Makoiele (ma'-ko'-i-e'-le), v. To teeter; to balance, as two children in play; to swing, as a single one on a rope, Makoiole (ma'-ko'i-6'-le), v. To re- strain breathing; to hold the breath, said only of diving or holding the breath under water. Makoko (ma'-ko'-ko), n. A species of large fish of the squid kind, of a reddish color; it is eaten by whales; makoko, he wahi ia nui ano hee, ulaula, he ai na ke ko- hola. Ma kole (mi'-ko'-le), n. [Contraction of maka, eye, and kole, raw; in- flamed.] 1. Inflamed eyes; oph- thalmia. Makole is brought on by swimming long in salt water. 2. The time when the sun is high or fiercely hot; that is, from eight o'clock to two or three in the aft- ernoon; when the sun is so bright as to make sore eyes. Makolekole (ma'-ko'-le-ko'-le), n. Sore, running eyes; red with soreness; he maka helohelo; ohelo eyed, that is, red like an ohelo. Makoli (ma'-ko'-li), adj. Little; fragmentary. Makolo (ma'-ko'-lo), V. [Ma and kolo, to crawl; to creep.] 1. To crawl, as a four-footed animal. 2. To run along; to creep, as a vine. 3. To approach on hands and knees, as the people in former times ap- proached a chief to ask a favor; hence 4. To ask a favor; to ask a question. Makoloa (ma'-k6-lo'-a), n. A marsh growing plant out of which mats were made, a kind of small rush; o ka makoloa kekahi hanaia i moena. Makolu (ma'-ko'-lu), adj. 1. Wide; thick; deep. 2. Besmeared thick- ly with dust. Syn: manoanoa. Makolu (ma'-ko'-lu), n. A kind of fish net whose meshes permit the insertion of three fingers. Makolukolu (ma'-ko'-lfi-ko'-lu), adj. [Intensive of makolu.] Thick; deep; thick, as a plank. MAK 408 MAK Makomako (ma'-k6'-ma'-ko), n. Greatness; great size; largeness. Makomako (ma'-ko-ma'-ko), v. To be enlarged; to be Increased; to be great in numbers. Makona (ma'-k6-na'), adj. Implaca- ble; unappeasable; Aloha ole. | Makona (ma'-k6-na'), n. An un- ' peaceful disposition; fretfulness. Makou (ma'-ko'u), pers. pron. We; our company, excluding the per- sons addressed. Makou (ma'-ko'u), n. A lamp with a red flame; or a flame that has burnt all night; he poe lakou no makou, no ka mea o makou ka inoa oia kukui. Makou (ma'-ko'u), n. A perennial plant. (Peucedanum sandwicense.) The root is used by natives as a medicine in some diseases of children. Also applied to a spread- ing perennial (Ranunculus maui- ensis) and to a fern (Botrychium subbifoliatum). Makou (ma'-k6'u), v. 1. To be red. 2. To be red like the flame of a lamp which has burnt all night. 3. To blush; to have the color of sunburn. Maku (ma'-ku), adj. Full grown; firm ; hard. Maku (ma'-ku'), adj. Thick; stiff; not flowing smoothly: Maku ka aila. The oil is thick. Maku (ma'-ku), n. Dregs of a liquid; lees; settlings. The mother of vinegar; the lees of wine. Maku (ma'-ku), v. 1. To be full grown; to be full sized. 2. To be fixed; to be firm; to be hard. 3. To be large or numerous. 4. To run and hide and be found, as in the game of hide-and-seek, Makua (m^'-ku'-a), adj. Full grown; of full age; mature; kanaka ma- kua, a full grown man. Makua (ma'-ku'-a), n. [Maku, full grown.] 1. A parent; a begetter, either a father or mother, that is. a mature person; applied also to an uncle or aunt. 2. Fig. A benefactor; a provider; o ko kakou makua ma keia wahi o ka naauao no ia. Aloha ka naauao, ka makua hoi o kahi makua ole. 3. Stem of a plant. Makua (ma'-ku'-a), v. [Maku, to be large.] To be enlarged; to be full; to be thick set; to be full grown. Makuahine (ma-ku'-a-hi'-ne), n. [Makua, parent, and wahine, fe- male.] A mother, etc., subject to all the figurative ideas of makua, n. Makuahonoai (ma'-ku'-a-ho'-no-a'i), n. [Makua and honoai, to bind to- gether.] A parent-in-law, either father or mother as it is followed by kane or wahine. Also spelled makuahonowai. Makuahonoai kane (ma'-ku'-a-ho'-no- a'i-ka'-ne), n. [Makua, parent, and honoai, to bind together, and kane, male.] A father-in-law. Makuahonoaiwahine (ma'-ku'-a-ho'- n6-a'i-wa'-hi'-ne), n. [Makua, par- ent, and honoai, to bind together, and wahine, female.] A mother- in-law. Makuahonowai (ma'-ku'-a-ho-n6'-wa'i) , n. Same as makuahonoai, a parent- in-law. Makuakane (mS,'-ku'-3,-ka'-ne), n. [Makua and kane, male.] The male parent; a father; the hus- band of one's mother. Makuakanekolea (ma'-ku'-a-ka'-ne-ko'- le'-a), n. [Makua and kane, male, and kolea, to make a friend.] A step-father. Makuakeahu (ma'-ku'-a-ke-a'-hu) n. 1. The spirit of a living person go- ing here and there even to where the clouds and sea meet; o waiho oe auanei a hala loa kou uhane makuakeahu. 2. Appearance of a human form apart from its live body; a phantom. Makuakolea (ma'-ku'-a-ko'-le'-a), n. [Makua, parent, and kolea, to make a friend or seek relation- ship.] A parent-in-law, either father or mother. Makuakua (ma'-ku'-a-ku'-a), n. Grass assembled and tied up in bunches. Pupu mauu. Makualii (ma'-ku'-a'-li'i), n. [Makua, parent, and lii, chief.] 1. A pro- genitor; a patriarch. 2. A head of a tribe; a chief. Makue (ma'-ku'e), adj. Dark; brown; blue; green, according to the sub- stance; lole makue, purple cloth. Makue (ma'-ku'e), n. 1. A pale brown or chestnut color; purple; blue; any dark color. 2. A dark or angry look, same as hoomakue. MAK 409 MAL Makue (m5'-ku'e), v. [Ma and kue, to oppose, or kue, dark.] 1. To punch or elbow one; to provoke to anger. 2. To frown; to drawn down the eyebrows as if sullen or , angry; to be dark with anger. I Makuekue (mS'-ku'e-ku'e), n. 1. A grass used to mix with the earth with which adobes are made. 2. Grass from which a gray dye was extracted. Makukoae (mS'-ku-ko'-a'e), n. The god who waits on the dying and bears away the last breath. Makule (ma'-ku'-le), n, A company of traveling persons; he haukai; a company of horses and riders, etc. Makulu (ma'-kuMu), n. A dropping of liquid. Makulu (ma'-ku'-lu), v. [Kulu, to drop.] To drop, as water or a liquid; to shed drops; to drop down, as water from a leaky roof; to drop, as water from the clouds, Makuo (ma'-ku'-o), adj. Brown. Makuu (ma'-ku'u), adj. [Ma and kuu, to let go.] Discharging stools involuntarily; lepo makuu, invol- untary alvine discharges. Makuu (m3,'-ku'u), n. A crease around the end of a canoe to hold a rope for dragging it; alalia hoo- pualiia ke kauwahi mahope o ka waa: ua kapaia kela wahi he makuu. Makuwahinekolea (m^'-ku'-wa'-hl'- ne-ko'-le'-a) , n. [Makua, parent, and wahine, female, and kolea, to make a friend.] A step-mother. Mala (ma'-la), adj. 1. Swelling; puffed up; enlarging; growing. 2. Exhausted; spent. Mala (ma'-la), n. 1. A swelling or puffing up, as of the chest; an en- largement; a growing. 2. A disease. 3. General name of any specific class of plants cultivated in bulk on dry land for the use of man. 4. Field where such plants are cultivated, as mala-uwala, potato field; mala-ko, sugar-cane field; mala-waina, vineyard. 5. The northeast trade wind, called also aeloa and moae. Mala (ma'-la), v. To swell; to swell up; to grow large; to puff up, as a swelling. Malae (m&Ma'e), n. [Ma and lae, a calm.] A calm; a calmness; a pleasant appearance. Maiaelae (ma'-la'e-la'e), adj. 1. Clear; serene, as the sky; pleas- ant, as the weather. 2. Clear; smooth, as a plain; without ob- structions. Malahl (ma'-la'-hi), v. Same as Maalahi, to be fortunate; to be favored by fortune. Malahia (ma'-ia-hl'-a), adj. [For malala, perf. part, of mala, to swell.] 1. Swollen or enlarged. 2. Bitter; disagreeable to the taste. Syn: Malallena. Malalla (ma'-ia'-i-la), adv. [Ma and lalla, there.] There; at that place. Malallena (ma'-ia'i-le'-na), adj. Bit- ter, acrid or sour; unpalatable. Malallena (ma'-la'i-le'-na), n. Bitter- ness; unpleasant taste; that which is unpalatable. Malallena (ma'-ia'i-le'-na), v. To be bitter; to be sour, as fermented food. Malailua (ma'-la'i-lfi'-a). n. 1. A goat without horns, derived from the name of a particular goat formerly found at Kona, on the island of Hawaii. Applied also to hornless cattle. Malaioa (ma'-lSi-o'-a), adj. Broken fine; scattered, as small particles of a substance. Malalaio (ma'-ia-la'I-5'-a), n. An of- fice in the king's train. Malalo (ma'-ia'-lo), adv. [Ma and lalo, down.] Downward; under; below; beneath. Malalua (ma'-iaiu'-a), v. To be blistered; as anything blistered; as fruit exposed to the hot sun: Ua malalua i ka la o Kawaihoa, Kawaihoa is blistered in the sun. Malama (ma'-ia'-ma), adj. Taking care; giving heed; watching over. Malama (ma'-15'-ma), adv. A condi- tional term. Perhaps; it may be, etc.; malama e kupu auanei ka hua i luluia, perhaps hereafter the seed sown may spring up; mala- ma o hull mal, perhaps he will turn. Malama is often connected with paha, which strengthens the possibility; as, malama paha e make la, perhaps he will die. Syn: Malia or malia paha, perhaps. Malama (ma'-ia-ma), n. The pan- creas. MAL 410 MAL Malama (ma'-la'-ma), n. 1. Light, as of the sun, moon or stars, Syn: Malamalama. 2. A solar month in distinction from mahina, a lunar month or moon. Malama (ma'-la'-ma), v. 1. To keep; to care for; to preserve. 2. To be careful; be not indifferent or reckless. 3. To keep; to pre- serve; to watch over. Syn: Kiai. 4. To serve as a servant; to take care of, as one who cares for an- other. 5. To reverence; to obey, as a command. 6. To observe, as a festival; to attend to, as a duty. 7. To be awake to danger. 8. To put and keep things in order. Malamala (ma'-la-ma'-la), n. [Mala, to swell.] Something swollen; enlarged by swelling; swollen with pride or haughtiness; he poe ma- kau kakou i ka malamala. Malamala (ma'-la-ma'-la), v. [Mala, to swell.] To rise up round and full; to be large. Malamalama (ma'-la'-ma-la'-ma), adj. Shining, as a light. Malamalama (ma'-la'-ma-l=C2=A7,'-ma), n. 1. Light; the light of the sun or of the heavenly bodies ; the light of a lamp or of a fire. 2. Fig. 1 Supernatural light; light of the mind; knowledge; knowledge of I salvation; opposite to pouli o ka j naau. I Malamalama (ma'-la'-ma-la'-ma), v. [Ma and lama, a torch.] 1. To shine; to give light, as the sun or any luminous body; to be light. 2. To be enlightened; to be clear in thought. Malana (ma'-la'-na), adj. [Lana, to float.] 1. Tottering; weak; feeble. 2. Loose; pulling up easily, as weeds from soft ground. Malana (ma'-la'-na), n. 1. A mov- ing together, as many single things. 2. A fine rain from the northeast at Waimea as it moves along before the trade wind. Malana (ma'-la'-na), v. IMa and lana, to float.] To float together, as a body of canoes; to move together, as a drove of cattle or a multitude of men; ke malana mai la na ka- naka. Malana hiki ae i ka ili kai. Malanai (ma'-la-na'i), n. 1. The gen- tle blowing of the northeast wind. 2. One of the names of the trade wind, called also moae and aeloa. MalanI (ma'-la'-ni), n. The sixteenth day of the month, called also Mahealani. Malaoa (ma'-la-o'-a), adj. Sad; sor- rowful, as one sitting and think- ing of many sources of grief and imaginary evils as they flit be- fore the mind as real ones; he weli malaoa aku no ka lue la. Malaolao (ma'-la'o-la'o), n. Twilight; light between day and night. Malau (ma'-la'u), n. 1. A place in the sea where the water is still and quiet; a calm place in the sea. 2. A place where the bait for the aku or bonito is found. 3. An incredulous person; skeptic. See hoomalau. Malau (ma-la'u), v. To be an un- believer. See hoomalau. Malauea (ma'-la'u-e'-a), n. An indo- lent person, indisposed to work; malauea o ka pililua o lawaia o ke aukaka. Malauea (ma'-la'u-e'-a), v. To be idle. Malawaina (ma'-la-wa'i-na), n. [Mala, a field, and waina, grapes.] A patch for grapes; a vineyard. Male (ma'-le), n. [Mod.] An incor- rect spelling of mare, marriage. Male (ma'-le) n. 1. Phlegm; mucous raised from the lungs or throat; he kuha paa. 2. A species of fish; the young of the uhu. Male (ma'-le), v. To expectorate. Malealea (ma'-le'-a-le'-a), v. To be cunning; to be crafty; to have a forethought for one's advantage. 2. To be assuaged; as one's anger; to be pacified. 3. To be skillful: malealea ke keiki a Kama i ka hookele waa. Malehaleha. (ma'-le'-ha-le'-ha), n. Same as molehulehu; the eve- ning twilight; the time of evening. Malehulehu (ma'-le'-hu-le'-hu), n. The appearance of the sky at dawn. Malela (ma'-le'-la), adj. Idle; lazy; indolent. Same as palela. Malele (ma'-le'-le), v. 1. To dis- tribute or give out to others, as food. 2. To call to one for help; malele kuala. Syn: Kahea. Malena (ma'-le'-na), n. A burning or preparing of medicine; he pa- paa laau lapaau; a medical bark. Maleno (ma'-le'-no), n. Same as malino. Calm, as the surface of water; smooth. MAL 411 MAL Mali (ma'-Ii), n. A string used in tying the bait on a fish-hook, or for tying the end of a rope to prevent it from unraveling. Mali (ma'-li), v. 1. To tie with re- peated turns; to tie on; to fas- ten, as a fish-hook to a string; to tie the end of a rope to keep it from unraveling; to tie up, as a broken limb. 2. Same as mali- mali. To beseech; to beg in a soothing manner. Malia (ma'-li'-a), adv. Perhaps; but; then; if then; lest; often fol- lowed by paha or o or both; malia paha i hehuia makou i poe nana e kuhikuhi i ka iwi; malia o, lest; malia paha o, lest per- haps. Syn: Malama, or malama paha. Malie (ma'-li'-e), adj. Quiet; calm; still; gentle. Malie (ma'-li'-e), adv. Quietly; calmly; gently. Malie (ma'-li'-e), v. To be calm; to be quiet; to be still as to noise; to cease an agitation; to be calm, as the sea after a storm. Hoo- malie is the transitive form. Malie lie (ma'-li'-e-ll'-e), v. [Inten- sive of malie.] To be hushed; to be made quiet. Hoomalielie is the transitive form. Malihini (ma'-li-hl'-ni), adj. As a stranger ; stranger like ; new faced ; maka hou. Malihini (ma'-li-hi'-ni), n. 1. A stranger; a non-resident; a tran- sient; a person from another place. 2, Fig. One who has not been seen for some time. Malihini (ma'-li-hl'-ni), v. To be or to live as a stranger. Malii (mS,'-li'i), v. Contraction of malili, which see. Malili (ma'-li'-li), adj. Lessened; stinted; degenerated; withered; applied to fruits. Malili ma'-li'-li), n. A blast, as upon fruits; a blasting; blight. Malili (ma'-li'-li), v. 1. To be as- suaged; to be calmed} as a storm. 2. To be withered; to droop; to be shriveled, said of blasted fruit. Malimali (m^'-li-ma'-li), adj. Sooth- ing in language; flattering; dis- sembling. Malimali (ma'-li-ma'-li), n. Flattery; dissimulation; pleasant speech for gain or advantage; he poe akamai i ka malimali, a company skilled in flattery. Malimali (ma'-li-ma'-li), v. [Mali, to beseech.] 1. To dissemble through flattery. 2. To flatter for the sake of some advantage. 3. To speak pleasantly in order to make one forget former in- juries. 4. To persuade with flat- tery or soft words. Syn: Hoo- malimali. Mallna (m3,'-li'-na), n. A calm, smooth place in the sea; o ka malina a Moi, kekahi kahuna nui o ia manawa. Malino (mS'-li'-no), adj. [Ma and lino, from linolino.] 1. Calm; quiet; as one whose spirits have been ruffled; calm, as the sur- face of water without wind; quiet; gentle. Syn: Malie. 2. Re- flecting light, as calm water. Syn: Olinolino. Malinolino (ma'-li'-n6-li'-no), adj. In- tensive of malino, calm. Malio (ma'-li'o), n. The opening of the morning; the first rays of light; malio pawa o ke kakahiaka. Syn: Pawa. Maliu (ma'-li'-u), n. A chief deified. Maliu (ma-li'-u), n. A peculiar property of the voice; depth of tone; a deep sound. Maliu (ma'-li'-u), v. 1. To attend to one; to regard or listen to one's request. 2. To turn a compas- sionate eye upon one; to be favor- ably disposed towards one; to look upon one with kindness when needing compassion. 3. To heark- en to advice; to turn from a pur- pose. 4. To be accepted as an offering. 5. To be gracious to one; to turn toward one; to have respect to. Matiuia (ma'-li'-ii-i'a), adj. Accept- able; favorable. Malo (ma-lo), adj. Same as maloo, dry. Malo (ma'-lo), n. A strip of tapa or cloth girded about the loins of men; in former times the malo was the only dress worn by men. Maloeloc (ma'-lo'e-lo'e), adj. 1. Weary; stiffened with labor or traveling. Syn: Oopa. 2. Firm; substantial; rigid; erect. 3. Phys- ically strong. MAL 412 MAL Maloeloe (ma'-lo'e-lo'e), v. [Loe- loe, feeble.] To be faint; to be weary; to be relaxed. Malohi (ma'-16'-hi), v. [Ma and lohi, slow.] To be slow; to be lazy; a maluhi, malohi, maloeloe. Malohilohi (ma'-lo'-hi-lo'-hi), adj. Weary from traveling. Syn: Ma- loeloe, maluhiluhi. Malotiilohi (ma'-16'-hi-lo'-hi), v. [Ma and lohi, slow] To be weary; to be fatigued. Syn: Maloeloe and maluhiluhi. Maloi (ma-lo'i), v. To start in the eyes, as tears for love or affec- tion. Haloi is the usual form. Maloka (ma'-lo'-ka), adj. Disobedi- ent; unbelieving in the word of a chief. Maloka (ma'-16'-ka), n. A disregard of the commands of a chief. See hoomaloka. Maloka (ma'-lo'-ka), v. See hooma- loka. Maloko (mS,'-lo'-ko), prep. [Ma and loko, within.] In; within; inside of; internally. Malolo (ma'-16'-lo), adj. Ebbing much farther than usual, as the sea. When this occurs, it is fol- lowed by a very high tide called ke kaimalolo. Malolo (ma'-16'-lo), n. The flying fish. (Evolantia microptera.) A very popular food fish, Malolo (ma'-16'-lo), n. 1. A day of preparation before a la kapu. 2. In later times, equivalent to Sat- urday; ka la hoomalolo, the day before the Sabbath. Malolo (ma'-16'-lo), v. 1. To break off work at the arrival of a tabu period; to rest. 2. To ebb and flow, as the ocean, much more than usual; o Nana no ka malama e malolo ai ka moana. (Used generally with the prefix hoo.) See hoomalolo. Malolohi (ma'-16-lo'-hi), adj. [Ma and lohi or lolohi, slow.] Slug- gish; numb, torpid. Malololua (ma'-16'-16-lu'-a) n. [Malo- lo, ebbing, and lua, second.] The reflux of a very low ebb tide of the sea; o ke kai malololua kona. Maloo (ma'-lo*o), adj. 1. Dry, as land, in opposition to water; dry in opposition to moist or wet. 2. Dead, as a vegetable dried up. Maloo (ma'-lo'o), v. 1. To be dried up, as water. 2. To be withered as a tree. 3, To become dry, as a river. Maloohaha (ma'-lo'o-ha'-ha'), adj. Dry; barren; unfruitful, as ground. Maloohaha (ma'-lo'o-ha'-ha'), v. To be dry, barren, unproductive, sterile. Malowai (ma'-16-wai), n. [Malo, a loincloth, and wai, wet; water.] A wet malo; ina i komo ke ka- naka ma ko ke alii hale me ka pale ole i kona malowai e make no. Malu (ma-lu'), adj. Secret; not openly; contrary to order; with- out liberty; unlawful; olelo malu, secret conversation. Malu (ma'-lu), adj. 1. Shady, under cover, 2. Free from harm; safe. 3. Overshadowed; protected; gov- erned. 4. Quiet; without care or anxiety. Malu (ma-lu'), adv. Secretly; un- lawfully, Malu (ma'-lu), n. 1. A shade; the shadow of a tree or anything that keeps off the sun. 2. Peace; quietness; protection. Malu (ma'-lu), v, 1, To be shaded; to be shady, overcast, cloudy: Malu ka la, the sun is shaded. =E2=80=94 Laieik, p. 163, 2. To be com- fortable, as in a shade when all is heat around; to be in a state of quietness and peace with oth- ers. 3. To be protected; to have many enjoyments and privileges. Malua (ma'-lu'-a), n. Slight falling in of the surface of anything solid. Malua (ma'-lu'-a), v. 1. To lower the surface of any portion of ground; to make a depression on the surface of anything, 2, To be lower than the surrounding surface. Maluahele (ma'-lu'-a-he'-le), n. A wind on the island of Kauai from the north-west. Maluakele (ma'-lu'-a-ke'-le), n, A wind blowing mostly on the island of Kauai; hohola ka maluakele. Trade wind as known on the north coast of Kauai. Malualua (ma'-lu'-a-lu'-a), adj. Rough; uneven; hilly, as land. Malualua (ma'-lu'-a-lu'-a), n. 1. The northwest wind at Lahaina, on MAL 413 MAM the island of Maui. 2. A wind on the island of Kauai. 3. A north wind on the island of Oahu. Malualua (ma'-lu'-a-lu'-a), v. To be rough and uneven; to be up and down, as hilly land; as an un- even road. Maluha (ma'-ltl-ha'), n. [Heb.] A mallow bush; perhaps purslane. Maluhl (ma-lu'-hi), adj. [Ma and luhl, weary.] Tired; slow; weary; lazy; dull; drowsy. Maluhia (ma'-lii-hl'-a), adj. 1. Peace- ful; quiet, etc. 2. Silent; trou- bled with fear during the ancient worship. Maluhia (ma'-lti-hi'-a), adv. Quiet- ly; silently. Maluhia (ma'-lti-hi'-a), n. 1. Peace; quietness; safety. 2. A sense of the presence and power of the gods. 3. Fear; dread of the gods in ancient times. 4. The solemn awe and stillness that reigned during some of the ancient tabus. 5. The sacredness and solemnity of religious rites. Maluhia (ma'-lii-hi'-a), v. 1. To be at rest; to enjoy peace: Aole i maluhia ka aina no ke kaua pine- pine, The land did not enjoy rest on account of frequent wars. 2. To be under a tabu; to be under the injunction of a solemn still- ness or silence, as at some parts of the ancient worship; to be under a prohibitory order; to be tabooed. Maluhiluhl (maMu'-hl-lu'-hi), adj. Fatiguing; painful; weary; lazy; indolent. Maluhiluhl (ma'-lu'-hi-lu'-hi), n. Weariness; pain from exertion; fatigue from labor. Maluhiluhi (ma'-lu'-hi-lfT-hi), v. [Ma and luhi, weary.] To be weary from traveling; to be weary, that is, to be inclined to sleep. Malukoi (ma'-lil-koi), n. [Malu, shade, and kol.l The shadow of death. Syn: Malumake. Malule (ma'-lu'-le), adj. Limber; weak; flexible; changeable. Malule (ma'-lu'-le), n. Weakness; flexibility; a changing from one form to another. Malule (ma'-lu'-le), v. [Ma and lule, to shake.] 1. To be weak; to be yielding; to be flexible; to be supple. Mafulelule (ma'-lii'-le-m'-Ie), adj. [Intensive of malule.] Weak; flexible; changing; limber. Malulu (ma'-lO'-lu), n. [Ma and lulu, a calm spot of water.] A place where water stands not dried up by the sun nor by drought; he wahi wai, aole kaee i ka la ame ke koeleele. Malumake (ma'-lti-ma'-ke), n. [Malu, shade, and make, death.] The shade or shadow of death. Syn: Malukoi. Malumalu (m^'-lQ-m^'-lu), n. [Malu, shade.] Shady; cool; comfortable; peaceful; hale malumalu, a shed; a portico. Malumalu (ma'-lii-ma'-lu), n. [Malu, shade.] 1. A shade, etc. 2. Fig. Protection ; safety. Malumalu (mS,'-lCi-ma'-lu), v. [Malu, shade.] To be shady; to be over- shadowed. Malumaluhia (ma'-lfl-ma'-lCl-hi'-a), n. [Maluhia, peace.] Peace; quiet- ness, rest. Maluna (ma'-lu'-na), prep, and adv. [Ma and luna, above.] Upward; upon; over, either as to place or office; oia no maluna o ka poe Maluohia (ma'-lQ-o'-hi'a), n. 1. The prayer of a person at the cutting of the ohia tree for a god. 2, The name of the tabu setting apart that tree. Maluwa (ma'-ld-wa'), adj. Lazy; in- different about work; idle. Same as molowa. Mama (m^'-ma), adj. Chewed; mas- ticated; kona mau mama awa, per- sons whose business it was to chew awa to make intoxicating drink. (Laieik. p. 88.) Mama (ma'-ma'), adj. Light; active; nimble. Mama (ma'-ma'), n. Lightness; swiftness in movement. Mama (ma'-ma'), v. 1. To be light, in opposition to heavy; to be un- oppressed with a burden; to be relieved of a burden of care or of labor; to be light, that is, free of weight. 2. To be active; to be nimble; to be enlivened. 3. To revive from a fainting fit: A mama ae la ke alii (Laieik, p. 165); to regain health after ill- ness. 4. To be active; to be nimble; to be swift; fleet. MAM 414 MAM Mama (ma'-ma), v. To chew with a view to spit out of the mouth; to chew or work over in the mouth; hoomakaukau iho la ia e mama i ke kukui; to chew or grind in the mouth, as the Ha- waiian doctors chewed some of their medicines. (When the sub- stance chewed is to be swallowed, the action of the chewing is nau.) Hoolale koke ae la ke ku- hina e mama i ka awa. =E2=80=94 Laieik. p. 34. Mamaauea (ma'-ma-a'u-e'a), n. Wild taro growing in uncultivated places, called also aweuweu. Mamae (ma'-ma'e), n. [Ma and mae, pain.] 1. A pain or uneasy feeling, as of the flesh in cupping; similar to mae. 2. A slight invol- untary contraction of the muscles when hurt or threatened to be hurt; strain of the side muscles of the body. Mamae (ma'-ma'e), v. 1. To wilt; to be wilted. 2. To grow pale; to fade. Mamaiea (ma'-ma'i-e'-a), n. A species of sea moss. Mamaka (ma'-ma'-ka), adj. Hori- zontal. Mamaka (ma'-ma'-ka), n. A stick on which burdens are carried across the shoulders, called also auamo and aumaka. Mamaka (ma'-ma'-ka), v. 1. To travel in company ; to go in bands ; e hele huakai. 2. To carry on a mamaka. Mamakakaua (ma'-ma,'-kS,-ka'u-a), n. [Mamaka, to carry, and kaua, war.] A principal man in battle, such as bears the brunt of a fight. Mamakaualu (ma'-ma'-ka'u-^'-lu), adv. [Mamaka, horizontal, and ualu, to claw.] Horizontally; flying off horizontally like a bird. Lele ma- maka au honu i ke kai. Mamake (ma'-ma'-ke), n. 1. The bush or plant from the bark of which the mamaki tapas are made. (Pipturus albidus.) One of the two tapa plants, the other being wauke. 2. The name of the tapa or cloth thus made. Mamake (ma'-ma'-ke), v. [Freq. of make, to die.] To die or perish together or in companies. Mamala (ma'-ma'-la), n. [Ma and mala, a small piece of ground] A small piece of any substance i broken off from a larger; a frag- I ment. He hakina. I Mamalahoa (ma'-ma'-ia-ho'-a), n. [Mod.] A military company. Mamalahoe (ma'-ma'-la-ho'-e), n. [Ma- mala, piece, and hoe, paddle.] One of Kamehameha's criminal laws, a law of the most stringent class; ; the violation of all such laws was, I indeed, punishable with death. i The name was derived from the fact that he came near losing his life by a paddle being split over i his head. O Kamehameha ka mea i nana i kau mamalahoe kanawai. Mamalu (ma'-ma'-lu), adj. Covered; shaded; protected. Mamalu (ma'-ma'-lu), n. [Ma and malu, shade.] 1. A shade; a screen from the sun. 2. In mod- ern times, an umbrella. Syn: I Loulu. 3. A defense from a storm; I covering; a protection. Mamalu (ma'-ma'-lu), v. [Ma and malu, to be protected.] To be de- fended from evil; to parry off; to hinder one from doing a thing. Mamamake (ma'-ma-ma'-ke), v. Same as mamake. Mama ma I a (ma'-mS-ma'-la), adj. Small; little, as little or light work; little, as the voice; he noho wale iho no na 'Hi, he olu- olu, he mamamala, aole hana nui. Mamamo (ma'-ma'-mo), n. A species of fish belonging to the porgy fam- i ily. (Monotaxis grandoculis.) Al- i so called mu, mamamu, and mamo. Mamamu (ma-ma'-mu), n. Same as mamamo. MamanI (ma'-ma'-ni), n. A hard- wood tree (Sophora chrysophylla), found chiefly at 8,000 to 10,000 feet elevation. Mamao (ma'-ma'-o), adj. Far away; i distant; far off; palena mamao loa, the utmost bounds. Mamao ma'-ma'-o), adv. [Ma and mao (see o), compound preposi- tion, literally, at there.] At a dis- tance, but not far off; out of hearing. Mamao (ma'-ma'-o), n. 1. A dis- tance of time or space. 2. Some- thing existing or done at a great distance off, or a long time ago. 3. Same as maomao, a species of ; fish. MAM 415 MAN Mamao (ma'-ma'o), n. Any dye substance. Syn: Pipilia. Mamao (ma'-ma'-o), v. To be re- moved to a distance; to be afar off; to be far from locally and morally. Imp., keep at a distance. Mamau (m&'-mU'u) , adj. Rough; dif- ficult; uneven; narrow, as a path; hard to unloose; rough in treat- ment, as in contention. Mamau (mS'-m^'u), v. 1. To be rough, as a road; to make rough or uneven. 2. To be hard or heavy upon, as in the use of language. 3. To be oppressive. 4. To be stationary; to run aground, as a canoe when it touches bottom in shallow water. Mamaua (m=C2=A7,'-ma'u-a), v. Same as maumaua. To receive without re- turning an equivalent. Mamina (ma'-mi'-na), v. [Ma and mina, grief.] To regret the loss of anything; to hold onto it; to withhold its loss. Syn: Mina- mina. Mamo (ma'-mo), adj. Yellow, from! the yellow bird called mamo; aahu mamo, a yellow garment; Ua aahuia i ka lole ula ame ka- j aahu mamo. He was clothed in a i red coat and a yellow robe. j Mamo (ma'-mo), n. 1. A descendant; | posterity below the third genera- 1 tion. 2. Children; descendants; generally. 3. A bird (Drepanis pa- 1 cifica). 4. A yellow war cloak | covered with the feathers of the ! mamo. 5. Same as mamamo, a species of fish. Mamona (ma'-m5'-na), n. [Biblical =E2=80=94 | mammon.] Riches. | Mamua (ma'-mu'a), prep. [Ma and mua, first.] Before; first in Ume or place; formerly; previously; in, front of. Mamull (ma'-mCi'-li), prep. [Ma and j muli, after.] Behind; afterwards; j hereafter; soon; by and by; after; according to; after the example of. Mana (ma'-na), adj. 1. Powerful; strong. 2. Influential; able to produce effects. Mana (ma'-na), n. 1. Supernatural power, such as was believed to be , an attribute of the gods; power; strength; might. Applied under the Christian system to divine power. Lunk. 6:14. 2. Spirit; energy of character. Official power or authority; o kona mau kaikuahine ka mana kiai. =E2=80=94 Laieik. p. 101. 3. A branch or limb of a tree; the cross piece of a cross. 4. A limb of the human body. 5. A line projecting from another line. See manamana. Mana (mi'-na), v. 1. To branch out as shoots from the stem of a tree; to branch off; to spread out from a point. 2. See hoomana. Mana (ma'-na), v. To feed from the mouth. Manahaio (ma'-naha'-lo), n. [Mana, limb, and halo, motion of fins.] The motion of the arms and legs in swimming. Manahua (mS'-na-hu'a), n. Sorrow- ing from love. Syn: Minamina. Manai (ma'-na'i), n. An instrument used anciently as a needle in stringing flowers for wreaths; e ake no lakou e hookuikui i ka manai, a uo i ke kaula i lawa; a sharp instrument to make leis with. Manaka (m^'-nS-ka'), adj. Faint- hearted; lazy; Aole e loaa keia mea, o ka naauao, i ka mea ma- naka, This thing, learning, will not be obtained by the lazy. Manaka (ma'-na-ka'), n. Discourage- ment; faint-heartedness ; indif- ference in one's business; lazi- ness. Manaka (m^'-na-ka'), v. 1. To be discouraged; to be disheartened in doing a thing. 2. To become indifferent as to the result; to be lazy; to be. slack and careless. Manalo (ma'-nS'-lo), adj. 1. Sweet, as fresh water, in distinction from brackish or salt water. 2. Slight- ly brackish; insipid. 3. Free from taint; free from bad taste. 4. Firm; hard, as good taro, in dis- tinction from loliloli. Manalo (ma'-na'-lo), n. Sweetness; absence of bad taste. Manalonalo (ma'-na'-16-na'-lo), v. To be unseasoned, as food; to be in- sipid to the taste; to be without taste, as pure water. Syn: Mana- nalo. Manamana (ma'-na-ma'-na), adj. Branching; projecting in parallel or radiated lines; divided; split. MAN 416 MAN as limbs of trees, twigs of | branches, etc. I Manamana (ma'-na-ma'-na), n. 1. A branch; a limb of a tree or of a person. 2. A shooting out; a sep- arating into branches. Manamana (ma'-na-ma'-na), v. [Ma-, na to branch.] To branch out; | to grow into branches ; to form several divisions ; to part asunder, as several things from each other. Manamanalima (ma'-na-ma'-na-li'-ma), n. [Manamana, to branch, and lima, hand or arm.] The branching of the arm; the finger. Manamananui (ma'-na-ma'-na-nu'-i) n. [Manamana, branch, and nui, large.] The thumb or the great toe as it is connected with the lima, hand, or the wawae, foot. Manamanawawae (m^'-na-ma'-na-wa'- wa'e), n. [Manamana, branch, and wawae, foot.] The toes. Manana (ma'-na'-na), n. A kind of sweet potato. Manana (ma'-na'-na), v. To be spread; to be extended, as legs or arms. Manana (ma'-nJl-na'), v. To em- brace: Hoopili aku a manana koke iho la no; manana ke kanaka i ka wahine, i ke keiki, ame na mea e ae. Syn: Apo or puili. Mananai (ma'-na'-na'i), n. Same as malanai. A gentle breeze; a pleas- ant wind for sailing and no roll- ing of the canoe or vessel. Mananalo (ma'-na-na'-lo), adj. 1. In- sipid; tasteless, as pure cool wa- ter. 2. Slightly brackish. 3. Sweet, as water. j Mananalo (ma'-na-na'-lo), n. 1. The | planet Venus. 2. A small fish, a variety of hinalea or coral fish. Also called ananalo. Mananalo (ma'-na-na'-lo), v. To be pure; to be simple, as a liquid; , without mixture of ingredients. Mananao (ma'-na-na'o), n. [Manao, thought.] Thought; opinion; view of a matter; eia ka mananao o ka poe pono ia lakou ; Ina hoi i ole ka pepa, heaha ka pono e loaa mai no ka noonoo ana i mananao? Manane (ma'-na'-ne), n. Same as manena (Pelea cinerea). An herb used as a medicine. Manao (ma'-na'o), n. A thought; an idea; a plan; a device; a pur- 1 pose; a counsel; a strategem; ' manao kiekie, a high thought; pride; manao io, faith; belief; confidence; manao oiaio, same as manao io; manao kuko, lust; ma- nao lana, hope; expectation; ma- nao akamai, spirit of wisdom. Manao (ma'-na'o), v. To think; to think of; to call to mind; to medi- tate; manao io, manao oiaio, to believe as true; to credit; to have full confidence in; to wish; to will. Manaoia (ma'-na'o-ia), n. [Perf. part, of manao.] That which is believed, thought or supposed. Manaoio (ma'-na'o-i'o), n. Faith; verity; full confidence. Manaoio (ma'-na'o-i'o), v. [Manao, think, and io, real; substantial.] To believe; to credit what one says. To have confidence in. Same as manao oiaio, to think to be truth or true. Manaokupaa (ma'-na'o-ku-pa'a), n. [Manao, thought, and ku, to stand, and paa, fast] A decree; a fixed plan; a settled purpose. Manaolana (ma'-na'o-la'-na), n. Hope; expectation; a buoyancy of mind. Manaolana (ma'-na'o-la'-na), v. [Manao, thought, and lana, to float.] 1. To be buoyed up, as the mind; not to sink, in opposition to manao poho, to sink; to despond; hence, 2. To hope; to trust in; to expect. Manaolia (ma'-na'o-li'-a), n. Same as manaoia. That which is thought of, or destined, or purposed. Manaonao (ma'-na'o-na'o), n. A med- itating; a turning over in the mind; grief; sadness on parting with friends. (Laieik. p. 194.) Mourning; sadn^s for the death of one. Manaonao (ma'-na'o-na'o), v. 1. To think over; to turn over and over in one's mind. 2. To lament; to grieve; to pity one; to mourn for one. Syn: Kumakena. 3. To be overcome by the suffering of oth- ers. Manaopaa (ma'-na'o-pa'a), adj. Just; inflexible; not turned aside by selfish motives; he kaikamahine manaopaa no, aole e hoopilimeaai. =E2=80=94 Laieik. p. 194. Manaopaa (ma'-na'o-pa'a), n. [Manao, thought, and paa, firm.] A plan; MAN 417 MAN a resolution; a design. (Laieik. p. 25.) Manawa (ma'-na'-wa), n. 1. Feel- ings; affections; sympathy. 2. Dis- position. 3. A spirit; an appari- tion. Manawa (mS.'-na'-wa), n. 1. The an- terior and posterior fontanel in the heads of young children; the soft place in the heads of infants. 2. A time; a season; a space between two events; a space between two material objects, between two lo- calities, etc.; he manawa ole, in- stantly; immediately. (Laieik. p. 102.) See wa. Manawaea (ma'-na'-wa-e'a), n. Child- hood before the open place in the head is grown up. Manawaea (ma'-na'-wa-e'a), n. Hard breathing; an impediment in breathing; a panting for breath. Manawahua (ma'-na'-wa-hu-a'), adj. [Manawa, disposition, and hua, jealous.] Of bad disposition; un- lovely; evil minded; angry. Manawahua (ma'-na'-wa-hu'-a), n. 1. Loss of appetite. Syn: Kaea. 2. An unpleasant state of the bowels; the disease called hailepo. 3. An evacuation of the bowels. Manawahua (ma'-na'-wa-hu-a'), n. [Manawa, disposition, and hua, envy.] Irascibility; anger; evil mindedness. Manawahuakaikoo (ma'-na'-wa-hu'-a- kSi-ko'o), n. [Manawa, time; hua, to swell, and kaikoo, a high surf.] 1. A great perturbation of the sea, wind and current contrary. 2. A great perturbation of the mind, thoughts distracted. See hakukai. Manawai (ma'-na-wa'i), adj. Bent in; crooked; defective internally. Manawaino (ma'-na'-wa-I'-no), adj. [Manawa, disposition, and ino, bad.] Evil minded; having a bad disposition; unlovely; unfriendly. Manawalea (ma'-na'-wS-le'a), adj. Be- stowing freely to the needy; gen- erous; liberal; bestowing upon the undeserving; gracious. Mea naau manawalea, a person of a willing heart, that is, willing to give. Manawalea (mS'-na'-wa-le'a), n. Alms; that which is given to the poor; a gift; help in time of need; a pres- ent made to assuage one's anger. Manawalea (ma'-na'-wa-le'a), v, [Ma- nawa, feelings, and lea, to please.] To send or give relief in distress; to give alms; to give willingly, cheerfully and liberally; to be- stow something upon another with i affection. i Manawanui (ma'-na'-wa-nu'-i), n. Steadfastness in difficulties; pa- tience; watching; the resistance of evil appetites or passions; tem- perance. Hoomanawanui is the preferable form. Manawanui (ma'-na'-wa-nu'-i), v. See hoomanawanui which is the proper ! form. Manawanulkaioo (ma'-na'-wa-nu'-i- ka'i-o'o), n. A fabled whirlpool. Mane (ma'-ne), n. [Heb.] Manna, the food of the Israelites in the wilderness of Arabia. Manea (ma-n^'-a), n. 1. The hoof of a beast, as ox or horse. (Lunk. 5:22.) The nail of a person's fin- ger or toe; the claws of a beast or fowl; the ball of a man's foot. Syn: Maiao and Maiuu. Manea o ka moku, the toes, that is, the de- pendents of an island; keel of a ship. 2. An underling; an inferior. (The word signifies the relative importance of an island, as: he manea o Niihau no Kauai; he ma- nea o Molokai no Maui.) Manei (ma'-ne'i), prep. Same as maanei. Manele (ma'-ne'-le), n. 1. A sedan chair; a species of palanquin; a bier. 2. The pole with which two men carried a corpse; he laau amo kupapau. 3. A beautiful tree about 80 feet high. (Sapindus sa- ponaria.) Also called a'e. Manele (ma'-ne'-le), v. To carry on the shoulders of four men, as a pa- lanquin or a sedan chair. (This mode of conveyance is said to have been formerly very common among the chiefs; but a certain chief of Kauai, very corpulent and very crabbed to his people, used to make them carry him up and down the palis, until weary with his pet- ulancy, they allowed him to fall, or threw him down a deep pali or precipice; after which time it was not so fashionable for chiefs to ride in that manner.) Manelo (ma'-ne'-lo), adj. Free; clear; not rough, said of undis- turbed sea; quiet, unbroken; smooth, as a manelo. MAN 418 MAN Manelo (ma'-ne'-lo), n. A smooth, flat place at the bottom of the sea. Manena (ma'-ne'-na), n. A medicinal herb, used as a cathartic. Manene (ma'-ne'-ne), adj. 1. Soft and tender footed; smooth footed. 2. Affected in walking, as with dizzi- ness. 3. Fearful; trembling with fear, Syn: Maeele. Manene (ma'-ne'-ne), n. The ner- vous sensation of one when, in a dangerous situation, his hands or feet slip. Manene (ma'-ne'-ne), v. 1. To trem- ble for, as for one in danger; ma- nene aku i ka mea aneane haule; manene i ka mea e pepehi ia ana; manene i ka mea kokoke make. 2. To be dizzy or like one intoxi- cated. See mania and ona. 3. To slip, as a man's foot or fingers in climbing a pali or precipice. 4. To be fearful in expectation of harm. Maneo (ma'-ne'o), adj. Itching; pe- peiao maneo, itching ears, that is, desirous of hearing new or strange things. Maneo (ma'-ne'o), n. An itching pain; the sensation after eating red peppers or raw taro. Maneo (ma'-ne'o), v. 1. To itch; to feel the sensation of itching. 2. To be bitter or pungent to the taste, as after eating raw taro or red pepper. 3. To be sharp and prick- ing. Maneoneo (ma'-ne'o-ne'o), n. A moss used as food. Manewa (ma'-ne'-wa), n. 1. A vege- table; a species of trailing grass near the sea beach. 2. The breathing of a fish; the muscular motion of such breathing. Manewanewa (ma'-ne'-wa-ne'-wa), n. Extreme sorrow. Mani (ma'-ni), adj. [Contraction of mania.] Dull; heavy; smooth. ManI (ma'-ni), n. [Biblical.] A He- brew weight for money; a pound. Mani (ma'-ni), v. To diminish, as heat; to fly off, as heat; to cool; e waiho ana ka momoku pi e mani ka umu. Mania (m^'-ni'-a), adj. 1, Inactive; drowsy; sleepy. 2. Smooth; even of surface. See laupapa. Same as laumania. Mania (ma'-nl'-a), n. 1. Dizziness; drowsiness; inclination to sleep. 2. The sensation felt when one files a saw. 3. Smoothness. Mania (ma'-ni'-a), v. 1. To be dull; to be blunt, as a dull instrument. 2. To be heavy; to be smooth. 3. To be affected, as the nerves at any sudden or unpleasant noise. Maniania (ma'-m'-a-ni'-a), adj. [Ma- nia, sleepy, smooth.] 1. Even; smooth. 2. Dull; sleepy; lazy, etc. Maniania (ma'-ni'-a-ni'-a), n. Species of grass (Capriola dactylon), soft and smooth; also applied to a lawn grass (Stenotaphrum secun- datum). Same as manienie. Maniania (ma'-ni'-a-nl'-a), v. Inten- sive of mania, to be dull. Manianiaula (ma'-ni'-a-ni'-a-u'-la), n. [Maniania, grass, and ula, red.] A species of low grass with bearded seeds; it is found on the island of Lanai, and is the same as pilipili- ula on the island of Hawaii. Manie (ma'-ni'-e), adj. Smooth; plain. Same as mania, laumania and laumanie. Manienie (ma'-ni'-e-ni'-e), n. 1. A species of grass said to have been introduced about 1835 by Dr. G. P. Judd, and called manienie by the natives on account of its creep- ing habit. (Capriola dactylon.) Popularly known as Bermuda grass. 2. The original manienie or creep- ing grass of the natives (Stenota- phrum secundatum). Found in the tropics of all continents. Maniha (ma'-ni'-ha), adj. Wild; j rude; rough; harsh. Same as niha and kamaniha. Manila (ma'-n!'-la), n. Manila hats, from the city of Manila. Manini (ma'-ni'-ni), adj. Spilling; overflowing, as water. Same as nanini. [ Manini (ma'-ni'-ni), n. 1. A species of coral reef fish (Hepatus sand- vicensis) caught by diving. 2. A variety of taro. Manini (ma'-ni'-ni), v. [Ma and nini, to spill a little at a time.] 1. To spill or spatter out, as water in j carrying. 2. To overflow; to run j over, as water. Maninini (ma'-ni-ni'-ni), adj. Over- flowing. \ Maninini (ma'-ni-nl'-ni), n. A species of fish; the young manini. ) Maninini (ma'-ni-ni'-ni), v. [Freq. of manini.] To overflow; to spill MAN 419 MAN over; to run over, as water; ale- ale ka wai, maninini mawaho. Manino (ma'-ni'-no), n. Same as ma- lino. A calm or quiet after a storm; the abating or lulling of strong winds. Manlnonino (ma'-ni'-n6-ni'-no), n. [Intensive of manino.] 1. A calm; a lull of strong wind. 2. A small quiet place sheltered from the wind. Syn: Malino. Mano (ma'-no), adj. Thick; multi- tudinous; many; numerous. Same as manomano and manuu. Mano (ma'-no), n. 1. The number 4,000; hookahi lau ai. hookahi mano ia, one 400 bunches of food, one 4.000 of fish. He umi lau ua like ia me ka mano, 4,000, Ten lau equals a mano, 4,000. 2. Artificial head of a stream of water; place where water is assembled for dis- tribution through channels. Mano (ma-no'), n. A shark; he inoa no ka ia ai kanaka. (There are many species of shark, besides some other kinds of fish which Ha- waiians call by the general name of mano, as the niuhi and the ahi; they were all tabu to women to eat under penalty of death.) Mano (ma'-no), V. To throw; to cast, as a stone; to throw at a thing; e pehi; to pelt. Manoa (ma'-no'-a), adj. [Contraction of manoanoa.] Thick; compact; solid; not thin as a board or plank; thick; deep, as a sub- stance having breadth and depth, that is, thickness. Manoa (ma'-no'-a), n. Thickness; depth. Manoanoa (ma'-no'-a-no'-a), adj. 1. Thick, as a board. 2. Of high sta- tion; distinguished. Manoanoa (ma'-no'-a-no'-a), n. 1. Thickness. Aia no a like pu ka manoanoa alii o na kupuna. 2. Nobility. Manoanoa (ma'-n6'-a-no'-a), v. [Ma- noa, thick, deep.] 1. To be thick; to be impenetrable. 2. Fig. Ap- plied to the mind, to be careless; to be dull of apprehension; to be Inattentive; to be indifferent. Manoi (m^'-no'i), n. 1. Coconut oil scented; oil. 2. Perfume. Manomano (ma'-nfi-ma'-no), adj. Man- ifold; many. Great in number; ex- cessive; magnificent; powerful; numerous. Manomano (ma'-n6-ma'-no), n. Great- ness, in power, might, merit, num- bers, etc. Manomano (ma'-n6-ma'-no), v. [Ma- no, many.] To be multitudinous; to be or become many. Manono (ma'-n6'-no), n. 1. The sea as the surf dashes against the rocks; o kekaikuihala kui manono. 2. Block set athwart a canoe to which the iako are lashed. Manono (ma'-no'-no), n. Plants be- longing to the genus Gouldia. Manowal (ma'-n6-wa'i), n. 1. Place where water is assembled for the purpose of leading it out in chan- nels. Syn: Kumano, puwai. 2. The heart; the place whence the blood comes together, as in a fountain, and flows out again. Syn: Puuwai. Manu (ma'-nu), adj. Salty; pungent; sharp; palatable. Manu (ma'-nu), n. 1. The general name for fowls; all winged feath- ered animals; na mea eheu e lele ana; a bird. 2. The name of two gods at the gate of Lono's yard. 3. The upward-projecting pieces on the two ends of a canoe, distin- guished by the words mua and hope, as manu mua and manu hope, fore and aft. Manuaihue (ma'-nu-a'i-hQ'-e), n. [Ma- nu, bird, and aihue, to steal.] The partridge, mentioned in the book of Jeremiah. Manuea (mS'-nu-e'a), adj. Blunder- ing; careless; indifferent in action. Manuea (ma'-nti-e'a), v. To blunder; to act carelessly; to be dilatory in movement. Syn: Hanamanuea. Manuheu (ma'-nu-he'u), adj. Scratch- ing with the finger to relieve itch- ing. Manuheu (ma'-nu-he'u), n. [Manu, bird, and heu, wing.] A breaking up; a flying away; a setting at variance, as a people; civil com- motion or contention. Manuheu (mS'-nu-he'u), n. A part broken off. Manuheu (ma'-nu-he'u), v, 1. To be bruised, as flesh; to be broken. 2. To injure the surface of a thing; to break; to break off or break in two. MAN 420 MAO Manuheu (ma'-nu'-he'u), v. 1. To bite with the teeth and peel off, as the bark of a tree; hence, 2. To deface; to make a mark in. Manuhuhu (ma'-nu-hu'-hu'), n. [Ma- nu, bird, and huhu, angry.] A wild, ravenous bird. General name for fierce birds. Manuihu (ma'-nii-i'-hu), n. [Manu, bird, and ihu, nose.] The beak, that is, the end of the bow and stern of a canoe; ina i palahalaha maluna o ka manuihu. Manuioio (ma'-nu-I'o-i'o), n. [Manu, bird, and iolo, to peep.] A small bird; a swallow perhaps. Word adopted by translators of the Scrip- tures for the swallow. Manuka (ma'-nu-ka'), v. To mistake; to blunder; to be slow; to be care- less; to lag behind, Manukoraka (ma'-nu-k6'-ra'-ka), n. [Manu, bird, and koraka (Gr.), raven.] A raven. Manuku (ma'-nu-ku'), n. A dove, so called from its cry. Manumanu (ma'-nu-ma'-nu), adj. 1. Rough; irregular, like the surface of a board unplaned. 2. Defective; full of cracks or holes; not solid. 3. Rough; unpolished; lacking beauty. 4. Blunt; not sharp; nicked; defaced. Manumanu (ma'-nu-ma'-nu), n. Civil commotion; a breaking up; a crash in civil affairs; a setting against each other. Manunu (ma'-nu'-nu), adv. In pieces; finely, as if broken fine; haki ma- nunu ka iwi o ka moku. Manunu (ma'-nti'-nu), v. To crack or creak against each other, as broken bones. Syn: Haloke and uuina. Manununu (ma'-nii-nu'-nu), adj. Rum- bling; rustling; tremulous, as an indistinct sound. Manununu (ma'-nu-nii'-nu), n. A rum- bling; a rustling indistinct noise; a slight tremor. Manununu (ma'-nu-nii'-nu), v. To creak; to grate or crepitate, as the finger joints when pulled, or the back when lomied, or as bro- ken bones when they come in con- tact. Manuu (ma'-nu'u), adj. 1. Sick; painful; weak. 2. Great; im- measurable; vast; multitudinous; manifold. Manuu (ma'-nii-u'), n. [Manu, bird, and u, to mourn or utter a plain- tive note.] A bird; perhaps a crane; the turtle dove, as men- I tioned in Scripture. : Manuunuu (ma'-nu'u-nu'u), adj. Same as manuu. Very many, i Manuwa (ma'-nii-wa'), n. [Eng.] I Man-of-war, that is, ship-of-war. Mao (ma'o), adj. Calm, still; free from disturbance. Mao (ma'o), adj. Applied to colors, green; greenish; also blue. See maomao. Mao (ma'-o'), adv. There; over there; at that place; yonder; some place not far off; mao aku, beyond; mao mai, from over there this way. Mao (ma'o), n. 1. A shrub used in dyeing tapa. 2. A blossom of that shrub. Mao (ma'-o), n. A moving on; a passing off. (Laieik. p. 49.) Mao (ma'o), v. 1. To be lessened; to be over or ended, as the passing of cloud or storm. (Laieik. p. 90.) 2. To pass off; to go by. Maoa (ma'-6'-a), n. 1, Soreness from friction or strain. 2. A sore caused by the friction of the malo be- tween the legs during a long jour- ney; he mai ma kapakapa, he eha i ka manawa e hele loihi ai; a sore, also, on the legs or feet; ma- loeloe na wawae, maoa na uha. Maoa (ma'-o'-a), v. 1. To be dry; to be hard; to be cracked, as the skin. 2. To be painful, as a sore made by friction of the skin. Same as maoha. Maoe (ma'-o'e), adj. Same as maoi. Maoea (ma'-6-e'-a), adj. Tired; j weary; lazy. I Maoha (ma'-6'-ha), adj. Grayish, as the lighter feathers of a dark bird; ka iwa, he manu nui ia, he eleele kona hulu, he maoha kahi hulu. Appearing gray or whitish, as tops of mountains at a distance; kupu maoha ke kilakila o na kua- hiwi; applied also to a person I when he begins to grow gray. Maoha (ma'-o'-ha), v. Same as maoa, i to be dry and hard, said of chafed j and dry skin. I Maoheohe (ma'-o'-he-6'-he), adj. I Straight; free from branches. MAO 421 MAP Maoi (ma'-o'i), adj. Bold; forward; | fearless; shameless. ! Maoi (ma'-o'i), n. Boldness; arro- ; gance; forwardness. Maoi (ma'-o'i), v. [Ma and ol, to ex- ceed.] 1. To be bold; to be for- ward with strangers. 2. To be intrusive; to be inquisitive respect- ing forbidden things. Syn: Mahaoi. Maoioi (ma'-o'i-o'i), adj. Uneven; notched; projecting, as a rough board or one that is split crook- edly; zigzag, as a line; aliali, nihomole. Maoioi (ma'-o'i-o'i), v. [Ma and oloi, projecting.] To be rough; to be uneven; to be irregular. Maokl (ma'-o'-ki), n. [Ma and oki, to cut.] Anything cut up in pieces; I pieces cut short. j Maoki (ma'-o'-ki), n. Incorrect pro- nunciation of maoli. Maokioki ( ma'-o'-ki -o'-ki), adj. Spot- ted ; variegated ; having different colors. j Maoli (ma'-6'-li), adj. Indigenous in j distinction from foreign; native; real in distinction from fictitious; true; genuine. Maoli (ma'-6'-li), adv. 1. Really; truly; without doubt. 2. An in- tensive added to other epithets to strengthen them : He lio kolohe hana ino maoli, A tricky, evil-do- ing horse, really. Maoli (ma'-6'-li), n. A species of ba- nana; the long dark-colored plan- tain; he mala eleele loloa. Maolia (ma-o'-ll'-a), adj. Drawn out and diminished, as an elastic sub- stance, a rope or other thing. Same as molio. Maoloa (ma'o-lo'-a), n. Same as maa- loa. Maoloha (ma'-6'-16'-ha), n. The an- cient name of the strings or net for a calabash, equivalent to the modern word koko; ua kapaia o koko a maoloha ia koko. Maolu (ma-o'-lu), adj. Muddy; sink- ing down, as in a quagmire; poho- poho, moolu, noolu, nenelu. Maomao (ma'o-ma'o), adj. Green, as vegetation; dark blue. Maomao (ma'o-ma'o), n. 1. Green verdure; thick grass and bushes; a forest. 2. A species of fish (Abudefduf abdominalis) living near banks and shallow places. Maomaopohole (ma'o-ma'o-p6-ho-le) , n. Same as maomao, a fish. Maona (ma'-o'-na), adj. Filled; sat- isfied; distended, as the stomach with food. Maona (ma'-o'-na), n. Fullness; sa- tiety; fulness beyond desire. Maona (ma'-o'-na), v. 1. To be stuffed; as in eating; to be filled, as with food; to be satisfied with food. 2. To have satisfaction. 3. To have one's desire upon an enemy. Maopaopa (ma'-o'-p5,-o'-pa), adj. [Ma and opaopa; opa, lame.] Weary from walking; fatigued. Maopopo (ma'-6-p6'-po), adj. 1. Plain; clear; to the senses or to the un- derstanding; not doubtful. 2. Ready; in a state of preparedness to act. Maopopo (ma'-6-p6'-po), adv. Clear- ly; evidently; plainly. Maopopo (ma'-6-p6'-po), n. Clear- ness; that which is explicit, as a natural or moral truth; not liable to mistake. Maopopo (ma'-6-p6'-po), v. [Ma and opo, clear; plain; even.] 1. To be plain; to be clear to the sight or senses. 2. To be clear and ex- plicit to the understanding; to be not doubtful. Mapele (ma'-pe-le), n. A tree used in building a heiau in the worship of Lono; alalia, he mapele ka heiau e kukulu ai; he heiau pill ka mapele i ka hoouluulu ai. Mapu (ma'-pu'), adj. 1. Moving, as a gentle wind; floating, as odorif- erous matter in the breeze. 2. Spattering, as water from a pad- dle. 3. Bubbling, as water in a spring. Mapu (ma'-pu'), n. 1. The name of a wind. 2. [Mod.] A ring-tailed monkey; an ape. Mapu (ma'-pu), v. 1. To rise up, as incense; to rise and float off. 2. To spatter, as when rowing a canoe. Mapumapu (ma'-pQ-ma'-pu), n. A rising upward; a moving off; o ka mapumapu aloha o Waialoha e. Mapumapu (ma'-pii-ma'-pu), v. [Mapu, to rise up.] To fly upward; to float off in the air; to rise and scatter, as the perfume of incense. Mapuna (ma-pu'-na), adj. Boiling up and flowing off, as water in a MAP 422 MAU spring; wai mapuna, spring water. Oili mai la ka makemake i ka na- auao o ka poe naauao me he wai mapuna la e kahe mai ana; The desire of the wise for knowledge is like a spring of water flowing. Mapuna (ma-pu'-na), n. A rising up, as of the affections; an outburst, as of water from a natural spring. Mapuna (ma-pu'-na), v. [Mapu, to rise up, and ana.] 1. To boilv up, as water in the sea near the shore or in other places. 2. To be ex- cited or stir up the mind. Maraki (ma'-ra'-ki), n. [Eng.] The third month of the year in the modern calendar, March. Mare (ma'-re), adj. Married or to be married; kane mare, a bride- groom; wahine mare, a bride. Mare (ma'-re), n. Marriage. Mare (ma'-re), v. [Eng.] To mar- ry; to take a wife or a husband; to wed. Mau (ma'u), adj. Statedly occur- ring; constant; continuous; ever- more; never ceasing. Mau (ma'u), adj. Obscured; disap- pearing. Mau (ma'-u), adj. Moist; wet; cool; shady. Mau (ma'u), adv. Frequently; con- tinually; perpetually. Mau (ma'u), n. 1. A word designat- ing more than one. 2. A sign of the dual number; two or a couple. Mau (ma'u), n. 1. Ferns of genus Sadleria, eaten for food in time of scarcity; used to make sizing for tapa. Same as amau and amamau. 2. A small aquatic or marsh-grow- ing grass. Mau (ma'u'), n. Dampness; moist- ure; coolness, as the air around a shady, moist place. See manu. Mau (ma'-u), n. The region on the sides of mountains next below the waoakua. Also called waokanaka, that is, where men may live. Mau (ma'u), n. 1. A ceasing to flow; a stoppage; an arresting of progress. 2. For mau, dampness, etc Mau (ma'u), v. 1. To be stopped; to be diminished in flow through some obstruction, said of running water; to be retarded in a mov- ing forward, as a canoe when it grounds in shallow water. 2. To terminate, as the catamenial pe- riod. 3. To be continuous. 4. To be perpetual: Ua mau ke ea o ka aina, The breath or life of the land is perpetual. Mau (ma-u'), v. 1. To be damp; to be. softened with a liquid. 2. To be soaked; to be watered. Hoo- mau is the active form. Maua (ma'-u'-a), adj. Close; stingy; illiberal; obstinate. See makona. He kanaka maua. Maua (ma'u-a'), adj. Lame; sore; stiff, as with walking. Maua (ma'u'-a), n. The giving of many gifts. Syn: Hookupu. Maua (ma'-u'-a), n. A tree (Xylosma hawaiiense), the timber of which is good for poi boards. Maua (ma'-u'-a), pers. pron. dual. We two, that is, those who are speak- ing, but not including any who are addressed. Mauaallna (ma'u-a'a-li'-na), adj. Pow- erful; conquering; overcoming; strong. Mauaalina (ma'u-a'a-li'-na), n. Supe- rior strength, said of those who practiced in athletic games. Mauaalina (ma'u-a'a-li'-na), v. 1. To exercise great physical force. 2. To be heavy or hard upon, as two men contending; to seize; to force one to do a thing; to use force upon. Mauae (ma'u-a'e), n. Opening made by splitting; crack; fissure; cleft. Mauae (ma'u-a'e), v. 1. To ex- change a thing differently from what was first agreed upon. 2. To vary in statement; to say and un- say; to quibble; to prevaricate. Mauai (ma'u-a'i), n. Same as mauae, a cleft. Mauakala (ma'u-a-ka'-l^), v. Same as hoomahuakala. Mauele (ma'u-e'-le), adj. Lazy; in- dolent; going about doing nothing; acting the vagabond. Mauele (ma'u-e'-le), v. 1. To be lazy; to be idle; to waste or spend time in doing nothing. Syn: Mau- wele. 2. To be indifferent as to future good or evil, Mauha (ma'u-ha'), adj. Weary; fa- tigued; slow; lazy; indolent. Mauhaalele (ma'u-ha'a-le'-le), n. 1. The shadow of death. Syn: Ma- lukoi, malumake. 2. A good-for- nothing person, vagabond, person as good as dead. MAU 423 MAU Mauhaalelea (ma'u-ha'a-le-le'-a), adj Consecrated to a purpose; devoted Mauhaalelea (ma'u-ha'a-le-le'-a), n A prayer offered to a god of the \ woods when a tree was cut down i to make an idol. | Mauhaalina (ma'u-ha'a-li'-na), v. To | be heavily burdened; to be fatigued. | Mauhala (ma'u-ha'-la), n. Ill will for | an alleged deed; used only with | the prefix hoo. See hoomauhala. | Mauhala (ma'u-ha'-la), v. To be re- j vengeful. Hoomauhala is the tran- sitive form. Maui (ma'-u'-i), adj. Sprained. Maui (ma'u-i),n. Name of one of the Hawaiian islands. Maui (ma'-u'-i), n. Lameness caused by spraining; pain from a broken or fractured limb; ka eha, ka haki. Maui (ma'-uM'), v. 1. To wring; to twist; to distort by convolution. 2. (Obsolete.) To wring the stem of a bunch of bananas to cause it to ripen. Mauka (ma'-u'-ka), adv. [Ma, prepo- sition, and uka, inland.] Inland, in a direction opposite to the sea; opposite to makai, toward the sea. Mauka (ma'u-ka), n. The name of a game; ao i ka hana ana i ka mauka; e kalai i ka pohaku pono i ka mauka. See maika. Maukoi (ma'u-ko'i), n. Same as ma- koi, an angling rod. Maukoli (ma'u-ko'-li), n. 1, The wor- ship or sacrifice rendered to the gods. 2. Hush; stillness that set- tles over a group of worshipers. 3. A devout worshiper. 4. A word applied to anything thin, small, thread-like; a small twist of any fibrous material; he maawe; a fiber. Maukoli (ma'u-ko'-li), v. 1. Keep still; be quiet. Word used by the priests to quiet worshippers: E maukoli ka lehulehu, Let the mul- titude be still. 2. To make little memorial offerings to the gods. 3. To be constant; to be persever- ing; to continue on from day to day. 4. To make small and thin; to be thin or fine. Maukoli (ma'u-ko'-li), v. [Mau, a kind of food, and koli, to trim or pare off.] To divide out food sparingly each day for one's self or family in a time of famine; also, to divide out water in time of drought. Maulaula (ma'-u'-la-u'-la), n. [Maa and ula, red.] A red earth used in coloring, obtained in some deep ravines. Maule (ma'-u'-le), adj. Faint; weak; fearful; fainthearted; dizzy; po- niuniu. Maule (ma'-u'-le), n. A dispirited state of mind; weakness; faint- ness; dizziness. Maule (ma'-Q'-le), v. 1. To be weak or faint through great fear or suf- fering. 2. With naau, to faint from hearing strange or exciting news. 3. To be dispirited; to lose courage. 4. To be dizzy or weak through dizziness. 5. To be faint from fasting. Mauleho (ma'u-le'-ho), v. [Mau and leho, a callous spot.] To have leho or callous spots on the person. Mauleule (ma'-u'-le-u'-le), v. [Inten- sive of maule.] To be very faint for want of food. Mauli (ma'u-li), n. 1. The last night of the old moon; night before hilo, the new moon; the twenty-ninth day of the month. 2. Darkness, as from overhanging clouds: He mauli ua paha keia, Perhaps this darkness portends rain. 3. A shoot from the root of a tree or vege- table, as from taro or banana; poetically, from persons, as chiefs; mauli au honua, a descendant (of chiefs) from ancient times. Mauliawa (ma'u-ll-a'-wa), n. Hic- cough; a gasping for breath; a hard breathing. Mauliawa (ma'u-li-a'-wa), v. 1. To have hiccoughs. 2. To gasp, as in laboring for breath. Maulihilihi (ma'u-li'-hi-li'-hi), adj. Slightly fastened; not strongly put together. Maulihilihi (ma'u-li'-hi-li'-hi), v. [Mau and lihi, edge.] To hang by the edge, that is, to be fastened slight- ly; to adhere, but without tenac- ity; he pili iki; he pili lihi; at- tached slightly; hardly joined. Maulina (miVu-li'-na), n. 1. Failure; unfortunate outcome, as in labor- ious work without pay. 2. Disap- pointment in not obtaining what one expects. Mauloeloc (ma'u-16'e-16'e). Same as maloeloe. MAU 424 MAU Maulua (ma'u-lu'-a'), adj. Hard; dif- ficult. Syn: Paakiki. Mauluulu (ma'-u'-lu-u'-lu), adj. Lame from traveling; stiff and swelled, as the feet and ankles i from traveling. Syn: Poanaana, maloeloe. Maumae (ma'u-ma'e), n. Name of a; puuhonua or house of refuge on the island of Hawaii. I Maumanaha (ma'u-ma'-na-ha'), n. | Heart-burn. I Maumau (ma'u-ma'u), v. [Mau, to be j constant] To be firm; to be fixed; ! to be constant; to be enduring; he i maumau ole, to be inconstant; ua maumau ka hana, the work en- 1 dures; ua maumau ka ai, aole he hehee, the food is hard, not flow- ing. Maumaua (ma'u-ma'u-a), adv. Often or constantly repeated; loaa mau mai, maumaua, hiki pinepine mai. Maumaua (ma'u-ma'u-a), adj. Got or obtained often. Maumaua (ma'u-ma'u-a), n. Fre- quent gain; an acquiring often and easily, as the chiefs gained prop- erty; ka loaa o ka waiwai o na 'lii. Maumaua (ma,'u-ma'u-a), v. To ob- tain often without reward ' and without labor, as the chiefs for- merly obtained their property. Maumauae (ma'u-ma'u-a'e), adj. Same as mauae. Different from what was expected; doubtful; un- certain. Mauna (ma'u-na), adj. Scurfy, said of dry scales on the body: Mauna ka ili i ka wauwauia. The skin is scurfy from scratching. Mauna (ma'u-na), adj. Peculiar to mountains; region of mountains. Mauna (ma'u-na), n. 1. A moun- tain ; the inland regions of an isl- 1 and. (On all the islands with ! which Hawaiians were acquainted, : the land rises on all sides from \ the sea to the central parts of the ; island; this is called the mauna.) ; 2. A high hill, as Mauna Loa, j Mauna Kea, the two highest moun- tains on the island of Hawaii. 3. , A mountainous region, opposite of ' awawa. 4. A species of hard stone out of which kois or adzes of the ancients were made. Mauna (ma'-u'-na), v. (Used mostly with the prefix hoo.) To waste; to dispose of uselessly; i mauna aku ai i ka pono kahiko. Mauna (ma'-u-na), v. 1. To incur peril; to hazard; to venture. 2. To be prodigal. Maunakea (ma'u-na-ke'-a), n. A moun- tain on the island of Hawaii. Maunauna (ma'u-na'u-na), adj. Wasteful. Maunauna (ma'u-na'u-na), *n. A wast- ing of means; spending without reason. No ka hoomauna i ka wai- wai, on account of wasting prop- erty. Maunauna (ma'u-na'u-na), v. See hoomaunauna. Maunu (ma'u-nu), n. 1. A species of crab used for bait in catching fish. 2. Any bait for taking fish or oth- er animals; decoy. 3. The ka- huna's bit of material used in the practice of sorcery. Anything be- longing to a person, as his tapa, hair, spittle, etc., which another could get, and by means of it, could pray him to death. Maunu (ma'-u'-nu), v. 1. To moult or shed, as the feathers of birds. 2. To cast off, as some reptiles do the skin. 3. To change from the chrysalis state to that of a new animal; ke hoomaheleia ke kino mamua, a lilo ia i kino hou, he maunu ia. Maununu (ma'u-nii'-nu), n. A sea breeze at Puuloa on the island of Oahu. Mauu (ma'-u'-u'), adj. Green; moist; refreshing, as a cool breeze; cool. Mauu (ma-u*u), n. Noise made by swallowing liquid. Mauu (ma'u-u), n. General name for grass, herbs, rushes, etc. Mauu (ma-u-u'), v. To be moist; to be wet. Mauu (ma-u'u), v. To make a gut- tural sound in swallowing, as in drinking. Mauukuku (ma'u-u-ku'-ku'), n. [Mauu, grass, and kuku, prickly.] A low grass growing on the sand in cer- tain places. Mauulaili (ma'u-u'-la'-i'-li), n. A poi- sonous grass used to burn and scarify the skin. Mauuliilii (ma'u-u'-li'i-li'i), n. Vege- tation that partly covers the ground; small grass. MAU 425 MEE Mauulipo (m^'u-u'-l!'-po), n. [Mauu, vegetation, and llpo, dark.] Dark green verdure, as in a dark forest. Mauwale (ma'u-wa'-le), adj. Con- stant; never ending; kuu pilikia mauwale ana a kuu haku. =E2=80=94 Laieik. p. 165. Mauwele (ma'u-we'-le), adj. Lazy; idle, etc. Same as mauele. Mawae (ma'-wa'e), adj. Hidden; se- creted; stolen. Mawae (ma'-wa'e), n. A cleft; an open place or opening among rocks; a secret or hiding place. Mawae (ma'-wa'e), v. To crack; to break; to cleave asunder. (The word is seldom used as a verb. Hoomawae is the usual form.) Mawaehuna (ma'-wa'e-hu-na'), n. All practices of the people, such as gambling, betting, racing, etc., that induce laziness. Mawaena (ma'-wa'e-na), prep. [Ma and waena, between.] Between; among; in the midst of; in the middle; a mawaena iho, in the in- terior; in the space between; be- tween two points. Mawaenakonu (ma'-wa'e-n=C2=A7.-ko'-nu), adv. [Mawaena, in the midst, and konu, center.] In the center; in; the middle. { Mawaewae (ma-wa'e-wa'e), n. The ceremony when food is first given to a weaned child; he hanau wale iho na wahine ilihune i ka lakou mau keiki me ka mawaewae ole. Mawaho (ma'-wa'-ho), prep. [Ma and waho, outside.] What is outward; outside; opposite to maloko. Mawai (ma'-wa'i), n. Any cathartic medicine given to children to car- ry off the meconium. Mawale (ma'-wa'-Ie), v. [Ma, to wilt, and wale, only.] To fade quickly or easily; to pass away, as the beauty of a thing; to come to an end, as earthly glory. (The word in its origin has reference to the fading of a flower or the colors of a tapa; indeed it is applied to everything subject to decay; hence, it means to perish quickly.) Mawao (ma-wa'-o), n. Same as maao, a species of fish of the oopu family, called hinana when small. Mawehe (ma'-we'-he), v. [Ma and wehe, to loosen.] To loosen; to separate; to be loosened; to be separated. Me (me), conj. With; in company: a me, and. Me is often followed by pela, corresponding with It; as: me ia i hana'i, pela oe e hana ai. It is frequently connected with like; as: e like me oe, like you; It then merely strengthens like; me nei, like this. Me (me), n. Same as mea. Me (me), prep. With; accompany- ing; as; like; like as; besides; so. Mea (me'-a), n. 1. A thing; an ex- ternal object; a visible or invisible substance. 2. A circumstance or condition. 3. A person; a thing in its most extensive application, in- cluding persons; ame kolaila poe mea a pau, and all the things be- longing to them. 4. Having the quality of obtaining or possessing something: he wahine mea kane, a woman having a husband. Mea (me'-a), v. [Literally, to thing. As a verb it expresses action in general of no fixed nature; some other word is understood.] 1. To do; to say; to act. 2. To have to do. 3. To touch; to injure; to meddle with. 4. To trouble with unprofitable business; to hinder. 5. To cause to come to. 6. To speak; to utter; to ask questions. Meae (me'-S-e'), adj. Wonderful; strange; unaccountable; new. Meae (me'-S-e'), n. [Mea, thing, and e, another.] 1. Another in addi- tion; another besides. 2. A stran- ger; one unknown; a new thing; a wonder; a prodigy. Meae (me-a'e), v. [Contraction of mea-ae.] To speak to someone; to address. See mea. Meahale (me'-S-ha'-Ie), n. [Mea and hale, house.] The owner of a house; a chief. Meaklal (me'-a-ki-a'i), n. [Mea, thing, and kial, to guard.] A guard; a protection; a preserver; epithet of Jehovah. Meamea (me'-a-me'-a), adj. Yellow- ish; whitish; ke poae ula, ke koae nui hulu meamea. Meau (me'-a'u), n. Same as meeau and maiau. The itch. Mee (me-e'), adj. Singular; strange; unheard of. MEE 426 MEL Mee (me-e'), adj. Contraction of meae. Wonderful, strange. Mee (me-e'), n. A thing greatly de- sired; something much wished for; he mea i makemake nui ia. Meeau (me'e-a'u), n. 1. The itch. Same as meau, maiau. 2. A class of insects on trees. 3. A blight; anything which impairs or destroys plants. Meemee (me'e-me'e), adj. Desirous for; longing after; sweet to one's thoughts. Meemee (me'e-me'e), n. 1. Strong desire; the object of desire; the thing desired: o ka meemee ui nui o Hanalei. 2. A species of half beak fish (Hemiramphus de- pauperatus). Also called iheihe. Meeu (me'-e'u), n. [Eu, to rise.] To jump; to run; to fly; to run away; to start up. Meha (me'-ha), adj. Solitary; deso- late; dwelling alone. Meha (me'-ha), n. Loneliness; the state of being solitary. Meha (me'-ha), v. Same as meha- meha. To be solitary; to dwell alone; to be desolate. See hoo- meha. Mehai (me'-ha'i), n. Some hair or tapa or other article carried to the sorcerer by which the sorcerer might procure the death of the one desired; o ke ola lau mehai, o me- hai kolo. Syn: Maunu. Mehameha (me'-ha-me'-ha), adj. Lonely; alone; without society; desolate; retired; secret; forsaken. Mehameha (me'-ha-me'-ha), adv. Sol- itarily; without company. Mehameha (me'-ha-me'ha), n. Lone- someness. Mehameha (me'-ha-me'-ha), v. [Me- ha, alone.] 1. To be waste or des- olate, as a country. 2. To be lone- ly; to be without associates. Mehana (me'-ha'-na), n. Same as mahana. Heat; warmth. Mehana (me'-ha'-na), v. Same as mahana. To be or become warm. Mehe (me'-he), adv. Like a; as a, etc. (Generally written as two words: me he.) Holo oia me he lio la, He runs like a horse. Meheu (me'-he'u), adj. Trodden, as a path through high grass. (If it becomes much trodden or a large path, it is maa.) Meheu (me'-he'u), n. 1. A track of the foot; an impression of a foot in the sand or dirt; a scratch on paper; a track of a horse. Syn: Kapuai. 2. The effects or results of some action or something done; mark left by something that has passed. Meheu (me'-he'u), v. 1. To be tracked; to be beaten, as a path. 2. To be walked over frequently so as to make a meheu or track. Meheuheu (me'-he'u-he'u), n. 1. Many or frequent tracks. 2. Cus- tom; what is often done. Meheuheu (me'-he'u-he'u), v. [Freq. of meheu.] 1. To make tracks frequently, etc. 2. To be covered with tracks. Meki (me'-ki), adj. Used with lua, pit, as an intensive. Hence, lua meki, an unseen (secret) bottom- less pit; he lua meki ia aina meki, full of deep pits is that land of pits. (Hawaiians couple the Idea of lua meki with that of lua ahi, as they read lua ahi, the pit of fire, in the Bible.) Meki (me'-ki), n. 1. The ancient name for iron; the modern term is hao. 2. A nail; an iron spike, used for fastening or pinning. 3. A secret pit or pitfall in the mountains into which, if one fell, he never came out. Meku (me'-ku), v. To reply in - scolding terms; to talk back of- fensively. Melamela (me'-la-me'-la), adj. In- dolent, lazy. Melamela (me'-la-me'-la), v. To be lazy. Mele (me'-le), adj. 1. Of or per- taining to song or rejoicing (Puk. 32:18). Walaau mele, hilarity. 2. Yellow; generally written mele- mele. Mele (me'-le), n. 1. A singing; a subject of song. z. A song; the words of a song. (Kanl. 31:19.) A chorus; a song of praise. In modern time, a hymn; a rejoic- ing expressive of gladness. (Mele always takes ke instead of ka for its article.) 3. Variant of meli, honey. Mele (me'-le), v. 1. To chant; to cantillate; to sing alone. 2. To sing in chorus or concert. 3. To MEL 427 MET sing with joy; to sing and dance. See hula. Melekula (me'-le-ku'-Ia), n. [Eng.] For marigula. Marigold, a yellow flower. Meiemele (me'-le-me'-le), adj. Yel- low. Oho meiemele, yellow hair. Meli (me'-li), n. [Lat., mel.] Honey. Melomelo (me'-16-me'-lo), n. Name in general of an instrument used by fishermen; a block of heavy wood which is let down by a cord into the water and drawn slowly towards the nets. Melu (me'-lu), adj. Soft, as fish long caught. Melu (me'-lu), n. 1. The act of pull- ing out the beard as Hawaiians did formerly. 2. Softness; a swelling. Melu -(me'-lu), v. 1. To pull out the beard. 2. To be swelled; to be soft. Melumelu (me'-lii-me'-lu), adj. [Melu, soft.] Very soft; swelling up large. Memeki (me'-me'-ki), adj. Angry. Memekl (me'-me'-ki), n. Anger. Memele (me'-me'-le), n. A singer; poe memele, concert singers. Memele (me'-me'-le), v. [Freq. of mele.] To sing; to sing often, or to sing many together. Memelu (me'-me'-lu), adj. [Emphatic form of melu.] Bad smelling, as spoiled fish; swelling up, describ- ing the softness of corruption. Mena (me'-na), n. Same as mane, manna. Mene (me'-ne), adj. Dull; blunt, as the rounded edge of a knife or axe. Mene (me'-ne), n. Dullness; blunt- ness. Mene (me'-ne), v. 1. To be blunted. 2. To be defaced; to be broken, as in violent collision: Ua mene ka ihu o ka waa, The nose of the canoe is defaced. Menehune (me-ne-hu'-ne), n. 1. Op- tical illusion presenting the ap- pearance of very small human drawfs. 2. A race of midgets in Hawaiian legends who are cred- ited with the building of many temples, fishponds and roads which still exist. They worked only in the night and if the work was not completed in that one night it remained unfinished. Menel (me'-ne'i), adv. [Me, as, like, and nei, this.] Lit. Like this. Thus; so; as follows. Same as penei. Menemene (me'-ne-me'-ne), adj. Fearful for one; sad on account of his hazardous situation or his suffering condition. Menemene (me'-ne-me'-ne), n. Fear for one lest evil should befall him; no ka menemene o make i ka ai noa, For fear lest he should die by eating contrary to tabu. Menemene (me'-ne-me'-ne), v. To have compassion upon; to pity; to have sympathy; to regard with kindness one who is in a suffer- ing condition. 2. To fear; to shrink with fear; to be afraid; to be sad from fear. Meneo (me'-ne'o), n. Same as ma- neo. An itching; a reeling; a staggering. Meneo (me'-ne'o), v. Same as ma- neo. To itch; to tingle; to stag- ger; to reel as drunk. Meneu (me'-ne-u'), v. To double up. as the arms at the elbows, as the legs at the knees, etc.; ua pelupe- luia, ua meneu wale; to be weak jointed. Menu! (me'-nu'-i), adj. Contracted; shortened; curled in; blunted off. Meo (me'o), adj. Sickly; weak; crying, as a child, meddlesome; taking hold of everything in one's way. Meo (me'o), n. 1. The voice of cry- ing, as of a child. 2. A sickly, crying child. 3. One who is often calling to obtain favors, Meo (me'o), v. To shoot or sprout out, as a vegetable; to grow, as a plant. Meomeo (me'o-me'o), adj. Reddish, as the bud of a plant; as a fev- erish swelling on one's finger; ulaula, omeomeo. Mesa (me'-sa), n. [Lat. missa; Fr., messe.] The mass, that is, the consecration and oblation of the host; a service in the Roman Catholic church. Mesia (me'-si'-a), n. [Heb., an- ointed.] The anointed or conse- crated one, to be a Savior of men, Jesus Christ; ka mea nana e lawe aku i ka hala o ke ao nei; Messiah. Metopio (me'-t6-pi'-o), n. [Mod.] A spice, galbanum. MEU 428 MIK Meu (me'-u), v. To meet; to bring two things together; to stitch to- gether; to meet together, as two persons in kissing. Meua (me'-u'-a), v. To strike each other, as two persons quarreling; peua, meu. Meukeu (me'-u-ke'-u), n. The knuckles of the fist when the hand is doubled up. j Meumeu (me'-u-me-u'), adj. Very! blunt or dull, as an instrument I whose edge or end is beaten off till quite round. i Meumeu (me'-ii-me-u'), v. To be blunt; to be round on the edge; j to be dull, as a cutting instru- 1 ment. j Mi (mi), V. Same as mimi, urinate. ; Mia (mi'-a), v. To make water; to | void urine. Same as mi and mimi. ; Miala (mi'-a'-la), v. To be bold; to I be impertinent; to exhibit famil- iarity; to be forward in asking; favors. Syn: Koana. Miana (mi'-a-na), n. [Mi, to urinate, and ana.] A place for voiding j urine outdoors. j Migebo (mi'-ge'-bo), adj. [An adapt- ed form from the Heb., used by the Hawaiian translators of the Bible.] Goodly: papale migebo, goodly bonnets. Mi ha (mi'-ha'), v. To appear dark, as that which is deep. Mihalanaau (mi'-ha'-la'-na-a'u), v. [Miha, and lana, to float, and au, current. [ E alo aio, e holo, e ale. To draw, as a current. Milii (mi'-hi), n. Repentance; sor- 1 row or sadness of countenance; aj breaking off from an evil course of life. I Mihi (mi'-hi), v. 1. To be sad in j countenance ; to express the feel- ing of sadness or grief in the countenance. 2. To feel or have ; regret for past conduct. To re- 1 pent of a past act or acts. 3. To [ change or break off from a sinful j course of life. j Mihimihi (m!'-hi-mi'-hi), v. [Mihi, to be sad.] To oe sour or cross to one ; to look upon one with dis- , favor; to be inimical to; to be bit- 1 ter toward. ! Mi ho (mi'-ho), v. 1. To place one ^ thing on top of another. 2. To j accumulate; to throw into a heap. Mii (mi'i), adj. 1. Good; precious; desirable; ano e. 2. Beautiful: Mii no hoi o E, e hele la. Mii (mi'i), n. Same as miana, a place for voiding urine. Miki (mi'-ki), adj. Energetic; ac- tive; ready to act; diligent. Miki (mi'-ki), n. 1. Readiness; promptness in doing a thing. 2. One ready to ask for anything he sees. Miki (mi'-ki), v. 1. To take so much food as will adhere to a finger, or as can be taken between the thumb and forefinger. 2. To lick; to sup up. 3. To be active, will- ling and efficient in service; to work speedily and easily as one interested in the doing. Mikiala (mi'-ki-a'-la), adj. Eauly on hand; ready for business; watch- ful. Mikiala (mi'-ki-a'-la), v. [Miki, to be active, and aia, to rise up.] 1. To rise quickly or early in the morn- ing; to be prompt in getting up; hence, 2. To be in season; to be promptly on the ground and ready prepared: E mikiala mai i kaka- hiaka nui, Be here bright and early. Mikili (mi'-kl'-li), v. 1. To per- ceive internally; to perceive, as the mind: I ka lua o ko'u noonoo ana, mikili iki mai la ka maka o ka manao maloko o ko'u naau, On my second thought, the eye of my mind within me perceived. 2. To have a little light; to shine, as light through small holes; to be feebly lighted. Syn: Makili. Mikimiki (mi'-ki-mi'-ki), adj. Ener- getic; ready to act; prompt; neat; diligent. Mikimiki (mi'-ki-mi'-ki), v. [Miki, to be active.] 1. To be quick; to be brisk and dextrous in doing a thing. 2. To pinch or seize readily, as in- eating with the fingers. 3. To scoop up and eat fish gravy with the fingers. 4. To nibble, as a fish at a hook. Mikioi (mi'-ki-o'i), adj. Neat; nice, as work done in a workmanlike manner; palawaiki, aulii. Mikioi (mi'-ki-o'i), n. [Miki and oi, to excel.] Neatness; excellency in work; no ka mikioi o ka oukou hana. MIK 429 MIL MIko (mi'-ko), adj. 1. Seasoned with salt; savory; saltish. Na mea miko, spicery used in embalming. 2. Tied up in a knot; kinky. Syn: Napuupuu. Miko (mI'-ko), v. 1. To be salted; to be seasoned, as food. 2. To be entangled; to be kinked, as a rope; to tie up into a knot. 3. Fig. To be tasteful; that is, to be edifying and profitable, as in- structive conversation. 4. To be ensnared or made a victim of. Mikole (mi'-ko'-le), v. 1. To eal daintily; to eat fastidiously; to eat temperately, in small morsels. 2. To eat in an awkward manner like an aged person who has lost his teeth. 3. To suck the fingers, as in eating the inamona. 4. To persist; to persevere, as in effort to accomplish or gain some de- sired end: O kona mikole no ia a hiki i ka wa e loaa ai, He per- severes until in time he obtains. IMIkolelehua (ml'-kd'-le'-le-hu'-a), adj. 1. Thoughtful; skillful; having the power of applying the mind to the subject at hand; ua hull au, ua noke au, ua noii au i manao miko- lelehua no'u, a. Syn: Loea. 2. Skillful in the use of words; per- suasive. MIkololohua (mi'-k6-16'-16-hu'-a), adj. Same as mikolelehua. Expert; skillful; thinking; reflecting; wise and intelligent in affairs of dif- ficulty. See auliikolomanu. Mikomiko (mi'-k6-mI'-ko), adj. Rel- ishable, as food; seasoned. Mikomiko (mi'-k6-mi'-ko), v. [Miko, to be salty.] 1. To be tasteful, as well-seasoned food; to relish well, as food. 2. To be pungent or bitter to the taste. 3. To be pleasant; to be instructive; to be entertaining in conversation; piquant in language. 4. To be pleased or satisfied with the ar- rangement of an affair. (Laieik. p. 40.) Mila (mi'-la), n. [Eng.] In arith- metic, a mill, the tenth part of a cent. Mile (mi'-le), n. [Eng.] In measure, a mile; eight furlongs. Milenlo (mi'-le-ni'-o), n. [Lat. mllle and annus, a year.] A space of time of a thousand years men- tioned in the Book of Revelation. Mileta (mi'-le'-ta), n. [Eng.] Millet, a species of grain. Mill (mi'-li), adj. [Mill, to handle.] Inefficient; indisposed to do or perform actively; perfunctory in discharging duties. Mill (mi'-li), n. A handling; a car- rying; a taking up; examining. Mill (mi'-li), v. [Contraction of millmlll.] 1. To feel of; to han- dle. 2. To take up and carry; to bear in one's arms. 3. To look at; to examine; to look at care- fully or critically. Milikana (mi'-li-ka'-na), n. The pa- paia or pawpaw tree; also the name of the fruit; he papaia, he hei. Syn: Hei. Mililani (mi'-li-la'-ni), n. 1. Thanks- giving; rejoicing; praise. 2. A favorite; one regarded with spe- cial favor. Syn: Punahele. Mililani (mi'-li-la'-ni), v. [Mili, to take up, and lani, heaven, an in- tensive.] 1. Lit. To lift up; to raise up to heaven. 2. To praise; to celebrate the exploits of one; to exalt. Syn: Hiilani. 3. To thank; to praise. To give thanks. Used generally in a religious sense. Milimili (mi'-li-mi'-li), adj. Desirable to look at; worthy of examina- tion; na mea milimili, cherished things. Ipu milimili. Milimili (mi'-li-mi'-li), n. 1. A thing to be looked at as curious; a curiosity: nana iho la maua me ka milimili. We two looked at as a curiosity. 2. A favorite. (Laieik. p. 20.) Applied to pets, persons or animals especially cherished. Milimili (mi'-li-mi'-li), v. [Mill, to handle.] To view; to handle; to look at, as a curiosity; to exam- ine; a e milimili nei me he keikl aloha la. Miliona (mi'-li-o'-na), n. [Eng.] In arithmetic, a million; ten hundred thousand; the number 1,000,000. Milo (mi'-lo), n. 1. A tree (Hibiscus populneus), 25 to 40 feet high. Found along the sea coast and near villages. (A favorite with the inhabitants of the Pacific islands. In Tahiti it was regarded as sa- cred and its leaves were used in MIL 430 MIN religious ceremonies. A number of these trees surrounded the home of Kamehameha I, at Wai- kiki, hence it may be inferred the tree was held in high esteem.) 2. Seed of the milo tree. 3. A cathar- tic made from milo seeds. Milo (mi'-lo), v. To twist, as a string, thread or cord on the thighs; to spin, as a thread; to twist into a rope; to twist with the fingers. Milolli (mi'-16-li'i), n. Fine cord twisted from fiber. Milolope (mi'-16-lo'-pe), n. [Milo, to twist, and rope, thread.] Twisted thread; spun thread: mea milo- lope, a distaff. Milomilo (mi'-16-mi'-lo), v. [Milo, to twist.] To roll in the fingers or hand, as a pill to make it round. Milu (mi'-lu), adj. Soft, as a rotten spot in a melon. Now usually melu. Milu (mi'-lu), n. An ancient chief noted for his wickedness while on earth; afterward, according to Ha- waiian mythology, lord of the low- er regions, to whose dominions departed spirits go; the Hawaiian Pluto. He alii no lalo o ka po, ka haku o ka pouli. Milumilu (mi'-lii-mi'-lu), adj. Grand; solemn; shaded. MImi (mi'-mi'), adj. Same as omimi, a fading. Mi mi (mi'-mi), n. Urine; water from the bladder. Opu mimi, the blad- der. MImi (mi'-mi), v. To urinate; to void or pass urine, as man or beast. Same as mia and mi. Mimihi (mi'-mi'-hi'), v. [Intensive of mihi.] To repent; to change one's course; to cease to do wrong; e hoopau i ka hewa. Mimiki (mi'-ml'-ki), n. 1. A meeting of a returning wave current with another. 2. Same as mimilo, a whirlpool. Mimiki (mi'-ml'-ki), v. [Freq. of miki.] 1. To cut or roll up, as a dried leaf. 2. To spring together, as a steel trap; to pinch up tight- ly, like a squid. 3. To be indus- trious; to be constantly at work; e hele mau ma ka hana. Syn: Mi- kimiki, to work with a will. 4. To recede; to flow back, as an under- tow; kai mimiki. Mimilo (mi'-mi'-lo), adj. Rolling up like a dried leaf; twisted; curly, as the hair of a negro, described as follows: he kanaka eleele, lau- oho pokopoko mimilo. Mimilo (mi'-mi'-lo), n. Vortex of water or air; a whirlpool; a great pit in the sea where the water makes a great noise, flowing round and round and destroying every- thing in its reach. Mimilo (mi'-mi'-lo), v. [Milo, to spin.] To twist; to spin round; to go round and round, as water in a whirlpool. Mimimihi (mi'-mi-ml'-hi), v, [Mihi, to be sad.] 1. To grieve; to be sad; to repent sorely. Nani wale lakou e mimimihi nel, Ua mihi akii, ua mihi mai, Ua haakulou wale ka noho ana, Ua kalele na lima i ka auwae. Mimimio (mi'-mi'-mi'-o), v. To dive; to plunge deep in water; e lulu- luu. Mimino (mi'-mi'-no), adj. Wrinkled; faded; withered; immature, as fruit prematurely fallen or plucked. Mimino (mi'-mi'-no), v. [Mino, to curl.] 1. To wrinkle; to curl up; to ruffle, as paper or cloth, in op- position to smooth. 2. To lan- guish; to be weak; to be feeble; to be infirm. 3. To wither; to dry up, as grass. Mimo (mi'-mo), adj. Upright; ver- tical. MImo (ml'-mo), n. Readiness; fit- ness; being ready. Mimo (mi'-mo), v. 1. To be gentle; to be soft; to be easy in one's manners. 2. To be without noise or confusion. 3. To move off un- perceived; to step silently aside; ke ike nei au ua mimo, ua panakai ole. MImoka (mi'-mo'-ka), n. [Mod.] A tree, a species of the locust. Mimomimo (mi'-mo-mi'-mo), adj. Good; gentle; soft. Mina (mi'-na), n. Grief for the loss of a thing; found mostly in the compounds mamina and minamina. Minamina (mi'-na-mi'-na), adj. Much desired; precious; considered val- uable; scarce; sorry to lose; ka! he mea minamina ka waa. Minamina (mi'-na-mi'-na), n. 1. Re- gret for the loss of a thing. 2. Sorrow; sadness; regret for an error. 3. Sorrow for others' mis- MI^ 431 MOA doings. 4. Covetousness ; a strong desire for property; hard, unjust treatment of others in order to get property; ka makee, ka alunu, ka puniwaiwai. Minamina (mi'-na-ml'-na), v. 1. To grieve for the loss of a thing; to be sorry for the sufferings of any- one, that is, to have sympathy with. 2 .To be sorry on account of the consequences of an event; to pity so as to save from punish- ment; to spare from persecution. 3. To be sorry at sad news; to be sad; to be cast down, as the coun- tenance; to be weighed down with sorrow. 4. To grudge what is due to another. 5. To be stingy; to be covetous; to keep closely all one has; to be greedy of property; to be intent on accumulating one's personal conveniences regardless of others. Mi/ieta (mi'-ne'-ta), n. [Eng.] An herb, mint. MIno (mi'-no), adj. 1. Deep down, as a deep pit. 2. A little deep; approaching depth. MIno (mi'-no), n. 1. The turning or curling up, as a dried leaf or wrinkled paper. 2. The crown of the head. 3. A dimple. See milo and mimilo. Mino (mi'-no), v. To be loose, that is, weak; to be unstrung, as a feeble person. MInoi (ml'-no'-i), v. 1. To contract toward a center as the lips of a child in sucking. 2. To suck, as a child; to suck the fingers, as in eating gravy with the fingers. Minoinoi (mi'-nfi'-T-nO'-i), v. 1. Same as minoi, to suck, as a child, etc. 2. To fold and tie up in a narrow compass; to collect a great many things in a narrow space. 3. To come together in one place in great numbers, as files. Minomino (mi'-n6-mi'-no), n. A wrin- kle in folding a cloth. Minomino (mi'-n6-mi'-no), v. [Mino, a curling up.] To contract; to wrinkle up; to curl together; to be wrinkled, as cloth or the skin of an aged person; minonnino na lima, eleele ka lehelehe. Syn: Omino. Minute (mi-nu'-te), n. [Eng.] A min- ute, the sixtieth part of an hour. MIo (mi'-o), adj. Rapidly; quietly; swiftly, said of physical actions. Mio (m!'-o), n. 1. A place where a stream of water is confined within very narrow bounds, and hence runs very swiftly, like water in a millrace. 2. The flowing or run- ning of water in a narrow place; a rapid and silent passing. Mio (mi'-o), v. 1. To move softly and quickly out of sight, as a diver disappears under water; to pass swiftly and noiselessly. 2. To be made narrow and pointed. 3. To flow swiftly and quietly, as water confined in a narrow channel. Mioi (mi-6'-i), adj. Bold; forward. Same as maoi and mahaoi. Mioiol (mi'-6i-6i), v. To see with eyes nearly closed; to wrinkle up the eyelids, as in looking at a daz- zling light. Miomio (mI'-6-mi'-o), adj. 1. Con- fined in a narrow space; pinched up, as the toes in a tight shoe. 2. Pointed in front; narrowed as the bow of a canoe. 3. Sloping; tapering to a point. 4. Beautiful, like a nicely shaped canoe. Miomio (mi'-6-mI'-o), n. An aquatic sport; riding the surf without a surf-board ; body surfing. Miomio (mi'-6-mi'-o), v. [MIo, to dive.] 1. To dive in the water. 2. To be tapered. Misionari (mi'-si-o-na'-ri), n. [Eng.] 1. One sent for any business. 2. In religion, one sent to publish the Gospel and teach men the religion of the Bible; a missionary: Ma- raki 31, 1820, hiki mal na misio- nari i holo mua mai. Mlu (mi'-u), V. To be attractive; to be handsome: Mlu ke keiki, the child is beautiful. Miula (mi'-u'-la), n. [Eng.] A mule; the offspring of an ass and a mare. The word generally used is hoki. Mo (mo). A syllable which when affixed to any vowel creates a complete word, as amo, cmo, imo, etc. Mo (mo), V. [Root form of moku, to divide.] 1. To break or to be broken, as a rope: ua mo ke kau- la. 2. Fig. To break or open, as light in the dawn of the morning: ua mo ka pawa. Moa (mo'a), adj. Done, that is, cooked thoroughly in any way: ai MOA 432 MOA moa, cooked vegetable food; ia i moa, cooked fish, etc.; moa lea, | fully cooked ; berena moa ole, [ dough. I Moa (mo'-a), n. 1. A domestic fowl; moa kane, a cock; moa wahine, a hen. 2. An old Hawaiian game. 3. A small stick or rod used in the game of moa. 4. A plant (Psilotum triquetrum), the leaves of which, made into a tea, are cathartic. ' 5. A variety of banana. Moa (mo'a), v. 1. To be cooked, as food. 2. To be made brittle, as in cooking: I mai la kela, aole i moa ka baka, that person said, the tobacco leaf is not dry. Moae (mo'-a'e), n. The regular trade winds; he kaomi; no ka mea he makani ikaika ka moae. Moae (mo'-a'e), n. Same as mowae or mawae, a cleft. Moaeku (mo'-a'e-ku'), n. [Moae, trade wind, and ku or eku, to re- sist.] A foreign wind, or a wind from a foreign country; he ma- kani no Kahiki mai. Moaelehua (mo'-a'e-le-hu'-a), n. [Moae, wind, and lehua.] 1. A wind that shakes the lehua trees; mai hoo- kokoke na maka i ka moaelehua. 2. The falling of the lehua blos- soms. Moaepehu (m5'-a'e-pe'-hu), n. [Moae, wind, and pehu, swollen.] The name of a wind. Moaha (mo'-a 'ha), n. 1. A bit of white bark used to protect a fish line in taking fish. 2. A small whitish stone used by fishermen as a sinker. Moahllele (mo'-a'-hi-le'-le), n. Same as mooahilele, a fiery flying ser- pent; a dragon. Moahoaho (mo'-a'-h6-a'-ho), adj. Afar off; at a great distance. Moa I (mo-a'i), adj. Long; bending; arching over. Moakaka (mo'-a-ka'-ka'), adj. Clear; plain; intelligible, as the expres- sion of a thought or an idea; transparent, as glass. Syn: Mo- laelae and konale. Moakaka (mo'-a'-ka'-ka), n. A rea- soning; an explaining. See the verb hoomoakaka, often used as a noun. Moakaka (mo'-a-ka'-ka'), v. To be clear; to be distinctly stated or understood; to be plain, Moakakala (m5'-a-ka-ka'-la) , n. [Moa, a fowl, and kakala, points; spurs.] A cock with sharp spurs; he moa kane, ua wini kakala. Moakinana (mo'-a-ki-na'-na), n. [Moa, fowl, and kinana, a hen and her brood.] A hen that has laid eggs; he moa wahine i hanau i na hua. Moala (mo'-a'-la), n. A species of reddish colored crab. Moala (mo'-a'-la), v. 1. To relish food. 2. To take a large miki or morsel of food, as much as one or two fingers can convey to one's mouth. Moalaala (mo'-a'-la-a'-la), adj. [Mo and ala, to rise up.] Going from house to house; going here and there; forward; without back- wardness or modesty in seeking or asking for favors. Moalea (mo'a-le'a), adj. [Moa, cooked, and lea, very.] Thorough- ly cooked, as food. Moall (mo'-a'-li), adj. Small; short; fine; finely marked. Moall (mo'-a'-li), n. 1. The thread or strand of a rope; a fraction or small piece of a thing. Syn: Ma- ali. 2. A slight track where a person has only once gone. Syn: Makaala. Moall (mo'-a'-li), v. To be fine; to be small and slender as a thread; to be small as a very little bit of a thing. Moamahi (mo'-a-ma'-hi), n. [Moa, fowl, and mahi, strong.] 1. A cock that conquers. 2. A conqueror of any kind. Moamaka (mo'a-ma'-ka), adj. [Moa, cooked, and maka, raw.] Imper- fectly or partially cooked. Moamoa (mo'-a-mo'-a), n. 1. The sharp point at the stern of a ca- noe; kahi e oioi ana mahope o ka waa. 2. Block used as a prop to prevent contact with the ground; a support. Moamoa (mo'-a-m5'-a), v. [Moa, a fowl, a cock.] 1. To be or to act the cock among fowls. 2. To give bountifully. Synj Momoa. 3. To carry or send food to others gra- tuitously. 4. To minister to; to care for. MOA 433 MOE Moamoawaa (mo'-a-mo'-a-wa'a), n. 1. Rollers used in conveying a canoe from a landing into the halau or canoe house. 2. The paper nautilus. Moana (mo'-S'-na), adj. Broad; wide; extended. Moana (mo'-a'-na), n. 1. The ocean; the sea generally or particularly. 2. The deep places of the sea; na wahi hohonu maloko o ke kai. 3. Camping ground. 4. Place of meeting for consultation among the chiefs; he wahi ahaolelo, a place for consultation. Moana (m5'-a'-na), v. 1. To be spread out; to be spread over, as the sea at high tide. 2. To be far below the surface of the sea. Moanaana (mo'-a'-na-a'-na), adj. Widely extended; opened widely. Moanaana (mo'-a'-na-a'-na), v. [Mo- ana, broad.] 1. To be broad; to be extended. 2. To be opened widely. 3. To be left without care; to be neglected. Waiho moanaana, waiho wale. Moanakai (mo'-a'-na-ka'i), n. [Mo- ana, sea, and kal, salt.] 1. The salt sea; epithet of the Dead Sea. 2. Applied in geography to salt lakes: Lilo iho la ia wahi i mo- anakai make, that place became a dead sea. Moanapaakai (mo'-a'-na-pa'a-kS'i), n. [Moana, sea, and paakai, salt.] The salt ocean or salt sea. Syn: Moanakai. Moanawai (mo'-a'-na-w^'i), n. [Mo- ana, sea, and wai, fresh water.] A lake; a lake of fresh water. Syn: Loko. MoanI (mo'-a'-ni), n. [Mo and ani, a breeze.] A gentle breeze; the general name of a light wind. Moani (mo'-^'-ni), v. To be fra- grant; to emit pleasant odor; to send forth a perfume or fragrance. Moan Ian i (mo'-a'-ni-a'-ni), adj. [Mo and aniani, to blow gently.] Blow- ing softly as the moani, or light breeze; he ua moaniani lehua no Puna. Moanllehua (mo'-a'-ni-le-hu'-a), n. [Moani, breeze, and lehua, a tree.] The name of a wind; the lehua breeze. Moano (mo-a'-no), n. A species of fish (Pseudopeneus multifasciatus). Moanokea (mo'-a'-n6-ke'a), n. A spe- cies of goat fish (Pseudopeneus chryserydros) of a dark or red- dish color; resembling the weke in size and color. Moaoua (mo'-a-6u'-a), n. [Moa, cock, and oua, or ouwo, unspurred.] A young cock before his spurs are grown. Syn: Ouwo. Moapalahu (mo'-a-pa'-ia-hu'), n. In- correct form of palahu, or pelehu, a turkey. Moau (mo'-a'u), adj. Long; stretch- ing out. Moaula (mo'-a'-u'-la), n. A valley in Halawa, on the Island of Molokai, noted for its waterfall, above which stood the temple or heiau of Lanikaula. Moawi (mo'-a-wi'), n. [Moa, fowl, and wl.] A setting hen. Moe (mo'-e), n. 1. A bed; a sleep- ing place: nnoe hilinai, a couch. 2. A dream: ma ka moe, in a dream; Hoakaka no hoi ke alii i ka moe ia ia, The king explained the dream to him; Ua moe ia ma ka moe, He lay on a bed. 3. One of the six houses of an ancient Hawaiian establishment; the sleeping house: eono hale o na kanaka, he hale moe kekahi. Syn: Halemoe. Moe (mo'-e), v. 1. To lie down; to fall prostrate, as in ancient wor- ship. 2. To lean forward on the hands and knees, as the people in coming into the presence of a chief. 3. To lie down, as in sleep; to lie down for the purpose of taking sleep; e moe no kaua, a momoe iho la; hence, 4. To sleep; to take rest in sleep. 5. To dream; e moe ka uhane; e moe i ka moe. 6. To stretch one's self on a bed; e moe hoolei. Moeaikane (mo'-e-S'l-ka'-ne), n. Sodomy. Moeaikane (mo'-e-a'i-ka'-ne), v. To commit sodomy. Moehalau (mo'-e-ha'-ia'u), v. [Moe, to lie down, and halau, to stretch out.] To stretch one's self out at full length; to lie at full length. Moehewa (mo'-e-he'-wa), n. Talk In sleep; restless and disturbed sleep; somniloquism. Moehewa (mo'-e-he'-wa), v. [Moe, sleep, and hewa, wrong.] To be MOE 434 MOH disturbed in one's sleep; to talk in sleep; to get up and do things in sleep. Moelkahal (mo'-e i-ka'-ha'i), n. A phrase rather than a word. [Moe, to sleep, i, with, and ka hai, an- other's (wife or husband).] Adul- tery with another's wife or hus- band. Moeino (mo'-e-i'-no), n. [Moe, sleep, and Ino, bad, unpleasant.] 1. Sleeping uncomfortably for want of room; being crowded; he ka- hua, he moewaa. 2. An unpleas- ant dream. Moeipo (mo'-e-i'-po), n. [Moe, to lie down, and ipo, a lover in any sense.] 1. A fornicator; an adul- terer; a mistress. 2. Fornication; adultery. Moekahauia (mo'-e-ka'-ha-u'-la), n. A lascivious dream. Syn: Aikahaula. Moekahua (mo'-e-ka-hu'-a), n. Same as moeino. Moekolohe (m6'-e-k6-lo'-he), adj. Adulterous; lustful; morally im- pure. Moekolohe (mo'-e-k6-lo'-he), n. Adul- tery, fornication, etc. Moekolohe (mo'-e-k6-lo'-he), v. [Moe, to sleep, and kolohe, mischief.] 1. To commit adultery or fornica- tion. 2. To sleep at an improper place or time. 3. To cause to commit fornication. Moekuhua (mo'-e-ku-hu'a), adj. Sore eyed, so that on waking the eyes cannot be opened, being glued to- gether. Moeloa (mo'-e-lo'-a), v. To sleep a long time; to sleep till late in the morning; aole Wakea i ala mai, ua moeloa. Moelu (mo'-e'-lu'), v. To gratify sexual desire after a long period of continence: No ko Wakea makemake no e moelu laua me Hoohokukalani, maloko o ia mau po i moelu ai o Wakea. Moelua (mo'-e-lu'-a), n. Red malo or red pau garment assumed usually on going to the seaside. Moemoe (m5'-e-mo'-e), n. An am- bush. Moemoe (mo'-e-mo'-e), v. [Moe, to lie down.] 1. To lie down to sleep; to dream. 2. To lurk; to lie in ambush; to lie concealed for some evil purpose. Moemoea (mo'-e-mo'-e-a'), v. To dream or fancy the fulfillment of some cherished purpose, good or bad. Moena (mo'-e'-na), n. [Contraction of moe and ana, a lying down.] A mat; a mattress; a couch; a pil- low; the common application is to mats of different kinds used by Hawaiians in their houses. Moenaahuao (mo'-e'-na-a'-hii-a'o), n. A mat braided from very fine strands of the lauhala leaf. Moenahlnalo (mo'-e'-na-hi'-na-lo), n. A fine mat made from young pan- danus leaves. Moenapawehe (mo-e'-na-pa'-we'-he), n. A species of fine mat, colored, checkered, and made mostly on the island of Niihau. Moeone (mo'-e-o'-ne), n. [Moe, to lie, and one, sand.] A worm that lives in the earth; a peelua. Moepuu (mo'-e-pu'u), n. 1. A per- son slain at the secret burial of a chief, so as the better to guard the secret. 2. One who, at the death of a chief, dies also to show his love for the deceased. Moeuhane (mo'-e-ii-ha'-ne), n. [Moe, to sleep, and uhane, soul; spirit.] 1. A dream; a vision; a trance; he akaku: Eia keia mea nui, he moeuhane na ka wahine o Liliha, here is a thing of importance, a dream by a woman of Liliha. 2. A dreamer. Moewaa (mo'-e-wa'a), n. A lasciv- ious dream. Syn: Moekahua. Moha (m6-ha'), adj. Bright; clear; shining; glistering. Mohaha (mo'-ha'-ha'), v. To be fleshy, well filled out. Mohahala (mo'-ha-ha'-la), v. Same as maholahola, to spread over. Mohai (m6'-ha'i), adj. Broken; frac- tured; broken in two. Mohai (mo'-ha'i), n. An expiatory sacrifice; a sacrifice generally; a general name of an offering to the gods, of various kinds and for var- ious purposes. (Most of the sacri- fices named here are common to the Levitical and to the ancient Hawaiian priesthood.) Mohai (mo'-ha'i), v. To break, as a stick; to break in two; to break off; to be broken. MOH 435 MOH Mohal (mo'-ha'i), v. To sacrifice to, the gods; to offer a sacrifice; to! present a gift at the altar. Mohaiahi (mo'-ha'i-a'-hi), n. An of- fering made by fire. Mohalai (mo'-ha'i-a'i), n. A meat! offering. t Mohaialaono (m6'-ha'i-a'-ia-5'-no), n. , [Mod.] A sweet-smelling offer- ing. Mohalaloha (mo'-ha'i-a-lo'-ha), n. A free-will offering. j Mohaihala (mo'-ha'i-ha'-la), n. A sin offering. Mohaihoali (mo'-ha'i-ho'-aMi), n. [Mod.] A wave offering. Mohaihooko (mo'-ha'i-ho'o-ko'), n. A sacrifice on performing a vow. Mohaihooluli (mo'-ha'i-ho'o-lu'-li), n, [Mod.] A wave offering. Same as Mohaihoali. Mohaihoomalu (mo'-ha'i-ho'o-ma'-lu), n. A peace offering. Mohaihoomana (mo'-ha'i-ho'o-ma'-na), n. Name in general for sacrifices offered in religious ceremonies. Mohalkalkal (m5'-ha'i-ka'i-ka'i), n. [Mod.] A heave offering. Mohaikaikea (mo'-ha'i-ka'i-ke'a), n. [Mod.] An offering of the fat by fire. Mohaikalahewa (mo'-ha'i-ka'-ia-he'- wa), n. An expiatory offering made to set free from punishment, when the one who has sinned is required to eat the sacrifice. Mohaikuni (mo'-ha'i-ku'-ni), n. A burnt sacrifice; a burnt offering. Mohailawehala (mo'-ha'i-la'-we-ha'-la). n. A sin offering. Mohaimakana (mo'-ha'i-ma-ka'-na), n. A free-will offering. MohaimilJIani (m6'-ha'i-mi'-lMa'-ni),n. A sacrifice of thanksgiving. (Hal. 116:17.) Mohaimoliaola (mo'-ha'i-mo'-li-a'-o'- la), n. [Mod.] The paschal sacri- fice. Mohalpanal (mo'-ha'l-pa-na'i), n. 1. An offering in the place of some- thing else. 2. An offering of a hog to a god by a mother on wean- ing an infant: He mohaipanai keia na ka makua, i mea e oluolu mai ai ke akua i ke keiki, this is a substitute offering by the parent that the god may be favorably disposed to the child. Mohaiponi (mo'-ha'i-p6'-ni), n. An offering of consecration. Mohaipuhi (mo'-ha'i-pu'-hi), n. An offering by fire. Mohala (mo'-ha'-la), adj. 1. Raised up, as something that had been depressed; convalescent. 2. Opened, as the petals of a flower that has been pressed; open, as a flower; pua mohala. 3. Recoverable, as an illness not fatal. Mohala (mo'-ha'-la), v. 1. To open; to expand, as a flower; to blos- som. Same as mohola. 2. To be loosened or set free; applied to that which has been bound, coiled or drawn up tight. Mohalahala (mo'-ha'-la-ha'-la), adj. Loose; unbound; set free; lilolilo wale. Mohalahala (mo'-ha'-la-ha'-la), v. [A redundant form of the verb mo- hala.] To be freed or loosened from, as from fear, confusion, per- plexity, etc. Mohalu (mo'-ha'-lu), adj. At ease; quiet; at liberty; unrestrained. See pohala. Mohalu (mo'-ha'-lu), n. 1. Clear- ness; fullness, as the full moon. 2. A day of the month when the moon begins to be round; twelfth day of the month and first of the Kane tabu in the old Hawaiian calendar. Mohalu (mo'-hS'-lu), v. 1. To be comfortable; to be unrestrained; to be at full liberty. 2. To be loosened. Mohaluhalu (mo'-ha'-lCi-ha'-lu), v. To be easy; to be quiet; to be at liberty. Mohlhl (m6'-hl'-hi), n. [Mo and hihl, a vine.] 1. A strong vine used for strings. 2. Trellis or frame cov- ered with vines. 3. Name applied in general to all creeping plants. Mohlhio (mo-hi'-hi'-o), n. A narrow current of air driven in a certain direction. Mohioluopeope (m6'-hi'-6-lu-o'-pe-6'- pe), adj. Disobedient; unyield- ing; stubborn, as a child; impu- dent. Moho (mo'-ho), n. The sandwich rail (Pennula ecaudata). Also the generic name of the oo, said to be "a prince among Hawaiian birds." Moho (mo'-ho), v. To evolve or show the upper or top leaf of a plant of sugar-cane, taro, etc.; to MOH 436 MOK bud out; to break or unfold, as the bud into leaves. Mohoea (mo'-ho-e'a), adj. Fine; good-looking: maka mohoea, fine face. Mohola (m6-ho'-la), v. Same as mo- hala. To evolve; to unfold, as the leaves of a growing plant; to bloom out, as a flower; to blos- som. Syn: Uhola. Mohole (mo-ho'-le), adj. 1. Rubbed off; bruised; crushed. 2. Fig. Sad; sorrowful; dejected. Mohole (mo-ho-le), V. To be bruised; to break up; to be crushed. Syn: Pohole. Mahole and pahole are active forms. Moholehole (mo-ho'-le-ho'-le), v. 1. To skin; to rub off; to polish. 2. To act lazily; to be dejected or cast down. Moi (mo-i'), adj. Supreme; royal; lordly; pertaining to the gods; haku, alii akua. Moi (mo-I'), n. 1. A sovereign; one in whom is supreme authority. 2. Sovereignty; majestic; suprem- acy; it is applied to men and to gods, as haku, alii and akua. In the Old Testament it is applied to Jehovah. In the New Testament it is applied to Jesus Christ. Ho- ailona moi, a badge of supreme authority; applied to the Son of God. 3. One of the gods in a temple. Moi (mo'-i), n. A fish of the thread-fin family (Polydactylus sextilis). Also called moi-lii. Moiiii (mo'-i-li'i), n. A small white fish of the moi class. See moi. Moiu (mo'-i'-u), adj. [Mo and iu or lulu, afar off.] Afar off; at a great distance; out of sight; hence, more or less venerated. Syn : Poiuiu. Moiuiu (mo'-i'-u-i'-u), adj. [Euphonic form of moiu.] Distant; almost out of sight. Moka (mo'-ka), adj. Filthy; per- taining to offal. Moka (mo'-ka), n. Offal; waste matter; that which is thrown away. Moka (mo'-ka), v. To be refuse; to be filth; to be set apart as a place for waste matter, as a receptacle of filth. Mokae (mo'-ka'e), n. 1. A grass something like the ahuawa or sedge. It flourishes in moist soil and bears a nutlike body on the end of the root. Mokaekae (mo'-ka'e-ka'e), adj. Grati- fying to the taste, as rich food; relishable. Mokaki (mo'-ka'-ki'), n. Pieces; fragments. Mokaki (m5-ka'-ki'), v. To be brok- en in pieces; to be shattered; to lie around in confusion, as scat- tered fragments. Mokaokao (mo-ka'o-ka'o), n. Hard- ness. Mokapawa (mo'-ka-pa'-wa), n. [Con- traction of mokukapawa; mo, to break; ka, article; pawa, morning, dawn; also, ua moku ka pawa o ke ao, lit. The dawn is breaking.] The opening dawn; daybreak. Moki (mo-ki'), v. Same as muki. Mokihana (mo'-ki-ha'-na), n. 1. A slender tree 12 to 15 feet high. (Pelea anisata.) Found in various parts of Kauai, but more abundant in Hanalei; the pods when bruised j emit a strong spicy odor of anise. Also spelled mokehana. 2. An I odor; a fragrance; the perfume of I the mokihana. I Mokimoki (mo-ki'-mo-ki'), v. Same I as mukimuki. I Mokio (m6-kI'-o), v. 1. To steal. I 2. To cause to change place. 3. I To pucker up or contract the lips for whistling. Moko (mo'-ko), v. To fight; to pound with the fist; to box; mako, melu, pauhu. Mokoi (mo-ko'-i), n. A fishing rod; a pole used for fishing with hook, rod and line. Mokoi (m6-ko'-i), v. To be hard; to be stingy; to be cruel. Mokoikoi (mo'-kdi-koi), v. [Mokoi, a fishing rod.] To take fish with rod, hook and line. Mokole (mo'-ko'-le), adj. Inflamed, as the eyes; swelled out; not able to see distinctly. Mokole (mo'-ko'-le), n. Same as makole. Inflamed eyes; sore eyes, Mokoloa (mo'-ko-lo'-a), n. Same as makaloa, a variety of aquatic grass used in plaiting mats. Mokomoko (mo'-ko-mo'-ko), n. A box- er; a man skilled in fighting; a puka mai la kolaila mokomoko. Mokomoko (mo'-ko-mo'-ko), v. To box; to fence; to fight; to hold MOK 437 MOK boxing matches as pastimes: I ka makahiki, e mokomoko no na ka- naka ame na 'Hi ame ka wahine ame kamalii, on the first day of the year the people, the chiefs, women and children, held boxing matches, that is, attended them. Moku (mo'-ku), adj. and adv. Push- ing forward impetuously; greatly increased; swollen, as water; run- ning without restraint; flowing; breaking down barriers, as water. Moku (mo'-ku), n. 1. A part of a country divided off from another part. 2. A district; a division of an island, as Kona on Hawaii, and Hana on Maui. 3. An island, that is, land separated from other land by water. Moku or mokupuni is synonymous with aina. (D. Malo, Hawaiian Antiquities, 7:1.) 4. A ship; so called from the supposi- tion when first seen that they were islands. The ancient word for a boat was waa. 5. A dividing line; a boundary between the dif- ferent divisions of an island. 6. A part or piece of anything broken off. Syn: Mokuna. Moku (mo'-ku), v. 1. To be divided in two; to be cut, as with a sword: Hahau mai la i ka pahi. a moku kekahi alii, he struck with a sword and a certain chief was cut; to be cut off, as a member of the body. 2. To break asunder, as a cord, rope or chain. (Oihk. 26:13.) Mokuahana. (m6'-ka'-a-ha'-na), adj. Split into parties or factions, as a people; divided; unfriendly; op- posed. Mokuahana (m6'-ku'-a-ha'-na), v. To be divided, as a kingdom, a city or a family into two or more con- tending parties; to be split as a community into factions. Mokuahi (mo'-kG-a'-hi), n. 1. [Moku, a part, and ahl, fire.] A firebrand. Syn: Momokuahi. 2. [Moku, ship, and ahl, fire.] Lit. A fire ship. A name given to a steam vessel, but improperly, as a steam vessel is mokumahu. Mokuahi, however, is in more general use. Mokuahua (m6'-kii-a-hu'-a), adj. 1. Evil minded; ill disposed; inju- rious. 2. Sad at the evil of an- other. I Mokuafna (mo'-ku-a'i-na), n. [Moku, ! broken off, and aina, land.] An j island; a land separated from an- other land. (Laieik. p. 110.) Syn: Moku. Mokuawal (m6'-kii-a-wa'i), v. 1. To I be many; to be multitudinous. j 2. To flow along, as a stream with 1 rains. 3. To run; to rush, as a j multitude. I Mokuhia (m6'-kil-hi'-a), adj. [For ! mokula, passive of moku.] Broken; I divided. Syn: Mokulia. j Mokuhia (m6'-kii-hl'-a), adj. Bxtin- I guished; made an end of. Mokuhia (m6'-kii-hi'-a), n. A run- ning out; an ebbing. Mokuhikuhl (m6'-ku'-hi-ku'-hi), adj. [Mo and kuhikuhi, sweet.] Sweet, as sugar. Mokukapawa (m6-ku'-ka-pa'-wa), n. Break of day. Mokukaua (mo'-kii-ka'u-a), n. [Moku, ship, and kaua, war.] A war ship; a man-of-war. Mokukele (mo'-kil-ke'-le), n. The action of sailing from island to island in a canoe in ancient times. (D. Malo, Hawaiian Antiquities, Chap. 7:1.) Mokukelekahlkl (mo'-kfl-ke'-le-ka-hl'- ki), n. A canoe sailing to a for- eign country. (Laieik. p. 175.) Mokuklakolu (mo'-kG-ki'-a-ko'-lu), n. [Moku, ship; kia, mast, and kolu, three.] A vessel with three masts; a ship. Mokuklalua (mo'-kti-ki'-a-lu'-a), n. [Moku and kla, mast, and lua, two.] A vessel with two masts; a schooner; a brig. Mokulela (mo'-kO-le-I'-a), n. A fish of the kahala kind; kahala mokulela. Same as kahala. Mokulia (mo'-kfl-li'-a), adj. [For mo- kula, passive of moku.] Divided; broken up. Mokumahu (mo-kil-ma'-hu),n. [Moku, boat, and mahu, steam.] A steam- ship. Syn: Mokuahi. Mokumoku (mo'-kti-mo'-ku), adj. Broken or cut to pieces, as a rope. Mokumoku (mo'-ku-mo'-ku), v. 1. [Moku, to divide.] To tear up; to rend; to break in pieces; to pluck, as the feathers of a bird. 2. Same as mokomoko. Mokumokuahua (mo'-kCi-mo'-kti-a- hu'-a), V. To yearn; to be moved with affection towards one; to MOK 438 MOL yearn with pity for one. Ua mo- kumokuahua ka manawa o ke alii i ke aloha, the spirit of the chief yearned with affection (Laieik. p. 136.) See mokuahua. Mokuna (mo'-ku'-na), n. 1. A part or piece cut off from something larger. 2. A division of a coun- try; a coast or region. 3. A chap- ter or division of a book. Mokupuni (mo'-ku-pu'-ni), n. [Moku, an island, and puni, to surround.] The full form for island; that is, a division of land surrounded (by water): O ka mokupuni oia ka mea nui e like me Hawaii, Maui, ame na moku e ae. Syn: Aina. Mokuwahi (mo'-ku-wa'-hi), v. [Moku and wahl, to break.] To be at en- mity or variance, as two men. Ob- solete. Syn: Mokuhana. Mola (m6'-la), adj. Turning; twist- ing; unstable; paa ole i ka milo ana; not tight; loose. Mola (m6'-la), v. To turn; to be unstable; to spin round; e milo. Molaelae (mo'-la'e-la'e), adj. [Mo and laelae, clear.] Clear; explicit; easily understood; not obscure in vision. Molaki (m6-la'-ki), n. [Eng.] Same as moraki, a mortgage. Molale (mo'-la'-le), n. Distant; far away: Molale ka waiho ana o ka po. Molalelale (mo'-la'-le-ia'-le), adj. Clear; bright; plain. Molamola (mo'-la-mo'-la), adj. [Mola, to spin,] Spinning or twisting round; not fixed. Mole (mo'-le), n. 1. The principal root of a tree that runs straight downward; also the large roots of a tree generally. (The small ones that branch out from them are called aa.) 2. The bottom of a pit; the bottom of the sea; lowest part. 3. Fig. A root, that is, offspring; descendants from a root; one belonging to a family. 4. A cause; a means. 5. A root; a foundation: Aole i loaa ia'u ka mole o ka naauao, I have not ob- tained the principles of knowledge. 6. The plain portions of a carved ie kuku or tapa beater. Found in compounds descriptive of designs: molepupu, molekoeaupupu, etc. Mole (mo'-le), v. 1. To linger; to lag behind; to be slow. 2. To be firmly fixed. Molea (mo'-le'-a), n. A person so angry that his countenance is dis- torted. Molea (mo-le'-a), v. Same as molio. to be drawn tightly. Molehaluapupu (mo'-le-ha-lu-a-pu-pn'), n. A certain design carved on an ie kuku or tapa beater-; called also haluapupu. It is distinguished by a series of round depressions, resembling shells (pupu). Molehulehu (mo'-le'-hu-le'-hu), adj. Shady, in time of tiwilight. Molehulehu (mo'-le'-hii-le'-hu), n. The shade of the evening; twilight. Ka malamalama iki e nalowale ai ka ili kanaka. Molekiaha (m6'-le-kl-a'-ha), n. [Mole, bottom, and klaha, cup.] The bot- tom of a cup or mug. Molemole (m5'-le-mo'-le), adj. [Mole, a root.] 1. Round and smooth; cylindrical; smooth, as the surface of a bald head. Syn: Omole, omolemole. 2. Baldheaded. 3. Sleek and smooth with fatness. Moli (mo'-ll), n. A sharp instrument used for tattooing: Hahau iho la ka moli, pahuhu ae la ke koko. the moli is struck on, the blood flows out. Moli (mo'-li'), n. A large sea-going bird which nests and rears its young among the clefts of inland precipices. Molia (mo'-ll'-a), v. [This word, like the Latin sacro, signifies to devote, to give up or give over to a good or bad end, that is, to bless or to curse according to the character of the thing devoted and the pur- pose to which it is devoted.] 1. To bless or to curse, according to the prayer of the priest. 2. To bless; to pay for the safety of one with an alana or sacrifice. 3. To be i sanctified, that is, set apart or I devoted to the service of the gods ; e molia ka ai i ke akua. 4. To worship; to sacrifice; to offer to the gods. 5. To save alive; e hoomana, e kaumaha, e amaama, e hoola. 6. To curse; to give over i or devote to destruction; give to ' be sacrificed; to anathematize. 7. To destroy; e hoomake. (Molia is to bless or to curse according to MOL 439 MOM some following word or phrase: Molia mai e ola, bless him, let him live; molia mai e make, curse him, let him die; molia ka poe kipi, curse the rebels; molia i ke alii e make, curse the chief, let him perish; molia i ke kukui e pio, curse the lamp, let it go out; molia i ka ua e oki, curse the rain, let it stop; molia i ka hekili aole e hekili hou mai, curse the thunder, let it thunder no more.) Moliaola (m6'-li-a-o'-la), adj. Of or belonging to the Jewish passover; mohai moliaola, ahaaina moliaola. Moliaola (m6'-li-a'-o'-la), n. 1. An ancient form of worship when the priest offered a sacrifice and prayed for the life or safety of the people. 2. Applied in modern times to the Jewish passover when a lamb was sacrificed for each household, and the angel of death passed over leaving the children of Israel unhurt. 3. In the New Testament it is figuratively ap- plied to the death of Christ as the sacrifice for the sins of men. Molili (mo-li'-li), adj. [Mo and lili, small.] Little; small; stinted. Same as malili. Molimoli (mo'-li-mo'-li), v. [Moll, an instrument of tattooing.] To use the moli in puncturing the skin in making letters or figures, Molio (mo-li'-o), adj. Taut; not slack. Molio (mo-li'-o), v. To be stretched; to be taut. Moljolio (mo-li'-o-li'-o), adj. Tight. Molo (m6'-lo) v. Same as mola, to be turned back or untwisted. Molohai (mo'-16-ha'i), n. Laziness; heaviness of head and eyes; drowsiness; tendency to sleep, i keia manao e huna i kau ano, i aku au me ka make, molohai. (This word is used by the proud } or foolish for molowa.) Molokai (mo'-16-ka'i), n. The fifth in relative size of the Hawaiian j islands. I Molokainuiahina (m5'-16-ka*i-nii i-a- j hl'-na), n. Another name for the island of Molokai. Molokama (mo'-16-ka-m5.), n. A val- ley on the island of Kauai cele- brated for its beautiful cascades: Uina ka wai o na Molokama. Molokini (m6'-16-ki'-ni) One of the small islands of the Hawaiian group. Moloku (mo'-16-ku), adj. Pertaining to the loloku, a muscle on the back of the head and neck extend- ing downward over the spinal column. Molowa (mo'-16-wa'), adj. Indis- posed to make an effort; inactive; lazy; unwilling to do; tiresome to one's patience. Syn: Manaka. Molowa (m6'-16-wa'), adv. Lazily; deceitfully. Molowa (mo'-16-wa'), n. Slackness; indifference; carelessness; lazi- ness. Molowa (mo'-lO-wa'), v. To be in- disposed to work; to spend time listlessly; to be lazy; to be idle; to be indifferent whether a thing is done or not: molowa iho la ua alii la ia Hawaii, that chief was indifferent respecting Hawaii; i aku la, ua molowa au i ka aina, he said, I am indifferent about the lands. Moluhi (m6-lu'-hl), adj. [Mo and luhi, tired.] Weary; fatigued. Molulo (m6-lu'-lo), adj. Fat; plump; bloated; large, so that the fat shakes on one's bones; applied to men. Molulo (m6-lu'-lo), n. One who steals. Syn: Moluna. Molulo (m6-lu'-lo), v. Same as mo- luna, to rob. Moluloica (m6-luM6-le'-a), adj. Wall- ing, crying, etc., as of a ghost or of one cast ashore from a wreck. Ia ulna ai lele hauli e ka manawa. Lele-ploe loko i ko aloha =E2=80=94 Aloha mai nei, hele a hlikua. Hoi lanaau ka muha i hana ke-ua, I ka uaua o ka pUie molulolea. Molulolea (m6-lu'-16-le'-a), n. 1. The voice or wail of a ghost. 2. The wail of one shipwrecked and cast ashore. Molulolulo (m6-lu'-16-lu'-lo), adj [In- tensive of molulo.] Fat; plump. Moluna (md-lu'-na), n. A thief; one who robs another. Moluna (m6-lu'-na), v. To take by force; to rob; to plunder. Same as molulo. Momi (mo'-mi), n. 1. A Pearl; the pearl of the oyster. 2. The hard center of the eye. 3. The hard MOM 440 MON face of a watch. 4. The eye of a fish; maka ia. Momi (mo'-mi), v. Same as moni. To swallow, as food; to put in the mouth and swallow. Momiku (mo'-mi-ku'), v. [MomI, to swallow, and ku, standing.] To swallow standing up; a word made use of by Kamehameha to express contempt of his enemies, meaning, he would swallow them up. Momimomi (m5'-mi-mo'-mi), v. [Freq. of mom I.] To swallow; to swallow frequently. Momio (mo'-ml'-o), adj. [Mo and mio, sloping to a point; close.] Tapering; cramped. Momo (mo'-mo), n. Renewed tapa; tapa or native cloth that has gone through the beating process a number of times. Same as moo- moo. Momoa (m6'-m6'-a), v. To give lib- erally; to take care of a poor person; to act the friend of one; to be continually giving to others; to take care of, as a guardian takes care of the property of his ward. Syn: Malama. Momoe (m6'-mo'-e), v. [Moe, to sleep.] To sleep; to dream; to sleep together, as two persons. Momoku (m6'-m6'-ku), adj. Broken; separated; broken up; greatly in- creased, as water running in a freshet, breaking or rushing forth. Momoku (m6'-m6'-ku), n. 1. The rushing and running together of people, as in a popular outbreak; breaking forth, as water from a reservoir. 2. What is broken or torn off or snatched out: momoku ahi, a fire brand; e waiho ana ka momoku pi e mani ai ka umu. Momoku (m6'-m6'-ku), v. [Moku, to divide.] 1. To break; to break up; to separate. 2. To be broken in pieces. Momokuahi (m6'-m6'-kG-a'-hi), n. [Momoku, fragment, and ahi, fire.] The remnants of fire; charcoal; wood charred; a fire brand. Momole (m6'-m6'-le), adj. Round and smooth. Momole (m6'-m6'-le), v, [Mole, a root.] To be round and smooth; to be smooth and straight up and down, as a smooth perpendicular pali or precipice. Syn: Kumomole. Momolio (m6'-m6-li'-o), adj. Con- tracted; narrow, as a corridor. Momolio (mo'-m6-li'o), n. An open way along which one passes in or out. Syn: Makaha. Momomi (mo-mo'-mi), n. Same as maomao. Momomi (mo-mo'-mi), v. [Freq. of momi, to swallow.] To swallow greedily. Momomoe (mo'-mo-mo'-e), v. [Moe, to sleep.] 1. To sleep; to sleep often or soundly; to be very sleepy; to sleep together. 2. To lean; to slant; to crouch, as an animal preparing to spring upon its prey. Momona (m6'-mo'-na), adj. [Mona, fat.] 1. Large; fat; fleshy; gen- erally applied to persons or ani- mals. 2. Fig. applied to the ground, rich; fertile. (Momona when applied to food or drink, re- fers to whatever is good or pleas- ant to the taste, as rich, sweet, fat.) Momona (m6'-mo'-na), n. 1. The fat, that is, the fat part of an animal. 2. The fat of land, that is, fertil- ity. 3. The custard apple or chere- moya tree (Anona cherimolia) and its fruit. Momona (niQ'-mo'-na), v. [Mona, fat.] 1. To be fat; to be round; to be plump. 2. To be swelled out full; to be smooth as the skin of a fat person or animal. 3. To be- come fat, that is, independent. 4. To be fruitful, as fertile land. Momoni (m6'-mo'-ni), n. A species of pomacentroid fish. Also called uukumoneu. Mona (mo'-na), adj. [Evidently the primitive form of momona.] Fat; rich; good, as a good soil: ua hookupu maikai oia (o Hawaii), he mo/ia ka lepo. Mona (mo'-na), v. [Contraction of momona.] 1. To be fat; to be round and plump with fatness. 2. To be rich or fertile, as land. Monea (mo-ne'-a), v. [For moniia, to be swallowed.] To be stuffed; to be filled full with food; to be glutted. Moneha (m6'-ne-ha'), adj. Far off. Moneha (mo'-ne-ha'), n. A long dis- tance. Moni (mo'-ni), n. [Eng.] Money; the price of a thing sold. (Kin. MON 441 MOO 44:12.) Syn: Talena. (Biblical, a talent.) Moni (mo'-ni), v. Same as momi. To swallow; to consume; to drink up, as the earth drinks up water; o ka honua, ua monI i ka wai, the earth, it drinks up the water; to suck up, as a sponge; e omo; e moni i ka ai, to swallow food. Monimoni (m6'-ni-m6'-ni), n. 1. A fast eater; one who swallows quickly. 2. Metaphorically, one who receives instruction greedily. Moo (mo'o), n. 1. A general name for all kinds of reptiles; a lizard; hence, a serpent; a snake; the lizard god of Paliuli, whose name was Kihanuilulumoku, ka moo nui. (Laieik. p. 104.) 2. Narrow strip of land; a division of land next less than an ili; name given to any long, narrow piece of land. 3. A line of direction; a narrow path; a ridge, Syn: Kuamoo. 4. The long poles placed longi- tudinally across the iakos of a canoe. 5. A raised surface ex- tending lengthwise between irri- gation streamlets. 6. Word used by translators of the Bible to de- note those who practice sorcery, divination, necromancy, etc. 7. A line of genealogy; succession, hence, 8. A story or tradition. Moo (mo'o), V. [Contraction of maloo. To be dry.] To be dry; to become dry. E kuku ma ke kua me ka ie a palahalaha, a kau- lai a moo % lilo i kapa. Mooa (mo'o-a'), n. A narrow or faint path; slight traces of a path where only a few footprints are seen. Mooae (mo'o-a'e), n. Incorrect spell- ing of moae. Mooahilele (mo'o-a'-hi-le'-le), n. [Moo, a reptile, and ahl, fire, and lele, to fly.] A fiery flying serpent. (In the last editibn of the Ha- waiian Bible the word is moolele. Mooakua (mo'o-a-ku'-a), n. [Moo, a story, and akua, a god.] A legend; a story concerning the gods. Mooati (mo'o-a'-li), adj. [Moo, a narrow strip, and all, a scar.] Small; thin; little. Syn: Moali. Mooaiii (mo'o-5-li'i), n. [Moo, a line, and alii, chief.] The names of a line of chiefs; a genealogy; a his- tory of one's ancestors. Moohueloawa (mo'o-hu-e'-16-a'-wa) , n. [Mod., moo, reptile, and huelo, tail, and awa, bitter; stinging.] A scorpion; a poisonous serpent. Mookaala (mo'o-ka-a'-la'), n. A species of lizard found on dry lands running about on the rocks, common on cliffs or rocky places in the sun. Mookaao (mo'o-kS-a'o), n. A his- torical legend; a tale of ancient times. D. Malo, Hawaiian Antiqui- ties, chap. 1, verse 8. Mookahiko (mo'o-k3,-hi'-ko), n. [Mod., moo, reptile, and kahiko, old.] The old serpent; a being spoken of in Rev. 12:9. Syn: Satan; Diabolo; Deragona. Mookahuna (mo'o-ka-hu'-na), n. [Moo, line, and kahuna, priest.] A genealogy of the ancient priests, kept by the priests themselves. Mookanaka (mo*o-ka'-na-ka), n. [Moo, live, and kanaka, human be- ing.] A genealogy or a list of the people for the purpose of taxa- tion. Mookaula (mo'o-ka'-u-la), n. A species of black lizard found about houses. Mooku (mo'o-ku'), n. 1. The wor- ship of the god Ku, one of the great gods. See moolono. 2. An- other name for Ku. Mookuauhau (mo'o-ku'-au-h^'u), n. [Moo, a line, and kuauhau, a story, a tax.] A story, history or gene- alogy, a line of descent for the people, but in connection with taxes. (The mookuauhau has sev- eral sources; some believed Ku- mulipo to stand at the head; oth- ers, Paliku; others, Ololo; others, Puanue; others, Kapohihi. D. Malo, Hawaiian Antiquities, Chap. 1, verses 8 and 10.) Mookupuna (mo'o-kii-pu'-na), n. [Moo, line, and kupuna, grand- father.] A list or line of the stock or tribe of one's family or ancestors; a genealogy. Moolele (mo'o-le'-le), n. [Moo, rep- tile and lele, to fly.] Word used by the translators of the Scrip- ! tures for flying serpent or dragon. Moolelo (mo'-6-le'-lo),n. [Contraction I of moo, story, and olelo, discourse.] I 1, A continuous or connected nar- I rative; a history, a tradition. 2. ; In modern times, the minutes or MOO 442 MOW proceedings of a deliberative body ; a taxation list. MooJio (mo'o-li'-o), v. 1. To be small or narrow, as a path, 2. To be small, as a patch weeded by many meir. o. To be narrowed or com- pressed, said of the shooting for- ward by compressed air or liquid. Moolono (mo'o-lo'-no), n. The wor- ship rendered to Lono, one of the four principal gods; ua kapaia ma ka moolono, no ka mea o Lono ke akua nui o ia aoao. See moo- ku. Moolu (mo'-o'-lu), adj. [Mo, and olu, comfortable.] 1. Free, unre- strained; quiet. 2. Sinking, as in the mire; loose; yielding. Moomake (mo'o-ma'-ke), n. [Moo, reptile, and make, death.] A dead- ly reptile; asp; viper. Moomoo (mo'o-mo'o), n. 1. Tapa of second or third rate; tapa that is not considered valuable, or that has been made over. 2. Same as moopuna, a grandchild. Moonahesa (mo'o-na-he'-sa), n. [Mod., mo'o, lizard, and nahesa, serpent.] Flying serpent or dragon. Syn: Moolele. Moonihoawa (mo'o-ni*-h6-a'-wa), n. [Moo, reptile, and niho, tooth, and awa, poison; bitter.] A serpent; a viper; a poisonous reptile. Moonui (mo'o-nti'-i), n. [Moo, and nui, great, a great lizard.] A be- ing several times mentioned in the Scriptures and translated dragon. Mooolelo (mo'o-6-le'-lo), n. [Moo, line, and olelo, discourse.] 1. A continuous or connected narrative of events; a history; a tradition. 2. In modern times, the minutes of a deliberative body; a taxation list. A shortened form is moolelo. Mooomole (mo'o-6-mo'-le), adj. Same as omolemole. Mooomole (mo*o-6-mo'-le), n. A bot tie shaped calabash used as a re ceptacle for an angler's outfit. Moopepeiaohao (mo'o-pe-pe'i-a'o- i ha'-o), n. [Moo, lizard, and pepe- 1 iao, ear, and hao, iron or horn.] The cockatrice, an animal men- tioned in the Bible. Moopetena (mo'o-pe-te'-na), n. [Moo, | reptile, and pethen (Heb.), adder.] An adder. Moopuna (mo'o-pu'-na), n. [Moo, suc- cession, and puna, springing up, as water.] A grandchild; posterity generally. (Descendants were I counted as follows: 1st, makua, ; parent; 2d, keiki, child; 3d, moo- I puna kuakahi, grandchild; 4th, moopuna kualua, great-grandchild; 5th, moopuna kuakolu, great-great- grandchild, etc.) Moowaa (mo'o-wa'a), n. The long sticks belonging to a canoe, reach- ing fore ahd aft, across the iako or arches connecting the canoe and the outrigger. Same as moo. Moowini (mo'o-wi'-ni), adj. Very small, like the filaments of a spi- der's web; very fine. Moowini (mo'o-wi'-ni), n. [Moe and wini, fine pointed.] 1. Dimness in vision; misty in seeing. 2. Blind- ness, natural or moral. 3, A blind person; nana mai no na maka, aole nae he ike. Moowini (mo'o-wi'-ni), v. To be mis- ty; to be dim visioned; to see in- distinctly; to be blind. Mopua (m6-pu'-a), adj. Fine; melo- dious, as a voice. Mopuna (m6'-pu'-na), n. Same as moopuna. A descendant of the third generation, including the first; as makua, parent; keiki, child; mopuna, a grandchild. Moraki (m6-ra'-ki), n. [Eng.] A mortgage; a deed of conveyance on condition. Same as molaki. Mou (mo'-u), n. Same as mouo, a buoy. Mouki (m6-u'-ki), adj. Dirty; bad smelling; corrupt. MoukI (m6-u'-ki), v. Same as uki, to have a strong unpleasant smell. Moukiuki (mo'-u'-ki-u'-ki), adj. Warm, as the effluvia from a decompos- ing body; bad scented, as the air from a tight room. Syn: Ikiiki. Mouo (mo-u'-o), n. 1. A buoy; a float to show something below the water, as an anchor. 2. A piece of wood, board or other substance to float on; o ka mouo e ou ai ka naau, a buoy for the heart to es- cape on. 3. A place where any- thing may float securely, like the poe heenalu when they come in through the surf and float at ease. Mououo (mo-u'o-u'o), n. A float or buoy for a fish net; he lawaia mououo. Same as pououo. Mowa (mo'-wa'), adj. Incorrect form of moa, done. MOW 443 MUK Mowae (md'-wa'e), n. [Mo and wae, to separate.] A rent; a broken place; a furrow; a cleft; an open- j Ing among rocks. Same as mawae. I Mowae (mo-wa'e), n. Same as moae. , The name of a wind; the regular trade wind. i Mu (mu), n. 1. A littl^ black bug that eats most kinds of wood and all kinds of clothing: he mea e popopo ai ka lole; a destroyer of many kinds of property; a moth. 2. An order that lived in the mountains above Lauhaele and sub- sisted on the banana. Also called namu. 3. A person employed to procure human victims when a heiau was to be dedicated or a new house built. 4. Small bird belonging to the class Loxops. Same as iwipolena. 5. A species of fish, called also mamamu and mamamo (Monotaxis grandoculis). Mu (mu), V. 1. To shut the lips and hold the mouth full of water. Same as mumu. 2. [Contraction of mumule.] To be silent. Mua (mu'-a), adj. Foremost; pre- ceding all others in a series; first. Mua (mu'-a), adv. Previously; be- forehand. Mua (mu'-a), n. 1. A house for men only in ancient times; the house was tabu to women. The women's houses were nua and pea. 2. The distinguishing name of one of the six houses constituting a family arrangement. See hale. Eono hale o na kanaka =E2=80=94 he mua, oia kekahi, men had six houses =E2=80=94 a mua was one; the mua was the eating house for the husband; ai no ke kane ma ka mua, the hus- band ate in the mua. D. Malo, Hawaiian Antiquities, Chap. 59; Holo kiki aku la o Papa a komo i ka mua e paio me Wakea, Papa ran hastily and entered the eat- ing house or husband's house to quarrel with Wakea. 3. The front; front part; frontage. 4, A preceding all else. Mua (mQ-a'), n. A bottle-necked calabash, such as were used to drink out of. Mua (mii-a'), v. To feed from mouth to mouth, an old custom among Hawaiians; that is, to chew food and feed it to small children. Muakau (mu'-a-ka'u), adj. First ripe, as fruits; first born; applied to fish, first caught. Muakau (mu'-a-ka'u), n. The sea- son's first fruits; first catch, as in fishing. Muakua (mu'-a,-ku'-a), adj. [Mu and akua, a god.] Unfriendly; unspar- ing; without mercy, like the mu or officer who procured the human victim for a sacrifice. Muamua (mu'-a-mu'-a), v. To wash the mouth. Same as mumu. Mue (mu'e), adj. Bitter; bad in taste; offensive to the palate. Mueeke (mii'-e-e'-ke), v. To shrink; to start from fear or pain. Syn: Eeke. Muhee (mu-he'e), adj. Fickle; changeable; unsteady minded. (Used only figuratively.) Muhee (mu'-he'e), n. [Mu and hce, to slip.] An octopus that moves two ways like the crab. Muhee (rRu'-he'e), v. To make an indistinct sound; to hum. Syn. Mumuhu. Mui (mu'-i), v. [The primitive form of muimui.] To be assembled. Hoomuimui is the active form. Muia (mu'-i'-a), v. [For muiia, pas- sive of mui.] To be collected to- gether. Muikiki (mu'-i'-ki-ki'), v. [Mu and ikikl.] 1. To be cramped, as in the posture of one sitting on a low and narrow seat like the paddlers in a canoe. 2. To press close to- gether; to. draw in; to cut short. Muimui (mQ'-i-mu'-i), v. To be col- lected together; to be assembled in one place; to be thick togeth- er; to assemble to see something; muimui aku la na kanaka ame na wahine e makaikai, men and wo- men assembled together to exam- ine. Muimuia (mu'-i-mii-I'-a), v. [Passive of muimui.] To be collected to- gether; to be in a compact mass. Muka (mu'-ka'), n. A seizing; a swallowing up quickly; a devour- ing. (Laieik. p. 105.) Muka (mu'-ka'), v. To taste; to take up liquid into the mouth with the lips; to sup. Mukae (mu'-ka'e), n. 1. Anything jutting or hanging over, as the brow of a precipice. Syn: Umalu. 2. The brim of a basin or tub. 3. MUK 444 MUL The circumference of anything; he poai, he anapuni. 4. The edge of a pit. Syn: Kae, Muki (mu'-ki'), v. 1. To suck; to apply the lips or mouth to; to kiss: e muki baka, to suck the tobacco smoke; e muki i ka wai, to squirt water through the teeth. 2. To peep; to speak indistinctly, as an enchanter. Syn: Namu. 3. To play on the hokiokio or pipe, a wind instrument. 4. To tie with a cord. Syn: Nakii. Mukii (mu'-kii), n. A pipe lighter; one who waits upon a chief with the pipe. (The office of the pipe lighter was to attend the person of the chief with a pipe always lighted; in order to keep it always lighted, the pipe lighter must him- self very frequently give a little puff, which was called muki.) Muki is the preferable form. Mukii (mu-ki*i), v. 1. Tjy tie; to make fast with rope or string. 2. To tether. Mukiki (mu'-ki'-ki'), n. 1. Sound made with the mouth in calling animals. 2. To make a mock of; to insult; to ridicule. Hoomaka ko oukou mukiki i mea henehene, a i mea akaaka. Mukiki (mu'-kl-ki'), v. 1. To suck into the mouth, as in smoking. 2. To suck in or drink, as water; to swallow up. 3. To drink or sip water, as a bird drinks from a flower. 4. To throw water through a narrow orifice ; to squirt. 5. To distort the countenance or purse the lips in contempt. Muki muki (mii'-ki-mu-ki'), v. 1. To tie; to bind fast. 2. To suck. Mukoi (mti-ko'i), adj. Sharp and projecting; applied to the fore- head. See laekoi. Mukole (mu'-ko'-le), v. [Mu and kole, raw.] To be red or raw; to be galled; to be inflamed. Mukolekole (mu'-ko'-le-ko'-le), adj. Red; raw; chafed; galled. Muku (mu'-ku), n. 1. A measure of length used by Hawaiians; the length from the fingers of one hand to the elbow of the opposite arm when extended; that is, the cutting off at the elbow; o ka puaa nui, he anana paha, he muku paha, a i ka iwilei paha. 2. A piece cut off; that which is cut off; anything cut short. 3. The starboard side of a canoe. 4. The night when the moon entirely dis- appears: i ka po i nalowale ai ka mahina, o muku ia: alalia, pau ka malama, on the night in which the moon entirely disappears, that is Muku, then the month ends. 5. The short end of the iako or cross stick of a canoe; hawele koke aku la ia i kana aho i ka muku o ka iako mua o kona waa. Muku (mu'-ku), v. 1. To be cut short. Syn: Poomuku. 2. To cease; to be at an end. Mukumuku (mu'-ku-mii'-ku), v. To be cut up into pieces; to be cut off frequuently. Syn: Kumukumu. Mukumukuwahanui (mu'-ku-mii'-kii- wa'-ha-nu'-i), n. Same as humu- humunukunukuapuaa. A variety of the humuhumu, a kind of trig- ger fish. Mula (mu'-la), n. Same as mura. Mule (mu'-le), adj. Bitter, as water; bitter, as an herb. Mulea (mii'-le-a), adj. Without taste; insipid. Mulea (mii-le'a), v. To be bitter. Mapuna wale mai ana no kona aloha ia'u. Mulelehu (mii'-le-le'-hu), v. [Mu and lelehu, weak.] To be slightly in- toxicated; to become darkened; to be stupefied. Mulemule (mu'-le-md'-le), adj. Bit- ter. Mulemule (mu'-le-mu'-le), v. [Mule, bitter.] To be bitter; to taste bitter. Mulemulea (mu'-le-mii-le'-a), adj. In- tensive of mulea, tasteless, insipid. Muli (mu'-li), adv. After: a mull aku, afterwards; after awhile; ka mea muli mai, that which shall be hereafter. Muli (mu'-li), n. 1. The remains; the last of a thing. 2. A succes- sor; muli mai, a brother or a sis- ter next younger than one. 3. The last; the hindmost; the youngest of several children. 4. The last one of a series: i keia mau la muli iho nei, in these last days. He kaikaina, he pokii. MUL 445 MUO Muli (mu'-li), prep. After; accord- ing to; behind; afterwards; it re- lates to time or place. Mulihope (mu'-li-ho'-pe), n. [Muli, last, and hope, end.] The last; the youngest born; o ke keiki hia- po, he mua ia; o ke keiki muli- hope, oia ka hope loa; also, keiki muli iho, younger child. Muliwai (mu'-li-wa'i), n. [Muli, the remains, and wal, water.] 1. The opening of a stream into the sea. 2. A frith; a bay at the mouth of a river; hence, 3. In geography, a river. (The derivation of the word refers to the fact that at the mouths of most of the streams on the islands there is a bar; at low tide there is some water standing which has not run out; these re- mains of water are called a muli- wai.) Muluwai (mu'-lu-wa'i), n. Where currents meet at the mouth of a stream, Mumu (mfi'-mu'), adj. Indistinct; blunt; dull; round; smooth. See kamumumu. Mumu (mu'-mu'), n. An indistinct sound; the confused noise of a multitude at a distance; opiopio ku ka laula o ka mumu. Syn: Kamumu. Mumu (mii'-mu'), v. 1. To hum; to mumble. 2. To speak so indis- tinctly as to be unintelligible. Mumu (mu'-mu'), v. 1. To be silent; to be mum. 2. To hold water in the mouth for the purpose of wash- ing the mouth. 3. To be blunt. Syn: Kumumu. 4. To eat slowly. Mumuhi (mu'-mu'-hi'i), n. A whisper- ing; a muttering; a voice in a low tone. Mumuhu (mu'-mu'-hu), h. 1. An in- distinct sound, as of many to- gether. 2. A crowd of people in one place. Mumuhu (mu'-mu'-hu), v. To be large; to be plump; to be numer- ous; to sound, as many voices; to hum an indistinct sound. Mumuia (mu'-mii-T'a), v. [For muila, passive of mul.] To be collected together; to come together in crowds; to be thick together in one place. Mumuka (mii'-mu'-ka), adj. Bad; worthless; unworthy of notice. Syn : Pupuka. Mumuku (mti'-mu'-ku), adj. Cut off; separated as a member of the body, that is, the body when a limb is amputated is mumuku; cut short; too short for a designed purpose. Mumuku (m\i'-mu'-ku), n. [Muku, to be cut off.] The name of several things cut off, or cut short; a ca- noe cut in two in the middle; a garment cut short or the sleeves cut off; a wind blowing over land between two mountains as if cut off from the main wind; a maimed person having lost a hand, arm or foot; a woman's undergarment. Mumule (mii'-mu'-le), adj. Silent; quiet; refusing to speak; taciturn; displeased; sullen. Mumule (mu'-mu'-le), n. The gath- j ering around a tabu; the assem- i bling of a company together. Syn: j Mumulu. { Mumule (mu'-mu'-le), v. [Mumu, to I be silent.] 1. To be dumb; to be j speechless. 2. To be silent; to I hold one's peace through grief or j affliction: Nolaila, noho mumule I mai la oia ia mau la, therefore he I lived in a taciturn manner during I those days. 3. To be silent, as ! one confuted; not having anything \ to say. I Mumulu (mu'-mu'-lu), v. To come to- I gether in a cluster or crowd; to be thick together; to be numer- ous; to sit conversing together in a cluster: Heaha ka lakou e mu- mulu la? Aole, he pupule wale no. Muna (mu-na'), adj. Slow of speech; not quick or ready; maloeloe ka waha. Munamuna (mu'-na-mu-na'), adj. Slow in eating; tired in jaw move- ment, said of awa chewers who are required to chew without in- j terruption. Muo (mu'o), n. A bud; a new or fresh leaf. Muo (mu'o), V. To bud; to open, as a bud into a leaf; to put out a i leaf. j Muokoie (mu'o-ko'-le), v. [Muo, the I young shoot or bud of a plant and kole, for koli, to cut.] To remove the new shoots or the superfluous buds and leaves of any growing plant. i Muoloolo (mu'-6'-16-6'-lo), adj. [Mu i and oloolo, to hang loosely.] Flex- MUO 446 NAA ible; swinging; hanging down. Syn: Pualualu; loose. Muomuo (mu'o-mu'o), n. The flower covered by the calyx; the place below the muo or bud, Muomuo (mu'o-mu'o), v. [Muo, a bud.] 1. To bud; to start fresh growth. 2. To swell out; to ap- pear, as the bud of a flower. 3. To cover over as the calyx covers the incipient flower. Syn: Omuomuo- pua, mohala. Muomuokole (mu'o-mu'o-ko'-le), v. [Muokole, to trim.] To be cut close; to be shaven. Muouou (mu'-6'u-6'u), adj. 1. Short; little; blunt. 2. Fat; full-fleshed; plump. Muouou (mu'-6'u-6'u), v. To be short; to be low; to be little; to be blunt. Mura (mu'-ra), n. [Gr.] Myrrh. Mutuela (mu-kii-e'-la)=C2=BB n. [Heb.] A weasel. Muu (mu'u), adj. Collected; laid up in store. Muu (mu'u), V. To be collected; to be laid up, etc. To heap together; to fill up; to set thick together. Syn: Mui, puu, ahu and waiho. Muululu (mii-u'-lti-lu'), n. 1. Any cold wind. 2. A cold shiver. Muumuu (mu'u-mu'u), adj. Short- ened; cut off short; crippled by the loss of a limb. Muumuu (mu'u-mu'u), n. 1. A shift or undergarment worn by women. 2. A lame person; primarily, one who creeps, halts or limps; one who has lost or never enjoyed the use of his limbs. Muumuu (mu'u-mu'u), v. To be cut short; to be cut off; to be short- ened. N N (nu). The eighth letter of the Hawaiian alphabet. It is often changed to L., as: nanai forlanai, nanahu for lanahu. Na (na), adj. Quiet; pacified, as an aggrieved child; calmed; quieted, as one's passions. Na (na), plural art. Standing be- fore nouns, represents the plural number; as, ke alii, the chief; na alii, chiefs or the chiefs. Na often answers the double purpose of a plural article (that is, a plu- ral for all the other articles which are singular), and the sign of the plural number of the noun. As an article, it is both definite and in- definite. Na (na), prep. Of; for; belonging to. Placed before nouns or pro- nouns, it conveys the idea of pos- session, property or duty. It has the relation to no that a has to o, or ka to ko. 1 Na (na), a demonstrative pron. I Word directing attention to a par- ticular person or thing, adding strength to an expression either positive or negative: "Aole na he wahine e, o ka moopuna na a Waka," She is not certainly any other woman, she is certainly the grandchild of Waka. (Laieik. p. 128.) ; Na (na), v. 1. To be quiet; to be pacified, as a child; Ua na ke keiki, the child is quiet; to be comforted, as one in affliction. 2. To enjoy respite from pain; a pau kana heluhelu ana, noho iho la ia e na aku i ka mea manao ole. 3. To labor for breath, as one suffer- ing from asthma. Naanaa (na'a-na'a), adj. 1. Unso- cial; crabbed; sour; unlovely in temper and life. 2. A state of costiveness. Naanaa (na'a-na'a), n. A sour dispo- sition; unsociability; ignorance. Naanaau (na'a-na-a'u), n. The stomach; the small intestines; the receptacle of food after it is eat- en; kahi e wahio ai ka ai maloko o ke kino. Naau (na'-a'u), n. 1. The small in- testines of men or animals, which the ancient Hawaiians supposed to be the seat of thought, of intellect and the affections. 2. The internal parts, that is, the inwards of ani- mals; the bowels: Alua ano o na naau, o ka mea nui ame ka mea liilii, the intestines are of two kinds, the large and the small. (The naau of animals were for- merly used by Hawaiians as strings for various purposes; ka naau i mea aha moa, the intes- NAA 447 NAE tines for strings to tie fowls.) 3. The affections; the mind; the mor- al nature; the heart; the seat of the moral powers. (Mat. 22:37.) Synonymous in many cases with uhane, the soul. Naauao (na'-au-a'o), adj. [Naau, mind, and ao, clear.] Wise; know- ing; learned; enlightened; hav- ing the skill or art of thinking and planning well. Naauao (na'-au-a'o), n. [Naau, the mind, and ao, light.] 1. An en- lightened mind. 2. Instruction; knowledge; learning; wisdom. He ike, he noonoo, he noiau. Naauao (na'-au-a'o), v. To be learn- ed; to be wise; to be intelligent. Naauau (na'-au-a'u), n. A remission of the strictness of a tabu; used in the phrase kau naauau; the suspension of a tabu so far that the people might eat certain kinds of food, thatch houses, etc. Naauaua (na'-Su-a'u-a), n. 1. The de- sire to commit suicide on account of the death of a friend; suicide through grief or disappointment; Nui na hewa o ka wa kahiko, o ka naauaua ke kahi. Many were the sins of ancient times, suicide was one. 2. Anguish; sympathy with one; sorrow for the loss of one dear. 3. Strong desire for the good of one. 4. Depression of spirits; grief from disappoint- ment. 5. Real sorrow of heart. Naauaua (na'-au-a'u-a), v. [Naau, mind, and aua, selfish desire.] 1. To kill one's self; to commit suicide on account of the death of a friend, or from the feeling that nothing remains worth living for. 2. To mourn for the loss of a friend; to grieve. 3. To be weak; to be bent over, as one in sadness. Naaukake (na'-au-ka'-ke), n. [Mod.] A sausage. Naaukeemoa (na'-Su-ke'e-mo'-a), n. [Naau, mind, and keemoa, surly.] An evil disposition; perverseness; a general disposition to wicked- ness. Syn : Opukeemoa. Naaukopekope (na'-au-ko'-pe-ko'-pe) , n. [Naau, mind, and kopekope, morose.] Perverseness; a bad dis- position; surliness. Syn: Opukee- moa. Naaukuhili (na'-au-ku'-hl'-li), n. [Naau, mind, and kuhili, blunder- ing.] 1. Carelessness; indiffer- ence; a disposition to careless- ness; inattention. 2. A guessing at random. Naaulua (na'-au-lu'-a), v. [Naau, mind, and lua, two.] To be doubt- ful as to the decision or course to pursue; to be of two minds. Naaupo (na'-au-po'), adj. Dark- hearted; ignorant; unenlightened; dark-minded. Naaupo (na'-Su-po'), n. [Naau, mind, and po, night.] Ignorance; dark- ness of mind; lack of intelligence or instruction; a cloudy mind. Naaupo na'-Su-po'), v. To be dark- hearted; to be ignorant. Naaupono (na'-au-po'-no), v. [Naau, mind, and pono, right.] To be up- right; to be just. Nae (na'e), adv., prep, and conj. A word used to express additional purport to a predicate. But; yet; furthermore, etc. Aohe au he alii, he kanaka nae; I am not a chief but I am a man. Nae (na'e), n. 1. A disease dis- tinguished by difficulty in breath- ing; the asthma. 2. The deep breathing that accompanies rigor- ous physical effort. 3. Fig, Ap- plied to the strong affections of the heart. (Laieik. p. 142.) Syn: Paupauaho. 4. A fish net with small meshes. Nae (na'e), v. 1. To breathe hard; to pant, as one laboring or exer- cising severely. 2. To pant for breath, as one with tuberculosis or asthma. 3. To finish; to make an end. 4. To give or parcel out alike. Naelkj (na'e-T'-ki), adj. [Nae, to pant, and iki, little.] Breathing a little, that is, almost exhausted; nearly dead. Naele (na'-e'-le), adj. 1. Loose; not firm; yielding, said of spongy ground; heavy with moisture. 2. Open; loose; full of holes, as cloth of poor quality. Naele (na'-e'-le), n. Mire; deep mud. Related to nakele, boggy, and naka, unsteady. Naele (na'-e'-le), v. 1. To be soft; to be elastic, applied to marshy ground. 2. To be so rotten as to give way under pressure; to be boggy. 3. To scatter, as men who do not abide by their work; to be NAE 448 NAH dissipated or scattered. 4. To get into a slough or into the mud; to sink down. 5. Fig. To get into difficulty; aia ka kakou e malama ai, o naele auanei kakou, it is for us to take heed, lest we get into the mud, that is, into dif- ficulty; o naele auanei kakou, a pahemo, a haule ilalo. Naemai (na'e-ma'i), n. Hard breath- ing; wheezing accompanied with cough. Naenae (na'e-na'e), adj. Sweet- scented, as some herbs: he aku pua naenae o Waialoha. Naenae (na'e-na'e), n. 1. A pattern of tapa or cloth, used as a blanket or outside covering. 2. A fish belonging to the surgeon fish family (Hepatus olivaceus). 3. Name applied to all plants emit- ting a pleasant odor. Naenae (na'e-na'e), v. [Nae, to pant.] To breathe like one out of breath by hard exercise; to be out of breath; to pant for breath; to sigh. Naeoaiku (na'e-6-a'-i-ku'), n. [Nae, hard breathing, a-i, the neck, and ku, to stand.] A disease in which hard breathing causes one to stretch out the neck; a disease of the throat; croup. Naha (na-ha'), adj. 1. Bent; bro- ken; separated; scattered. 2. Opened. Naha (na'-ha), n. 1. Marriage among blood relatives of the immediate family. (This was a custom only among chiefly families and was practiced in order to increase the rank of royalty.) 2. People so related. Naha (na-ha'), v. 1. To be split, cracked or broken, as a dish or any kind of crockery, glass, boards, slates, etc. 2. To be cracked or broken as mason work. 3. To be burst open or broken down. 4. To act as a purgative. 5. To marry a relative, among chiefs. 6. To have intercourse for the first time, applied to a female. Nahae (na-ha'e), adj. Rent; torn; broken off. Nahae (na'-ha'e), n. A rent; a torn place; mea nahaeia, that which is torn; a piece broken off. Nahae (na-ha'e), v. To be broken; to be rent, as a garment. Nahaehae (na'-ha'e-ha'e), adj. Torn in pieces, as a rag; broken, as the heart. Nahaha (na'-ha-ha'), adj. Broken; cracked; broken in pieces; separ- ated. Nahaha i ke ania e ka niakani he puulena. He makani kahiko ia no Puna, No Puna ka hala me ka lehua, Ke kui ana e ke ani lehua, Ke kaoo la ia ka moani. Nahaha (na'-ha-ha'), v. [Freq. of naha.] To be broken; to bedashed or broken in pieces. Nahanaha (na'-ha-na-ha'), v. [Freq. of naha.] To be broken up; to break fine. Nahanawale (na'-ha-na-wa'-le), n. Same as nahawele. Nahawele (na'-ha-we'-le), n. A spe- cies of mussel (Mytilus crebristri- atus) ; he wahi ano pioeoe. Same as pioeoe. 2. Bivalve molluscs of the genus Perna. 3. Barnacles, shelled Crustacea attached to rocks between high and low tide levels. Nahe (na'-he), adj. Soft; slow; gen- tle, as the voice of music: he leo nahe, a melodious voice; he ma- kani nahenahe, a gentle wind; thin; soft, as fine tapa or soft cloth. Same as unahe. Nahe (na'-he), v. 1. To blow softly, as a gentle breeze; stronger than aheahe, which is stronger than aniani. See kolonahe. 2. To be soft as the voice. 3. To be thifi and soft, as fine cloth or tapa. Nahele (na-he'-le), adj. Pertaining to a thicket or grove; lau nahele, '\ green leaves; herbs. Nahele (na-he'-le), n. The wild; wilderness; that which grows wild. \ Nahelehele (na-he'-le-he'-le), adj. Wild; uncultivated, as land. Nahelehele (na-he'-le-he'-le), n. 1. The grass, trees, shrubs, etc., of a wilderness; a wilderness. 2. Con- dition of uncultivated vegetation. Nahelehele (na-he'-le-he'-le), v. To become wild, as land that has once been tilled; to be overgrown with vegetation. i Nahelemaneo (na-he'-le-ma-ne'o), n. j [Nahele, a plant, and maneo, I stinging.] A nettle. ! Nahenahe (na'-he-na'-he), adj. 1. Not I filled; void. Empty, as the bowels from fasting or sickness. 2. Thin; NAH 449 NAI soft; fine. 3. Gentle, as a breeze; soft, as one's voice. Nahenahe (na'-he-na-he), adj. Same as nahe. 1. Soft, gentle, melo- dious. 2. Gauze-like. Nahenahe (na'-he-na'-he), v. Same as nahe, to blow softly. Nahesa (na-he'-ka), n. [Heb.] A serpent. Nahl (na'-hi), adj. Same as lahi, thin. Nahili (na-hi'-li), adj. Awkward; blundering, O nahill ka pololoa ia manu, O kapu kail kaina la kea a Kiha. Nahili (na-hi'-li), n. 1. A mistake; a blunder the effect of careless- ness; slowness; want of energy; ka lalau, ke kiipua, ka hanamanuia. 2. A wandering. Nahili (na-hi'-li), v. [Hili, to devi- ate.] To be awkward; to blunder in doing a thing; to be slow; to be confused; to be perplexed. Nahlnahi (na'-hi-na'-hi), adj. Same as nahe and lahilahi, soft; thin. Very small or fine; tapa nahl- nahi or lahilahi, thin cloth; ap- plied to words or manner of speaking, soft; mild; gentle; soothing; he olelo akahai. Naho (na'-ho), n. Depth; an over- flowing with water; he manini ku. he manini kai. Naho (na'-ho), v. To overflow; to be deep, as water. Nahoa (na-ho'-a), adj. Bold; strong; fearless. Nahoa (na-ho'-a), v. 1. To be bold; to dare. 2. To be strong; to feel one's self to be strong. Nahoahoa (na-ho'-a-ho'-a), n. 1. A wound on the head and the pain connected with it. 2. The effect of a sun-stroke on the head. 3. Applied to the heart when the mind is in great distress. Syn: Walania and ehaeha. Nahoahoa (na-ho'-a-ho'-a), v. 1. To be hit hard on the head. 2. To suffer pain. Naholo (na-ho'-lo), n. A running; a fleeing; a retreat; a flight. Naholo (na-ho'-lo), v. [Na and holo, to run.] 1. To run along on the ground. 2. To run at random, here and there; to run away from through fear. 3. To be absent; to be gone away. 4. To flee from, as from an enemy in bat- tle. 5. To run along together, as a company of people desirous of doing something; naholo mai la lakou ma keia kapa, they ran along on this side (of the stream). Naholoholo (na-h6'-16-ho'-lo), n. The planet Saturn. Naholoholo (na-ho'-lS-ho'-lo). v. [Na- holo, to run.] To run along; to move rapidly; to pass along by something else. Said of those that run in crowds or schools, as fishes. Nahonaho (na'-h6-na'-ho), adj. [Naho, depth.] Deep or fistulous, as a sore; deep, as a pit; far down in the earth. I Nahu (na'-hu), adj. Biting; apt to ^ bite. Nahu (na'-hu), n. Colic. Nahu (na'-hu), v. 1. To bite; to grip with the teeth; e hoopohole i ka ili me ka niho, to tear up the skin with the teeth. 2. To bite, i as a dog; to snatch at; to seize. I 3. To bite; to gnaw; to gnash the i teeth, as in pain: e nahu i ke elelo, to gnaw the tongue. 4. To , bite, as a serpent. 5. To bite off, I as a shark; nahu mai la ka mano i kona waa a mumuku o hope, a shark bit his canoe short off be- I hind. I Nahua (na'-hu'a), n. 1. A wind ' which often blows at Kaanapali. 2. j The light rains that often go with the wind (the northeast trades), on the northern part of Maui. j Nahukuakoko (na'-hii-ku'-a-k6'-ko), adj. [Nahu, pain, kua, back, and ! koko, blood.] Suffering pain, as a i travailing woman. Nahunahu (na'-hti-na'-hu), n. Birth pains. Nahunahu (na'-hu-na'-hu), v. [Freq. of nahu, to bite.] 1. To bite of- 1 ten. 2. To suffer frequent pains; to writhe in pain; to feel the first pains of child-birth; ia ia nei e nahunahu ana hele aku la. =E2=80=94 Laieik, p. 11. To be in, or to suf- fer the pains of child-birth. Nahunahuihu (na'-hii-na'-hu-i'-hu), n. Family discord; quarrel confined to a group of related individuals. Nahunahuihu (na'-hii-na'-hii-I'-hu), v. To quarrel with one's own rela- tives. Nai (na'i), v. 1. To divide or appor- tion; to allot. 2. To acquire by one's own exertions; to take by NAI 450 NAK conquest. 3. To perfect some- thing attempted; to fulfil. (Laieik. p. 10.) Naia (na'-ia), n. The porpoise. (The nala was forbidden to women to eat, under the tabu system, under pain of death.) Naiike (na'i-i'-ke), n. Anger; a re- pelling from one; aole ike hou aku. Naiike (na'i-i'-ke), v. To be angry; to set off in anger to take re- venge. Syn: Hoomaau, Naike (na'i-ke), v. Same as naiike. Naikola (na'i-ko'-la), v. To boast or glory over one. Syn: Akola, ai- kola and hoaikola. Nainai (na'i-na'i), adj. Sour; crab- bed, as one's disposition; conten- tious; envious. Nainai (na'i-na'i), v. 1. To exercise or cherish bad feelings; to be sour or crabbed towards others; to be ill disposed. 2. To struggle against opposition. 3. To be passionate, easily angered, etc. Nainainamimi (na'i-na'i-na'-ml'-mi), adj. Unfriendly; unsocial; dis- pleased with everybody and every- thing; changeable. Nainainamimi (na'i-na'i-na'-mi'-mi), n. A term of abuse. Naio (na'-!-o), n. 1. A species of sandal-wood; the bastard sandal- wood. (Myoporum sandwicense.) 2. A worm often found in horse | dung and in that of other animals; the pin worm. 3. Small white \ specks in the faeces. | Naioaikae (na'-i-6-a'i-ka'e), n. 1. | A famine in former times. 2. j (Naio, pin worm, ai, to eat, and; kae, the anus; Lit. That which I causes itching in the anus. A ; slanderer; a backbiter; a detrac tor. Naiu (na'i-u'), n. Same as naio; an inferior species of sandalwood. Naka (na'-ka), adj. Trembling; j shaking; unsteady; shaky, as a| quagmire, in distinction from solid | ground; full of cracks; not solid. Naka (na'-ka), n. A species of fish. Naka (na'-ka), v. 1. To be cracked; . to be broken open, as the earth ; from heat. 2. To shake ; to shiver, i as from fear or cold. Nakaka (na'-ka'-ka), adj. Split; shattered; full of cracks; split open, as parched grain; cracked and scaling off, as the skin of one after drinking awa; inu i ka awa; mahope, mahuna ka ili, nakaka puehuehu, inoino loa. Nakaka (na'-ka'-ka), v. [Naka, to be cracked.] To be full of cracks. Nakakaka (na'-ka-ka'-ka), v. [Freq. and intensive of naka.] To be trembling; to be shaking; to be full of broken places or cracks; to be unsound. Nakeke (na-ke'-ke), adj. Humming; rustling. Nakeke (na-ke'-ke), v. 1. To rustle; to make an indistinct sound by rapping slightly. 2. To rattle; to rustle, as paper in wind, or as new tapa. 3. To shake to and fro. Nakele (na-ke'-le), adj. Soft; slip- pery, as ground where one would be likely to slide. Nakele (na-ke'-le), n. A soft, boggy place, where the earth is not solid or hard. Nakele (na-ke'-le), v. To be slip- pery; to be soft; to sink in, as one in a soft, boggy place. Nakii (na-ki'i), v. 1. To tie; to tie up; to fasten with a cord. 2. To bind fast; to tie round. Nakiikii (na-ki'i-ki'i), v. [Intensive of nakii.] 1. To bind; to tie up; to gird; to tie on, to bind, as the hands. 2. To fasten with cord; to secure with rope and a knot. Nakili (na-ki'-li), v. 1. To open a little; to let in a little light, as into the eyes, or to open the eyes a little. 2. To see a little. Syn: Mikili. Naklnaki (na'-ki-na'-ki), n. 1. Sen- sation of fullness after a hearty meal. 2. Tightness in the chest; an ailment affecting the respira- tory organs. Nakinaki (na'-ki-na'-ki), v. 1. To bind often; to bind fast. Syn: Nakii. 2. To make large; to swell, as the belly from overeating. Nakolo (na-ko'-lo), adv. In a run- ning, rushing manner: Ua nei nakolo i ke aloha, my heart is moved deeply with love. =E2=80=94 Laieik. p. 142. Said likewise of sound. Nakolo (na-ko'-lo), n. Echo; a re- verberating sound, as the undertone of distant thunder or breaking surf. NAK 451 NAL Nakolo (na-ko'-lo), v. [Kolo, to creep, to run.] 1. To run; to flow, as a liquid; to spread out, as ink upon unsized paper. 2. To make a noise in falling, as rain upon dry leaves. 3. To move; to make a rustling sound. 4. To make the noise of many feet running. NakQiokolo (na-ko'-16-k5'-lo), v. [In- tensive of nakolo.] To run, as many running together; to move along, as in a rush. Naku (na'-ku), n. 1. The rush of which rush-mats are made. 2. A rooting; a turning upside down. 3. Violent pushing to and fro, as a crowd in exaggerated fright. 4. Strenuous endeavor. Naku (na'-ku), v. 1. To root, as a hog; to throw up ground in heaps or ridges. 2. To tread upon; to trample down; to destroy. 3. To seek; to hunt after; to search for; to look or inquire for; oi imi, oi naku, oi noke, oi hull wale a! Aole e loaa. 4. To follow; to pur- sue; e naku aku ia ia a loaa. 5. To tremble; to shake; to be in a tremor, as one dying; naku iho la a make. Nakue (na-ku'-e), adj. Diligent in business; active; not slothful or lazy. Nakui (n=C2=A7,-ku'i), adj. Joyful; cheer- ful; full of hope; diligent; active; mama ka manao. Nakulu (na-ku'-lu), v. [Kulu, to drop, as water.] 1. To drop as water drops, that is, to make the noise of falling drops of water. 2. To make a rattling noise; to crackle as the sharp sound of thunder; heaha keia e nakulu nei? 3. To echo; to strike back; as sound. 4. To spread or circulate, as popular talk. Ua nakulu aku la keia lohe i ke alo Alii. =E2=80=94 Laieik. p. 199. Nakulual (na-kQ'-lii-a'i), adj. Per- fect; good; upright, praiseworthy. Nakulukulu (na-ku'-lu-ku'-lu), adj. Reverberatory ; trembling; mov- ing; emitting a pattering, as fall- ing drops of rain. Nakulukulu (na-ka'-lu-kuMu), v. [Na- kulu, to make a rattling noise.] 1. To shake; to make a rustling noise. 2. To move along; to make an indistinct sound. 3. To patter. as drops of rain; to drop, as rain; to rain fast. Nale (na'-le), adj. 1. Movable; un- bound; not fast. 2. Beautiful; neat; good to behold. Nalenale (na-le-na'-le), adj. [Nale, movable.] Free to move; un- bound; separate from. Nalenale (na'-le-na'-le), n. Inde- pendence; a condition independent of foreign support. Nail (na'-li), adj. Nibbling; biting; biting off piecemeal, Nali (na'-li), v. To bite; to nibble; to chank; to seize suddenly. Nallnall (na'-li-na'-li), adj. Bright; clear. Syn: Konale, naninani. NaJinali (na'-li-na'-li), v. [Freq. of nali.] To bite or nibble contin- uously. Nalo (na'-lo), adj. Lost; pbliterated; hidden; forgotten; vanished; passed away. Nalo (na'-lo), n. 1. TKe common house fly. 2. Any insect with wings; he mau mea eheu e lele ana. Nalo (na'-lo), v. 1. To be lost; to vanish. To be concealed from one: Aka, aole ia i nalo ia Papa, but he was not concealed from Papa. 2. To recede; to pass away: nalo e, to be missing. 3. To disap- pear; to vanish in a distance: A nalo aku la ke kia o kona moku, o ka nalo pu ana aku no ia, and when the mast of his ship disap- peared, he (Liholiho) vanished to- gether with it. 4. To lie hidden; to lie concealed; to hide; to evade; to elude the sight of: E hiki no ia lehova ke ike, aole no e nalo kona mau maka; to be done in secret. 5. To pass away; to leave, as a disease; aole i nalo keia mai ia ia a hiki aku i ka make, this sickness did not leave him until he died. Nalohopeeha (na'-16-ho'-pe-e'-ha), n. [Nalo, fly, hope, tail, sting, eha, to hurt.] 1. A hornet. 2. A fly of the hymenoptera order. Nalomell (na'-16-me'-li), n. [Nalo, fly, and mell (Gr.), honey.] The honey bee. Nalonahu (na'-16-na'-hu), n. [Nalo, fly; and nahu, to bite or sting.] A stinging fly. Nalonalo (na'-16-na'-lo), v. [Freq. of Nalo.] To be hidden; to be NAL 452 NAN concealed. Hoonalonalo is the transitive form, Nalopaka (na'-16-pa'-ka), n. [Nalo, fly, and paka, the sharp thorn in the tail of the fish kala.] The sting of a fly, that is, of a wasp. Nalowale (na'-16-wa'-le), adj. Lost: out of sight; out of memory; con- cealed. (Nalowale has been sup- posed to be one of the highest of a series of numbers; as, kauna, ka- naha, lau, mano, kini, lehu, nalo- wale; but nalowale signifies only that the person can go no further =E2=80=94 that his mind fails to compre- hend any higher or further com- bination of numbers, and by nalo- wale is meant, it is lost, vanished, he knows no more.) Nalowale (na'-16-wa'-le), n. [Nalo, to vanish, and wale, entirely.] To be lost sight of; to be forgotten. Nalu (na'-lu), adj. Roaring; surg- ing; rolling in, as the surf of the sea. Nalu (na'-lu), n. 1. The surf as it rolls in upon the beach; a sea; a wave; a billow. 2. The slimy liquid on the body of a new born Infant; o ka wai ma ke kino o ke keiki i hanauia. Nalu (na'-lu), v. 1. To be in doubt or suspense; to suspend one's judgment. 2. To speak secretly, or to speak to one's self; to think within one's self. 3. To talk or confer together concerning a thing. 4. To think; to search after any truth or fact. Naiull (na-lu'-li), adj. Shaking; un- steady; not easily accomplished. Naiull (na-lu'-li), v. [Lull, to shake.] To shake; to move; to vibrate. Naluliluli (na-lu'-li-lu'-li), v. [In- tensive of naiull.] To shake often; to move violently back and forth. Nalulu (na-lu'-lu), adj. Painful; full of pain in the head. Nalulu (na-lu'-lu), n. Headache; a dull pain in the head. Nalunalu (na'-lu-na'-lu), adj. [Nalu, surf.] Roaring, as a high surf; appearing rough, as a high surf or high sea. Namauahi (na'-mau-a'-hi), adj. Few; not dense; thinly scattered. Namu (na'-mu), adj. Unmeaning, as language; unintelligible from the ignorance of the hearer, or awk- wardness of the speaker; me na lehelehe namu e olelo ai, to speak with stammering lips; i na mea namunamu, ame na mea ninau kupapau, ame na kupua. Namu (na'-mu), n. 1. A person of a foreign or different language; a foreigner. 2. Unintelligible talk, or unmeaning talk: He namu ka olelo, the speech was unintel- ligible. 3. A rapid motion of the jaws. 4. An order that lived in the hills and subsisted on bana- nas. Also called mu. Namu (na'-mu), v. 1. To speak rap- idly; to speak unintelligibly; hence, 2. To speak a foreign language imperfectly. 3. To speak a foreign language in the presence of one who does not understand it. 4. To mock one by imitating his manner of speaking; to speak in the manner of another. Namunamu (na'-mCi-na'-mu), n. Same as namu, Namunamu (na-mu-na-mu), v. 1. To nibble, as a fish at the bait. 2. To grumble; to express dissatis- faction. Nana (na'-na), n. A month in the old Hawaiian calendar. Nana (na-na'), n, A snarling, growl- ing disposition; a finding fault with one. Nana (na'-na'), v, 1, To gaze at; to view attentively. To examine carefully: e nana hoi! look! see! behold! E nana i ka maka, to re- spect persons in judgment. Nanaao (na'-na-a'o), n. [Nana, to look, and ao, clouds.] A cloud in- terpreter. Nanaau (na'-na-a'u), adj. Same as lanaau, unfriendly. Nanaau (na'-na-a'u), v. [Nana for lana, and au, current.] To roll away; to flow over; to miss the way; to go irregularly; to swim with the current. Nanae (na'-na'e), n. 1. A person whose abdomen is greatly swelled out and stomach equally de- pressed. 2. Disease which causes a difficulty of breathing. Nanaha (na'-na-ha'), v. To be bro- ken. Nanahe (na'-na'-he), adj. Empty, as the bowels from fasting or sick- ness. Syn: Nahenahe. NAN 453 NAN Nanaho (na'-na'-ho), adj. Deep; deep down. Syn: Nahonaho and naho. Nanahu (na-na'-hu), n. 1. A biting; a seizing with the teeth. 2. Colic; any biting internal pain. Nanahu (na'-na-hu'), v. To be crooked; to bend or be bent out- ward. Nanahu (na'-na'-hu), v. [Nahu, to bite.] To bite, as a dog; to tear with the teeth; to grasp tightly with the teeth. Nanahuki (na'-na-hu'-ki), v. To pull away from; to move here and there as without object; to go crookedly. Nanai (na'-na'i), adj. Empty; void; stripped, as a taro patch when all the food is taken away; he loi nanai, a taro patch all pulled. Nana! (na'-na'i), adv. Lightly, swiftly, carefully: hele nanal; holo nanai. JManai (na'-na'i), n. 1. A disease in the back like the hanunu; a stoop- ing; a bending. 2. A person hav- ing such a disease. Nanai (na'-na'i), v. 1. To go light- ly; to glide; to move swiftly; to go carefully; to sail lightly and carefully, 2. To go lightly in con- sequence of love. Nanaina (na'-na'-i-na), n. Appear- ance; countenance; feature, Nanaka (na'-na'-ka), adj. Cracked; split; rent. Nanaka (na'-na'-ka), n. A crack; a crevice; a defect. Nanaka (na'-na'-ka), v. [Naka, to be cracked.] 1. To be dry; to be parched, as land. 2. To be cracked; to be full of chinks; to be cracked, as the walls of an adobe house: ke nanaka nei ka hale, mamuli paha hina, the house is now cracked, soon per- haps it will fall. 3. To be separ- ated, as the parts of a material substance. Nanakea (na'-na-ke'-a), adj. Thin in flesh; weak; pale, as a sickly person. Nanakea (na'-na-ke'-a), v. To be weak in body; to be pale; to be thin, as a sickly person; to b'^ feeble in appearance. Syn: Lana- kea. Nanaki (na'-na'-ki), v. To tie; to bind. Same as naki and nakii. Nanaku (na'-na'-ku), n. A species of rush, also called kaluha. Nanali (na'-na'-li), n. A seizing; a making an effort or struggle to accomplish something difficult, as rowing against the wind, climbing a precipice, etc. Nanali (na'-na'-li), v. [Nali, to bite, seize suddenly.] 1. To make a strong muscular effort, as in pull- ing up a bush, climbing a steep hill, or rowing hard against the wind. 2. To eat or chew some- thing hard. 3. To seize upon with the teeth. Same as nalinali. Nanamu (na'-na'-mu), v. [Namu, a foreigner.] 1. To reproach with vile terms; to speak against one, finding fault with him. 2. To cast one off as worthless; to treat with contempt. Nanana (na-na'-na), v. To braid; to weave; to plait. Nanana (na-na'-na), v. To swell up, as the abdomen; to grow large, as in the dropsy or other diseases. Nananaia (na'-na-na-i'a), v. 1. To lie as a sick person turning on his bed. 2. To walk proudly; to strut. Nananakea (na'-na-na-ke'-a), adj. [Redundant form of nanakea.] Weakly; pale; thin in flesh. Nananana (na'-na-na'-na), n. 1. Same as lanalana. A species of spider. I 2. The rope that fastens the ama j and the iako of a canoe together. Nananana (na'-na-na'-na), v. Same as lanalana. To be light; to float. Nanananaiea (na'-na'-na'-na-I-e'a), v. To see very indistinctly; to have a film; to see as through a spider's web. Nananapa (na'-na-na'-pa), v. [Napa, crooked.] To be crooked; to be bent; to be warped, as timber; to writhe; to get out of shape. Nanao (na'-na'o), adj. Same as na- honaho. Deep; capacious; deep down; poopoo. Nanao (na'-na'o), v. Same as nao. 1. To thrust the hand or fingers into some unknown receptacle. 2. To think deeply; to penetrate; to seize upon in thought; to probe, as in seeking solution of a prob- lem. Nanapau (na-na-pa'u), n. Another name for the kou tree. See kou. ; Nanau (na'-na'u), adj. Unfriendly; unsocial; refusing admittance. NAN 454 NAO Nanau (na'-na'u), v. 1. To be bit- ter; to be sour; to be crabbed. 2. To scratch like a cat; to be wild. Nanauha (na'-na-u'-ha), adj. Same as kakauha. Nanauki (na'-na'u-ki), v. To be pro- voked; to be angry. Nanauli (na'-na-u'-li), n. [Nana, to look, and uli, the blue sky.] One who predicted the weather by looking at the sky. Laieik. p. 36. Nanawa (na'-na'-wa), v. Not to know one formerly an acquaint- ance; to be estranged from a friend. Syn : Nanau. Nane (na'-ne), adv. An adverbial expression equivalent to let us see; show it to us: i nane i nane hoi, let us see it. Nane (na'-ne), n. A riddle; a par- able; an allegory; a fable; a com- parison; a similitude. Nane (na'-ne), v. 1. To speak in parables; to allegorize. 2. To give out or put forth a riddle. 3. To lay stones squarely and smoothly; to lay stones, as in a pavement. Syn: Nini. Nanea (na-ne'-a), adj. Free from trouble; easy; comfortable. Nanea (na-ne'-a), adv. Easily; quiet- ly in one's manner of living: e noho nanea, to live at ease. Nanea (na-ne'-a), n. 1. Repose; a tranquil state of mind; quietness; carelessness. 2. A shrub (Vigna lutea) also called pulihilihi. Nanea (na-ne'-a), v. 1. To be easy; to be regardless of the future; to be indifferent as to good or evil. 2. To live indolently; to loiter about; to take things easy; to allow of no care or anxiety. 3. To live satisfied with one's self. Nanehai (na'-ne-ha'i), n. [Nane, rid- dle, and hai, to declare.] A prob- lem in mathematics; a question to be solved; he ninau, he pono ke wehewehe ia. Nanenane (na'-ne-na'-ne), v. [Freq. of nane.] To put forth riddles or enigmas for others to search out. Nani (na'-ni), adj. Beautiful; glo- rious; excellent. Nan I (na'-ni), n. Glory; a high de- gree of external beauty; splendor; external excellence; i mea nani, a i mea maikai, for glory and for beauty. Nani (na'-ni), an intensive participle, intensifying in a high degree the idea of the words with which it is connected: Nani ka maikai! O how beautiful! nani ka uuku! O how little! etc. Nani is also used with ino, another intensive. See ino. Nani ino kuu makemake! O how much I desire! or how very great is my desire! How much! how great! how noble! Nani is used impersonally; it is extraordinary; it is wonderful; it is unaccount- able. Laieik. p. 71. Nani (na'-ni), v. 1. To be glorious; to be extolled. 2. To be beauti- ful; to be an object of admiration. Naninani (na'-ni-na'-ni), adj. [Inten- sive of nani.] Illustrious; very ex- cellent; splendid. Nano (na-no'), n. To snore. See nono. Nano (na'-no), v. Same as nalo, to be lost; to be forgotten. Nanu (na'-nu), n. Same as nalu. Nanue (na-nu'-e), n. 1. A species of fish belonging to the pickerel fam- ily, also called nenue. 2. A va- riety of sea moss. 3. A swelling; a protuberance; bulging. Nanue (na'-nu'-e), v. The correct expression is "Nalu; e!" An ex- clamation of warning to the steers- man of a canoe; caution against danger from the breaking of a heavy sea. Nanuha (na-nu'-ha), adj. Hard; stin- gy; close; stubborn; oolea. See nuha. Nanulu (na-nu'-lu), v. To rise up j and float off, as smoke or mist. Nanuumaomao (na-nu'u-ma'o-mao), n. Name of a place in a heiau: ma ke alo aku o ka laua nanuumao- mao, ma kahi e pili koke aku ana i ka Lele. ' Nao (na'o), n. 1. A slight ripple on the water. 2. The ridges of twilled cloth; lole nao; the streaks on tapa. 3. The crossgrain in wood. 4. The thread on a screw, hence kuinao. 5. Mucous from the nose. 6. Dark red dyestuff; red- dish color. Nao (na'o), v. To thrust into an opening as in search of something unseen. Naoa (na-o'-a), adj. Not relishing food, as one sick; naoa oloko, aole ono ka ai; filled; crammed with NAO 455 NAR food; disgusted or sick at the sight of food from one's own sur- feit. Naoa (na'-o'-a), v. Passive form of nao. Naomakalua (na'-o'-ma'-ka-lu'-a), n, 1. Basket-like net made of the inalua vine and used in fishing. 2. Two-edged adz. Naonao (na'-6-na'-o), adj. 1. Deep down, as a cavern or pit; deep, as a hole in the earth. 2. Slightly lighted; light of twilight. Syn: Nahonaho. Naonao (na'o-na'o), n. Ants in gen- eral. Naonao (na'o-na'o), n. Phlegm; spittle; mucus from the nose. Naonao (na'-6-na'-o), v. To thrust in the hand; to take hold of; to seize; to steal. Naonaolele (na'o-na'o-le'-le), n. An insect, literally flying ant; some- times called borer; it drops its wings; the insect is called huhu or ukulaau. Napa (na'-pa), adj. Crooked; bent; not straight; uneven, as a surface. Napa (na'-pa), n. A delay; a post- ponement. Napa (na'-pa), v. 1. To procrasti- nate. 2. To spring, as timber part- ly hewed or made straight; to crook; to be crooked. 3. To shake; to be tremulous, as the air or at- mosphere under a hot sun over a smooth surface. Napai (na-pa'i), adj. Warped, as a board in the sun; napai i ka paiia e ke ae. Napai (na-pa'i), v. To be bent in; to be depressed; to be internally defective; to be twisted out of shape. Napana (na'-pa'-na), n. Same as pona. a joint. Napanapa (na'-p5.-na'-pa), v. [Napa, to spring.] To be bent; to spring; to be elastic. Nape (na'-pe), adj. 1. Yielding; elastic. 2. Same as napo, finely pounded, glutinous. Nape (nS,'-pe), v. To bend, as a flexible stick; to yield. Napele (nfl-pe'-le), adj. 1. Full; filled full. 2. Soft; mellow. Napele (na'-pe'-le), v. 1. To be bruised; to be hurt or softened by rough handling. 2. To be soft, as over-ripe fruit. Napelepele (na-pe'-le-pe'-le), v. 1. To be broken into small pieces; to be crumbly: Napelepele na pali o Kalalau i ka wiliia e ka makani. 2. [Intensive of napele.] To be very soft, verging on decay; to be much bruised. Napenape (na'-pe-na'-pe), adj. Soft; flexible; bending; yielding. Napenape (na'-pe-mV-pe), v. [Nape, to bend.] To be shaken; to be agitated, as by the wind; to vi- brate rapidly. Napili (na-pl'-li), n. A fish; a spe- cies of oopu (Sicydium stimpsoni) found in mountain streams; called also nuukole. Napo (na'-po), adj. Mashed soft; made fine; finely pounded, as poi; without lumps; glutinous; tena- cious. Also written nape. Napolo (na-po'-lo), v. 1. To be straightened. 2. To be enlarged. Naponapo (na'-p6-na'-po), adj. [Napo, mashed soft.] Made soft; made fine; wall, aeae. Napoo (na-po'o), n. 1. . The going down or setting of the sun. 2. The place where the sun goes down. 3. The disappearance of anything downward. Napoo (na-po'o), v. 1. To set; to go down, as the sun appears to; to grow dark; napoo ka la. 2. To sink down; to sink, as in water. Napoopoo (na-po'o-po'o), n. 1. Deep places. 2. An inward depression on any continuous line. Napoopoo (na-po'o-po'o), v. [Napoo, to sink.] 1. To plunge down. 2. To slump in. Napuu (na-pu'u), n. A knot made by tying, as in tying two ends with a string; a bundle tied up. Syn: Hipuu. Napuu (na-pu'u), v. To be tied up in a knot; to tie up, as a bundle. Syn: Hipuu. Napuupuu (na-pu'u-pu'u), adj. Bun- dled up; tied up in bundles; fast- ened by tying. Napuupuu (na-pu'u-pu'u), n. A bun- dle tied up for carrying. Napuupuu (na-pu'u-pu'u), v. To tie up in bundles; to tie up; to make fast for carrying. Naredo (na-re'-do), n. [Eng.] Nard; spikenard. (Word coined by the translators of the Bible.) NAU 456 NAW Nau (na'u), adj. Pertaining to a chew, quid or cud. Paka nau. Nau (na'u), n. 1. A species of gar- denia (Gardenia brighamii). Also called nanu. This and another in- digenous species have large white and fragrant flowers. The pulp of the fruit was employed for dyeing tapa yellow. 2. The dye of the nau plant. Nau (na'u'), n. 1. Sadness; regret. 2. The sobbing of a child. Nau (na'u), pron. For you; yours: Nau keia, this is yours. Na'u (na'u), pron. Of me; mine; belonging to me. Nau (na'u), v. To chew; to chank; to gnash with the teeth; to gnash with the eye-teeth or tusks; nau hou i ka ai, to chew the cud; to bite. Nau (na-u'), v. To measure time by slow respiration; to sigh convul- sively. Naua (na'-u-a), adj. Cold; distant; not cordial; unaccommodating. Naua (na'u-a'), adj. Pertaining to ancient Hawaiian worship and manner of living. (King Kala- kaua used the word in the secret society, Hale Naua, which he formed.) Naua (na'u-a'), n. The ancient wor- ship and religion, and the old ! manner of living. Naua (na'u-a', or na'u-wa'), n. Noon. Naue (na'u-e), v. 1. To shake; to move to and fro. 2. To tremble; to vibrate, as the earth in an earth- quake. Syn: Haalulu. 3. To move away a little ; to withdraw from others to a private place; naue aku la ka makaula ma kahi kaa- \ wale, a pule aku la. I Naueue (na'-u'e-u'e), n. A moving; | a vibration; a trembling, as of the j earth; o ka nawewe o ka honua; | an earthquake. \ Naueue (na'-u'e-u'e), v. [Naue, to shake.] To vibrate; to shake | often or violently; to shake, as an earthquake. Nauki (na-u'-ki), v. 1. To be irri- tated; to be vexed; to fret; to complain. 2. To stir up or excite anger; to cherish ill-will or ma- levolent feelings. Naukiuki (na-u'-ki-u'-ki), n. A vex- ation; irritation. Naukiuki (na-u'-ki-u'-ki), v. [Nauki, to be irritated; ukiuki, to be dis- pleased.] To be vexed; to be out of temper. Naule (na'-u-le), n. A medicinal plant (Argemone mexicaiia) which furnishes the medicine called kua- kala. Syn: Puakala. Naulia (na'u-li'-a), v. Chewed. Naulu (na'-u-lu), adj. Dark; thick, as a cloud. Naulu (na'-u'-lu), n. 1. Heavy mists; a shower of heavy rain apparent- ly without clouds, or a single cloud; he ua kuhao; he ua naulu, he ua uuku ia, he ikaika nae. 2. The sea breeze at Waimea, on the island of Kauai. 3. A dense cloud. Naulu (na'-u-lu), v. To be vexed; to be irritated. Nauluulu (na'-Q'-lii-ii'-lu), v. [Inten- sive of naulu.] To be vexed, irri- tated, teased, angered, etc. Naunau (na'u-na'u), n. [Nau, to bite.] The name of several acrid plants, as wild horseradish, cresses, pep- per-grass, etc. Naunau (na'u-na'u), v. [Nau, to bite.] 1. To chew; to mince in the mouth. 2. To move the jaws as in the act of eating. 3. To move, as the lips in talking se- cretly to one's self. Naupahala (nau'-pa'-haia'). (May be written as three words.) A phrase expressing the return of a saluta- tion; lit. thine perhaps, Nawai keia? Whose is it? Nau paha la. It is yours? Naupaka (na'u-pa'-ka), n. Name ap- plied to various shrubs belonging to the class Scaevola. Also called naupakakuahiwi. Nauwa (na'u-wa'), n. Same as naua, noon. Nauwe (na'u-we), n. A trembling; a shaking; a vibrating. Nauwe (na'u-we), v. To be shaken; to be moved; to be moved a lit- tle; to be shoved along. Hoonaue is the active form. Nauweuwe (na'-u'-we-u'-we), v. [Freq. of nauwe.] To oscillate; to quake; to be shaken often or violently. Nawa (na-wa'), n. [Wa, private talk, wawa, babbling.] Indistinct or con- fused talk; conversation of double or doubtful meaning. Nawai (na-wa'i), pron. Possessive NAW 457 NEH case of the pronoun owai. Whose; for whom; by whom: nawai keia? Whose is this? Nawai keia hana? Whose work is this? Nawali (na'-wa'-li), adj. Sickly; weak; feeble. Nawali (na'-wa'-li), v. [Na and wali, fine; soft.] To be weakly; to be sickly; to be feeble; to be flex- ible; to be yielding. Nawai iwali (na'-wa'-li-wa'-li), adj. Weak; want of strength; feeble; sick. Nawaliwaii (na'-wa'-li-wa'-li), n. Weakness; want of muscular or mental strength; infirmity. Nawai iwaii (na'-wa'-lT-wa'-li), v. [Na- wali, to be weak.] To pine away with sickness; to be weak. Nawao (na-wa'o), n. A small fish of the oopu class found in fresh wa- ter streams. Nawao (na'-wa'o), n. 1. Wild taro, also called aweuweu. 2. Used for , that which is bad, in the prover- bial phrase ke hui nei kalo i ka nawao, the good is joined with the evil; another form is, ua hui aku a ua hui mai kalo i ka nawao. Nawawa (na-wa'-wa), v. Same as naueue. To be shaky; to be trem- ulous. Nawe (nS'-we), v. 1. To pant for breath, as one dying. 2, To lie a long time near the pains of death, just breathing. Nawele (na'-we'-le), adj. Fine; small, like a thread of a spider's web: ka nawele o kahi ike, small of vision; seeing but little. Nawele (na'-we'-le), v. To be fine; to be threadlike. Nawewe (na'-we'-we), n. Same as naueue. A shaking; a rocking; an earthquake. Nawewe (na'-we'-we), v. Same as nauweuwe. To rock; to shake; to tremble; to vibrate. Nazarite (na'-za-ri'-te), n. [An adap- tation by translators. Heb.] A Nazarite; a person separated and under a vow. Ne, (ne), adj. Crying; fretting; sickly, as a child. Ne (ne), v. To be teased. Hoone is the transitive form. 2. To be fret- ful. 3. To droop; to be languid in consequence of illness. 4. To murmur; to talk in low tones. 5. To murmur, as the low sound of the sea when it strikes the shore. 6. Ne used for nee. See nee. Nea (ne'-a), v. Same as oneanea. Neanea (ne'-a-ne'-a), adj. Same as oneanea. Nee (ne'e), v. To move; to change place. Neehee (ne'e-he'e), v. To hitch along by use of the legs, as the squid, hee, uses its tentacles. Neenee (ne'e-ne'e), n, [Nee, to move.] To move in various ways and in different directions. 1. To draw near or approach, as a marching army. 2. To journey on toward any place. 3. To draw near; to approach one to ask a question, 4. To approach one to show respect and reverence. 5. To go near to one to kill him. 6. To crawl on the hands and knees. (This was the ancient manner in which the common people ap- proached the chiefs.) 7. To go beyond; to separate one's self from others. 8. To go afar off. Negero (ne-ke'-lo), n. [Eng.] A ne- gro; a black man. Nehe (ne'-he), n. A plant having flowers resembling May-weed. i Name given to shrubs of the ge- I nus Lipochaeta. Nehe (ne'-he), n. 1. A rustling sound, as in walking. 2. A rumor of a thing done. Syn: Nene. 3. Quiet moving; a moving stealthily. Nehe (ne'-he), v. To make a rust- ling noise, as shuffling the feet or drumming with the fingers; to rumble slightly; to scratch on something capable of making a noise. I Nenehe (ne-ne'-he), v. To scramble with the hands, as in searching; I to grope as in feeling one's way with the hands. Nehi (ne'-hi), adj. Rotten; ruined; spoiled; mouldy (applied to food). Nehi (ne'-hi), n. [Primitive form of I nehinei or inehinei.] Yesterday: I nahea kou puka ana mai la? I nehi aku la, or i nehi. (Nehi is generally followed by nei, as i i nehinei, this past day, that is, yes- terday.) Nehinei (ne'-hi-ne'i), n. [Nehi, yes- terday.] Yesterday; the day before the present day: Nawaliwaii au mai nehinei mai no, I have been unwell since yesterday. It is gen- NEH 458 NEM erally prefixed by i and written as one word, thus inehinei. Nehiwa (ne-hi'-wa), n. A word used in the kake, or secret language. It means wahine, woman. Nehoa (ne-he'-a), adj. Hard; strong; bold; able. Nehoa (ne-ho'-a), v. 1. To be strong; to be able; to be bold; to be hard; to be impudent to oth- ers. Syn: Nahoa. 2. To dare. Nehu (ne'-hu), n. A species of an- chovy fish (Anchovia purpurea). Nehunehu (ne'-hu-ne'-hu), n. A mul- titude. Nei (ne'i), adj. and pron. [For neia or keia.] This. Nei (ne'i), adv. When following verbs, nei marks the present time; following nouns, it relates to the present place: Ke hele nei au, I am going; ma Honolulu nei, at Honolulu here. Nei (ne'i). This place, or time. Nei is classed with adverbs, but it has the modifiers of a substantive: Aohe akua o nei, there is no god of this place. Nei (ne'i), n. A low indistinct sound, like the hum of bees; con- fused noise like the roar of a tu- mult. Syn: Nakolo. Nei (ne'i), v. To resound, as the roll of distant thunder; to sigh or whisper, as the soughing of the wind through the leaves of the for- est. Neia (ne-i'-a), pron. This. Syn: Keia. Neinei (ne'i-ne'i), adj. Too short; too low; not fitting, as a garment. Neinei (ne'i-ne'i), adv. In a short manner, as in hele neinei, which describes a manner of walking. Neinei (ne'i-ne'i), v. 1. To be shortened; to be contracted. 2. To be too short or too small, as clothes. 3. To slip up; to slip away. Neke (ne'-ke), n. An indistinct rustling sound, as scratching on a rough board; an echo among the hills. Syn: Neneke. Neke (ne'-ke), v. To scratch; to make the noise of scratching, as marking on a board, writing on a slate or rough paper. Ncki (ne'-ki), adj. 1. Full, as a room with people; full, as a con- tainer; running over; packed in; crowded one against another. 2. Awkward; unskillful; ignorant; un- able to accomplish. Neki (ne'-ki), n. A rush growing beside the water; a bulrush; he akaakai. Same as naku. Neko (ne'-ko), adj. Filthy; dirty. Neko (ne'-ko), n. An offensive smell; a stench; an ill savor. Neko (ne'-ko), v. To have an offen- sive smell; to be foul; to be filthy; to emit a stench. Nekoneko (ne'-ko-ne'-ko), adj. [In- tensive of neko.] Stenchful, ill- smelling. Nekoneko (ne'-k6-ne'-ko), n. [Neko, bad smell.] Disgusting odor. Nele (ne'-le), adj. Destitute; de- prived of; empty; without sus- tenance. Nele (ne'-le), adv. Destitutely; be- ing without.. Nele (ne'-le), n. Want; destitution; bereavement; need. Syn: He- mahema. Nele (ne'-le), v. 1. To lack; to be without; to be destitute of. 2. To be in want; to be poor. To be deprived of; to need or want a thing. 3. To be bereaved; to be deprived of. (Nele is followed by the name of the thing wanted, and this name is again followed by ole, no, not: Nele na kanaka o Honolulu i ke kumu ole, the people of Honolulu are without a teacher. The ole in our idiom would be superfluous, but the Ha- waiian requires it.) Neleau (ne'-le-a'u), n. A tree, the Hawaiian sumach (Rhus semia- lata). Also called neneleau. Nelu (ne'-lu), adj. Fat; fleshy; full fed; plump. Nelunelu (ne'-lG-ne'-lu), adj. Obese. Nema (ne'-ma), v. To rail upon one; to speak evil of; to reproach; to treat with contempt one's views or opinions. Syn: Loiloi. Nemo (ne'-mo), adj. Plump; large; applied to men, women or chil- dren, to animals or vegetables. Nemo (ne'-mo), n. Primitive or root form of nemonemo. Nemo (ne'-mo), v. To be smooth; to be polished. Nemonemo (ne'-mo-ne'-mo), adj. Smooth; smoothly polished; full; large. NEM 459 NEW Nemonemo (ne'-ra6-ne'-mo), v. To be rotund; to be fat and sleek. Nemonemo (ne'-m6-ne'-mo), v. To be large, plump, well favored. Nena (ne'-na), n. A class of reed plants producing showy flow^ers; the Indian shot. Also called liipoe. Nene (ne'-ne'), n. 1. The wild goose (Nesochen sandvicensis), a species peculiar to the Hawaiian islands. 2. Hearsay of something about to happen; report; rumor; gossip. Nene (ne'-ne'), v. 1. To be reported by rumor. 2. To be on the point of breaking out, as a war. 3. To be excited; to be moved, as a company of persons at unexpected news. Laieik. p. 116. Nenea (ne-ne'-a), v. To sit to- gether and talk, without care or anxiety or thought for the future; e like me ka ai a laua i poho ai, a o ka mea i nenea palaka ka haupu. Same as Nanea. Nenee (ne-ne'e), v. [Nee, to move.] To draw to; to move along. Nenehu (ne'-ne-hu'), adj. Bending out, as a board; warped. Nenei (ne'-ne'i), v. To cringe from pain or heavy burden. Neneke (ne-ne'-ke), n. [Neke, to scratch.] Any low, confused, monotonous noise made by the moving of the feet, drumming with the fingers or scratching on a board. Neneke (ne-ne'-ke), v. [Neke, to make a rustling sound.] To rus- tle; to move; to make a noise. Syn: Nakeke. Nenelea (ne'-ne'-le'a), n. [Nene and lea, joy.] Joy; gladness. Syn: Lealea. Neneleau (ne'-ne-le-au'), n. Same as neleau, the Hawaiian sumach tree. Nenelu (ne-ne'-lu), adj. 1. Thick, as a board. 2. Miry, as a wet, soft place. Nenelu (ne-ne'-lu), n. Miry place; soft ground; deep mud. Nenene (ne-ne'-ne), v. 1. To be on the point of doing a thing; to act as a bird about to fly. No ka mea, hoonenene nei lakou e lele iho. 2. To cringe as from severe pain. 3. To contract the muscles, as in preparing for unusual physi- cal exertion. Nenenepu (ne'-ne-ne'-pu), adj. [Nepu, fat.] Full in flesh; round; full. Nenepu (ne-ne'-pu), adj. Fat; full in flesh; plump. Nenewa (ne-ne'-wa), adj. [Newa, to reel.] To be dizzy; to stagger; to reel. Nenewa (ne-ne'-wa), n. Dizziness of the head; vertigo. Nenue (ne-nu'-e), n. Same as na- nue. Neo (ne'o), adj. Empty. Neo (ne'-o), n. Nothing; nothing- ness. Neo (ne'-o), v. To be naught. Neoneo (ne'-6-ne'-o), adj. Desolate; solitary. Neoneo (ne'-6-ne'-o), n. Desolation; ruin. Neoneo (ne'-6-ne'-o), v. To be desti- tute of all signs of natural life, as a waste. Nepu (ne'-pu), adj. Round, full and plump, as a fat animal; full in flesh; fat. Nepue (ne'-pu-e), adj. Another form of nepu. Nepunepu (ne'-pii-ne'-pu), adj. Very full, fat or plump. Nepunepulike (ne'-pii-ne'-pii-li'-ke), comparative adj. Full and plump. Neuneu (ne'u-ne'u), adj. Fat; fleshy; plump; fair, spoken in ref- erence to animals; fat, as beef. Newa (ne'-wa), n. A staff; a cane; a cudgel; a war stick; a police- man's club; laau kaua; war club. Newa (ne'-wa), v. 1. To reel; to stagger, as one drunk; to walk as one who has been drinking hola. 2. To be dizzy, as one under the influence of vertigo. Syn: Nene- wa. Newanewa (ne'-wa-ne'-wa), adj. Reel- ing; staggering; intoxicated; hav- ing a vertigo. Newanewa (ne'-wa-ne'-w^), n. A vertigo; a dizziness in the head; ka newanewa ma ka pouli i ka ua. Newe (ne'-we), v. To be large, round and full, as a child's abdo- men. Newe newe (ne'-we-ne'-we), adj. 1. Plump; full, as an ear of corn in the husk; or as a round, full grown fruit; plump; full, as a pregnant female: aohe newenewe o ka hua, he malili, the fruit is not full grown, it is stinted; newe- newe ka opu. 2. Ample; abundant; NEM 460 NIH filled up; well supplied, not empty. 3. Plump; round; thick, as a cloud in the horizon: he ao newenewe, a thick cloud near the sea. Newenewe (ne'-we-ne'-we), v. [Newe, to be large.] 1. To be swelled un- naturally, as the belly of a child from over eating; newenewe ka hua; to be round, smooth and plump; to look sad; to feel sad. 2. To have a sufficiency. Newenewewe (ne'-we-ne'-we'-we), n. The exclamations of people when they play at maika; while the stone is rolling they cheer it on with newewe or newenewewe. Nia (nl'-a), adj. Bald; baldheaded; round and smooth, as a bald head. Niania (ni'-a-ni'-a), adj. 1. Calm; quiet; smooth, as the unruffled sea; hence, 2. Shining; reflecting light. 3. Smooth; shorn close, as the head. Syn: Maniania. Niania (nl'-a-ni-a), n. A smooth sur- face; a calm and smooth surface on the sea or anywhere else. Niania (ni'a-ni'a), v. 1. To accuse falsely; to accuse by trapping; to accuse and bring no evidence. 2. | To seek occasion against one; to condemn one unheard. Nianiape (ni'a-ni'-a-pe), adj. [Niape, long.] 1. Bending; arching; stretching out long. 2. Upright and smooth. Nianiau (nl'-a-ni-a'u), adj. Straight; pololei. Nianiau (ni'-a-ni-a'u), adv. Straightly, as one's course in moving; holo. e hooniau, hele hoonianiau lau ko- nale waho. , Nianiele (ni'-a-ni-e'-le), v. [Freq. of niele.] To ask questions freely; | to interrogate, as in seeking in- 1 formation. j Niao (ni-a'o), n. 1. Edge; groove or j projection. 2. A stretching up- 1 ward, as in standing on tiptoe. 3. i Upper edge of anything. \ Niape (nl-a'-pe), adj. Long; ex-; tended; drawn out. Niau (ni-a'u), adj. Easy sailing. Niau (nl-a'u), n. 1. The stem of a coconut leaf. 2. The whale-bone or wood of an umbrella; he iwi ha. Niau (ni'-au), v. 1. To sail easily; i to sail gently. 2. To move smooth- ly without obstruction. Niaukani (ni-a'u-ka'-ni), n. [Niau, coconut leaf stem, and kani, to sound.] A rude musical instru- ment resembling a jewsharp, made of the stem of a coconut leaf; he ukeke. Niaupio (nl'-au-pi'o), n. Issue of two chiefs closely related by blood ; I child born of the union of a I brother and sister. I Niele (ni-e'-le), n. 1. A question; a j proposition; a problem to be I solved. 2. A questioner; an in- quirer. Niele (ni-e'-le), v. To ask; to in- quire; to put questions to an- I other; to ask questions generally. jNleniele (ni'-e-ni-e'-le), v. To ask I questions repeatedly; to ask about j this and that: A nieniele mai la I na kanaka i ke ano o ia mea, the people asked frequently the mean- I ing of this thing (an eclipse). I Syn: Nianiele, : Niha (nl'-ha), adj. Rude; rough; I harsh; unsocial; wild; tight in a I bargain. JNihaniha (ni'-ha-ni'-ha), adj. Same j as niha. Kamaniha is the verbal I form. Niheu (nl'-he'u), n. A person whose hair as in ancient times was fan- cifully arranged; he kanaka maoli no, o ka lauoho nae o niheu. Niheu (ni-he'u), v. To remove the hair on only one side of the head; a token of grief. NIhl (ni'-hi), adv. Carefully; quiet- ly; o ka hana palanehe ole, o ka lawe nihi. See kunihi. Nlhi (nl'-hi), v. 1. To walk very softly and carefully, as on tip- toes; to creep quietly and softly. Laieik. p. 96. 2. To turn side- wise on entering a house. Nihinihl (nl'-hi-ni'-hi), adj. Stand- ing up on edge; narrow ridged; as a mountain sharp at the top; difficult; narrow edged. Nihinihi (nl'-ni'-nl'-hi), n. An edge, border, verge, brink, part jutting out, etc. Niho (ni'-ho), n. 1. Tooth of any animal. 2. In general, any sharp corrugated edge. 3. Ornament made of bone or ivory. See niho- palaoa. 4. A carved indentation like a tooth mark, in a design on a tapa beater: niho mano, a series of triangular indentations resem- bling the teeth of a shark (mano) : NIH 461 NIN niho liilii, rectangular indenta- tions, lit. little teeth. Niho (ni'-ho), v. To bite with the teeth; to indent; to set in like teeth; to lay a stone wall in a bank of earth. Hooniho is pref- erable. Nihoa (ni'-hoa), n. One of the small islands northwest from Honolulu. Nihoawa (ni'-h6-a'-wa), adj. [Niho, tooth, and awa, poisonous.] Poi- son toothed, as some animals; poisonous; corroding. NIhohui (ni'-h6-hu'i), n. [Niho, tooth, and hui, pain.] The tooth- ache; a pain in a tooth. Nihokahi (nl'-h6-ka'-hi), n. [Lit. One tooth.] One tooth remaining, a term for old age; he hauma- kaiole, he palalauhala. Nihokai (ni'-ho-ka'i), n. A painful affection of a tooth; toothache. Syn: Nihohui. Nihomauole (ni'-h6-ma'u-o'-le), n. 1. An office in the king's train. 2. A class of chiefs. NIhomole (ni'-h6-mo'-le), adj. Not regular; open; broken; uneven; rough; corrugated. Nihomole (nl'-hS-mo'-le), n. [Niho, tooth, and mole, smooth.] 1. A gap in a row or series; a broken place; places open here and there. 2. A break; a defect caused by breaking. Nihoniho (ni'-h6-ni'-ho), adj. Set with teeth, as a saw; projecting; stretching out; rough; full of pro- tuberances. Niho palaoa (ni'-hS pa'-lS'-o-a), n. [Niho, tooth and palaoa, an ivory ornament.] An ornament worn hanging from the neck, made from the ivory of the walrus; originally worn only by high chiefs. Niihau (ni'i-ha'u), n. Name of one of the Hawaiian islands, south- west of Kauai. Nika (nl'-ka), adj. Black; deep blue; dark colored. Nika (ni'-ka), n. 1. A being black; blackness. 2. Incorrect form of negero, a negro, as nigger is in English for negro; a black man. Niki (ni'-ki), v. To tie a knot. Nikii (ni-ki'i), v. To tie, as a rope; to fasten; to tie tightly. Same as nakii. Nikiikii ni-ki'i-ki'i), v. 1. To tie in knots; to fasten by tying; to bind; to tie fast with ropes or strings; to bind strongly. Same as hikiikii. Niklniki (ni'-ki-nl'-ki), n. 1. The sheath or that which covers and holds fast the bowels; kumu hele. 2. The fat with the inwards. Nikiniki (ni'-ki-ni'-ki), v. [Freq. of niki.] To tie frequently or tight- ly; Alalia, niklniki iho la ia i ka uha puaa i ke aho, then he ties the hams of the hog with a cord. Alalia, nikiniki iho la ia i ka ma- kau i ka maunu, then he ties the bait onto the hook. Nikionaaka (ni'-ki-O'-na-a'-ka), n. One who makes fun; a jester. Niku (n!'-ku), n. A bad or offensive smell; a stench. Nikuniku (nl'-ka-ni'-ku), adj. Filthy; smelling offensively. Syn: Neko, pilau. Nikuniku (ni'-kfl-ni'-ku), n. Same as nekoneko. Nilegau (ni'-le-ga'u), n. [Mod.] An animal of the ox kind found in Africa; the nilgau. Nilu (ni'-lu), adj. An expression of admiration coupled with wonder or astonishment. Something ad- mired, wondered at, desired. Nina (ni'-na), adj. Tenacious; glu- tinous; adhesive; soft to the touch; slippery; adhesive, like poi. Syn: Ulina and ulinalina. Ninanina (nl'-na-nl'-na), adj. Same as nina. Ninaninau (nl'-na-nl-na'u), v. [Freq. of ninau.] To ask questions re- peatedly; to question; to inquire earnestly; to converse by ques- tioning back and forth. Ninau (ni'-na'u), v. To ask a ques- tion for information; to inquire concerning a thing; to interro- gate. Syn. Niele. Ninauhoike (ni'-na'u-ho'-i'-ke), n. [Ninau, to ask, and hoike, to ex- hibit, to cause to know.] 1. A learning by question and answer. 2. A historical catechism formerly in use among the natives. Ninaukupapau (nl'-na'u-kG-pa'-pa'u), n. [Ninau, to ask, and kupapau, a corpse.] One who consults the dead or the spirits of the dead; a necromancer. Ninau-uhane (nl'-nau -G-ha'-ne), adj. [Ninau, to ask, and uhane, ghost.] Having familiar spirits; talking NIN 462 NIO with or getting information from ghosts. Ninau-uhane (ni'-nau-u-ha'-ne), n. One who obtains information from ghosts. Nini (ni'-ni), n. That which tends to heal a wound; balm; ointment; oil; a medicine for external wounds. NinI (ni'-ni), v. 1. To apply nini or balm to a wound. 2. [Primitive or root form of ninini,] to pour out; to spill. 3. To wrangle; to quar- rel; to find fault. 4. To face, lay or cover with stone. Niniau (ni'-ni-a'u), n. The motion of turning. Niniau (ni'-ni-a'u), v. To stretch out at an angle; to pull; to overflow; to go wrong. Niniha (ni-ni'-ha), adj. Hard; severe in business with others; tight in a bargain. Niniha (ni-ni'-ha), v. [Niha, hard.] To be tight in a bargain; to be close; to be hard; to get the bet- ter of one in a business transac- tion. Syn: Punihaniha. Ninlhi (ni-ni'-hi), n. An edge; brink; rim. Ninihi (ni-ni'-hi), v. To step care- fully, as in going round in a cir- cle, or walking on a narrow ledge, object. Ninihi (ni-nl'-hi), v. [Nihi, to walk carefully.] To walk on the edge of a precipice; to set up on edge; to stand up edgewise, as any thin object. Ninihua (ni'-ni-hu'-a), v. To play truant, as a child; aole laka mai i ka makua; to run away from home or from one's parents. Ninika (ni-ni'-ka), n. Same as inika, ink. Ninilu (ni'-nl'-lu), adj. Same as ne- nelu. Soft; boggy. Ninini (ni-ni'-ni), n. [Mod. from nini, to pour.] 1. A casting; a solid made from a liquid. 2. A pouring out. Ninini (ni-ni'-ni), v. [Nini, to pour.] 1. To pour out, as a liquid; to pour out upon; to give; (to im- bue; to suffuse). Syn: Hanini. 2. To pour out grain, as from a bag. 3. To pour out, as from a bottle. 4. Fig. to pour out, as a complaint, sorrow, weeping. 5. In a religious sense, to pour out, as the Holy Spirit. 6. To exhibit anger; to pour out fury. 7. To throw away; to be extravagant; to squander. Nininia (ni'-ni-ni'-a) , v. [Contrac- tion of ninini ia, the passive of ni- nini, to pour out.] To be cast away; emptied out. Nininini (ni'-ni-ni'-ni), v. [Nini, to pour.] To run off, as a liquid; to move off slyly; to go off secretly; to hide. Syn: Hanini. NInio (ni'-ni'o), v. [Nio, to color.] To be spotted; to be printed in dif- ferent colors, as tapa. NInlole (ni'-ni-o'-le), n. A crusta- cean resembling a small lobster. Ninlpo (ni-ni'-po), v. [Nlpo, fa- tigued.] To be weak; to be bent over, as one scarce able to walk. Ninlpolo (nI'-ni-p5'-lo), v. To drum with the fingers and sing, as in playing the ukulele. Syn: Nipolo. Niniu (ni-ni'-u), v. [Niu, to spin.] To turn, as a top; to wheel about, as a platoon of soldiers; to whirl about in any direction. Nio (ni'o), n. A kind of handsome tapa or. cloth; tapa marked with many colors. Nio (ni'o), V. 1. To sit or sleep in an entrance way in a manner to prevent others from entering. 2. To be made attractive with elab- orate decorations. NIol (nl'-oi), n. 1. A scraggy tree of medium height, the wood of which was used in witchcraft. Called also kahuilaokalani, the poi- son tree. 2. The pepper plant and its fruit. Niole (ni'-o-le), adj. Eating slowly; eating with weakness; ai malie, t hopilole, nawaliwali. I Niole (ni'-o-le), v. To eat slowly ! and lazily; to eat without a desire I to eat; to act as in great weak- I ness. JNiolo (ni-6'-lo), n. 1. Sleep; drowsi- 1 ness. 2. One fast asleep. Niolopua (ni-o'-16-pu'-a), adj. Hand- I some; beautiful. Niolopua (ni-o'-16-pu'-a), n. Sleep; I drowsiness; lying asleep; he hia- I moe kapu. I NIonIo (ni'o-ni'o), adj. Same as onionio. Variegated; marked with different colors. ' Nionio (ni'o-ni'o), v. To embroider. NIO 463 NOA Nionlolo (ni'-6-ni-6'-lo), n. Straight- ness; correctness; that which is correct, upright; me ka hoonio- nlolo o ka manao kekahi, some with correctness of opinion. Nioniolo (ni'-6-ni-o'-lo), v. To be straight; to be correct; to be up- right. See hoonioniolo. Njpo (ni'-po), adj. Sleepy; fatigued; languid. Nipoa (ni-po'-a), adj. Weary. NIpoa (ni-p6'-a), n. 1. Dullness or numbness of the body; a dizzi- ness; a headache, mostly in the region of the temples. 2. [Nip- pon, Nihon, Japanese.] Word used formerly by Hawaiians to desig- nate the Japanese. Kepani is now in more general use. Nipolo (ni-p6'-lo), adj. 1. Striking the drum and singing at the same time; o nawenawe nipolo lea ka leo. 2. Sick and faint, as one dying. Niponipo (ni'-pd-ni'-po), adj. [Nipo, sleepy.] Fatigued; languid; feeble. Nipowa (ni-p6'-wa), n. [Incorrect form of nipoa.] Dullness; diz- ziness; numbness; weakness of body. Nisu (ni'-ku), n. [Mod.] Word used by the tranlators of the Bible for hawk; one of the unclean birds mentioned in the Scriptures. Niu (nl'-u), n. The coconut palm; also the nut (Cocos nucifera). Niu (ni'-u), V. Same as oniu, to spin. Niua (ni-u'-a), n. Indistinctness of vision; vertigo; a distortion of the eyes. Niua (ni-u'-a), v. 1. To be intent upon, as the eyes fixed on one ob ject. 2. To turn the eyes so as not to see distinctly. Niuhi (ni-u'-hi), n. 1. A species of fish. (It was prohibited to women under the tabu system, to eat of the niuhi under pain of death.) 2. A species of large and fierce shark (Carcharodon carcharias). Niuhiwa (nl'-G-hi'-wa), n. A variety of coconut; dark colored coconut. Niulela (ni'-ii-le'-lo), n. A variety of niu or coconut. The light or yel- low colored coconut: Hookapu ae la ka puaa a^e ka niulelo, pork and niulelo were strictly forbid- den (to women). Nluniu (ni'-Ci-nr-u), adj. Sad; sor- rowful; destitute. Niuniu (ni'-ii-ni'-u), n. The skull; the human head; used in song: Poha ke nluniu, nakaka ka pali. Syn: Puniu. Niuniu (ni'-il-nr-u), v. A word used in raillery. 1. To banter or ridi- cule; a word used in sarcasm; to speak with contempt: E hele ana au i ka lawaia, e, loaa kau ia, he nluniu. No (no), adv. 1. An affirmative par- ticle; truly; indeed; even so. 2. An intensive, strengthening the idea, connected both with verbs and nouns. No (no), n. A sinking of water through earth; seepage. No (no), prep. Of; for; in behalf ot; instead of. No (no), V. To leak, as water under ground from a taro patch; e u aku; to ooze out. Noa (no'-a), adj. Intermission or cessation from tabu; applied to anything that has been under tabu and the tabu taken off, the remov- ing of the tabu constitutes it noa. Sunday is a la kapu, but Monday is a la noa. Noa (n6-a') adj. Constantly burn- ing, as a fire; unquenchable, as a volcano; ahiaihonua. Noa (no'-a), n. 1. The lower class of people; a lower servant; a back- woodsman; he kuaaina; a com- moner as distinguished from roy- alty. 2. A prostitute. Noa (no'a), n. A game, similar to pu- henehene. 2. Stone used in the game of noa or in puhenehene. Noa (n6-a'), n. Fire constantly burn- ing; he ahi ai honua. Noa (no'-a), v. 1. To be released from the restrictions of a tabu; to take off the tabu or prohibition: Ko lakou makemake, i noa loa na lealea, ame na hana uhauha, their wish was that pleasure and licen- tiousness should have no restraint. 2. To be released from restraint; to be out from under restraint or law; noa honua noa loa, all tabu taken off. Noaauloa (no'-a-a'u-lo'-a), n. [Noa, free from tabu, au, time, and loa, long.] A name applied to Kaui- keaouli because he reigned over the people without tabu; o ke alii NOA 464 NOH malama makaainana, he alii noa- auloa ia. Noanoa (no'-a-no'-a), n. [Noa, a commoner.] One opposite to a chief by birth; a common man; a countryman; a laborer; one whose ancestors were laboring people; common person. Noapahee (no'a-pa'-he'e), n. A game in which the noa stones were pitched, as in the game of quoits, Noe (no'-e), n. 1. A mist; a spray; small fine rain; a fog. Syn: Awa and awahia. 2. A wind at Lahaina from over the land; the north- east trade wind. Noe (no'-e), v. To sprinkle a little, as fine rain; to be damp in the air, as a fog; to rain, yet scarcely so as to be discernible to the eye. Noeau (no'e-a'u), adj. Wise; prud- ent; skillful; dextrous: O ka poe akamai i ka olelo ame ka hana maoli, he noeau ia. Syn: Maiau. NoekoJo (no'-e-ko'-lo), n. The small, fine rain of the mountains mixed with the thicker rain of the for- est: o ka noekolo aualii kapu o Kama. Noelo (no-e'-lo), v. 1. To search for; to study; to make inquiry, as in seeking information. 2. To collect what is tangible: e ake no lakou e naauao pu, a e noii pu, a e nowelo (noelo) pu. 3. To reason in order to reach right conclusions; to search out the merits of a question; to prepare beforehand by study. Noenoe (no'-e-no'-e), n. [Noe, mist.] 1. A fog; a fine mist; a rain. 2. A gray head; a gray-headed per- son. 3. Gloom of the mist; the shadow that overspreads the land just before dark. Noenoe (no'-e-no'-e), v. 1. To blow lightly, as the wind; ke noenoe mai la ka makani. 2. To be sprinkled; to wet, as in a fog or a mist; to bedew. 3. To be slight- ly intoxicated or stupefied. 4. To be misty or foggy. Noeula (no'-e-u'-la), adj. Red eyed; sore eyed from going in the rain or sea; ka maka noeula pua i ke kai. Noeula (no'-e-u'-la), n. Pink col- ored mist; mist that carries the colors of the rainbow. Noha (no-ha'), v. Same as naha. To be broken open; to be split; to be cracked. Nohae (no'-ha'e), v. Same as na- hae. To be torn; to be rent; to burst. Nohea (no'-he'-a), adv. Whence; from what place. Noheo (n6-he'o), n. Mischievous conduct; i ka uu pekupeku a ka noheo. Nohi (no'-hi), v. To be of a red- dish color. Nohiialo (n6-hi'i-a'-lo), n. A person who was born with a chief and continued to live with him; o ke kanaka i hanau ma ke alo alii, he kanaka nohiialo ia. Nohilkua (n5-hi'i-ku'-a), n. The peo- ple who are born and live in the country part of an island; o ke ka- naka i hanau ma ke kuaaina, ua kapaia he nohiikua. Nohlli (n6-hi'-li), adj. Tedious; slow; of a long time. Syn: Lolohi. Noho (no'-ho), adv. 1. A negative: mai noho a, do not. 2. Adverb of place or time: e noho nei, here, now, referring to present time or place. Noho (no'-ho), n, 1. A layer; one who lays or places. 2. A builder; an architect. Hoonoho is pref- erable. 3. A seat; a bench; a stool; a chair; a place of staying or living: Noho lio, a saddle; noho kapakahi, a side-saddle. Noho (no'-ho), v. 1. To sit; to dwell; to tarry in a place. 2. To be in a certain condition or to exhibit a certain character; noho malie, to live quietly, or to hold one's peace; noho pio, to be in bond- age; noho like, to be at peace, as between two or more people; to have equal privileges. Noho in some positions seems almost to carry the idea of existence: ua noho oluolu oia, he lived com- fortably. Nohoalli (no'-ho-a-li'i), n. [Noho, a seat, and alii, chief.] A throne; a king's seat. Nohoalii (no'-ho-a-li'i), v. To be a king or to continue to act as a king; to reign as a king: Noho- alii iho la o Kamehameha maluna o keia pae aina, Kamehameha reigned over these islands. NOH 465 NOK Nohoaloha (no'-h6-a-lo' -ha), adj. Friendly; at peace; on friendly terms; dwelling in unity. Nohoaloha (no'-h6-a-lo'-ha), n. [Noho, seat, and aloha, compassion.] 1. A mercy seat. 2. Existing friend- ship. Nohoana (no'-h6-a'-na), n. fNoho, to sit or dwell, and ana, a participial termination.] 1. A sitting; a dwelling; a living. 2. Moral character; pehea kona noho ana? Lit. How is his sitting? that is, how is his living? how does he live? what is his character? Me na nohoana me na kaliu. 3. The rower's seat in a canoe. Nohohookolokolo (n5'-h6-ho'o-k6'-16- ko'-lo), n. [Noho, seat, and hoo- kolokolo, to call to account.] A judgment seat; a place for trial. Nohokee (n6'-h6-ke'e), v. 1. To be unfriendly, distant, cool. 2. To be against one without provocation. Nohonoho (no'-h6-no'-ho), v. [Noho, to sit.] To sit together. Nohopaa (no'-h6-pa'a), v. [Noho, to sit, and paa, firm; tight.] To be confirmed; to be established. Nohopio (no'-h6-pro), v. [Noho, to dwell, and plo, a prisoner.] To dwell in captivity; to live a pris- oner. Nohu (no'-hu), n. 1. A species of fish closely related to the mottle- checked class of fishes. (Scar- paenopsis gibbosa.) 2. Plant with sharp thorns or burs; a small thorny creeper found on lowlands near the sea. (Tribulus cistoides.) 3. A soft stone used in scouring or polishing. No! (no'i), V. To beg; to beseech; to ask for a thing; to ask earn- estly; to entreat; to ask, as in prayer: Noi ikaika lakou, i pu, a i pauda, they begged strongly, give us guns, give us powder. Nolau (no'i-a'u), n. Same as noeau. Wisdom; knowledge; skill in language; he akamai i ka olelo. Nolau (no'i-a'u), v. To be wise; to be skilled in a thing; e nolau ma na mea o ka uhane, to be skilled in matters of the soul. Noli (no'-i'i), adv. In a small way; little by little: Aole oia 1 auhau noil a pau ka moa, koloa, etc., he did not tax all little things as hens, ducks, etc. Noil (no'-i'i), n. 1. A collecting r a gathering up; a seeking; me ka huli ana ame ka noii ana. 2. A striving after. Noli (no'-i'i), v. 1. To glean; to collect together little things. 2. To collect one's thoughts; to reflect; to search after a thought or an idea: Ua noli au i nianao miko- lelehua no'u, I gathered up some wise thoughts for myself. Noili (n6-i'-li), n. Knowledge; skill; skill in the use of language. Syn: Noiau and maiele. Noinol (no'-i-no'-i), adj. 1. Small, as a dwarf. 2. Begging; continually soliciting. Nolo (no'-i'-o), n. A small black bird that lives on fish; the small noddy or sea swallow (Anous stolidus). Once worshipped as an aumakua or god. Also called oio. Noke (no'-ke), adj. Energetic; per- severing; searching; seeking. Noke (no-ke), adv. Forcibly; ex- cessively; in a real manner. Noke (no'-ke), n. An expression of anger by fretfulness or peevish- ness. Noke (no'-ke), v. To put in action; to act with force. Nokea (n6-ke'-a), adj. White; spot- ted, as the fish nokea; he ia nokea popoolimu. Nokea (no-ke'-a), n. The light col- ored oopu, a fresh water fish. Nokea (no'-ke-a'), v. To be raised or filled up, as one eating much; to stuff one's self with food; hence, to swell up, as the stom- ach; to fill full, as a cup; to eat greedily; to be surfeited. Nokeaahullu (no'-ke-a'-a'-hu-li'u), n. The white that appears on stones after they have been heated very hot. Nokenoke (no'-ke-no'-ke), n. A mur- mur; a confused noise; a tremor; a rustling; the grinding of a hard substance in the teeth. Nokenoke (no'-ke-no'-ke), v. 1. To mumble in speaking; to stammer unintelligibly. 2. To make a con- fused unmeaning noise. Noketura (no'-ke-tu'-ra), n, [Mod.] A bird mentioned in the Scrip- tures, the swan. Noki (no'-ki), adv. Same as noke. NOK 466 NON Noku (no'-ku), v. 1. To stir up; to trouble, as water. 2. To give pain; to make one uneasy. See loku. NoJaila (no-la'i-la), adv. By reason of; consequently. No lalo (no la-lo), phrase. [No, from, and lalo, beneath.] From below; in a lower place or condition. Opposite of no luna, from above. Nole (no'-le), v. 1. To be over familiar; to become too intimate; to irritate by unwarranted famil- iarity. Nolu (no'-lu), adj. Soft; tender; elastic; bruised soft: nolu ka ihu o Hopoe i ka makani. Nolu (no'-lu), n. Swelling on the skin caused by a bruise or blow. Nolu (no'-lu), V. 1. To be soft; to be pliable; to be elastic; to be soft like a pillow. 2. To bruise; to make soft by bruising. Noluakaua (no'-lG-a-ka'u-a), n. 1. A person born under one chief, but who fights for another chief; o ke kanaka i noho me ke alii e, a kaua mai, he kanaka ia nolua- kaua. 2. A traitor. No luna (no' lu'-na), phrase. [No, from, and luna, above.] From above. Opposite of no lalo, from below. Nolunolu (no'-lii-no'-lu), adj. [Nolu, fat.] 1. Fat, as an animal; hence, 2. Soft; elastic. Nolunolu (no'-lu-no'-lu), v. [Nolu, fat.] To be soft and elastic, as the surface of a fern covered swamp. See holuholu. Nome (no'-me), v. 1. To chew; to grind with the teeth. Syn: Nau. 2. To make fine. Nomenome (no'-me-no'-me), v. [No- me, to chew.] 1. To chew; to soften in the mouth; e hoowali. Syn: Naunau. 2. To break in pieces, to reduce; to make small by beating. Nona (no'-na),poss.pron. His; hers; its; for him; for her; for it. Nonanona (no'-na-no'-na), n. 1. A small gnat; also a species of ant. 2. A Hawaiian periodical formerly printed at Honolulu, also called Anonanona. None (no'-ne), n. Laziness; indo- lence; awkwardness in doing a thing. None (no'-ne), v. To be awkward. Nonea (no'-ne-a'), n. 1. The feeling one has after eating too much fat meat; a fullness; distaste for food. 2. Surfeit. Nojienea (no'-ne-ne'-a), v. To sit idly; to have no employment, nor desire any. Syn: Nanea. Nonenonea (no'-ne-no'-ne-a'), n. An exciting to anger; a causing dis- satisfaction; a discontent; provo- cation. Nonenonea (no'-ne-no'-ne-a'), v. [None, indolence.] To spend time uselessly; to be lazy; to be indo- lent. Noni (no'-ni), n. A small tree (Mo- rinda citrifolia). The bark, and especially the root, is used in col- oring; the fruit is large and heavy: he kaua hua noni kekahi, some fought with noni fruit (for weapons) ; the root colors red. (Noni is also the Tahitian name of the plant.) Nonlnoni (no-ni-no-ni), adj. [Noni, an early form of anoni, to be troubled, anxious, agitated.] 1. Turning the eyes up, down or side- ways in attempting to recollect some fact, or in being perplexed, as the mind with something not clear. 2. Attempting to take food when one is too weak or not in- clined. 3. Confused, as the mind; doubtful; anxious. Nonlnui (n6'-ni-nu'-i), n. A species of soft, pinkish, porous stone, used in polishing. Nono (no'-no), n. 1. A dark red or purple color; redness. 2. A fast color, said of all fixed colors. Nono (no-no'), v. 1. To snore. 2, To gurgle; to make the noise of drinking water out of a calabash; to blow up water, as a hog with its snout under water. Nono (no'-no), v. To be fresh or red in the face from exercise; to be sunburnt or red from the heat of the sun; e ula na papalina i ka wela o ka la. Nonoa (no-no-a'), n. Same as lono- lonoa. Gossip, hearsay. Nonoenoe (no'-no'-e-no'-e), n. [Noe, mist.] The mist driven by the northeast trade winds. Nonohe (no-no'-he), adj. Beautiful; graceful; splendid; attractive; ap- plied to a young woman, beautiful; NON 467 NOP virtuous; modest; of a high state of female excellency; applied sim- ilarly to animals. Nonohina (no'-nd-hi'-na), n. The white blossom of the tree pua. Nonohiwauli (no'-no-hi'-wa-ii'-li), adj. Handsome; pretty; fair; lovely; excellent; a term applied to any- thing beautiful. Nonoho (no-no'-ho), v. To sit to- gether. Nonohua (n6'-n6-hu'-a), adj. 1. Jeal- ous; evil minded; disposed to evil conduct. 2. Flowing from the bowels; o ka wai nonohua alii o Kalanuiewakumoku. Nonohua (n6'-n6-hu'-a) , v. To be evil minded; to indulge a bad dis- position; to be quick tempered. Nonoi (n6'-n6'i), v. [Nol, to beg.] 1, To beg; to ask; to borrow. 2. To make a request; to exhort; to urge; to beseech; aole nae ma ka ili loa, a nonoi no hoi; aia uuku nui ae. Nonoi uwao, make intercession. Nonoii (n6'-n6-i'i), adj. Small; tie; stinted in growth. Same noil. Nonoikawai (no'-n6-i'-ka-wa'i), v. be affected or influenced by water or dampness. Nonolau (n5'-n6-ia'u), n. The bitter calabash used in medicine. Nonolo (n6-no'-lo), n. 1. A quaver- ing or vibratory sound. 2. The sound of singing birds. Same as nunulu. E nunulu mai ana =E2=80=94 e =E2=80=94 =C2=AB E nonolo mai ana =E2=80=94 a. Nonolo (nfi-no'-lo), v. [Nono, to snore.] 1. To breathe hard; to snore; e nonolo mai ana-a. O ke kapu ia e nonolo i ka lani; While the chief snores, the tabu is on. See nunulu. 2. To leak fast, as a cask. 3. To be routed in war. ! Nonolu (n6-n6'-lu), adj. Soft; i shaky; as ground dry on top but muddy below. Syn: Maolu. | Nononi (n6-no'-ni), adj. [Noni, a root used in dying red.] Burnt red; col- ored red; wela nononi ka io i ke ahi. Nonono (no'-nd'-no), adj. Sunburned; bronzed. Nonono (n6'-n6'-no), adj. Full of holes; not strong; pukapuka; per- forated; moth-eaten. he to lit- To Nononoho (no'-n6-no'-ho), v. Same as hoonoho. 1. To appoint a place for; to set in order. 2. To stay; to continue in a place. Nonononoa (n6'-n6-n6'-n6-a'), v. 1. To speak indistinctly; to be heard in- distinctly. 2. To be inaccurate; to speak in a manner to be mis- understood. Nonoo (n6-no'o), v. Same as nono. To snore. Nonopapa (no'-n6-pa'-pa), n. Invalid. Syn: Mailoihi. Nonu (no'-nu), adj. Same as nolu, soft. Noo (no'o), V. [Primitive form of noonoo, to reflect.] To seek; to search after; to reflect; to turn over and over in one's mind; to exercise the thinking powers. Used only in noonoo. Nooa (n6'-o'-a), v. [For nooia, pas- sive of noo.] 1. Sought after; looked for; obtained by search- ing. 2. Contemplated; thought over. Noolu (n6-6'-lu), adj. [Olu, cool.] 1. Easy; comfortable; cool; pleas- ant. See moolu. 2. Loose; yield- ing; not hard. Noonoo (no'o-no'o), adj. Thinking; reflecting; skillful; planning; thoughtful. Noonoo (no'o-no'o), n. A thought; a device; a subject of meditation; in the plural, thoughts; opinions; Ua hoopuka ia mai na noonoo, the thoughts (opinions) were openly expressed; an idea; seeking of something new; the outcome of noonoo. Noonoo (no'o-no'o), v. [Noo, to think.] 1. To think; to reflect; to consider in order to give an opinion. 2. To meditate; to think of the past; to think with appro- bation. Nopa (n6'-pa), adj. Lazy; slow; blundering; mopish. Nopa (no'-pa), v. To be crooked; to be perverse. Nopanopa (n6'-pa-n6'-pa), adj. Very crooked. Nopanopa (n5'-pa-n6'-pa), n. Slow- ness; laziness; he lolo ko ke ka- naka nui, o ka nopanopa ka hewa. Nopanopa (no'-pa-n5'-pa), v. To be very stupid, lazy, crooked, etc. NOP 468 NUA Nopohokano (no-po'-'ho-ka'-no), n. One of Kamehameha's gods, also called Kaillmoku. Nopolo (no-po'-lo), V. Same as nlni- polo. To drum with the fingers and sing, as in playing the uku- lele. Nopu (no'-pu), adj. 1. Hot, as from the heat of the sun or fire. 2. Well cooked; soft. Nopu (no'-pu), V. 1. To spring or swell up in the mind, as a thought, with a desire to express it: Nolaila, nopu mai la iloko o'u ka manao e hoakaka wale aku, therefore the thought swelled up (sprung up) within me to explain. 2. To swell; to be large; to be full; e puipui, e momona. 3. To spring up, as a seed planted. Syn: Kupu. Nopue (no'-pu-e'), adj. Plump; round, as a well-fed, fat hog. Nopunopu (no'-pu-no'-pu), adj. Ex- cessively hot. Nopunopu (n6'-p\i-n6'-pu), v. Inten- sive of nopu. Notema (n6-te'-ma), n. [Heb.] Ju- niper roots. Nou (no'u), n. 1. A puff or blast of wind; a hurling; a flinging. 2. A child born of a misalliance. 3. Progeny of mixed blood; a child born of father and mother of dif- ferent races. Nou (no'u), pers. pron. Yours; for you. No'u (no'u), possessive pronoun. For me; belonging to me; mine: no'u kela, that is mine. Nou (no'u), V. 1. To throw; with makani, to blow. 2. To hurl; to send forth, as sound, thought, heat, words, etc Nou (no'u), V. To eat to the full; to glut with food; to gormandize; to take great mouthfuls. Nou (n6-u'), V. 1. To be wet with rain; to be suffused with water. 2. To be fragrant. Noulu (no-ii'-lu), n. Same as loulu, the native palm tree. Nounou (no'u-no'u), n. A species of calabash, called also umeke pahaa- haa. Nounou (no'u-no'u), v. [Nou, to throw.] 1. To throw stones back and forth, as two persons at each other. 2. To appear or show it- self red; e puka mai ka ula. Nounounea (no'u-no'u-ne'a), adj. Red- dened, as one's face with some substance to give beauty; i nou- nounea me Hikua. Nounounea (no'u-no'u-ne'a), v. To rub with the hand or paint one's cheeks to give them beauty; e pa- kuikui i ka limukala iloko o ke kai ma ka papalina. Nowelo (n6-we'-lo), v. Same as no- elo. 1. To scrape together, that is, to take account of one's means; to count the cost of. 2. To search out in the pursuit of truth. Nu (nu), adj. Sounding; groaning; reverberating, as distant thunder. Nu (nu), n. 1. The roar or sound of strong wind; sough. 2. An indis- tinct murmur or groaning sound. 3. The grunting of swine; the coo- ing of doves, etc. Nu (nu), V. 1. To groan; to shake; to sound; to roar, as the wind; ke nu nei ka makani i na kahawai- makani ala ouaoua e nu ana ma na keena nui; to make a long indis- tinct sound. 2. To sound like dis- tant thunder. 3. To grunt as a hog; to coo like a dove. 4. Fig. To be agitated, as the mind with unutterable feelings, fears or de- sires: Penei ka nu ana mai o keia wahi manao iloko o'u: ina paha he nu hekili, ina la paha ua loheia kona haalulu; aka, o ka nu iloko o ka naau, aole e loheia kona haa- lulu, here is the sound of the thoughts within me: If it were the voice of thunder, the sound, yrithout doubt, would be heard; but the voice within the soul is not heard. 5. To think; to reflect upon; to ruminate. (The idea of expressing the deep, intense feel- ings of the soul by that of sound or a voice is common among the Asiatics. Ke uwe (nu) nei no hoi kakou iloko o kakou iho.) Nua (nu'a), adj. Trodden, as a road frequently or much trodden. Nua (nu'a), v. 1. To be trodden up, as a path from much travel; nua ke ala a hele ku ke ea. 2. To come together in great numbers as people assemble. 3. To be as- sembled without order. Nuanua (nu'a-nu'a), adj. Thick, as a board; fat and soft, as an animal; full; large, as a good-looking per- son. (Hawaiians connected the NUA 469 NUL idea of beauty in persons with their size and fullness of flesh.) Syn: Manoanoa. Nuanua (nu'a-nu'a), v. [Nua, trod- den.] To be trodden until so worn as to become dusty, said of roads. Nuanua ke ala a ku mai ke ea. Nuao (nu'-a'-o), n. A species of ceta- cean forbidden to women to eat, under the tabu system, on pain of death; the porpoise. Also called naia. Nuawa (nu'-a-wS), n. A planting of awa. Nuha (nu'-ha), v. 1. To be silent; to be taciturn; to be displeased. 2. To be or to act as an aged per- son, deaf, silent, etc. 3. To be rough; to be uncivil; to be hard or heavy upon one. Nuhanuha (nu'-hS-nu'-ha), v. [Nuha, to be silent.] To be disobedient; not to give heed to anyone; to "render one's self disagreeable; to be hard; to answer a question cap- tiously. Nuhe (nu'-he), adj. [Nuha, to be si- lent.] Sullen; silent from anger. Nuhe (nu'-he), n. Same as enuhe. A species of worm: o Kaelo, oia ka malama e hanau ai na nuhe. Nuhei (nu'-he'i), adj. Crooked billed ; crooked mouthed. Syn: Nukee. Nuhi (nu'-hi), v. Same as unuhi, to draw out. Nuhou (nu'-ho'u), n. [Eng. nu for new or news, and Hawaiian hou, new; recent.] A word coined and first applied as the name of a weekly periodical; may be trans- lated Recent News: He nuhou ia i ka mea waa, it was a new thought to the owner of the canoe. Laieik. p. 20. Nuhou (nu'-ho'u), v. To appear, as a new thing. Nui (nu'-i), adj. Large, great. Nul (nu'-i), n. Size; increase; mul- titude; magnitude; greatness; full- ness. (Nul often takes ke for its article instead of ka: aole paha o ke nui o na kino wale no.) Nul (nu'-i), v. To be great; to be increased in size or caliber; to be more; heaha kou mea e nui nei kou leo? Laieik. p. 22. Nulnul (nu'-i-nu'-i), n. Same as hoo- nuinui, a boasting; extravagant talk. I Nuinui (nu'-i-nu'-i), v. [Intensive of nul.] To be large; to be very great. Nuka (nu'-ka), adj. Large; full grown; plump. Nukanuka (nu'-ka-nu'-ka), adj. Fat; plump; in good condition, as a young person. Nukanuka (nu'-ka-nu'-ka), v. To be fat; to be full; to be plump; to be I round and smooth, as a young ani- I mal or a young person; to be ! fleshy. ' Nukea (nCi'-ke'a), adj. [Contraction I of nuku, mouth, and kea, white.] ; 1. White, as the white billed alae. (The alae is of two varieties, the i white bill and the red bill ) 2. I Coated white. I Nukee (nQ'-ke'e), adj. Twisted one I side; awry; one-sided, as the I mouth; he waha nukee. Nukee (nu'-ke'e), n. [Contraction of nuku, mouth, and kee, crooked.] Crooked mouth. Nukokl (nu'-ko-ki), adj. Short; low; small. Nuku (nu'-ku), n. 1. The mouth of anything. 2. Any natural projec- tion, as bill of bird, snout of ani- mal. 2. Quarrel where words only are used. Nuku (nu'-ku), v. To chide; to com- plain; to provoke; to quarrel; to scold. Nukuaula (nii'-kCi-a'-a'-la), n. A net with meshes that admit only a finger. Syn: Makahl; upena ma- kahi. Nukumoneu (nu'-kii-m6'-ne'u), n. A species of cavalla fish. Also called momoni. Nukunuku (ntt'-kti-nii'-ku), adv. [Nu- ku, mouth.] By the nuku, or end, that is, endwise; kau nukunuku, to place endwise, as a stick on the shoulders of two persons; scarcely reaching. Nukunuku (nvi'-kd-nu'-ku), v. [Nuku, to quarrel.] To find fault with one secretly; to complain of one behind his back; to be continually wrangling. Nukuwai (nfl'-kft-wa'i), n. [Nuku, mouth, and wai, water.] The mouth of a stream of water. Nulu (nu'-lu), V. To rise up, as smoke or steam; to float off in the air. as smoke. NUL 470 Nulunulu (nuMu-nu'-lu), adj. Rising up; floating off, as smoke or steam. Nunu (nii'-nu'), adj. Groaning, as of persons in pain; grunting like hogs; cooing like doves. Nunu (nu'-nu'), n. 1. A species of trumpet fish (Aulostomus valen- tini). 2. A dove; a pigeon. 3. A silent or unsocial person. Nunu (nu'-nu), v. 1. To covet, as the property of another, and to use some means of obtaining it. Syn: Alunu. 2. To swell up; to swell up in places. Syn: Onu. 3. To roll up, as paper; e owili. Nunua (nu'-nu'a), adj. Crowded to- gether in confusion. Nunua (nu'-nu'a), n. An assembling without order, as a mob. Nunua (nu'-nu'a), v. 1. To cluster; to swarm; to assemble in vast numbers. 2. To be assembled promiscuously. Nunuha (nti-nu'-ha), adj. [Nuha, to be silent.] Taciturn; still; unso- cial; displeased; quiet; applied to persons. Nunuhe (nu-nu'-he), adj. [Nuhe, si- lent.] Sullen; taciturn; silent; angry. Nunui (nu'-nu'-i), adj. [Nui, large.] Very large; kanaka nunui, a giant; he poe nunui, men of large stature. Nunui (nu'-nu'-i), v. [Nui, to be large.] To be large; to be many; to be numerous; to increase; to grow up, as a child. Nunuki (nu-nu'-ki), adj. Rising and falling irregularly, as the sea some- times. Syn: Mimiki. Nunulu (nii-nu'-lu), n. A reverberat- ing sound. Nunulu (nu-nu'-lu), v. 1. To sound, as the singing of birds; to chirp; to sing, as a bird; to warble. 2. To grunt; to growl. I ka leo o ka manu =E2=80=94 a =E2=80=94 E nunulu mai ana =E2=80=94 a =E2=80=94 E nonolo mai ana =E2=80=94 a. Nupa (nu'-pa), n. Darkness; obscur- ity; gloom, as the partial darkness in a deep pit or cavern. Nupa (nu'-pa), v. To be enlarged; to swell; to be full, as one having overeaten. Nupanupa (nii'-pa-nu'-pa), adj. Thrift- ily growing; full; round; plump. Syn: Nukanuka. Nupanupa (nu'-pa-nu'-pa), v. To be of a deep or dark green like thrif- ty growing vegetables, said of plants that grow vigorously. Nuu (nu'u), n. A raised place in the heiau or temple where the god dwelt and where the offerings were placed, also called kapaau. Nuu (nu'u), V. To sup. Syn: Penu. Nuuanu (nu'u-a'-nu), n. 1. The name of a game at cards; e pepa nuuanu kakou. 2. Name of a valley near Honolulu. Nuukole (nu'u-ko'-le), n. The red- tailed oopu, a fish found only in the cool waters of the mountain streams. It was called the king or god of the oopu tribe. O (o), the ninth letter of the Ha- waiian alphabet. O (6), The o emphatic which stands before nouns and pronouns. It should be carefully distinguished from the preposition o. It is used in particularizing one or more persons or things from others. There is no equivalent for it in English nor can it be translated. The Hawaiians use this emphatic a for emphasis and euphony. Holo aku la o Lono; Lono sailed away. O ka hiku keia o ka holo ana; this was the seventh time of his sailing. O wau no kou alii; I am your chief. O (o), adv. Yonder; there; ma o aku, beyond; mai o a e, from here to there, or from yonder to yon- der, that is, everywhere. O takes the several prepositions no, ko, i, ma, mai. O sometimes precedes the imperative mood instead of e, as: o hele oe, go thou, instead of e hele oe; o hoi oukou i na la ekolu, return ye for three days. In this I case, for the sake of euphony, the I o may take u after it; as, ou hoi olua, return ye two. jo (o), conj. Lest. This is one form of j the subjunctive mood; as, mai ai oukou o make, eat not lest ye die. 471 OAL O (6), n. 1. A place, but indefinitely; mai o a o, from there to there; throughout. From one side to the other; io a io ae, this way or that way; here or there. More gener- ally used adverbially. 2. An in- strument to pierce with; any sharp pointed instrument; a fork; a sharp stick; ke o pipi, an ox goad; ke o manamana kolu, a three-pponged fork. 3. The effect of piercing; a sharp pain in the body; a stitch in the side, as if pierced by a sharp instrument; a keen darting pain in the side of the chest. 4. Provision for a journey; traveling food: E hoo- makaukau oukou i o no oukou, pre- pare food for yourselves (for your journey); provision for a voyage; ke kalua iho la no ia o ke o holo i ka moana, that was the prepar- ing the provision to go on the ocean. 5. The sound of a small bell; a tinkling sound. 6. The sprit of a sail or spar. O (o), prep. Of ; belonging to; ka hale o ke alii, the house of the chief; it is synonymous with ko; as, ko ke alii hale, the chief's house; but the words require different arrange- ment. O (6), V. 1. To pierce, as with a sharp instrument; to dot; to prick; stab. Syn: Hou and ou. 2. To thrust; to thrust through; to gore, as a bullock: A o iho la kekahi i ka pololu, someone pierced him with a long spear. The passive form is oia. 3. To extend or reach out, as the hand or finger: O ka mea e ae mai, e o mai lakou i ko lakou lima, those who assent, let them stretch out their hands; to stretch out the hand to take a thing. 4. To stretch out the hand to trouble or afflict. 5. To dip, as the fingers in a fluid. 6. To call loudly to. Oa (o-a'), adj. Forsaken, in a condi- tion of want; needy; bereaved; reduced to orphanage, as parents of children, or children of parents: Aole pono na keiki oa makua ole, uncomfortable are children be- reaved of parents. Oa (o'a), n. 1. A rafter of a house. 2. The timbers in the sides of a ship. 3. The five parallel lines on which music is written; the staff. 4. Name on the island of Maui of the kauwila tree (Alphitonia ex- celsa). The wood resembles ma- hogany but is much harder. Oa (o-a'), V. 1. To burst over, as a swollen stream. 2. To interchange talk, as in dialogue. 3. To gag; to I heave, as one sick at the stomach. I 4. To split, or open of itself, as a board or log. Same as owa. The j latter is preferable. I Oa (o-a'), V. 1. To be made desti- ! tute. 2. To be bereaved of chil- dren; to have lost one's children. 3. To be bereaved of parents; to I become orphans. ; Oaaa (o'-a-a'a), n. 1, Large threads in cloth. 2. Fibrous appearances I in bad potatoes when cooked. Oaeae (o-a'e-a'e), adj. A little wa- tery; not solid; oaeoae ke kalo. Oahi (o-a'-hi), n. 1. A kind of stone used in polishing canoes and wood- en calabashes. 2. An ancient game; "throwing fire." Oahu (O-a'-hu), n. Name of one of the Hawaiian islands. (The word evidently refers to Ouahou, a tract in Borneo; and to Ouadju, a state ' in Central Celebes, whose inhabit- ants are kindred to the Pacific j Polynesians. Pol. Race, Fornan- der, Vol. 1, chap. 8.) Oaka (o-a'-ka), n. 1. The opening of the mouth to speak; ka oaka ana o ka waha, ka ekemu ana. 2. The reflection of the sun on any lumi- nous body. 3. A glimpse, glance or flashing of light; he oaka ana ae o ka uila, the flashing of light- ning. Oaka (o-a'-ka), v. 1. To open sud- denly; to open, as the mouth in the beginning of a speech; ua hoaka ae la oia e olelo aku ia la- kou. 2. To open, as the eyes. 3. To open, as a book, a door. 4. Fig. To open the mouth, that is, to have j made a promise or a vow. jOakaaka (o-S'-ka-a'-ka), n. Same as I oaoaka, a clam. Oakua (o-a-ku'-a), n. Same as akua, a god. (O here is a prefix of akua.) Oala (o-a'-la), n. 1. A weapon or club thrown in fighting; O ka poe ike i ka laau oaia, pa aku i ka newa. 2. A tossing or brandish- ing, as a cane in the hand. 3. A OAL 472 OHA class of fishes that feed on limu or moss, like the kala, neneue, etc., so named because they toss them- selves about when feeding. Oala (o-a'-la), v. Same as owala. 1. To toss up and whirl over and over. 2. To rear, pitch and kick up, as an unbroken horse; oala ka lio, he lio holo ino me ka oala mai a hope. Oama (o-a'-ma), n. The small weke, a fish of the mullet family. Oaoa (o-a'-o-a'), adj., v. Same as owaowa. Oaoa (o'-a-5'-a), adv., n. Same as Ohaoha. Oaoa (o'-a-6'-a'), n., v. Same as ola- ola. Oaoa (o'-2,-6-a'), v. To vomit; to sicken. Ua oaoa au; ua oaoa ae loko ou; ua oaoa ka ilio. Oaoaka (5'-a-6-a'-ka), n. A small bi- valve of the sea. Also called olepe. Oaoaka (o'-a-6-a'-ka), v. To glitter; to glisten; to sparkle. Oapokole (o'a-p6-ko'-le), n. [Oa, lines in music, and pokole, short] In music, a leger-line. Oau (o'-au), n. A species of oopu, a fish. Also called okuhekuhe. Oau (6-a'u), pers. pron., 1st pers. sing. [O and au, I.] I. (The o is emphatic, and sounded quickly with the following a, it becomes w, as wau; when the o is a little more heard, it becomes owau; hence the several forms.) 1. Au, I, simple form. 2. Oau, I, with o em- phatic. 3. Wau, I, the o and a sounded quickly together. 4. Owau, I, the third form again emphatic. Oau (o'-au), v. To mew, as a cat. See owau. Oe (o-e'), n. Same as owe. Oe (o'-e), pers. pron., second pers. sing. Thou; you. Like au, it often takes o emphatic, ooe; ooe no kau i manao ai, you thought of your- self; e noho oe me ka makaukau, sit ready; be prepared. Oe (o'e), V. Same as o. To prick; to probe: ke oe aku nei ia ia ou- kou me ka laau oioi : he pricks you with a sharp stick; to pick up, as with anything sharp. Oe (o-e'), V. [Properly owe.] 1. To whiz, as a ball or grape-shot through the air. 2. To make an indistinct continued sound; Heaha la keia mea e oeoe ae nei? What is this thing that whizzes by us so? 3. To murmur, as a purling brook or running water. Oehaa (o'-e-ha'a), adj. Having a crook; deformed; distorted; crook- ed. Oehaa (o'-e-ha'a), adv. Crookedly. Oeno (o-e'-no), adj. Varying in form, character, etc., diverse; var- iable. The term is applied to wov- en fabrics, as mats, hats, etc. Oeoe (o'-e-6'-e), adj. Long; ap- plied to the neck of a person or thing; oeoe hoi ka a-i, he maikai no nae, long are their necks, but still they are handsome; oeoe ka a-i o ka manu nene, long is the neck of the goose; applied to a sail, he pea oeoe, he kiekie, a long, high sail ; applied to a house, hale oeoe, high house; kukulu hou i hale oeoe a kapu. Oeoe (o'e-o'e), n. 1. A man who walks genteelly; superiority in some respects; kukulu ka oe, spo- ken of one riding or running swiftly on foot. 2. A beautiful woman. 3. A lengthening; a stretching out of the neck. 4. A monument; a pillar or sign of something. 5. A drumming or chanting together; ke oe omua, he wahi pahu kapu e ku ana iloko o omua; kauo aku la o Wakea ia Papa ma ke o'e omua. Oeoe (o'-e-o'-e), n. A species of fish; the kawakawa or bonito, when young. Oeoeo (o-e'-o-e'-o), adj. Of different heights, some taller, some shorter. Same as oweoweo. Oeoewe (o'-e-6-e'-we), adj. Moving; fluttering, as a leaf in the wind; O oe ia e ka lau oeoewe, lau ka- palili, thou art it, thou moving leaf; leaf fluttering. Oha (o'-ha), adj. Lovesick; lan- guishing with amorous desire. Ku- oha is the more familiar word. Oha (o-ha'), n. 1. The small sprigs of taro that grow on the sides of the older roots; the suckers which are transplanted. 2. A branch from a stock. Isa. 53:2. A sucker from the root of a plant or tree. Isa. 11:1. 3. Fig. A branch, a scion. ler. 23:5. 4. A stick for en- snaring birds ; he laau kapili manu. Oha (o'-ha), n. A salutation between OHA 473 OHA the sexes, as when one attracts attention and beckons. Oha (o'-ha), v. To salute, as a man to a woman, or vice versa. Ohaa (o-ha'a), adj. Crooked; dis- torted; he wawae ohaa; a person with crooked or distorted limbs. Same as oehaa. Ohaa (o-ha'a), n. A species of large shrimp, a favorite food ; also called opae oehaa, the dancing shrimp. Ohaha (o-ha'-ha'), adj. 1. Plump; rank; thrifty; flourishing; refer- ring to vegetables. Ka ulu maikai ana o ka mea kanu. 2. Swelled; puffed up; enlarged. Ohaha (o-ha'-ha'), n. Name of a plant, arborescent lobelia; a vine growing on trees; a parasitic plant. Ohal (o-ha'i), n. A branching shrub 6 to 12 feet high, bearing large red flowers (Sesbania tomentosa). The Tahitian name is "opai." Ohaikau (o-ha'i-ka'u), n. 1. Name given to a sledge obtained from Captain Cook which was worshiped. 2. A sled made of the tough wood of the ohai. Ohaka (o-ha'-ka), adj. 1. Containing nothing; void; not filled. 2. Open; not joined; not fitted together; he mao ohaka. Ohaka (o-ha'-ka), v. To be empty; to be hungry: Ohaka mai la au, I'm empty, I'm hungry. 2. To be cracked open; to be partly sepa- rated. Ohakalai (o-ha'-ka-la'i), n. [Oha, a stick, and kalai, to cut.] A stick to rub or polish with, as a file or other instrument. Ohakulai (o-ha'-ku-la'i), n. 1. A hard protuberance or tumor on the joints of the human body, on the knees, hips, ankles; also called haupuu. 2. A protuberance in the flesh. 3. The young or small taro which is thus separated from the original root. Ohakulai (o-ha'-ku-la'i), v. [Oha, a shoot, and kulai, (to push over.] To bend off the young taro from the parent tuber to give it room to grow. Ohala (o-ha'-la), adj. 1. Green; young; not ripe. 2. Adjective dis- tinguishing a variety of the hau tree. The Hawaiians knew of only two species of hau, the hau koii and the hau ohala or kaekae. The hau koii produces a heavy wood while the hau ohala is very light when dry. Ohalau (o-ha'-ia'u), n. The soft tops and blossoms of taro leaves made into a luau; often made where taro grows plentifully. Ohana (o-ha'-na), adj. Of or relating to a family: he mohai ohana, a family sacrifice. Ohana (o-ha'-na), n. 1. A family; a group of kindred individuals; all the young of one animal; ka ohana moa, ka ohana ilio, etc.; ohana uuku, an endearing appella- tion for Ititle children; ohana hipa, a flock of sheep. 2. Lineage; race; tribe. 3. Those who dwell together and compose a family; an assemblage of parents, children and servants living together; o ke kakai no ia o ka lepo o Lahaina- luna me he ohana moa la. Ohao (o-ha'o), adj. Swelled or drop- sical: ka opu ohao; puffed up; swelled full, as the bowels with wind or water. Ohao (o-ha'-o), n. 1. The dog's neck, one of the most highly es- teemed portions of dog meat. 2. A rope to tie dogs with. Ohao (o-ha'o), v. 1. To weed; to cultivate; to dress land. 2. To be ill with dropsy. 3. To tie a dog; to tie, as a rope or string; applied only to dogs; e ohao i ka ilio a paa. Ohaoha (o'-ha-o'-ha), adv. Thriftily, as oha shoots; like oha: Ulu oha- oha na laau kanu, the trees plant- ed grow thriftily. Ohaoha (o'-ha-o'-ha), n. The fond recollection of a friend; joy; great desire; strong affection. Ohaohala (o'-ha-o-ha'-la), adj. Thrif- ty; rank, as vegetables. Syn: Ohaha, adv. ohaoha. Ohaohala (o'-ha-6-ha'-la), n. 1. A false speech; a lie; a contradiction from what one has said before; na olelo au i lohe ai he ohaohala wale no ia, aole i like pu me kau i olelo ai, ohaohaola, ohalahala. 2. The soft, sweet melody in song; the more tender notes in chanted meles. Ohaohao (o-ha'-o-ha'o), adj. [Ohao, swollen.] Puffed up; swollen full, as the bowels with wind or water; OHA 474 OHE he ohaohao ka opu, he ekeeke ke lomi iho. Ohaohao (o'-ha-o'-ha'o), v. [Ohao, swollen.] To swell, as the belly or body; to be full, as with much eating; ua okuku, ua nopu. Ohe (6'-he),n. 1. The bamboo (Bambu- sa vulgaris). The outside was for- merly made into knives on account of its hardness; puna ohe, a spoon made of bamboo. 2. A reed in gen- eral: ohekani, a flute; ohe nana, a spyglass. 3. A tree 40-80 feet high (Tetraplasandra Hawaiiensis). 4. A bundle or package of dried fish wrapped in bamboo leaves in such manner as to afford free ventila- tion and so preserved for future use. 5. A musical instrument of the flute kind: hookahi au mea malama, o ka ohe a kaua; aia ma- lama pono oe i ka ohe. Laieik. p. 122. 6. A tree (Reynoldsia sandwicensis) 15 to 20 feet high. The tree has the shape and habits of the wiliwili tree, losing its leaves in winter and flowering in early summer. Ohea (o-he'-a), adj. 1. Lazy after eating; tired of work; having no inclination to work; he molowa, hoihoi ole, ohea i ka la. 2. Not well fitted. Syn: Heha. Ohea (o-he'-a), adv. inter., the geni- tive case of hea. Of where? of what place? Ohea (o-he'-a), n. An arrow not well fitted; he pua lele ole, he pua ohea. Ohea (o-he'-a), v. Same as oheu. Oheahea (o-he'-a-he'-a), adj. Warm; tasteless, as warm water; he wai oheahea, he wai mama. Oheala (o'-he-a'-la), n. [Ohe, a reed, and ala, sweet.] Sweet cane; any sweet, canelike plant. Ohee (o'-he'e), v. To spear the squid: I ka ohee lakou, they are spearing squid. Oheha (o'-he'-ha), adj. Slow; lazy in work. Syn: Heha, molowa. Ohekapala (o'-he-ka'-pa'-la), n. [Ohe, bamboo, and kapala, to print.] A piece of bamboo carved for the purpose of printing tapa; he ohe kakau. Ohekapalapala is a prefer- able form. Ohekapalapala (o'-he-ka'-pa'-la-pa'-la), n. Same as ohekapala. Oheke (o-he'-ke), adj. Fearful; bash- ful; modest; humble: He oheke wale ko ke kuaaina kanaka, the country people are modest and diffident; he oheke ole kanaka wahi alii, the people about the chief are without modesty. Ohelo (o-he'-lo), n. 1. A low erect shrub (Vaccinum reticulatum). 2. A shining fleshy berry, famous in native song and as a propitiatory offering to the fire goddess Pele; it is the principal food of the wild mountain goose. The berry is not unpleasant to the taste and makes a good preserve. Ohelohelo (o-he'-lo-he'-lo), adj. Like the ohelo in color; he hainaka ohelohelo, a pink handkerchief; silika ohelohelo, pink silk. The color of the ohelo varies from pale yellow to purple-red. Ohelohelo (o-he'-lo-he'-lo), n. Pink color; the color of the ohelo berry. Ohelopapa (6-he'-16-pa'-pa), n. The strawberry plant and its fruit. Ohemo (o-he'-mo), adj. Weak; not physically strong. Ohemo (o-he'-mo), n. The illness that is likely to occur to a little child when deprived of its mother's milk. Ohemo (o-he'-mo), v. 1. To wean; to loosen; to break off a habit. 2. To be faint; to be lacking in strength. Ohemohemo (o-he'-mo-he'-mo), adj. [Ohemo, weak.] Faint; languid; weak; omino, alalehe, nawaliwali. Ohenana (o'-he-na'-na'), n. [Ohe, bamboo, and nana, to see, look.] A spyglass. Ohene (o-he'-ne), n. See oluekeloa- hoohaamoena. Oheohe (o-he'-o-he'), adj. Ascending rapidly; precipitous; steep; ku oheohe, a kulu ole: Ku oheohe na pali o Koolau. Oheohe (o'-he-6'-he), n. A tree reaching a height of 50 to 60 feet. (Pterotropia kavaiensis.) Oheu (o-he'-u), v. [Heu, to sprout.] 1. To come out, as the beard of a young man; oheuheu, ua oheu, kuu, umiumi, make kuu makua. 2. To hoe or weed vegetables; to stir the soil. 3. Same as oehu. Ohewa (o-he'-wa), v. [O, to pierce, and hewa, wrong.] To stab at a OHE 475 OHI person or thing, missing the mark. Ohewahewa (o-he'-wa-he'-wa), adj. 1. Delirious. 2. Of obscure vision. 3. Incoherent in speech, the re- sult of being far gone with sick- ness or drink; dim-sighted; ohe- wahewa mai la na maka, the eyes do not see plainly; not able to see from intense light or other cause; liable to mistake what is seen. OhI (o'-hi), adj. An adjective which describes inconsequential talk: Waha ohi, prating mouth. Ohi (o'-hi), n. 1. A collecting, as of money or property, implying dif- ficulty; the collecting of the fruits of a harvest. Collecting, as debts. 2. A bundle or collection of some- thing: he ohi wauke, he ohi taro, a bundle of wauke, a bundle of taro. 3. A female animal of mat- ing age. Ohi (o'-hi), V. 1. To gather up, as things scattered; to glean; to col- lect. 2. To harvest, as fruit; to gather in taxes or rent. 3. To pluck, as fruit, and carry away; to collect together, as property; ua ohiia ka waiwai; to sweep in, as in collecting the spoil of a con- quered enemy. 4. To carry away by force; equivalent to hao; Aohe pu oloko o ka pa, ua pau i ka ohiia e na kanaka mawaho, there was no gun in the fort, they were all taken away by the people without. 5. To select. 6. To re- ceive; to take into the care or friendship of one; Ohi mai o Liholiho i poe punahele nana; pau ae la ke kui i ka ohiia i makau, all the nails were collected for fish-hooks. 7. To receive, as the interest on money. 8. To take up and protect, as an orphan. Ohia (o-hi'a), n. 1. A tree 25 to 50 feet high. (Eugenia malaccensis.) The mountain apple. Also called ohia apane or ohia ai, to distinguish it from the ohia kea which has white blossoms. The Tahitian name is the ahia. The fruit is juicy but somewhat insipid; the flowers, handsome with crimson stamens. 2. The tomato plant and its fruit. Ohiaai (o'-hi'a-a'i), n. The mountain apple tree (Eugenia malaccensis) and its fruit. There are two kinds; one species producing bright red flowers and the other a nearly white bloom. Ohiaha (o-hi'a-ha'), n. A tree (Eu- genia sandwicensis) which attains the height of over 60 feet. The wood which is exceedingly hard was used in all kinds of building. The bark furnished material for a dyestuff. Syn: Paihi. Ohialehua (o-hi'a-le-hu'-a), n. A tree 10 to 40 feet high. (Metrosideros polymorpha.) The wood is very hard; many of the old idols were made of it. There are two vari- eties: one bears a crimson blos- som and the other a white. Ohie (o'-hi-e'), adj. Applied to the careless use of language; with- out thought or purpose; unstudied; without regard to the truth. Ohiia (o-hi'-ia), n. A matter of covetousness. A forcing; con- straining; compelling: Me he ha- awina la, aole me he mea ohiia la, as a matter of bounty, and not as of covetousness. Ohikau (o'-hi-ka'u), n. A mistake; a blunder in speaking; a false- hood. Ohikau (o'-hi-ka'u), v. To listen to, believe and repeat to others every- I thing that is said to one; to be I credulous. Ohiki (o-hl'-ki), n. A particular i manner of thatching. See ohiu. 2, A probing. 3. A species of I small crab or sand spider. Ohiki (o-hl'-ki), v. 1. To shell, as one shells beans; e ohiki a hoi- I hoi aku i ka pulupulu. 2. To raise I with a pry. 3. To probe or pierce. lOhikihiki (o-hi'-ki-hi'-ki), v. 1. To I pick at with anything pointed; to I prick. 2. To separate or open I with a sharp point. j Ohiia (6-hI'-la), v. To feel ashamed. Ohina (o-hl'-na), v. [Ohi, to col- I lect, and ana.] To have one's I property swept away for debt: I ohina aupapa, same as pau ka waiwai, destitute. Ohinu (o-hi'-nu), n. 1. A piece of roasted meat, or a piece for roast- ing. I Sam 2:15; Isa. 44:16. I Ka ohinu lele uwahi manu e ! 0 ka nianu ai elelu. I 2. The stick which turns while ' the meat Is roasting, the spit. Ohinu (o-hi'-nu), v. To roast, as i meat; to hang up and turn round OHI 476 OHU by the fire for roasting; to roast over or before a fire; ua ohinuia i ka uwahi. Ohinuhinu (o-hi'-nu-hi'-nu), adj. Shiny. Ohinuhinu (o-hi'-nii-hi'-nu), v. [Freq. of ohinu.] 1. To roast much or of- ten. 2. To be smooth and shining, or oily. Ohio (o'-hi*o), n. 1. A mental con- ception; an idea; a purpose or fancy. 2. A planning or contriv- ing for the attainment of a de- sired end. Same as ohiu, a fish. Ohio (o'-hi'-o), n. The undulating motion of the air. Ohiohi (6'-hi-6'-hi), adv. Vigorously, applied to the growth of plants: Ohiohi ke kupu o ka laau; ohiohi ke kupu ana ae, the tree grows vigorously. Ohiohi (o'-hi-o'-hi), n. [Ohi, incon- sequential.] Garrulity; deceitful talk; boasting; bragging; ohiohi pukupuku. Ohiohi (o'-hi-o'-hi), v. 1. To have substances of various colors unit- ed, or a substance of various shades of color, as mahogany tim- ber, curl-maple, curly koa, etc. 2. To be very beautiful; pleasing to look at; handsome. Ohiohi ka io o ka laau o Makawao. Ohiohio (o-hi'o-hi'o), n. The dizzi- ness of slight intoxication. Ohiohio (o-hi'o-hi'o), v. [Hlo, to lean.] To stagger or reel, as one intoxicated; to be slightly intoxi- cated, so as to produce the de- sire of sleep. Ohipa (o-hi'-pa). Same as hoohipa; see hoohepahepa. Ohipua (o'-hi-pu'-a), adj. Perverse, applied to language used to de- ceive or lead astray. Ohiu (o-hi'u), v. 1. To thatch by the use of a large needle which is thrust into the thatching to make way for the cord that binds the straw to the roof. 2. To dig up; to turn up the earth; to over- turn. Ohiuhiu (o-hi'u-hi'u), n. A fish, the blue uhu (Julis lepomis). So called at Kawaihae. See Uhu. Ohiwaoke (o-hi-wao'-ke), n. A bun- dle of waoke or wauke. Oho (o'-ho), n. [Contraction of lauoho.] 1. The hair of the head; human hair; oho hina, gray hair. 2. The leaves of the coconut trees, from their resemblance to hair; wehe ke kaiaulu i ke oho o ka niu, the strong wind loosens the leaves of the coconuts. Oho (o'-ho), n, A calling; an out- I cry. I Oho (o'-ho), V. To cry out; to ex- 1 claim, cry out, as many voices; to j cry out, exclaim, as a single voice; hooho ae la ia leo nui, a pane mai la ia me ka hooho ana, auwe! pau! To cry out, as a flock of birds on being frightened; oho ae la ka auna manu i ka ilio. Hooho is more often used. Ohokul (o'-ho-ku'i), n. [Oho, hair, and kul, to join together.] An awk- wardly made wig, formerly worn in war. Oholi (o-ho'-li), v. Same as holi, to start, to commence. Ke holi ae la ka hehu ilima. Ohoma (o-ho'-ma). Same as homa. Ohu (o'-hu), n. 1. A fog; a mist; a cloud; smoke; vapor: Ka ohu e uhi ana i ke kuahiwi, the light cloud that covers the mountains. Syn: Awa, fine rain; also noe, spray. 2. The breath of a person on a cold morning; o ka ohu no ia o ke kanaka. Syn: Mahu. Ohu (o-hu'), n. A roller or swell of water that does not break. Ohu (o-hu'), V. To roll up, as the sea that does not break, Laieik. p. 91; to swell high, as water: ohu iluna ka wai; ua piha a ohu iluna ke kai. Ohua (o-hu'-a), n. 1. The retainers or dependents of a household, as servants, domestics, sojourners, etc.; the master and mistress are not generally included: ka ohua ia o Hinahele me Kuula. 2. The passengers on a vessel. 3. A species of trigger fish. (Can- therines sandwichiensis). Also called oililepa and manini. 4. Same as Hua, name of a day in the month. Ohua (o-hu'-a), v. To glide; to slip off, as the glancing of the arrow in throwing the arrow: ua ohua kau ka ana i ka pua. Ohualiko (o-hu'-a-li'-ko), n. [Ohua and aliko, shiny.] A species of the ohua fish. On the islands of Oahu, Maui, and Kauai it is called ohua; on Hawaii the little manini. OHU 477 OI Ohualimukala (o-hu'-aii-mu-ka'-la), n. A species of ohua fish. Ohualipoa (o-hu'-aii-po'-a), n. A spe- cies of ohua fish. Ohuapaawela (o-hu'a-pa'a-we'-la), n. A species of fish belonging to the family of wrasse fishes. (Halicho- eres ornatissimus.) A very bril- liant little fish, a frequenter of coral reefs, not very common. Ohuapalemo (o-hu'-a-pa-le'-mo), n. A species of striped ohua fish. Ohui (o-hu'i), v. 1. To twist, as in pulling out a tooth. 2. To snatch or rescue, as in pulling a child from the flames. 3. To pick or pull a sliver from the flesh. Syn: Ohiu, to dig up. Ohuihul (o-hu'i-hu'i), v. To twist round and draw out, as a tooth: ohuihul i ka niho; ohuihui 1 ka naio, to pull up the naio (sandal- wood). Ohuohu (o'-hu-o'-hu), adj. Attract- ive or pleasing from personal adornment; attractively deco- rated with wreaths or other adornments: Ohuohu Helemano i ka lei lehua. Ohuohu (o'-hu-6'-hu), n. A dark col- ored tapa. Ohuohu (o'-hu-o'-hu), v. 1. To be dressed in uniform. 2. To be dec- orated as a room; to be dressed out, as a ship, etc. Ohuku (o-hu'-ku), n. 1. A small, flat elevation; a platform. 2. A protuberance; a round or blunt protuberance of earth, stones or other material. Syn: Puu, ahua. Ohuku (o-hu'-ku), v. To stick out; to be prominent in some part; to be swelled, as from a blow: Ua ohuku ke poo o ke keiki, i pakiia i ka pohaku, the child's head is swelled from being hit with a stone. Ohule (o-hu'-le), adj. Bald; bald- headed. Ohule (o-hu'-le), n. 1. A bald-head- ed person. 2. Baldness: Ohule pahukani i ke aluia. Ohule (o-hu'-le), v. To be or become bald-headed: Ka lauoho ole o ke poo, oia ka ohule. Ohulu (o-hu'-lu), n. Potato vines that start from potatoes remain- ing in the ground after the crop is taken off. The term is also ap- plied to the small potatoes that send out this second growth. Ohulu (o'-hu'-lu), n. [O, to spear, and huiu, fur or feathers.] A seal hunter. Ohulupalupa (o'-hG-lii'-pa-lu'-pa), adj. Luxuriant; superabundant, as the growth of plants. Ohulupalupa (o'-hii-m'-pa-lii'-pa), n. A certain pattern carved on an ie kuku or tapa beater. Ohumu (o-hu'-mu), n. 1. A mur- muring or complaining. 2. A se- cret conference or council: he ohumu kipi, a conspiracy; ohumu wale, a grumbling; a complaint without cause. Ohumu (o-hu'-mu), v. 1. To com- plain of or find fault with the con- duct of some person or of some- thing done; to complain secretly or privately. 2. To confer pri- vately concerning an absent per- son, either with a good or bad design, 3. To confer clandestine- ly; to murmur. 4. To speak against one; to conspire against one; to grumble secretly; to be discontented. 5. To lay out or plan anything secretly, within one's self. Ohuna (o-hu'-na), n. A species of very small fish of the oopu class. Ohuna (o-hu'-na), v. Same as huna. Ohune (o-hu'-ne), n. 1. An erup- tive disease resembling chicken- pox. 2. A fish. Same as ohuna. 01 (o'-i), adj. 1. First; most ex- cellent; greater; the best. 2. Sharp; full of sharp points; sharp, as a knife; ka hoana oi, the sharp hone; ke apuapu ol, the sharp file. 01 (o'-i), adv. While; whilst; while yet; during some time when a i thing was being done: e hele i ka malamalama, oi kau ke ea i ke i kino; ol hull wale lakou ia ia, I while they sought for him in vain. 1 01 (o'-i), n. 1. Excess; superior- ity; greatness. 2. An uneven number; difference in numbers, as in subtraction. 3. The sharp edge or point of a weapon. 01 (o'-i'), n. An introduced weed. (Verbena bonariensis.) Also called owi. 01 (o'-i), V. 1. To project out or over. 2. To be more; to be bet- ter. 3. To be sharp, said of any OIA 478 OIL sharp-edged instrument. 4. To limp. Ola (o'-i-a), adv. Yes; it is so; a strong affirmative. Syn: Pela. Oia (o-i'-a), n. Incorrect form of oio. A species of fish. Oia (o'-i-a), n. Same as oiaio. Oia (o'-ia), pers. pron., third pers. sing. He, she, or it; the o is emphatic. See ia. Oia no wau, I am he; o ka laau hua ole, oia kana e oki aku, the branch not fruitful, that he cuts off. It is not so often used for things as for persons: oia iho no, he by him- self. _ Oia (o-i'-a), v. [Passive of o, to pierce.] To be pierced, stabbed; to be killed. O ia ke kanaka i ka ihe. (Properly two words.) Oia (o'-i-a), v. To submerge; He oia ka mea hawawa i ka heenalu, the unskillful surf rider plunges under water. Oia (o'-i-a), v. To express con- sent; to utter a willingness to comply; accede; cease opposition. Oiai (o'-i-a'-i), adv. While; as long as; during the time; meanwhile. Oiai e oia ana kakou i keia ma- nawa, while we are living, at the present time. Oiaio (o'-ia-i'o), adj. True; not false; he oiaio. maoli kana mau hana, aole keekee iki. Oiaio (o'i-a-i'o), adv. Truly; verily; of a truth. A strong asseveration of truth. Oiaio (o'-ia-i'o), n. [Oia, truth, and io, real.] Truth; verity; what is true ; uprightness. Oiaio (o'i-a-i'o), v. To be true, not false, genuine. Oiana (oi-a'-na), int. Indeed! truly! Laieik. p. 8. Oiana (oi-a'-na), v. imp. Let it be seen; let it appear; show it to me, etc.: Oiana kau palapala, show your book. Syn: Mana and hoike. Oihaa (o-i-ha'a), adj., adv. Same as oehaa. Oihana (5'i-ha'-na), n. [Oi, princi- pal, and hana, work.] 1. A spe- cial duty or business; the work peculiar to one; an occupation; a trade. 2. An observance; cus- tom; ministry; labor; calling; of- fice. 3. One's tools; instruments or apparatus for any business: Na kapu kahiko a me na oihana wahahee, the ancient tabus and the false customs, that is, customs founded on false notions; na oi- hana lapuwale, foolish customs; ke hoike mai nei na kumu a ka- kou i keia oihana o na aina naau- ao. 4. The book of Acts in the New Testament. 5. An office or department: oihana makai, police force, police department. Oihanaalii (o'i-ha'-na-a-li*i), n. [Oi- hana and alii, king.] A history of the acts of kings; name of the books in the Old Testament called Chronicles. Olhanakahuna (o'i-ha-na-ka-hu'-na), n. [Oihana and kahuna, priest.] 1. Priesthood; the exercise of the =E2=80=A2priest's office. 2. Name of the book Leviticus. OIkikI (o-I'-ki'-ki), v. Same as ikiiki. Oiklpuahola (o-i'-ki-pu'-a-ho'-la), n. A pestilence in the time of Waia, a traditional king. Oiku (6'i-ku'), v. To struggle, as one walking in deep mud. Syn: Oioiku. Oill (oi'-li), adj. Same as oiliwale. Olll (o-i'-li), n. The region of the heart; the seat of emotion: lele ka oill, a fright; the seat of judg- ment; conscience; ka mea maloko e hoapono ana, a e hoahewa ana. Lele ka oill o ka lani; lele i ka lani o ka oill; o ka lani, oia ka mea e lele ana me he koki la ia, me he hokulele la. Oil! (o-i'-li), V. 1. To pass out of; to go by. 2. To disappear and to appear, when used with the verbal directives aku and mai re- spectively, as oill aku, oill mai. Oilllapa (o-i'-li-la'-pa), n. Same as oililepa, a trigger-fish. Oililepa (o-i'-li-le'-pa), n. 1. A spe- cies of trigger fish. (Cantherines sandwichiensis and Osbeckia scrip- ta.) Also called ohua. Oililua (o-i'-li-lu'-a), adj. Open to the view; prominent; clear; ob- vious: Oililua ka hoi keia hale, that house is very conspicuous. Oililua (o-i'-li-lu'-a), v. To be very high; to be exceedingly con- spicuous. Oilipulelo (o-i'-li-pu-le'-lo), v. [Oill, to pass, and pulelo, to float in the air.] To pass out and float. Oili- pulelo ke ahi o Kamaile; to send OIL 479 OKA lighted fire brands down the cliff of Kamaile in the night. Former- ly a sport for chiefs. Oiliwale (o-i'-li-wa'-le), adj. Prema- ture. Oiliwale (o-i'-li-wa'-le), n. An un- timely birth. Olio (o-i'-lo), n. 1. A species of very small eel, also called puhi- oilo. 2. A fish, the small oio. 3. The beginning of growth from a seed. He nahelehele liilii loa, e oilo ae ana ilalo; grass or any veg- etables when they first spring up. Olio (o-I'-lo), V. [O, and Ho, the first shoot of the seed of a plant.] To germinate; to begin to develop from a plant seed. Oilua (o'-i-lu'-a), adj. [01, edge, point, and lua, double.! Double edged; two edged, as a sword. Syn: Makalua. Olo (o-i'-o), n. 1. A species of bone- fish. (Albula vulpes.) Color, brilliantly silvery along back and sides. Esteemed as a game fish. Length 18 inches to 3 feet. A favorite with eaters of raw fish. 2. A kind of stone used in polish- ing. 3. A species of noddy. (Anous stolidus.) Also called nolo. 4. A long bundle of salt or fish; he oio paakai, he io kekahi inoa; also called io. Oio (o-i'o), n. 1. An imaginary company or troop of ghosts, caused by delirium. See oiaio. Oio (o'-i'o), n. [O, fork, and Io, flesh. A flesh hook; a flesh fork. Oloi (o'i-o'i), adj. Sharp; full of sharp points: mea oioi, pricks; sharp things. Olol (o'i-o'i), n. The going beyond; outdoing; the getting ahead of. Oioj (o'i-o'i), V. 1. To project up- ward, as a mountain peak: Oioi ae ana o Puuonioni e oni ae ana e like me Maunakea. 2. To ap- pear above water: Oioi ke kuala o ka mano i ka ili kai; the shark's fin appears above the surface of the sea. Oioi (o'i-o'i), v. 1. To rest from fatigue; particularly the fatigue of walking. 2. To move sidewise; to turn the side to one. Oioiku (o'i-6'i-ku'), v. To struggle; to contend with some difficulty, as traveling in deep mud: oloIku ka hele ana o ka mea nui. Same as oiku. Oiolna (o'i-6-i'-na), n. [Oloi, to rest.] A resting place for travelers, af- fording some accommodation; a pile of stones; a tree; a bush, etc. Ololo (o-i'o-i'o), V. To talk incoher- ently, as in derangement; halluci- nation or delusion. OIwi (6-i-wi'), n. The substantial part of a thing; that which gives character or adds ornament; the upper nude person of a well built man: O hele a hoike aku i ko oIwi i ke kumu; maikai ka oiwi o mea, kihi peahi lua, maikai ka oiwI ke nana aku, pakaka. Nan I ka oiwi o HUo i ka lehua Ke kui la 1 ke one i Walolama Nani ke kino o la laau, he laau. 2. Outline; character; personal appearance. Oka (o'-ka), adj. Small; fine; pow- dery; crumbly. Oka (o'-ka), n. 1. Dregs; crumbs; small pieces of things as sawdust, filings; the refuse or worthless part of a thing: oka palaoa. chaff, 2. [Eng.] An oak tree or wood: laau oka, an oak grove or tree. Oka (o-ka'), v, 1. To set a decoy; to ensnare; to place a bird in such a position as to catch or tempt another. 2. To move the lips, as in speaking, but without sound: E oka wale ana no ka waha, the mouth only was moving. Descrip- tive of one so overcome by emo- tion as not to be able to speak. 3. Same as okaoka, to be de- stroyed. Oka (o-ka'), v. Same as okaa, to spin. Okaa (o'-ka'a), adj. Rolling; making a rolling noise. Okaa (o'-ka'a), n. 1, A top. 2. A dry coconut whose meat has de- tached itself from the shell so as to roll or rattle. Okaa (o'-ka'a), v. [Kaa, to revolve.] To spin, as a top. Okal (o-ka'i), adv. Toward the sea; of or belonging to the sea; as dis- tinguished from ouka. Okal (o'-ka'i), n. 1. The tendril of a plant. 2. A butterfly or moth of the order Lepidoptera, so called from the proboscis, which resem- bles the tendril of a plant. 3. A crooked line of stragglers on the OKA 480 OKI move. 4, The small oblong net used to connect the two larger nets in fishing for malolo or fly- ing fish. Okaka (6-ka'-ka), n. 1. In former times, a foreigner; foreigners in general. 2. Later, a company of substantial business men belong- ing to Kamehameha I; chief's men. Okakai (6-ka'-ka'i), adj. Same as hukahukai. Okakai (o'-ka-ka'i), n. A line of fol- lowers; a crowd of persons follow- ing one, as crowds followed a chief. Okaka la (6'-ka-ka'-la), adj. Shiver- ing, as from cold or fear. Okakala (6'-ka-ka'-la), n. 1. A shiv- ering; the sensation of cold from the application of a cold sub- stance, as water. 2. A cold tre- mor from fear, from sudden dan- ger. 3. A chill; a shivering. 4. A rough kind of cloth; ka lole okala- kala ulaula. Okakala (6'-ka-ka'-la), v. To stand up stiffly and roughly, like the bristles of a hog; as the hair of one in great fear. Okala (6'-kaMa), n. 1. A class of fishes having a rough skin, as the kala, mano, or shark, oopuhue, etc, 2. A shivering or trembling; numb- ness or a disease (maele) of the head, as if the hair stood on end: akahi no ka okala o ko'u poo. Okala (5-ka'-la), v. To bristle with anger. Okalakala (6-kaMa-kaMa), v. 1. To be astonished; to shudder; to quake. 2. To be boisterous or raging, as the wind; to rage with anger. 3. To be intent, or strong- ly desirous of doing a thing. Laieik. p. 39. Okalekale (6-ka'-le-ka'-le), n. 1. The fish opakapaka and ulaula when under usual size. 2. All under- sized deep-sea fishes. Okana (o-ka'-na), n. [Contraction of okiana. Oki, to be cut off; and ana, a participial termination.] 1. A portion; a district or divi- sion of country containing several ahupuaas or precincts: O Kona, a o Kohala a me Hamakua, akolu okana; he mau okana iwaena o ka moku. Syn: Kalana. 2. An allotted portion of food. Okana (o-ka'-na), v. See kana. To be astonished ; to be struck with wonder or surprise. Okaoka (6'-ka-6'-ka), n. [Oka, dregs.] An offensive smell; okaoka pilo- pilo me he oka la. Okaoka (6'-ka-6'-ka), n. [Intensive of oka, refuse.] Dust; small par- ticles; dregs: he okaoka liilii me he oka la. Okaoka (6'-ka-6'-ka), v. To be brok- en up fine; to be utterly de- stroyed. Okaoka! (6'-ka-6-ka'i), n. Sickness; a heaving of the stomach before vomiting; sickness of the stomach from a bad smell. Okatoba (6'-ka-to'-ba), n. [Eng.] The tenth month in the modern calen- dar; October. Oke (6'-ke), adj. Rotten; torn; good for nothing; okeoke. Oke (o-ke'), n. A person who goes from house to house quickly: He kanaka mama i ka hele kau hale, oke i kela hale i keia hale; oke wahahee, a talkative person. Oke (o-ke'), v. To be unsettled; to wander, as a vagrant. Okea (o-ke'-a), adj. [Kea, white.] Hot, as stones heated to white- ness; he okea ka imu. Okea (o-ke'-a), n. White sand or gravel. Okeaplllmai (o-ke'-a-pi'-li-ma'i), n. A class of persons who have no houses of their own, and thus at- tach themselves to those who have; also called unupehiiole and ohapiliwale Okea (o-ke'e), n. A change in direc- tion; a veering. Okee (o-ke'e), v. 1. To veer, as the wind; to change direction. 2. To eddy, as water: Ke okee mai nei ka makani, the wind is changing. Okena (o-ke'-na), adj. Same as ole- na, yellow. Okena (o-ke'-na), n. Same as olena, a shrub; turmeric. Okeoke (o'-ke-6-ke'), adj. 1. Garru- lous. Always used with waha, mouth; as waha okeoke, same as waha ohiohi. 2. Brittle; rotten; easily broken. Ok! (6'-ki), v. 1. To cut off; to cut in two, as any substance; as, ok! laau, oki pohaku. 2. To end or finish any talk or business. 3. To cut up root and branch ; to destroy OKI 481 OKO in anyway. 4. To stop; put an end to: e oki i ke kamailio, to cease talking. 5. To cut off; to separate from privileges; to pun- ish. 6. To cut grain, as a harvest. 7. To cut off one's head. 8. Same as okiloa, to be dirty; to fail. Okia (o-ki'-a), v. [For okiia, passive of oki.] To be cut off. Okilo (o-ki'-lo), n. One who seeks for things hidden from natural sight; one who searches dark or secret places. The word was gen- erally used by fishermen: he okllo hee; one who searches or seeks the hidden places of the squid. Okllo (o-ki'-lo), V. [Kilo, to look for.] To look earnestly for something; to watch for: okilo ia, to look into the water for squid; to look for fish, as a fisherman. Okiloa (6'-ki-16'a), n. A destruction; a cutting up; a breaking down. Okjioa (o'-ki-16'a), v. 1. To be dirty; filthy; polluted; to be dirty all over. 2. To be defeated in one's purpose; to try in vain. Laieik. p. 64. Oklna (o-ki'-na), n. [Oki, to cut off, and ana, a finishing.] 1. The cut- ting off of anything. 2. An ending. 3. A cut; a cutting. Oklokl (6'-ki-6'-ki), adj. Cutting; dividing: Oia ka moku i loaa mai ai ka pahi oklokl, that was the vessel from which were obtained the cutting knives. Oklokl (6'-ki-6'-ki), v. [Oki, to cut.] 1. To cut frequently; to cut into small pieces. 2. To reap and gather in, as a harvest. 3. To di- vide into small pieces. 4. To ap- portion land among chiefs or peo- ple: oklokl na 'lii a me na kanaka i ka aina o Hawaii; to cut up; destroy. Okipoepoe (6'-ki-p6'e-po'e), n. A cut- ting around; circumcision. This is a coined word, used in the Ha- waiian translations of Scripture for circumcision; the Hawaiian word for a similar operation was omuo. Okipoepoe (6'-ki-po'e-po'e), v. [Oki, to cut, and poepoe, around; circu- larly.] To circumcise; to be cir- cumcised. Used also with omaka, to circumcise. Okoa (o-ko'-a), adj. 1. Different; another; separate; distinct from; unlike: he mea okoa, another thing. 2. A whole as distinct from a part. 3. Whole as distin- guished from broken: he waa okoa ia, a canoe not broken; he waa nahaha ole okoa, a canoe not broken at all, whole; he malama okoa, a whole month. Okoa (o-ko'-a), adv. 1. Wholly; en- tirely; altogether; e kau okoa, to put entirely. 2. Exclusively; fully. Okoa (o-ko'-a), n. The entire thing; the total; all of a thing; without exception. Okoa (o-ko'-a), v. 1. To be another; to be unlike in some respects: Ua okoa ke kanaka waiwai, ua okoa, ke kanaka ilihune, the rich man was one thing, the poor man was another=E2=80=94 that is, very differ- ent. 2. To be different from an- other thing; to be a different per- son or thing. 3. To be besides; over and above; not reckoned in. 4. To be unlike in appearance: Ua okoa ke ano o na helehelena o na kanaka, ua okoa na holoho- lona, different from each other are the countenances of men, different are those of beasts. Hookaokoa hana i ka makou. Okohe (o-k6'-he), v. To begin to heal, as a sore: ua okohe kahi eha; to begin to form a scab, as a wound; also applied to the bark of trees growing again. Okohekohe (o-k6'-he-k6'-he), n. A barnacle or any kind of mussel adhering to rocks, floating timber, ships, etc. Okohekohe (o-k6'-he-k6'-he), v. To begin to heal. Same as okohe. Okohola (6'-ko'-h6-la'), adj. [O, to pierce, and kohola, a whale.] Whale piercing: O ka nui o na moku i ku mai, oia na moku oko- hola, the greater number of ships which anchor here are whale-stab- bing ships, or simply whaleships. Okoko (o-ko'-ko), adj. Boiling, as lava; lambent, as flame. Okoko (o-ko'-ko), n. A heat so in- tense as to be red; a red heat. Okoko (o-ko'-ko), v. [Koko, blood.] To be red like blood; to be red with heat. Okole (o-k6'-le), n. 1. The anus; kahi malalo e hemo ai ka honowa; the posteriors. OKO 482 OKU Okoleemiemi (o-k6'-le-e'-mi-e'-mi), n. The sea worm or annelid which is eaten by Hawaiians. Okolehao (o-ko'-le-ha'o), n. 1. The name given to an iron try-pot, brought ashore and made into a still. 2. Liquor distilled from ti root; so called from the pot above mentioned. 3. In later times, a gin made from sugar, pineapple juice, rice or other materials. Okolehawele (o-k6'-le-ha'-we'-le), n. Same as okoleemiemi. Okoleke (o'-ko-le'-ke), n. A secret language used generally by chiefs: eia kahi hewa hou, o na olelo hou, o ke kake, o ka nehiwa, o ka oko- leke. Okolemakiki (o-ko'-le-ma-ki'-ki), n. A plant (Canavalia galeata) with small leaves, which grows thickly like the 'koali. Same as awiki- wiki. Okolo (o-ko'-lo), adj. Slippery; ne- cessitating stooping or crawling because of slipperiness, Okolo (o-ko'-lo), n. [Kolo, to crawl or stoop.] Any place in a road or stream where the earth or rocks are so slippery that one has to creep or stoop to avoid a fall. Okomo (o-ko'-mo), n. A false rep- resentation, also the things, per- sons or figures falsely repre- sented. Okomo (o-ko'-mo), v. [O, to pricker insert, and komo, anything en- tered.] 1. To calk a ship or ves- sel: Ka poe haole e okomo ana i ka ropi ma ka aoao o ka moku, the foreigners were calking (driving in the rope) on the sides of the ship. 2. To represent falsely; to falsify. Okooko (6'-k6-o'-ko), adv. Ragingly; heatedly, etc. Okooko (o'-k6-6'-ko), n. 1. A blaze; anything red hot, as the iron from a blacksmith's forge; as stones thrown out of the volcano; a fiery redness. Laieik. p. 176. 2. Any one in a dazzling dress. 3. The zeal of a soldier pressing boldly into battle. Okooko (o'-k6-o'-ko), v. 1. To be red hot; to become greatly excited; to be violent. 2. To burn, as the sensation of the itch; okooko ka maneo, or the erysipelas. Oku (o-ku'), n. 1. A giving secret- ly. 2. A live bird used as a decoy. Oku (o-kii'), V. 1. To present a thing to one secretly with sugges- tion that the giving and accepting be a secret. 2, To decoy. Okuhekuhe (o-ku'-he-ku'-he), n. A fish, a species of oopu; also called oau and owau. Okuku (o'-ku-ku'), n. The small kumu fish, also called ahuluhulu. Okuku (o'-ku-ku'), v. 1. To erect; to turn up, as the head when one is swimming; to raise up, as the head of a fish above water; to emerge. 2. To be agitated; to be excited as when one is unexpect- edly accused of a wrong. Okukuli (o'-ku-kuMi), v. To be filled to satiety; to be satisfied in appe- tite or desire. Syn: Liliha. Okulikull (o-ku'-li-ku'-li), v. 1. To abound in agreeable or nutritive qualities; pleasant to the taste, as high seasoned food. See kuhinia. 2. To eat of sweet things till one is sick. Okumulau (o-ku'-mQ-la'u), n. [Oku- mu, the stump of a tree, and lau, leaf.] 1. A stump which sends out new growth after the larger portion of the tree has been re- moved. 2. The shoots or new growth which start from that part of a tree remaining after the trunk is cut off. Okuoku (o-kfi'-o-ku'), v. Same as oku, to decoy. Okuoku (o-kii'-o-ku'), v. 1. To pitch; to rise up, as the bow of a canoe or ship tossed by waves in a storm. 2. To rear and pitch, as an unbroken horse; holo okuoku ka lio pupu. Okupe (o-ku'-pe), v. 1. To trip in walking; to make a false step. 2. To make a misstep; to err in con- duct; to go astray morally. Okupu (o-ku'-pu), V. To rise up and cover with dark shadows, as clouds. Okupukupu (o-ku'-pu-ku'-pu), V. Same as okupu. Okuu (o'-ku'u), n. [Kuu, to let go; okuu, to sit up.] A pestilence which swept over the islands while Kamehameha I. was living on Oahu about 1807. Multitudes per- ished. Okuu wale aku no i ka OKU 483 OLA uhane; the people dismissed free- ly their souls and died. Okuu (o'-ku'u), V. 1. To sit up be- cause one has no place or conve- niences for lying down; as one on the deck of a vessel when the water dashes over. 2. To sit in a meditating posture with the head reclined. 3. To sit in a stooping or crouching manner, with arms across the breast, as if cold. Ola (o'-la), adj. Alive; escaped; alive in opposition to dead: o kou alii make no, a me kou alii ola. Ola (o'-la), n. 1. A recovery from sickness; a state of health after sickness; an escape from any dan- ger or threatened calamity. 2. A living, that is, the means of life, food: E pii ana au i ke ola, I am going up (the hill) for life, that is, to procure food. 3. Life; the period of one's life; living; while one lives. 4. Life; salvation; de- liverance from spiritual death. (This definition is a modern one introduced with the Christian sys- tem, and is often used in the Hawaiian Bible.) Ola (ola'), n. A nasal sound made in sleep; a gurgling; a bubbling noise, as of running water; snor- ing. Ola (o-la'), V. 1. To gurgle; to run with a gurgling noise, as water from a calabash, or a small stream among pebbles; to gar- gle. 2. To snore. Ola (o'-la), V. 1. To be alive; to be saved from danger; to live after being in danger of death; to re- cover from sickness; to get well; i mai la o Kamehameha ina e ola keia mai ana ou; to enjoy an escape from any evil. 2. To live upon, or by means of a thing without which one would die: ola no hoi na iwi, poverty (bones) shall be supplied, prosperity shall flourish. Laieik. p. 124. Olaelae (o-la'e-la'e), adj. Bitter; acrid; tasteless. Olaelae (o-la'e-la'e), n. 1. Biitter- ness; tastelessness; acridity. 2. A bitter calabash. Olahonua (o'-la-ho'-nu'-a), n. A state of being prepared. Syn: Lako mua. Olahua (o'-la-hu'-a), n. Same as olo- hua, a berry; fruit of the popolo. Olai (o-la*i), n. 1. An earthquake; he haalulu honua. 2. A light porous stone used in polishing canoes and in scraping off the hair of pig or dog, preparatory to baking in the imu or oven. Syn: Hapou. Olalla (o-la'i-la), adv. [Prep, o and and adv. laila, there.] There; that; that place. The words should be written separately: He aha kau o lalla? What have you there? Olala (o-la'-la), adj. 1. Lean; poor in flesh; applied to animals. 2. Small; stinted; applied to vege- tables. Olala (o-la'-la), v. 1. To dry; to wither; to warm by the fire until withered, as green leaves; a loaa mai ka lau hala, alalia, olala ma ke ahi. 2. To grow lean; to pine away. 3. To be lean in flesh; the opposite of kaha. Olalalae (o-la'-la-la'e), v. Same as olalau, to be out of one's mind. Olalau (o-la-la'u), adj. Demented; out of one's senses. Olalau (o-la-la'u), n. Partial alien- ation of reason. Olalau (o-la-la'u), v. To be out of one mind as a result of sickness or intense excitement. Olale (o-la'-le), n. A species of fish of the coral reefs and warm cur- rents. Color, largely deep green or blue. (Thalassoma purpureum.) Also called olali, olani, palaea, awela and hou. Olall (o-la'-li), adj. Bright; shining; glistening. Olali (o-la'-li), n. A fish, same as olale. Olalllali (o-la'-li-la'-ii), adj. Same as olali, bright, which see. Olalo (o-la'-lo), adv. Nether; situ- ated below; under. Olani (o-la'-ni), n. A fish, same as olale. Olani (o-la'-ni), v. To dry or roast by the fire: a alae oe, e olani i wahi baka no kaua, get up and dry the tobacco leaves for us two; e olani iho hoi ha. Olao (o-la'o), v. 1. To hoe up weeds, as in a garden; to hoe and hill up the earth around vegetables. Syn: Gheu. 2. To draw out or extract from. Olaola (o'-ia-6-la'), n. 1. An ebul- lition; a bubbling up of water, as OLA 484 OLE from a spring. 2. Same as ola, life. Olaola (o'-la-6-la'), v. [Ola, to gur- gle.] 1. To gargle. 2. To bubble, as water entering a calabash. 3. To snore in sleep: olaola ka ihu me he puaa la. Olaolao (o-la'o-la'o), v. [Olao, to hoe.] To weed; to dig round, as a plant; to dig with an oo or spade. Olapa (o-la'-pa), n. 1. A tree 30 to 50 feet high (Cheirodendron gau- dichaudii). Called also mahu or kauila; its bark and leaves were used in preparing a blue dye. 2. A variety of hula. Olapa (o-la'-pa), v. 1. To be moved, as the stomach; to rumble, as the bowels; applied to the stomach or bowels; e olapa, e nahu. 2. To flash, as lightning; olapa ka uwi- la. Laieik. p. 163. 3. To move, as a muscle or bone. Olapalapa (o-la'-pa-la'-pa), adj. 1. Rough; uneven, as the surface of the ground; full of ravines. 2. Full of corners or projections. Olapalapa (o-la'-pa-la'-pa), n. 1. A ridge between two ravines. 2. The rough protuberances of a precipice. 3. A rough place; pii 1 na olapalapa wai, a he anu. Olapanai (o'-la-pa-na*i), n. [Ola, alive, and panal, to redeem.] A redeeming or being redeemed; a repurchase; a ransom. Olapu (o-la'-pu), v. Same as ho- lapu, to stir up. Ole (o'-le) adv. A word used in de- nial; no, not, same as aole. (Aole is used before a noun or verb, and ole after it.) Ole (o'-le), n. 1. The eye tooth. 2. Deficiency; failure; want; lack: Make ia no ka ole o ka ai, he died for lack of food. Ole (o-le'), n. 1. A speaking-trum- pet. 2. A conch shell. Ole (o'-le), V. 1. To be nothing; to cease to exist; to pass away: a e ole loa hoi, and to be no more; aole e ole; a ua ole ia, and it is gone. 2. Not to do a thing. Used with an infinitive. Ole (ole'), V. To speak through the throat or through a trumpet. Olea (o-le'-a), adj. 1. Excessively hot: olea ka la, 2. Piercingly loud, as applied to sound; olea ke kani. Oleha (o-le'-ha), n. 1. Any game on which the eyes are intent, as dominoes. 2. A setting or fixing of the eyes, as in death: o ka oleha make, make ae no ia. Oleha (o-le'-ha), v. [Leha, to turn the eyes.] 1. To fix the eyes; to set them in a squinting manner: Oleha na maka i ka pololi. 2. To look up. Olehaleha (o-le'-ha-le'-ha), adj. Daz- zling; blinding to the eyes on ac- count of intense light. Olehaleha (o-le'-ha-le'-ha), n. The dazzling or blinding of the eyes by an intense light of the sun; ke olehaleha o na maka i ka la. Olekukahl (o'-le-ku-ka'-hi), n. The seventh day of the moon. Olekukolu (o'-le-ku-ko'-lu), n. The ninth day of the moon. Olekulua (o'-le-ku-lu'-a), n. The eighth day of the moon. Olelo (o-le'-lo), adv. Verbatim; in a verbal manner; orally. Olelo (o-le'-lo), n. 1. A word; a speech; language. 2. Counsel; plan; promise; an address; he mau olelo umi, the ten command- ments; kana olelo, his word, that is, that which one has spoken; kona olelo, what is said about him; kahi e olelo ai, an oracle; a place to utter an oracle. Olelo (o-le'-lo), v. 1. To speak; to say; (it implies a more formal or longer speech than i or hai) ; to converse. 2. To teach; to call; to invite, as to a feast. 3. To give a name: e olelo hooweliweli, to threaten; e olelo hoino, to curse; e olelo hoomaikai, to bless ; e olelo hoonani, to glorify; e olelo pohihihi, to speak mystically, darkly, as distinguished from olelo akaka. Oleloa (o'-le-lo'a), adv. [Ole, not, and loa, an intensive.] Not at all; by no means; in no degree. Oleloao (o-le'-lo-a'o), n. Counsel; advice; an opinion given; an in- struction. Oleloao (o-le'-lo-a'o), v. [Olelo, to speak, and ao, to teach.]. 1. To give counsel; to advise in state affairs: Oleloao mai o Vanekouva ia Kamehameha e hooki i ke OLE 485 OLE kaua, Vancouver advised Kameha- meha to cease going to war. Olelohoohewa (o-le'-lo-ho'o -he'-wa) , n. 1. An accusation; a charge of wrong against one. 2. The act of speaking, against others. Olelohoopomaikai (o-le'-lo-ho'o-po- ma'i-ka'i), n. A promise; a promise of a blessing; a declara- tion of favor or good will. Olelohoopono (o-le'-lo-ho'o-po'-no), n. 1. Righteous talk. 2. Righteous ness. Olelokupaa (o-le'-lo-ku-pa'a), n. [Ole- ic, speech, and ku, to stand, and paa, fast.] An ordinance; an es- tablished decision; a legal decree; a judgment. Olelomaikal (o-le'-lo-mai-ka'i), n. [Olelo, word, and malkai, good.l The gospel; the preaching of the gospel. Olelonane (o-le'-lo-na'-ne), n. [Olelo, a word, and nane, a riddle.] A proverb; a riddle; parable; enig- ma. Olelopaa (o-le'-lo-pa'a), n. [Olelo, word, and paa, fast.] A precept; a command. Olelopalpai (o-le'-lo-pa'i-pa'i), n. [Ole- lo, word, and paipai, to stir up.] An exhortation. Olemu (o-le'-mu), v. To loosen from a settled state; to oust, applied to the acts of landlords who often move their tenants. Olemukaa (o-le'-mu-ka'a), n. [See lemu, thigh, and kaa, to roll.] Lit. The rolling thigh; a man who often moves from place to place, who gathers no property and never becomes kuonoono, quietly settled; "the rolling stone gathers no moss." Olena (o-le'-na), n. [Lena, yellow.] Turmeric plant (Curcuma longa), whose root gave a yellow dye used in dyeing tapa yellow, hence its name; root also forms an in- gredient of curry; it resembles the awapuhi. 2. A small tree (Co- prosoma waimeae) peculiar to Kauai. Olenalena (o-le'-na-le'-na), n. Dye made from the olena plant. Oleole (o'-le-6-le'), adv. Indistinct- ly, as a sound; indistinctly articu- lated; kani oleole ka waha o ka uila. Oleole (o'-le-o'-le), n. A frame or skeleton of a structure, set on posts with notches on which to hang calabashes. Oleole (o'-le-6-le'), v. 1. To talk thickly and indistinctly, as one very angry and scolding. 2. To grin like an idol; oleole mai ka waha o na 'kua kii o na heiau; oleole no ka waha o ka wahine nuku. Oleole (o'-le-o'-le), v. Same as hoo- leole, to deny. Oleoleo (o-le'o-le'o), v. 1. To quar- rel noisily and outrageously; to act as one angry. 2. To be un- even, as ocean waves; to rise and fall; oleoleo la i ka moana. 3. To be in confusion. Olepa (o-le'-pa), n. The odor of the olapa or mahu. Olepa (o-le'-pa), v. To cast about; to scatter round; to be turned up or over; ua olepa ke kaupaku o ka hale. Olepalepa (o-le'-pa-le'-pa), v. Same as olepelepe, to rattle. Olepau (o'-le-pa'u), n. The tenth day of the lunar month. Olepe (o-le'-pe), n. A variety of shell-fish resembling the pipi or oyster; the clam. Also called oaoaka. Olepe (o-le'-pe), v. 1. To turn, as a door on a hingle; to turn one way and another, as the helm of a ship. 2. To set open; to un- close. Olepelepe (o-le'-pe-le'-pe), adj. Part- ly closed up, as a window; puka olepelepe, a lattice window. Olepelepe (o-le'-pe-le'-pe), n. [Leke, diagonally.] Lattice work; any work made by crossing thin strips and forming a network. Olepelepe (o-le'-pe-le'-pe), v. To rat- tle, as the opening frequently of a door or window shutter; ka wehe pinepine i ka puka. Syn: Opaipai. Olepolepo (o-le'-po-le'-po), adj. De- filed with dirt; out of order, as the bowels. Olewa (o-le'-wa), adj. 1. Fickle; changeable; swinging; applied to one who often changes his place of residence. 2. Not firmly es- tablished; of partial application, as a law; ineffectual; ua olewa OLE 486 OLO io ke kanawai; minamina ino; he- hee, maumau ole, paa ole. Olewa (o-le'-wa), v. [Lewa, to move.] 1. To be unfixed, not firm; to be movable; changeable. 2. To be unstable; liable to be overturned, as a law; Ua olewa ke kanawai o ka aina hauna ele, the law is liable to be over- turned in a land of disorder; ane- ane olewa io ke kanawai, the law is nearly nullified. Oil (6'-li), n. Joy; exultation; glad- ness; delight; pleasure. Oil (o'-li), V. To chant or sing. Olili (o-li'-li), adj. Withered; stint- ed; not fully grown; applied to fruit. Olina (o-li'-na), adj. Joyful; of or pertaining to play; aha ollna, a meeting for play. Ollna (o-li'-na), v. To play; e lea- lea, e walea. Ollno (o-li'-no), v. To shine bright- ly; to shine with splendor. Ollnolino (o-li'-n6-li'-no), adj. 1. Bright; clear; sunny; hence, 2. Parched; dry, as land; lepo oll- nolino. Ollnolino (o-li'-n6-li'-n6), n. 1. Bright- ness; splendor; glory. 2. Such intense brightness as to dazzle and bewilder the sight; ka ohe- wahewa ana o ka maka i ka ma- lamalama. Ollnolino (o-li'-no-li'-no), v. Same as olino, to shine brightly. 01 loll (6'-li-5'-li), adj. Happy; glad. Olioli (6'-li-6'-li), adv. Joyfully; cheerfully. Olioli (6'-li-6Mi), n. Playfulness; happiness. Olioli (o'-li-o'-li), V. To chant a mele or song. Ollva (o-li'-va), n. [Eng.] An olive tree. Oliwa (o-li'-wa), adj. Olive; belong- ing to an olive: lau ollva, olive leaf; he laau ollva, an olive tree. Olo (o'lo), n. [Olo, to rub up and down.] 1. A saw, from its mo- tion: pahi olo, a saw. 2. A dou- ble or fleshy skin; the moving flesh of a fat animal. 3. The wattle of a turkey. 4. A very thick surf-board made of the wiliwili tree. Laieik. p. 90. 5. A loud wailing; a lamentation; ma- kena. Syn: Pihe. Olo (o'-lo), V. 1. To rub, as on a grater; to rub, as taro or coconut on a rough stone to grate it fine. 2, To rub up and down, as the motion of a saw, particularly of a whip-saw. 3. To roll with fat, as the flanks and hips of a very fat animal. 4. To saw. 5. To be loud, as a sound; to make a loud sound, as of many voices. 6. To sound I loudly with reverberating tone, as I a voice of wailing; to make a I doleful noise: e olo no wau i ka I pihe ana, moaning; bemoaning one's self. Oloa (o'-lo-a'), n. 1. A species of wauke bark soaked until soft in water. 2, Small white tapa form- erly put over the gods while the prayer was said, thus: i puaa, i niu, i maia, i oloa. 3. A gift made to a child at birth or soon after. Laieik. p. 101. Syn: Kopili. 4. I The fruit of the poha, or cape gooseberry. Oloalu (o'-16-a'-lu), n. 1. A place where the property of a chief was stored up: he oloalu o ke alu o kahi e waiho ai ke kapa o na 'lii. 2. The sound of many voices at once, of many horns blowing at once, of many cocks crowing to- gether, etc. Oloalu (o'-lo-aMu), n. Joint action for a general aim or object. Oloalu (o'-lo-a'-lu), v. To rush upon or attack in concert. It implies the united action of a multitude for a common purpose. Olohana (6'-lo-ha'-na), n. [Eng.] 1. All hands; the name given to John Young. 2. A quitting work to exact terms from an employer. Olohana (o'-lo-ha'-na), v. To strike or quit work. (Obsolete.) The word now used is olohani. Olohe (o-lo'-he), adj. 1. Rigid; im- movable with fear; he kanaka olohe uwi paa i ka makau ia. 2. Sick, as a woman in child birth: he mai olohe keiki ia no na wa- hine. 3. Bare; destitute of ver- dure: ka lua olohe o ke alialia, he lua olohelohe. 4. Bare; free from hair on the body, chin, eye- brows, etc. 5. Skillful, as one able to direct or oversee the work of others. Olohe (o-lo'-he), n. 1. A robber who is skillful at the lua, or OLO 487 OLO breaking of bones. 2. A skillful person; an expert. Olohe (o-lo'-he), v. 1. To turn pale in the face from fear or pain. 2. To be bald; to be naked, or desti- tute or natural covering. Olohelohe (o-lo'-he-lo'-he), adj. 1. Destitute; naked; bare of vege- tation, as a barren field; lacking something necessary. 2. In a con- dition of want; needy; forsaken. Olohelohe (o-lo'-he-lo'-he), n. Naked- ness; destitution of clothing or covering; a forsaken condition. Olohelohe (o-lo'-he-lo'-he), v. 1. To be destitute; empty. 2. To be naked; without clothing: Olohe- lohe ke kuemaka; ua olohelohe ka aina, destitute of verdure. Olohilohi (o-lo'-hi-lo'-hi), v. To shine brightly. Syn: Olinolino and alo- hilohi. Olohlo (o-lo-hi'o), V. 1. To pass frequently and quickly to and fro. . 2. To cultivate only on the sur- face; to stir the surface of the ground, as in cultivating or weed- ing. Olohu (o'-lo-hu'), n. A stone used in an ancient game called maika, which consisted in rolling a round smooth stone called ulu or olohu. Olohua (o'-lo-hu'-a), n. The berry of a species of lobelia called popolo; a berry somewhat like the whor- tleberry, the fruit of the popolo. Oloi (o-15'-i), V. 1. To rub, as the stone rubs taro as well as pounds it. 2. To run upon or over, as a vessel runs over or upon a canoe, or a cart over a man. 3. To run aground, as a canoe, or onto a stone: oloi ae la ka waa i ka po- haku. Oloka (o'-lo-ka'), v. Same as oloo- loka, which see. Olokaa (o'-lo-ka'a), v. [Olo and kaa, to roll.] 1. To roll; to roll over and over, as a stone; to roll away; to roll to a place; to roll off, as a burden; to take away, as a reproach: Olokaa lakou i ka pohaku mai luna a i lalo. 2. To roll off upon another; to trans- fer, as a debt; Ua olokaa aku ai i kou aie a pau, 1 have paid off (rolled) all my debt. Oloke (o'-lo-ke'), adj. [Olo, to make a loud noise; and ke, to be intent upon.] Clamorous and incohe- rent, as the talk of one deranged: oloke ka waha. Syn: Pioloke. Olokea (o'-lo-ke'a), adj. 1. In the form of a cross, or several crosses; laau olokea. 2. Applied to the dis- position, disobliging; contrary; antagonistic. Olokea (o'-lo-ke'a), n. 1. A heap of bones thrown together promiscu- ously. 2. A cross or gibbet. 3. A kind of ladder, such as is made by tying sticks horizontally on erect poles. 4. The frame on which the people climbed and stood in putting up a house; a scaffolding. Olokea (o'-lo-ke'a), v. [Olo and kea, crosswise.] To cross; to vex; to thwart one in his plans: e kau olokea, to throw together cris- cross, as sticks of wood. Olokele (o'-lo-ke'-le), n. Boggy land covered with damp leaves ; swamp. Oloklki (o'-lo-ki'-ki), n. A sliding. Olokikl (o'-lo-ki'-ki), v. [Olo, to swing, and kiki, to loosen.] To move along a surface; to slide. Olola (o'-lo-la'), n. A species of small mullet; a fish resembling the puhikii, called the parent of the malolo. Ololi (6'-lo-li'),adj. Strait; not wide; narrow. Ololi (o'-lo-li'), V. To be narrow; to be contracted, as a path. Ololiloli (o-lo'-li-lo'-li), adj. Soggy, as applied to edible roots. Same as lolilofi. Ololiloli (o-lo'-li-lo'-li), V. To be sat- urated with water so as to be heavy and hard or tough, as water-soaked taro, etc. Ololo (o-lo'-lo), adj. Uneven, like a bundle jutting out at the corners; unequal; one sided. Ololo (o-lo'-lo), V. To rub with the hand; to polish. Syn: Anai and olo. Olomea (o'-lo-me'-a), n. A small tree 8 to 16 feet high (Perrottetia sandwicensis), common in the low- er and middle woods of all the Hawaiian islands; also called wai- mea. Olomea (o'-lo-me'-a), n. 1. A fabled hog that is said to have made the olomea. 2. A striped hog: ina i I onionio ka hulu o ka puaa ma ka I loa, he olomea ia puaa. OLO 488 OLO Olomehani (o'-lo-me-ha'-ni), n. A place where dirt and filth are thrown; a dumping ground. Olomlo (o'-lo-mi'-o), adj. Smooth and tapering; verging to a point, but with a smooth surface; meomeo, nuku puhi, olomuo olomua. Olomio (o'-lo-mi'-o), v. 1. To con- tract, as the toe of a shoe; to pucker up, as the mouth of an eel; to corrugate, as the skin of a heal- ing wound: olomio iki ka hele a ke aloha; palanehe ia i hele aku nei. 2, To pass quietly and swift- ly, as a shadow. Olomua (o'-lo-mu'-a), n. [Olo and mua, the front; fore part.] The foreskin: Olomua kahi omaka o ka ule; ka omaka. Olomuo (o'-lo-mu'-o), adj. Uncircum- cised. Olomuo (o'-lo-mu'-o), n. The pre- puce or foreskin that is cut off in circumcision: ka olomuo o kahi omaka. Same as olomua. Olona (o'-lo-na'), adj. Flaxen; per- taining to linen: ka lole olona maikai; he ie nani olona; ua aahuia i ka lole olona aiai keokeo. Olona (o'-lo-na'), n. 1. A shrub (Tou- chardia latifolia), 4 to 8 feet high which yields a fiber highly prized for tenacity and durability, and was used chiefly for making fish- ing nets. 2. The cord itself; hence, 3. Flax; hemp; linen. 4. A cord; tendon of a muscle of ani- mals or men; the hamstring of an animal; in surgery, a figament; a| muscle: olona hao, an iron sinew. | Oloolo (6'-lo-6'-lo), n. 1. The calf of the leg, from the flexibility of the muscle. 2. A bundle done up loosely; a loose bundle of poi. (Oloolo was used in song, pualo in prose.) 0 ka pxihi o ke ale la, ahu ka oloolo. 0 ka hee o kai iili la, Lehu ka hooloolo o ka alaala. Oloolo (o'-lo-o'-lo), n. A roaring; a sound like many horns blown at once. Oloolo (6'-lo-6'-lo), V. [Olo, to rub or roll.] 1. To hang loosely, as fat under the chin or on the calf of the leg. 2. To vibrate or swing, as a saw. 3. To fall behind; to loiter. Oloolo (o'-lo-o'-lo), V. [Olo, to wail.] 1. To make a great sound of wail- ing, or as many wailing together. 2. To roar or rush, as the sound of water: mai hooloolo oukou e ku auanei i ke au; o ka mea e hooloolo ana ia ia e ku oia i ke au; oloolo nakahawaiku ka pihea i kai, the brooks roar like the roar- ing of the sea. (It is not easy to see the connection between olo, oloolo to sound, as the voice of wailing, and olo, oloolo to swing, vibrate, etc., unless the latter be j the radical meaning, and the voice j of wailing be so expressed on ac- count of the vibratory motion of the voice in mourning and wail- ing.) Olooloka (o'-lo-o'-lo-ka'), v. [Olo, to vibrate.] To shake with vibratory motion as the limbs of a fat per- son: Olooloka na wawae nunui \ maikai. I Oloolona (o'-lo-o'-lo-na'), adj. Tough; able to resist. I Oloolona (o'-lo-o'-lo-na'), n. [Olona, a i cord.] 1. The cords or ligaments that bind together the bones and muscles of the animal system. 2. Duty; office of one; service. 3. Baggage, or any kind of property to be taken when one removes: e nana ana oia i ka oloolona nui e pono ole ai keia manomano ka- naka. Olopa (o'-lo-pa'), v. Same as ulupa, to shatter or raze. Olope (o'-lo-pe'), n. 1. A falling; ruin; overthrow. 2. Something fallen and become worthless. Olopelope (o-lo'-pe-lo'-pe), n. The larvae of the dragon-fly. Olopu (o'-lo-pu'), n. A mouthful, as of food or drink: hookahi olopu ai a me ke kiaha wai, one mouth- ful of food and a cup of water. Olopu (o'-lo-pu'), V. To be dilated or inflated, as one's mouth appears when filled with water or air: Olopu ae la kona kapa i ka ma- kani, his garment was inflated with the wind. The active form is hoolopu. Olopua (o'-lo-pu'-a), adj. Heartbrok- en, lovelorn. (Laieik. p. 142.) Olou (o'-16-u'), V. To strike with something hard; to drive a thing against something; to make a rapping noise. Olowae (o'-lo-wa'e), n. The fleshy part of the leg below the knee, more generally known as oloolo OLO 489 OMA wawae ; the fat ; the movable flesh on the calf of the leg; wa- wae he mau olowae; the calf. Olowaiu (o'-lo-wa'-lu), n. Same as oloalu, a chief's storehouse: O ke olowaiu o ke kapa o ke alii; kahi e kau al ke kapa o ke oloalu. Olowalupuu (o'-lo-wa'-lu-pu'u), n. A group of little hills. Syn: kiniki- nipuu. Olu (o'-lu), adj. 1. Cool; refresh- ing. Lunk. 5:28. Comfortable; easy; pleasant to the sight; be- nign; contented. 2. Clear; pleas- ant, as the voice: O ka olu o ka leo ka mea i akaka ai kona ma- nao, the clearness of the voice makes clear the thought. 3. Lim- ber, so as to bend in all directions without breaking. 4. Tender, as fish or meat. Olu (olu'), n. Certain kinds of fish or shells; ka papal olu; ka ulu olu; he wahi papai olu. Olu (o'-lu), n. 1. The vibrations or springing motion of the rafters of a house made by the wind. Syn: Upaipai. 2. An arch; a bending of timber in a house; a bending or yielding without breaking. 3. Softness; suppleness. 4. Coolness in the atmosphere. 5. A sensation of comfort. 6. Sensual pleasure. 7. A being relieved. Olu (o'-lu), V. 1. To feel well dis- posed; to be agreeable; to have the sensation of satisfaction. 2. To be pleased; to regard with favor. 3. To be cool, as with a salubri- ous breeze: olu ka wai ke luu aku; olu ka makani ke pa mai ko- aniani; olu Lahainaluna i ka ma- kani maaa. Olua (o-lu'-a), second person of the dual pronoun. You two. Oluau (o'-lu-a'u), n. 1. A ceremony in the worship of Kanaloa: ua ka- paia keia hana he oluau. 2. The tender shoots of the taro plant. Oluekeloahookaamoena (o-lu'-e'-ke- 16'a-ho'o-ka'a-mo-e'-na), n. [Olu, softness or suppleness; ekeloa, the quiet cool air of the forests; hoo- kaa, a place for lounging and roll- ing over, and moena, a mat.] A person whose office was to take care of the chief's sleeping place: O ka mea kahili i ko ke alii wahi e ' moe ai, he oluekeloahoo- kaamoena ia. (The term was ap- plied only when the chief and the servitor were of the same sex; otherwise the word used was ohene.) Oluheluhe (o-lu'-he-lu'-he), n. A spe- cies of fish of the black oopu kind; he oopu oau, he oaoau, he oluhe- luhe. Olulelule (o-lu'-le-lu'-le), adj. [Lule, to shake.] 1. Large; fat, so as to have the fat shake in walking; ap- plied to men and women. 2. Flab- by; weak from excessive fatness. Olulelulea (o'-lu-le'-lu-le'-a), adj. Same as olulelule. Olulo (o-lu'-lo), adj. Cast away; shipwrecked: he kanaka olulo i make ka waa i ka moana. Olulo (o-lu'-lo), n. 1. A person cast away or shipwrecked. 2. A statue; a figure; an idol. 3. Food that has become sour and rotten, as melons. 4. A long water calabash. Olulolulo (o-lu'-lo-lu'-lo), adj. Same as olulelule. Olulu (o-lu'-lu'), n. A fat person. See olulelule. Oluna (o-lu'-na), adv. Overhead; aloft; above. Oluoiu (o'-lu-o'-lu), adj. Cool; re- freshing; agreeable: O ka makani oluoiu, oia ka mea e pale ai i ka wela o ka la. 2. Good natured; not easily provoked; good hu- mored as applied to a nature of ease and cheerfulness. Oluoiu (o'-lu-o'-lu), V. [Olu, cool- ness.] To be comfortable; to be gratified; to be contented; satis- fied. Olupl (o-lu-pi'), n. The taking up of water by the hand, a process of drinking with the hand. Olupl (o-lu-pi'), V. 1. To drink by lapping water with the hand. 2. To fall down, as little children when learning to walk. Oma (o'-ma), n. 1. A small oval adz or koi, used in completing the work on a canoe. 2. The highest officer of the king; Kalanimoku was Kaahumanu's oma; Kinau was the oma of Kauikeaouli. 3. An oven; a baking place; in modern times, a bake pan: ku wale iho no ia hale i ke oma: e uhao i ka puaa i ke oma i moa maikai. Syn: Imu. 4. The space between two armies where the sacrifices were offered. 5. The preparations pre- vious to war. 6. The man first killed in a battle. OMA 490 OMA Oma (o'-ma), v. 1. To solicit silent- ly a favor; to hint a desire for a favor. 2, To open the mouth, as a child about to suck: ke oma ae nei ka pahi i ka maunu; o ke oma aku no ia e lalau ia ia; to feed from the breast. 3. To strike with the hands and arms, as in swimming. Omai (o'-ma'i), adj. Sickly; some- what sick, not well; slightly ill. Omai (o'-ma'i), n. A vocal respond- ing; an answer or recognition with the voice. Omai (o'-ma'i), v. To answer to a call: omai ke alii nona ia inoa. Omaimai (o-ma'i-ma'i), adj. [Mai, sick, weak.] Same as omai. Weak; void of strength; sick. Omaka (o-ma'-ka), n. [Maka, the eye, a bud.] 1. The beginning of anything; the fountain head of a stream. 2. The springing up of vegetables. 3. The nipples of a female: omaka waiu, the breast. 4. The foreskin in males that was cut off in circumcision. (A form of circumcision was formerly prac- ticed among Hawaiians.) Syn: i Olomua. Omaka (o'-ma-ka), n. A species of fish belonging to the family of wrasse fishes. (Stethojulis axil- laris.) Omalemale (o-ma'-le-ma'-le), n. A species of fish; same as the , male; the young of the uhu. i Omali (o-ma'-li), adj. 1. Weak; fee- ble with sickness. 2. Unripe; wilted, as fruit; he ipu omali oo ole, an unripe, wilted melon. Syn: Malili. Omali (o-ma'-li), n. Weakness of body; infirmity of the system; ka omali, ka nawaliwali, ka pa- aoao. Omali (o-ma'-li), v. To be weakly in body; sickly; ua omali ke kino, J he mai paaoao. j Omalio (o-ma'-li-o'), adj. Broad; ex-! tended; flat, as flat land. Omalio (o-ma'-li-o'), n. 1. An an- cient chief, said to have been very rich, who supplied his people with everything they wanted, and gave ! his name to a place where athletic games were taught; hence, 2. A wide field where athletic games were played. ! Omalumalu (o'-ma'-lu-ma'-lu), adj. [Malu, shade.] Cloudy and dark. i as when the sun does not come out at ail. Omao (o-ma'o), adj. Green; green- j ish in color: he manu omao; he ! leho omao. Omao (o-ma'o), n. 1. The color I green. 2. A bundle of food pre- i pared for conveyance. 3. The cov- ! er or wrapper of food so prepared. 4. A round bundle, as of food; sharp above and below: ka omao ai, or ai omao. 5. A species of thrush. (Phaeornis obscura.) A sweet singer; a small bird resem- bling the ou, feathers dark col- ored. Also called omau, olomau, kamau. 6. The continual crying of a child. Omaoma (o'-ma-o'-ma), n. Same as umauma, the breast. Omaoma (o'-ma-o'-ma), v. 1. To so- licit silently a favor. Same as oma. 2. To be afraid to speak to one for fear of giving offense: Ua omaoma aku no ka waha e pane aku ia ia, hilahila mai no hoi au. 3. To open and close the mouth as if to speak but utter no sound: omaoma ka waha o ka puhi. Omaomao (o-ma'o-ma'o), adj. 1. Green, as grass or vegetation. 2. Deep blue, as the sky. Ua omaomao ka lani, ua Kahela iluna : Ua pipl ka maka o na hoku. Uliull luna, ua kaahea ka lani, Ino ka lewa, ua pipipi ka maka o ka hoku. Omaomao (o-ma'o-ma'o), n. An em- erald, so called from its green color. Omaomao (o-ma'o-ma'o), v. [Mao, green.] To be or appear green, as vegetation; ua omaoma na nahelehele i ka uliuli o na mauu o ke kula, ua puia make i ka nani. Omau (o-ma'u), n. A flat fold; a doubling under or over, as of cloth. A tucking in of the edge of a pa-u, which is tucked in under to fasten it on the body. 2. A species of fish-hook made of bone. An omau hook. 3. A contrivance that se- cures the sword in its sheath. 4. A thrush, called also omao, olo- mau, and kamau. Omau (o'-mau), v. 1. To gird, bind or tie on, as a sword: i ka wa i hele ai lakou i ke kaua, omau no lakou i ka pahi. 2. 'To sheath, put up, as a sword. 3. To tuck in, as the outer edge of a pa-u to OME 491 OMO fasten it: e omau. iho a paa ka lole. 4. To sew; to stitch togeth- er; to baste. Omega (o-me'-ka), n. [Gr.] 1. The last letter of the Greek alphabet, the great O; hence, 2. The last, ka welau, in opposition to kumu, the first; an epithet of Jesus Christ. Omeo (o'-me'o), v. 1. To begin to develop or unfold; to burst forth, as the bud bursts into blossom. 2. To come to view, as the light begins to break from the passing shadow: Ke ome'o ae la ka pua e mohala; the bud begins to open. Omeomeo (o'-me'o-me'o), adj. Red; blushing, as people; yellow, as ripe fruit; orange; as a ripe musk- melon. Syn: Ulaula, meomeo. Omera (o-me'-la), n. [Heb.] A dry measure; an omer. 0ml (o-mi'), adj. Withering, as a tree with few roots: he kukui aa ole omi. Same as homi. Omi (o-mi'), v. 1. To wither; to droop, as vegetables; not to grow or vegetate; e ulu ole o ke kanu ana, he loi homimi. 2. To droop; lose flesh, as a person. Syn: Ho- mimi. Omiko (o-mi'-ko), adj. 1. Unfruit- ful, as ground that yields nothing. 2. Stinted in growth, as vege- tables. 3. Salty: he loi omIko; the salty taro patch. Omiko (o-mi'-ko), n. Saline, unpro- ductive soil common to the low lands bordering on the seacoast. Omilimilu (o-mi'-li-mi'-lu), n. Two species of fish of the cavalla fam- ily. (Carangoides ferdau and Ca- rangus melampygus), common about Hawaii and Samoa. Also called omilu. Omilo (o-mi'-lo), n. 1. A medicine used in procuring abortion; he laau lapaau. 2. The operation of producing abortion. Omilo (o-mi'-lo), v. [Mile, to twist.] 1. To spin; to twist, as a rope; to spin, as thread; to twist with the thumb and finger; to drill a small hole. Syn: Hilo. 2. To pro- duce abortion. Omilomilo (o-mi'-lo-mi'-lo), v. To pro- duce abortion; to destroy or cause the death of an unborn infant: Ina i ike oe he kaikamahine, e omilo- milo ae au. Laieik. p. 11. Omilu (o-mi'-lu), n. A species of fish, also called omilimilu. Omimi (o-mi'-mi'), n. 1. A fading; a decaying; a withering of animal or vegetable life. 2. That which is of small or slow growth. OmImI (o-mi'-mi'), v. [Omi, to with- er.] 1. To wither; to lose flesh; to droop; applied to men or plants; to stop growing: Ua omimi ka ulu ana o keia laau. 2. To burn dim- ly; to be almost quenched. 3. To lose flesh. Omino (o-mi'-no), adj. Stinted; sick- ly, as a child: he keiki omino, uwe wale; withered; without flesh; small; uuku, io ole; unhealthy; feeble. Applies alike to animal and plant life. Omino (o-mi'-no), n. A stinted per- son or plant; a sickly crying child. Omino (o-mi'-no), v. To wither; to droop. Syn: Omi. Omo (o'-mo), adj. Sucking: keiki omo waiu, a sucking child; he mea omo waiu, a suckling; he mea omo, a thing that sucks, that is, a child. 2. A cover to a calabash or pot; a movable cover. Syn: Poi. Omo (o'-mo), v. 1. To suck, as a child. 2. To draw up, as a pump. 3. To cleave together as if by sucking. 4. To evaporate, as wa- ter, and pass into the clouds; ua omoia ke kai e ka wela, a lilo ia i mau ao. Omoha (o'-mo-ha'), n. A figure used in printing tapa. Omoki (o-mo'-ki), n. Same as umoki. A cork; a stopper of a bottle; a bung of a cask; the stopper of a calabash. Omoki (o-mo'-ki), v. 1. To stop up with a cork, bung or stopper: ua paa i ka moklia i ka pani. Same as umoki. 2. To drop suddenly into deep water in such manner as to cause but slight disturbance on the surface; a sport for chil- dren: omoki lua ka wai o ke keiki akamai i ka lelekawa. Syn: Umo- ki, iamo. Omokoko (o'-mo-k6'-ko), n. [Omo, to suck, and koko, blood.] A horse leech; a blood-sucker. Omole (o-mo'-le), adj. Round and smooth; he huewai omole; hence, omole aniani. Omole (o-mo'-le), n. 1. A glass bot- tle; a cruse; a phial. 2. A pol- OMO 492 ONA ished cane. 3. A large, fat, smooth hog: he puaa nui keia, e omole nei ka hulu. Omole (o-mo'-le), v. To be smooth; to be destitute of natural covering, as of hair, feathers or foliage. Omolea (o'-mo-le'-a), n. Same as kopiko. Omolemole (o-mo'-le-mo'-le), adj. Round and smooth. Same as omole. Omoliu (o'-mo-li'-u), n. [Omo, to suck, and liu, bilge-water.] A ship's pump. (The word pauma has been introduced from the Eng- lish pump.) Omoliu (o'-mo-li'-u), v. [Omo, to suck, and liu, bilge-water.] To ab- sorb or discharge bilge-water from a canoe or ship; to pump water from a ship. Omomo (o'-mo'-m6), v. [Omo, to suck.] 1. To put the end of a thing into the mouth to wet it: a omomo ko ke kanaka waha i ua pua la. 2. To draw a fluid into the mouth by suction. 3. To draw in; to swallow up. Omoomoo (o'-mo'o-mo'o), n, 1. A ridge; a crest. 2. The upper part of a range of mountains. 3. A raised strip of ground; he lapa, he kualapa, he moo. 4. A sun- dried brick or block made of clay. 5. Any long oval-shaped body, as balls of arrowroot (pia). Omoomoo (o'-mo'o-mo'o), v. To make unburnt bricks out of clay. Omua (o-mu'a), v. 1. To wrap; to infold the wound of the foreskin when cut off in circumcision. 2. To tie a string around the fore end of the pua or cane top to make an arrow for playing the game of kapua: e omua ke kumu o ka pua i ke kaula. See omuo. Omuamua (o-mu'a-mu'a), n. The point or taper end of a bud; omuamua pua. Omue (o-mu'e), adj. A little bitter; somewhat bitter; bitterish. Omuemue (o-mu'e-mu'e), adj. Same as omue. Omuo (o-mu'o), n. 1. The end of the penis. 2. A protuberance on plants which develops into a new organism; a bud. Omuomuo. (o-mu'o-mu'o), n. The most tender portion of the sugar cane, where only two or three joints have appeared. It applies also to ti and taro. Omuomuopua (o'-mu'o-mu'o-pu'-a), v. [Muo, a bud, and pua, a flower.] To swell out, as the bud of a flower. V. Same as apa- Omuku (o-mu'-ku), hu, to cut up. Omuu (o-mu'u), v. Same as omuo. Ona (o'-na), adj. Drunk; intoxi- cated. Ona (o'-na), n. 1. A state of intox- ication, produced by alcohol, to- bacco or awa. 2. Dizziness of the head. 3. A nettling or prickling of the skin, attended with some pimples. Ona (o'-na), pron. His, hers, theirs; I belonging to him, or her; of him; i of her; of it; his; hers; its. (Rare- I ly used in the neuter gender.) Ona (o'-na), v. 1. To be drunk; to j be overcome by emotion so as to I become unsteady. 2. To be dizzy I from physical weakness. 3. To be j delighted or ravished: i ona mau I mai kona aloha iloko ou. I Onaha (o-na'-ha), adj. 1. Crooked; bending, as an aged person. 2, Crooked, as one's legs: He wahine onaha o Kalepeamoa, Kalepeamoa is a bow-legged woman. Onaha (o-na'-ha), adv. [Naha, bro- I ken.] Crookedly; in a bent posi- I tion: Ke waiho onaha mai la ka lima, the arm lies half bent, i Onaha (o-na'-ha), v. 1. To curve or bend round, as a semicircle or a half bounding line: Onaha na kihi o ka mahina, the points of the moon bend round. 2. To spread or crook, as the legs; ap- plied to one whose legs or knees spread wide apart; used in haili- ili or vituperative language; to be I bow legged. Syn: Naha. Onahanaha (o-na'-ha-na'-ha), n. A half circle or a section of a circle, I as seen in certain phases of the I moon. Onahanaha (o-na'-ha-na'-ha), v. \ Same as onaha in all its senses: I Onahanaha na kihi o ka mahina, i etc.; he kanaka wawae onahanaha I ke hele mai, etc. j Onahanahalaua(o-na'-ha-na'-ha-ia-u'a), V. A clear spot in the midst of a ; field of lava; a fertile spot in a waste or desert. Onalunaiu (o-na'-lu-na'-lu), adj. Some- what disturbed, applied to a ruf- fled condition of the sea, but not ONA 493 ONI kai koo, high surf: Onalunalu ke kai. Onalunalu (o-na'-Iu-na'-lu), n. [Nalu, surf.] A ruffled sea; white, bro- ken water on the surface of the sea. Onana (o-na'-na), adj. Feeble; wanting vigor; lacking strength; weak; awkward; unskillful: he kanaka onana, ikaika ole, hema- hema. Onaona (o'-na-o'-na), adj. 1. Weary; fatigued; faint, as from traveling. 2. Faint; dizzy, from weakness or want of food; poniuniu. '3. Ap- plied to food; unpalatable; ono ole; wai onaona, water of bad taste; huewai onaona, bad smell- ing calabash. 4. Beautiful; grace- ful; neat, pretty faced: he mau maka onaona, he maikai, he nani; ka wehiwehi i ka onaona i ke ala; beautiful; applied to the eyes and face; rosy cheeks. Onaona (o'-na-o'-na), n. 1. A pleas- ant odor, 2. Any plant emitting an agreeable scent. Onaona (o'-na-o'-na), v. To be at- tracted or drawn to by an alluring or inviting quality or property, as =E2=80=A2 fishes when a baited hook is let down. Onawall (o'-na-wa'-li), adj. [Nawali, weak.] 1. Weak; not strong; awkward: nawaliwali. 2. Waver- ing; not decided; easily over- come; not firm. Onawali (o-na-wa'-li), n. Unripe fruit. Syn: Opio. One (o'-ne), n . 1. The sand: ke one o kahakai, the sand of the beach; ke one i Mahinahina; ke lele la ke one i Maoholaia. 2. Mud or fine earth carried by water; silt. One (o'-ne), v. To be sandy; to have sand in plenty: ua one Kau- po, ua ka ka ai i ka lua. Onea (o-ne'-a), adj. Destitute of in- habitants; pertaining to a desert; forsaken; desolate; devastated; vacant. Onea (o'-ne-a'), n. [One, sand, and a, burning.] Gunpowder. (So called by Hawaiians when they first saw gunpowder. The word pauda has since been introduced.) Oneanea (o-ne'-S.-ne'-a), adj. Left alone; clear of verdure, as land; desolate; unfruitful; waste, as land; mahakea, nahelehele ole. Syn: Neoneo. Oneanea (o-ne'-S-ne'-a), n. An open country; a desolate place where nothing grows; kahi ulu ole o na mea kanu. Oneanea (o-ne'-S-ne'-a), v. 1. To ap- pear open and clear; to lie in fair sight, as a hill or mountain. 2. To be desolate; waste; unfruitful, as a tract of country. Onehanau (o'-ne-ha-nau'), n. [One, sand, and hanau, born.] The place of one's birth; native place; one's native country where he and his ancestors lived: E ike auanei i ko kakou onehanau, we shall soon see our native place. Onel (o-ne'i), n. O here is a prepo- sition and is supposed to connect some other word or sentence with nel. Properly two words; see nei. Onelauena (o'-ne-ia'u-e'-na), n. An imaginary country where the god Kane lived or whence he came: he aina i ke onelauena a Kane, he aina i Kahiki, aia ilaila ke one- lauena; he aina momona ke ano. Ancient Hawaii's imaginary para- dise; He aina i ke one laula a Kane. Oneone (o'-ne-o'-ne), adj. Coarse; sandy; gritty. Oneone (o'-ne-o'-ne), n. Coarseness; likeness to sand. Oneone (o'-ne-o'-ne), v. [One, sand.] To be sandy or gritty; to be not fine in material, as the coarse meat of a melon. Oneula (o'-ne-u'-la), adj. . Great; ex- tended; vast; without bounds. Oni (o'-ni), adj. Uneasy; restless, as in pain. Oni (o'-ni), n. 1. Uneasiness; a shift- ing from place to place. 2. The act of moving of a living being. 3. A restless child. Oni (o'-ni), v. 1. To move; to stir, but to move only through a small space: Aole e hiki ke oni i ka na- waliwali, he was not able to move from weakness; to turn the body in a restless mood. 2. To move with a zigzag motion, as a kite: Lele ka lupe iluna o ka lewa, oni ae ana. 3. To stretch out, as land into the sea. 4. To swim or move about in the sea. 5. To move on in a steady course of life: e oni wale no oukou i kuu pono a. 6. To move, as a sign of life, in opposition to moe malie, a sign of death. 7. To move from one position to an- ONI 494 ONO other: Ua oni kela mai kona kala a hiki ma keia kala, he moved from his end of the house to this end. 8. To move about; to be busy, diligent; to move to and fro: e on I ana no ia me ke kulapa ana; e naku, e lapa, etc. Onihinihi (o-ni'-hi-ni'-hi), n. Same as oninihi, which see, Oni ho (o'-ni'-ho), n, A deep-sea fish of the uhu family. Onihoniho (o'-ni'-ho-ni'-ho), adj. [Niho, a tooth.] Having sharp thin cor- ruga^ted edge; tooth edged. Onika (o-ni'-ka), n. [Gr.] Onyx; name of a precious stone. Oniki (o-ni'-ki), adj. Flat; smooth, as a surface. Onikiniki (o-ni'-ki-ni'-ki), adj. 1. Plat, level. 2, Luxuriant in growth; having an even horizontal surface covered with luxuriant vegetation The word describes the tillage of the ancient Hawaiians on their low lands and in their valleys: I ka pawa haahaa onikiniki, to the luxuriant lowland garden. Oninanina (o-ni'-na-ni'-na), adj. Fat; plump, as the cheeks of a man. Syn: Uninanina and uhekeheke. Onini (o-ni'-ni), adj. Almost dead; he lelehu, he kapakahi, he kuhi- kee, he kokoke make loa. Onini (o-ni'-ni), n. 1. A very slight breeze like that which occasions a ripple after a calm: he wahi onini iki; applied only to a gentle wind when it covers the sea with ripples: he onini makani; the first beginning of a sea breeze; a puff of wind. 2. One of imperfect vision when trying to read; onini ke kanaka i ka ili wai; a cross- eyed person. 3. A kind of surf- board, very difficult to manage and used only by experts in surf-riding. Onini (o-ni'-ni), v, 1, To blow very softly, as the beginning of a breeze, 2. To catch one's breath, as from suffocation in drowning; to be short of breath from any cause. 3, To blink, as from daz- zling light; to see with the eyes half shut and with frequent wink- ing: Ua onini na maka i ka ma- lamalama, ua kahuli ka onohi, ua ano e ka maka. Oninihi (o'-ni-ni'-hi), n. Very small oho or shoots attached to the lar- ger tuber of the taro plant, also called onihinihi. Oninonino (o-ni'-no-ni'-no), adj. Same as olinolino, bright, clear. Onio (o-ni'o), adj. Marked with spots; spotted; printed, like calico or tapa, Onio (o-ni'o), n, 1. Cloth printed, especially in spots; the printed figures on calico; spotted tapa; anything spotted, 2, Variant col- ors. Onioni (o'-ni-o'-ni), v. [Oni, to move.] To dodge; to move back and forth quickly, as the ears of a horse; onionj no na pepeiao, moe imua a moe ihope; ua onioni ka lupe me he ao la, the kite floats like a cloud, Onionino (o-ni'-no-ni'-no), v. Variant of olinolino. To be dazzling like the sun; ua oninonino na maka i ka la; to blind the eyes by a daz- zling light, Onionio (o-ni'o-ni'o), adj, [Onio, spotted,] Striped; spotted, as a cloth; as animals; variegated with colors: humuhumu onionio, em- broidered work, Onionio (o-ni'o-ni'o), v. To be spot- ted: ua onionio kikokiko ka leo- padi, Onipaa (o'-ni-pa'a), adj. Firm'; strong; fixed; immovable; he nau- we ole, he kulanalana ole; he hale onipaa a paa loa. Onipaa (o'-ni-pa'a), v. [Oni, to move, and paa, fast.] To be fixed; firm- ly bound together; to be stead- fast; to be immovable: Ua oni- paa loa ke aupuni o ka Mesia. Oniu (o-ni'-u), n. [Niu, to whirl,] A top for spinning; a plaything for children, generally made of a coconut, Oniu (o-ni'-u), v. [Niu, to rotate.] To turn round rapidly; to whirl; to spin, as a top made of a coco- nut; hoka i oniuia kona lae, Ono (o'-no), adj, 1, Six, 2, Used with the article ke: ke ono, the sixth, 3, Sweet; palatable; relish- able; ala ono, a sweet savor. Ono (o'-no), n, 1. Sweetness; that which is pleasant to the taste either in eating or drinking: ka ono o ka puu i ka ai ana a i ka inu ana. 2, A fish very like a large mackerel, belonging to the genus of petos, (Acanthocybium solandri,) Color, steel blue, dark above, paler below. Said by Ha- ONO 495 OOA waiians to be the parent of the opelu. Ono (o'-no), v. 1. To be or become sweet; to relish, as food; to have a like or relish for sweet food. To have a sweet taste. 2. To be sweet, that is, good to eat; eat- able. 3. To desire greatly to taste or eat a thing; ono iho la kekahi mau kanaka i ka la. 4. To be savory; ua ono, ua mikomiko, ua onoono. 5. Morally, to have a relish for virtue. 6. To long for a particular kind of food after a period of sickness when no food is relished. Onohi (o-no'-hi), n. 1. The center of the eye: ka onohl o ka maka; the eyeball; the apple of the eye: kii onohi, the little image in the eye; haku onohi; hence, 2. The center of a thing; the darkest point of a thing; applied to dark- ness, profundity of darkness: ka onohi o ka pouli, where darkness is concentrated. 3. Center, ap- plied to light or heat; o ka onohi o ka umu ahi enaena, the center of a raging, fiery oven; ka waena- konu o ka lapalapa ahi, the center of a flame of fire; o ka onohi o ka la, the center of the sun; ke Alii e moe mai ana i ka onohi pono o ka la. Laieik. p. 176, He ao onohi opua kiikau. 4. A small cloud which reflects the colors of the spectrum: Ike aku la oia e ku ana ka onohi iluna pono o Maunalei. Laieik, p. 25. Onohiaia (o-no'-hi-a-i'a), n. [Onihi, eyeball; a, of; i'a, fish] An eye covered with a white film, Onohinohi (o-no'-hi-no'-hi), v. To shine brightly. Same as olohilohi. Onohiula (o-no'-hi-u'-la), n. [Onohi, center of the eye, and ula, red.] 1, A person whose eyes flash like fire in anger. 2, A cloud marked with unlike colors. 3, A variety of colored tapa. Onoono (o'-no-o'-no), adj. Palatable; pleasant to the taste; gratifying. Onoonou (o'-no-5-n6'u), v, [Freq, of onou.] To entice; allure, per- suade, etc. See onou in all its meanings. Onou (6-no'u), adj. Seductive; al- luring; deceitful, etc. Onou (o-no'u), n. An inducement; an enticement; persuasion. Laieik, p, 198. Onou (onou'), n. Same as the bird ou. Onou (o-no'u), v. 1. To urge upon with importunity; to force one's self or one's ideas upon. 2. To give under cover of secrecy. 3. To suggest the taking of secretly. 4. To push, thrust or shove with physical force; to put forward. 5, To offer one for employment in lieu of someone else, Onu (o-nu'), n, 1, A swelling; a wen on the neck or head; a dilat- ing; expansion. 2. An enlarging or swelling of a physical organ. 3. A protuberance; a hillock; a slight rising on the surface of either land or water; a swell. Onu (o-nu'), v. To dilate; to dis- tend; to expand; to grow larger. Syn: Kola. Describes the effect of sexual excitement on the sex- ual organs. Onuhenuhe (o-nu'-he-nu'-he), adj. 1. Unsavory; tainted; affected with the first state of putrefaction. 2. Strong scented. Syn: Maea. Oo (o'o), adj. 1. Ripe; mature, as fruit: ai oo mua, first ripe fruit. 2. Applied also to full grown young people; mature. Oo (6-5'), n, 1, The bird (Moho no- bilis) which furnished feathers from which the ahuula or feather cloaks were made, 2. A large ka- hili or fly brush made of the feathers of the oo. Oo (o-o') n. Implement anciently used by Hawaiians in cultivating the ground- Originally it was made of some hard wood flattened and sharpened at one end for digging. The kinds of wood were the ala- hee, ulei, kauila, uhiuhi, etc. Iron, after its introduction, took the place of these woods. Oo (o'o), V, 1, To ripen; to become ripe, as fruit 2. Applied to men; to reach maturity: he ka- naka 00 loa, a full grown man; he kanaka elemakule, ua oo. To come to maturity, as children grown up to manhood. Oo (o-o'), V, [O, to pierce.] To crowd or cram into, as tobacco into a pipe; e oo iho i ka ipubaka i paa ai ka ipubaka ke puhi aku; e nounou, Ooaa (o'-o'-a-a'), n. The dwarf oo bird. OOA 496 OOM Ooahi (6-o'-a'-hi), n. [Oo, a spade, and ahi, fire.] 1. A rod for stirring fire; a poker; a fire shovel: O ka mea ike i ka ooahi o Naalono; lele ka papala ooahi o ka pali. 2. A stick or spear used in the "kaahi," a pyrotechnic display. 3. The actor who throws the ooahi. Ooahi (6-o'-a'-hi), v. [O, to thrust.] To poke or stir the fire. Ooe (o-o'e), pron. [The possessive of oe.] Of you; your. (Laieik, p. 176.) Ooe (o'-o'e), v. To pry or poke, as a log or board; to raise or move with a lever. Oohao (o-o'-ha'-o), n. [Oo, a digging tool, and hao, iron.] The iron oo. See oo. Applied also to the plow. Oohou (o-o'-ho'u), n. [Oo, a digging tool, and hou, new.] The plow as an instrument for tilling the soil. Oohu (o-o'-hu), adj. Crooked; bend- ing outward. Oohu (o-o'-hu), n. A stoop-shoul- dered man. Oohu (o-o'-hu), V. To bend over, as the shoulders of a carpenter or any mechanic from work: oohu ke kua o ke kanaka no ke kulou mau i ka hana; hanana, kuaoohu: Ua oohu ke kua, he is stoop- shouldered. Ooi (6-o'i), adj. Sharp; prickly: mea ooi, sharp things; briers; nahele ooi, thorns; mea ooi, sting of a wasp or asp. Ooi (6-o'i), n. Roughness; any- thing with sharp protuberances: ua like ka ooi me ke kalakala. Ooi (6-o'i), V. [Oi, sharp.] To be sharp; pointed: Ooi na kakalaioa, the kakalaioa thorns are sharp; Ooi na puakala, the puakala shrubs are sharp. j Ooki (6-o'-ki), v. [Obsolete form of I oki.] 1. To cut off. 2. To chop; I to cut up, as wood for fuel. 3. To amputate. 4. To separate by di- vorce. Oola (o-o-la'), n. A blister on the I foot; a stone bruise on the bottom \ of the foot. (Obsolete.) Syn: Oo- lopu, poolopu. Oolea (o-o'-le'a), adj. 1. Hard; com- pact; unyielding. 2. Stiff; obsti- nate; untractable; disobedient: Hookahi malama hookupu dala oo- lea. In one month they collect hard money as taxes. Oolea (o-o'-le'a), n. 1. Physical strength; confidence; hardness; severity. 2. Moral surety; stern justice; opposed to lokomaikai. 3. Strength; place of confidence; ka ikaika, ka nawaliwali ole, ka paakiki. Syn: Paakiki. Oolea (o-o'-le'a), v. 1. To be hard; severe; cruel in treatment; to be firm, as bones in the animal sys- I tem. 2. To be physically hard; ! unyielding. 3. To be uncouth; I selfish in manners. 4. To be j stout; strong; confident, as in [ using words. I Oolohua (o-o'-16-hu'-a), n. The ripe berry of the popolo plant. Ooloku (6-o'-lo-ku'), adj. Boisterous; stormy, as the sea. Ooloku (6-o'-lo-ku'), n. 1. Violent disturbance of the sea: ka ooloku ana o ke kai i ka ino. 2. Violent anger; fury. 3. Abdominal dis- turbance. Ooloku (o-o'-16-ku'), V. [Olo, to sound loudly, and ku, to rise.] 1. To be in a state like the sea when the current and wind are opposite; to act like a choppy sea. 2. To be stormy or tempestuous, as the sea. Syn: Kupikipikio. 3. To be great- ly agitated in mind; troubled. Oolola (6-o'-lo-la'), n. 1. The fry or the very young amaama or mullet. Also called puaii. 2. The very young of any fish. Oololi (6-o'-lo-li'), adj. Same as ololi, narrow. Oololi I (6-o'-lo-li'i), adj. Same as ololi, narrow. Oolopu (6-o'-lo-pu'), adj. Puffed out; he poolopu wai. See olopu. Oolopu (6-o'-lo-pu'), n. 1. A blister. 2. The rising or swelling up of clothes in a tub of water, 3. A mouthful of food or water: he oolopu ai, he poolopu wai. See olopu. Ooma (6-o'-ma), adj. Open, as the mouth of a person; as the nose of a pitcher; he kiaha ooma wai, a pitcher; the flare of a bonnet, etc.; epithet given by Hawaiians to the bonnets of the first mis- sionaries' wives: he papale ooma ka! Ooma, (6-o'-ma), n. 1. Concavity; any concave vessel; an open spout; the nose of a pitcher; a pitcher itself. 2. A gouge; an oval OON 497 OPA shaped chisel. 3. A person with a sharp nose. Oonui (o-o'-nu'i), n. A species of flat fish, called also aoaonui. Ooo (o'-o'-o), n. Any small vessel for conveying water to drink: he 000 no ka wai, he kioo, kia haaha. Ooo (o'-6-o'), V. To crow, as a cock. Ooo (6-o'-o), V. 1. To be very care- ful of one's person or property; to be parsimonious. Oopa (o-o'-pa), adj. 1. Lame, as by walking; lame, as an arm with hard labor; lame, having lost a foot; lame, as a cripple; lame naturally: he wawae oopa, hapa- kue; moving with difficulty on account of injury; crippled. 2. Limping; inefficient; imperfect. Oopa (o-o'-pa), n. A lame person; one who halts or limps. Oopa (o-o'-pa), v. To be lame; to limp for lameness; to walk lamely. Oopalau (o-o'-pa-la'u), n. [Oo, the Hawaiian digger, and palau, from Eng. plow.] A plow for cultivat- ing the ground; he oopalau ka oo a ka bipi e kauo ai. Called also oohao and oohou. Oopalau (o-o'-pa-la'u), v. To plow; to guide a plow. Oopu (o-o'-pu), n. Name of various species of gobey fishes. Oopuhapuu (o-o'-pu-ha'-pu'u), n. A species of large oopu which inhab- its the deep sea and is not found in fresh water. Also called oopu- hapuupuu. Oopuhue (o-o'-pu-hu'-e), n. A species of swell fish (Chilomycterus af- finis.) Also called makimaki and keke. Oopukai (o-o'-pu-ka'i), n. A species of hard-head oopu. (Cirrhitus marmoratus.) Also called poopaa. Oopuluua (o-o'-pu'-lu-u'a), adj. Per- taining to or descriptive of the dish oopuluua: he ipukai oopu- luua. Oopuluua (o-o'-pu'-lu-u'a), n. The liver of pig and other animals served up with other things as a sauce: he ake puaa, he ake oopu- luua. Oopu poo pa a (o-o'-pu-po'o-pa*a), n. Same as oopukai, a kind of fish. Oou (o-o'u), V. To call aloud; to cry after one to make him hear; ua oou aku la au ia ia i lohe mai ai, aole oia alawa mai. Opa (o'-pa), adj. Weary; tired; hav- ing strength exhausted; worn out. Opa (o-pa'), adj. Same as oopa. Lame; fatigued; wearied. Opa (o'-pa), n. 1. A limping, walk- ing, as one sore or disabled; ke kulipu, ka huikau, ka laiki. 2. Fatigue; tiredness. Opa (o-pa'), V. 1. To press; to squeeze. 2. To force into a nar- rower compass. 3. To rub or knead the body; to lomi. Opae (o-pa'e), n. A shrimp. Opaeoehaa (o-pa'e-oe-ha'a), n. A species of crustacean which re- sembles a lobster; larger than the common shrimp. Opaha (o-pa'-ha), adj. 1. Depressed; concave; sunken. 2. Lopsided; out of proportion. Opaha (o-pa'-ha), n. A cavity; a depression; a falling in of the sur- face. Opaha (o-pa'-ha), v. 1. To be bent in; as the roof of a (grass) house partly fallen in. 2. To sink down; to be depressed; to fall in; ua opaha ka hale, ua hina, ua hilala, a ua poll aku iloko. Opaipal (o-pa'i-pa'i), v. To shake; to bend in and out, as the rafters of a house; Opaipal ka mauna, the mountain trembles. Laieik. p. 163. Opaka (o-pa'-ka), adj. 1. Having regular sides, as a square or octa- gon. 2. Having hewn or flat sides, as a square piece of timber: E kalai a opaka, the timber is hewn; ua kalai opakapaka, the timber is hewn on all sides. Opaka (o-pa'-ka), n. 1. A ravine on the side of a mountain. 2. A geo- metrical figure; a prism. Opaka (o-pa'-ka), v. To hew smooth- ly; to hew and leave no knots; e kalai a e hoopau i ke ino. Opakapaka (o-p^'-ka-pa'-ka), adj. Hewn on all sides; made flat or square. Opakapaka (o-pa'-ka-pS'-ka), n. A species of snapper; a valuable food fish. (Apsilus microdon.) Color, back and upper part of side, violet brown, lower part of side and belly silvery. Opala (o-pa'-la), adj. Dirty; filthy; bad; unpleasant: ua lumua opala, a long, disagreeable rain. Opala (o-pa'-la), n. 1. Refuse, lit- ter, such as old straw, leaves of trees, dried grass, or anything OPA 498 OPI worthless which may be burnt or blown away by the wind; light rubbish; different things mixed to- gether. 2. Fig. The rabble; peo- ple without character: Aole i lilo kanaka i ka hewa me Poki, he mau opala wale no ka i lilo me ia, the people did not turn to wicked- ness with Poki, only some of the chaff (unstable men) went with him. Opalipali (o-pa'-li-pa'-li), adj. Brok- en, uneven, as applied to a region. Same as opapali. Opalipali (o-pa'-li-pa'-li), n. Place of rocky hills and gulches; small or low palis or precipices; a place of low pali. Opaopa (o'-pa-o'-pa), adj. [Opa, tired.] Wearied; fatigued; lame from walking. Syn: Oopa, ma- opaopa. Opapali (o-pa'-pa'-li), adj. Broken, uneven, as applied to a region. Ope (o'-pe), n. A bundle; a long bundle; a bundle made up for car- rying. Ope (o'-pe), V. To tie up in a bun- dle; to bundle up for carrying away. Opea (o-pe'a), adj Villainous; per- verse; not trustworthy. Opea (o-pe'-a), n. Testicle. Opea (o-pe'a), n. [O and pea, a sail.] Small boom or spar to extend and elevate the sail of a canoe. Opea (o-pe'a), v. 1. To overthrow; to overturn; to be turned or to lean to one side. 2. To turn off, as when land is taken away, per- haps for a fault, perhaps not: ua laweia ka aina, opeaia ke ka- naka; to drive one away: haka- ka laua, a opeaia o mea e mea. 3. To bind one's hands behind his back: opeaia kona mau lima; to cross; to tie crosswise; to abuse or ill treat one without reason. 4. To judge unrighteously. 5. To treat the gods with contempt and risk the consequences. See pea. 6. To throw over one, as a tapa, or as a child over the shoulder. Opeapea (o-pe*a-pe'a), n. [Pea, a sail.] 1. A bat. So called from the shape of the wings being similar to the ancient sails of canoes. 2. A species of shell fish. 3. Young taro plants, the leaves of which resemble the wings of the bat. Opele (o-pe'-le), n. Name of Opele's tabu. Opele, a famous wizard who lived near Kolekole Pass, Waianae, was the makua or father or patron of all the amaama in the sea. When he proclaimed the tabu, which lasted three or four months, he called the fishes by a prayer to come to certain appointed places where they rested till the tabu was removed.) Opele (o-pe'-le), v. To be released from the liability of a tabu and rest in security. Opelepele (o-pe'-le-pe'-le), adj. 1. Broken; weak; lacking strength. 2. Fragile; not durable. Opelu (o-pe'-lu), n. 1. The mackerel. Very active ocean food fishes of the genera Scomber and Decap- terus. 2. The name of one of the two fishes, which accompanied Pili when he came to the islands; aku was the other. D. Malo, Hawaiian Antiquities, Chap. 4:13. (In ancient tradition, Aku and Opelu accom- panied Pili on his voyage to Ha- waii. Aku helped to paddle the canoe and Opelu calmed the winds when they were too strong.) Opelunulkauhaalilo (o-pe'-lu-nu'-i-ka'u- ha'a-li'-lo), n. 1. The son of Pele and Kamapuaa, who became a god. 2. The god of the medicine men and of thieves; also called Kamiki. Opeope (o'-pe-o'-pe), v. [Ope, a bun- dle.] 1. To tie up tightly or fre- quently, as a bundle. 2. To fold up, as clothes. 3. Fig. To bind up, as knowledge: Opeope ke aka- mai a waiho malie iloko o ke ka- naka noonoo, wisdom is bundled up and laid away quietly in the man's mind. OpI (o'-pi), n. The folds in cloth or tapa; the depressions made by folding tapa or cloth: akepakepa mai la no ia ma ke opi a pau. Opi (o'-pi), V. To fold up, as tapa or cloth. See ope, a bundle. 2. To sink in, as the mouth when the teeth are gone. Opi (o-pi'), V. To squeeze out; to extract moisture by twisting. Opihapiha (o-pi'-ha-pi'-ha), n. 1. A movement of wind in the bowels. 2. A rushing, an opposition to some movement. Syn: Paamua. Opihi (o-pi'-hi), n. 1. Species of small shell fish (Helcioniscus) OPI 499 OPU found on the rocks along the sea- shore. 2. A stamp in native cloth. Opihipihi (o-pi'-hi-pi'-hi), n. A par- ticular kind of triangular mat, not the finest kind, though fine. Opikanaiani (o'-pi-ka'-na-la'-ni), n. Used in poetry for a high and far off ethereal place: hele ana i Opikananuu i Opikanaiani. A high- er and more secret place than Opikananuu. Opikananuu (o'-pi-ka'-na-nu'u), n. A high and far off ethereal place, but not so far or so high as Opikanaiani. Something secreted in a very distant and sacred place. Opiki (o-pi'-ki), v. 1. To shrivel, as a leaf when it begins to wither. 2. To bend over, as in nodding on going to sleep; to bend up, as the legs; to come together, as a trap. Syn: Upiki. Opiklplkl (o-pi'-ki-pi'-ki), n. Anx- iety; concern; solicitude; depres- sion of spirits in view of danger. Syn: Pihoihoi. See ooloku. Opikipiki (o-pi'-ki-pi'-ki), v. 1. To be anxious about an event; to be concerned about some impending danger. 2. To be troubled, as the sea in a storm. 3. To be spotted. Opiko (o-pi'-ko), n. Same as the tree kopiko. Opikopiko (o-pi'-ko-pi'-ko), n. 1. A form of syphilis, in which the skin becomes spotted. 2. Mark made by foreign matter; a stain; ulaulu a keokeo; ke opikopiko o ka ili, ina e hoopiliia ka hee, ola i ka ili, ua opikopiko ka ili. 3. Tattoo marks. Opili (o-pi'-li), adj. Stiff with wet and cold; benumbed. Opili (o-pi'-li), n. 1. Torpor; loss of motion or power of exertion. 2. Cramp. 3. Name of an ancient god. Opili la, o poeleele, o opukalakala, Ua Iku, he 'kua nui, 'kua loa. He 'kua noho i ka luiu. Opili (o-pi'-li), V. 1. To be drawn up; as one with the cramp or with cold weather: opili loa iho no ka nui loa o ka ua. 2. To be numb or torpid from any cause. 3. To draw up or compose one's self on a bed. 4. To be afflicted with cramp, as the knees in kneeling: oi noho kukuli a opili ae na wa- wae i ka anu i lalo o ka lepo. Opilo (o-pi'-lo), adj. Sickly; thin. A person who is often sick and has become thin in flesh, is called a kanaka opilo. Syn: Omilo, which is generally used. Opilo (o-pi'-lo), V. 1. To break out afresh, as an old sore. 2, To have a relapse in recovery from a disease; to bring back a sick- ness; mai hele oe i ka auau, o opilo ko mai i ka wai. Opilopilo (o-pi'-lo-pi'-lo), adj. 1. Dirty; muddy, miry, as a soft, muddy road; ua nui na wahi opilo- pilo ma ke alanui o Makiki, ua poho- poho loa ka wawae i kahi ino i ka lepo. 2. Dirty; bad smelling, as stagnant water; corrupt: he opilopilo no keia opu puaa. Opilopilo (o-pi'-lo-pi'-lo), V. To be dirty; bad smelling: ke opilopilo nei no ka wawae i ka honowa. Syn: Pilopilo. Opio (o-pi'-o), adj. Young; juvenile, as a person; as an animal: bipi kane opio; not mature; not fully grown; not ripened. Opiopi (6'-pi-6'-pi), V. [OpI, to fold.] 1. To fold up, as a garment or tapa. 2. To move the jaws rap- idly, as in biting: opiopi lua ka auwae me he waha kao la. Opiopio (o-pi'-o-pi'-o), adj. Young, as a person or animal; immature; unripe, as a fruit: uala opiopio; recent; new; late: he mai opio- pio, a new or recent disease; junior, a son of a father of the same name. Opiopio (o-pi'-o-pi'-o), v. To be young; tender, as a plant or tree; as a child or animal. Opo (o'-po), V. To lay well the foundation; to make smooth and firm. The term was used in the construction of dams or barriers to control the flow of water and in terracing lands for tillage. See hauopo and nini. Opohokano (o-po'-ho-kS'-no), adj. Stingy. Opu (o'-pu), adj. 1. Skillful at leap- ing from a cliff or bank into deep water; the skill consists in go- ing down under water in a straight line so as not to spatter: opu ia wahi kanaka. 2. Resting; hover- ing. Opu (opu'), n. 1. A protuberance with an enclosure, as the belly. OPU 500 OPU stomach, bladder; the crop of a bird; the maw of animals; the womb; a round, liver-like body in the hog and other animals: Opu o ke kai, the rising of the sea 2, A heap upon which a god stands; a bunch or bundle of small wood, grass, weeds, etc.; a hill or bunch of taro growing to- gether. 3. The disposition of a person; state of mind. Syn: Naau. (The Hawaiians supposed the seat of thought and intelligence, etc., and also the seat of moral powers, as the choice and practice of good and evil, to be in the small intestines; hence, naau or opu is used for what we should call the heart, that is, the seat of the moral powers.) Opu (o-pu'), V. 1. To expand, as an opening flower, Syn: Opuu. 2. To grow, as a fetus, 3, To swell up; to be full, as the abdomen of a fat person: opu mai ka opu. 4. To rise up, as water: opu ka wai. 5, To live idly; lazily: ke opu wale ae nei no, ka noho wale; noho wale iho no, loaa ole. 6. To sit with the knees gathered up. Opua (o-pu'-a), adj. Existing or hanging in bunches or clusters: ao opua, clouds collected; kahi e puka mai ai na ao opua mai ka moana. Opua (o-pu'-a), n. Narrow pointed clouds hanging on the horizon; clouds of a singular shape arising out of the sea: opua kea, opua eleele. Opua (o-pu'-a), n. A class of gods among the poe akua noho. See aumakua. Opuahao (o pu'-a-ha'o), n. Name of a class of malignant female deities. Opuahuawa (o-pu'-a-hu-a'-wa), n. [Opu, a bunch, and ahuawa, a species of strong rush.] A bunch of ahuawa grass. Opuakea (o-pu'-a-ke'a), n. 1. A white cloud. 2. Clearness; white- ness; that which shines brightly. Opuakea (o-pu'-a-ke'a), v. 1. To ap- pear luminously, as a white cloud. Ua opuakea alalai kanukanu Huna i ka meheii naawe alaniii a ka puukolu Ka makole maawe ala a ka Poukua. Opuakii (o-pu'-a-ki'i), n. The clouds in the morning or evening when (o-pu'-i'-no-i'-no), adj. Ill malevolent; vindictive; they take imaging shapes of things; supposed to foretell events. Also called opuakiikii, Opuao (o-pu'-a'o), adj. [Opu, belly, and ao, enlightened.] Wise heart- ed; knowing; intelligent; sim- ilar to naauao, but less used. Opuao (o-pu'-a'o), n. Knowledge; intelligence; one instructed; he naauao, he noonoo, he noiau, Opuhao (o'pu'-ha'o), n, A pain in the stomach caused by prolonged fasting. Opuhea (o-pu'-he'-a), adj. 1. Lazy; inactive; not enterprising or in- dustrious. 2. Quiet; tranquil, calm. Opuhue (o-pu'-hu'-e), n. [Opu, belly, and hue, a calabash.] A round, flat calabash. Also called umeke pa- kaka. Opuinoino disposed vengeful. Opuinoino (o-pu'-i'-no-i'-no), n. [Opu, disposition, and ino, evil.] An evil disposition; malice; wicked- ness; depravity; seeking evil against one. Opuinoino (o-pu'-i'-no-i'-no), v. To be evil disposed; to seek to injure; to wish evil to. Opukaemoa (o-pu'-ka'e-mo'-a), n. An evil disposition. Same as opu- keemoa, opuinoino. Opukea (o-pu'-ke'a), n. Same as kokea, white sugar cane. Opukeemoa (o'-pu'-ke'e-mo'-a), n. An evil disposition; an inclination to badness. Syn: Naaukeemoa, opu- inoino. Opukopekope (o-pu'-ko'-pe-ko'-pe), adj. [Opu, disposition, and kope- kope, morose.] Ill disposed; malevolent. Opule (o-pu'-le), n. A spotted fish (Anampses cuvier), common about the coral reefs. Also called hilu. One of the most brilliantly marked of the many bright colored fishes seen among the Hawaiian islands. jOpulelauli (o-pu'-le-la'-u-li'), h. I Anampses armanni, a variety of I the opule or hilu fish. Opulepule (o-pu'-le-pu'-le), adj. 1. Spotted; light and shade; he ki- j nohinohi, i Opulepule ke aka ilalo^ kikokiko i ua ! aka OPU 501 OU Paapu i na aka e like me Lahaina- luna 1 ka po mahina. No ka paa i na lala ulu ame na lau o ka maia | Ame ka wauke, mahina opulepul=C2=AB o i Lele (Lahaina). Spotted, as the feathers of the | quail; he hulu opulepule ko ka i nene. 2. Wandering in speech; j abnormal. i Opulepule (o-pu'-le-pu'-le), n. Mental | aberration ; the beginning of in- 1 sanity. OpumakanI (o-pu'-ma-ka'-ni), n. I [Opu, belly, and makani, wind.l I 1. A bellows; a balloon. 2. Any- 1 thing inflated. Syn: Upamakani. ' Opumimi (o-pu'-mi'-mi), n. [Opu, belly, and mimi, urine.] The blad- der; the container of urine. Opunahelehele (o-pu'-na-he'-le-he'-le) , n. [Opu, a bunch, and nahelehele; any wild growth of plant life.l Commonly written as two words. A cluster of any wild growth of plant life; a thicket. 2. A bunch of the forest's undergrowth. Opunini (o-pu'-ni'-ni), v. To insist upon; to hold firmly to a doing of something; to force compliance. Opunul (o-pu'-nu'-i), adj. [Opu, ab- domen, and nul, large.] Corpulent, large-bellied: Ina aole lio, make loa na 'lii opunul i ka maloeloe, if there are no horses, the big- bellied chiefs will die with fatigue (of traveling). Opunul (o-pu'-nu'-i), n. Obesity. Opuohal (o-pu'-o-ha'i), n. [Opu, a bunch, and ohal, a kind of bush.] A cluster of ohai 'bushes. Opuohao (o-pu'-o-ha'o), n. [Opu, abdomen, and hao, any hard sub- stance.] Name of a disease in which the abdomen becomes en- larged and hard, while the limbs are enervated; the dropsy; ka opu me ka nanaia alikiliki lalo o ka lemu. Opuopu (6'-pu-6'-pu), V. 1. To rise up; to swell. 2. To eject wind from the stomach; to belch. 3. To be brim full, as a water calabash. Opuu (o-pu'u), n. [Pu'u, a bunch.] 1. A bud; the germ of a vege- table; a bunch: opuu makamua, first green ears; ka opuu mala, the bunch of bananas. 2. A protuber- ance. 3. The spur of a very young cock: ka opuu kalakaka o ka moa opio. 4. In geometry, a cone. 5. The curve of a wave before it breaks. 6. A swelling. 7. A rise into waves; roll of the sea; ohu mai la he wahi nalu opuu. Laieik. p. 91. Opuu (o-pu'u), V. 1. To bud, as a tree or plant; to shoot forth buds. 2. To bud, that is, to set fruit. 3. To shoot out, as the branch of a tree. Opuupalaoa (o-pu'u-pa-la'-oa), n. An ornament made of ivory. Opuupuu (o-pu'u-pu'u), adj. [Puu, a hill.] Rough; not smooth, as a rough road; opposite of laumania; same as apuupuu; uneven; hilly; bulging or swelling out; opposite to upoho; convex. Opuupuu (o-pu'u-pu'u), n. 1. Place of many little hills; hillocks. 2. 2. The ankle joint. Orena (o-le'-na), n. [Heb.] Name of a tree; an ash. Oseferaga (o'-se-fe-ra'-ga)', n. [Mod.] A bird, the falcon, mentioned in the Scriptures. Osepera (o'-se-pe'-ra), n. [Eng.] The osprey. Oseterlka (o'-se-te-ri'-ka), n. [Eng.] An ostrich. Ou (ou). A word expressing com- mand or permission, oftener the latter. Ou is sometimes used for o in the imperative; as, ou hele oukou. Ou (o'u), n. A parrot-billed bird, the green and yellow feathers of which were used in the making of feather cloaks and wreaths; a fine singer, suggestive of a canary; formerly worshipped as an auma- kua or god. (Psittacirostra psit- tacea.) Also called ouou. Ou (o'-u), n. A float. Syn: Mouo. Ou (o'u), pers. pron., second pers. sing. Yours; of you; belonging to you. Sometimes used for kou, thy; thine: me ou poe kanaka, in- stead of me kou poe; ou mau ka- malii, thy children. O'u (o'u), pers, pron., first pers, sing., mine; of me; belonging to me. Ou (o-u'), V. 1. To lean the breast on a piece of wood in order to float; to ascend upon, as a float; to lean on one's bosom or shoulder. 2. To pinch; to remove by pinch- ing: E ou ka muo o ka paka. ou 502 OWA pinch off the bud of the tobacco. 3. To pilfer. Ou (6-u'), V. To hide away; to escape punishment for a crime: aole wahi e ou ai ka poe hewa i keia manawa, ua paa i ke kanawai; he ou nei ka poe hewa i kahi papa popopo. Ou (ou'), V. [O, to puncture.] To pierce or puncture, as with a sharp instrument: e ou, e hooeha i ka puupuu o ke poo, to lance or pierce the swelling on the head. Oua (o-u-a'), v. Same as owa. To be split. Ouaka (o-u-a'-ka), v. Same as owa- ka, to open. Ouholowaiolaa (o'u-ho'-lo-wa'i-o-la'a), n. A kind of mamaki tapa which is dyed or painted different colors on each side; made only, it is said, at Olaa, on the island of Ha- waii. Oukou (6'u-ko'u), pers. pron., second pers. plural. Ye; you. Ouli (o-u'-li), n. 1. A change in the appearance of a thing. 2. Char- acter; kind; description; applied to many things: he ouli okoa; ua maopopo ka ouli o ka poe hana hewa, ma ka lakou hana ana. 3. A sign; a token of the approach of a storm or calamity; an omen; a sign in the heavens. 4. Form; change; meaning of a word. 5. A sign of something expected; an earnest or pledge: e la\ve i ka ouli ao, me ka ouli hana i pono ai oe i ka maka o kau poe hau- mana. 6. A sign or signal of divine authority. 7. A wonder, that is, a thing wondered at. Oumuamua (o'u-mu'-a-mu'-a), n. [Mua, the front.] 1. The foremost soldier or the front rank in bat- tle. 2. A scout; one sent forward before a battle to discover the position of the enemy. Ounauna (o'-u-na'u-na), n. A small crustacean that inhabits the sea; also the shell that protects this species of crab. Ouole (6-u-o'-le), n. [Ou, to flee or hide, and ole, not.] Firmness; boldness; valor; courage. Syn: Wiwoole. Ouou (o'u-o'u), adj. Thin, feeble; weak; debilitated. Ouou (o'u-o'u), n. Same as ou, a kind of bird. Ouou (o'-u-o'-u), n. 1. A sharp, quick sound, as of the tapa mal- let; kani ouou ke kani ana a ka ie kuku. 2. The sound of a drum; e kani ouou ana ka leo o ka pa- hu; ke kani o ka ouou kuamuamu, , the sound of the sharp voice of ; railing. ' Ouou (o'u-o'u), V. To be full of hard lumps, as poi not well pounded: he ouou ka ai, he hakuhaku puu- puu. I Ououo (o-u'-o-u'o), adj. Growing ' thriftily, as plants; not stinted: mahakea kupu lau ououo ole. Oupe (o-u'-pe), v. To be limber or weak, as the point of a pen: oupe ka maka o ka hulu. lOupeupe (o-u'-pe-u'-pe), v. Same as oupe. I Ouranatana (o'u-ra'-na-ta'-na), n. [Eng.] The orang-outang. Ouwo (o-u'-wo), n. 1. A dandy; a vain, showy fellow; a swell: Au- hea kakou a pau loa, e ou poe hoa ouwo o ua mau la wela nei, where are we all, my fellow young cocks of these hot days? 2. A young cock before its spurs are fully grown; also the female of any bird before it lays its first egg. 3. A person living with strangers till he becomes as one of the people, but still does hot feel at home. Owa (o-wa'), n. A signal word used by Kukuaokalalau, a celebrated warrior of the island of Kauai, who fought under =E2=80=A2 Kalanialiloa, one of the kings of Kauai; Here they be! Here they come! Owa (o-wa'), v. To be split, as a board. Owaawaa (o-wa'a-wa'a), adj. Broken, as applied to the surface of the ground; hilly; full of shallow j ravines or furrows. j Owaawaa (o-wa'a-wa'a), n. Thick, I heavy clouds; clouds portending ! a storm: ina i poipu ka lani me ka owaawaa, he hakuma ia, If the heavens are covered over with the owaawaa, that is a hakuma, a black cloud that portends a storm. Owae (o-wa'e), v. To crack, as a thing breaking; to tremble; to crack, as dry ground; to part or open naturally. Same as wae. OWA 503 Owaho (o-wa'-ho), adj. Pertaining to the outside. Owaho (o-wa'-ho), prep. Of or be- longing to the outside; out of; external. Owai (o-wa'i), pron. int. Who? what person? It refers only to persons. Owaiku (o-wa'i-ku), n. [Literally, (Newa) o Waiku, the sickness or weakness of Waiku.] The worst form of asthma. Owaka (o-wa'-ka), adj. Open; spread open, as a flower; open, as the mouth for speaking. Owaka (o-wa'-ka), v. To open, as a flower; mohola; ua hamama, ua owaka ka pua o ka laau. Owakawaka ( o-wa'-ka- wa'-ka), n. Daybreak; the breaking or open- ing of daylight; o ka wehe ana o ke alaula ame ka malamalama o ke kakahiaka. Owakawaka (o-wa'-ka- wa'-ka), v. To be somewhat light, as the light of the moon. See wakawaka, Owala (o-wa'-la), v. 1. To throw a somersault; to turn upside down. 2. To throw by bucking, as a horse his rider. 3. To move one way and the other, as if about to throw; to brandish. Owali (o-wa'-li), adj. Weak; in- firm; flexible. Syn: Na wall, wall. Owaowa (o'-wa-6-wa'), adj. Divided; cleft. Owaowa (o'-wa-6-wa'), v, [Owa, to be split.] To be full of cracks, rents or longitudinal fissures. Owaowaka (o-wa'-o-wa'-ka), n. 1. A species of marine shell fish of the clam kind. See papaua. 2. A species of limu or sea moss, also called huluhulu-waena. Owau (o-wa'u), n, 1. A cat; so called from her noise. Also called popoki. 2. A species of oopu, a fish found in fresh water. Same as oau; also called okuhekuhe. Owau (o-wa'u), pron. Word used by speaker of himself; I. See au, oau, and wau. Owau (o-wa'u), v. To answer I, in obedience to a call or a ques- tion; Owai ka mea papale ie o oukou? Owau aku la no hoi au, owau, Who among you has a straw hat? I replied to him, "I" Owawa (o-wa'-wa), n. A ditch; a furrow; e hana owawa, e auwa- ha. Syn: Awaa. Owe (owe'), n. 1. A continued indis- tinct sound; an echo, 2. The sound of surf; of a ship passing through water, of an army at a distance; the murmur of water. Owehewehe (o-we'-he-we'-he), n. A clearing; an opening. Oweheiwehe (o-we'-he-we'-he), v. To open quietly; to disclose. Owela (o-we'-la), n. [Wela, hot.] 1. A blighting heat that destroys vegetation, 2. A countless num- ber of individual units, as men covering a field. 3. A tract of land burnt over by fire. 4, A blister, Owene (o-we'-ne), n, 1, The first crop of taro taken from new land, 2, A species of taro whose tuber has a yellowish tinge, Oweowene (o-we'-o-we'-ne), n, A small tuber of the taro plant, a little larger than the onihinihi. Owewene (o-we'-we'-ne), n. Same as oweowene. Owl (o-wi'), n. A small shrub (Ver- bena nariensis), a nuisance to farmers. Also called oi. Owlli (o-wi'-li), n, 1. A roll, as of cloth or of paper; a skein of thread; a roll of a mat: he owlli palapala, the roll of a book. Koi owill, a koi (ax) made gougelike for working the inside of canoes. 2. A very thick surf-board made of wiliwili wood, Owlli (o-wi'-li), V, 1. To roll up; to twist; to fold up, as the hands, 2, To roll together, as a roll of paper that has been opened. 3, To twist a thing to make it crooked. P, the tenth letter of the Hawaiian alphabet. It represents, as in English, a labial sound, Hawaiians sometimes use it erroneously for B in words derived from English, as pipi for bipi. It is often used also for "f" as in the word piku for fiku, a fig, etc. PA 504 PAA Pa (pa). 1. A distributive particle prefixed to other words, as nouns, adjectives and verbs; mostly, how- ever, to numeral adjectives; as, pakahi, one by one, each one; palua or papalua, two by two, two-fold, double; pakolu, each of the three, three-fold; pahiku, by sevens, seven-fold, etc., and so on to any number. These words are sometimes constructed in the sentence as verbs, and thus be- come verbs: Ua pahiku mai la oia i ka ia ia makou, he divided to us the fish by sevens; E pau- mi aku ia lakou, give them ten each. 2. As a particle, pa, like ka, ma, na, etc., is prefixed to a great many words, but the defi- nite meaning of such particles is not apparent. Pa (pa), adj. Barren, as a female; applied to mankind or animals. Pa (pa), n. An material having a flat surface, as a board (see papa), a plate, a server, a pan; pa will ai, a poi board; pa holoi, a basin to wash in; pa hao, an iron pan. (With this meaning, pa takes ke for its article.) 2. A wall or fence ; an inclosure. Pa (pa), V. 1. To divide out to indi- viduals, as several things to two or more: E pa lima ae oe ia lakou, divide out five apiece to them (used only with numerals). 2. To inclose with a fence. 3. To be barren or childless; applied to females of animals or mankind. 4. To be touched; to be hit. 5. To blow, as the wind. Paa, (pa'a), adj. Tight; fast; se- cured; immovable; finished. Paa (pa'a), adv. Steadfastly; per- severingly. Paa (pa'a), n. 1. A pair; a suit, as of shoes, socks or other clothes. Lunk. 14-12. Paa lole komo, a suit of clothes. Lunk. 17:10. 2. In geometry, a solid. See paaili. Paa (pa'a), v. 1. To be tight; to be fast; to be completed; to be established. 2. To hold; to re- tain; to keep. Paaa (pa'-a-a'), adj. [Aa, stony.] 1. Stony, as land; full of stones. 2. Burnt; scorched. Paaa (pa-a'a), n. Fiber of any vege- table growth as distinguished from the pulp; outer covering of fibrous plants. Paaalaha (pa'-a'a-la'-ha), n. A memento; a keepsake. Syn: Pau- maunoonoo, paaloha. Paahana (pa'a-ha'-na), n. One bus- ily engaged; a workman; a me- chanic; an artificer; a tradesman. Paahana (pa'a-ha'-na), n. Instru- ments, fixtures, or what belongs to or accompanies other instru- ments requisite to an end; uten- sils. Paahana (pa'a-ha'-na), v. [Paa, steadfastly, and hana, to work.] To be busy; to work constantly. Paahao (pa'a-ha'o), adj. Made fast; iron bound; bolted; halepaahao, wahi paahao, a prison; lua paahao, a dungeon. Paahao (pa'a-ha'o), n. [Paa, fast, and hao, iron.] 1. One bound; a prisoner. Epes. 4:1. 2. One bound to work; a servant by con- straint. 3. The system of work under the Hawaiian government in which the common people worked out their taxes; he koele, he hana aupuni. Paahao (pa'a-ha'o), v. [Paa, fast, and hao, iron.] To be iron bound; to be a prisoner. Paahi (pa'-a'-hi), n. [Pa, pan, and ahi, fire.] A fire pan. Paahihi (pa'a-hi'-hi'), v. [Paa and hlhl, to spread out.] To work here and there; to extend one's operations. Paaho/10 (pa'a-ho'-no), v. [Paa, fast, and hono, to stitch.] To be fastened by patching; to be re- paired as patchwork. Paaili (pa'a-I'-li), n. [Paa, a solid, and ili, side; surface.] A solid with sides according to the num- ber specified: Paailiha, a pyramid, etc. Paailiha (pa'a-i'-li-ha'), n. [Paaili, a solid, and ha, four.] A solid in- closed by four triangular sides; a pyramid. Paailihalike (pa'a-i'-li-ha'-ll'-ke), n. A solid inclosed by four equal and similar triangular sides. Paailiiwakalua(pa'a-i'-li-i-wa-ka'-lu'-a), n. [Paaili and iwakalua, twenty.] A twenty-sided solid, the sides be- ing triangles, equal and similar. PAA 505 PAA Paa 1 1 i kau I i ke h lo ( pa'a-i'-li-ka'u-li'-ke- hi'-o'), n. An oblique parallelo- piped. Paailikupono (paa-i'-li-ku-po'-no), n, A cube or rectangular parallele- piped. Paailiono (pa'a-i'-li-o'-no), n. [Paa, ill and ono, six.] A solid having six sides. Paailionoiike (pa'a-i'-li-o'-n6-li'-ke), n. A solid with six equal sides; a cube. Paailiumikumamalua (pa'a-i'-li-u'-mi- ku'-ma'-ma-lu'a), n. [Paaiii and umikumamalua, twelve.] A twelve- sided solid, the sides being equal, that is, five-sided polygons. Paakahili (pa'a-ka-hi'-li), n. [Paa and kahili, a fly-brush.] An officer of a high chief who took care of the kahilis: ma kahi e noho ai na 'Hi e noho pu no Ka paakahili. Paakai (pa'a-ka'i), n. [Paa and kai, sea water.] Salt; that which gives sea water its taste; ke ku- mu o ke kai. Paakai (pa'a-ka-I'), n. A variety of the taro plant. Paakea (pa'a-ke'a), n. 1. The hard coral formation usually found under the surface on the leeside of the Hawaiian islands. 2. A stone out of which maika stones were made. Paakiki (pa'a-ki'-ki'), adj. Hard; compact; difficult to do; per- verse; disobedient; unbelieving. Paakiki (pa'a-ki'-ki), n. Hardness; compactness; applied to the hftart, stubbornness; perverseness. Syn: Oolea. Paakiki (pa'a-ki'-ki'), v. [Paa, solid, and kiki, intensive, very, exceed- ingly.] 1. To be very hard, as a stone or any solid substance. 2. Fig. Applied to the will, to be obstinate; to be self-willed; to be disobedient; to be unyielding to the will of another. 3. Applied to the heart, to be hard-hearted; to be unbelieving through perverse- ness of disposition; to turn away from the influence of truth. Paakuku (pa'a-ku'-ku'), adj. [Paa, firm, and kuku, to stand.]. 1. Firmly fixed; immovable; con- stant. 2. Applied to persons, par- simonious; avaricious. 3. Stiff, as hard pel. Paalalo (pa'a-la'-lo), v. To serve as a favorite or in any manner in the presence of the chief: paalalo ma- lalo ae o ke alii. Paalalo malalo ae o ke Akua, or paalalo o ke Akua. Paalaumania (pa'a-l^'u-ma-ni'-a), n. [Paa, solid, and laumania, smooth.] A regular or smooth solid; that is, a plane solid figure. Paalli (pa'-a-li'i), n. A medicine made from the leaves of the alii tree. Paaloha (pa'a-lo'-ha), n. [Paa and loha, love.] A keepsake; a me- mento. Paaluhi (pa'a-lu'-hi), v. [Paa and luhi, fatigue.] To be overcome with weariness. Paamaunoonoo (pa'a-ma'u-no'o-no'o), n. A keepsake; a memento. Pau- maunoonoo is more generally used. Paamua (pa'a-mu'-a), n. 1. A move- ment of wind in the bowels. 2. A rushing; an opposition to some movement. Syn: Opihapiha. 3. One who continues daily in prayer. Paani (pa-a'-ni), adj. Belonging to play or amusement; trifling; hale paani, a theater. Paani (pa-a'-ni), n. A play; a sport; a playing, as among children enjoying a pastime; a general name for play, sport, exercise; the enjoyment of a pastime: he paani pono kekahi, he paani pono ole kekahi. (The Hawaiians an- ciently spent much of their time in paani, games or lealea, sensual gratifications.) Paani (pa-a'-ni), v. To play; to sport; to have the enjoyment and pastime of children; to wrestle; to box; to run races, etc. Paaoao (pa'-a'o-a'o), adj. [Pa and aoao, side.] Lit. by sides; side- ways; on one side; one-sided; hit on side. Paaoao (pa-a'o-a'o), n. A sickness; a weakness; mostly of children; want of strength; mai paaoao, hemo ke kino e. Paaoaoa (pa'a-oa-oa'), adj. Not prop- erly fitted; loosely put together. Paapaa (pa'a-pa'a), n. 1. A disput- ing; oral disputation. 2. Variant of papaa, a species of fish, also called pakii. PAA 506 PAE Paapaaina (pa'a-pa'a-i'na), n. Same as papaaina. Paapaaina (pa'a-pa*a-I-na), v. Same as papaaina. Paapani (pa'a-pa'-ni), adj., n., v. Same as papani. Paapoepoe (pa'a-po'-e-po'-e), n. [Paa, a solid, and poepoe, round.] A circular solid; a globe. Paapu (pa'a-pii'), adj. 1. Consist- ing of a great number of individ- ual objects closely joined. 2. En- circled ; covered ; overspread. Paapu (pa'a-pu'), adv. Thickly; numerously; all together; in great numbers. Paapu (pa'a-pu'), v. 1. To be crowd- ed; to be numerous. 2. To be overspread; to be overwhelmed. Paau (pa'-au), n. [Paaa, the outside covering of fibrous plants.] The skin of a banana stalk. Paaua (pa'-a-u'a), adj. Hired; work- ing as a hired man. Paaua (pa-a'-ua), n. A laborer; a workman; a hired man. Paauma (pa'a-u'-ma), adj. [Paa, fast, and uma, to push or draw.] Fast to the breast, or pulled to- wards the breast: pahi paauma, a drawing knife; a shave. Paauma (pa'a-u'-ma), n. 1. A game which exercised the muscles of the arm. Same as uma. 2. The clutch of the uma game. Paawaha (pa'a-wa'-ha), n. [Paa, tight, and waha, mouth.] A bridle. Syn : Kaulawaha. Paawela (pa'a-we'-la), adj. Burnt; scorched, as the skin by the fire; paawela kona ili i ke ahi. Paawela (pa'a-we'-la), n. [Paa, burnt, and wela, heat.] A burn- ing; a scar from burning. Pae (pa'e), n. 1. A cluster, a group; a grouping of similar inanimate objects: he pae hau, a group of hau trees. 2. A margin or border. Pae (pa-e'), n. A rolling or rever- Pae (pa'-e'), n. 1. A bunch of berating sound. cleaned tissues of plants consist- ing of ten layers of clean fiber, applied to the olona bark. 2. Branch of the olona. Pae (pa'e), v. To be put on shore from the sea or from any body of water. 2. To lift, to raise a lit- tle. See paepae. Pae (pa'-e'), v. To peel; to take off outer covering of a plant. Pae (pa'-e'), v. To strike upon the ear, as a distant sound. Paea (pa'-e-a), adj. [Mod., probably the Hawaiian pronunciation for the word fire in connection with flint.] Flinty; hard, as a rock: pohaku paea, a carbuncle. Paea (pa'-e-a), n. A flint; a fire stone; he pohaku ahi. Paeaea pa'-e'a-e'a), adj. Smooth; unruffled, as a smooth sea. Syn: Kaipaeaea. Paeaea (pa-e'a-e'a), n. 1. Hardness; severity; cruelty. 2. Conduct contrary to uprightness; ka hana ku like ole me ka pono. Paeaea (p^-e'-a-e'-a), n. 1. A sig- naling with the arms. 2. The act of fishing with hook and line. Syn: Kaipaeaea. Paeaea (pa-e'-a-e'-a), v. To fish with hook and line; lo angle. Paee (pa'-e'-e'), v. To be indis- tinct; to be vague of sound or sight. Paeee (pa'-e'-e'e), n. [Pae, to sup- port.] 1. A lying down upon, as one lies down on his surf-board to swim. 2. The resting of the head on a pillow. 3. Harvesting the breadfruit. Paehia (pa'e-hi'a), v. To fasten the aho, or small sticks to which the thatching is tied, on a building. Paehumu (pa'e-hu'-mu), adj. Confin- ing; restraining: e hoopaaia ilo- ko o ka hale paehumu, that he should be confined in a prison house. Laieik. p. 163. Paekii (pa'e-ki'i), n. Low clouds; clouds lying on the horizon. Paele (pa'-e'-le), adj. Dirty; be- smeared with dirt; black; black- ened. Paele (pa'-e'-le), n. 1. A black skin; blackness; a dark color. 2. A negro. Paele (pa'-e'-le), v. [Pa and ele, black.] To be covered with dirt; to besmear; to blacken, as with charcoal; to color the skin black; ua paeieia ka hapalua hookahi o ke kanaka a eleele loa; to paint black: a paele i ka waa. Paepae (pa'-e-pa-e'), adj. Indistinct, confused, said of sound. PAE 507 PAH Paepae (pa'-e-pa-e'), n. Confused noises; confusion in sounds. Paepae (pa'e-pa'e), n. Any sub- stance upon which another lies to keep it from the ground; a stool; a threshold; a supporter; a prop; the plate of a house on which the rafters rest; a pavement of stones ; a platform. Paepae (pa'e-pa'e), v. To hold or bear up; to support; to sustain. Paepaekomo (pa'e-pa'e-k6'-mo), n. The axle or axle-tree of a wheel: paepaekomo i na pokakaa. Paepaepuka (pa'e-pa'e-pu'-ka), n. [Paepae, a platform, and puka, a doorway,] A threshold. Paepaewawae (pa'e-pa'e-wa'-wa'e), n. f Paepae, a support, and wawae, foot.] A footstool. Paepu (pS-e'-pu'), n. [Pae, to strike, as a sound, and pu, together.] The deafening roar of the surf. Paepuu (pa'e-pu'u), n. A group of small hills; several small hills or hillocks standing in a row. Syn: Lalanipuu. Paewa (pa-e'-w^), adj. [Pa and ewa, to crook.] Bent; twisted; too short; out of shape; not in a straight line. Paewa (pa-e'-wS), v. To be crooked; not right; not according to rule. Paewaewa (pa'-e'-wa-e'-wa), adj. Un- even; irregular; crooked. Paewaewa (pa'-e'-wa-e'-wa), n. The fantastic and irregular cutting of the hair. Paewaewa (p^'-e'-wa-e'-wa), v. To be erroneous or partial in judging or in dealing; to be erroneous, un- methodical or one-sided in telling a story or making a report; ma ka paewaewa o ka ke alii olelo ana. Laieik. p. 51. Paha (pa'-ha), adv. Perhaps; it may be so, etc.; expressive of doubt. [Paha is often used when there is very little or no doubt; a frequent expletive: ae paha, yes perhaps, a polite way of assenting to one's opinion while the speaker with- holds full belief, or even holds to an opposite opinion.] Paha (pa'-ha'), adv. and adj. Four times; by fours. Paha (pa'-ha), n. Same as pala, a plant of the amau class, the leaf of which is used for food during a scarcity; in some places it is called kapala. 2. A surf board; he papa heenalu. Paha (pa'-ha), n. Pride; haughti- ness of bearing. Paha (pa'-ha), v. To be proud; to boast; to be lofty in one's bearing. Syn: Pahapaha. Pahaa (pa-ha'a), adj. Short; of low stature. Pahaahaa (pa'-ha'a-ha'a), adj. 1. Very short. 2. Humble. Pahaahaa (pa'-ha'a-ha'a), n. Short- ness; bluntness; rotundity. Pahaha (pa-ha'-ha), adj. Broad, full and plump, as the neck when one has the mumps. Pahaha (pa-ha'-ha), n. 1. A large broad swelling of the neck. 2. Scrofulous swelling. Pahaha (pa-ha'-ha'), n. Mullet next in size above the pua. Pahaha (pa-ha'-ha), v. [Pa and haha, to strut] To strut; to walk about proudly; to play the cock- turkey. Pahale (pa'-ha'-le), n. [Pa and hale, house.] An inclosure in front of a house; a court yard; the space around the house inclosed by a fence. Pahaneri (pa'-ha'-ne'-ri), distrib. adv. [Pa, distributive particle, and ha- neri (Eng.), a hundred.] By the hundred; a hundred fold; a hun- dred times. Pahao (pa'-ha'o), n. [Pa, pan, and hao, iron.] 1. An iron pan or plate. 2. Iron fence. 3. An an- cient game; game of touch and guess. Pahaohao (pa'-ha'o-ha'o), adj. 1. Changed in appearance; transfig- ured; having another external form. 2. That which cannot be laid hold of; not material; not sub- stantial, as a ghost: he mea pa- haohao, a bodiless thing. 3. Wav- ering; fickle; unsteday, as in feel- ing or conduct; in doubt or sus- pense; undecided. Pahaohao (pa'-ha'o-ha'o), v. [Pa and haohao, to wonder at.] 1. To have another form; to be transfigured. 2. To be changed in appearance or character. Pahapaha (pa'-ha-pa'-ha), n. A boast- ing; display; parade. Pahapaha (pa'-h=C2=A7,-p5,'-ha), n. A long broad-leaved sea-grass or limu,also PAH 508 PAH called lipaha when prepared for food. Pahapaha (pa'-ha-pa'-ha), v. To brag; to display one's self. Pahau (pa'-ha'u), n. 1. A class of servants that kept the food and clothes of a chief. 2. A cluster of hau trees. Pahau (pa'-ha'u), v. To filch; to steal in a small way, taking a lit- tle at a time. Pahauna (pa'-ha'-u-na), n. The name of a heiau or temple near Lamalo- loa in Hamakua, Hawaii: he heiau kahiko kela mai ka po mai, a hiki i keia manawa. Laieik, p. 27. Pahe (pa-he'), adj. 1. Soft; easy; flexible. 2. Fluent; flowing. Paheahea (pa'-he'-a-he'-a),n. [Pa and hea, to call.] The voice of whis- pering like a ghost; a small, thin voice just audible. Pahee (pa-he'e), adj. Smoothed; polished; slippery; shining, as a polished surface; smooth, as a per- son without hair. Pahee (pa'-he'e), n. 1. A game which consists in sliding on a stick or board. 2. A sliding on any smooth surface. 3. A small shrub resembling the ilima but not so high. Pahee (pa-he'e), n. 1. Slipperiness; smoothness. 2. A smooth place. Pahee (pa'-he'e), v. To play at the game called pahee: ua pono ka pahee, no ka mea me ka ikaika nui e pahee ai, a ua pono no ke kino ma ia paani. Pahee (pa-he'e), v. To slip; to slide. Paheehee , (pa'-he'e-he'e), adj. Slip- pery; liable to cause a fall; mud- dy, as a road. Pahele (pa-he'-le), adj. In ensnar- ing manner or with intent to en- trap: Kahi ki puka pahele ma kahi ana i makemake ai e hei. Pahele (pa-he'-le), n. 1. A noose for catching animals; a snare. 2. De- ceit; treachery: e malama ia oe iho i na pahele o ko Hawaii nei. 3. The deceit of an enemy. Pahele (pa-he'-le), v. To take in a snare; to ensnare. Pahelo (pa-he'-lo), n. A slipping; a sliding. Pahelo (pa-he'-lo), n. An escaping out of confinement; a slipping out of hand. Pahelo (pa-he'-lo), v. To slip; to slide; to slip and fall. Pahemahema (pa'-he'-ma-he'-ma), adj. [Pa and hemahema, awkward.] 1. Ignorant; awkward in the use of language; ungrammatical. 2. Lacking. Pahemo (pa-he'-mo), v. [Pa and hemo, to be loosened.] 1. To be loosened; to be set or let loose. 2. To slip, as one walking: o na- ele auanei kakou a pahemo aua- nei a haule ilalo. 3. To slip off. as an axe from the helve. Pahepahe (pa'-he-pa-he'), adj. Soft; flexible; rotten, Pahi (pa'-hi), n. 1. A knife; any cutting instrument of the knife kind: pahi kaua, a sword; pahi pelu, a jack-knife. 2. [Tahitian.] A canoe or ship: no ka mea, aia malaila (ma Tahiti) ka waa nui, he pahi ka inoa. D. Malo, Hawaii- an Antiquities, chap. 3, verse 20. Pahi (pa'-hi), v. 1. Lit. To knife, that is, to cut a piece of meat thin as a knife: e oki lahilahi i ka io; e kulepelepe, e hoolepe, to cut thin. 2. To stand up on edge. Pahia (pa'-hi'-a), int. adv. [Pa and hia, how many?] How many fold? How many to each? How many in each group? Pahia (pa-hi'a), n. A slipping; a falling. Pahia (pa'-hi'a), v. To jump in an oblique manner from a perpendic- ular height into the water, so that in rising to the surface the feet come up first. Pahiahia (pa-hi'a-hi'a), v. [Pahia, to slide.] To slip; to slide; to fall down in a sliding manner; to slip down; to fall feet foremost. Pahihahau (pa'-hi-ha'-ha'u), n. [Pahi, a knife, and hahau, to strike.] A knife to strike with, that is, a sword. Pahikahi (pa'-hi-ka'-hi), n. [Pahi, knife, and kahi, to cut.] A razor. Syn: Pahiumiumi. Pahikakiwi (pa'-hi-ka'-ki'-wi), n. [Pahi, knife, and kakiwi, bent.] A crooked knife; a cutlass; a sickle. Pahikanikani (pa'-hi-ka'-ni-ka'-ni), n. A knife made from a piece of hoop iron. Pahikaua (pa'-hi-ka'u-a), n. [Pahi, knife, and kaua, war.] 1. A sword; PAH 509 PAH a war knife. 2. Fig. Power; op- pressive power. Pahiku (pa'-hi'-ku), dist. adv. [Pa and hiku, seven.] Seven-fold; seven times; by sevens: he uku pahiku, seven-fold punishment. Pahilau (pa-hi'-la'u), n. A false- hood; an untruth; o ka like ole o ka olelo me ka olaio. Pahili (pa'-hl'-li), v. [Pa, to blow, and hill, to turn; to twist.] 1. To blow on different sides, as a flick- ering wind: Ke pahlll mai nei ka makani. Olepelepe ka pea i ka pahlllia o ka makani. 2. To be unsteady, said of variable wind. Pahllokea (pa'-hi-16-ke'-a), n. [Pahi, knife, and lokea, white.] A long knife with a white handle. Pahilolo (pa'-hi-lo'-lo), adj. 1. Tall; strutting; proud in one's move- ments. 2. Boastful; given to overstatement; bragging. Pahilolo (pa'-hi-lo'-lo), n. 1. Deceit; falsehood. 2. Actions that belie professions. Pahimakalua (pa'-hi-ma'-ka-lu'-a), n. [Pahi, knife; maka, edge, and lua, two.] A double-edged sword or knife. Pahio (pa'-hi'o), adj. Tall and slender, as a man; leaning over, as a house; stooping, as a person. Pahio (pa'-hi-o'), v. Pa and hio, to lean.] To lean over; to bend over in walking; to move as a weak person. Pahioi (pa'-hi-o'i), n. [Pahi, knife, and oi, sharp.] A sharp knife. Pahioilua (pa'-hi-o'i-lu'-a), n. [Pahi and =E2=80=A2 oilua, two edged.] A two- edged knife or sword. Pahiolo (pa'-hi-o'-lo), n. [Pahi, knife, and olo, to vibrate.] A saw, so called from its motion in using. Pahipa (pa'-hi'-pa), n. [Pa, yard, and hipa (Eng.), sheep. A yard for sheep; a sheep fold. Pahipahilima (pa'-hi-pa'-hi-ll'-ma), n. An ancient game which consisted in scoring points with a pointed stick. Pahipaipai (pa'-hi-pa'i-pa'i), n. [Pahi, knife, and paipai, to prune.] A pruning knife. Pahipelu (pa'-hi-pe'-lu), n. [Pahi, a knife, and pelu, to double over.] A jacknife; a penknife; any shut knife. Pahipoomuku (pa'-hi-po'o-mu'-ku), n. [Pahi, knife; poo, head or end; muku, cut off.] A knife like a razor; a butcher's knife; a knife with shortened blade. Pahiuhiu (pa'-hi'u-hi'u), n. A game similar to konane or Hawaiian checkers. Pahiuhiu (pa'-hi'u-hi'u), v. To move, as in moving a piece in a game of konane. Pahiumiumi (pa'-hi-u'-mi-u'-mi), n. [Pahi, knife, and umiumi, beard.] A beard knife, that is, a razor. Syn: Pahikahi. Pahiwakawaka (pa'-hi-wa'-ka-wa'-ka), n. [Pahi, knife, and wakawaka, shining.] A polished blade, as a saw, a sword; a flaming sword. Paho (pa-ho'), adj. Sinking; set- tling down; emi, piho. Paho (pa-ho'), v. Same as poho. To sink; to sink down, as in water or mud; to be out of sight under water; e nalo iloko o ka wai; to settle down in a miry place; e na- poo i kahi nenelu. Pahoa (pa'-ho'-a), n. 1. A sharp stone; a broken piece of a stone with a sharp edge. 2. A short wooden dagger: Oo iho la laua ia ia i ka pahoa, they two pierced him with a pahoa (short wooden sword). Hookokoke ia Lono me ka pahoa, he drew near to Captain Cook with a pahoa. Pahoe (pa'-ho'-e), n. 1. A fleet of canoes. 2. A method of fishing by a cast. Pahoehoe (pa'-ho'-e-ho'-e), n. Smooth shining lava; flat unbroken lava: he pahoehoe a,Pele. Pahoehoepele (pa'-h5'-e-ho'-e-pe'-le), n. The hooks used in catching the sea-turtle. Pahola (pa-ho'-la), n. That which is made useless, ineffectual or of no account: ua hoolilo i ka olelo a ke Akua i pahola, a i pawelu, a i mea ole, i mea lapuwale. Pahola (pa'-ho'-la), v. 1. To spread over; to cover. 2, To make known; to promulgate. Paholahola (pa'-ho'-la-ho'-la), v. [Pa and holahola, to drug fish.] To stupefy fish with the auhuhu or the akia. jPahole (pa'-ho'-le), v. 1. To peel off, I as the skin. 2. To rub; to polish PAH 510 PAH Paholehole (pa'-ho'-le-ho'-le), n. 1. A break in the epidermis leaving the under surface raw. 2. Slight bruise on the skin of the neck or face caused by pinching. Paholehole (pa'-ho'-le-ho'-le), v. To be raw; to be deprived of skin. Paholo (pa'-ho'-lo), v. 1. To sink in the water or mud. 2. To plunge down out of sight; to drown; to be overwhelmed. 3. To fall down out of sight. 4. To slip off the handle, as an axe, or from the fin- ger, as a ring or thimble. Paholoholo (pa-ho'-16-ho'-lo), v. 1. To be loose, not close fitting, not tight. 2. To slip out of place. Pahono (pa'-ho'-no), v. [Pa and hono, to stitch.] To sew up, as a rent; to join two pieces of tapa or cloth by sewing; to stitch together. Pahonoia (pa'-ho'-n6-i'a), adj. [Hono, to stitch.] Sewed; mended, as old garments. Pahoola (pa'-ho'o-la'), n. A tapa which is not whole; what remains of a blanket (native) after a por- tion has been removed; tapa dam- aged by a rent. Pahoolapalapa (pa'-ho'o-la'-pa-ia'-pa), n. [Mod., Pa, pan, and hoolapa- lapa, to boil or fry.] A sauce pan. Pahu (pa'-hu), adj. 1. Round and smooth, as a bald head. 2. Per- taining to the pahu or large drum. Hula pahu, a kind of dance. Pahu (pa'-hu), n. 1. Wild taro. 2. A particular kind of net used in fish- ing around coral reefs. 3. The catch taken in a pahu net. Pahu (pa'-hu), n. 1. A barrel, cask, box, chest, etc. (A pahu was orig- inally a hollow coconut or other tree with a shark skin drawn over one end and used for a drum: hence anything hollow and giving a sound when struck is a pahu.) 2. A coffin. 3. Stake, stick or post set in the ground for a land mark. Pahu (pa'-hu), v. 1. To push; to drive forward. 2. To pierce with a pointed instrument. 3. To hurl the spear; to strike with a push- ing force. 4. To cut in short pieces. Syn: Apahu. Pahu (pa-hu'), v. 1. To burst; to explode. 2. To fall suddenly with a thud. Pahua (pa'-hu'a), n. To dance; to go through the sidelong evolutions of dancing. Pahuaniani (pa'-hu-a'-ni-a'-ni), n. [Pahu, box; aniani, glass.] A con- trivance used in fishing; a box fitted with glass to enable the fisherman to see under water. He wades or swims, holding the box with his teeth, and takes the fish with a spear. Pahuberlta (pa'-hu-be'-ri'-ta), n. [Mod., pahu, box, and berita (Heb.), a covenant.] The ark of the cove- nant among the Hebrews. Pahuhoike (pa'-hu-ho'-i'-ke), n. [Mod. pahu, box, and hoike, to show.] The ark of the testimony, so translated from the Scriptures. Pahuhopu (pa'-hu-ho'-pu), n. The goal at the end of a race-course opposite to the pahuku, where the race commenced; a kukuluia ka laau me ka lepa ma ka pahuhopu. Pahuhu (pa-hu'-hu), n. The young of the uhu fish or the uhu dur- ing the second stage of its growth. Pahuhu (pa-hu'-hu'), v. [Pahu, to pierce.] To gush or ooze out, as blood from a wound: Hahau iho la ka moli, pahuhu ae la ke koko, the instrument strikes, the blood flows -out. Pahuhula (pa'-hu-hu'-la), n. A drum covered with shark skin, used at hulas in former times. Pahuihui (pa'-hu'i-hu'i), adj. Same as pahiuhiu. Pahuihui (pa'-hu'-i-hu'-i), n. A game or pastime. Pahukala (pa'-hu-ka'-la), n. * 1. A mock fight formerly practiced in keeping up the war spirit: he kaua pahukula kahi inoa o keia kaua. A sham battle. 2. Title of a herald who calls to war, or who summons to a preparation for war. Pahukala (pa'-hii-ka-la'), n. A safe; a safe-deposit box for money. Pahukanawai (pa'-hu-ka'-na-wa'i), n. [Mod., pahu, box, and kanawai, law.]. The ark of the testimony. See pahuhoike. Pahukani (pa'-hu-ka'-ni), n. [Pahu, box, and kani, to sound.] A drum; a bass viol; a music box; any musical instrument of the per- cussive kind. PAH 511 PAI Pahukapu (pa'-hii-ka'-pu), n. [Pahu, box, and kapu, prohibited.] 1. Lit. A sacred box. A sanctuary; a place consecrated to a particular use. 2. Tabu stake; token show- ing a place where it was kapu or forbidden to go or to pass. Laieik. p. 101. Pahuku (pa-hu'-ku), adj. Short; round. Same as pohuku. Pahuku (pa'-hu-ku'), n. 1. The re- serve of an army; a reinforce- ment that supports the vanguard party and repels the enemy. 2. A stick or goal erected at the be- ginning of a race; hele aku la ua mau kanaka elua a hiki i ka pa- huku. Pahuku (pa'-hu-ku'), v. 1. To turn back an enemy and make the pursuers retreat. 2. To be cut off short; to be round. Pahula (pa-hu'-la), n. A place to dance. Pahula (pa-hu'-la), v. [Pa and hula, to dance.] To learn to dance; to hula, that is, to sing and dance. Pahulu (pa-hu'-lu), n, 1. Over- wrought land; exhausted soil; a being made unfertile from con- tinual cropping: Ua pahulu ka aina, the land is exhausted. 2. Name of an ancient god who lived in a cave of a certain rock on the island of Lanai; he was killed by Kaululaau, a Maui demigod. Pahululu (pa'-hu-lu'-lu), adj. Some- what rainy; a little cloudy and rainy or dripping; not entirely clear. Pahululu (pa'-hu-lG'-lu), v. [Pahu, to strike; lulu, gently.] To strike softly, as the pressure of a light wind; to fall lightly, like the dripping of a somewhat rainy day. Pahumanamana (pa'-hii-ma'-na-ma'- na), n. 1. Point where several lines or roads meet. 2. The old market at Lahaina. Pahuna (pa-hu'-na), n. [Pahu, to push, and ana.] A thrusting; a striking, as with a weapon. Pahupahu (pa'-htl-pa'-hu), adj. Blunt; obtuse; dull; omuku. Pahupahu (pa'-hu-pa'-hu), n. 1. Stinted taro growing among weeds. 2. A game played on a rectangular table, billiards. Pahupahu (pa'-hii-pa'-hu), v. [Pahu, to strike.] To strike or pound; to bruise. Syn: paopao. Pahupal (pa'-hii-pa'i), n. A drum for beating at a hula; o ka ili mano, he mea ia e hana ia i pahupal. Pahupalapala (pa'-hfi-pa'-la-pa'-la), n. [Pahu, box, and palapala, writing.] 1. Originally, a container for the coloring liquid used in printing tapa. 2. A writing desk. Pahuume (pa'-hu-u'-me), n, [Pahu, box, and ume, to draw out.] A bureau; a chest of drawers; a drawer from a larger chest or box, Pahuwai (pa'-hii-wa'i), n. [Pahu, box, and wal, water.] Barrel for holding water. Pal (pa'i), adj. Tied up; bound to- gether; connected with; mingled with. Used in the phrase, pal pu ia. Pal (pa'i), n. 1. Any substance re- duced in size by compression; a pad: pal ai, compressed food. 2. A blow with a flat surface, as the palm of the hand. 3. A strik- ing or impressing, as in printing; a stamping. 4. A tie in a game or contest. 5. Word used at the close of a prayer. Pal (pa'i), V. 1. To strike with the palm of the hand. 2. To treat harshly; to turn off the land. 3. To stamp; to print. 4. To mix two or more ingredients. 5. To cover permanently, as in thatching a house. 6. To guarantee. Pai (pa'i), v. To urge on. Paia (pa-i'-a), adj. Deaf; unable to hear, Paia (pa'i-a), n. The sides of a house; the surroundings, that is, the inside walls of a house. Paia (pa-I'-a), v. 1. To be walled round; to be inclosed with a fence. 2. To be protected by an inclosure. Paiaa (pa'i-a'a), n. [Pal and aa, small roots.] 1. The appearance of something not fully developed; paiaa koko, the incipient arteries or veins of an embryo branching out from the heart. 2. The small branches of a tree. 3. The branches of the main root of a tree: e oki i ka mole ame ka paiaa. PAI 512 PAI Paiai (pa'i-a'i), n. [Pal, a bundle, and ai, food.] A bundle of pound- ed taro done up in ti leaves into a round bundle. Paiauma (pa'i-a-u'-ma), adv. Affec- tionately; piteously. Laieik. p. 140. Paiauma (pa'i-a-u'-ma), n. 1. Strong affection; endearing attachment to one dead or long absent; a sorrowing or lamenting the ab- sence of a loved one; a longing after the welfare of one. 2. Mo- tions expressive of deep emotion, sorrow, love, etc. Paiauma (pa'i-a-u'-ma), v. 1. To love strongly; to remember with deep and affectionate regret, as one dead; to mourn for; to love and long after the welfare of a friend or a beloved child; to ex- press love strongly, as a wife for a husband: paiauma wale aku no i ke aloha i na kane; (the wives of the men who went with Boki) expressed unfeigned love for their husbands. 2. To express deep affection by gestures. 3. To wail from deep affection. Paiea (pa'i-e'-a), n. 1. A species of crab with a soft shell, found on sea-girt rocks. 2. An athlete. 3. A familiar name of Kamehameha I. Pailiale (pa'i-ha'-le), v. To thatch houses. Paihl (pa'-i'-hi), adj. Clear; un- clouded, as the atmosphere. Pailii (pa'-i'-hi), n. The tree ohiaha, i called paihi on Maui; the bark of the tree used in coloring tapa black; the wood is used for build- ing houses and for fuel. Paihl (pa-i'-hi), n. The same as ihi, a plant sometimes used for food. ' Paihl (pa'i-hl'), n. Sudden fault or I fall in the bed of a ravine where j moisture percolates. Paihi ihi (pa'-I'-hi-i'-hi), adj. Neat,' tidy. ! Palho (pa'i-ho'), n. The flap of a| malo or loin cloth that hangs | loosely in front. Paiho (pa'i-ho), v. 1. To project, as I a broken bone through the flesh, j 2. To be crooked outside and not I inside. Paihua (pa'i-hu'-a), n. [Pal, bundle,' and hua, fruit.] A bundle of fruit, i Palhuafiku (pa'i-hu'-a-fl'-ku), n. [Paihua, bundle of fruit, and fiku, figs.] A cake of figs. Palhuawaina (pa'i-hu'-a-wa'i-na), n. [Pal, bunch, and huawaina, grapes,] A bunch of grapes: pal- huawaina maloo, a bunch of rai- sins. Pal la (pa'i-i'a), v. [Pai and la, sign of the passive.] 1. Bound or mixed together. 2. Impressed; stamped; printed. Palina (pa'-i-i'-na), v. Eat, a word used in declining an invitation to eat with others: Mai kakou e ai, come let us eat; response, Aole, paiina nui ia, no, thanks; go on with your eating. Palkau (pa'i-ka'u), n. The act of drilling or exercising with fire- arms; Ao mai ia o Vanekouva i ko Kamehameha poe kanaka i ka palkau, Vancouver taught Kame- hameha's men the manual exer- cise. Palkau (pa'i-ka'u), v. 1. To exercise with fire-arms. 2. To march to and fro. Paikauhaie (pa'i-ka'u-ha'-le), adj. Wandering about, as a vagabond; having no home; aea wale. Paikauhaie (pa'i-ka'u-ha'-le), n. A going or marching from house to house. Paikauleia (pa'i-ka'u-le-I'-a), n. [Pal- kau, to go about, and lei, a wreath, and a for ia, passive.] 1. A woman who puts on a lei so as to signify that she is for sale; an abandoned woman going from place to place. 2. A tattler. Palkl (pa'-i'-ki), n. The hollow of the hand; ka poholima. Palkl (pa-i'-ki), v. To be cramped; to be confined; to be held close; to be pressed into a small com- pass. Paiklnl (pa'i-kl'-ni), adj. [Mod.] Bound up; girded; dressed in tight fitting clothes: Nani na hau- mana me na wawae paikini, fine looking are the scholars with tight fitting trousers. Paikoll (pa'i-ko'-li), adj. Same as pokole. Short; cut off; low. Paikoll (pa'i-ko'-li), v. To be cut close. Paikumu (pa'i-ku'-mu), v. To ask one to go with one to a chief, the one asked to go being familiar with the chief. PAI 513 PAI Paila (pa'Ma), n. [Eng. pUe.] A heap. PailanI (pa'i-la'-ni), v. 1. To praise; to extol; to rejoice in; e hoo- nani. 2. To make a favorite of. Pailata (pa'i-la'-ta), n. [Mod. Eng.] A pilot; one who directs vessels into ports and out of them. (Takes the article ke.) Palli (pa'-i'-li), n. The uncomfort- able feeling produced by tattoo- ing the face. Palll (pa'-i'-li), v. 1. To touch the skin; to slap with the hand. 2. To stick to the skin, as some ani- mals in the sea when bathing: he aloha ka ia paili kanaka o Ka- wainui. Pailolo (pa'i-16'-lo), n. The name of the channel between the islands Maui and Molokai. Pailua (pa'i-lu-a), n. [Contraction of hoopailua.] Sickness; sea-sick- ness; nausea; sickness of the stomach. 2. Fig. That which causes disagreeable sensations; that which is disagreeable to one; an abomination. Pailua (pa'i-lu'-a), n. The name of contrary winds at Kamiloloa, Mo- lokai. Pailua (pa'i-lu'-a), v. Contraction of hoopailua. Paimalau (pa'i-mS-la'u), n. 1. A creature of the sea having a sting in its tail, and floating on the ocean, the Portuguese man-of war (Physalia utricula). Also called auwaalalua. 2. A place in the ocean where the paimalau lives and the water is calm and clear, sought by those who are fishing for the aku. 3. A fleet of fishing canoes. Paina (pa-i'-na), adj. Rotten, as cloth; brittle; easily torn or broken. Syn: Pohaehae. Paina (pS'-i'-na), n. 1. A call to eat; a meal; an eating. 2. The cape gooseberry or poha. 3. Crackling sound, as the snap of a breakage. Paina (pa'i-na), n. [Mod.] 1. A pine tree. 2. Fine cloth; broadcloth. Paina (pa'-i'-na), v. 1. To eat; to dine; to feed upon. 2. To break with a crackling sound. Painiki (pa'i-ni'-ki), v. [Pai, bundle, and niki, to tie a knot.] To dress one up with close fitting garment; to go buttoned up tightly, as a dandy. Paio (pa'i-o), adj. Contentious; dis- putatious ; quarreling. Paio (pa'i-o), n. 1. A striving; a quarrel; a strife; a combat; a controversy. 2. A game. Palo (pa'-i'o), n. A special form of fish-hook with two barbs. Palo (pa'i-o), v. 1. To speak back and forth like persons in a dia- logue. Syn: Kike. 2, To strive with another. 3. To play the game of paio. Paloea (pa'i-6-e'a), adj. Tall and thin; having long legs. Palpal (pa'i-pa'i), adj. Pertaining to palpal or the act of trimming, cutting or clipping. Palpai (pa'i-pa'i), n. 1. Correction; chastisement; trimming. 2. A process of staining tapa with the native dye. 3. A process of mix- ing or blending. Paipai pa'i-pa'i), v. [Pal, to strike.] 1. To strike with the palm of the hand; to clap. 2. To cut or break off superfluous parts, as in trimming plants. 3. To smite. Palpai (pa'i-pa'i), v. [Pai, to urge on.] To encourage; to incite by speech; to advise; to press upon one's attention. Palpalkukui (pa'i-pa'i-kii-ku'i), n. A species of tapa made on the island of Molokai; its color was pale yellow; he kapa ano like me ka palpalkukui. Paipaillma (pa'i-pa'i-li'-ma), v. [Pal- pai, to clap, and lima, hand.] To clap the hands as a sign of joy. Paipainaha (pa'i-pa'i-na-ha'), n. A cloak; a garment; a tapa, worn over the shoulders like a cape. Paipalapala (pa'i-pa'-la-pa'-la), n. [Mod. Pal, to print, and palapala, printed or written paper.] A print- ing press. Paipu (pa'i-pu), n. [Mod.] Pipe, said of any long hollow body used to carry liquid; a water pipe. Paipu (pa'-i'-pu), n. 1. A set of empty calabashes. 2. A calabash for packing tapa or clothes to keep them dry on a canoe. 3. Basins used as containers. 4. A bowl for containing food. Olepe waha paipu Kohala na ka ino. Me he wahlne hili haehae la ka makani PAI 514 PAK Aole ui hele wale o Kohala, Ipu hahao ka ipu haa na ka makani. Paipu (pa'-i'-pu), n. Name of a hula or dance, in which the gourd drum (ipu), is used. Paipunahele (pa'i-pu'-na-he'-le), n. Name of a dance; a birthday dance. Pa I u la (pa'i-u'-la), n. 1. A calabash used as a receptacle for storing pa-u (loin skirts). 2. Cooked po- tato leaves. Paiula (pa'i-u'-la), n. A kind of tapa made by beating up welu or rags of red tapa with new wauke or mulberry bark, which formed a mixture of white and red: Kahiko aku la oia i kona mau hookele i na kihei paiula. Laieik. p. 12. Palumauma (pa'i ii-ma'-u-ma), v. [Pal, to strike, and umauma, the breast.] A dance in which one of the movements consisted in striking on the breast; he hula pal ma ka umauma. Paiwale (pa'i-wa'-le), n. A drawn game, or battle when neither party conquers: ina like pu ka ikaika o na moa, he paiwale. Paka (pa-ka'), adj. 1. Lean, as flesh; destitute of fat. 2. Old; aged. Paka (pa'-ka), adv. Clearly; plain- ly; intelligibly; evidently. Syn: Lea, pono, maopopo: Ua oki paka, haalele i na mea ino a pau. Paka (pa'-ka), n. 1. The sharp pro- jections on the sides of the tail of certain fish, as the kala, the palani and the manini. 2. To- bacco. Paka (pa'-ka'), n. 1. A round flat calabash. 2. Stone used by fish- ermen as a sinker. Paka (pa'-ka'), v. 1. To cut at ran- 1 dom; to cut in long slits. 2. To j ride the surf with a canoe. 3. To j turn, shoot or slide, as a surf- i board or canoe. | Paka (pa'-ka), v. To call; to pro- claim; to herald. Pakaa (pa'-ka'a), n. Lean flesh. Pakaa (pa'-ka'a), v. To peel off; to skin ; to strip off the skin from a vegetable. | Pakaawili (pa'-ka'a-wi'-li), v. [Pal and kaawlli, to writhe.] 1. To en- 1 circle ; to twine around as a vine. | 2. To turn this way and that. 3. j To turn round; to roll in upon itself like a curling flame. Pakaha (pa'-ka'-ha'), n. A kind of shell-fish; the conch shell. Pakaha (pa'-ka'-ha), n. Greediness after another's property; a seiz- ing what is another's. Pakaha (pa'-ka'-ha), v. To be greedy of property; hence, to oppress; to cheat; to be dishonest in any way. Pakahi (pa'-ka'-hi), dist. adv. [Pa and kahi, one.] One to each; one in a place; one by one; pakahi 1 ka makahiki, once a year. Pakahi (pa'-ka'-hi), v. To distribute to each one; to take turns; to do one at a time; to be numbered one by one. Pakai (pa-ka'i), n. A vegetable, the leaves of which are eaten; he mea ulu, he mea ai; a kind of herb used for food in time of scarcity. Same as pakaikai. Pakaiea (pa'-ka'i-e'-a), n. A species of sea-weed, found in shallow seas and a favorite appetizer when prepared with raw fish. Pakaiele (pa'-ka'i-e'-le), n. A beau- tiful fish of the coral reefs and warm currents (Thalassoma pur- pureum). Also called olani, olali, palaea, awela and hou as it reaches the different stages of its growth. Pakaielelu (pa'-ka'i-e-le-lu'), n. Name of a wind; a strong wind off Waianae. Pakaikai (pa'-kai-kai), v. Same as pakai, a variety of parsley. Pakaikai (pa'-ka'i-ka'i), v. To pound, as with a pestle, said of beating to a pulp material used in fishing. Pakaka (pa'-ka'-ka'), adj. 1. Nar- row; thin, as the back door of a house: aka, e komo oe ma ka puka pakaka. 2. Swelled; big, as one's person. 3. Short and wide. Pakaka (pa'-ka'-ka'), v. 1. To glide with a canoe on the surf; to ride on the surf. 2. To flow off; to turn off, as a canoe is turned to avoid a sea; to shoot or slide, as a surf-board on a wave: e pakaka i, ka waa, to steer the canoe. Syn: Paka. Pakakahi (pa'-ka-ka'-hi), v. [Paka, drop, as rain, and kahi, one.] To drop scatteringly a little rain; to drop at intervals. PAK 515 PAK Pakake (pS'-ka-ke'), v. Same as hoopakake. To talk indistinctly, as a Hawaiian trying to speak English; to use the kake or secret language. Pakakeu (pa'-ka-ke'u), v. To have the last word in scolding; to chide; to scold often; to act as a scolding woman; to exhibit an evil disposition. Pakaki (pa'-ka-ki'), v. To talk ir- rationally; to act as in a revel; to contend, as a drunkard. Pakalakala (pa'-ka'-ia-ka'-la), n. A species of the kala fish; the little kala; he kala liilii. Pakanaloa (pa'-ka'-n^-lo'-a), n. A fish. Same as pakaiele. Pakanaono (pa'-ka-na-6'-no), dist. adj. [Pa and kanaono, sixty.] Sixty-fold. Pakanu (pa'-k^'-nu), n. [Pa, yard, and kanu, to plant.] A garden; a place where things are planted. Pakao (pa-ka'o), v. 1. To go about lazily; to live without object; to live solitarily; e hakao, e hele- wale. 2. To go naked. Pakapaka (pa'-ki-pa'-ka), adj. 1. Coarse or large, as the lauhala leaves of which a mat is braid- ed: he moena pakapaka. 2. Numerous, as men, said of rain drops. 3. Numerous; many, as fish, etc., in one's possession: pa- kapaka kanaka o mea; paka- paka ka ia a mea ma. Pakapaka (pa'-ka-pa'-ka), n. 1. A heavy shower of rain. 2. The wrinkled skin of the eye. 3. An aged person, from his wrinkles. 4. Wrinkles. Pakapaka (pa'-ka-pa'-ka), v. [Paka, to drop.] To drop, as large rain drops; to make the noise that such drops make on dry sub- stances; to patter. Pakaua (pa'-kS'u-a), n. [Pa, fenoe, and kaua, war. A fort; a place of refuge; a stronghold; a gar- rison; a palace; the residence of a king. Pakauakee (pa'-k^'u-a-ke'e), n. 1. A bend, curve or curl. 2. Hair so treated that it curls; artificial or natural ringlets. Pakaukama (pa'-ka'u-ka'-ma), n. [Pa, yard, and kaukama (Eng.), cucumber.] A garden of cucum- bers. Pakaula (pa'-ka'u-la), n. [Pa, pair and kaula, rope.] A set of ropes for the rigging of a vessel. Pakaulel (pa'-ka'u-le'i), adj. 1. Un- steady; going from house to house. 2. Destitute of house and utensils. 3. Living in a loose way, as one who leaves his wife to follow one, then another. Pakaulel (pa'-ka'u-le'i), v. 1. To be continually changing one's resi- dence: mai noho a pakaulel. 2. To move along step by step; to go by little and little; to go about without aim or purpose. 3. To sit upright. Pake (pa-ke'), adj. Brittle; easily broken. Pake (pa'-ke), n. [Mod. from Eng.] Putty. Pake (pa-ke'), n. 1. Natural tapa; plain tapa fresh from the block, without ornament or dye. 2. Soft- ness; weakness. Pake (pa'-ke'), n. Chinese. . Pake (pa-ke'), v. 1. To break sud- denly with a sound like things that are brittle.' 2. To strike or hit with a sharp sound. Pakea (pa'-ke'-a), adj. Pale; gray, as from age or illness. Pakeal (pa'-ke'-a'i), v., adj., n. Same as pakelaai. Pakeke (pa'-ke'-ke), n. [Mod., Eng.] Pail, bucket, pocket. Pake I a (pa'-ke'-la), adj. Excelling; in a greater degree; beyond or above in quality or condition of being. Pakela (pa'-ke'-la), n. Excess; what is over and above; a superfluity: A no ka pakela loa i ke akamai 1 ka hoopuka ana i na olelo pahee, on account of the very great skill in uttering smooth words. Pakela (pa'-ke'-la), v. [Pa and kela, to shoot out.] 1. To exceed; to go beyond; to go before. 2. To be over and above. 3. To excel; to surpass. Pakelaai (pa'-ke'-ia-a'i), adj. Glut- tonous; eating to excess. Mat. 11:19. Pakela inu waina, a drunk- ard; pakela nani, excess of glory. Pakelaai (pa'-ke'-ia-a'i), n. A glut- ton; gluttony; the practice of eat- ing to excess. 2. In natural his- tory, the name of an animal, the glutton. PAK 516 PAK Pakelaai (pa'-ke'-la-a'i), v. [Pakela, excess, and ai, food.] To be a glutton; to be greedy in eating. Pakele (pa-ke'-le), v. [Pa and kele, to slip.] To escape from some evil; to escape punishment; to be free from. Pakelo (pa-ke'-lo), adj. Slippery; sliding; slipping up; slipping off. Pakelo (pa-ke'-lo), n. An injection; an enema. Pakelo (pa-ke'-lo), v. [Pakele, to escape.] To slip out of the grasp of a person or thing, as a fish from the hands. Pakeo (pa-ke'o), adj. [Pakelo, slip- pery.] Slipped off; escaped by slipping out of hand. Pakeokeo (pa'-ke'-6-ke'-o), n. 1. The people who eat with the chief, as the aialo, in distinction from the makaainana. 2. The rank of the aialo; a class in distinction from the common people. Pakepake (pa'-ke-pa-ke'), adj. [Pake, brittle.] Soft; limber; weak; flex- ible; brittle; easily broken. Pakeu (pa'-ke'-u), v. [Pa and keu, to remain over and above.] To excel; to be more than was ex- pected; to be over and above; to leave a remainder, Paki (pa-ki'), n. The dividing of the water by a ship under sail; plowing the main. Paki (pa-ki'), v. To leak out slowly. Paki (pa'-ki), v. 1. To strew about by a violent stroke; to spatter, as water. 2. To dash in pieces, as one would break a melon by throwing it on the ground. Paki (pa'-ki'), v. To smash or crush. Pakiai (pa-ki'-a'i), n. An adultress. Pakiai (pa-ki'-a'i), v. To forsake a husband and live in adultery; to be an abandoned woman. Pakihi (pa'-ki'-hi), v. [Pa and kihi, border; edge.] To go lightly; to pass softly; to just touch in pass- ing. Ke pakihi la I ke kal o Huia, 0 ka hui maka wale no ka makou, 0 ka honihoni ana i ke uiuiwi. Paki! (pa'-ki'i), adj. Broad; spread out; fallen flat down; edging along, as one moving on his belly or side. Pakii (pa'-ki'i), n. A species of flounder (Platophrys pantherinus). Also called uiui and papaa. Pakii (pa'-ki'i), v. To lie with the face down, the belly unsupported, in order to enlarge the abdomen. Pakiikii (pa'-ki'i-ki'i), adj. 1. [Pakii, broad.] Broad; extensively spread out; fallen down flatly. 2. Applied to a fish net, a small net: i ka upena pakiikii. Pakiikii (pa'-ki'i-kl'i), n. Small net used for fishing in shallows. Pakiikii (pa'-ki'i-ki'i), v. To be spread out flat; to be flattened. Paklka (pa-kl'-ka), adj. Smooth; polished; slippery; smoothed, as a thing polished: e kalai a mai- kai, anai a pakika; alalia, hooma- ka ke kau. Pakika (pa-ki'-ka), v. To slip; to slide in walking, as one walking on a slippery place. Pakike (pa-ki'-ke'), n. A caviling; a reviling. Pakike (pa-ki'-ke'), v. [Pa and kike, to speak back and forth.] 1. To make a pert, saucy reply to some- thing said; to answer back. 2. To rail; to cavil; to talk impudently. 3. To answer roughly; to provoke in a controversy. Pa kike kike (pa'-ki'-ke-ki'-ke'), v. Same as pakike. I. To answer back and forth frequently. 2. To be rough; to be uncivil towards one in conversation. Pakiki (pa'-ki'-ki'), n. A species of poisonous crab, called also ku- mimi. Pakiki (pa'-ki'-ki'), v. Same as paakiki. [Pa for paa, solid, and kiki, intensive.] 1. To be very hard; to be solid; applied to sub- stances. 2. Applied to the mind, to be obdurate; to be inflexible. 3. To spatter water or mud; to throw any soft substance that splashes where it strikes. Pakiko (pa'-ki'-ko), n. Temperance; regular habits of life. Pakiko (pa'-ki-ko'), n. Stone ax used as a weapon. Pakiko (pa'-ki'-ko), v. [Pa and kiko, a little dot or mark.] 1. To be temperate; to be abstemious, frugal. (Pakiko is the opposite of pakela, spoken in reference to taking [kiko ana] here a little and there a little: Pakiko ai, to eat or drink temperately.) Pakikoele (pa'-ki-ko-e-le), n. A roll- ing sound. PAK 517 PAK Pakikoele (pa-ki'-ko-e'-le), v. To make a round sound; to rumble slightly; e kamumu. Syn: Koele- ele. Paklo (pa-ki'o), v. To rain contin- ually in very small drops; to drizzle. Paklokio (pa'-ki'o-ki'o), v. To evacu- ate the bowels often. Paklpaki (pa'-ki-pa-kl'), v. [PakI, to slip; to slide.] To sail along; to divide the water, as the keel of a ship; to move sideways; to spatter the water in rowing a canoe. Pakipakika (pa-kT-pa'-ki'-ka), adj. [Pakika, to slip.] Slippery; mud- dy; liable to cause a fall in walk- ing. Pakole (pa-ko'-le), adj. Short. Same as pokole. Pakolekole (pa-ko'-le-ko'-le), adj. Short. Same as pokole and pa- kole. Elusive; cautious; not eas- ily caught. Pakolekole (pa-koMe-ko'-le), n. A large deep sea fish resembling the hilu. Pakoli (pa'-ko'-ir), n. [Mod.] 1. Pa, ko and II, the first three notes in the Hawaiian scale of vocal music; he kumu leo himeni; the whole seven sounds are represent- ed by the syllables pa, ko, li, ha, no, la, mi. 2. Singing by notes: he kumu pakoli, rudiments of vocal music. Pakolu (pa'-ko'-lu), adj. Three-ply. Pakolu (pa'-ko'-lu), v. [Pa and kolu, three.] To do three by three; to do three times. Pakoni (pa'-ko'-ni), n. [Pa and koni, to beat, as the pulse.] An ache, as the toothache; a throbbing pain; a strong pulsating pain. Pakou (pa-ko'u), adj. Short. Syn: Pokole. Paku (pa'-ku'), n. 1. A partition, as of a house. 2. The wall of a small inclosure. 3. A defense; a place of security. Hal. 89:18. 4. A shield; a veil concealing some- thing. Puk. 26:31. A hanging division; a curtain. Puk. 27:15. (The partitions or paku in the houses of former times, where the people had any at all, were nothing more than tapa or mats hung up.) Paku (pa'-ku'), v. [Pa, a wall, and ku, to stand.] To partition off, to guard; to defend; to shield one from harm: manao iho la au e haliu ae i ko kakou Haku me ka i aku, e paku mai oe ia'u; to parry off; to defend by some means; a paku aku la na kanaka i ka moe- na no ka pu, and the people put up their mats as a defense against the guns. Paku (pa-ku'), v. To burst out, as grain from a bag, or as matter from a boil. Syn: Pahu. Pakua (pa'-kti-a'), v. To be weary of repetition; tired of doing over and over again. Pakua (pa'-kti-a'), v. 1. Accustomed; so accustomed as to become sec- ond nature: he mea pakua wale, a thing become common. 2. Over and over; indefinitely. Pakuel (pa'-ku'-e'i), v. To finish or end before the time, hence to skimp; to lack thoroughness in the doing of. Pakui (pa'-ku'i), adj. Added on; joined: hale pakui, a house joined to a house above, that is, a tower. Engrafted; united. Pakui (pa'-ku'i), v. [Pa and kui, to join one thing to another.] 1. To splice, as timber or a rope. 2. To engraft, as one tree upon an- other. 3. To unite, that is, to add one story of a building to an- other; to heap one thing on the top of another; e hou i kekahi mea maluna iho o kekahi mea. 4. To beat against, as an oppos- ing wind. Pakui (pa-ku'i), v. 1. To be unpleas- ant to the taste; to be sickishly sweet; to be odoriferous; e ala, e pakui, e kuhinia. 2. To be ex- cessively odoriferous. Pakulkul (pa'-ku'i-ku'i), adj. Con- tradictory; opposing: makani pa- kulkul, an opposing wind, or a head wind; he olelo pakulkul, a contradicting speech. Pakulkul (pa'-ku'-i-ku'-i), n. A spe- cies of yellow fish living about coral reefs (Hepatus achilles). Pakulkul (pa'-ku'i-ku*i), v. [Freq. of pakui.] 1. To splice or join together timbers that are not long enough for the purpose designed; to fasten together; e hookuikui, e panainai. 2. To beat against; PAK 518 PAL to be contrary to, as a contrary wind: pakuikui mai ka makani, 3. To beat; to pound fine; to bruise. Pakulpal (pa'-ku'i-pa'i), n. Net for taking shrimp, called also paloa. Pakukui (pa'-ku-ku'-i), n. Fishes that only nibble at a bait but fail to take the hook. Pakupaku (pa'-kG-pa'ku'), v. To break open or leak in little drops. Pakupaku (pa'-kii-pa'-ku), adj. Round; low; short. Syn: Poko- poko. Pala (pa'-la), adj. Mellow; soft; ripe, as fruit; cooked soft. Pala (pa'-la), n. 1. A plant of the fern class and its fleshy auricles. 2. The syphilis. Pala (pa'-la), v. To be soft; to be ripe or mellow; to be cooked soft; to be ripe and be soft, as a bana- na or other fruit. Palaa (pa'-la'-a'), adj. 1. Almost any dark color, such as brown, pur- ple; lole palaa. Palaa (pa'-la-a'), n. Common fern ( Microlepia tenuif olia ) . Palaai (pa'-la-a'i), adj. [Pala, soft, and ai, food.] Fat, as animals: palaai ka holoholona, palaai ka ia, palaai ka manu. Palaau (pa'-la-a'u), n. [Pa, fence, and laau, timber.] A stick fence; a wooden fence: he palaau ka pa kahiko; palaau oioi, a thorn hedge. Palaea (pa'-la-e*a), n. A species of fish (Thalassoma purpureum), called also hou, olale or olani, awela, pakaiele. Palaha (pa'-la'-ha), adj. Smooth and slippery, as the back of the shell- fish called leho. Syn: Mania. Palaha (pa-la'-ha), v. [Pa and laha, to spread out.] 1. To slip; to slide. To stumble and fall down by hitting the foot against an ob- ject. 2. To fall flat down, as a house or tent. 3. To fall prostrate. Palaha (pa'-la'-ha), v. 1. To flatten; to lay flat; to prostrate; to level. 2. To become large or broad. 3. To stretch out upon; to lie flat upon. 1 Nal. 17:21. 4. To be spread or wafted, as a shower over land: palaha aku ka ua ma ka aina. Palahalaha (pa'-la'-ha-la'-ha), adj. Spread out; of flat surface. Palahalaha (pa'-la'-ha-la'-ha), n. 1. Breadth; extent, as of a country. 2. A species of limu or seaweed. Palahalaha (pa'-la'-ha-la'-ha), v. To be flat; to be spread out, extended or broadened. Palahalahalau (pa'-la'-ha-la'-ha-la'u), adj. Having leaves only, as a tree: he palahalahalau wale no, aohe hua, making a show of leaves only but no fruit. Palahe (pa'-la-he'), adj. 1. Soft; tender. 2. Unsound; broken; dis- integrating. Paiahea (pa'-la-he'a), adj. Dirty; filthy; defiled: paiahea ko lakou naau i ke koko o hai; unclean; besmeared, as a child's hands and face when eating greasy food; blotted, as paper which has ink spilled on it. Paiahea (pa'-la-he'a), n. [Paia, soft, and hea, old.] 1. Musty food. 2. A spot; a stain; anything spoiled by age. 3. Musty smell. Paiahea (pa'-la-he'-a), v. To be daubed; to be besmeared; to be made dirty. Palaheahea (pa'-la-he'a-he'a), v. In- tensive of paiahea. Palahee (pa'-la-he'e), adj. Dead ripe; rotten. Palahee (pa'-la-he'e), V. 1. To shrink, as a coward from duty or danger. 2. To run after bursting open. Palahehe (pa'-la-he'-he'), n. 1. Pus. 2. Mucus; secretion of the mucus membranes. Palahi (pa'-la-hi'), n. Evacuation in diarrhea. Palahi (pa'-la-hi'), v. [Pala, soft, and hi, to flow away.] To flow from the bowels; to discharge liquid matter from the bowels. Palaho (pa'-Ia-ho'). adj. Rotten; de- cayed; subject to decay; corrupt- ible. Palaho (pa'-la-ho'), n. Corruption; putridity; the action of decaying matter. Palaholo (pa'-la-ho'-lo), n. [Pala, soft, and holo, to flow.] 1. Paste or dye made from the fern called amaumau; used in pasting and dyeing tapa. 2. A variety of fern. Palahu (pa'-la-hu'), n. 1. Little eruptions filled with pus. 2. A large fish, same as opelu, but larger. 3. A cock-turkey, so-called from the soft elastic red substance on PAL 519 PAL and about his head. 4. A turkey generally. Syn: Pelehu. Palahuki (pa'-ia-hu'-ki), v. [Pala, ripe, and huki, to become soft.] To be made soft and odoriferous, as food. Palai (pa'-la'i), adj. Same as palai- maka, diffident. Palai (pa-la'i), n. Same as pala- palai. General name of the ferns. Palai (pa-la'i), v. Same as palai- maka. Palai (pa-la'i), v. [Mod. Eng. fry.] To cook or fry in a pan. Palai (pa-la'i), v. To be ashamed and turn the face away, as one who is conscious of guilt; or conscious of the presence of superiority or dignity, as a poor man when he goes into the house of the rich. Palaie (pa'-la-i'-e), adj. [Pala, soft, and ie, flexible.] 1. Inconstant; not firm; easily tempted to turn from the right: o na kanaka a pau . loa ma ka honua nei, he palaie no ia na lehova. 2. Without force; weak, of little account. Palaie (pa'-la-i'-e'), n. A game for- merly played among the people: ua hana na kanaka i ke palaie i mea lealea. Palai ki (pa'-la-i'-ki), n. 1. The sound of a stone thrown high and fall- ing into the water perpendicular- ly: Huna palaiki ke akamai. 2. A falling plump into deep water. Palaimaka (pa'-lai-ma'-ka), adj. Averted; hostile; distrustful. Palaimaka (pa'-lai-ma'-ka), n. 1. A looking askance; contempt. 2. Neglect; having no regard for. Palaimaka (pa'-lai-ma'-ka), v. [Palai, to turn away, and maka, face.] To turn the back to; to turn away. Palaka (pa'-la'-ka), adj. Inactive; stupid; careless; inefficient; in- different. Palaka (pS'-la'-ka), n. 1. Indiffer- ence; unconcern; forgetfulness. 2. [Mod.] A short shirt; he wahi palule pokole. Palaka (pa'-la'-ka), v. [Pa and laka, to be tame.] To be inactive; to be inattentive; to be indifferent to what interests others; to be in- efficient. 2. To live without thought or care. 3. To be dull or stupid; to be slow of appre- hension. Palakaao (pa'-la-ka-a'o), adj. Ripe; mellow; perfectly mature, said of fruits, Palakahela (pa'-la-ka'-he'-la), adj. [Pala, soft, and'kahela, bent.] 1. Crooked; curved; having crooked legs or neck, as in lifting. Palakaheia ka ai o Makaukiu, He kiu ka makani. he alele hooholo na Kokoolau. Ke kuehu ma I la luka o Pehu, Ike ke kanaka kahea uolo makani. 2. Over ripe; so ripe as to drop off the stem. Palakahuki (pa'-la-ka'-hu'-ki), adj. Soft; decayed, as animal bodies; putrid. Palakahuki (pa'-ia-ka'-hu'-ki). v. [Pala, soft, and kahuki, to decay; to corrupt.] To corrupt; to pu- trefy, as a dead body; to be soft; to rot. Palakai (pa'-la-ka'i), adj. Barren; unfruitful; sickly; withered, as a plant; stunted in growing, as a child. Palakai (pa'-la-ka'i), v. To wither; to droop, as a vegetable; to pro- duce no fruit; to be stunted in growth; to fade, as a flower; to fail. Palake (pa'-la-ke'), adj. Heavy; water-soaked, as taro or potatoes. Palakea (pa'-la-ke'-a), adj. [Pala, soft, and kea, white.] Applied to anything soft and white; white; clear; unclouded; unshaded with any color. Palakea (pa'-la-ke'-a), n. 1. A va- riety of taro like the haokea. 2. A vegetable of the fern family eaten in time of scarcity. Palaki (pa'-la'-ki), n. [Eng.] A brush generally. Palaki (pa'-la'-ki), v. [Mod., Eng. brush.] 1. To brush; to polish, as a shoe; to wash; to cleanse. 2. To smear over; to whitewash a wall. Palakiko (pa'-ia-ki'-ko), n. Theft; a stealing of small articles; pilfer- ing. Palakiko (pa'-la-ki'-ko), v. To steal, especially to steal little things; to pilfer; to take little by little. (This appears to be a modern coined word; its derivation is not apparent, except that kiko signi- fies to pick up as a fowl eats food.) PAL 520 PAL Palakio (pa'-la-ki'o), n. [Pala, soft, and kio, discharge from a sore.] A venereal disease, he mai pala, he mai haole. Palaku (pa'-la-ku'), v. To be ripe as a whole, all ripe at once; said of a stand of fruit that ripens uniformly. Palala (pa-la'-la), n. 1. A donation paid on the birth of a chief. 2. A gift; a present on the birth of a child. 3. A wedding feast; also connected with ahaaina. 4. A feast made by a chief for any purpose. Laieik. p. 88. 5. A tax paid to the chiefs for any purpose: he mea palala ia ka hulumanu o na 'lii. Palala (pa-la'-la), v. To tax the peo- ple for tapa, poi, etc., on the birth of a young chief. Palala (pa'-la'-la), v. To break on one side or break in parts, said of a breaking surf or wave; e haki lala ka nalu, e, i hookahi aoao. Palalaha (pa'-ia-la'-ha), v. [Pa and laha, to spread out.] To be broad; to be widely extended. Syn: Pa- lahalaha. Palalahalau (pa'-la-la'-hS-la'u), adj. Same as palahalahalau. Having leaves only, and no fruit; making a show of leaves, as a tree. Palalakalmoku (pa'-la'-la-ka'i-mo'-ku), n. 1. A broad plain; land spread out. 2. An extended land; a country; figuratively, a kingdom. 3. A cape, land jutting into the sea. Palalalo (pa'-la-la'-lo), adj. [Pala, soft, and lalo, below.] Soft; rot- ten, as taro or bananas; applied to persons, sick; soft; diseased with the pala; applied to a king- dom, without strength. Palalauhala (pa'-la-la'u-ha'-la), n. Weakness; infirmity; the feeble state and infirmities of old age; the last stage of life of an old person. Palalauhala (pa'-la-la'u-ha'-la), v. [Pala, softness, and lauhala, a tree.] 1. To be weak; to be fee- ble; to be infirm. 2. To walk, to see or to move with feebleness. 3. To be old; to be in the last stages of life. To swoon; to lie like one dead, from age. Palale (pa'-la-le'), adj. 1. Scattered; spread out; confused so as to answer no purpose, as the wheels of a watch when apart. 2. Drip- ping, as water. 3. Stammering. Palale (pa'-la-le'), v. 1. To branch out in disorderly manner; to project. 2. To be put together confusedly; to be scattered. 3. To speak in- distinctly; to make blunders in speaking; to speak hastily and in- distinctly. 4. To work in a slov- enly manner. Palaleha (pa'-la-le'-ha), adj. Sloth- ful; idle. Palaleha (pa'-la-le'-ha), v. [Pala and leha, to lift the eyes.] To raise slowly the eyes; hence, to be lazy; to be faint-hearted; to be indolent. Palale! (pa'-la-le'i), n. The fringe of a tapa; the spreading of one's tapa over the head of a chief on entering a house; ka palalei o kou tapa. Palall (pa'-la-ir), v. [Pa and lali, soft.] To sound softly, as a flute or pipe; e kani me he pu hihio la. Palaloll (pa'-la-lo'-li), adj. [Pala, soft, and loli, to change.] Changed from its original state; soft; de- cayed; corrupted; rotten. See pa- laluhiehu. Palalu (pa'-la-lu'), n. 1. The noise of the dove as made in the throat; also the voice of the moho; ap- plied also to other noises. 2. Vi- bratory sound; confused speech. Palalu (pa'-la-lu'), v. 1. To burst out suddenly in sound. 2. To imi- tate the palalu or voice of the moho, etc., as men do. Palaluehu (pa'-la-lu-e'-hu), adj. Soft, mellow. Palaluhiehu (pa'-la-lu'-hi-e'-hu), adj. Fully ripe. See palaluehu. Palama (pa'-la'-ma), n. 1. A watch- ing; a guarding. 2. A watch; a guard. 3. [Eng.] A palm, name of a tree; the leaf of the tree. Also called pama. Palama (pa'-la'-ma), v. [Pa and lama, a torch.] To watch over; to guard; to keep guard, as sol- diers; to be guarded or watched over; e malamaia me na koa e kiaiia. Palamea (pa'-la-me'-a), n. Plump- ness; fatness, as of an animal. PAL 521 PAL Palamimo (pa'-ia-mi'-mo), adj. Quick- ly and easily done; moving easily without noise. Palamimo (pa'-la-mi'-mo), v. [Pala, soft, and mimo, to move softly. 1. To move off silently; to step aside without noise; to go or to move softly; to move noiselessly out of sight. 2. To make an article into a small bundle and fit it in, as in packing a trunk. Palamoa (pa'-la-mo'-a), n. Dark blue color, name applied to the dark clouds that portend rain; seen in the east in the morning it was considered a sign of rain; he pa- palaoa, he palamoa he mau ouli ua ia. Palanal (pa'-ia-na'i), adj. Flat; not deep, as a flat dish; flat, as a vessel or ship which is not deep. Palanaiki (pa'-la-na-i-ki), v. To be small; to be confined to a small space; to be shrunk or curled up; to fit a place designed. To re- duce or to be made small. Palanehe (pa'-ia-ne'-he), adj. Gentle; good; without noise; without con- fusion: o ka hana palanehe ole, o ka lawe nihi. Palanehe (pa'-la-ne'-he), n. Gentle- ness; uprightness; quietness and gentleness in doing a thing; si- lence and softness. Palanehe (pa'-la-ne'-he), v. [Pala, soft, and nehe, to rustle.] To be gentle; to be soft and careful in doing a thing; to move softly, with little noise. Palaneheole (pa'-la-ne'-he-6'-le), adv. Silently; quietly; unperceived. Palaneheole (pa'-ia-ne'-he-o'-le), v. [Palanehe and ole, not.] To de- part secretly; to vanish silently. PalanI (paia'-ni), adj. Sour, as the remainder of a melon or other partly eaten fruit becomes. Palani (pa'-la'-ni), adv. Lightly; fee- bly: kioe palani, skim a little. PalanI (pa-ia'-ni), n. 1. A surgeon fish emitting a rank odor; a flat fish of the enenue class, not a favorite food. 2. A species of pur- ple sugar-cane. 3. [Eng.] Brandy. 4. [Eng.] France, French or a Frenchman. Palani (pS-ia'-ni), n. [See the verb palani.] A servant. (Formerly applied to servants in distinction from chiefs; now obsolete.) Ua kapaia ka poe kauwa he palani, he hohono ke ano. Palani (pa'-la'-ni), v. 1. To skim; to dip lightly, as an oar; applied to rowing lightly; aole komo ka hoe, dip not deeply the paddle. 2. To dig slightly, not deeply. Palani (paia'-ni), v. 1. To stink; a word of contempt, applied to dirty, filthy persons, from the fact that the fish palani has a rank odor. 2. To daub; to brush over lightly; to smear. Palanioa (pa'-la'-ni-o'-a), n. Sour food. Syn: Kualani. Palao (pa'-la'o), n. The walrus. Palaoa (pS,-la'-o-a), adj. Of or be- longing to ivory. Palaoa (pa'-la'-6-a), n. 1. Also spelled palaowa. A walrus. 2. An ornament made of a whale's tooth worn pendulous from the neck: e malama i ka niho palaoa, take care of the ornament. 3. Ivory. Palaoa (pS-la'-o-a), n. [Eng.] 1. Bread; flour, hence, 2. The grain of which flour is made. Palaolao (pa'-la'o-la'o), n. Same as laolao, little sticks used for fagots. Palaolao (pa'-la'o-la'o) , n. A mote on the eye. Palaonui (pa'-la'o-nu'-i), adj. Broad, as the eye. Palaowa (pa'-la'-6-wa), n. Same as palaoa. Palapala (p^'-ia-pi'-la), n. 1. Two species of surgeon fish (Hepatus matoides and H. elongatus), known on Maui as maiii. 2. The dry, light colored leaves of the lau- hala or pandanus tree. Palapala (pa'-la-pa'-la), n. 1. Char- acters made by impressing marks on tapa or paper by printing or by writing with a pen; hence, 2. A writing; a book either written or printed; a manuscript. 3. An inscription upon coins; the hand- writing of any one: palapala hemo- lele, the Holy Scriptures. (The whole system of instruction as first practiced on the Hawaiian islands was summarily called by I the Hawaiians palapala.) ; Palapala (pS'-ia-p^'-la), v. [Pala, to paint; to spot.] 1. To stamp with marks, as in painting or printing tapa. (The figures, like calico printing, were cut on pieces of PAL 522 PAL wood or bamboo, dipped in the liquid coloring matter and then impressed with the hand on the tapa.) 2. In modern times, to write; to mark; to draw ; to paint. Syn: Kakau. Palapalahooilina (pa'-la-pa'-la-ho'o-I- li'-na), n. A last will or testa- ment; an instrument bequeathing property. Syn: Palapalakauoha. Palapalai (pa'-la-pa-la'i), n. Name applied in general to all varieties of the common fern. Palapalakauoha (pa'-la-pa'-la-kau-6'- ha), n. A last will and testament; an instrument bequeathing prop- erty. Syn : Palapalahooilina. Palapalakea (pa'-la-pa'-la-ke'-a), adj. [Palapala and kea, white.] Clear; bright; white; shining. Syn: Pa- lakea. Palapalani (pa'-la-pa'-la-ni), v. [Pa- lani, to paint lightly; to soften.] To paint or print tapa in soft colors, and put out to dry. Palapo (pa-la'-po'), adj. Dark. Palapohaku (pa'-la-po'-ha'-ku), n. Water dripping out of rocks ; mois- ture from rocks. Palapu (pa'-la-pu'), n. Anything so soft as to run, as matter from a boil. 2. Softness, as meat or flesh bruised to a jelly. 3. A wound or bruise; a stripe; the wound of a whip or scourge; sores in general. Palapu (pa'-la-pu'), v. 1. To be bruised. 2. To be soft to the touch; to be soft, as a boil ready for lancing. Palau (pa'-la'u), n. 1. A lie; a false- hood. 2. Wooden knife. 3. Name on the island of Maui of the yam, elsewhere called uhi. 4. A variety of the hinalea fish. Palau (pa'-la'u), n. [Mod.] A plow. Palau (pa'-la'u), v. To lie; to mis- represent; to deceive; e wahahee, e hoopunipuni. Palau (pa-la'u), v. See hoopalau, to betroth. Palaualelo (pa'-la'u-a-le'-lo), adj. In- dolent; unoccupied; lazy; idle; neglecting to cultivate land; low; ill-bred. Palaualelo (pa'-la'u-a-le'-lo), n. Idle- ness; indolence; want of disposi- tion to work. 2. Epithet of a lazy person. Palaueka (pa'-la'u-e'-ka), adj. 1. Ob- scure; dim; not white. 2. Expedi- tious; finishing a work quickly. Palaueka (pa'-la'u-e'-ka), v. To be obscured, as the sun. Palauiau (pa'-la'u-la'u), n. A species of small red fish, resembling the uu and the alaihi,^ a favorite with the eaters of raw fish. PalauwIII ( pa'-la'u- wl'-li), adj. [Pa and lauwill, to change.] Changing often; whiffling about, as the I wind; palauwill ka makani. I Palawai (pa'-la-wa'i), n. A species ; of fresh water limu or moss. I Palawai ki (pa'-la'-wa-i'-ki), adj. Nice; I neatly done; polite; done with taste. . Palaweka (pa-la-we'-ka), adj., v. Same as palaueka. Pale (pa'-le), adj. Hindering; separating; opposing; warding off. Pale (pa'-le), n. (Anything that de- fends or wards off.) 1. A sheath; an outer garment; an apron; a veil. 2. A curtain; a partition. 3. [Mod.] The lining of a garment. 4. The lining of an imu or earth oven, consisting of leaves, grass, etc., to protect the food from the hot stones. 5. A division; a divid- ing line; a boundary. 6. An in- terval of time. 7. A convalescent person; that is, one whose sick- ness is warded off 8. The upper rim sewed to a canoe, also called palepale. Pale (pa'-le), v. 1. To refuse; to stand in the way; to hinder. 2. To defend off; to parry, as in the sword exercise; to ward off; to repulse. 3. To strike against; to be opposite to; to oppose; to re- sist. To fend off a blow, as in boxing. Laieik. p. 41. 4. To make void, as a law; to turn into an- other meaning from the one de- signed; to misinterpret. 5. To cover or overlay. 6. To deliver, as a midwife. (The full form is palekeiki. Palehe (pa-le'-he), v. To be slack; to be loose; to hang loosely; to shake; to vibrate; e palehe, e alualu, e oloolo, e haaluea, e po- hemo. Palekai (pa'-le-ka'i), n. [Pale, de- fense, and kal, the sea.] 1. The railing or bulwark of a vessel: a ku iho la ma ka palekai, when he PAL 523 PAL stood upon the bulwark. 2. Em- bankment to resist the pressure of the sea. Palekana (pa'-le-ka'-na), adj. Safe; in a state from danger; escaped from danger; palekana, pau ka makau, pau ka luhi, pau ka hele ana i ka hana. Palekana (pa'-le-ka'-na), n. 1. One who has escaped from danger or secure from it. 2. Rescue; a being safe. Palekana (pa'-le-ka'-na), v. To rest satisfied; to feel secure from dan- ger; to breathe freely, that is, to feel safe; to be safe, that is, to have escaped. Palekapono (pa'-le-ka-po'-no), v. To refuse obedience to a request; to listen to no advice; to pay no at- tention to what is right. (It is also equivalent to a phrase, mean- ing "Patience has reached its limit." Laieik. p. 140.) Palekaua (pa'-le-ka'u-a), n. [Pale, defense, and kaua, war.] A shield; defensive armor. PalekeikI (pa'-le-ke'-i'-ki), n. One who acts as a midwife; a midwife. Palekeiki (pa'-le-ke'-i'-ki), v. [Pale, to deliver, and keiki, child.] To deliver a child; to act the mid- wife. Palela (pa'-le'-la), adj. Lazy; going about idly sauntering here and there; contemptuous. Palela (pa'-le'-la), n. Laziness; in- dolence. Palela (pa'-le'-la), v. To be idle; to be lazy; to refuse to work. Palele (pa-le'-le'), v. Same as pa- lale. Palelua (pa'-le-lu'-a)^ n. The sec- ond veil or partition in the temple of Solomon. Paiemai (pa,'-le-ma'i), n. [Pale, a de- fense, and mal, private.] An un- dershirt; lolewawae paiemai, draw- ers. Palemaka (p^'-le-ma'-ka), n. [Pale, a garment, and maka, face.] A veil; a covering for the face. Palemo (pS-le'-mo), n. The name of a fish; a species of trigger fish or ohua. Palemo (pa-le'-mo), v. To sink down, as into water; to be lost, that is, to be sunk in the sea or mud; to be plunged out of sight. Palemo (pa'-le'-mo), v. To dodge; to move the head up and down, as fighting cocks before they spring at each other. Palena (pa-le'-na), n. .[Pale and ana, a dividing off.] 1. A border or boundary. A dividing line be- tween two parts or places. 2. A class of people formerly dwelling in Kohala, a particular class of men under Kamehameha, some chiefs, some common people. 3. [Mod.] Same as berena, bread. Palenaaina (pa-le'-na-a'i-na), n. [Pa- lena, division, and aina, land.] The boundary of a land. Paleo (pa'-le'-o), v. [Pa and leo, voice.] 1. To converse together, as several persons; to utter or express something with the voice. 2. To dispute or debate. Paleoleoa (pa'-le'-6-le'-6-a'), v. [Pa and leoleoa, to wish evil.] To lis- ten to vile language; to speak re- proachfully of another; to curse another by wishing him dead; to blackguard. Paleopua (pa'-le-o-pu'-a),. v. To par- don one's offenses, as the priest in former times by offering a sac- rifice; e kala, e wailua, e paleo- pua (contingent on an offering by the applicant for pardon). Palepale (pa'-le-pa'-le), n. The up- per rim sewed to a canoe, called also pale. Palepale (pa'-le-pa'-le), v. [Pale, to defend.] 1. To fend off; to separate. 2. To parry; to push aside; to divide, as in clearing a path. Palepo (pa'-le'-po), n. [Pa, fence, and lepo, earth.] An earth fence, that is, an adobe wall. Paleuhl (pa'-le-u'-hi), n. [Pale, a covering, and uhi, to cover up.] A covering; a veil; an article of concealment. Paleumauma (pa'-le-u'-ma'u-ma), n. [Pale, covering, shield, and umau- ma, the breast.] A breast plate; an armor of defense. Paleumaumaunahl (pa'-le-ii'-ma-u'-ma- il'-na'-hi), n. [Pale, shield, umau- ma, breast, and unahi, the scale of a fish.] A brigandine; an armor of defense; a coat of mail. ! Palewawae (pa'-le-wa'-w^'e), n. I [Pale, covering; wawae, leg, foot.] I Covering for the leg. PAL 524 PAL Pali (pa'-li), adj. Full of deep ravines or precipitate hills: he aina pali. Pali (pa'-li), n. A precipice; the side of a steep ravine; a steep hill; whatever stands up like a precipice; a cliff. Palikaulu (pa'-li-ka-u'-lu), v. To fall, as heavy rain and wind down a precipice; to shower down, as rain and wind: palikaulu ole ka lani. Laieik. p. 175, Palikauluolekalani (pa'-li-ka'-u-lii-o'- le-ka-la'-ni). A phrase rather than a word, meaning a clear, serene sky; no clouds; all mild above. Paliku (pa'-li-ku'), n. An ancient order of priests on Hawaii, who are said to have come originally from Paliku, a foreign country; another order was called ka Nalu. Pallli (pa'-ll'-li), n. Taro floating up on the sides of the patch; the refuse taro after the good is taken. Palili (pa'-li'-li), v. To be in a tremor frftn fright. Paliloa (pa'-li-lo'-a), n. A cloud that lies low near the horizon; the same as kakai. Palima (pa'-li'-ma), adj. Five times; in fives; by fives. Paiipall (pa'-li-pa'-li), adj. Full of precipices; steep down hill, or up and down: a ma kahi pali- pali i holo kiki ai ka waa; precipi- tous. Palipali (pa'-li-pa'-li), n. The upper board on the side of a canoe to keep the water out. Same as pale- pale. Pal lull (pa'-li-u'-li), n. The home of Laieikawai, in the story of that name, located in Puna on the island of Hawaii. Palo (pa-lo'), V. 1. To live idly; e noho wale; loea hana ole ka ma- nawa. 2. To act the hypocrite; to be hypocritical. Paloa (pa'-lo'-a), n. A long fish net; called also the upena pakuipai. Paloke (pa'-16'-ke), v. [Eng. broke.] 1. To be broken; more generally written poloke. 2. To be "broke"; that is, to have no money. Palokeloke (pa'-16'-ke-lo'-ke), adj. Loose; not fitting tightly. Palolalola (pa'-lo'-la-lo'-la), adj. [Lo- lalola, to be awkward.] Palsied; helpless; stiff; awkward; use- less. Palolo (pa'-16'-lo), adj. Skilled in language or in speaking; fluent; branching out. Palolo (pa'-16'-lo), n. 1. Sticky mud; adhesive earth; hard mud; a ; whitish clay of the islands; clay mortar. 2. A lie; a deception; I false information. Palolo (pa'-16'-lo), v. To deceive; to lie; wahahee, alapahi; to circum- 1 vent. Palololo (pa'-16-lo'-lo), adj. Solid or hard, as earth: he lepo palololo. Paloo (pa'-lo'o), adv. Dryly; de- void of moisture, said of thunder without rain; thundering only: i kui paloo ka hekili. Laieik. p. 178. Palu (pa'-lu), n. 1. The entrails of fish prepared for food. 2. A lure for fish. Palu (pa'-lu), V. 1. To lick; to lap; to lap water with the tongue, as a dog. 2. Fig. To lick the dust, that is, to be greatly degraded. 3. To destroy, as an enemy. Palua (pa'-lu'-a), adj. Double; two- fold; two by two. Palua (pa'-lu'-a), v. To double; to give two shares; to dispose of two by two. Paluhe (pa'-lG-he'), v. To be bruised; to be reduced to a pulp. Paluhee (pa'-lu-he'e), v. [Palu and hee, to flow.] To be softened; to be cooked so as to be soft; to flow. Paluhl (pa'-lu'-hi), adj. Weary from labor or exertions. Paluhi (pa'-lu'-hi), v. 1. To be heavy hearted; to be sorrowful. 2. To be tired, weary, exhausted, etc. Palukaluka (pa'-lu'-ka-lti'-ka), n. 1. A food fish (Callyodon paluca), also called pauhuuhu. 2. The slimy matter of stools. Paiuku (pa'-lu'-ku), adv. Heavily; severely, as in striking heavy blows. Paiuku (pa'-lu'-ku), v. [Pa and luku, to destroy.] 1. To strike, as a hammer on an anvil. 2. To pound solid, as the bottom of a taro patch with stones. 3. Fig, To knock down; to overthrow: aloha oe, e ka naauao, ka mea nana e paiuku i na kii. 4. To beat; to PAL 525 PAN break in pieces, as stones in the road. 5. To beat another person. Palukuluku (pa'-lu'-ku-lu'-ku), v. [In- tensive of paluku.] To destroy in- discriminately. Palula (pa'-lu-la'), adj. Still; calm; quiet, as in the lull of the wind. Palula (pa-lii'-la), n. 1. The cooked leaf of the sweet potato. A dish of food made by roasting sweet potato leaves with hot stones. Palule (pa'-lu'-le), n. A loose under- garment for men; a shirt: palule onionio, an embroidered coat. Palulu (pa'-lii'-lu), adj. Overcast; obscure. Palulu (pa'-lu'-lu), v. 1. To protect with a shield or screen; to place between for the purpose of shelter or defense. 2. To cover from sight. Palunu (pa'-lu'-nu), n. [Mod.] A creeping plant resembling the koali or convolvulus. Pa I u pa I u (pa'-lu-pa'-lu), adj. Weak; feeble; soft. Pliable; limber; tender. Palupalu (pa'-lu-pa'-lu), n. 1. Tender- ness; softness; flexibility; weak- ness; want of strength. Palupalu (pa'-lu-pa-lu'), n. A pa-u or tapa garment colored yellow. Palupalu (pa'-lu-pa'-lu), v. 1. To be tender; to be soft; to be weak; to be flexible. 2. To be tender either physically or morally; to be enfeebled, as tne body: Ua palupalu ke keiki, the child is feeble; ua palupalu kona naau, he is tender hearted. Pama (pa'-ma), adj. [Eng.] Of or belonging to the palm tree: laau pama. Called also palama. Pamai (pa'-ma'i), v. To be qualm- ish. Pamake (pa'-ma'-ke), n. [Pa and make, death.] 1. Deaths often re- peated, as one dies after another as in a time of general sickness: he ola wale no ka mai, aole pa- make iki na kanaka. 2. Epidemic attended with a large death rate, the opposite of pa-ola. Pamaloo (pa'-ma-lo'o), adj. 1. Dry; lacking moisture. 2. Thundering without rain, especially if the weather is good: aia a lobe aku kakou 1 ka hekili kui pamaloo. Laieik. p. 181. See paloo. , Pana (pa'-na), n. 1. The act of shooting an arrow. 2. Any cele- brated place; any distinguished spot. 3. The pulse. Pana (pa'-na), n. Title or name by which a person, place or thing is known. Pana (pa'-na), v. The whole form is pana pua. 1. To shoot out; to shoot, as an arrow. To shoot at: i ole e aihueia (na iwi) a hanaia i mea pana iole, that (the bones) might not be stolen and made into instruments for shooting mice. (Among Hawaiians formerly, the greatest contempt a person could show of his enemy was to pro- cure some of his bones after he was dead, and make them into fish-hooks or arrow heads for shooting mice.) 2. To snap, as a person snaps with his finger on any substance. 3. To give a name or appellation. Pana! (pa'-na'i), adj. 1. Interchange- able; exchangeable. 2. Substituted. Pana! (pa'-na'i), n. 1. A thing sub- stituted for another; a substitute. 2. A ransom; a price paid for re- deeming. Syn: Uku panai. 3. A surety for one: he poe panai, hos- tages. Panai (pa'-na'i), v. 1. To put one thing in the place of another, that is, to compensate for something lost. 2. To give a substitute; to redeem. 3. To buy one's liberty; to pay a redeeming price; to ex- change prisoners. 4. To fit one thing to another, as one piece of cloth to another; to cover up a defect, as with a patch. 5. To stitch together; to splice on. 6. To graft: e panai aku. Syn: Pakui. PanaikI (pa'-na-i'-ki), adv. Diagonal- ly; from corner to corner: e opio- pi panaiki, the same as opiopi lepe, to fold up diagonally. Panainai (pa'-na'i-na'i), v. [Panai, to substitute, to graft.] To length- en anything out when not long enough; to piece a thing, as tapa when not broad enough; to splice; to lengthen out by splicing. Syn: Pakuikui. Panaiole (pa'-na-i-o'-le), n. Shoot- ing mice with the bow and arrow; a pastime of Pikoiakaalala, a cele- PAN 526 PAN brated demigod noted for his skill in archery; also practiced by kings and chiefs. Panakai (pa'-na-ka'i), adj. Leaning; crooked; rough in motion: ke ike nei au ua mimo, ua panakai ole. Panakai (pa'-na-ka'i), v. To purify by the use of salt and water; to sprinkle with salt water. Panalaau (pa'-na-la'-a'u), n. 1. A possession of land other than one's own place of residence: Holo o Kamehameha e nana i kona aupuni a e ai i kona pana- laau, Kamehameha sailed to look at his kingdom and to eat (en- joy) his colonies, that is, receive the fruits or taxes of them. 2. A province; a dependency. 3. A land gained by conquest: he aina i lilo ma ke kaua. Panalea (pa'-na-le'a), adj. Dexter- ous; pleasing, as in dancing, in practicing the hula; me he hula panalea la i haa mai la. Panalea ka ua i kai o Hilo. Panana (pa'-na-na'), n. [Pa and nana, to look.] 1. A compass, especially a mariner's compass. 2. A pilot; one who directs the sail- ing of a vessel; he mea kuhikuhi holomoku. 3. A weak, tottering infant. Panana (pa'-na-na'), v. To direct the course of a canoe irregularly; to sail crookedly; to go here and there; to go beyond the place in- tended; to exhibit awkwardness in steering a canoe or vessel. Pananai (pa'-na-na'i), adj. Flat; | shallow, as a flat calabash. i Pananai (pa'-na-na'i), v. To be light,! not heavy; to be flat, as a flat | bottomed boat. | Panapana (pa'-na-pa'-na), v. [Pana, j to shoot.] 1. To snap with the thumb and finger. 2. To shoot, as { a marble: lealea kamalii i ka panapana hua. Panapananiau (pa'-na-pa'-na-nl'-a'u), n. A pastime anciently practiced with the niau, the small midriff of the coconut leaf. This was bent into the form of a bow in the hand and being suddenly re- leased, sprang away by its elas- ticity. Panapanapuhi (pa'-na'-pa'-na'-pu'-hi) , n. A small shell-fish, found on submerged rocks. Panapoo (pa'-na-po'o), v. [Pana, to strike, and poo, head.] To strike or scratch one's own head, to cause one's self to remember something forgotten: oia iho la no ka ko'u wahi a panapoo i noo- noo iho ai. Panapua (pa'-na-pu'-a), n. [Pana, to shoot, and pua, arrow.] A shooter of arrows; an archer. Panau (pa'-na'u), v. To move up and down as in see-sawing. Panau (pa'-nau'), v. 1. To be rest- less; to be uneasy; to act the gad-a-bout; to go about from house to house or from place to place. 2. To act; to exert one's self. Panauea (pa'-na'u-e'-a), adj. Weak; frail; applied to persons or things; nearly snyonymous with maimai: he auwaa panaua la. Panauea (pa'-na'u-e'-a), adj. 1. Thin; poor in flesh; weak. 2. Slow; tardy; dilatory. Panauea (pa'-na'u-e'-a), v. 1. To be poor or thin in flesh; to be very lean. 2. To be feeble in walking about. 3. To go slowly or care- fully. Pane (pS'-ne), n. The joining of the head with the bones of the neck; he hookuina o ka iwi poo me ka iwi ai. See panepoo. Pane (p^'-ne), v. 1. To utter; to speak. 2. To answer; to reply. Panee (pa'-ne'e), n. 1. A moving onward. 2. Something over; In- terest; what is gained for the use of money as interest; money gained by putting off payment. Syn : Ukuhoopanee. Panee (pa-ne'e), v. [Pa and nee, to move a trifle.] 1. To move along a little. 2. To wait a lit- tle; to delay; to procrastinate. Panee (pa'-ne'e), v. To push for- ward; to shove, as in floating a canoe: Panee aku la lakou i ka waa i ke kai, they pushed the canoe into the sea. Paneeha (pa'-ne'e-ha), v. To haul along; to drag; to move slowly. Paneenee (pa'-ne'e-ne'e), v. To move little by little; to go ahead. Panepane (pa'-ne-pa'-ne), v. [Pane, to speak.] To answer back; to quarrel; to scold; to be angry; to express anger in words. PAN 527 PAN Panepoo (pa'-ne-po'o), n. [Pane and poo, head.] The occiput or hinder part of the head. See pane. Pani (pa'-ni), n. [Eng.] A pan. Pan! (pa'-ni), n. 1. Something fill- ing a vacancy; that which fills or takes the place of another person or thing. 2. That which closes an entrance, as the door of a house, the shutter of a window, the gate of a city, the stopper of a bottle: Nui ka poe i make i ke pani. PanI (pa'-ni'), v. 1. To close up an opening; to shut, as a window; to shut, as the door of a house; as the gate of a city. 2. To shut off, as the light of the sun: ka manu nana e pani ka la. Laieik. p. 175. 3. To supply a deficiency; to sup- ply a vacancy: e pani i ka haka- haka, to fill the breach; to put one thing in the place of another: A paniia iho la ka hilahila ame ka makau ma ka hakahaka o ka huhu, shame and fear took the place of anger. Laieik. p. 203. See panai. Pania (pa'-ni'-a), v, [For paniia, passive of pan!.] To be shut up: Me he mea la i pania mai ka wai- maka. Laieik. p. 142. Panihaka (pa'-ni-ha'-ka), n. A sup- ply of a deficiency; that which supplies something wanting. Panihaka (pa'-nT-ha'-ka), v, [Pani, to fill, and liaka, a space.] To fill a place or vacancy. Paniliakahaka (pa'-ni-ha'-ka-ha'-ka), adv. In the place of. Panihakahaka (pa'-ni-ha'-ka-ha'-ka), n. One acting in the place of another. Kin. 30:2. Paniliakahaka ( pa'-ni-ha'-ka-ha'-ka ) , V. To fill a vacancy; to supply or fill a deficiency. Panihi (pa-ni'-hi), v. To pinch; to strike slightly, as in a familiar touch. Paniholoa (pa-rir-h6-16'-a), n. A kind of fish, of the hinalea genus. Paniki (pa-ni'-ki), n. Place where coloring matter is made and where the dye is kept; place where tapa Is dipped. Paniku (pa'-ni-ku'), v. To pound; to break with hammer or stone. Panina (pa'-ni'-na), adj. Having large cheeks, as a full-faced per- son. Syn. Uhekeheke. Panina (pa'-nl'-na), n. 1. The end or closing act of any performance ; the last in a regular order. 2. The youngest born; the youngest of a family of children; the youngest child as hiapo is the oldest; ka pokii. 3. A breaking off or cutting short. 4. The pani ana; the shut- ting up, the pau ana of the hanau ana, that is, the ceasing of repro- ductive power. Paninio (pa'-nT-ni'o), v. To color or dye with gay colors; to paint or print as the kilohana was for- merly printed. Syn: Panionio. Panic (pa'-ni'o), v. To spot; to paint in spots; to variegate, as colors; to write. Panionio (pa-ni'o-ni'o), v. To print a tapa in gaudy colors; to varie- gate in colors; to dye with dif- ferent colors, but more or less gaudy. See onio. Panipani (pa'-ni-pa'-ni), v. [Freq. of I pani.] To close or shut off. (A j plural form of the verb.) Panipu (pa'-ni-pu'), n. [Pani, a stop- per, and pu, a gun.] The wad of a gun. Panipuka (pa'-nT-pu'-ka), n. [Pani, a stopper, and puka, an entrance.] 1. That which clpses an entrance; a door of a house; the gate of a city or a yard. 2. A beggar, be- cause beggars often took a seat in i the doorway. Panipupu (pa'-ni-pu'-pu'), n. [Pani and pupu, a shell.] A shell used as an eyestone in taking a foreign substance from the eye. Pano (pa'-no), adj. Black; deep blue; deep dark colored, as heavy clouds; dark, as the appearance of a fathomless abyss. Panoa (pa-no'-a), adj. Dry; applied to a place parched with drought, without water, where no vegetable grows, where no seed will vege- tate. Panoa (pa-no'-a), n. 1. A barren region. 2. Any place lacking moisture. I Panoa (pa'-no'-a), n. A woman who I gives herself up to a vicious life. Panoa (pS-no'-a), v. To be dry; to be solitary, as a dry, barren, deso- late place. PAN 528 PAO Panoea (pa'-no-e'-a), adj. Dilatory; slow. Panonono (pa'-no-no'-no), adj. Full of holes; full of cracks. Panonono (pa'-no-no'-no), n. That which is full of holes or cracks. Panoonoo (pa'-no'o-no'o), v. To be destitute; to be empty or dry, said of the seashore when the tide is out, hence without fish: panoonoo kahakai, bare is the shore. Panopano (pa'-no-pa'-no), adj. [In- tensive of pano.] 1. Thick, dense, as a cloud; black; glossy black. Syn: Papano. 2. Dark blue; hence, 3. Beautiful; grand; splendidly attired; excellent. Panopano (pa'-no-pa'-no), n. [Pano, black.] Blackness; a deep blue color; shining jet blackness. Panopau (pa'-n6-pa'u), adj. [Pano, black.] Black; so black as to have a gloss; glistening black. Panopau (pa'-no-pa'u), n. [Pano, black.] Black streaks in the grains of wood. ' Panounou (pa'-no'u-no'u), v. To be wet in spots. Panuhu (pa'-nu'-hu), v. To grow thriftily. Panuhunuhu (pa'-nu'-hu-nu'-hu), v. A species of fish of the class Cally- don, also called uhuula or uhu- lauli; abundant about coral reefs. \ Panuu (pa-nu'u), adj. Growing thriftily, as young plants, while yet young: pauhu, pohuku. Pao (pa'-o), n. 1. A variety of sweet potato. Syn: Paoo. 2. A fish of the oopu family, found only in salt water. Syn: Paoo. Pao (pa'-o), n. 1. An arch of a bridge; the bridge itself; a prop. (Takes the article ke.) 2. An oven or shallow pit; a place dug out. 3. An artificial cavern. 4. | A concealed or hidden pit, or a pit to hide things in; a covered gutter or drain. Pao (pa'-o), V. [Pa, to strike, and o, point.] 1. To peck with the bill, as a bird: pao iho la ka manu, he elepaio i ka huewai o ke kanaka a puka. 2. To dig out with a chisel; to dig, as in a rock. 3. To dig down in the ground ; to dig deeply, as in digging a deep pit. I Paoa (pa'-o'-a), adj. 1. Destitute from not having obtained, not from having lost; ua hoikaika, ua imi, a paoa no; unlucky. 2. Having an odor, good or bad. Paoa (pa'-6'-a), n. A smell; an odor of any description. Paoa (pa'-o'-a), n, 1. Destitution; having obtained nothing after an effort. Paoa (pa'-6'-a), v. [Pa and oa, desti- tute.] 1. To be empty; to be destitute; to return without ob- taining the object sought; to re- turn destitute, as one who catches nothing at fishing: ua paoa ka makou huakai, our company did not obtain what they went for, Paoa wale hoi au =E2=80=94 e =E2=80=94 Aole moewaa oka po =E2=80=94 e. 2. To fail of accomplishing; to fall short of attaining. Paoda (pa'o-da), n. Same as paula, gunpowder. Paoloi (pa-o'i-o'i), adj. Out of the common order or practice; un- grammatical; incorrect in speak- ing. Paokee (pa'-6-ke'e), adj. Slander- ous; railing; perverse. Paokee (pa'-6-ke'e), n. A slanderer; a detractor; a perverse person. Paokee (pa'-6-ke'e), v. To treat one's friend badly; to condemn one's companion; to deal crook- edly or perversely with one's friend. Paokoke (pa'-6-ko'-ke), n. Betrayal, the breaking off of one's friend- ship through fear of rivalry in the estimation of a chief: ka paokoke i na io ohana. Paola (pa'-o'-la), n. [Pa and ola, recovery.] Recovery from sick- ness; the opposite of pamake; he ola wale no ka mai, aole pamake iki o na kanaka. Paoliva (pa'-6-li'-va), n. [Mod., pa, fence, and oliva (Eng.), olive.] An olive yard. Paolo (pa-6'-lo), n., v. Same as puolo. Paomoni (pa'-o-mo'-ni), v. To strive for the mastery; to declare war: Mai paomoni aku oe ia Kahekili, Don't make war against Kahekili. (This was the kahunas' advice to Kamehameha.) PAO 529 PAP Paona (p=C2=A7,'-6'-na), n. [Eng.] 1. A pound in money; twenty shillings. 2. A pound in weight. 3. An in- strument to weigh with; a bal- ance, scales. Paona (pa'-6-na), n. 1. Pound. 2. Weight. 3. Contrivance for weigh- ing. Paonakaulike (pa'o-na-kau-li'-ke), n. Balance; a contrivance for weigh- ing; scales. Paoni (pa-6'-ni), v. [Contraction of paonioni.] See paonioni. Paonioni (pa'-6'-ni-d'-ni), adv. Strug- ling for supremacy; ke haele nei no o manao ole me manao, aole i oi aku, aole i emi mai noho pao- nioni no laua a hiki mai i keia la. Paonioni (pa'-6'-ni-6'-ni), n. 1. Envy; the result of envying; the ex- pression of envy by defaming the envied person. 2. A striving for preeminence. Paonioni (pa'-o'-ni-o'-ni), v. 1, Lit. To move; to struggle, as an in- fant either before or after it is born; hence, 2. To struggle against a person, or against ad- verse circumstances. 3. To with- stand; to contend, as two parties for supremacy. 4. To resist one's influence; to envy. Paono (pa'-6'-no), adv. [Pa, dis- tributive particle, and ono, six.] By sixes; six-fold; six times; six at once. Paoo (pa'-o'-o), adj. Of or belonging to the ama, a second growth of sweet potato; ikaika i ka ama paoo. Paoo (pa'-o'o), n. A favorite food fish, found in rough seas off rocky cliffs. Paoolekei, paoopuhi, paou- ou and paookauwila are all of the paoo class. Paoo (pa'-o'-o'), n. Small pdtatoes; potatoes of the second digging; potato hit by the oo or digger. Paopao (pS'o-pa'o), n. 1. A strife; a beating. 2. A species of ca- valla fish (Caranx speciosus). Paopao (pa'o-pa'o), v. [Pao, to peck; to strike at.] 1. To beat or bruise. 2. To beat or bruise generally; to smite. 3. To bore through any- thing by striking with a pointed in- strument. Paopaoia (pa'o-pa'o-i'a), adj. Bruised; crushed ; pounded ; beaten. Paopaonohonia (pa'o-pa'o-n6'-h6-ni'a), n. 1. Envy; jealousy; ill-will; liv- ing with or indulging in bad feel- ings towards others. 2. An in- triguer. Paopaonohonia (pao-pa'o-no'-h6-ni'a), V. To envy; to bear ill will to- ward others. Paouou (pa-o'u-o'u), n. A variety of potatoes. Papa (pa'-pa), adj. Old; ancient; pertaining to former times; per- taining to rank or to ancestry. Papa (pa'-pa), n. 1. A word applied in general to any flat surface. 2. A rank, class, order, sect or group. 3. The fabled mother of the islands and of their first inhabi- tants. She was the wife of Akea or Wakea. 4. A certain class of Kamehameha's laws ; prohibitory laws. Papa (pa'-pa), n. 1. A kind of small crab; a species of paiea. 2. The middle portion of a large net, such as is used in the huki lau. 3. An ancestor some generations back; a race; a family. Papa (pa'-pa'). [A reduplication of the distributive particle, pa.] It is often used as a verb: e papa lua, to make two-fold, to put two together; e papa kolu, e papa ha, etc. See palua. pakolu, etc. Papa (pa'-pa'), v. To prohibit; to for*bid. (The language or the words of the prohibition generally follow.) Papaa (pa'-pa'a), adj. 1. Tight; se- cure, as an inclosure of any kind. 2. Storing; securing: kulanakau- hale papaa, a store city; hale pa- paa, a storehouse. 3. Strong; fenced, as a city. Papaa (pa'-pa'a), n. 1. An incrusta- tion. 2. A crust; anything burnt to a crisp. 3. A flat fish, also called pakii. Papaa (pa-pa'a), v. To be burnt to a crisp; to be very dry; to be parched; to suffer thirst. Papaa (pa'-pa'a), v. To be very dry; to be parched or crusted over. Papaaberena (pa'-pa'a-be-re'-na), n. [Mod. Papaa, a hard substance, and berena (Eng.), bread.] A crust of bread. Papaalna (pa'-pa'a-i'-na), adj. That which may easily be broken; brit- tle. PAP 530 PAP Papaaina (pa'-pa-a'i-na), n. [Papa, table, and aina, eating.] A table to eat on. Papaaina (pa'-pa'a-I'-na), n. 1. The sharp cracks or reports of hard substances in breaking or crack- ing. 2. The sound of the feet in walking over a crusty surface. Papaaina (pa'-pa'a-i'-na), v. 1. To be broken, as glass or crockery; to be brittle. 2. To crack, as the joints of the fingers. Papaakahi (pa'-pa-a-ka'-hi), n. [Papa, row, and akahi, one; first.] The first order or rank. Papaakai (pa'-pa'a-ka'i), n. 1. [Pa, plate, and paakai, salt.] Plate for salt. 2. [Papaa, a crust, and kai, salt water.] Lit. Incrusted salt water; salt in its granular or en- crusted form. Papaakai (pa'-pa'a-ka'i), v. 1. To wither, as a vegetable; to bear no fruit; to dry up; to be killed by insects. 2. To be white on the surface like a salt pond; to be- come white, as salt granulating. Papaakea (pa'-pa'a-ke'-a), n. 1. The soft white stone above Lahaina- luna. 2. A general name of lime- stone formations found under a stratum of earth. Papaala (pa'-pa'a-la'), n. The hot season; a time of no rain when all is parched with the sun*, ka wa ua ame ka papaala. Papaalua (pa'-pa'a-lu'-a), adv. Doubly; two together; two by two. Syn: Palua. Papaana (pa'-pa'a-na'), adj. Quick; spry ; watchful. Papaana (pa'-pa'a-na'), v. 1. To be quick, as in gaining strength after sickness: papaana oe i ka nui, you have grown fleshy quickly; to hasten. Hal. 22:19. 2. To be at ease; to rest; to breathe freely. 3. To escape from danger 4. To overcome ; to conquer. Papaana (pa'-pa-a'-na), v. To pro- hibit; to promulgate laws or tabus. Papaapoo (pa'-pa-a-po'o), n. [Papa, rank, a, of, poo, head.] The com- pany of men sent out first from an army to plunder, to commit murder, kidnap men, etc.; under- stood as a commencement of hos- tilities and a declaration of war. Papaapu (pa'-pa'a-pu'), v. To be ex- ceedingly friable, as anything cooked to a crisp. Papaaua (pa'-pa-a'u-a), v. To be compelled to hard bondage; to be put to severe labor. Papaberena (pa'-pa-be-re'-na), n. [Mod.] [Papa, a flat thing, and berena (Eng.), bread. A flat cake. Papagula (pa'-pa-gu'-la), n. [Mod., Papa, a plate, and gula (Eng.), gold.] A plate of gold. Papaha (pa'-pa'-ha'), adj. [Papa and ha, four.] Four by four; four times; by fours. Syn: Paha. Papahehl (pa'-p^-he'-hi), n. [Papa, board, and hehi, to tread upon.] The floor of a house; the boards to be trod on. Papa hi (pa'-pa'-hi), adj. Of orna- mental attire; belonging to the act of decorating: lei papahi, he lei papahi, an adorning lei or wreath. Papahi (pa'-pa'-hi), v. To confer honors; to decorate; to put on in a way of adornment. Papahoike (pa'-pa-ho'-i'-ke), n. [Mod., papa, table, and hoike, to show.] A table that shows the order of any performance, a program. Papahola (pa'-pa-ho'-la), n. [Papa, a flat surface, and hola, spread out.] 1. The front of a heiau or temple, a kahua, that is, an artificial level place on which the heiau was built, but containing a greater surface than the build- ing; hence, a court; a yard in front of a temple. 2. A place of entering. 3. Division of the spoils among the victors. Papahoolewalewa (pa'-pa-ho'o-le'-wa- le'-wa), n. Kind of fish net; a scoop net. Papahului (pa'-pa-hii'-lu'-i), n. A kind of fish net: he papahului, oia no ka upena o na ia ku; a fine mesh net used with the papa- hoolewalewa or makalei. Papal (pa'-pa'i), n. [Papa, shade,] 1. A temporary partition of a house; a house or room for play- ing a game: papal kilu. Laieik. p. 121. A screen; a roof on all sides; a slight house or shed. 2. I Crabs. Papal (pa-pa'i), v. [Pa and pal, to I strike.] 1. To smite with the PAP 531 PAP open hand; to strike. 2. To strike gently; to touch. 3. To thatch a house or building with grass. (In the act of thatching, Hawaiians, in drawing the string tightly around a handful of grass, gave it a blow with the left hand.) Papal (pa-pa'i), v. [Pal, to expel.] 1. To drive off or expel a tenant from his house and land; to drive off; to banish; a common punish- ment in former times for real or imaginary offenses. 2. To con- firm a solemn promise; e hoohiki ma ka ae ana; e pai na lima, ae na waha, the hands strike, the mouths assent. Papaia (pa'-pa'i-a), n. The papaia tree and its fruit. (Carica papaya.) Also called milikana and hei. Papaiaawa (pa'-pa'i-a-a'-wa), n. 1. A private place of worship. 2. Place where the hula dance was taught. Papaiaawa (pa'-pa'i-a-a'-wa), v. 1. To worship in the papaiaawa or place were the hula was taught. 2. To worship privately. Papaieu (pa'-pa'i-e'u), n. Fresh crabs; live crabs. Papaiho (pa'-pa'i-ho), v. To lay one thing upon another, as in a ter- race or wall; to set up above; to fix in a high place: e kau iho ma- luna iho. Papailanai (pa'-pa'i-la'-na'i), n. A species of small crab, said to be found only on the island of Lanai. Papaio (pa'-pa-i'o), n. Propitiatory rites observed at the beginning of a new year. Papaio (pa'-pa-i'o), v. To sacrifice to the god of the year. Papaipa (pa'-pa'i-pa), adj. Pressed full; pushed in. Papaipa (pa'-pa'i-pa), n. A con- tainer or receptacle. Papaipu (pa'-pa'-i-pu), n. Place for empty calabashes. Papaiwale (pa-pa'I-wa'-le), n. [Papai, to strike, and wale.] 1. A strik- ing; a smiting; a method of kill- ing in former times. 2. Liquid which a priest gives when he points out a victim for sacrifice. Papakai (pa'-pa-ka'i), n. A narrow escape of a canoe landing in the surf. Papakanallma ( pa'-pa-ka'-na-li'-ma ) , adv. By fifties; fifty in a com- pany. Papakanallma (pa'-pa-ka'-naii'-ma), n. Fifties; fifty of a class or group. Papakaua (pa'-pS-ka'u-a), n. A divi- sion of an army on going into bat- tle. Papakaukau (pa'-pa-ka'u-ka'u), n. A flat surface where food is eaten. Papakea (pa'-pa-ke'-a), n. [Papa, a flat place, and kea, white.] 1. That part of the sea beach washed by the high tide and not by the low, that is, if the sand be white. 2. The action of the ocean cur- rent against the wind, when the waves stand up; he kupikipikio; foam on the sea. 3. Anything whitish, like white sand. Papakeehlna (p3,'-p3,-ke'-e-hi-na), n. A floor. Papakeleawe (pa'-p^-ke'-le-a'-we), n. [Mod., papa, a plate, and keleawe, copper.] Copper plates used in sheathing ships. Papakoa (pa'-pa-ko'-a), n. [Papa, board, and koa, a kind of tree.] 1. Boards made from the koa tree. 2. [Papa, row, and koa, soldier.] A rank or company of an army. Papakole (pa'-pa'-ko'-le), n. The hip bone; the hip; the joining of the hip bone with the socket bone; ka hookuina o ka iwi uha me ka iwika; the os innominatum. Papakolea (pa'-pako'-le'-a), v. To rise into waves and break as water in a current of the sea; e kupikipikio. Syn: Papakea. Papakoll (pa'-pa'-ko'-li), n. Same as papakole. Papaku (pa'-pa-ku'), n. A disease attended with extreme costiveness and always fatal. Papakulal (pa'-pa-ku'i-a'I), n. A poi- board; that is, the board on which poi is pounded. Papakukia (pa'-pa-ku-ki'-a), n. [Papa, ku, to stand, and kla, a mast.] 1. The mast of a ship. 2. That which strengthens a mast; the rigging of a ship. Papaia (pa'-pS-la), adj. Radiant; is- suing rays of light; flying rocket- like, as in the game of oahi: O ka lahul a ka ipo ahi papaia. Papaia (pa'-pS-la'), adv. Same as papalale. Papaia (pa'-pa'-la), n. 1. A large, spreading tree of the genus Pi- sonla, the parapara of the Maoris; PAP 532 PAP also Charpentiera ovata. 2. The viscid sap which exudes from the : papala tree: he kepau kapili manu, a material used to catch birds. \ Papalaau (pa'-pa-la'-a'u), n. [Papa, flat, and laau, timber.] A board; a plank; a board for pounding poi: o ka papalaau ka mea kui poi. Papalai (pa'-pa-lai), n. A frying pan. Papalale (pa'-pa'-la-le'), adj. Awk- ward; unskillful; inexpert. Papalale (pa'-pa'-la-le'), adv. With- out regard to order or method. Papalale (pa'-pa-la-le'), v. Not to be able to sound clearly; to emit sound with difficulty; to make a hoarse sound. Papalale (pa'-pa'-la-le'), v. 1. To do awkwardly or unskilfully; to have things out of place. 2. To act in a hurried and confused manner. Papalalo (pa'-pa-la'-lo), n. [Papa, board, and lalo, below.] The low- er floor of a house; a floor of a house. Papalaoa (pa'-pa'-la-6'-a), n. A dark blue cloud indicating rain or wind, so called from its resemblance to the palaoa, or walrus. Papale (pa'-pa'-le), n. [Pa and pale, a defense.] 1. A hat; a cap; a . bonnet; any covering for the head. 2. Anything that covers a summit or the highest part of a thing. Papale (pa-pa'-le), v. To bar; to ward off; to protect by shutting out or keeping off something. Papale (pa'-pa'-le), v. 1. To put on a covering of any kind for the head. 2. To overshadow: Ua ulu kou nani a papale maluna o kou kaikuaana. Your beauty has in- creased until it overshadows your sister's. Laieik. p. 169. Papalealli (pa'-pa'-le-a-li'i), n. [Papa- le, hat, and alii, chief.] A crown; a distinguishing head dress of a king. Syn : Leialii. Papaiekapu (pa'-pa'-le-ka'-pu), n. A cap. Papalelaa (pa'-pa'-le-la'a) , n. [Papa- le, hat, and laa, consecrated.] A holy or consecrated crown. Papalena (pa'-pa-le'-na), n. A fending off; a defending; a pushing aside. Papalena (pa'-pa-le'-na), v. To ward off; to fend. Syn: Papale. Papal ima (pa'-pa-li'-ma), adv. By fives; by five in company. Syn: Palima. Papalima (pa'-pa'-li'-ma), v. [Papa(i), to touch; lima, hand.] To be con- firmed by a striking of hands. Hoopapalima is the active form. Papal! na (pa'-pa'-li'-na), v. [Papa, flat surface, and Una, soft.] The side of the face; the cheek. Papal inanui (pa'-pa'-li'-na-nu'-i), adj. Large, fleshy and weak. Papalole (pa'-pa'-lo'-le), adj. 1. Slov- enly done. 2, Sluggish; indolent, lazy. Papaiu (pa'-pa'-lu), n. 1. A dress worn only when employed in dirty work. 2. A dress different from the pa-u. 3. An apron. 4. The principal covering garment, or cov- ering of a person. Syn: Kihei. Papaiu (pa'-pa'-lu), v. 1. To cover up; to hide from sight. 2. To shield. Papaiu (pa'-pa'-lu), v. To be soft, defective, rotten, Syn: Palupalu. Papalua (pa'-pa'-lu'-a), adj. Two by two; two-fold; two at a time; doubly; in pairs. Syn: Palua. Papalua (pa'-pa'-lu'-a), n. Two of a kind. Papalua (pa'-pa-lu'-a), n. [Papa, a story of a house, and lua, two.] The second story or floor of a building. Papalua (pa'-pa'-lu'-a), v. [Papa and lua, two.] 1. To double; to put two things together of the same kind. 2. To be double; to be two- fold. Syn: Palua. Papamanamana (pa'-pa-ma'-na-ma'- na), n. [Papa, a plate, and mana- mana, branching.] A grate; a grating. Papamau (pa'-pa'-mau), adj. Inter- fering; grating, as the friction of one thing against another. Syn: Eeina. - Papamu (pa'-pa-mu'), n. The board on which the game konane is played. Papana (pa'-pa-na'),n. Haste; quick- ness in accomplishing an object. Papana (pa'-pa-na'), v. 1. To be quick; to be smart; to do things readily. 2. To be boasting; to be proud of one's own doings. Papane (pa'-pa'-ne), v. To reply; to answer back; to speak in return to something previously said. Papani (pa-pa'-ni), adj. Intercepting. Papani (pa-pa'-ni), n. A shutting out; a parting off. PAP 533 PAP Papani (pa-pa'-ni), v. [Rani, to stop up.] 1. To shut, as an opening; to close; to shut up. 2. To shut, as a door or other shutter. Papano (pa-pa'-no), adj. [Pano, black.] Thick; black; glossy black. Papanoanoa (pa'-pa'-no'a-no'a), n. 1. Cracks or fissures, as ground ex- posed to natural heat. 2. Any substance full of splits or cracks; he hanonanona, he panonono. See papanonanona. Papanoanoa (pa'-pS,'-no'a-no'a), v. To be fissured, cleft or cracked, as ground suffering from a lack of moisture. Papanonanona (pa'-pa-no'-na-no'-na) , adj. Placed in tiers, piled one above the other. Papanoo (pa'-pa-no'o), adj. Same as papano. Dark colored; black, as a black cloud. Papao (pa'-pa'o), v. [Pao, to dig.] To dig under; to form a cavity by digging under an undisturbed sur- face. Papaohe (pa'-pa,-o'-he), n. The small- est size of the fish, akule. Papaokole (pa'-pa'-o-ko'-le), n. Same as papakole, the hip bone, Papaono (pa'-pa-o'-no), adv. [Papa and one, six.] By sixes; six by six; six-fold. Syn: Paono. Papapa (pa'-pa'-pa), adj. Low; brok- en; flat and smooth, as the smooth surface of lava. Papapa (pa'-pa'-pa), n. A kind of food; beans, so called from the flat pods; also purslane. Papapaakai (pa'-pa-pa'a-ka'i), adj. Tempestuous. Syn: Kupikipikio. Papapaakai (pa'-pa-pa'a-kai), n. [Pa- pa, a flat place; paakai, salt.] A flat where salt is made from sea water. Papapaakai (pa'-pa-pa'a-kS'i), v. To be agitated into foam, said of a turbulent sea when a canoe nar- rowly escapes disaster. Papapaina (pa'-pa-pa-I'-na), n. [Papa and paina, to eat.] An eating ta- ble; a table. Papapalaoa (pa'-pa-pa-la'-o-a), n. [Papa, a flat thing, and palaoa, for falaoa (Eng.), flour.] A pan- cake; a wafer; a flat loaf of bread. Papapalapala (pa'-pa-pa'-la-pa'-la), n. [Papa, a flat surface, and pala- pala, a writing.] A writing table; a writing desk. Papapau (pa'-pa-pa'u), adj. All to- gether; consumed. Papapau (pa'-pa-pa'u), v. 1. To be held together in any contingency or consequence: Mai papapau na kanaka i ka make, The people all nearly perished. (Papau does not mean the same as pau. The in- ference is that nobody died but all narrowly escaped.) Papapaupu (pa'-pa-pa'u-pu'), v. A re- dundant form of papapau. Papapohaku (pa'-pa-p6-ha'-ku), n. [Pa- pa, a flat surface, and pohaku, stone.] 1. A board on which poi or other food is pounded; the pestle is made of stone and called he pohaku kui ai; the board or thick plank is slightly hollowed out like a very flat tray. The modern word is papakuiai. Syn: Kuiai and papawiliai. 2. A row or tier of stones. 3. A slate; a stone for writing on. 4. A table of stone, Papapu (pa'-pa-pu'), n, A row or tier of guns. Paparai (pa'-pa-ra'i), n. [Mod. Pa, pan, and parai (Eng.) for faral, to fry] A frying-pan. Syn: Papalai. Papau (pa'-pa'u), adj. Shallow, as water; not deep; kahi papau, a fording place. Papau (pa'-pa'u), n. 1. Shallow- ness; littleness; having no depth, as water. 2. A shallow place, Papau (pa'-pa'u), v, [Pa and pau, to be all; to be entire.] 1. To be deeply engaged in thought; to en- gage with all the powers of the mind in some research; to have full confidence in. 2. To be shal- low, as water; to flow off, as the sea at low tide, leaving the water on the rocks shallow; to be at low tide; he kai make. A papau ae la ka Pele ma Oahu, alalia lele oia 1 Maui; a papau hou iho la ma Ha- leakala, lele hou oia i Kilauea, when Pele's dominions became shallow on Oahu (that is, when burnt down near to the level of the sea), then she leaped over to Maui; and when they became shal- low again at Haleakala, she again jumped over to Kilauea. Papaua (pa'-pa'-u-a), n. A bivalve of the oyster class; ano o ka plpi PAP 534 PAU noloko o ke kai, like the oyster of the sea. Also called owaowaka. Papaukluki (pa-pa'-u'-ki-u'-ki), n. A fierce strong wind, said of a furi- ous wind or hurricane at sea. Papaukluki (pa-pa'-u'-ki-u'-ki), v. To blow fiercely at sea: Ua papaukl- uki ka makani, the wind blew fiercely. Papaumake (pa-pa'u-ma'-ke), n. [Pa, pau, all; make, dead.] A grave- yard; a burying ground: ke ku la na kii elua i ka papaumake. Papaunu (pa'-pa-u'-nu), v. To fill up; | to cram down; to push in. Papaupu (pa-pa'u-pu'), V. To embrace j all; to be without exception; to be i entirely in the circumstances men- tioned: A papaupu wale ka luku- na, the slaughter embraced every one. \ Papawaena (pa'-pa-wa'e-na), n. [Papa, i board, and waena, between.] The ! middle story of a building of three j stories. | Papawalianui (pa'-pa-wa'-ha-nu'-i), n. : A large baglike fish net used in taking the akule. i Papawili (pa'-pa-wi'-li), n. A mixing i board or tray. Papawiliai (pa'-pa-wi'-li-a'i), n. [Papa, board; wili, to mix, and ai, food.] A board for mixing food; a poi board ; a very flat tray on which poi is pounded; a kneading trough. Papio (pa'-pi'o), adv. [Pa and pio, an arch.] Lying face downward. ; Papiopio (pa'-pi'-6-pI'-o), n. The I young of the ulua fish. i Papipi (pa'-pi'-pi), n. The prickly! pear (Opuntia tuna). Papohaku (pa'-p6-ha'-ku), n. [Pa, | fence, and poliaku, stone.] Stones laid into a wall; a stone wall. Papu (pa'-pu'), adj. Clear of ob- 1 struction; wide; vast, j Papu (pa'-pu'), adv. Wholly cov- 1 ered; extensively. | Papu (pa'-pu'), n. 1. A plain; a lev- el piece of ground of considerable ' extent. 2. [Pa, wall, and pu, i gun.] A gun fence, that is, a fort; | he pa kaua. | Papu (pa'-pu'), V. To be face to face with. Papua (pa-pu'-a), v. Same as kea- pua. Papuhea (pa'-pu'-he'-a), n. 1. A mist j or fine rain. 2. Clearness after I fog or rain. 3. Meeting of two opposing winds. Papuliene (pa'-pu-he'-ne), n, A hula or dance in which the actors main- tain a sitting posture. Parai (pa-ra'i), v. [Eng. Variant of palai.] To fry. Patausani (pa'-ta'u-sa'-ni), adv. [Pa and tausani (Eng.), thousand.] By thousands; a thousand fold. Pau (pa'u), adj. All; every one; everything; all done; finished. Pau (pa'u), adv. Entirely; wholly; completely. (Use has rendered the meaning of this word like the French tout, as in tout le monde, all the world, everybody, when only a small part is intended.) Pau (pa-u'), n. A kind of tapa. Pau (pa'u), n. Ink-powder; smut; soot. Pa-u (pa-u'), n. The principal gar- ment of a Hawaiian woman in for- mer times, consisting of a number of tapas, generally five, wound around the waist and reaching to the knee. Pau (pa'u), V. 1. To be ended. 2. To be spent; to be finished or com- pleted. 3. To be consumed; to be passed away. Pa-u (pa-u'), V. To put or bind on a pa-u. Paua (pa'u-a), n. Name of a species of shell-fish: he wahi ano pipi kai; he wahi ia, he papaua. Syn: Papaua. Pauaalina (pa'u-a'a-li'-na), v. To be heavy to carry; to be hard to bear, as a burden: e pauaalina me he pookaeo la. Pauahl (pa'u-a'-hi), n. [Pau, all, and ahi, fire.] Destruction of anything by fire; generally applied to a house. Pauahl (pa'u-a'-hi), n. Soot. Pauaho (pa'u-a'-ho), adj. 1. Breath- less. 2. Fig. Faint-hearted; giv- ing up; yielding; wanting perse- verance. Pauaho (pa'u-a'-ho), v. [Pau, all, and aho, breath.] 1. To be out of breath. 2. To be discouraged; to give up the pursuit of a thing; to forsake it. 3. To be faint- hearted; to be discouraged. To be weary on account of trouble. Pauaka (pa'u-a'-ka), adj. Crooked in disposition; deceitful or unjust; lying or deceiving, as giving away what belongs to another. PAU 535 PAU Pauaka (pa'u-a'-ka), v. 1. To be weary; to be fatigued with carry- ing a burden or with hard work. 2. To work without reward; e hana me ka uku ole. 3. To be of no use; to answer no purpose. Pauakaaka (pa'u-a'-ka-a'-ka), v. 1. To laugh at or ridicule one for laboring without wages. See pau- aka. 2. To be crooked; to be un- reliable. Pauali (p^'u-a'-li), v. To be crook- ed, perverse or wicked; applied to chiefs and people. Pauaneinei (pa'u-a-ne'i-ne'i), v. [Pau, all, and neinei, to shrink up.] To shrink; to be too little; to be small. Pauanihi (pa'u-a-ni'-hi), n. Young Paukaha (p^'u-ka'-ha), adj. Greedy. Pauke (pau-ke'), v. [Pau and ke, to press against.] To slander; to belie; to tell lies about. Syn: Paokee. Paukiki (pa'u-kl-ki'), v. 1. To be ex- cited; to make a great noise. 2. To slip up; to fall in consequence of haste. 3. To cry out together. 4. To display undue haste. Paukilo (pa'u-ki'-lo), v. To know as a sorcerer is supposed to know; to foreshow by signs. Paukino (pa'u-ki'-no), adj. De- stroyed, as the body of a person by a shark or by fire. Pauku (pa'u-ku'), n. The cleats which support the seats on a ca- noe. (The better word is pouku.) taro; the tops of taro. Called also ; Pauku (pa'u-ku'), n. = 1. A bit of a oninihi. PauhakakI (pa'u-ha'-ka-ki'), adj. Full; well fed; plump: me kona kino ikaika, puipui pauhakaki no hoi. Pauhana (pa'u-ha'-na), adj. Con- stantly at work; e hana mau; hoo- papauhana. Pauhananuu (pa'u-ha'-na-nu'u), adj. Short. Syn: Poohanuu. Pauheoheo (pa'u-he'-6-he'-o), v. 1. To mock; to jeer; to ridicule; to ex- press contempt. 2. To be small, as a small place between two larger places; applied to many things. 2. A person returning from fishing without any fish. 3. Used also obscenely. Pauhia (pa'u-hi'-a), v. 1. To be overtaken; to be overcome. (The signification is varied by the words following: Ua pauhia lakou i ka hiamoe; they were all asleep. Ua pauhia mai au e ka makemake nui; I was overwhelmed with a strong desire. Laieik. p. 144.) 2. To be overtaken by evil; to suffer loss or damage; to be overtaken by any calamity so that there is a general suffering. 3. To sleep soundly; to dream; to have a; vision. Pauhu (pa-ii'-hu), adj. Small; feeble about the chest and shoulders; panuu, pohuku. Pauhu (pa-u'-hu), n. A shell-fish, a species of the leho. Pauhuuhu (pa'-u'-hu-Q'-hu), n. A fish, the panuhunuhu, also called palukaluka. thing; a piece cut off; a fraction; a portion. 2. Specifically, a verse or stanza of a hymn; a verse or small portion of Scripture; a sec- tion of a book. Laieik, p. 111. 3. A small lot of land next less in size than a moo. 4. An age; a period of time. 5. The length from the ends of the fingers of one hand to the elbow of the op- posite arm when both are extend- ed. 6. In geometry, a cylinder. Paula (pa'u-la), n. [Eng.] Gun- powder, also called paoda and pauda. (At first called "one a," burning sand, by Hawaiians.) Paula (pa-u'-la), n. [Pa and ula, red.] A full grown tree when the timber becomes red; he laau oo a ula. Paulaliilii (pa'u-la-li'i-li'i), n. The watch-word given by Kalanimoku before the battle of Kuamoo. Paulehia (pa'u-le-hi'-a), adj. Accus- tomed; skillful through practice. Paulele (p^'u-le'-le), n. Confidence; faith. Paulele (pa'u-le'-le), v. To trust in; to lean or rely upon; to believe or credit what one has said; to put confidence in; to desire with the whole heart; to believe fully. Pauli (pa'-u-li), adj. [Pa and uli, blue.] Dark colored; blue, as the sea: pauli ke kai. Paulihiua (pa'u-li'-hi-u'a), adj. Dark; black with thick darkness. Paulihiua (pa'-a-li-hi-u'a), n. 1. A great thickness of dark, shining PAU 536 PAW clouds. 2. Dark clouds portending rain. He paulihiua na ka ua haoa, He loko papohaku na ke kioao, Na kuu anae no Lele aanae =E2=80=94 Aia la iluna o Waipuhia Me au aholehole i Lanihuli. Paulinalina (pa'u-li'-na-li'-na), v. 1. To gird up tightly; to tie fast. 2. To stretch. Pauliuli (pa'-ti-li-u-li), adj. Dark blue, as the sky in the evening near the horizon, one of the signs of a high surf (kaikoo). Pauma (pa'u-ma), n. [Eng.] A pump; he omowai, he omoliu. Pauma (pa'u-ma), v. 1. To draw; to move along; to push. 2. To turn, as a person at sea turns a canoe to the wind to empty it of water. 3. To pump, Paumaalea (pa'u-ma'a-le'-a), adj. [Pau, all, and maalea, skill; cun- ning.] Given to thought; accus- tomed to reflection; given to de- vising and planning, Paumaele (pa'u-ma-e'-le), adj. Dirty; defiled; obscured by something black. Paumaele (pa'u-ma-e'-le), v, [Pau, all, and maele, dirty,] To be de- filed; to be polluted. Paumako (pa'u-ma'-ko), n. Deep grief; a mourning for the loss of a friend; heaviness of the eyes with sorrow; the being over- whelmed with sorrow; lamenta- tion. Paumako (pa'u-ma'-ko), v. To cry with grief; to be sad at the loss of a friend; to writhe in mental agony; to be cast down; to be down-hearted; to be disquieted. Paumakoko (pa'u-ma'-ko-ko), n. Great sorrow. Paumaunoonoo (pa-u'-mau'-no'o-no'o) , n, A memento; a keepsake. Syn: Paalaha; paaloha. Paumeume (pa-u'-me-u'-me), adj. Dis- turbed; agitated; excited. Paumeume (pa'-u'-me-u'-me), n, 1. A tug-of-war contest, 2. Any com- petitive game, Paumi (pa'-u'-mi). Ten apiece; ten each: Paumi kapa o kahi, some had ten pieces of cloth each. Pauna (pa'u-na), n. [Eng.] Same as paona, a pound in money or in weight; a scale. Pauneinei (pa'u-ne'i-ne'i), v. To be all moved or excited; to make a great noise; to slip up; to fall; to cry out, Pauniniu (pa'-ti'-ni-nl'-u), n. A girdle worn by dancers. Pauniniu (pa'-u'-ni-ni'-u), v. To turn about, as a top: pauniniu ka lemu o ka laau. Pauohiiaka (pa'-u'-6'-hi*i-a'-ka), n. A trailing vine (Jacquemontia sand- wicensis); a variety of the koali. The root is tuberous and is said to be edible; also a cathartic, Pauono (pa'u-o'-no), v. [Pau, all, and ono, sweet.] To be satisfied or satiated; deliciously done; ap- plied to food fully cooked: Pauono kahi puaa a kakou, aole malena, our piece of pork is finely cooked, it is not burnt; Moa pono, piha pono. Paupaele (pa'u-pa'-e'-le), adj. [Pau, all and paele, defiled,] Filthy; de- filed; dirty. Syn: Paumaele. Paupau (pa'u-pa-u'), adj. Wet; damp; moist; mouldy. Paupau (pa'u-pa'u), n. Nothing. Paupau (pa'u-pa'u), v. Same as hoo- pau; to make an end of; to finish. Paupauaho (pa'u-pa'u-a'-ho), adj. 1. Breathless; panting for breath, as a dying person. 2, Giving up a pursuit; discouraged; faint-heart- ed. Paupauaho (pa'u-pa'u-a'-ho), v, [Pau- pau and aho, breath,] 1, To be out of breath; to pant for breath, 2. To be faint-hearted; to give up an undertaking without sufficient ef- fort. 3. To be discouraged. 4, To be faint. Paupu (pa'u-pu'), adv. [Pau, all and pu, together,] All together; all in one condition; together in the same circumstances: Paupu ka- kou malalo o ka make, we are all alike under sentence of death, Pauu (pa'-u'-u'), n. The young of the ulua, a species of fish. Pauwa (pa'u-wa'), n. A species of shell-fish. Same as papaua. Pawa (pa'-wa), n. 1. A garden; a cultivated patch of ground. 2. The sky; the blue expanse of the heavens. 3, The breaking of the dawn ; ka . wahi awa o ke alaula ; the period early in the morning: kani ana ka bele i ka wanaao, i ka wehe ana o ka pawa o ke ao. A ike ke kahuna, ua moku ka PAW 537 PEA pawa o ke ao. 4. A watch; a pe- riod of time; a particular time of the twenty-four hours. Pawaa (pa'-wa'a), adj. Wild; rude; rough in habits and manners; un- tamed, as an animal. Pawaa (pa'-wa'a), n. Wildness; fearfulness, like that of an un- tamed animal; rudeness; incivility of uncultivated persons. Pawai (pa'-wa'i), n. [Pa, a plate or board, and wai, water.] A water- ing trough for cattle. Pawaiinu (pa'-w^'i-i'-nu), n. [Pawal, a watering trough, and inu, to drink.] A drinking trough for cattle. Pawaina (pa'-wa'i-na), n. [Pa, fence, and waina, grapes.] A vineyard. Pawa I i (pa'-wa-li), adj. Crooked; deceitful; unjust; perverse. Pawao (pa'-wa'o), v. To see indis- tinctly; to be uncertain; to be in doubt. Pawapawa (pa'-wa-pa'-wa), adj. Fat; plump; muscular; with shaking or rolling muscle. Pawapawa (pa'-wa-pa'-wa), n. Fat- ness; state of being muscular; roundness; i ka pawapawa haahaa onikiniki. Pawehe (pa'-we'-he), n. 1. A kind of soft spotted mat made on the island of Niihau; moena pawehe. 2. A braided design. Pa we I u (pa'-we'-lu), n. [Pa and welu, a rag.] Any worthless thing; anything useless, valueless, or of no account: ua hoolilo i ka olelo a ke Akua i pahola, a i pawelu, i mea ole, i mea lapuwale. Syn: Pahola, opala. Paweo (pa'-we'-o), v. 1. To be wild; to be untamed; to express rude- ness; to be uncivilized; to turn askance, as the eyes; to turn away the eyes. (Laieik. p. 71.) To be displeased with: a ike mai la o Poki ia ia, paweo ae la kona maka ia ia. 2. Diffident; timid. Pawiwi (pa'-wi'-wi'), n. A high, nar- row, and insecure fence. Pawiwi (pa'-wI'-wi'), v. [Pa, fence, and wiwi, slender. To make a very high fence that is not strong. Pe (pe), adj. Broken or flattened down; depressed; crushed. Pe (pe), adv. Thus; so; as; in this way. It is often prefixed to la, nei, and ia; as, pela, thus, so; penei or peneia, like this, thus; peia, this way, like it, etc. It also stands by itself, especially in ask- ing questions, as, Pe keia? I iho la au, pe keia? I said, how is this? Sometimes written pekeia, signifying thus, after this manner, etc. Pe (pe), n. [Mod.] Pay; compensa- tion. Pe (pe), V. 1. To be perfumed; to be anointed. 2. To anoint; to ap- ply odoriferous ointment. Hoope is the transitive form. 3. to be broken; to be flattened; depressed or crushed. 4. To be humbled; to be broken or crushed. Pea (pe'a), adj. Filthy; unclean; defiled; belonging to menstrua- tion. See halepea and kapapea. Pea (pe'a), n.. 1. The extremity of a village or settlement: mai keia pea a i keia pea, from one end of the settlement to the other end. 2. One of the six houses of the ancient Hawaiians: he hale pea, oia kekahi hale. E pani i ka puka o ka pea kapu, to shut the door of the pea kapu, sacred house. Laieik. p. 167. See hale- pea. 3. The sail of a canoe or ship. 4. The extreme end of a leaf of a tree. 5. A kite. 6. A cross used as a barrier or sign; a tabu sign; a cross or timbers ' put crosswise. Formerly placed I before the temple as a sign of ! tabu. j Pea (pe'a), v. 1. To make a cross; I to set up timbers in the form of I a cross; to make four arms or four prominent points. 2. To be i opposed to. I Peaheke (pe'a-he'-ke), n. [Mod.] A I topsail. I Peahi (pe-a'-hi), n. 1. The bones of I the hand as distinct from those of the arm: a malama i kona mau iwi ame na peahi lima. 2. The open hand; an open hand as a symbol of power. 3. A fan. The sign or picture of a fan marked on anything: he peahi ko kona poe kanaka, oia o lakou hoailona: ua kakauia ma ko lakou papalina. 4. A gentle fanning breeze; a soft wind, as though made with a fan; he koaniani. Peahi (pe-a'-hi), v. 1. To fan; to sweep; to brush. 2. To motion or PEA 538 PEH beckon to one with the hand or otherwise. 3. To make signs with the hand. Peahilima (pe-a'-hi-li'-ma), n. [Peahi, bones of the hand, and lima, hand, fingers.] The palm of the hand; a hand's breadth. Peao (pe'-ao), v. To roll up, as a piece of paper in rolling a cigar- ette. Peapea (pe'a-pe'a), adj. Difficult; perplexed; entangled; twisted; braided or woven together. Peapea (pe'a-pe'a), n. Dirty water; water made turbid by disturbance in the undertow. Peapea (pe'a-pe'a), v. To weave cross-wise; to construct by cross- ing the material used in the mak- ing, as in lattice work. Peapeaia (pe'a-pe'a-i'a), v. To bar- ricade; to stop a passage; to thwart. Peapeahi (pe'a-pe-a'-hi), v. [Peahi, to fan.] 1. To sweep; to brush a floor, as in former times, by strik- ing a tapa down upon it. 2. To =E2=96=A0 fan; to cool; to cause a wind. 3. To flap the wings, as a bird in fly- 1 ing. ! Pee (pe'e), v. To hide from one; to run and hide; to conceal one's self: Ke hoolohe nei ua kanaka la, e pee ana i ka olelo. Kakali na kanaka i kahi a lakou i pee ai, the people stayed in the place where they hid. Peekue (pe'e-ku'-e), adj. Thick, as a plank or board ; manoanoa, ma- ' kolukolu : no ka piha o kona poo i na kahiko peekue o ka manao, holopono ole kana hana. I Peelua (pe'e-lu'-a), n. [Pee, to hide,! and lua, hole.] A worm destruc- : tive to vegetation; a caterpillar. Syn: Anuhe or enuhe. Peeone (pe'e-o'-ne), n. [Pee, to hide, and one, sand.] A species of ; crab that burrows in the sand. Peepee (pe'e-pe'e), n. A kind of sea [ moss. I Peepeeakua (pe'e-pe'e-a-ku'-a), n. The | game of hide and seek. | Peepeekue (pe'e-pe'e-ku'-e), adj. Thick. Syn: Manoa, peekue. Peepeepueo (pe'e-pe'e-pu-e'-o), v. To hide among the leaves or branches of trees. Peepoli (pe'e-po'-li), v. [Pee, hide. and poli, bosom.] To be or to lie on the bosom, as a child. Pehe (pe'-he), adv. An archaic form of mehe. Pehe (pe'-he), n. A snare; a kind of trap for catching owls. Syn: Peheapueo. I Pehe (pe-he'), v. To peel off; to re- move skin or bark. Syn: Ihi. Pehea (pe'-he'-a), adv. [Pe, as, and hea, how?] In what manner? how? why? what? Pehea oe? How are you? Pehea (pe'-be'-a), v. [Pehea, how.] To ask how or in what manner a thing was done; to inquire how a person is: Alalia, pehea iho la kela? pane mai la ia, pehea hoi, then that person asked how it was done. He answered, how indeed? Peheapueo (pe-he'-a-pu'-e'-o), n. [Pe- he, snare, a, of, for, and pueo, owl.] A snare or trap for catch- ing owls. Peheu (pe-he'-u), adj. [Pe and heu, soft; flexible.] Soft and flabby, as flesh; soft and tough; vibrat- ing to and fro. Peheu (pe-he'-u), n. The wing of a bird; the fin of a shark; a flipper of a turtle; the brim of a hat. Syn: Peleleu, a hat brim; eheu, a wing. Peheuheu (pe-he'u-he'u), adj. 1. Soft; spongy; flexible, as the mus- cle of the calf of the leg or of the thigh. 2. Plump or swollen, as the neck in mumps; a-i peheuheu. 3. Whiskered; having heavy whiskers. Pehi (pe'-hi), v. To pelt; to throw at; to shoot, as an arrow. To throw any missile at one: e pehi i ka ulu, to drive the maika stone. Syn: Nou, kipehi, pana. Pehu (pe'-hu), adj. Swollen; en- larged: mai pehu, the dropsy. Syn: Upehupehu. Pehu (pe'-hu), n. A swelling; a blain; a boil: pehu nui, a great swelling. Pehu (pe'-hu), v. 1. To swell from injury or disease. 2. To swell; to increase in size generally; to en- large. Syn: Upehupehu. Pehua (pe-hu'-a), v. To be swelled. Pehuakoa (pe-hu-a-ko'a), n. 1. A kind of tapa, colored with the bark of the koa tree. 2. A tanning PEH 539 PEL process in which koa bark is used to make the tannic infusion. Pehupala (pe'-hu-pa'-la), n. [Pehu, swollen, and pala, soft.] A form or scurvy. Pehupehu (pe'-hu-pe'-hu), adj. [Pehu, swollen.] Swollen; enlarged Syn: Upehupehu. Pei (pe'i), adv. Contraction of peia. Pei (pe'i), v. To lift up; to raise up; e hapai, e kaikai. Syn: Pai. Peia (pe'-i-a), adv. [Pe and ia, it.] Thus; like it; after this manner. Syn: Penei, peheia, menei, keia, meia, etc: E like me ka moa e hoouluulu ana i kana mau keiki malalo o kona mau eheu, peia no hoi keia kula nui. Peipei (pe'i-pe'i), v. Same as pai- pai. Peka (pe'-ka), adj. Giving informa- tion implying censure; censorious; inclined to find fault. Peka (pe'-ka), v. To speak of an- other in a fault-finding manner; to speak evil of one absent. Pekaa (pe'-ka'a), n. The bean-like fruit of the kaee or kaeee (Mucuna gigantea). Pekapeka (pe'-ka-pe'-ka), adj. Sland- erous; reviling; calumnious. Pekapeka (pe'-ka-pe'-ka), n. Slander; detraction; saying hard things of one. Pekapeka (pe'-ka-pe'-ka), v. To calumniate another for self ad- vancement; to detract; to find fault with one; to censure absent persons in order to promote one's own interest. Peke (pe'-ke), adj. 1. Short. Syn: Poko. 2. Low; not tall; poupou. 3. Short in the measure of one's steps, said of the manner of walk- ing. Pekekeu (pe'-ke-ke'u), n. 1. The wing of a fowl. Syn: Ekekeu and eheu. 2. The fin of a fish. Pekepeke (pe'-ke-pe'-ke), adj. [Peke, short] Short; low. Peki (pe'-ki), v. To go in haste; to proceed by short, lively steps. Peku (pe'-ku), v. To kick: Elua peku ana me ka wawae, he kicked (him) twice with his foot; to kick, or to act as one about to kick; he keehi uuku me he mea hoowaha- waha la; applied to a horse or a man. Syn : Keehi. Pekua (pe-ku'-a), v. Contraction of pekuia. To be kicked. Pekupeku (pe'-kQ-pe'-ku), v. Freq. of peku.] To kick frequently; to be a habitual kicker. Peia (pe'-la'), adv. [Pe, thus, so, and la, particle of place.] Thus; in that manner. It always refers to a past transaction or something absent as penei does to something present: peia io no, adverbial phrase, so be it; amen. Peia (pe'-la'), n. 1. Material burnt for fertilizer to enrich the ground; he hoomomona i ka lepo. 2. Any- thing tending to decomposition or decay. Peia (pe'-lS), n. A pillow, Peia (pe'-la), v. 1. To tie up a bun- dle for transportation. 2. Primi- tive form of pelapela, to be un- clean. Pelamoe (p=E2=82=AC'-la-mo'-e), n. [Peia, a pillow, and moe, to lie down.] A pillow for the comfort of sleeping. Pelane (pe'-la'-ne), adj. [Heb.] Of or belonging to the peletano: na laau pelane, chestnut rods. Word used by the translators of the Scriptures. Pelapela (pe'-ia-pe'-la), adj. Filthy; stinking; dirty; mean. Syn: Eka. Pelapela (pe'-la-pe'-la), n. Unclean- ness; filth; refuse dirty matter. Syn: Eka. Pelapela (pe'-la-pe'-la), v. [Peia, un- clean.] To be defiled; to be un- clean; to stink; to emit a bad smell. Syn: Haueka. Pelatano (pe'-ia-ta'-no), n. [Mod.] A tree mentioned in the book of Ezekiel, the poplar or storax tree. Pele (pe'-le), adj. Swelled out; en- larged ; fleshy. Pele (pe'-le), n. 1. The fabled god- dess of volcanoes. 2. A volcano; he ahi ai honua, a fire consuming the earth: I neia wa, ua pio ka nui o na pele; i ka wa kahiko, he pele no ma Maui, at the present time the greater number of vol- canoes are extinct; in ancient times there was a volcano also on Maui. Pele (pe'-le), v. To be swollen; to be large; to be fleshy; to be fat; to have a large abdomen. Pelehu (pe'-le-hu'), n. 1. A species of tapa made on ihe island ot Kauai. Also called pepele. 2. PEL 540 PEN [Pele, to swell, and hu, to swell or puff out.] A turkey, called also palahu. Pelekana (pe'-le-ka'-na), n. [Eng.] A pelican, Pelekunu (pe'-le-ku'-nu). adj. Hav- ing a rank smell; strong-scented; sour; musty: pelekunu ka ia. Pelekunu (pe'-le-ku'-nu), n. A valley on the island of Molokai. Peleleu (pe'-le-le'-u), adj. (Peleleu is a noun. But it is also frequent- ly used as an adjective with waa, canoe; as, waa peleleu, a short canoe: Kalai iho la ia ame na 'lii i na waa peleleu he nui loa, he and the chiefs hewed out a great many large war canoes.) It sig- nifies short, thick and broad. Peleleu (pe'-le-le'-u), n. 1. A fish- ing canoe of the largest size, made shorter in proportion than ordinary. 2. A large double-canoe used in war. 3. An extension; a projecting out beyond something else, hence, 4. The brim of a hat. Peleleu (pe'-le-le'-u), v. To be spread- ing; to be loose, not compact; the antonym of palanaiki. Peleta (pe-le'-ta), n. [Heb.] A species of vegetable used for food; fitches perhaps. Peleu (pe'-le-u'), n. Concealment of faults: He kanaka peleu oia; he is a man who covers another's faults. Peleu (pe'-le-u'), v. 1. To break a tabu; to violate some article of the chiefs that was sacred: Ua peleu la ke kapa o ke alii, the dress of the chief has been de- filed. 2. To hide or cover one's offenses. Pelu (pe'-lu), adj. 1. Doubled; fold- ed over; shut up, as a knife: pahi pelu, a shut knife of any kijid; pani pelu, a folding door. 2. Crooked ; bent. Pelu (pe'-lu), V. To double over; to bend or flex, as a joint; to open and shut, as a penknife; to dou- ble or fold over, as a cloth; to bend or curve. Pelua (pe-lu'-a), n. Same as pee- lua, a worm, a caterpillar. Pelue (pe-lu'-e), n. A worm, be- tween black and green in color, that eats potatoes and other vege- tables. Pelupe (pe'-m-pe'), v. To project; to send out, to throw. Pelu pelu (pe'-lii-pe'-lu), adj. 1. Doubled over. 2. Fig. Made hard or unfeeling, as the heart. 3. Shortened; thick: Holo a hiki i ka waa pelupelu o lakou, they ran till they arrived at their short canoe. Syn: Peleleu. Pelupelu (pe'-lu-pe'-lu), n. A bind- ing; a doubling; a folding over. Pelupelu (pe'-lu-pe'-lu), v. [Pelu, to double.] 1. To double over and over. 2. Fig. To talk here and there; to recapitulate. 3. To re- peat; to go over and over. Pena (pe'-na), n. [Eng.] Paint; any substance mixed with oil or water to give another color: pena ulau- la, vermilion. (The older Hawai- ian term is wai hooluu.) Pena (pe'-na), v. [Eng.] To paint; to dye; to apply coloring matter to anything. (The old Hawaiian word is hooluu.) Penel (pe'-ne'i), adv. Like this; after this manner; thus. Syn: Peia, pela and peneia. Peneia (pe-ne'ia), adv. Same as penei. Penetekota (pe'-ne-te'-ko'-ta), adj. The fiftieth: la penetekota, the fiftieth day. Penetekota (pe'-ne-te'-ko'-ta) , n. [Mod.] The fiftieth; Pentecost, that is, with la, the fiftieth day after the Israelites came out of Egypt, or the fiftieth day after the Passover, one of the three great annual feasts of the Jews. Pen! (pe'-ni), n. [Eng.] A pen for writing. (The Hawaiian word is hulu, quill.) Penikala (pe'-ni-ka'-la), n. [Eng.] A lead pencil. Penipohaku (pe'-ni-po-ha'-ku), n. [Pen! (Eng.), a pen, and pohaku, stone.] A slate pencil. Peno (pe'-no), v. To sprinkle; to moisten; to be mouldy through moisture; hence, to be strong smelling. Penopeno (pe'-n6-pe'-no), adj. 1. Wet and strong smelling. 2. Wet and dirty, as a neglected child: he maka penopeno, a smutty face; penopeno oe i ka ua, you are wet with rain. Penu (pe'-nu), v. 1. To wipe one's eyes with a tapa or handkerchief. PEO 541 PEP 2. To dip one's piece of fish into the gravy; e miki, e penu kai: Olelo ia, he ono ka malolo, a penu no ia i ke kai. Penu no ia i ke kai me ka opu kao. Peo (pe'-o), adj. Round; rounding; globular. Peo (pe'-o), n. A house with a rounding roof. Peopeo (pe'-6-pe'-o), adj. Round; roundish; without angles or cor- ners. Pepa (pe'-pa), n. [Eng.] 1. Paper, especially writing paper. (The Hawaiian word is kalana or ka- nana.) 2. The common name for playing cards; e paani pepa, to play cards. Pepe (pe'-pe'), adj. Broken or flat- tened down; broken fine; bruised; ground fine. Pepe (pe'-pe), n. 1. Any substance crushed fine or flattened down; that which is spread out by pres- sure. 2. A flat. 3. Flat side of anything. Pepe (pe'-pe'), v. To be bruised or crushed; to be beaten small. Pepee (pe'-pe'e), n. Deformity. Pepee (pe'-pe'e), v. To be crooked or twisted out of shape. Pepeepaka (pe'-pe*e-pa'-ka), n. Plug of tobacco. Pepehl (pe-pe'-hi), n. [Pepehi, to beat hard.] 1. An ie kuku or tapa beater used in the preliminary pounding of wauke for tapa, and carved with parallel lines having rounded edges. 2. The design carved on a tapa beater. Pepehl (pe'-pe'-hi), v, [Pehl, to pelt.] 1. To beat severely; to strike; to smite. 2. To pound a thing until it is soft; hence, 3. To kill; to commit murder. 4. To slaughter, as an animal. Pepehikanaka (pe'-pe'-hi-ka-na'-ka), n. [Pepehi, to strike, and kanaka, man.] Killing; murder; man- slaughter. (Pepehi kanaka is now used in law for murder in any de- gree; formerly it was used, as the words imply, for all kinds of striking and beating as well as killing; it was synonymous with hooeha and kuikui. Nui na hewa kahiko; o ka pepehi kanaka, many were the ancient sins: striking men; this, of course, in- cluded murder.) Pepehu (pe-pe'-hu), v. [Pehu, to swell.] To swell; to grow large; to become fleshy. Syn: Upehu- pehu. Pepehua (pe'-pe-hu'-a), adj. Thick; swollen; bloated. Pepehue (pe'-pe-hu'-e), adj. Same as pepehua. Pepel (pe-pe'i). v. Same as paipai. Pepeiao (pe'-pe'i-a'o), adv. By the ear; with the ear; to listen at- tentively. Pepeiao (pe'-pe'i-a'o), n. 1. A not very prominent protuberance: 2. The external ear of man or beast; hence, 3. Hearing. 4. The projec- tion inside a canoe to which the iako is fastened. 5. The first shoots of a vegetable. 6. Protuberances of the heart in men or animals. Pepeiao (pe'-pe'i-a'o), v. 1. To shoot or put forth a bud or young twig; to sprout or grow, as a vegetable. 2. To form an ear, as corn; to send forth a shoot. Pepeiaoakua (pe'-pe'i-a'o-a'-ku'-a), n. A species of fungus or touch-wood that grows from some of the for- est trees on Hawaii, and formerly used by the Chinese as a delicate article of food; it also became an article of commerce. Pepeiaohao (pe'-pe'i-a'o-ha'-o), n [Pepeiao, ear, and hao, horn.] 1. Any hard projection; the horn of an animal; pepeiaohao kao, a goat's horn or a goat's ear; pe- peiaohao o ke kuahu, horn of the altar. 2. Fig. Power; strength. 3. A horn, that is, a wind instru- ment of music. Pepeiaolaau (pe'-pe'i-a'o-la'-a'u), n. Same as pepeiaoakua. Pcpelee (pe'-pe'i-e'e), n. A ripe i breadfruit baked: ame ka pepeiee ' ua ai nui ia keia; a loaf of baked breadfruit. Pepela (pe-pe'-la), v. [Eng.] To spell. Pepela (pe'-pe'-la), v. [Pela, to be unclean.] To be strong smelling or offensive; to emit a musty smell. Syn: Pelapela. Pepele (pe-pe'-le), n. A species of red tapa made on Kauai. Called also pelehu. Pepelu (pe-pe'-lu), adj. Doubled over; bent; arched. Pepelu (pe-pe'-lu), v. [Pelu, to dou- ble.] To bend or double over; to PEP 542 PIA measure round; to double up, as the knee. Pepemakavvaiu (pe'-pe'-ma-ka-wa'-lu), n. [Pepe, a flat thing, maka, a point, and walu, eight.] The com- mon spider. Pepena (pe'-pe'-na), v. [Pena (Eng.), to paint.] To paint; to lay on colors; to make different colors; to daub; to smear: e ha- mo, e paele. Pepeno (pe-pe'-no), adj. [Peno, to be mouldy.] Dirty; strong smell- ing; filthy. Pepepe (pe-pe'-pe), adj. Low; flat, applied to a house; depressed. Pepepe (pe-pe'-pe), v. [Pepe, flat.] To be flattened down; to fall flat; to be depressed; to be humbled; to be made low. Pepeu (pe'-pe'-u), n. A hunching, pushing, thrusting, etc. Pepeu (pe'-pe'-u), v. 1. To raise the nose, as a hog in rooting. 2. To swell; to rise up. 3. To pout; to project the lips or mouth. 4. To project or send out. 5. To thrust. 6. To touch for the purpose of at- tracting attention. Pepeue (pe'-pe'-u'e), adj. Dull; stub- born; disobedient. Pepeue (pe'-pe'-u'e), v. To be hard; to be thick; to be disobedient. Perio (pe'-ri-o'), adj. [A modern foreign word, probably from peso.] Counterfeit, as money; uncur- rent. He dala perio maoli ko makou iwaena o na dala mai- kai; we have really counterfeit money among good money. Fig. He perio io no makou, he mea lawe ole ia ma na wahi kuai; we are real bad money; we are not taken in market places. Peu (pe'u), n. 1. A thrust; a push- ing upward. 2. Coition. Peu (pe'-u), V. To throw up; to turn up, as a hog turns or throws up his nose in rooting; hence, ap- plied to anything of that motion. Peua (pe-u'a), adj. Uniting; join- ing; adhering. Peua (pe-ii'a), v. 1. To meet to- gether; to unite; to kiss. Syn: Meua, meu. 2. To join, to con- nect; to bring together. Peupeu (pe'-u-pe'-u), adj. 1. Rooted up; broken, said of soil turned up with pick or trowel. 2. Tracked or trodden, as through the grass, j Peupeu (pe'-ii-pe'-u), v. To push or jostle with the feet; to signal by a movement of the foot. Pewa (pe'-wa), n. The caudal fin of a fish. Pewapewa (pe'-wa-pe'-wa) , n. The side fins and tail of a fish; the spreading out of the fins of a fish. Pi (pi), adj. 1. Slow to burn, as green wood. 2. Parsimonious; stingy; close; hard; unkind; un- generous. Syn : Uahoa. Pi (pi), n. 1. Closeness; stinginess; parsimony, etc. 2. [Eng.] Peas; lentils. Pi (pi), V. 1. To sprinkle, as water. 2. To throw water with the hand. Syn: Pipi, kapii and kapipi. 3. To be close; to be stingy; to be hard in a bargain. Pia (pi'-a), n. 1. Any white sub- stance, as flour. See haupia. 2. The flour or starch of the arrow- root (Tacca pinnatifida), which was eaten by Hawaiians only in time of famine. Pia (pi-a'), n. 1. A cluster, said of fruit. 2. A compound fruit. Piai (pl-a'i), n. A vine and its berry resembling the maile. Pialu (pi'-a'-lu), v. To be heavy, as the eyes; to be almost blind, as an aged person, or an aged person with weak eyes; ua pialu na maka. Piao (pi'-a'o), n. The effect of heat on the leaves of plants; a curl- ing up or shriveling. Piao (pi'-a'o), v. To be curled up, as a leaf; to be folded in the form of a cup. Piapa (pi'-a-pa'), n. The name of the first primer or spelling book printed in the Hawaiian language. (The first sheet is said to have been pulled by Liholiho himself to his great satisfaction.) lanuari 7, 1822, ua paiia ka palapala Pi-a- pa Hawaii, On the 7th of January, 1822, was printed the Hawaiian spelling book. The word is formed like the English word alphabet from the names of the two first letters, meaning the first rudi- ments of letters. The missionary said to his pupil, b, a-ba; the Ha- waiian would repeat, p, a-pa; hence the word and the name of the book.) Piapia (pi'-a-pi'-a), adj. Dirty; watery, as diseased eyes. PIE 543 PIH Piapia (pi'-S-pi'-a), n. 1. The thick white viscid matter from sore eyes. 2. Sore eyes generally, when used with maka. Pie (pi'-e), adj. [Contraction of pie- pie, to be smeared.] Slimy. Piele (pi-e'-le), n. 1. A disease con- sisting of little bunches on the head; he mai puupuu ma ke poo. 2. Food made from pulverized taro, potatoes, yam, etc. 3. Traf- fic; trade. 4, A trader. Piele (pi-e'-le), v. 1. To trade; to traffic: Hele ia i Honuaula 1 ka piele ia; he went to Honuaula to peddle fish. 2. To grate raw vege- tables for cooking or in preparing piele. Pieleele (pT-e'-le-e'-le), adj. 1. Cleaned and hung up to dry; clean; pure. 2. Scraped, grated and prepared for piele. Plena (pi-e'-na), adj. 1. Wild; un- tamed; angry; disagreeable. 2. Rough; rude in speaking; un- Pienaena (pi-e'-na-e'-na), adj. [In- tensive of plena.] 1. Very offen- sive to the smell; stinking. 2. Sur- passingly wild; exceedingly fierce. Piepie (pi'-e-pl'-e), v. To be smeared with any adhesive substance. Piha (pi'-ha), adj. Full, as a con- tainer of any kind. Piha (pI'-ha), n. 1. Fullness; com- pleteness. 2. A species of smaM fish used for bait. Piha (pi-ha'), n. 1. A stone pound- er; a poi pounder. Piha (pi'-ha), v. 1. To be full, as a vessel or container. 2. Fig. To be full of anger. 3. To have con- ceived young; to be pregnant: Ua piha anei kela bipi wahine? Ae, ua piha. Is that cow with calf? She is. Pihaa (pi'-ha-a'), n. Material lodged by the current in the bed of a stream; driftwood; that which floats swiftly by; he wahie na ka waikahe. Pihalima (p!'-ha-li'-ma), n. [Piha, full, and lima, hand.] A handful. Pihano (pi'-ha'-no), adj. Sitting still in time of a tabu; still, as an as- sembly for worship under the tabu system; na wahine i ke ana- ina pihano kanu awa. Pihapiha (pi'-ha-pl'-ha), adj. Full; large; flowing, as a garment. Syn: Polapola. Pihapiha (pl'-ha-pi'-ha), n. 1. The gills of a fish. 2. A ruffle; a fringe of a garment. Pihapiha (pi'-ha-pi'-ha), v. [Piha, full.] To swell out; to be full; to swell, as a bud before it opens. Syn: Polapola. Plhaweuweu (pi'-ha-we'u-we'u), n. Any animal of fine appearance but underweight, hence, a flat or meatless fish. I Pihe (pi'-he), adj. Lamenting; ! mourning; wailing. Syn: Uwe. PIhe (pi'-he), adv. Wailing mourn- fully: na wahine e olo pIhe ana, j the mourning women. PIhe (pi'-he), n. 1. Lamentation; the sound or voice of wailing. (Generally used with olo.) 2. A I confused noise; also used with uwe; a pau ka lakou pIhe uwe. ! Laieik. p. 142. PIhe (pi'-he), n. A button; a fas- tening for a garment. (Takes the article ke.) Pihea (pi'-he'a), n. Driftwood, such as floats in from the sea. Plhea na kahakai, ku ka pihea i kai. Syn: Pihaa. Pihea (pi'-he-a'), v. To be full of driftwood: pihea na kahakai, the beaches are full of driftwood. Piheka (pi-he'-ka), adj. Inflamed, as the eyes. Pihelehele (pi'-he'-le-he'-le), adj. Broken up; grated; mashed. Pihelehele (pi'-he'-le-he'-le), v. [PI and helehele, to divide into small parts.] To grind to powder; to grate, as a potato, that the sick may swallow it. Plhl (pi'-hi), adj. Blunt; dull; blunt- ed, said of the primitive wooden plow (oo) when it hit a stone. Plhl (pi'-hi), n. 1. The itch. 2. The scab or scar which attends the abatement of the itch. 3. A but- ton; fastening for a garment. Same as pihe. Plhl (pi'-hi), V. To fasten with but- tons. Plhlplhl (pi'-hi-pi-hi), n. 1. A game played on the water with a flat- tened stone. 2. A large button, pihi, worn as a sign, token or ornament. Plhlplhl (pi'-hi-pi'-hi), v. 1. To be blunt or dull; to have a round or blunt edge; to be without edge, as a cutting instrument. 2. To PIH 544 PIK hurl the stone in the game of pihipihi. Plho (pi-ho'), adj. Sinking or being sunk: moku pi ho, a sinking ves- sel. Pi ho (pi-ho'), V. 1. To be water- logged; to be about to sink. 2. To be almost filled with water and swamped, as a canoe: aole make, plho wale no. Hoopiho is the transitive form. Pihoa (pi-ho'-a), n. Dizziness affect- ing the eyes. Pihoi (pi-ho'i), v. To be surprised at; to be startled; to be agitated; to be astonished. Pihoihoi (pi-ho'i-ho'i), n. 1. Aston- ishment, wonder and fear; a mixed emotion of pleasure and fear, like that occasioned by the presence of a superior. 2. Joy; rejoicing; excitement of a pleasurable kind. 3. Fear; a trembling; a state of great anxiety on account of some expected evil. Pihoihoi (pi-ho'i-ho'i), v. 1. To be surprised at; to be astonished. 2. To tremble with fear; to be afraid. 3. To be troubled; to speak or act as in great perturbation of mind; to be troubled in spirit. 4. To be made glad; to be overcome with joy. Piholo (pi-ho'-lo), V. To be plunged into the water; to be sunk. Piholoholo (pi'-ho'-16-h5'-lo), n. A thin poi for the sick. It was made of taro or potatoes. Pihopiho (pi'-ho-pi-ho'), adj. Heavy and sinking, applied to a canoe which is heavily loaded: pihopiho ka waa. Pihopiho (pi'-h6-pi-ho'), v. [Piho, sinking.] 1. To pitch frequently in the sea, as a canoe that takes in water. 2. To sink in the ocean and rise again. Pii (pi'i), adj. Rising. Pii (pi'i), n. 1. A small growth on the side of a thing; he wahi apa- na iki ma ka aoao. 2. A medicine acting as an emetic. Syn : Laau hoopii. Pii (pi'i), V. 1. To ascend; to go up in various ways; to ascend, as a mountain or hill; to go up, as from a low place to a higher. 2. To mount, as into a vehicle. 3. Fig. To come from darkness into light. 4. To go on or over; to strike upon, as the shadow of a substance upon something else: Ina e pii ke aka o ke kanaka maluna o ke alii, make ke kanaka, if the shadow of a common man should fall upon a chief, the man must die. Piiele (pi'i-e'-le), v. Same as piele, to barter. Piikoi (pi'i-ko'-i), v. 1. To be in- ordinately ambitious. 2. To seek preferment; to go after something desired. Piikoikoi (pi'i-ko'i-ko'i), v. To prac- tice onanism. Pilku (pi'i-ku'), n. 1. A drink made from the sap of the kukui tree and used as a medicine. 2. Water drops that gather on the leaves of plants. Piilae (pi'i-la'e), adj. Vain; haughty. Piina (pii'-na), n. [Pii, and ana, going up.] A path ascending a hill. Syn : Hoopiina. Piipii (pi'i-pi'i), adj. 1. Curling, as the hair of a negro. 2. Furious; rushing together, as an angry mob; rushing, as a strong wind. Piipii (pi'i-pi'i), n. 1. A bending; a turning upwards; a curl of hair. 2. Opposition. Piipii (pi'i-pi'i), v. [Pii, to go up.] 1. To ascend; to leap up. 2. To flow upwards, as water in a spring. 3. To vomit. 4. To rise up, as waves in a storm. 5. To turn or bend up, as the runner of a sleigh. Pika (pi'-ka), n. [Mod.] Half of a thing. (This word is probably of foreign origin, from picul. As two piculs of sandal-wood were usually weighed at once, a pika (picul) was of course, half.) Pikai (pi'-kai'), v. [Pi, to sprinkle, and kal, salt water.] To purify by sprinkling with salt and water, an old Hawaiian custom said to be still practiced. Pikaka (pi-ka'-ka), adj. Smooth; smoothly polished; nemonemo. Pikaka (pl-ka'-ka'), n. The entrance of a chief's house; he puka hale alii. Pikake (pi-ka'-ke), n. [Mod.] A peacock. Pikale (pi-ka'-le), adj. Little; a small quantity; a little at a time: pikale ka ai i ke keiki uuku, little the food for a little child. PIK 545 PIL Pikanele (pi'-ka-ne'-le), adj. [Prob- ably from pii-i-ka-nele, to go up into nothing.] Small; diminutive; makalii loa. Pikawai (pi'-ka-wa'i), n. [Mod., pika (Eng.), a pitcher, and wai, water.] A water pitcher. Pikele (pi'-ke'-le), n. [Mod.] A pitcher. PIki (pi'-ki), V. To cut short; to shorten; to cut off. Syn: Poke. PIklpikI (pi'-kl-pi'-ki), adj. Rough, like a choppy sea. Syn: Kupiki- pikio. Pikipiki (pi'-ki-pi'-ki), v. To pinch; to squeeze, as in milking. Pikiplkio (pi'-ki-pl'-ki-o'), v. To stand up in heaps, as water in a current of the sea, especially when the wind and current are contrary. Syn: Kupikipikio. Piko (pi'-ko), n. The end; the ex- tremity of certain things; the navel; the end of a rope; the ex- treme corner or boundary of a land; e wehe hoi i ka piko la e ka hoahanau; piko o ke kuahiwi, the top or summit of a mountain; piko o ka pepeiao, the tip of the ear; piko o ke poo, the crown of the head. Lawe ae la ke kahuna i ka piko o kana hanai a lei iho la ma kona a-i. Laieik. p. 137. Pikoi (pi'-ko'-i), n. 1. The core of the breadfruit. 2. A missile weapon composed of a club, stone and rope. 3. A trap or snare. Pikoi (pi-ko'i), v. To ensnare with a pikoi. Pikoikoi (pl-ko'i-ko'i), n. 1. Hard labor with little produce. 2. The practice of onanism. Pikoikoi (pi-ko'i-ko'i), v. 1. To as- semble or be assembled in crowds; to swarm. 2. To practice onan- ism; the word is also applied to other unnatural practices. Pikoka (pi-ko'-ka), n. Same as pi- kake. Pikokoi (pr-k6-ko'i), adj. Numerous; consisting of a great amount. Pikoni (pi-k5'-ni), n. 1. The cord to which the floats of a fishnet are attached. 2. Any light sub- stance attached to a fisherman's net to keep it afloat. Pikopiko (pi'-k6-pi'-ko), n. The suck- ers on the arms of a cuttle fish. Pikopiko (pi'-kd-pi'-ko), v. To be spotted; to be variegated with dif- ferent colors; generally applied to the smooth spots on the surface of the ocean in a calm. Piku (pi'-ku), n. [Eng.] A fig. Also written fiku. Pi la (pi'-la), n. [The Hawaiian pro- nunciation of fiddle.] 1. A fid- dle; a violin. 2. Any musical in- strument. 3. Bill, an account rendered with the charges. Pilahilahi (pi-la'-hi-la'-hi), adj. Thin and slender. Pilalahi (pi'-la-la'-hi), adj. Slender; comely; well proportioned. Pilali (pi'-la'-li), n. 1. The gum of the kukui tree. z. The gum or sticky substance of any tree; slime; wax; pilali palolo. 3. Car- tilage; kumumumu. Pilalilall (pMa'-li-ia'-li), adj. [Pi- lali, gum.] 1. Having water gath- ered on the outside, as on fish or meat that has been dried; juicy, as any substance that absorbs water on the surface. It is ap- plied also to poi which has water floating on the top. 2. Sticky; slimy. Pilalilali (pi'-laMT-iaMi), n. [Pilali, gum.] The viscid watery fluid that collects on the outside of a substance, absorbed from a damp atmosphere or from internal mois- ture: E kowali a pau ka pilalilali, work up (the poi) till the out- side moisture is gone. Pilaliohe (pi'-la'-li-o'-he), adj. 1 Leaning, as the roof of a house. 2. Thin; spare. Pilapilau (pT'-la-pi-la'u), n. 1. The leaf of a species of turnip. 2. A climbing plant which resembles the maile in leaf but emits an offensive odor; a plant of the con- volvulus class. Pilau (pi'-la'u), adj. Dirty; filthy; especially, of a bad smell. Pilau (pl'-la'u), n. 1. A stench; an unsavory smell. 2. Fig. An evil influence; vileness: Ua ku ko'u pilau mai Hawaii a Kauai, my vileness extends from Hawaii to Kauai. Pilau (pi'-la'u), v. 1. To emit a loathsome smell; to emit stench, as a dead body or putrid matter; to fill the air with putrid exhala- tions. 2. Morally, to be loath- some. 3. To be hateful to one; to be disliked. PIL 546 PIL Pilekaleka (pi'-le'-ka-le'-ka), adj. Same as pilalilali. Pilekaleka (pi'-le'-ka-le'-ka), n. Mois- ture or water gathered on dry fish or dry meat, etc., on being ex- i posed to moisture; also on poi I when water settles on top : e ko- 1 wali a pau ka pilekaleka. Syn: Pilalilali. Pill (pi'-li), adj. 1. Of or belonging; to a person or thing: ka pill ana i o ke ahiahi, first of evening; after I dark. 2. United; joining. 3. Things | adhering or coming in contact that ought not. 4. Relative; ap- j propriate. j Pill (pi'-li), n. 1. The long, coarse j grass used in thatching houses; i so called from the easy manner in which the seeds are detached! from the stalk and adhere to a ; person's clothes. 2. The adhering or uniting of one thing with an- other. 3. The name of shingles from their taking the place of the j grass, pili, in covering houses. 4.1 Relation; that which belongs to; j a nearness to; a resembling; a likeness. 5. A wager; a bet. 6. A nearness to; a belonging to: ka pili o ke ao, the near day or day- break. Pili (pi'-li), V. 1. To coincide; to be close together, as shingles. 2. To cleave to, as to a friend. 3. To wager or bet. 4. To take care of or charge of. 5. To be related to. 6. To agree together, as wit- nesses, 7. To belong to; to ac- company ; to follow. Piliaaiku (pi'li-a'-a'-i'ku'), n. Same as piliaiku. Plliaiku (pi'-li-a'-i'-ku'), n. [Pili and a-i, neck, and ku, to stand.] Lit. That which belongs to a stiff neck. Numbness; stiffness of joints with a lack of warmth. See opili and mailoihi. Also written piliaaiku. Pilialo (pi'-li-a'-lo), n. [Pili, to ad- here, and alo, the front. One's bosom friend; one's beloved wife. Piliano (pi'-li-a'-no), n. Resem- blance in character or image. Pllihihia (pi'-li-hi-hi'-a), v. To bet and lose often or rapidly in a gam- ble. Pilihua (pi'-li-hu'-a), adj. Speech- less; perplexed; sorrowful; aston- ished. Pilihua (pi'-li-hu'-a), adv. Sadly; silently from sorrow. Pilinua (pi'-li-hu'-a), n. 1. Sadness: sorrow; dejection of heart. 2. Astonishment connected with fear and wonder. =E2=80=A2 3. Perplexity; dif- ficulty; want of something essen- tial. Pilihua (pi'-li-hu'-a), v. [Pili and hua, pain.] 1. To be sad; to be distressed in mind. 2. To be sorrowful; to be cast down; to be dismayed. 3. To be amazed; to be astonished; to wonder greatly. 4. To be in despair; to be utter- ly cast down. 5. To stick fast, as words in a person's mouth when afraid or astonished; to be unable to speak through fear. Pilihuki (pi'-li-hu'-ki), n. Family clashings. Pilihuki (pi'-li-hu'-ki), v. To clash; to have separate interests; to separate. Pilikai (pi'-li-ka'i), n. 1. A plant creeper (Argyreia tiliaefolia), found only along rocky shores. 2. The berry of the pilikai which is used as medicine. Pilikana (pi'-li-ka'-na), n. 1. An in- terest in one; a relationship to one. 2. A friend; a relative. 3. A motive; heaha kou kuleana e wena aku ai ia ia? he hoahanau. Pilikana (pi'-li-ka'-na), v. To be re- lated to one; to have an interest in one. Pilikia (pi'-li-ki'-a), adj. Crowded close together; straight; narrow; difficult. Pilikia (pi'-li-ki'-a), n. A difficulty; a hindrance; a perilous situation; extreme danger, as in distress; trouble. Pilikia (pi'-li-ki'-a), v. Pili and kia, a snare.] 1. To be crowded; to be in want of room. 2. To be in straits; to be in difficulty; to be entangled in any way. 3. To be cramped for want of means or in- struments for doing a thing. 4. To be stinted in a provision for one's living. Plllkua (pi'-li-ku'-a), n. 1. A back- woodsman. 2. A giant; a desper- ate fighter. Pilikua (pi'-li-ku'-a), v. 1. To fight in single combat, as in a duel. 2. To cleave to the back. PIL 547 PIL Pililoko (pi'-lMo'-ko), n. A relative; kinsman. Syn: Pilikana. Pililoko (pi'-li-lo'-ko), v. [Pill, to belong, and loko, internal.] To be- long to that which is internal; to go close to; be closely related. Pilimeaal (pi'-li-me'-a-a'i), n. One who followed a chief or other person for the sake of food or a living. (Such persons were always spoken of with contempt.) Pilimeaal (pi'-li-me'-a-a'i), v. [Pill, to adhere, and mea, purpose, thing, and ai, food, living.] To live with or follow one for the sake of food or a living, as the chiefs in for- mer times had many followers because they fed them, Pillmoe (pi'-li-mo'-e), n. Name of one of the five puu kapu in the game of noa. Pilimua (pl'-li-mu'-a), n. 1. A being preferred. 2. An elder pllt or relative. Pillpa (pi'-li-pa'), n. A hedge; a hedge fence. Pilipaa (pi'-li-pa'a), n. Constant friendship ; living together in great harmony with unity of sentiment: ka pilipaa o ka houpo, the ce- menting of affection. Pilipaa (pi'-li-pa'a), v. [Pill, to ad- here, and paa, fast; tight.] 1. To live together in close union or in constant friendship; to be seldom separate from each other. 2. To fit close. Pilipili (pr-lT-pI'-li), adj. [Pill, to adhere.] Adhering, sticking to; connected with, Pilipiliula (pr-li-pIMi-u'-la), n. Pill- pill, adhesive, and ula, red.] A spe- cies of small, low bearded grass, the beards of which adhere tight- ly to the dress of one walking through it. Also called mania- niaula. Pilipu (pi'-li-pu'), V. [Pill, adhere, and pu, together.] 1. To unite; to join and adhere together; to come in near contact, as the skin and bone in a poor animal. 2. To come together, as the lips, that is, to shut the mouth; to be silent; to cease answering. 3. To be put to silence either by argument or authority. 4. To be confounded; to know not what to say through astonishment. Pilipuka (pl'-li-pu'-ka), n. [Pill and puka, a door or gateway.] 1. The period between midnight and dawn. The hour of three o'clock in the morning: aia i ka pili o ke kaka- hiaka, i ka pilipuka. Compare kau, midnight. 2. One of the puu or covers in the game of puhenehene. Piliwaiwai (pi'-li-wa'i-wa'i), n. The general name of betting and gambling; obtaining property without work and with more or less deceit. (The ancient forms of piliwaiwai were almost inumer- able; cards, called by Hawaiians pepa, have taken the place of them.) Piliwale (pi'-li-wa'-le), adj. Silenced; awed; unable to answer, as one overcome by emotion. Piliwale (pi'-li-wa'-le), n. 1. Poorness or thinness in flesh; wiwi o ke kino, 2, Scarcity of food; suf- fering on account of famine, 3, An adhering to, or living on an- other. Piliwale pi'-li-wa'-le), v. [Pill, to adhere, and wale, gratuitously.] 1. to join one's company or party for the sake of a living. 2. To live carelessly regardless of the future; to live idly. 3. To be exposed to the weather; to die with hunger. Pilo (pi'-lo), V. To be corrupt; to be impure; to be much injured: ohikihiki i ka niho a pilo. Pi loll (pl'-16'-li), V. 1, To be made smaller; to weaken; to make diminutive. 2, To lose strength; to fall back from a former condi- tion. Pilopilo (pi'-16-pi'-lo), adj. Corrupt; impure; applied to impure water; fouled; dirty, as water, Pilopilo (pT'-16-pr-lo), n. An offen- sive smell from any cause, Syn: Pilau. Pilouku (piM6-u'-ku). n. [Pilo and uku, pay,] 1. A willingness to accept anything in the way of re- ward or recompense. Aohe pilou- ku, nothing wrong in the pay, any reward is acceptable; I will take anything for pay which you will give. Pllu (pi'-lu), V. To shake; to vi- brate. Syn: Kapalili. Pilupilu (pi'-m-pi'-lu), adj. 1. Rich, as a woman richly dressed, with her rich turban, or a child adorned PIL 548 PIO with rich presents. 2. Rich; used in ridicule by the poor; also in ridicule of the poor on account of their poverty. See hiluhilu. Pilupilu (pi'-lu-pl'-lu), V. [Pilu, to shake.] To shake; to vibrate strongly. Pina (pi'-na), n. 1. A pin or instru- ment for fastening up the hair on the sides of the head: he mea mahamaha lauoho. (This might seem to be from the English pin but it is a genuine Hawaiian word.) 2. The dragon-fly. Also called pinao. 3. The needle of a compass. Pinai (pi-na'i), v. 1. To patch a garment; to mend; to fill up a vacancy. 2. To work constantly; e hana mau. 3. To adhere to a chief or rich person for the sake of food or a support. 4. To stand thick together; to crowd. Pinana (pi'-na'-na), adj. Mischievous; acting mischievously; going here and there; climbing here and there; restless. Pinana (pi'-na'-na), v. 1. To climb, as a cat climbs up the side of a house. 2. To be mischievous, as a child that climbs where he ought not; to climb up mischiev- ously. 3. To crook; to bend; to bend over; to bend out of shape. 4. To be higher, as one part of an object than another. 5. To flow swiftly upward, as waves against the shore. Pinanaea (pi'-na-na-e'-a), v. To have the eyes bedimmed, as with cob- webs; e punawelewele na maka. Pinanai (pi'-na-na'i), v. To rise up, as the bow of a ship or canoe in passing over a swell: Lanaiea, pi- nanai, e ke kaikaina, e ka-ua i ka hoe. PInanaiea (pi'-na-na'i-e'-a), v. 1. To turn aside, as the bow of a ship when struck by a strong sea or wave. 2. To turn one's head aside to look. Pinao (pi'-na'o), n. The dragon-fly. Pinau (pi'-na'u), n. The recoil of a rope when it breaks under tension. Pinauea (pi'-na'u-e'-a), n. 1. A species of tapa; a pa-u. 2. A short pa-u or skirt reaching to the knees. Pine (pi-ne'), n. A falsehood; a falsifier; he kanaka wahahee. Pine (pi'-ne), n. [Mod.] A pin; a bolt, a peg; anything driven to hold parts together. Pine (pi'-ne), v. 1. To fasten with a pin. 2. To falsify; to cheat. Pineplne (pi'-ne-pi'-ne), adj. Fre- quent. Pinepine (pi'-ne-pi'-ne), adv. Many times ; often ; frequently. Pini (pi'-ni), n. [Eng.] A pin. Pinopino (pi'-n6-pi'-no), adj. Same as pilopilo. Bad smelling; cor- rupt. Pio (pi'-o), adj. Extinguished; put out; quenched, as fire or a lamp; defeated. Pio (pi'o), adj. Bent; crooked; curved ; arched. Pio (pi'-o), adv. Relating to captiv- ity; as a captive. Pio (pi'-o), n. 1. A prisoner; a cap- tive; one enslaved; anything taken by force; a prey: pio ana, bondage; captivity. 2. A measure of three feet. Pio (pi'o), n. 1. An arc of a circle. 2. An incestuous offspring. Pio (pi'-o), V. 1. To be put out; to to destroyed. 2. To be conquered, subdued, overthrown. 3. To fall away or sink out of sight, said of a fallen kite or a canoe lost at sea. Pio (pi'o), V. 1. To be bent; to be curved; to bend around as the arch of a rainbow; to curve as an arch; to bend as an elastic sub- stance. 2. To commit incest. Pioeoe (pi'-o'-e-o'-e), n. A species of of mussel or small shell-fish (My- tilus crebristriatus). Also called nahawele. Piolepo (pi'o-le'-po), n. Plying dirt; lepo (dust) taken up by the wind; a column of dust. Piolo (pi-o'-lo), V. [Olo, to move back and forth, or up and down, as a saw.] 1. To rub; to polish; to strike the hand back and forth, as in playing a jewsharp. 2. To throw with the mouth. Pioloke (pi'o-16'-ke), adj. Amazed. Pioloke (pi*o-lo'-ke), adv. Confused- ly; without order: e hee pioloke, to flee in disorder. Pioloke (pi'o-lo'-ke), n. 1. A talk; a confused sound of voices; a gabble: a nui loa ae ke pioloke ana; an inquiry about something. 2. A great excitement among peo- PIO 549 PIP pie through fear or any cause. 3. Haste without thought or careful- ness. Pioloke (pi'o-lo'-ke), v. 1. To gab- ble; to make a great noise by confused talking. 2. To be an- j noyed or harassed by unnecessary j talk. 3. To be in confusion or trouble of mind, as a weak person. 4. To be excited. Pioloolo (pi'-o'-16-6'-lo), v. To mix or blend, said of materials used for medicine. Pioo (pi-o'-6'), n. A wandering state of mind; a state of doubt, anxiety and perplexity; a slight derangement. Pioo (pi-o'-6'), V. 1. To be confused; to be perplexed. 2. To be apart from one's natural self, as a re- sult of a disturbed mental condi- tion. Piopio (pi'o-pi'o), n. See hoopiopio. Piopio (pi'-6-pi'-o), v. 1. To make a noise, as any young, feeble animal ; i e kani me he mea liilii la. Syn: j loio. 2. To peep, as a chicken. ! 3. To pray, as with the pule ana- ana. Syn: Hoopiopio. 4. Same as hoopoi or hoopoipoi. Pipa (pi'-pa'), n. 1. A pali or preci- pice. 2. The fruit of the kaee and the medicine made from the fruit. Pipa (pi'-pa'), V. To turn sideways; to edge up to a thing; to dodge; to parry off. Pipapipa (pi'-pa-pi-pa'), v. To turn sideways or start aside as if to avoid something. E nihi ma ka pa, wriggle along the fence. Pipi (pi'-pf), adj. 1. Smouldering, as fire under green wood. 2. Al- most extinguished; not burning easily; smoking, like something that will not blaze. Pipi (pi'-pi), n. 1. An oyster; he ano paiea, he ano ia. The oyster and its shell. 2. The center of the eye; the sight. Pipi (pi'-pi'), n. The female of the bird oo. Pipi (pi'-pi), n. 1. The feelers of an insect. 2. Any depression on the body; a mino. 3. [Eng. beef] (Generally written bipi.) Neat cat- tle. Pipi (pi'-pi'), V. [Pi, to throw water.] 1. To sprinkle; to wet by sprinkling water or blood. 2. Fig. To purify. 3. To smoulder; to continue to burn without a flame, as the wick of a lamp; to burn, as green or wet wood. Pipi (pi'-pi'), V. 1. To percolate, as water from a bed of rock. 2. To urinate. Pipii (pi'-pi'i), v. Same as piipii. 1. To spring up or flow upwards, as water in a spring or fountain. 2. To overflow; to effervesce, as a bottle of beer; e piha me he bia la. Pipika (pi-pi'-ka), adj. Turning aside; moving out of the direct line. Pipika (pi-pi'-ka). v. 1. To flow over; to overflow, as a stream over a bank: e hu ma kapa. 2. To turn aside from the natural course. 3. To rush against the sides of any confining object. 4. To thrust or push against, as a Pipili (pT-pT'-li), n. 1. Adherence for what can be acquired. 2. A follower for gain. 3. A begging repeatedly; if one obtains to go again, like a fly when brushed away it returns again; ike nei poe kanaka i ka pipili o nei ka- naka i ko lakou nei kumu. 4. Any adhesive substance. Pipili (pi-pl'-li), V. [Pili, to adhere.! 1. To stick fast to, as with pitch; to cleave to. 2. To adhere to one, as a friend; to fasten; to adhere to, as the tongue to the roof of the mouth, that is, to be speech- less. 3. To be joined or united with; to belong to. Pipilo (pi-pl'-lo), adj. [Pilo, to be impure.] Bad smelling; disgust- ing to the smell. See pilopilo. Pipina (pi'-pi'-na), n. Girl who as- sumes the role of a harlot. PIplne (pi-pi'-ne), n. Same as pi- pina. Pipinoke (pi-pi-n6'-ke), n. A rain storm. Pipinoke (pi'-pi'-n6'-ke), v. [Pipi and noke, to fret.] To scold; to quarrel with one; to dispute; to contradict; to go on scolding, as one when the other stops. Syn: Oleole. Pipio (pi-pi'o), adj. Crooked; bend- ing; arched. PIpIo (pi-pi'o), n. 1. A tall, stoop- shouldered man. 2. An arch; a bending line. PIP 550 POA Pipio pi-pi'o), V. [Pio, bent.] 1. To bend over, as a tall, stoop- shouldered man; to bend, as in bowing; to bend forward. 2. To bend, as the rainbow; to be bent. Pipiolepo (pi-pi'o-le'-po), v. [Piolepo, flying dirt.] To fly, as dirt or trash in the wind, that is, crook- edly, in whirls, or any way except in straight lines: me he anuenue la, hele a pio ka lepo. Pipipi (pi-pi'-pi), adj. Thickly; near together; crowded, Pipipi (pi-pi'-pi), n. A species of small sea snail (Nerita picea). Pipipi (pi-pi'-pi), V. [Pipi, to ad- here.] To be thick together; to stand thickly together, as people or things; to crowd one against another ; kupinai. Pipipii (pi'-pi-pi*i), v. [Pii, to rise.] 1. To spring or rise up continual- ly, as water in a spring or foun- tain. 2. To ascend a hill together, as a company of people; to go up. Pipiwai (pi'-pi'-wa'i), n. [Pipi, to percolate, and wai, water.] 1. A place where water springs up or oozes out of the ground or rocks. 2. The oozing or dropping of wa- ter. 3. The fine grass that springs up in a newly planted taro patch. Pisetakia (pi'-se-ta'-ki'-a), n. [Eng.] The nut of the pistacia, the ker- nel of which is eatable; pistachio nuts. [ Piula (pi-u'-la), n. [Mod.] 1. Incor- i rect spelling and pronunciation for miula (Eng.), a mule; also called i hoki. 2. The name of a game at cards. Piula (pi-u'-la), n. [Eng.] Pewter; tin, etc.; any metal the color of pewter. Also called piuta. Plwai (pi'-wa'i), n. 1. A species of wild duck; manu koloa piwai. 2. A hard rock of which kois or adzes were made. Piwekaweka (pi'-we'-ka-we'-ka), adj. [Pi, stingy, and weka, hard.] Close; stingy; hard in a bargain. Po (po), a prefix. It seems to have an intensive force, thus: maikai, pomaikai; ino, poino; eleele, poele- ele; pilikia, popilikia, etc. Po (po), adj. i. Dark; dark colored; obscure. 2. Fig. Ignorant; rude; wild; savage. 3. Unsocial; sour; unfriendly; crabbed. Po (po), n. 1. Night; the time after the going down of the sun; the time of the twenty-tour hours op- posite to ao, day. 2. Darkness; the time when the sun gives no light. 3. Chaos; the time before there was light: mai ka po mai, from chaos (darkness) hitherto, that is, from the beginning, from eternity. 4. The place of departed spirits; the place of torment. (Ha- waiians reckon time by nights rather than by days; as, po akahi, first night, that is, Monday; po alua, second night, Tuesday. Po was counted as a god among the poe akuanoho or the deified spirits of the deceased.) Po (po), V. 1. To be dark; to dark- en; to become night; to be out of sight; to vanish; hence, to be slain; to be lost; e po i ke kaua, to be lost in war. 2. Fig. To be ig- norant; to be wild; to be rude; to be uncultivated, 3. To overshad- ow, as the foliage of trees, Poa (po'a), adj. Castrated; emascu- lated; despoiled of virility; he luna i poaia. Poa (po'a), n. One castrated; a . eunuch. Poa (po'a), V. 1. To castrate; to emasculate; to make one a eunuch. 2. To dig under; to undermine. Poaaha (p5'-a-a'-ha), n. The fresh bark of the cloth mulberry or wauke, of which tapa was made. Poaala (po'-a'-a'-la), v. To thrum with the fingers on a drum head; to thump; kilipoipoi e, e poaala la. See kilipoipoi. Poae (po'-a'e), n. A company; a party. Poaeae (po-a'e-a*e), adv. Obscurely; indistinctly seen; darkly: ike po- aeae, to have indistinct ideas of a thing. Syn: Powehiwehi. Poaeae (p6-a'e-a'e), n. The hollow place under the arm; the armpit. Syn : Poee. Poaha (p6-a'-ha), n. 1. A circle. 2. A ball wound with a hollow on one side as something to set a cal- abash in. 3. A smaller ball of the same kind to apply to any swell- ing, 4, The name of trailing plants in general. Poaha (po'-a-ha'), n, [Po, night, and aha, four.] The fourth day after POA 551 POA Sabati or Sunday; that is, Thurs- day. Poaha (p6-a'-ha), v. To encircle; to go round; to go about here and there. Poahanui (po'a'-ha-nu'-i), n. Same as puahanui. Poahiahi (po'-a'-hia'-hi), adj. Dim; obscure. Syn: Powehiwehi. Poai (po'-a'i), adv. In a roundabout manner: ku poai, standing around; on all sides. Poai (po'-a'i), n. A circle, real or imaginary; a hoop; a girdle. In geography, poai waena, the equi- noctial line; poai anu akau, the Arctic circle, etc. Poai (po'-a'i), v. 1. To encircle; to go round; to encompass, as a city besieged. 2. To surround. Poaia (po'a-i'a), n. A eunuch. Poaia (po'a-i'a), v. [Passive of poa.J To be emasculated. Poaiai (po'-a'i-a'i), v. To go round and round; to surround. Same as poai, popoai, and poapoai. Poaihapalua (p6'-a'i-ha'-pa-lu'-a), n. [Poai, circle, and hapalua, half.] A semi-circle. Poaihee (p6-=C2=A7,'i-he'e), n. A defeated party. Poaihele (p6'-a'i-he'-le), v. [Poai, a circle, and hele, to go.] To travel about from place to place. Poalioihi (p6-a'i-lo-i'-hi), n. [Poai, circle, and loihi, long.] An oval figure; an ellipse. Poaipuni (p6'-=C2=A7,'i-pu'-ni), v. [Poai, circle, and puni, around.] To trav- el round here and there; to go round a country for any purpose; to circumambulate. Syn: Poaihele. Poaka (p6'-a'-ka), n. 1. A cicatrix; a scar. 2. A mark or figure made on tapa or on the skin. Poakahi (po'-a'-ka'-hi), n. [Po, night, and kahi, one, first.] The first day of the week after Sunday; that is, Monday. Poakolu (po'-a'-ko'-lu), n. [Po, night, and kolu, three.] The third day after Sunday; that is, Wednesday. Poaia (p6-a'-la), n. 1. Medicine pre- pared in a form to be swallowed whole; pills, capsules, etc. 2. A gargle. Poaia (p6-a'-la), v. 1. To roll up. as a ball; to wind up string into a ball; e owili i ke kaula, e hana popo. 2. To swallow eagerly; e kani ka puu 1 ka ono ana i kekahi mea, e uinaka puu; to swallow en- tirely; to swallow without chew- ing. 3. To wind; to twist; to pur- sue a winding course. iPoalaala (po-a'-la-a'-la), adj. Rolling; tumbling over and over. Poalaala (p6-a'-ia-a'-la), adv. Going toward land and out to sea again, as in sailing along a coast in a canoe: mai holo poalaala ka waa i uka i kai; off and on. Poale (po-a'-le), v, [Po arid ale, to swallow, as a wave.] To be open; to be absorbent; to- drink in; e hamama, a moni e aleale. Pbaleale (p6-a'-le-a'-le), adj. 1. Open; absorbent; lying useless. 2. Con- fused; dizzy; ready to fall. Poall (p6'-a'-li), adj. [Po and ali, a scar.] Dark; obscure; not well defined, as a faint mark on the skin. Poalima (po'-a-li'-ma), n. [Po, night, and lima, five; the fifth.] The fifth day (night) after Sunday; that is, Friday: I ka 21 Augate oia ka Poalima, the 21st of August, that was Friday. 2. A religious meeting on Friday of each week, formerly generally attended throughout the islands. Poalo (p6-a'-lo), v. 1. To pluck or dig out the eyes: Ua poaloia kona mau maka, a make no ia ma ka- hiki, his eyes were dug out, and he died in a foreign country. 2. To twist round and draw out, as a tooth. 3. To take or force out, as beans from a pod; to shell out beans. 4. To surround; to circum- ambulate. Poalua (po'-a'-lu'-a), n. [Po and aiua, two; the second.] The second day after Sunday; that is, Tuesday. Poana (po-a'-na), n. The name of the sea outside of where the surf breaks; also called pueone. Poanaana (po-a'-na-a'-na), adj. Weary; lame; sore, as with walking or lying in one position; fatigued, as with carrying a burden. Poaono (p6'-a'-o'-no), n. [Po, night, and aono, six.] The sixth day after Sunday; that is, Saturday. Poapoaal (po'-a-po'-a-^'i), v. To coil in a circular form, as in winding a ball; to wind round and round; e owiliwili; to surround, Syn: Poai and popoai. POA 552 POH Poapoai (po'-a-po'-ai), n, A small coiling shell-fish, a species of the pupu (Triton). Poapoala (p6'-a-p6-a'-la), v. [Freq. of poala.] 1. To wind frequently; to wind round and round. 2. To go round; to surround; to travel round a city or country. Poapoapola (po'-a'-p6-a'-p6-la'), v. 1. To go about from house to house. 2. To eat greedily; to swallow down food rapidly. Poe (po're), adj. Round; circular. Syn: Poepoe. Poe (po'e), n. 1. A company; a number of persons or animals, from three to any indefinitely large number. It is not so often applied to things as to persons and ani- mals; but the idea is that of a certain company or assemblage as distinct from some others. A clus- ter; a bunch; often synonymous with pae and puu. 2. A vegetable resembling the akulikuli or purs- lane; a water or sea plant. 3. A sign of the plural number of nouns; synonymous with pae and puu, but much more frequently used. When applied as a sign of the plural, it still retains the idea of a separate class. Poe (po'e), V, 1. To turn over and over in putting on the finishing touches to a loaf. 2. Stone used in the process of mashing or pre- paring food. Poee (po'-e'-e'), n. The armpit. Poeko (p6'-e'-ko), adj. Skillful; clever; intelligent; able to think and speak. Poelamuku (p6-e'-la-mu'-ku), n. An officer who attended the person of a chief and executed his orders. See ilamuku and lawekahili. Poele (p6-e'-le), adj. Dark blue; black as night; dark colored. Poele (p6-e'-le), v. [Po, night, and ele, black.] 1. To be very dark, as a dark night; to be black. 2. Fig. To be sinking in death; to be in the unconscious state that often precedes death. Poeleele (p6-e'-le-e'-le), adj. 1. Black; dark as night; benighted. 2. Ap- plied to the mind, ignorant; be- wildered. Poeleele (p6-e'-le-e'-le), v. [Poele, to be dark.] To be or become dark, as night; to become black. Poepoe (po'-e-p6'-e), adj. Round; round and smooth; globular; cir- cular: He mea poepoe ka honua, the earth is a round thing. Poepoe (po'-e-po'-e), v. 1. To be short; to be low, in opposition to tall, high. 2. To be round. Poepoehawae (po'-e-po'-e-ha-wa'e), n. [Mod.] A flattened sphere. Poepoepikoi (po'-e-po'-e-pi'-ko'i), n. [Mod.] A lengthened sphere. Poha (p6-ha'), adj. Bursting; crack- ing; sparkling. Poha (p6-ha'), n. 1. The crack of a whip. 2. The noise of thunder; the noise of any explosive sub- stance. 3. The bursting or break- ing of a boil. 4. The bursting or flashing of light. . 5. The Cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana). Poha (p6-ha'), v. To burst; to break forth; to appear suddenly. Pohae (po-ha'e), v. To be torn, said of any kind of fabric when dam- aged by a rent. Pohaehae (po'-ha'e-ha'e), adj. [Po and hae, torn.] Rotten; brittle, etc., as cloth easily torn. Syn: Pakepake, paina. Pohaha (p6-ha'-ha'), adj. 1. Round; circular, as a pit, as the crater of a volcano; deep, as a pit. Syn: Ponaha. Pohaha (p6-ha'-ha'), n. Material thrown out in volcanic eruptions, and the detonations that accom- pany a lava flow. Pohal (po-ha'i), v. 1. To be sur- rounded and gathered into an in- closure. 2. To be gathered to- gether in a circular form, as fish inclosed in a net: ua pohai ka ia; ua pohal na waa; ua pohai na kanaka. Pohaka (po'-ha'-ka), n. 1. A print- ed or painted tapa. 2. A cinc- ture; a girdle; a belt. Pohakaa (po'-ha'-ka'a), n. The name of a god supposed to live in ra- vines or precipitous places where stones were often rolled down; Kane of the stony places or palis. Pohakau (po'-ha'-ka'u), n. An anchor by which a ship is fastened by means of the cable; he heleuma: he mea e paa ai ka moku i ka hekau. Syn: Pohakuhekau. Pohakaulei (po'-ha'-ka'u-le'i), n. Loose stones; surface stones. POH 553 POH Pohakaulei (po'-ha'-k^'u-le'l), v. 1. To draw in; to contract. 2. To raise or lift up; to raise to a higher place. Pohakiikii (p6-ha'-ki'i-ki'i), v. 1. To place and to carry a child on the back part of the neck (not on the shoulder). 2. To carry anything on the back part of the neck, like a kihei or mantle. Pohakioloa (p6-ha'-kr-6'-lo'-a), n. Stone used as a land mark; a stone set in the ground to mark a division of land. Pohakoi (p6-ha'-ko'i), n. An ava- lanche of stone on a mountain road; rocky obstructions in a stream. Pohakoi (p6-ha'-ko'i), v. To be firm- ly embedded in the earth. Pohaku (po'-ha'-ku), adj. Of the na- ture or quality of stone, hard. Pohaku (po'-ha'-ku), n. The general name of stones, rocks, pebbles, etc.: pohaku ula, a brick; a tile; pohaku lepo, an adobe; a sun-dried brick; o na mea paa he pohaku ia. (Large stones were called pali pohaku; lesser ones pohaku uuku; melted stone or lava was called aa; small stones rubbed or worn smooth in the water were called iliili; the least of all hard sub- stances was called one, sand.) Pohakuhekau (po-ha'-ku-he-k^'u), n. Stone used as an anchor for a canoe. Pohakuhele (po'-ha'-kO-he'-le), n. [Po- haku, a stone, and hele, to go.] Lit. A walking stone. A species of small crab which has a shell like a stone. Pohakukaa (po'-ha'-kQ-ka'a), n. [Po- haku, stone, and kaa, to turn.] 1. A millstone: ponakukaa palaoa. 2. A rolling stone. Pohakulepo (p6'-ha'-ku-le'-po), n. [Po- haku, stone, and lepo, dirt.] A brick made of soil mixed with grass or straw, and dried in the sun. Syn: Adobe. Pohakupaa (po'-ha'-kii-pa'a), n. [Po- haku, stone, and paa, firm; solid.] A rock. (Pohakupaa is the general name of hard or solid stones out of which koi or adzes were made, and stands in opposition to pohaku luhee, soft or porous stones.) Pohakupaea (po'-ha'-kQ-pa'-e-a), n. [Pohaku and paea, the Hawaiian pronunciation for the English word fire.] A fire stone; a flint. Pohakuwaiki (p6'-ha'-ku-wa'i-k!'), n. [Pohaku and wai, water, and kj, to shoot, as a gun.] A ball or bullet formed anciently from a stone and adapted to a squirt-gun. Pohala (p6-ha'-la), adj. Quiet; breathing freely; opening, as a flower; relieved from confinement. Pohala (p6-ha'-la), n. Rest;" ease after pain or suffering; relief from constraint. Pohala (p6-ha'-la). v. 1. To be healed; to recover from sickness. 2. To recover from a swoon or fainting: alalia, pohala ae la kona manao. Used also with naau. 3. To breathe freely and easily after being relieved from severe pain. 4. To be freed from constraint; to break loose from confinement. 5. To unfold; to burst forth, as the petals of a flower. Pohalake (p6-ha'-ia-ke'), v. To be full. Syn: Maona. Pohale (p6-ha'-le), adj. Absorbent; swallowing up. Syn: Poaleale. Pohale (p6-ha'-le), v. [A shortened form of Pohalehale, wave.] To be or go down in the trough of great waves or surges of the sea. Pohalehale (p6-ha'-le-ha'-le), adj. Open; unprotected; lying useless. Same as poale and poaleale. Pohalu (p6-ha'-lu), adj. Broken; wounded; coiled up; lying quietly. Pohalu (po-ha'-lu), v. [Po, intensive, and halu, to sink in or to sink down.] 1. To sink down, as some- thing weak or overcome; to droop. 2. To lie scattered about. 3. To rest securely or quietly in a place. Pohano (po'-ha'-no), adj. [Po, inten- sive, and hano, hoarse.] Hoarse; unnatural, as the voice from a cold or other cause; hard breathing, as one with the phthisic. Pohapoha (p6'-ha-p6-ha'), v. [Poha, to burst.] 1. To burst forth sud- denly, as any sound; to parch, as corn; to crack, as a whip. 2. To burst or break forth, as a boil. i 3. To rise in bubbles like boiling ' water. ; Pohe (p6'-he), adj. Cut short; cut into short pieces. Pohe (po'-he), n. A plant of the olona class the bark of which is used like olona or hemp. POH 554 POH Pohe (po'-he), v. Same as poke, to cut. Poheepali (p6-he'e-pa'-li), n. One who has the best of a bargain; a successful trader. Poheepali (po-he'e-pa'-li), v. 1. To die mysteriously, no one knowing the cause; e make me ka poino, aole maopopo ka mai ame ka po- pilikia. 2. To fall down a pali or precipice when alone and be killed. 3. To be killed accidentally. Poheeua (po'-he'e-u'a), n. A fault or landslide on the side of a mountain usually caused by rain. Poheeua (po'-he'e-u'a), v. To slip or fall down or slide off a steep prec- ipice on account of a great rain. Syn: Poheepali. Poheheo (po'-he-he'-o), v. 1. To swell up round and smooth; to be round and plump, as a woman wearing many folds of pa-u. 2. To be large and well rounded. Pohemo (p6-he'-mo), v. To slip out of the hand, as a bundle; e puhe- mo, 6 alualu, e oloolo, e haaluea. Syn : Pahemo. Poheo (p6-he'-o), n. A stone; any hard thing; he mea paakiki. Poheoheo (p6-he'-6-he'-o), adj. Round; smooth; hard. Poheoheo (p6-he'-6-he'-o), n. 1. Any small, round, hard substance. 2. Specifically, the head of a nail or pin; the head at the top of a rafter; a knob. Poheue (p6'-he-u'-e), n. A place of torment. Syn: Polioia; pokinikini, pomanomano. \ Pohl (p6'-hi'), V. To sink down; to settle away; to grow less. Syn: Paho, to go out of sight. Pohlhl (p6-hi'-hi), adj. Dark; ob- scure; intricate; confused, as long tangled hair. Pohlhi (p6-hi'-hi), v. [Po, intensive, and hlhi, to be thick and tangled, as vines.] 1. To be very much tangled, as a thick growth of vines. 2. To be shady, as with thick leaves and branches of trees. Pohihihi (po'-hi-hi'-hi), adj. 1. Ob- scure, as language; puzzling, as a question; not plain; entangled; mea pohihihi, a mystery; a dark saying; hard questions; forgotten; not known. 2. Mysterious. Syn: Pohihiu. Pohihihi (po'-hi-hi'-hi), n. A mist; an obscurity of vision; anything dark or entangled; that which is ob- scure or mysterious; a mystery. Pohihiu (po'-hi-hi'-u), adj. [Po and hihi, to be thick, and hiu, wild.] Entangled; puzzling; not plain. Pohina (po'-hi'-na), adj. White; whitish; having a white appear- ance. Pohina luna i ke ao makani kaluu, Naiie ka lehiia ka pua o ka laau, Hakawai ka ohua o Okuauli, Uli ke a i na hua e ke akua. 2. Obscure; beclouded. Pohina (po'-hi'-na), n. 1. A mist or fine rain; a fog; a thin cloud. 2. Any white substance of milk-like color. Pohinahina (po'-hl'-na-hi'-na), n. 1. A breaking down, as a tree or shrub; he wahia na laau. 2. The name of a plant of a silvery gray color, the silver sword; he hina- hina; also called ahinahina. Pohiwehiwa (p6'-hi-we'-hi-wa'), adj. Same as powehiwehi. Pohiwi (po'-hi'-wi), n. Same as poo- hiwi, the shoulder. Poho (po'-ho'), adj. Sunken; lying at the. bottom of water or mire. Poho (po'-ho), n. 1. Chalky white earth; hence, 2. Chalk, prepared chalk. Poho (po'-ho'), n. Loss or damage in any transaction. Poho (p6'-ho), n. 1. A slight hollow or cavity: poho lima, the hollow of the hand; poho wawae, hollow of the foot, opposite of piko o ke poo, top of the head. Syn: Poli. 2. A kind of basket. 3. A point or goal. 4. A piece or patch placed over a dent or weak spot. 5. A circular depression; a falling in of the surface. Poho (po'-ho), V. 1. To blow gently, as the wind. 2. To puff out; to be rounded out, as a sail. 3. To com- pound; to unite into one mass; to blend. Syn: Hoowali. Poho (po'-ho), V. To repair by patchwork. Poho (po-ho'), V. 1. To sink, as in water; to plunge out of sight. 2. To sink, that is, lose money or property in business. 3. To sink in spirits; to be despondent; to despair: poho ka manao. POH 555 POH Pohokano (po'-ho-ka'-no), adj. Stin- gy; close; not willing to part with anything. Pohokano (p6'-ho-ka'-no), n. A coun- cillor of state (Kalaimoku), who has served under two kings. Pohola (p5-ho'-la), v. To open; to spread out, as the petals of a flow er when blossoming; to open;, to expand ; to grow larger. Syn : Pohala. Poholalo (p6'-h6-la'-lo), n. Mischief done by disturbing one when sit- ting down; na hana kolohe malalo o ka okole. Poholalo (po'-h6-ia'-lo), v. [Poho and lalo, downward.] To give or fur- nish a thing to be trampled upon; e haawi mai malalo o na wawae. Poholalo (po'-h6-la'-lo), v. [Poho, to dig and lalo, underneath.] 1. To undermine. 2. To act in an un- derhand manner; to defeat or thwart clandestinely. Poholawa (p6'-h6-la'-wa), adj. Part- ly rotten or decayed, as vegetables. Poholawa (p6'-h6-la'-wa), v. To be water-soaked, as taro; to be worm- eaten, as potatoes; to be internally defective, as vegetables. Pohole (p6-ho'-le), n. A wound; a bruise; an opening or breaking of the skin; a raw spot on the skin. Pohole (p6-h6'-le), v. To be raw from a breaking of the skin. Poholima (po'-h6-lT'-ma), n. [Poho, a hollow, and lima, hand.] The hol- low of the hand; the palm of the hand: kahi palahalaha o ka lima. Poholo (p6-ho'-lo), v. 1. To slip, sink or glide down into the water, as a piece of lead or other heavy substance. 2. To slip off, as an axe from its helve. 3. To cast, as a female her young; to miscarry by premature birth. Poholoholo (p6-h6'-16-ho'-lo), adj. Slightly adhering; easily separat- ing; sinking. Poholoholo (p6-h5'-16-h6'-lo), v. To adhere only slightly, as a work of many pieces; to be loose; to be easily separated. Poholua (po'-h5-lu'-a), n. [Poho, a hollow, and lua, pit.] The deep cavity of the anus. Poholua (po'-h6-lu'-a), v. To set the sails of a vessel to the wind so as to go neither forward or back- ward; to lie to. Pohona (p6-h6'-na), n. [Contraction of pohoana.] A sinking in or sink- ing down, as with pain; a contrac- tion of the muscles in disease; a sinking of the lips and cheeks from the loss of teeth. Pohopoho (p6'-h6'-p6'-ho'), adj. Sink- ing; marshy; miry; muddy. Pohoulu (p6-h6-u'-lu), v. A clump of breadfruit trees. Pohu (po'-hu), adj. Calm; still; quiet, as the wind or sea after a storm. Pohu (p5'-hu), n. 1. A calm after a storm. 2. A calm place in the sea: aia kekahi wahi pohu ma La- nai, ua kapaia o Kaholo mahop^ o ka hanee ana o ka pali; calm still water out of the wind: Makemake nui ko Hilo poe alii ia Kona, no ka pohu, the Hilo chiefs greatly desired Kona for the calm water (of the sea). Syn: Kupohu. Pohu (po'-hu), V. To be calm; to lull, as the wind; pohu loa ka ma- kani, the wind lulled greatly; to be or become calm after a storm at sea. Pohue (p6-hu'-e), adj. Of or pertain- ing to a gourd or calabash; elua ipu, he ipu laau, he ipu pohue: Hana hou no i hale pohue. Pohue (p6-hu'-e), n. 1. A broken piece of calabash. 2. A water calabash. 3. A piece of the bitter calabash. 4. A potsherd. Pohuehue (po'-hu'-e-hu'-e), n. 1, A running plant like the koali. 2. The root of a species of convol- vulus growing on sand banks, and used with the koali as a cathartic. 3. A kind of stone used in polish- ing canoes. Pohuhu (po'-hu'-hu'), v. To be smoky or dusty. Syn: Hoouuahi. Pohuku (p6-hfi'-ku), adj. Round and smooth, that is, without prominent corners; smooth, as the shell of the pauhu; smooth and round, as a bald head. Pohukuhuku (p6-hu'-ku-hu'-ku), adj. 1. Much in quantity; copious; overflowing, as an overflowing tide. 2. Abounding; well fur- nished. Pohukuhuku (p6-hu'-ku-hu'-ku), adv. Unitedly; acting together. Pohukuhuku (po'-hu'-kii-hu'-ku), n. 1. Anything growing or increasing in size. 2. One having the head larger at the top than at the hot- POH 556 POI torn. 3. The rising up of a large white substance, as a white cloud, a pillar of smoke. Syn: Punohu. Pohukuhuku (p6-hu'-ku-hu'-ku), v. 1. To get the advantage in a bargain. 2. To have more than the aver- age; to be well off. Pohuli (p6-hu'-li), n. 1. A sucker, branch or sprout of any vegetable to be transplanted for producing its kind. 2. Any root offspring of a stock, as a banana. Pohuli (p6-hu'-li), v. To transplant, as a tree. Pohuluhi (po'-hu-lu'-hi), v. To be heavy from fatigue; to be weighed 'down, as by sleep; to be very sleepy; to be overcome by fatigue. Poi (po'i), n. 1. A cover of any vessel or container; especially the cover or upper gourd of a cala- bash; hence, 2. The cover of a pot or other vessel. Puk. 25:29. 3. The top of a curling surf where it breaks: he wahi e haki iho ai ka nalu. Poi (po'-i), n. A paste or pudding which was formerly the chief food of Hawaiians, and to a great ex- tent still is. (Poi is made of taro, sweet potatoes or breadfruit, but mostly of taro, by baking the veg- etables in ovens, and afterward peeling and pounding them with a little water; it is then left in a mass to ferment; after fermenta- tion, it is again worked over with more water until it has the con- sistency of thick paste. It is eaten cold with the fingers. It is now made mostly by machinery.) Poi (p6'-i), V. To stir up; to incite. Poi (po'i), V. 1. To cover; to shut, as in closing any container with a lid; to bring two parts together to protect or hold what is be- tween. 2. To curve and break over as a high surf. 3. To fall suddenly upon and seize, as a bird of prey: Ke poi nei ka nalu, the surf is breaking. E poi ka umeke, cover the calabash. Poiawa (po'-i-a'-wa), n. [Poi and awa, sour; bitter.] 1. Sour poi, or poi too much fermented. 2. Fig. A person of a sour or crabbed dis- position. Poiawaawa (po'-i-a'-wa-a'-wa), n. 1. Sour poi. 2. A sour disposition. Poiawahia (po'-i-a'-wa-hi'-a), n, 1. Bit- ter poi. 2. A vicious or fault- finding disposition. Poikalo (po'i-ka'-lo), v. To cover up taro (upland), that is, to spread over the hills dried grass, banana leaves or anything to serve as ma- nure and shade the roots. Poina (po'-i'-na), v. 1. To forget; to be forgotten. 2. Not to think of; to forget. Poino (po'-i'-no), adj. Unlucky; un- fortunate; ill-fated. Poino (po'-i'-no), n. Bad luck; suf- fering; affliction; harm; injury; whatever is unfortunate. Poino (po'-i'-no), v. [Po, intensive, and ino, bad; evil.] 1. To be in distress; to be in miserable cir- cumstances. 2. To suffer from some cause; to suffer an injury; to be injured. 3. To be ill-fated or destined to suffer. Poipalau (po'-i-pa'-la'u), n. A kind of food; a mixture of potatoes and coconut. Poipo (po'i-po'), n. An ambuscade; that part of an army which is set for an ambuscade. Poipo (po'i-po'), V. 1. To ambus- cade; to set an ambuscade for an army. 2. To fall upon, as an enemy in the night; to surprise: Mai poipoia lakou ilaila, they were near being surprised there. 3. To overcome; to conquer by night attack. Poipoi (po'i-po'i), v. [Poi, to cover.] 1. To cover over; to conceal. 2. To quench fire by smothering it. 3. To interrupt a discourse. 4. To hush or quiet, as a child by cares- sing. Poipu (po'i-pu'), adj. Covered or buried up, as one overwhelmed with waves or the surf: Iloko o ka halehale poipu o ka nalu. Laieik. p. 133. Poipu (po'i-pu'), n. The state of being covered up, overwhelmed or darkened by a thick covering, as with clouds, water, thick shade. Poipu (po'i-pQ'), V. 1. To cover over; to bury with a flood. 2. To shade deeply; to shade from the light of the sun so as to be almost dark, as a glen thick with trees; to hide from observation. 3. To be covered over, as the heavens, with thick dark clouds. POI 557 POK Poipuupuu (po'-i-pu'u-pu'u), adj. 1. Hard; lumpy, as bad poi. 2. Sour; unsocial, as a person. Poipuupuu (po'-i-pu'u-pu'u), n. 1. Food full of lumps. 2. Fig. A sour, morose person. Poipuupuu (po'-i-pu'u-pu'u), V. [Poi, a kind of food, and puupuu, lumpy.] 1. To be full of hard lumps, like poi not well pounded or made from bad taro. 2. To be unsocial; to be sour; to be unfriendly. Poiu (po'-i'u), adj. 1. Afar off; at a great distance. 2. Grand; sol- emn, as a sacred place; glorious. 3. Precious; desirable. Poiu (po'-i'u), V. [Po, intensive, and iu, sacred; consecrated.] 1. To be under the protection or care of some one having power to protect. 2. To be prohibited or forbidden; to be under a tabu. 3. To be con- secrated; to be holy. Poiuiu (po'-i'u-i'u), v. [Poiu, to be consecrated.] To be very far off or high up; o ka hoa i poiuiu o ka ike nei, the friend who is afar off beyond the sight 2. To be very kapu or sacred. Syn: Koiuiu, iuiu. Poka (p6-ka'), adj. [Contraction of pokaa.] Round; rolling; rolling round. Poka (p6-ka'), n. A small globular substance; a ball; a bullet. Pokaa (p6-ka'a), n. That which is wound up; a ball, as of rope or twine; a coil. Pokaa (p6-ka'a), v. [Po and kaa, to roll.] To turn; to go round; to surround; to turn, that is, to make go round, as a rope or band round a wheel. Pokakaa (p6'-ka'-ka'a), adj. Turning; rolling; turning over and over. Pokakaa (p6'-ka'-ka'a), n. A wheel, as of a pulley; the wheel of a cart or carriage. Pokakao (po'-ka-ka'o), adj. Dry and barren, as land; producing noth- ing. Syn: Pokakao. Pokana (po'-ka'-na), n. [Poka, for pokaa, to go round, and ana.] 1. The quality of being round; round- ed. 2. Figuratively. The entwin- ing of one's self round another; the gaining of one's confidence for the purpose of gain. Pokao (po'-ka'o), adj. Very poor, as one destitute of decent clothing; naked. Pokao (po'-ka'o), v. To be poor; to be naked; to be destitute of the comforts of life. Pokaokao (p6'-ka'o-ka'o), adj. Poor, as land; unyielding, as dry barren soil; destitute of verdure. Poke (po'-ke), n. A piece; a part; a portion cut off; he pauku, he apahu, he apana. Poke (po'-ke), v. To cut off a piece; to cut in two. Pokeina (po'-ke-i'-na), n. [Poke, a piece, and ina, sea egg.] A cala- bash of ina, a species of the sea egg; he ia poepoe kalakala. Pokeo (po-ke'o), n. The time or pe- riod of childhood; the time when one is little. Pokeo (po'-ke'o), v. To slip away; to escape out of hand or snare. Syn: Pakeo. Pokeokeo (po'-ke'o-ke'o), adj. Well filled; wealthy. Pokeokeo (po'-ke'o-ke'o), n. 1. Prop- erty given gratuitously; a pres- ent. 2. Roundness; plumpness; smoothness. Pokeokeo (po'-ke'o-ke'o), v. To have abundant means. Pokepoke (po'-ke-po'-ke), v. To cut into pieces; to sever with rapid strokes of a cutter. Poki (po'-ki), n. 1. The cut worm. 2. A standing or sitting close to- gether, as a crowd of people. Poki (po'-ki), V. 1. To stand or sit close together, as people crowded. 2. To be united indivisibly, insep- arably. Pokia (po'-ki'-a), n. [Po and kia, a post.] A post set up for birds to light on when they are caught; he kia manu, he laau lawaia manu. Pokii (po'-ki'i), n. The youngest member of a family; ka hanau muli loa; the youngest born of several children; the younger of two children of the same sex; an endearing appellation. Pokiikaina (po'-ki'i-ka'i-na), n. A younger brother or sister; an en- dearing term. Pokinahua (po'-ki'-na-hu'-a), n. An aha or assembly for honoring the chief. Pokinikini (po'-ki'-ni-ki'-ni), n. 1. A word used in prayer by the priests. 2. A place where the wicked for- ever dwell. Syn: Polioia, pomano- mano. POK 558 POL Pokipoki (po'-ki-p5'-ki), n. 1. A spe- cies of oniscus, a crustacean which lives in the mouth of the flying- fish, or attaches itself to the side of the fish; he wahi ano ia ma ka moana, a ma ka ae kai, a me ka aina. 2. Sow bugs. Pokipoki (po'-ki-po'-ki), v. To stand thickly together, as people in a crowd; to sit close together; to be multitudinous. Poko (po'-ko), adj. i. Short; not long; hence, 2. Incompetent; in- sufficient. Poko (po'-ko), adv. Shortly; briefly; summarily. Poko (po'-ko), n. [Poko, short.] 1. The smaller division of a district or country: Koolau loa, long Koo- lau; Koolau poko, short Koolau; Hamakua loa, long Hamakua; Ha- makua poko, short or small Hama- kua, etc. 2. The cutworm, also called poki. Pokoa (p6-ko'-a), adj. Short; the opposite of long. Syn: Pokole, poko, pakou. Pokohukohu (p6-ko'-hu-k6'-hu), n. [Po, intensive, and kohu, ink or dye.] A red dye made of the noni. Pokoke (p6-ko'-ke), n. A disease af- fecting the excretions from the kidneys ; urinary leakage ; also called mimihelelei. | Pokoke (po'-ko'-ke), adj. [Incorrect form of kokoke, to be soon.] To be near at hand, as time or place. Pokoke (p6'-k6'-ke), v. Rather a phrase: it is very quickly dark. Pokole (p6-ko'-le), adj. Short in comparison with something long; not long; hana pokole, a short Pokole (p6-k6'-le), v. 1. To be short. 2. Fig. To be unable to do a thing; to be deficient. Pokopoko (po'-ko-po'-ko), adj. Short. Syn: Poko, pokole. Poku (po'-ku'), V. 1. To cry out; to cry out in the night, as a person making mischief; to disturb the quiet of the night by loud outcries. Pola (po'-la), n. 1. The edge or end of a tapa, as a pa-u which is tucked in from above, and hangs down after being tucked in. An end of a tapa which hangs over the back. 2. The hanging down of the blossom of the maia or banana. 3. The lower end of a bunch of. bananas ; o na eka ma- lalo. 4. The high seat between the canoes of a double-canoe. Laieik. p. 112. 5. [Hawaiian pro- nunciation of the English word bowl.] A cup. Also called bola. Polalauwahi (po'-la'-la-u-wa'-hi), n. [Polala, a curtain or screen and uwahi, smoke.] 1. Atmospheric haze, generally called uwahi a pele, volcano smoke. 2. A certain great darkness over the islands in ancient times. Polale (p6-la'-le), adj. Clear; bright; splendid. Syn: Molalelale. Poldni (p6-la'-ni), adj. Handsome; neat; clean; pure; beautiful. Polani (po-la'-ni), n. [Mod.] Poland and its people. Poiapola (po'-la-p6'-la), adj. 1. Well; healthy; poiapola na maka; bright, as the face of one recovered from sickness. 2. Full; flowing, as a garment. Poiapola (po'-la-po'-la), n. A sense of fullness in the stomach; piha- piha. Poiapola (p6'-la-p5'-la), v. 1. To sprout; to shoot out; to grow, as a bud or leaf. 2. To put on or clothe one in large flowing gar- ments: e aahu poiapola, e poaka. 3. To wrap by winding around. 4. To recover; to get well from sickness. Pole (po'-le), V. To fend off; to sep- arate; to divide between. Polea (p6-le'-a), adj. Without pro- jections; without sharp edge or border; sunken in, as the face of one without teeth. Polea (p6-le'-a), v. To be smooth; to be without edge or points; to be smooth, as the gums without teeth; to sink in, as the cheeks. Polehelehe (p6-le'-he-le'-he), adj. Not bound tightly, as a bundle; paa ole. Syn: Ulehelehe. Polehulehu (p6-le'-hu-le'-hu), n. Sun- set; twilight; partial light. Syn: Molehulehu. Polehulehu (p6-le'-hii-le'-hu), v. To be between darkness and light; to be in a state of twilight; to be a little dark. Poleke (p6-le'-ke), v. To be unfortu- nate; to be stripped of one's property; to lose one's property by authority of a chief. Poleko (po-le'-ko), v. Incorrect form of poweko. To be easy and fluent POL 559 POL in conversation; e akamai i ke kamailio. Polemo (p6-le'-mo), v. Same as pa- lemo, to. sink. Polena (p5-le'-na), n. 1. The oo bird, called also iwipolena, the yellow feathers of which were made into the aahu alii, royal robe: O ka polena hulu manu hulu la. 2. [Mod.] Sails drawn tightly; all the sails of a vessel made fast, tight and secure; hao na pea a pau. Hao na polena o Haupu, Na heke luna o ke olewa. 3. Bowline. Polena (p6-le'-na), v. 1. To be mixed, as dirt or coloring matter with water; to be discolored, as water; ina e hookomoia ka lepo iloko o ka wai, alalia, ua polena ka wai. Aole lua o ke ki lena 1 ka ua, Lena makalena ka maka o ka lehua. Lena, polena a ki lena I ka hoowiwo e ka makani, Laaua wiwo ka pua, ka pua makahala, Hala aku no oe, owau aku no. Polepole (po'-le-po'-le), n. A kind of child's game which consisted in putting up one hand above another and saying: Polepole ka mamalihini, kaa mai. kaa mai I kou, i kou kauhale, kauhale ouou, Ke akia nei kuu piko e kauleleo la e ko lae. Polepole (p6'-le-po'-le), v. [Pole, to defend.] To ward off; to defend; to separate. Polepole i na lihilihi o ka ohai, Onoonou kela i ke kula o Makahuna, Ahi lapalapa kela 1 ke pili o Pil- honua. Polewa (po-le'-wa), adj. Loose; swinging; not fast. Polewa (po-le'-wa), n. Anything swinging or loose; that which is not tight. Polewa (po-le'-wa), v. To sway to and fro; to flow; to run, as a liquid; to be unsteadfast. Poll (p5'-li), adj. Having a slight hollow or cavity, as the bosom or lap: ilio moe poll, puaa moe poll, a dog or pig often carried in the bosom, that is, greatly beloved; petted. Poll (po'-li), n. 1. The lower part of the abdomen; the lap when one is sitting; the bosom: wahine o kou poll. 2. A slight concavity, as the hollow of the foot, poll wa- I wae; the space between the breasts of females. (The word is applied to all cavities on the body.) Syn: Poho. 3. Fig. Friendly pres- ence; love. Poliahu (po'-li-a'-hu), n, 1. Sugges- tion made by touch, look, motion, etc. 2. The act of touching to ex- press affection or attract atten- tion. Pollal (po'-li-a'i), V. [Poll, the bos- om; ai, to eat.] To nurse at the breast; literally to feed from the bosom. Polie (po'-li'-e), n. A shining sub- stance; a bright gleam or flash of light. (Obsolete.) Poliele (p6'-li-e'-le), adj. Deep blue; black; shining black; panopano; dark. Polihiua (po'-li'-hi-u'-a), adj., n. In- correct spelling of poliua. Polihiwa (po'-li-hl'-wa), adj. Bright; shining; applied to clouds. Polihiwa (po'-li-hi'-wS,), n. 1. A bright, shining cloud. 2. A deep blue or black luster. Pollkia (po'-li-ki'-a), n. 1. Whatever is tied tightly or bound fast. 2. Severe suffering. Polillma (po'-li-li'-ma), n. [Poll, hol- low, and lima, hand.] The hollow of the hand; palm of the hand. Polinahe (po'-li-na'-he), adj. Soft and gentle, as the voice of affection; soft, as the sound of low music; gentle, as a zephyr. Polinahe (po'-li-na'-he), v. 1. To blow softly, as a light breeze. 2. To exhibit the qualities of soft- ness, fineness, thinness, etc. Polio (p6-ir-o), adj. Dark, dismal, as a place of misery. See pokini- kini. Polio (po-li'-o), n. A place of tor- ment for wicked men; a place dark and far off from good men. Syn: Pomanomano (obsolete), po- kinikini, polioia. Polioia (p6-li'-6-i'-a), n. A distant place of suffering; a place of tor- ment for the wicked; ka po make mau loa, ka lilo i ka make. Same as polio. Polipoli (po'-lT-po'-li), n. A kind of soft porous stone used in polishing, scouring, rubbing, cleansing. Polipoli (p6'-li-po'-li), v. To polish with the polipoli. Poliua (po'-li-u'-a), adj. Resplendent. POL 560 POL Poliua (p5'-li-u'-a), n. 1. Brilliancy, said of any glittering substance. 2. Shining black; a deep blue. Poliukua (po'-li-u-ku'-a), n. 1. An imaginary place in the back part of the heavens, where the stars are fixed; it is supposed to be a very dark place; ma kahi o na hoku i kau ai ma ka paia kua o ka lani, ma kahi poeleele. 2. Thick or gross darkness. Poiiuliu (po'-li'u-li'u), adj. 1. Ob scure because widely separated. 2. Hardly perceptible, said of very distant objects. Poiiuliu (p6'-li*u-li'u), n. 1. Failure to discern clearly because of re- moteness. 2. The state of being a great way off; a far distance. Poiiuliu (po'-li'u-li'u), v. 1. To be scarcely discernible. 2. To be far away. Poliwawae (p6'-li-wa'-wa'e), n. [Poll, hollow, and wawae, foot.] The hollow of the foot. Poloai (po'-16-a'i), v. 1, To send orders for one to come, 2. To impart information. Poloaiia (po'-16-a'i-!'a), adj. [Passive of poloai.] Commanded to appear; summoned; invited. Polohanaole (po'-16-ha'-na-o'-le), n. A woman who will not work but lives upon her husband's earnings. Polohiwa (p6'-16-hi'-wa), adj. Dark; black, as a black cloud; shining black. Polohiwa (p6'-lo-hi'-wa), n. 1. A shining black cloud. 2. A shiny dark or black color. Polohua (po'-16-hu'-a), n. The fruit of the popolo which was eaten in time of scarcity; popolo berries. Polohuku (po'-16-hu'-ku), n. [Mod.] A boat hook. Polohuku (po'-16-hu'-ku), v. 1. To be large and plump. 2. To abound in resources; rich; prosperous. Poloka (po-lo'-ka'), n. A ripe bunch of the hala fruit, especially the lower end of the bunch. Ka pololu, poloka, o ikl halale, Na hue maka moku kapa, e ka ua, Xa hakakae nawali i ka ua ehe. Polokanlkuamauna (p6'-lo-ka'-ni-ku'- a-mau-na), n. 1. A species of lo- cust, also called pololeikanikuamau- na. 2. The note of a forest cricket. Polokawae (p6'-16-ka-wa'e), n. 1. The result of long sickness; a grad- ual wasting away; a pining sick- ness. 2. A spear made for spear- ing fish. Poloke (p6-lo'-ke), adj. [Mod.] Pen- niless; destitute. Poloke (po'-lo-ke'), n. New, fresh food, just pounded up from taro. Also called pololei. Poloke (po'-16-ke'), n. To be fresh, as new pounded poi: ua poloke i ke kai ole ka loaa; said only of fresh poi. Same as pololei. Pololei (po'-16-le'i), adj. Straight; correct; accurate, in opposition to crooked, irregular or perverse. Pololei (po'-16-le'i), adv. Straightly; uprightly; certainly. Pololei (po'-16-le'i), n. 1. Upright- ness; rectitude of conduct: he po- lolei kona aoao. 2. Fresh poi, a Kauai term: miki pololei. Pololei (p6'-16-le'i), v. To be straight; to be correct, naturally or morally. Pololei kanikuamauna (po'-16-le'i-ka'- ni-ku'-a-ma'u-na), n. A species of locust, called also polokanlkua- mauna. Pololl (po'-lo'-li), adj. Having lately eaten nothing; hungry; maona ole, as distinguished from maona, full. Pololl (p6'-Io'-li), n. 1. That which sinks down in opposition to that which swells up. 2. Hunger; want of food; emptiness. Pololi (p6-lo'-li), V. 1. To sink down with weakness from hunger. 2. To be attenuated or thin for want of food; hence, 3. To be hungry in opposition to being full. Pololoa (po'-16-lo'a), v. To blunder; to act awkwardly; to miss the mark; to go astray. Pololohua (po-lo-lo-hu'-a), n. One skilled in language. Pololohuamea (po'-16-16-hu'-a-me'-a) , adj. 1. Green and far off, as the sea at a great distance. Ke kai pololohuamea a Kane, the dark and distant sea of Kane. 2. Dark; dense; heavy with clouds. Pololu (po'-16-lu'), n. 1. A missile resembling the boomerang of Australia. It consisted of a shaft with cord and weight attachment. Hina iho la ia no ka hihia i ka pololu, he fell, being entangled by the pololu. 2. A valley in the dis- POL 561 PON trict of Kohala on the island of Hawaii. 3. A long spear. Poiona (po-lo'-na). n. 1. Sickness at the stomach; nausea; vomit- ing. 2. Sense of fatigue; heavi- ness; sluggishness. Polopea (po'-lo-pe'a), n. The stem of a bunch of young hala fruit. Polopolona (p6'-16-p6-16'-na), adj. Mouldy; rancid; worm-eaten; hauna. Polopolona ( po'-16-p6-16'-na ) , n. [Po- iona, nausea.] The offensive smell of a crowded, confined room; odor of vitiated air; musty smell. Polopoloua (p6'-16-po'-16-u'-a), n. A bunch of hala fruit still unripe, but growing; he polopea no Haa- lelea. Polouhlwa (po'-lo'u-hi'-wa), adj. Dark brown; deep blue; makue. Polu (p6-lu'), n. [Mod.] Dark blue color. Polua (po'-lu-a'), n. Nausea. Polua (po-lu'-a), n. Disturbance produced by conflicting currents of air or water; veering winds or tides. Poluea (p6'-lii-e'-a), n. 1. The sick- ness felt after intoxication; loss of appetite, etc. 2. Fullness after eating: a pau iho la kakou i ka luai no ka nui loa o ka poluea, a poniuniu mai la na maka; nau- sea. Poluea (po'-lu-e'-a), v. To be heavy; to be dull and stupid, as one coming out of a debauch. Poluhlluhl (po-lu'-hi-lu'-hi), adj. Dull, as a person just waking from | sleep. I Poluku (po'-lu'-ku), n. A slaughter; a destruction of many persons, as in battle. Poluku (po'-lu'-ku), V. [Po and lu- ku, to slay in great numbers.] 1. To slay and destroy in great num- bers, as in a battle; to make a slaughter of men or animals. Syn: Paluku. 2. To turn over and over; to turn upside down. Polukuluku (po'-lu'-kii-lu'-ku), v. To pound fine; to bruise small; to mash down flat. Poluluhi (po'-m-lu'-hi), adj. [Po and luluhl, black and heavy, as clouds.] 1. Thick and heavy, as watery clouds hanging in the atmosphere; covering over; shady; foggy; dark; misty: po okoa Hilo e po- luluhi i ka ua. 2. Dull; stupid; Inactive. Polumllumi (po-lu'-mi-lu'-mi), n. [Po and luml, to gather together.] Act of assembling without order or method. Polumllumi (po-lu'-mMQ'-mi), v. To be gathered up without regard to order; to be crowded or heaped together indiscriminately. Polumu (p6-lu'-mu), n. General name of trailing plants. Polunu (p6-lu'-nu), adj. Short; round; plump; large. Polunulunu (po'-lu'-nd-lu'-nu), adj. Disorderly in the disposition of things; without method or order. Polupolu (po'-lQ-po'-lu), adj. Thick; fat; gross; heavy, as a very fleshy person; large, fat and weak, as a man; feeble, as one who has been sea-sick. See palu- palu, weak. Poma (po'-ma), n. [Mod., Lat.] An apple. Pomalkal (po'-ma'i-ka'i), adj. For- tunate; successful; prosperous; happy; blessed; ka laka, ke kuo- noono. Pomaikai (po'-ma'i-ka'i), n. Good fortune; peace; quietness; enjoy- ing what one desires; comfort; a blessing. Pomaikai (po'-ma'i-ka'i), v. [Po, in- tensive, and maikai, handsome; good.] 1. To be fortunate; to be lucky. 2. To be successful in a pursuit. 3. To be happy; to be blessed; to enjoy peace; to be highly favored. Pomano (po'-ma'-no), n. [Po and mano, a dam] A dam; barrier or embankment, usually made of stone or earth to control a cur- rent of water. Pomanomano (po'-ma'-n6-ma'-no), n. [Po, night, and manomano, mul- titudinous; eternal.] 1. Elxcess- ive darkness; the name of the place where the wicked dwell for- ever in separation; eternal night; the Hawaiian hell, also called pokinikini and poliola. 2. Place where pointed or image-like clouds arise out of the sea. Syn: Popuakii. Pona (po'-na), adj. Cut up In pieces; variegated with spots; spotted. PON 562 PON Pona (po'-na), n. 1. The joints, as of the spine and the fingers; the spaces between the joints of bones. 2. That part of a stalk of sugar-cane which is between the joints. 3. Joints, as seen in sugar- cane or bamboo. Pona (po'-na), v. 1. To divide into joints or pieces. 2. To cut into parts; e pauku aku. 3. To show variegated spots, as places in the sea in a calm. Ponaha (po'-na'-ha), adj. Round; circular, as a sore, a pit or a vol- cano. Ponaha (po'-na'-ha), n. A circular clearing or open space in a for- est; any spot that escapes injury amid general destruction, as a ki- puka in a lava flow. Ponaha (p6-na'-ha), v. To be in a circular form, as an arc of a cir- cle, or the arm bent akimbo; as the legs when the knees are separated and the feet together; e o, e poepoe kanoa, e kae kanoa. Ponahaiaua (po'-na'-ha'i-a'u-a), adj. Circular. Ponahaiaua (po'-na'-ha'i-a'u-a), n. The half of a circle; a semi-circle: ponahaiaua ke kihi o ka moku. Ponahanaha (p6-na'-ha-na'-ha), adj. Round; circular, as the full moon. Ponahanaha (p6-na'-ha'-na'-ha), v. [Ponaha, round.] To surround; be surrounded by something else: ponahanaha ka moku ma ka aina. Syn: Onahanaha. Ponaho (po'-na-ho), adj. Dark, as the gloom of a forest or a deep pit. Ponahonaho (po'-na'-h6-na'-ho), v. To be obscure. Syn: Powehiwehi. Ponalo (po-na'-lo), n. 1. The dying or drying up of potato tops, taro, etc.; he hoopulu e make ai ka ai. 2. The plant louse; blight. Ponalonalo (p6-na'-16-na'-lo), adj. Ob- scure; dim; blurred. Ponalonalo (p6-na'-16-na'-lo), v. To be dim, as the eyes. Ponana (p6'-na'-na'), adj. Lame; sore from traveling; applied only to the calf of the leg. Ponana (po'-na-na'), n. Dry land; barren land. Syn: Panoa. Ponanonano (p6-na'-no-na'-no), adj. Obscure; not plainly seen; blurred; blotted out. Same as ponalonalo. Ponapona (po'-na-po'-na), adj. [Pona, a joint.] 1. Having many joints; divided up in small parts. 2. Va- riegated with spots. Poni (p6'-ni), adj. 1. Of or per- taining to color, as colored cloth or garments: aahu poni uliuli. 2. Having the changeable colors of silk: lole poni, purple; lole poni mahana, the warm, sweet-scented (variegated) garments. Poni (po'-ni), adv. Suddenly; in an instant; without waiting: kaili poni ka make o ka puhi baka; kaili poni ka hanu. (Used only with kaili, as in kaili poni.) Poni (po'-ni), n. 1. A variety of taro with purple stalks. 2. Pur- ple coloring matter. 3. A mix- ture of colors; purple; the light indistinct shades of colors in cloth. 4. The early dawn. 5. The anointing of a chief or god; ka hamo ana i ka mea ala i alii, i akua. 6. Ointment. Poni (po'-ni), v. 1. To besmear; to daub over. 2. To anoint; to con- secrate by anointing, as a priest. 3. To rub over with some odorif- erous matter; to cause a pleasant odor. 4. To be purple. Poniho (po-ni'-ho), v. [Po and niho, a tooth.] 1. To turn up; to turn off, that is, to uncover; to lay open what has been covered up; to separate the lips from the teeth. Poniho ino ka lae o Pipa, Ahu wale ka ina uli, ka ina eleele, Ka wana-ku ka wana-iihalula, Ka hakakae akau kihi malama 0 na-kakaka, i hauli poia e ke kai. 2. To bristle in a stiff manner, like cactus or the sea urchin, wana. Poniniu (po'-ni-ni'-u), n. 1. A turn- ing; a circular motion, as of a wheel. 2. That motion which causes dizziness or a vertigo. Poniniu (po'-ni-ni'-u), v. [Poniu, to spin.] To turn round frequently; to walk by turning round. Poniponi (po'-ni-p6'-ni), adj. Mixing; mingling, as of different colors; mixing of different ingredients to make an odoriferous perfume; sweet smelling, as a perfume. Poniponi (po'-ni-po'-ni), n. [Poni, coloring.] 1. The different but somewhat blended colors of PON 563 PON changeable silk. 2. Tapa painted with different colors. 3. The early dawn, so called from its mixed colors; hence, 4. Purple. Poniu (p6-ni'-u), n. 1. Dizziness of the head; vertigo. 2. A low creep- ing plant like the koali. Poniu (po-ni'-u), v. [Po and niu, coconut, out of which Hawaiians formerly made tops.] 1. To spin round like a top. Syn: Oniu. 2. To have a vertigo or dizziness. Poniuniu (p6-ni'-u-m'-u), n. 1. A vertigo; a dizziness; a sickness. 2. Particularly, the sickness that follows intoxication. 3. Forget- fulness of recent events through disease of the brain. 4. Bewilder- ment; confusion; giddiness. Poniuniu (p6-ni'-u-ni'-u), v. [Poniu, to spin.] To turn like a top; to be dizzy; to be faint from hunger or weakness. | Pono (po'-no), adj. 1. Good; right; | lawful; acceptable; beautiful. 2. Possible; able; proper; fit: wa pono, a proper time. | Pono (p6'-no), adv. Used in various senses: 1. In qualifying verbs it signifies, well; rightly; truly; properly, etc. 2. As an intensive of the preceding verb; as: haka pono, to look at earnestly; ku pono, to stand opposite to. Pono (po'-no), n. 1. Goodness; up- rightness; moral good; rectitude of conduct. 2. That which is right or excellent; abstract right eousness; excellency. 3. Duty; ^ obligation; authority; custom; i practice. | Pono (po'-no), v. 1. To be good; to be right; to be just; to be moral- ly upright. 2. To be blessed. 3. To be for the comfort or conven- ience of one. 4. To be well, that is, in bodily health. 5. To be avenged. (Pono is frequently used impersonally and also as an auxil- iary verb before an infinitive, and signifies, it is right; it is proper; it ought; it may; it is worthy, etc. The form e pono ai or i pono ai is used very frequently; pre- ceded by the word expressing the thing causing the favor or good or benefit: O ka naauao ka mea e pono ai ke aupuni: wisdom is a thing to bless a kingdom.) Ponohuku (po'-n6-hu'-ku), n., v. Same as polohuku. Ponol (po'-n6-!'), adj. Belonging peculiarly to one's self or itself, either of persons or things, ponol may be rendered by the terms, own, self, only, etc.: Nau ponoi, for yourself exclusively; kau keiki ponoi, thine own child, in distinc- tion from an adopted one; o ka makuakane ame kana keiki ponoi. the father and his own child; he poe kanaka ponoi nona, a company of people for himself, that is, at his disposal. No wai ia hale? no'u ponoi no, for whom is that house? It is for myself, that is, it is for my particular use, or it is my own in distinction from the claim of any one else. Ponoi (po'-n6-i'), adv. Exclusively; particularly. Ponopono (po'-n6-po'-no), adj. 1. Just; upright, correct. 2. Well off; comfortably wealthy. Syn: Lako. Ponopono (po'-n6-p6'-no), n. [Pono, that which is right.] 1. Judg- ment; a declaration of what is right; the practice of what is right. 2. That which is right in itself. Ponopono (po'-n6-po'-no), v. [Pono, rightness.] To be right. The transitive form is hooponopono, to set right; to set in order; to cor- rect. Ponuhu (p6-nu'-hu), adj. 1. Having the appearance of a rising column, as a pillar of cloud. 2. Grand; spreading as an extensive land- scape. Ponuhu (p6-nu'-hu), n. Same as punohu. Ponuhu (p6-nu'-hu), v. To rise like a column of smoke. See punohu. Ponulu (p6-nu'-lu), v. [Po and nu- lu, to rise.] To rise and float off, as smoke; to send out or cause smoke or steam. Ponululu (po'-nd-lu'-lu), adj. Thick and short, as a bundle. Syn: Ponununu. Ponulunulu (p5'-nu'-lu-nu'-lu), adj. Large and loosely done up, as a bundle of materials more than the wrapper will contain. Ponununu (po'-nu-nu'-nu), adj. Short; not long; said of things; but not of time or space. PON 564 POO Ponununu (po'-nu-nu'-nu), n. A large bunch or bundle of anything, as poi loosely bound up. Ponununu (po'-nu-nu'-nu), v. To be short and thick; to be clumsy. Poo (po'o), n. (Takes the article ke.) 1. The head; the summit; ke poo o ka mauna, the top of the mountain. 2. The head of a per- son; the seat of thought; the seat of the intellectual powers. 3. A head, guide or leader. 4. A slight depression on the surface. 5. A dimple. Poo (po'o), V. 1. To dip down into the water; to stir up or trouble water, as in bathing, or as a hog in rooting under water. 2. To add; to join on; to join the ends. 3. To do with the head, that is, to do "headwork;" e hanaia ka mea aka- mai e na mea poo noonoo. 4. To dig; to dig deep down. 5. To form a passageway through or into. 6. To cause to dip as the longitud- inal stick of the outrigger of a canoe (ama), in order to cause it to sink. Pooee (po'-o'-e'-e'), n. Same as poee and poaeae, the armpit. Pooheepali (po'o-he'e-pa'-li), n. Sud- den death; unexpected or acci- dental death. Poohina (po'o-hi'-na), adj. Gray haired; gray with age. Poohina (po'o-hl'-na), n. 1. The gray hairs of an aged person. 2. A gray haired person. Poohina (po'o-hl'-na"), v. [Poo, head, and hina, gray.] To be gray headed. Poohiwi (po'o-hi'-wi), adj. Of or pertaining to the shoulder. Poohiwi (po'o-M'-wi), n. [Poo, top, and hiwi, to diminish; a diminish- ing point.] 1. The sharp top of anything. 2. The shoulder: Hoo- lei i ke kapa ulaula ma kona poo- hiwi, they cast the red (royal) tapa upon his shoulders. 3. The point of union of the upper arm bone with the shoulder blade; he hookuina lewa o ka iwi uluna me ka iwi hoehoe ma kela aoao ma keia aoao. Poohoolewa (po'o-ho'o-le'-wa), n. [Poo, the head, and hoolewa, to bear or carry.] A very high chief, who was always carried by the people. Poohou (po'o-ho'u), n. [Mod. Poo, head, and hou, new.] The char- acter used in writing or printing to designate a new subject or paragraph (^). Poohu (po'o-hu'), n. A wound, par- ticularly if swollen; a bruise. Poohu (po'o-hu'), V. To sing; to sound, as a bell or any other resonant material. Poohuai (po'o-hu'-a'i), n. Neuralgic pain in the head. Poohuku (po'o-hu'-ku), n. [Poo, head; huku, projecting.] 1. The top point of a hillock, ridge or mound. 2. The sharp tops of the ridges of a file or rasp. Poohuna (po'o-hu'-na), n. Appella- tion of one of the malignant gods; he wahahee maoli kekahi akua, ua kapaia he Poohuna i ke aouli, he wahahee ke ano oia inoa. Pookaeo (po'o-ka-e'o), n. Oblique in- clination of the head and should- ers; a leaning sideways, as one carrying a heavy weight. Pookaeo (po'o-ka-e'o), v. To be bent laterally; to be lopsided. Pookela (po'o-ke'-la), adj. More ex- cellent; exceeding; better; a lilo ai kakou i pookela maluna o na holoholona, that we may become more excellent than (above) the brutes. Pookela (po'o-ke'-la), n. 1. A chief; a prince or chief among men. 2. A superior either by birth or by great exploits; the greatest per- son among a number of persons. 3. Official dignity or insignia. Pookela (po'o-ke'-la), v. [Poo, head, and kela, to excel.] To excel; to be or act as chief; to be put in charge. Pookeokeo (po'o-ke'o-ke'o, adj. [Poo, head, and keo, white.] White headed; bald headed; applied to an aged person. Pookeokeo (po'-o-ke'-6-ke'-o), n. Same as pokeokeo. Prosperity; success. Pookeokeo (po'-o-ke'-6-ke'-o), v. To be prosperous in business; to be successful in an enterprise. Syn: Pokeokeo. Pookepa (po'o-ke'-pa), n. [Poo, head, and kepa, sideways; edgewise.] 1. The hair cut so as to be made to stand in an unnatural manner. 2. A part of the hair cut and a part left standing. 3. A one-sided POO 565 POO head. (It was customary among Hawaiians in mourning for the loss of friends, to cut their hair in fantastic shapes as a sign of sorrow.) Pookoi (po'o-ko'i), n. [Poo, head, and koi, an axe.] 1. A person hav- ing a sharp or projecting fore- head. Such persons were sup- posed to have the power of using the pule anaana, that is,. of pray- ing people to death. 2. A person lacking good sense. Pookoi (po'o-ko'i), v. To envy; to show displeasure at the prosperity of another. Pookoiia (po'o-ko'i-i'a), n. One who is envied on account of his riches. Pookoiia (po'o-ko'i-i'a), v. To be en- vied on account of one's riches, prosperity, rank, honor, etc. Pookuakea (po'o-ku'-a-ke'-a), adj. fPoo, head, kua, back, and kea, j white.] White-haired; bald-head-, ed. Syn : Pookeokeo. Poola (po'o-la'), n. 1. The young of the mullet. 2. A stevedore; longshoreman. (Said to be so called because he works with his head (poo) bare to the sun (la). Poolapalapa (po'o-la'-pa-la'-pa), n. [Poo, head, and lapalapa, corn- ered.] A square head; a head with many angular points. Pooleio (po'-6-le'-lo), n. fPo and olelo, the chief speech.] The man who makes the best bargain in trading. Poolopu (po'-6-16-pu'), n, 1. A blis- ter; a rising of the skin. 2. The swelling up of cloth when thrown into the water; anything light , and filled with air. Syn: Oolo- pu and oolapu. Poolua (p6'o-lu'-a), adj. 1. Of a dou- ble meaning or sense. 2. Sinful; adulterous; spurious. Poolua (p6'o-lu'-a), n. [Poo, head, and lua, two.] 1. A child who has two fathers; a nominal and a real one. 2. A child born out of wed- lock; a bastard. Pooluluhi (po'o-lii-lu'-hi), adj. Same as poluluhi. Poomaunu (po'o-mS'u-nu), n. The remainder of bait after fishing. Poomuku (po'o-mu'-ku), v. To be cut off; to be shortened; to be too short. Pooniuniu (po'o-nl'-Ci-nl'-u), n. [Poo, head; (o) niu, to whirl.] Same as poniuniu, dizziness; vertigo. Poonoo (po'o-no'o), adj., n. Same as poonoonoo. Poonoonoo (po'o-no'o-no'o), adj. Thinking; reflecting; using the mental powers. Poonoonoo (po'o-no'o-no'o), n. 1. Thought; reflection; the act of re- flecting. 2. A person skilled in thinking; one taught to think. Poooleio (po'o-o-le'-lo), n. [Poo, head, and olelo, speech.] The title of a discourse; the text of a ser- mon: Aia kana poooleio ma ka Oihana, his text was in Acts. Poopaa (po'o-pa'a), n. [Poo, head, and paa, hard.] A fish, a variety of oopu. Called also oopukai. Poopaiaoa (po'o-pa'-la'-5a), n. A very small, white sea shell. Pooponopono (po'o-po'-n6-p6'-no), n., V. Same as hooponopono. Poopoo (po'o-po'o). adj. Deep, as a hole dug in the ground; a deep pit; sunken, as the eyes of a sick person: poopoo hoi na maka iloko lilo, their eyes were set deep within. Poopoo (po'o-po'o), n. Depth; a deep place. Poopoo (po'o-po'o), V. 1. To be deep; to be lower down; to be sunk in. 2. To be deep down, as a pit dug deeply: E hoea aku ai i ka lua nui, i poopoo nahonaho. Poopuaa (po'o-pu'-a'a), n. [Poo, head; puaa, a pig.] One of the wooden gods in a heiau or tem- ple whose head resembled that of a hog: a like me ke poopuaa ke kii, ua kapaia kela kii he puaa kukui ka inoa. Poopuali (po'o-pu'-a'-li), n. [Poo, head, and puaii, binding.] The depression or slight hollow on the crown of the head. Poopuu (po'o-pu'u), n., V. [Poo, head, and puu, a hillock.] 1. The top of a hillock or mound. Syn: Poohuku. 2. A mischief-maker; a quarrelsome person. Poou (p6'-o'u), n. A fish (Cheilinus hexagonatus), of a reddish color, similar in character to the hull and ea. Poowai (po'o-wa'i), n. [Poo, head, and wai, water.] A fountain head POP 566 POP of water: o ke kahiko poowai o ka a Ikua. Popahi (po'-pa'-hi), n. A small man or woman. Pope (po'-pe'), n. [Mod.] The head of the Roman Catholic church r ke kahuna nui o ka Ekalesia Roma. Popilikia (po'-pi'-li-ki'-a), adj. Dis- tressing; afflictive; difficult. Popilikia (po'-pi'-li-kl'-a), n. [Po, in- tensive, and pilikia, close to- gether.] 1. Want of room. 2. The want of something necessary for a particular pursuit. 3. Difficul- ty; distress; tribulation. 4. Op- pression; designed vexation. Popilikia (po'-pi'-li-ki'-a), v. To be distressed; to be overtaken by disaster or misfortune. Popo (po'-po), adj. Same as popo po. Rotten; decayed; moth eaten. Popo (p6'-po'), adv. Shortened form of apopo, to-morrow: Popo hoao. Laieik. p. 128. Popo (po'-po'), n. 1. A ball of an oval shape. 2. Any mass of a round or oval shape: popo berena, a loaf of bread. Popo (po'-po), n. The rot in timber or vegetables; worm dust; the rust of metals. (lak. 5:3.) See Popo (po'-po), V. To be rotten. Popo (po'-po'), V. 1. To gather up, as one takes up a child in the arms. 2. To make a thing round. Popoai (po'-po'-a'i), n. A bunch or bundle of cooked and pounded ai, that is, food; usually poi. Popoai (po'-p6-a'i), v. To surround; to make a circle. Syn: Poai. Popoberena (po'-po'-be-re'-na), n. [Mod. Popo, an oval ball, and be- rena (Eng.), bread.] A loaf of bread. Syn: Popopalaoa. Popoe (p6-po'-e), v. Same as popo- he, to blossom. Popohe (p6-po'-he), adj. Neat, beau- tiful in form; trim; clean; ele- gant. Syn: Ui. Popohe (p6-po'-he), v. To bud; to put forth blossoms. Popoi (p6-po'i), n. 1. A bung; a stopper for any orifice. 2. The action of the surf on approaching the shore, when it rises high and breaks with roaring noises; comb- ing of the surf. Popoi haki kaiiholo, Kahela ka nalu o ka pae laahala. i Popo! (po-po'i), V. [Poi, to cover.] 1. To cover; to cover up, as a vessel or container; to stop, as with a bung. 2. To overwhelm, as water; to come upon suddenly, as a cold breeze: ia manawa, po- poi mai la ke anu i ka aha lea- lea. =E2=80=94 Laieik. p. 121. 3. To rise up 1 against, as a robber against a traveler; to fall upon. Popoiwi (p6'-p6'-i'-wi), n. A corner I of a wall; a turning place; the corner of a room or any point where converging lines meet. Popoki (p6-p6'-ki), adj. Short and thick in opposition to long and slender. Popoki (p6-po'-ki), n. 1. A species of crab. Called also pokipoki. Popoki (p6-p6'-ki), n. A cat. (Popoki applies to that which is short and thick; and a cat is so called from its plump, short, thick head. Another explanation is that po- poki is the Hawaiian pronuncia- tion of "poor Pussy," heard from the first white settlers. Popokiki (po'-po'-kT-ki'), adj. Angry; malignant; filled with spite. Used figuratively. Popoi i (p6-po'-li), adj. [Poll, a hol- low.] Arched or curving over, as a leaning precipice; warped in- ward, as a board. Popoi imu (p6'-p6'-ir-mu), n. The moss that grows on stones, espe- cially on the mountains where there is much rain. Popolo (po-po'-lo), n. 1. A shrub (Solanum aculeatissimum) bearing scarlet berries. 2. A plant (Sola- num nodiflorum). The natives eat the berries. Syn: Olohua. 3. An undershrub. (Phytolacca bra- chystachys) with dark blue berries. Popolohua (p6'-p6'-16-hu'-a), adj. Blue; dark, as the sky above on a clear day: Puka mai kona hemo- lele mai loko mai o na ao popolo- hua, His glory appears in the dark clouds, Popolona (po-p6-lo'-na),adj., n. Same as polopolona. Popolu (p6-po'-lu), n. Same as po- poulu, a variety of banana: Eia na maia a Papa e ai ai, o ka po- polu, o ka iholena ame ka niuhiwa, these are the bananas of which Papa may eat, the popolu, etc. POP 567 POU Poponi (p6-po'-ni), adj. Purple; dark; of ashen color. Poponi (p6-po'-ni), v. To turn pur- ple or dark, as through fear or cold. Popopalaoa (po'-po'-pS-ia'-o-a), n. [Mod. Popo, ball, and palaoa (Eng.), flour. 1 A cake or loaf of bread. Syn: Popoberena. Popopo (p6-p6'-po), adj. Rotten; de- cayed. Popopo (p6-po'-po), n. [Popo, rot.] 1. The rot in timber and vege- tables. 2. Corruption; decay. 3. The offal of worms. Popopono (p6'-p6-p6'-no), adj. Very good; very right; well done; blessed; profited. Popopono (p6'-p5-p6'-no), v. [Inten- sive of pono.] To be put right; to be correct; to be justified. Popoulu (p6'-p6-ii'-lu), n. A variety of the banana plant. Popounohonia (po'-p6'u-no'-ho-ni'-a), V. Same as poupounohonio. Popuakii (po'-pu'-a-ki'i), n. The places where pointed clusters of clouds arise out of the ocean. Popuali (p6'-pvi-a'-li), v. [Puali, to bind.l To girdle round; to tie up tightly; to reduce to small di- mensions. Syn: hoopuali. Popuali (po-pu'-a'-li), n. Same as poopuali. Pou (po'-u), n. 1. Post; column used as a support. 2. Mast of a canoe: e hanaia i paa, a kukuluia ka pou ma ka waa, e hanaia ka pou i ke kaula mai luna a lalo. Pouda (po'u-da), n. [Eng.l Powder; gun-powder. The original Hawai- ian name for powder is onea, burning sand. Also called wai- pahu. The word is also written pauda and paula, Pouhana (p5'u-ha-na'), n. [Pou, a post] The long end post of a house to which the ridge pole is fastened. Pouhanuu (p6'u-ha,'-nu'u), adj. [Pou, a post, and hanuu, short protuber- ances.] Short; round; broken in short pieces. Syn: Poupou. Pouhia (po'u-hi'-a), v. Same as pauhia. Pouhio (po'u-hi'-6'), n. [Pou, post, and hlo, slanting.] The corner post of a house; posts that lean. Pouhu (po'-u'-hu), adj. Unhand- some; homely; ugly, as the coun- tenance. Pouhu (po-u'-hu), n. The shell-fish leho; a small cowrie. Pouklhl (p6'u-ki'-hi), n. [Pou, post, and klhi, corner.] The corner post of a Hawaiian house. Poukluki (p6-ii'-ki-u'-ki), v. [Po, in- tensive, and ukluki, wet; moldy.] 1. To be wet; to be damp and cold; to be mildewed; hence, 2. To smell musty; to be bad smell- ing. Pouku (po'u-ku'), n. The cleats which support the seats of a canoe. Often incorrectly called pauku. Poule (p6-u'-le), n. The stamen of the male flower of the breadfruit. Syn : Pouleulu. Pouleulu (p6-u'-le-u'-lu), n. Same as poule, the stamen of the bread- fruit. Poull (po'-u'-li), adj. Dark; obscure. Poull (p6'-u'-li), n. Darkness; want of light; night; moral darkness; ignorance; generally expressed by naaupo. Poull (p5'-u'-li), V. [Po, night, and uli, black; dark.] 1. To be or be- come dark, as night. 2. To be disconsolate or sad; spoken of the effects of unrequited love; Aole loaa ia ia ka ono o ka ai, no ka mea, ua poull i ke aloha, she perceived no sweetness in food; because she was in a dark state through love. Laieik. p. 205. Pouliuli (p6'-u'-li-u'-li), adj. [Inten- sive of poull.] Very dark. Poulu (p6'-u'-lu), n. Bark of the mamaki from which a species of tapa was made. Pouna (po'-u-na), n. [Eng.] 1. A pound in weight. 2. A pound in money; twenty shillings. Pounakau (po'u-na-ka'u), n. A bal- ance for weighing; scales. Pounakaulike (pO'u-na-ka'u-li'ke), n. [Mod.] A balance and the con- cave dishes that hold the weights. Pounanahua (po'u-na'-nahu'-a), n. 1. A certain post in a heiau or temple near the door. 2. Name of the two posts at the entrance of a temple to which the aha or tabu cord is fastened. POU 568 PUA Pouomanu (p6'u-o'-ma'-nu), n. 1. Name of an ancient deity. 2. Post set to designate the place of a human sacrifice. Pououo (pou'o-u'o), n. A net trimmed with the floats (pikoi). Poupou (po'u-po'u), adj. Short of stature; low; short generally. (This word should not be con- founded with poopoo, which means deep down.) Poupouana (po'u-po'u-a'-na), n. Name of a prayer at the luakini: o Pou- pouana ka inoa oia aha. Poupounohonio (p6'u-p6'u-n6'-h6-ni'o), n. 1. Falsehood; evil reports to the injury of one. 2. One who spreads evil reports; a slanderer. Powa (po'-wa'), n. A robber; a highwayman; a murderer. Powa (po'-wa'), v. To rob; to kill; to kill and rob. Powehi. (po'-we'-hi), v. [Po and wehi, darkly.] 1. To see indis- tinctly. 2. Fig. To have a feeble or indistinct knowledge of a thing. Powehiwehi (p6-we'-hi-we'-hi), adj. Dark; obscure to the sight; see- ing indistinctly; knowing but lit- tle; not distinctly manifest: he powehiwehi ko ke kanaka aloha Powehiwehi (p6-we'-hi-we'-hi), n. 1. Obscure vision; twilight. 2. Fig. Indistinct ideas of a truth or fact. Powehiwehi (p6-we'-hi-we'-hi), v. [In- tensive of powehi.] 1. To grow dim; applied to the eyes. To be weak sighted. 2. To have obscure and indistinct ideas of a thing. 3. To be obscure; to be uncertain: o ka moolelo kahiko loa, ua po- wehiwehi ia. Poweko (po'-we'-ko), v. To be skill- ful or eloquent in conversation: e poweko, e akamai i ke kamailio. Syn: Poeko. Pu (pii), adv. 1. Together with; along with; in company with; ku pu, to stand together; ua hele pu laua, they went together. 2. Just: like pu, just alike. Pu (pu), n. 1. A conch; a shell; a horn; a trumpet; anything that would make a loud noise by blow- ing into it; na pu kiwi hipa ehiku, seven trumpets of rams' horns. 2. Anything that would make an ex- plosive noise; a gun, pistol or firelock: na kanaka ame na pu kau poohiwi he nui loa, people and guns carried on the shoulders, a great many. 3. A musical in- strument made by twisting a ti leaf: pu lai. Laieik. p. 78. 4. The upright projection fore and aft of a canoe. 5. The coil of hair on a woman's head. 6. Pump- kin; squash. Called also ipupu. 7. Same as puhee, head of the squid. 8. Cord used in the game of puhenehene. Pu (pu), V. 1. To come forth from; to come out of, as words out of the mouth; to draw out or move off, as a canoe from the place where it was dug out: alalia hele mai ke kahuna e pu ia ka waa. 2. To blow or spray water from the mouth. 3. To play the game of pukaula. Pua (pu'-a), n. 1. A blossom; a flower; a carving in imitation of a flower. 2. The upper part of the sugar-cane when it blossoms, called pua ko, which was used for arrows by children in the game of hoolei pua; hence, 3. An arrow for shooting. 4. A hard- wood tree (Osmanthus sandwicen- sis) that furnished the wood for spears used in fishing. Also called ulupua and olopua. 5. A contrac- tion of Kahiliopua; the name of a goddess, the sister of Kalaipa- hoa. She came with him and Kapo from a foreign country, and they entered certain trees. 6. Spear made of wood of the pua tree and used in spearing fish. 7. The fry of certain varieties of fish. 8. Pos- terity; descendants. (Laieik. p. 181.) 9. A derangement of mind, said to be the result of possession by the goddess Pua or Kahiliopua. 10. A float or buoy: A pae pu mai a hiki laua (niau mea heenalu) mauka, e lana ana kekahi mono, ua kapaia kela mea he pua. 11. A signal set on a beach to guide swimmers. Pua (pu'-a), n. 1. A collection of things bound together, as fagots, grass, etc. 2. A collection of ani- mals, said only of ruminants. PUA 569 PUA Pua (pu'-a), V. 1- To blossom, as a plant; to put forth blossoms. To bud, as fruit or flowers. 2. To be derived from; to be the out- come of. 3. To appear at a dis- tance; to rise up, as small quan- tities of smoke in columns. Pua (pu'-a'), V. 1. To feed out of the mouth, as pigeons feed their young. (In this way Hawaiians fed their pets or favorite animals.) 2. To tie up in bundles; to bind in ^ bundles, as sheaves of grain. To tie in bundles, as the bones of I the dead: a paa kona mau iwi i ka puaia, when his bones were tied up. Pua (pu'a), v. 1. To bear; to carry. 2. To besiege, as in taking a city. 3. To cut in an oblique direction. Puaa (pu'-a'-a'), adj. Dispersed as if by fright; scattered in con-: fusion. Puaa (piV-a'a), n. 1. A hog; a| swine; the flesh of a hog. (The hog was found indigenous, when \ the Islands were visited by Cap- 1 tain Cook. It probably was brought by the early Polynesian voyagers.) 2. An unclean bird, puaa ilioi, rendered in English, bittern. Men- tioned in the Bible. Puaa (pu'-a'-a), n. [Used in the Ha- waiian translation of the Scrip- tures.] A bird of the heron fam- ily. Puaa (pu'-a'-a'), v. [Intensive of pua, to tie up in bundles.] 1. To gird tightly; to tie a number of things into a single parcel. 2. To flee in disorder; to be dis- persed, said of crowds when scat- tered in fright. Puaahaha (pu'-a'a-ha'-ha), v. To call out; to call to some one; to make a vociferous noise. Puaahea (pu'-a'a-he'a), n. The last or second hog sacrificed on a cer- tain occasion: kalua kekahi puaa, he puaahea ka inoa; the hog sac- rificed in the second order or act of a sacrificial ceremony. Puaaholehole (pu'-a-a'-ho'-le-ho'-le) , n. The young of the fish ahole or aholehole. Puaakumulau (pu'-a'a-ku'-mu-la'u), n. 1. A woman whose husband had gambled her away with all his property. 2. An elderly abandoned woman. Puaanae (pu'-^-a-na'e), n. The young mullet; school of small mullet. Puaaohi (pu-a'a-o'-hi), n. A young pig that has not farrowed. Puaapipi (pu'-a'a-pi'-pi), n. A name applied to the first cattle brought to the Islands by Captain Van- couver: Ua mahaloia kela poe pipi e ko Hawaii, a ua kapaia aku ka inoa he puaapipi, Those cattle were admired by the Hawaiians and they called them cattle-hog. Puaawa (pu'-a-a'-wS), n. The young of the awa fish. Puaawaawa (pu'-a-a'-wa-a'-wa), adj. Suffering for lack of food; hun- gry. Puahanui (pu'-a'-ha-nu'-i), n. 1. A small tree (Broussaisia arguta). Also called kanawao. 2. A tree also called akiahala. 3. A plant of the mallow family, also called kanawau; the hollyhock. Puahau (pu'-a-ha'u), n. [Pua, blos- som, and hau, name of a tree.] A hau blossom; the blossom of the hau tree. Puaheahea (pu'-a-he'-a-he'-a), n. A soft, gentle breeze. Puaheahea (pu'-a-he'-a-he'-a), v. To blow softly. Puahl (pu'-a'-hi), v. To do quickly; to be spry. Puahiahl (pu'-a'-hi-a'-hi), n. A for- eign flower, the four-o'clock: i kuu ike ana i ka puahlahi mohala mai la. Puahilo (pu'-a-hi'-lo) , n. A fine, slender appearance; no ka puahilo ana o ka mahina, on account of the slender appearance of the (new) moon. Puahilo (pu'-a-hi'-lo), v. 1. To be small; to be fine; to be slender, as a thread of a spider's web; e nawali e like me he puna- welewele la. 2. To exhibit a fine slender appearance, as the new moon. Puahilohilo (pu'-a'-hi'-16-hi'-lo), n. 1. The scaly appearance of the scarf- skin. 2. The breaking or crack- ing of the skin from some disease. 3. The cuticle which peels from the skin of new born children. Puahilohilo (pu'-a-hi'-16-hi'-lo), v. To break up fine; to crack; to chap or break, as the human skin. PUA 570 PUA Puahio (pu'-a-hi'-o), v. 1. To come and go suddenly; to arrive, as a person, and start off again quick- ly. 2. To pass quickly, as a vio- lent gust of wind. Puahiohio (pu'-a-hi'-o-hi'-o), n. A whirlwind; he mau makani ku elua e ume ana i ka opala iluna. Puahuku (pu'-a-hu'-ku), n. A word used in abusive language; ke pii la oe i puahuku, blackguarding a rival. A word used by the suc- cessful party to express contempt of his rival. Puahulu (pu'-a-hu'-lu), n. A sudden start; an affright; the doing a thing quickly and without much thought or reflection. Puahulu (pu'-a-hu'-lu), v. To hasten; to get ready quickly; to prepare suddenly; to be in a fluster. Syn: Pupuahulu. Puai (pu'-a'-i), n. [Contraction of puu, a bunch, and ai, neck.] The projection formed by the thyroid cartilage in the mside of the neck; the Adam's apple. Puai (pii'-a'i), v. 1. To invite to eat with another or with others: Mai kakou e puai, Come and eat with us. Puai (pu'-a'i), v. 1. To flow out of, as blood from a vein; as water from a fountain. 2. To proceed from one; to fall from one, as an expression, an idea, or as some- thing said. To flow from the mouth, as the words of an orator: a puai mai la ka leo ku e. 3, To gag; to heave; to vomit. 4. To cast up; to boil up, as water from a spring. 5. Fig. To throw out, as sin from the heart. Puaia (pu'-ai-a'), v. To blow gently, as wind; used on the island of Hawaii the same as onini on Maui. Puaii (pu'-a-i'i'), n. The fry of the mullet, also called oolola. Puailima (pu'-a-I'-li'-ma), n. 1. The flower of the ilima. 2. A Hawaiian cathartic medicine. Puainawele (pu'-a'i-na-we'-le), adj. Very small; very fine; thin like spiders' webs. Puainawele (pu'-a'i-na-we'-le), v. To reduce to fineness; to make small or fine. Puakaaka (pu-a'-ka-a'-ka), v. 1. To tie up small; to tie up in a small compass, 2. To work hard with- out reward; to be unfortunate. Syn : Pauakaaka. Puakai (pu'-a-ka'i), n. 1. A dye for coloring red; he wai hooluu ula- ula. 2. Hair of the head that has been colored white; he lauoho i hookeokeo ia. Puakai (pu-a'-ka'i), n. A group or company of leaders or travelers. Puakaiaulu (pu'-a-ka'i-a-ii'-lu), n. The name of a wind; a light, gentle breeze; a light breeze of the trade wind. Puakaioe (pu'-a-kai-o'e), n, [Pua, flower, and kaioe, a plant.] A blossom of the kaioe, a twining plant of the convolvulus family. Puakala (pii'-a-ka'-la), n. [Pua, flower, and kala, rough.] 1. A thorny shrub, he laau oioi. 2. An erect annual with spiny leaves (Argemone mexicana). 3. A this- tle. Puakea (pu'-a-ke'-a), adj. Pale; wanting color. Puakea (pu'-a-ke'-a), n. Color tint between pink and white. Puakea (pu'-a'-ke'-a), v. To spread out, as the sails of a vessel; to enlarge: ka ua puakea o Hana. Puakeawe (pu'-a-ke-a'-we), n. A shrub (Cyathodes tameiameia). Called also maieli. PuakI (pu'-a-ki'), adj. 1. Light; swift in running; active. 2. Thin; spare; famished; poor in flesh, as a person; he kanaka wiwi. Puaki (pu'-a-ki'), n. Flower of the ki (ti) plant. Puaki (pu'-a'-ki), v. 1. To be stingy; to be close; to treat without com- passion; to be unsocial. 2, To be suspicious; to distrust; to think or speak evil of. Puakii (pu'-a-ki'i), n. 1. An image for idol worship. 2, A cloud re- sembling an image or a picture. He opuakii, he ao opuakiikii. Puakii (pii'-a-ki'i), v. To take with- out right; to go wrong; to do wrong. Puako (pu'-a-ko'), n. The top and blossom including the leaves, of sugar-cane: oia no ka malama e owili ai ka puako. Puako (pu-a'-ko), n. A village on the coast of Kawaihae, Hawaii. Puakoli (pu'-a-ko-li'), n. Flower of the koli or castor oil plant. PUA 571 PUA Puala (pu-a'-la), v. 1. To gather in and tie tightly; to collect and bind into a sheaf, 2. To be over- cooked, as food; to be badly cooked. Pualau (pu'-a-ia'u), v. To carry on the hips supported by the arms; e limalau, e puualu, e paapu. Pualawahi (pu'-a-ia-wa'-hi), v. To divide into parts or spaces. Puale (pu-a'-le), n. Same as puali. Pualei (pu-a-le'i), n. The top leaf or branch of the tree when the lower ones are cut off; the ex- treme bud on a shoot. Pualena (pu'-a-le'-na), adj. Obscure, as water when one cannot see the bottom. Pualena (pu'-a-le'-na), n. The glim- mering or first dawn of light in ! the morning: a wehe ke alaula, a pualena, a ao loa. Pualena (pu'-a'-le'-na), v. To wan- der; to go about here and there; to be idle; to do nothing because no chief commands to work; to be lazy. Syn: Puana. Pualena (pu'-a-le'-na), v. To be muddy, as water; to want clear- ness: pualena ka moana, the ocean is dirty. Laieik. p. 163. Pualewa (pu'-a-le'-wa), adj. 1. Un- settled; unfurnished; not estab- lished; often changing one's resi- dence or employment. Hele a pualewa applies to travelers who find no place to lodge, no food, nothing comfortable. 2, Idle; loi- tering about without any fixed purpose. Pualewa (pu'-a-le'-wa), v. To be un- fixed; to be unsettled, as an un- steady person; to go from place to place; to lack comforts. Puali (pu'-a'-li), n. 1. A life guard. Laieik. p. 42. 2. A company of soldiers: Koi mai la na puali ia Kiwalao, The soldiers pressed upon Kiwalao; a company pre- pared for war and pursuing; an army; a host. 3. Fig. A great number; a host; puali o ka lani, the host of heaven, that is, the stars. 4. A circular cut. 5. An excavation through or around an embankment. Puali (pu'-a'-li), v. [Pu and aii. a scar; a contraction of the skin.] 1. To gird round tightly; to draw in by binding tightly. 2. To be large and small in places, as a rope of uneven size; e pawali, e puaniki, e kualiali. 3. To be grooved or cut through. Puali (pu'-a'-li), n. 1. A place com- pressed, that is, a small or dimin- ished place between two larger ones. 2. An inclosing about; hence, 3. A neck of land almost surrounded by water; in geogra- phy, an isthmus, 4. The slender abdominal stalk part of a wasp. 5. Fig. A woman, from her being girded with a pa-u. 6. Anything girded tight and made small. 7, A malo, so called from its use. Puallali (pu'-a'-li-a'-li), v. [Puali, to be uneven in size.] To be of ir- regular size, large and small. Pualii (pu'-a-li'l), n. The relatives of an alii or chief. Pualoalo (pu-a'-16-a'-lo), n. A tall species of hibiscus, also called kokioula (Hibiscus kokio). Pualu (pu-a'-lu), adv. Unitedly in action; unanimously in opinion: no ka hiki ole paha i na kanaka a pau ke malama pualu aku i ke aupuni. Pualu (pu'-a-lu), n. Co-operation; an acting in concert, as a great num- ber of people working together. Pualu (pu-a'-lu), n. A surgeon-fish (Hepatus guntheri), widely dis- tributed among the islands of the tropical Pacific. Pualu (pu-a'-lu), v. [Pu, together, and alu, to combine.] To work to- gether; to combine in aid of one or of each other; to act in con- cert; to work like a multitude at one kind of business. Pualualu (pu'-a'-lG-a'-lu), adj. Loose; not fast, said of anything tied loosely. Pualualu (pu'-a'-m-a'-lu), v. To be slack; to hang loosely as a rope. Puana (pu-a'-na), adj. Idle; loung- ing; unsteady; small; insignifi- cant. Puana (pu-a'-na), n. 1. The signal or first words in beginning to re- cite or cantillate a mele. (The Hawaiians in chanting their meles or songs in ancient times, had a leader or chorister who commenced the recitation in so clear and dis- tinct a manner, that, after the enunciation of two or three words, the whole company were able to PUA 572 PUA join in chorus.) 2. The tone which makes the pronunciation plain. (According to the foregoing note, the puana must consist in a dis- tinct enunciation, so that others may at once recognize the sub- ject) ; hence, 3. The pronunciation of a word: Pehea ka puana? How is the pronunciation? Puana (pu-a'-na), v. 1. To crowd to- gether in great numbers; to rush together, as soldiers in pursuit. 2. To surround, as an enemy; to encompass. 3. To sound the key- note of a mele; to act the part of a precentor or leader in sing- 1 ing; to commence a tune that others may follow. 4. To pro- nounce distinctly, as in uttering i a word or sentence very plainly. 5. | To be idle; to be lazy; to go from | place to place without object. Syn : Auwana. Puanaana (pu-a'-na-a'-na), v. To swell and diminish frequently, as poorly made ropes; to be of ir- regular size. Syn: Pualiali. Puanaenae (pu'-a-na'e-na'e), n. Flower of the naenae plant (Dubautia) ; a flower growing on Kauai: he ako puanaenae no Waialoha, Puaneane (pu'-a'-ne-a'-ne), n. 1. A stage of extreme old age, when universal decay is coming on, and yet the person is free from pain or suffering: Ola a kau i ka pua- neane. Syn: Kolopupu. 2. Hun- ger; a feeling of emptiness. 3. A world of light and life; he ao malama, he wahi e ola mau loa, a place to live forever. 4. Eternity. Puaneane (pu'-a'-ne-a'-ne), v. To live to extreme old age. Puanihi (pu'-a-nl'-hi), n. Young taro tops; the young taro; also called oninihi and pauanihi. Puaniki (pu'-a-ni'-ki), v. [Pua, to bind, and njki, tight.] To bind up in a small space; to bind tightly. Puaniu (pu'-a-ni'-u), n. 1. Tapa col- ored with the niu or coconut. 2. Flower of the coconut tree. Puanuanu (pu'-a'-nii-a'-nu), adj. Cold; chilly, as in foggy or damp weather. Puanuanu (pu'-a'-nii-a'-nu), v. [Anu, cold.] To be cold; to be damp and shivering; to be chilly. Puao (pu'-a'o), n. 1. The dashing of two or more waves that meet to- gether; the place where a re- treating wave meets one coming in in shallow water; also called koaka. 2. The os tincae or ori- fice of the womb. Puaohi (pu'-a-o'-hi), n. Children whose father had gambled them away. Puaohi (pu'-a-o'-hi), v. 1. To pledge or wager one's children. 2. To utter words without knowledge. 3. To be garrulous. Puaohi (pii'-a'-o'-hi), v. To talk idly; to tell tales about others; to repeat scandal. Puapilo (pu'-a-pl'-lo), n. Name on Kauai for a trailing shrub, called elsewhere maiapilo. Puapoo (pii'-a-po'o), n. [Pua, blos- som, and poo, head.] 1. A head blossom, that is, the comb of a cock or other bird; a tuft of feathers on the head of a bird; i ka puapoo o ka mauu puukoa. 2. Flower of the puukoa. Puapu (pu'-a-pu'), n. Flower of the squash plant. Puapu (pu-a'-pu), n. A file. Syn: Apuapu. Puapua (pu'a-pu'a), adj. Nauseous. Puapua (pu'-a-pii-a'), n. [Pua, bun- dle.] A bundle of brush-wood, sticks or grass. Puapua (pu'-a-pu'-a), n. 1. The long tail feathers of a bird. 2. A streamer. Puapua (pu'-a-pii'-a), v. 1. To force; to urge on; to compel. 2. To col- lect into bundles and bind. Puapua (pu'-a-pu'-a), v. 1. To hang down like the tail of an animal. 2. To project like the tail feathers of a cock. Puapua (pu'-a-pu-a'), v. [Puaa, to bind tightly.] To gather up into a bundle, as fagots or sticks for kindling a fire. Puapuaa (pu'-a-pu-a-a'), n. A lumi- nous cloud. Puapuaa (pu'-a-pu-a'a), v. Collected; gathered together: me he ao puapuaa la ke aloha e kau nei, as a thick cloud love settles upon me. Laieik. p. 205. Puapuai (pu'-a-pu'-a'i), n. The ebul- lition of water; a spring or foun- tain of water. PUA 573 PUE Puapuai (pu'-a-pu'-a'i), v. [Pual, to flow out.] To bubble or spring up, as water from a spring or fountain. Syn: Huahuai. Puapuaia (pu'-a-pu-a'-i'a), adj. Col- lected and tied up in bundles; brought to a common point. Puapuaia (pu-a'-pu-^'-la), v. [Puala, to bind in sheaves.] . To collect to- gether in small heaps. Puapuamoa (pu'-a-pu'-a-mo'-a), n. [Puapua, tail feathers, and moa, a fowl.] 1. A long skirted coat. 2. The tail feather of a cock. Puapuawa (pu'-a'-pii-a'-wa), n. A long, thin shell out of which awa was drunk. Puauu (pu'-a-u'u), n. Onanism. Puauu (pu'-S-u'u), V. To masturbate. Puawa (pu'-a-wa), n. [The Hawai- ian pronunciation of guava.] 1. The guava tree and its fruit, 2. The young of the awa fish. Puawa (pu'-a'-wa), n. 1. The root of the awa plant; a small awa plant: he wahi puaa, he moa lawa, me ka puawa. 2. Bitterness; a bitter medicine. Puawaawa (pu'-a'-wa-S'-wa), n. Pan- danus leaves prepared for wear- ing, as a cloak. Puawal (pu'a-wa'i), n. 1. The spittle of one with a sore mouth. 2. A slobbering, dirty mouthed child. 3. Spray carried upward by the wind. Puawe (pu'-a'-we), adj. Thin; soft; fine, like the threads of a spider's web. Syn : Kuweluwelu. Puaweawe (pu'-a'-we-a'-we), n. Thin- ness; fineness; smallness. Pue (pu'e), n. 1. A round heap of dirt or mud for planting taro or potatoes; a potato hill. 2. Meet- ing of opposite currents of water. Syn: Puewai. Pue (pu'-e), V. To be chilled, as one shaking with cold. Pue (pu'e), V. 1. To thrust, as with a spear; to make an attack, as in battle; to make an onset. 2. To crowd on; to gain what is an- other's; to force; to compel; A lohe no kanaka, ua make kekahi alii, pue lakou e kaua. When the people heard that one of their chiefs was dead, they were urgent to fight; to urge: E pue ana lakou ia Kamehameha, they were urg- ing Kamehameha. 3. To solicit strongly. 4. To manage so as to make it necessary for one to do a thing: A pue iho la o Poki ia Kaahumanu e kaua, Poki urged Kaahumanu to war, that is, he planned to make a war unavoid- able. 5. To force; to compel, that is, to commit rape, 6. To make a round elevated hill, as in weeding out and hilling up po- tatoes. Puea (pu'-e'-a), n. The name of a god worshiped m the night; a god of torchlight fishermen: he akua kii Puea: Ma ia po ana iho, hoaia ke ahi o Puea; maikai ka po o Puea. Quiet is the night of Puea. Pueeke (pu'-e-e'-ke), v. To shorten; to cut off or cut short; to wrin- kle up; to contract, Puehu (pu'-e'-hu), n. 1. A disper- sion; a scattering; a flurry of wind when it strikes suddenly any- thing and puts in motion what- ever cannot resist it, as small dust or bits of paper before the shake of a fan. 2. The remainder; the remnant of a thing; what is over and above. Puehu (pu'-e'-hu), v. 1. To blow away; to scatter; to disperse. 2. To be scattered, as dust or light substances by the wind. 2. To be routed, as an army. 3. To be scattered or separated, as a fleet of canoes in a storm. Puehuehu (piV-e'-hCi-e'-hu), adj. [Pue- . hu, to scatter.] 1. Scattered; dis- persed. 2, Rough; ragged, as the skin after drinking awa; mahuna ka ili, nakaka puehuehu inoino loa ke nana aku. 3. Small; fine, as dust; mealy. Pueia (pu'e-I'a), v, [Passive of pue.] To be forced, compelled or urged to do a thing, Puekolea (pu'-e-ko'-le'-a), adj. Round and plump, as a kolea or plover. Puelehu (pu'e-le'-hu), v. [Pue, to force, and lehu, ashes.] To push into the embers. Puelewa (pu'e-le'-wa), adj. Going here and there; unsteady; unset- tled. Puelewa (pu'e-le'-wa), v. [Pue and lewa, swinging.] To be wander- ing about; to be unfixed; not settled. Puco (pu'-e'-o), n. 1, An owl, he manu lele hihiu. (The puco was PUE 574 PUH formerly worshiped as a god, one of the poe akua mana.) 2. A shroud of a ship. 3. The pole to which the uppermost ends of the rafters of the early Hawaiian house were lashed. Pueone (pu'e-o'-ne), n. The place in the sea outside of where the surf breaks; also called poana kai. Puepue (pu'e-pu'e), adj. Spherical. Puepue (pu'e-pu'e), n. A rounded pile of earth in which plants are set. Puepue (pu'e-pu'e), v. To draw earth together in small circular mounds; to hill, as in heaping earth around plants. Syn: Apoapo. Puepuehu (pu'-e-pu-e'-hu), v. To be scattered; to be dispersed. Puepuelu (pu'e-pu'e-lu'), adj. Pow- dery; mealy. Puewa (pu-e'-wa), v. To float about; to be carried hither and thither by the wind or current and scat- tered. Syn: Pulewa. Puewai (pu'e-wa'i), n. [Pue, to crowd, and wai, water.] The waves at the mouth of a stream as the stream rushes into the sea; dis- turbance created by opposing ocean currents. Puewale (pu'e-wa'-le), n. A rape; ravishment; assault. Puewale (pu'e-wa'-le), v. [Pue, to compel, and wale, without cause.] To ravish; to force, as a woman; to commit lewdness; to commit a rape. Puha (pu-ha'), adj. Broken or burst open, as a sore or boil; mai puha, an issue; a running sore. Puha (pu'-ha'), n. 1. An abscess. 2. A decayed spot in a tree or in timber. Puha laau, a hollow tree. Laieik. p. 77. 3. The disease gon- orrhea. Syn: Kaokao. Puha (pu'-ha'), v. 1. To burst or break open, as a sore or boil; to pass through or out; to burst forth. 2. To hawk as a means of raising phlegm from the lungs. 3. To be loathsome, as a running sore. 4. To breathe like a sea- turtle; e hanu me he honu la; to belch. Puhaaa (pu'-ha'-a'a), adj. 1. Having large light spots; applied to taro or potatoes when partly roasted, that is, the uncooked part having a white appearance distinct from colored; to be distinct, as a To burst forth the cooked. 2. Applied to the light spots of the leho, a cowrie. 3. White, as the uncommon white- ness of the eye of men or women: he maka puhaaa kona; he leho pu- haaa, aole e aina ka hee. Aole leho, he puhaaa wale no. Puhaaa (pti'-ha'-a-a'), v. 1. To be clear; to be light white ; to appear thing by itself. 2. as light; flash. Puhaha (pu-ha'-ha'), v. To wish evil to one; to speak to one; to speak loudly. Syn: Leoleoa and leoleowa. Puhahalu (pu'-ha-ha'-lu), adj. Soft; not valid; not compact; defective. Puhainana (pu'-ha'i-na'-na'), v. To look only instead of answering a request. Puhaka (pu'-ha'-ka), n. The loin; the reins. Puhakahaka (pu'-ha'-ka-ha'-ka), v. To be vacant; empty; to be want- ing: He lohe ma Kuapehu nei a ma Kailua, a puhakahaka mai o a o mawaena. We hear (preach- ing) here at Kuapehu and at Kai- lua, but all between is empty. Puhakakaiea (pu'-ha'-ka-ka'i-e'-a), n. A sea fowl; the booby, also called noio. Puhala (pu-ha'-la), n. The trunk of the hala or pandanus tree. Puhalaau (pu'-ha'-la-au), n. [Puha, decayed; laau, tree.] A cavity in a tree. Laieik. p. 129. Puhalalu (pu'-ha'-la-lu'), adj. Large; plump; fat and weak, as men or beasts. Puhalalu (pu'-ha'-la-lu'), v. 1. To burst forth in sound. Syn: Palalu. 2. To imitate the voice of a bird. Syn: Palalu. Puhalauo (pu'-ha'-la-ii'o), adj. . Stin- gy; parsimonious; he awa, he pi. Puhali (pu-ha'-li), n. 1. Stinginess; covetousness. 2. A small, deli- cate sea-shell. Puhaluhalu (pu-ha'-lu-ha'-lu), adj. Gazing; staring at; open-eyed. Puhanihani (pu'-ha'-ni-ha'-ni), v. Same as punihaniha. PuhanuikI (pu'-ha'-nu-I'-ki), v. [Hanu, to breathe; iki, little.] To breathe easier; to rest a little. Puhauhau (pu'-ha'u-ha'u), adj. 1. Loose; not bound tightly. 2. Large; fat, as men; puhauhau o mea. PUH 575 PUH Puhee (pu'-he'e), n. [For poohee.] The head of the hee or squid. Puhee (pQ'-he'e), v. [Hee, to flee.] To be dispersed; to be scattered. Puheemiki (pa'-he'e-mi'-ki), n. A taking without ceremony. Puheeuanuu (pu'-he'e-u'a-nu'u), adj. fPu for puu, and hee, squid. Lit. The large bunch on the head of the squid.] 1. A large-headed man. 2. Swelling; strutting, as a dandy. 3. Fig. Great; big; ponderous, etc. Ka puheeuanuu u Kahai Na ke Kamakama luahakii, Ina io ka poni alii. Puhemo (pfi'-he'-mo), v. 1. To be loosened; to be set free; to be released. 2. To be off or absent. Puhene (pu-he'-ne), n. 1. A bundle made in the form of a nest, for food; a nest-like bundle of food. 2. Basket. Puhene (pu'-he'-ne), v. 1. To use lascivious words and actions slyly; to tempt to wickedness, especially to adultery. 2. To tie or bundle up food (pia-ai) in the shape of a nest. Puhenehene (pu'-he'-ne-he'-ne), n. A game performed .by hiding a stone called noa under a tapa. The game consists in guessing where to find the stone. Puhenu (pu'-he'-nil), v. Same as pu- hanuiki. Puheoheo (pu'-he'-6-he'-o), n. A sport of children. Puhi (pu'-hi), n. 1. A puffing; a blowing; puhi baka, tobacco smok- ing. 2. An eel. 3. A current of air driven through a narrow aperture; a blow-hole. 4. The spouting of a whale. Puhi (pu'-hj), n. An uncut foreskin. Puhi (pu'-hi), V. 1. To blow or puff wind; to breathe hard. 2. To blow, as to blow the fire; e puhi i ke ahi; to burn in the fire; to set on fire; to burn up; e puhi i ke kukui, to blow out the lamp. 3. To blow the (conch) shell or trum- pet. 4. To blow, as the wind; as a strong wind. 5. To blow up; to spout water. 6. To puff tobacco smoke. 7. To puff at one in a way of contempt; to treat inso- lently. 8. To extract by distilla- tion, as in the distilling of liquor from the root of the ti plant. Puhiahl (pu'-hl-a'-hi), n. A man who tends the fires of a steam-engine, etc. Puhlhio (pu'-hi-hi'-o), v. To sound, as a pipe or wind instrument. Puhlkaokao (pu'-hi-ki\'o-ka'o), v. To burst open or break the skin, as the kaokao, a venereal disease. Puhikapa (pu'-hi-ka-pa'), n. 1. A species of fierce eel, that coils and strikes. 2. Name applied to Kamehameha because he was vic- torious over all. Puhikii (pu'-hi-ki'i), v. A species of small flying-fish (Parexocoetus brachypterus), called also kaawili- puhikii; they swim on the surface of the sea. Puhlkole (pu'-hi-kp'-le), v. To act the spendthrift; to lounge about idly; to waste one's property; to become poor, used opprobriously. Puhlohio (piV-hi'-6-hI'-o), n. A whirl- wind. Puhlohio (pu'-hI'-6-hi'-o), v. To blow spirally, as a cyclone. Puhlll (pu'-hl'-li), n. Trailing plants. Puhiollo (pu'-hi-6-i'-lo), n. [Puhi, eel, and olio, small.] A small eel. Puhlomole (pu'-hi-6-m6'-le), n. 1. A belching up of wind. 2. A white eel; he puhi keokeo. Puhlonio (pu'-hi-o'-ni'o), n. A spotted eel. Puhlonio (pu'-hi-o'-ni'o), v. To paint or color in a spotted manner; to stamp with different colors, as tapa in former times. Puhlopule (pu'-hi-6-pu'-le),n. A short spotted eel. Puhjpaka (piV-hi-pa'-ka), n. 1. A species of eel. 2. Same as puhi- baka, tobacco smoking. Puhlpaka (pu'-hi-pa'-ka), v. [Puhi, to puff.] For puhibaka. To smoke tobacco. Puhlpalahoana (pu'-hi-pa'-la-ho'-a'-na), n. A species of eel. Puhlpalalu (pu'-hi-pa'-ia-lQ'), v. 1. To flatter and amuse one who has property in order to obtain; e puhlpalalu ia kekahi poe waiwal. 2. To blow uncertainly. Puhlpallla (pu'-hi-pa'-li'-la'), n. A tall, slim man with little flesh; he like me he kolu la ka linalina. Puhipau (pu'-hi-pa'u), v. To regret. Puhlpuhl (pu'-hi-pu'-hi), v. 1. To PUH 576 PUK blow over after anointing with anything medicinal. 2. To blow bait into the sea in order to de- coy or intoxicate fish. 3. To spread by the force of compressed air. Puhipuhiahi (pu'-hi-pu'-hi-a'-hi), n. A cross, overbearing person. Puhiu (pu'-hi'u), v. [Contraction of puhi hihiu.] 1. To go wrong; to get out of the right path; to go far off. 2. To break wind. Puhiuhiu (pu-hi'u-hi'u), v. To bieak wind; he pumakani, e hookani i ka okole. Puho (pu'-ho'), V. To be broken out in ulcers, as scrofulous legs; he mai puho. See puha. Puholo (pu-ho'-lo), V. To roast blood; puholo koko. Puholoholo (pu'-ho'-16-ho'-lo), n. A steam bath; a perspiration pro- duced by the steam of leaves cov- ering over a fire. The patient sits covered with a tapa over him: a o ka puholoholo kekahi mea e pono ai, a o ka laau naha kekahi. Puholu (pu-ho'-lu'), V. To cook with hot stones. Puhookani (pii'-ho*o-ka'-ni), n. A conch-shell. Puhuehue (pu-hu'-e-hu'-e), n. A spe- cies of the convolvulus. Puhulalu (pu-hu'-la-lu'), adj. Same as puhalalu. 1. Large; plump. 2. Fat and weak, as an over-fleshy man. Puhull (pu-hu'-li), V. To be so ad- vanced in growth as to shelter the ground, said of growing plants where they protect the soil with their leafy stalks. Puhuluhulu (pu'-hu'-lu-hu'-lu), adj. Full grown; full sized, as an ani- mal; as fruit. Pul (pu'i), adj. Large; swelled out, as a fat person. Puia (pu'-I'a), adj. Beautiful; grand; full of sweet-scented flowers; sweet smelling. Puia (pu'-i'-a), v. To be spread; to be diffused abroad, as an odor; to fill with odor or perfume; e ala, e kuhinia. Pul ho (pu-i'-ho), V. 1. To start sud- denly; to be frightened. Syn: Pu- iwa, puoho. 2. To cry out sud- denly; to shout. Puikaika (pu-i'-ka'-i'-ka), adj. Close or crooked in dealing; unyielding to the wish or opinion of another. Puikaika (pii-i'-ka-i'-ka), v. 1. To be close or crooked in dealing; to be unyielding to another's judgment or opinion: Mai noho oe a puika- ika mai ia'u. Don't be hard upon me. 2. To strive for the best end in dealing with others. I Pulli (pii-r-li), adj. Seizing; holding fast with the hand. Puili ka ohelo ai a ka manii, A ka hala i wiliia e ka makani, A ka lehua nee i ka papa. Puili (pu'-i'-fi), n. 1. A musical in- strument made of a small coconut or gourd. 2. A game played with the puili. 3. The cord used in swinging the puili. 4. A carved design on a tapa beater, composed of parallel waves with apices not in line. Pulli (pii-i'-li), V. To gird round; to embrace; to clasp; e puili a paa: e puili me ka lima, to hold fast with the hand. Puilipaa (pu'-i'-lT-pa'a), adj. Taking strong hold; holding tightly. Puipui (pu'i-pu'i), adj. Fat; plump; flourishing; stout: aole i pau ke kino puipui o ke akamai ia'u i ola- honua; large; corpulent. Puipui (pu'i-pu'i), n. 1. A fat or plump person or animal. 2. Plumpness; fullness of person: liki i kona mau puipui iho. Puipui (pu'i-pu'i), v. To be fat; to be full; to be large; to be corpu- lent; to be thick set, as the body of a person. Puiwa (pii-I'-wa), n. Amazement; a surprise; a stupefaction on ac- count of wonder; a starting from fright; sudden excitement. Puiwa (pu-I'-wa), v. To be taken by surprise; to be startled suddenly, as a horse when frightened; to be affrighted, as from sleep; to meet with sudden surprise from any cause. Puka (pu'-ka), n. 1. A doorway; a gateway; an entrance; a hole; any place of entrance or egress; puka o ke kui, puka o ke kuikele, the eye of a needle; puka lou, a loop hole; puka pepeiao. the ear; i hoakakaia 'ku ma ka puka o ko oukou mau pepeiao. (Puka as a noun takes various forms: aipuka, ipuka, upuka and amipuka.) 2. The art of making spears, ropes, etc., that appear well but really are PUK 577 PUK good for nothing and vice versa. 3. A trap or snare used in the practice of legerdemain. 4. A winning or profit. Syn: Hoopiopio. Puka (pu'-ka), v. To pass through any open way, crevice, or door- way. 2. To issue; to appear. 3, To be uttered; to be proclaimed. 4. To pass from one state or con- dition to another. 5. To gain; to win; to arrive at. PukaakI (pil'-ka-a'-ki), n. 1. The act of distributing in just proportions the shares in a common stock. PukaakI (pii'-ka-a'-ki), v. To divide out or apportion anything owned in common; to divide out fish ac- cording to the shares of several; to share according to a rule agreed on. Pukahale (pu'-ka-ha'-le), n. [Puka, opening, and hale, house.] 1. A window of a house. 2. A gate or doorway of a house; a place for going out and coming in. Pukai (pu-ka'i), adj. Stained or col- ored with the pukai: a ike oia i ka wahine pukai maikai, when he saw a woman beautifully painted. Pukai (pu-ka'i), n. 1. A wash used in painting. 2. A species of fish, called also oopukai. Pukai (pu'-ka'i), v. To paint or color with the pukai, a practice of for- mer times. Pukaihu (pu'-ka-i'-hu), n. [Puka, hole, and ihu, the nose.] The nostril; ka puka o ka ihu, he mau puka hanu. Pukaikai (pu'-ka'i-ka'i), v. 1. To lift, as in lifting the feet in danc- ing. 2. To lift and swing back- ward and forward, as in quieting a restless infant; to fondle. Pukaikaika (pu'-ka-i-ka'-i-ka), v. To rise suddenly or quickly, as smoke, .fog or flood. Pukaka (pu'-ka-ka'), v. To cluck, as a hen; to cackle in sympathy, as a cock with a hen when she has laid: e koko (pukaka) e like me ka moa kane i ka manawa e hoo- hemo ai ka moa wahine i ka hua. Syn: Pukoko. Pukaka (pu'-ka'-ka'), v. To run or flee in disorder, as from fright. Pukaka (pu'-ka'-ka'), v. To go here and there; to go about without object. Pukaka na lehua o Mana, Auwana wale iho no i ka auwai. He ole ka launa me Makalii, Ike i na muliwai hole a ka ia. E holo ana ka oopu, he la iki-e. Pukakala (pu'-ka-ka'-la), v. [Pu and kala, rough 1 To be rough; to be jagged; to have sharp points. Pukaku (pu'-ka-ku'), v. 1. To go out of a straight line; to run here and there, said of overflowing wa- ter. 2. To overflow, as water over a bank. 3, To lean over out of a perpendicular line; to wander out of the way. Pukamakani (pu'-ka-mi-ka'-ni), n. [Puka, hole, and makani, wind.] A window; a place for ventilation. Pukamole (pu'-kS-mo'-le), n. A shrub found in miry places; the flowers of which are used as medicine for infants. Pukanaenae (pii'-ka-nae'-nae'), n. An open spot near the summit of Mau- na Waialeale on Kauai. Pukani (pu'-kS'-ni), adj. Hard; se- vere; unfeeling for others. Pukani (pu'-ka'-ni), n. [Pu and kani, to sound.] A sounding instru- ment; a trumpet. Pukanilua (pu'-ka'-ni-lu'-a), n. The contention of two parties for the prevalence of their respective opin- ions. Pukanilua (pu'-ka'-nMu'-a). v. [Pu- kani and lua for loa, very.] 1. To I be strong; to be energetic. 2. To ! be hard; to be severe in exactions. 3. To be large; to be plump; to be full fed. (The qualities of [1], [2] and [3] were often united in the same person, especially in the second, third and fourth grade of chiefs.) 4. To oppose, as the authority of a chief or head man. 5. To contend, as from anger. Pukanui (pu'-kS-nu'-i), n. 1. A bas- ket used in catching fish: hinai pukanui. 2. Basket made of the ieie vine used as a receptacle for a fisher's nets, hooks and lines. Pukapa (pu'-ka-pa'), n. [Puka, gate- way; pa, an enclosure.] The gate of a yard; the gate of a city. Pukapaa (pu'-kS-pa'a), n. [Puka, opening, and paa, fast; concealed.] The ossa vagina; he ulapaa, he puupaa. Pukapahaie (pu'-kS-pa'-ha'-le), n. The gate of a city or village. PUK 578 PUK Pukapakaha (pu'-ka-pa'-ka'-ha), n. A window barred with sticks. Pukapaki (pu'-ka-pa-ki'), v. [Puka, hole, and paki, to drop, as tears.] 1. To shed tears; to drop, as water from holes. 2. To perspire. Pukapuka (pu'-ka-pu'-ka), adj. Full of holes, chinks, cracks, etc.; net- work: mea ulana pukapuka, net- work; eke pukapuka, a bag full of holes. Pukapuka (pu'-ka-pu'-ka), n. 1. A window having sticks across for a defense. 2. Whatever is full of holes, not joined well together. Pukapuka (pu'-ka-pu'-ka), v. [Freq. of puka.] To get through fre- quently. Pukaua (pu'-ka'u-a), n. An officer in an army; a general; he luna kaua; a champion of a company. Laieik. p. 45. Pukaula (pu'-ka'u-la), n. A playing of cards; gambling; the name of a game. Pukaula (pu'-ka'u-la), v. In gambling, to stake, as a man his wife, or a wife her husband, to be won or lost; e puukaula mai oe ia lakou, e lehova. Pukaupoohiwi (pd'-ka'u-po'o-hi'-wi), n. [Pu, gun; kau, to place, and po- hiwi, shoulder.] A gun carried on the shoulder; any firearm carried on the shoulder. Pukawa (pu'-ka-wa'), n. A door or window projecting outward. Puke (pu'-ke'), v. [Pu and ke, to force.] To hit; to strike, as one calabash against another; to strike together, as the knees of one in trepidation. Pukeawe (pu'-ke-a'-we), n. A small branching shrub (Styphelia ta- meiameia) 4 to 6 feet high, but in higher elevations often attaining a height of 10 to 15 feet. Puki (pil'-kl'), V. To check; to curb; to draw back, as in an effort to hold an unruly animal. Pukii (pu'-ki'i), n. Same as puhikii, the young malolo or flying fish. Pukiki (pii'-ki'-ki'), adj. 1. Strong; furious; stormy, as the wind. 2. Sewed tightly: akamai i ka humu- humu papale pua, me ka papale pukiki. Pukiki (pu'-ki-kl'), n. 1. A strong boisterous wind; a heavy storm. 2. A tight-waisted dress for wo- men. Pukiki (pu'-ki-kl'), v. To blow strongly or furiously, as the wind; to be stormy or very rough, as the weather. Puko (pu'-ko'), V. 1. To be rough like the sea. 2. To be separated; to be scattered; to be driven away. 3. To be daring, able to conquer: puko momona, a strong man. Laieik. p. 41. Pukoa (pu'-ko'a), n. 1. Rocks hid- den or sunken under water, such as ships may strike upon. 2. The coral rocks of the ocean: Ka pu- koa nui e nee ae nei-e! Oh, the great rocks of the reef all coming this way! 3. Smoke united in a column and ascending as from a volcano. Pukoa (pu'-ko'a), v. 1. To ascend; to rise up, as smoke: Hal. 18:8. Pukoa ae la ka uahi o ka luapele. 2. To mix and mingle, as smoke; to collect together. Pukoawawahiwaa (pu'-ko'a-wa-wa'-hi- wa'a), n. A tree-like coral grow- ing in the sea, to the great annoy- ance of fishermen with their nets and canoes. Pukohukohu (pu'-ko'-hti-ko'-hu), adj. Red: e hawele ana me kona aahu pukohukohu. Laieik. p. 40. Pukohukohu (pu'-ko'-hu-ko'-hu), n. A thick red loincloth (malo). Pukoko (pu'-ko-ko'), n. Sound ut- tered by a cock or a hen; the coo of a dove. Pukoko (pii'-k6-k6'), v. To cackle like a cock: ka uwe ana a ka moa kane me ka pukoko. Pukolu (pu-ko'-lu), n. [Kolu, three.] Three persons in a canoe. Pukonakona (pu-ko'-na-ko'-na), adj. 1. Strong; brave; making a great show. Pukonakona (pii-ko'-na-ko'-na), v. To be brave; to manifest unusual strength or courage. Puku (pu'-ku), n. 1. Property given by a chief into the charge of his servants. 2. The final act in a series of propitiatory offerings to a god. Puku (pu'-ku), V. 1. To finish; to end; to put out, as fire; e hoopulu ahi. 2. To scrape together in small parts. PUK 579 PUL Pukuawa (pu'-ku-a'-wa), n. 1. The fear of the anger of the gods. 2. A sacrifice or offering in which awa is the essential thing. Pukuawa (pu'-kii-a'-wa), v. To sacri- fice with the awa root or where the awa occupies the first place in the offering: E pukuawa ia Kane, Pacify Kane with awa. Pukui (pu'-ku'i), n. 1. An assembly or collection of the gods at the highest temple (luakini). 2. A line of gods arranged according to rank: O Waka, o ka wahine i ka pukui, Waka, woman in the line of the pukui. Pukui (pu'-ku'i), v. To sit doubled up; to be bent up; to fold togeth- er, as the arms. Pukuikui (pu'-ku'i-ku'i), v. To be gathered thickly together; to be assembled; to become a multitude. Pukukalina (pu'-ku-ka'-li'-na), adj. Wild; whirling, sweeping, as a small whirling wind that removes light things: makani pukukalina o Mahikihiki. (Used in songs.) Pukuniahi (pu'-kfl'-ni-a'-hi), n. [Pu, gun; kuni, to kindle, and ahi, fire.] A cannon so called from the manner of firing. Pukupuku (pu'-kii-pu'-ku), adj. Wrinkled, as the skin by age or otherwise. Pukupuku (pu'-ku-pu'-ku), n. A crimping; a folding in fine plaits; a wrinkling; wrinkles. Pukupuku (pu'-kii-pu'-ku), v. To wrinkle the forehead; to draw down the eyebrows; to frown, as in anger; to become wrinkled. Pukupukukuemaka (pu'-ku-pu'-kii-ku'e- ma'-ka), n. The wrinkles between the eyebrows. Pula (pu'-la), n. 1, A small particle of anything, as dust; a mote in the eye: aole e ike ka maka i kona pula iho; mucus in the corner of the eye. 2. The leaves of the hala tree when used for sweeping with a net in catching fish. 3. The co- conut leaf used in driving fish into a net. Uluulu is the general name for these sweepers. Pulale (pu'-la'-le), n. 1. Quickness; dispatch; hurry in doing a thing. 2. An instrument used to scare fish into a net. Also called ulu- ulu. Pulale (pu'-la'-le), v. To hurry; to hasten; to excite to do a thing quickly. Puiama (pu'-la'-ma), n. [Pu and lama, a torch.] A light, generally made from kukui nuts ; a flambeau. Puiama (pu'-ia'-ma), v. To care for; to be careful; to save; to be eco- nomical. Pulapula (pu'-la-pu'-la), n. 1. Prog- eny; offspring. 2. Seedlings used for propagating their kind; sprouts used for seed, as the tops of sugar- cane. 3. A devotee; one who fol- lows another about. Pulawa (pu-la'-wa), v. To surround, as with a cloud or fog; to be fog- gy; to cover the heavens with thick fog or clouds; to render the land and mountains invisible. Pulawalawa (pu'-la'-wa-la'-wa), adj. 1. Furnished; having a supply of what is necessary; prepared; ready for an emergency. 2. Bound tightly or firmly, as a thatched house with cords from post to post; braced firmly, as a building. 3. Strong and active in work, as a man; pulawalawa ka hale; pulawa- lawa ke kanaka. Pule (pu'-le), n. The act of worship- ing some god; conversation with an invisible being; religious ser- vice; asking some favor from heaven. Pule (pu'-le), V. To pray; to sup- plicate; to worship; to call, with adoration, upon some invisible be- ing; e kahea aku, me ka mahalo aku i ka mea ike maka ole ia. Pulehe (pu-le'-he), adj. Loose; not fast; not bound tightly; vibrating. Syn: Ulehelehe. Pulehe (pii-le'-he), v. To be loose, as a bundle loosely bound; to hang loosely; to vibrate. Pulehe (pu'-le'-he), v. To be accus- tomed to do anything; to know how to do a thing, as a skilled mechanic. Puleho (pQ-le'-ho), n. [Leho, a shell- fish.] A small cowrie, which is often strung and worn as personal adornment. Puleholeho (pQ-le'-hC-le'-ho), n. [Leho, a shellfish.] 1. A string of leho or cowrie shells for beads. 2. A knot or callous place on the shoulder from carrying burdens. PUL 580 PUL Pulehu (pu'-le'-hu), n. 1. A roasting on coals or embers; cooking food in a hurry by wrapping it in leaves and laying it on the fire, whether it be coals, hot ashes, flame or smoke. 2. A roast; anything roasted for food. Pulehu (pu'-le'-hu), n. [Pu, to draw water into the mouth and blow it out, and lehu, ash-like, broken.] A water-spout. Pulehu (pu'-le'-hu), v. 1. To roast on coals or embers; to bake on the fire; to roast in the blaze and smoke; hence, 2. To burn; to consume by fire. Pulehulehu (pu'-le'-hu-le'-hu), v. To bring several different things to- gether in one place. Puleipulu (pu'-le'i-pu'-lu), v. 1. To have an offensive smell; to stink. 2. Rancid. Syn: Hauna. Pulele (pu-le'-le), n. A disease of the neck; scrofula; king's evil. Syn : Pahaha. Pulelehua (pu'-le-le-hu'-a), n. A but- terfly; he peelua i hoomaluleia a lilo i kino lele me he manu la. Pulelehua (pu'-le-le-hu'-a), v. To be scattered, as water into spray by falling from a great height, or from being blown by the wind. Pulelo (pu'-le'-lo), adj. 1. Floating, said of anything that floats in the air and is moved rapidly by the wind. 2. Changeable; uncertain; inconstant. Pulelo (pu'-le'-lo), v. 1. To float in the air, as a flag; to wave to and fro in the wind; to hang loosely; i kapa i pulelo mai ka lua. 2. To change, as one's opinion: e ake e pulelo iki ae na manao o kakou. Pulena (pu'-le'-na), adj. Softly blowing, as a gentle wind. Pulena (pu'-le'-na), n. The soft, southeast wind at Hilo, Waimea, and some other places. Pulepe (pu'-le'-pe), v. To reverse; to turn upside down. Pulepule (pu'le-pu'-le), adj. Spotted; speckled; of different colors. Pulewa (pu'-le'-wa), V. [Lewa, swing- ing.] To be changeable; to turn this way and that; to float here and there, as one of unstable opinion; to be varying; to be tremulous, as a quagmire; to be unfixed. Pulewalewa (pu'-le'-wa-le'-wa), adj. Weak; feeble from hunger; incon- stant: pulewalewa wale no ka noho ana, aole noho paa. Pulewalewa (pii'-le'-wa-le'-wa), v. 1. To be open; to be porous; to be full of holes. 2. To be empty; to be hungry. Pull hi (pu'-li'-hi), n. 1. A whirl- wind. 2. Unsteady or changeable wind. Pulihilihl (pu-li'-hi-li'-hi), n. A trail- ing shrub (Vigna lutea) found near the sea shore. Also called nanua. Puliki (pu-ll'-ki), n. A vest; any garment girded around the body. Puliki (pu-li'-ki), v. [Pu and liki, to bind up.] 1. To gird up tightly; to wrap around, as a vest or ar- mor. 2. To embrace or fold in one's arms, as an infant. 3. To gird or tie round. 4. To embrace with affection. 5. To hold fast; to make tight. Puliklkaua (pu-ll'-ki-ka'u-a), n. [Mod.] A habergeon; a war dress. Pulikikoa (pu-li'-ki-ko'-a), n. [Mod.] A habergeon; a war dress. Pulima (pu'-li'-ma), adj. Pertaining to the wrist; iwi pulima, the wrist bones. Pulima (pu'-li'-ma), n. [Pu for puu, and lima, hand.] 1. The wrist bones; the wrist: pulima palule, wristbands of a shirt. 2. A fold- ing or bringing of the palms of the hands together in front of a fire in the act of prayer, a practice of the ancient physicians in the treat- ment of their patients: Ma ke ao ana o ua po la, alalia hoaia ke ahi, he pulima ka inoa o ia ahi. In the early dawn following that night, then the fire was kindled. i That fire was called pulima. Puliuliu (pti'-li'u-li'u), n. A small gourd in which the laau waiki (a medicine) was made. Pulo (pu'-lo'), V. To pass by; to pass on; to go about. Puloa (pu'-lo'-a), n. A species of red squid; he hee. Pulohiwa (pu'-lo-hi'-wa), adj. Ex- ceedingly black; shining black. Same as polohiwa. Pulohiwa (pu'-16-hi'-wa), n. Shining black tapa. PUL 581 PUN Puloku (pft-16'-ku), adj. Tender; soft; delicate; fine looking, as a woman ; comely. Pulolia (pu'-16-li'-a), adj. Wander- ing; going about aimlessly; with- out friends. Pulolia (pu'-16-li'-a), v. [Passive of pulo] To be unstable; going here and there. Pulou (pii'-lo'u), adj. Bound up; cov- ered out of sight. Pulou (pfi'-lo'u), n. 1. A veil; a cov- ering for the head. 2. A black tapa; a tapa of any dark color. 3. The act of putting a black tapa over one for the purpose of con- cealment. 4. The prepuce. Pulou (pu'-lo'u), v. 1. To cover the head; to veil the eyes. 2. To hide or conceal from view: pulou iho la ia i ke kapa. Laieik. p. 174. Puloulou (pu'-lo'u-lo'u), n. [PuIojj, a dark tapa, a veil.] 1. Bunches or bundles of black tapa. (Laieik. p. 112.) 2. An arch constructed of fine tapa and used as a symbol of high rank. 3. A veil; a covering, as of a canoe: me ka puloulou alii iluna o na waa. 4. A tapa on a stick (called pahu) erected as a sign of tabu. Pulu (pu'-lu), adj. Wet, as clothes; moist; softened. Pulu (pu'-lu), n. 1. Any substance partly liquid and soft. 2. That which is soft, as cotton. 3. The soft matter of which tapa is made; so called when made soft by soak- ing: me he pulu kapa i ka hale. 4. Specifically, the material that grows on and is collected from a species of large fern; it was for- merly an article of export. 5. Any decayed organic matter, especially if used as a fertilizer; vegetable mold. Pulu (pu'-lu), V. 1. To be wet. 2. To be soft as that which is soaked in water. Pulua (pu'-lu'-a), n. [Pu and lua, two.] 1. A couple of men in a canoe: he pulua na kanaka ma ka waa. 2. Two men giving mutual assistance to each other; he raau kokoolua elua. Pululu (pu'-lu-lu), adj. Same as pu- halalu. Pululuhl (pu'-lti-ia'-hi), adj. 1. Hazy; foggy; cloudy; dull, as the weath- er. 2. Dull, as a person just wak- ing from sleep. Syn: Poluhiluhi. Puluna (pfl'-lu'-na), n. The relation of the parents of married persons to each other. Pulunaluna (ptl'-lu'-na-lu'-na), adj. Scattered, said of things thrown carelessly together. Pulupe (pu'-lu-pe'), v. 1. To be very wet; to be soaked or drenched. 2. To be intoxicated. Syn: Ulupe. Pulupulu (pu'-lQ-pa'-lu), adj. Wet, soft. Pulupulu (pu'-ia-pu'-lu), n. 1. Cot- ton: he mala pulupulu, a field of cotton. See huluhulu. 2. Tinder. 3. Fine linen. Pulupulu (pu'-lCl-pu'-lu), V. 1. To be warmed. 2. To be brooded over; to be cherished, as the off- spring of a bird are covered by the mother-bird. Pumahana(pu'-ma-ha'-na), adj. Warm; not cold. Pumahana (pu'-mS-ha'-na), n. Physi- cal warmth. Pumahana (pu'-ma-ha'-na), v. To be warm, said of material things. Pumaia (pu'-ma'i-a), n. Body or trunk of the banana tree. Pumakani (pu'-ma-ka'-ni), v. Same as puhiu, to break wind. Pumahana (pu'-me-ha'-na),adj. Warm- hearted; affectionate, Pumehana (pQ'-me-ha'-na), n. Warmth of feeling, of love or attachment. Pumehana (pQ'-m^-ha'-na), v. To be warm, said of the tender passions, as love, devotion, affection, etc. Puna (pu'-na), adj. Of or belonging to a spring. Puna (pu'-na), n. 1. The stone coral (Porites); unburnt lime; mortar. 2. Name of a district on the island of Hawaii. 3. A place where wa- ter percolates through rock or clay; a spring. 4. That part of the stem of a plant between the joints; said of the spaces between the joints of sugar-cane, bamboo and all reed plants. Syn: Pona. 5. The motion of the hand in start- ing a surf-board on its run from the crest of a wave. Syn: Kioe. 6. [Mod.] A spoon. Puna (pu'-na), v. Contraction of punalua. ! Punahele (pu'-na-he'-le), adj. Be- loved, as a child; honored, as a favorite. Punahele (pu'-na-he'-le), n. A friend; a favorite; a beloved one. PUN 582 PUN Punahele (pu'-na-he'-le), v. To be or become an intimate friend. Punahelu (pu'-na-he'-lu), adj. Mouldy. Punahelu (pu'-na-he'-lu), n. Mould; mildew. Punahelu (pu'-na-he'-lu), v. 1. To have a strong and somewhat ran- cid smell like that of a variety of articles in a close, damp room. 2. To be obscure; to be intricate. 3. To be mouldy and full of cob- webs, as a closed, empty room. Punakea (pu'-na-ke'-a), n. The white coral that a high surf throws up on the beach: ku ka punakea iuka. Laieik. p. 167. Punalua (pu'-na-lu'-a), n. 1. The two husbands of one wife, or the two wives of one husband; he mau kane na ka wahine, he mau wahine na ke kane hookahi; one of two wives, or favorites of the same chief. Laieik. p. 118. 2. The re- lationship between two sisters or two brothers and their respective husbands or wives. Punalua (pu'-na-m'-a), v. 1. To be interchangeable; to be on terms of reciprocity. 2. To be two to one, said of any two persons who are the common property of one of the other sex. 3. To be or to have one for illicit purposes. Punana (pu'-na'-na), n. 1. A bird's nest: punana manu. 2. Fig. The enjoyment of comforts. 3. A place of residence. 4. The process of cleaning soiled white tapa. Punana (pu'-na'-na), v. To be hatched but still in the nest; to be recently hatched, as a nestling. Punanana (pu'-na-na'-na), n. 1. A species of spider. Also called na- nanana. 2. A spider's web. Punapuna (pu'-na-pu'-na), adj. 1. comminuted; scattered; blown away. 2. Dry and mealy. Punapuna (pu'-na-pu'-na), v. To be made fine; to be pulverized, as dust. Punawai (pu'-na-wa'i), n. [Puna, spring, and wai, water.] A spring of water; a well; a fountain. Punawe (pu'-na'-we), v. Same as puunaue. Punaweld (pu'-na-we'-le), v. [Pu and nawele, to be fine or small.] To be small in size; to be fine as threads of spider's webs. Punawelewele (pu'-na'-we'-le-we'-le), n. A spider's web. Punee (pu-ne'e), n. 1. A drawing toward one; a riding; a moving. 2. A table. Mar. 7:4. 3. A couch; a settee, Punee (pu'-ne'e), v. [Pu and nee, to move along.] To come to one; to approach one for the purpose of asking a favor. (This was done in ancient times, in the case of a common person approaching a chief, on the hands and knees, in a slow, hitching manner.) Puneenee (pu'-ne'e-ne'e), v. 1. To move along gradually as a shower of rain. Puneenee ka iia o Hilo, E nee niai ana i ka hapapa, E kui mai ana i ka lehua =E2=80=94 e. 2. To come toward. Puni (pu'-ni), adv. 1. Around; on every side; around about. 2. Greatly; exceedingly; hotly, as in anger: Mai ulu puni mai kou huhu; Be not exceedingly angry. Puni (pu'-ni), n. 1, A process of fishing with the lau. 2. The ter- mination of a fixed period: ka puni o ka makahiki, the end of the year. 3. The termination of the period of gestation, etc. 4. A de- sire; a strong inclination for the possession of a thing, or a par- ticular course of conduct: He kii ka puni o ua wahine la, A picture was the great desire of that woman. Puni (pu'-ni), v. 1. To be surround- ed, as an island with water; to be hemmed in. 2. To deceive. 3. To be deceived. Punia (pu'-ni'-a), n. 1. A pain in the head above the eye. 2. A cold in the head. Punihai (pu'-ni-ha'i), adj. [Puni, an inclination, and hai, to run.] Ad- dicted to running; cowardly; full of fear. Punihaniha (pu'-nl'-ha-nl'-ha), adj. Stingy; close; difficult to trade with. Punihaniha (pu'-ni'-ha-ni'-ha), n. Stinginess; closeness in a bargain. Punihaniha (pu'-ni'-ha-ni'-ha), v. 1. To refuse; to be stingy; to be close and little in a bargain; to be hard to trade with. 2. To regret; to be sorry for the loss of some- thing. Punihei (pu'-ni-hei), v. [Puni, de- ceive and hei, snare.] To be en- PUN 583 PUN snared. To be entangled with a snare; to be led into a trap. Punihele (pu'-ni-he'-le), adj. [Puni, inclination, and hcle, to go.] Fond of traveling; given to going about. Punihi (pu-ni'-hi), adj. Lofty; ma- jestic; dignified. Puniho (pu-ni'-ho), v. To bristle like a sea urchin; to be full of prickles. Punikala (pu'-ni-ka'-la'), n. [Mod.] One greedy for money; love of money. Punikala (pu'-ni-ka'-la'), v. [Puni, desire, and kala, or dala (Elng.), money.] To have a strong desire for money; to have a covetous dis- position. (This is a modern word, come into use with civilization. Before the introduction of money, the idea of covetousness was ex- pressed by puniwaiwai.) Punikihi (pu'-ni-ki'-hi), n. Name of a game, also called pahiuhiu. Punikoko (pu'-ni-ko'-ko), adj. Greedy for blood; reckless of murder. Punikoko (pu'-ni-ko'-ko), n. [Puni, desire, and koko, blood.] A blood- thirsty person; one reckless of murder. Punikuala (pu'-ni-kii-a'-la), adj. Long- ing for the payment of a debt; ex- pecting gain for something lent or given. Punikuala pu'-ni-kti-a'-la), n. Ex- tortion. Punikuala (pu'-ni-ku-a'-la), v. [Puni, desire , and kuala, usury.] To long for the time set for pay- ment (of money or a debt) ; to expect gain for something lent or given. Punilealea (pu'-ni-le'a-le'a), n. [Puni, given to, engaged in, and lealea pleasure.] The practice of pleas- ure; being given or devoted to sensual gratifications. Punini (pu'-ni'-ni), v. To go here and there out of a straight course; to tack, as a ship; to sail crook- edly; to float here and there. Punipeki (pu'-ni-pe'-ki), n. A game like fox and geese. The fox was called Bonepate or Punipeki: a o ka punipeki, ua kokoke like me ka hana ana o ke pahiuhiu. Same as pahiuhiu. Punipuni (pu'-ni-pu'-ni), adj. False; deceitful; hypocritical; vain. Punipuni (pu'-ni-pu'-ni), n. A false- hood; a lie; a deceit. Punipuni (pu'-ni-pu'-ni), v. 1. To be deceived. 2. To be a deceiver; to be treacherous. Puniu (pu'-nl'-u), n. [Pu and niu, a coconut.] 1. The shell of a coconut; hence, 2. A small cala- bash for food. 3. The skull of a man, from some resemblance to a coco- nut. 4. One who achieves distinc- tion. Punlu (pu'-ni'-u), v. To spin round; to turn, as a top; to be dizzy; to have a vertigo. Syn: Oniu. Puniuhui (pu'-ni'-u-hu'-i) n. [Puniu, the skull, and hui, to unite.] The place on the top of the head where the bones unite; ka huina o ka puniu, the joint of the pu- niu or skull. Puniwaiwai (pu'-ni-wa'i-wa'i), adj. Covetous; greedy after property. Puniwaiwai (pu'-ni-wa'i-wa'i), n. Covetousness; the strong desire of wealth. Puniwaiwai (pu'-ni-wfi,'i-wa'i), v. [Puni and waiwai, property.] To desire unduly the acquisition of property; hence, to be covetous; to devote one's self to accumu- lation. (Puniwaiwai was anciently what punikala later became.) Punlwale (pu'-ni-wa'-le), adj. 1. De- ceived; ensnared. 2. Change- able; capricious; emotional; apt to be influenced by some hasty mental apprehension, as of anger, love, fear, etc. Puniwaie (pu'-nT-wa'-le), v. [Puni, deceive, and wale, easily.] 1. To be overtaken by treachery; to be the subject of deceit; to be en- snared by anything. 2. To be easily influenced or swayed. Punohu (pu'-no'-hu), n. The vol- ume or coils of ascending smoke; he hina me he uahi la no ka lua o Pele; the gray-like smoke of the volcano; smoke arising from a fire: punohu uwahi, Punohu (pu'-no'-hu), v, 1. To arise or ascend, as smoke; to arise, as ume or coils of ascending smoke; 2. To make a white rising ap- pearance, as the sails of a ship quickly set up; me he raoku la i pau na pea i ka huki iluna. PUN 584 PUO Punoni (pu'-no'-ni), n. 1. A dye, probably of the noni, for coloring tapa. 2. The tapa so colored. Punono (pu'-no'-no), v. 1. To be dressed gorgeously. 2. To be red, as tapa. Punonohu (pu'-no-no'-hu), v. 1. To swell out; to be large like the sails of a ship. Syn: Punohu. 2. To be handsome, fine, beautiful. Punonohuula (pu'-n6-no'-hii-u'-la), adj. Blowing the dust; raising the dust, as a strong wind: ka wili- koi ula punonohuula i ka lani. Punonono (pu'-n6-no'-no), adj. Fast in color. Punonoula (pu'-n6'-n6-u'-la), v. To be spotted, as the skin in some diseases; to be colored white and red. Punonu (pii-no'-nu), adj. Spoiled; rotten; addled, as eggs. Punonunonu (pu'-n6'-nu-n6'-nu), v. To be spoiled; to be unfit for use; to be addled, as eggs. Syn: Kewai. Punua (pu-nu'-a), n. Fledgling; a young bird. Punua (pu-nu'-a), v. To be without feathers, as young birds. Punuhu (pu-nu'-hu), n., v. Same as punohu. Punuku (pu'-nu'-ku), n. A halter; a noose passed over the nose of an animal. Puo (pu-5'), V. 1. To mix up; to mix thoroughly. 2. To strike or clasp the hands together. 3. To lash, as the sea lashes the shore. 4. To bend, as a coconut leaf in the wind; to yield to the wind, as the spread sails of a ship. 5. To be wind-swept, as leaves blown to- gether in a certain mass. I puo lani i ke kai o Peapea a ka manu, 0 kaioe o Maui ka hookalakua, He kupua ka lani no ka moku =E2=80=94 e. Puoa (pu-o'a), n. [Pu, to tie, and oa, a rafter.]. 1. Place where the rafters of a house are tied. 2. A house built with the poles uniting at the top in the shape of a pyra- mid; hence, 3. In geometry, a pyramid. 4. A temporary resi- dence; a small house, hastily put up; a tent. 5. A small inclosure of poles. 6. A plant choked with weeds; a thicket. 7. A house for depositing a corpse. Puohai (pu'-o-ha'i), n. 1. The root and trunk of the ohai shrub; ku- muohai. 2. A bunch of the ohai flowers; opuohai. 3. The ohai tree. He kumuohai, he opuohai, Akua pee puohai o ke kaha, I walea wale ia i ke a I ka ulu kanu a Kahai, Haina oe e ka oo e ka manu o Kanehili. Puoho (pu-o'-ho), n. A sudden start from fright; a fright. Puoho (pu-o'-ho), V. 1. To start and cry out; to start in a fright; to jump suddenly, as from a sleep. Laieik. p. 26. 2. To cry out or sound together. Puoko (pu'-o'-ko), V. To rage; to be hot. Puokooko (pii-o'-k6-5'-ko), n. [Pu and okooko, a red heat.] A great hot fire: i ka onohi pono o ka la, 1 ka puokooko hoi o ka wela loa. Laieik. p. 176. Puolani (pu'-o-la'-ni), adj. Set up on high; raised up; set apart. Puolani (pu'-o-la'-ni), v. 1. To place upon a consecrated place, as an altar; to lay by as sacred; to bind or tie up, as a sacrifice. 2. To lay aside that which is con- secrated; to lay by for future disposition. Puolo (pu-o'-lo), n. 1. A bundle of tapa folded and bound up so as to appear like a pillow. 2. A bun- dle tied at the top for carrying on a stick. 3. A scrip; a bag; a con- tainer. Puolo (pii-o'-lo), V. To tie up, as a bundle tied on top; to bundle up: Alalia, puolo ae la a paa, awe mai la; Then he tied up a bundle tightly and bro_ught_ it. Puoloolohee (pu'-o'-16-o'-16-he'e), n. A species of grass having a furzed top, also the flower. Puone (pu'-o'-ne), n. Same as puuo- ne, a pile of sand. PuonI (pu-o'-ni), v. To lay up for the future; to lay up for a long life or for a future age; e kau i ka puaneane ola; to lay up the means of living forever. Puopelu (pu'-6-pe'-lu), n. Name of a local resting place ("oioina") on the road to Lahainaluna. Puopuo (pu-5'-pu-o'), n. A hollow reverberating sound. PUO 585 PUP Puopuo (pii-o'-pii-o'), v. To clap to- gether the hollow hands with a sound. Puowaina (pu'-6-wa'i-na). n. Native name of Punchbowl hill in Hono- luln. Also called Puuwaina, Puu- waena. Puu o Waina. Pupaakai (pu'-pa'a-ka'i), v. To eat when there is only vegetable food, and salt the only relish. Pupanapana (pu'-pa'-na-pa'-na), n. [Mod. Pu, gun, and pana, to shoot.] A pistol. Pupu (pu-pu'), adv. Roughly; heav- ily; disagreeably; hele pupu, hele mamau, hele luuluu. Pupu (pu-pu'), n. An old man or woman who walks feebly and carefully for want of strength. Pupu (pu'-pu'), n. 1. A species of snail, the meat of which is eaten by Hawaiians. (Pupu is the general name for shells, both sea and land, though not often applied to large ones.) 2. A bunch, as of grass, leaves or flowers. Syn: Puu. 3. A bundle or something bound up, as of grass. 4. A glass bead. 5. A motif in the carving on tapa beaters, consisting of round de- pressions resembling shells. Pupu (pG-pu'), V. 1. To be rough; to be uneven, as a road. 2. To drag heavily, as in heavy hauling, hence being slow or lagging be- hind. Pupu (pu'-pu'), V. To gather and bind in bundles. Pupua (pii'-pu'-a), n. The rump or tail feathers of a fowl. Syn: Pua- pua. Pupua (pu-pu'-a), v. [Pua, a bios som.] To open; to unfold, as a blossom; to spread out; ua pupua, mohola wale i ke awakea. Pupuahulu (pu'-pCi-a'-hu'-lu), adj. Bustling; in a hurry; not prepared for a duty. Pupuahulu (pu'-ptt-a'-hu'-lu), v. To be in a fluster; to be in a flut- ter or bustle, as those going but not ready for want of prepara- tion; to get ready in a hurry. Pupuamoa (pu'-pii-a-mo'-a), n. [Pu- pua, tail feathers, and moa, a fowl.] A long skirted coat; so called from its resemblance to the tail of a fowl. Pupuawa (pu'-pu-a'-wa), n. A species of shell-fish Pupue (pii'-pu'-e), n. A crouching; the action of a cat in preparing to seize a mouse; a lying in wait for one; a bodily posture prepara- tory to springing or pouncing. Pupue (pu'-pu'-e), v. To lie in wait; to watch for one to injure or mur- der him; to be ready for any sud- den attack upon one; o pupue i ka hao e alii la. Pupuhi (pQ'-pii'-hi), n. 1. A blow- ing. 2. Persons who blow, that is, trumpeters. Pupuhi (pu'-pu'-hi), n. A trumpet; a conch shell when used as a trum- pet. Pupuhi (ptt'-ptt'-hi), V. [Pu and pu- hi, to blow.] 1. To blow violently, as a strong wind: Ua pupuhi wale ia na waa i holo ma ka moana; to blow, as from the mouth. 2. To spout water, as a whale. 3. To burn with fire, as incense, to consume in the fire: Pupuhi aku la lakou i kona io i ke ahi, they burnt (consumed) his flesh in the fire. 4. To blow, as a trumpet. Pupuhoaka (pu'-pu'-ho-a'-ka), n. [Pupu, shell, and hoaka, a cres- cent.] A bracelet; an ornament for the wrist made of small shells. Pupuhu (pQ-pu'-hu), adj. Large; plump; round; full. Pupui (pii'-pu'i), adj. Swelled; en- larged: pupui ka maka, the eye is enlarged. Pupuka (pa-pu'-ka), adj. Lit. Full of holes; hence, vain; without substance; worthless; having an unsightly appearance; of no value. Pupuka (pQ-pu'-ka), n. An epithet of reproach, signifying good for nothing. Pupukahull (pu'-pu'-ka'-hu'-li), n. A class of small land shells. Also called pupukanioe. Pupukanioe (pu'-pu'-ka'-ni-o'e), n. [Pupu, a snail; kani, to sound, and oe, murmur.] The pupuka- hull class of mountain snails, the Achatinella. The Hawaiians de- i Clare this snail sings. ! Pupukeawe (pu'-pu'-ke-a'-we), n. The I name applied in common to all small plants found on the tops I of the mountains. Pupuku (pG'-pu'-ku), adj. Wrinkled; shortened; contracted; curled, as hair. Syn : Pukupuku. Pupuku (pQ'-pu'-ku), V. 1. To be PUP 586 PUU curled, as the hair. 2. To be shrunken. 3. To be startled. Pupule (pu'-pu'-le), adj. Crazy; in- sane; bereft of reason. Pupule (pu'-pu'-le), n. Insanity; madness; extravagant conduct. Pupule (pu'-pu'-le), v. To be mad; to be crazy; to act insanely; to be infatuated. Pupuloloa (pu'-pu'-lo-lo'-a), n. A spike-shell. Pupulu (pu'-pu'-lu), adj. Assembled; thick together. Pupulu (pii'-pu'-lu), n. A great com- pany; a multitude; a great col- lection of individual things. Pupulu (pu'-pu'-lu), V. To be as- sembled together; to be crowded, said of a collection of persons or things. Pupuni (pu'-pu'-ni), adj. Puni, to desire.] 1. Greedy; desirous of something and laboring to obtain it, as property, pleasure, gran- deur, power. 2. Ambitious. Pupupu (pii'-pu'-pu), adj. Small; frail; temporary. Applied to any temporary and frail structure for shelter. Pupupu (pu'-pu'-pu), n. 1. A small out-house; a shelter from the sun; a small house such as is used for beating tapa; a temporary shed. Syn: Kamala. 2. A kind of pa-u. 3. A heap of refuse; worthless tapa. Pupupu (pti'-pu'-pu), V. To be num- erous, crowded or closely set, said of growing plants in a seed bed; to be planted closely. Pupuu (pu'-pu'u), V. [Puu, a bunch.l To draw one's limbs together, as in lying down; to double up; to cringe. Pupuuanu (pu'-pu'u-a'-nu), v. [Pu- puu, to curl up; anu, cold.] To curl up because of the cold. Pupuwa (pu-pu'-wa), v. To unfold; to open, as a blossom. Same as pupua. Puu (pu'u), n. 1. Any round pro- tuberance belonging to a larger substance. 2. A small round hill; a bunch; a peak; a pimple; a wart; the knuckles; the ankle joints; the Adam's apple of the throat; hence, the throat; a knob; an ornament of a candle-stick. 3. The heart. 4. A heap; he puu opala, a heap of rubbish; na puu huapalaoa, shocks of grain. 5. A tower; a citadel; a substance; a portion; a lot in casting lots. 6. A quantity; part; property; des- tiny; appointment; fortune. 7. Any defect, material, moral or mental; a blemish. 8. A hand, that is, the cards held at a game. 9. A bulk; a mass; an aggregation. 10. Same as moepuu. Puu (pu'u), V. 1. To collect together; to lay by, particularly in heaps. 2. To boll; to form a round seed, as flax; to swell and break, as a boil. 3, To cast or draw lots (a Hawaiian custom formerly in practice) by using a knotted string. 4. To gather or dip up water in the hands. 5. To cast lots; to divide a country by lot. Puua (pu'-u'-a), n. Difficulty in swallowing. Puua pu'-u'-a), v. 1. To be full; to be choked or suffocated, as in swallowing food; to stick in the throat; to strangle. 2. To be in difficult labor, as in childbirth. Puualu (pu'u-a'-lu), v. To carry on the hips or on the back. Syn: Pualau. Puuhau (pu'u-ha'u), n. A hard lump growing on the flesh, particularly on the joints. Syn: Ohakulai, haupuu. Puuhole (pu'u-ho'-le), n. Same as puukole. Puuhonua (pu'u-h6-nu'-a), n. [Puu, a tower, and honuar flat land.] A place of refuge for one pur- sued; a place of safety in time of war; a refuge. Puuhoomaha (pu'u-ho'o-ma'-ha), n. [Puu, heap, and hoomaha, to rest.] A resting place for travelers. Syn: Puuoioina. Puukaa (pu'u-ka'a), n. A rolling hill. PuukanI (pu'u-ka'-ni), adj. 1. Pleas- ant; sweet, as the sound of a pleasant voice in singing. 2. Sweet, as the tones of a flute or other instrument. 3. Fig. Hand- some, as a person. Puukanilua (pu'u-ka'-ni-lu'-a), adj. Drawn straight and tight, as a rope. Descriptive of admiration denoting excellency of quality or person. PUU 587 PUU Puukapele (pu'u-ka-pe'-le), n. Aj place on the island of Kauai not- | ed for its forest of kauwila trees, j Puukapu (pu'u-ka'-pu), n. 1. A tabu J or quarantined place: Kukuluia na j puukapu elima mawaena o na pae ; kanaka elua. 2. A hand of cards | dealt out and left untouched until i the other hands are all played out. ; Puukaua (pu'u-ka'u-a), n. [Puu, aj heap, and kaua, war.] A forti- i fication ; a hold ; a stronghold ; a [ fort; he mau puu e kaua ai el like me Kauiki. | Puukie (pu'u-ki'-e), v. To ensnare; to entrap; to get one into diffi- culty. Puukiuki (pu-G'-ki-tt'-ki), n. The spots of water damned by uki, a water plant; he wai no ke uki na ka mahu i hookiokio i ka lau o ka uki; he opu uki. Puukiuki (pu-ii'-ki-a'-ki), v. To stand closely together, as people in a crowd or trees in a forest; to be thickset. Puukoa (pu'u-ko'-a), adj. Slender. (A figurative use, meaning slender as the puukoa grass.) Puukoa (pu*u-ko'-a), n. 1. A species of sedge-like grass (Rhynchospora laxa), of the ahuawa class. 2. Medicine from the seeds of the puukoa. Puukoko (pu'u-kS'-ko), n. [Puu, bunch, and koko, blood.] 1. The heart. 2. A clot of blood. Puukole (pu'u-ko'-le), n. In the anatomy of the human body, the mons pubis. Puuku (pu'u-ku'), n. 1. One en- trusted with the care of goods; a steward; a provider. 2. The of- fice of a steward; stewardship. Puukukui (pu'u-ku'-ku'-i), n. Tapa colored with dye made of the bread fruit flower and the bark of the kukui tree. Puukuuku (pu'-u'-ktl'-ii'-ku), v. To be thinly scattered; to be set widely apart. Puulaula (pu'-Q'-ia-u'-la), n. [Puu, a heap, and ulaula, red.] 1. A bank or mass of red earth. 2. Red- ness; the color of red earth. Puulele (pu'u-le'-le), n. [Puu, a swelling, and lele, to fly.] A rup- ture; a hernia; so called because it disappears suddenly. Puulena (pu'u-le'-na), n. A cold wind on the mountains or at the Kilauea volcano: ka ahe puulena 0 ka lua. Laieik. p. 34. Puulepo (pu'u-le'-po), n. [Puu, a heap; lepo, earth.] 1. A mound of earth. 2. A lump of earth or spot designated in the game of papua. Puulima (pu'u-li'-ma), n. [Puu, bunch, and lima, hand.] The wrist joints; the knuckles and wrist bones; the palm of the hand. Puuliull (pu'-ii'-lf-ii'-li). adj. Dark; black; dark colored. Puuliuii (pii'-ii'-lT-ii'-li), v. To stain with some dark color: e puuliuii 1 ka waa; paint the canoe black. Puulu (pQ-u'-lu), n. A great num- ber of men or things; a multi- tude; an army of soldiers. Puulukaua (pu'-Q'-lti-ka'u-a), n. A division of an army prepared for battle. Puuluulu (pu'-u'-lii-ii'-lu), n. To be thick together; to be multitudi- nous; to be numerous or many. Puumana (pu'u-ma'-na), n. 1. A spe- cial pattern of cast-net. 2. A caret (^^) or sign of omission in writing. Puunaue (pu'u-na'u-e), v. To divide into parcels or parts; to give out; to separate; to divide, as spoil or property; to distribute: e puu- naue ma ka hailona, to divide by Puunaue (pu'u-na'fl-e), n. A game, also called umeume. Puunohu (pu'u-no'-hu), n. Same as punohu. Puuoa (pu'u-o'a), n. Same as puoa. Puuoioi (pu'u-o'i-o'i), n. [Puu, hill, and oiol, sharp.] Sharp point of a summit; a sharp pointed hill. Puuoiolna (pu'u-o'i-6-i'-na), n. [Puu, heap, and oioina, a resting place for travelers.] An elevated spot by the roadside; a heap of stones; a shady tree, or any resting place for travelers. Puuone (pu'u-o'-ne), n. [Puu, heap, and one, sand.] A mound of sand; a heap of earth. Puuopala (pu'u-6-pa'-la), n. [Puu, heap, and opala, dirt; dust] Dust, litter, dirt, trash, piled up into a heap. Puupa (pu'u-pa'), n. A kind of stone from which maika stones were made. PUU 588 U Puupa (pu'u-pa'), v. 1. To receive freely or gratuitously; to give freely or gratuitously; puupa, hio- lo wale no i ka leo. 2. To gain advantage simply by talking. Puupaa (pu'u-pa'a), adj. In a virgin state; free from impurity. Laieik. p. 115. Puupaa (pu'u-pa'a), n. 1. The reins; the kidneys. 2. Fig. The affec- tions; the principles of action. 3. Female purity; virginity; a vir- gin: puupaa ana, the state of vir- ginity. Puupau (pu'u-pa'u), n. [Puu, throat, and pau, to destroy.] Cancer of the throat. Puupoola (pu'u-po'o-la'), v. To eat in a hurry; to choke; to strangle. Syn: Aipoala. Puupuu (pu'u-pu'u), adj. 1. Full of blotches or pimples; rough with uneven places. 2. Lumpy, Puupuu (pu'u-pu'u), adv. Roughly; unevenly. Syn: Pupu, which is in more general use. Puupuu (pu'u-pu'u), n. 1. Pimple or pimples; scurfy appearance of the skin, as seen in the itch or scurvy. 2. A protuberance; a knot; a| knuckle joint. 3. Little lumps. | Puupuu (pu'u-pu'u), V. 1. To be full ; of lumps; to be knotty. 2. To be j pimpled. Puupuu (pu'u-pu'u), V. [Puu, a swelling.] 1. To break out into j boils and blisters. 2. To be heaped up; to be piled up in heaps. 3.; To be or become lumpy ; not ! smoothly soft as good poi. | Puupuuone (pu'u-pu'u-o'-ne), adj. For- tune telling; living in a strange ; house called hale puuone : kukulu oia i hale puupuuone. ! Puupuuone (pu'u-pu'u-o'-ne), n. 1. A; game with small flat stones hid- i den in little mounds of sand which resembled noa. 2. A fish- er's hut on the sand. Puupuuwawae (pu'u-pu'u-wa-wa'e), n. [Puu, a knob, and wawae, feet.] The ankle bones; the ankles. Puuwa (pu-u'-wa), v. Same as puua, to be choked. Puuwai (pu'u-wa'i), n. [Puu, a swelling, a bunch, and wai, liquid.] 1. The heart. (The ancient Ha- waiians supposed that there was nothing but water in the heart, hence the name puuwai.) 2. Food of different kinds of vegetables tied up in bunches and put into the oven. 3. The very small oha or suckers of the taro. Puuwaiu (pu'u-wa'i-u'), n. [Puu, a mound, and waiu, milk.] The breast; a milk breast or breast of milk. Puwa (pu'-wa'), n. A shining ap- pearance; reflected brightness. Puwa (pu'-wa'), v. 1. To shine; to glitter, as the surface of a thing. 2. To reflect brightness, as a red garment, as clouds, or as a bright fire by night. Puwai (pu'-wa'i), n. 1. A sentinel's call. 2. The fountain head of a stream of water; hence, 3. The heart; Mea e hoi ka haalulu o kona puwai. Strange was the beat- ing of his heart. Laieik. p. 165. Puwaikaua (pu'-wa'i-ka'u-a), n. [Pu- wai, alarm, and kaua, war.] An alarm of war; a proclamation of war. Puwalu (pu'-wa'-lu), n. 1. The an- cient flag of the Hawaiians, placed on the triangular sails of canoes. Syn: Lepa. 2. A signal and the pole or stick that holds the signal. Puwalu (pu'-wa'-lu), v. Same as pu- alu, to act in concert. 1. To work together, as in lifting; to make a united effort. 2. To cry out all together. 3. To rehearse, speak, or recite in concert, as a class in school. (This was the general practice in the first schools of the islands, and helped much to keep up the enthusiasm. Pualu is the preferable form.) 4. An acting in concert. Syn: Puala. U U (u). The eleventh letter of the U (u), n. 1. Grief; sorrow; = expres- Hawaiian alphabet. All common sion of affection; like me ke aloha= , nouns beginning with u take the , ame ka u, ame ka uwe ana. 2= article ka. | The breast; the pap; the udder. u 589 UAN 3. A labial which represents the sound of the English oo; it signi- fies either acquiescence or denial. U (u) V. 1. To meditate on or contem- plate. 2. To draw out, as a pencil from a case. 3. To weep; to grieve; to mourn: e u hele, to go about mourning; to mourn for. 3. To desire earnestly: o kekahi manao o'u e u nei, e ao kakou i ka leo o ka himeni. 4. To drip or drizzle, as water; to ooze or leak slowly, as water from a taro patch or from the crevices of a rock; e kahe ae. 5. To purpose; to intend. 6. To be saturated or impregnated with anything; ua u ka pipi i ka paakai; ua u ke ka- pa i ka mea hooluu; u ke kapa 1 ka ua. Ua (u'a), adj. Vain; useless; to no profit: luhi ua. vain effort. Ua (u'-a), adj., pron. Aforesaid; previously mentioned: ua Lona la, the said Lona; ua keiki la, the said child. Ua (u'a), adv. In vain; to no pur- pose: manao no ka poe kahiko ua luhi ua ka lakou hana ana. Ua (ii'-a), n, 1. Rain; water fall- ing from the clouds. (Rains were divided by Hawaiians into ua loa. long rains; ua poko, short rains; a shower.) 2. A kind of mat. Ua (u'-a), prefix. A form which marks the perfect tense, as: hele, go; ua hele, gone. Ua (u'-a), V. To rain: Ua iho la ka ua; he ua nui loa; It rained (the rain rained); it was a very great rain. Uaaula (u-a-a'-u-la or u'a-a'-u-la), n. A strong smell as of decaying food. Uahaao (u'-a-ha'-a'o), n. 1. A rain peculiar to Auaulelo in the district of Kau, island of Hawaii; so named because the showers fol- low one another like the haao or subdivisions of the retinue of a chief. Also called haao. 2. A certain figure carved on a tapa beater. Also called hoopai pawe- he and haluapawehe. Uahi (u-a'-hi), n. [U, ooze or milk, and ahl, fire.] Smoke; cloud; a vaporous appearance. (Uahi is the primitive form of uwahi.) Uahiwai (u-a'-hi-wa'i), n. [Uahi, smoke; wai, water.] 1. Fine, mist- like rain. 2. Mist; steam; fog. , Uahoa (u'-a-ho'-a), adj. 1. Hard- hearted; cruel; selfish. 2. Un- justly severe or harsh. Uai (u-a'i), n. A door or any bar- rier that opens and shuts by a horizontal movement. Also writ- ten uwai. Uai (u'-a'i), v. 1. To open or shut, as a door. 2. To move anything sideways; to displace by pushing or shoving on a surface. I Uakaha (u'-^-ka'-ha), n. Stiffness of I the cords of the neck. Uakoko (u'-a-ko'-ko), n. A cloud re- flecting the colors of the rain- bow; a rainbow shaft. Syn: Koiula. Uala (u-a'-la), n. [U and aia, sweet.] 1. The sweet potato. 2. The large muscles of the upper arm. 3. A kind of cowrie shell. Sometimes written uwala. Ualaau (u-a'-la-a'u), v. To talk, or dispute. It applies only to the act of two persons. If three or more are talking or shouting, the word is hauwalaau. Same as uwalaau. Uaiakahiki (u-a'-la-ka-hi'-ki), n. [Uala, potato, and kahiki, foreign.] A foreign or Irish potato. Also writ- ten uwalakahiki. Ualapilau (ii-a'-ia-pi'-lau), n. [Mod. Uala, potato, and pilau, strong scented.] A turnip or radish. Also written uwalapilau. Ualeha (u'-a-le'-ha), adj. 1. Lazy; indolent; sluggish. 2. Slow; inert. Ualehe (u'-a-le'-he), v. 1. To oust a tenant; to deprive one of the fruit of his toil on the land. 2. To be shy of a hook, applied to fish. 3. Loosened; made less com- pact. Ualo (u-a'-lo), n. 1. An invitation; the requesting a person's com- pany. 2. A crying to one for help; a crying aloud; a summon- ing. Also written uwalo. Ualo (u-a'-lo), v. To cry; to call out; to complain; to call for help. Also written uwalo. U-ana (u'-a'-na), v. [U, to weep or mourn, and ana, a participial suf- fix denoting the present tense.] Weeping or mourning, as E u-ana o A; A is mourning. UAN 590 UHA Uanaoa (u'a-na'-o-a), adj. Lacking appetite; having no relish for food; a being qualmish. Uanaoa (u'a-na'-o'-a), v, [Ua and naoa, not relishing food.] 1. To have no relish for food. 2. To be disgusted or qualmish at the sight of food. 3. To be sick at the stomach. Uanei (u'-a-ne'i), adv. Adverb of time future; it refers to something to be done or something to take place hereafter, but at no great distance of time; soon; by and by; hereafter. The full form is auanei; it is contracted by drop- ping the initial a after a word ending in a. See auanei, adv. Uanii (u'-a-ni'i), adj. 1. Firm; solid; compact; not pliant; stiff: Uanii ka ia i ka nui loa o ka paakai. Stiff is the fish from too much salt. 2. Too salty; miko loa. Uau (u-a'u), n. A long-winged sea bird (Aestrelata phaeopygia), for- merly worshiped as a god. Uau (u'-a'u), v. Same as kope, to scratch. Uaua (u-a-u'-a), adj. 1. Strong; tight; fast, unbroken. 2. Tough; not easily separated; viscid; glu- tinous, as some kinds of taro. Syn: Linalina. Uaua (u'-a-u'-a), adj. Poor, ruined financially from habits of dissi- pation. (A vulgar and derisive expression of contempt. The word describes the condition of one so reduced in circumstances that nothing remains to him but his nakedness.) Uaua (u'a-u'a), adj. 1. Proud; haughty; arrogant; vain. Uaua (u'-a-u-a'), n. Incorrect form of uwauwa, a frequent shouting. Uaua (u'a-u'a), n. 1. Pride; haughtiness; acting the spend- thrift. 2. A tapa or pa-u colored yellow: ina i hooluu ia ka pau i ka olena, he uaua ia. Uauala (u'-a-u-a'-la), n. A strong smell of decaying food; the smell of rotten potatoes. Uaukewai (u-a'u-ke'-wa'i), n. A spe- cies of uwau, petrel. Breast and wings white, back black. Also called uwau. Ue (u'-e), n. A coarse lauhala mat, a mat made of the coarse leaves of the pandanus tree. Ua or moe- na ue is the correct term. Ue (u'-e), n. 1. A wrenching or pull- ing with a twist. 2. A relative change in position or place. 3. The turning of a screw. Ue (u'-e), V. 1. To hitch or move along a little. 2. To turn; to tv/ist. 3. To pull with a twist. Uepa (u-e'-pa), n. [Eng.] A wafer. Better written as wepa or wefa. Ueue (u'-e-u'-e), v. [Freq. of ue, to hitch.] To hitch or jerk fre- quently. Ueueko (u'-e-u-e'-ko), adj. Filthy; unpleasant to the smell; defiled with dirt; foul, unwashed. Ueueko (u'-e-u-e'-ko), n. A bad smell; a stench. Uewale (u-e'-wa'-le), n. [Ue, to cry, and wale, without cause.] A cow- ard. Also written uwewale. Uewale (u-e'-wa'-le), v. 1. To be addicted to' weeping. 2. To cry without reason. 3. To be a coward. Also written uwewale. Uha (u'-ha), adj. Wasteful. Uha (u'-ha), n. The alimentary canal. Uha (uha'), n. Thigh; the thick part of the leg between the knee and trunk. Uha (u-ha'), v. 1. To belch. 2. To hawk up mucus; to hawk, as a means of raising phlegm from the throat or lungs. Syn: Puha. 3. To swell; to distend, as the stomach. Uhaai (u'-ha-a'i), v. To live reck- lessly; to squander property. Syn: Uhauha. Uhae (u-ha'e), v. To tear; to rend, as a garment: Ua uhaeia ka lole, ua uhaeia ka moena. Syn: Hae- hae. Uhai (u-ha'i), n. The door, or prop- erly the door frame of a house, ke kikihi o ka hale, Uhai (u-ha'i), n. 1. Doorway. 2. Door. Uhai (u-ha'i), v. 1. To break; to sever by fracture. 2. To trans- gress; to overstep a rule; to vio- late a tabu or law. 3. To refuse to fulfill the obligations of a cov- enant; to break an agreement. Uhai (u-ha'i), v. To chase; to pur- sue: to follow. UHA 591 UHA Uhaiaholo (u-ha'i-a-ho'-lo), n. A swift running; an eager pursuit after a thing. Uhaiaholo (u-ha'i-a-ho'-lo), v. [Uhai, to follow or pursue, and holo, to go fast.] 1. To follow; pursue; chase; to run after. 2. To seek to obtain or overtake. 3. To flee. Uhakakau (u-ha'-ka-ka'u,) n. [Uha, thigh, and kakau, tattooed.] The favorite women attendants of a king. (These women were marked or tattoed on the inside of the legs from the ankles up to and including the thighs to signify their office.) Uhaki (u-ha'-ki), adj. Broken, as some brittle substance. Uhaki (u-ha'-ki), n. A fracture. Uhaki (u-ha'-ki), v. 1. To break; to sever by fracture; to break, as a stick or staff, or as the bones. 2. To violate an obliga- tion; to break, as a covenant. Syn. Uhai. Uhaku (u-ha'-ku), v. To put to- gether; to bundle up; to roll to- gether; to make up in a bale. Uhalehe (u'-ha-le'-he), adj. Broad; wide open, as a door; uhalehe ka waha; uhalehe ka puka. Uhalehe (u'-ha-le'-he), n. [A vulgar word formerly used by children, similar to wahahee: he uhalehe oe.] Falsehood; lying; a lie. Uhalena (u'-ha-le'-na), adj. Lazy; full from overeating. Uhaloa (u'-ha-lo'-a), n. A shrub I whose flowers and roots are used | as a remedy for the disease called ! ea (thrush). Same as alaala- ! puloa. Uhalu (u-ha'-lu), adj. Weak, ex- hausted from hunger or illness. Uhaluhalu (u-ha'-lu-ha'-lu), adj. Hav- ing a pale or sickly hue; pallid; languid from illness. Uhalula (u'-ha-lu'-la), adj. Lazy; slow; weak; cowardly. Uhalula (u'-ha-lu'-la), n. Weakness; laziness; cowardice. Uhamua (u-ha'-mu'-a), n. [Uha, thigh, and mua, first, fore.] The shoulder of a quadruped with the adjacent parts. Uhane (u-ha'-ne), adj. Spiritual, partaking of the spirit or soul. Uhane (u-ha'-ne), adv. In a spirit- ual manner; like a spirit: Me ka hoi uhane aku hoi i Kauai; Their flesh eaten by the birds, they would return only in spirit to Kauai. Laieik. p. 95. Uhane (u-ha'-ne), n. 1. The soul; the spirit of a person: he mea ninau i na uhane ino, a consulter of evil spirits, he kino wailua. 2. The ghost or spirit of a deceased person. 3. The Spirit; applied to the third person of the Trinity: Uhane Hemolele, the Holy Spirit. (Hawaiians believed that men had two souls each; that one died with the body, the other lived on, either visible or invisible as might be, but had no more connection with the person deceased than his shadow. These ghosts could talk, cry, complain, whisper, etc. There were those who were supposed to be skillful in entrapping or catch- ing them.) Uhanui (u'-ha-nu'i), adj. Weak; feeble; having little nhysical strength; not able to bear a great weight: he mea uhanui ke ka- naka ikaika ole. Uhanui (u'-ha-nu'i), n. An epithet expressing censure mingled with contempt; a reproach. The word describes a person constitutional- ly or physically weak, inefficient,. Uhao (u-ha'o), n. The line of lean flesh each side of the backbone of a quadruped; the tenderloin. Also called ioliu. Uhao (u-ha'o), v. To put into; to fill; to put into, as into a bag, or a basket or other container: ua uhaoia ka ai iloko o ka ume- ke; i ka manawa e uaho ai i ka poka i ka pu. Uhau (u-ha'u), n. 1, A whip; the lash or thong of a whip. 2. The stroke or cut of a whip. Uhau (u-ha'u), v. 1. To pile to- gether; to build up, as the walls of a city. 2. To whip; to scourge; ke uhaula la ke kua o ke kanaka 1 ke kaula; the back of the man is being scourged with a rope, Uhaua (u-ha'-iS-a), n. The stones; the testicles. Syn: Opea. Uhauha (u'-h^-u'-ha), adj. 1. Riot- ous; gluttonous; reveling. 2. Prodigal; wasteful. Uhauha (u'-ha-u'-ha), n. Revelry; carousal; moral madness. 2. A rioter; one who revels. UHA 592 UHI Uhauha (u'-ha-u'-ha), v. 1. To live in a wasteful manner; to squander property. 2. To live in every in- dulgence of passion. Uhauhalale (u-ha'u-ha'-la-le'), adj. Large, fat and unwieldly, as a very fat person; also weak. Syn: Uhekeheke. Uhauhau (u-ha'u-ha*u), adj. Weak; tremulous; tottering with age; fearful. Uhauhau (u-ha'u-ha'u), n. Weak- ness; tremulousness, as of old age. Uhauhau (u-ha'u-ha'u), v. To crowd on; to press forward by beating down all obstructions; to thrash, as in breaking a path through un- dergrowth. Uhauhui (u-ha'u-hu'-i), n. 1. A cer- tain part of the prayer used by the kahuna, priest, in the pule anaana, prayer to curse and de- stroy the enemy. (When the priest in his incantation reaches this part of the prayer he takes from his assistant the ashes of the maunuanaana, or bait [any- thing belonging to the victim, as a bit of tapa, spittle, hair, etc.], and wraps it in a leaf of ape to be cast into the sea.) 2. Name of =E2=80=A2 a religious ceremony in the pule anaana; same as auhauhui. Uhauhumu (u-ha'u-hu'-mu), v. [Uhau, to pile, and humu, to unite.] To join together by interlocking. Uhau la (u'-ha-u'-la), v. To be prodi- gal, lazy, or good for nothing. Uheke (u-he'-ke), adj. Languid; weak, imbecile. Uhekeheke (u-he'-ke-he'-ke), adj. 1. Plump; well developed; applied to the cheeks and limbs; papa- lina uhekeheke. 2. Large, fleshy and weak, as a fat man. Uhele (u-he'-le), adj. Not fixed; unsettled. Uhele (u-he'-le), n. A wandering; the act of one who goes hither and thither with no settled pur- pose. Uhele (u-he'-le), v. 1. To strip off the skin, bark or rind. 2. To tear off the skin of an animal. (In this sense, the word is obsolete.) Syn: Uhole and hahole. Uhelehe (u'-he-le'-he), adj. Dis- pleased; vexed; annoyed. Same as uheuhe. Uhemo (u-he'-mo), v. [Contraction of ua hemo, the perfect tense of the verb hemo.] 1. To be out of; to have escaped; cleared; set free. 2. To become untied or loosed; to be separated from. To be divorced, as man and wife; alalia kuha aku la o Wakea i ko Papa mau maka a uhemo iho la laua. Then Wakea spat in Papa's face and they two were divorced. Uhene (u-he'-ne), v. 1. To attempt to alienate the affections; to dis- turb, break or attempt to break the manifest attachment existing between persons of the opposite sex. 2. To court; to attract; to make love to; to converse quietly in an undertone. Uheuhe (u'-he-u-he'), adj. Giving offense; annoying; pestering; em- barrassing. Uheuhene (u-he'-u-he'-ne), v. Same as uhene, to make love to. Uheule (u'-he-u'-le), n. A word used in vilifying and reproaching an- other. Lit., a dead ule; an im- becile; one destitute of physical strength. The most insulting ex- pression that can be used. Uhl (u'-hi), n. 1. Gall of a small shell fish which was used in mak- ing a pigment for dyeing tapa and tattooing the skin. 2. Mark left by dye on the body or on tapa. Uhl (u'-hi), n. 1. A covering; a veil. 2. A fence; a protection; a cover; a lid. 3. The yam (Dios- corea sativa). It was cultivated for the supply of ships before the introduction of the potato, par- ticularly on Kauai and Niihau. Called on Maui palau. 4. Climb- ing plant (Smilax sandwicensis), with tuberous rhizome. Called pioi in Kauai. Uhl (u'-hi), V. 1. To cover a thing so as to hide it. 2. To overflow; to overlay; to overlap. 3. To cover, that is, spread over the country, as an army. 4. To spread over to conceal, as a cloud: Uhi uha mai ka pele o ka lua ahi, uhi mai ka leo o ke ahi o ka pele. 5. To be smothered, as the voice of one by the voices of many: Ua uhiia kona leo e ka haukamumu. Laieik. p. 22. UHI 593 UHU Uhla (u'-hi'a), v. [A contraction of uhiia, passive of uhi.] To be cov- ered. Uhiapana (u'-hi-a-pa'-na), n. [Uhi, a cover, and apana, piece.] A cover made of apana; a spread made of patchwork. Uhiapana (u'-hi-S-pa'-na), v. 1. To debate; to contest in words; to argue for and against. 2. To talk or argue for the purpose of call- ing out opposition, Uhikino (u'-hi-ki'-no), n. [Uhi, to cover, and kino, the body.] 1. A covering for the body; a shield. 2. A loose outer garment or kihei. Uhina (u-hi'-na), n. [Uhi, to cover.] 1. A fish net which is cast or thrown out to cover a fish or a school of fish; a throw net. Also called upena kiloi (the more modern word.) 2. A full net. UhinI (u-hi'-ni), adj. 1. Thin; slender; small; almost broken, as a spider's web. 2. Fine; web- like; having a sharp point. Syn: Moowini. UhinI (u-hi'-ni), n. 1. An insect something like a grasshopper. Formerly used as an article of food. 2. In the Hawaiian version of the Bible, grasshopper or lo- cust, Uhinipaawela (u-hi'-ni-pa'a-we'la), n. Said by the natives to be the matured grasshopper. The edible ' uhini or grasshopper. Uhinipili (u-hi'-ni-pi'-li), n. 1. A per- son who has become so thin that the body can be doubled, so that arms and legs may be bound to- gether. 2, The sitting posture in which Hawaiians were accustomed to bury the dead. Uhinipua (u-hi'-ni-pu'-a), n. The young uhini before it has wings; oia ka uhini liilii aole eheu. Uhinu (u-hi'-nu), v. 1. To smear with adhesive matter, as slime, mud, etc. Syn: Kuhinu. 2, To cover with a pleasing exterior; to deceive or cover up by word paint- ing, Uhipaa (u'-hi-pa'a), v. [Uhi, to cover, and paa, fast] To cover up en- tirely so as to be out of sight, as a cloud or fog. Laieik. p. 16. Uhluhi (u'-hi-u'-hi), n. A tall tim- ber tree (Mezoneurum kauaiense). The wood is hard grained and dark, and very durable. Uhiuhi (u'-hi-u'-hi), v. 1. To cover in a temporary manner; to thatch or cover as a makeshift, 2. To withhold knowledge of in the use of language; to cover or hide the truth by prevaricating. Uhoi (u-ho'i), v. To turn back; to go back or return, said only of two. The word involves the use of a dual subject in grammatical construction, as in uhoi olua, you (two) go back; uhoi kaua. let us (two) return. Uhola (u-ho'-la), v. [Hola, to spread out.] 1, To unfold; to spread out, as the wings of a bird. 2. To spread down, as a mat. 3, To spread out or smooth, as a cloth that has been ruffled up ; to spread out, as a net. 4. To wrap up, as to wrap up one in bed clothes. 5. Fig. Applied to the mind; to calm; to soothe; to prepare for hearing a message, good or bad, 6. To open, as the mind; to en- lighten. Syn: Hohola and hola- hola. Uhole (u-ho'-Ie), v. [Hole, to peel.] To skin; to strip off the outer 'hov- ering of, leaving only the sub- stantial quality of any thing; to peel the bark from a tree. Uhu (u-hu'), n. A cry of grief; a groaning; a grunting, as of hogs. Uhu (u'-hu), n, 1. A species of fish (Callyodon miniatus). One of the largest and most important of this genus in Hawaiian waters. Not very common and brings an extravagant price in the markets, being eaten raw at native feasts. Called, when young, omalemaln or male. Also called, at Kawaihae, ohiuhiu, 2, A wrasse-fish (Julis lepomis). Green with blue shades Largest of this group; often seen in Honolulu markets. Uhu (uhu'), V. To groan; to com- plain. (In this sense the word is seldom if ever used alone.) See the verb kaniuhu. Uhu (u'-hu), V. To bolt, as a horse; to start suddenly aside; to break away from a straight course, Uhuao (u'-hu-a'o), v. To interfere in a struggle or quarrel. Uhueleele (u'-hu-e'-le-e'-le), n. A blue uhu found occasionally in a school UHU 594 UIU of the uhu; a rare specimen of the fish; also called uhu lauli. Uhuhalahala (u'-hu-ha'-la-ha'-la), n. A fish of the uhu class ; also called halahala. Uhuki (u-hu'-ki), v. 1. [Huki, to pull or draw out.] 1. To pull up by the roots, as grass or weeds; to root up, as weeds or small trees. 2. To root up, destroy or eradi- cate anything. 3. To remove by force; to turn out; to expel. Uhukiwale (u-hu'-ki-wa'-le), n. [Uhu- ki, to pull up; wale, without cause.] A seizing and taking away what is another's; a robbery. A remov- al by force; an expulsion. Uhu lauli (ii'-hu-la'-u-li), n. An uhu fish of a darker shade of color than the ordinary uhu, also called uhu uliuli. Ohua, panuhunuhu and uhu ula are the three phases of development of the uhu, say the native fishermen. Uhupakali (u'-hu-pa'-ka'-li), n. [Uhu, a fish, and pakali, to deceive so as to catch.] An uhu used as a decoy in fishing. Uhupikoula (u'-hu-pi'-ko-u'-la), n. [Uhu, piko, ula, uhu with red bel- ly.] A bronze colored uhu fish. Uhuuhu (u'-hu-ii-hu'), n. A neigh- ing, as of a horse. A frequent coughing; he kunukunu. Uhuuhu (u'-hu-ii-hu'), v. 1. To neigh, as a horse; to bray, as an ass. 2. To cough frequently. 3. To hem; to hawk, as in clearing the throat. Uhuula (u'-hu-u'-la), n. The uhu fish at maturity; so called because of the soft pink shade reflected when the school runs under bright sun- shine. Same as uhu pikaula. Ui (u'i), adj. Young; strong; well proportioned ; applied to young and vigorous men and women. Ui (u'i), n. 1. Youthfulness accom- panied with comeliness or strength. 2. Beauty; the beautiful; a beau- tiful person; youth generally. 3. Symmetry. Ui (u'-i), n. A question; a series of questions; a catechism; an interro- gation: he ui no na haumana o ke kulanui, a question for the schol- ars of the high school. Ui (u'-i), V. To ask a question: Ui iho la au penei, Thus I questioned; to inquire of: Ua uiia mai oe e ke alii e olelo aku. Thou art asked by the chief to speak. Ulhaa (u'i-ha'a), adj. 1. Weary; tired; having strength exhausted. 2. Burdened with work. 3. Burden- some; tiresome. I Ulhaa (u'i-ha'a), v. To be weary; j to make weary; to annoy: Ua hele j au a uihaa, I've walked till I am weary. Uihaa au ia oe, You make me tired. Uiki (u-i'-ki), n. 1. A small aper- i ture; he hakahaka. 2. [Eng.] The I wick of a lamp or candle. The I better form is uwiki. i Uila (ui'-la), adj. 1. Possessing I force or energy; powerful. 2. Vio- lent; impetuous. Uila (ui'-la), n. Lightning. Uilani (u'i-la'-ni), n. Pride; haughti- ness, UilanI (u'i-la'-ni), v. To struggle in- effectually to get away from a person; to struggle in vain to get out of difficulty; to employ the in- tellectual powers in extreme effort to effect or attain. The word de- scribes action of mind: Uilani ae la makou; mehea la e hemo ae ai? We are struggling ineffectually; by what means shall we break away? The word is also used in a moral sense: Aole anei he ui- lani? Is he not in difficulty? Laieik. p 206. Uiii (u'-i'-li), V. Same as uli, to steer. Uina (u-i'-na), n. 1. A sharp, sudden report like the noise of a gun; the cracking of the fingers. 2. A guttural break in pronunciation between two vowels ('). i Uina (u-i'-na), v. To make a sharp, I sudden report, as the crack of a i pistol, or a peal of thunder. Uiui (u'-i-u-i'), n. A second grade \ of liquor made from the kawai or j refuse of the ti plant after the I okolehao is extracted. I Uiui (ui'-ui'), n. A species of fish, also called pakii and uwiuwi. : Uiui (u'-i-u'-i), v. [Preq. of ui, to question.] 1. To instruct by questioning and explaining. 2. To { question; to interrogate. I Uiui (u'-i-u-i'), v. To make a creak- j ing or grating sound; to squeak, as I new shoes; to gnash the teeth. UIU 595 UKI Uiuia (u'i-u-i'a), n. An intoxicating liquor made of cane juice, swipes. Syn: Haae. UiuikI (u'i-ui'-ki), n. 1, A small hole through which light may shine; he puku uuku, he wahi ha- kahaka uuku, i puka mai ka ma- lamalama o na hoku liilii loa, i ike powehiwehiia. 2. A small ray or particle of light shining through a chink or through a little hole. 3. A twinkling. Uiulkl (u'i-ui'-ki), v. To twinkle, as stars. Uiuiki (u'i-ui'-ki), v. 1. To shine, as a light through a small aperture; to shine through a small aperture into a dark room. 2. .To glimmer feebly: ua uiuiki iki mai kahi ma- lamalama iki ma Hawaii nei. Uiuiko (u'i-ui'-ko), n. An unpleas- ant smell. Same as uwekoweko. Uiuwi (u'i-u-wi'), n. A species of flounder (Platophrys pantherinus). Also called pakii, oili, uiui, and uwiwi. Uiuwi (u'-i-u-wi'), n. 1. The first tooth, or first teeth. 2. A squeak- ing; a sharp, shrill cry; a squeal. Uka (u-ka'), n. A word commonly used in calling hogs. I kuu ma- nao, aole manao o ka puaa : Ina e olelo aku ke kahu, e i aku ia me neia, uka =E2=80=94 uka =E2=80=94 u mai ka puaa. Uka (u'-ka), n. The shore; the country inland; opposed to kai, the sea. Uka (u'-ka), v. A primitive form of hoouka, to send. It is never used alone as a verb. See hoouka. Ukae (u-ka'e), adj. 1. Dirty; filthy; swinish. Syn: Haukae. 2. Having no teeth. Ukaka (u-ka'-ka'), n. The female of the oo bird. Ukalekale (u-kaMe-k^'-le), adj. In- sincere; cheating; deceitful: he kanaka ukalekale, aole oiaio. Ukall (u-ka'-li), adj. 1. Succeeding; next after; following. The young- er; the smaller; applied to shot sent from the gun at the same time with the ball; called poka ukali because they follow after the ball; called also pokii, the younger brothers (of the ball). 2. Follow- ing, that is, accompanying; at- tending upon: ma na waa ukali o ke alii. Laieik. p. 112. Ukali (u-ka'-li), adv. After; behind, like one following after: Hele ukali hou. They went following after. Laieik. p. 72. Ukali (u-ka'-li), n. 1. The planet Mercury; so called from its fol- lowing closely after the sun. 2. A follower; an attendant. 3. A later or younger; a successor. 4. That which results; that which is pro- duced by a cause. Ukali (u-ka'-li), v. To follow after; to follow, as people in a train of a chief; hahai, a ukali i ke alii. Ukana (u-k^'-na), n. 1. Any mate- rial carried from one place to an- other; baggage; luggage; that which is laid on anything for con- veyance. 2. The lading of a ca- noe or vessel; cargo; freight. 3. All personal or movable property. 4. The calabashes, remnants of food, etc., after a family has eaten. Laieik. p. 86. Ukauka (u'-ka-u'-ka), v. To eat heartily; to eat to fullness beyond desire; to gormandize; to eat as long as one can; ka ai nui ana a ono ka puu. Ukaukai (u'-ka-u'-ka'i), adj. Large, fat and feeble. Uke (u-ke'), n. 1. Sound caused by impact of two or more solid bod- ies. 2. Noise without meaning. Uke (u-ke'), v. To strike, as the tapa mallet; to tick, as a watch. Syn: Puke and koele. Ukee (u'-ke'e), adj. Twisted. Ukeke (u-ke'-ke), n. 1. A shudder- ing; a chill. Syn: Haukeke, anu, lia. 2. A bird, same as akeke. Ukeke (u-ke'-ke'), n. An ancient pulsatile musical instrument among the Hawaiians; a form of jews- harp; ka ukeke hahau. Ukele (u-ke'-le), v. To be muddy; slippery. Ukelekele (u-ke'-le-ke'-le), adj. Mud- dy; miry; slippery from mud. as a road. Ukelekele (u-ke'-le-ke'-le), v. [Kele, mud.] To abound in mud; to be very slippery from mud. Uki (u'-ki), adj. Partaking of the quality of uki: kamala uki, a shan- ty covered with uki leaves; unsub- stantial. Uki (u'-ki), n. 1. A small shrub (Dianella odorata). Flowers some- what sweet scented. 2. Name of UKI 596 UKU the grass inside of the house, as the pili was outside. 3. A stately tree (Pterotropia) 50 to 60 feet and even 80 feet in height. The species is widely spread over Poly- nesia. Also called oheohe. 4. A plant of the reed class: a kind of coarse grass. 5. The berries of the uki grass. 6. A light blue dye made from the uki. Uki (u'-ki'), n. Unpleasant breath (halitosis). Uki (u'-ki), V, To have offensive smell; to smell unpleasantly. Uki (u-ki'), V. To wring. Syn: XJwi. Ukihi (u-ki'-hi), adj. Skillful in speaking; adroit in the use of words; winsome in speech. Ukihi (u-ki'-hi), n. Sores at the corners of the mouth. Ukike (u-kl'-ke'), n. A Hawaiian musical instrument similar to a jewsharp. See ukeke. Ukiki (u-ki'-ki), n. A species of snapper fish (Apsilus brighami). A good food fish, found in the deeper waters. Ukikiki (u-ki'-ki'-ki), n. Same as ukiki, a snapper fish, also called ukikiki-kalekale. Ukiu (u-ki'-u), n. 1. Broken shell of the kukui nut and the bark of the tree as used for a dye. Also called ukiukiu. 2. A chilly wind which blows from the north. Also called ukiukiu, hoolua and kiu. Ukiuki (u-kT-u'-ki). adv. Uncertain- ly, adversely: papa ukiuki ka ma- kani, uncertainly blows the wind. Ukiuki (u'-ki-ii'-ki), adj. Strong smelling; offensive. Ukiuki (u'-kT-u'-ki), n. An offensive odor. Ukiuki (u-kT-u'-ki), n. Contempt; anger; rage; envy; disaffection; wrath. Ukiuki (u-ki-u'-ki), v. To be offend- ed or displeased; to be vexed; pro- voked; to be very angry. Ukiukiu (u-ki'-u-ki'-u), n. Same as ukiu, 1. and 2. Ukiukiu (u-ki'-ii-ki'-u), v. To be gent- ly in motion; to become dimpled on the surface, as water moved by a gentle breeze. Ukokole (u-ko'-ko'-le), adj. [Kole, raw, sore.] Sore; inflamed; ap- plied to a partial inflammation of the eye. Written also ukolekole. Ukole (u'-ko'-le), n. A species of brown-colored fish. Syn: Kole. Ukolekole (u-ko'-le-ko'-le), adj. Same as ukokole. Ukoo (u'-ko'o), n. A human sacri- fice made when an alii became the victim of the kahunaanaana or sor- cerer. The sacrifice was called ukoo; the person sacrificed, moe- puu. The sacrifice was made to protect the living against the fate that overtook the dead. The occa- sion was celebrated with feasting: He ukoo keia oihana a ke kahuna, a moe ae la ka puaa ukoo, when the ukoo pig was cooked. Uku (u'-ku), n. 1. Wages or re- ward for work done. 2. Fine for a misdemeanor: uku hoopai, pun- ishment for a crime. Laieik. p. 212. Tax or tribute to a ruler. 3. A pledge for a debt; a pledge for a thing lent. 4. A genus of small insects; uku poo. a head louse; uku kapa, a body louse; uku pepa, the book insect; uku lele, a flea; uku lio, bed bug, etc. (The root is probably uku, to be little or small. See uuku.) 5. A species of snapper fish (Aprion vi- rescens). Its color in life is light gray, the upper parts tinged with blue. The fish is common in the Honolulu markets, and one of the best of food fishes. Uku (u'-ku), V. 1. To pay; remu- nerate; to pay, as a fine; to pay a tax or debt. 2. To compensate either good or bad. according to what has been previously done. Syn: Hoopai. 3. To be small. Ukuhi (u-ku'-hi), v. 1. To pour, as water into a cask; to fill a vessel with any fluid: Ukuhi iho la a piha na pahu. They poured into the casks till full. 2. To wean, as a child from the breast. Equiv- alent to haalele waiu; hooki i ka ai waiu ana o ke keiki: keiki i ukuhiia, a weaned child. Ukuhoopanee (u'-ku-ho'o-pa-ne'e), n. [Uku, pay and hoopanee, to put off.] Interest on money lent; usury. Ukui (u-ku'-i), n. A reward; a rec- ompense. Ukukapa (u'-ku-ka'-pa), n. [Uku, louse, and kapa, garment.] A tapa louse; a body louse; he uku no ke kino o ke kanaka. UKU 597 ULA Ukukuhi (u'-ku-ku'-hi), v. To dip and pour into, as liquid into a ves- sel; e kiahaaha. Ukulele (u'-ku-le'-le), n. [Uku, a louse, and lele, to jump.] 1. A jumping uku; that is, a flea. 2. A musical instrument having four strings, played upon with the fin- gers, said to be so-called because of the leaping of the fingers on the strings. Ukulil (u'-kCi-li'i), v. To be very small; to be little; to be dwarfish.' Same as hukulii, but more modern. ; Ukupanal (u'-ku-pa'-na'i), n. [Uku,' pay, and panai, to redeem.] A i pledge for a payment. Security | for a person or thing. | Ukupepa (u'-ku-pe'-pa), n. [Uku, | louse, and pepa (Eng.), paper.] The insect that eats paper or books; a bookworm. Ukupoo (u'-ku-po'o), n. [Uku, louse, and poo, the head.] A head louse. Uku uku (u'-ku-u'-ku), adj. Very small; little. Syn: Uuku. Ula (u'-la), adj. Red, as a blaze seen in the night; dark red, as soil. Written also ulaula. Ula (u'-la), n. 1. Redness; a scarlet color: IFa like ka ulaula me ka weo. 2. A lobster, from its color: he ia iwi mawaho. Ula (u'-la), n. Name given to three species of snapper fish. 1. Bow- ersia ulaula; 2. Etelis evurus; and 3. Etelis marshi. Also known as ulaula and koae. Ula (u'-la), V. To be or appear red, as the end of a blaze of fire, or of a lamp; to be red. Also written ulaula. Ulaa (u-la'a), v. To dig up, uproot, as a tree; to pry up. Ulaahlwa (u'-la-a-hl'-wa), adj. [Ula, red, and hlwa or ahiwa, black.] Purple; dark red. Written also ulahiwa. Ulaahiwa (u'-la-a-hl'-wa), n. A cock with bright red and black feath- ers. Written also ulahiwa. Ulae (u-la'e), n. 1. A species of oopu or sand pike (lizard-fish). (Saurida gracilis.) It is common on sandy shores in warm seas, at moderate depths, 2. Another spe- cies of lizard-fish (Synodus varius). Ulahlohio (u'-la-hi'o-hi'o), adj. [Ula, red, and loio, really; the "h" is probably euphonic] Deep red. Same as ulaokoko. Ulahiwa (u'-la-hi'-wa), adj. Purple; dark red. Ulahiwa (u'-la-hi'-wa), n. A cock with bright red and black feath- ers. Ulaia (u-la'i-a), v. 1. To live in sol- itude, as a hermit. 2. To be mis- chievous; to be deranged in mind. 3. To wander without aim or pur- pose. Ulala (u-la'-la), adj. Crazy; dement- ed; out of one's mind. Ulala (u-la'-la), n. 1. Insanity; madness. 2. A crazy person. Ulala (u-la'-la), v. To act insanely; to be out of one's right mind. Ulalele (u-la'-le'-le), n. 1. A disem- bodied soul that protects or ap- proves. 2. A wandering spirit that dispenses patronage to those who offer it adoration and wor- ship. 3. A favorite, one highly esteemed. Ulaleo (u-la-le'o), n. A voice from the spirit land, usually of warning. Ulana (u-la'-na), adj. Still, calm. Ulana (u'-la'-na), n. [Contraction of iwi ulana.] The prophecy or ex- pression of the kilokilo (magician) who when looking upon a person foretells what is to be or come to him hereafter. Ulana (u'-la'-na), v. To weave; to plait; to braid; to inter-twine, as vines; to wreathe: e ulana moena, to braid or weave a mat. Ulaokoko (u'-la-o-k5'-ko), adj. [Ula, red, and koko, blood.] Red, as fire; red as blood; bright red. Ulapaa (u'-la-pa'a), n. [Ula, red, and paa, fast; concealed.] 1. The ossa vagina. 2. A virgin, applied alike to both sexes. Ulaula (u'-la-u'-la), adj. Red; rosy; reddish; blushing; he helohelo; slight red, Ulaula (u'-la-u'-la), n. 1. Redness; red color. 2. A lobster. 3. A species of snapper fish; the kale- kale fish when it reaches maturity. Ulaulaila (u'-la-u'-la-i'-la), n. A child illegitimately born of a chief and a woman not of chiefly blood. Ulaulakeahi (u'-la-u'-la-ke-a'-hi), n. [Ulaula, red, and ke ahi, the fire.] 1. Liquor when first distilled, from its color. 2. The god who pre- sided over distillation: No Ula- ULE 598 ULI ulakeahi ke kiaha mua o ka rama, for Ulaulakeahi, the first cup (dis- tilled) of rum. 3. A heightened color from intoxication. Ule (u'-le), n. 1. The penis; the genital organ of men and male ani- mals. 2. A tenon for a mortice. 3. The pointed part of the post which enters the crotch of the rafter. Ule (u'-le), V. To hang. Ulehelehe (u-le'-he-le'-he), adj. Un- bound; unfastened; not tied; not bound tight; applied to a bundle; paa ole. Syn: Polehelehe. Ulehilo (u'-le-hi'-lo), n. The gonor- rhea. Same as waiki. Ulehole (u'-le-ho'-le), n. Onanism; masturbation. Ulehole (u'-le-ho'-le), v. [Ule and hole, to peel.] To practice onan- ism or masturbation. Ulei (u-le'i), n. An opening; uncov- ering; ka helei, ka wehe. Ulei (u-le'i), n. A scrubby and much branching tree (Osteomeles anthyl- lidifolia). The timber is very hard. From this tree instruments were made for cultivating the earth, as the oo, etc. Ulei (u-le'i), v. To open; to uncov- er; to separate; helei, uwehe, wehe. Syn: Uwehe. Ulekahe (u'-le-ka'-he), n. [Ule and kahe, to cut.] Circumcision. Ulepaa (u'-le-pa'a), n. A man who has not known a woman; the I same as puupaa applied to a wo- 1 man. Ulepe (u-le'-pe), v. [Lepe, the comb I of a cock.] 1. To stand erect, as the comb of a cock; to stand erect, as the hair when one is cold. 2. To i be rough; to stand up stiffly, as the hair of one in great fear; to bristle up with anger. ! Ulepuaa (u'-le-pii'-a'a), n. [Ule and | puaa, a hog.] A screw auger, gim- let, or any instrument of that | class. Uleule (u'-le-u'-le), adj. [Ule, to hang.] Pendulous; hanging down; projecting out. Uleule (u'-le-u'-le), n. A sty on the edge of the eyelid: ka uleule o. ka maka. Uleulele (u'-le-u-le'-le), adj. Spry; active; lively; nimble. Uli (u'-li), adj. 1. Blue; cerulean blue; green, as a meadow; what- ever is green among vegetables. 2. Pertaining to a dark or dusky color. Uli (u'-li), n. 1. Any dark hue. 2. The firmament; the blue sky: ka poe nana uli o ke alii, the fore- tellers of the weather, Laieik. p. 36. 3. A class of gods worshiped by sorcerers and medicine-men. Prayers were addressed to these gods both for protection from harm and for the destruction of an enemy. 4. One in charge of a canoe; a steersman; captain of canoes; one of the king's special servants. 5. A variety of dark or brown taro. 6. A species of native palm. Also called loulu and ha- wane. Uli (u-li'), n. Noise like that caused by the vibration of the contents of a coconut when shaken; e neneke; uli ka wai o ka niu. Uli (u'-li), V. To steer a canoe or ship. Ulieo (u-li-e'-o), n. The state or condition of being fit or prepared for a contest of speed (kukini) : hele mai ka poe akamai e nana i ka ulieo o kekahi kukini. Ulihl (u-li'-hi), n. Sign of the ap- proaching state of old age; indica- tion of feebleness; manifestation of the loss of natural strength. Ullhilihi (u-li'-hi-li'-hi), n. A pros- trate trailing shrub, found near the sea shore (Vigna lutea). Also called nanea and pulihilihi. Ullka (u-li'-ka), adj. Wet; soft and sticky to the touch; stringy; ad- hesive; glutinous. Ulikalika (u-li'-ka-li'-ka), adj. Sticky; adhesive, as clay: he lepo ulika- lika; plastic. Ulikalika (u-li'-ka-li'-ka), v. To be adhesive; to be like wax or any gluey substance; to be glutinous like some kinds of taro. Syn: Ni- nanina and linalina. Ulili (u-li'-li), adj. Ladder like; ala ulili, a ladder. Ulili (u-li'-li), n. 1. A ladder. Syn: Alahaka. 2. A whistle made of bamboo. Ulili (u-li'-li'), n. 1. A small gourd used as a musical instrument, now called uliuli. 2. A bamboo flute. 3. A hula which is now called uliuli. ULI 599 ULU Ulili (u-li'-li), n. 1. A species of snipe or sandpiper (Heteractitis incanus). 2. A religious ceremony in the pule anaana (sorcerer's prayer), Ulili (u'-li-li), n. 1. A bird like the plover. 2. A character in Laiei- kawai, a Hawaiian legend. Ulina (u-li'-na), adj. 1. Soft, as the flesh of a fat person; full fleshed; plump. 2. Soft and tough, as clayey ground. The word conveys the idea of softness combined with toughness, as gum or rubber. Syn: Ulika. Ulinalina (u-li'-na-li'-na), adj. Pat; plump; soft to the touch and tough; adhesive, as cold, clayey ground. Syn: Linalina, uaua, ulina. Uliuli (u'-li-u'-li), adj. Blue; green; dark colored; black: ka moana uliuli; ka lole uliuli. Uliuli (u'-li-u'-li), n. A dark or dus- ky hue; color of the clear sky; ap- pearance of a verdant landscape. Uliuli (u'-li'-u-li'), n. 1. A small gourd used as a musical instru- ment. 2. A hula dance in which the uliuli gourd is used. Also for- merly called ulili. Ulono (u-lo'-no), n. A cry of dis- tress; lamentation; a prayer: he leo pule. Ulono (u-lo'-no), v. To cry, as in distress; to make a complaint; to cry, as one in prayer or in suffer- ing. Ulu (u'-lu), adj. 1. Growing vigor- ously; progressive; cumulative. 2. Wet: Ulu ka palapala i ka ua. Ulu (u'-lu), n. 1. The breadfruit tree (Artocarpus incisa) and its fruit. The fruit is good for food, the timber for building, for canoes, etc. It has accompanied the Poly- nesians in all climates which allow the tree to live. The ulu or breadfruit has only one variety in the Hawaiian Islands, but more than 24 varieties in the South Seas. The milky sap of the tree is used by the Hawaiians for bird lime, and is chewed by the boys and girls in Samoa. 2. A round smooth stone used in a game called maika (bowling). Also called olohu and ulumaika. 3. The stick used in spreading the hot stones of the imu, oven, on which food is cooked. Ulu (u'-lu), V. 1. To grow, as a plant. 2. To increase in any way; to spread, as a disease of the skin. 3. To grow or increase, as good or evil in a community. To become strong or excessive. (Used with the word puni, as: ulu puni i ka huhu, to become ex- cessively angry.) 4. To grow up, as men. 5. To grow in size and strength, as an infant. 6. To spread the hot stones of the imu, ! oven, in order to put in the food. ' Ulua (u-lu'-a), n. 1. A collection; a gathering together; an assembly. 2. A group or grove of breadfruit trees. (The fruit from a grove of breadfruit trees was tabu to wom- en, but not the fruit from trees standing apart.) 3. A genus of cavalla or Carangus fish. (Papio- pio, small in size; paupau, medium size; ulua, large size.) Species are very numerous and valued for food. (The ulua was forbidden to women to eat; ina i ai ka wahine i ka niu paha, he maia paha, he ulua paha, make ia.) Ulua (u'-lu-a'), n. A sacrifice or of- fering made as reparation for wrong. These offerings were made in the month of Ku. The class of priests who made the of- ferings were called Kapopo. Ulua (u'-lu-a'), v. To pile up one thing upon another. Ulua (u-lu'-a), v. To assemble to- gether, as men: ua ulua mai ka- kou ma keia wahi. Uluahewa (u'-lu-a-he'-wa), n. 1. De- rangement; mania; delusion. 2. Overgrowth. Uluahewa (u'-lu-a-he'-wa), v. To be slightly deranged. Ulualana (u'-lu-a-ia'-na), v. [Ulu and alana, an offering.] To join in universal contributions to the class of priests called Kapopo who in turn offered them to the gods as a propitiation. Uluamohai (u-lu'-a-mo-ha'i), n. A species of ulua which resembles a shark. Uluaoa (u'-lu-a-o'a), adj. Boisterous; excited; confused and noisy, with- out reason. Uluaoa (u'-lu-a-o'a), n. Confusion; want of regularity in an assembly of men. ULU 600 ULU Uluaoa (u'-lu-a-o'a), v. 1. To gather in great numbers, as people in a state of excitement; to come to- gether irregularly; to make confu- sion in an assembly, 2. To be of unequal height; to be irregular, applied to objects standing to- gether. Uluaunui (u'-lu-a'u-nu'i), n. A wind off Hilo: uluaunui, he makani pono ole ke ku ma ke awa o Hilo, a bad wind for coming to anchor in the harbor of Hilo; the north wind, attended with rain. Ulueo (u'-lu-e'o), n. Same as uhiuhi. Uluhaihai (u'-lu-ha'i-ha'i), n. Solici- tude or anxiety about some uncer- tain event; apprehension; restless- ness; fear of some impending evil. Uluhaku (u'-lu-ha'-ku), adj. 1. Full of knots; lumpy; knotted; knotty; describes the effect of over-strain on the muscles. 2. Weary; lame with walking or carrying a burden. Uluhala (u'-lu-ha'-la), n. A forest or thicket of hala or pandanus trees: ka uluhala o Polou. Uluhao (u'-lu-ha'o), adj. Thick, as rough, jagged rocks among grass and bushes. Syn: Haloaloa. Uluhaoa (u'-lu-ha'o-a), adj. Same as uluhao. Uluhe (u-lu'-he), n. Same as uluhi. Uluhl (u-lu'-hi), n. A genus of trail- ing fern (Gleichenia). Also called unuhe and enuhe. Uluhia (u'-lu-hi'-a), v. To be pos- sessed by a spirit; to be influenced or under the direction of some =E2=96=A0 spirit. Uluhua (u'-lu-hu'-a), adj. Displeased; angry; discontented; disaffected. Uluhua (u'-lu-hu'-a), n. Vexation; anxiety; fret; care; disquietude; a being dissatisfied with one's self. Uluhua (u'-lu-hu'-a), v. 1. To be worried or harassed. 2. To be tired with one's company; to be weary of one's visit. 3. To be vexed or troubled with any mat- ter. Laieik. p. 78. To be weary with doing or repeating a thing. 4. To be weary with life. Uluia (u-lu-i'a), v. To be possessed, as by an evil spirit, or passions. Uluhia is the preferable form. Uluimu (u'-lu-i'-mu), n. The stick by which stones are spread out in the imu or earth-oven when heated and prepared to receive the food. Also called uluumu. Ulukahiki (u'-lu-ka-hi'-ki), n. [Ulu, breadfruit, and kahiki, foreign.] A foreign breadfruit tree. Uluku (u'-lu-ku'), n. Perturbation; disturbance of mind; agitation; excitement; strong desire: Ka uluku uluhaihai Komia e uia koia. Uluku (u'-lu-ku'), V. [Ulu and ku, to stand.] 1. To be disturbed men- tally; to be so agitated as to act from sudden motive or impulse. 2. To be restless or sleepless from agitation of mind. Ulula (u'-lu-la'), n. 1. A native bird resembling the io. 2. The owl, called ulula by the translators of the Bible. Ululaau (u'-lu-la-a'u), n. [Ulu, to grow, and laau, tree.] A thicket of trees; a wood. He ululaau! ua nee ae la iloko o ke kai; It is a forest! It has moved into the sea! (The exclamation of Ha- waiians on first seeing the ships of Captain Cook.) Ululele (u'-lu-le'-le), n. A chief's favorite: Na ululele a ke alii, the king's favorites. Ululu (u-lu'-lu), adj. Rough; unfin- ished; imperfect; carelessly done. Ululu (u-lu'-lu), n. 1. A rejoicing; gladness; self satisfaction; being on good terms with the gods. 2. A small fish net which was sunk deep in the water and entangled the fish. Ululu (u-lu'-lu), V. Possessed of a disembodied soul. See hoouluulu. Ulumahlehle (u'-lu-ma-hi'-e-hi'-e), v. [Ulu, possessed of a spirit, and mahiehie, to make a fine appear- ance.] To appear or affect an extra appearance in dress or in personal behavior. Ulumaika (u'-lu-ma'i-ka), n. [Ulu, the stone used in a game, and malka, the game.] The stone used in playing maika. (After the introduction of bowling-alleys, ulu- maika was applied to the game of bowling.) Ulumano (u'-lu-ma'-no), n. A violent wind which blows from the south and other quarters, in the night only, on the west side of Hawaii, Kamehameha and his attendants were once wrecked by it off Na- ULU 601 UMA wawa; a whole village was burnt to light them ashore. Ulumoku (u'-lu-mo'-ku), n. A collec- tion or fleet of ships; a navy; ap- plied to the arrival of whaleships. Uluna (u-lu'-na), n. 1. A pillow: Kuhi makou ua kau ke poo i ka uluna, We thought we had laid our heads upon the pillow. 2. The upper part of the shoulders where they unite with the neck. Syn: Hokua. Uluna (u-lu'-na), v. 1. To support the head; to bolster up, as a weak person. 2. To sleep upon, as a pillow; to make a pillow of. Ulunahele (u'-lu-na-he'-le), n. A wild; a place where wild plants grow; a wilderness; a tract or region covered with promiscuous vegetation: Ma na kuamoo ame na ulunahele ame na loko. Uluoa (u'-lu-o'a), n. Standing erect; standing uprightly. See puoa. Ulupa (u'-lu-pa'), n. A pulling down; a destroying; a breaking to pieces; demolition. Ulupa (u'-lu-pa'), v. 1. To break into pieces; to dash into atoms; to shatter. 2. To lay level with the ground; to raze. Ulupaa (u'-lu-pa'a), n. 1. A word describing the good quality of a breadfruit; a firm, solid breadfruit. 2. A person who has preserved chastity. Ulupe (u'-lu-pe'), v. 1. To be very wet; to be soaked or drenched. 2. To be intoxicated. Syn: Pulupe. Ulupii (u'-lu-pi'i), adj. Cold, so as to cause chattering or shivering. Ulupii (u'-lu-pi'i), n. A shivering from cold or fright. Ulupii (u'-lu-pi'i), v. To shake, as from cold or fear. To tremble; to shiver: Ulupii oe i ke anu. You shiver from the cold. Ulupunl (u'-fu-pu'-ni), v. 1. To be overcome by emotion, feeling, pas- sion or excitement. 2. To be pos- sessed by some occult influence for good or evil. Uluulu (u'-lu-u'-lu), adj. Hasty; careless; rushing violently; vehe- ment: o ka hana me ka ikaika, me ka hele uluulu ame ka hele kipalale; laboring strongly, with energy. Uluulu (u'-lu-u'-lu), adv. Impetu- ously; inconsiderately; furiously. Uluulu (u'-lu-u'-lu), n. A kind of fish net; upena uluulu. Same as ululu. Uluulu (u'-lu-u'-lu), n. An assembly. Syn: Puulu. Uluulu (u'-lu-u'-lu), V. 1. To call to action; to stir up; to urge on; to prompt. 2. To assemble; to get things together; to gather up. 3. To munch: uluulu no ma ka waha. Uluulu (ii'-lu-ti'-lu), V. To draw up; to shorten; to fold over; to wrap around. Uluumu (u'-lu-u'-mu), n. The stick by which the stones are spread out in an oven when heated and pre- pared to receive the food. Also called uluimu. Uluwale (u'-lu-w3,'-le), adj. Growing without care; growing wild. The word is also applied to speech and actions: he hana uluwale, a thoughtless act. Uluwale (u'-lu-wa'-le), n. A self- sown or wild growth. Uluwale (u'-lu-wa'-le), v. [Ulu, to grow, and wale, of itself.] To grow wild; to grow without culti- vation. Uluwehiwehi (u'-lu-we'-hi-we'-hi), n. [Ulu, a thicket, and wehiwehi, thick; tangled, as vegetables.] 1. An overgrowth of verdure; the thick intertwined leaves of a for- est. 2. A general name for thick vines in a forest; ka nahelehele nui a maluna i ka lau o na laau. Uluwehiwehi (u'-lu-we'-hi-we'-hi), v. To be attractively dressed or adorned; to be made to appear beautiful. Uma (u'-ma), n. 1. A vice; a pres- sure. 2. A pushing over or down; a kind of wrestling to try strength. A game which exercises the mus- cles of the arms and the legs; wrestling with the forearm. Syn: Kano. Uma (u'-ma), v. 1. To screw; to press, as a vice; to grasp or hold. 2. To pry, as a lever. 3. To wres- tle; to throw down in wrestling. 4. To throw over from an upright position; e hoohina, e kulai. Umalei (u'-ma-le'i), n. An apoplectic disease which involves sudden loss of consciousness from effusion of blood into some vital organ, as the UMA 602 UMI lungs or brain. Also called koko lana, rush of blood. Umalu (u-ma'-lu), n. 1. The brow of a hill: he umalu o ka pali. 2. The shadow under the brow of a hill. Umauma (u-ma'u-ma), adj. Of or belonging to the breast; he pale umauma, a breast plate. Umauma (u'-ma-u'-ma), n. The breast; the bosom; the chest. Umaumalei (u'-ma'u-ma-le'i), n. A variety of coral reef fish resem- bling the manini. Ume (u'-me), adj. 1. Attractive; alluring: mea ume, the alluring mistress (of a lover). 2. Magnet- ic; drawing: mea ume, something that draws, like a lodestone. 3. Pertaining to the game of ume. Ume (u'-me), n. 1. A drawing out; a pulling; a drawer. 2. A popular sport of the ancient Hawaiians. (D. Malo, Hawaiian Antiquities, p. 281.) 3. A special kind of over- laid or braided thatching used on the corners and ridges of a house. 4. A character indicating a musical tone. Ume (u'-me), v. 1. To pull; to pull after one; to draw out, as a draw- er of a bureau. 2. To lengthen, as a sound. 3. Fig. To be drawn away from or toward an object; to restrain or impel by some oc- cult or secret energy. Umeke (u-me'-ke), n. 1. A poi cala- bash. (The full form is umeke- \ poi.) 2. A circular vessel for holding anything. Umeke (u'-me'-ke), n. A large gourd, also the plant; a calabash. Umekelaau (u'-me'-ke-la'a'u), n. A vessel or calabash made of wood. Umekepoi (u-me'-ke-po'i), n. [Ume- ke, a gourd; poi, a kind of food.] A poi calabash full of food, much valued by Hawaiians: o ke aloha ka mea i oi aku ka maikai mamua o ka umekepoi ame ka ipukai. Umeume (u'-me-ti'-me), n. An old j Hawaiian game, in which persons j were the stakes. \ Umeume (u'-me-u'-me), v. 1. To pull; to hook; to draw. 2. To struggle, as two or more persons for the same thing. Same as aume- ume. Umi (u'-mi), adj. Strangled; suffo- cated; choked to death. i Umi (u'-mi), numeral adj. The tenth (always used with the article ka.) Umi (u'-mi), n. The number ten. Umi (u'-mi), v. To be ten in number. Umi (u'-mi), v. 1. To suppress the breath. 2. To choke; to strangle; to press upon one so as to stifle him. 3. To seize hold of the neck, as if to choke; to throttle. 4. To kill, as an infant in the practice of infanticide. Syn: Umikeiki and umikamalii. Umihau (u'-mi-ha'u), n. 1. A strong east wind which blows all before it. 2. The last hog sacrificed when on the point of going into battle: ua kapaia keia puaa he puaa umi- hau. Umii (u'-mi'i), n. A sharp pain in the side like the piercing of a needle. Umikamalii (u'-mi-ka'-ma-li'i), n. [Umi, to strangle, and kamalii, a child.] The practice of infanti- cide, mostly by pressing or chok- ing to death. (The infant was generally killed by choking or pressing on its first presentation; but if the mother had great affec- tion for it, it was buried alive in the ground: Umikamalii, oia ke kinai ana i ke keiki a make iloko o ka opu o ka makuahine.) Nui na hewa o ka wa kahiko, o ka umi- kamalii. Many were the errors of ancient times. Infanticide was one. Umikeiki (u'-mi-ke'-i-ki), n. Same as umikamalii. UmikI (u-mi'-ki), n. 1. A pinching; a squeezing; a pressing together. 2. In later usage, a vice or screw. Umiki (u-mi'-ki), v. 1. To pinch with all the fingers. 2. To press together; to squeeze. Umiumi (u'-mi-u'-mi), adj. Thick; as the little branches of trees that in- terfere with the larger branches; na lala umiumi; twisting like a tendril. Umiumi (u'-mi-u'-mi), n. 1. The beard; hair on the chin or any part of the face: ka huluhulu o ka auwae. 2. A kind of sucker which fastens the nahawele, a kind of shell fish, to the rocks; a tendril. Umiumi (u'-mi-u'-mi), v. To kill by strangling; to choke. UMI 603 UNI Umiwale (u'-mi-wa'-le), n. [Umi, to choke, and wale, without cause.] The seizing of a person by the throat; a killing by strangulation. Umoki (u-mo'-ki), n. 1. A stopple of a calabash; a cork of a bottle; a bung of a barrel: he umoki pu, the wad of a gun. Same as omoki. Umoki (u-mo'-ki), v. To stop up, as with a stopple or bung. Umu (u'-mu), n. An oven; a place for baking food; a furnace: umu hooheehee, a furnace for melting metal's. Now more generally called imu. Umu (u'-mu), v. Same as hooumu. Umuahi (u'-mu-a'-hi), n. A pit or place of consuming fire. Umuakua (u'-mu-a-ku'-a), adj. Un- friendly; unsocial; niggardly; hos- tile; not favorable. Umulepo (u'-mu-le'-po), n. [Umu, oven, and lepo, earth.] An earthen furnace; a charcoal pit. Una (u-na'), adj. Sore or stiff from hard work; tired; weak; fatigued; exhausted. Una (u'-na), n. The shell of the turtle or tortoise. Una (u-na'), n. Weariness; fatigue, etc. Una (u'-na), v. 1. To move very slightly. 2. To make room for; to give space to. Una (u-na'), v. To be weary; fatigued from labor. Una (u'-na), v. (Obsolete.) To pry up, as a stone; to loosen by pry- ing. Une is preferable. j Unahe (u-na'-he), n. Melody. Unahenahe (u-na'-he-na'-he), adj. [Na- henahe, gentle.] 1. Soft; melo- ! dious, as the voice: he leo unahe-! nahe. 2. Thin; soft, as tapa: he j unahenahe ke kapa. i Unahi (u-na'-hi), adj. Scaly; hard; j like a scale. | Unahi (u-na'-hi), n. 1. The scales' of a fish; scaly things: unahi laau ; ka ili oolea i ka ia mahao. i 2. Something scraped off, as the i outside bark of a tree. Unahi (u-na'-hi), v. To remove' scales of a fish. Also written | unaunahi; but this form is allow- 1 able only when the verb refers to a plural object. I Unaoa (u'-na-o'-a), n. A variety of j spike-like coral. Unauna (u-na'-u-na'), adj. [Una, weary.] Tired; weak; exhausted. Unauna (u-na'-Q-na), v. See hoo- unauna. Unaunahi (u'-n3,-u-na'hi), v. To scale a fish. Une (u'-ne), n. 1. A lever for pry- ing with; a prying; a lifting up. 2. The action or quality of a lever. Une (u'-ne), v. To pry, as a stone with a lever; to bear down, as with a lever; to edge on; to pry up out of the dirt; as a stone; to loosen. Unea (u-ne'-a), n. Sickness of the stomach; loathing of food; nausea. Syn: Poluea. Unelunelu (u-ne'-lu-ne'-lu), adj. Fat; soft; pliable: Unelunelu kau hae- hae ana. Uneune (u'-ne-u'-ne), v. [Une, to pry.] 1. To pry up, to loosen, with pry or lever, as a stone; to remove or turn over, as stones. 2. To disturb, harass or vex one: o ka hookolokolo hewa, e uneune ana ia ame ka imihala. Uneunea (u'-ne-ii-ne'-a), adj. Sick at the stomach; having no relish for food. Unlhi (u-ni'-hi), adj. 1. Small; thin; spindle legged; hence, 2. Weak; without strength. Unihf (u-ni'-hi), n. A species of grasshopper: he mea eheu liilii me he pinao la, a little winged thing like the dragon-fly. Also called uhini. Unlhipill (u-ni'-hi-pi'-li),adj. 1. Weak; feeble: he kanaka mai loa a hiki ole ke hele mawaho, ua unihipili ka leo, a person very ill and un- able to walk, having a feeble voice, unable to speak. Leo unihi- pili is equivalent to leoiki. 2. The qualities of some gods: na akua unihipili, ame na akua mano. Unihipili (u-ni'-hi-pi'-li), n. 1. The leg and arm bones of a person. 2. One name of the class of gods called akuanoho or aumakua. They were departed spirits of deceased persons. 3. Persons possessed of the departed spirits (aumakua). Uninanlna (u-ni'-na-ni'-na), adj. Plump; fat; applied to the cheeks of a person. Same as oninana and ulinalina. UNO 604 uou Unoa (u-no'a), adj cooked. Unoo (u-no'o), adj. Moderately warm. Unounoo (u-no'u-no'o), v. 1. To be red, inflamed, as the eyes. Unouno'o Puna i ke 'kvia Wahine, Moa makali ka ohia o Moeawakea. 2. To turn red by reason of heat. Unu (u'-nu), adj. Made round; heaped up, etc. Unu (u'-nu), n. 1. A place of wor- ship within a heiau or temple. 2. A coward; a poltroon; a lazy, dis- solute person; an outcast. 3. Small stones or chips of stones for propping up and sustaining large ones. 4. A prop or wedge. Syn: Makia. 5. The small stones used to fasten the posts of a house when erected in the ground. 6. Any small stones. Unu (u'-nu), v. 1. To drink: unu awa, to drink awa. Syn: Inu 2. To draw up; to shorten; to bring together; to collect or as- semble in little heaps. 3. To rush or force forward or back- ward; to shove. The direction is indicated by the adverbs aku, ae and mai: unu aku, push forward; unu mai, push back; unu ae, push aside. 4. To thrust; to shove with force: unuia aku ka pahi a papani iloko. Unua (ii-nii'-a), v. [Contraction from unuia.] The perfect tense of the verb unu, to thrust or push. Unuhe (u-nu'-he), n. A kind of fern called also uluhe and enuhe. Unuhi (u-nu'-hi), adj. Skilled in eulogy; clear in use of language, intelligible: Unuhi no hoi na ma- nao a ka mea noeau. The thoughts of the wise are clear. Unuhi (u-nu'-hi), v. 1. To draw out from; to take out of; to un- sheathe; to subtract; to deduct. 2. To translate or render into anoth- er language; to interpret. 3. To take off, as a ring from a finger; to withdraw. Ununa (u-nu'-na), n. Something for another to rest on. Uluna is pre- ferred. Ununu (u-nu'-nu), n. 1. Young ohia timber used in making gods. 2. A stick erected as a sign of tabu. 3. A wind or sea breeze at Puuloa. Oahu. Not thoroughly I Ununu (u-nu'-nu), v. Incorrect form of unuunu. Unupehiiole (u'-nu-pe'-hi-i-o'le), n. [Unu, little stones; pehi, to pelt; iole, rat.] 1. A class of persons who adhered to others for the sake of a house and food. 2. A vagrant; an idle wanderer; a low, contemp- tible fellow. Unuunu (u'-nu-u'-nu), adj. Same as uhu, heaped up. Unuunu (u'-nu-u'-nu), n. Same as unu, a coward. Unuunu (u'-nu-u'-nu), v. 1. Same as unu, to draw up. 2. To remove the hair of a dog or hog preparatory to cooking. Uo (u'-o), adj. 1. Adhesive; sticky: ka poi uo, ka ai uouo; soft; paste- like; soft, as soft poi. 2. Tough; flexible; pliable; not brittle. Uo (u'-o), n. 1. A species of ohia wood used in making the lanahuu or frame for the idols in the heiau or temple. 2. [Contraction of uouo.] A quality distinguishing very glutinous poi; ka uo, ka aeae, ka wall, ka uouo; the soft fluidity of poi mixed thin with water and clear of lumps. Uo (u-o'), n. A loud outcry of man or beast. Uwo is a better form. Uo (u-o'), V. Same as uwo, to cry out; to bellow, as a bull; to roar, as a lion. Uo (u'-o), V. 1. To string; to put on a string; to stitch together in the form of a wreath or lei. 2. To bunch, as feathers: uo hulu, to bunch feathers, as for the feather cloaks. 3. To unite the two ends of a rope, or fasten an end onto the body of a rope by interweav- ing the strands. 4. To interweave; to splice. 5. To unite timbers end on end. 6. To unite in marriage. Uoki (u-o'-ki), v. [Contraction of ua oki; used in the imperative mood.] Stop; cease; be done; leave off. Uolo (u-o'-lo), V. To utter a loud cry as of one in distress. Uouo (u'-o-u'-o), adj. 1. Glutinous; capable of being drawn into a string. 2. Clear; fine; without lumps. Uouo (u'-o-u'-o), n. A quality of the best poi; fineness; absence of lumps. uou 605 UPE Uouo (uo'-uo'), V. [Redup. of uo, to cry out.] To cry out repeatedly. Same as uwo. Uouoa (u'-6-u-o'-a), n. A species of mullet (Chaenomugll chaptalii) of the tropical shores. Uouolea (u'o-u'o-le'a), adj. Exciting superstitious fear; strange; weird; ghostly. (The word was applied to the shadows under the exten- sive groves of ohia trees =E2=80=94 the mountain apple =E2=80=94 where travelers were required to be cautious of danger). Ka ohia uo, uouolea iuka. Upa (u-pa'), n. 1. Any instrurafent that opens and shuts after the manner of shears, scissors, a com- pass, bellows, etc.; a carpenter's compass. (Cutting instruments were formerly made of shark's teeth.) 2. The action of the heart in receiving and sending out blood. Upa (u-pa'), n. An onslaught; a fu- rious assault; an attack or over- whelming strength: Hookahi no upa ana iho o Kamakauahoa, pau e Heulu ma i ka make. One fu- rious assault by Kamakauahoa and Heulu and party were instantly destroyed. Upa (u-pa'), V. To assail with force; to attack with extraordinary vio- lence. Upa (u-pa'). V. 1. To act, as the jaws in eating; to open and shut, as the mouth in eating or speak- ing. 2. To devour with greedi- ness. 3. To chew, as food, that is, the action of the jaws in chewing. Upaa (u-pa'a), v. To destroy maid- enhood; to violate virginity. Upaahl (u-pa'-a'-hi), n. [Upa and ahi, fire.] 1. Tongs. 2. A class of excessively licentious women. Upai (u-pa'i), adj. 1. Long; tall; slender; loihi, piopio. Applied to tall, thin persons who walk with a vibratory or swaying motion. 2. Flexible; easily bent; not stiff. Upaipai (u-pa'i-pa'i), n. The bending or vibration of anything in a wind, as the rafters of a house. Upaipai (u-pa'i-pa'i), v. To bend, as the rafters of a house in a strong wind. Upakolikukul (u-pa'-ko'-li-kii-ku'-i), n. [Upa, any instrument that opens and shuts; koli, to cut off a little at a time, and kukui, candle.] Snuffers. Upalu (u-pa'-lu), adj. Beautiful; splendid; lovely; fair; free from blemishes ; comely. Upalu (u-pa'-lu), V. To be young; beautiful; comely. Ua upalu wale 1 ke oho o ke kupukupu Pepe ka maka o ka aliihi, ka Makahehi o Malalla =E2=80=94 e. Beautifiil are tiie leaves of tlie kuitukupu. Soft are the shoots of the ahlhl, there Dwells the desire of . Upamakani (u-pa'-m^-ka'-ni), n. [Upa, to open and shut, and makani, wind.] Bellows. Syn: Opuma- kani. Upapalu (u'-pS-pa'-lu), n. A fish (Amia menesema) belonging to the perch family. Upaupa (u'-pa-u-pa'), v. [Upa, to open and shut.] To open or act. as the mouth in speaking or in prayer: e upaupa ana i ka waha me he mea apule la. Upaupa! (u'-pa-u-pa'i), v. 1. To hover, as an owl or other bird just before darting on its prey; to remain suspended in the air, as an owl: e upaupai i na eheu; e peahi- ahi. 2. To flutter. Upe (u-pe'). n. The mucus or se- cretion of the nose; rheum; tears: a ua kaumaha nui au i na wai- maka ame ka upe o na makaaina- na a pau. Mai makamaka wahine, i ka upe ke ola. Beware of a wo- man's friendship, it lives only with tears. Upe (tl-pe'), n. A living quietly, after a dissolute manner of life: Ka upe, opepe, hoolulelule; e upe ana i na malua nui o Hawaii. Upehupehu (u-pe'-hu-pe'-hu), adj. [Pehu, swollen.] Large; fleshy, but weak, as a fat man; swollen; bloated. Upehupehu (u-pe'-hu-pe'-hu), v. To be swollen; enlarged. Upena (u-pe'-na), n. 1. A net for taking fish; a snare for catching birds: E malama 1 ka upena na- nana, take heed to the spider's web; upena papale oho. net work, 2. Fig, Anything for entrapping one in evil; Ua makau au i ka upena o ka make, I am afraid of the snares of death: UPE 606 UU Ka upena kuu kanaka a Lono, Lono's net for entrapping men, Ka upena mahae e make ai ka luhia The large meshed net that slays the black shark, Ka lalakea, ka mano, ka mano ai a ka lani. The common shark, the striped shark, the food of the gods. =E2=80=94 Fragment of a prayer used at the dedication of a net. Upenamakini (u-pe'-na-ma-ki'-ni), n. [Upena, a net; ma, contraction of make, kill; kini, countless num- bers.] A net that destroys or kills innumerable persons. The word refers to the use of the pikoi and pikoni, instruments used to kill, rob and plunder: Ka upena- makini a ka poe kiai a ke ahi a ka po, e kinai au e pio =E2=80=94 e. Upenananana (u-pe'-na-na-na'-na), n. [Upena, net, and nanana, spider.] The web of the nanana; a spider's web. Upepe (u-pe'-pe'), adj. 1. Flat; fallen down flatly. 2. Weak; feeble, as a person sick. 3. Dry; without sweetness, as sugar-cane; applied also to taro; kapae ke kea, upepe o ka hei =E2=80=94 e. Upepe (u-pe'-pe), v, 1. To be flat- tened down; crushed; to be flat. 2. Applied to the mind; to be broken in spirit; to be broken- hearted. 3. To act awkwardly, like a backwoodsman. Upepehu (u'-pe-pe'-hu), adj. Puffy; bloated; swollen, as the flesh of a! person, j Upi (u-pi'), n. 1. A sound resem- 1 bling that of liquid, steam, or air i ejected through a narrow orifice. 2. The noise made by walking with shoes full of water. Upi (u-pi'), n. A syringe. Upi (u-pi'), V. 1. To sound, as wa- ter when squeezed out of a sponge. 2. To squirt; to eject liquid in a small stream from a narrow ori- fice. Upiki (u-pi'-ki), n. A trap; a snare; anything deceitful; a treachery, i Upiki (u-pi'-ki), v. 1. To shut sud- denly together, as the jaws of a I steel trap; to entrap. 2. To hold tightly by the hand. 3. To pinch. ! Upikilima (u-pi'-ki-li'-ma), n. [Upiki, a trap, and lima, hand.] A hand- j cuff. I Upikipiki (u-pi'-ki-pi'-ki), adj. Shut- 1 ting up; folding together, as a for- eign fan. 1 Upikipiki (u-pi'-ki-pi'-ki), v. To dou- ble together. Upiupi (u-pi'-u-pi'), v. [Freq. of upi.] To sound or squirt frequently. Upo (u'-po), V. 1. To foresee. 2. To desire; to covet; to lust. Syn: Upu. Upoho (u-po'-ho), n. 1. The sound produced by bringing the rounded palms together with force. Writ- ten also upopo. 2. A depressed part of a surface. Upoho (u-po'-ho), V. 1. To be flat- tened down or caved in, as the roof of a house. 2. To be con- cave, as a surface. 3. To cause a muffled sound by striking the con- cave palms together. Upoi (u-po'i), V. 1. To cover; to envelope. 2. To hide from sight. 3. To hang fluttering in the air; to hover. 4. To overwhelm. Upopo (u-po'-po), n. Same as upoho. Upu (u'-pu), V. 1. To desire strong- ly; to be strongly attached to a person. Laieik. p. 136. To lust; to covet. Also written upo. 2. To resolve or vow, as when a man vows not to eat the food of his land till he catches a certain fish, or vows that the child then born shall eat the sugar-cane that is then planting; ua upu ke kanaka i kana ai a loaa ka ia. Upu also im- plies expectation or hope of some- thing. Upuka (u-pu'-ka), n. Same as ipuka. Upupa (u-pu-pa'), n. A small bird of the plover family; sandpiper. Upuupu (u'-pu-u'-pu), n. 1. Antici- pation ; preconception ; expecta- tion: Aole i upuupu aku, ua loaa mai la, Without or contrary to ex- pectation, I received. 2. A wait- ing for the fulfillment of desire or expectation. Upuupu (u'-pu-u'-pu), V. Same as upu. Urima (u-li'-ma), n. [Heb.] The urim worn by the Jewish high priest. Uu (u-u'), adj. Stammering; speak- ing hesitatingly and indistinctly. Same as uuu. Uu (u'u); n. Masturbation; onan- ism. Syn: Ulehole. Uu (u-u'), n. 1. A stammering; an impediment in speech. 2. A groan; a moaning; a low murmur- ing sound. 3. A species .of squir- uu 607 UWA rel fish (Myripristis murdjan). Color red, center of scales pale. A food fish always in the markets; taken in rocky places with the hook. Uu (u'u), V. 1. To pull off or pluck, as a flower; e hele oukou e uu mai i pua kilioopu. Laieik. p. 192. To strip with the hand, as leaves. 2. To practice onanism. 3. To hoist, as a sail: e uu ae i ko kakou pea; ua uuia kahi pea, a koe no kekahi. 4. To draw out, as India rubber; to pull out, as a pencil from its case, etc. Uu (u'-u), V. To groan; to be in a suffering state. Uuhal (u'-u-ha'i), n. The door or door frame of a house. Same as uhai. Uulna (u'-u-i'-na), v. 1. To be brit- tle; to break, as glass. 2. To crack the joints of the fingers. 3. To crepitate or grate, as the two ends of a broken bone; more properly applied to the joints of the backbone when pressed; ka- mumumu. 4. To produce a sharp crackling noise. Syn: Paapaaina. Uuku (u-u'-ku), adj. Little; small; diminutive; few. Uuku (u-u'-ku), n. 1. A little man; a dwarf; a diminutive person. (The word is seldom used in this sense.) 2. A small quantity, space or amount. 3. The small or slen- der part of a thing. Uuku (u-u'-ku), V. [Uku, a small insect] 1. To be small; little; few. 2. To be diminished in size. 3. To be few in number: O kela mai ka mea e uuku ai na kanaka o ia wa, That sickness was what reduced the number of people at that period. Uuluhaku (u-u'-lu-ha'-ku), adj. Lumpy: uuluhaku ka poi. Uuluhaku (u-u'-lu-ha'-ku), v. To be full of lumps. Uulukai (u-u'-lu-ka'i), adj. 1. Bloat- ed; swollen; large, fleshy and weak, as a fat man. 2. Full or hanging, as the cheeks of one who is somewhat ill or fat; uhekeheke, upehupehu. Syn: Kuakaikai. Uulukai (u-u'-lu-ka'i), v. To be swollen or bloated. To be large j and fleshy, but weak. Syn : Upe- hupehu. 1 Uuma (u-u'-ma), v. To compress or squeeze with the hand. UumI (u-u'-mi), n. A choking; kill- ing, of infants; o ka uumi kamalii kekahi hewa kahiko o keia aina. Syn: Umi. Uumi (u-u'-mi), v. 1. Same as umi. To choke; to throttle; to strangle: ua uumlia ke keiki e ka wahine kolohe; e kaawe, e kinai. 2. To restrain, suppress, as the pas- sions; to practice self-restraint. Uumuiku (u-u'-mu-i'-ku), adj. Short; deficient; defective: I ka elehei, i ka uumuiku. Syn: Mumuiku. Uupekupeku (u-u'-pe'-ku-pe'-ku), v. 1. To sway or swing backward and forward, as the mast of a canoe. 2. To move the body in lascivious motions. Uuu (u'-u'-u'), adj. Stammering; un- able to speak intelligibly; unable to utter a distinct syllable or word. Uuu (u'-u'-u'), V. 1. To stammer; to be impeded in speaking, as one affected with the palsy. 2. To strip frequently, as in stripping off leaves. Uuwa (u-u'-wa), adj. Slippery; smooth; slimy. Uuwa I (u-u'-wa'i), adj. [Uu for uuku, little, and wal, water.] Wet; oozy; muddy; damp: He waiwi, he pipiwai. Uwa (u-wa'), n. 1. An outcry; the sound of many voices in confu- sion; hakaka iho la lakou me ka uwa nui. 2. A shouting. Uwa (uwa'), v. L To cry out; to exclaim aloud; to shout, as the voice of a multitude. 2. To cry out together; to make an uproar; to be in commotion. (Laieik. p. 91.) Uwahi (u-wa'-hi), n. [U,ooze or milk, and ahl, fire.] Smoke. Syn: Uahi. Uwal (u-wa'i), v. 1. To open partly. 2. To move any inert object by shoving or prying. Uwal (u-wa'i), n. A sliding door; any barrier by which an entrance way is closed and opened on a horizontal line. Uwaka (u-wa'-ka), v. 1. To open the mouth to scold; to chide; to find fault. 2. To talk to in a manner to provoke a quarrel; to UWA 608 UWI be garrulous in a fault finding! way: e uwaka mau ana no hoi oi Heulu. Uwala (u-wa'-la), n. [Same as uaia; U and ala, sweet or odoriferous.] 1. The sweet potato. 2. The large muscles of the upper arm. Uwalaau (u-wa'-la-a'u), n. 1. A con- fusion of noises; indistinct clamor of a multitude. 2. Birds sitting together in a frequented place which is called kulu manu. Uwalaau (u-wa'-la-a'u), v. To make a noise, as a multitude of per- sons. Same as walaau. Also written ualaau. Uwalo (u-wa'-lo), v. To cry out; to call aloud; to call upon one in a way of entreaty. Laieik. p. 71. Written also ualo. Uwalu (u-wa'-lu), v. 1. To scratch, as a cat. 2. To pinch with the fingers; to pucker up. Uwanaao (u-wa'-na-a'o), n. The sign or signal of the dawning of daylight; the period just before daybreak. Uwanaao (u-wa'-na-a'o), v. [U for ua, a prefix used in forming verbs and wanaao, the dawn.] It is early morning; daylight is breaking; to dawn, as the first light of morn- ing. Uwao (u-wa'o), adj. Of peaceful character; not quarrelsome; peaceable; peaceful. Uwao (u-wa'o), n. A peace-maker; an intercessor. Uwao (u-wa'o), v. 1. To intercede in behalf of; to make peace. 2. To reconcile. Uwati (u-wa'-ki), n. [Mod. Eng.l 1. A watch; a timepiece. 2. Post of a watchman. 3. Period during which a watchman is on guard. Uwau (u-wa'u), n. Same as uau, a species of petrel. Uwau (u-wa'u), v. To scratch the skin; to pinch with the fingers. Syn: Umiki. Uwauwa (u-wa'-u-wa'), adj. Noisy; boisterous. Uwauwa (u'-wa'-u-wa'), n. A fre- quent shouting, as a disordered multitude; a noise of revelry. Uwauwa (u'-wa'-u-wa'), v. [Uwa, to cry out.] To cry out in a clamor- ous manner. Uwe (u-we'), adj. Pertaining to mourning or lamentation. Uwe (u-we'), n. 1. A loud utter- ance; a cry; a call of an animal. 2. Lamentation; expression of grief or distress. Uwe (u-we'), v. 1. To weep; to mourn; to cry for help for one's self or others. 2. To cry in be- half of one, that is, to pray for him; to lament for. 3. To cry out for pain: Pepehi iho la na ka- naka, a uwe ae la ua mau haole la no ka eha, The men (natives) struck them, and those foreigners cried out for pain. 4. To send greetings to. 5. To sigh. 6. To have pity upon. 7. To enter a complaint. 8. To bray, as the ass. Uwe (u'-we), v. To jerk; to shake; to move; to hitch along; found mostly in the compounds nawe, naue, etc. Uwehe (u-we'-he), v. To open; to untie; to uncover. Uweka (u-we'-ka), n. A bleary-eyed person; a crying child whose face is besmeared wth rheum: Uweka hoi ka maka o kela keiki; kani hoi kela wahi uweka. Uwekaweka (u-we'-ka-we'-ka), adj. Dirty; bleary; smutty; befouled; besmeared. Uweke (u-we'-ke), v. Incorrect form of uwehe, to open. Uweko (u-we'-ko), n. A disgusting smell; a musty odor. Uweko (u-we'-ko), v. To emit a strong, offensive smell; to emit an offensive odor, as the air of a closed and crowded tenement. Uwekoweko (u-we'-ko-we'-ko), n. Same as uweko. Uwene (u-we'-ne), v. To break wind slightly, secretly. Uwenewene (ii'-we'-ne-we'-ne), adj. Unclean in one's habits; not neat. Uweuwe (u'-we-u'-we), n. 1. Cry- ing; weeping. 2. A crying child; a person much given to crying. Uwi (u-wi'), n. A squeak. Uwi (u-wi'), V. 1. To twist and compress; to wring; to wring, as water from clothes: e uwi i ka poo, to wring the neck. 2. To gnash or grind with the teeth. 3. To squeeze, as in milking an animal. I Uwia (u-wi'-a), n. An injury done by rubbing or dashing against. O ua make la oia paha keia, Ke uwia wale la nei no =E2=80=94 a ! UWI 609 WAA Uwla (u-wi'-a), v. [For uwiia, the passive of uwi.] To break; to injure; to upset; a nahae, e huli- pu. Uwiki (u-wi'-ki), n, 1. A gleam or ray of light as seen through a small crevice. 2. Transparent tapa. Uwiki (il-wi'-ki), v. To be full of small holes, through which light may pass; e hakahaka liilii. Uwikiwiki (u-wi'-ki-wi'-ki), v. To shine, as light through small apertures. Uwlla (u-wi'-la), adj. Speedy; ac- tive; quick. Uwi la (u-wi'-la), n. Lightning. Uwlli (u-wi'-li), V. To mix to gether, as grass and mud in mak- ing adobes. Syn: Awili and ka- wili. Uwinihapa (u-wi'-ni-ha'-pa), n. [Mod.] A brick; so called from Captain Winship, who brought the first bricks to the islands. Uwiuwia (u-wi'-u-wi'-a), adj. Beau- tiful, applied to the aspect of a landscape, field or garden. UwiuwikI (u-wi'-u-wi'-ki), n. Any perforated wall through which light shines. Uwiwi (u-wi'-wi'), n. A species of small fish, also called oili and ului. Uwo (u'-wo), adj. Incorrect spelling of uo. Uwo (u-w6'), n. A crying out; a bellowing of cattle. A roaring of beasts. Uwo (u'-wo), n. A joining made by tying. Uwo (u'-wo), V. [Incorrect spelling of uo.] 1. To unite rope ends by interweaving the strands. To unite timbers end to end. 3, To put on a string, as flowers in making a lei. 4. To tie together or group in little clusters, as in assorting feathers for an ahuula or feather cloak. Uwo (uwo'), V. 1. To cry out; to proclaim as the watch in the night, "All's well." 2. To bellow, as cattle. 3. To roar, as a rav- enous beast; as a lion. 4. Variant of uo. Uwoki (u-wo'-ki), v. Same as uoki. Uwouwo u'-wo-u'-wo), n. 1. Name applied to the lehua, a species of the ohia tree, where it grows on hill tops and other exposed places. The word signifies toughness; strength; ability to endure hard- ship; firmness; see uouolea. 2. Said to be a * nickname of Kame- hameha I. W W. The twelfth letter of the Hawai- ian alphabet. Wa (wa), n. 1. A space between two objects, as between two raft- ers or two posts of a house; hence, 2. A space between two points of time. 3. A definite pe- riod of time, as the lifetime of a person: I ka wa i hiki mai ai o Vanekouva, at the time Vancouver arrived; wa kamalii, time of childhood; ka wa ana ao (see wa- naao), the early dawn of the morning. (The Hawaiian year formerly was divided into two wa. Elua no wa o ka makahiki hookahi, o ke kau a o ka hooilo, there are two wa (periods) in one year, the kau, summer, and the hooilo, winter. 4. Private talk or gossip concerning the characters of others; rumor. 5. An echo. Wa (wa), V. To be open to criti- cism or censure; to be talked about: He kanaka ia i wa nui ia, He is a man who is much talked about. Waa (wa'a), n. A canoe; a small boat; waa kome. Puk. 2:3. (The ancient canoes of the Hawaiians were dug out of single logs or trees, generally of the koa; many were large. The specific names were kaukahi, single canoe; kaulua, a double canoe; peleleu, a short, blunt canoe, etc.) Waa (wa'a), v. Same as waha, to dig a furrow. Waakaua (wa'a-ka'u-a), n. A divi- sion of a fleet of canoes as about to enter into battle; a mahope mai o lakou (huna paa) na waa- kaua, and following them (huna paa, disguised) the war canoes. WAA 610 WAH Waakaukahi (wa'a-kau-ka'-hi), n. [Waa, canoe, and kaukahi, one place,] A single canoe, or a canoe moved with one paddle: he waa hoe hookahi. Waakaulua (wa'a-ka'u-lu'-a), n. [Waa and kaulua, two-fold.] Two canoes united; a double canoe; more generally written simply kaulua; he mau waa elua i hoapipiia. Waakioloa (wa'a-ki'-6-lo'-a), n. A very small, handsome canoe; a racing canoe. Waakoihi (wa'a-ko i'-hi), n. A water- spout; a great rush of water from above; he wai nui i iho mai, mai luna mai. Waanaao (wa'-a'-na'-a'o), n. [Wa, time, a, of, na, the, and ao, light.] The first rays of the sun; early morning; the early dawn. (In com- mon use, the word is contracted into wanaao.) Waapa (wa'a-pa'), n. [Waa, canoe, and pa, a board.] A boat made of boards; a skiff; a rowboat. A waapa is shorter and wider than a canoe (waa). Waawaa (wa'a-wa'a), adj. 1. Plump, as the shoulders of a young man; i hard ; full. 2. D^rk-hearted ; ig- norant; unskillful; awkward; naa- upo: Waawaa iki naaupo kahi kei- ki; waawaa iki naaupo kahi keiki. Waawaa (wa'a-wa'a), n. 1. The up- per end of a lobster's leg; also the front side of a lobster's head. 2. The upper part of the thorax; the lower part of the throat. 3. Mischief from ignorance, from badness generally; applied to all classes of persons: ku i ka waa- waa o ke kapu la; blunder. Waawaa (wa'a-wa'a), v. To act ig- norantly or without forethought, as if a person, without thought, should in a freak of generosity, give away all his property, and afterward should remember his own act when it was too late. Wae (wae), n. 1. A choice; a thing that suits one's desires; some- thing according to one's wish. 2. The knee; the side timbers in a boat or ship; he wae waa, he wae moku. 3. A variety of the taro plant, marked with light yellow stripes. Wae (wae), v. 1. To select; to pick out; to choose. 2. To sort out the good from the bad; to separate; to set aside; to draw out some from among others; wae ae la ke kuhina i na waa kupono ke holo. Laieik. p. 100. 3. To break and separate, as the parts of a thing. 4. To dwell upon, as the mind in thinking of an event. 5. To think; to reflect; to con- sider a case. Waele (wa-e'-le), v. 1. To clear away weeds, grass, bushes, etc.; I preparatory to planting. 2. To I clear away grass, weeds, etc., pre- j paratory to building a house. 3. I To weed; to hoe; to cultivate food plants. I Waena (wa'-e'-na), n. 1. The mid- i die; the central point of a sub- stance or of a period of time: i ka waena o ka po, midnight; ka waena, the middle. 2. A space inclosed by bounding lines. 3. A field; a farm; a garden; a culti- vated spot. Waena (wa'e-na), prep. Between; in the middle; in the midst; pre- fixed by i, ma, mai, no. Waenakonu (wa'e-na-ko'-nu), adv. Through the midst; in the middle; in the center. Waenakonu (wa'e-na-ko'-nu), n. [Waena, middle, and konu, cen- ter.] The central point; the very or real center; the center of a circle; the midst, as of an as- sembly of people. Laieik. p. 120. Waha (wa'-ha), n. 1. A mouth; an opening generally. 2. The mouth of a person; e olelo he waha no he waha, to speak mouth to mouth. 3. The mouth of a cave or pit: ka waha o ke ana. 4. The throating in the lower end of a rafter. 5. The mouth of a bag. 6. A bundle to be carried on the back. Waha (wa'-ha), v. back, as a child, a bundle. Wahaa (wa'-ha-a'), or speak heatedly with the mouth; to mumble; to dispute. 2. To slander or speak evil of; to back- bite. Wahaama (wa'-ha-a'-ma), v. [Waha, mouth, and ama, tattling.] To tell tales; to reveal secrets; to talk idly. To carry on the or a person, or V. 1. To talk WAH 611 WAH Wahahaukae (wa'-ha-ha'u-ka'e), n. [Waha, mouth, and haukae, dirty.] A filthy mouth. Wahahaumia (wS'-ha-h^'u-mi'-a), n. [Waha, mouth, and haumia, dirty; foul.] A foul mouth; a black- guard. Wahahee (wS'-ha-he'e), adj. Lying; deceitful; deceiving. Wahahee (wa'-ha-he'e), adv. False- ly; not truly. Wahahee (wa'-ha-he'e), n. A lie; a false speech; a deceit in speaking. Wahahee (wa'-ha-he'e), v. [Waha, mouth, and hee, slippery.] To lie; to speak falsely; to deceive in speaking. Wahahewa (wa'-hS-he'-wa), n. [Wa- ha, mouth, and hewa, wicked,] 1. The wickedness of the mouth; and false utterance. 2. One who speaks wickedly. WahakoJe (wa'-ha-ko'-le), adj. Clam- orous; noisy, obstreperous; con- tradicting. Syn: Wahapaa, Wahakole (wa'-ha-ko'-le), n. 1. A scold; a person who uses words that provoke to anger. 2. A wick- ed mouth, that is a person who uses foul language. 3. A boister- ous, raving person. Wahale (wa'-ha'-le), n. A variety of palm (Pritchardia). Syn: Loulu. Wahalehe (wa'-ha-le'-he), adj. Wide or broad, as a hole in a board; open wide, as the mouth of a hole. Wahalehe (wa'-haie'-he), n. [Waha, mouth, and lehe, lips.] The brink of a pit; the mouth of a crater or geyser. Wahamana (wa'-ha-ma'-na), n. [Wa- ha, mouth, and mana, divided.] 1. A screen; a double shutter. 2. A digression in one's speech; a turning off the subject in conver- sation. Wahaohi (wa'-ha-o'-hi), n. 1. Fool- ish talk; crazy, loud talk. 2. The person so talking; applied to fe- males. 3. A scold; a slanderer; a tale bearer. Wahaohi (wa'-ha-o'-hi), v. 1. To be garrulous. 2. To talk like a crazy person; to talk confusedly about this and that; to utter many words without meaning. 3. To talk scandal. Wahaokoko (wa'-ha-6-k6'-ko), adj. Tale bearing; slandering one's relatives. Wahaokoko (wa'-ha-d-ko'-ko), v. To defame one's own relatives. Wahapaa (wa'-ha-pa'a). adj. Noisy; ! clamorous; raving. Wahapaa (wa'-ha-pa'a), n. [Waha, mouth, and paa.] A person full of noise in his talk; a raving per- son; a scold; one who talks angrily and furiously: he waha- paa ia; mai hele oe i ka waha- I paa; o ka wahapaa, oia ka hoopaa- paa. I Wahapio (wa'-ha-pi'-o), v. (Waha, j mouth, and plo, a prisoner.] To I speak as one that is under con- I straint and knows not what to say; e like me ka pio. I Wahapuu (wa'-ha-pu'u), adj. Rude; ! obstreperous in conversation; un- ! intelligible. Wahapuu (wa'-ha-pu'u), n. [Waha, mouth, and puu, swelled.] A per- son who speaks unintelligibly in conversation; a boisterous person; a loud talker. Wahauhauha (wa'-ha-u'-ha-Q-ha'), adj. [Waha, mouth, and uhauha, gasp- ing.] Gasping, panting. (The word refers to the panting of animals in the heat.) Wahauhauha (wa'-ha-u'-ha-u'-ha), adj. Greedy (refers to eating). Wahauhauha (wa'-ha-u'-ha-u'-ha), n. A greedy person; a gormandizer. Wahauhauha (wa'-ha-u'-ha-G-ha'), n. [Waha, mouth, and uhauha, gasp- ing.] Breathing through the mouth. Wahaukee (wa'-ha-u-ke'e), n. A twisted mouth. Wahawaha (wa'-ha-waha'), adj. Dis- liked; causing displeasure; ob- jected to; rejected; unacceptable: ahu iho ka pua wahawaha i Wai- lua. The rejected flowers were strewn at Wailua. Wahawaha (wa'-ha-waha'), n. Dis- like; hatred; contempt. Wahawaha (wa'-ha-wa-ha'), v. [Wa- ha, mouth.] 1. To make mouths ! at; to open the mouth at by way I of contempt. 2. To be dlshon- ' ored; to live unhonored. 3. To hate; to dislike; to be ashamed 1 of. WAH 612 WAI Waheawa (wa'-he-a'-wa), n. Same as weheawa. Wahee (wa'-he'e), n. [Wa, time, and hee, squid.] Squid time; season when squid abound. Wahl (wa'-hi), adj. Some; little; few. It takes the indefinite arti- cle he; he wahl wai, some water. Wahi (wa'-hi), n. A place; a space; a situation: wahi kaawale, a va- cant place; synonymous with kahi, but used differently in a sen- tence. Wahi hilahila, private parts; na wahi a pau loa, all places; na wahi paa, strongholds or places. It is used with ka for kau: a ka wahi (kau wahi) e noho ai, the dwelling place. Wahl (w4-hi'), n. That which sur- rounds or envelops anything; a covering; a sheath; a wrapper, as tapa, paper, ti leaf, cloth, etc.; wahi pahi kaua, a sword scab- bard. Wahi (wa'-hi), n. A word citing a saying other than that of the speaker. (This word is somewhat anomalous; it has no article and has some of the properties of a verb: wahi a wai? word of whom? whose saying? or who said it? Wahi a ke alii, The king said so.) Wahi (wa'-hi), v. 1. To break by casting out of one's hand. 2. To break through, as an army; to break or rush through, as through a troop. 3. To separate; to open; to rend; to break through by force. 4. To open by force. 5. To break; to cleave; to break in pieces as in crushing rock. Syn: Wawahi. Wahi (wa-hi'), v. 1. To cover over; to bind up, as a wound. 2.- To wrap up, as a body for burial; ; to tie up in a wrapper, as a bun- 1 die. 3. To roll or fold up in tapa or cloth; to swathe; to wrap up. 4. To surround, as a wrapper; to overlay; to cover up. 5. To cover, as the body of a person with clothing: O ka lole ka mea e wahi ai i ke kino. Wahia (wa'-hi'-a), v. [Contraction of wahiia, passive of wahi, to break.] Also used as the impera- tive of wahi. Wahie (wa'-hi'-e), n. Wood for burn- ing; fuel; waste lumber. (Wahle is used for fuel in distinction from laau, timber.) Wahieala (wa-hi'-e-a'-la), n. [Wahie, wood, and ala, odoriferous.] Any sweet-smelling wood. Wahine (wa'-hi'-ne), adj. Feminine; like a woman: leo wahine, hav- ing the voice of a woman. Wahine (wa'-hi'-ne), n. 1. A female in distinction from kane, male. 2. A woman; a wife. (The term is applied to men and animals, and when applied to animals it merely marks the feminine gender.) Wahineheleikaea (wa'-hi'-ne-he'-le-i- ka-e'a), n. The names of two goddesses; patronesses of women who fish. Wahinekanemake (wa'-h!'-ne-ka'-ne- ma'-ke), n. [Wahine, woman, kane, husband, and make, dead.] A woman whose husband is dead; a widow. Wahinemanuahi ( wa'-hi'-ne-m=C2=A7,'-nii-a'- hi), n. [Wahine, woman, and ma- nuahi, extra.] A concubine. Wahlnepuupaa (wa'-hi'-ne-pu'u-pa'a), n. Wahine, woman, and puupaa, virginity.] A virgin. Waho (wa'-ho), adv. Outwardly. Waho (wa'-ho), prep. Out; out of; outside; outward; prefixed by o. no, ko, i, ia and ma. Wahokahua (wa'-h6-ka-hu'-a), n. [Con- traction of owahookahua.] The things outside; things not pertinent to a place or a subject under im- mediate consideration. Wahu (wa'-hu), v. Same as hoowa- ha, to take without the consent of the owner, as at a feast a guest might carry away some food. Wahua (wa'-hu'-a), n. A snare; a trap for catching small animals. Wahua (wa'-hu'-a), v. To set a snare or trap. Wahulu (wa-hu'-lu), adj. Overdone; cooked too much. Wahuwahu (wa'-hu-wa-hu'), n. A manner of interlocking arms when two or more walk together. Wai (wa'i), adj. Same as owai. Wai (wa'i), n. A general name for what is liquid; fresh water in dis- tinction from kai, salt water: wai maka, tears; wai kahe, run- ning water; wai u, milk; wai ele- ele, ink; wai hooluu, dye; wai puna, spring water, etc. WAI 613 WAI Wala (wa'i-a), adj. 1. Strong and bad smelling; stinking; foul; filthy; polluted. 2, Of unsavory reputation. Walahulu (wa'i-ahu'-lu). n. [Wal, water, and ahulu, reddish; dirty.] Water of a muddy color; dirty red water. Walaleale (waia'-le-a'-le), n. [Wai, water, and aleale, to ripple; to disturb, as the surface of water.] 1. The name of a spring or foun- tain on or near the top of the highest mountain on Kauai. 2. The name of the mountain above mentioned. Aloha Waialeale He kuahiwi no Kauai. Waiallali (wa'i-a'-li-a'-li), n. [Wal, water, and aliali, clear, bright.] Clear water; sparkling water, hence, water fit for the king. Waialialla ( wa'i-a '-li'-a-li'-a), n. [Wal, water, and allalla, a hard, smooth surface.] Water of an alialia re- gion; insipid or saltish water. Waianiani (wa'i-a'-ni-a'-ni), n. Water obtained from an artesian well; clear, cold, sparkling water. Waianuukole (wa'i-a-nu'u-ko'-le), n. A kind of soft, porous stone used in the practice of medicine. Walapo (wa'i-a'-po), n. Water of a dirty reddish color; he waiapo, he wainao, he wai me he kukae hao la; water of the color of iron rust. Waiau (wa'i-a'u), n. [Wal, water, and au, current.] A place where water runs continually; water where one can always bathe. Waiauau (wa'i-a'u-^'u), n. [Wai,, and auau, to bathe.] A pool; aj bathing place. I Waiea (wa'i-e'-a), n. [Wai, water,! and ea, breath or life.] Water of; life; salty water placed at the en-! trance of a temple or heiau to be I used ceremonially by those who i enter; holy water of the ancient Hawaiians. | Waiehu (wa'i-e'-hu), n. 1. A file or' rough stone; any substance that will grind or polish iron. 2. Name of one of the subdivisions of a dis- trict in Maui popularly known as "Na wai eha," the four waters. Waiele (wa'i-e'-le), n. [Wai, water, and ele, dark colored.] A dye for cloth or tapa. Waiele (wS'l-e'-Ie), v. To drug or intoxicate fish; to catch fish by making them numb; a mode of fishing with the auhuhu. Waleleele (wi'l-e'-le-e'-le), n. [Wai, water, and eleele, black.] Ink, also called inika. Waleli (wai-e'-li), n. [Wal, water, and ell, to dig.] Water obtained by digging in distinction from sur- face water; water from a shallow well. Waiha (wa'I-ha'), v. [Wai, water, and ha, to breathe upon.] 1. To breathe upon the idols, a practice of the priests of old Hawaii. 2. To desire or request of the gods, as in prayer. Walhau (wa'i-ha'u), n. 1. A bundle done up in small compass; a bun- dle done up again smaller than before. 2. [Mod.] Ice water. Walhau (wi'i-ha'u), v. 1. To tie over again; to tie up anew, as a bun- dle; to compress into smaller compass. Waihauna (wa'i-ha'u-na), n. [Wal, water, and hauna, bad smelling.] Water that has been used for such purposes as washing fish and is therefore offensive to the smell. Walhi (wa'i-hl'), n. [Wai, water, and hi, to percolate.] l.Water that oozes forth from a pali or rocky precipice. 2. Place on a preci- pice moistened by filtration. Walho (wa'i-ho), v. 1. To lay or set down a thing; to lay on, as one in striking. Laieik. p. 44, 45. 2. To place or set aside; to let re- main. 3. To leave off doing a thing; to quit; to stop; to let alone; to leave unhurt. 4. To set aside or lay up for future use: e walho wale, to set aside as void or useless. 5. To give up or offer up, as one's life; to trust or com- mit to another. 6. To leave; to pass by. 7. To give, afford or suggest an idea or expression to another; to put a word into an- other's mouth: e walho imua, to set before one. Walhoa (w^'i-ho'-a'), v. A contrac- tion of waihoia, passive of waiho. Walholomoku (wa,'i-ho'-16-mo'-ku), n. [Wal, water, and hoiomoku, to rush along.] An uncontrolled flowing of water; a torrent. Waihona (wS'l-ho'-na), n. [Walho and ana, participial termination, a WAI 614 WAI laying together.] A place for lay- ing up things for safe keeping; the things are designated by the qualifying term. Waihonadala (wa'i-ho'-na-da'-la), n. Waihona, a laying up, and dala (Eng.), coin, dollars, etc.] A treas- ury; a depository of money. Same as waihonakala. Waihonaipu (wa'i-ho'-na-i'-pu), n. [Mod. Waihona, laying up, and ipu, cup.] A place to keep dishes. Waihonakala (wa'i-ho'-na-ka'-la), n. [Waihona, laying up, and kala, money; silver.] A treasury; a place where money is laid up. Syn: Waihonadala. Waihonakukui (wa'i-ho'-na-ku'-ku'-i), n. [Waihona, holding up, and ku- kui, light.] A candlestick; a lamp stand. Waihonamealaa (wa'i-ho'-na-me'-a- la'a), n. Waihona, a laying up, and mea laa, consecrated things.] A place for sacred things; a treas- ury of things consecrated to sacred purposes, as in the ancient temples of Hawaii. Waihonameli (wa'i-ho'-na-me'-li), n. [Mod. Waihona, a storehouse, and meli (Lat. mel), honey.] A honeycomb; a depository of honey. Waihonamoni (wa'i-ho'-na-mo'-ni), n. [Mod. Waihona, a storehouse, and moni (Eng.), money.] A place for keeping money; a treasury. Syn: Waihonadala. Waihonawaiwai (wa'i-ho'-na-wa'i- i wa'i), n. [Waihona, a treasury, and waiwai, property.] 1. A treasury i or depository of goods or property. ^ 2. The treasurer, the person who oversees the property of a nation or community. Waihooluu (wa'i-ho'o-lu'u), n. [Wai, water, and hooluu, to dye.] Water for coloring; a dye. Waiiki (wa'i-i'-ki) , n. [Wai, water, and iki, little.] A kind of kidney trouble. Waikahe (wa'i-ka'-he), n. [Wai, water, and kahe, to flow.] Run- ning water; a stream. Waikahe (wa'i-ka'-he), v. To be overflowed with water: waikahe ka aina. Laieik. p. 163. Walkai (wa'i-ka'i), n. [Wai, water, and kai, sea.] Brackish water; any saltish fluid. Waikakaa (wa'i-ka'-ka'a), n. Name of a waterfall on the island of Kauai. Waikaua (wa'i-ka'u-a), n. 1. A robe used in war: no ke alii ai moku ia aahu ula, oia no kona kapa waikaua. 2. A temporary heiau: he heiau waikaua ia na ke alii nui. 3. Spoils of war; that which is taken by force by one chief from another. Waikea (wa'i-ke'-a), n. The juice of fresh kukui nuts used as a medicine. Waikeokeo (wa'i-ke'o-ke'o), n. [Wai, water, and keokeo, white.] The fluor albus, a disease of women. Waiki (wa'i-k!'), n. 1. The original name of the white man's gun: Hai mai ia, ua make o Kapuupuu i ka waiki. He said that Kapuupuu was killed by the waiki. 2. The gonor- rhea; the ulehilo or mimieha, in the female known as kulu. 3. The epithet of a person whose father was a chief and his mother not. Wailana (wa'i-la'-na), n. [Wai, water, and lana, to float.] 1. Still, calm water; a quiet place in the ocean. 2. A state of banishment from society. 3. One cast out for bad conduct. Wailana (wa'i-la'-na), v. To be cast out, as an evil person from so- ciety; to banish; to be rejected as unworthy of confidence. Wailau (wa'i-la'u), n. 1. Name of a valley in Molokai famous for the size of its poi packs. 2. Extra large bundle of food (poi) done up for carrying; a pai-ai. Syn: Holoai nui. Wailele (wa'i-le'-le), n. [Wai, water, and lele, to jump; to fly.] A cat- aract; a waterfall. Wailenalena (wa'i-le'-na-le'-na), n. [Wai, water, and lenalena, yel- low.] Name of a small valley near the top of Mount Waialeale on Kauai, remarkable for the plant ape found there. Walllilii (wa'i-li'i-li'i), n. Thick striped tapa; the stripes are yel- low. Wailiula (wa'i-li'u-la'), n. [Wai, water, and liula, sun heat.] Op- WAI 615 WAK tical illusion reflecting the like- ness of distant water; a mirage. Wailua (wS,'l-lu'-a), n. Same as ki- nowailua. Waimaka (w3,'I-ma'-ka), n. [Wal, water, and maka, eyes.] Water flowing from the eyes; tears: e hookahe i na waimaka, to shed tears; haule ka waimaka, tears drop. Waimakalehua ( wa'i-ma'-k&-16'-hu'-a ) . n. [Waimaka and lehua, the lehua tree.] Water drops from the le- hua trees; O ka waimakalehua onohi ouli, the tears of the dark- eyed lehua. Waimano (wS'I-ma'-no), n. The native adobe; a block made of earth and grass and fashioned in an excavation lined with leaves. Waimea (w^'i-me'-a), n. A species of tree; the same as olomea. Waimlmi (wS,'i-mi'-mi), n. [Wal, water, and mimi, urine.] Urine. Waina (w^'i-na), n. [Eng.] 1. A grape vine; grapes; hence, 2. Wine. Wainao (wa'i-na'o), n, [Wal, water, and nao, dirty.] 1. Stagnant water. 2. Dirty water. Wainiha (w^'i-m'-ha), n. Name of a stream near the top of Waialeale on Kauai. Wainohia (wa'i-nd-hl'-a), n. A state of safety. Syn: Waipeha. Wainui (wa'i-nuM), n. 1. Big water; the overflow of a stream. 2. Ex- cessive flow of saliva from nausea. Waiohia (wa'i-o-hi'a), n. [Wai, water, and ohia, the Hawaiian mountain apple.] The juice or cider from the ohia. Waiohuhukini ( wa'i-o-hu'-hu'-ki'-ni ) , n. 1. The inexorable laws of Ka- mehameha. 2. The immutability of Kamehameha's decrees. Waiokila (wa'i-6-ki'-la), n. Name of a place in Kahakuloa in Maui full of precipices and ravines; hence the verb in the meles. Waiokila (wa'i-S-kl'-la), v. To go up and down, as going across palis, as in crossing the palis of Kaha- kuloa. Waiopua (wa'i-6-pu'-a), n. A disease; pulmonary consumption. Waipa (wa'i-pa'), v. To desire; to request from the gods in prayer: pela ka'u waiha aku ame ka'u waipa aku ia oe e ke akua. Waipaa (wa'i-pa'a), n. [Wal, water, and paa, fast; hard.] Ice; hard water, that is, frozen water. Walpahu (WcVi-pa-hu'), n. [Wai, water, and pahu, to burst.] Gun- powder. Syn: Onea. Walpahu (wS'l-pa'-hu), n. Name of a village on the island of Oahu. Walpao (wa'i-pa'o), n. The cool land breeze at Waimea, Kauai. Waipeha (wa'i-pe'-ha), n. A state of safety. Syn: Wainohia. Waipll (wa'i-pi'i), n. [Wai, water, and pii, to ascend.] A flood; an overflowing of water. Waipu (wa,'i-pu'). a. Gun-powder. Syn: Onea. Walpuhia (w^'i-pii-hi'-a), n. Wai, water, and puhiia, blown by the' wind.] The spray of water blown by the winds when rushing down a pali; water falling in very small drops. Walpuilani (wS'l-pu'l-ia'-ni), n. [Wal, water, pul, forcing, and lani, heaven.] A waterspout; water drawn up into the clouds or poured down from the clouds. Walpuna (wa'i-pu'-na), n. [Wal, water, and puna, a spring.] A deep spring of water; a place where the water boils up. Waiu (wa'i-u'), n. [Wai, water, and u, the breast. Lit. Breast water.] 1. The breast. 2. Milk. 3. Fig. Blessings; favors. Waiua (wa'i-u'-a), n. [Wal, water, and ua, rain.] Rain water; water from the clouds; also wai maoll in distinction from well water, which is wai kal (brackish). Waiupaa (wa'i-u-pa'a), n. [Mod. Waiu, milk, and paa, hard.] Hard milk; cheese. Waiwal (wa'i-wa'i), adj. Costly; rich; dear; valuable. Waiwai (w^'i-wiVi), n. 1. Goods; property; that which is possessed or owned; property in distinction from money or cash; waiwal au- hau, tax; tribute. 2. Value of; estimated worth of. Waiwal (w^'i-wiM), v. To be rich; to be valuable; to be successful. Walwalpio (wa'i-wa'i-pi'o), n. [Wai- wal, property, and pio, captured.] Property taken In war or In rob- bery; plupder; spoil. Waka (wa'-ka), n. A shoot of light; a flash. WAK 616 WAL Wakawaka (wa'-ka-wa'-ka), adj. [Waka, a flash.] Shining; glisten- ing; flaming: Wakawaka o Mano as it is, just so: e noho wale, to sit only, that is, to sit idly; e hana wale, to work without re- e moku ai ka hako. ward, gratuitously; e olelo wale, Wakewake (wa'-ke-wa'-ke), n. Same to speak nothing else = than; e as wekaweka. The black liquid hele wale, to go as = one is, that of the squid. Also called kukaeuli. is, to go naked. (As wa= le has no Waki (wa'-ki), n. [Mod.] 1. A corresponding term = in English, it watch; a clock. 2. The period of is difficult to defin= e; the idea time when a guard is on duty. must be gained by the con= text.) Wala (wa'-la), v. 1. To overturn or yy^aig (wa'-le), n. = 1. Phlegm. 2. upset. 2. To swallow at a gulp, Saliva or spittle, as liquor or a pill. VValea (wa-le'-a), adj. Accustomed; Wa aau (waMa-a'u , adj. Noisy; ob- ^.^ ^^^^ly doing; co= nstant, streperous; confused; disorderly. ^ .._,. ^ = i=E2=80=9E=E2=80=9E Walaau (waMa-a'u), n. 1. A noise; Walea (wa-le'-a'), n. Sa= me as welea. a confused noise as of a riotous Walea (waMe-a), v. 1.= To indulge multitude. 2. A noise, as a wail- in ease; to please one's= self; to =E2=96=A0 ing for the dead. 3. Any loud, dwell in = quiet free from care. 2. boisterous talk or noise with more To be satisfied with o= ne's cir- or less indistinctness or want of cumstances. 3. To be acc= ustomed meaning. 4. Loquaciousness. or habituated to a thing; = to do Walaau (wa'-la-a'u), v. 1. To speak often, in a boisterous manner, as a crazy Walehau (wa'-le-ha'u), n. = Mucilage person. 2. To cry out continuous- from the bark of the hau t= ree, ly, as in fear; to shout, as in bat- Walekea (wa'-le-ke'-a), = n. [Wale, tie. 3. To make a noise of lamen- slime, and kea, white.] = A disease tation for a deceased person. of the eye; exudation from a sore= Walahee (wa'-la-he'e), n. A shrub, eye; white mucus. the leaves of which are used in Walenia (wa'-le-nl'-a), = adj. Hard; coloring black; also called alahee. painful; severe. Walaia (wa'-la-!'a), v. [Passive of Walerusa (wa'-le-ru'-= sa), n. [Mod.] wala.] To be overturned. The walrus. The older term = is Walakike (wa'-la-ki-ke'), v. To toss palaoa. or throw back and forth, as spears Walewaikapo (wa'-le-wai'-a= -ka-po'), in battle: walakike ka ihe. n. [Walewal, saliva, and = kapo, Walania (wa'-la-nl'-a), n. 1. A sting- long prayer.] 1. Prayer= until saliva ing pain, as a burn. 2. Deep an- flows; pule aholoa. 2. A s= orcerer's guish of heart at something said. prayer for the destruction of = some Walania (wa'-la-ni'-a), v. 1. To person. smart, as a wound; to feel pained Walewale wa'-le-wa'-le), adj= . Slimy, from an external hurt. 2. To feel like mucus. (Refers to = exudation pain mentally; to feel the pain from animal bodies.) of dislike or of hatred by an- Walewale (wa'-le-wa'-l= e), adv. [Wale, other. 3. To feel revengeful; to gratuitouslv.] At a ven= ture. With- feel cut to the heart by some- out object: hele = walewale lakou thing said. a lilo loa i ka hewa. Walawala (wa'-ia-wa'-la), v. To fall Walewale (wa'-le-wa'-le), = n. 1. Al- turnmg over and over; to go lurement; seduction. = 2. A decoy, down in a topsy-turvy manner. 3. one set apart as defiled, as= a Walawalaau (wa'-la-wa'-la-a'u), v. 1. ^oman having given = birth to a To make a noise so as to disturb child. In her condition= she was ones hearing; to make a great called walewale.' 4. Menst= ruation, no se in talking; e paepae, e lo- Walewale (wa'-le-wa'-le= ), v. 1. To helohe. ^^ deceived; to be led astray eas- Walavvaiaau i ka pali o Koiokini, iiy by one. 2. To be mucil= aginous. MehehanehanelakaleoiWaialoha. 3 ^o be unstable. 2. To echo. . Walewalena (wa'-le-wa-le'-na), v.= To Wale (wa'-le), adv. Only; alone; pinch; to gnash; = expressive of gratuitously; the state of a thing great anger. WAL 617 WAO Walewalenahesa (wa'-le-wa'-le-na.-he'- ka), n. [Walewale, slime, and nahesa, snake.] (Mod.) Deception; decoy. Wall (wa'-li), adj. Fine; soft; minced finely; fine, like soft paste; fine, as flour. Wall (wa'-li), v. 1. To be thorough- ly mixed; to be reduced to pow- der. 2. To be made friable, said of soil prepared for cultivation. Walina (wa-li'-na), n. 1. Word used to convey a friendly salutation to one far away. 2. A form of salu- tation. Walina (wS-li'-na), v. To express a kindly feeling for a distant friend. Wallwali (wa'-li-wa'-li), adj. [Wall, fine.] 1. Fine; soft; paste like. 2. Weak; limber; weak from sick- ness. See nawaliwali. 3. Soft; gentle; kind, as language: ka olelo a na kanaka maikai, he wa- liwali ka olelo, he pepe. Wallwali (wa'-li-wa'-li), v. To be softened; to be pliant. Walo (wa'-lo), v. Same as uwalo, to cry out. Waloina (wa'-16-i'-na), v. 1. To call to a chief with a voice of praise and admiration; waloina aku ke alii o Kaakahi. 2. To praise; to flatter. Walowalo (wS'-lo-wa'-lo), v. [Wawa- io, to reverberate.] To strike, as a sound upon the ear; to strike back, as an echo. Walowalo e hea ka leo o Kala- kua, Walawalaau 1 ka pall o Kolokini, Me he hanehane la ka leo 1 Waialoha, Me I ka uwe hoouwe a ka lawakea. Walu (wa'-lu), adj. Eight: ka walu, the eighth. As a cardinal it is generally prefixed by a or e; as awalu, ewalu, eight. Walu (wa'-lu), n. 1. An edible marine fish of the escolar family (Ruvettus pretiosus), having very hard scales. 2. A surgeon-fish (Hepatus xanthopterus.) Walu (wa'-lu), v. 1. To scratch, as a cat; to scratch, as a person with his fingers. 2. To rub; to rasp; to pinch. Walua (wa'-lu'-a), n. A manner of carrying with a pole upheld by the shoulders of two or more car- riers. Syn: Manele. Waluna (wa'-lu'-na), n. A prophecy. Waluwalu (wa'-ld-wa'-lu), v. [Walu, to scratch.] To scratch much or frequently; to pinch up with all the fingers. Syn: Umiki. Wana (wi'-na), adj. Pronged; sharp pointed; externally jagged. Wana (wi'-na), n. A species of the sea-egg or sea-urchin. Wana (wa'-na), v. Same as wena. To appear, as light in the early dawn. See wanaao. Wanaao (wi'-na-a'c), n. 1. The near approach of morning. 2. The early dawn of the morning; the first light of day; morning twilight. Wanaao' (wa'-nS-a'o), v. [Wana, to appear, and ao, light.] To dawn, as the first light in the morning; to appear, as the dawn. Wanahina (wa'-ni-hi'-na), adj. Be- coming gray, as a person; gray headed. Wanana (wa'-nS'-na), n. A prophecy; the declaration of the kilo or of the kaula; a declaration made beforehand of what is to be. which was known by its fulfill- ment. Wanana (wS'-n^'-na), v. To prophesy; to foretell future events; to preach; to declare the will of the gods. Wanaoa (wa'-nS-o'a), n. 1. A pro- jection or an extension, as the fingers of the sea-urchin. 2. Radi ation. Wanaoa (wa'-nS-o'a), v. To project; to extend any way beyond the body of a thing; to project as rays of light; to sparkle; to radi- ate. Wanawana (wa'-na-wS'-na), adj. Having sharp points; thorny; full of thorns; spiny. Wanawana (wa'-na-wS'-na), v. 1. To extend; to stretch out^ to project. 2. To be covered with sharp points like the wana (sea-urchin), or the spiny cactus. Wao (wa'o), adj. 1. High; long; a high shady place unfrequented; thick with vines. 2. Not habitable. Wao (wa'o), n. A space on the sides of mountains next below the kuaea; it is also called waona- hele and waoelwa; a place of spirits; the dwelling place of the gods; a wild place. WAO 618 WAW Wao (wa'o), v. Same as wau, to scratch. Waoakua (wa'o-a-ku'-a), n. [Wao, place, and akua, god.] 1. A region on the side of a mountain below the waomaukele; it has but a small growth of trees. 2. [Wa, space, o, of, and akua, god.] A region of the gods; a desert; a desolate place, generally back from the sea and uninhabited; a place where gods, ghosts and hobgoblins are supposed to reside. Syn: Aoakua. Waoeiwa (wa'o-e-i'-wa), n. Name of a region on the sides of moun- tains covered with vegetation and small forest trees. Syn: Wao and waonahele. Waokanaka (wa'o-ka-na'-ka), n. A region on the side of a mountain next below the waonahele; it is a region where people may live and where vegetables may be cul- tivated; mau is another name. Waoke (wa'o-ke), n. Same as wauke. Waokele (wa'o-ke'-le), n. 1. The shadow of death; death's shade. Syn: Malukoi and mauhaalele. 2. A tall ohia tree. Waolaau (wa'o-la-a'u), n. [Wao, place, and laau, trees.] An upland and uncultivated region, where tall trees grow and thick shades are found. Syn: Waonahele. Waomaukele (wa'o-ma'u-ke'-le), n, A region on the sides of mountains next below the waoeiwa and above the waoakua; its trees are larger than in the waoeiwa. Waonahele (wa'o-na'-he'-le), n [Wao, place, and nahele, covered with vegetation.] A place on the sides of mountains overgrown with grass, weeds, bushes, etc; a wilderness; a waoakua, but with vegetation. Wau (wa'u), pron. A form of owau, personal pronoun of the first per- son used with a passive verb. Wau (wa'u), v. A form of owau, to answer. Wau (wa'u), v. 1. To scrape; to scratch; to rub off. 2. To rub or wear away by friction. Wauaha (wa'u-a'-ha), n. 1. Prayer for deliverance; petition for bless- ings. 2. Thanksgiving ascription to the Makani or airy gods. Wauau (wa'u-a'u), adv. Crookedly; perversely; unfeelingly. Said of traveling out of a beaten road. Wauau (wa'u-a'u), v. To lose the way in travelling. Wauke (wa'u-ke), n. The tapa shrub ; a tree of the genus Morus, the bark of which was used in making native cloth or tapa. Waukelenuiaiku ( wa'u-ke'-le-nu'-i-a'- i-ku), n. 1. The name of the chief who killed the fabled bird halulu. 2. The young of the bird that waited on the Kiwaa; he keiki na ka manu i lawe na Ki- waa. Commonly referred to as Aukelenuiaiku. Wauwau (wa'u-wa'u), v. To scratch as a cat; to scratch to relieve itching; to rub; to polish; to scrape. Wawa (wa-wa'), adj. Noisy on ac- count of great multitudes; tumult- uous. Wawa (wa'-wa'), n. 1. A tumult, as the action of a tumultuous as- sembly. 2. Babbling; vain, fool- ish talking. 3. A confused noise, as of a battle at a distance; the confused noise of a multitude. Wawa (wawa'), v. To shout in a noisy tumultuous way; to bawl in a vociferous confused manner. The word applies also to vague or untrustworthy rumors. Wawae (wa'-wa'e), n. 1. The leg of a person or animal; the foot. (The Hawaiian language has no separate words for leg and foot; wawae includes both; so lima in- cludes both hand and arm.) 2. A pair of pantaloons; so called from the legs; breeches. 3. A post of duty belonging to gods and priests. 4. The end of a rain- bow when it appears to be in con- tact with the ground or the sea; the foot of a god. Wawaha (wa-wa'-ha), v. [Waha, mouth.] To rail: to storm at one: to curse with a loud, obstreperous voice. Wawahi (wa-wa'-hi), v. [Wahi, to break.] 1. To break to pieces; to break down; to demolish, as a house or building. 2. To break open, as a box or chest. 3. To split; to break up, as rocks. WAW 619 WEK Wawahlia (wa-wa'-hira), n. [Par- ticiple passive.] A breaking up; a destruction, as of a city. Wawahila (wa-wa'-hi-i'a), v. [Passive of wawahi.] Broken; demolished. Wawai (wa'-w^'i), n. [Wa, space, and wai, water.] A land of water; a well watered land; he auwai, he pipiwai, he uhiwai e kulu ana, he kawakawau. Wawali (wa-wa'-li), adj. [Wall, fine.] Soft; fine; flexible; good humored. Wawali (wa-wa'-li), v. [Wall, soft.] To be softened; to be made fine; to be reduced to pulp. Wawalo (wa-wa'-lo), v. [Walo, to call.] To cry out; to call repeat- edly or imploringly. ITa lai hea wawalo i ka oliu no na maiina. Ulna ka wai o na molokamaaha. Wawalu (wa-wa'-lu), v. [Walu, to scratch.] To scratch, as a cat or a person; to pinch. Wawana (wa-wa'-na), adj. [Wana, a sea urchin.] Rough; thorny. Syn: Wanawana. Wawau (wa-wa'u), adj. Scratching; pinching; cross; unfriendly. Wawau (wa'-wa'u), v. To scratch; to pinch with the fingers ; hence, to be quarrelsome. Wawe (wa'-we), adv. Quickly; sud- denly; hastily; soon; hiki wawe, quickly done. We (we'), V. Incorrect form of uwe, to weep. Wea (we'a), n. A red dye; red coloring matter; he kohu ulaula. Wea (we'a), v. To print or color red. Weawea (we'a-we'a), adj. Red; red- dish; spotted with red. Syn: Aweawea. Weawea (we'a-we'a), n. A procurer; a pimp; one who acts or bargains for another in licentious matters. Wehe (we'-he), adj. Opened; separated; loosened. Wehe (we'-he), n. An opening; an untying; a solving, as a problem; an explanation of a difficulty. Wehe (we'-he), v. 1. To open, as a door. 2, To open, as the dawn or advance of light in the morn- ing. 3. To strip off. 4. To open, as the eyes. 5. Fig. To open, as the heart. 6, To displace, as in re- moving an obstruction; to exhibit; to make manifest; to make public. 7. To loosen or untie. Wehea (we-he'-a), v. [Imperative of wehe.] See wehe. Weheana (we'-he-a'-na), n. The giv- ing up of a plan or intention; a retraction; a receding: ka we- heana o ke alaula, the receding of the morning twilight. Weheawa (we'-he-a'-wa), v. To draw back; to retreat; to retire. Wehewehe (we'-he-we'-he), adj. De- fining; explaining; unfolding. Wehewehe (we'-he-we'-he), n. An explanation of anything obscure or intricate; a solving of a prob- lem; explaining the intricacies of language. Wehewehe (we'-he-we'-he), v. [We- he, to open.] To open frequently; to open, that is, to expound, as language; to explain what Is mys- terious; to explain, as a writing or a passage In a book. Wehl (we'-hi), n. 1. A wreath for the neck; decoration; adornment. 2. Forest shade; density of the woods. Wehiwa (we'-hi'-wa), n. A species of dark colored taro. Wehlwehl (we'-hT-we'-hl), adj. 1. Thick together, as the leaves of a shady tree. 2. Splendid; beau- tiful of face; onaona; ohuohu; exuberant. Wehlwehl (we'-hi-we'-hi), v. 1. To be deep blue; to be black; to have black stripes. 2. To be thick; as leaves; to be deep shaded. 3. To be artistically decorated. Weka (wg'-ka), n. The meconium In children; .kukae weka; any slimy, mucous substance; the mat- ter In the cyst of the squid. Wekaweka (we'-ka-wg'-ka), adj. Stingy; close; hard; refusing to fulfill a contract. Wekaweka (we'-ka-w=C2=A7'-ka), n. 1. Foulness of the stomach. 2. The black substance or liquid in the cyst of the squid. Any fat unctuous matter. Wekaweka (we'-ka-wg'-ka), v. 1. To have a foul stomach. 2. To fall In the fulfillment of a bargain. 3. To be hard; to be stingy; to be close; to be slippery. Weke (we'-ke), n. 1. A crack; an opening. 2. Three species of fish WEK 620 WEL of the sur mullet family (Mulloides auriflamma, M. flammeus and M. samoensis). Weke (we'-ke), v. Same as uweke. To crack or open, as the joints of a floor; to separate, as two things united; to open, as a door. Wekea (we-ke'-a), n. 1. The point of the heavens directly overhead. 2. Midday. Wekeweke (we'-ke-we'-ke), v. To flame; to flash; to blaze. Wekiu (we-ki'-u), n. 1. The small branches of a tree that hang down from larger ones; ka lala liilii ma ka lewa o ka laau; the union of the small branches with the larger ones. 2. The top of a tree, house, mountain or other object: Syn: Wekea. 3. Utmost point of ex- cellence. Wela (we'-la), adj. Warm; hot; burnt; cooked; burnt very much. Wela (we'-la), n. 1. The heat of fire or of the sun. 2. Fig. The heat of anger. 3. A burning, as of a sore. 4. Warmth. 5. Pig. Strong feelings. Wela (we'-la), v. 1. To be hot. 2. To be hot in mind: Mai wela ko oukou manao i keia olelo, Be not excited at the speech. 3. To be warm. 4. Fig. To be warm, as the heart with affection for one. Welau (we-la'u), n. 1. The end or extremity of a thing; the top, as of a tree; na welau o na laau; the tip end; the ridge; the end of a fitiger; the ridge or summit of a precipice; the extreme boundary of a country. 2. Fig. Extremity, point: welau o ka make, point of death; welau akau, the North Pole; welau hema, South Pole. Welawela (we'-la-we'-la), adj. [Wela, hot.] Very hot: kuu hoa hoi o ka la welawela o ke kula o Auwaio- wao; i ka la welawela o ke awa- kea. 2. Parched; dried up; scorched. Welawela (we'-la-we'-la), n. 1. Any- thing having moderate heat. 2. Mental excitement. Welawela (we'-la-we'-la), v. 1. To be moderately hot; to be warm, applied also to mental disposition. 2. To give a thing and afterwards desire to take it back; to regret having given; e aua. 3. To in- dulge secret ill-will. Wele (we'-le), v. [A contraction of waele, used in song.] To clear off land; to cultivate the ground; to pulverize the earth: e mahi, e waele, e wele aku i ka weuweu o kona aina. Wele iluna ka mala lani a ka ua Ke pulu ino ka hio a ka makani, Ka mahakea ulu lani o pua ke ao I paia a kiwaawaa a ulu pehu ke kino, Ulu kupu hakakai a malama. Welea (we-le-a'), u. A species of lizard fish, the full grown hala- loa. The name of a species of fish found in seas of sandy bot- tom. Also called kawelea and halaloa. Welehu (we'-le-hu'), n. 1. A species of deep sea fish resembling the hauliuli. 2. Name of one of the Hawaiian months. Welelau (we'-le-la'u), n. [Welau, the end.] The end or extremity of a thing; the most distant part of a country. Welewele (we'-le-we'-le), v. Same as welawela, to grudge. Weleweleiwi (we'-le-we'-le-I'-wi), n. Pointed or personal language; word or speech implying censure. Well (we'-li), n. 1. Phosphorescent light; the light of sparks of fire. 2. A long, black sea cucum- ber (Opheodesoma spectabiles) ; he mea ola maloko o ke kai ma Ewa, me he puhi la ke ano. 3. A scion or shoot from the roots of a dead plant or tree; the spreading roots of a tree. 4. A fear; a trembling. Kau mai ka well, Fear fell upon him. Laieik. p. 167. Well (we'-li), v. To branch out, as the roots of a tree; to take root, as a tree; to have many roots. Weiina (we'-li-na), n. A reply to a salutation, as aloha or anoai; it applies to the person of the house when addressed by a stranger. Wellweli (we'-li-we'-li), adj. Fear- ful; causing fear; dreadful, terri- ble: Oia no hoi ka pahu kapu weliweli loa. Laieik. p. 101. Weliwell (we'-li-we'-li), adv. Fear- fully ; tremblingly. Weliweli (we'-li-we'-li), n. Fear; dread; a trembling; a tremor through fear; a cav.se of fear. Laieik. p. 101. WEL 621 WIH Weftwell (we'li-we'-li), v. 1. To tremble with fear; to fear; to dread. 2. To be astonished; to be amazedT 3. To fear; to rever- ence as a child should a parent. Welo (we'-lo), n. 1. Name of one of the months of the year cor- responding to April: hiki ia Welo hoi ko ia nei keiki papa, When (the month) Welo comes, the rank- ing chief of this place returns. 2. The setting of the sun (in the ocean); the appearance of the sun floating upon the ocean. 3. Progeny; breed. 4. A native medi- cine; the same as waiki or the Ipu awahia or pipa. Welo (we'-lo), v. To float or stream in the wind, as an ensign, colors or flag; to flutter or shake in the wind: Kowelowelo kihei a welo ka ua =E2=80=94 e. Welowelo (weM6-we'-lo), adj. Float- ing; streaming: hoku welowelo, a blazing star; a meteor; a comet, so called from its tail. Welowelo (we'-16-we'-lo), n. 1. Mo- tion of anything loose and swing- ing to the wind, as colors or streamers in a current of air. 2. Colors or cloth streaming in the wind. 3. A tail, as of a kite. 4. Light streaming from a brand of fire thrown into the air in the dark. Welowelo (we'-lo-we'-lo), v. To float or flap in the wind; to float, as the tail of a kite; to float, as colors or an ensign. Welu (we'-lu), n. A rag of torn tapa or cloth. Weluula (we'-m-u'-la), n. [Welu, rag, and ula, red.] A kind of tapa made of pieces of red tapa beaten up with waoke; more generally called paiula. Weluwelu (weMQ-we'-lu), adj. Torn; broken up; ragged. Weluwelu (we'-lti-we'-lu), v. [Welu, a rag.] 1. To be torn. 2. To be torn in pieces, as a person by a wild beast. 3. To be torn or broken to pieces, as vegetation or trees by a whirlwind. 4. To be- come ragged, as a garment. Wena (we'-na), n. 1, A relation; close relationship; he hoahanau kena e loaa ai ka wena. 2. Flash of light; first appearance of day- light. Wena (we'-na), v. 1. To be related one to another; the same as pill: heaha kou kuleana e wena aku ai ia ia? 2. To claim relation- ship. 3. To scintillate; to appear, as light in the early dawn. Wenawena (we'-na-we'-na), adj. Red; of a reddish color. Weo (we'-o), adj. 1. Redness; fresh- ness; a red color; ua like ka ulaula me ka weo; He weo ke ka- naka, he pano na ke alii, a fresh colored man is a favorite of the chief. 2. A blush, as from con- fusion or anger. Weoweo (we'-6-we'-o), adj. [Weo, red.] Fresh; red, like fresh meat just killed. Wepa (we'-pa), n. [Eng.] A wafer. Weu (we'u), v. To be covered with beard or down, as a young un- shaven boy. Same as heu, which is preferable. Weuweu (we'-Q-we'-u), n. 1. A gen- eral name for herbage; grass; green grass. 2. Fig. Success in secret; licentious practices in the open or out of doors. Wewe (we'-we), n. Same as iewe. The afterbirth; poha ka nalu, ka iewe, a o (wahulu) ke keiki mai. Wewela (we'-we'-la), n. 1. A burn- ing as of fever. 2. A great heat of anger. 3. A burning zeal. 4. A horror; great fear. 5. Great ex- citement of mind; walania. Wewela (we'-we'-la), v. [Wcia, hot] To burn; to be hot, as a feverish sore. Wewelo (we'-we'-lo), v. To stream out. as the streamer of a ship; to draw out; to be loose. Wewena (we'-we'-na). v. To be of a reddish color; ahiahia; some faded or indistinct color. Wewco (we'-we'o), v. [Weo, red.] To be red; to be fresh. Wi (wi), adj. Impoverished. Wl (wi), n. 1. A famine; a destitu- tion of food; a time of famine. 2. The tamarind tree and its fruit. 3. The wl fruit (Spondias dulcis), Introduced from Tahiti. Wl (wi), V. To be impoverished, as a country; to be suffering a grievous famine. Wlhl (wi'-hl), V. 1. To turn one's eyes askance; to wink; to ex- press some Idea by a wink, ogle WIK 622 WIU or oblique look. 2. To roll up, as a bundle. Wikani (wi'-ka'-ni), adj. Close; hardy; compact; robust; inflexible. Wiki (wi'-ki), adj. Quick. Wiki (wi'-ki), v. To hasten; to be quick in doing a thing. Wikiwiki rwi'-ki-wi'-ki), adj. Quick; expeditious; not slow. Wikiwiki (wi'-ki-wi'-ki), adv. Quick- ly; very quick, in haste. Wikiwiki (wi'-ki-wi'-ki), v. [Wiki, quick.] 1. To hasten; to hurry; to do quickly. 2. To stir one up to speed. Wila (wi'-la), n. Same as uwila, lightning. Wili (wi'-li), adj. Winding; tortu- ous: ala wili, as a winding path; Mai wili, gonorrhea. Wili (wi'-li), n. 1. That which ^ turns, hence a mill with its roll- ers. 2. A twisting; a writhing, as of one in pain. Wili (wi'-li), V. 1. To twist; to wind; to turn, as a crank; to grind at a hand-mill. 2. To bore, as with an auger or gimlet. 3. To | writhe in pain. 4. To mix, as ' liquids of different qualities, that is, to stir them round and round. Wilia (wi'-li'-a), v. [For wiiiia, passive of will.] To be twisted; to be contorted by the wind: ka hale i wilia e ka makani, the house twisted by the wind. Wiliau (wl'li-a'u), n. [Wili, to twist, and au, to swim.] 1. The circular motion of an eddy in a river or in the ocean. 2. The cir- cular motion of the hand in mix- ing poi. Wiliau (wi'-li-a'u), v. To produce the circular motion of an eddy as in mixing; to stir round and round. Wiliia (wi'-li-i'a), n. [Passive of will.] Said of anything made by braiding or twisting; he hana i wiliia, woven work; intertwined; interwoven. Wilikahei (wi'-li-ka'-he'i), n. [Mod. Wili and kahei, to tie round.] A bit for boring rocks; a bit of any kind for boring. Wilikahei (wi'-li-ka'-he'i), v. To en- circle, said of a mode of fishing. Wlliko (wi'-li-ko'). n. (Mod.) A sugar mill. j jWiliko (wi'-li-ko'), v. [Mod. Wili, to turn round, and ko, sugar- I cane.] 1. To grind sugar-cane. 2. To manufacture sugar in general. jWilikai (wi'-li-ko'i), n. The sub- ! stances that are taken up in the center of a whirlwind; me he ka- naka la no ka wilikoi. Syn: Kau- I wili. jWiliokai (wi'-li-o-ka'i), v. To go or move in great numbers, as a hua- i kaihele; as a small army or the : retainers of a high chief. Wilipuaa (wi'-li-pu-a'a), n. [Mod.] A cork-screw. Wiliwili (wi'-li-wf-li), n. A tree, the timber of which is, for Its buoyancy, made into outriggers for canoes. (Erythrina mono- ^ sperma.) Wiliwili (wi'-li-wi'-li), v. 1. To stir round; to mix, as different in- gredients by stirring; to swing in a circular manner. 2. To turn round rapidly; to make rotary motions, as in wringing the hands when washing or writhing in pain. 3. To swing with a circular mo- tion of the arms; to whirl, Wilou (wi'-lo'u), n. [Mod.] The willow tree. Wllu (wi'-lu), adj. Disagreeable of smell; offensive; smelling badly. Wllu (wi'-lu), n. A disagreeable smell; a stench. Wini (wi'-ni), n. 1. Sharpness, the result of grinding to a point. 2. The sharp point of any sharp in- strument, as the point of a needle, pin, nail, pen, etc. Wini (wi'-ni), v. 1. To be reduced to a sharp point; to be sharp pointed. 2. To be impudent; to be offensive in manner. Wini wini (wi'-ni'-wi'-ni), adj. Point- ed; sharp; reduced to a point, as a needle, pin, or any sharp in- strument: E kalai a win I wini, hew to a point. Wiu (wi'u), adj. Dirty all over; filthy; unclean. Wiu (wi'u), V. 1. To be dirty, as one engaged in filthy work; to be unclean; to be dirty all over. 2. To be or become entangled, as a kite; ua wiu ka lupe. Wiuia (wi'u-i'a), adj. Distinguished; honored ; noted. WIW 623 WOL Wiwi (wi-wi), n. An inferior liquor made from ti root. Wlwl (wi'-wi'), adj. Poor in flesh; slender; feeble. Opposite to ohaha. Wiwi (wi'-wi'), n. Leanness of flesh. Wiwi (wi'-wi'), V. [Wl, famine.] 1. To be poor; to be shriveled up. 2. To grow poor in flesh, as a per- son or animal. Wiwiki (wi'-wi'-ki), v. Same as uwikiwiki. To shine, as a faint light through a small aperture in- to a dark room; to glimmer faint- ly. Wiwo (wi'-w6), adj. Afraid; bash- ful; modest; awed. Wiwo (wi'-w6), n. Fear; shame; dread. Wiwo (wi'-wo), V. 1. To fear; to dread. 2. To be ashamed; to blush. Wiwoole (wi-w6-o'-le), n. [Wiwo, to fear, and ole, not.] Boldness; fearlessness. Wohl (wo'-hi), n. 1. One who ac- companied, that is, went before or followed after the king, to con- vey and execute his orders; in his person and office he added to the king's dignity. He was generally a relative of the king. 2. A favor- ite. Wolu (wo'-lu). n. (Mod.) The walrus. HAWAIIAN PLACE NAMES' By THOMAS G. THRUM Due to the antiquity of some of the names and the lack of fami= liarity with the character and traditions of certain localities not a few= defini- tions are given literally. In the Hawaiian language differences in = word division and accent imply differences in meanings, hence effort ha= s been made to record the current pronunciation as the basis of this wo= rk. For verification of spelling, pronunciation, and definition, valuabl= e aid has been rendered by Lyle A. Dickey, Joseph S. Emerson. Theo= dore Kelsey, J. M. Lydgate, Stephen Mahaulu. Mrs. E. Lahilahi Webb, Thomas C. White, the United States Geological Survey, and the Off= ice of the Commissioner of Public Lands Aahoaka (a'-a'ho-^'ka) : seasoned house battens. Land section. Puna, Kauai. Aahuwela (a-a-hu-we'la) : hot robe. Elevation, east slope of Mauna Kea, North Hilo, Hawaii. Aaka (a-a-ka) : complaining. Hill near Wailua river, Kauai. Aakukui (a'a-ku-ku'i) : kukui root. Gulch, Waimea, Kauai. Aala (a'-a'la): fragrant. Land sec- tion, Kona, Oahu. Aamakao (a'-a'ma-kao) : black crab in great numbers. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Aamanu (a'a-ma'-nu) : bird call, or skin. Land section, Hamakua, Ha- waii. Aapueo (a'a-pue'o) : owl call. Land section, Kula, Maui. Aemale (ae-ma'-le) : phlegm parti- cles. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Aemalo (Se-ma'-lo) : a permitted gir- dle. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Acpo (ae-po') : night breeze. Land section, Kona, Kauai. Ahaino (a'ha-i'no) : bad prayer. Land section, South coast, Molo- kai. Ahalanui (a-ha'ia-nu'i) : great trans- gression. Land section. Puna, Ha- waii. Ahia (S-hi'a): faded. Land section, Kona, Oahu. Ahjhl (a-hi'-hi'): entwined. Point, Kauai. Ahikuli (a'hl-ku'li) : deafening fire. Land section, Wailuku, Maui. Ahlnaa a'hi-na'a): flickering flame. Land section, Waikolu, Molokai. Ahoa (a-h6'a): companion jawbone. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. Ahole (a-h6Me) : a species of white fish (Kuhlia malo). Stream. Hilo, Hawaii. Ahua (a-hfl'a) : a heap. Land sec- tion. Kona, Oahu. Ahuaeliku (a'-hua-eli-ku') : heap of brittle stone. Elevation. Kauai. Ahuakcio (a'-huS-ke-i'o) : a rising ground for the io game. Land section, Hana, Maul. Ahuakolea (a'-hua-ko'-lea) : plover's hill. Land section, Wailuku. Maui. Ahualiku (a'-hu-aii'-ku) : Liku's plat- form. Kona district, Kauai. Ahualoa (a'-hua-lo'a) : long bank. Village, Hamakua, Hawaii. AhuaumI (a'hu-a-u'mi) : Uml's cairn. Kona, Hawaii. Ahulmanu (a'-hui-ma'nu) : collection of birds. Land section, Koolauloa, Oahu. 'In this compilation full use has been made of the following publications: Alexander, W. D., Hawaiian greographlc names: Annual Report. U. S.= Coast and Geodetic Survey for 1902, Appendix 7. 1903. Martin. W. P., and Pierce, C. H.. Water Resources of Hawaii: U. = S. Geological Survey, Water Supply Paper 318. 1909-1911: = 1913. Saturday Press. July 28-September 22. 1883. Weekly newspaper of Ho= - nolulu. Hawaii. No longer published. Lists of crown, government and fort land.s: Revised Laws of Ha-= waii, 1905, Index of claims awarded by the Land Commission: Honolulu. Hawaii.= 1881. Book of land grants: Honolulu, Hawaii, 1887. AHU 626 ALI Ahukini (a'hu-ki'-ni : numerous heaps. Landing, Kauai. Ahulaniki (a'hu-la-ni'ki) : shortened mound. Land section, Kohala, Ha- waii. Ahuli (a-hu'li) : and turn. Land sec- tion, Kalaupapa, Molokai. Ahulua (a'hu-lu'a) : two piles of stones. Land section, Kohala, Ha- waii. Ahumoa (a'hu-mo'a) : gathering place of fowls. Elevation, Hamakua, Hawaii. Ahupau (a'hu-pa'u) : dismissed as- sembly. Land section, Kula, Maui. Aiawakea (a'i-a'wa-ke'a) : noon eat- ing. Land section, Hamakualoa, Maui. Aiea (a'i-ea) : a shrub (Nothocas- trum). Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Aihonua (a'i-ho-nu'a) : land owning. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Aihualama (a'i-hua-lama) : eating lama fruit. Land section, Lanai. Aikanaha (a'i-kana-ha') : possession by forties. Fishpond, Wailuku, Maui. Aikauwa (a'i-kau-wa') : slaves eat- ing. Land section, Kona, Oahu. Ailau (a'i-la'u): leaf-eating. Land section, Maunalei, Lanai. Ainaiki (a'i-na-i'ki) : lesser land. Land section, Maunalei, Lanai. Ainakea (a'i-na-ke'a) : white land. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Ainoni (a'i-no'ni) : noni (Morinda citrifolia) eating. Land section, Koolau, Oahu. Aipaako (a'i-pa'a-ko) : kneading hard food. Land section, Kona, Oahu. Aipako (a'i-pa-ko) : to eat cautiously. Land section, Kona, Oahu. Aipuaa (a'i-pua'a): eating pork. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Akahipuu (a-ka'hi-pu'u) : one hill. Elevation, North Kona, Hawaii. Akakoa (a'ka-koa) : bold shadow. Point, Hawaii. Aki (a'-ki) : canoe trestle. Land sec- tion, Lahaina, Maui. Akialole (a-ki'-ai-o'le) : Aki without food. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. Akihi (a-ki'hi): corner burning. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Akinui (a'ki-nu'i) : great slander. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. Akolekaihu (a-ko'le-ka-i'hu) : the reddish nose. Land section, Wai- kola, Molokai. Alaakua (a'la-a'-kua) : path of the gods. Land section, Kaupo, Maui. Alae (a'-lae) : mud hen. Land sec- tion, Hilo, Hawaii. Alaeakila (a'-lae-a-ki'la) : Kila's mud- hen. Land section, Hamakua, Ha- waii. Alaeanui (a-la'-ea-nu'i) : much red ocher. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Alaeloa (a'-lae-lo'a) : long alae. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Alaenui (a'-lae-nu'i) : great alae. Land section, Kipahulu, Maui. Alakahi (a'la-ka'hi) : one road. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Alakani (a'la-ka'ni) : sounding path- way. Land section, Oahu. Alakea (a'la-ke'a) : white road. Land section, Kona, Oahu. Alala (a'-la-la') : crying. Elevation, North Hilo, Hawaii. Alalakeiki (a'-ia-la'-ke'i-ki) : the cry- ing of children. Channel between Maui and Kahoolawe. Alaloa (a'la-lo'a) : long road. Ancient roadway, Kona, Hawaii. Alaloloa (a'la-lo-lo'a) : very long road. Mountain range, Lahaina, Maui. Alamihi (a'la-mi'hi) : road of re- pentance. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. Alaohia (a'la-ohi'a) : ohia (Eugenia sp.) road. Waimea, Hawaii. Alapaka (a'la-paka) : stairway. Land section, Kalaupapa, Molokai. Aleamai (a'-lea-ma'i) : agreeable wel- come. Land section, Hana, Maui. Aide (a'-le'-le) : it has flown. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Alelele (a'le-le'-le) : swift messenger. Stream, Hana, Maui. Alena (a-le'na) : yellowish. Land section, Kipahulu, Maui. Alenoho (a'le-no'ho) : settling wave. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Alenuihaha (a'le-nu'i-ha-ha) : great waves pursuing. Channel between Maui and Hawaii. Alewa (a'-le'wa) : to float cloud-like. Land section, Kona, Oahu. Point, Hilo, Alia (a'-lia): salt bed. Hawaii. Aliamanu (a'-lia-ma'nu) : gathering place of birds. Land section. Kona, Oahu. Aliapaakal (a'-lia-pa'a-kai) : salt lake, Kona, Hawaii. Alika (a'-li-ka) : clammy-like. Land section, Kona, Hawaii. ALI 627 AWA Alio (a'-li-o') : to scream. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. Aliomanu (a'-lio-raanu) : bird scream. Land section, Koolau, Kauai. Alo (a'-lo) : front. Stream, Haleaka- la, Maui. Aloalo (a'lo-a'lo) : to dodge. Land section, Kona, Oahu. Amalu (a'-ma'lu) : the shade. Stream, Lahaina, Maui. Amauulu (a'-mAu-u'lu) : growing fern Sadleria cyatheoides). Village, Hilo, Hawaii. Ana (a'-nS): a cave or measure. Land section, Kona, Oahu. Anaehoomalu (a'-nae-ho'o-ma'lu) : peace offering anae (fish). Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Anahola (a'na-ho'-la) : fish poison cave. Land section, Koolau, Kauai. Anahulu (a'na-hu'lu) : ten days. Hill, North Kona, Hawaii, Ananoho (a'na-no'ho) : dweller's^ cave. Fishpond, Kona, Oahu. Anapuka (a'na-pu'ka) : a tunnel. Land section, Kona, Hawaii. AnInI (a'-ni'-ni) : dwarfish. Stream, Hanalei, Kauai. Anuenue (a-nu'e-nu'e) : rainbow. Hill, Hamakua, Hawaii. Apahekili (apa'-he-ki'li) : rolling thunder. Land section, Manawai, Molokai. Apakule a'pS-ku-i'e) : a place of ieie growth (Freycinetia arnotti). Ele- vation, Hamakua, Hawaii. Apau (a-pa'u) : when done. Land section, Kamooloa, Kauai. Aplll (a-pi'li) : connecting rock. Land section, Kona, Oahu. Apole (a-po'-le) : a division. Point, Kaupo, Maui. Apowale (a'-po-wa'le) : to seize. Land section, Kona, Oahu. Apua (a'-pua): cup. Land section, Puna, Hawaii. Apuakohau (a'-pua-ko-ha'u) : termin- ation of land breeze. Land sec- tion, Kohala, Hawaii. Apuakuikul (a'-pua-ku'i-ku'i) : a com- pounding medicine cup. Land sec- tion, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Apuu (a'-pu'u): hillock. Land sec- tion, Koolauloa, Oahu. Au (au): current. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Aualii (a'ti-ali'i) : reign of the chief. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Auau (a'u-a'u): bathing. Channel between Lanai and Maui. Auaukai (a'd-a'ii-ka'i) : sea bathing. Land section, Kona, Oahu. Auhao (A'Q-ha'o): time of seizure. Land section, Lahaina. Maui. Auhaukeae (a'Q-ha'u-ke-a'e) : the pen- alty tax. Land section, Kona. Ha- waii. Auhuhu (A'Q-hu'hu) : a plant used in poisoning fish. Land section. Ha- makua, Hawaii. Auhulili (a'-u'ha-li-li) : stubborn jealousy. Land section, Kau. Ha- waii. Auiki (a'a-i'ki): small handle. Pond. Kona, Oahu. Auioie (a'Q-I-o'le) : unswerving. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Auliilii (a'Ci-li'i-li'i): small tide. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Aupokopoko (a'ti-po'ko-po'ko) : short tide. Land section. Lahaina. Maui. Auwahl (a'Cl-wa'-hi) : smouldering fire. Land section, Kahikinui, Maui. Auwalollmu (ati'-wai-o-li'mu) : mossy water ditch. Land section, Kona, Oahu. Auwele (a'Q-we'le) : clearing time. Land section, Waipake. Kauai. Awaawa (a'wa-a'wa) : bitter. Land section. Kona. Oahu. Awaawapuhl (a-wa-a'wa-pu'-hi) : ha- ven of bitter ginger plant (Zin- giber zerumbet). Valley, north- west coast Kauai. Awakamanu (a-wa'-ka-ma'nu) : birds breaking silence. Land section, Wailuku, Maui. Awakea (a-wa-ke'a): mid-day. Land section. Kona, Hawaii. Awakee (a'wa-ke'e) : crooked harbor. Land section. North Kona, Ha- waii. Awakele (a'wa-ke'le) : muddy land- ing-place. Land section, Hana, Maui. Awaloa (a'waio'a) : long entrance. Land section, Kona. Oahu. Awalua (a-wS-lu'a) : two harbors. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Awamoa (a'wa-mo'a) : cooked awa. Land section, Kona, Kauai. Awapuhi (awi-pu'hl): ginger. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Awawaihe (S-wa'-wa-i'he) : valley of spears. Land section, Waialua, Oahu. Awawalkl (ft-wft'-wft-i'kl) : little val- ley. Land section, Hilo. Hawaii. AWA 628 HAI Awawaklihelel (a-wa'-wa-ki'i-he-le'i) : widening ravine. Land section, Kona, Oahu. Awawaloa (a-wa'-wa-lo'a) : long val- ley. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii; also Mt. Olympus, Manoa Valley, Oahu. Awehi (a-we'-hi): decoration. Stream, South Hilo, Hawaii. Aweoweo (a'-weo-we'o) : lurid burn- ing. Land section, Ukumehame, Maui. Aweoweonui (a'-we'o-we'o-nu'i) : large red fish (aweoweo). Land section, Manawai, Molokai. Awikiwiki (a-wi'ki-wi'ki) : be quick. Land section, Koloa, Kauai. Awini (a-wi'-ni) : pointed-like. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Awininui (a-wi'ni-nu'i) : great Awini. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Eehul (e'-e-hu'i): rising assembly. Stream, Honohina, Hawaii. Eeuli (e'-e-u'li): rising darkness. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. Eke (e'-ke) : pocket. Crater, West Maui. Elevation, 4,500 feet. Eku (e'-ku): to root. Land section, Waianae, Oahu. Eleau (e'le-au): time of darkness. Land section, Waimea, Kauai. Eleele (e'le-e'le): black. Land sec- tion, Kona, Kauai. Eleku (e'le-ku'): a brittle kind of stone. Land section, Waialua, Oahu. Elelu (e'le-lu'): cockroach. Land section, Halawa, Molokai. Elepaio (e'le-pa'io) : a bird (Chasi- empis sandwichensis). Land sec- tion, Kona, Hawaii. Eiialii (e'-li-ali'i) : chiefs digging. Land section, Wailau, Molokai. Elikini (e'li-ki'ni) : many digging. Land section, Kaanapali, Maui. Eliwahine (e'li-wa-hi'ne) : women's digging. Land section, Kahaku- loa, Maui. Eo (e'o) : a filled container. Fish pond, Ewa, Oahu. Ewa (e'wa) : angular or crooked. District, Oahu. H Haaheo (ha'a-he'o) : pride. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Haai (ha-a'i): edible taro stalks. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. Haaiuo (ha-ai-uo) : derivation un- known. Land section, Wailuku, Maui. Haakoa (ha'a-ko'a) : low koa grove Acacia koa). Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Haakoo (ha'a-ko'o) : staff of haa wood (Antidesma platyphillum). Land section, Molokai. Haalelehinale (ha'a-lele-hi-na'le) : for- saken moving flow. Land section, Kaupo, Maui. Haalelepaakai (ha'a-lele-pa'a-ka'i) : salt rejected. Land section, La- nai. Haalulu (ha'a-lu'lu) : trembling. Land section, Molokai. Haanui (ha'a-nu'i) : boasting. Land section, Wailuku, Maui. Haaumakua (ha'-a'u-ma-ku'a) : ances- tral spirit's breath. Land section, Waianae, Oahu. Haeleele (ha'-e'le-e'le) : blackish. Ridge and valley, Kauai. Haena (ha'-e'na): sun heat. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Haenanui (ha'-e'na-nu'i) : great sun heat. Land section, Lahaina. Maui. Hahalawe (ha'-ha-la'-we) : taken wooden net. Land section, Hana. Maui. Hahalehili (ha'-ha'le-hi'li) : house thatch-braiding implement. Land section, Hana, Maui. Hahapaakai (ha'ha-pa'a-kai) : salt pans. Land section, Kona, Oahu. Hahoma (ha'-ho'-ma) : narrow flume. Ditch, Lahaina, Maui. Haia (ha'-ia) : chasing. Land section, Kauai. Haiku (ha'i-ku'): broken apart. Land section, Hamakuapoko, Maui. HAI 629 HAL Haimilo (ha'i-mi'lo) : milo (Thespe- ' sia populnea) broken. Land sec- tion, Koolau, Oahu. Haina (ha'i-na') : to be cruel. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. I Hainaiki (ha'i-na-i'ki) : short answer.' Land section, Lanaina, Maui. ' Hainalu (ha'i-na'lu) : broken surf. Land section, Koolau, Molokal. Haipu (ha'i-pu'): to break apart., Land section, Kona, Oahu. Haipuaena (ha'i-pu'a-e'na) : broken wild-flower. Stream, Haleakala, Maui. Hakaanui (ha-ka'a-nu'i) : great Ha- kaa. Land section. North coast. Molokai. Hakaea (ha'ka-e'a) : breathing holes. Land section, Hanalei, Kauai. Hakalau (ha'-ka-la'u) : leaf drying frame. Land section, Hilo, Ha- waii. Hakau (ha-ka'u): contentious. Land section, Molokai. Hakioa (ha'-ki-o'a) : breaking rafters. Land section, Kona, Kauai. Hakipuu (ha-ki-pu'u) : broken hill. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Hakuhee (ha-ku-he'e) : fleeing lord. Point, Kaanapali, Maui. Halai (ha'-lai) : a calm. Hill, Hilo, Hawaii. Halakaa (ha'iaka'a) : rolling pan- danus. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. Halaki (ha'la-ki') : pandanus-leaf stranding. Land section, Kona, Hawaii. Halala (ha'iaia'): it is gone. Land section, Lanai. Halalena (ha'la-le'n^) : yellow pan- danus. Land section, Kona, Oahu. Halapepe (ha'la-pe-pe) : a tree (Dra- caena aurea). Land section, Ko- hala, Hawaii. Halapuni (ha-la-pu'ni) : missed all around. Fish pond, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Halaula (ha'la-u'l^) : red pandanus tree (Pandanus odoratissamus). Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Halaulani (ha-l^'u-l^ni) : chief's house. Land section. Ewa, Oahu. Halawa (ha'-ia'wa) : ample trough. Village, Kohala, Hawaii. Halawaia (ha'-iawai'a) : fishing trough. Land section, Hanalei. Kauai. Haiawao (ha'ia-wa'o) : tangle growth of pandanus. Land section, Molo- kai. Halawela (ha'l&-we'l&) : hot pan- danus. Land section, Niihau. Haieaha (ha'le-a'h^) : assembly house. Land section, Koolauloa. Oahu. Haleakala (ha'le-a'-k&-ia') : house of the sun. Crater, Maui. Haleapo (ha'le-a'po) : clutching house. Land section, Kohala, Ha- waii. Halehaku (h&'le-ha'ku) : master's house. Land section, Hamakualoa, Maui. Haleill (ha'le-i'li) : bark house. Land section. South Kona, Hawaii. Halelwa (ha'le-I'wa) : beautiful house. Village, Waialua, Oahu. Halekaa (ha'le-ka'a) : rolling house. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Halekalaula (ha'le-ka'ia-u'ia) : red gabled house. Land section, Kauai. Halekli (ha'le-ki'i) : house of images. Land section. North Kona, Hawaii. Halekini (ha'le-ki'-ni) : numberless houses. Land section, Koolau, Maui. Halekou (ha'le-ko'u) : house of kou (wood) (Cordia subcordata). Land section, Wailuku, Maui. Halekunihi (ha'le-ku'-ni'hi) : house standing edgeways. Land section, Kona, Oahu. HalelanI (ha'le-ia'ni) : heavenly house. Land section, Wailuku. Maui. Halelau (ha'le-ia'u) : house of leaves. Land section, Wailuku, Maui. Halelea (ha'le-le'a) : house of joy. District, Kauai. Haleiena (ha'le-le'na) : house of tur- meric. Land section, Kona, Oahu. Haielono (ha'le-lo'no) : listening house. Land section, Kohala. Ha- waii. Halelua (ha'le-lu'a) : tomb. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Halemano (ha'le-mano') : shark's house. Laiid section, Kipahulu. Hawaii. Halemanu (ha'le-ma'nu) : bird house. Stream, Waimea, Kauai. Halemaumau (ha'le-ma'u-ma'u) : fern house (Sadleria sp.). Fire pit, volcano of Kilauea, Hawaii. Haleniki (ha'le-ni'ki) : a tied house. Land section, Kaupo. Maui. HAL 630 HAN Haleohai (ha'le-o-ha'i) : another's house. Land section, Puna, Ha- waii. Haleohiu (ha'le-o-hi'u) : sorcery house. Land section, North Kona, Hawaii. Haleokaia (ha'le-o-ka-la') : house of the sun. Elevation, Waianae range, Oahu. Haleokane (ha'le-o-ka'ne) : house of Kane. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. Haleokano (ha'le-o-ka'no) : Kano's house. Land section, Kahakuloa, Maui. Haleokapu (ha-le-o-ka-pu') : house of Kapu. Land section, Molokai. Haleokua (ha'le-o-ku'a) : house of Kua. Land section, Molokai. Haieolani (ha'le-ola'ni) : scorching house. Land section, Molokai. Haleolono (ha'le-o-lo'no) : Lono's house. Land section, Molokai. Haleou (ha'le-ou) : house of mourn- ing. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. Halepahu (ha'le-pa'hu) : drum house. Land section, Wailuku, Maui. Halepaka (ha'le-paka) : flattish house. Land section, Kona, Oahu. Halepalaoa (ha'le-pa-la'oa) : store- house of ivory. Village, Lanai. Halepua (ha'le-pua) : house of flow- ers. Land section, Kauai. Halepuaa (ha'le-pua'a) : hog's house. Land section. Puna, Hawaii. Halepuki (ha'le-pu-ki) : starting house. Land section, Kona, Ha- waii. Halepuna (ha'le-puna) : coral house. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Halepuolo (ha'le-pu-olo) : house of bundles. Land section. Puna, Ha- waii. Haleu (ha'le-u): house of grief.; Land section, Lahaina, Maui. Hali (ha'-li): brought. Land section, Hanalei, Kauai. Haliilau (ha'-li'i-la'u) : to spread out leaves. Land section, Hilo, Ha- waii. Haliimaile (ha'-li'i-ma'i-le) : to spread i out maile vines. Land section, Hamakuapoko, Maui. Haliipalalii (ha'-li'i-pala-li'i) : small pala fern (Marattia douglasii) spread out. Land section, Wailu- ku, Maui. Haliu (ha'-liu): to turn. Land sec- tion, Lahaina, Maui. i Halona (ha'-lo'-na) : useless water- trough. Land section, Kona, Oahu. Halulu (ha'-lu'lu) : tremulous noise, as thunder. Land section, La- haina, Maui. Halunano (ha'-lu-na'no) : thinly veiled. Land section, Wailuku, Maui. Hamakua (ha'ma-ku'a) : the back of the island. District, Hawaii. Hamakualoa (ha'ma-ku'a-lo'a) : long Hamakua. District, Maui. Hamakuapoko (ha'ma-ku'a-po'ko) : short Hamakua. District, Maui. Hamama (ha'-ma-ma) : open. Land section, Kona, Oahu. Hamamakawaha (ha'-ma-ma-ka-wa- ha) : open-mouthed. Land section. Kona, Oahu. Hamanamana (ha'-mana-mana) : Branching trough. Land section, Kona, Hawaii. Hamoa. (ha'-mo'a) : fowl trough. Land section, Hana, Maui. Hamohamo (ha'mo-ha'mo) : to rub. Land section, Kona, Oahu. Hana (ha'-na): respite from heavy exhaled breathing. District, Maui. Hanaewa (ha'na-e'wa) : made crook- ed. Land section, Puna, Kauai. Hanahanapuni (ha-n=C2=A7,-ha'na-pu'ni) : circular work. Hill, Kauai. Hanahoi (hana-ho'i) : spirited work. Stream, Hamakualoa, Maui. Hanaipehu (ha'-nai-pe'hu) : swollen reared one. Land section. Puna, Kauai. Hanaipoe (ha'-nai-po'e) : a circular support. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Hanakaoe (ha'na-ka-o'e) : do you work. Land section, Koolauloa, Oahu. Hanakaoo (ha'na-ka-o-o') : work with the digger. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. Hanakapiai (ha'na-ka-pi'-ai) : gather- ing kukui nuts. Land section, Na- pali, Kauai. Hanakauhi (hana-kS,-u'hi) : yam cul- tivation. Part of north rim of Haleakala crater, Maui. Hanakea (ha'na-ke'a) : whitish work. Land section, Koolauloa, Oahu. Hanakehau (ha'na-ke-ha'u) : dew dis- tilling. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Hanakoa (ha'na-ko'a) : koa worker. Land section, Napali, Kauai. Hanalei (ha'na-le'i) : wreath making. Land section, Halelea, Kauai. HAN 631 HEL Hanamalo (ha'na-malo') : dry work. Point, South Kona, Hawaii. Hanamaulu (ha'na-ma-u'lu) : work at plant culture. Land section, Puna, Kauai. Hananewa (ha'na-ne'wi) : cudgel making. Land section, Waialua Oahu. Hananui (ha'nA-nu'i) : much work Land section, Wailuku, Maui. Hanaolopana (ha'na-o'lo-pa,na) : Olo pana's work. Land section, Molo kai. Hanapal (ha'na-pa'i) : the act of ty ing up food bundles. Land sec tion. Hamakua, Hawaii. Hanapepe (ha'na-pe'-pe) : to crush Land section, Kona, Kauai. Hanauewa (ha'-nau-e'wa) : odd birth Land section, Waialua, Oahu. Hanaula (ha'na-u'ia) : fix it red Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Hanauma (ha'-nau-ma) : strength wrestling game. Bay, Koko Head Oahu. Hanawana (ha'na-wa'na) : gathering sea-eggs. Land section, Hama- kualoa, Maui. Hanaweo (ha'na-we'o) : producing redness. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Hanawi (ha'na-wi') : seeking fresh- water shellfish. Stream, Koolau, Maui. Hanehoi (ha'-ne-ho'I) : perhaps. Land section, Hamakualoa, Maui. Haneoo (ha'-ne-o'o) : perhaps ma- ture. Land section, Hamakualoa, Maui. Haou (ha'-o'u) : my exhaled breath. Land section, Hana, Maui. Hapaiki (ha'pa-i'ki) : smaller half or portion. Land section. Puna, Ha- waii. Hapalapuka (ha-pa-la-pu'ka) : door daubing. Land section, Hamakua. Hawaii. Hapapa (ha'-papa) : shallow soil. Elevation, Waianae range, Oahu. Hapuna (ha'-puna): a dirty puddle of water. Land section, Kona, Oahu. Haua (ha'u-a): to strike. Land sec- tion, Lahaina, Maui. Hauamakaa (hau'-ama-ka'a) : hau bark cord fastening outriggers. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. Hauhaukoi (hau'-hau'-ko'i) : taro- patch division. Land section, Oahu. Haukalua (hau'-ka-lua) : using hi- biscus in cooking. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Haukoi (hau'-ko'i) : chopping hibis- cus. Land section, Hamakua, Ha- waii. Haulei (hau'-le'I) : hibiscus flowers for wreath. Land section. Puna, Hawaii. Haumaku (hau'-m&-ku): hibiscus dregs. Land section. Molokai. Haumea (hau'-me'a): a goddess. Land section, Molokai. Haunakakai (hau'-naka-ka'i) : bad smelling sea beach. Land section, Puna, Kauai. Haunaokahi (hau'-na-o-ka'hi) : the bad smelling place. Land section, Koolauloa, Oahu. Haunapo (hau'-na-po') : a strong, of- fensive night odor. Land section, Oahu. Haunapueo (hau'-na-pu'-eo) : owl odor. Stream, East Maunakea, Hawaii. Haunouli (hau'-no-u'li) : hibiscus for Uli. Land section, Waianae, Oahu. H a u o I a (ha'u-o'ia) : life-giving breeze. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Haupu (ha'u-pu) : affectionate yearn- ing. Elevation. Kauai. Hauula (hau'-u'ia): red hibiscus. Land section, Koolauloa, Oahu. Hawaii (ha'-wal'i): name of tradi- tional discoverer and first settler. Island. Hawaluna (ha'-wa-lu'na) : upper de- filement. Land section, Koolau, Molokai. Hawea (ha'-we'S): a sacred drum of the temple. Point, Kaanapali. Maui. Hawl (ha'-wl'): a time of famine. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Heakapili (he'-a'ka-plll) : an attend- ant shadow. Land section, Waia- nae, Oahu. Heanaokuino (he-a'n&-o-kuMno) : a cave of Kuino. Land section, Ka- luakol, Molokai. Heeia (he'-eia) : slide. Land section. Koolaupoko. Oahu. Helhclahulu (he'I-he'ia-hu'lu) : race 1 run by Hulu. Hill, Puna, Hawaii. Heinau (he'I-na'u) : broken, disjoint ed. Land section, Kahakuloa, Maul. Heleieikeoha (he'le-le'I-ke-oha') : dropping the small taro-sprlgs. Land section, Koolau, Maui. HEL 632 HON Helemano (he'le-ma'no) : traveling with a large retinue. Land sec tion, Waialua, Oahu. H e I u m 0 a (he'lu-mo'a) : chicken scratching. Land section, Oahu. Hemalo (he-ma'lo) : a girdle. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Heneheneula (he'ne-he'ne-u'la) : se- vere derision. Land section, Ha- makua, Hawaii. Hianaloli (hi'-ana-lo'li) : resembling loli (slug). Land section, Kona, Hawaii. Hianaulua (hi'-ana-u'lua) : resembling ulua fish (Carangus ignobilis). Land section, Koolau, Maui. Hihiahookahi (hi-hi-a-ho'o-ka'hi) : one entanglement. Land section, Ko- hala, Hawaii. Hihinui (hi-hi-nu'i) : vine covered tree growth. Land section, Kauai. Hihiu (hi-hi'u): wild. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Hiilaniwal (hi'i-la'ni-wa'i) : carrying heavenly water. Stream, Koolau- poko, Oahu. Hiilawe Falls (hi'i-la'we) : lifted and borne. Waipio, Hamakua, Hawaii. Hikapoloa (hi'ka-po-lo'a) : the long night has come. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. HIklaupea (hi'ki-a'u-pe'S,) : time of pea tabu reached. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Hikli (hi-ki'i): to tie. Land sec- tion, Hanalei, Kauai. Hikiula (hi'ki-u'la) : red appearance. Land section, Kauai. Hilea (hi'-lea) : indolent. Land sec- tion, Kau, Hawaii. Hilo (hi'-lo): twisted. Name of Polynesian navigator. Bay and town, Hawaii. HIloa (hi'-lo'a) : long weakness. Stream, Waimea, Kauai. Hina (hi'-na) : fell down. Land sec- tion, Molokai. Hio (hi'-o'): crooked or leaning. Land section, Puna, Kauai. Hloko (hi-'o'ko): severe diarrhoea. Land section, Hanalei, Kauai. Hlonaa ( hi'-o na-a' ) : bright counte- nance. Land section, Kau, Ha- waii. Hlonamoa (hi'-ona-mo'a) : fowl-like appearance. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Hipawai (hi-'pa-wa'i) : to bundle water. Land section, Oahu. Hipu (hi'-pu'): a fastening. Land section, Kalae, Molokai. Hlwela (hi-'we'la) : hot liquid flow. Land section, Wailuku, Maui. Hoaeae (ho'-a'e-a'e) : to pulverize. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Hoalua (ho'a-lu'a) : two friends. Land section, Hamakualoa, Maui. Hoea (ho'-ea) : to be distant. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Hohe (ho'-he): a coward. Land sec- tion, Oahu. Hokukana (ho'ku-ka'na) : despised stars. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Hokukano (ho'ku-ka'no) : proud stars. Land section. North Kona, Hawaii. Hokumahoe (ho'ku-ma-ho'e) : twin stars. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Hokuula (ho'ku-u'la) : red star. Ele- vation, South Kohala, Hawaii. Holau (ho'-lau) : a collection of peo- ple. Land section, Waianae, Oahu. Holawa (ho'-lawa) : to make suffi- cient. Land section, Wailuku, Maui. Hoi lie (ho'-li'-le) : weak or drooping. Land section, Wailuku, Maui. Holilea (ho'-li-le'a) : sallow. Land section. Puna, Kauai. Holoikauwal (ho'lo-i-ka-u'wai) : run- ning in the water. Land section, Wailuku, Maui. Holoipunawai (ho'-loi-pu'na-wai) : washing at the spring. Land sec- tion, Molokai. Holokaupa (ho'lo-ka-u'pa) : chewing rapidly. Land section, Hanalei, Kauai. Holowa (ho'lo-wa') : time of running. Land section, Hamakualoa, Maui. Holu (ho'-lu): to bend over. Land section, Wailuku, Maui. Holualoa (ho-lua-lo'a) : long sliding course. Land section, North Kona, Hawaii. Homaikawaa (ho-ma'i-ka-wa'a) : bring the canoe here. Land section. Puna, Kauai. Honalo (ho-na'-lo) : to conceal. Land section. North Kona, Hawaii. Honaunau (ho-na'u-na'u) : to bite or chew. Land section. South Kona. Hawaii. Honohina (ho'no-hi'na) : Hina's gath- ering place. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Honohono (ho'no-ho'no) : a weed (Oplismensus compositus). Land section, Wailuku, Maui. HON 633 HOO Honohononui (ho'no-ho'no-nu'i) : large honohono. Land section, Hilo, Ha- waii. Honoipu (ho'no-i'pu) : calabash har- bor. Land section, Kohala, Ha- waii. Honokaa (ho'no-ka'a) : deflecting place of the wind. Village, Ha- makua, Hawaii. Honokahau (ho'no-ka-ha'u) : cluster of hau trees. Land section, North Kona, Hawaii. Honokahua (ho'no-ka-hu'a) : harbor of the fruit. Land section, Kaana- pali, Maui. Honokaia (ho'no-kS-i'a) : the fish gathering. Land section, Hama- kua, Hawaii. Honokaia (ho'no-ka-la') : harbor of the sun. Land section, Hamakua- loa, Maui. Honokalani ( ho'no-ka-la'ni ) : harbor of the chief. Land section, Hana, Maui. Honokane (ho'no-ka'ne) : base of a man's head. Land section, Koha- la, Hawaii. Honokane Head (ho'no-ka'ne): Head- land, East Kohala, Hawaii. Honokaupu (ho'no-ka-u'pu) : shelter place of the albatross. Land sec- tion, Molokai. Honokawailani (ho'no-ka-wa'i-la'ni) : joining of heavenly waters. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Honokeana (ho-no-ke-ana) : harbor of the cave. Land section, Kaana- pali, Maui. Honokoa (ho'no-ko'S) : a collection of soldiers. Land section, Napali, Kauai. Honokohau (ho'no-ko-ha'u) : gather- ing of heavy dew. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Honokowai (ho'no-ko-wai) : harbor of the water. Land section, Kaa- napali, Maui. Honokua (ho'no-ku'a.) : harbor of the back country. South Kona, Hawaii. Honolli (ho'no-li'i): small joinings. Stream, Hilo, Hawaii. Honoiua (ho'no-lu'a) : two harbors. Land section, Kaanapali, Maui. Honolulu (ho'no-lu'lu): fair haven. Land section, Koolau, Maui. Also city and county, Oahu. Honomaele (ho'no-ma-e'le) : smeared bono. Land section, Hana, Maui. Honomainoa (ho'no-mai-no'a) : gath- ering almost released. Land sec- tion, Hilo, Hawaii. Honomakau (ho'no-m3,-ka'u) : fright- ened union. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Honomalino (ho'no-ma-li'no) : calm harbor. Land section. South Kona, Hawaii. HoJiomanu (ho'no-ma'nu') : shoulders puffed with fatness. Land sec- tion, Koolau, Maui. Honomu (ho'no-mu') : gathering of the mu. Land section, Hilo, Ha- waii. Honomuni (ho'no-mu'-ni) : derivation unknown. Land section, Molokai. Honopou (ho'no-pou): post gather- ing. Land section, Hamakualoa, Maui. Honopu (ho'no-pu): gathering to- gether. Land section, Napali, Kauai. Honopue (ho'no-pu'e) : many hill- plantings. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Honopueo (ho'no-pue'o) : owl's gath- ering place. Land section, Kohala. Hawaii. Honouliuli (ho'no-u'li-u'li) : green harbor. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Honouliwal (ho'no-u'li-wa'i) : dark, sheltered water. Land division, Southeast Molokai. Honuaino (ho'-nua-i'no) : evil land. Land section. North Kona, Hawaii. Honuakaha (ho'-nua-ka'h^) : furrowed ground. Land section, Oahu. Honuakaua (ho'-nua-ka'ua) : battle- ground. Land section, Walluku, Maui. Hojiuapo (ho'nu-apo') : turtle's em- brace. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Honuaula (ho'-nua-u'ia) : red land. Land section. North Kona, Hawaii. Honuokaha (ho'-nuo-kaha) : flat land. j Land section, Oahu. Hookapuna (ho'o-ka-pu'na) : seeking to be friendly. Land section, Hana. Maui. Hookena (ho'o-ke'-na) : to furnish drink. Land section, South Kona, Hawaii. Hookio (ho'o-ki'o) : to spread out. Land section, Lanai. Hookunul (ho'o-ku-nu'i): a large re- fusal. Land section, Lanai. \ Hookupualil (ho'o-ku-pu-ali'i) : chief's tribute. Land section, Molokai. HOO 634 ILI Hoolawa (ho'o-la'-wa) : complete. Land section, Hamakualoa, Maui. Hoolehua (ho'o-le-hu'a) : resembling lehua. Land section, Molokai. Hooleinaiwa (ho'o-lei-na-i'wa) : ' iwa ferns thrown away. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Hoolele (ho'o-le'-le) : to let fly. Land section, Wailuku, Maui. Hoolua (ho'o-lua): the north wind Land section, Lahaina, Maui. Hoomanamana (ho'o-mana-mana) : sorcery practices. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. Hooneenee (ho'o-ne'e-ne'e) : moving little by little. Land section, Puna, Kauai. Hoopahelo (ho'o-pa'-helo) : to slip. Land section, Wailuku, Maui. Hoopala (ho*o-pa'-la) : to ripen. Land section, Hanalei, Kauai. Hoopuloa (ho-o'pu-lo'a) : to lengthen an expanse. Land section. South Kona, Hawaii. Hoowalioahewa (ho'o-wa'li-oa-he'wa,) : mixed by mistake. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Hope (ho'-pe) : deputy, or behind. Land section, Puna, Kauai. Hopekea (ho'-pe-ke'a) : last objec- tion or obstacle. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Hopenui (ho'pe-nu'i) : great end. Land section, Koolau, Maui. Hopeolaa (ho'pe-o-la'a) : after con- secration. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Hopoe (ho-po'e): name of Hiiaka's friend. Land section, Oahu. Hopuhewa (ho'-pu-he'wa) : wrongly caught. Land section, Molokai. Huaipaako (hu'-ai-pa'a-ko) : digging in virgin field. Land section, Oahu. Huaiula (hu'-ai-u'la) : red digging. Land section, Oahu. Huakakui (hu'a-ka-ku'i) : hot stone cooked eggs . Land section, La- haina, Maui, Huakolea (hu'a-ko'-lea) : plover's egg. Land section, Wailuku, Maui. Hualalai (hu'-a'la-lai) : obstructing the flow. Crater, North Kona, Hawaii. Hualele (hu'a-le'le) : flying seed. Land section, Kaupo, Maui. Hualua (hu'a-lu'a) : two fruits. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Huawai (hu'a-wai) : water gourd. Bay west of Manele, Lanai. Huehue (hu'e-hu'e) : to stir up. Vil- lage, North Kona, Hawaii. Huelo (hu'-elo): tail. Land section, Hamakualoa, Maui. Huelopoe (hu'-elo-po'e) : company of tails. Beach and bay, Lanai. Huewa (hu'-e'wa) : crooked outflow. Stream, Oahu. Huilua (hu'i-lu'a): two companies. Land section, Kaupo, Maui. Hukiaa (hu'-ki-a'a) : pulling roots. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Hulalii (hu'-la-li'i) : chief's dance. Crater in Haleakala, Maui. Huleia (hu'-le'-ia) : to be lifted up. Stream, Puna, Kauai. Hulihana (hu'-li-ha'na) : search for work. Land section, Hana, Maui. Hulillii (hu'-li'i-li'i) : small overflow. Stream, Mauna Kea, Hawaii. Hulumanai (hu'lu-ma-na'i) : feather- work needle. Land section, Puna, Hawaii. Humuula (hu'-mu-u'-la) : name of a very hard stone. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Hunawal (hu'na-wa'i) : a particle of water. Land section, Oahu. lamo (i-a'mo): to leap without splash into the water. Beach, Lanai. lao (i'a-o) : towards dawn. Valley, Wailuku, Maui. lemi (i-e'mi) : to reduce. Land sec- tion, Oahu. li (i'i'): mouldy. Land section, Koo- laupoko, Oahu. liiiliapua (i'li-i'li-a-pu'a) : pebbles of Kapua. Point, Lanai. Iliililoa (i'li-ili'-lo'a) : long pebble ! section. Land section. Puna, Ha ! waii, lliilipoko (i'li-i'li-po'ko) : short stretch of gravel. Land section, Kipahulu, Maui. Ilikahi (i'li-ka'-hi) : scraped bark or skin. Land section. South Kona, ^ Hawaii. I llikoele (i'li-ko'ele) : a small dry land division. Land section, Wai- alua, Oahu. ILI 635 KAA lliokaloa (i'-lio-ka'loS,) : dog of Kana- loa. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Ilolekaa (i'-lole-ka'a), to radiate var- iedly. Land section, Koolaupoko. Oahu. Noli (IMo-li): rank smells. Land section, Molokai. Inaikolea (i'-nai-ko'leS) : plover deli- cacies. Land section, Oahu. Inaikoloa (i'-nai-ko'-loa) : duck deli- cacies. Land section, Oahu. Inaikumu (i'-nai-ku'mu) : substantial food. Land section, Waialua. Oahu. Inaiokama (i'-nai-o-k&ma) : Kama's delicacies. Land section, Waia- lua, Oahu. lolc (i-o'le): rat. Land section, Ko- hala, Hawaii. lolekaa (io'le-ka'a) : rolling rat. Land section, Koolau, Oahu. louli (i'o-u'li): dark flesh. Land sec- tion, Koolau, Oahu. Iwl o Pcic (i'-wi o Pe'-le): Pele's bone. Hill, Hana, Maui. Iwilei (i'wi-le'i): collar bone. Land section, Oahu. K Ka (ka'): to overthrow. Land sec- tion, Kahikinui, Maui. Kaa (ka-a') : the burning. Land section, Lanai. Kaa (ka'a) : to roll. Land section, Lanai. Kaaa (ka-a'-a) : the dumb person. Land section, Wailuku, Maui. Kaaaiawa (ka'a-ai-a'-wa) : increasing soreness from awa drinking. Land section, Oahu. Kaaawa (ka-a'-a'wa) : the aawa (fish), Lepidaplois sp. Valley, Koolauloa, Oahu. Kaahakini (ka'-a'ha-ki'-ni) : the large retinue. Stream, East Mauna Kea, Hawaii. Kaahaloa (ka'-aha-lo'a) : the long cord. Land section, Oahu. Kaahukahua (ka-a'hu-kahu'a) : the memorial pile. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Kaahukuula (ka'-ahu-ku'-ula) : the fish-god's cairn. Hill, Southeast Kauai. Kaaihee (ka'-ai'-he'e) : squid eating. Land section, Oahu. Kaailau (ka-ai'-iau) : leaf food. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kaaimano (ka'-ai-mano') : the shark eater. Land section, Oahu. Kaaipu (ka'a-i'pu) : Calabash roll- ing. Land section, Oahu. Kaaipuaa (ka'-a-i-pua'a) : the hog's neck. Land section, Oahu. Kaakaanui (ka'a-ka'a-nui) : extensive rolling: Land section, Koolau. Kauai. Kaakau (ka-a'kau) : the right, or north. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Kaakaukukui (ka'a-kau-ku-ku'i) : radi- ating place for lamp. Land sec- tion, Oahu. Kaakauohau (ka'-a'kau-o-hau) : to the north of hibiscus. Land section. Ewa, Oahu. Kaakaupapa (ka'-a'kau-pa'pa) : shal- lows at the right. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kaakauwai (ka-a'kau-wai) : the wa- ter of the right. Land section. Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kaakauwaihau (ka'-a'kau-wa'i-hau) : rebundle to the right. Land sec- tion), Ewa, Oahu. Kaakepa (ka'a-ke'-pa) : snap. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Kaakoa (ka-a'-koa) : a snuff-colored tapa. Land section, Waianae. Oahu. Kaakopua (ka-a'-ko-pua) : picking flowers. Land section, Oahu. Kaala (ka-alS): the fragrance. Wai- anae Range, highest part, Oahu. Kaalaa (ka'a-la'a): sacred radiance. Land section. Oahu. Kaalaala (ka'-a'lS-a'ia) : the conva- lescent. Land section, Kau, Ha- waii. Kaalaalalo (ka'a-la'a-la'lo) : lower Kaalaa. Land section, Oahu. Kaalaaluna (ka'a-la'aiu'na) : upper Kaalaa. Land section, Oahu. Kaalaea (ka'-a'-laea) : red ocher. Land section. Hamakualoa, Maui. Kaalalkl (ka'-ala-i'-ki) : the small pebbles. Land section, Kau, Ha- waii. Kaalaino (ka-ala-i'no) : the bad road. Land section. Wailuku, Maui. Kaalakea (ka'-aiake'a) : the white path. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Kaalau (ka'a-ia'u): leaf removal. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Kaalawai (ka'-aia-wa'I) : the water way. Land section, Oahu. KAA 636 KAH Kaalawaikini (ka'-ala-wa'i-ki'ni) : the numerous water-ways. Land sec- tion, Hamakua, Hawaii. Kaalele (ka'a-le'le) : the messenger. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kaaleo (ka'a-le'o) : observation point. Land section, Oahu. Kaalo (ka-a'lo) : to pass by. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kaalualu Landing (ka-a'lu-a'lu) : the rough, uneven. Kau, Hawaii. Kaamola (ka'a-mo'la) : turning round. Land section, Molokai. Kaanalau (ka'-ana-la'u) : numerously divided. Land section, Koolaupo- ko, Oahu. Kaanana (ka'-a'-na-na) : the fathom. Land section, Oahu. Kaanapali (ka'a-na-pa'li) : rolling precipices. District, Lahaina, Maui. Kaaniu (ka'a-ni'u) : coconut-blossom sheath. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kaanokama (ka-a'no-ka'ma) : the child like. Land section, Koolau- poko, Oahu. Kaao (ka'-ao): the cloud. Hill, Ha- makua, Hawaii. Kaapahu (ka'a-pa'hu) : cut off. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Kaapaiaala (ka'a-pai-a-a'la) : the scented wall. Land section, Koo- lauloa, Oahu. Kaapi (ka-a'pi) : the gills of a fish. Land section, Waianae, Oahu. Kaapoko (ka'a-po'ko) : short Kaa. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Kaapuna (ka'a-pu'-na) : changing coral. Land section, South Kona, Hawaii. Kaauhaloa (ka'-au-ha'-lo'a) : long ca- noe shed. Land section, Oahu. Kaauhuhu (ka-au'-huhu) : the fish poison plant. Land section, Ko- hala, Hawaii. Kaaula (ka'a-u'la) : red radiation. Land section, Oahu. Kaaumakua (ka'-au'-ma'kua) : the ancestral spirit. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Kaaumoa (ka'-au'-mo'a) : the fowl period. Land section, Oahu. Kaauwaikahi (ka'-au-wa'i-ka'-hi) : the principal water-course. Land sec- tion, Oahu. Kaawaawa (ka'-a'wa-a'wa) : the bit- terness. Land section, Oahu. Kaawalii (ka'-a'wa-li'i) : the small harbor. Village, South Kona, Ha- waii. Kaawaloa (ka'-a'wa-lo'a) : the long harbor. Land section. South Kona, Hawaii. Kaawikiwiki (ka'a-wi'ki-wi'ki) : roll quickly. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Kaea (ka-e'a) : the dust-blown. Beach, Lanai. Kaee (ka-e'e) : the yellow wing- feathers of the oo. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kaehoeho (ka-e'ho-e'ho) : stone pil- lar. Land section, Kipahuiu, Maui. Kaehulua (ka-e'hu-lua) : the second blonde. Stream, Kawaihau, Kauai. Kaeleku (ka'-e'le-ku) : brittle stone. Land section, Hana, Maui. Kaelepulu (ka'-e'le-pu'lu) : the wet night. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kaeleuli (ka'-e'le-u'li) : the dark shade of blue. Land section, Koo- laupoko, Oahu. Kaena (ka'e-na) : room. Land sec- tion, Koolauloa, Oahu. Kaena (ka'-e'na) : the hot anger. Land sections, various localities. Kaeo (ka-e'o): winner. Land sec- tion, Honuaula, Maui, Kaha (ka'-ha) : land unsuited for upland taro growth. Land sec- tion, Kohala, Hawaii. Kahaea (ka'-ha-e'a) : dusty barren- ness. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Kahaha (ka'-ha-ha') : the wooden net for catching oopu. Land sec- tion, Oahu. Kahaiamano (ka'-hai-a-ma'no) : Ka- hai of Mano. Stream, Oahu. Kahaiao (ka-ha'i-a'o) : the day sac- rifice. Land section, Oahu. Kahakaaulana (ka-ha'ka-au'-lana) : the ford. Kalihi inlet, Oahu. Kahakaha ka'ha-ka'ha) : marking. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kahakahuna (ka'ha-ka'-huna) : priest mark. Land section, Waialua, Oahu. Kahakai (ka'-ha-ka'i) : sea-beach. Land section, Oahu. Kahakuloa (ka-ha'ku-lo'a) : the long lord. Village stream and bay, Kaanapali, Maui. Kahakuohia (ka'-ha'ku-o'hia) : the lord of ohia trees. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Kahakupiele (ka-ha'ku-pi'ele) : the trading overseer. Land section, Wailuku, Maui. KAH 637 KAH Kahala (ka'-ha'lS) : the pandanus. Cape, Puna, Kauai. Kahalaa (ka'ha-la'a) : sacred mark. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kahalaia (ka'-ha'iai'a) : that is the transgression. Land section, Ha- makua, Maui. Kahalauluahlne (ka'-ha'iau-lu'a-hlne) : old womans' shed. Land section, Oahu. Kahalekauila (ka'-ha'-le-ka'uiia) : the kauila house. Land section, Koo- laupoko, Oahu. Kahalepaka (ka'-ha'le-pa'-ka) : the flattish house. Land section, Oahu. Kahalepuha (ka'-ha'le-puha') : the hole-torn house. Land section, Oahu. Kahalli (ka'-ha-li'i) : the spread. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Kahaloa (ka'haio'a) : long barren stretch. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kahaloaka (ka-ha'lo-a'ka) : the laughing peeper. Land section. Haleakala, Maui. Kahaloakai (ka'ha-lo'a-ka'i) : a long barren stretch seaward. Land section, Waialua, Oahu. Kahaluu (ka'-ha-lu'u) : dripping trough. Land section, North Kona, Hawaii. Kahana (ka'-ha'na) : the work. Land section. Koolauloa, Oahu. Kahanahaiki (ka'-hana-ha'iki) : nar- row Kahana. Land section, Waia- nae. Oahu. Kahanaiki (ka'-hana-i'ki) : the small duty. Land section, Waianae, Oahu. Kahananui (ka'-hana-nu'i) : the great undertaking. Land section, Molo- kai. Kahanui (ka'ha-nu'i) : great mark Land section, Kona, Molokai. Kahaohao (ka-ha'o-ha'o) : immature fruit. Land section, Oahu. Kahaole (ka-ha'ole): the foreigner. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Kahapaakai (ka'ha-pa'a-kai) : salt pans. Land section, Oahu. Kahapapa (ka-ha-pa'-pa) : the thinly covered rock stratum. Land sec- tion, Ewa, Oahu. Kahaualea (kaha'u-a'-lea) : the shel- tering hau. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Kahauiki (ka-ha'u-i'ki) : small ban tree. Land section, Oahu. Kahauko (ka-ha'u-ko') : heavy dew. Land section, Kona, Hawaii. Kahauloa (ka-ha'u-lo'a) : the long hau tree. Land section. South Kona, Hawaii. Kahaumakaawe (ka-ha'u-ma'ka-a'we) : the thinned hau. Land section, Oahu. Kahaupuupuu (ka-ha'u-pu'u-pu'u) : the gnarled hibiscus. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. (ka'ha-wa'i) : brook or Land section, Waialua, Kahawai stream. Oahu. Kahawaihapapa (kaha-wa'i-ha'-papa) : shallow aqueduct. Land section, Kahikinui, Maui. Kahawale (ka'ha-wa'le) : simply scratched. Land section, Oahu. Kahea (ka-he'a): the sore eyed. Beach, Lanai. Kaheeka (ka-he'e-ka') : the slippery squid. Land section, Waialua. Oahu. Kahehuna (ka'-he-hu'na) : hidden grave. Land section, Oahu. Kahei (ka-he'i): girdle. Land sec tion, Kohala, Hawaii. Kahema (ka-he'ma) : the south or left. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Kahemano (ka'-he-ma-no') : shark slitting. Beach place, Lanai. Kahlhia (ka'-hi'-hia) : tangled. Land section, Oahu. Kahikiea (ka-hi'ki-e'a) : lit. the re- covered breath. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Kahikinui (ka'-hiki-nu'i) : great Ta- hiti. District, Maui. Kahili (ka-hi'li): fly brush. Land section, Koolau. Kauai. Kahllinamaia (kahi'li-na-ma'ia) : cleared banana field. Land sec- tion, Wailuku, Maui. Kahlllpali (ka'-hili-pa'li) : cliff wav- ing. Land section, Kau. Hawaii. Kahinahlna (ka'-hi'na-hi'na) : the greyish color. Land section, La- nai. Kahlnano (ka'-hi'-na-no) : male flow- er of the pandanus. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Kahlnapokil (ka-hi'-na-po-ki'i) : the younger Hina. Stream, Mauna Kea, Hawaii. Kahoa (ka-ho'a): the companion. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kahoahaahaa (ka-ho'a-ha'a-ha'a) : humble friend. Land section, Koo- laupoko, Oahu. KAH 638 KAI Kahoahanau (ka-hoa-ha'nau) : a rel- ative by birth. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kahoahuna (ka-ho'a-hu'na) : the hid- den companion. Land section, Hilo. Hawaii. Kahoaiai (ka-ho'-aia'i) : coaxing to eat food. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Kahohonu (ka'-ho'-ho'-nu) : the depth. Land section, Oahu. Kahoi (ka-ho'i) : to return. Land sec- tion, Wailuku, Maui. Kahoiawa Bay (ka-ho'i-a'wa) : the returning harbor. North Kona, Hawaii. Kahoiwai (ka-ho'i-wa'i) : the return- ing water. Land section, Oahu. Kahokunui (ka-hoku-nu'i) : the large star. Land section, Lanai. Kaholi (ka-ho'-li) : the first appear- ance. Land section, Oahu. Kaholo (ka'-ho'lo) : the race, the running. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Kahololoa (ka-ho'lo-lo'a) : the long reef. Land section, Oahu. Kaholona (ka'-ho-lo'-na) : one un- skilled in his calling. Land sec- tion, Ewa, Oahu. Kahookane (ka-ho'o-ka'ne) : assum- ing manhood. Land section, Oahu. Kahoolanakio (ka-ho'o-la'na-kio) : the buoyant pool. Land section, Wai- anae, Oahu. Kahoolawe (ka-ho'o-la'we) : the tak- ing away. Island. Kahua (ka'-hu-a') : foundation, site. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Kahuahookolo (ka-hu'a-ho'o-ko'lo) : the crawling ground. Land sec- tion, Hilo, Hawaii. Kahuai (ka-hu'-ai) : the oven open- ing. Land section, Kaupo, Maui. Kahuai lanawai (ka-hu'a-i-la'na-wa'i) : fruits borne upon the waters. Stream, Kona, Oahu. Kahuauli (ka-hu'a-u'li) : the dark fruit. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kahue (kS-hu'e) : the gourd. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Kahui (ka-hu'i): junction. Land sec- tion, Oahu. Kahuku (ka-hu'ku) : the projection. Land section, Koolauloa, Oahu. Kahulul (ka-hu'-lu'i) : gathering to- gether. Town, Wailuku, Maui. Kahupilau (ka'-hu-pi'-lau) : unclean guardian. Land section, Oahu. Kahupuaa (ka'hu-pua'a) : swine herd- er. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Kahuwa (ka'-hu-wa') : time keeper. Stream, Hilo, Hawaii. Kahuwai (ka'-hu-wa'i) : water super- intendent. Land section. Puna, Hawaii. Kai (ka'i): sea. Land section, Wai- alua, Oahu. Kaiaakea (ka-i'a-a'kea) : the wide or broad fish. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Kaiaha (ka'i-a'-ha) : what sea. Land section, Wailuku, Maui. Kaiaka Bay (kai-a'ka) : laughing sea. Waialua, Oahu. Kaieie (ka-i'e-i'e) : the ieie vine (Freycinetia arnotti). Land sec- tion, Papaikou, Hawaii. Kaieiewaho (ka-i'e-ie-wa'ho) : the out- er dignified one. Channel be- tween Oahu and Kauai. Kaihikapu (ka'-ihi-ka'pu) : sacred, forbidden. Pond, Ewa, Oahu. Kaihjii (ka'i-hi'li) : twisted or lash- ing sea. Land section, Koolau- poko, Oahu. Kaihoa (ka'i-ho'a) : friendly sea. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Kaiholena (ka-i'ho-le'na) : the yel- low core. Land division, Kohala, Hawaii. Kalhooa (ka'i-ho'-oa) : dividing sea. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Kaihuiki (ka-i'hu-i'ki) : the small nose. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Kaihuna (ka'i-hu'na) : sea-spray. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kaihuokapuaa (ka-i'hu-o-ka-pua'a) : the hog's snout. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Kaiiki (ka'i-i'ki): small sea or tide. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kaikahi (ka'i-ka'hi) : one sea. Land section, Oahu. Kaiki (ka'i-ki') : squirting sea. Land section, Oahu. Kaiko (ka'i-ko'): policeman. Land section, Kona, Hawaii. KaikowowQ (ka'i-ko-wo'wo) : raging sea. Land section. Puna, Hawaii. Kailaa (ka'i-la'a) : consecrated sea. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kaili (ka-i'li) : the small district. Land section, Hana, Maui. Kaillkahl (ka-i'li-ka'hi) : the scraped skin or bark. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Kalllo (ka'-i'-lio) : the dog. Moun- tain, Waianae Range, Oahu. KAI 639 KAL Kaillu (ka'i-li'u): receding tide. Cape, Napali, Kauai. Kailiula (ka-i'li-u'la) : the red bark. Land section. Kau, Hawaii. Kailua (ka'i-lu'a): two currents of the sea. Land section, North Kona, Hawaii. Kaimakole (ka'i-m^ko'Ie) : reddish sea. Land section, Waialua, Oahu. Kaimi (ka-i'mi): the search. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kaimu (ka'i-mu'): silent sea. Vil- lage, Puna, Hawaii. Kaimu (ka-i'mu): the oven. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Kaimuki (ka-i'mu-ki') : the oven for ti root. Hill and locality in the city of Honolulu. Kaimuohena (ka-i'mu-o-he'na) : the oven of Hena. Land section, Oahu. Kalnallu (ka'i-na-li'u) : salt-water leaks. Village, north Hawaii. Kainalu (ka'i-na'lu) : surf. Land sec- tion, Kona, Molokai. Kainamu (ka'i-na'mu) : growling sea. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kainapuaa (ka'i-na-pua'a) : a pig sac- rifice. Land section, Oahu. Kainehe (ka'i-ne'he) : the murmur- ing sea. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Kainokama (ka'i-no-ka'-raa) : sea of Kama. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kaioa (ka'i-oa') : sea of snags. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kal o Kalohi (ka'i-o-Ka'-lohi) : sea of Kalohi. Channel between Mo- lokai and Lanai. Kaiolohia (ka'i-olo'-hi'a) : choppy sea. Bay, Lanai. Kaiolokea (ka'i-olo-ke'a) : white roll- ing sea. Land section, Waialua, Oahu. Kaipapa (ka'i-pa-pa) : shoal section. Land section, Kahikinui, Maui. Kaipapau (ka'i-pa-pa'u) : shallow sea Land section, Koolauloa, Oahu. Kaipuhaa (ka-i'pu-ha*a) : the low cal- abash. Land section, Kohala, Ha- waii. Kaiwi (ka-i'wi): the bone. Point, North Kona, Hawaii; and Oahu- Molokai channel. Kaiwiki (ka'i-wi'ki) : quick sea. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Kalwilahllahl (ka-i'wi-la'hi-la'hi) : the thin bone. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Kaiwiokaihu (ka-i'wi-o-ka-i'hu) : bone of the nose. Land section, Kona, Oahu. Kaiwipona (kai'wi-po'na) : the bone joint. Land section, Kona, Oahu. Kaiwipoo (ka-i'wi-po'o) : the skull. Mountain, Koolau range, Oahu. Kakaako (ka'-ka-a'ko) : prepare the thatching. Land section, Oahu. Kakaalaca (ka'ka-a'-laea) : red ocher duck. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Kakalahalc (ka-ka'ia-ha'le) : the side of a house. Land section, Kipa- hulu, Maui. KakanonI (kaka'-no'ni) : to split noni fruit. Land section, Kipahulu, Maui. Kakca (ka'-ke'a) : white stem. Su- gar Loaf Hill, Oahu. Kaklo (ka'-kio) : itch. Land section, Kaupo, Maui. Kaklwcka (ka'-ki-we'ki) : slimy sub- stance. Land section, Hana, Maul. Ka Lae (ki la'e) : the cape. South Point, Hawaii. Kalaeeha (ka-la'e-e'ha) : the painful cape. Elevation, North Hilo, Ha- waii. Kalaehonu (ka-la'e-ho'nu) : cape of the turtle. Cape, Halelea, Kauai. Kalaekoa (ka-la'e-ko'a) : the koa cape. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kalaeloa (ka-la'e-lo'a) : the long cape. Cape, Molokai. Kalaemilo (ka-la'e-mi'lo): cape of the milo tree. Cape, Koolau, Molokai. Kalacoaihe (kaia'e-oa'-ihe) : the split spear cape. Land section, Kaupo, Maui. Kalaeokahano (kaia'e-o-ka-ha'-no) : the cape of the desolate. Point, Lanai. Kalaeokahiu (kaia'e-o-ka-hi'u) : the cape of 'the fish's tail. Cape, Koo- lau, Molokai. Kalaeokaillo (kaia'i-o-ka-nio) : Cape of the dog. Cape, Kaluakol, Mo- lokai. Kalacokalaau (ka-la'e-o-ka-la'au) : cape of the tree. Cape, Kaluakol, Molokai. Kalaeokaoio (ka-la'e-o-ka-o'lo) : ghostly procession cape. Cape, Koolauloa, Oahu. Kalaeokapahu (kaia'e-o-ka-pa'hu) : cape of the drum. Cape, Koolau, Molokai. Kalaepaa (kaia'e-pa'a) : the fixed cape. Land section, Kona, Oahu. KAL 640 KAL Kalaepohaku (ka-la'e-po-ha'ku) : rocky cape. Land section, Oahu. Kalaheo (ka-la'-he'o) : proud day. Land section, Kauai. Kalahiki (ka-la'-hi'ki) : the day of arrival. Land section, South Kona, Hawaii. Kalaieha (ka-la'i-e'ha) : painfully hewn. Latitude station, North Hilo, Hawaii. Kalaihina (ka-la'i-hi'na) : hewing till it falls. Land section, Puna, Ha- waii. Kalakalaula (ka'la-ka'la-u'la) : red roughness. Land section, Hama- kua, Hawaii. Kalakehe (ka-la'-ke'he) : the crooked day. Land section, Kona, Hawaii. Kalakoele (ka-la'-ko'-ele) : the day for cultivating the chief's land. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Kalala (ka-la'la) : the branch. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Kalalau (ka-la'-la'u) : the wanderer. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Kalaloa (ka-la'-lo'a) : long day. Land section, Koolau, Maui. Kalaloha (ka-la'-lo'ha) : the depress- ing day. Land section, Koolau- poko, Oahu. Kalama (ka-la'ma) : the torch. Land section. South Kona, Hawaii. Kalamanamana (ka-la'-ma'na-ma'na) : the radiating sun. Land section, Oahu. Kalamaula (ka-la'ma-u'la) : the red torch. Land section, Molokai. Kalanakila (ka-la'na-ki'la) : the vic- torious. Land section, Oahu. Kalanlhele (ka-la'ni-he'le) : A jour- neying chief. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. , Kalanikaula (ka-la'ni-ka'n-la) : the prophet chief. Hill, Molokai. Kalaoa (ka-la'oa) : the choking. Land section, North Kona, Hawaii. Kalapa (ka-la'pa) : the ridge. Ridge, South Kona, Hawaii. Kalapaki (ka'la-pa'ki) : dividing side. Land section. Puna, Hawaii. Kalapamoa (ka-la'pa-mo'a) : the ridge of fowls. Ridge in Central Range, Molokai. Kalapana (ka'la-pa'na) : shooting field. Land section, Puna, Hawaii. Kalauao (ka-la'u-a'o) : the opening leaf. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Kalaulli (ka-la'u-li'i) : the small leaf. Land section, Waialua, Oahu. Kalaupapa (ka-la'u-pa'pa) : flat leaf of land. Land section, Koolau, Molokai. Kalawahine (ka-la'-wa-hi'ne) : wo- man's day. Land section, Oahu. Kalawao (ka'la-wa'o) : mountain-side wild woods. Land section, Koo- lau, Molokai. Kalehua (ka'-le-hu'a) : the metrosi- deros tree. Land section, Oahu. Kalehuahakihaki (ka'-le-hu'a-ha'ki-ha'- ki) : the broken metrosideros tree. Waimea, Kauai. Kaleinaopapio (ka-le'i-na-o-pa-pi'o) : leaping place of Papio. Cape, Koo- lau, Molokai. Kaleipaihala (ka-le'i-pai-ha'-la) : the bundle of pandanus wreaths. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. Kalelekamani (ka-le'le-ka'-ma'ni) : the kamani (Callophyllum inophyllum) altar. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kalena (ka-lena) : stretched or spread out. Name applied to sev- eral localities. Kalepa (ka-le'pa): the flag. Eleva- tion, Hamakua, Hawaii. Kalepeamoa (ka-le'pe-a-mo'a) : cock's comb. Elevation, Hamakua, Ha- waii. Kalepolepo (ka-le'po-le'po) : the dus- ty place. Land section, Wailuku, Maui. Kalia (ka-li'a) : salt marsh. Land section, Oahu. Kaliae (ka'-li-a'e) : wait awhile. Land section, Koolau, Maui. Kalialinui (kali-ali-nu'i) : a large me dicinal tree. Land section, Kula Maui. Kaliawa (ka'li-a'wa) : a waiting land ing place. Land section, Oahu. Kalie (ka'-lie') : name of a moun tain goddess. Land section, Waia lua, Oahu. Kalihi' (ka-li'hi) : the edge or bor der. Land section. South Kona Hawaii. Kalihikal (ka-li'hi-ka'i) : the sea ward edge. Land section, Halelea Kauai. Kalihiwai (ka-li'hi-wa'i) : the water border. Land section, Halelea, Kauai. Kalimaioa (ka-li'ma-lo'a) : the long arm. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu, KAL 641 KAM Kalimaohe (kaii'-ma-o'he) : the bam- boo arm. Land division, Lahaina. Maui. Kalirtiukele (ka-li'mu-ke'le) : the slimy sea-moss. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kaliu (ka-li'u): bilge water. Land section, Oahu. Kaliuwaa (ka-li'u-wa'a) : the canoe leak. Valley and falls, Koolauloa, Oahu. Kaloa (ka-lo'S): the length. Land section. Koolauloa, Oahu. Kaloaloa (ka-lo'-a-lo'a) : the extreme length. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Kaloi (ka-lo'i): taro patch. Land section, Honuaula, Maui. Kaloiiki (ka-lo'i-i'ki) : small taro patch. Land section, Oahu. Kaloko (ka-lo'ko): the fish pond. Land section, North Kona, Hawaii. Kalokoele (ka-lo'ko-e'le) : the black pond. Land section, Oahu. Kalokohonu (ka-lo'ko-ho'nu) : the tur- tle pond. Land section, Oahu. Kalokoloa (ka-lo'-ko-lo'a) : the long pond. Land section, Koolaupoko. Oahu. Kalolo (ka'-lo-lo') : the imbecile. Vil- lage, Hamakua, Hawaii. Kalona (ka-lo'-na) : canoe resting blocks. Land section, Kau, Ha- waii. Kaiopa (ka'-lo-pa') : the commoner. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Kalopue (ka'lo-pu'e) : taro hillock. Land section, Wailuku, Maui. Kalou (ka-lo'u): the hook. Land section, Oahu. Kalua (ka-lu'a): the pit or crater Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Kaluaaha (ka-lu'a-a'ha) : the coir net pit. Land section, Molokai. Kaluaahulu (ka-lu'a-a-hu'lu) : the ripening pit. Land section, Koo- laupoko, Oahu. Kaiuaaihakoko (ka-lu'a-ai-ha'-ko-ko) : the wrestling pit. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kaluaaikoa (ka-lu'a-ai-ko'S) : the sol- dier's eating hole. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kaluaalaea (ka-lu'S-a'-laeS) : red ocher pit. Land section, Oahu. Kaluaauau (kS-lu'S-a'u-a'u) : the bath- ing pool. Land section, Oahu. Kaluahauoni (k^-lu'^-hau-o'ni) : the moving hau pit. Elevation, Molo- kai. Kaluaholc (ka-lu'a-ho'le) : pit for peeling vegetables. Land section, Oahu. Kaluahonu (k4-lu'a-ho'nu) : deep pit. Land section, Niihau. Kaluakailio (ka-lu'S-ka-i'lio) : the pit of the dog. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Kaluakanaka (kaiu'S-kana'ka) : the man hole. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. Kaluakauwila (k;Vlu'a-kau-wi'ia) : the kauwila pit. Land section, Koo- laupoko, Oahu. Kaluakol (kS-lu'ako'i) : the stone adz quarry. Land section, Molo- kai. Kalualaau (k^-lu'a-la'au) : the wood- ed pit. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Kalualaea (ka-lu'^-la'c^) : the red ochre pit. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Kalualoa (kaiu'^-lo'^) : the long pit. Land section, Oahu. Kaluamakani (ka-lu'a-ma-ka'ni) : the windy crater. Hamakua, Hawaii. Kaluanui (ka-lu'a-nu'i) : great pit. Land section, Koolauloa, Oahu. Kaluaokau (ka-lu'a-o-ka'u) : the grave of Kau. Land section, Oahu. Kaluaolapauila (ka-lu'a-o-la'-pau-i'ia) : grave of Lapauila. Elevation, South Kona, Hawaii. Kaluaolohe (ka-lu'a-olo'he) : the rob- ber's hole. Land section, Oahu. Kaluaopalena (ka-lu'a-o-pa'-lena) : the grave of Palena. Land section, Oahu. Kaluapalolo (kaiu'a-palo'lo) : the clay pit. Land section. Koolau- poko. Oahu. Kaluapllau (ka-lu'a-pi'-lau) : the bad smelling pit. Land section, Oahu. Kaluapuhl (ka-lu'a-pu'hi) : the eel's hole. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kaluapulu (kft-lu'S-pu'lu) : the drenched pit. Land section, Oahu. Kaluawahinc (kaiu'a-wahi'ne) : the feminine pit. Land section, Koo- laupoko, Oahu. Kalukalu (kS'-lu-ka'lu) : sea grass. Land section, South Kona, Hawaii. Kaiulu (ka-lu'lu): the calm. Land section, Lanai. Kama (ka'-mS) : an offspring. Ditch, lao valley, Wailuku, Maui. Kamaec (kS'-mA-e'e) : kind or ac- tive child. Land section, Hilo, Ha- waii. KAM 642 KAM Kamaewaewa (ka'ma-e'wa-e'wa) : ill- treated child. Land section, Bwa, Oahu. Kamaha (ka-ma'ha) : the rest. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kamahoe (ka-ma'hoe) : the twin. Land section, Wailuku, Maui. Kamaihi (ka-ma-i'-hi) : the peeler or stripper. Land section, Oahu. Kamaiki (ka'ma-i'ki) : a small child. Point, southwest coast, Lanai. Kamaile (ka-ma'ile) : name of a fra- grant vine (Alyxia olivaeformis). Land section, Waianae, Oahu. Kamaino (ka-ma-i'no) : the bad child. Land section, Koolau, Maui. Kamaipipipi (ka-ma'i-pi-pi'pi) : ail- ment with thick eruptions. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Kamakailio (ka-ma'ka-i'lio) : the dog's eye. Land section, Oahu. Kamakalepo (ka-ma'ka-le'po) : the dirty eyed. Land section, Koolau- poko, Oahu. Kamakama (ka'-ma-ka'-ma) : prosti- tute. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Kamakaolohe (ka-ma'ka-o-lo'he) : without eyelashes. Land section, Kona, Hawaii. Kamakela (ka-ma'-ke-la') : death from sunstroke. Land section, Oahu. Kamakou (ka'-ma-ko'u) : young kou grove. Elevation, Molokai. Kamakuaiwa (ka'-maku'a-i'wa) : the ninth parent. Land section, Waia- nae, Oahu. Kamalama (ka'-ma'-la-ma) : the month. Land section, Oahu. Kamali (ka-ma'li) : cavern section. Land section. Puna, Hawaii. Kamalie (ka'-ma-li'e) : still or calm period. Land section, Waialua, Oahu. Kamalo (ka'-ma-lo') : the dry spell. Land section, Molokai. Kamalokauhola (ka-ma'lo-kau-ho'lS,) : the expanded girdle. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Kamalomaloo (ka-ma'lo-ma-lo'o) : the dry girdle. Land section, eastern Kauai. Kamalua (ka'ma-lu'a) : two children. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Kamaluhale (ka-ma'lu-ha'le) : the house shade. Land section, Oahu. Kamamaloo (ka'-ma-ma'lo'o) : a dry cavern. Land section. Puna, Kauai. Kamanaiki (ka-ma'na-i'ki) : the nar- row path. Land section, Oahu. Kamananui (ka-ma'-na-nu'i) : the wide path. Land section, Oahu. Kamanawa (ka'-ma-na'-wa) : the seat of thought. Point, Kaupo, Maui. Kamani (ka'-ma'-ni) : a tree (Calo- phyllum inophyllum). Land sec- tion, Lahaina, Maui. Kamano (ka'-mano') : the shark Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Kamanolepa (ka-ma'no-le'pa) : the numerous pennants. Land section, Oahu. Kamanoni (ka'ma-no'ni) : Noni's child. Land section, Molokai. Kamao (ka'-mao) : wild cotton plant. Land section, Lanai. Kamaoa (ka'ma-o'a) : bereaved of children. Village, Kau, Hawaii. Kamaohanui (ka'ma-o'ha-nu'i) : very thrifty child. Elevation, Waianae, Oahu. Kamaole (ka'ma-o'le) : childless. Land section, Kula, Maui. Kamaui (ka'ma-u'i) : a vigorous youth. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Kamauli (kama-u'li) : dark child. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Kamehame (ka-me'-ha'-me) : the me- harae tree (Antidesma pulvina- tum). Land section, Kula, Maui. Kamenehune (ka-me'ne-hu'ne) : a traditional race of dwarfs. Ditch, Waimea, Kauai. Kamilo (ka-mi'lo): milo tree (Thes- pesia populnea). Cape, Kau, Ha- waii. Kamiioloa (ka-mi'lo-lo'a) : long milo tree. Land section, Molokai. Kamilomilo (ka-mi'lo-mi'lo) : to twist. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Kamoa (ka-mo'a) : the fowl. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kamoamoa (ka-mo'a-mo'a) : the after up-turned part of a canoe. Land section. Puna, Hawaii. Kamoawaa ( ka-mo'a- wa'a) : canoe fowl. Land section, Oahu. Kamohio (ka'-mohi'o) : weary by sun exposure. Land section, Kauai. Kamoiliili (ka'-mo-i'li-i'li) : the peb- bly strip. Land section, Oahu. K am oka I a (ka'-mo-ka'la) : the for- given breakage. Land section, Ha- makua, Hawaii. Kamoku (ka-mo'ku) : the district di- vision. Land section, Oahu. Kamolokala (ka-mo'lo-ka'la) : the re- leased herald. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. KAM 643 KAN Kamomoa (ka-mo'-mo'a) : the liberal gift. Land section, Puna, Hawaii. Kamooakua (ka-mo'o-aku'a) : lizard god. Land section, Oahu. Kamooiki (ka-mo*o-i'ki) : small liz- ard. Land section, Oahu. Kamookahi (ka-mo'o-ka'hi) : the first land division. Land section, Oahu. Kamoolepo (ka-mo'o-le'po) : the ground lizard. Land section, Oahu. Kamooloa (ka-mo'o-lo'a) : the long land strip. Stream, Koloa, Kauai. Kamoomuku (ka-mo*o-mu'-ku) : strip cut short. Land section, Oahu. Kamoouku (ka-mo'o-u'ku) : the stunted lizard. Land section, Oahu. Kamouau (ka-mo'u-a'u) : the float- ing buoy. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Kamuku (ka-mu'ku): cut short. Land section, Kahikinui, Maui. Kamuliwai (ka-mu'li-wa'i) : the river. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Kana (ka'-na) : name of a demigod. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Kanaele (ka-na'ele) : the mire. Land section, Wailuku, Maui. Kanaha (ka'-na-ha') : forty. Ditch, Lihue, Kauai. Kanahena (ka'na-he'-na) : his naked- ness. Land section, Honuaula, Maui. Kanahoanahopu (ka'-na-ho-ana-hopu) : moved by seizure. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kanahonua (ka'na-ho-nu'a) : his earth. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Kanaio (ka-na'io) : the bastard san- dal wood. Land section, Kau, Ha- waii. Kanakakahi (kana'ka-ka'hi) : only one man. Land section, Oahu. Kanakau (ka'na-ka'u) : to get sight of one's face. Land section, South Kona, Hawaii. Kanakini (ka'na-ki'ni) : his retinue. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kanalaa (ka'-na-la'a) : holy edict. Land section, Oahu. Kanaloa (ka'na-lo'a) : one of the primary gods. Land section, Koo- laupoko, Oahu. Kanane (ka-na'-ne) : the riddle or conundrum. Land section, Puna, Hawaii. Kanapa (ka'na-pa') : his enclosure. Kanaueue (ka-na-u'e-u'e) : the trem- bling. Land section, Kona, Hawaii. Elevation, Molokai. Kaneatae (ka'ne-a'lae) : Kane's mud- hen. Land section, Koolauloa, Oahu. Kanealole (ka'ne-a-lo'le) : husband of Lole. Land section, Oahu. Kaneha (ka-ne'-h&) : a rustling sound. Ditch, Kawaihau, Kauai. Kanehoa (ka'ne-ho'a) : Kane's friend. Mountain, Waianae, Oahu. Kaneilio (ka'ne-i'lio) : Kane's dog Point, Waianae, Oahu. Kanekiki (ka'ne-ki'-ki') : squirting Kane. Land section, Puna, Hawaii. Kanekuakua (ka'ne-ku'S-ku'a) : man- chopper. Land section, Waialua, Oahu. Kaneloa (ka'ne-lo'a) : long man. Land section, Oahu. Kaneohe (ka'ne-o'-he) : a slim man. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kanepuolono (ka'ne-pu'-o-lo'no) : Ka- ne, hill of Lono. Land section, Waialua, Oahu. Kanepuu (ka'ne-pu'u) : Kane's hill. Hill, Lanai. Kaneulupo (ka'ne-ulu-po') : over- whelming Kane. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Kaneuwalu (ka'ne-u-wa'lu) : a scratching man. Land section. Oahu. Kanewai (ka'ne-wa'i) : water of Ka- ne. Land section, Oahu. Kaniahiku (ka'ni-a-hi'ku) : seventh sound. Land section). Puna, Ha- waii. Kaniaia (kS,'ni-aia) : an irreligious sound. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kaniaula (ka'ni-a-u'ia) : ringing in the ears. Land section, Kaupu. Maui. Kanlehula (ka-nie-hu'ia) : resort to dance. Land section, Waialua, Oahu. Kaniu (ka-ni'u): the coconut (Cocoa nucifera). Land section, Oahu. Kaniukukahl (ka-ni'u-ku-ka'hi) : the lone coconut tree. Land section, Oahu. Kanoapepeekeo (kS.'-no&-pe'-pe'e* ke'o) : Pepeekeo's awa bowl. Elevation, Hilo, Hawaii. KanohouluiwI (ka-no'ho-u'lu-i'wi) : the gathering place of bones. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kanonokunono (ka-no'no-ku'-no'no) : a distinct sound. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. KAN 644 KAP Kanui (ka-nu'i) : the largest. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kanukikepa (ka'nu-ki-ke'pa) : to plant one-sided. Land section, Oahu. Kanukuaula (ka-nu'ku-a-u'la) : the frame of a fish net. Land sec- tion, Oahu. Kanupoo (ka'-nu-po'o) : head plant- ing. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Kaoao (ka'o-a'o) : cry of the ao bird. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kaoawai (ka'-oa-wa'i) : the water opening. Land section, Oahu. Kaohai (ka'-o-ha'i) : the ohai shrub (Sesbania tomentosa). Land sec- tion, Lanai. Kaohali (ka'o-ha'li) : delay in bring- ing. Land section, Wailuku, Maui. Kaohao (ka-oha'o) : the finished end of a thing. Land section, Koo- laupoko, Oahu. Kaohaoha (ka-o'ha-o'ha) : fond rec- ollection. Land section, Hilo, Ha- waii. Kaohe (ka-o'he) : the bamboo. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Kaoheiki (ka-o'he-i'ki) : the small bamboo. Stream, East Mauna Kea, Hawaii. Kaohl (ka-o'hi): the collection. Land section, Lanai. Kaohia (ka'-o'hia) : the mountain apple. Land section, Wailuku, Maui. Kaoio (ka'-oi'o) : the ghostly proces- sion. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kaolokea (ka-o'lo-ke'a) : laying in all directions. Land section, Wai- anae, Oahu. Kaoma (ka-o'ma) : oven. Land sec- tion, Kohala, Hawaii. Kaonohiokala (ka-ono'hi-o-ka-la') : the eyeball of the sun. Land section, Lanai. Kaonolu (ka-o-no'lu) : elastic dart. Land section, Lanai. Kaonoulu (ka-o'no-u'lu) : craving for breadfruit. Land section, Kula, Maui. Kaopa (ka-o'pa): rheumatism, lame- ness. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kaopala (ka-o'-pala) : rubbish. Land section, Kaupo, Maui. Kaopilopllo (ka-o-pi'lo-pi'lo) : stag- nant marsh. Land section, Lahai- na, Maui. Kaopulolia (ka-o'pu-lo-li'a) : the changeable protuberance. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu, Kaowahi (ka'-o-wa'hi) : pumice stone. Cape, Halelea, Kauai. Kapaa (ka'-pa'a) : fast, firm. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Kapaahu (ka'pa-a'hu) : tapa cloak. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Kapaakea (ka-pa'a-ke'a) : whitish rock. Land section, Molokai. Kapaapaa (ka-pa'a-pa'a) : the burnt. Land section, Waialua, Oahu. Kapaau (ka'pa-a'u): a place in the temple where offerings to the god were laid. Land section. Kohala, Hawaii. Kapaele (ka'pa-e'le) : dark tapa. Land section, Oahu. Kapaeli (ka-pa-e'li) : bank digging. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Kapaeloa (ka-pa'e-lo'a) : longstand- ing. Land section, Waialua, Oahu. Kapahaha (ka'pa-ha'ha) : swollen neck. Land section. Oahu. Kapaheehee (ka'-pa-he'e-he'e) : the slippery road. Stream. East Mau- na Kea, Hawaii. Kapahi (ka-pa'hi): standing on edge Stream. East Mauna Kea, Hawaii. Kapahu (ka-pa'hu): the starting point. Land section, Oahu. Kapahukauila (ka-pa'hu-ka'u-ila) : the kauila box. Land section, Wailu- ku, Maui. Kapahulu (ka'pa-hu'lu) : feather garment. Land section, Oahu. Kapahumanamana (ka-pa'hu-ma'na- ma'na) : a box with projectiles. Land section, Lahaina. Maui. Kapaia (ka'-pa'i-a) : the side wall Village, Lihue, Kauai. Kapaka (ka'-pa'ka): the flat cala- bash. Land section, Koolauloa. Oahu. Kapakahi (ka'pa-ka'hi) : one sided. Land section. Oahu. Kapakapa (ka'pa-ka'pa) : fictitious. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kapakini (ka'-pa-ki'ni) : related en- closure. Land section, Oahu. Kapalaalaea (ka'-pa-la'a-la'ea) : daubed with reddish soil. Land section. North Kona, Hawaii. Kapalae (ka'-pa-la'e) : marked fore- head. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kapalaha (ka'-pa-la'ha) : the spread- ing. Land section, Oahu. KAP 645 KAP Kapalal (ka'-pa'lai) : the fern (Mi-j crolepia strigosa). Land section, KoolaupoRo, Oahu. Kapalaia (ka'pS-la'-ia) : marked. Land section, Kula, Maui. Kapalama (ka-pa'-la'ma) : fence of lama wood. Land section, Oahu. Kapalaoa (ka'-pa'laoa) : the ivory hook ornament. Elevation, Hana- pepe, Kauai. Kapalaua (ka'pa-la'ua) : they two (were) named. Land section, Wai- luku. Maui. Kapalepo (ka-pa'-le'po) : dirty in- closure. Land section, Oahu. Kapaleuea (ka-pa'le-u'-ea) : the shielded grief. Land section, Hilo. Hawaii. Kapalikea (ka-pa'li-ke'a) : the white cliff. Hill, Northern Kauai. Kapalilua (ka-pa'li-lu'a) : the second precipice. Land section, Kona, Hawaii. Kapaliluahine (ka-pa'li-lua-hi'ne) : the old woman's cliff. Land sec- tion, Oahu. Kapaloa (ka-pa'lo'a) : the long fence. Land section, Oahu. Kapana (ka-pa'na) : the (arrow) shooting. Land section, Koolau- poko, Oahu. Kapano (kS-pa'-no) : dark colored. Land section, Koolauloa, Oahu. Kapapahinui (ka'-pa-pa'hi-nu'i) : be- stowal of great honors. Land sec- tion, Ewa, Oahu. Kapapaia (ka-pa-pa'la) : bird lime. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Kapapapuhi (ka-pa'pa-pu'hi) : the nu- merous eels. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Kapapou (kS-pa'-po'u) : the post en- closure. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Kapauhi (ka-pa'-u'hi) : the yam en- closure. Land section, Oahu. Kapaula (ka-pa'-u'la) : red inclosure. Land section, Koolau, Maui. Kapehu (ka-pe'hu) : swelling. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Kapehuaala (ka'-pe-hu'a-a'-ia) : fra- grant kape fruit. Elevation, Ka- paa, Kauai. Kapeke (ka-pe'-ke): dwarf like. Land section, Molokai. Kapena (kS-pe'na) : the bundle. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Kap=C2=ABnahulu (ka-pe'na-hu-lu) : the bundle of feathers. Elevation, Mo- lokai. Kapewakua (ka-pe'wa-ku'a) : the up- per part of a fish tail. Land sec- tion, Lahaina, Maui. Kapia (ka-pi'S): the arrowroot (Tacca pinnatifida). Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kapiiipili (ka-pi'li-pi'li) : the sticky place. Land section, Oahu. Kapiwal (ka-pi'-wa'i) : oozing water. Land section, Oahu. Kapohakunui (k^-po'haku-nu'i) : the large rock. Land section, Koo- laupoko, Oahu. Kapoho (ka'-po'-ho) : the mortar. Land section. Puna, Hawaii. Kapokea (ka-po'-ke'a): the clear night. Land section, Wailuku, Maui, Kapoula (k^-po'-u'l^) : the red night. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Kapouwailua (ka-po'u-wa'i-lu'i) : the two-stream post. Land section. Waialua, Oahu. Kapu (ka'-pu) : restricted. Land sec- tion, Oahu. Kapua (ka-pu'a): the flower. Land section. South Kona, Hawaii. Kapuaa (ka-pua'a): the pig. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kapuahau (ka-pu'a-ha'u) : the hibis- cus flower. Land section, Waia- nae, Oahu. Kapuahialua (ka'pu-a'hi-alu'i) : two furnaces. Land section, Waialua, Oahu. Kapuai (ka-pu-a'i): footprint. Land I section, Ewa, Oahu. I Kapuaihalulu (ka-pua'i-ha'-lu'lu) : ! trembling footsteps. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Kapuaiklnl (ka-pu-a'i-ki'ni) : myriad footsteps. Land section, Kipahulu, Maui. Kapuai o Kamehameha (k^-pu-a'i o Ka-me'ha-me'ha) : foot step of Ka- mehameha. Hamakualoa, Maui. Kapualei (ka-pu'aie'i) : flower j wreath. Land section, Molokai. 1 Kapuaokoolau (ka-pu'^-o-ko'o-la'u) : i flower of Koolau. Land section. Molokai. Kapue (ka-pu'e): the thrust. Stream, South Hilo, Hawaii. Kapueokahl Harbor (ka-pu'eo-ka'hi) : the lone owl. Hana, Maui. Kapuhi (ka-pu'hi): the eel. Cape, Halelea, Kauai. Kapuiki (k^-puM'ki) : the small I gun. Land section, Koolaupoko, ! Oahu. KAP 646 KAU Kapukaiki (ka-pu'ka-i'ki) : the small outlet. Elevation, North Kona, Hawaii. Kapukaki (ka-pu'-ka'-ki) : the petu- lant trumpet shell. Land section, Oahu. Kapukaulua ( ka-pu'ka-u'lua ) : the ulua (fish) opening (Carangus sp.). Point, Hana, Maui. Kapukokuu (ka'-pu-ko'-ku'u) : the bundle of released cane. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kapulanihoawa (kapu-la'ni-ho'-awa) : oppressive temple restriction. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kapulena (ka-pu'-le'na) : yellow trumpet shell. Land section, Ha- makua, Hawaii. Kapuna (ka-pu'na) : the spring. Land section, Oahu. Kapunakea (ka-pu'na-ke'a) : whitish limestone. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. Kapunapuna (ka-pu'na-pu'na) : the mealy substance. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Kapuni (ka-pu'ni) : circuit. Land section, Oahu. Kapuoho (ka-pu-oho) : startled. Land section, Wailuku, Maui. Kapuuiki (ka-pu'u-i'ki) : the small hill. Land section, Oahu. Kapuukolo (ka-pu*u-ko'lo) : the crawl- ing hill. Land section, Oahu. Kapuupoi (ka-pu'u-po'i) : the poi hill. Cape, Molokai. Kau (ka-u'): the breast. District, Hawaii. Kauaea (ka'u-a'-ea) : placed until one arises. Land section. Puna, Hawaii. Kauahia (ka'u-a'hia) : how many seasons. Land section, Kona, Ha- waii. Kauai (ka'u-a'i) : to place out to dry. Island. Kauaikanana (ka-u'^-i-ka'-nana') : the rain that holds you in. Stream, Waimea, Kauai. Kauaka (ka'u-a'ka) : upheld shadow. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Kauakailoko (ka'u-a'kai-lo'ko) : place one fish-pond. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Kaualea (ka'u-a'-lea) : placed agree- ably. Land section, Puna, Hawaii. Kauamanu (ka'ua-ma'nu) : war of birds. Land section, Hana, Maui. Kauamoa (ka'ua-mo'a) : battle of fowls, land section, Oahu. Kauaopai (ka-u'a-o-pa'i) : the drench- ing rain. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Kauaopuu (kau'a-o-pu'u) : swelling battle. Mountain, Waianae, Oahu. Kauapoolei (ka-u'a-po'o-le'i) : the head-wreath rain. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Kauau (ka-u'a'u) : the uau bird. Land section, Kula, Maui. Kauaula (kau'a-u'la) : red war. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. Kaueleau (ka'u'-e'le-a'u) : season of dark tide. Land section, Puna, Hawaii. Kauhako (ka'u-ha'-ko) : dragged in- testines. Land section, South Kona, Hawaii. Kauhapakue (ka'u-ha'-pa-ku'-e) : place crooked. Land section, Oahu. Kauhikio (ka-u'hi-ki'o) : pool cover- ing. Land section, Oahu. Kauhikolea (ka-u'hi-ko'-lea) : the kolea (tree) dye (Suttonia sp.). Land section, Oahu. Kauhiula (ka-u'hi-u'la) : red cover- ing. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Kauhiwai (ka-u'hi-wa'i) : the water veil. Land section, Waialua, Oahu. Kauhola (ka'u-ho'lS) : the art of stu- pefying fish. Cape, Kohala, Ha- waii. Kauhuhuula (ka'u-hu'hu-u'la) : red fish poison. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Kauihau (ka-u'i-ha'u) : the hibiscus wringer. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Kauiki (ka'u-i'ki) : my diminutive. Headland, Hana, Maui. Kaukahoku (ka'u-ka-hoku') : the stars have arisen. Land section, Oahu. Kaukonahua (ka'u-ko'-na-hu'a) : up- land place for fruits. Stream, Waialua, Oahu. Kauku (ka-u'ku): the flea. Hill, Hilo, Hawaii. Kaukuhalahala ( ka-u'ku-ha'la-ha'la ) : the disputed payment. Land sec- tion, Hana, Maui. Kaukulau (ka-u'ku-la'u) : the 400 payment. Land section. Puna, Ha- waii. KaulahukI (ka'u-la-h'kl) : a hauling rope. Mountain, Central Range, Molokai. Kaulaili (ka'u-la-i'li) : bark rope. Land section, Oahu. KAU 647 KAU Kaulakahi (ka'u-la-ka'hi) : lone rope. Channel, Nilhau, Kauai. Kaulalo (ka'u-la'lo) : hanging down. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. Kaulana (ka'u-lana) : famous. Land section, North Kona, Hawaii. Kaulanamauna (kau'-lana-ma'u-na) : mountain fame. Land section, South Kona, Hawaii. Kaulanamoa (ka'u-lan5-mo'a) : chicken fame. Land section, Kau- po, Maui. Kaulaula (ka-u'la-u'la) : the red one. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Kaulehua (ka'u-le-hu'a) : lehua (Met- rosideros polymorpha) placed. Land section, Kona, Hawaii. Kaulei (ka'u-le'i) : wreath placed. Land section, Koolau, Molokai. Kaulekohau (ka'u'le-ko'-hau) : the angered tenon. Land section, Ha- makua, Hawaii. Kaulekola (kS-u'le-ko'ia) : the en- larged tenon. Land section, Oahu. Kauleoki (ka-u'le-o'ki) : the cut ten- on. Land section, Oahu. Kauleoll (k^-u'le-o'li) : the exultant tenon. Land section, South Kona, Hawaii. Kaulikoli (ka'u-li-ko'-li) : pared for suspension. Land section, Oahu. Kaulolo (ka'u-lo'lo) : graduating sea- son. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. Kaulu (ka-u'lu): the breadfruit (Ar- tocarpus incisa). Land section, Oahu. Kauluena (ka-ulu-e'na) : filled with anger. Land section, Koolau, Maui. Kaulukanu (ka-u'lu-ka'nu) : the plant- ed breadfruit. Land section, Koo- laupoko, Oahu. Kaululoa (ka,-u'lu-lo'a) : the long growth. Land section, Koolaupo- ko, Oahu. Kauluoa (ka'-ulu-o'a) : the split breadfruit tree. Cape, South Kona, Hawaii. Kauluwela (kS-u'lu-we'ia) : the hot breadfruit. Land section, Oahu. Kaumahalua (ka'u-ma-ha-lu'S,) : dou- ble weight. Land section, Kaupo, Maui. Kaumaikahoku (ka'u-mai-ka-ho'-ku) : hang out the stars. Hill, Lanai. Kaumakani (ka'u-ma-ka'ni), wind swept. Land section, Kipahulu, Maui. Kaumakapili (ka'u-m^k=C2=A7.-pi'li) : closed eyes of Kau. Land section, Oahu. Kaumalumalu (ka'u-ma'lu-ma'lu) : shady place. Land section. North Kona, Hawaii. Kaumana (ka-u-mS'na) : the miracu- lous expression. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Kaumiumi (kS-u'mi-u'mi) : the beard. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Kaumoali (ka'u-mo'a'li) : strands suspended. Land section, Hama- kua, Hawaii. Kaumuilio (ka,-u'mu-i'lio) : an oven for baking dog. Land section, Wailuku, Maui. Kauna (ka'u-nS): the composite num- ber four. Cape, Kau, Hawaii. Kaunakakai (kau'na-ka-ka'i) : to go along in company of four. Village, Molokai. Kaunala (kau'-ni-lg') : the days are defined. Land section, Koolauloa, Oahu. Kaunaloa (kau'-naio'S) : long four. Land section, Puna, Hawaii, Kaunamano (kau'-nS,-ma'no) : succes- sive generations. Various sections, Hawaii. Kauniho (ka'u-ni'ho) : the interlock- ing of stones in setting a wall. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Kaunolu (ka'u-no'-lu) : to give prop- erty on a wager secretly. Land section, Lanai. Kaunuahane (ka-u'nu-a-ha'ne) : the temple of Hane. Land section, Honuaula, Maui. Kaunuohua (ka'u-nu-o'hu&) : the fam- ily conference. Elevation, Molokai. Kaupakuea (ka'u-pa'ku-e'i) : raised house ridge. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Kaupakuhale (ka'u-pa'ku-ha'le) : Ridgepole. Mountain, Hamakua, Hawaii. Kaupakulua (ka'u-paku-lua) : two ridgepoles. Land section, Hama- kualoa, Maui. Kaupaiaoa (ka'u-pa-ia'oa) : landing season of whale Ivory. Land sec- tion, Kohala, Hawaii. Kaupali (ka'u-pa'Ii) : on the preci- pice. Land section, Wailuku, Maui. Kaupo (k&'u-po'): night season. Dis- trict, Maui. Kaupuiehu ( k&'-u-puMehu ) : the broiled morsel. Land section; North Kona, Hawaii. Kauwaena (ka^u-w^'en^) : placed cen- tral. Land section. Oahu. KAU 648 KEA Kauwahine (ka'u-wa-hi'ne) : female servant. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Kauwalehua (kau'wa-le'-hua) : lehua servant. Land section, Puna, Ha- waii. Kauweakala (ka-u'we-a-ka-la') : the sun's lament. Land section, Koo- laupoko, Oahu. Kauwila (kau'-wila) : a tall tree (Al- phitonia ponderosa). Land sec- tion, Wailuku, Maui. Kauwilaiki (kau'-wila-i'ki) : small Kauwila. Land section, Wailuku, Maui. Kawa (ka'-wa) : leaping place. Land section, Oahu. Kawahamanu (ka-wa'ha-ma'nu) : the bird mouth. Land section, Waia- lua, Oahu. Kawahauwahi (ka-wa'ha-u'-wa'hi) : smoky mouth. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Kawahoa (ka-wa'-ho'a) : time of companionship. Point, Niihau. Kawai (ka-wa'i) : the water. Cape, Puna, Kauai. Kawaiahao (ka-wa'i-a-ha'o) : the water of Hao. Land section, Oahu. Kawaihae (ka-wai-ha'e) : wild stream. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Kawaihapai (ka-wa'i-ha-pa'i) : the pregnant water. Land section, Waialua, Oahu. Kawaihau (ka-wa'i-ha'u) : the chilly dew. District, northeast Kauai. Kawaihoa (ka-wa'i-ho'a) : the friend- ly water. Point, Oahu. Kawaihoolana (ka-wa'i-ho'o-la'na) : the buoyant waters. Stream, Puna, Kauai. Kawai iki (ka-wa'i-i'ki) : little water. Land section, Oahu. Kawaikapu (ka-wa'i-kapu) : forbid- den water. Land section, Molo- kai. Kawaiki (ka'wa-i'ki) : low leaping bathing-place. Land section, Oahu. Kawaikini (ka-wa'i-ki'ni) : the many waters. Elevation. South Waiale- ale, Kauai. Kawaikoi (ka-wa'i-ko'i) : the rushing water. Stream, Waimea, Kauai. Kawailoa (ka-wa'i-lo'a) : long water. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kawailoakai (ka-wa'i-lo'a-ka'i) : the long seaward water. Land sec- tion, Waialua, Oahu. Kawainul (ka-wa'i-nu'i) : great water. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Kawaiolena (ka-wa'i-o-le'na) : yellow water. Land section, Oahu. Kawaipapa (ka-wa'i-papa) : the shal- low water. Land section, Hana, Maui. Kawaipilopilo (ka-wa'i-pi'lo-pi'lo) : the impure water. Land section, Oahu. Kawaipuna (ka-wa'i-pu'na) : the deep spring, stream, Southern Kauai. Kawaipuolo (ka-wa'i-pu'-olo) : the bundled water. Land section, Waialua, Oahu. Kawaiu (ka-wai-u): the milk. Land section, Lanai. Kawala (ka'-wa'la) : scattering. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Kawaloa (ka'-wa-lo'a) : a long over- hanging precipice. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Kawaluna (ka'wa-lu'na) : upper space. Land section, Koolau, Molokai. Kawananakoa (ka-wa'-nana-ko'a) : Warrior's prophecy. Land section, Oahu. Kawanui (ka'-wa-nu'i) : great leaping place. Land section, North Kona, Hawaii. Kawehewehe ka-we'he-we'he) : the opening. Reef entrance, Oahu. Kawela (ka-we'la) : the heat. Land I section. Kau, Hawaii. I Kawelikoa (ka-we'li-ko'a) : the koa I root. Cape, Puna, Hawaii. I Kaweloloko (ka-we'lo-lo'ko) : Kawe- lo's pond. Land section, Koolau- poko, Oahu. I Kawi (ka-wi'): to squeeze or press. i Stream, Lihue, Kauai. I KawiwI (ka'-wi'-wi'): the thin one. Mountain, Waianae Range, Oahu. I Keaa (ke-a'a) : the scoria lava. Land I section, Hamakua, Hawaii. i Keaa ha I a (ke-a'a-ha'la) : the pan- ! danus rootlets). Land section, ' Koolaupoko, Oahu. j Keaaiki (ke-a'a-i'ki) : little rootlets. Land section, Koolau, Maui. I Keaalau (ke-a'a-la'-u) : the lava ! scoria branch. Stream, South Hilo, Hawaii. Keaalii (ke-a'a-li'i) : a tree (Dodo- naea viscosa). Seashore cave, Ewa, Oahu. Keaau (ke-a-a'u) : hindering current. Village, Puna, Hawaii. Keaauiki (kea-a'ui'ki) : small ripples. Land section, Waianae, Oahu. Keaauia (ke-a'a-u'la) : the red root. Land section, Hamakualoa, Maui. KEA 649 KEA Keaaunui (kea-a'u-nu'i) : great rip- ples. Land section, Waianae, Oahu. Keaeikj (ke-a'e-i'ki) : the small tide reflux. Land section, Waialua, Oahu. Keahakea (ke-a'ha-ke'a) : ahakea (Bobea sp.) tree. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Keah aupono (ke-a'hau-po'no) : straight rising ground. Land sec- tion, Kaupo, Maui. Keahia (ke-ahi'a): the obscure. Land section, Oahu. Keahialaka (ke-a'hi-a-la'ka) : the fire of Laka. Village, Puna, Hawaii. Keahialana (ke-a'hi-a-la'na) : fire of Lana. Land section, Puna, Hawaii. Keahole (ke-a'-ho-le) : the ahole fish (Kuhlia malo). Cape, North Kona, Hawaii. Keahua (ke-a'-hua) : mound or hil- lock. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Keahuloa (ke-a'hu-lo'a) : long pile of stones. Land section, Kaupo, Maui. Keahuolu (ke-a'hu-o-lu') : cairn of Lu. Land section, North Kona, Hawaii. Keahupuaa (ke-a'hu-pua'a) : a large land division. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Keahupuolo ( ke-a'hu-pu'-olo ) : the bundled cloak. Land section, Koo- laupoko, Oahu. Keaiwa (ke-a'-iwa) : the brave. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Keakaamanu (ke-a'ka-a-ma'nu) : the shadow of Manu. Hill, Hana, Maui. Keakea (ke*a-ke'a) : to protest against. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Keakohala (ke-a'ko-ha'la) : pandanus thatching. Land section, Koolau- poko, Oahu. Kealaakaalae (ke-a'la-a-ka-a'lae) : the track of the mud-hen. Land sec- tion, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kealahewa (ke-a'la-he'wa) : the wrong way. Land section. Kohala, Hawaii. Kealahou (ke-a'la-ho'u) : the new road. Land section, Kula, Maui. Kealaikahiki (ke-a'la-i-ka'-hiki) : the way to Tahiti. Cape, Kahoolawe. Kealakaha (ke-a'ia-ka'ha) : marked way. Land section, Hamakua, Ha- waii. Kealakehe (ke-a'ia-ke'he) : the bend of a road. Hawaii. Land section, Kona. Keaiakekua (ke-a'ia-ke-ku'd) : path of the gods. Land section, South Kona, Hawaii. Kealakomo (ke-a'la-ko'mo) : entering way. Land section, Puna, Hawaii. Kealanahelehele (ke-a'ia-na-he'le he'le): the weedy path. Land sec- tion, Ewa, Oahu. Kealapii (ke-^'l^-pi'i) : the ascending path. Land section, Oahu. Kealia (ke-a'lia) : salt pan. Land section. South Kona, Hawaii. Kealiiiki (ke-a'li'i-i'ki), little chief. Land section, Hamakualoa, Maui. Kealiinui (ke-a'li'i-nu'i) : great chief. Land section, Hamakuapoko, Maui. Keamuku (ke-a'-mu'-ku) : the cut-off lava. Lava flow and hill. South Kohala, Hawaii. Keana (ke-a'-na) : cave. Land sec- tion, Koolauloa, Oahu. Keanae (ke-a'nae) : the mullet. Point, Koolau, Maui. Keanakoko (ke-a'na-ko'ko) : the cave of blood. Land section, Koolau- poko, Oahu. Keanaolulo (ke-a'na-o-lu'-lo) : the cave of the shipwrecked. Land section, Mahana, Lanai. Keanapuka (ke-^'na-pu'ka) : the tun- nel. Hill, Northwest Kauai. Keaoopu (kea'o-o'pu) : the time of expansion. Stream, Kawaihau, Kauai. Keauhou (ke-a'u-ho'u) : new regime. Land section. North Kona, Hawaii. Keaukaha (ke-a'u-ka'ha) : swirling current. Hilo, Hawaii. Keaunul (ke-a'u-nu'i) : the great tide Land section, Waianae, Oahu. Keauohana (ke-a'u-oha-na) : the time of family gathering. Land section. Puna, Hawaii. KeaupuolQ (ke-a'u-pu'olo) : the clash- ing waves. Land section, Koolau- poko, Oahu. Keawa (ke-a'wS): harbor or land- ing. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Keawaiki (ke-a'wd-i'ki) : the small harbor. Land section. Lahaina, Maui. Keawanul (ke-a'wa-nu'i) : great har- bor. Land section, Molokai. Keawaula (ke-a'wa-u'ia) : red har- bor. Land section, Waianae, Oahu. KEA 650 KIA Keawekaheka (kea'we-ka-he'ka) : in- flamed eyes of Keawe. Cape, South Kona, Hawaii. Keawewehe (keawe-we'he) : open Keawe. Land section, Kona, Oahu. Keehia (ke'e-hi'a) : fearful, awe- some. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Keel (ke-e'i): to peep. Land sec- tion. South Kona, Hawaii. Keekee (ke'e-ke'e) : crooked. Land section, South Kona, Hawaii. Keekeekal (ke'e-ke'e-ka'i) : seaward crookedness. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Kehena (ke-he'-na) : the nakedness. Land sections, various. Kelkipaula (ke'i-ki-pa'-ula) : redden- ing child. Elevation, Hawaii. Keikiwaha (ke'i-ki-wa'ha) : talkative child. Cape, North Kona, Hawaii. Keio (ke-i'o) : an ancient game. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Kekaa (ke-ka'a) : to roll. Point, Ka- anapali, Maui. Kekaha (ke-ka'-ha) : land unsuited for taro growth. Village, Waimea, Kauai. Kekai (ke-ka'i) : the sea. Land sec- tion, Lahaina, Maui. Kekeenul (ke-ke'e-nu'i) : very crook- ed. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. Kekele (ke-ke'le) : the marsh. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Keklklkl (ke'-ki-ki'-ki) : the heat of the sun, or anger. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. KekiQ (ke-ki'o): pool. Land section, Oahu. Kekualele (ke-ku'=C2=A7,-le'le) : meteor. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Kekuapaawela (ke-ku'a-pa*a-we'la) : scorched back. Land section, Koo- lau, Maui. Kekuapalau (ke-ku'a-pa-la'u) : a falsi- fying deity. Land section, Kona, Oahu. Kelana (ke-la'na) : the floating. Ditch, lao Valley, Maui. Kelawea (ke'-la-we'a) : the tranfer- ence. Land section. Lahaina, Maui. Kemau (ke-ma'u) : a mountain plant eaten in time of food scarcity. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Kemole (ke-mo'-le) : the tap root. Elevation, Hamakua, Hawaii. Keoholauka (ke-o'ho-lau-ka') : the shredded vine leaves. Land sec- tion, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Keokea (ke'o-ke'a) : white. Land section, South Kona, Hawaii. Keolewa (ke-o'-le'wa) : the swing- ing O. Mountain, North Central Molokai. Keolu (ke-o'lu): pleasant. Land sec- tion, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Keomuku (ke-o'-mu'ku) : the short- ened. Land section, Oahu. Keo.nehehee (ke-o'ne-he-he'e) : the sliding sand. Mountain peak, Ha- makua, Hawaii. Keonekuino (ke-o'ne-ku-i'no) : storm- resisting sand. Land section, Mo- lokai. Keonenelu (ke-o'ne-ne'lu) : the soft sand. Mountain, Honuaula, Maui. Keoneoio (ke-o'ne-oi'o) : the oio (fish, Albula vulpes) sand. Land sec- tion, Honuaula, Maui. Keonepanee (ke-o'ne-pa-ne'e), the re- ceding sand. Land section, Oahu. Keonepoko (ke-o'ne-po'ko) : short sand beach. Land section, Puna. Hawaii. Keoneula (ke-o'ne-u'lS.) : red sand. Land section. Oahu. Keopu (ke-o'-pu) : the mound. Land section. North Kona, Hawaii. Keopuka (keo'-puka) : sound aper- ture. Land sections, various. Keopukaloa (keo'-pu'ka-lo'3,) : far- reaching sound. Land section, Mo- lokai. Keopukauuku (ke'o-pu'k^-u-u'ku) : short reaching sound. Land sec- tion, Molokai. Kepano (ke-pa'no) : the darkness. Land section, Koolauloa, Oahu. Kepio (ke-pi'o) : the captive. Land section, Kaupo, Maui. Kepuhi (ke-pu-hi): the blow hole. Land section, Kona, Oahu. Keuki (ke-u'ki): the grass (Dia- nella odorata). Land section, Moa- nalua, Oahu. Kewalo (ke-wa'lo) : outcry. Land section, Oahu. Ki (ki): ti plant (Cordyline termi- nalis). Land section. Puna, Ha- waii. Kiaiakua (ki'-a'i-a'-kua) : idol guard. Stream, Hanalei, Kauai. Kiaina (ki'-a'ina) : a small land bird. Land section, Oahu. Kianui (ki'a-nu'i) : long pole or mast. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Klao (ki'-ao): cloud pillar. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. KIA 651 KOE Kiapu (ki-a'pu): ti leaf folded to form a drinking cup. Land sec- tion, Hilo, Hawaii. Kihalani (ki'ha-la'ni) : heavenly Ki- ha. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Kihanau (ki'-ha'-nau) : relating to births. Land section, Waianae, Oahu. Klhapuhala (ki'ha-pu-ha'-la) : pan- danus grove. Land section, Hana, Maui. KIhe (ki-he'): sneeze. Mountain, Hamakua, Hawaii. Kihei (ki-he'i) : shoulder cape. Vil- lage, Kula, Maui. Kihiola (ki'hi-o'ia) : life corner. Land section, Waianae, Oahu. Kiholo (ki-ho'lo): a large wooden shark hook. Bay, North Kona, Hawaii. Klhuluhulu (ki-hu'lu-hu'lu) : ragged or shredded ti. Land section, Koo- laupoko, Oahu. Kiilae (ki'i-lae) : cape image. Land section. South Kona, Hawaii. Kiiokalani (ki'i-o-ka-lS,'ni) : image of the chief. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Kikala (ki'-ka'ia) : the buttocks, Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Kikewakuakua (ki-ke'-wa-ku-a'kua) : goblin's racket. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. KIkl (ki'-ki'): to plaster the hair with lime. Land section, Kona, Oahu, Kiklaola (ki'-ki'-a-o'la) : Ola's water- way. Land section, Kauai. Kiklhale (ki'-ki-ha'-le) : bundled house material. Land section, Oahu. Kiklpau (ki'-ki-pa'u) : suddenly end- ed. Land section, Koolau, Molo- kai. KIklwelawela (ki'ki-we'la-we'ia) : stifling hot. Land section, Koo- laupoko, Oahu. Kikoo (ki-ko'o): a bow. Land sec- tion, Kipahulu, Maui. Kilau (ki-ia'u): leaf of the ti plant. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Kilauea (ki-ia,'u-e'=C2=A7.) : rising smoke cloud. Name applied to several loc*3.1itips Kllea (ki-le'a): a hillock. Small hill, Oloalu, Lahaina, Maui. Kiliklllawa (ki'li-ki'li-a'wa) : fine, misty rain. Land section, Oahu. Kiloa (ki-lo'a): long ti plant. Land section. South Kona, Hawaii. i Kilohana (ki'lo-han^) : most beauti- ful. Mountain, Puna, Kauai. Kilolani (ki'lo-la'ni) : astrologer. Land section, Lahaina, Maui, Klol (ki-o'i): superior ti (Dracaena terminalis). Land section, Lanai. Kiokapu (ki'-o-ka'pu) : the sacred pool. Land section, Oahu. Kiokio (ki'o-ki'o): small water holes. Land section, Wailuku, Maul. Kiolakaa (ki'-oiaka'a) : to cast away rolling. Land section, Kau, Ha- waii. Kioloku (ki'-olo-ku') : to throw haughtily. Land section, Kau, Ha- waii. Kionaole (ki'-onS-o'le) : no provision of toilet. Land section, Koolau- poko, Oahu. Kionawawana (ki'-onS-wa'-wa'-na) : rough dung hill. Land section, Oahu. Kloole (ki'o-o'le): pondless. Land section, Koolauloa, Oahu. Kipahoehoe (ki'-pa'-hoe-ho'e) : smooth lava spurt. Land section. South Kona, Hawaii. Kipahulu (ki'-pahu'lu) : sojourn at the forest fringe. District, Maui. Kipapa (ki'-p^'pa) : pavement. Land section, Kaupo, Maui. Klpi (ki'-pi): rebel. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Kipu (ki-pu'): to back water with paddles. Land section, Puna, Kauai. Koae (ko'-ae) : tropic bird. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Koaeae (ko-a'e-a'e) : mixed smooth and fine. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Koaena (ko'a-e'nS) : fiercely burning koa. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Koaie (ko'-aie): a species of koa tree. Land section, Kohala, Ha- waii. Koalkl (ko'a-i'kl): small koa tree (Acacia koa). Land section, Oahu. Koaka (ko-a'kS) : a debauchee. Land section, Oahu. Koall (ko-a'll): the convolvulus (Ipo- moea sp,). Land section, Hana, Maui. Koaloa (ko'a-lo'a) : long koa. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Koanawal (ko'-ana-wa'i) : bladder. Land section, Kipahulu, Maui. Koea (ko'-ea): to be dry and hard. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. KOE 652 KOU Koele (ko'-ele) : a small division of land. Village, Lanai. Kohala (ko-ha'la) : pandanus drawn. District, Hawaii. Kohanaike (ko'-hana-i'ke) : seen nak- ed. Land section, North Kona, Hawaii. Kohea (ko'-hea) : pleasant, agree- able weather. Land section, Oahu. Koheanu (ko'-he-anu) : cold vagina. , Stream, Maulua gulch, Hawaii. I Koheo (ko-he'o) : long gourd for utensils. Land section, Kula, Maui. Kohoilo (ko'-ho-i'lo): maggot choos- ings. Land section, Kula, Maui. Koholalele (ko-ho'la-le'le) : leaping whale. Village, Hamakua, Hawaii. Koiahi (ko'i-a'hi) : fiery axe. Land section, Waianae, Oahu. Koiawe (ko'i-a'we) : axe burden. Stream, Waipio, Hamakua, Ha- waii. Koilau (ko'i-la'u): leaf adz. Land section, Waialua, Oahu. Koipu (ko-i'pu) : calabash winning. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Koipuiki (ko'-i'pu-i'ki) : small cala- bash winning. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Koiuiu (ko-i'u-i'u) : far away. Land section, Oahu. Kokee (ko-ke'e) : crooked cane.' Stream, Waimea, Kauai. Kokio (ko-ki'o) : a species of hibis- cus. Land section, Kohala, Ha- waii. Koko Head (ko-ko) : blood. Head- land and crater. Oahu. Kokoike (ko'ko-i'ke) : seeing blood. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Kokole (ko-ko'-le) : a weed stunted taro. Cape, Waimea, Kauai. Kokowaleole (ko'ko-wa'le-o'le) : un- mottled blood. Land section, Koo- laupoko, Oahu. Kolanai (ko'-la-nai). Derivation un- known. Land section, Kahikinui, Maui. Kole (ko'-le) : red. Mountain, Ha- makua, Hawaii. Kolea (ko'lea): plover. Land sec- tion, Koolau, Maui. Koleaka (ko'-le-a'ka) : red glow of the rising moon. Land section. Oahu. Kolekole (ko'le-ko'le) : red earth. Mountain, Koolau, Molokai. Kolo (ko'lo) : to creep. Land sec- tion, South Kona, Hawaii. Koloa (ko'-loa) : wild duck. Village, Kauai. Koloaha (ko'-lo-a'ha) : a kind of po- tato. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Kolokolo (ko'lo-ko'lo) : loud rumb- ling. Sea cavern, Lanai. Kolokoloa (ko'-loko-lo'a) : the inner- most part of a thing. Land sec- tion, Oahu. Kolowalu (ko'lo-wa'lu) : a beneficent law of Kualii. Land section, Oahu. Kolowaluiki (ko'lo-wa'lu-i'ki) : small Kolowalu. Land section, Oahu. Komoawaa (ko'-moa-wa'a) : loaded canoes. Land section, Oahu. Kona (ko'na): leeward. Name ap- plied to the leeward districts in the Hawaiian islands, Konahuanui (ko'na-hu'a-nu'i) : large, culminating peak. Koolau range, Oahu. Konohiki (ko-no-hi'ki) : head man of a land division. Stream, Kawai- hau, Kauai. Kooai (ko'o-a'i): a bundle of food. Land section, Kona, Hawaii. Koohamano (ko'o-ha-ma'no) : four thousand-fold. Land section, Koo- laupoko, Oahu. Kooka (ko'o-ka): swinging staff Land section, Lahaina, Maui. Koolau (ko'o-lau): windward side. Name applied to windward dis- tricts in the Hawaiian islands. Koolauloa (ko'o-lau-lo'a) : long Koo- lau. District, Oahu. Koolaupoko (ko'o-lau-po'ko) : short Koolau. District, Oahu. Koomano (ko'o-ma'no) : fountain head support. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Koplli (ko'-pili): gift at child's birth. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. Kopiliole (ko'-pili'-ole) : without birth gift. Land section, Waianae, Oahu. Kopiliula (ko'-pili-u'la) : a red birth gift. Stream, Hana, Maui. Kopoko (ko'-po'-ko) : short sugar cane. Land section, Wailuku, Maui. Kopu (ko'-pu) : dragged together. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Kou (ko'u): tree (Cordia subcor- data). Land sectian, Kohala, Ha- waii. Koukouai (ko'u-kou-a'i) : heavy with food. Stream, Hana, Maui. KOU 653 KUK Koula (ko'-u'ia): red sugar cane. Land section, Oahu. Kowali (kp-wa'li) : convolvulus. Land section, Hana, Maui. Kuaia (ku'-aia): an unbeliever. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Kuaihee (ku'ai-he'e) : octopus sell- ing. Land section, Oahu. Kuailima (ku'ai-li'ma) : hand pur- chase. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kuainiho (ku'ai-ni'ho) : trading in teeth. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Kuaiohune (ku'ai-ohu'ne) : to sell ohune (fish). Land section, Koo- laupoko, Oahu. Kuaiomuku (kuTii-o-mu'ku) : buying a small portion. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kuaiopelu (ku'ai-o'pelu) : trading in opelu (fish). Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Kuaipaako (ku'ai-pa'a-ko') : to stand and eat rattoon cane. Land sec- tion, Oahu. Kuaiula (ku'-ai-u'la) : red bargain. Land section, Oahu. Kuaiwa (ku-a'iwa) : nine times. Land section, Waianae, Oahu. Kuakahanahana (ku'-a-ka-ha'na-ha'- na): stand to the work. Land sec- tion, Wailuku, Maui. Kualapa (ku'a-la'pa) : a lateral ridge. Land section, Honuaula, Maui. Kualapii (ku'-a'la-pi'i) : raised fore fin. Land section, Waialua, Oahu. Kualapu (ku'ala-pu') : turned right over. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Kualoa (ku'a-lo'a) : long ridge. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kuamakahiki (ku'a-ma'ka-hi'ki) : an- nual laborer. Land section, Oahu. Kuamoo (ku'a-mo'o) : a narrow path. Land section. North Kona, Hawaii. Kuapuaa (ku'a-pua'a) : hog's back. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kuhia (ku-hi'a): stand reflecting. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Kuhiakala (ku'hi-a-ka-la') : the sun pointed at. Land section, Koolau- poko, Oahu. Kuhimana (ku'-hi-ma'nS) : supposed power. Land section, Oahu. Kuhiwa (ku-hi'-wa): under tabu re- straint. Land section, Koolau. Maui. Kuholllea (ku'-ho-li-le'a) : to stand begging earnestly in a pleasant Land sec- or to meet section. La- manner. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. Kuholilua (ku'-ho-li-lu'a) : stand and practice the lua. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. Kuhua (ku'-huS): hard. tion, Hilo, Hawaii. Kula (ku'-ia): stumbled, with obstacles. Land haina, Maui. Kuiaha (ku'i-a'ha): interrupted prayer penalty. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. Kuialauahl (ku'i-a'iau-a'hi) : to string quickly. Land section, Oahu. Kuikeaio (ku'i-kea-i'o) : true white piercer. Land section, Oahu. Kuilei (ku'i-le'i): wreath braiding. ' Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Kuili (ku'-ili): a certain all-night prayer. Elevation, Kona, Hawaii. JKuipaakea (ku'i-pa'a-ke'S) : pounding I coral stone. Land section, Oahu. Kukahi (ku'-ka'hi): standing alone. ! Land section, Oahu. Kukaiau (ku-ka'i-au') : repeating tide. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Kukanaka (ku'-ka-na'-ka) : manly : stand. Land section, Oahu. Kukanono (ku'-ka-no'-no) : extremelv I hot. ' Oahu Kukeo Land ' Kukio Land section, Koolaupoko, (ku'-ke'o): spear struck, section, Ewa, Oahu. (ku'-kio) : standing pools. Land section. North Kona, Hawaii. Kukoae (ku'-ko'ae): koae (bird) ledge (Phaethon lepturus). Land section, Kaupo, Maui. Kukuau (ku'-ku-a'u) : handle of tapa beater. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Kukui (ku'-kui): candlenut tree (Aleurites). Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Kukuiaeo (ku'-kui-a'-eo) : arm in arm until won. Land section, Kula, Maui. Kukuialamaka (ku'-kui-a'lil-maka) : green kukui nut. Land section, Wailuku, Maui. Kukuihaele (ku'-kui-ha'e-le) : moving kukui trees. Village, Hamakua. Hawaii. Kukuihala (ku'-kui-ha'l^) : passed torch. Land section. Puna, Ha- waii. Kukuikapu (ku'-kui-ki'pu) : forbid- den kukui. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. KUK 654 KUP Kukuikea (ku'-kui-ke'a) : white ku- kui. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Kukuikomo (ku'-kui-ko'mo) : kukui- grove entrance. Land section, Wailuku, Maui. Kukuiloloa (ku'-kui-lo-loa) : long torch. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kukuio (ku'-ku-io') : stand yonder. Land section, Oahu. Kukuioloa (ku'-kui-o-Io'a) : Oloa's lamp. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Kukuioolu (ku'-kui-o-o'lu) : lamp of Olu. Land section, Kaupo, Maui. Kukuiopae (ku'-kui-o'pae) : shrimp- ing torch. Land section, South Kona, Hawaii. Kukuipahu (ku'kui-pa'hu) : box lamp. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Kukuiula (ku'-kui'-ula) : red kukui. Land section, Kipahulu, Maui. Kukuiwaluhia (ku'-kui-wa'lu-hia) : polished kukui-nuts. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Kukuluaeo (ku'-kulu-a'eo) : stilt plover. Land section, Oahu. Kula (ku'-la) : dry upland. Land section. Puna, Hawaii, Kulaelawa (ku'-lae-la'wa) : Ku of ample forehead. Land section, Waianae, Oahu. Kulaikahono (ku'-la'i-ka-ho'no) : over- throw of the tabu. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Kulaikahonu (ku'-la'i-ka-ho'nu) : ov- erthrow the turtle. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Kulalmano (ku'-la'i-ma'no) : breaking down the water-head. Land sec- tion, Hilo, Hawaii. Kulapuaa (ku'la-pua'a) : a plain de- voted to pigs. Land section, Koo- laupoko, Oahu. Kuliamano (ku'-lia-ma'no) : forceful water-head. Stream, Hilo, Hawaii. Kullhal (ku'-li-ha'i) : broken knee. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Kulionou (ku'li-o-no'u) : knee thrusts. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. KuliouQu (ku'-li-o'u-o'u) : lumpy knee. Land section, Oahu. KuloikI (ku'-lo-i'ki) : a slight bend. Land section, Waialua, Oahu. Kuloll (ku'-lo-li') : one without wife or child. Elevation, Hamakualoa, Maui. Kuluamoo (ku'-lua-mo'o) : an uncer- tain young chief. Land section, Oahu. Kului (ku-lu'i): name of a tree (Nototrichium sp.). Land section, Oahu. Kumakalii (ku-ma'ka-li'i) : small- eyed Ku. Mountain, Waianae Range, Oahu. Kumalie (ku'-ma'-lie) : standing quietly. Land section, Waialua, Oahu. Kumanuunu (ku'-ma'nu-u'nu) : two standing idols of the temple. Land section, Oahu. Kumimi (ku'-mimi) : rattoons. Land section, Molokai. Kumu (ku'-mu): foundation. Land section, Kau, Hawaii, Kumueli (ku'-mu-e'li) : loosened base. Land section, Molokai. Kumuhahani (ku'-mu-ha'-hani) : cause of pursuit. Land section, Oahu. Kumuhau (ku'mu-ha'u) : hibiscus tree (Hibiscus tiliaceus). Land section, Oahu. Kumukahl (ku'mu-ka'hi) : first or chief source. Channel, Kauai-Nii- hau. Kumukumu (ku'mu-ku'mu) : short stumps. Land section. Puna, Kauai. Kumunui (ku'mu-nu'i) : great founda- tion. Land section. Kaupo, Maui. Kumunuiakea (ku'mu-nu'i-a'kea) : wide spreading source. Stream, Hilo, Hawaii. Kumuohia (ku'mu-ohi'a) : mountain- apple tree. Land section, Oahu. Kumupali (ku'mu-pa'li) : cliff base. Land section, Oahu. Kumuula (ku'mu-u'la) : red stump. Land section, Oahu, Kumuulu (ku'mu-u'lu) : a breadfruit tree. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Kumuwili (ku'mu-wi'li) : twisted tree trunk. Land section, Wailuku, Maui. Kuna (ku'-na): a land eel. Ditch, Hanalei, Kauai. Kunawai (ku'na-wa'i) : watery ec- zema. Land section, Oahu. Kunu (ku'-nu) : cough, or broil. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kunuulaau (ku-nu'u-la'au) : a raised structure. Land section, Lanai. Kuokala (ku-o-ka-la') : risen sun. Land section, Waialua, Oahu. Kuou (ku'-o'u): meditative. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kupahu (ku'-pa'-hu) : starting point. Land section. Puna, Hawaii. KUP 655 LAP Kupahua (ku'-pa-hu'a) : unscathed. Land section. Puna, Hawaii, Kupanlhi (ku'-pa-ni'hi) : name of a sacred pig. Land section, Oahu. Kupapaulau (ku'-pa-pa'u-la'u) : many dead. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Kupee (ku'-pe'e): anklets, or brace- lets. Land section, Koolaupoko. Oahu. Kupehau (ku'-pe-ha'u) : hibiscus canoe-rim. Land section, Oahu. Kupeke (ku'-pe-ke) : dwarf-like. Land section, Molokai. Kuunahawele (ku'-una-ha'-wele) : he- reditary attachment. Land sec- tion, Waialua, Oahu. Kuunakaiole (ku'-una-ka'i-o'le) : sea- less fishing. Point, south coast Kauai. Kuwale (ku'-wa'le): standing alone, Hill, Waianae, Oahu. Kuwili (ku'-wili): repetition. Land section, Oahu. Laaioa (la'a-lo'a): very sacred. Land section, North Kona, Hawaii. Laaukahi (la'-au-ka'-hi) : lone tree, Kauai. Laaumama (la'-au-ma'ma) : light wood. Land section, Kohala, Ha- waii. Laauokala (la'-au-o'-ka-la) : rough stick. Point, Waimea, Kauai. Laeapuki (la'e-a-pu'ki) : cape of Pu- ki. Land section, Puna, Hawaii. Lae Lipoa (la'e li'-poa) : sea-weed cape. Point, Eastern Kauai. Lae Loa (la'e lo'a) : long cape. Cape, South Kona, Hawaii. Lae Mano (la'e mano') : shark cape. Cape, North Kona, Hawaii. Laeokaoio (la'e-o-ka-oi'o) : cape of the ghostly procession. Point, Oahu. Laeokaonohi (la'e-o-ka-o'nohi) : cape of the eye-ball. Point, northern Kauai. Laepaoo (la'e-pao'o) : cape of paoo (fish). Land section, Puna, Ha waii. Laewahie (la'e-wa-hie) : firewood point. Point, Lanai. Lahaina (la-hai-na) : day of cruelty. District, Maui. Lahainaluna (la-hai-na-lu'na) : upper Lahaina. School site, Lahaina, Maui. Lahikiola (la'-hiki-o'la) : day of safe- ty. Mountain, North Kohala, Ha- waii. Lahllahi (la'hi-la'hi) : thin. Point, Waianae, Oahu. Lahokea (la'-ho'-ke^) : a clear day. Land section, Puna, Hawaii. LahuikI (la'-hu-i'ki) : partly restrict- ed. Land section, Kohala, Ha- waii. I Lahuipuaa (la'-hui-pua'a) : breed of hogs. Land section, Kohala, Ha- waii. Laie (la-i'e) : leaf of ie (Freycinetia).. Land section, Koolauloa, Oahu. LaimI (la'-i'mi): day of seeking. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Laina (la'i-na) : an eruption on the body. Elevation, Molokai and Maui. Lalakea (la'-la-ke'^) : a species of shark. Land division, Hamakua, Hawaii. Lalamilo (la-la-mi'lo) : milo tree branch (Thespesia populnea). Land division. South Kohala, Hawaii. Lamaloloa (la'ma-lo-lo'a) : long torch. Land section, Kohala, Ha- waii. Lamanui (la'ma-nu'i) : great torch. Land section, Kaupo, Maui. Lanai (la'-na'i): day of contention. Island. Lanaihale (la-na'i-ha'le) : house- porch. Highest point, Lanai. Lanaikaula (la'-na'i-ka'ula) : ancient name of Lanai as born of Kaula. Church site, Lanai. Lanihau (1^'ni-ha'u) : snow chief. Land section, North Kona, Hawaii Lanihull (la'-ni-hu'li) : changing heav- en. Mountain, Oahu. LanJkcle (la'ni-ke'le) : moist heav- ens. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Lanlkepue (la'nl-ke-pu'e) : the urg- ing chief. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Lanipo (la'ni-po): darkened heav- ens. Land section, Kahikinui, Maui. Lapa Hapuu (la'-pa ha-pu'u): ridge of pulu ferns. Ridge, Hilo, Hawaii. LAP 656 MAH Lapakahi (la-pa-ka'hi) : one, or side ridge. Land section, Kohala, Ha- waii. Lapakea (la'pa-ke'a) : white ridge. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. Lapalapaiki (la'pa-la'pa-i'ki) ; little boiling. Land section, Hana, Maui. Lapiwai (la'-pi-wa'i) : day of water sprinkling. Land section, Oahu. Lauhulu (lau-hu'lu): dry banana leaf. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Lauka (la'u-ka') : vine leaf. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Laukalo (la'u-ka'lo) : taro leaf. Land section, Kona, Oahu. Laula (lau-la') : broad. Land sec- tion, Kona, Hawaii. Laumaia (la'u-ma'ia) : banana leaf. Elevation, North Hilo, Hawaii. Launiupoko (la'u-ni'u-po'ko) : short coconut leaf. Land section, La- haina, Maui. Laupahoehoe (la'u-pa-ho'e-ho'e) : smooth lava branch. Land sec- tion, Hilo, Hawaii. Lawai (la'-wa'i) : derivation unknown. Name applied to several sections. Leahi (le-a'hi) : crest of the ahi fish (Germo germo). Diamond Head, Honolulu, Oahu. Lehanoiki (le-ha'-no-i'ki) : faint voice. Land section, Waianae, Oahu. Lehanonui (le-ha'no-nu'i) : the loud voice. Land section, Waianae, Oahu. Leholewa (le'ho-le'-wa) : suspended cowry (Cypraea). Land section, Waialae, Oahu. Lehuula (le'-hu-u'la) : red ashes. Land section. North Kona, Hawaii. Leiiono (le'i-lo'no) : Lono's wreath. Salt Lake Crater, Oahu. Leieakoai (le'-le-a-ko'-ai) : flying koai bird like. Land section, Waianae, Oahu. Leiehaka (le'le-ha'ka) : altar ladder. Land section, Lanai. Leieiwi (le'le-i'wi) : bone altar. Cape, Hilo, Hawaii. Leieo (le-le'o) : voice sound. Land section, Oahu. I Lepeuli (le'-pe-u'li) : dark border. Land section, Koolau, Kauai. =E2=96=A0 Lepoloa (le'po-lo'a) : very dirty. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Lihue (li-hu'e): goose flesh. Village, Puna, Kauai. Lilinoe (li'li-no'e) : mist, fine rain. Mountain Peak, Mauna Kea, Ha- makua, Hawaii. Lilipuna (li'li-pu'na) : to be jealous. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Limahull (li'ma-hu'-li) : searching hand. Stream, Hanalei, Kauai. Lipoa (li-po'a) : a sea-weed. Point, Kaanapali, Maui. Loiloa (lo'i-lo'a): long taro patch. Land section, Koolau, Maui. Lole (lo'-le): cloth. Land section, i Kaupo, Maui. i Lolipali (lo'li-pa'li) : cliff sea-slug. I Land section, Kau, Hawaii. ! Lonokaeho (lo'no-ka-e'ho) : an an- \ cient deity. Land section. Puna, i Hawaii. Lopa (lo-pa'): a tenant farmer. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Louluape (lo'-ulu-a'pe) : fan palm. Land section, Kahikinui, Maui. Luaalaea (lu'a-a-la'ea) : red earth pit. Land section, Oahu. Luahiwa (lu'a-hi'wa) : sacred black pit. Land section, Lanai. Luakaha (lu'a-ka'-ha) : the resting place. Land section, Oahu. Luakalo (lu'a-ka'lo) : taro pit. Land ! section, Oahu. I Lualailua (lu'a-la'i-lu'a) : calm, quiet pit. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Lualualei (lu'a-lua-le'i) : flexible wreath. Land section, Waianae, Oahu. Lumahai (lu'-ma-ha'i) : broken in killing under water. Land sec- i tion, Halelea, Kauai. I Lupehu (lu-pe'-hu): universal plenty. Land section, Molokai. { Luukoi (lu'u-ko'i): adz dive. Land i section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. M Maalaea (ma'a-la'ea) : derivation un- known. Bay, Wailuku, Maui. Maalo (ma-a'lo) : to pass by. Land section. Kaupo, Maui. Maelieli (ma-e'li-e'li) : repeated dig- ging. Hill, Heeia, Oahu. Maemae (ma'e-mae): to be pure. Land section, Oahu. Mahaiula (ma-ha'i-u'la) : red expia- tory sacrifice. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. MAH 657 MAK Mahana (ma-ha'na) : warm. Land section, Lanai. Mahani (ma'-ha-ni): healing. Land division, Oahu. Mahaulepu (ma-ha'u-le-pu') : fell there and perished. Land section, Puna, Kauai. Mahinahina (ma-hi'na-hi'na) : gray- ish colored. Land section, Kaana- pali, Maui. Mahinauli (ma-hi'na-uli) : dark moon. Gulch, Waimea, Kauai. Mahukona (ma'hu-ko'na) : leeward steam or smoke. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Mahukonakaluapaa ( ma'hu-ko'na-ka- lua-pa'a) : thoroughly baked Ma- hukona. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Mahukonapulehu (ma'hu-ko'n^-pu- le'hu) : coal-roasted Mahukona. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Mahukuolo (ma-hu'ku-o'lo) : double forehead. Land section, Hama kua, Hawaii. Mahulile (ma'hu-li'-le) : thin vapor. Land section, Koalau, Molokai. Mahulili (ma'hu-li'li) : excessive steam. Land section, Molokai. Mahulua (ma'hu-lu'a) : double vapor. Land section, Hana, Maui. Maihi (ma-i'hi): stripped, peeled. Land section, North Kona, Hawaii. Mallepai (ma'i-le-pa'i) : bound with maile (Alyxia olivaeformis). Land section, Kaanapali, Maui. Mail! (ma-i'li): name of a soft por- ous stone. Elevation, Waianae. Oahu. Mailiilii (ma'i-li'i-li'i) : small ail- ment. Hill, Waianae, Oahu. Maipalaha (ma'i-pa-la'ha) : do not slip. Land section, Kaupo, Maui. Makaaikuloa (ma'-ka-ai-ku'loa) : eyes showing great independence. Point, Kipahulu, Maui. MakaakinI (ma'ka-a-ki'ni) : many bright eyes. Point, Kaupo, Maui. Makaalae (ma'ka-a'lae) : mud hen eye. Land section, Hana, Maui. Makaeha (ma'ka-e'ha) : sore eye. Land section, Kula, Maui. Makaha (ma-ka'ha) : robbery. Land section, Waianae, Oahu. Makahahana (ma'kaha-ha'na) : warm eyed. Hill, Hana, Maui. Makahakupea (ma'ka-haku-pe'S) : supervision of sail-furling. Land section, Molokai. Makahanaloa (ma'-ka-hana-lo'a) : en- during eye. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Makahiupa (ma'ka-hi'-u-pa') : struck by the fish-tail. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Makahoa (ma'ka-ho'a) : companion eyes. West point, Kauai. Makahuena (mji'ka-hu'-ena) : anger- swollen eyes. Cape, Kauai. Makaih uwaa (ma'ka-i'hu-wa'a) : canoe prow eyes. Hill. Hanalei. Kauai. Makaiwa (mS'ka-i'wa) : beautiful eye. Land section, Koolau, Maui. Makaka (ma-ka'ka) : at rinsing. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Makakaha (ma'k^-ka'ha) : covetous eyes. Land section, Lahaina, Maui Makakilo (ma'ka-ki'lo) : observan eyes. Hill, Honouliuli, Ewa, Oahu Makakupaia (ma'ka-ku'-paia) : senti nel-like eyes. Elevation, Molokai Makakupu (ma'kil-ku-pu') : sprout ing eye. Land section. Kau, Ha waii. Makalawena (ma'ka-la'-we-na) : at- tractive eye. Land section, North Kona, Hawaii. Makalii (ma'ka-li'i) : small eyes; very fine; name also of a month and the summer season. Land section, Oahu. Makaliihanau (ma'k^-li'i-ha-na'u) : birth of the Pleiades. Hill, Hana, Maui. Makaloa (m^'ka-lo'S) : long eye. Beach, Lanai. Makaluapuna (ma'ka-lua-pun&) : water-spring indications. Point, Kaanapali, Maui. Makamoku (ma'-ka-mo'ku) : district observer. Land section, Kahikl- nui, Maui. Makana (mS-ka'-na): a free gift. Point, Hanalei, Kauai. Makanalua (ma-ka'naiu'a) : two presents. Land section. Koolau, Molokai. Makanikahio (ma-kanl-ka-hl'o): the expurgated wind. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Makanilua (mil-ka'-nl-lu'a) : refresh- ing breeze. Land section, Koo- laupoko, Oahu. Makao (ma-ka'o) : hardness. land section. Koolau. Oahu. Makaokahai (mA'ka-o-ka-hai) : eyes of Kahai, a goddess. Point, South coast, Kauai. MAK 658 MAN Makaoku (ma'ka-o-ku') : eye of Ku, a deity. Land section, Hilo, Ha- waii. Makapaia (ma'-ka-pa'-ia) : blinded. Land section, Lanai. Makapaia (ma'ka-pa'la) : sore-eyed. Land section, Koolau, Maui. Makapeapea (ma'ka'-pe'a-pe'a) : cross- eyed. Land section, Lanai. Makapihl (ma'ka-pi'hi) : dull eye. Land section, Koolau, Oahu. Makapipi (ma'ka-pi'-pi) : sprinkled eyes. Stream, Hana, Maui. Makapuu (ma'ka-pu'u) : bulging eyes. Land section, Hana, Maui. Makaua (ma'ka-u'a) : rainy eye. Land section, Koolau^ Oahu. Makaula (ma'ka-u'la) : red eye. Land section. North Kona, Hawaii. Makauu (ma'ka-u'u) : drawn eyes. Land section, Kona, Hawaii. Makawai (ma'ka-wa'i) : watery-eyed. Land section, Kona, Hawaii. Makawao (ma'-ka-wa'o) : view of wide expanse. Land section, Ha- makuapoko, Maui. Makaweli (ma'ka-we'li) : fearful eye. Land section, Kauai. Makea (ma-ke'a) : to desire. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Makeanehu (ma-ke'a-ne'-hu) : a de- sire for nehu (small fish, Ath- erina). Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Makena (ma-ke'na) : mourning for the dead. Land section, Puna, Hawaii. Maklkl (ma-ki'-ki): name of a kind of soft porous stone. Land sec- tion, Oahu. Makila (ma-ki'-la) : at or toward Kila. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. Makiloa (ma-ki-lo'a) : press down lengthwise. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Makoewai (ma-ko'e-wa'i) : watery eye. Stream. Pepeekeo, Hilo, Ha- waii. Makole (ma-ko'le) : sore eye. Land section, Molokai. Makolelau (ma-ko'le-la'u) : shriveled leaf. Land section, Kona, Molokai. Makoloaka (ma-ko'lo-a'ka) : crawling shadow. Point, Koolau, Oahu. Makua (ma-ku'a) : parent. Land sec- tion. Waianae, Oahu. Makukupaeaki (ma-ku'ku-pae-aki) : derivation unknown. Land section. Molokai. Makuu (ma-ku'u): a crease around the end of a canoe to drag it by. Village, Puna, Hawaii. Mala (ma'-la): a cultivated field. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. Malaekahana (ma-'la'e-ka-ha'na) : an ancient traditional queen of Koo- lauloa. Land section, Koolau, Oahu. Malama (ma'-lama) : month. Land section. Puna, Hawaii. Malamalamaiki (ma-la'ma-la'ma-i'ki) : little light. Land section, Hilo. Hawaii. Malanahae (ma-la'na-ha'e) : a body of furious men. Land section, Ha- makua, Hawaii. Malau (ma-la'u) : calmness. Land section, Lanai. Malauea (ma-la'u-e'a) : an indolent person. Small bay, Lanai. Maliko (ma-li'-ko): budding season, Land section, Hamakuapoko, Maui. Maluaka (ma'lu-a'ka) : the cast shadow. Land section, Honuaula, Maui. MamakI (ma-ma'-ki) : plant furnish- ing bark for tapa. Land section, Lanai. Mamaloa (ma'-ma'-lo'a) : very light or swift. Cape, Kona, Hawaii. Mamalu (ma-ma'lu) : shade, screen. Land section, Kaupo, Maui. Mana (ma-na') : a satisfied condi- tion. Village, Waimea, Kauai. Manae (ma-na'e) : crumb of food. Village, Hamakua, Hawaii. Manahoa (ma-na'-ho'a) : friends quieted. Four sea minarets, coast of Lanai. Manal (ma-nai') : needle. Land sec- tion, Hamakua, Hawaii. Manana (ma-na'-na): tottering, weak or feeble. Land section. Name applied to several localities. Mananaiki (ma-na'na-i'ki) : little Manana. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Manananui (ma-na'na-nu'i) : great manana. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Mananauka (ma-na'-na-u'ka) : upper Manana. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Manawahua (ma-na'-wa-hu'a) : fruit- ing season. Elevation, Waianae, Oahu. Manawai (ma'na-wa'i) : Branch stream. Land section, Molokai. Manawaiiao (ma'na-wa'i-ia'o) : lao water-course. Makawao, Maui. Manawainui (ma'na-wa'i-nu'i) : large water-course. Stream. Hana. Maui. MAN 659 MOA Manele Harbor (ma-ne'-le) : a litter or sedan. Lanai. Maniania (ma-ni'a-ni'a) : even, smooth. Ditch, lao Valley, Maui. Manienieula (ma-ni'e-ni'e-u'ia) : red Bermuda grass. Hill, southwest Kauai. Maninlowali (ma-ni'ni-o-wa'li) : weak manini (Theutls sandvicensis). Land section. North Kona, Hawaii. Manoa Valley (ma-no'&) : thick, broad. Land section. Oahu. Manoloa (ma'no-lo'a) : long channel. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Manono (ma-no'-no') : a kind of tree (Gouldia). Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Manowaialee (mano'-wai-a-le'e) : Lee's water-course. Land section, Ha- makua, Hawaii. Manowalkohau (mano'-wai-ko-ha'u) : hau sluice. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Manowaiopae (mano'-wai-o'-pae) : shrimp water-course. Land sec- tion, Hilo, Hawaii. Manua (ma'-nua): at the trodden road. Land section, Oahu. Manuahi (ma'nu-a'hi) : a free gift. Stream, Waimea, Kauai. Manuka (ma'nu-ka'): slow and care- less. Land section, Kau. Hawaii. Manulcle (ma'nu-le'le) : flying bird. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Maonakomalie (ma-o'na-ko-ma'-lie) : rub easy after a full meal. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Mapulehu (ma'-pu-le'hu) : arising ash-cloud. Land section, Molokai. Mapunapuna (ma-pu'na-pu'nS) : nu- merous water springs. Moanalua, Kona, Oahu. Maul (ma'u-i): name of a demigod. Island. MauinonI (mau'-I-no'ni) : noni (Mo- rinda sp.) ripening. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Maulekikepa (mau'-le-kl-ke'pa) : side numbness. Land section, Oahu. Maullllii (mau'-li'i-li'I) : continuing small. Locality, Hilo, Hawaii. Maulill (mau-ll'll): constant jeal- ousy. Name applied to several lo- calities. Maulua (m^'u-lu'S) : hard, difficult. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Mauluaiki (ma'u-lu^-i'kl) : little Mau- lua. Land section, HUo, Hawaii. Maumau (ma'u-ma'u): firm, perpet- ual. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. (ma'u-na-ho'u) : new Elevation, Northwest Maunahou mountain. Kauai. Mauna Kapu (ma'u-na ka'pu): tabu mountain, Oahu. Mauna Kea (ma'u-nS ke'a) : white mountain. Hamakua, Hawaii. Maunalei (ma'u-na-le'I) : wreath mountain. Land section, Lanai. Mauna Loa (ma'u-n& \o'&): long mountain. South Kona. Hawaii. Maunalua (mS'u-naiu'ft) : two moun- tains. Land section, Oahu. MaunaonI (ma'u-na-o'nl) : mountain moving. Land section. South Kona, Hawaii. Maunauna (m5'u-na'u-na) : waste. Mountain, Waianae Range. Oahu. Maunawili (ma'u-na-wni) : winding mountain. Land section. Koolau, Oahu. Mauuakapuaa (mau*u-ft-ka-puft'ft) : grass of the swine. Land section, Oahu. Mehamenui (me-ha'me-nu'i) : large mehame tree. Land section. Ka- hikinui, Maui. Miana (mi'ana): voiding urine. Land section, Kaupo, Maui. Mlananal (mi'-ana-na'I) : to finish urinating. Land section. Kau, Ha- waii. MIklmikI (mi'ki-ml'kl) : brisk, quick. Land section. Kaupo, Maui. Milokukahi (mi'lo-ku-ka'hi) : the lone milo tree. South Kona. Hawaii. Milolii (mrio-ll'l): little milo tree. Land section and village. South Kona, Hawaii. Moakea (mo'a-ke'a): white fowl. Land section, Molokai. Moalii (mo'-ail'I): name of one of the Pele family. Land section, Lahal- na, Maui. Moanalua (mo'a-na-Iu'a) : two en- campments. Land section. Oahu. Moanaluamauka (mo'-anaiu'a-ma'u- ka) upper Moanalua. Land sec- tion, Oahu. Moanalulu (mo'-anaiu'lu) : smooth ocean. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Moano (mo-a'no) : name of a dark or reddish fish (Pseudupeneus sp.). Elevation, Hamakua, Hawaii. Moanui (mo'a-nu'i): great fowl. Land section, Molokai. Moaula (mo'a-u'la): red fowl. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. MOE 660 NAK Moeauoa (mo'e-au-o'a) : current go- ing in various directions. Land section, North Kona, Hawaii. Mohihi (mo'-hi'-hi) : name of a strong vine. Stream, Waimea, Kauai. Mohokea (mo'ho-ke'a) : white moho bird. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Mohopilo (mo'-ho-pi'lo) : filthy moho (Moho sp.) bird. Land section, Honuaula, Maui. Mohowae (mo'ho-wa'e) : treading moho bird (Pennula millsi). Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Moiliili (mo-i'li-i'li) : pebbly or stony strip or ridge. Land sec- tion, Oahu. Mokae (mo-ka'e): a plant. Land section, Hana, Maui. Mokapu (mo-ka'pu) : restricted ridge. Point, Oahu. Makauea (mo-ka'u-e'a) : broken tur- tle place. Land section, Oahu. Mokihana (mo'-ki-ha'na) : an odorif- erous tree (Pelea anisata) : Stream, Waimea, Kauai.. Mokolii (mo'-ko-li'i) : small lizard. Islet, Koolauloa, Oahu. Mokuaeae (moku'-a'e-a'e) : light isl- and. Islet, northwest coast, Kauai. Mokuaweoweo (moku'-a-we'o-we'o) : island of lurid burning. Summit crater, Mauna Loa, Hawaii. Mokuhonua (moku'-ho'nu'a) : district of level land. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Mokuhooniki (moku'-ho'o-ni'ki) : knot tied islet. Islet, Molokai. Mokuia (mo'ku-ia) : cut, divided. Land section, Kaupo, Maui. Mokulau (mo'ku-la'u) : leafy dis- trict. Village, Kaupo, Maui. Mokuleia (moku'-le'ia) : a kind of fish. Land section, Waialua, Oahu. Mokuola (mo'ku-o'la) : island of safety or recovery. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Mokuone (mo'ku-o'ne) : sand island. Stream, Waimea, Kauai. Mokuoniki (mo'ku-o-ni'ki) : section of flat land, Hilo, Hawaii, Mokupapa (mo'ku-papa) : level dis- trict. Land section, Hamakualoa, Maui. Mokuumeume (mo'ku-u'me-u'me) : Isle of strife. Ford's island, Ewa, Oahu. Moloaa (molo'-a'a) : exceedingly parched. Land section, Koolau, Oahu. Molohe (mo'-lo'-he) : a listening or attentive lizard. Land section, Kona, Oahu. Molokai (mo'-lo-ka'i) : untwisted temple ceremony. Island. Molokini (mo'-lo-ki'ni) : numerous untwistings. Islet off Maui. Mooiki (mo'o-i'ki): small strip of land. Land section, Oahu. Mookahi (mo'o-ka'hi) : single strip of land. Land section, Oahu. Mooloa (mo'o-lo'a) : long strip. Land section, Honuaula, Maui. Moomuku (mo'o-mu'-ku) : cut short. Land section, Honuaula, Maui. Muliwai (mu'li-wa'i) : river. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Muolea (mu'-o-le'a) : pleasant bud. Land section, Hana, Maui. N ashes. Land Naalae (na-a'-lae): mud-hens. section, Kula, Maui. Naaiehu (na'a-le'hu) : lava Village, Kau, Hawaii. Naha (na'-ha') : slit open. section, Lanai. Nahanawale (na-ha'na-wa'Ie) : name of a small fish. Land section, Hana, Maui. Nahehee (na'-he-he*e) : the fadings. Channel, between Lanai and Maui. Nahiku (na-hi'ku) : seven lands. Land section, Koolau, Maui. Naholoku (na-ho'lo-ku') : the gar- ments. Land section, Kaupo, Maui Nahuakamalii (na-hu'a-ka'ma-li'i) : the children's fruits. Land section, Hana, Maui. Land Naiiiilihaeie (na-i'li-i'li-ha-e'le) : walk- ing pebbles. Stream, Haleakala, Maui. Nailiilipoko (na-i'li-i'ii-po'ko) : short pebbles. Land section, Kipahulu, Maui. Nalo (na'i-o) : the bastard sandal- wood (Myoporum sandwicense). Land section, Lanai. Naioliilii (na'-i-o-li'i-li'i) : small naio Land section, Kahikinui, Maui, tree. Land section, Oahu. Naiwa (na-i'wa) : the beauties. Land section, Molokai. Nakaaha (na-ka-a'ha) : trembling. Nakalepo (na'-ka-le'po) : trembling soil. Land section, Lahaina. Maui. NAK 661 NUA Nakalli (na'-kaii'i) : slight trem- bling. Land section, Koolau, Maui. Nakaohu (na'-ka-o'hu) : treml?ling mist. Land section. Kahikinui. Maui. Nakapauku (na'-kS-pa'a-ku) : shat- tered to pieces. Land section. Kaupo. Maui. Nakapehu (na'-kS-pe'hu) : swollen crack. Land section. Koolau. Maui. Nakooko (na-ko'o-ko') : the support- ers. Land section. Hamakua, Ha- waii. Nakukuikea (na-ku'-kui-ke'a) : white kukui trees. Land section. Kahiki- nui. Maui. Nakula (na-ku'la): uplands. Land section. Kaupo, Maui. Nallma (na-li'ma) : the hands. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Nalua (na-lu'ii): pits. Land section, Kau. Hawaii. Namahana (na-ma'-hana) : pair of things. Land section, Koolau, Kauai. Namakaokahai (na-mS'ka-o-ka'-ha'i) : eyes of Kahai. Land section, La- nai. Namolokama (na-mo'lo-ka'ma) : un- twisting of bundles. Mountain range, Kauai. Nanakuli (na'-na-ku'li) : knee exam- ination. Land section, Waianae, Oahu. Nanawale (na'na-wa'le) : only look. Land section, Puna, Hawaii. Naniuapo (na'ni-ua-po') : that beau- tiful night. Land section, Oahu. Naniumalu (na-ni'u-ma'lu) : shady coconut trees. Land section, Kau- po, Maui. Nanue (na-nu'e): to shake, tremble. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Naono (na-o'no): by sixths. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Napahoa (na-pa-ho'a) : daggers. Land section, Koolau, Maui. Na Pall (na pa'li): the precipices. District, Kauai. Naplli (na-pi'li): wagers. Land sec- tion. Kaanapali, Maui. Napoopoo (na-po'o-po'o) : the depres- sions. Village, South Kona, Ha- waii. Napuhaehae (na-pu'-ha'e-ha'e) : en- deared hills. Land section, Koo- lau, Maui. Napuukulua (na-pu'u-ku'luS) : two hills standing together. EUevatlon, Hamakua, Hawaii. Nauwala (na'u-wa'la) : nagging. Land section. Kona, Oahu. Nauwalu (na'u-wa'-lu) : eighth chew or bite. Land section, Oahu. Nawlliwili (na-wi'li-wi'li) : wiliwili trees (Erythrina). Land section. Puna, Kauai. Nene (ne'-ne): goose. Land sec- tion, Hilo, Hawaii. Niau (ni-a'u): stem of a coconut leaf. Land section, Oahu. NIcnIe (ni'e-ni'e): smooth, calm. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. NIhoa (ni-ho'i): derivation un- known. Land section, Koolau, Mo- lokai. Nllhau (ni'i-ha'u): bound with hau bark. Island. NIni (ni'-ni): to pour out. Land section, Oahu. Ninlao (ni'-ni-a'o) : pouring clouds. Land section, Kaupo, Maui. NInole (ni-no'-le): eating slowly. Name applied to several localities. NIolopa (ni'-olo-pa') : sleeping en- closure. Land section, Oahu. Nlu (ni'u): coconut (Cocos nucl- fera). Land section, Oahu. Nluhelewai (ni'u-hele-wa'i) : water- bearing coconut. Stream, Oahu. Nlukukahl (ni'u-ku-ka'hi) : lone coco- nut tree. Land section, Oahu. Niulll (ni'-u-li'i) : small coconut tree. Land section. Kohala, Ha- waii. Niumalu (ni'u-mi'lu) : shady coco- nut tree. Land section. Puna, Kauai. Nlupalpai (ni'u-pa'i-pa'i) : husking coconuts. Land section. Oahu. Niupea (ni'u-pe'i): sacred coconut. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Nlupuka (ni'u-pu'-ka): coconut tree with a hole through it. Land sec- tion, Hamakua, Hawaii. Nohlll (no-hi'-ll): tedious. Point, west coast, Kauai. Noholkl (no'ho-i'ki): little seat. Land section. Kau, Hawaii. Nohonaohae (no'ho-na-o-ha'e) : dwell- ing of Hae. Elevation, South Ko- hala, Hawaii. Nono (no'-no): dark color. Pond. Puna, Kauai. Nonopahu (no'-no-pa'hu) : dark red drum. Ridge, Olokele, Kauai. Nuaallua (nu'a-ailu'5) : twice worn course. Stream, Koolau, Maui. NUA 662 ONO Nualolo (nu'a-lo'-lo) : layers of young coconut sheaths. Gulch, Walmea, Kauai. Nukakala (nu'ka-kai-a') : large tidal wave. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Nukunukuaula (nu'ku-nu'ku-a-u'la) : frame of a fishing net. Land sec- tion, Oahu. Nunulu (nu-nu'-lu) : bird song. Ele- vation, North Kohala, Hawaii. Nuu (nu'u): craig niche. Land sec- tion, Kaupo, Maui. Nuuanu Pali Pass (nu'u-a'nu pa'li) : cool craig niche cliffs. Koolau Range, Oahu. O Oahu (o-a'hu): a gathering place. Island. Oanui (o'-a-nu'i) : large crack. Stream, Haleakala, Maui. Ohea (o-he'a) : faint and weak. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Oheo (o-he'o) : provisioning hastily. Stream, Haleakala, Maui. Ohia (o-hi'a) : ohia tree (Eugenia malaccensis). Land section, Hana, Maui. Ohiaiki (ohi'a-i'ki) : small ohia. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. Ohiki (o-hi'-ki): to shell out. Land section. North Kona, Hawaii. Ohikilolo (o-hi'-ki-lo'lo) : a species of sand crab. Land section, Waianae, Oahu. Oho-hia (oho'-hia) : a joyful expres- sion. Hill, South Kona, Hawaii. Ohua Waikakalaua (ohu'a wa'i-ka-ka- laua) : Waikakalaua domestics. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Oio (o-i'o) : procession of ghosts. Land section, Koolauloa, Oahu. Okoe (o-ko'e) : of a remainder. Land section, South Kona, Hawaii. Okole (o-ko'le) : posterior. Stream, East Mauna Kea, Hawaii. Oku (o'-ku) : to show a thing. Point, Niihau. Olaa (o-la'a) : of sacredness. Land division, Puna, Hawaii. Olani (o'-la-ni): fire dried. Land section, Oahu. Olelomoana (o-le'lo-mo'-ana) : ocean conspiracy. Land section, South Kona, Hawaii. Oloewa (o'lo-e'wa) : causeless out- cry. Land section, Hana, Maui. Olohana (o'lo-hana) : loud noise from work. Land section, Koolau- poko, Oahu. Olohena (o'lo-he'na) : to roll nak^d. Land section, Puna, Hawaii. Olohewa (o'lo-he'wa) : wrong reply. Land section. Puna, Kauai. Olokele (o'lo-ke'le) : to rub in mud. I River and ditch, Waimea, Kauai, i Oloku (o'lo-ku') : loud sound of joy or sadness. Land section, Oahu. Olokui (o'lo-ku'i): loud sound as thunder. Elevation, Molokai. Olomana (o'lo-ma'-na) : powerful I sound. Peak, Koolaupoko, Oahu. ' Olopawa (o'lo-pa'-wa): loud sound at dawn. Hill, Hana, Maui. Olowalu (o'lo-wa'lu) : the sound of I many voices at once. Land sec- ! tion, Lahaina, Maui, i Olualu (o'lu-a'lu) : to dodge thickly flying missiles. Village, Lahaina. Maui. Omao (o-ma'o): green; a small bird (Phaeornis obscura). Land sec- tion, Wailuku, Maui. Omaokoili (o-ma'o-ko'-ili) : descent of the omao bird. Elevation, Ha- makua, Hawaii. Omaopio (o'-ma'o-pi'o) : the cap- ' tured omao. Land section, Kula, Maui. Omoe (o'-mo'e) : to sleep. Peak, Southeast Kauai. Omokaa (o'-mo-ka'a) : ceased suck- I ling. Land section. South Kona, j Hawaii. 'Omomilu (o'mo-mi'lu) : cover of Hades. Fish pond, Kalahea, Kauai. Onau (o-na'u) : choppy. Land sec- tion, Honuaula, Maui. Oneawa (o'ne-a'-wa) : sandy landing. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Oneloa (o'ne-lo'a) : long sand beach. Land section, Puna, Hawaii. Onio (o-ni'o): spotted. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Onomea (o'no-me'a) : something pal- atable. Land section, Hilo, Ha- waii. Onouli (o'no-u'li) : dark ono fish (Acanthocybium solandri). Name applied to several localities. Onoulimaloo (o'no-u'li-ma-lo'o) : dry Onouli. Land section, Molokai. ONO 663 PAE Onouliwai (o'no-u'li-wa'i) : watered Onouli. Land section, Molokai. Ookala (o-o'-ka'la) : sharpened oo (digging implement). Land divi- sion, Hilo, Hawaii. Ooma (o-o'-ma) : spout, a gouge. Land section, North Kona, Hawaii. Oomakaa (o'o-ma-ka'a) : name given to the first bonnets. Land section, Kona, Hawaii. Oopuloa (oo'-pu-lo'a) : long oopu fish. Land section, Koolau, Maui. Opaekaa (o'-pae-ka'a) : rolling shrimp. Stream, Lihue, Kauai. Opaeula (o'-pae-u'ia) : red shrimp. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. Opana (o-pS'-na) : arrow pierced. Name applied to several localities. Opea (o-pe'a): a cross. Land sec- tion, Hilo, Hawaii. Opeula (o'pe-u'la): red bundle. Land section, Paalaa, Oahu. Opihihall (o'-pihi-ha'li) : borne lim- pets. Land section. South Kona, Hawaii. Opihikao (o'-pihi-ka'o) : many lim- pets. Village, Puna, Hawaii. Opihilaia (o'-pihi-la'la) : heated lim- pet. Land section, Hamakua, Ha- waii. Opihipau (o'-pihi-pa'u) : limpets all gone. Land section, Kohala, Ha- waii. Opikoula (o'-piko-u'ia) : red kopiko tree (Straussia sp.). Land section, Koolau, Maui. Opu Mi (o'-pu Hi): stomach skin. Land division, Oahu. Opukaala (o'pu-ka'-aia) : war imple- ment enclosure. Land section, Oahu. Opuola (o'pu-o'ia): living water. Stream, Koolau, Maui. Opuoloolo (opu'-olo-olo) : paunchy. Land section, Hamakualoa, Maui. Opuomale (opu'-o-ma'le) : Male's stomach. Land section. Hana, Maui. Opupaoo (o'pu-pfto'o) : collection of paoo fish. Land section, Kaupo, Maui. Opuula (o'pu-u'ia): red bunch. Land section, Waialua, Oahu. Opuupao (opu'u-pa'o) : pierced bud. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Opuwai (o'pu-wa'i): bundled water. Land section, Hana, Maui. Ouaoa (ou'-a-o'a) : Derivation un- known. Land section, Hamakua- loa, Maui. Ouhi (o-u'hi) : covered over. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Oukea (ou'-ke'^) : whitish ou bird. Land section, Wailuku, Maui. Paa (pa'a) : fast, secure. Land sec- tion, Kona, Kauai. Paahao (pa'a-ha'o): prisoner. Land section, Oahu. Paakai (pa'a-ka'i): salt. Point, La- nai. Paakea (pa'a-ke'i): whitish rock of which maika stones were made. Stream, Koolau, Maui. Paako (pa'a-ko'): wager confirma- tion. Land section, Hamakua, Ha- waii. Paalaa (pa'a-la*a): sacred confirma- tion. Land section, Waialua, Oahu. Paalaea (pa-a'-laea) : red ocher in- closure. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Paana (pa'a-na'): established quiet- ness. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Paao (pa-a'o): name of a priest from the South Seas. Ancient well, Lanai. Paapa (pa'a-pa'), fence completed Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Paapaaloa (pa'a-pa'a-lo'S) : exceed ingly parched. Land section, Hilo Hawaii. Paauau (pa'-&'u-&u) : bathing incio sure. Land section, Kau, Hawaii Paauhau ( pa'-&u-h&'u ) : tax yard Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Paauilo (pa'-au-i'lo) : maggot infect ed enclosure. Land section, Ha makua, Hawaii. Paawill (pa'a-wi'll) : twisted fast Land section, Lanai. Paeahu (pa'e-a'hu): several collec tions of things. Land section, Ho nuaula, Maui. Paeaki (pa'e-a'kl): row of images Land section, Oahu. Paehala (pa'eha'l^) : pandanus grove. Land section, Hana, Maui Paeohe (pa'e-o'he): bamboo grove Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. PAE 664 PAN Paeohi (pa'e-o'hi) : several gather- ings. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. Paeole (pa'e-o'le) : without bound- ary. Land section, Waialua, Oahu. Paepaealii (pa'e-pa'e-ali'i) : royal support. Land section, Oahu. Pahakuhaku (pa'-ha'ku-haku) : a gnarled or uneven fence. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Pahala (pa'-ha'la) : transgressor's enclosure . Village, Kau, Hawaii. Pahalona (pa'-ha-lo'na) : place for casting lots. Land section, Koo- laupoko, Oahu. Pahau (pa-ha'u) : hibiscus enclosure. Point, Niihau. Paheehee (pa'-he'e-he'e) : very slip- pery. Hill, Waianae, Oahu. Pahinahina (pa'-hi'na-hina) : grayish enclosure. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Pahipahialua (pa'hi-pahi-a'lua) : dou- ble edged cutting instrument. Land section, Koolau, Oahu. Pahoa (pa-ho'a): dagger. Land sec- tion, Kohala, Hawaii. Pahoehoe (pa-ho'e-ho'e) : smooth lava. Name applied to several lo- calities. Pahu (pa'-hu) : drum. Land section, Lanai. Pahuiwi (pa'hu-i'wi) : bone bound- ary. Land section, Kalihi, Oahu. Pahukii (pa'hu-ki'i) : idol drum. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Pahulu pa'-hu'-lu): a mythical ce- lebrity. Spring, Lanai. Pahuolona (pa'-hu-olo-na') : flax drum. Hill, Hana, Maui. Pahupahuapuaa (pa'hu-pa'hu-a-pua'a) : rooting as a hog. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Paia (pa'-ia) : enclosed. Land sec- tion, Hamakuapoko, Maui. Paihaaloa (pai'-ha'a-lo'a) : long row of dancers. Land section, Oahu. Paikahawai (pai'-ka'ha-wa'i) : a row of streams. Land section. Puna, Kauai. Pailolo (pa'i-lo'lo) : rolling waves. Channel, Maui-Molokai. Paina (pa'i-na) : eating. Land sec- tion, Kaupo, Maui. Paiwa (pa-i'wa) : beautiful enclosure. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Pakaka (pa'-ka-ka') : to glide as on the surf. Land section, Oahu. Pakakia (pa'-ka-ki'a) : prepare the house post or mast. Land section, Hana, Maui. Pakala (pa'-ka'-la) : a releasing en- closure. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. Pakaoao pa'-ka-o-a'o) : provisioning for an event. Mountain peak, Ha- leakala, Maui. Pakea (pa-ke'a) : whitish rock. Land section, Koolau, Maui. Pakihl (pa'-ki'-hi) : border fence. Part of east side of Haleakala cra- ter, Maui. Pakiloa (pa'-ki-lo'a) : long water di- vision. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Pakini (pa-ki'ni) : name of a tem- ple. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. PakiniikI (pa'-ki'ni-iki) : small Pakini. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Pakui (pa'-ku'i) : additional. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Palaa (pa'-la'a) : sacred enclosure. Land section, Puna, Hawaii. Palaau (pa'-la'au) : wooden fence. Land section, Molokai. Palailai (pa'-lai-la'i) : very clear place. Elevation, Ewa, Oahu. Palauea (pa'-la'u-ea) : to misrepre- sent one bowed down. Land sec- tion, Honuaula, Maui. Palauhulu (pa'-la'u-hulu) : banana- leaf enclosure. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Palawal (pa'la-wai) : a kind of sea moss. Land section, Lanai. Palea (pa'-le'-a) : amusement enclo- sure. Land section, Lanai. Paleau (pa-le-a'u) : diverting cur- rent. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Palemano (pa'-le-mano') : shark de- fense. Cape, South Kona, Hawaii. Palemo (pa-le'-mo) : sunk. Land sec- tion, Hana, Maui. Palepoiuka (pa'-le'po-i-u'ka) : upper dirt enclosure. Land section, Oahu. Paliakoae (pa'li-a-koa'e) : koae bird cliff. Land section, Lanai. Palianihi (pa'li-a-nihi) : vertical, dan- gerous cliff. Land section, Kona, Hawaii. Palikea (pa'li-ke'a) : whitish preci- pice. Cliffs, Na Pali, Kauai. Palima (pa-li'-ma) : a fifth, or five times. Land section, Kau, Ha- waii. Paiolo Valley (pa-lo'lo): whitish clay. Land section, Oahu. Pamoa (pa-mo'a) : fowl yard. Land section, Oahu. Panaewa (pa'-na-e'wa) : to shoot crookedly. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. PAN 665 PEL Panaiau (pa-na'i-S'u) : currents. Land section, poko, Maui. Panaka (pa-na'ka): shaky fence. Land section, Molokai. Panaulkl (pa-na'u-i'ki) : inclined to be restless. Land section, Puna, Hawaii. Panaunul (pa-na'u-nu'i) : great rest- lessness. Land division, Puna, Hawaii. Paniau (pa'-nl'-iu) : coconut-leaf rib fence. Land section, Hamakuapo- ko, Maui. Panipani (p^'ni-pS'-ni) : an echo sound. Land section. Oahu. Paomai (pa'-o-mai): to dig in. Land section, Lanai. Paoo (pa'-o'o): a species of small fish (Salarias). Land section, Ko- hala, Hawaii. Paooole (pao'-o-o'le) : Ole's pit. Land section, Lanai. Paopao (pa'o-pa'o): beating, strife. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Papa (pa-pa') : flat, level. Land sec- tion. South Kona, Hawaii. Papaa (pa-pa'a) : tight, secure. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Papaaea (pa-pa'a-e'a) : turtle Papaa Land section, Hamakualoa. Maui. Papaahawahawa (pa-pa'a-ha'wa-ha'- wa): filthy Papaa. Land section. Hana, Maui. Papaakoko (pa-pa'a-ko'ko) : dried up blood. Land section, Koolau, Oahu. Papaaloa (pa-pa*a-lo'a) : dried up. Land section, Hilo. Hawaii. Papaanui (pa-pa'a-nu'i) : great Pa- paa. Land section, Honuaula, Maui. Papaauhau (pa'pa-au'-hau) : tax board. Land section, Hana, Maui. Papaikou (pa'-pai-ko'u) : kou shed. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Papaka (pa'-pa-ka') : shelf for bail- ers. Land section. Honuaula. Maui. Papaki (pa'-pa-kl') : forbidden ti plant. Land section, Hamakua. Hawaii. Papalahoomoe (pa'-paia-ho'o-mo'e) : to lay bird-lime. Land section. Lanai. Papalawa (pa'pa-la'wft) : sufficient flat surface. Land section, Koo- lau, Molokai. Papalekokl (pa-pa'le-koki') : helmet. Mountain, Hamakua. Hawaii. Papalele (pa'pS-le'le) : spring board. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. successive ! Papauluana (pa'pa-u'lu-ana) : com- Hamakua- fortable resting place. Land sec- I tion, Kipahulu, Maui. Papiha Land (pa'-pi'ha): full enclosure, section, Kohala. Hawaii. Papohaku (pa'-po-haku) : stone wall. Land section, Kau. Hawaii. Pau (pilu): done, finished. Land section, Oahu. Pauahi (piu-a'hi): fire destroyed. Land section. Kohala, Hawaii. Pauahula (pau'-a-hu'la) : dress and dance. Land section, Niihau. Pauaka (pilu-a'kii): unjust, crooked. Land section, Molokai. Pauhekohi (pa-u'-he-ko'-hi) : woman's stained garment. Land section, Oahu. Paukaa (pau'-ka'a): completely gone. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Paukoa (pftu'-ko'^): koa tree deple- tion. Land section, Kona. Hawaii. Paukui (piu-ku'-i): cease striking. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Paukuiki (pau-ku-i'kl) : small piece. Land section. Kau, Hawaii. Paukunui (pau-ku-nu'I) : great piece. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Paumakaa (pau-maka-a') : all fiery eyed. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Paumalu (pau-miVlu') : all stolen. Land section, Koolau, Oahu. Paunau (pau-n5'u): all masticated. Land section, Lahaina. Maui. Pauoa Valley (pau-oa) : an ear or side (to Nuuanu valley), Oahu. Pauokalani (pa-il'-o-kaia'ni) : skirt of the chiefess. Land section. Lanai. Paupau (pa'u-pa'u): needless weari- ness. Elevation, Lahaina, Maui. Pauwalu (pau-wa'lu): eight all killed. Point, Koolau, Maui. Pauwela (pau-we'ia): burned up. Land section, Hamakualoa, Maui. Pawaa (pa-wa'a): wild. Land sec- tion, Oahu. Pawlll (pa-wi'li): contrary wind gusts. Land section, Lanai. Peahl (pe'-ahl): beckon. Land sec- tion. Hamakualoa, Maui. Peekaual (pe'e-ka'u-a'i) : Kauai is hiding. Land section, Kauai. Peleau (pe'-le-S'u) : swollen current. Land section, Hilo. Hawaii. Pelekane (pe'-le-ka'ne) : Britannia. Land section, Oahu. Pelekunu (pe'-le-ku'nu) : strong- smelling. Land section. Koolau, Molokai. PEL 666 POL Peleleu (pe'-le-le'u) : name of a class of short deep war canoes. Land section, Waianae, Oahu. Peleula (pe'-le-u'la) : red volcano. Land section, Oahu. Pepeekeo (pe-pe'e-ke'o) : broken, bent comb. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Piapia (pi'a-pi'a) : sore eye. Land section, Hana, Maui. Piha (pi-ha): dripping water-trough. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Pihea (pi-he'a) : flood-wood. Peak, Northwest Kauai. Piiholo (pi'i-ho'lo) : to ascend rapid- ly. Mountain, Maui. Piihonua (pi'i-ho-nu'a) : ascend land. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Piilani (pi'i-la'ni) : high chief. Ditch, West Maui. Piinalo (pi'i-na'i-o) : ascend for bas- tard sandalwood (Myoporum sand- wicense). Waikiki, Oahu. Pilaa (pi-la'a): holy sprinkling. Land section, Koolau, Kauai. Piliamoo (pi'-li-a-mo'o) : adjoining a narrow strip of land. Land section, Oahu. Pimoe (pi-mo'e) : unkind protection. Elevation, Honuaula, Maui. Poahamai (po'-aha-ma'i) : encircled. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Poamoho (po-a'-mo'ho) : derivation unknown. Stream, Waialua, Oahu. Poe (po'-e) : round. Land section, Kaupo, Maui. Poea (po'-ea): life-night. Land sec- tion, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Poeaki (po'e-a'ki) : a backbiting class. Land section, Oahu. Poepoe (po'e-po'e) : circular. Land section, Kapalama, Oahu. Pohaha (po'-ha'-ha) : round, circular. Moanalua, Oahu. Pohakanele (po'-haka-ne'le) : lacking a belt. Land section, Hana, Maui. Pohakea (po'-ha-ke'a) : white rock. Mountain, Waianae Range, Oahu. Pohakekuia (po'-ha-ke-ku-i'a) : noise on spearing fish. Small bay, La- nai. Pohakuao (po'-haku-a'o) : day stone. Land section, Na Pali, Kauai. Pohakuau (po'-haku-a'u) : swimming rock. Na Pali, Kauai. Pohakuawawa (po'-haku-a'wa-a'wa) : bitter rock. Na Pali, Kauai. Pohaku Eaea (po'-haku-e'a-ea) : spray rock. Point, Kahikinui, Maui. Pohaku haku (po'-haku-ha'ku) : rocky. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Pohaku Hanalei (po'-ha-ku ha'na-le'i) : Hanalei stone. Peak, Northeast Mauna Loa, Hawaii. Pohakuloa (po'-ha-ku-lo'a) : long stone. Cape, East Kauai. Pohakulua (po'-haku-lu'a) : hollowed stone. Land section, Kohala, Ha- waii. Pohakumauluulu (po'-haku-ma-u'lu- ulu) : stone lameness. Land sec- tion, Waipio, Hawaii. Pohakunanaka (po'-ha-ku-na-na'ka) : cracked stone. Stream, Hilo, Ha- waii. Pohakuokane (po'-ha-ku-o-ka'ne) : stone of Kane, a deity. Hill, North Kauai. Pohaku Palaha (po'-haku pa-la'-ha) : broad rock. Elevation, Haleakala, Maui. Pohakupili (po'-haku-pi'li) : close fit- ted stone. Land section, Kona, Molokai. Pohakupu (po'-ha-ku-pu') : bursting growth. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Pohakupuka (po'-haku-pu'ka) : porous stone. Name applied to several localities. Pohakuwaawaa (po'-ha-ku-wa'a-wa'a) : furrowed rock. Summit, northwest Kauai. Pohoiki (po'-ho-i'ki) : small hollow. Name applied to several localities. Pohouia (po'-ho-u'la) : red hollow. Land section, Kaupo, Maui. Pohue (po'-hue) : gourd. Land sec- tion, Hana, Maui. Pohueloa (po'-hue-lo'a) : long gourd. Land section, Niihau. Pokai (po'-ka-i'): a celebrity from Kahiki. Land section, Waianae, Oahu. Polaiki (po'la-i'ki) : small pola, plat- form of double canoe. Land sec- tion, Lahaina, Maui. Polala (po'-lala): warming night. Land section, Kahikinui, Maui. Polanui (po'la-nu'i) : large, high seat between double canoes. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. Polapola (po'la-po'la) : flowing robe. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. Poliahu (po'li-a'hu) : snow goddess. Mountain peak, Mauna Kea, Ha- waii. Polihua (po'li-hu'a) : egg nest. Beach, Lanai. POL 667 PUE Polipoli (po'li-po'li): soft, porous rock. Mountain, Kula, Maui. Poloai (po'lo-ai) : to summon. Land I section, Kahikinui, Maui. ! Poloke (po-lo'ke): fresh pel. Land | section, Oahu. i Pololu (po'lo-lu') : spear. Land sec- tion, Kohala, Hawaii, Polua (po'-lua): dizziness. Land sec- tion, Kaanapali, Maui. Ponahale (po'-na-ha'le) : house divi- sion. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Ponahawai (po'-naha-wa'i) : a pool of water. Land section, Hilo, Ha- waii. Poniohua (po'-ni-o'hua) : annointed on the night of Hua. Land sec- tion, Molokai. Poniuohua (po-ni'u-o'hua) : domes- tic's dizziness. Land section, Mo- lokai. Poohlna (po'o-hi'nS) : gray head. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Poohuklnj (po-o'hu-ki'ni) : night of numerous fogs. Land section, Oahu. Poohuluhulu (po'o-hu'lu-hu'lu) : shag- gy head. Land section. Oahu. Pookala (po'o-ka'-la) : chief public crier. Point, Ewa, Oahu. Pookea (po'o-ke'i) : white haired. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Poomau (po'o-ma-u') : source of moisture. Stream, Waimea, Kauai. Poonahoahoa (po'o-na-ho'S-ho'a), bat- tered head. Land section, Oahu. Poopao (po'o-pa'-o) : source of a cav- ern. Land section, Hana, Maui. Poopoo (po'o-po'o): a deep hole. Stream, Hilo, Hawaii. Poopuaa (po'o-pua'a) : hog's head. Elevation, Hamakua, Hawaii. Poowaiomahaihai (po'o-wa'i-o-ma'- hai-hai) : water source of Mahai- hal. Ditch, Waimea, Kauai. Popoiwi (po'po-i'wi) : corner. Land section, Kaupo, Maui. Popoki (po-po'-ki): short and thick. Land section, Puna, Hawaii. Popoloa (po'po-lo'a) : long bundle. Land section, Kipahulu, Maui. Poponui (po'po-nu'i) : great bundle. Land section, Kipahulu, Maui. Pouhala (po'u-ha'la) : pandanus post. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Pouhuluhulu (po'u-hu'lu-hu'lu) : rough post. Land section, Oahu. Poulua (po'u-lu'^) : second Land section, Hamakualoa, Poupou (po'u-po'u) : stubby, short. Stream, East Mauna Kea, Hawaii. Poupouwela (po'u-pou-we'la) : an angry, stubby person. Land sec- tion, Kau, Hawaii. Puaa (pu-a'a) : hog. Lahaina, Maui. Puaahala (pua'a-ha'l^) ing. Land section, Puaahaunui with big Land section, : pig sin-offer- Oahu. (pu-a'a-hau-nu'i) : hog bristles. Land section, post. Maui. Koolau, Molokai. Puaakuloa (pu-a'a-ku'lo'a) : long de- 1 ferred pig. Land section, Hilo, I Hawaii. Puaaloa (pu-a'a-lo'a) : long pig. I Land section, Lahaina, Maui. j Puahala (pu'a-ha'ia) : pandanus flow- ' er. Land section, Molokai. I Puahia (pu'S-hi'S): to be blown i about. Land section, Oahu. jPuahoowali (pu'a-ho'o-wSli) : flower I ground up. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. I Puahula (pu'S-hu'la) : dance flower. j Land section, Niihau. jPualkl (pu'a-i'ki): little flower. Land i section, Kohala, Hawaii, Puakea (pu'^-ke'S): pale, whitish. 1 Land section. Koolau, Maui. I Puako (pu'-a-ko) : sugar-cane blos- som. Land section. South Ko- hala, Hawaii. I Pualaa (pu'aia'a) : sacred flower. Land section. Puna, Hawaii. Pualaea (pu'-a-laea) : red ocher hill. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. |Pualehua (pu'a-le'-hua) : lehua blos- I som. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. jPualoalo (pu'-alo-a'lo): hibiscus ko- kio. Land section, Oahu. Puanaiea (pu'i-na'i-ea) : life-seeking youth. Point, Northwest Kauai. Puanea (pu'a-ne'a): desolating ar- row. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Puanui (pu'a-nu'i): great flower. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. i Puapuaa (pu'i-pu-a'a) : collected as I fagots. Land section. North Kona, I Hawaii. Puawahakea (pu'a-wa'ha-ke'i) : white-mouthed flower. Land sec- tion, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Puea (pu-e'a) : to be forced to do a thing. Land section, Waianae, Oahu. I Puehu (pu'-ehu): a scattering. 1 Point, Hamakualoa, Maui. PUB 668 PUU Puehuehu (pu'-ehu-ehu) : scattered. Land section, South Kohala, Ha- waii. Puehuehuiki (pu'-ehu-e'hu-iki) : small dispersal. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. Pueke (pu'-eke): to wrinkle up. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Puelelu (pu'-e'le-lu) : a trumpet shell. Land section, Molokai. Pueo (pu'-eo) : owl. Land section, Waipio, Hawaii. Pueokahl (pu'-eo-ka'hi) : lone owl. Land section, Hana, Maui. Pueopaku (pu'-eo-pa'ku) : an owl de- fense. Land section, Hilo, Ha- waii. Puhalanui (pu'-hala-nu'i) : great pan- danus tree. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Puhawai (pu'-ha-wa'i) : water burst. Land section, Waianae, Oahu. Puheemiki (pu-he'e-mi'ki) : octopus contraction. Land section, Koo- lau, Oahu. Puhielelu (pu'hi-e'le-lu) : roach blown. Ridge, Lanai. Puiwa (pu'-iwa) : startled. Land sec- tion, Oahu. Pukaauhuhu (pu'ka-au'-huhu) : fish poison outlet. Land section, Kau- po, Maui. Pukalani (pu'ka-la'ni) : heavenly door. Land section, Kula, Maui. Pukele (pu-ke'le) : slippery conch shell. Land section, Oahu. Pukihae (pu'-ki-ha'e) : inspiration conch. Stream, South Hilo, Ha- waii. Pukoa (pu-ko'a) : coral heap. Land section, Kona, Molokai. Pukoaki (pu-ko'-a'ki) : separated canoe stools. Land section, Oahu. Pukoo (pu'-ko'o) : supporting conch shell. Land section, Molokai. Pukuilua (pu'-kui-lu'a) : a double echo. Land section, Hana, Maui. Pulama (pu-la'ma) : watchful care. Land section, Puna, Hawaii. Pulehu (pu'-lehu) : to roast on coals. Ridge, Southwest Kauai. Pulehuiki (pu'-lehu-i'ki) : small ash heap. Land section, Kula, Maui. Pulehuloa (pu'-lehu-lo'a) : long roast- ing. Hill, Lanai. Pulehunui (pu'-lehu-nu'i) : great ash mound. Land section, Kula, Maui. Pulili (pu'-lili): a musical instru- ment. Stream, Southeast Mauna Kea, Hawaii, sor- Oahu. Land Pulou (pu-lo'u): hidden from sight. Land section, Lanai, Puna (pu'-na): coral, lime. District, Hawaii. Punaakaa (pu'-na-a-ka'a) : broken coral. Land section, Oahu. Punaalana (pu'na-a-la'na) : floating I coral. Land section, Oahu. Punaanaana (pu'na-a'na-ana') : eery spring. Land section, Punahelu (pu'na-helu) : mouldy. section, Hilo, Hawaii. Punahoa (pu'-na-ho'a) : intimate companion. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Punahou (pu'-na-ho'u) : new spring. Land section, Oahu. Punakou (pu'-na-ko'u) : piece of kou wood (Cordia subcordata). Land section. Southwest Molokai. Punalau (pu'na-la'u) : leaf coral. Land section, Molokai. Punaluu (pu'na-lu'u) : scattered coral. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Punaula (pu'na-u'la) : red coral. I Land section, Molokai. I Puniki (pu'-ni-ki): a tied knot. Land I section, Oahu. j Punohu (pu'-nohu): ascending smoke. I Mountain, Hamakua, Hawaii, i Punoiwi (pu'-no-i'wi): large bone. Land section, Waialua, Oahu. Puohai (pu'-ohai) : hill of the ohai i shrub. Land section, Hilo, Ha- ! waii, j Puohokamoa (pu'-oho-ka-mo'a) : the ! fowl was startled. Stream, Hana, I Maui. j Puolo (pu'-olo) : bundle. Point, Ha- I napepe, Kauai. ! Puolua (pu'-o-lu'a) : second confu- I sion. Land section, Hamakuapoko, i Maui. ^ Puopaha (pu'-o-pa'-ha) : indented gourd. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Puou (pu'-o'u): gourd float. Land section, Lahaina, Maui, j Puowaina (pu'-o-wa'i-na) : hill of I sacrifice. Punchbowl Hill, Oahu. i Pupukea (pu-pu-ke'a) : white shell. ' Land section, Koolauloa, Oahu. i Puua (pu'-u'a): rain hill. Land sec- ' tion, Puna, Hawaii. j Puu Ahinui (pu'u a'-hi-nu'i) : hill of great fire. Hill, South Kona, Ha- waii. Puu Alaea (pu'u a'-laea) : red ocher hill. Stream, Hilo, Hawaii. PUU 669 PUU Puu Alani (pu'u a-lani): alani (Pe- lea sp.) hill. Hill, Kauai. Puualealea (pu'u-a-le'a-le'a) : hill of delight. Hill, Lanai. Puu Alii (pu'u a-li'i): royal hill. Peak, Central Range, Molokai. Puualll (pu'u-a-li'i) : chief's hill. Mountain peak, Lanai. Puu Anahulu (pu'u a'na-hulu): tenth hill. Land section. North Kona Hawaii. Puu Aukai (pu'u au-ka'i): ocean cur- rent hill. Kauai. Puu Enuhe (pu'u e-nu'-he) : cater- pillar hill. Kau, Hawaii. Puueo (pu'u-e'o): victor hill. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Puuepa (pu'u-e'pa): false hill. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Puu Eu (pu'u e'u): mischievous hill. Koolau, Kauai. Puuhale (pu'u-ha'le) : house knoll. Land section, Oahu, Puuhaoa (pu'u-ha'-oa) : burning hill. Land section, Hana, Maui. Puu Hele (pu'u he'-le) : traveler's hill. Wailuku. Maui. Puu HInai (pu'u hi-na'i) : basket hill. South Kohala, Hawaii. Puuhoehu (pu'u-ho'-ehu) : expulsion hill. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Puu Hoomaha (pu'u ho'o-ma'ha) : hill of rest. Kau, Hawaii. Puuhoowali (pu'u-ho'o-wa'li) : ground broken hill. Land section, Lahaina. Maui. Puuhue (pu'u-hu'e): gourd hill. Vil- lage, Kohala, Hawaii. Puu Hue (pu'u hu'e) : gourd hill. Knoll. North Kohala, Hawaii. Puu Huluhulu (pu'u-hu'lu-hu'lu): shaggy hill. Hamakua, Hawaii. Puuhune (pu'u-hu'ne) : hill of pov- erty. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Puulkl (pu'u-i'ki): small knoll. Vil- lage, Waialua, Oahu. Puu lo (pu'ui'o): hawk hill. Hama- kua, Hawaii. Puukaeo (pu'u-ka-e'o) : diverting cur- rent. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Puukala (pu'u-ka'la) : forgiving hill. Land section, Kona. Hawaii. Puukalalipu (pu'u-ka-lai-i'pu) : hill of calabash hewing. Land section. Koolau, Maui. Puukaluha (pu'u-ka-lu'-ha) : kaluha plant (Kyllingia monocephala) hill. Land section, Koolaupoko. Oahu. Puukamanu (pu'u-ka-mS.'nu) : the bird hill. Northern Kauai. Puukapele (pu'u-ka-pe'-le) : hill of Pele. Peak, Waimea, Kauai. Puu Ka Pele (pu'u ki\-pe'-le) : hill of Pele. Elevation, Kau, Hawaii. Puu Kapolel (pu'u ka-po'-le'i) ; Kapo's wreath hill. Bwa, Oahu. Puukapu (pu'u-ka'pu) : forbidden h.ill Land section, Oahu. Puu Kea (pu'u ke'a) : white hill, Ha- makua, Hawaii, Puuki (pu'u-ki'): ti plant (Cordyline terminalis) hill. Land section, Oahu. Puu Ki (pu'u ki'): hill of ti. Kau. Hawaii. Puukoa (pu'u-ko'a): koa tree hill. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Puu Koa (pu'u ko'a): koa tree hill. Makawao, Maui. Puu Koae (pu'u ko-a'e): tropic bird hill. Point, Kaanapaii, Maui. Puukohola (pu'u-koho-la') : whale hill. Land section, Hana, Maui. Puu-kole (pu'u-ko'-le): red or bare hill. Land section, Kohala, Ha- waii . Puu Kolo (pu'u ko'-lo): creeping hill. Kauai. Puukuka (pu'u-ku-ka'): consultation hill. Land section, Lanai. Puu Kukai (pu'u ku'kai): seaward hill. Koolau, Maui. Puukukui (pu'u-ku'-kui) : kukui tree hill (Aleurites moluccana). Ele- vation, west coast, Maui. Puu Kumu (pu'u ku'mu): foundation hill. Stream, north coast, Kauai. Puula (pu-u'la): red conch shell. Village, Puna, Hawaii. Puu Laalaau (pu'u la'a-la'au) : bushes hill. North Kona, Hawaii. Puulakua (pu'u-la-ku'a) : incongruous hill. Land section, Kaupo, Maui. Puulani (pu'u-lS'-ni) : heavenly hill. Land section, Kaupo, Maui Puu Lehu (pu'u le'-hu): ash hill. Waimea, Kauai. Puulena (pu'u-Ie'nS) : yellowish hill. Land section. Oahu. Puu Llollo (pu'u li'oli'o): dazzling hill. Hamakua, Hawaii. Puu Loa (pu'u lo'&): long hill. Ko- hala. Hawaii. Puuloa (pu'u-lo'd): long hill. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Puulonalona (pu'u-lo'na-lo'nS) : hear- say hill. Land section. Koolau, Maui. PUU 670 PUU Puulua (pu'u-lu'a): double hill. Peak, west coast, Kauai. Puu Luahine (pu'u lu'a-hi'ne) : old woman's hill. Molokai. Puumahanalua (pu'u-ma-ha'na-lu'a) : doubly warmed hill. Crater rim, Lanai. Puumaheu (pu'u-ma-he'-u) : trodden hill. Northwest coast, Kauai. Puu Mahoe (pu'u ma-ho'e) : twin hills. Honuaula, Maui. Puumahoe (pu'u-ma-ho'e) : twin hills. Koolau, Maui. Puumaiakahe (pu'u-ma'ia-ka'he) : ba- nana dropping hill. Hill, Lanai. Puumaile (pu'u-mai'-le) : maile hill (Alyxia olivaeformis.) Land sec- tion, Koolau, Maui. Puumakaa (pu'u-maka-a') : fiery-eye hill. Land section, Kau, Hawaii Puumakani (pu'u-maka'ni) : windy hill. Hill, Lanai. Puu Makawana (pu'u maka-wa'na) : eye-approaching hill. Point, Kaa- napali, Maui. Puumaneoneo (pu'u-ma'-neo-ne'o) : hill of sea-grass. Land section, Kaupo, Maui. Puumanu (pu'u-ma'-nu) : bird hill. Land section, Lanai. Puumoi (pu'u-mo'i): moi (fish) hill. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Puu Nahaha (pu'u na'-ha-ha') : broken hill. Hill, South Kona, Hawaii. Puu-Nana-Hawaii (pu'u-na-na-ha'- wai'i) : Hawaii view hill. Land section, Lanai, Puunau (pu'u-na'u) : hill of Nau. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. Puu Nene (pu'u ne-ne') : goose hill. Hill and village, Wailuku, Maui. Puu Nianiau (pu'u ni'a-ni-a'u) : swift moving hill. Hill, Maui. Puunoa (pu'u-no'a) : unrestricted hill. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. Puunopili (pu'u-no'-pili) : mudfish hill. North coast, Kauai. Puunul (pu'u-nu'i): big hill. Land section, Oahu. Puuoehu (pu'u-o-e'hu) : hill of Ehu. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Puuohai (pu'u-o-ha'i) : ohai (Sesba- nia tomentosa) hill. Land sec- tion, Hilo, Hawaii. Puu Ohau (pu'u-o-ha'u) : hill of dew. Hill, South Kona, Hawaii. Puu Ohia (pu'u ohi'a) : mountain- apple hill (Metrosideros). Mt. Tan- talus, Oahu. Puuohua (pu'u-o-hu'a) : hill of Hua. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Puu Ohuiehule (pu'u o-hu'-le-hu'-le) : bald hill. Koolau Range, Oahu. Puu o Hulu (pu'u o hu'lu) : hill of Hulu. Hill, Waianae, Oahu. Puu o Kali (pu'u o-ka'li) : waiting hill. Hill, Kula, Maui. Puu o Kanaloa (pu'u o ka'-na-lo'a) : Kanaloa's hill. Hill, Honuaula, Maui. Puu o Keokeo (pu'u o ke'o-ke'o) : hill of Keokeo. Hill, Kau, Hawaii. Puu o Koha (pu'u o ko'-ha) : Koha's hill. Hill, Kula, Maui. Puu o Kohola (pu'u o ko'ho-la') : whale-dart hill. Hill, Koolau, Maui. Puuokumau (pu'u-o-ku-ma'u) : per- manent hill. Land section, South Kohala, Hawaii. Puu Olai (pu'u o-la'i) : earthquake hill. Point, Honuaula, Maui. Puuolii (pu'u-o-li'i) : Lii's hill. Stream, East Mauna Kea, Hawaii. Puuomahuka (pu'u-o-ma'-huka) : hill of Mahuka. Land section, Hana, Maui. Puuomaiai (pu'u-o-ma'i-ai) : Maiai's hill. Land section, Kaupo, Maui. Puuomaile (pu'u-o-mai'-le) : hill of maile vine. Land section, Hama- kualoa, Maui. Puu o Nale (pu'u o na'-le) : hill of Nale. Kohala, Hawaii. Puu Oo (pu'u o'-o') : yellow-feathered bird (Moho nobilis) hill. Hill, Hilo, Hawaii. Puu o Pae (pu'u o pa'e) : hill of Pae. Waimea, Kauai. Puuopae (pu'u-o'-pae) : shrimp hill. West slope, Kauai. Puu o Uli (pu'u-o-u'li) : hill of Uli. Mountain, Honuaula, Maui. Puu o Umi (pu'u-o-u'mi) : Umi's hill. Hill, Hamakualoa, Maui. Puu o Do (pu'u-o-u'o) : hill of Uo. Mountain, South Kona, Hawaii. Puu Pa (pu'u-pa') : fort hill. Hill, South Kohala, Hawaii. Puu Paka (pu'u pa'-ka) : clear hill. Kauai. Puu Pane (pu'u pa'ne) : answering hill. Hill, Kula, Maui. Puupane (pu'u-pa'ne) : speaking hill. North slope, Kauai, Puupapaia (pu'u-pa'-pa-ia) : forbid- den hill. Land section, Koolau, Maui. Puupehe (pu'u-pe'he) : owl-trap hill. Rock islet, Lanai. PUU 671 UWE Puupehu (pu'u-pe'hu) : swollen hill. Land section, Hanalei, Kauai. Puu Pill (pu'u pi'-li): grass (Hetero- pogon contortus) hill. Hill, Ko- hala, Hawaii. Puupilo (pu'u-pi'-lo): offensive hill. Wailua, Kauai. Puu Poa (pu'u po-a'): robber's hill. Cape, Halelea, Kauai. Puuulaula (pu'u-u'ia-u'la) : red Mountain, Kau, Hawaii. Puuwaawaa (pu'u-wa'a-wa'a) : furrowed with gulches. Land tion. North Kona, Hawaii, hill. hill sec- Puuwai Point, (pu'uwa'i) Niihau. the heart. U Uaiakaa (u'-alS-ka'a) : rolling sweet potato. Roundtop Hill, Oahu. Ualapue (u'-aia-pu'e) : hilled sweet potatoes. Land section, Molokai. Uaoa (u'a-o'a): drenching rain. Land section, Hamakualoa, Maui. Uapunohu (u'S-pu'-no-hu) : column rain. Land section, Lanai. Uau (u-a'u): a sea bird (Puffinus sp.). Hill, Aiea, Ewa, Oahu. Uhanau (u'-ha'-nau) : birth grief. Land section, Molokai. Uhao (u'-ha'o): to fill in. Land sec- tion, Lahaina, Maui. Uhau lole (u-ha'u io'le): stricken rat. Stream, Lihue, Kauai. Uhlki (u-hi'-ki): commendation. Land section, Wailuku, Maui. Uhikiko (u'-hi-ki'ko) : spotted yam Land section, Halelea, Kauai. Uhuku (u-hu'-ku): a small, flat ele- vation. Land section, Hamakua- loa, Maui. Ulllkiko (u'-ili-ki'ko) : freckle-skinned uu (Myripristis murdjan). Land section, Lahaina, Maui. Ukiuki (u'ki-u'ki): vexed. Land sec- tion, Halelea, Kauai. Ukoa (u'-ko'a): rising coral. Fish pond, Waialua, Oahu. Ukula (u-ku'-la'): day's recompense. Cape, Kona, Hawaii. Ukumehame (uku'-me-ha'me) : pay- ment in hame wood. Land sec- tion, Lahaina, Maui. Ukuula (uku'-u'ia): red payment. Land section, Kauai. Ulaino (ulS-i'no) : bad lobster. Land section, Koolau, Maui. Ulakiu (u'la-ki'u): wind reddened. Land section. Puna, Kauai. Ulalena (u'laie'na) : yellow-red. Hill. Hamakualoa, Maui. Ulu (u'lu): growth, or breadfruit. Land section, Oahu. Ulukanu (u'lu-kS'-nu) : planted breadfruit tree. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Ulukou (u'-Iu-ko'u): kou grove. Land section, Oahu. Ululani (u'lu-lS'ni) : heavenly growth. Land section, Oahu. Ululoloa (u'lu-lo-lo'S): long bread- fruit. Land section, Kohala. Ha- waii. Ulumalu (u'lu-ma'lu) : shady bread- fruit tree. Land section, Hama- kualoa, Maui. Ulumanu (u'lu-ma'nu) : flock of birds. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Uiumawao (u'-lu-ma-wa'o) : outer wild growth. Elevation, Koolau, Oahu. U I u m o k u (u'lu-mo'ku) : island growth. Land section. Ewa, Oahu. Uluniu (u'lu-ni'u): coconut grove. Land section, Oahu. Uluopihi (u'lu-opi'hi): limpet growth. Land section. Molokai. Ulupalakua (u'lu-pa'ia-ku'a) : ripe breadfruit ridge. Village, Ho- nuaula, Maui. Ulupehupehu (u'lu-pe'hu-pehu) : swol- len breadfruit. Land section, Koo- lauloa, Oahu. Umauma (u'-m^u-m^): breast. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Uml (u-mi'): to strangle, suffocate. Land section, Oahu. Unananiho (u'-nS'na-ni'ho) : tooth prying. Land section, Hamakua- loa, Maui. Upa (u-pa') : strength. Land sec- tion. Puna, Kauai. Upolu (u-po'-lu): a Samoan island name. Land section, Kohala, Ha- waii. Uwai (u-w&'i): watery. Land sec- tion. Lahaina, Maui. Uwau (u-wHu): a sea bird (Procel laria alba). Land section, Koo laupoko, Oahu. Uwekahuna (u'-we'-ka-hu-ni) : wail- ing priests. Elevation. Kllauea. Hawaii. WAA 672 WAI W Waawaa (wa'a-wa'a) : gullied, fur- rowed. Land section, Puna, Ha- waii. Waekaku (wa'e-ka'-ku) : sorting ka- ku fish (Sphyraena snodgrassi). Kona, Hawaii. Wahane (wa-ha'-ne) : time of wail- ing spirits. Land section, Lanai. Wahiawa (wa'hi-awa) : place of awa. Land section, Kauai. Wahiawa (wa'-hi-a-wa') : landing place. Land section. Waialua. Oahu Wahie (wa-hi'e) : firewood. Point, Paomai, Lanai. Wahikuli (wa'hi-ku'li) : deaf place. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. Wahinalo (wa'-hi-na'lo) : place in which to be concealed. Land sec- tion, Oahu. Wahinepee (wa'-hi-ne-pe'e) : hiding woman. Stream, Koolau, Maui. Waiaala (wa'i-a-a'la) : fragrant water. Land section, Oahu. Waiaama (wa'i-a-a'ma) : black crab water. Stream, East Mauna Kea, Hawaii. Waiaha (wa'i-a'ha) : temple service water. Land section. North Kona, Hawaii. Waiahi (wa'i-a'hi) : ahi (Germo ger- mo) water. Stream. Lihue, Kauai. Walahole (wa'i-a-ho'-le) : ahole (fish) water. Name applied to several localities. Waiaka (wa'i-a'ka) : laughing water. Land section, Oahu. Waiakahiula (wa'i-a-ka'hi-ula) : Kahi- ula's water. Land section, Puna, Hawaii. Waiakalua (wa'i-a-ka-lu'a) : water of the crater. Land section. Koo- lau, Kauai. Waiakamilo (wa'i-a-ka-mi'lo) : sap of the milo tree (Thespesia popul- nea). Land section, Oahu. Waiakea (wa'i-a-ke'a) : open waters. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Waiakeakua (wa'i-a-ke-aku'a) : water of the gods. Gulch spring, Lanai. Waiakemi (wa'i-a-ke'mi) : Kemi's water. Land section, Oahu. Walakoa (wa'i-a-ko'a) : Koa's water. | Land section, Kula, Maui. Waiakolea (wa'i-a-ko-lea) : akolea (fern) dewdrops. Land section. Puna, Hawaii. I Waialae (wa'i-a'-lae) : water of the mud hen. Land section, Oahu. Waialala (wa'i-a-la'la') : alala (bird) water. Land section, Lanai. Waialeale (wa'i-a'le-ale) : rippling water. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Waialee (wa'i-a-le'e) : bounding water. Land section, Oahu. Waialua (wa'i-a'-lua) : two streams. Land section, Kona, Molokai. Waianae (wa'i-a-na'e) : mullet water District, Oahu. Waianapanapa (wa'i-a-na-pa-na'pa) : sparkling water. Pond on Hale- akala, Maui. Waianu (wa'i-a'nu) : cold water. Land section, Koolau, Maui. Waiapaa (wa'i-a-pa'a) : held water. Land section, Lanai. Waiapuka (wa'i-a-pu'ka) : deceitful water. Land section, Kohala, Ha- waii. Waiau (wa'i-a'u) : water to swim in. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Waiaula (wa'i-a-u'la) : water of Ula. Land section, Oahu. Waiawa (wa'i-a'wa) : bitter water. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Waiea (wa'i-e'a) : turtle cove. Land section, South Kona, Hawaii. Waiehu (wa'i-e'hu): water driven. Land section, Wailuku, Maui. Waieli (wa'i-e'li): water dug for. Land section, Hana, Maui. Waihee (wa'i-he'e): water of flight. Land section, Wailuku, Maui. Waihi (wa'i-hi): dripping water. Land section, Oahu. Waihonu (wa'i-ho'-nu) : turtle water. Land section, Hana, Maui. Waika (wa'i-ka') : a dash of water. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Waikaalulu (wa'i-ka'a-lulu) : quick water. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Waikahalulu (wa'i-ka'ha-lulu) : roar- ing water. Land section, Oahu. Waikahekahe (wa'i-ka'he-kahe) : flowing water. Land section. Puna, Hawaii. Waikakalaua (wa'i-ka-ka-la'u-a) : water of the rain crags. Stream, Ewa, Oahu. Waikakolu (wa'i-ka'-ko'lu) : third dash of water. Land section, La- nai. WAI 673 WAI Waikakuu (wa'i-ka-ku'u) : releasing water. Land section, South Kona. Hawaii. Waikalua (wa'i-ka'-lua) : cooking water. Land section. Koolaupoko, Oahu. Waikamoi (wa'i-ka-mo'-i) : white spot remedial water. Stream, Koolau, Maui. Waikane (wa'i-ka'ne) : water of Kane. Land section. Koolaupoko. Oahu. Walkapokl (wa'i-k5-po'-ki) : the unit- ed waters. Land section, Koolau- poko. Oahu. Waikapu (wa'i-ka'pu) : forbidden water. Land section, Hamakua. Hawaii. Waikapu (wa'i-ka-pu') : restricted water. Land section, Wailuku, Maui. Waikaumaio (wa'i-kSu-ma'lo) : girdle- spread water. Stream, Hilo, Ha- waii. Waikele (wa'i-ke'le) : muddy water. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Waikiki (wa'i-ki'ki') : spurting water. Subdistrict, Oahu. Waikiu (wa'i-ki'u): dew of the north- west wind. Land section. Hana. Maui. Waikoae wa'i-ko-a'e) : koae bird pool. Land section, Oahu. Waikoekoe (wa'i-ko'e-ko'e) : chilly water. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Waikoko (wa'i-ko'ko) : bloody water. Land section. Halelea, Kauai. Walkoloa (wa'i-ko'-loa) : wild duck water. Land section, South Ko- hala, Hawaii. Waikolu (wa'i-ko'lu) : three waters. Land section. Koolau, Molokai. Wailamoa (wa'i-la-mo'a) : fowl con- secrating water. Land section, Ki- pahulu, Maui. Wailau (wa'i-hVu): four hundred streams. Name applied to sev- eral localities. Wailaulau (wa'i-ia'u-lau) : bundling water. Name applied to several localities. Wailea (wa'i-le'a) : water of pleas- ure. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Wailele (wa'i-le'le) : water fall. Land section. Oahu Wailoa (wa'i-lo'a) : long water. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Wailua (wa'i-lu'a): two waters. Stream, Puna, Kauai. Wailua-iki (wa'i-lu'ai'ki) : little Wai- lua. Land section. Koolau, Maui. (wa'i-lu'a nu'i): great Land section. Koolau, Wailua-nui Wailua. Maui. Wailuku (wa'i'lu'ku) : watt^r of slaughter. District, Maui. Wailupe (wa'i-lu'pe) : kite wiir Land section, Oahu. Waima (wa'i-ma'): failing water. Stream. Hamakua, Hawaii. Waimaauau (wa'i-ma'-ilu-j\u) : Deriva- tion unknown. Land section. Koolaupoko, Oahu. Waimalino (wa'i-ma-li'no) : smooth waters. Land section. Ewa, Oahu. Waimalu (wa'i-ma'lu) : shaded water. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Waimanalo (wa'i-ma-na'Io) : brackish water. Land section. Koolaupoko. Oahu. Waimano (wa'i-mft'no) : many waters. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Waimanu (wa'i-ma'nu) : bird water. Land section, Hamakua. Hawaii. Waimea (wa'i-me'i): reddish water. Name applied to several localities. Waimuku (wa'i-mu'ku) : disappear- ing water. Land section. Kau. Hawaii. Wainaku (wa'ina'ku) : water of rushes. Land section, Hilo, Ha- waii. Wainee (wa'i-ne'e): moving water. Land section, Lahaina. Maui. Wainiha (wa'i-ni'ha) : rude, wild water. Land section, Halelea. Kauai. Waiohaka (wa'i-o-haka) : dripping water. Land section, Koolaupoko. Oahu. Waiohinu (wa'i-o-hl'nu) : shiny water. Land section. Halelea. Kauai. Waiohonu (wa'i-o-ho'nu) : turtle's water. Land section, Hana. Maui. Waiohue (wa'i-o-hu'e) : water of Hue. Land section. Koolau. Maui. Waiohuli (wa'i-o-hu'li): water of Hull. Land section, Kula, Maui. Waiokama (wa'i-o-ka'raft) : water of Kama. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. Waiokamllo (w&'i-o-k&milo) : Ka- j milo's water. Stream. Koolau, I Maui. Waiokiia (wa'i-o-ki'la) : water of Kila. Land section. Kaanapali, Maui. WAI 674 WIL Waiolama (wa'i-o-la'ma) : water of Lama. Stream, Hilo, Hawaii. Waioli (wa'i-o'li): singing water. Land section, Halelea, Kauai. Walomao (wa'i-o'-mao) : green water. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Waioni (wa'i-o'ni) : moving water. Land section, Koolau, Maui. Waiono (wa'i-o'no) : sweet water. Land section, Koolauloa, Oahu. Walopai (wa'i-o'-pai) : trembling water. Land section, Kahikinui, Maui. Waiopihi (wa'i-o'-pi-hi: limpet water. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Waiopua (wa'i-o'-pua) : cloud water. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Waipa (wa'i-pa'): smitten water. land section, Halelea, Kauai. Waipahihi (wa'i-pa-hi'-hi) : spatter- ing water. Land section, Koolau, Maui. Waipahoehoe (wa'i-pa-ho'e-ho'e) : rapid lava flow. Stream, Hilo, Hawaii. Waipahu (wa'i-pa'hu) : gushing water. Village, Ewa, Oahu. Waipake (wa'i-pa'-ke) : defending water. Land section, Koolau, Kauai. Waipake (wa'i-pa-ke') : soft water. Stream, Halelea, Kauai. Waipakeke (wa'i-pa-ke-ke') : broken water. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Waipao (wa'i-pao) : water obtained by digging. Land section, Honu- aula, Maui. Waipio (wa'i-pi'o) : curving water. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Walpio Pali (wa'i-pi'o pa'li) : Waipio precipice, Hamakua, Hawaii. Waipouli (wa'i-po'-uli) : water of darkness. Land section, Kaupo, Maui. I Waipunalei (wa'i-puna-le'i) : spring i of wreaths. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Waipunaula (wa'i-puna-u'la) : red j spring of water. Land section, I South Kona, Hawaii. Waipuolo (wa'i-pu'olo) : bundled water. Spring, Waialua, Oahu. Wakiu (wa'-ki'u) : time of the north- west wind. Land section, Hana, Maui, Wananalua (wa'-nana-lu'a) : second prophecy. Land section, Hana, Maui. Wao (wa'o) : a place of wild growth. Land section, Oahu, Wawaeku (wa'-wae-ku') : foot-print. Hill, Lanai. Wawaia (wa'-wa-ia) : noised abroad. Land section, Molokai. Wawaie (wa'-wai-e') : strange water period. Land section, Molokai. Wawapuhi (wa'-wa-pu'hi) : loud spouting. Land section, Na Pali. Kauai. Weha (we'-ha): to open or uncover. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Well (we'-li): a long black sea- worm. Point, Wahiawa Bay, Kauai. Weliwell (we'li-we'li) : terrible. Land section, Kona, Kauai. Weiiwelinui (we'li-we'li-nu'i) : great terror. Land section, Kau, Ha- j waii. Weloka (we'-lo-ka') : fluttering kite- tail. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Wiliwilinui (wi'li-wili-nu'i) : large wi- ll will tree (Erythrina monosper- ma). Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Wiliwiliopupau (wi'li-wili-opu-pa'u) : expanding wiliwili tree. Land section, Lanai.